#i just love dog dad!omi ;(
kyopmi · 2 years
about this post and this post
i loveee reading everyone's ideas about a dog that would suit kiyoomi and i just wanted to reply to some of them in the tags, i love you all(>‿‿<)♡
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LUNA! my first thought was also a shiba inu! they just seem like they have matching personalities with omi.... deceivingly cute when they are actually quite sassy LOL
PLEASE omi with a tiny dog😭😭😭 imagine him walking around with the dog in his arms looking like the "don't talk to me or my son ever again" meme ahahaha
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oh gosh sakusa and an american eskimo dog would look like ROYALTY, they would be turning heads everytime they go out,, everyone will stop and stare. i don't make the rules.
not a husky reminding him of atsumu and bokuto 😭 it would be a very talkative one who howls and whines a lot and ik omi would literally talk right back to the dog
SAKUSA AND CORGI! the image is so adorable🥺 i can see the dog wanting to curl up with omi to sleep and at first omi is like, strictly no dogs in the bedroom! but eventually caves for the puppy eyes💖 everytime i see a corgi i can't stop staring at it because like, all of its proportions look so wrong - big ears, long body, tiny legs, fluffy butt??? but they look so cute?!?
special mention @oooohno and our previous conversation
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omi and a little yorkie in a tote bag please😭 i'm thinking of the movie Beverly Hill's Chihuahua and imagining THAT is the life omi's dog is living (without the dognapping part ofc, omi would never let that happen)
yes i agree, adult dogs need a lot of love too! but i so want to see omi training a puppy, teaching it tricks, potty training, and how he'd react to the adorable puppy shenanigans 😭
special mention @ohtokki too bcs this is adorable and yes to the 2hr presentation,, there will be no bathroom breaks
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in conclusion: everyone expects omi to have a medium to big sized dog, but omi with a tiny dog would be very entertaining
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natriae · 1 year
Dad!haikyuu is everything! I imagine Omi being your fake date to a family gathering and he swoons at your interaction with the kids until an auntie shoves a baby in his arms and he’s like UHHHHH 🧍🏻”don’tcrushthisbaby don’tcrushthisbaby” And now everyone including yourself can’t take their eyes off him 😭😭😭😭
warnings: fake dating, fluff, cue flustered kiyoomi
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One month ago Sakusa Kiyoomi took you aside during one of your usual hangouts with Atsumu to ask if you could pretend to be his girlfriend. Your brain told you over and over that this is a terrible idea, but you couldn't help yourself and said yes. Plus, it was one night at his mom's house. You already knew his family it wouldn't be to shocking to see you by Kiyoomi's side.
That's the thing. Your heart strings started to be pulled on the moment the two of you walked through the door and Kiyoomi let out a short, quiet "we're dating now." His mom's only response was to pull you into a hug and explain how she's been waiting forever for this. After greeting the two of you she told everyone the good news.
You felt terribly guilty for lying to her but Sakusa seemed unbothered. Maybe you were just being dramatic about the whole situation.
Somehow mid-way through the night you ended up spending most of your time with Kiyoomi's sister's kids. She was your favorite Sakusa. She also was the only one who knew you had a crush on her brother since middle school. She would help you get pretty for him, but it never worked. She claimed it did, but you never saw any progress. You and the children were in the basement playing with toys while a random kids TV show played in the background. The characters would sing and save the day successfully holding the attention of the youngest Sakusa. She isn't even one yet, but she has the whole family whipped except Kiyoomi of course. For some reason he tries to stay away from her leading you to never actually meeting the little one til today. She was adorable. She'd bounce her arms up and down while babbling to the song. In front of you was her older brother, and Kiyoomi's first nephew. He had toy trucks and a few random characters from animes you know and some you don't. You were helping zoom the cars around the basement, crawling on your knees still you looked up to see Kiyoomi has finally decided to spend time with you. You could have swore you saw his lip twitch before he stepped pass you and sat on the couch switching the TV channel.
Kaia, the youngest, immediately started crying when she couldn't hear the joy of a few cartoon pups saving the day. Quickly you ran over to her picking her up to help calm her down. You lightly bounced her on your hip while giving small shushes to the baby. You walked away from Kiyoomi because your pretty convinced by his actions that he doesn't like children. Which tears a bit of you heart knowing that you always imagined what having kids with him would be like. What a great dad he would be, but that's all in your imagination. The little girl begins to quiet down as you lift her up so she can stuff her head into your neck.
From across the room Kiyoomi watches you calm the baby with a red face. How are you so good at this? He's never seen you with a baby and from what he knows your not an aunt of any sort, unless you count Atsumu's dogs. He finally lets out a small smile as he watches you bring the baby up so she can snuggle into your neck, but as if the gods are against him. You turn around to see him watching you, and you tell the baby with a slight smirk, "baby I think your uncle Kiy wants to apologize," you walk over still holding the baby like a natural. Finally setting her down to crawl over to him on the couch. The older man trys to hold the baby like a puppy. He's never done this before and he's never felt embarrassed in his life. You giggle softly at his nervous face and tell him, "Kiyoomi that's not how you hold a baby," he can barely focus on your words when your giggles are enough for him to worship the group you walk on. He swears he enters heaven the moment he hears that sound. "it's good that your holding her butt but i think she wants to be facing you," You say as you scoot closer and reach to try and show him the proper way.
Kiyoomi leaned back on the couch and attempted to correctly hold the baby on his chest. One hand on her back and the other holding her butt up. As if Kiyoomi was a sleeping pill the little girl immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep on the tall man. "see it's not hard. Do you wanna take her to her momma? She seems sleepy," you said with small smile on your face. Not forgetting the little boy playing behind the couch you glanced over to make sure he was okay. God, Kiyoomi could help but want to ask if you wanted to be a mom right now.
Unmoving Kiyoomi stiffly shakes his head no at the though of having to hold this baby while moving. You srunch your eyebrows together in thought trying to understand why he's so stiff. noticing your confusion he squeaks out, "What if I break her?" and at first you thought he was joking but there was genuine panic in his features. He thought he was this cool collected guy, but you could honestly read him like a book.
"i'll be right here, okay? You're not going to break her," You nodded your head while you spoke to him in the calmest voice you could muster. Slowly he stood up and you redirected his hand so that it held up some of her head too along with her back. "you need to keep her head up. Baby's head's are weak," he nodded his head at your words like they were the gospel. Anything you said he would take it as the truth. If you said it, it was right. Cautiously walking up the steps to the family room. His whole family seems shocked to see the large man holding such a delicate baby. He takes a deep breath while he tries to pass the sleeping girl to his sister.
"whoa, what did you do to her? She never sleeps this heavy." His sister said in shock, "Kiyoomi you need to hold her more often," she continued. Then did you finally take in how red his face was. He was so flustered it was adorable. Quickly you took your phone out and snapped a picture of the boy without his knowledge.
It was late and about everyone at the gathering had left except for Kiyoomi's immediate family. The baby girl was back in your and Kiyoomi's lap trying to decide who she wants to get attention from. You and Kiyoomi were shoulder to shoulder and at one point he brought his arm over to hold you even closer. After falling a few times on Kiyoomi and then gripping his shirt like a life line the little girl turned and crawled into your lap. You let a small Ha at Kiyoomi for her ultimately choosing you, but you take it back once the little girl tried pulling the top of you dress down to get to your boob. Kiyoomi quickly grabs the little girl and she starts crying sad that she didn't get fed. If you heard correctly you swore you heard him tell the little one that you would have milk soon but not now.
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omi-boshi · 3 months
thinking of little omi wanting a dog but his parents tell him he has to earn it because it's a big responsibility for someone as young as he is. so, he sets up a piggy bank to save up for adoption fees. he doesn't tell his parents about it because he wants to show them when he's saved up enough money.
surely if he has the money that means he's responsible enough right?
in the following months, omi sets aside a fraction of his daily allowance to put into his piggy bank.
it's slow-going until his siblings find the piggy bank labeled with "dog savings" in omi's messy scrawl. they're so charmed by their baby brother's antics that they slip in their own spare change behind omi's back.
they never tell him of course because knowing their brother —their sweet and earnest little brother — he would want to do this on his own.
by the time omi's 10th birthday comes, his piggy bank is practically bursting at the seams. he holds it tightly in his little hands as his family sings him a happy birthday.
when it's time to blow out the candles and he has to make a wish, he lifts up the piggy bank and tells his parents how he's been saving up the past few months. that he has enough to pay for the adoption fees. that he's 10, and he's a big boy now, ready for big boy responsibilities.
"i'm responsible enough for a dog now, right?" he would then ask, eyes bright with earnest hope he tries so hard to tamp down just in case they say no. his parents would exchange surprised looks followed immediately by shaking heads and laughter. lots of laughter. omi is rightfully confused. he frowns.
are they laughing at him? the thought makes him flush in embarrassment. his dad leaves the room, still laughing. when he comes back, it's with a box that's almost a little too big for omi. the birthday cake lays forgotten, candles melted, as omi looks curiously at the box in front of him, then to his parents, and then his siblings, and then back to the box.
his older brother nudges him to open it and when he does, omi doesn't know what to do with himself. the akita puppy yipping at him in the box was too much for 10-year-old omi to bear that he starts bawling.
he's hugging the puppy to hide his tears, and in the background he hears cooing and more birthday wishes from his family.
see, his parents had always intended to give omi a dog the moment he asked. omi rarely asked for anything so whenever he did, his parents were always more than ready and excited to give it to him. however, this time, they waited until his birthday because, admittedly, they had a hard time thinking of what to get him.
it seems they made the right decision watching their son pet the akita in quiet awe. they're happy that their little boy loved his birthday present but when they see his dejected little pout a little while later followed by a sad, "i saved for nothing then..." they knew they had to make right with him (not really but what is omi if not their precious youngest).
and that's how omi ends up with not one but two puppies for his 10th birthday.
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osamusbigtits · 7 months
a text from kiyoomi saying "Get home now." is always a little terrifying for atsumu, the few times it's happened. things have ranged petty disputes to kiyoomi crying.
but the last thing atsumu expected to see in his apartment is osamu asleep on his couch, curled up with atsumu's golden retriever, pochi.
atsumu glances at kiyoomi, who's standing in the kitchen with a deep frown.
