#i joke but also not really. its kinda frustrating. i still have a nice time otherwise but i really need to get more serious with learning
shepherdenjoyer · 9 months
one thing i would be interested in, when we live somewhere nicer, is fostering a dog or two, or even dogsitting but im partial to fostering in regards to the whole allergy thing because it would be for a longer period of time without being a 12+ years commitment. but that's also something that we can't do just yet so once again all i can do is try to be patient and focus on things i have to work on myself that aren't directly related to dogs.. and my brain says that's booooring
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mikalame · 9 months
hi, I was wondering if you could write some Bill x reader angst please, where Bill gets jealous bc of the reader's "fan service" towards fanboys ( for example she flirts with them (as a joke ofc), winks at them on stage...) and one day they just have a big fight bc of that, also the reader is a girl and a member of the band. Bye ;)
This is My first angst, i dont think ill make a Pt2 to this as i kinda like were i finished it tell me what you think about it mabey ill do more angst who knows 🤫
Bills a little toxic in this, but they arent really good for eachother, just pretend the band wont break up or anything ahaha.
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"Did you really have to wink at them again" Bill scoffs as he chucks his bag down on the floor walking into the hotel room.
You guys were bombarded when you got off the plane, which is to be expected as a rock star with a world wide fan base, having fans in every country in itself is good but not when your fans are a bit touchy and you have a bit of a playful personality.....expectantly when your boyfriend is a tad bit of a jealous person.
"Really Bill we just got here and you're already picking a fight, can't we just relax after a 13 hour flight, huh?" you question, getting sick of bills arguments you try and assure him that hes all you need but he cant seem to get it in his head, making you feel like your practically cheating on him when you arent your just being friendly, at least in your mind you are.
"Well you seem pretty energetic when that guy came up and hugged you, real tight" Bill looked away, his eyebrows pinched thinking over the airport insident.
"Bill really, i was JUST hugging him like i dont everybody, he wasnt special hes just a fan, a NICE fan who asked for a hug" You retort rolling your eyes, shoving your suit case under the bed not bothering to pack it away yet.
"Whats wrong Bill, huh, you seem so uptight about this whole thing, do you still think im gonna leave you, Bill, im YOUR girlfriend not anybody else and you may think that i would but i wont and i never will" You argue, completely over Bill and his jealousy.
"No because i know you would all the flirting you do when fans come up to you in party's you grab their arms and laugh at all their jokes, their not even funny half the time but you still laugh like its the funniest thing in the world, you BARELY EVER laugh at my jokes huh, am i not funny or something"
Bill continues to rant letting all of it off his chest, you felt your anger rise getting annoyed that bills painting you as some sort of villain that would cheat on him any chance she got.
"Yeah Bill i laught at their jokes because its NICE-"
"So is it a chore or something to laugh at my jokes" He cuts you off rolling his eyes walking over to the couch sitting down with a huff.
"No Bill and you know thats not true, its different, we're their IDOLS they look up to us, we're CELERITYS, im gonna laugh at whatever stupid joke they make to make THEM happy, to make THEM feel great that they made THEIR IDOL smile and laugh, its not that i dont find you funny bill because u dont your a funny person its just i dont see you or anyone in the band as a celebrity i just see you guys as normal people-".
"Oh so im not even named your boyfriend anymore im just a 'normal person' that babe feel REAL nice right now" He scoffs again flicking through the channels on the t.v.
"OMG BILL YOUR BEING SO DIFFICULT RIGHT NOW" you yell, frustrated about how hes acting right now, he does this all the time bringing this argument up again then leaving the argument when you starts to become frustrated.
"I cant do this bill" You sigh slumping down onto the hotel bed, Bill looks over raising his eyebrow he had never heard you give up in an argument your always fighting to prove that your right.
but as both of your emotions are high right now one of you are bound to say something your gonna regret, just like bill did.
"Oh yeah what to much for you?, you just gonna give up on this realtionship, not even gonna try and fix it, just gonna up and leave" he scoffs standing up, looking at you down his nose not thinking your actully going to do what he thought you would.....
but you did
"Bill were not good for each other, your to jealous and cant handle that im maybe am a bit to sweet to our fans but i cant help it a-and i know you cant handle it either, s-so i think this is where this relationship should end- this is for the best for both of us i think... and for the band you know" you say shakily standing up walking slowly to your bed that has the suitcase under it.
"W-wait baby y-your joking right, i didn't mean it, i'll get over it I SWEAR" he begs tears flowing down his cheeks his eyeliner and mascara running with the tears.
"No Bill you wont, this relationship wont work, it's toxic for me and you, this- this is for the best i think" You say sighing as you pull your bag up opening the handle up and holding onto it.
You listen to bill sobs as he tries to bargen with you, to make you stay, his promises of how he wont be jealous and he'll do better, words that fell on deaf ears as you have already made up your mind, knowing even in your mind blurry with emotions that this would be the best for both Bill and You.
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kynrki · 2 years
— i promise i love you
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wc: 673, pairing: niki x gn!reader, genre: fluff, warnings: none
PROMPT: 2 and 6 from list 2: “cupping their cheeks” and “kisses on their upper lip/cupids bow”
AN — tysm for requesting!! i kinda got carried away with this one ngl😭 hope you enjoy anon <33
1k event requesting masterlist
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you smiled in awe at your boyfriend, who was sitting a few seats away from you. niki had invited you out with the rest of his friends and now you were sitting with yuna and chatting but missing your boyfriends attention, which was now on the boys.
“yn!” yuna called out for the 10th time. “huh?” you asked as you slightly shook your head and turned your attention back on her. she laughed at you. “you’re so in love, it’s honestly cute” yuna said as she smiled at you. “what?” you said looking at her. “then again, he also looks at you like youre his whole world. you two deserve each other” yuna finished as she took a sip from her cooldrink.
after what yuna had said, it had been stuck in your head for the rest of the day. you waved at the boys goodbye and hugged yuna before you and niki started walking to your apartment. he grabbed your hand in his and squeezed it lightly. “so how was it?” niki asked as he looked at you. “how was what?” you said in confusion. “today you know? with yuna? i was scared you weren’t gonna get along with her” niki said. “oh! it was nice, she’s very nice. i definitely have to hang out with her often! thank you for inviting me” you said as you blushed slightly and slipped your hand out of his. he looked as you with brows furrowed but you didnt pay attention, still in dazed by the fact that you love him. like actually do.
“you okay love?” niki said as he stopped you. he noticed how you weren’t really paying attention anymore. “yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” you said as you smiled nervously. niki tried to take your hand in his once again but you pulled your hand away before you could. he started getting frustrated at why you didnt wanna hold his hand. normally you were always the one to hold his hand but why not now. you started walking again.
niki then grabbed your arm and turned you around so that you were looking at him. he then slid his hands around your waist and secured it there. you tried to escape but his tight hold on you didn’t let you. “niki let me go” you said. “no not before you tell me whats wrong, i know you like to keep your emotions in” niki said as he looked into your eyes.
“and its-“ “i love you.” you interrupted him. nikis eyes widened slightly. “i-i mean i-im in love with you” you continued as you looked down. his jaw dropped as he continued looking at you. “and i know you dont feel-“ you were interrupted by his hand cupping your cheeks lightly. he starred at you for a bit before kissing your lips softly. you eyes shuttered closed at the feeling.
niki pulled away and looked at you. your eyes still closed and cheek’s slightly red. he leaned in to place a kiss on your cupids bow, and placed another on your cheek. “i love you too you idiot” he said as he smiled at you, still holding his arms around your waist. “you do?” you asked as you opened your eyes. “i do” he said as he pulled you in for a hug.
