#i hope these are ok still 🥺
hotluncheddie · 24 days
gator living in sweatpants is so special to me his fat ass and round belly n hips are NAWT fitting into his old combat pants… however he totally wears his old shirts every so often when he wants to tease his love :3
practically bursting the seams of his old under armour shirts or tank tops and just walking around the house like its nothing, cocking his head like a silly puppy and pouting innocently when his love questions his shirt of choice.
when his love says ‘gator, puppy, your shirt’s a little small, dont you think?’ he denies straight away, tugging fruitlessly on the hem to try and force it to meet the waistband of his sweats and he’s beaming and resting his hand on the top of his belly saying ‘see? fits perfect, mama/daddy :3’
his love is insatiable after that for Sure - 🐶
goddddd u rly killed me with the mama/daddy :3 at the end!!!!! u get ittttt!!!!!
but yeah - those combat trousers are a thing of the past!!! gator just wearing sweatpants all the time now, but with his boots bc those are still comfy.
maybe his love wants to go out, drive around, maybe get food. so they tell gator to get ready. he comes down in boots and sweats but one of the oldest tank tops he owns, stretched to the limit over his belly and showing off his soft chest. 'puppy, what's this outfit? we're going out.'
but gator just pouts, pulls the tank down so it covers his bellybutton and shows off even more chest hair. 'What mama/daddy? fits.' but its already starting to roll back up over his wider hips.
his love just huffs, marching him back to their room 'silly puppy, can't even dress himself' and gator whines but he's smiling though his pout because he likes the hands digging into his hips. and his love sits him on the bed, pulling the vest off. 'since puppy wants to be a tease, not do as mama/daddy asked, lets play a game shall we?' and they pull out one of gators old flannels.
'were gonna go out, puppy's going to show off his belly like he so desperately wants too. but no touching until baby pops a button, okay pup?' they ask, doing up the shirt around gators chubby middle. buttons already pulling around the widest part.
gator whines and squirms, hard and already leaking as he gets manhandles into the shirt, cheeks red and mind already foggy due to being told off for being a brat.
'm'kay mama/daddy.' he pants, standing and feeling over the buttons with his fingers, leaning in for kiss which they grant him but when he pulls their hands towards his middle again they pull away, grabbing his hand and heading towards the door. gator goes easily his stomach rumbling.
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duusheen · 1 month
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On her way home, Hope took the opportunity to visit her grandparents and also invited them to her graduation party. Lindsay and Thomas were happy to see her after such a long time 💕
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thefrsers · 1 year
“Whether you’re Tina Turner or the Queen of Wakanda, we believe in you because you believe in yourself. You honor all the women you play, just as you honored me. And you’re still perfect.” -Tina Turner on Angela Bassett (TIME 2023)
Sending so much love to Angela Bassett today🤍
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creachiergh · 1 month
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moregraceful · 29 days
someone cold emailed me to ask if i was going to a writer's conference in los angeles and was putting together a panel or caucus for queer poets or if i knew anyone who was...buddy you are severely overestimating how much i network with other poets (i don't) and how often i attend writer's conferences (never) 😭
#''do you know of any other poets going'' no?? bc i hate networking with other poets????#LIKE ARE THEY LESS ANNOYING THAN WHEN I WAS 23? IDK? MAYBE?#i feel like most things these days are less annoying than when i was 23#or maybe i'm just better equipped to deal with annoying things than when i was 23#yesterday i was talking to someone about my ethos wrt a class i ran last fall and he stopped me in the middle and was like#you're amazing. that class was a hot mess and you still had fun and found the good in it#like no i'm not amazing. i'm just in my thirties and it takes a lot more than other people's mental health crises to throw me off my game#he was pretty ticked off in the fall when i told him the like depth of crisis multiple students were in bc he thought i should have told hi#i was like idk it did not occur to me to ask for help. he was like you're doing daily check ins to make sure your students are eating??#idk!! it didn't bother ME my job was just to make sure they were still alive! i mean my job was actually to teach liberation theology but#like i was not good at that. but i DO know how to be annoying until people feel less like killing themselves and more like killing me#anyway all that to say i can't wait to see how much less bothered i am in my 40s#i hope i have reached such a state of zen by age 50 that my spirit is unruffled by anything and anyone#i hope i float through life in a fine mist of okayness#someone says ''oh my god kasper my life is falling to pieces'' and i say ok 👍 we can get through this together👍#what was this post about??? oh right networking#good networking: librarians bc you just go ''is your manager batshit insane'' and they go THIS PLACE MAKES ME SUICIDAL#and then you're friends for life#bad networking: poets (when i was 23) because all they do is name drop (when i was 23) and expect you to have opinions (i don't)#this post is wildly overconfident in my zen considering i'm so bored of being unemployed that i keep looking at teamworkonline#bhawks are hiring for a social media manager btw. imagine having that kind of access to mr 🥺. i'd literally only do paid advertising#to gay men#i'm not applying bc social media management would actually break my sobriety i am pretty sure#but imagine having connor bedard at your disposal and being like ok kid. we r gonna catfish some gays into caring about the bhawks#basically what i do with the cuda blog lol#ok ok ok i'm done. posting. goodbye. livejournal mode de-activate#fresno oilers.txt
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fenixburned · 5 months
new german r.apunzel version has dropped & naturally my christian muse is LIVING 🥹🥹🥹
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Guess what?