"he's been asleep since I got here. which is when i texted you," kiyoomi answers atsumu's unasked question.
atsumu frowns to himself and rechecks his messages to see if he missed something from osamu. osamu shows up unannounced all the time, but only when he knows atsumu is home. and if osamu just wants to cuddle and play with pochi, he tells atsumu.
pochi looks up from her spot on the couch and wags her tail when she sees atsumu. the movement wakes osamu. pochi jumps off the couch, stretching before she runs to jump on atsumu.
atsumu scratches her ears but keeps his eyes on osamu. out of the corner of his eye, he notices kiyoomi leave the kitchen and go to their room.
"go get, dad," atsumu says to pochi, using the baby voice he loves to use with her. her tail wags. "yeah, go get omi. he wants to love you up." pochi jumps around a couple times before curling back up with osamu.
atsumu makes his way over and sits on the couch chair across from the couch.
"what's up?" atsumu asks.
osamu looks away. it's then that atsumu notices osamu's red, puffy face. "rin and I got in a fight," he says and scratches pochi's back. "he didn't," osamu pauses, clearing his throat. atsumu sees the tears welling up. "he said he didn't want look at me so I left." his voice cracks on the last word.
atsumu would normally hug his brother, but it looks like his dog has it handled. so, atsumu goes to the next step. "have you eaten?" he asks, already standing up.
"not hungry."
"sure you are," atsumu says and makes his way to the kitchen. "we'll eat. then we can talk about what happened. and then I'll kick rin's ass if he's in the wrong or I'll kick yours."
osamu watches atsumu, the tension melting from him just a little bit. "tell sakusa I'm sorry for showing up unannounced," osamu says softly.
"he knows," atsumu replies. he'll still relay the message when he brings some food to kiyoomi. his focus is on his brother for the moment.
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rosy6maple6mothman6 · 1 month
So I just finished xiaolin showdown: I wanna talk about it. Spoilers.
I really liked the show! I knew I would thanks to childhood memories of it but I think it holds up alright even today! Imma break it down in what I Did like and what I Didn't like (I think Imma make a different post talking about the Wu). This is longer than I thought it would be. I'm sorry.
What I liked
The Wu themselves, love me magic shit even if they get repetitive at times(fr there are like 4 that just give the power to fly).
I fucking love Jack Spicer and Clay Bailey. They are my boys do you hear me! Love how Jack just won't quit and how Clay is just so painfully Texas. My bois
Love the magic in general! How all die of the main characters get to master their element and get special weapons and gear to help. Wish there was more time to flush all of it out tho ,but hey what can you do(other than post head canons).
Dojo Kanojo Cho
Just his name is fucking amazing, and I did like some of his jokes
And his powers were cool! I wish we could have seen the limits of his shapeshifting powers.
I did like wuya and wish we could have seen her do more witchy things.
Chase Young was also very cool.
I also like panda bubba's design and I kinda wish there was more of him. I wanna do things to him DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT
I already said this BUT I just love how all of them got individual weapons that I don't think were Shen Gong Wu? I think.
Master fung and dojo... Had a very odd relationship. I'm 90% sure they were at least fucking by how dojo acted when he went to a different temple and after that it was just very. Weird.nit Bad weird but still.
Wish we could have seen more of their families. kimono's dad was fucking adorable. I want to fuck her dad
Also Love le mime!!! I also wanna fuck him, I am not taking. criticism at this time
I also liked Jermaine and wish he could have been able to join fully or show up more.
Over all love this show.
What I didn't like
How they treated Jack. Idk man I just thought it was weird how the heros tournamented him so much? Like ya he's a ass but like, y'all are the heros why are you acting borderline worse than him???
I also kinda wish he could have officially joined the xiaolin side, I feel like they alluded to him switching multiple times but then he never does and I think that was a waste.
Idk dude he deserved betted
Also didn't like how he started out at Least semi competent but then just became a pathetic joke? And not even fuc pathetic. He's not a wet dog he's just pathetic.
I wish we could have seen Raimundo's family if not just a sibling or his parents, just something.
Fuck Clay's dad. Not in a hot way. I hate him.
Omi had such an ego. Like dude, please stop.
I really wish we could have seen more of Fung and Omi's relationship. I kinda wish it was more father and son rather than teacher and student since it seems like Omi lived there his entire life.
I also wish we saw more of Fung being badass. I feel there was a lack of that.
I'll say it again, there are a bunch of shen gong wu that kinda just repeat? And some Wu that don't seem like they should be categorize as Wu? Idk I'll make a different post about it bc there a lot to say.
Le mime was cool and I want to know more about him.
I want to know more about almost everyone honestly.
Give Me Their Backstories. Please
This is all I can think of ATM. I'll add more later probably.
Thank you if you made it down here. Let me know what's your fav and least fav about xs.
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oooohno · 2 years
in my head i've pictured him with a shiba inu because i think they give off the same vibes? like yk how some people say that dogs look like their owners and vice versa.
but kiyoomi with a poodle!! i bet he's gonna be so surprised at how agile and active a poodle can be, silly kiyo thought they were just pretty showdogs.. oh how wrong he was >:) definitely stops thinking that when the poodle is running around with seemingly endless stamina and easily hops on and off the furniture LMAO
ok but omi with a Dalmatian because the spots matches his freckles??🥺🥺🥺🥺 i- i need a moment- THEY'D BE THE CUTEST DUO!!! kiyoomi would even start trying to color coordinate with the dog, matching his shirt color to the dog's collar or harness color, etc. they would both literally look so luxurious walking down the street!!! 101 dalmatians was my fav movie growing up and omg now i can't stop imagining a 101 dalmatians-style meet-cute🥴
also wanted to say thank you again for the tags!! on the omi fics and suna fics too🥺🫶 and sorry this got a bit long, i just love both sakusa and dogs hehe
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MIZU!! Since reading your story I couldn’t stop thinking about dog dad kiyoomi!!
OH MY how could I forget shibas?! They definitely give off the same vibes & I’d love to see how he acts with a talkative shiba inu heheh particularly one that talks back heh
Right? He’d would have his work cut out for him with a poodle 😈 thinking about a passed out Kiyoomi on the couch while the poodle patiently waits for him to throw the ball, occasionally nudges him with its wet nose. oh they also don’t loose any fur, so that’s always a plus with him & imagine Omi taking the poodle to the doggy hairdresser - that would be so cute tooo <33
OMG the color coordinated fits 🥺 they would be an absolute dream team!! & the photo possibilities with their matching outfits!! also imaging Omi Omi poking the dog’s spots as a form of affection because you like to trace your fingers over his freckles too :’). AAAAH I love a meet-cute and that idea is sososo stinking cute!!! Also 101 Dalmatians never gets old, loved the movie & I’d always watch the tv show right after school :)
Thank you for sharing your works! They are all so fun & comforting & I’m digging the Suna series too - stinky boy why is he so cute?! & thank you for stopping by, I love talking about dogs!! Can’t shut up about them actually 😸
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I remember
I remember the silliest little girl. I remember sword fights with sticks and going through an entire gallon of milk at a sleepover. Sleepovers with other kids was the best, you didn’t have to worry about how the house looked or if the dogs behaved and if your friend was comfortable and there was always plenty to eat, even if you didn’t feel comfortable asking for food. I remember giggling and secrets and wondering about how cool the future was gonna be and barbies and horses and Big Novel Books and my best friends and all the memories that guilt trip me so hard for cutting off the connection. I remember the pizza rolls at the after school baptist church and the carton of milk at the after school boys and girls club and I also remember walking to the library after school in that scorching heat, the smell of the mulch after it rains and the muted smell of ink and paper and how utterly freezing that library was while waiting for hours for the sound of the engine in your Dad’s 4-cylinder pickup truck. And the massive stack of comics I’d throw in the cab after systematically reading through the YA series they kept in the section next to the little kid books, but it was always better going to the library instead when I had the choice because I could do whatever I wanted to at the library and speak to nobody and escape into whatever world I wanted to that day, but only if I brought food in my overly-full backpack. They had food, hot food at the Boys and Girls Club, but sometimes it was entirely unappetizing and I would go hungry anyway. It’s a good after school care place for a lot of families in Brevard, but I never felt quite comfortable there, because they always made you do things and talk to people and nobody left you alone ever and it was too loud and too bright and I just wanted to read my book, for crying out loud. I kind of hated being a kid, so I took matters into my own hands as soon as I was afforded the opportunity to not be one. I had my own truck, had my own job, chose which parent I wanted to live with at what time and tried so very very very very veryhard because it was evident early on that taking care of me was so much work. Of course, neither of them meant to imply this for me, and they both love me very very much, but it's easy to see that I can’t have an allowance, so I went to earn my own, and when paying for my living expenses was hard too, I gave my mother money. I almost didn’t go to omy senior prom because I thought Mom couldn’t afford the ticket.
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trippymockingquake · 1 year
Germany is lovely I’d love to move here. Me and my family come up to visit my mothers family during Christmas because it’s the only time where she’s not having to work. Rather than having an enjoyable Christmas this year every single thing has been stressful with unenjoyable moments. The nice things I wanted to do for friends has yet to truly be done because all we’ve done is go, go,go without a second to really enjoy anything. Today is first Christmas and I genuinely just want to go home. I’m not looking forward to second Christmas because it’s a forced family gathering where nearly everyone hates my Omi which is understandable but it’s also irritating especially when they know about everything that’s happened with my fathers family.