“now lets go home so that we can cuddle ‘kay?” niki said as he grabbed your hand and interlaced fingers with you. you two then had a long journey home of niki cracking jokes and random ‘i love you’s
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Another request for the "as your boyfriend" serie, this time with Vernon!
As weird as it is, I think vernon would be one of the most open to a relationship among the members
He's quiet and more on the introverted side, but I think that when it comes to love he is pretty confident?
he knows he can handle his career and a love relationship, and he doesn't want to spend his whole 20s alone because of his job
it doesn't mean that he's a flirt tho
i think that if he has interest and he sees the other person having interest as well,, then he'll open up to them and try to get closer
the first scenario that came to my mind was you as a barista
like it's your new job while you study in college/uni
and he comes every morning to get his and seungkwan's coffee
most of the time hes tired and asks for the drinks nicely and that's it
but with time and habit you memorize what he always takes for him and his friend
and each time he stays a tiny bit longer to talk to you
when you both talk it's so cute, for anyone in the café you're just a cute couple
because you smile like crazy and talk so softly to each other :')
at some point he'll ask for your insta, and then he'll ask you out on a date
he makes sure hes not going too fast with you (in the relationship)
but at the same time he leads most of the interactions you have, he clearly shows his interest and it melts your heart
he is pretty confident each time you see each other, he's not that stressed to see you (because you already became a safe place to him so he feels great meeting you)
he still gets shy when the members tease him about you
but i mean who wouldn't
Now as a boyfriend
Vernon is very sweet and kinda romantic
love to call you with sweet names like “darling” or “sweetheart”
very open minded and chill, so rarely jealous
your relationship is quite mature, so you argue pretty rarely, or at least not for “dumb” things 
and when you have arguments you both handle it calmly and make up quickly
really a very healthy relationship
Vernon is more of a listener, so you can talk to him whenever you need to and he’ll take anything into account
he remembers any tiny detail you told him
you also insist a lot that he has to talk to you as well, things go both ways
it takes some time for him to do so but he’ll start to open up and tell you more things
not really into cuddling but still shows his love through tiny touches
like a hand on your shoulder to introduce you to a friend, his hand on your lower back to guide you in a crowd, holding your hands to warm them up, tying your hair while you’re busy cooking...
it’s always tiny things but they make you melt fr
also you’re both quite bad cooks
so cooking is always chaotic
a LOT of inside jokes between you two
the members get frustrated about it because you both have more bad jokes between yourselves than seventeen with vernon
seungkwan often comes to your shared appartment
1: because its quiet
2: because he wants to see vernon
3: because he wants to see you
the smutty part is belowww :)
Vernon isn’t very daring when it comes to sex
he likes the bedroom, maybe the living room and bathroom if he feels a bit feral lmao
but most of the time you’re just in bed because comfort is everything
very soft and romantic at the beginning, then he can get a bit more rough if you’re okay with it
the longest part of the love-making is all the making out and undressing part
because he likes to take his time and embrace your body
also a cute aftercare to make sure everything is fine
some might think that it’ll be boring but-
he has a big ass stamina that could make him go for many rounds i think
so lemme tell you this is tIRING
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months
tw: mention of incest role play, mention of fear kink, mention of cum inflation????, scummy gojo, also I have no idea how to word this????
gojo who gets paired up with you for a college project, and you’re fucking reeling for a few reasons. one being; he’s extremely attractive and damn near everyone on campus knows who he is. and also, you’re intimidated by his beauty and popularity, especially since you’re only known for giving out the answers when people ask nice enough in classes.
but he’s so…friendly, when you guys meet up to start on the project. he’s all smiles and helpful answers, bites at the people who come up to him and pretend you’re not even there. he listens to you with this dumb (cute) little look on his face, with his lips slightly parted and his brows raised and his white lashes peeking over the roundness of his glasses whenever he nods.
he’s kinder than you expected him to be. funnier, too, with his shitty jokes that you find yourself snorting at in the quiet library. and when you guys are finished with the project, he still keeps in touch. moves his seat to be next to you in class, texts you and asks you out to coffee, even invites you on a date after a few weeks.
and everything is perfect—until it’s not. until he beds you one day and it’s not as special or magical as you were anticipating it to be. he’s kinda…strange, in a sense, when he fucks you. oddly quiet, like he’s holding back, his hands just a little too tight, his eyes too focused on random parts of your body.
but you sleep with him again and again, until he starts becoming real comfortable with you. almost too comfortable, let’s how weird and strange and almost scummy he really is start to shine through, let the mask he’d be unknowingly wearing this entire time slip away.
“What if we were siblings?” Gojo asks you one night when he’s fucking your brains out. he’s gotten better over these few months, gotten looser and more comfortable. too fucking comfortable.
“Satoru, what in the ever loving fuck are you on about?” you ask him in a gasp as you reach a hand back to keep your head from hitting the headboard. but he’s undeterred, his eyes wild and unseeing as he grips your hips tighter, thrusts becoming sloppier.
“No, I mean in a role play way.” He explains, as if that makes it sound any better. “You know? You’re my sweet lil sister taking big bro’s cock so I won’t tell mom and dad about you sneaking out.”
“You’re a sick fuck.” you tell him plainly, frustrated that your tone doesn’t carry the same bite because his nimble fingers started playing with you at the same time. “Fuckin’ weirdo.”
“Incest role play doesn’t turn you on?” he asks, cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy that you wanna kick in the chin. “Maybe, hmm,”
he pretends to be lost in thought, thrusts slowing down and you let out an irritated huff as you slump back onto the bed. but your back arches up when his hips pick up pace again, suddenly slamming into you as he looms over you. one hand cupping your cheek, the other returning in between your thighs as he grins madly.
“Maybe you’d like some fear play, yeah? How’s that sound?” Gojo bends over you until his nose skims yours, his pupils entirely too tiny, makes your breath hitch in your throat. “Me, chasing you around the campus with a big knife, scared that I’ll catch you. You know I would, right?”
he forces you to nod with his big hand cupping your cheeks, pouting your lips at him as you whimper. he kisses you, breathless, chuckling a little under his breath as he mutters something incomprehensible, his cock carving its way deep inside you.
“Maybe even cum inflation? That one’s not the realest thing out here, but I could figure out a way to make that work. You’d like that, right?” he sounds like he’s off the deep end, like every single twisted thought that’s been running through his mind these past few weeks have finally come to the forefront. started spilling out between you two like a cracked dam, like he’s been bottling this up ever since you met him.
you cum only a few seconds after his last inquiry, scared of the way his smile widens, as if your body told him an answer he’s already known.
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crazyqueenmoon · 6 days
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Atsushi x Fem! Secretary, both mid-20s
Setting: 1960s AU
TW: sexism, mentions of s*xual harassment, CW: Drinking, smoking, implied NSFW stuff
So I’ve gotten back to watching the rest of Mad Men after so long. Though I haven’t finished it, it’s definitely a show I’ve found myself loving and find kinda similar to BSD in terms of its themes and workplace setting. Though they’re TOTALLY different as shows. Mad Men has no action, gore, or flashy characters and is 100% grounded in real life, so if you can’t be down with that stuff in a live-action show, expect to be bored AF. I’ve come it with some head-cannons around the 1960s. Also, Joan is one of my favorite female characters ever and I love Atsushi. Their personalities are completely opposite from each other, and this idea of Atsushi being this new employee at the ADA being shown around the office by a tsunderish secretary and them falling in love was just begging to be written, so here it is:
• The ADA would be like the Sterling Cooper office but with far less drama and gossip. The office would still look nice, but not nearly as nice
• You’re the badass, snarky head secretary of the ADA, refusing to settle for anyone’s BS. The Agency would not function without you helping all the higher-ups and you have a multitasking ability which allows secretarial tasks that typically take 8 hours to be completed in 10 seconds
• Unfortunately, most people have a hard time taking you seriously when it comes to your ambitions and underestimate your intelligence.