todays my birthday 🎂 I hope your happiness reaches other people
(altho @moonok3 and @lookismaddict exchange has ruined my trust in birthdays)
HOPE YOU HAVE THE BEST DAY AND BEST YEAR! And every year just gets better for you! Happy and healthy and GLOWING AND GROWING 🎂
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starlooove · 1 month
I’m trying not to be a hater but that tiktok and comment section pissed me off so bad.
#the way the fics end in Bruce saying sorry and everyone coddling tim and tims like ‘well I was just a placeholder 🥺’#the fun part about tim is that he made grown ass decisions at a little ass age that literally everyone told him would turn out bad#and then it turned out bad and he knows he dug his own grave so he just has to pretty it up as best as he can#and if he could go back in time he would do that shit again BECAUSE HE LIKES IT! BECAUSE ITS EXCITING! BECAUSE HE WANTED TO BE ROBIN#that Robin is a job shit is a lie he told himself that literally nobody around but YALL the stupid ass audience believed#that’s like the crux of him I think#lying to himself to get the job done because he can’t let his emotions get in the way but unfortunately that’s not how it works#and when he realizes that he gets pissed at everyone else for not letting it work and himself for not making it work#he somehow thinks that he can remove this attitude as tim Drake when Robin is the crutch tim Drake leans on in adulthood#which is an issue because now everyone around him is moving and he’s still stuck at 14 knocking on dicks door and hoping that he’ll have to#make use of the suit he brought with him. not because he’s excited or anything but just in case#his friends and family died and came back Gotham gets destroyed every other day and rebuilt every other week everything keeps changing but#nothing is and he’s stuck in that cycle and maybe it’s his fault for not letting things rest but he refuses to accept that because he’s GOOD#as Robin he does excellent work and always has and nothing will change that not even a new Robin. his friends are all making names for#themselves and he’s still stuck under Bruce’s cape fighting a teenager to be robin.#THATS whats fun about tim#the writing is stuck rn I’ll give u that but the next move should be an acknowledgment of that#tim doesn’t wanna peak in high school so he has to move on but he doesn’t know how and matter of fact doesn’t know why! nothings been this#permanent before (<-LYING!)#but no whatever everyone hates him realizes they’re wrong and he leaves Gotham bc he deserves better but comes back bc he’s so nice. ok.
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brandycranby · 4 months
my big fat greek wedding is on again and im a mess
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sundial-girl · 9 months
Do you have any hcs for Heron???
how did you catch me thinking abt him... spooky
i'm like super bad at listing hcs out in an organized manner (*_ _)人 but here's some:
goes for long walks at night to clear his mind when he can't sleep. yeah walking around the dark alone at like 2 in the morning probably isn't the safest thing but he prefers the solitude at that time of day. occasionally he'll also find something like a cool rock or shell or whatever on these walks to bring back and gift to one of his friends (or just keep for himself)
occasionally tries to hide his emotions so those close to him won't worry about him, but he's not actually very good at that (sometimes) and it just makes them worry more :'0. also, very prone to mood swings, which he also tries to hide as to not ruin the mood [pun was not intended i swear]
please don't let him wear roller skates/heelys - he says he'll be fine and knows how to use them but he crashes into everything and nearly breaks his bones 😭
he and oliver don't actually talk all that much but there is a silent mutual understanding (bird instincts 🤝)
used to have a higher cold tolerance prior to losing his hand (& eye), but can't risk being out in the cold as much anymore due to the mechanical parts possibly getting damaged (& the metal gets freezing which is. uncomfortable) so :( rip
scared of the dentist but only a little bit. not completely terrified but doesn't like going there
i know the mauling len to death thing is a joke sorta but i wonder if there is smthn deeper to it. like len reminds heron of himself in a way (even in spite of several differences), and something about that makes him so envious and full of rage and he's not sure why (he does, but wouldn't admit to it)—what's even more frustrating is len just keeps being... len. is he willfully ignorant and is this mockery or is he really that forgiving? and how could you forgive someone after all they've done to you? maybe len represents a lot of things heron is not and that's what really sets him off to attack him, personally. but maybe not thats just a theory a heron theory
very neutral on goldfish crackers
bumps into doorframes a lot b/c. tol
there was a trend years ago iirc? of people just randomly climbing up to really high places and just sorta sitting there. i feel like maybe he'd do that sometimes just cause? like w/ the first point he might just need places to vibe alone sometimes
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taegularities · 7 months
Lovely Rid, hi I just had an epiphany and I thought I should share it, heh. (It’s dreamgirl btw😙)
Since the release of Golden, something has been bothering me. wHAt does Standing Next to You sound like??? Why does it sound so familiar??