We are away from our dogs and my dad this Christmas and quite frankly I feel like the trip was a waste. I hate the gift giving because no one knows what to get because we literally have everything. My mother wanted to visit her friend but she can’t and hasn’t been able to do that yet either. I’m not even sure she will at this point. And everything I wanted to do is also out the window and couldn’t be done because all we’ve been doing is rushing from place to place. Even shopping at the Weihnachtsmarkt was tedious and annoying and not even because of the crowd. This Christmas has been a shit show and to be honest I’m not even surprised anymore, between the constant arguments and frustration its like I’m in a Christmas drama from hallmark waiting for my love interest to pop up. I’m exhausted and maybe I am turning into the Grinch but at this point I’ve had enough of the, constant arguing and disrespectfulness, the constantly going somewhere and having to rush because you have to get back for some event, my aunt being upset that not everything revolves around her. I’m tired. I know relationships have there ups and downs but if you argue and that’s almost all you do for the whole year with the people around you and it gets to a point where people are tiptoeing around you it’s not fun and to me if that’s all you’re going to do just get a divorce. I made the suggestion that when we come back we should stay with my mothers friend or with my uncle rather than my aunt. Call me the grinch or call me Scrooge I don’t care but if Christmas with your family is supposed to be stressful or lead to arguments or extreme awkwardness what was the point of coming together your kids enjoy themselves when they’re away from you the adults because just for those few moments they can enjoy the moments where there is no awkwardness, arguing and awkwardness. If this is all your family is good at, if this is all my family is good at then someone pray for me.
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tons-of-vball-huns · 2 years
so i like read this piece about sakusa canonically loving dogs and it got me thinking…
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starring: s. kiyoomi
type: fluffy. no relationship aspects explored but fluffy anway
warnings: gn! reader. reader is dating sakusa. reader is either not allergic to dogs or ready to take claritin everyday. one (1) implication of death (no death occurs and it is very subtle). “k*ll” used once (type of shelter).
wc: 643 words
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sakusa kiyoomi loves dogs.
this is a fact, known only to those are close with him or his teachers — he has a tendency to doodle little dogs in his exam papers while thinking about the answers.
although it’s not really something he tries to hide. in fact, he silently follows the dogs he sees outside with his eyes and he always finds himself giving a slight nod whenever someone comments on how cute or pretty the dog looked. all dogs — big or small, with or without much fur, brown, golden, black, white, mixed coloring, all of them — were, in his eyes, were the best creations to grace the earth.
but fate can be the most cruelest thing to exist, huh? his dad was allergic to dogs — he’d have a sneezing fit whenever a dog walked past him —, so he’d never get to have one.
never got to have one before, he corrects his own thoughts. didn’t get the chance to when he was younger, but now, after having moved in with you in your own cozy apartment and after having multiple discussions about this, he would finally get one. you would finally get one.
he was very thankful that he had you. you who listened to him when he talked about dogs. you who asked him the question he always wanted to ask, but was too afraid to. “do you maybe want to adopt a dog, omi?” you’d asked one day, ‘out of the blue’ (although he claims it was out of the blue, in reality you just sensed that he wanted to ask this for weeks now — with the way he kept steering conversations into the topic of dogs, it was kinda obvious to you).
obviously you decided to visit the kill-shelter nearest to you; you were good people, of course. the only condition you laid forth was that you weren’t going to adopt a dog that was extremely sick or needed a lot of medications this time. recent college grads don’t make enough to afford that.
as soon as you reach the shelter, sakusa was off. you chuckle to yourself seeing him speed-walk throughout the shelter with literal heart eyes. you smile at the younger worker (highschooler at her part-time job, maybe?) and shake your head when she, trembling, asks whether you need any help. omi probably scared her a bit, you think to yourself.
“…can’t we just adopt them all?” sakusa turns to you with a pout under his mask. “i know you’re gonna say that we can’t afford it just yet, but still,” he answers himself. he sighs out loud.
“um s-sir? there are more dogs back there,” the young employee says, gesturing to the back. “a few of them have… uh… complications.”
sakusa’s eyes widen as he walks through the back. the sounds of dogs barking and whining echo throughout the dimly lit place. so. many. dogs.
one little noise, however, catches his attention. he walks to the very end where he hears it from. a small golden retriever pup stands on her hind legs, scratching at the metal cage.
15th february, 2022, he reads.
it was the 13th of february today.
he crouches down to her eye-level, gesturing for you to come and see her. she places her paw on the metal. sakusa places his palm there in response, giving her a gentle smile.
you like her a lot too. she was pretty, even with her torn ears and the healing burns on her legs and tail. and she seems to be well-mannered too — she hadn’t tried to bite sakusa’s hand when he tried to get close, nor was she growling at either of you.
sakusa looks over to you, asking you a silent question.
your answer is obvious.
two hours later, you return home with sakusa, kira in tow.
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gayfrogs03 · 2 years
Fav things about Heartstopper's show:
Everyone's favorite part, Nick taking the am I gay test and crying when he got 62% gay, we've all been there baby
Not only that, but him doing research and seeing the homophobia in the world and being scared, it hit close to home
When he rejected whats-her-face, but actually talked to her about why and instead of her becoming the villain and being a bitch she understood and not only backed off immediately but defended him when questioned about it, we stan
Nick coming out to his mom!!
Charlie and others repeatedly making it clear to Nick that he doesn't have to come out if he doesn't want to
Charlie standing up for himself and not forgiving Ben
Tori, just Tori
The little references to Charlie's eating disorder and mental health
How diverse the characters where in gender, sexuality, race and more, and it wasn't forced, they were just there naturally like it should be
Talk about how bullying can effect you even after it stops
How past toxic relationship can effect how you act in your future relationships, like with Charlie's fear that Nick is just using him, even when logically he knows Nick wouldn't do that, how he didn't know they were boyfriends, and a lot more
It starting to show Charlie's eating disorder with how he looks at his food, and how he repeatedly said he's "Not hungry" when asked about food
Charlie's dad low-key looking like he's going to throw hands with some high schoolers whenever Charlie's upset
Nellie, just Nellie
Using direct quotes from the comics
The nightmare scenario about the Rugby team forcing them to watch Avengers when it's Nick's favorite movie in canon (which means Charlie's mostly likely been forced to watch it)
"Do you like her?" "... Her dog died." "Not following."
Nick Nelson = Lesbian protector (AKA when he saw them kiss and smiled so wide)
One direct quote from the comics I love that they added was, "NOT IN A FRIEND WAY BUT A ROMANTIC WAY!!!" That whole scene show and comics have my heart
Photo booth
Tori comforting Charlie telling him he hasn't ruined her life
Also Tori never not having some sort of drink that she sips from with a straw
The little drawings, like they leafs and hearts and stuff. My favorite was when Nick was thinking about holding Charlie's hand and everytime he would go to do it sparks and electricity would fly everywhere, along with a warm glow.
Everyone: Nick's the straightest person I ever meet!
Tori, after watching Nick call Charlie cuddly and hug him tightly: I don't think he's straight.
Which goes to prove a big point in Heartstopper, that there isn't one way to be gay (or bi like Nick, pan, lesbian, omi, ect. Using gay as an umbrella term) we're all different people, with different personalities, and experiences, and emotions, way of dealing with sad emotions. You can't always tell if someone is gay just by looking at them, the only reason Tori knew was the way Nick was looking at Charlie.
Nick's mom calling him Nicky.
Straight boy and trans girl falling in love, adore the rep in that ❤
Issac and his books
Kiss in the rain
And many, many more things
1) No Oliver
2) That's all
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1plus1kiyoomi · 3 years
Sakusa’s Best Gift
: fluff, domestic, dad!sakusa, dad!sakusa
a/n: happy birthday to my mans!! 🥳❤️
Sakusa sighs heavily as he slings the bag over his shoulder. He glances at his watch and frowns. It’s 30 minutes after 10PM. He only has an hour and a half left to celebrate his birthday. If it wasn’t for the damn training that took over his whole day, he would have spent his day with you and your daughter.
Sakusa never even liked celebrating, but your daughter was so excited about his birthday. She rambled all night about how she would make it the happiest birthday of his life. She even planned a surprise for him, which he knows all about, because the child wasn’t particularly good at whispering and keeping secrets.
Sakusa knows about the cake your daughter iced herself. He knows about the dried peaches that she made for him. He knows about the card she wrote for him. But her plans are all ruined because of a training he could have skipped, but he didn’t want to. He regrets making that choice.
After a quick drive to your house, Sakusa checks the time before getting out of his car. A little over 11PM. It’s still his birthday. He silently wishes that you are still awake so at least he can spend the remaining time of his day with you. He enters the house and sees how dark the hallway is, the only light provided is the one from the kitchen.
“They must be asleep...” Sakusa frowns. He stalks to your room and finds your sleeping figure tucked under the bed. He drops his bag on the floor quietly before sitting on the foam. He pulls his mask down and plants a kiss on your forehead, mouthing a soft ‘I love you.’
The athlete changes into his pajamas and just when he’s about to join you in bed, the door opens.
“Papa?” A small voice speaks and the door opens wider. Sakusa smiles at sight. His little girl in a black Jackal pajama set, that was specially made for her given by the team. Her small hand rubs on her eye, the other clutching on her her fuzzy blanket.
Sakusa walks over to her and tries to pick her up, but she avoids his hold and gets out of the room. He follows after her small figure. “Hey, baby. Why are you still awake?”
She goes to the kitchen and pulls the fridge handle with all her might, the blanket pooling on her ankles. Sakusa watches her in confusion and amusement. The refrigerator door finally opens and she points at a box. She looks up to him with dog eyes. “Papa, help...”
“Oh, sorry,” Sakusa chuckles. He was so amused of her actions he forgot to help her. He takes the box from her and places it on the dining table. “What’s this?”
“Don’t open it yet!” Your daughter scolds. She runs out of the kitchen and ventures back to her room. Not long after, the small girl comes back quickly with a big box in her arms. She checks on the digital wall clock and sighs in relief.
“What’s that?” Sakusa asks her and she climbs on the dining chair, the box she was bringing now on the table.
“Happy birthday, papa!” She cheers, taking the lid off the first box. There’s a cake inside covered by pink icing and topped by sliced peaches, a lot of sprinkles too. “I love you!”
Sakusa hugs her tightly, lowering his body to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, baby. I love you too.”
“I waited for you to come home!” She proudly tells him, hugging him back. “I made you a gift! Open it! Open it!” He opens the gift as she says. It’s a scrapbook with a bracelet that he can tell she made herself from the mismatched beads. There’s also a bottle of alcohol that is designed with car and rainbow stickers. A
“I like it. Thank you.” He smiles at her, and she returns the favor, flashing her small pearly teeth at Sakusa. “Let’s go to sleep. It’s late.”
