#i have several emotions that i cannot name but mainly scream
spookyheaad · 3 years
Haphephobia talk
BIG TRIGGER WARNING: brief mentions of rape/coercion, mentions of suicidal ideation, self harm, physical and mental abuse, as well as dehumanization. This one is kinda heavy.
Hi again! Currently horizontal on my couch because I have full body aches from the second covid shot and my head is killing me, but I expected this to happen as it’s normal for the second vaccine to knock you out for a day or two.
Anyway, I had a realization earlier that I write both Gild Tesoro of “One Piece”, as well as Death from “Darksiders” with Haphephobia - which is “a fear of touching or being touched”. While I write them with this phobia, it manifests within them differently, and I figured I would share some differences, and headcanons for both characters (it’s been so long since I’ve talked about my sassy depressed Nephilim husband; I miss you, Death ❤️❤️). Also with Death, I ship him with an OC I created, named Zemira. I don’t think I’ve shared a lot about her on tumblr, but I’ll be making a whole post about her another time; just know I’ll be mentioning her occasionally.
So I’ll be talking about Death’s haphephobia first, it’s a little more heavy (deadass trigger warning here for the brief mentions of rape. Skip this part if you need to):
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So I must start out with the obligatory mentioning of that accursed chapter from The Abomination Vault:
Death and War have to seek out Lilith and gain information from her. Death is viciously adamant for War to stay outside & away from that woman, but war protests and wishes to come in with him. Death, nearly resorting to beating his brother into submission, demands him to stay outside, and War finally relents.
When the eldest Horseman goes in to see Lilith, one of the first things she says to him is something along the lines of “this isn’t a social call, is it?”. I truly forget what else is mentioned, but there are a few times where Lilith tries to mention things of a (supposed) sexual nature towards Death, and he abruptly and angrily cuts her off. The one thing I remember Lilith saying to Death was her saying that Death was always a “sensitive boy” which makes my stomach fucking churn.
What is heavily implied in this scene, to me, is that Death and Lilith at some point in the past, had sexual encounters with one another that Death is very much extremely embarrassed and ashamed of, and with Lilith’s ability to seduce any being regardless if they want to partake or not, it’s safe to say that Death could have possibly been coerced into said sexual activity. Lilith’s ability to seduce is described almost like a date-rape drug to me, it causes people to fall under some kind of spell or go into a trance; what is a big uh-oh to me is when Death describes that War would be weak to Lilith’s wiles, or her tricks. So she is definitely capable of coercing people in any way to get what she wants. Also fucking keep in mind that Lilith refers to Death as her SON, which adds a whole new level of “what the fuck” to that situation; it’s just icky.
I feel that Death, because of this run in (or run-ins) with Lilith, developed a massive fear of being touched, which is backed up in canon in Darksiders 2. He does not allow anyone to physically touch him under any circumstance; when Death arrived in the Makers’ realm, Eideard touched his chest where the amulet pieces are embedded. Death recoils quickly and with a venomous growl, states: “Don’t touch me!”
Then of course when he goes to visit Lilith, she touches his chest as well, and he physically pushes her hand away from his body. She also refers to herself as Death’s mother, and Death angrily states: “You are not my mother!” Also from the moment Death sets foot in Lilith’s domain, he is not thrilled to be there, and acts very different towards her; more defensive, more on guard it seems.
So this headcanon stems from all of that; he will not let anyone touch him, it’s just that severe. Where my OC comes in, I actually have a story on AO3 titled “Haphephobia” and it shows how Death & Zemira try to get past this aversion to touch, so 1.) Zemira can give him affection and 2.) Death can allow himself to be loved. I’ll link it here:
Death cannot even bring himself to hold her hand in the very beginning. So Zemira started there, holding his hand, physical closeness, and very slowly, started working to larger forms of touch. Obviously this gave Death massive amounts of anxiety, so this is why the process is extremely slow. It makes it even more important to go slow because Death tries to hide any weak emotions, so the physical and mental stress he puts himself under is tenfold.
I think that’s all for Death. His Haphephobia is extremely severe, from the specific traumas he has experienced, possibly being forced into sexual activity with his god damn “”mother””, as well as hiding his sensitivity and kindness (my headcanons for why he does that is a whole other post waiting to be written) and just not believing he is deserving of such love and care.
Ok, now for Tesoro (specific Trigger warnings here for mentions of self-harm, suicidal ideation, physical/mental abuse)
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So I just recently realized that I wrote Tesoro with symptoms of Haphephobia; also compared to Death, it isn’t as severe or debilitating, but no less harmful to the person going through it.
For Tesoro I think it was sparked by a mix of guilt and insecurity, obviously as well as his past abuse from both his mother and the Celestial Dragons. But in Film Gold it’s obvious that he doesn’t have an issue with being touched, I’m referencing the scene with the pool girls. I think in canon, he’s on high alert when someone goes to touch him, especially if it’s someone he is not familiar with, or does not like. It’s more of an automatic thing that he learned to suppress over time, especially because he absolutely craves attention and affection, and his fear of touch gets in the way of that.
So in a way, he did learn how to work through it, but it wasn’t proper or healthy, and because of that it’s still there in the back of his mind. I also believe that he doesn’t like people pinning him by the wrists/hands/arms or holding him down in any way, or being bound (sexual or non sexual, he does not like it). It triggers severe panic and flashbacks, so, it’s a big no.
In terms of if he were to be around Stella, it becomes heightened. It’s not that he’s afraid of her; he knows her well. He is afraid for her sake, that he would hurt her in some way simply by allowing her to touch him. All through his life, Tesoro was made to feel like he wasn’t worth the space he took up in his existence. His mother did not love him, the one person that could have given him some form of gentle gesture. She instead hurt him, screamed at him, made him feel worthless. Then we all know about the celestial dragons; they didn’t even see Tesoro as a human, and that mixed with the beatings from both the celestial dragons and his mother, he is weary to allow others to get close.
After Stella died, In his heart of hearts Tesoro genuinely thought that he was unloveable, mainly because of his mother. The one woman who brought him into this world didn’t care about his dreams or his well-being, so then how can anyone else? Then, when he found the single person that cared about him, she was whisked away from him without a second thought. Tesoro feels doomed to observe yet never experience the love and kindness that the world had to offer.
That mixed with Haphephobia makes him very cautious of others, and in the case of Stella, vehemently afraid. He loves her, and she loves him in return; Tesoro knows this full well, (we’re headed to the “if Stella survived” AU) after they reunite he is so afraid to touch her and it’s painful to him when she touches his body. It’s another source of frustration and anger because he knows that he is still in love with her, but his own body is trying to push her away. He would tear open his body for the apprehension to leave, to finally feel the comfort he yearned for within Stella’s embrace. No more fear, no more being brought to tears because he felt he didn’t deserve her kindness, no more guilt.
Both he & Death feel unloveable but for different reasons:
Death feels unloveable because of the atrocities he has committed, specifically the Nephilim Genocide & the creation of the Grand Abominations. He feels knee-crushing amounts of guilt for taking part in such events, and he puts up a facade of being an uncaring monster, when he is very much the opposite. He has kindness to give, yet is afraid to show it because of that idea that he is to be seen as nothing but an attack dog for the Charred Council. But this is also the same Nephilim who was so tired of making things that took life, and chose to make something that gave life instead, and gifted said item to his sister, Fury. This is the same Nephilim who took his own life to prove that his youngest brother War did not start the apocalypse. He cares so deeply, has insurmountable love to give, yet feels incapable of doing so.
Tesoro thinks he is unloveable because the world conditioned him to view himself as such. The extreme abuse he suffered told him that he is trash; an afterthought whose only use is as a punching bag or a wasted body to rend flesh from. Ants had more worth in this world than he, and Tesoro knew it. All it took was Stella, one person, for him to see that he is worthy of such a thing, that nothing that went on in their pasts was his fault, and that he does deserve to be given gentle touches, soft reassuring hugs, feather-light kisses, and that he is able to be loved.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
Indruck hunt nsfw!!! I'm so excited you're doing fills again, they're always so good!
Thanks so much, and here you go! Duck’s form is based on a Green Wrasse, and Indrid’s is based on a Flamboyant Cuttlefish.
Go along the trenches they said. It’ll be easy they said. 
Duck’s been here for two hours, trawling the spot where the sea bed and reef give way to deeper water in search of black moon oysters. It’s courting season in Kepler, and if he can find a few he’s certain at least one of the two mers he has his eyes on will agree to a date. But at this rate, he’ll be bringing some of his model ships as his gifts for his first year of courting, and that’ll be embarrassing. No one wants to date a mer with such a boring hobby.