• BC it is the 1960s we’re talking about, unfortunately some of your male coworkers will be sexist a-holes that believe women aren’t supposed to be in higher positions/ ask for raises and should accept where they’re at and not be so demanding:
-Kunikida would say this to you after he got overhears you saying that you ought to be promoted. (I know you all love Kunikida and talk about how he drinks Respect Women juice, but this is 1960s Kunikida we’re talking about NOT Regular Kunikida. Plus Regular Kuni does kind of conduct himself in an old-fashioned way, so it doesn’t surprise me.
-You can expect Dazai to harass you and hit on you every single day unfortunately. He’ll also joke about how you’ve only gotten the job BC you offered Fukuzawa s*xual favors even though he’s well aware that’s not the case at all. But he will shut his goddamn mouth and behave in front of you once Fukuzawa or Kunikida is in sight. You’ve also learned some good comebacks from Yosano that’ll leave him terrified of you for the rest of the day. Interactions between you two will go something a little like this:
You: ‘I wanna be on top.’
Dazai: ‘Of me, dollface? Come on, now. Don’t be so feisty at work!’
You: ‘Of the company.’
Dazai: *laughs* ‘You’re gonna be a secretary for the rest of your life. That’s you’re fate, as a working woman. I don’t make the rules. But if you don’t like being a secretary, you can be mine instead.’
-Tanizaki also laughs when you mention this to him. He won’t make lewd comments about you or act domineering like Kunikida and Dazai do, but consider him trash as well.
-You tried to seduce Fukuzawa as a way to get promoted, but he noped immediately. He thinks of you as a daughter, and engaging in quid pro quo behavior completely goes against his values. He hires you because you’ve got the right skills and bc of your hard work, but doesn’t think you’re ready for a promotion combined with some sexist biases.
-Kenji respects you as his elder and superior. He wouldn’t really have any opinions on you being a leader, but even if he thought the same as all your male coworkers, it wouldn’t really bother you or frustrate you that much.
-Ranpo’s probably the only man in the office who isn’t dismissive of your ambitious tendencies, though he’s not necessarily a cheerleader about it. He’s more of a ‘Yeah, you’d be good at it, I guess’ kind of guy at most.
• You also smoke cigarettes a lot. You need them the way Ranpo needs his snacks, and it’s the only way you can calm yourself down.
•You’re filling in for Kunikida’s secretary today BC she’s sick. He calls you into his office, introducing you to your new employee, Atsushi Nakajima.
• “He’s the weretiger that he spent all night looking for, and now he’ll be working with us.”
• “Working with us?” you ask coolly. “Who’s idea was it, to employ a shapeshifter of all ability users?”
• “The president’s,” says Kunikida. “Should I report to him you doubted his decisions, Y/N?”
• “No need to,” you answer. “If it’s what president decrees, then I can expect it to be good.”
• Atsushi’s in awe as he looks at you pulling out a cigarette as you’re glaring.
• “Show the new guy around for the next hour,” says Kunikida, impatiently pushing a startled Atsushi from behind. “And cancel my 2 PM appointment! I won’t get it done with all these documents to read.”
• “Yes, Mr. Kunikida,” you scoff rolling your eyes.
• “Um, ma’am?” Atsushi asks. “Are you okay?”
• “Yes, I’m okay,” you say icily. “Now how about you shut up so I can give you the damn tour, tiger man? Could you do that for for me?”
• He nods quickly and walks behind you.
• “This is where you’ll be sitting,” you say, pointing to a small desk with a typewriter and a pen holder. It’s also facing a gray wall with no window. “Not pictureresque, I know. Though a chump like you should consider yourself lucky getting a desk with a typewriter. Now that you’re part of the Agency, you’d better learn to be punctual and not let your emotions get in the way. Don’t, and you’re left for dead. God knows it’s a pain, but it’s how work gets done around here.”
• Atsushi has no goddamn clue how to use a typewriter, so you have to teach him the whole day, in between passing out documents from Kunikida to the president and vice versa. You give Atsushi your worst frown once the day is done bc of all the stress he’s piled on you.
• On your desk the next day, you find a ‘Thank You’ card and a bouquet of flowers.
• It’s from Atsushi himself. He thanks you for helping him learn how to use a typewriter, and apologizes for upsetting you. Some of the ink is smeared, and he asks you to let him know how he can make it up to you.
•You march up to Dazai’s office holding the card and flowers, telling his secretary you’d like to speak to him shortly. She tells you he’s busy but he insists that she let you in over the intercom.
• “Eager, to see me so early, honey, huh?” he teases as you enter his office. “I knew you’d come through one of these days. You’re making me one lucky man.”
• “Is this some kind of joke, Dazai?” You demand, holding the card and flowers and opening the card.
• Dazai looks at the card and reads it. Handing it back to you. “Oh no, not my doing at all. The one thing I’d never do in a love note to a woman is let the ink get smeared with my tears. You’ve got an admirer Y/N. Atsushi-kun’s in love with you. You heartbreaker you. You’re makin’ me jealous!”
• You spend the whole day wondering if it’s true. As much of a scheming bastard Dazai is, he is good at solving mysteries
• You spend the next two weeks testing out if Atsushi’s got a crush on you, offering him employee training which he surprisingly manages to catch up on
•At this point, YOU’RE the one whose got a crush on him. He’s sweet, friendly, takes you seriously and doesn’t laugh at your goals. He’ll even bring you a treat from the bakery a couple times a week. But you won’t show those feelings to him. When you ask him if he’d like anything in return, he tells you he doesn’t.
• “Y/N, you never asked me what I can do for you in return,” he says.
• “Take me on a date,” you say. “At the Green Palace. 6 PM sharp.”
• “Date?!” he asks, shocked by your answer and how nonchalantly you said it.
• He takes you out and it goes well, eager to foot the bill despite his lowly salary.
• As you spend more time together, you vent to him about how you’re underestimated when it comes to your abilities because of your gender. He doesn’t know what that’s like, but he confides in you about how he’s felt so useless his whole life growing up in the orphanage and during his time at the church shelter. He also thinks it’s ridiculous that all the men at work belittle you, and believes you have what it takes to be in a higher role at the company.
• You’re one of the few people not to judge him for bringing up his traumatic experiences to him, and if he didn’t already trust you in the first place, he’s now given 1000% of it to you.
• You two keep your relationship a secret, though Dazai and Ranpo know. You’ll hear Dazai ask Atsushi personal questions about you two, but luckily Atsushi knows to be careful around him and scoffs at him, telling him it’s none of his business.
• He’ll come over to your apartment after missions to decompress and he’ll try to comfort you too when you’re stressed with work.
• A year into your relationship, you tell Atsushi it’s time everyone knows. He’s hesitant at first, but then agrees to it, and wants you to announce if this is to happen.
• Before announcing to the ADA, Fukuzawa decides to promote you to junior director. It’s got ‘junior’ in it, but it’s a far cry from being secretary and you get your own office. You’re now the only other female employee along with Yosano to have her own office.
• When you’ve announced to ADA, everyone cheers. Kunikida’s surprised, and angry you didn’t inform him about this, but gets over it. Fukuzawa wishes you told him, but approves of Atsushi as a boyfriend to you.
• Surf rock music plays on a record, and everyone gets drunk and hollers.