“No! No! It’s still your birthday. We have to celebrate it until that clock turns 1 and 2!” His daughter argues, pointing at the clock.
“We can celebrate it tomorrow.” He picks her up from the chair despite her whines, but she eventually gives in to her sleepiness. As the father and daughter reach your shared bedroom, she’s already fast asleep, too fast for someone who was jumping like a bunny a few seconds ago.
“Omi?” You sit up from the bed, hand slowly rubbing on your eye. Sakusa can not help but smile. You and your daughter act way too much similarly. No wonder why he loves her the way he loves you.
Sakusa lays your daughter in the middle of the bed before slowly pushing your should back down to the bed. “Go back sleep.”
“But your birthd-”
“Shh... no wonder why our daughter is so excited about my birthday. We can celebrate it tomorrow.” He pecks you on your lips and you nod, wrapping your arms around your child before closing your eyes and drifting back to sleep.
After making sure that the two of you are asleep, Sakusa gets out of the room to put back the boxes on the table back to its proper places. He puts the cake box back into the fridge first, after snapping a photo of course. He would never forget to take a picture of his daughter’s masterpiece.
Out of curiosity, Sakusa picks up the scrapbook and flips through it. It’s just pictures of him when he was a child up to now. He takes a mental note to call his mother, because other than her who else would give you access to such embarrassing pictures? He stops on a page, seeing his baby picture with his parents, and a small note you wrote at the side.
Don’t forget to thank your parents for giving life to you. Because I surely am thankful to them for giving birth to you. ❤️
Sakusa lets out a snicker. “So cheesy.” He smiles at your note nonetheless. On the next page was him as a baby and your daughter months after her birth. The resemblance is uncanny. She surely is her daughter. He laughs at your written note at the side.
I carry her for nine months and go through so much pain to push her out, but she still ended up looking like you! That’s so unfair! But it’s okay as well. At least I get to see a little you everyday.
He stops on a page with a picture of only the two of you back in high school. Sakusa is sure that the picture was taken during his 18th birthday. In the photo, he was holding on to a cake you baked, while you were hugging him by the waist. He never understood what was so happy about birthdays until that day. He doesn’t forget to read the note.
Your first birthday that we spent together. Komori and I had a hard time planning it because you didn’t want to celebrate it, but we know you had a great time that day. And we did it for the first time that day 😳
Sakusa chokes at his own saliva after reading the last sentence. He clears his throat and continues to skim through the book. At the very last page is a picture of the three of you together. It’s a simple picture but it’s Sakusa’s favorite. The three of you were in bed, your daughter’s arms wrapped around his neck, while you are seated between his legs. One of his hands was on your growing belly, and the other is on the back of your daughter’s back. The note on the side undoubtedly makes his heart swell in happiness and his lips curl into a big smile.
Thank you for being born in this world.
And below your handwriting is your daughter’s.
We love you so much.
Before the clock strikes 12, he opens his phone and posts a picture of you and your daughter in his Instagram, his first ever post in his account. He’s a private person, but everyone deserves to see the two of you— the best gift ever given to him.
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kyopmi · 2 years
Mizu!! 🤍✨️
How are you?🍵✨️
Just saw your tags and they made me so happy, really! I was hoping that you would like the story 🥺
I'm glad you enjoyed reading!🥺
I just needed to make you both Dog parents! (First of all bc of your dog dad Omi drabbles!)
(Searched for a good name and Aki means "bright", "sparkle" and "autumn", if we can trust Google though, and I thought it fitted well)
Suffering for Love & Fall in Lust by EDEN are also songs I could recommend!
And soft husband Omi, best husband! ✨️ (and you deserve only the best hehe)
Sending you all my love over!!! 🤍
(Also the licking scene was inspired by an interview with Jamie Campbell Bower and Joseph Quinn, saw it all over my tik tok fyp and was like 👁👁 kk!)
hi, k! i'm doing good today, feeling more productive than usual ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ
reading the sakusa fic made me so happy🥺 thank you again!! i'll be thinking about it for the next 12-14 business days (and more)
i love the lil shiba inu touch too😭 and Aki is such a pretty name!! everytime i think of being a dog parent w omi it's definitely gonna be Aki now V●ω●V
ooh thanks for the song recommendations! you spoil me too much🥺 sending you a bunch of kisses and hugs ( *¯ ³¯*)♡ i hope your day is going well!!
also im cackling at that tiktok, why is the zoom in on his expression so funny😭
also i saw this earlier and made me think of ur fic again🥹🫶
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mochiiwrites · 3 years
Tumblr media
🍁✨Autumn Troupe Headcanons!✨🍁
Hooray for more uncensored swearing! Sorry, this took so long! It’s hard to think of things for the Autumn Troupe since I don’t know them super well!
🍁🧡Banri Settsu🧡🍁
Whenever it's time for practice, Banri begins by smacking the back of Juza's head! (Not super hard, but enough for it to piss him off)
Diluc main, that is all. Before he got Diluc he was an Amber main, and somehow was good. Still uses her every once in a while!
Slightly intimidated by languages sometimes, I dunno how to explain it, so hopefully the dialogue does!
“Banri, come here for a second.”
“Hell no, I’m in the middle of a match right now.”
“Sit your ass down and wait, Chikage! I’m busy!”
"Halika dito! Huwag kang humintay na papatayin kita at iwanan kitang dumugo sa lansangan! Inumin ng mga aso ang iyong dugo at kukunin ng mga uwak ang iyong laman. Gusto mo yan?!" ("Come here! Don't wait for me to kill you and leave you bleeding in the street! Dogs will drink your blood and crows will take your flesh. Do you want that ?!" ) I'm unsure of the translation, since the filipino was from Irumaaaaa_saaaaamaaaaa's comment on my Ao3! I just put it into google translate
“Damn! Fine, fine, I’m comin! Chill out!”
His older sister gave him a leopard plushie when he was a kid, which is why he’s fucking obsessed with animal prints!
Plays drums and almost broke the coffee table because he “jammed too hard” on it!
Constantly messing up Taichi’s hair, or he’s drumming to songs on his head.
*boom boom bap boom boom bap*
“Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place, singin'-”
“We will, we will rock you!”
“Haha! Hell yeah!”
🍁💜Juza Hyodo💜🍁
Likes carrying Muku or Kumon on his shoulders! Sometimes they still parade around!
“Are you sure about this, Ju-chan?”
“Yeah, you’re real light, y’know.”
“What the hell are you doing, Hyodo? Practice is soon.”
Chews on things a lot when he’s nervous! He always has gum or a lollipop to avoid chewing on his shirt, his nails and other inedible things!
Uses shorter Mankai members as an armrest, but only the ones who are okay with it! He’s polite like that.
On nights where he just can’t sleep, he’ll go on walks or drive around on his motorcycle!
Terrible with eye contact and looking like he’s paying attention. Sakyo has to snap his fingers at him to make sure he’s listening!
Y’know the awkward sibling hug from Gravity Falls, he and Kumon have done that...a lot. It’s not actually awkward though, they just liked the show!
“Awkward sibling hug?”
“...Awkward sibling hug.”
“...pat, pat.”
“Hyodos, what the hell?”
🍁💖Taichi Nanao💖🍁
Cried twice when he got his piercings, the first time was because he was very, very afraid, the second time was because he was so happy that he looked good with them!
Has Heelys! One time, he tried to 'heely' into the rehearsal room, but he immediately fell over!
Plays the ukulele! He wanted to play guitar because he saw someone serenading their partner with it at school! He borrowed Masumi's guitar but bar chords suck and his hands are kinda small, so he settled for the uke!
"Aghhh! How do you play that! That hurts my fingies!"
"I have bigger hands and more experience."
"But you're only like an inch taller than me!"
"Height doesn’t really have anything to do with this."
Has a Tiktok! He doesn't post often, it's more for looking at memes or sick outfits. (He does the dances though! He's pretty good at them but they're all in his drafts since he's not super confident in them!)
Y’know how kids crawl up the stairs really fast. He does that. Constantly. Kazunari joins in, sometimes. It pisses Sakyo off a lot, but he gave up on trying to get them to stop.
"Taicchan, what are you doing?"
"Kazu-kun! I got the zoomies!"
"Nice! Can I join ya?"
"For sure!"
*Rapid thumping up the stairs*
"Aren't you gonna stop them, Sakyo?"
"...If I had that ability, they would've stopped a long time ago. Those idiots don't listen."
He LOVES Sk8 The Infinity! Langa's his favourite character! He's also probably a Reki kinnie!
🍁💙Omi Fushimi💙🍁
(It's blue like his regular shirt and Tumblr doesn't have any other colours ;-;)
Despite being tone-deaf, he hums a lot when he cooks! No one seems to mind it!
Enjoys scrapbooking! He kind of prefers scrapbooks to albums, since scrapbooks have a more homemade vibe, you know?
Gives the best hugs, and tends to hold hands with the younger members when they cross the street!
Regularly has this conversation!
“Banri, have you eaten?”
“I dunno Omi, have YOU eaten?”
“...I have. But that's not what I’m concerned about.”
“...I had a granola bar like, an hour ago.”
“...I’m making you something.”
When he first joined the company, he took notes on what everyone liked and didn't like to eat, plus if they had allergies! He still has it, he just doesn't need to use it anymore!
I feel like something like this has happened once!
“Ah, Omi! Can you help me grab something?”
“Oh, sure. What do you need, Sakuya?”
“Homare asked me to get some of that tea, but I can’t rea-”
*lifts Sakuya like Simba*
“Ah! Omi, haha! What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it! Do you want me to stop?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine! It’s kinda fun actually.”
🍁💛Sakyo Furuichi💛🍁
Absolutely blind without his glasses, like it’s really bad. He walked into a doorframe without his glasses. Thankfully, no one noticed (he thinks).
He has a bit of bubble-wrap in his a pocket all the time and sometimes he uses it as a threat! (Hopefully that made sense...)
“Settsu, move over.”
“I literally can’t! Your fat ass is taking too much space!”
“Just scoot your lazy ass over.”
“I can’t I already-”
“...Alright, I get it! I’ll shut up! Jeez, how is that so threatening...”
Definitely told Azami that Santa wasn’t real when he was like 6.