So here he is, far from where most reef mers would even think to come, searching for a shellfish notorious for it’s shadowy color. At least there aren’t any deep sea mers around to see him repeatedly get hissed at by the same eel because he keeps losing his bearings and checking crevasses he already searched. He’d rather not have an audience.
Indrid cannot believe his luck. Weeks of hunting, of hunger, with barely any food to be found, and now a tantalizing, green tail dangles near his hide away. No mer in these parts has such coloration, so it must be a very big fish indeed.
His foresight is half-obliterated, so he must rely on skill to earn his prey. He camouflages as best he can along the rockface, creeping along beneath the ledge where the tail keeps disappearing and reappearing. If he lunges too soon, he’ll miss and scare off dinner. 
He pushes up in a burst of speed, grabs the tail, and propels back into his lair, his prey putting up a remarkable fight. He doesn’t notice his error until it punches him in the eye.
“What the fuck?” The merman spins, lashing out again but missing him in the dark.
“I, I am so very sorry, I thought you were a fish!”
“I look like a damn fish?” His unwilling guest gestures angrily at his upper body. 
Because his eyes are adapted to dark water, Indrid can clearly see the muscles in his arms, the round belly and charming face. Now he wants to sink his teeth into him in an entirely new way.
Oh, right, he’s waiting for an answer.
“From down here you did. I assumed all reef mers stayed far away, and thus missed the obvious explanation for the size of your tail. I, ah, am not the sharpest when starving.”
The wary, annoyed expression softens, “Ain’t there food down here?”
“Yes, but it’s fast, poisonous, or fought over, and I’d like to keep all my tentacles attached to me.”
The merman points at the cave ceiling, “The reef is just up there. We got plenty to eat.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t, they’d recognize me as a deep water mer and be frightened.”
“I could vouch for you. Assumin you don’t plan on grabbin anyone else.”
“Of course not” He flicks all his tentacle tips, trying to hide how hurt he is by the suggestion.” 
“Then you can be my guest. There’s a festival tonight, so the grub oughta be good.” 
“You mean it?”
“Yep.” He nods, black hair swirling around his forehead. 
“Thank you so very much! I, is there something I can do to repay you?”
He mentally crosses all fingers and tentacles, hoping for an answer along the lines of “kiss me” or “hold my hand on the way there” and he flickers his lower body an appealing yellow to sweeten the deal.
“...you got any clue where to find black moon oysters?”
“Yes” he cocks his head, “why?”
“Wanna give ‘em as a present to some mers tonight.”
“Ohhhh” Indrid nods, understanding and trying to hide his disappointment, “a courtship gift. Of course, right this way…Duck.”
The mer starts, “How’d you-”
“-Know your name? Foresight, though it’s severely diminished right now. He smiles, holds out his hand, “I’m Indrid. Now, let us find you those oysters.”
Duck never expected a deep sea mer to be so chatty, but as they weave their way between rocks in search of their quarry, Indrid talks amicably about all manner of things, often swimming backwards so he can ask Duck questions about his life on the reef. Listens intently as Duck tells him about his time studying coral health, demanding details as they float across a deeper trench. 
Still, Duck feels like he’s not carrying his conversational weight, and when Indrid peers into another empty crag he asks, “hey Indrid, what kind of fish only comes out at night?”
The other mer blinks his glowing red eyes, “What kind?”
“A starfish.”
A slower blink, and then Indrid snickers, “I didn’t know we were in the pun timeline.”
“Sorry, know it’s silly-”
“Why was the shark worried after eating a clownfish?” Indrid wiggles his tentacles.
Duck smiles, “no idea.”
“Because it tasted funny!”
He giggles, “that was awful.”
“Precisely!” Indrid beams, then pulls Duck flush against the cliff-face. In the darkness beneath them, he can just make out something immense swimming along the trench. Indrid doesn’t release him until it’s out of sight. 
“Apologies, but there was a non-zero chance of that being an aggressive shark.”
“Glad you were here watchin my ba--holy fuck!”
Only Indrid’s eyes are the color they were a moment before. The rest of him, even his hair,  is the same speckled grey of the rocks.
“Indrid that’s, that’s incredible! I know mers who can color change a little, but nothin like this.”
“It’s mainly for survival purposes, but I am glad you, ah, you like it” Indrid returns to his usual color, save for his tentacles, which flash pink on their way back to silvery-blue. 
“Can you control it?”
“To a degree; some of it is subconscious expression of emotion, but much of the time I can manipulate it as I need. See?” He holds one tentacle out in front of Duck’s tail, matching it perfectly.
“That’s so fuckin cool.”
“I, ah, would be happy to show you some more” the pink flashes are back, “but first…” he pulses up to small ledge, slips three tentacles inside, and retracts them with a flourish a moment later, each hold a pitch black oyster, “let’s get you to your party.”
In spite of there being no timelines where Duck reneges on his end of the deal, Indrid remains nervous most of the way into town. Then the other mer stops, reaches into a stand of kelp and produces a scallop, “here, you were hungry when we met and you put off eatin to help me, seems only fair to get you a snack before you get there.”
Indrid grins, rips open the shell, and downs the mollusc in what he hopes isn’t a completely horrifying way. It’s been so long since someone shared a catch with him. 
“Do you still want to see more camouflage?”
“Hell yeah.”
They pass the rest of the journey to the town square with Indrid changing color, the two of them laughing as Duck comes up with increasingly ridiculous things for him to match. He adds in extra effects, hoping to dazzle Duck, and he’s having so much fun he’s almost sad to arrive at the party. 
Then he sees the buffet, and it’s difficult to be that upset. Better still, Duck doesn’t immediately leave him in search of his potential lovers. Instead he guides Indrid to a cluster of other mers his age. Juno, Aubrey, and Dani all welcome him into conversation and help him navigate some of the unfamiliar foods Duck gathers from the large stone tables. 
Deep sea mer courtship is very goal focused, but up here the custom seems to be unhurried, as much a chance to catch up with friends as find a mate. There’s even dancing, which he’s drawn into when Aubrey coaxes Duck onto the dance floor and the merman offers Indrid his hand. They spin and flit about each other, Indrid initially taking care not to brush him with his tentacles. When it happens on accident and Duck responds by thwacking Indrid back with the tip of his tail, Indrid takes to touching him whenever the dance allows. 
Since none of the reef mers swim screaming away from him, he and Duck even join in on the group dances. Indrid shows off, changing colors to match his partner because he catches Duck smiling whenever he does. 
The first of Duck’s crushes arrives, though Duck stays, dancing, with Indrid.
“Are you supposed to wait until a certain time to offer your gift?” 
“No. I, uh, I’m just a little nervous. I’ve never done the whole courtin thing before.”
“Understandable. Though if you ask me, I’d say you have a great deal to offer.” He nudges him with a tentacle. Duck takes a deep breath, then swims away after the other mer. Indrid hasn’t even made it to the table when Duck is once again beside him, saying they weren’t interested and would Indrid like to keep dancing?
He would, and they do, trading jokes and stories as they turn in slow circles around each other. They alternate between the dance and recharging with their friends until Duck’s other crush swims into view, having gotten to the party rather late. Duck’s approach is more confident, and Indrid encourages him along with the others. After ten or so minutes, Duck catches his eye and gives a thumbs up. Indrid returns the gesture and watches that stunning tail swim away. 
Indrid stays, continues talking and eating with his new friends. He’s even approached for courtship twice, demurring both times. It’s not long before he regrets this choice, because his foresight keeps showing him flashes of what Duck is getting up to with his new partner and getting his hands and mouth on another mer might be a welcome distraction. He finishes the last of his meal, waves goodbye to his friends with a promise to come see them again, and swims home alone. 
Duck hums as he swims over the edge of the trench, carved coral box in hand. Indrid left Dani directions for how to visit him, so Duck’s no longer concerned about swimming into the wrong cave and getting eaten. 
The front of the cave is empty, and the scant light still filtering in doesn’t show him much beyond it, so he floats further and calls, “Indrid? You home?”
Red eyes appear in the dark, followed by flashes of pink and yellow, “Duck?”
“Didn’t see me comin?” He grins, swimming up to greet the other mer. 
“There were only a few futures where you visited so soon after the party. Is something wrong? Does your new partner need more oysters?”
“Nope, came ‘cause I wanted to see you. Is, uh, is that okay?” Nerves creep up his tail; maybe Indrid was only interested in their exchange yesterday and not in him. 
“Of course. I, ah, my lair is rather messy but if you come this way I have some lights.” He motions for Duck to follow him. As they swim deeper into the cave, bioluminescent kelp and algae flicker to life, revealing walls covered in elegant, detailed carvings. They turn left, coming to a room filled with yet more carvings, a large, comfy looking hammock, and a floor scattered with shells. 