• “Happy one year together,” Atsushi says softly, holding a small gift bag. “ I got you this. Hope you like it.”
• “A marble bluebird,” you gasp, looking into the bag.
• “You said they’re your favorite birds once,” he says nervously. “I thought it’d be a great gift to give you.”
• “Atsushi…” you mutter. “Thank you.”
• You walk up him and kiss his cheek. His face turns bright red with everyone looking you two.
• “Don’t forget to give me one, too!” Dazai calls out. “It just took a measly glass bird? I’ll get you all of them, Y/N.”
• Kunikida makes a fist towards Dazai and he gets frightened.
• “ You hated my guts, when you first met me,” says Atsushi. “ The last thing I expected was that you’d fall in love with me.”
• “I never hated you, Atsushi,” you say. “ I just hated how I felt. You’ve helped me to believe in myself, and you’re always good to me. I love you, Atsushi.”
• “I-I love you too, y/n,” he stammers. He’s told you every single day, but he wants to say it again anyways. “You‘ve done really great. You deserve all this. Got any orders for me, director?”
• “Follow me to my office,” you jest, smacking his ass.
JFC this is MUCH longer than I thought it’d be. And writing this has kind of made me hate Dazai. But I had a lot of fun, writing this. If you’ve made it all the way here, thank you, thank you, thank you! Please leave a comment and LMK your thoughts.
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lunarifie · 4 months
Infinight Interns Modern Band Au:
(Because I cant stop thinking about it / send me asks!!!)
Bart the Guitarist
- Main vocalist/guitarist. (Need I say why?)
- Prefers acoustic over electric because he has fidgety hands and acoustic requires more strumming and energy.
- Has a wide vocal range.
- Can play multiple instruments but mostly plays guitar.
- Switches between acoustic and electric depending on shows, songs, or how much energy he has.
- Basically the person who formed the band. Thought of the idea and convinced everyone else.
- Gives tips and tricks to his band members for performing on stage. (He’s the most used to stage performing and would often sign up at music venues soloing)
- He tries to motivate them to try new things, like singing or flashy tricks.
- Organizes and schedules all their shows. “Guys we got a gig!”
- He’s the main song writer, though he makes sure that everyone contributes and gives input. Everyone has their own individual songs that Bart’s helped with too.
- Bart and Gum Gum have pages and pages of made up/half assed songs they’ve written together.
Gum Gum and his Drum Drums
- The bands drummer. (He has drums in his inventory in tftsd)
- It wasn’t hard for Bart to convince Gum Gum to start a band with him. (He immediately agreed)
- Puts so much hype into his drumming that everyone else has to pump up their volume a bit.
- Mostly did drumming for fun, not really caring for how it sounded until Bart taught him some techniques.
- Likes to do stick spins (spinning his drumstick in his hand), at one practice/rehearsal it flew out of his hand and knocked Mudd in the back of the head.
- If you ask him how he drums so well he’d just say “I just play when it sounds good.”
- Gets sad whenever his bandmates argue or get frustrated. He tries to mediate. “Cmon guys, don’t fight…”
- He’s the youngest in the band and still in high school. He stayed back a grade and also looks older than his actual age. He gets bullied and teased for it. (Bart is often the one who comes running when this happens)
Kyborg the Keytarist
- Doesn’t let ANYONE touch his Keytar.
- Named it Chrystaliana after his mother (privately, his friends don’t know of its name.)
- His mother taught him piano at a young age, after she died he practiced relentlessly.
- His mother was a well-known pianist and he dreams to be as good as her someday.
- Was thrown into the foster care system but continuously ran away from each and every foster family.
- He has an ever-lasting Cool Kid act so whenever he mentions he plays the piano/keytar proudly and people slightly chuckle in disbelief “really?” he’s EXTREMELY defensive “Yeah? And what of it?!”
- Bart introduces Kyborg to the Keytar and he instantly thinks its the coolest thing ever.
- Tries to do Keytar solo riffs whenever he can.
Mudd the Bassist
- Mudd was the very last person to join the band, which required much persuading from Bart. “Cmon Mudd! You’re the only guy I know who plays that good!”
- Mudd isn’t much in it for the showmanship (Kyborg), or the money (Bart), or the fame (Kyborg/Bart) He’s more like Gum Gum, simply there for the fun of it.
- Mudd likes the low strumming of the bass, he finds it soothing.
- He has sensitive ears and often wears earplugs to their own shows. Kyborg also has sensitive ears but refuses to wear earplugs. “Just wear the earplugs, you’ll regret it later.” Eventually he gifts him a nice expensive pair that Kyborg can’t refuse (or else he’ll feel bad)
- Has the loudest laugh, this man CRIES, everyone was shocked the first time they heard it.
- Lots of deadpan jokes, gets goofier and sillier the closer he gets with his bandmates.
- Mudd hates the piano. His parents forced him to learn with a private tutor a few years back and he’s despised it since.
- This is kinda how him and Kyborgs first conversation went:
“and IM this bands beloved keytarist, formerly known pianist.”
“I hate the piano.”
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diablademon · 9 months
One Piece Live Action Thought
I just finished with the live action serie and here is some of my thoughts:
The good:
Wierd characters designs. I love how the kept it and didnt turn it into a joke how wierd people dressed at times. Or changing it to make them look cooler or more normal. Mihawk still has his wierdly shaped facial hair. Merrys has his horns and Kujo has his poop suit.
Handeling of arc. I like how the mixed the arcs together more so it wasnt as spontaneous were they sailed towards. There was a goal for the crew. It kinda felt like how dressrosa- wano was like.
Buggy He was great. Actually pretty scary here. He is still silly and I can see that if they kept him as the comic relief he is like in the original might not have gone as well in live action.
The natrual:
Luffys personality. He is more down to earth in the live action. And wholesome and not as carefree like in the original. He isnt unloveble, I just love the "oh, hes little fucked up actually" feel he has in the original. But seeing a real person act the way original Luffy does could be irritating?
Zoros personality. He has the current personality. I do love it. But Im sure Im not the only one that wished he had his old east blue personality. Where he laugh at Luffys antics and was messing around himself. and then after fighting Mihawk he could have gotten more serious after realising the distans that was between him and the greatest.
The bad:
Garp He went from the good, to natrual, to bad. He was good with the execution. While it was odd why he would be the one to order the execution, I could see it him getting the 'honor' for capturing Gol D Roger. And when he got the call to investigate seashell towns burglary was also nice. Even if it was wierd that Garp would be the one to investigate it when he dont operate in East blue. But I guessed that he was on his way to visit Windmill Village and because he was of high rank and close he was asked to go there. But then he was going to hunt down the strawhats and it just seemed out of the place so Garp ended up on natural for me. But after that the more he was seen the more I disliked him being there. He just didnt seem like Garp to me. Like he was frustrated that Mihawk didnt catch him?? Is this really Garp we talking about? And consider Oda was against adding Garp this early on is proof that its right that he doesnt fit. And with having Garp be introduced as Luffys granpa already and having him do the throwing canon ball scene just made it seem like Netlix had already decided they wont to the entire serie. So they did the cool scenes now so its done.
Mihawks Personality I dislike listening to him. He sounded so snobby. I liked his "Im bored, tired and nothing excites me anymore" personality in the original serie. You never know where he stand on any subject. He is a morally gray character that did think what he felt like at the moment. But in the live action he sounded like he looked down at everyone. And how did he know Luffy was garps grandson?? Wasnt that suppose to be a secret from everyone?!
