#i haven't acknowledged my grade since we left in march
How badly do you want it? | part 3
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Regulus Black x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slut shaming, words whore and prostitute used, kinda angsty, attempted sexual assault, cheesy confession, poor writing
The test had already passed, and Regulus had been avoiding me like the plague. He managed to maintain his perfect grades, while mine continued to drop lower and lower. It was only sex, and he hadn't necessarily gone out of his way to hurt me, but I still felt hurt nonetheless.
Why did I feel so empty over a boy I'd fucked once? It made no sense, sure he was unbelievably pretty, and maybe he had a smooth voice, but it wasn't like I was in love with him.
I groaned as I pulled my head up from my table, my friends around me talking. I didn't join in the conversation, I haven't been joining in any conversations recently. It's weird how big of an effect he had on me, it truly felt like a piece of me died.
"(Y/n)." Called a rather annoyed looking Sirius Black, older brother to the boy that had currently plagued my mind. His yes were narrowed, and the side of his mouth was pulled into a slight frown. I nodded in acknowledgement, waiting for him to speak.
"Did you snog with Regulus?" He asked, his voice ice cold. I decided to play it safe and shook my head, "Why would I snog him? He and his grades annoy me." I stated, making sure to keep a neutral expresssion.
He seemed to believe this as his annoyance melted away and instead there was concern. "Well, Lucius Malfoy and some of the other Slytherin's are spreading rumors of you being a whore, you should deal with it."
He stepped away at that, walking back over to his friend group, "the marauders". What a stupid lot. Always trying to bully poor Regulus. Why am I thinking about him again?
I shook the mouth watering image of him inbetween my thighs from my head, instead focusing on the most dire problem: the rumors. Not being afraid of conflict, I marched right over to where Lucius sat, who just so happened to have Regulus seated next to him, a book in his hands.
"Malfoy, I heard you've been spreading rumors." I stated, crossing my arms and tapping my foot, pulling the most stone cold expression I could. He stopped talking to who I believe to be Bellatrix Lestrange, and looked me dead in the eye, abruptly standing up. A cruel smirk spread across his lips, and he placed his hands on Regulus's shoulders.
"Well dear Regulus here told us quite the story, didn't you?" Regulus nodded, not looking up from his book, although there was a slight tick to his jaw. "We figured it'd be good for your business to let others know, because it's quite clear you're just a filthy whore."
The other Slytherin's let out loud bursts of laughter, calling me various names all meaning the same thing, whore. I narrowed my eyes further, and never broke eye contact.
"Have you ever thought for a moment that, dear reggy, was the one who came onto me?" I asked, annoyance laced through my words. I could see Regulus's hand twitch, but he still refused to look up from the book.
Lucius laughed again, "I know him well enough to say he would never have anything to do with someone like you if it weren't for that book."
"You really think he'd be willing to do that for a book?"
I pursed my lips, breaking eye contact to look at Regulus, only to find his eyes fixated on my own, but just as quickly as I'd seen it they were back on his book. Corner of his mouth twitching upwards lightly.
"Then go on, by all means, send some people my way. I don't mind since I'm apparently nothing but a halfblood slut that only cares about dick." I exclaimed loudly, making sure others could hear it. I dramatically spread my arms out, a falsely cocky smirk on my face.
The whole area went silent. I could feel dozens of pairs of eyes on me, but I ignored them as I walked away, adding a slight sway to my hips. There were a few mocking cheers, and I could feel the confused looks from my friends but I simply left.
I,of course, went to the library. In that exact same corner. I sat down, pulling out a random shitty muggle romance novel I'd gotten my hands on, and cozied into my seat completely ignoring my surroundings.
Which is why I was surprised to feel a hand on my shoulder, I of course, assumed it was Regulus and looked up with a smile. Only to make eye contact with a an unfamiliar boy dressed in Slytherin robes, he must haved heard.
"I heard you're a prostitute." He started, and I furrowed my eyebrows, how had it changed from just a whore to a prostitute. I narrowed my eyes at him and shrugged his hand off my shoulder. "Not interested."
"I wasn't asking."
He then took my arm in a vice grip, holding on so hard it would surely bruise. He smacked his lips against mine, and restrained my other arm. I kicked against him, and bit into his lip as hard as I could. He let out a yell of pain, quickly releasing me. I began to scurry away when I felt his hand on me again, I was about to scream when a hand gently wrapped around my waist and pulled me from him.