“You did all these?” Duck touches a lovingly rendered carving of a ray.
“Yes. They help me capture visions from time to time, or are simply images I enjoy.” That same light pink is coursing up through his tentacles and occasionally racing through his hair.
“Oh, that reminds me, here” Duck holds out the box, “seemed like these were your favorite last night, so figured you’d like some more.”
Indrid studies the crab rolls in their neat lines, “Oooh!” His tentacles wiggle, “thank you. That was very sweet of you.” He swims over to a small table, sets the box atop it, and then begins searching a rock shelf. “But I insist you share some of them with me, assuming you don’t have anywhere to be.”
“Where are those blasted plates-”
Duck rubs the back of his neck, “Indrid?  Is, uh, is that a yes or a no?”
The other mer turns, flashing bright blue, “To...oh, oh my, really?”
“Future just tell you I’m courtin you?” 
“Yes. I, but I thought you made your choice last night?”
“That ain’t really how this works. I mean, I had a great time last night, might see her again, but I ain’t made any kind of choice about bein exclusive. Besides uh, I, uh, if I’m bein honest, mer I thought the most about last night and today was you.”
“Oh.” Indrid says much more softly as Duck swims to him and brushes his tail along a tentacle. 
“It’s okay if you ain’t interested, I can back off and we can have dinnerAHfuck” he laughs as Indrid uses all available limbs to pull him closer with a delighted chirp. 
“The answer is very much yes, Duck Newton.”
“Thank fuck” Duck leans in, kissing him eagerly as two tentacles tease up and down his tail. 
Then he can’t see a fucking thing and Indrid curses, “Of all the time for my kelpalabra to die. One moment, let me find something so you can see.” He pulls back, red eyes and kaleidoscopic lower half the only thing in Duck’s vision, achingly alluring even as he mutters around the room. 
“We, uh, we can keep it like this.”
“You’re certain? I thought you couldn’t see in these conditions.”
“Can see what matters.” Duck opens his arms and Indrid chuckles, swimming into them.
“I’m amazed you were not swarmed by admirers last night.”
“Flatterer” Duck kisses his cheek.
“I am being entirely truthful. You are so charming, and so very handsome…” Indrid strokes his face as his tentacles glide up his chest and down his tail, “mmmm, I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I saw you.”
“How, uh, sensitive are these?” Duck lets one tentacle curl around his fingers, brings it to his mouth for a kiss. 
“About the same as my hands, but far more flexible.” Two tease just below his hips, his scales beginning to ripple and part at the stimulation. The surrounding darkness heightens each grope and stroke, his body having little to no warning of where the next touch might come from. His world is nothing but Indrid’s hands and tentacles on his body, that little voice and moonlight smile illuminated by the colors of his affection. 
“Fuck, ‘Drid, this is so fuckin nice.”
Indrid hums, pulsing a warm yellow as he coaxes Duck open, kissing his neck and nibbling his ears. Duck winds his fingers into his silver hair, gives a testing tug and gets a moan in reply. 
He growls, pulls harder as his cock emerges, scrapes his teeth up Indrid’s neck and discovers that makes him practically scream in delight. 
“You wanna be in me, or should I fuck you?” 
“Ah, beg pardon?”
“Wait, fuck, do you not have-”
“I have this” smaller tendrils emerge from beneath a fold between his front tentacles, “there isn’t really room for anything to go in, and while I can get some shape from it” he demonstrates by twining three into something close to Duck’s dick, “it is unlikely to be the method you’re used to. My kind mate by sort of, hmm, mushing them together? My, that sounds deeply unattractive when I say it that way.”
Duck licks his lips, “They look pretty damn dexterous.”
Indrid’s eyes glow brighter, “The are.”
“Get over here and show me.”
The other mer comes to him so forcefully they’re propelled back into a wall. Duck barely registers the collision, too busy moaning as tendrils curl around his dick, stroking and sucking so elegantly he’s pretty sure he’s never going to be satisfied with a blowjob again.
Okay, except for one form the mouth currently devouring his own with kisses. Indrid moans and squirms in his arms, tentacle and fingertips caressing him from cheek to tail. 
“May, may I try something?” Indrid pants in his ear. 
“Long as you don’t stop what you’re already doin, ohfuck,” He bucks his hips as more tendrils push into the slit under his dick, Indrid purring as they do.
“Ohhhhhgoodness, you feel wonderful Duck, please, please say we can do this again?”
“Damn, ain’t even made you cum and you’re already beggin for a next time?” Duck teases, kissing the corner of his mouth. 
“Yes, pleaseplease” tentacles tighten around him, trapping him against Indrid as the other mer frantically fucks him, “I’ll can make you feel so good, I want to, please”
“Mission fuckin accomplished” Duck yanks on his hair and Indrid yelps with joy, cumming inside him and across his dick. The orgasm makes him lose control of both his colors and his tendrils, meaning he shimmers like the inside of an abalone as tugs and twitches along Duck’s dick. The touches draw his own climax from him with a groan, and he buries his face in Indrid’s neck, mouthing kisses along it as he spills into the water.
Slowly, all tentacles and tendrils relax and withdraw, leaving only Indrid’s arms around him.
“You asleep?” It’s only half a joke, as Indrid is going limp.
‘Mmmhmm. A perfectly wonderful mer just robbed me of all my energy in the best possible way.”
“Heh, funny, most stunnin mer in the ocean did the same to me.” He swims them over to the hammock, guiding them down onto their sides as Indrid looks sleepily up at him. 
“In that case, would the wonderful mer like to join me for dinner after we nap?”
Duck kisses his nose, nestles closer as Indrid’s tentacles shift to match his tail, “Yeah, he would.”
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feyariel · 3 years
D&D Pantheons, Evaluated
Because you needed this. These are only groups of deities; if a deity has multiple religions in the same setting, I only evaluate it once.
Greyhawk Pantheons:
Core 3.5: Short, sweet, relatable in a vaguely Olympian way. Bonus points for bucking the trend and having an Apollo (Corellon) and an Artemis (Ehlonna). Missing a mythos and several roles, done in favor of having deities for each class by alignment and each race. Mildly Lawful. Sausage fest. C+
Extended Greyhawk (Complete Divine, 5e): Look, some of these (Beory, Tharizdun) are good additions, but this is getting unwieldy now. Note the absence of a Zeus/Hera (rulership) or Aphrodite (love). D
Baklunish: Attested as incomplete, but interesting in what it prioritizes. Without Al'Asran (Pelor) and Al'Zarad (Boccob), has no male deities of greater than Demigod status. C+
Flan (aka The Old Faith): The Druidic faith of the Flannaess. Majority of its major deities are commonly worshipped. Why do they have the only god(dess) of love in the setting (and why is her name dumb)? C
Oeridian: Trying to be Greco-Roman without actually being Greco-Roman. Kinda boring, really. C-
Olman: Aztec/Mayan/Olmec (mainly Aztec) pantheon imported. Like you do.
Suloise: There are good reasons why these gods aren't widely worshipped, but the best is that they have crappy names (like "Phaulkon" and "Osprem" and "Norebo"). D
Touv: Absolutely needs more use -- and not just because they're black in an otherwise mostly white setting. B
Pantheons of Toril
Main Faerûnian: There absolutely do not need to be this many gods of greater than Demigod status in a single pantheon. Doesn't follow its own rules: portfolio elements overlap (e.g., Akadi and Shaundakul), level of godhood does not correlate with prominence of worship (Akadi, Grumbar, and Istishia are all Greater deities despite barely having worship; Waukeen is Lesser while filling at least an Intermediate role). Too much deicide. At least it has gods of important concepts, like love. D
Celestial Bureaucracy (Kara-Tur): I know so little about various Chinese mythologies that I cannot compare these (the naming conventions alone scream Chinese even without obvious deities like you have Kwan Yin and "Mad Monkey" [Sun Wukong]).
Lords of Creation (Vedic Pantheon): I'm not surprised that there are basically no details here, as everyone skips Hinduism for some reason. (Don't want to offend because there are a billion+ living Hindus? Too similar to the Greek pantheon while being "exotic"?)
Maztican Gods: Aztec-ish gods with short, often Spanish names. Blargh? F
Mulhorandi (Faerûnian-Egyptian): Astonishingly close to the version presented in Deities & Demigods 3.0; drops Anubis, Apep, Imhotep, and Ptah, adds Anhur and Geb (wank gestures). Middling treatment of what in reality is an extensive pantheon. C+
Netherese Pantheon: Ah, a condensed pantheon of important Faerunian deities! Good. A few additions (e.g., Sune) would help. B+
Untheric (Mesopotamian) Pantheon: All but Hoar (Assuran) are dead, so who cares?