No Loguetown I was bit dissipointed that there were no Loguetown. Maybe the Garp part took up too much time so they didnt have time with the last island. I just assumed they would make the entire East Blue saga in this season. And have them sailing towards the reverse mountain as the cliffhanger.
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 2 months
ok my opinion now that i finished y8's story (spoilers)
tldr; overall it's a flawed but better end for kiryu than 6 imo. n ichiban is there <3 don't play this as your first yakuza game please don't you will get so much more out of this if you actually know who tf anyone is
it wasn't as awesomesauce as it seemed like it was gonna n it fell into the usual rgg problems - while surprisingly fixing a big one
kiryu's story effected me a lot 🥲 while ichiban's was just mostly "well i get to see ichiban yay". not to say i didn't care at all lmao the hawaii plot definitely still had it's strong moments (especially the scene w chitose after the bryce boss!!!) it just didn't hit the same overall
positive: KIRYU. i honestly loved most of the kiryu stuff. letting him look back outside of traumatic flashbacks.... letting him have a nice time..... giving him all these new friends that won't die on top of reassuring him that his old connections are still alright.... getting his ass punched by akiyama lmao. it really makes you realize how weird of an ending y6 would've been if that was truly kiryu's last game. so nice to finally be able to acknowledge previously tossed out characters/story beats in-game. seeing shinada mentioned… i cheered (i wish he was actually in there tho). on the hawaii side: tomizawa n chitose r sooooo good i didn't even think i'd end up liking chitose but i lov her.... n ichiban is the ichiban as usual
n the main villains don't die this game!? they're expected to live w what they did, even the evil cult leader!?!? kiryu's line abt not being able to change anything if you're dead wow wow wow hearing that after the prev games where a lot of them die even when they were able to change wooooooow. the pre-credits ending was sooooooo strong. I LUV KIRYU :( :) :(
<3 the tweaks to gameplay were nice too + it was a very pretty game
it had to grow on me but i like kiryu's y8 look a whole lot it's very nice n goes well w his softer expressions
negative: not as well optimized for pc (or in general) as y7 it feels like? i already said i liked kiryu's plot more than ichiban's... yeah. pretty mad that hanawa died but whatevar i guess... i understand saeko's conflict w ichiban but don't really like how they wrote her at times it made me kinda frustrated. esp w the joke at the end. really the whole y7 party took a step backwards in some ways (tho they're still great mostly) it's just saeko got it the worst. also i really don't like how long they took to get me to actually like yamai bc his reason for being in hawaii was constantly in the back of my head n then at the very end after all the fun stuff already happened they were like "actually he didn't try to assault her she framed him" fuuuuuuck you at least tell us that way earlier instead of suddenly detouring in the penultimate chapter. "well they had you warm up to him so you'd know something was up! they wouldn't make an sa-er likable!" listen. listen. i love rgg but if you think i trust them w women.... n if you think i forgot y4......... i didn't realize they still had the dating thing from 7 in there either till i saw someone else mention it n i refuse to touch it :/
too many blonde blue eyed white ppl in the substories wtf why do they outnumber the natives
my one gripe abt the kiryu side is that we didn't get to see him actually reunite w haruka n haruto IN GAAAAME BEFORE IT ENDED. LIKE WE KNO HE WILL BUT I WANTED TO SEEEEEEEE ON SCREEEEEEEN
my current ranking:
y0 = y7 > y3 > y5 > y8?? (not entirely sure bc its like. the highs n lows are so drastic) > kiwami 1 = y1 > kiwami 2 (don't get mad at me) > y6 (doooon't get mad at me i started liking it less when 8 was announced) > y4
gaiden not there bc its a short side game but i liked it so i'll mention it. didn't play the og y2 </3
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urostakako · 11 months
alright so the thing is when i was 9 or 10 or whatever i was still going to sunday school and i met this girl there and i thought she was so pretty and cool and we became super good friends even tho we were kinda bossy and rude but i mean we were kids so what does that matter. right.
so at some point i stopped going to sunday school and i thought i would never meet her again and i didnt remember her face or anything just that i knew she was pretty and her first name.
and then in my sophomore year of hs there was a girl in my class who had the same name and i was like wow.. i knew someone with that name once... but i didnt think anything about it. and when she took her mask off i thought her face was so familiar but i couldnt place just who she looked like and i kept getting frustrated about it. and i also thought she was really cool and nice and i wanted to be her friend but i didnt know how to approach her
but at some point i ended up learning she had an older brother (which my friend had) and i thought about her last name and it started seeming more possible to me that this classmate's last name was my friend's last name and they were the same person
so i asked her about it after pondering it for like. a year and a half and she was like yeah i went to sunday school yeah i have an older brother and i was like. !!!! its you!!!! ive been thinking about you and wondering about you for years!!! and you were my classmate this whole time!!! ive wanted to be friends with you for ages and it turns out you were my childhood friend!!! how crazy is that!!!
except she didnt remember a thing about me or about our time together. i held on to every little bit and piece, i remember the color of her hijab and the jokes she taught me and the doodles we drew and the way she liked to draw hair and the jacket she wore and the hiding places we hung out and how her brother was friends with mine and the conversations we had and the way we cheated on our arabic test but she didnt remember any of it. and of course its not personal or anything because she didnt remember a single thing about sunday school, it wasnt just me but it got me thinking like
even though they are the same person these are two different people that i knew. one was bossy and rude and silly and was my friend and one is mellower and nice and goofy and not my friend. and nothing can change that. nothing could bring back the her that was my friend, nor can i do anything to be her friend now because the her then and the her now are strangers
logically i know its nothing to be sad over because people grow and move on, and i cant forge a bond with her like when we were kids because friends come and go and many times there just comes a time where they have to leave our lives and we have to be okay with it because that is what is best for us in our life story. but its just so. idk how to describe it. but its a sad emotion. its just so [something] that these are two different people and no matter how much i knew her, knew about her, i couldnt bridge this gap even if i thought it was possible or i wanted to. it makes me sad
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musashi · 2 years
Questions ahoy~💖💖💖
• Are there any particular scenes from any of your fics you really want to see illustrated someday? (>:3c)
• What was the last song you added to your Manfred playlist? What's your favourite lyric from it?
• So you've mentioned before how for Franziska's pokémon team, she has a Hydreigon she inherited from Manfred, but what would the rest of his team be?
• When you're writing and you get stuck on a scene, how do you find it easiest to keep going and not break out of the groove? Do you skip forward to writing a different part and come back? Brute force your way through the part you're stuck on? What's the trick??
• I know you're deep into AA at the moment (and I'm loving all the things I'm learning by osmosis, I swear I'll play/watch it eventually 😍) but do you have any ideas for any future pokeani fics some day?
• Do you format your italics in your writing as you go or do you go back and edit them all later?
• What should I name the next chicken I get on Stardew Valley?
• Not a question but please kiss Cheeseburger for me on his perfect head and tell him I said congratulations on being so orange 🧡
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAN WITH THE ASKS DEAN WITH THE ASKS this is such a strange compliment but i love the way you formatted all these. hehehe its cute
Are there any particular scenes from any of your fics you really want to see illustrated someday? (>:3c)
hjnJKHFSDKJGHDFD literally i........ any illustration means the WORLD to me i can't stress enough that i go the same amount of feral over all of it. i want to give you an answer but i'm hardcore blanking because im thinking of everything ive ever written and how much i'd cry if i got more fanart of any of it.
maybe something from my newer AA stuff tho? ashe drew some really nice fanart from my worsties sickfic, but other than that i don't have much.