Sakoda got him a mug that said #1 Dad but he crossed it out and replaced ‘Dad’ with ‘Aniki’! Sakyo still drinks out of it, sometimes!
Azami also made him a friendship bracelet when he was a lot younger. Sakyo doesn’t wear it (because it doesn’t fit him anymore) but he still has it! He likes rubbing the beads between his fingers.
Good at trivia! Like, really good. He somewhat enjoys Trivia Murder Party. (I just watched a play through and skipped to a random question, I have no idea if it’s actually hard lol.)
“Which body of water connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Wh- How are we supposed to know that?!”
*Sakyo answers ‘The Strait of Gibraltar’ and is the only one who answers correctly*
“Fuck, my thumb slipped.”
“That shouldn’t be allowed. Sakyo’s shitty and old, he shouldn’t be able to know and remember things.”
“Oi, brat. I’m not that old. You’re not the one who got the answer right.”
“You’re not the one who literally never learned this!”
🍁❤️Azami Izumida❤️🍁
Has smacked too many cans/cups out of Itaru and Tsuzuru’s hands!
“Drink actual water. And jeez, go take a nap or something. Your skin is even worse than I thought it could get. Aren’t you supposed to be the responsible one in the Spring Troupe?”
“Ah... I guess, you are right. Thanks for looking out for me.”
“W-well! W-we can’t have you on stage looking like a raisin! S-so!”
Often criticizes Izumi’s eyeliner and ends up just doing it for her. N-not that he minds or anything!
Played Love Nikki at some point, I do not take that much criticism.
Because I think the troupe/play themes are canon, he definitely helped with Shake the Shape and wrote some of RESPAWN!
Always has extra hair ties on him, even though most of the others don’t really need them. Most of the time, the hair ties end up being used for...other purposes.
“Azami, I swear to whatever god is listening, if you fire that elasti-”
“...You shitty brat-”
“Oh shi-”
Part of the ‘wears nail polish’ squad! He hates stickers. (Most of the time they somehow fall off) His go-to is an alternating pattern of black and red.
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
SakuAtsu Fanfic recs pt2 leggo
I promised a pt 2 and here it is! Link to pt 1 here :) I was lazy so given summaries (I cped this time, but in the future I might paraphrase), and ofc these aren’t all of the ones I loved, just some :D So in no particular order, have some SakuAtsu <3
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading (esp cause I didn’t put individual warnings PLEASE make sure you’re okay with the content!!!!!!) and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Teach Me, Tune Me, Tempt Me by Anonymous (E) 38.8k // Sakusa Kiyoomi needs to conquer many lifelong fears in order to enter his first romantic relationship. Miya Atsumu is there to guide him every step of the way, even if the one Sakusa desires is someone else.
Flowers Bloom In Our Masks by UnicornFlowers (G) 24.5k // "Mysophobia, also known as verminophobia, germophobia, germaphobia, bacillophobia and bacteriophobia, is a pathological fear of contamination and germs." "You read that off of Wikipedia." "That's the point, Omi-kun. I read up on it fer you."
the art of folding a handkerchief by Emlee_J (T) 5.6k // “Atsumu-san’s just realised he likes Sakusa-san,” Shouyou says simply, as though announcing the weather. “Ahh,” Bokuto nods sagely, standing up straight and nodding his head, as though this was a perfectly normal thing to hear and not monumental in any way. “'Ahh?'” Atsumu protests, indignantly, “what do ya mean ‘ahh?’” “We were wondering when you were going to notice,” Bokuto shrugs, and Atsumu gawps at him. “'Scuse me?” He splutters, and whips his gaze around to Shouyou, who bobs his head at him in confirmation. “How did you two notice before I did?” Atsumu blurts out. "Most people do," Shouyou says softly. -In which Atsumu develops something annoying, like feelings for a teammate, but at least he has a couple of wingmen and Tobio's seemingly infinite resources to help him out.
for whom the heart beats by cielelyse (T) 1.6k // Atsumu's heart keeps skipping a beat whenever Sakusa's around - so often that it's baffling and honestly downright concerning. "I think I might have a medical condition," he says into the phone. "Good," says Osamu, and hangs up.
as you are by papertulips (G) 5.8k // Kiyoomi learns that falling for Atsumu is the easiest thing in the world.
Hide and seek by badreputation (E) 10.5k // It’s just a fleeting infatuation. As long as he pushes through it he’ll manage. So what if nowadays there isn’t a night where he doesn’t dream of Sakusa pinning him down on his own bed, in the shower or make Atsumu go down on his knees in the hallway? Those are just pesky details.
People Will Say We're in Love by tirralirra (T) 9.5k // “Saku...Atsu? What does that even mean?” Atsumu says, squinting at the device. People seem to think that Sakusa and Atsumu are in love, so they come up with a list of things to do to deter that. Maybe it would work...if they weren’t in love.
do not separate! by aalphard (T) 5k // He knows he likes peanut butter and the tuna onigiri Uncle Shamu makes for him. He knows he likes volleyball and the way his daddy looks so, so cool when he’s on court. He knows he likes drawing and playing with toy swords. He knows he likes reading and it’s even better when Atsumu is the one reading for him. He knows he likes to have pancakes in the morning but he also really, really likes tamagoyaki and he knows his daddy can’t make those at all. He tries, but fails every single time. He knows his daddy’s teammates like him and he knows they’ll help him if he wants to play with them one day. But the thing is he likes Uncle Omi-kun more than he likes the rest of them and that is a secret he won’t tell anyone that’s not his daddy. He doesn’t like to make people sad.“Omi?” “Yeah?” “Nao said he likes you more than he likes the rest of the team. Don’t tell’em.” or atsumu is a single dad and kiyoomi can't help but fall for him.
you make my heart burn by myhopeisjhope (G) 9.2k // “What’s up with that awful expression?” Atsumu asked. He leaned against the counter with his hip, looking directly at Kiyoomi, his regular fox-line grin plastered on his face. Kiyoomi made eye-contact with him then, his eyebrows knotting in annoyance, but Atsumu was too interested in the cute pair of beauty marks above Kiyoomi’s eye to care about the glare that was sent his way. “What’s up with that awful hair?” Kiyoomi shot back. And that was exactly when Atsumu decided he liked the guy. 
somewhere in the middle (i think we lied a little) by akanemnida (E) 4.3k // “Body worship,” Miya said instantly, after Kiyoomi asked him what he wanted as reward as the winner of their service ace competition. “I can do that,” Kiyoomi said with a frown. “God, you really are the vainest person on this planet—”Miya shook his head, smirking. “Nuh-uh, Omi-kun. I meant I wanted ‘ta worship ‘ya.”(Or: Sakusa and Atsumu and all the blurred lines in between.)
san'yō expressway, 6:17 pm by yamabato (T) 8.1k // Atsumu tilts his head to watch a slice of orange light bend over the impassive planes of Sakusa’s face. He is absolutely, ruthlessly beautiful. It makes Atsumu want to punch something—put his foot through the windshield—scream, maybe. Kiss him again, maybe. They have 344 kilometers to figure this one out.
affection by papertulips (G) 2.1k // "I gave you the key to my house for emergencies only." “This is an emergency.” “What?” Atsumu pouts, looking up at him with wide eyes that definitely work on Kiyoomi but he will never admit it. “I missed you.”
love could be labeled poison and we'd drink it anyways by myhopeisjhope (NR) 21.3k // "Huh?" is Atsumu's response, and it's seemingly the only thing the man could think of after the minute-long silence that stretched between them. "We should break up," Kiyoomi repeats, more clearly now. He doesn't let any emotion seep into his voice, keeping it neutral and detached, as if breaking up with Atsumu was the easiest thing ever, while in fact it's the complete opposite.
And I'll Ask for the Sea by meeks00 (T) 6.9k // When a couple of his teammates reveal that Atsumu has feelings for him, Sakusa doesn’t react well. It doesn’t help that Atsumu is his typical petty and salty self. --“Come on,” Atsumu is saying in a wheedling tone behind a bright grin. “Just stop,” Sakusa snaps suddenly. “Will you just leave me alone for once? I don’t even like you!”Normally, Sakusa’s words don’t phase Atsumu at all. He’ll talk over Sakusa or brush off any harsh words easily enough and might turn to someone else for the attention he apparently craves. But this time, Sakusa’s words seem to stop him cold, the smile freezing for just a moment on his face.
the Definition of Miya Atsumu, by Sakusa Kiyoomi by orphan_account (G) 4k // Miya Atsumu is a self-centred prick who thinks he's top shit. Underneath the word 'asshole' in the dictionary is a picture of his stupidly pretty face. Sakusa Kiyoomi's definition is, according to him, 100% correct, until he takes a closer look.
i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by liliapocalypse (T) 7.6k // Seeing Sakusa stressed out, Atsumu writes random letters on Sakusa’s skin to soothe him during the team’s assisted stretches. Somewhere along the way, the touches shift from barely tolerable to something Sakusa actively craved for. One day, though, Atsumu accidentally writes a confession instead.
it ain't no matter of 'if' honey, it's just a matter of 'when' by irleggsy (M) 2.1k // With a beer in one hand and an accusatory pointer finger on the other, Sakusa slurred, shouted even, “Atsumu. If you wear those godforsaken cutoff camo jorts one more fucking time I’m breaking up with you.”Atsumu made a noise in his throat caught somewhere between a wheeze and a squawk that came out more of an avant-garde honk noise than anything else. He stared up at Sakusa with wide eyes, a bewildered smile just barely glued onto his face. Or: The MSBY Black Jackals go to a bar. Sakusa likes to run his mouth when he's drunk.
dog eat dog eat dog world by perennials (T) 8.4k // You are your first and only line of defense against the universe.
Who Could Have Seen This Coming? by crone_zone (M) 16.7k // Peering out the side of his eyes at the man walking beside him, Sakusa wondered why he’d impulsively changed his mind about his plans this evening when he’d noticed Miya’s reluctance. Surely he wasn’t worried about this asshole, was he?--In which Sakusa impulsively invites Atsumu over to his apartment when he sees he's upset and something entirely unexpected happens: he realizes he likes this asshole. Cue [off-camera]sex, mutual confessions, insecurity, and adorable losers who are opposite in all the right ways.