I turned my head only to see a furius glint in the eyes of none other than Regulus Black. I allowed myself to be pulled into him, averting my gaze from the boy in front of me.
"Ah Reg, its just you. Wanna share her?" The boy asked cluelessly, walking back towards us. Regulus swiftly pointed his wand at him, hand clenched so tightly around the wand he was twitching.
"Get the fuck out of here." The boy didn't waste another moment and took off, his footsteps becoming fainter and fainter until he was gone. Regulus stayed tense, but slackened his grip on me. It was silent for a while, the both of us just standing there, until he buried his nose into my nape.
"I'm so sorry pretty girl," He murmured softly, nuzzling his nose into my skin and giving a small inhale. I shuddered slightly, but leaned back into him. I sighed in contentment, I was still annoyed with him, but it just felt so right in his arms. "Its okay reggy.... I understand you're ashamed of me because of my blood status."
He immediately pulled his head up, and turning me around. His hands immediately came up to my cheeks, making me look right at him. "I could NEVER be ashamed of you, I just... I have something I need to do, and if they were to know I fell for someone who wasn't a pure blood, it'd be over for me." He stroked my face sweetly, smiling slightly.
I gazed at him, before looking to the side for a moment. "What do you mean fell for?" He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
"That's what you chose to focus on?" I rolled my eyes playfully, and lightly flicking his chest. Another laugh left him as he held me tighter to him.
"Yes I've fallen in love with you. I've loved you for a long time really, ever since that exam in our second year that you outdid me in almost everything. I was a little annoyed, but impressed me how smart you were, and I just knew I had to learn more about you. So I did, I paid attention to all of your little habits, expressions, favorite places to go, favorites books, everything. I know it may sound creepy but I love-"
I cut him off by laying a gentle kiss to his lips, and pulling away only to press my forehead to his. "I think I love you too Regulus Arcturus Black. Very much." He smiled wide, and held me tighter.
"I'm going to kill that fucker."
"The guy who tried to rape you."
Oh. I'd already forgotten. How had I forgotten something so traumatizing? Was it because I was being held? Because he made me feel safe?
"I mean, I'll help hide the body." I said softly looking up to him again. He quickly grinned, laughing again.
"Oh I know you will love."
Yeah idk where I went with that, once again wrote it from my phone because I haven't had access to my laptop. I can write another part, but I'd rather leave this as the end to this one.
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confinedinthisflesh · 3 years
i forget i'm a senior sometimes
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butterbuni · 3 years
♥ Chapter 4 ~ Morning Chaos ♥
Previous Chapter
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"Kean! I can't find my sneakers anywhere!" I yelled while frantically turning my room upside down. "I'm going to be late! Argh!" "Sorry N/n (Nickname), can't help you or I will be late for work...again but check with mom." He kissed me on the forehead yelling good luck as he left the house.
"Hey Hey Hey, May I come in," Star said already walking in. "Hey Star mind being useful for a second. I can't find my workout shoes anywhere. You know the ones that open up at the bottom and I still haven't had any breakfast yet." I slumped down on the floor. "Maybe it's not meant to be. Maybe I'm not supposed to become a hero." "Stop being so dramatic, maybe if you spent less time playing video games you would be able to keep track of your stuff." Star pulled me up from the floor.
"Let's at least eat something. I'm starved and your mom always makes the best food." I knocked him in the shoulder "Maybe she can teach your mom how to cook instead of making burnt mac and cheese. Seriously though how do you burn mac and cheese." "I honestly don't know," Star and I laughed as we entered the kitchen.
"Good morning mom," I sat on one of the stools slumping my head onto the counter. "Good morning Ms. L/N," Star said as he sat beside me. "What's wrong with her this time," Mom said. I could hear the happiness in her voice. At least she's not too tired from her last night shift. "She lost-" "I did not lose anything, I simply misplaced my special workout shoes, the ones that open at the bottom." I shot my head up trying to defend myself. "Misplaced" Star sarcastically said putting air quotes. "Thank you for the meal!" We both said as Mom placed the dishes in front of us.