Zakharan Pantheon: I love that the main pantheon is about intellectual, emotional, social, and otherwise human qualities. (Too often, D&D pantheons end up making the only culture-y gods 1.) a paladin, 2.) maybe a bard, and 3.) maybe Hestia/a housewife.) That said, I know too little about this pantheon. A?
Golarion Pantheons
Inner Sea (Core): Mein Gott, these names are terrible. Very clearly an attempt at balancing genders in the 3.5 pantheon while importing Faerûnian gods (e.g., Mask, Selûne, Tempus). Points for having Aphrodite Urania and Pandemos, plus several other gods of love. No points for making Asmodeus (Satan) the Bane of the setting; he's been in every other main setting since 1e AD&D. D
Inner Sea (Lessers): These are interesting. Pirate Queen, Majora's Mask moon, Lady Liberty but without the blood washed away, an ascended construct, and Juliet. B
Osirian (Egyptian) Pantheon: A much more comprehensive approach to a pantheon which, if presented historically accurately, would be even more unwieldy than the Faerûnian one (because it's syncretic and covers several thousand years of cultural changes). Points for including Ma'at and not combining Horus and Ra. B
Tian Xia: Familiar deities abound, mostly Japanese with some Chinese names. Not terrible, but nothing profound. C
Vudran (~Hindu): Appropriately has a bajillion gods; consequently, I know next to nothing about it.
Other Official Human Pantheons
3.5 Splatbook Gods: Some of these names are okay; would have been nice if they'd been developed at all. D+
"Asgardian" (Norse) Pantheon (Deities & Demigods 3.0): The more I learn about Norse Mythology, the less I like this presentation. Why on Earth is Sif presented as a warrior goddess? Why do we have Odur treated as a separate god at all (and where's Sunna)? C
Birthright Gods: Erik and Sera? So lame! Eh. Just don't care. D
Dragonlance: HEAVILY Lawful -- the only sub-pantheon with more than one Chaotic deity is the evil pantheon, with two, and it still skews Lawful. Names are overly Biblical (to the point that some end up retrieving Bible materials when searched). Also a sausage fest (one good goddess, three neutral goddesses, and two evil ones). D-
Mystaran Immortals: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I know nothing about them.
Olympian Pantheon (Deities & Demigods 3.0): I feel like this could be better, but as far as interpretations go, it isn't horrible. B
"Pharaohnic" (Egyptian) Pantheon (Deities & Demigods 3.0): Not a terrible take on a ginormous pantheon, but too rooted in the Isis-Osiris-Horus mythos to present other important deities (like Amun or Ma'at). Points for Apep, though, who's kinda worse than Set. B-
Sovereign Host and Dark Six: Very clearly based on the Greek Gods without being too Greek (i.e., having much personality). Sovereign Host skews Lawful slightly (only one Chaotic deity -- the Barbarian deity/Kord-Hercules replacement/canonically Gruumsh). Dark Six is NE with the exception of the other two Chaotic deities (CN and CE); no LE god, implying Law = Good. May as well not exist. Just...bleh. D
Theros Gods: FOUR MILLION POINTS LOST FOR NOT HAVING AN APOLLO, GREEKEST OF GODS. Heliod is not Apollo; he is not a god of knowledge, truth, philosophy, art, and such. Apollo's important not for being a god of light, protection, and healing (there are zillions of gods like that), but for being a god of the Humanities. (Kruphix is the closest to this, but missed it.) Further points off for missing Aphrodite, Hera, and Hestia. Dear fuck, if you're doing a Greek setting, FUCKING DO GREECE! F-
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jackedspicer · 4 years
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a bio for my xiaolinsona! she’s a work in progress so i’m bound to come back and change it. trivia and more in depth information is under the readmore :)
continued trivia:
she’d show up somewhere near the start of season 4
she’s used a LOT for slapstick. in fact she’s mostly a comic relief character
she’s guided mainly by emotions, is right brain oriented, and is a hands-on learner
there is a running gag where she frequently has bandaids on her fingers, hands, arms, or anywhere really
she’s a massive funk junkie. LOVES disco. she’s also a great dancer
when she comes up with xiaolin showdowns, sometimes she’ll base it off of fun recreational activities or things that seem harmlessly mundane, like mini golf..... tic tac toe.....dance-off...... rock paper scissors..... the showdowns themselves obviously end up being high-stakes and lethal as they always are, except they’re based off of goofy premises
she’s probably musically accented by grunge that’s slightly funky
when it’s funny, she occasionally will use huge words or make jarringly philosophical statements, eg patrick star’s “the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma” cut to footage of milk spilling
shes a lot like charlie kelly. in general. any charlie moment is just. Her. she’s a wild card and screams every line and huffs glue and tries to get the honey out of a hornets nest outside of jacks house because she thinks hornets make honey and she likes ghouls and she genocides the rats in his basement and sleeps ass to ass with him and is illiterate
she likes to do arts and crafts but they almost always come out as abominations. she’ll occasionally borrow some of jack’s tools to construct her latest atrocity, and she’ll refer to them by a wrong/made up name while she’s at it. “the hacksaw duey”, “the electric hole puncher,” ”the automatic pizza cutter”, etc. yes the projects and the bandaids have a direct cause and effect relationship. please refer to this video (and this channel in general)
imagine her sitting at a table and just doing this in jack’s lair... this video alone can be used to sum up so much of her. the technique. the bandaids. the blatantly wrong information that’s said with such conviction. the dark turn towards the end of the video. “superfluous protrusion.” the way it ends
continued trivia pt. 2, taken from my instagram
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(i’ll get into this more further down the post)
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fighting style because this is xiaolin showdown:
she has a very nimble, disorienting style of combat. using pokemon stats as an analogy, her highest would be speed by far, followed by attack, with her lowest stats being defense and special attack. this combined with her unrelenting nature makes her an excellent distraction and a general nuisance, but she doesn’t fare well in prolonged head to head battle.
favorite shen gong wu: 
monkey staff, mikado arms, fancy feet, neptune helmet, hoduko mouse, woozy shooter (on herself), tongue of saiping, longi kite, indigo pyramid (on jack (cause it’s funny))
*the shen gong wu she’s most skilled with in battle are ones that trip up her opponents and cause status ailments. kinda like a prankster
at her core, she’s a jolly, optimistic, humorous person, but her unruly, isolating childhood put a blow on her psyche. much like jack spicer, she’s been virtually alone her entire life - she was rejected by peers and adult figures alike since earliest childhood, and her home life was turbulent at best.
to ease the pain, at some point, she took on resenting and judging those around her as a means to cope. she has a holden caulfield-esque defense mechanism in play where if everybody sucks for this reason, or that reason, or those reasons, then she has justification for detaching herself from others, and she can derive her only source of self esteem from being better than them. this hurts far less than the devastating truth that she cannot connect with people on account of feeling so worthless and estranged from other human beings that she could never have the chance to be cared about by anyone. deep down, she’s in desperate, thrashing need of support and genuine human connection, and she has a warped perception of how she can achieve that.
she’s taken up evil as a hobby because it nurtures her desire to be destructive and, again, just like jack spicer, she engages in it as a way to feel seen. all press is good press, and the best way to make the headline is to cause some damage. what sets her apart from him in this regard, though, is that she takes all of her pain out on her enemies (in this case, the xiaolin monks) because she can’t stand how well off they are - instead, on the basis of their acceptance of one another, she sees them as goody two-shoes phonies who ought to be knocked down a peg. while evil to jack is both a means of getting much needed attention and a convoluted way of spending time with friends, to sid it’s a way to vent frustrations and a way to, well... still garner attention, but also spend time with a friend, except the friend is jack.
the other half of the reason she partakes in petty villainy is that it’s just... fun. she only got wrapped up in all this because she’d been restlessly putzing around somewhere remote, found a neat doohicky she planned on keeping, and when one thing led to another she wound up in a xiaolin showdown against jack. experiencing the chaos unfold revealed a golden opportunity she couldn’t pass up, so she asked jack to let her come with, debuting their partnership (i talk about this in further detail at the end of the post). goofing off and doing evil with him is so much fun to her! it makes her feel alive, a sensation and state of mind she never could fully achieve before.
noteworthy relationships:
they have a team rocket thing going on. not in terms of their interpersonal dynamic, but rather their role in the story, how much of a threat they pose as, their schemes, and even their overall attitude are reminiscent of the iconic duo; they’re petty, recurring villains with hearts of gold who aren’t above occasionally siding with the good guys.
even though they both are on the same tier of comic relief and general foolishness, the metaphor i like to draw is that jack is the left brain and sid is the right brain.