Miya Atsumu's unwavering love for Sakusa Kiyoomi and an unholy amount of terrible food analogies that should not have the right to Exist by aiviloti (G) 5.6k // Five times Miya Atsumu talks to (harasses) his friends and sibling because he has feelings for Sakusa and doesn't know what to do or how to deal with them and the one time he talks to Sakusa about it. “How do you make friends apart from showering them in praise?” Atsumu wails one night, and Osamu thinks, oh god, here we go again.
Sakusa's Secret Admirer by TwilaFrost (T) 20.2k // Every day after practice, Kiyoomi finds another letter inside his shoe locker. It's only every signed: -❤ He's determined to find this person. Is it crazy to fall in love with someone you've never met?
take what's yours and make it mine by claudusdiei (T) 5.9k // (this has a second fic hehe) atsumu falls in love four times in his life (or: in which atsumu gets his heart broken twice, has the self-awareness of a sober mule and really likes yellow tulips)
School Bus Yellow by yuuki (G) 4.9k // Atsumu has a crush on Sakusa, and it’s kind of ridiculous how much he likes a guy who wears ugly colored jackets and is afraid of germs.Though, Atsumu’s probably not all that great himself. He’s still figuring that part out.
show me how by emeraldpalace (G) 2.9k // Sakusa isn’t sure when or how it happened, but the fact remains: Miya Atsumu has become a comfortable constant in his life.
touch me (i want you to) by melstar (G) 3.9k // He should have seen it coming, really. Spend six months tip-toeing around the line of domesticity with the team’s resident germaphobe, and there was no way he’d be able to think of the guy the same way anymore. Or, Atsumu touches Sakusa's arm once and thus begins a downward spiral into the inescapable jaws of attraction.
Dreaming of You, Talking About You by kitkatwrites (T) 1.1k // Osamu learns that Atsumu talks in his sleep, especially about a certain wing spiker from Tokyo.
If your world falls apart, I'd start a riot by Serendipity (jenjaemrens) (NR) 3.1k // "It was Atsumu who was the older brother, but it was Osamu who was more protective of him. He would always protect Atsumu from things around them that could hurt him. "Or, the story of Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Atsumu through the eyes of Miya Osamu.
but soft what light by min_mintobe (T) 2.1k // "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, Bokkun—" Atsumu drawls, "—hot. "In which Miya Atsumu woos Sakusa Kiyoomi by (gratuitously, seductively) quoting Shakespeare. One-shot.
sakusa kiyoomi's fixation on (miya atsumu's) lips by catsoncocaine (E) 3.7k // Everything about Atsumu is fucking beautiful, but there is one specific part of his that is like kryptonite for Kiyoomi. It is both his curse and his remedy, rendering him useless and yet egging him on to move at the same time. Kiyoomi hates it as much as he loves it.
The Jacket In Your Closet by dai_naning (T) 8.6k // According to the gossiping players around him, Miya Atsumu is an asshole. He's an incredible player in court and an obnoxious person off the court. He taunts people, points out their weakness, and doesn't give a shit if he's disliked or not. Some even say his teammates ostracize him. Sakusa looks at Miya Atsumu and can only see a player who keeps his eyes firmly forward, demanding the same to the players who want to stay on the court. Sakusa can't fault him for that. (That doesn't erase the fact that he's an asshole though. And that he's still the one who gave a jacket to a stranger.)
sakusa kiyoomi is....an uncle? by miyaudrey (T) 5.9k // “Oh, by the way, my nieces and nephews are going to be there.” “Your what now?” Or, Atsumu finds out three hours prior to a Sakusa family gathering that Kiyoomi is an uncle.
Confessions of a V-League Setter by Anubis_2701 (T) 3.3k // "Never?" Sakusa's lips thinned. "No, never. Now stop talking to me." Or, Atsumu discovers that Sakusa Kiyoomi, germaphobe and reluctant heartthrob of the Black Jackals, has never been confessed to before. He decides to change that.
Touch Me by cajynn (E) 3k // Sakusa actually likes being touched but he's very picky when it comes to who and how. When the who turns out to be Miya Atsumu he has a crisis.
Please Stop Crying by dauwtrappen (G) 2.9k // Friday starts off well until it doesn’t and Kiyoomi can hear something crash, feel something snap inside him when Miya, about to set him up for a quick attack, suddenly starts crying in the middle of their three-on-three. Kiyoomi doesn’t even react when the ball bounces off his head, doesn’t cringe when his face is smushed against the net briefly because he forgets to land in front of the it. He’s too shocked, too appalled with the tears pouring out from Miya’s eyes to care.
I can't take much more of your hesitating by playexodus (T) 2.7k // The curved sides of Atsumu’s pecs peek through that absurd tank top at just the right angle. Sakusa swallows. “Your entire chest is hanging out of that shirt. We’re in public. You could at least pretend to be a decent, morally upright person. Not to mention that this Los Angeles beach boy aesthetic is terrible on you.”Glancing back down at Atsumu’s chest to glare at his sharp, glistening collarbones is a bad idea. Sakusa wills his eyes to stay fixated on Atsumu’s face. As it turns out, this too, is a bad idea. “Oh?” Atsumu turns his half-lidded gaze onto Sakusa, the corners of his mouth curling. “Just to be clear: you’re definitely not enjoying the view then, Omi-Omi?”
curse breaking by allicanseeispink (T) 9.2k // Nearing the fourth hour of the silent treatment, Kiyoomi’s already frayed nerves began to whittle down to their last fibers. Today, it was raining. A proper Tokyo monsoon tantrum just shy of a full-blown typhoon that left puddles on sidewalks and fell from an angle so wicked it eluded umbrellas. It was raining and they haven’t spoken in almost four hours. (In which Sakusa wanders into the minefield that is Atsumu's feelings and tries not to blow things up.)
Summer Special: Omigiri by mika60 (T) 6.9k // Miya Osamu always comes up with the perfect marketing plan for his shop, even if it involves the two biggest idiots he knows.
a list of things sakusa kiyoomi hates by BrenH (T) 7.3k // “Just fuckin’ write shit down so ya remember it then. ”It was probably supposed to be a joke, just Osamu being as annoying and unhelpful as always, just reminding him that he shouldn’t have bothered trying to count on his brother for help. He’s forgotten about the whole thing until a few days later when he’s shopping and comes across a small, black notebook shaped like a cat, and his brother’s stupid suggestion flashes through his mind. Before he knows it, the cute little notebook is dropped in his basket, purchased, and in his possession. Or, the one where Osamu suggests Atsumu keep a notebook to track all the things Sakusa hates that he does, and he takes it further than he means to.
A Challenge, A Cat, and A Confession by Kitaa (G) 6.2k // Atsumu enjoys bothering Sakusa. One day he bothers him enough to be invited over to his apartment, only to discover that Sakusa has a plant, a cat, and a cute laugh.
Multiples Of Two by yuuki (G) 3.3k // He does everything in multiples of two. The day Sakusa Kiyoomi died, Atsumu checked his pulse twenty-eight times. Okay, so Sakusa Kiyoomi has never died. And Atsumu has never been close enough to Sakusa to be able to check his pulse. So what if Atsumu is just being dramatic again? He’s allowed to be dramatic when he’s in love with a man who has less emotion than a rock.
gold rush by sketchedsmiles (T) 18k // When the MSBY Black Jackals sign their newest team member, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu makes it his personal responsibility to befriend the indifferent player.
got sand in my eyes (and my shorts too, damn you miya) by luxnoctre (T) 4.7k // On one of their rare rest days, Hinata takes the part of the MSBY team to the beach. Chaos ensures. (or alternatively, do not piss off Sakusa when he is in the middle of relaxing)
mortality is found in the flesh of your sins by citronnes (M) 10.6k // dickhead one, sakusa kiyoomi. dickhead two, miya atsumu. neither understand how to communicate. Pray tell, why are you drawn to him?Are you drawn to him in the way he looks beautiful even when crying? When his eyes are red, shiny tears streaking down, lips quivering, is he beautiful?
This was v long ahahaha.... Anyway, is this finished? No LOL, but I’ll just make small additions via reblogs (?) over time. Maybe :) Sorry if you wanted me to ramble on about SakuAtsu,,,, slide into my messages/asks for that LOL. Maybe over time I’ll add the commentary from other posts I make in the future :’)
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
Group Chat with Haikyuu Characters
This is what I imagined it would be like if you're in the same school as Haikyuu boys and you're friends with them, mostly if you're their vball manager. CAN YA'LL IMAGINE THEM IN THE SAME DAMN TEAM THO? my head already hurts just thinking about it hng.
a/n: this is something i've come up with at like midnight when i should totally be sleeping. i wanna be friends with these 2D peeps so bad i made this hng.
Characters (so ya'll don't get lost kekeke):
Babysitter= You (yeah u babysitter cause u their manager and manager is equals to babysitter duh )
GodOfThunder= Nishinoya
Ken_Set_Go= Kenma
Showyou= HInata
YuuJeez😉= Yuuji
Omigiri= Kiyoomi
Setter_09= Kageyama
MarryMeKiyokoSenpai= obv Tanaka HAHAHAH
Akaashinotkakashi= Akaashi
Oikawadesu= Drama queen Oikawa ofc
TheBlondeTwin= Atsumu
MasterChemist: Kuroo
IwaiwaiwaiOikawa= Iwaizumi. (Why why why delilah? Sorry, we don’t know her. We only know Oikawa in this haus)
SugaNotBTS= Sugawara
OwlQQ= Bokuto HEY HEY HEY (double Q's for THIQQ)
Babysitter: I don’t know what energy drink or drug ya’ll took but you guys are ✨KRAZY✨ for doing 5 sets for a damn practice match. How can ya’ll still walk? Anyone need a wheelchair? My boys are sooooo cool huhu.
GodOfThunder: That's what happens when you've got the whole Mt. Olympus on your side.
Babysitter: You were so good wth. I believe in ROLLING THUNDER SUPREMACY ✨
GodOfThunder: Ackkkk this why ily😩
Ken_Set_Go: I felt like dying earlier.
Babysitter: Awww bb get lots of rest! You did so well!!!