What was the last song you added to your Manfred playlist? What's your favourite lyric from it?
i get to watch you grow up now, and make me proud, make all of those mistakes that make me laugh, oh darling, lord, how you make me laugh get drunk for me, sing louder than you’ve sung for me, grow young each time that thunder in your lungs begins to rumble at the world
'cause you were always strong, when you were young, you’d kick things just to see if they would fall they said ‘that girl, she’s wrong’ but i’ll stick up for you, even though you haven’t got a clue, you haven't got a fucking clue and i’m so proud of you
and when they laugh at us you’ll feel my fingers down your back and when you scream "i’m not alright," and throw my picture at the wall "you were supposed to be my light, and keep me safe against them all!" "how could you leave me here?!" you’ll scream and louder, i’ll scream back to you from that unknown,
and say,
"i know you’re strong enough to do this on your own."
So you've mentioned before how for Franziska's pokémon team, she has a Hydreigon she inherited from Manfred, but what would the rest of his team be?
i STILL haven't fucking poketeamed him OTL i think i also had him with mandibuzz because my friends and i joke about him looking like a fucking vulture. and definitely vikavolt because it looks like a taser fghfdfg. some day i swear to god i will team him proper
When you're writing and you get stuck on a scene, how do you find it easiest to keep going and not break out of the groove? Do you skip forward to writing a different part and come back? Brute force your way through the part you're stuck on? What's the trick??
i brute force everything. that is my only method of getting through anything, i just. any time i am frustrated i kinda just howl 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!' at it and make it my mission to remind it that it cannot best me.
it really just comes down to what is stumping me. usually what is stumping me is i feel that the words cannot do the picture in my head justice. and so i say, okay, and let the okay wash over me. the goal is not for the story to look the way it does in my head, the goal is for the story to be told. and if it's just that i feel i can write it "better" when i am inspired, then i will write the bad version now and fix it up when that inspiration strikes.
but i do not believe in writer's block, or writing when you are "inspired" and no other time. i have several disorders that make inspiration fickle and i do not have time to write only when i am inspired. i would make absolutely nothing if i did wait.
i would rather have 100 mediocre stories told than 1 really good one, because i feel like i am bursting, full of story ideas, and if i don't get them all out i will start to grow mold.
I know you're deep into AA at the moment (and I'm loving all the things I'm learning by osmosis, I swear I'll play/watch it eventually 😍) but do you have any ideas for any future pokeani fics some day?
waugh i generally write things the second i think of them fdhfdghfg i think the ONLY unwritten pokemon fic i had ideas for was a fucking hanamusa sickfic
oh! but my friend phoenix really wants to write a story about ash and jessie, and i want to help co-write it, and we are still in the LOOSEST planning stages and both very busy with sicktember/work but i am like so !!!! about the prospect of writing it eventually.
Do you format your italics in your writing as you go or do you go back and edit them all later?
i actually edit italics OUT when im posting/editing because i italicize words too much fjsdlhgsfdgjklsdf. i type them as i go and then i drop about twenty as i'm editing. literally i have a problem.
What should I name the next chicken I get on Stardew Valley?
Not a question but please kiss Cheeseburger for me on his perfect head and tell him I said congratulations on being so orange 🧡
he is UNDER THE BED all the way back in the corner against the wall oh my god whats he doing back there. i told him and he just slowblinked benignly at me so i think he said thanks. i will kiss him as soon as little man comes out of his cave i GUESS jgflghdfg
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homicidal-rage · 2 years
man fuck bedsheets and quilts. me and the homies hate putting a quilt into its cover.
LOOK AT ME. crying. over this LITTLE. BITCH.
im mad because my back still fucking hurts so much and not only is the process of putting on a quilt just so difficult (like wtf there should be 4 corners, not 2.5 or whatever) but i cant even do it without taking a break every 30 seconds because my back hurts too much. look at me crying because of this frustration and pain this gives me.
AUGUHGHH today been so frustrating. cried in careers this morning bc the teacher pulled a 'gamer move' on me. i thought ON THE FIRST DAY I MOVED IN, i would have to start AND finish the assignment that was due today.
"you have an assignment due today. im not joking by the way" - my teacher with a very serious expression
after 20 mins of her talking i realised she was joking and she saw i was upset, so she pat me on the back left. THEN I CRIED because UMMM WHAT THE FUCK?? WHY WOULD YOU PULL THAT ON ME?? I THOUGHT I HAD TO DO THIS STUPID ASS ASSIGNMENT IN ONE NIGHT. OH MY GOD. (then i moved tables because my FUCKING LAPTOP WENT FLAT. THIS HAPPENED LIKE 4 TIMES TODAY I HAVE A SHITTY BATTERY)
and then recess frustration happened which augh. catie knows
and then the chiro was nice but i wish i got a diagnosis and treatment, not situational therapy. to be honest, i didnt leave feeling any better than i did before. pain still remains just as bad as it was before to the point where i want to cry over it. i feel like i understated to him how much it really hurts because FUCK if my throat hurting from holding back tears isnt enough then i dont know what is.
also the cat peed in my room (smokey, not george) so we gonna take her to the vet, but that means no more smokey sleeping in my room :(
the reason i am redoing my bed is bc of the smell.
george also had to go to the vet because something burst inside his butt which sounds kinda goody but poor george that must have hurt :(
tl;dr: i hate bedsheets and my back is a fucking piece of work.
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June 20, 2023
I have to do this fast. I have to leave in about half an hour for work.
My mind is so scattered. Yesterday was a damn joke.  I went to the gym thinking I would just see Nancy. As I get to the door I see one of the guys I was talking to, my gym crush from way back when. I go to the change room, come out and the only rack availably is the one beside him. 
We talk a bit and he offers me liquid chalk. I take it and ask how his vacation was. I was a tad petty. He looked confused at first and then realized bumble. He apologized for not recognizing me. We talked some more in between sets and he then also apologized for not replying to me. I didn’t even let him explain I just said it was fine. We continued to joke around after that. Before I assumed he was going to leave I also went up to him and thanked him. Hoping he would say anything, but nope. He left it at “you’re welcome”. While we were talking in between sets he was saying how he liked having people around to motivate him. He motivated me to max out and he also went heavier. We’ll see if he noticed I’m not on bumble anymore. 
I then go talk to Nancy and look up and Alex is staring at me. I walk over that way to get weights and he takes his earbuds out to talk to me. Cool. We chat he walks towards where I am working out and uses the bench there. He comes up to me between sets and talks to me. Cool. We workout in the same area for a while. I go upstairs and do cardio. He eventually comes upstairs. I stretch. I can’t see him when I am leaving so I text him. He says he’s crying in the corner. I find him to say bye, I don’t want to just leave and be rude and then its awkward. 
He ends up starting to walk out with me and tells me to hold on because he needs a drink of water. He walks me to my car. We talk for like 10-15 minutes. In that time he tells me I should have gone to the taste of Italy because there were all the woodbridge guys there. wtf. He also brags about how his friends are great because they do everything together. I mentioned my friends don’t love going out and doing things and how I have tried to make new friends and I used Nancy as an example of how I am happy to make new friends. Eventually he said he was hungry so I told him he should go home and eat. He said bye by saying he would see me around and then correcting that he wouldn’t because he was going away. I said I was also leaving so that wouldn’t help and then we realized he gets back Sunday and I leave Friday so we would see one another. I told him that I still wanted to do that chest day he promised and I was holding him to it. He said I need to wait for his rotation and was kinda putting it off somy aggressive ass said “You’re making excuses” and just kept yelling “excuses at him”. He is full of them. Im just mad at the way he made me feel and the way he looks at me is so frustrating. 