My first thought was that it gave me The Weeknd vibes but you know… without the ick. And then idk I wasn’t really settled on that idea but it kept bothering me and bothering me like idk man, what is it? What is this sound and WHY can’t I put my finger on it?
So anyway, it hit me today. (About five minutes ago, ngl) and I got it! It’s My Old Piano by Diana Ross😭😭😭😭 I don’t know if anyone has pointed it out yet or if anyone has debunked it but it has the same vibes?? Idk idk, I just wanted to tell you😭🤣
hi my lovely!!! i gave the song a listen bc i didn't know it before, and i see what you mean :') it's the beat in the background, definitely similar vibes!! also i might be the only one, but i also get such love yourself (jbieber) vibes from too sad to dance? just me?? ok.. >:(
no one's pointed it out so far!! but thank you for sharing, found new music to listen to that way 🤣
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niallandtommo · 1 year
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saintedbythestorm · 10 months
For the first time in... God knows how fucking long... I have made something for myself on the stove.
Was it simple af? Yes. Was it done at like 1 am? ... also yes...
But god dammit, I did it. And I am ridiculously proud of myself for it.
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shanghuuo · 2 years
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formal apology for not being here at all in the past *checks watch* 2-3 months, my brain has been functioning at it’s lowest possible capacity as of late 🌞 on the bright side tho i am still very much in love with longwei liu so here’s a piece i drew of him in tang dynasty armor a little while back <3
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jrueships · 2 years
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. Ok.
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was the back shot (literal) necessary 😑.
#i Dont fucking Think It Was.#BRO HIS GOLF PANTS ARE S OFFUCKING T I Ght ISAW A PPPRINT 😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️#i SaW a P P PRINNNNNTT 😭😭‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ IM SO FUCKIGNG MAD !!!! I DIDNTN WANT 2 SEE T HAT!!#HES SO FUCKCING INSANE HE LITERALLY K N OW. S WHAT HES D O I N G#this stupid fuckin irl p0rnb0t i HATE him i want to CRUSH him with my THUMB#'oooh 😩heehee😸 somebody🥺 haaa 😫😫 come 💦 Get Me 😳 ... riiight🥵🥵 . . ' poses sxily onscreen wearing nothing#dont play this game when your FAMILY is home 😳😳 !!#fckin forbidden website actor ass i DESSSSPIIIISE him#diggs telling his poor cam recorder friend to make sure to get the ass shots JUST ENOUGH to tease but NOT ENOUGH to show the WHOLE TRUNK#u know just to celebrate hashtag best friends dayyy <3 jus a lil SUMIN SUMIN for allen U KNOW. NORMAL PPL GIFTS#he rlly thinks hes slick.#he heard josh likes to golf and now hes acting like he 'just so happened' to 'stumble into' this 'hobby'. ok. ok stef#this is literally his plan to replace allens fellow whitemen in golf and honsstly? i can support that#doesnt mean im not gonna LAUGH at it tho bcs this is INSANE??? i still cant get over 'SOMEBODY (josh) come get me RIGHT (josh)'#JUST SAY!!!! U WANT HIM TO DCK YOU DOOOOWOENNNNN?!?!?!?!!??!?!? im SURE with your assets he wont say NO??!????#but no. we cant be Normal here we jsut HAVE to play bttm mind games. ok. ok stef. u do that#maybe i jsut dont GET IT but the. this is so. LITTLE MAN DOES AS LITTLE MAN DO IG ?!?!?!?#the BACKWARDS hat in the sun.... hes still trying to look cool and hes GOLFING ?!??!?!?#literally ONLY doing this to get joshs attention. . .#well i HOPE it WORKED diggs. i HOPE it WORKED.#and if it didnt.... diggs knows keenum likes to golf too . . S o m e b o d y will Get him Right . .#the question mark like he isnt desperate and demanding like hes some innocent naive sexycute golfgirl in a miniskirt#KILLKILLLKILIKILIKILIKILKKIL#diggs#diggs/allen#HES INSANE (HE SAID. FOR THE 500TH TIME AND ONGOING STILL.)#somebody (josh) come (josh) get (josh) me (josh) right (josh)#'come inside me jo-
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rowanhoney · 1 year
fills my heart up so much when my friends and I frequently exchange sentiments of love
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