SugaNotBTS: Cause u a lazy ass that’s why you could never.
Babysitter: I’d sleep with one eye open if I were u dumbass. Watch your back if you don’t want Daichi to be a single dad.
YuuJeez😉: She just called us her boys! Guys, I think we all just won in life.
Omigiri: You did so well too tho @Babysitter.
Babysitter: Ackkkk thank u omi omi. I'll give that sanitizer you love.
Setter_09: You did so well earlier too tho (2)
Setter_09: Wow that actually worked
MarryMeKiyokoSenpai: You did so well earlier too tho (3)
Akaashinotkakashi: YOU'RE NO FUN
Babysitter: Boi, I’m unemployed, that’s what I am.
Oikawadesu: Next time I'll make sure to be the first one hmmp.
TheBlondeTwin: Unfair.
MasterChemist: Do I get a compliment too👉👈
Babysitter: I hope your arms fall off.
Babysitter: So? There’s a bunch of you in there, you could’ve asked for one anytime rooster head.
MasterChemist: You're unfair
Babysitter: Yeah I am. It's called favoritism smarty pants, look it up.
Ken_Set_Go: @Babysitter you have my heart forever. This is why we're all in love with you. Thank you for never giving that annoying ass a break. You the real MVP here. I'd let you play my games anytime.
MasterChemist: I h8 all of you. I'm gonna sulk for the rest of the day. Someone better comfort me later tho. Ehem @Babysitter 😤😡
IwaiwaiwaiOikawa: Thanks for informing the air. We’re going to the arcade later so comfort yourself cry baby.
Babysitter: And here I thought Bo's the Emo one. @OwlQQ your boyfriend's having tantrums again. Come get him.
MasterChemist: I dare u to come near me.
Tumblr media
@OwlQQ. Bitch I'LL bite that dog.
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septicbro1005 · 4 years
Paint Me How You See Me
A/N: Okay, you have no idea how excited I was to see that I had permission to write this. I literally am so happy I could scream. Will I? Not out loud. This actually made me so excited that I got up and started walking around my room and smiling holy shit. Alright. Enough of that. I was inspired to write this story by a comic made by the fantastic @venadorosas​ and I just am so damn excited to write this! I am not an art student myself, but I will do my best to replicate it with what I know. I hope I do the comic justice! Just a few more things before this thing starts: I'm gonna do myself and make this a Quirkless AU as well as make Yuuei a university instead of a high school. This is unedited, so if there are sentences or misspellings, that is why, and I apologize. Anyway, let's get rolling!
Kirishima's POV
One stroke after the other.
Small, swift.
One stroke makes a world of a difference.
So don't… mess… up.
I only have one canvas left after this one, but I'm saving it for something important. Something special. Just need to figure out what.
I mean, yeah, I have others on back order, and Mr. Miyoshi is usually pretty cool with giving me some, but I still need to think about what to do with the 106 cm by 106 cm canvas.
A canvas that big needs something worth being put on there.
"Psst, Kiri--" "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhut," I hissed out through clenched teeth.
"You nee--" "I said shut,"
"B--" "No. Shut. Lemme finish,"
The person who proceeded to pester me, even after I told him to be quiet, was none other than Hanta Sero.
He was an art student, along with myself and several others I know by name.
One of which was Katsuki Bakugou.
And damn, was he confusing.
He was this aloof dude who talked to maybe two people by his own volition.
Some random girl who I see him talk to ever now and again. I think we've spoken twice? All I remember is she told me to call her Tsu.
And then me.
Sure, he'd talk to the professors and people like that, but if he didn't have to speak, he wouldn't.
Yet, he spoke to me.
Not only did he barely talk to people, but he also is probably one of the best looking people on campus.
I kid you not, the first time I saw this dude, I was totally sure I'd met Adonis in human form.
His ash blond hair was styled into a fluffy undercut that I would pay money for to be able to run my hands through, even once. His gauges and helix piercings gave him a bit of an edge, but that's what made him more alluring. He came into class one day, wearing a wife beater, which put a tattoo on full display, resting on his right shoulder.
It isn't just his looks that are attractive either. The way he holds himself, presents himself, just his whole aura is indescribable, to keep it brief.
And he was the person I was painting this for.
This wasn't his first commission. Not by a long shot. And this one was fairly simple as well. Still, I poured my heart and soul into it, just like every piece.
But with his commissions, I feel the need to work that much harder. To push myself that much farther. To make it perfect, in a word.
Now, I know that perfection is impossible, but I still want to achieve it.
I mean, if Bakugou could, I could too, right?
"Kirishima, I've been talking to you for the past couple of seconds and you haven't shushed me. Don't zone out on me right now, man,"
Sero's voice managed to pull me out of this trance, but only a bit.
The ash blond with the scarlet glare was still in the back of my mind.
"You need lunch, man," Sero said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Listen, I thank you for your concern, but I had a protein shake maybe six hours ago. I'm dandy," I mumbled, doing a few more soft strokes before standing up. "Plus, I'm not even hungry," 
"Dunno what kind of protein shake you're drinking, but you still need sustenance. C'mon," Sero attempted to persuade me as I walked to the sink to clean the small brush.
"I'm cool, dude. I have a granola bar or two in my bag. I'll eat when I'm hungry," I chuckled lightly, turning on the water and cleaning the brush.
Sero sighed in defeat, as this marked the second week in a row where I substituted breakfast with a protein drink and lunch with a granola bar.
"Alright, fine. Make sure you eat dinner tonight, or Mr. Miyoshi is gonna kick you out again," Sero said, beginning to walk to the door.
"I know, I know,"
"I'll be off, then,"
"Peace out, dude,"
I heard the door to the studio shut, and it was just me in here.
Just me and the paint.
"Hey, Siri,"
My phone lit up, hearing its name.
"Play Rex Orange County on Spotify,"
As I began to finish up some touches on the snow covered forests surrounding a bright red cardinal, the song Uno filled my ears.
The song had no real relevance, but I love that song so much. I dunno if its just because it sounds so simple and sweet, but I just think the song's pretty great.
I'd say after maybe forty-five minutes of doing seemingly pointless touch-ups, I stood back, admiring my work.
Not much needed to be done, but I needed this to be phenomenal.
"I'll just use a simple varnish once everything is dry, then I can move it into the back," I muttered to myself, as if someone was there and I had to be quiet. "Can I finish it today? I could tell him where it is, and wait for the money to come in, I guess,"
A few seconds pause later, and I continued.
"Wow, great job, Eijirou. You sound like a dickwad who just wants money,"
A short sigh, a granola bar and maybe a half an hour or so later, everything seemed dry.
"Let's varnish this motherfucker, and I'll text him when that's done," I mumbled, going into the cabinets, looking for the varnish.
No other assignments at the moment… okay! Cool! I can probably head back to my dorm, chill there, and text Bakugou when it's done!
When I finally found it, I got to work on the varnish.
"And sent," I whispered as I approached the dormitories.
I just sent Bakugou a short text, telling him where to find it, how to send me the money (although he probably knows the process by heart at this point) and all that jazz.
My dorm building was in sight when my phone buzzed once.
It was a different buzzing pattern than all the others.
"Oh, Bakugou responded this quickly?" I thought aloud.
Opening my phone, I checked the message.
Sent the ¥321.7K 
My eyes widened at the number.
"I sure as hell didn't tell him to send me that much, what the hell?"
                                                   What!? The commission was only ¥48.2K?!
His response was immediate.
Left a tip.
Get yourself something nice.
"Whoa," I murmured.
Now, I knew Bakugou was on the higher end of the economic spectrum, but hot damn! 
He did usually give me more money than I told him to, but that fact that he gave me that much more this time just seemed to solidify the thought of him being rich.
So manly.
Heading into my dorm building, I looked to the elevators, only to see an out of order sign on them both.
"Are you kidding me?" I whispered. "Fine, guess I'm just gonna take the damn stairs,"
I got a notification, seeing the ¥321.7K was successfully put into my account, and I knew this commission was over.
But at this point, I knew what to expect from Bakugou. Next time I see him, he's gonna ask me about another one.
Not that I mind, not one damn bit. I'm cool with any excuse to talk to him, and I'm happy to please him with my art.
I just gotta brace myself for the next time I see him.
Trudging up the stairs, I began pondering what he would want next.
He seems to really like requesting animals, mainly birds such as crows and cardinals, but will he do something different? Ooh, maybe a peacock! Or maybe he'd want some other winged creature… like maybe an insect? Or possibly he'll switch it up on me.
As I ended up on the next staircase, I heard someone else's footsteps approaching.
Looking up, my eyes were met with a familiar scarlet pair of eyes.
"Oh, hey, Bakugou!" I said with a wave.
"Hey," he replied with a simple nod.
Fuck, he was just as gorgeous as always.
A grey turtleneck hugged his torso, with a black and white pinstripe button up on over it. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black jeans, a wallet chain dangling on his right side. A pair of black converse and a dog tag finished his look, alongside my composure.
"Thanks again for the great work," he said, his husky voice hypnotizing me further.
"You haven't already picked it up, have you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "I don't think I saw you walk past me to get to the parking lot,"
"Nah, but I know it's gonna look good," his compliment was accompanied by a smirk.
Short-lived, yes. But a smirk nonetheless.
"Aw, thanks dude! Always happy to make something for my best customer!" I felt myself beam at him. 
"See you around, Red," he said, continuing down the stairs.
"Bye," I waved with a small smile on my face as he disappeared down the stairs.
I quickly hauled ass up to my floor, speed walked to my door and slammed the keys in.
Gay panic in private, dude.
Opening the door, I pulled my key out and shut the door.
"I'm back, Omi!" I shouted into the apartment to see if my roommate was here.
"Hey," my roommate responded from his bed.
"Is it cool if I hop in the shower real quick?" I asked, jerking a thumb toward the bathroom.
"Sure thing. Keep it brief," Omi said, making me roll my eyes.
"Okay, dad," I sighed, but I gave a smile to show it was all in jest.
After locking myself in the bathroom and stripping myself down to absolutely nothing, I got in the shower and had a gay crisis.
Because that's the only place you can have those, y'know?
But a good ol' Panic! In The Shower was enough to calm my nerves.