I saw Matteo last night too. We caught up and I told him about the guys at the gym and also about Braeden. His point of view was that any guy I date I need to be friends with for a year first and then date. I get being friends first and taking it slow. No guy is going to be friends for a year. I don’t really get the logic behind it. I can figure out what I need to figure out about someone and date them at the same time. I heard twice yesterday that I move too fast. I don’t know how to slow down. I get excited and just want to give my energy to that person and figure it out. I feel bad about being distracted from Braeden yesterday. I ended up calling him on my way home and it was nice, even on my way home from Matteos and we talked for  2 hours. 
I kinda mentioned my frustration with my conversation with Matteo and how he says I move to fast and I am kinda clingy and want too much too quickly. He said he likes the pace I am going and kinda mentioned not moving too fast or getting mad about not answering. I said I don’t get mad when he doesn’t answer, I can wait. 
I don’t know, Works been okay. We have a gold tournament today so I need to get ready to go there. I need to write more..so hopefully I make the time. 
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primsadventures · 2 years
2022 H1 Reflection
Today is 17th July 2022.
This is the first time in a few years where I haven’t set any New Year’s Resolutions … this is because I was feeling pretty down during the first 3-4 months of the year. It’s hard to explain but I just felt really low and frustrated, and at one point I wondered if I was depressed … Looking back, I don’t think I was, but it was a new kind of low that I’ve never experienced before, and I think these are the reasons why:
- Covid situation not getting better, so I felt really claustrophobic because I felt that I couldn’t really see the light at the end of the tunnel. 2020 was okay because everything was new and chaotic, 2021 was also okay because I understood that the world needed time to heal and recover and slowly ease back into things, BUT THEN in 2022 there were still new variants popping up and Bangkok was still semi-lockdown and I obviously had to stay cautious.
- Seeing my friends go on exchange abroad also made me feel bad about myself at times. Of course I was happy for them and glad to see them having fun, but at the same time it highlighted the contrast between my lives and theirs in terms of freedom and going out/living life Covid-free. It made me think things like: what am I doing with my life?
- My job was not fulfilling. I couldn’t help but get frustrated by the lack of work I was given. To be fair, this frustration was a gradual accumulation since August 2021 … so I guess after 5 months or so I was at peak frustration. It was hard because its not something I can directly control, and yes I’ve tried to find other ways to be productive during those free hours, but its still not the same. I felt like I was so eager and energetic to learn and do things, but I was being treated like an intern. Its even harder because everyone is so nice, and I could really see that they had a lot on their plate … I understood that assigning more work to me also requires more time and effort from them. Also, it seemed like all the other trainees were working really hard and had many things to do. So I kinda feel my impatience and annoyance was justified.
- Another reason is I think my acne patch project was going by really slowly. It’s not that me and my partner don’t want to do it, but I guess we both have other responsibilities and commitments to do in life, so its not always easy to share the same “bursts of motivation and proactiveness” to get things done. It’s really not easy to consistently show up and get shit done.
During those times, what really helped me was what I call “escapism therapy.” This was when I dove into the world of K-drama and BTS and it was really fun to be exploring something new. It all started when I read a quote somewhere that if you can overcome the 1-inch barrier, you’ll discover a whole new world. And I think its true! Getting into Korean culture has really made me reflect on many things. It’s made me realize that we have the same humor and jokes, and its made me prouder to be Asian for some reason. BTS made me laugh so much, I’m really thankful that they were able to make me smile during those times. Things like seeing BTS at the Grammy’s made me feel proud that an Asian group is there and made me question why we all put American music and Hollywood etc. on the highest pedestal. When did we all decide that only music written in English can be the best?
Jin’s words also comforted me during this time (see below) and made me come to peace with having minimal work and just try to enjoy relaxing as much as possible, even if it means spending more time watching videos, playing games or whatever, and not productive. Suga’s words also made me feel better about not having a clear dream of what I want to do or who I want to be. (see below) Sometimes I get frustrated that I don’t have a 5-year plan to focus on, cause it’d be much easier to hone my energy on a specific goal, but I’m trying to enjoy everyday life more and have small dreams like learning a new language etc . But to be honest, lately I’ve been wondering if I really don’t have a goal or am I just avoiding the process of having to sit down and think about it …
So I guess this is the end of my H1 2022 reflections and the next post will be about my H2 2022 ambitions, as I’m starting to feel better bit by bit :)
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 2 years
Hellsing Commentary 10 Notes
This commentary is done by Taliesin Jaffe, the voice director and lead script adapter of Hellsing, Patrick Seitz, voice of Luke Valentine and partial script adapter of the latter episodes of Hellsing Ultimate, and Jonathan Klein, the producer for both Hellsing anime. Direct quotes may vary in accuracy, as these are written down from audio without transcripts. I also didn't write down every joke or piece of trivia because I feel like people who watch the commentaries should get to have some nice surprises for stuff that isn't covered here.
-Most of Hellsing's cast were teens or very early twenties when they started with the series. Patrick Seitz was 21 and just out of Catholic school, "And I remember thinking 'A show about vampires and they swear a lot? Gosh, this is-' I had no idea what anime was gonna have in store for me."
-Luke Valentine's original, immediate character notes for voice casting in 2001 were "Luke Valentine. Male, mid-20s, the older of the two Valentine brothers. Slightly effeminate, but serious."
-Only four people have worked on Hellsing scripts: Taliesin Jaffe, Patrick Seitz, Mike McFarland, and John Breen during the original TV series. Jonathan Klein "threw a few lines into the peanut gallery," and was responsible for the "End of the line, Alfred" from Jan Valentine in the original TV series, because he wanted Jan to call Walter "Alfred" at least once.
-Taliesin was "praying" that he could use a different VA for Girlycard, though he respects why they didn't let him. "I had a plan, I can't talk about it, but I had a plan. But, this worked better, I will admit."
-Taliesin and Jonathan occasionally talk at convention panels about how "We almost lost our jobs, uh, basically, 'cause Taliesin- and I mean, Taliesin was right to stick to his guns-"
Taliesin: "I was younger and angrier."
Jonathan: "Yes, when the Japanese told us 'No, its Arucard' and we said 'No, its not! Its Alucard!' and they said 'No, you have to dub it as Arucard,' and we were like- Taliesin was like 'No. I'm not doing it! I'm not-' And meanwhile, like, the Geneon producers were like 'If- if you don't want to do it...we could have somebody else work on the show.'"
Taliesin: "I was- I was kinda doing the 'Fine.'"
Patrick: "His name wasn't Dracura."
Jonathan: "You know, that was the whole-! So we had- so, I'm sure we've mentioned this before, but I'll do it again- we said 'Okay, just ask Mr. Hirano, the mangaka, why he went with Arucard instead of Alucard, since it's supposed to be Dracula spelled backwards.'"
Taliesin: "He didn't write back."
Jonathan: "No no, that was the whole thing! They were afraid to ask him, because they were afraid he would be distracted from writing Hellsing. 'Cause he was still- this was early on in the series, and they didn't want- Young King Ours was like 'No no, he has to be working on Hellsing!'"
Patrick: "A question from America, this is gonna throw off his whole groove!"
Jonathan: "So I think the answer, they answered it by fax -for people who don't know what a fax machine is, different times- we got, like, a thermal fax that said: 'Its Dracura spelled backwards.'"
Taliesin: "I believe my exact- I believe my response to that was somewhere around- (very loud frustrated yell) and then that was, uh- "
Jonathan: "Oh of course, and the irony is, the vindication was when in like, 2005, when we finally got to have dinner with Mr. Hirano at Anime Expo, and Taliesin was like, nudging me, he's elbowing me in the gut, saying 'Ask him, ask him.' And I'm like 'Okay, okay, Mr. Hirano, I'm really sorry I have to ask you this, we really are honored to have been working on your show, and that you've chosen us, again, to do the dub- why is it Arucard? And, and not Alucard?' And he said 'Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know how to spell things in English, please feel free to correct everything I made a mistake about.' and you were, like, staring at the Geneon producers-"
Taliesin: "I was trying to burn a hole through the Geneon producers."