their personalities have such chemistry and they’re both so goofy that they effortlessly sync up. everyone thinks it’s REALLY annoying
they’re best friends! they actually care very deeply for one another, even if they might have funny ways of showing it. they may be evil, but they’re mutually the only and closest friend the other has ever had, and with that carries a lot of weight. think of it - the first person you meet who hasn’t been nothing but awful to you likes you and wants to be around you. What a concept
while their relationship is platonic, there are several gags implying a romantic element, even though nothing is ever outright stated. kisses on the cheek, bashfulness, other characters making fun of them (“where’s your DUMB little girlfriend?” “..........she’s not DUMB!!!!!”), domestic references (“am i sleeping on the couch”)..... it’s left ambiguous because it’s hetbait plain and simple. somebody asks them what they even are and they say Partners In Crime wym. jack asks sid What Are We and she fist pumps the flat of her own chest twice, throws a peace sign and says We’re Bros
their nicknames for each other include but are not limited to “jackass, jacky-boy, jack-o-lantern, smarty pants, wiggles, spack jicer, spack, mr spack, spackle”, and “shortstack, pipsqueak, sid the kid, champ, funky monkey, foxy (in a funny way, he’ll say it like Whatcha Up To Foxy ? while she’s like making a mess doing an arts & crafts abomination or just vibing bein her weird lil self....  it comes from a place of playful sarcasm and affection) (champ, funky monkey, and foxy are courtesy of @currentlyfallingthroughspace)
to piggyback off of the left brain vs. right brain metaphor, “heart vs. brain is how they think, right brain vs. left brain is how they act, and two halves of a heart represents their natural dispositions” is how my aforementioned friend put it. they both have a lot of heart and are ooey gooey on the inside, but the difference is that sid can grasp the intricacies of emotional/psychological matters while jack can’t (actually knowing how to EXPRESS this is another topic). it’s in the same way that jack can effectively plan ahead, use logical reasoning, and know where to go and how to get there, but sid is shabby in this department. “one is aware but doesn’t address it until it’s too late, and one can’t see it and doesn’t ask until it’s too late.”  
another feature of potential conflict in all incarnations of them is the juxtaposition of sid actually being more down to earth than jack in the grand scheme of things. jack has the potential to go completely overboard, and whether or not he demonstrates the ability to catch himself on the event horizon will ascertain the outcome.
deep down, neither of them are truly evil, and they bring this out in each other as they ultimately contribute to the redemption of one another. how this actually happens is a lot rockier. sid has the intuition and self awareness to become increasingly cognizant of the fact that she engages in schemes as a way to bond with her friend, and, over time, she’s able to recognize that she’s simply been acting out, and she consequently softens up over time - but jack is much denser in this regard. he doesn’t consciously pick up on the same things she does and still believes that she’s drinking the koolaid as much as he is. the crucial dissonance in what matters most that had been incubating under the weight of things left unsaid emerges in a major falling out that challenges the nature of their entire dynamic and respective moral codes. i had a lot of help from the same friend with the following series of events and it’s really something that ought to be gone into detail on its own post, but a whirlwind brief summary is that jack becomes desperate from losing over and over so he comes up with this sinister plan that’s just too far, sid tells him to stop, they get into a nasty fight, sid leaves and makes it clear she’s not coming back, she goes to the xiaolin dragons for help, jack goes on an evil rampage but also loses his grip and has this mental breakdown because he lost the one person who’s ever cared about him (or so he thought), sid has the same brutal separation pangs but it doesn’t change the fact that jack is still doing what he’s doing, sid gets a firsthand view of a fight breaking out between the monks while she’s working with them and has a moment of clarity when she observes how they resolve it in such a healthy way, as they continue to work together and help her through the whole fiasco she realizes they’re not so bad, an entire excruciating series of events that’s genuinely too large to fit on this post unfolds and it ultimately ends with jack actually having to team UP with the good guys to stop what he started, and it ends with them breaking down, apologizing, and beginning their redemption BUT not without the illustration of several lessons that arose out of the complications of the entire thing...... the overarching lesson that’d been entrenched in their entire dynamic from the start, albeit corny, is that caring and being cared for was all they ever needed, and they learn to cultivate that within each other right under their own noses. it would be fun to have them stay as recurring villains forever, but seeing how much good is in their hearts is enough to make you wonder how they were ever evil.
xiaolin monks:
she thinks she hates them, but she doesn’t really. while her opinion of them is marked by resentment and distaste, she also holds them in high regard. a part of her wishes she could be friends with them, but the mental landscape she’s paved for herself doesn’t reveal that as an option. in her mind, she’s already been rejected by them. so why try?
the way she takes her pain out on them - people who had nothing to do with her traumas - can be summed up by the spinel su quote, “why do i want to hurt you so bad? i’m supposed to be a friend. i just want to be a friend.”
she gets chummier with them upon her redemption. out of the group, she gets along best with clay and dojo :) 
bonus origin episode
this would be the imaginary early season 4 episode i mentioned at the beginning of the post. it’s more of a loose string of ideas tied together with reckless abandon but hey. the episode would open with jack feeling lonely and down on his luck to establish the theme that he kinda needs a friend (”wuya’s gone, chase trained his cats to get surly with me if i show up, my evil dream team won’t answer my calls....”). his sulking is interrupted by a shen gong wu alert and he’s like. whatever. i don’t need them. i’m still gonna do this on my own. even if it’s. ˡᵒⁿᵉˡʸ. fastforward to the scene i described where sid is putzing around with her doohicky (which i’m considering might be the neptune helmet) all by her sad miserable lonesome when suddenly some flying bloke in a trenchcoat who looks like he hasn’t seen the sun in years shows up telling her she’s got something he needs. she of course responds with something along the lines of “you know what? why don’t you try to take it from me since you want it so bad, mr big stuff,” triggering a xiaolin showdown. this is around the time the xiaolin dragons show up too late - but they’re grateful for somebody having been there to fight jack in time, even if they have no idea who they are. she has no clue what’s going on, but whatever it is, she LOVES it. she goes buckwild. she has a time. jack, on the other hand.... well, understanding how badly he needs that wu is certainly throwing a wrench in it, but he can’t help but feel like he’s having a bit of fun too. well, up until he loses. post-showdown, the monks kinda count their chickens before they hatch so to speak and they rush over to this new kid with a shower of praise, thinking they have a friend on their side. instead, she cuts them off, shouts to the guy who’s gathering his bearings (or lack thereof) - “hey! jack was it?” - and playfully tosses her shen gong wu in the air, catching it. “you look like you need this thing way more than i do. tell you what! take me with and i’ll let you borrow it,” is what she follows it up with, implying she wasn’t really that invested and only saw the whole thing as a fun game. jack and the monks are flabbergasted. what’s more bizarre is she did in fact ask to join him, something nobody’s ever done out of their own volition before. she talks about how boooooooooooring it is here and how that was soooooo much fun and to pleeeeeeeease take her with. he’s really iffy about it and doesn’t know if it’s such a good idea. he tries to make himself look cool, telling her “as IF, shortstack..........im afraid The Jack Rides Alone................................................. but-” and ultimately buckling because he can’t deny that it would be nice to have someone around.
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come get ya miraculous juice
If your thirst for lukanette and slow burn adrinette cannot possibly wait for season 4, Chapter 10 of The Wall Between Us is up on AO3! 
Or read in Tumblr below the cut
Chapter 10
“Aw, come on Luka, don’t be like this,” Albin said, swinging an arm around his neck.
“I’m not being like anything,” Luka protested as he and his group of friends made their way out of the metro station and towards Place de la Concorde. “I’m just saying I don’t feel like coming to a demonstration.”
“So, what would you rather be doing today instead, hm? Stay locked up in your room like an emo kid? Besides, the weather is great today and you know Margot will hang us by our heads if we don’t show up.”
Luka sighed and remitted to walk along, which pleased Albin.
Luka’s friends had been very adamant on helping him out of the house as often as possible since his breakup with Marinette. They knew that, left to his own devices, Luka would close up and keep to himself. He wasn’t the kind of guy that readily shared when something bothered him, he was more the type that had to be squeezed like an orange for him to share his mind when he was feeling low. However, this was not the reason why Luka had put up more of a fight than it was usually his style. It had been almost a week since the breakup and he had managed to keep out of trouble with Hawkmoth, but he attributed his success to a lot of calm evenings and just processing everything his own way.
As much as he supported the cause and his friend Margot, he could see how participating in a demonstration could get him riled up, especially if some asshole showed up. And he’d attended enough demonstrations during his lifetime to know that there was always some asshole showing up.