As I stepped out of the bathroom to grab clothing, I heard Omi laughing.
"That Bakugou guy really messes you up, huh?" his laughter was thrown in between words, but I knew exactly what he was referencing.
"If I'm being too loud, just knock on the door, dude! Tell me to shut it, I don't care," I flushed, looking at the ground, my hand tightening around the towel that hung on my waist.
Omi just kept laughing at me as I grabbed my clothes; a simple crimson riot shirt, boxers, black shorts and my wave socks.
It isn't like I'm going anywhere tonight, right?
Is what I originally thought until I was dressed and realized I left my motherfucking cardigan at the studio.
"Ugh, fuck," I groaned, rubbing a towel on my head.
"Left your cardigan again?"
"You might as well just wrap it around your waist," Omi suggested.
"And risk getting paint on it?" I looked at Omi like he was a motherfucking psychopath. "Hell no. The cardigan was my grandmother's, so I ain't doing shit to it,"
"Clearly, if you're leaving it in the studio again," Omi mumbled.
"Shush!" I whined, grabbing my keys and slipping on my red sneakers. "I'll be back,"
Leaving my dorm, I began going down the stairs when I ran into someone.
It was Bakugou, again.
And just when I thought my gay panic was over for the day.
"Oh, hey," I said as casually as possible.
Which probably sounded forces as fuck, because it felt like my heart was just about ready to implode.
"Red," Bakugou was looking me up and down.
I don't think I've ever felt more self-conscious about my appearance in my life.
"I've got another request, if it isn't too much,"
"O-oh, okay!" 
Why did I stutter?! That was so unmanly!
"So, what is it?"
I looked into his gorgeous eyes, trying to see further into him, but I was only met with his right hand slamming into the wall next to my head.
Oh shit, oh fuck. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna collapse, right here. Right now. I can't handle this.
"Uh, dude? You--" "Paint me how you see me, Kirishima,"
Uh, what?
I was stuck between saying "Got it," and "What?" so my dumbass just responded with this:
We sat there, in silence, staring at each other.
My face was flushing bright red, and I wanted to look away, but I didn't. I couldn't. His eyes just drew me in.
He moved his arm to his side, and began to head up the stairs.
Quick, say something coherent!
"O-on it!"
I swear, I saw him smile a bit before he was completely gone.
What was I doing again?
It's been around three weeks.
It's been three weeks of planning, sketching, and small, swift strokes.
And plenty of panic, but that's irrelevant. There was a bit of disco, so it balances out anyway.
Mr. Miyoshi did end up setting a curfew on me, to make sure I didn't pass out at the studio, but it wasn't set until it had already happened.
But, since I wanted to work on it after the curfew, I brought it to the dorm, keeping it on newspaper and buying the paint I needed.
I had the picture in my mind, which I did my best to replicate without him genuinely modelling for me.
It was a ¾ shot of his shirtless back, with him looking over his right shoulder, giving a perfect view of his side profile. I also made sure I replicated his tattoo to the best of my abilities, and I think it came out okay.
But that isn't all!
Monarch butterflies lined his back, as a fiery looking echo was placed slightly to the left. 
Those warm colors contrasted like hell, compared to the blues and navy of the background.
Just to fuck around with more color, flecks of brighter colors adorned the background, giving it sort of galaxy look.
I thought it looked gorgeous.
And not just because it's Bakugou.
You know how when you make something, and you worked so damn hard on it, and when it's done, you're just filled with pride?
This is one of those works for me.
"Omi!" I yelled about before cringing.
It's 01:35.
Why the fuck does he sound like he's been awake?
"First of all, have you been awake this whole time? Second of all, could you grab me my phone?" I said a little quieter.
"It's done?" Omi asked, coming over with my phone.
"I'm happy with it," I said with a huge grin.
"Looks fantastic," Omi pat my shoulder before walking off.
Using my nose, I unlocked my phone and took a picture before putting my phone down.
I just looked at the painting, with Bakugou's slight pout catching my eyes.
I have absolutely zero clue what came over me, but I lifted my forefinger to my mouth, and pressed a small peck to it.
My forefinger rested against the painting's lips, and I just felt warm.
And that was probably the best feeling ever.
I gotta give this to him in person. It's about time I told him.
What floor are you on again?
                                                                                    Number two. Room 204.
Okay, I'm coming over.
I let out a shuddery breath, looking at the canvas, which I covered with a blanket.
I need to tell him.
It's time.
I kept opening my phone, making sure I had the song ready to play at the click of a button.
He needs to know.
A loud knock landed on my door, and I jumped.
I walked over to the door, playing the song as I opened it.
"Hey, Bakugou! Come in!"
The ash blond entered, wearing a button up and jeans again, just no turtleneck this time.
"So, I wanted to give this one to you in person… because I…" I was stumbling over my words.
Calm down, Eijirou. You got this.
"Because this could very well be the last commission you want from me,"
This made Bakugou's usual deadpan change ever so slightly. His left brow rose up as his head tilted to the side.
"And why might that be?"
Fucking say it.
Spit it out.
"I like you," I barely got out before throwing my gaze at the ground. "I like you a lot. You're just so cool and collected, and from what I know about you, I like it. And I want to know more. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, but I just had to get that out," 
Before I even looked at him, I walked over to the painting, still looking at the ground, and pulled the blanket off.
Everything was silent, except for the music in the background. But even the song was at a quieter part than the rest of it.
I felt Bakugou's eyes on me and not the painting, which terrified me to no end.
Should I have even said anything?
"You don't have to pay if you don't want to or if you don't like it. And…" I took in a shaky breath, looking at the ground, lazily gesturing to the painting and then myself. "If you don't want to be friends anymore, if you even thought of us as friends, then you can ignore me,"
His footsteps were soft, but I knew they were coming. So when his black converse appeared in my vision, I looked off to the side as my vision blurred with tears that threatened to spill. 
A finger went under my chin, turning my face to him.
His eyes met mine, and he was smiling.
"You really are oblivious, huh?"
Fucking, again?
Bakugou laughed before leaning in a bit, his head turning to the left.
"Can I kiss you as a tip?"
My whole brain has short-circuited, but I turned my head to the right and leaned in closer.
My eyes slowly closed, and when his lips met mine, I was immediately thrown into a state of euphoria.
Holy shit, this is happening.
This is actually happening!
I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face as I draped my arms over his shoulders, and I couldn't stop laughing either.
It was so fucking amazing.
Small blazes of tears made tracks down my cheeks, but I didn't care. Unless my nose starts running, I'm not gonna let some tears mess up this kiss.
But, all good things must come to an end, as Bakugou pulled back.
His eyes were on mine, and for once, they were soft. A small grin was pasted on his features, his hands on my face.
"Why are you crying?" he asked as his thumb rubbed at my dampened cheek.
I just felt myself giggle in response. 
"Well, I was originally gonna cry because I thought you wouldn't be cool with my confession, but these tears quickly turned sweet," I just couldn't stop laughing. "Shit, I'm so happy,"
We just stood there for a few moments of content silence before Bakugou spoke up.
"So, how the hell am I supposed to bring this painting to my dorm?" 
"I can help you bring it up there!" I offered.
"I get to bring two masterpieces to my dorm? Great!" Bakugou oozed confidence as he said that.
"Dear christ," I began giggling again, since that was unexpected.
We grabbed the painting, and I made sure Bakugou was careful with it, but was also holding it properly.
"Hey, Omi! Could you get the door?"
"Your roommate was here?" Bakugou asked.
"Well, it's his dorm too." I pointed out as Omi got the door for me. "Plus, it isn't like I wasn't so obviously crushing on you,"
"It really wasn't," Omi said, patting my back carefully. "But congratulations to the both of you,"
"Thanks, Omi,"
Bakugou just gave a small murmur to thank Omi.
"Alright, Bakugou, you go through the door first, then we can keep walking," I said, turning us so Bakugou could walk out the door properly.
After a quick minute of maneuvering, we managed to get the painting up the stairs without damaging it.
"So you're which dorm?"
"302," Bakugou said as we got to his door.
"Coolio!" I grinned.
"Dork," Bakugou snickered at me. "How d'you want this to be put down?"
"We can just rest it against the wall," I said, propping the painting up on the wall.
"Give me a quick sec," Bakugou mumbled, unlocking the door.
He swung the door open and made sure it stayed open. 
"At this point, I'm gonna follow you. You know where you wanna put this?" I asked him.
"Uhm… I think Misumi wouldn't mind if I placed this on his side of the room until I know exactly where to hang it," Bakugou said as we walked into the room.
My paintings were all on the wall. The snow surrounded cardinal, the murder of crows, all of them.
Except one.
The other paintings sort of made a frame, with a 106 cm x 106 cm square in the middle.
"Hey, honey?" I called out.
"What's up, Rourou?" Katsuki asked from the other room.
"Could you grab me the step ladder?"
"Shorty," I heard Katsuki laugh.
"I heard that, Katsu! You aren't as quiet as you think!"
"Says you, of all people!" Katsuki chuckled, coming on with the step ladder.
"Thank you, baby," I said, pecking his cheek.
"Of course. Putting up the last one?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said, grabbing the painting I made all those years back.
The monarch butterflies dotting his spine, his scarlet glare, gorgeous fluffy hair, all of it brought together, and hung up on our wall.
I got off the step ladder, and looked at the paintings. Every single one of them.
A hand snaked around my waist and pulled me in close.
"I love you so much, baby," Katsuki whispered, kissing my forehead.
"I love you too,"
His hand rubbed against my waist, but I could feel one thing that was inconsistent with the feeling of the rest of his hand.
A golden band sat on his left ring finger, practically identical to the one that sat on my left ring finger.
A/N: And that's all! Honestly, I'm very pleased with this, and think this came out well! I hope that those of you who see this like it too! I want to thank @venadorosas for allowing me to write a story based off of their comic and for making such fantastic art. If you like my writing, I'm also on Wattpad, so check me out there, if you're up for it. Same username and profile picture. I do believe that this is it! I apologize for the ending, as it feels a little odd to me, I just don't have any idea how to end it properly. I sincerely hope that I did the comic justice. Love y'all! Stay safe and healthy! - Septic
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