-Patrick pulled up the Major's "I love war" speech and watched it in order to bring back the Major's muse when he was writing OVA 10.
-Taliesin has only cut one line due to being offended, that being when Mike McFarland was helping him write Jan Valentine.
-During the same dinner with Hirano, Taliesin and Jonathan asked what he wanted out of the dub, what he wanted them to do, "And he said, and I believe in English: 'Make it cool.' Like, he was like 'Cool. I want cool! I don't care how you do it, make it cool.'"
-Taliesin states "I believe in adapting for parents. I think if like, your parents or your older brother or your, your dad can come in the room and go 'What- what's this?' (with interest) then we've succeeded...and even better if they come in and their first reaction is not 'This is foreign.'"
-Jonathan agrees and says that "It just- the way it (Hellsing) plays, the way it works, is just not your typical anime. It doesn't have any of the anime archetypes in there, that you typically find in most anime." Patrick chips in with "Seras isn't running late to a meeting with like, her schoolbag and toast in her mouth."
-Taliesin states "You will see that there is a direct correlation between Seras and Alucard- their origins, and the way that they are- like, that relationship makes sense and is a big part of what this show is about, was Dracula recognizing himself in someone else, who...has a similar origin, a modern version of it, but...wasn't crushed by it. He found someone stronger than him and turned her into a vampire. And it's a really fascinating story from that direction. And there's other themes going on here, but that's a big one for me."
-Patrick and Taliesin both talk about how they'd rather have characters be "true to themselves rather than true to the material."
-There was some discussion on whether or not Walter knew that he was evil, and Taliesin thinks that he wasn't and was being "subconsciously manipulated by his younger self."
-As of the OVA 10 commentary, Taliesin had a tumblr.
-The actress that Taliesin had almost settled on for Integra before Victoria Harwood auditioned ended up playing a younger Integra for both series.
-Taliesin had to read In a Glass Darkly because of "the Carmilla episode" of the original TV series. Taliesin also mentions that he liked Incognito, who "gets a raw deal, all things considered."
-Both Taliesin and Jonathan agreed to work on Hellsing because of a short test-animation clip by the Gonzo animation studios, which included the Major slow-clapping. (Taliesin was "so upset" that he didn't appear in the series.) They emailed each other almost at the same time saying "I want this."
-According to Jonathan, the animation for the original TV series became "really, really bad" by episode four. Although he apparently can't talk about it, Jonathan says that it needed more money, but the money went to another show that was being produced at the same time, and calls it a "robbing Peter to pay Paul" sort of situation.
-Taliesin loves Seras's character arc.
-Casting Walter's two younger voices was a long and complicated process, especially trying to get them to fit together. Ralph Lister "could probably have done young, middle-aged Walter," but then Walter's child form would "hit like a ton of bricks."
-Adapting Heinkel's speech to Walter was tricky because in the original Japanese "she was almost literally saying 'die die die kill kill kill' for this whole damn exchange." They left her doing it at the end "where it's just the tantrum" instead.
-Taliesin would've loved to dub The Dawn and was sad that he didn't get to.
-During the Major's speech to Seras and Integra, Taliesin comments again that "At this point, everyone's trying to commit suicide. Like, everyone's trying to have death by gunfire...Walter is now just trying to like, end everything, the Major's trying to end everything, all the vampires inside -the Captain was trying to, like- everyone's just trying to make it end, everyone's just running into the fire."
-Patrick and Taliesin both pause to wish for Integra's VA to read the phonebook, again.
-Taliesin routinely fucks up his computer search history after about a week working on Hellsing. Patrick laughs and states "I had those moments, where I was like ‘Hi NSA, this is for work, I promise.’" Jonathan quips through his own snickers "We’re working on Hellsing! We're not really...we’re not looking to start the local chapter of the Aryanization, I promise you." Taliesin sighs and agrees ruefully: "Yeah, I occasionally feel like adding messages into my Google search engine, going: 'Just for research, I swear.'"
-During Seras's fight with the Captain, Taliesin briefly considered throwing in a reference to The Monuments Men.
-Taliesin also considered adding a line in the exchange between Walter and the Doctor about Molière, presumably in place of the "Molière? You should be so lucky" line. "I almost had baby Walter actually- I just wanted him to record 'Fuck Molière!' you know, 'Bitch!' And I was almost on the edge of 'Fuck Molière!' but its, uh..."
-Taliesin says that "The women in the Hammer Dracula films are really where Integra comes from."
-Both Patrick and Taliesin are uncertain of where the food the Major eats goes.
-Taliesin threw in a reference to Young Frankenstein in the scene between Doc and Walter, with the "dignity and grace" line.
-Taliesin calls young Walter "still posh, but slightly like- he ends up, the young version of him is not quite as polite, a little sloppy, a little mean, a little...(inhales) just a hair, like, prepubescent punk, is the push, but still from money."
-Back during the original Hellsing TV series, a "giant throne-chair" was made for promotional reasons, which Crispin signed autographs in while in costume during an event. Taliesin kept the chair and Crispin kept the costume, although at the time of commentary Taliesin is considering loaning it semi-permanently to one of two friends.
-Taliesin used to work with the actor who played young Penwood while they were both in junior high school.
-Patrick and Taliesin both compliment Makube's VA on his performance, with Taliesin saying "he's made of slime...No, he's fabulously full of shit."
-Jonathan and Taliesin toss about the theory that Heinkel became a regenerator. "Something happened to her."
-In Integra's exaggerated flashback, Penwood is wearing a Legends of the Galactic Heroes costume.
-Taliesin says that it's nice that Integra has chilled in the 30-year time gap. "Alucard has actually -and we'll get to it when he shows up- he's kind of accepted a new role, for the first time in several hundred years. He's sort of let go of a lot of his pissed-off, and is no longer here to mock god and be angry about what happened to him as a kid."
-Taliesin noticed how Alucard's red coat probably connects to the coat Van Helsing wore. Being inspired by that generation was also the reason for Alucard's American accent. "Maybe he was like, taking a cue from Quincey, was our justification."
-Jonathan asks again what the Hellsing drinking game would be, and Patrick suggests every time you see glasses before admitting that wouldn't work. Jonathan agrees and says "Nope, we'd be dead of alcohol poisoning in the first five minutes of the thing." Taliesin offers "every time I fuck up (lip-)flap" and Jonathan says they'd still be dead in the first five minutes as they all laugh.
-Taliesin was "very very pleased" with the ending to Hellsing Ultimate. Jonathan asks if he thinks Integra would take Alucard's offer to become a vampire, and both Taliesin and Patrick say yes.
-During the original TV series, Taliesin and a sound engineer were once so mad at "the Japanese for making me do- and the Geneon for making me do something I didn't want to do" that they got "rip-roaring drunk in the booth," and the engineer actually pulled a knife on the owner of the studio for "trying to fuck with the mix...He pulled out -and I won't say which engineer to protect the engineer- but he pulled out a box-cutter and was like 'If you touch my board, I will fucking cut you.' And I was clapping and like, the studio owner pulled out a baseball bat and there was like a tense confrontation. 'Cause it was like 'DO NOT TOUCH THE MIXBOARD. WE ARE BULDING A 51 MIX, YOU ASSHOLES.'"
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