The trio of boys made their way to the organizers’ tent, where Margo kept busy readying cardboard signs. Without as much as a quick glance upwards and a smile, she said, “Oh good, you’re here. Help me with these, please. Paint is on the table over there.” She handed a couple of cardboard pieces to each of the boys and left them to their own devices.
Luka wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do with these. His creativity didn’t exactly lie in the visual department. That was always more a thing for...
He shook his head and proceeded to grab some random paint and brushes for Albin, Noe, and himself. As he turned around, he accidentally knocked a container of black paint on the person behind him waiting their turn.
“What the heck! Watch it!” the girl exclaimed.
“Shit,” he hissed. “Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Let me help you clean-- Kagami?”
It took him a couple seconds to recognize who she was. It had been almost a year since he had last seen her. There was an air to her that made it evident she had changed a lot during that time, but it was also obvious in her appearance. She had cut her hair shorter than before and she had now several piercings on her ears. She seemed to have also shed her preppy outfits in favor of high-waisted mom jeans and a black crop top. Besides her appearance, Luka could  just tell this was the type of girl who wouldn’t take crap from anyone, even more than before. It was a bit… daunting. He did always wonder how someone as intimidatingly sure of herself ended up with someone like Adrien.
“Luka,” she said deadpan.
“You... look very different.”
She gave him a dirty look. “Really? You come to a feminist demonstration and the first thing you do is comment on my appearance?”
Luka blushed with embarrassment. “No, no, no! Sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! You just-- in general. You look different in general.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Thanks for ruining my pants, by the way. They weren't my favorite or anything,” she said sarcastically, then stopped, looked around the room and asked, “Where’s Marinette, anyway? Maybe she knows some way to take the stain off.”
Luka clutched his painting utensils and gulped. He had tried to steer away from the subject as much as possible to reduce his risk of getting akumatized, but he supposed there wasn’t much of a way to evade it right now.
“We, uh... we broke up a few days ago.”
“Oh.” Kagami perked up, suddenly aware how her question might have been a little insensitive. “Sorry to hear that.”
“Not that it’s my business, but how are you doing? After your akumatization and so on?”
“I didn’t get akumatized,” he said, suddenly defensive, as an urge to get back to his friends built up.
“Really?” Kagami said, a bit surprised.
“Yes, really.”
“I always had the impression you were super into her,” she commented, but mostly to herself.
“I am--I was,” he said, getting angry.
“I got akumatized into this nightmarish monster when Adrien and I broke up and it turned out it didn’t take me so much to get over him.”
“That has absolutely nothing to do with it,” he retorted, evidently irked.
“No, no. Of course not,” she hurried to say, realizing she had unintentionally pushed his buttons. “I just meant to say props to you. Lesser people get akumatized for the weather or something like that. Sorry for the stupid comparison.
“Sure. Whatever…”
“... Anyway,” Kagami said, sighing. “I guess we’ve made this sufficiently awkward, right? So, I’ll get going.”
Luka marched back to his friends and unceremoniously dumped the materials at the center of their little circle as tried to calm himself down.
He tried to focus on getting something into his sign but the fact he was stuck doing something Marinette usually loved to do was not helping in the slightest.
He breathed heavily, his eyes prickling him as hot, angry tears pooled and then fell onto the cardboard.
“I need some fresh air,” he announced to his friends, who had noticed his mood but had not said anything yet and watched as he stormed outside.
He paced around, taking deep breaths. The anxiety of not being able to calm down mixed with the fear of getting akumatized, was like kindling soaked in gasoline being thrown into a starting fire. And, as wildfires do, it burst out of control.
Luka gasped for air and then, with horror saw as the black butterfly approached him. He sprinted back to the tent where his friends were but by the time he got there, the butterfly had already lodged in the paintbrush he was holding.
The voice of his friends urging him not to give into the spell was faint and distant in his ears, but enough to keep him steady.
The first thing he noticed is that this akumatization felt different. He's was still aware of everything. He hadn’t been completely akumatized yet. Hawkmoth held him in his petrifying grasp but stalled, as if deciding what to turn him into.
Suddenly, his grave voice echoed inside his head.
“What is it that you want, Luka Couffaine?”
“Get out of my head,” Luka hissed, focusing as hard as he could on not thinking of anything that would reveal the secrets he knew.
Hawkmoth laughed. “But you called me here. Your emotions... I can tell you’re a soul in pain. You lost something. I can relate to that pain.” Luka felt how Hawkmoth snaked through his thoughts, looking for something to convince him. A flash of a thought, and Hawkmoth knew he was hiding something.
“GET OUT!” he screamed in his head.
He laughed again. “Oh? And what secrets might you be keeping? Hm?”
Luka winced, straining to keep thinking of random things: music, the weather, that weird bench at school that wobbles when he sits and how he hates it. Anything.
“I can help you recover what you lost...” he whispered softly. “Your girlfriend… Don’t you want her back? What is her name? I can help you. I promise I won’t hurt her.”
He felt himself slipping, turning.
“No!” he said, reverting back into his human form. “Let me go!”
“Maybe what you want is revenge on him? The reason she abandoned you? You’re not worthy like him, are you? That’s why she left you… But I can make you worthy… Wouldn't you want to be in his place, hm? Wouldn’t everything be better with that pesky boy of the way?”
Again, Luka felt himself morph and forced himself to think of other things. He tried reciting stupid facts he knew about ship maintenance.
“Get out of my head!” he exclaimed, sounding much weaker.
“Your power of will is very commendable,” Hawkmoth said. “But if I’m overstaying my welcome all you need to do is tell me what you want.”
“N-no!” Luka said, straining and screaming. “GET OUT!”
“If you--”
Suddenly the contact broke, and he collapsed onto the ground. The world went dark.
When Luka regained consciousness, he did so with a jolt. He was surrounded by his friends, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and surprisingly enough, Kagami.
He had an ungodly headache and realized blood had dried on his upper lip. His nose must have bled.
“Give him some space,” Ladybug ordered the crowd, seeing as Luka was struggling to gather his bearings. He didn’t know what particular panic to tackle first.
“What happened?” he asked, noticing they were not under the tent anymore and the gathering crowd that was preparing for the demonstration had dissipated.
“You got akumatized,” Ladybug explained, a bit surprised she had to fill him in on that particular point.
“Or rather, were about to akumatized,” Chat Noir said, trying to help his confused expression.
“You kept changing into different things. Like, you were getting akumatized on and off again,” Albin explained. “It was pretty scary.”
He turned to Ladybug with horror realizing what that meant. “You need to take me out of here,” he urged.
“Just take it easy for a second, okay?” Ladybug said, trying her best not to share Luka’s worry. “We’ll take you home in a minute.”
Ladybug and Chat Noir had not been present for most of the incident, so they stayed to talk to the people that had seen the attack, mainly Luka’s friends and Kagami.
Chat Noir was the one to interview them while Ladybug found some water for Luka to drink. Once everyone had calmed down and gave Chat Noir their testimony, they took Luka away to a secluded place to talk. It was the abandoned industrial section where Chat usually led Akumas.
“He knows,” he said, with absolute terror in his voice, Luka said pacing around, trying his best to contain his tears. “He knows that I know something! He saw that I was hiding something. I’m so sorry, Ladybug. I tried but he--he was in my mind and saw--.” His voice broke down.
For a reason unknown to Chat, Ladybug suddenly assumed the same urgency as Luka.
“Did he see?” she asked as Luka cried. “Luka, did he see?”
“See what?” Chat Noir asked, with escalating worry. “What is going on?”
“He didn’t. That’s why I kept changing, he tried to convince me several times,” said Luka. “But he knows that I’m keeping a secret.”
Ladybug covered her mouth with her hands.
“Would somebody please just care to explain what is going on?” Chat demanded.
“You didn’t tell him?” Luka said with disbelief.
“Luka, I need you to tell me exactly everything you remember. What happened?” Ladybug said, ignoring the question.
“Nothing. He just… he figured that I… lost someone. And he was trying to get me to tell him who it was, and to convince me to try to get them back, or to get revenge. I managed to focus my thoughts, but what if he tries again,” Luka said fearfully. “You were right,” he sobbed. “I shouldn’t have—I should’ve just looked away that day! I wish I never knew about this.”
Despite Chat’s presence, Ladybug could only comfort Luka with a hug, not knowing what else to do. Chat, on the other hand, seemed to have put two and two together. Luka knew Marinette’s identity.
“Oh my god…” Chat muttered with disbelief as he leaned against the metal sliding door of one of the warehouse buildings and fell to the floor. He grabbed chunks of his hair just to process what all of this meant, what to feel first. His father was only an akumatization away from figuring out Marinette.