"Hun your shoes are in the garage you put them there after training with Kean the other day," Mom said with a sigh. "O mah gah tank you," I said with my face stuffed with food. I hopped out of the stool running towards the garage and mom yelling for me not to talk and run with my mouth full. I could hear Star laughing at my antics. I opened the door and sure enough, they were there.
"I am meant to become a hero!" I yelled as I triumphantly marched back into the kitchen like a champ with my shoes in hand. "YEAHHHH!" Star said holding in his laughter. "Hun are you hundred percent sure this is what you want to do. There's nothing wrong with using your quirk to heal people as I do. That way you won't get hurt or targeted by villains." Mom said worried as she was cleaning up after breakfast. This isn't the first time she has tried to get me to change my mind. She's been trying constantly for the last 10 months. "It's okay mom it's just hero school and so what if when I become a hero villains target me. If I can get into U.A I'll be well trained to take care of myself just fine. Which shouldn't be a problem since Kean has trained me even harder these last few months and got me into recommendation so ill be alright." I said with a big grin on my face.
"Yeah plus it's not like villains will want her she can't even pass basic geometry"
"Really Star! You're going to make fun of my grades right now? Besides I won't need things like geometry when I become a hero!"
"You kids should probably get going if you don't want to be late for the entrance exam"
Shoot. I practically leaped up the stairs and burst into my bedroom. I scanned the once clean room now ruined by searching for my shoes. I spotted my backpack and quickly grabbed it putting in any random workout clothes. I grabbed some flashcards that Star made for me and put those in too. Hopefully, it will help me prep for the written portion of the exam today. quickly changed into my school uniform.
"Hurry up Y/N or we will be seriously late!"
"I'm coming. I'm coming!" I said practically bouncing off each step with my backpack in hand.
"Bye Mom, I'm going to do my best and become a hero and it all starts at U.A!" I was so giddy and jumpy as I left home.
"Don't be so giddy you still have to pass the written exam too! Now, what is the 12th element of the periodic table?" Star grumbled but I could tell he was also happy as we walked over to U.A. "Magnesium!!" I giggled.
~Time Skip~
"Isn't this so exciting? We are here at U.A very soon we will be here again as students." I smiled at Star while we walked through the large gates of the school. "It is pretty exciting to be here. For the first time ever I think I might be nervous about an exam I prepared for, "Star said weakly. It was a rare sight to see. He is always so confident especially when it comes to exams. I went ahead facing him and said, "If anyone deserves to be here it's you and when we pass we will become heroes together. Remember the glass is half full." He looked at me and smiled too. His smile slowly turning to a smirk looking at something behind me.
"Good morning to ya Izuku." Star chirped walking ahead of me. I turned around and saw our green-haired friend looking very flustered. Probably very nervous. "Heya Izuku." I ran over to where he and Star were standing.
"G-Goodmornig L/N. Good morning Mochizuki," Izuku said nervously.
"I already told you it's okay to call me by my first name, no need to be so formal it makes me feel old and I'm only 15. No wrinkles on me."
"Not yet, but soon if you keep playing video games at all hours of the night." Star laughed.
I punched him in the shoulder. It wasn't even that hard but he made faces that made it look like I punched him super hard. "Y/N you hurt me, I was only teasing." He had a slight smirk on his face. I scoffed and turned my attention back to our friend.
"Shall we go in and take the exam that decides our futur-"
"Move it extras or I'll kill you." I heard Katsuki say from behind us. It was more of a yell though. I let out a heavy sigh that quickly turned to a smirk as I turned to face Katsuki.
"Good morning to you too Katsuki. I would like to see you try and kill me. Aren't you trying to become a hero, you can't go killing people." I sneered at him. "You don't want to fail before you even start do you." He just kept walking ignoring me.
"At least acknowledge my witty remark! That was really hard to come up with y'know." "There there I thought it was funny," Star said as he patted me on my head. I turned my attention back to Izuku. "Well, I'll see you later guys I need to find auditorium b. PLUS ULTRA!" I waved at them seeing Izuku who was still standing there all nervous like. I ran up the stairs with a big smile on my face. This is it. This is where it all begins. This is where I can become a hero and it starts with this exam.
~Shoto's POV~
"At least acknowledge my witty remark!..." I looked up from the ground to see a rather loud girl disrupting my thoughts. Why is everyone so loud. Earlier some guy was I my personal space. Don't these people have any decency? It's just a test.
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