“Luka, I promise you I won’t let anything happen to you, okay? We will come up with a plan, Chat Noir and me. But for now, I need to you to lay as low as possible. We cannot be seen together anymore. At all. If Hawkmoth is the person Chat and I suspect he is, he could be very close to finding out who I am if he makes the connection that we were together. Erase everything. Everything we ever posted on our social media, messages, calls, anything that might be public evidence. Try to have Juleka do the same.”
Luka contemplated the prospect for a moment. Ladybug knew she was thinking exactly the same thing as him: how devastating it will be to have to pretend that nothing ever happened. To actively destroy their memories together.
“Okay,” he said after a while. “And what if I get akumatized again? I don’t think I’ll be able to hold him off for any longer than I did today.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Ladybug said. “That’s for us to figure out. Your only task is to pretend like you don’t know us, for your own sake.”
They sent Luka back home on a cab that Marinette called through her burner phone, leaving a heavy sense of danger looming between Chat and Ladybug. He was still on his spot on the ground, with his head on his hands as he supported his arms on his knees.
Ladybug sighed and slid down to sit next to him.
“You told him?”
“I’ve only ever told Alya. He found out by accident,” she said, already defensive and prepared for the argument that was bubbling up between them. “He also knows who you are.”
Chat’s stomach dropped. “Come again?”
“He was hiding in the same alley you transformed in one day.”
Chat let out a heavy sigh and swore loudly.
“You knew about this and you didn’t think to tell me?” he asked Ladybug.
Ladybug was in complete silence. She didn’t know what to say. “I—“
“You what?” Chat demanded.
“I— I meant to tell you next time we met,” she said. “I didn’t think—“
“You didn’t think to tell me that the boyfriend you just broke up with and was very much at risk of being akumatized knows who we are?” he exclaimed with frustration.
“I just—“ Ladybug tried to come up with an explanation, but the words kept getting stuck on her throat. Chat was right to be mad. She should have told him as soon as she found out. But everything had been so much, with him disappearing and Luka suddenly breaking up with her that, in a moment of weakness, him knowing her identity had been the least of her worries.
“What were you thinking?” Chat demanded. “Ladybug, I told you I’m close to the Agreste family!”
“I’m sorry!” she yelled. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t think—I was… I was so distracted by everything going on that I never thought… I meant to tell you! But then all this stupid teenage drama got in the way! He broke up with me literally the day after you and I talked. That’s when he told me. I meant to tell you Chat Noir, I swear. I just...” she sighed. “I’m so stupid!”
She knocked the back of her head on the metal wall that they were leaning against. “This was the kind of mistake I wanted to evade by telling someone! And it still happened… No matter what I do, nothing ever seems to be enough.”
She was angry at herself, at the situation, at the fact that no matter how hard she tried, she was still not a good enough Guardian.
“We still have time to fix this,” he said, a lot calmer and even with hints of reassurance in his voice. “We need to use our upper hand before Hawkmoth gets a chance to get his,” said Chat. “I can get a hold of his personal calendar. We can attack when he least expects it.”
“How are you going to do that, Chat? Let me go with you,” Ladybug said, worried.
Chat shook his head. “I’ll do it as a civilian.”
“The more reason!”
“No, Ladybug. If anything goes wrong and he sees you there, he’ll be able to figure everything out. Trust me. I promise I will be careful.”
“Marinette, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to you,” Chat Noir said, his voice cracking and evidencing the whirlwind of emotions he had been trying to hide from her. “Please, just let me do this. Please, my lady.”
“Okay,” she said quietly. “But promise me you’ll be careful. And you’ll tell me when you do it. Please, promise me you’ll tell me.”
“I will.”
The clicking of Natalie’s heels as she entered the office disturbed the soft classical music playing in the background.
“Here’s the schedule for tomorrow, sir,” she said, placing a thin stack of papers on Gabriel’s desk. “Your flight to Helsinki is expected to arrive at nine a.m. and your first meeting is at ten, as you requested.”
“Excellent. Thank you, Natalie,” Gabriel said, without taking his sight off his screen.
Natalie nodded, heading to her desk.
“One more thing while I am absent, Natalie.”
“Yes, sir?”
Gabriel zoomed into the picture of the article he had been reading. The photographer had managed to capture the teenager he had akumatized looking urgently at Ladybug, who seemed to reciprocate his concern.
“Make sure to find out everything you can about this... Luka Couffaine.”
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bowerbirdboy · 4 years
A Complete Character Analysis of Sgt. Anacostia Quartermaine
Anacostia Quartermaine. She’s been a giant question mark since day one but is slowly starting to reveal her true intentions. However, my curiosity still remains about her treatment of Raelle and whether or not it’s special. I rewatched all of the episodes with a special focus on her and here’s what I’ve managed to find. This is a long one, I’m sorry. There’s a whole lot to it, I understand if you have to tap out halfway through or skip to the conclusion, but I’d like to think it’s a thorough compilation of everything Anacostia has shown through her actions, words, and body language. 
Intro to Anacostia’s Character:
Anacostia was raised as a fosterling, a military child with no parents, and was looked after by Alder. This caused a strong bond to form between the two of them and made Anacostia the perfect right hand woman. As no-nonsense and professional as she likes to appear, we’ve seen some moments (unrelated to soldiers and training, I’ll get into those later) of humanity from her. 
One of the best examples is when the fosterlings come to visit and she can’t help but smile. I think it’s clear that she enjoyed her upbringing and they give her both a nostalgic joy and excitement for the future. 
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We also see her reminiscing about Beltane with Berryessa, another hint that she remembers her childhood fondly. 
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She even has her hair down, completely freed from her strict drill sergeant duties.
Anacostia and Punishment:
The first time we see her have a one on one interaction is with Raelle, when she finds out about her first demerit. Immediately we see the epitome of the “I’m not mad, just disappointed” look. 
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She wipes away the demerit first thing without bothering to ask questions about it or punish Raelle. We only see her begin to get angry when Raelle says “I’m sorry” and she snaps back “are you?”. Instead of being angry that she broke the rules, Anacostia seems upset that Raelle doesn’t care about training or putting in effort to improve her work. She almost starts to yell when talking about how Raelle’s actions negatively impact those around her but takes a breath and calms down. Instead, she sits down next to Raelle which makes the scene feel much more like a pep talk from a big sister than a lecture from a superior officer. 
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She brings herself down to Raelle’s level and softens her tone, not wanting to seem too much like an authority figure. Keep this in mind, it’s important for later.
She also personally hand delivers Raelle’s mail from her dad, something I would presume is way above her pay grade. 
Then we see strike number two after Raelle uses Salva with Scylla. Anacostia’s main priority is making sure Raelle gets medical attention (“We need to get you both to the infirmary”). While both girls took the Salva, Scylla has two officers standing guard by her bed and Raelle has none.
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I don’t know if this is protocol, but it does seem like a special case. And seeing as how Anacostia dismisses both soldiers with a simple flick of her head, we can presume she gave them the guard duty in the first place.
Anacostia makes sure the guards are gone before threatening Scylla, perhaps because what she’s about to do isn’t quite up to code. 
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From the daily ranking list we know it is possible to be punished for improper treatment of subordinates, or lower ranking soldiers. 
When her threats don’t seem to make an impact and Scylla is still making eyes at Raelle, Anacostia decides to get her point across by bringing Scylla to the brink of death. That might qualify as an abuse of power. 
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There’s no regret on her face either, she seems to be enjoying making her point.
In this moment I don’t believe Anacostia knew Scylla was Spree, but when Raelle’s progress was in danger she wasn’t afraid to use fear as a tactic to stop it (“Stay away from her. Far away. As if your life depended on it”). But she only punishes Scylla, not Raelle. 
We see Raelle get in trouble again, this time for sleeping during training. Anacostia kicks Raelle’s foot out from under her to wake her up, to date the most physical punishment we’ve seen Raelle receive from her. Meanwhile, Abigail gets the brunt of Raelle’s failure when Anacostia forces her to hold out a tricky seed for a dangerous amount of time. 
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She is unconcerned, even though Abigail is clearly risking her voice and she was the one who told the girls “It is imperative that the entirety of your vocal apparatus... must remain functional and sound producing at all times. Inability to produce sound can leave a soldier powerless.”
This could be a psychological punishment, to get the message across to Raelle that her failures directly harm her team. Raelle cares more about others than herself (even if it was before her and Abigail bonded), so maybe Anacostia knew that it would make Raelle feel guilty. But I think it’s possible she wanted to spare Raelle while still making an example of mistake, so the other girls didn’t get the wrong idea. 
Anacostia and Training: 
We first see this in episode one, when Raelle storms in to confront Abigail. The other officers are concerned and want to break it up immediately, but Anacostia is interested in seeing the extent of what she can/will do.
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She lets the storm rage for about as long as it can without becoming harmful to all those in the nearby vicinity and I think she may have also hoped that Raelle would wriggle out of Abigail’s chokehold. When she inevitably doesn’t, Anacostia grabs Abigail and a random official grabs Raelle. That may have been a subtle hint that Anacostia wanted to ensure Raelle’s safety, only trusting herself to remove Abigail in time. 
Anacostia has a strange focus on Raelle in training. This may just be because the Bellweather Unit has the main characters and it makes sense for them to always be the focal point, but I’ll include it anyway. 
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Even after rebelling and expressing disinterest in being there, Raelle is trusted with being the leader of the pyramid in a training exercise. 
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While in a unit vocal lesson, Anacostia speaks directly to Raelle by saying “Very good Private Collar, that seed is a beast to master. Maintain it.” So was Raelle specifically given harder work than the others? Or was Anacostia only focusing on her?
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Tally and Abigail argue back and forth about their moms, but it is only when Raelle says “how about we cool it on the mom talk” that Anacostia takes notice of the unit and encourages them to “use what’ve you got ladies”. They then proceed to produce a strong wind strike and we hear rare words of praise (“Best wind strike all day”). 
Anacostia and Praise: 
That leads me rather nicely into my next little segment, Anacostia’s praise of Raelle. 
When Raelle wakes up in the infirmary after trying to save Porter, Anacostia’s first words are another comment about her wellbeing (“You could’ve died”).
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She looks angry but this time Raelle hadn’t done anything wrong. It seems as if Anacostia was worried about Raelle and covered it up with a layer of anger for risking her health without a second thought.
For the second time we see Anacostia sit down next to her, lowering herself to an equal level so it feels like a friendly conversation rather than a conversation with her drill sergeant.
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We hear her praise Raelle, saying “We are all incredibly proud of you, that kind of bravery can’t be taught.” While not the first time Anacostia has complimented Raelle, it is a very vulnerable moment where she talks specifically about her character rather than her skills. It mirrors the first demerit scene and shows Raelle’s growth and Anacostia’s investment in it. 
But more importantly, Raelle doesn’t recognize the special treatment she is given. Anacostia is stern and she punishes more than she praises, so you would think Raelle may have started to notice. But in episode five we get two quotes that show she doesn’t.
“Yeah even Anacostia was impressed with our wind strikes.”
When have clearly seen several examples of Anacostia being impressed by their work, including the vocal lesson in the first episode and the wind strike. 
“There’s no way she said that.”
When Scylla tells Raelle that Anacostia praised her skills, which we saw happen, Raelle cannot believe it. We’ve seen moments of Anacostia pushing Raelle and complimenting her skills, but Raelle doesn’t see past her her demanding exterior yet.  
Perhaps Raelle thinks the bad moments outweigh the good, but when you see how Anacostia treats other soldiers it becomes clear how different she is with Raelle.  
Anacostia and Other Soldiers (mainly Tally): 
After the swimming pool Spree attack, everyone is a little shaken up. Particularly a woman named Simms, who can’t even produce sound because she’s crying so much. 
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“Simms, buck up. You are in the United States Army, will you cry every time the Spree attack?” She refuses to show any weakness in the moment because she wants to show her soldiers what strength looks like. 
We do eventually see that Anacostia is also shaken up by the attacks and the reactions of her girls, a softer side she doesn’t often show. 
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She is clearly struggling as well but wants to train the weakness out the soldiers, to keep them safe. She waits for them to leave before breaking down slightly.
However, this is entirely different from how she handles Raelle’s Scylla meltdown. When Raelle is crying and screaming about the loss of Scylla, she tries not to react. Just like Simms’ feeling of fear and sadness, grief is a common occurrence in war that they need to learn how to deal with.
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She maintains eye contact and betrays no emotion. Yet.
Even though Raelle is demanding that Anacostia do her job better and is accusing of her sabotaging the search (which she was but... still), Anacostia holds her ground. But when Raelle starts yelling (“You’re acting like I’m crazy, I’m not crazy”), something softens in her eyes.
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I believe here she’s realizing just how much Scylla meant to Raelle and she does not want to see Raelle breakdown like this. She even does a hard swallow, as if forcing down some emotion trying to bubble to the surface. There is a sympathy in her eyes that isn’t in the first picture or her confrontation with Simms. 
The harshest we’ve seen Anacostia act is towards Tally. Tally is bubbly and naive and still a little scared, all traits Anacostia wants to train out of her. While Raelle’s rebellion and disinterest seem like they should also deserve poor treatment, Anacostia appears to save all of her “harsh life lessons” for Tally. 
In episode two, Anacostia singles Tally out and asks her to stab her in the eye, knowing that she would falter and fail. 
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The look here is cold and expectant. She knows Tally is terrified and won’t be able to do it, but she’s going make Tally feel the full extent of her failure. 
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When Tally falls, Anacostia barely looks at her before asking someone else to pick up her slack. She knew Tally wouldn’t be able to complete the task and wanted to teach her a cruel reality about war. 
Then when Tally find her at the wedding, pale and shaking, to tell Anacostia about the Spree balloon, Anacostia snaps “what is it?” as her first response. While typically we see her holding back her anger and annoyance, Anacostia makes no attempt to hide how she feels about this inconvenience.
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And if the message wasn’t clear before, when Tally grips onto her arm Anacostia yanks it away rather unceremoniously.
In episode six when Tally tracks her down to follow up about Scylla, Anacostia doesn’t even bother turning around to acknowledge that someone is talking to her. 
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She keeps her eyes and head tilted away from Tally, barely even acknowledging that they’re having a conversation. One could wave this away as her trying to keep the secret of Scylla’s location if not for the previous examples of her behavior towards Tally. 
Anacostia speaks in short sentences, attempting to dismiss Tally as quickly as possible and only addresses her directly when she wants to threaten her to keep her mouth shut. 
Anacostia and Scylla:
This frame about sums up Anacostia’s role in Scylla and Raelle’s relationship and I believe it’s quite purposeful. 
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She’s standing between them, a constant obstacle. Not only directly, when she threatens Scylla and when she kidnaps her but also what she represents. She wants Raelle to be a good soldier, to follow the life the military has laid out for her. Scylla wants her to see that there’s more to life than that and wants to get away from the military.
After she walks over, Raelle opens her mouth to speak but Anacostia talks over her and directly to Scylla (“You’re not supposed to be here”). It’s as if she’s trying to leave Raelle out of it, once again protecting her as if she’s a child. 
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As soon as Raelle calls Scylla her girlfriend, Anacostia’s glare shifts to Scylla. Throughout the Tally distraction, Anacostia watches her carefully. 
There’s too much to screen shot here, so if you want to follow along, here you go. In her and Scylla’s one on one chat I think here you can see Anacostia’s thinly veiled affection for Raelle and how defensive she is of her, almost like an aunt or mother-figure. She says “you’ve taken advantage of a new recruit” in a tone much angrier than if she really was just a “new recruit”. It seems to be a deliberate choice of words to emotionally distance herself from Raelle in this situation. When Scylla takes credit for some of Raelle’s newfound success in training, Anacostia becomes even more mad and says “Raelle doesn’t need you, she has her own gifts. I suggest you end it sooner than later or I will make life very difficult for you, Ramshorn.” Scylla responds sarcastically and Anacostia responds with a slight head shake as if to say Scylla has no idea who she’s messing with. 
Now last but not least, we have the big bombshell at the end where Anacostia is revealed to be torturing Scylla. 
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And I think the lighting says it all, this is a true dark side to Anacostia that we haven’t seen before. Almost completely unlit, leaving a shadowy portrait gives her the scene an eerie feeling and  
Her interrogation starts with “how did you plan the wedding attack?”, meaning she believes Scylla was the force behind the Bellweather death(s) and all of the destruction it caused. The real question is would Anacostia be interrogating her  like this if she didn’t think she was a mass murderer?
Anacostia’s treatment of other soldiers is not bad (except for SELECT moments with Tally and Scylla). She is a drill sergeant training them for war, she needs to be tough to keep them alive. It’s not even close to Izadora slitting a girl’s throat in the promo for next week. However she unquestionably gives Raelle tough love, almost as if she’s watching over her. It’s possible Raelle reminds her of a younger her, or Anacostia knew her mom, or she somehow knows Raelle’s strength and is supposed to monitor her. But you can definitely see that she handles Raelle differently from other soldiers and Anacostia has personal interest in her advancement.
I think it also shows that Anacostia will be the first to want to stop torturing Scylla. She really doesn’t seem to be cold or cruel, only when something or someone she cares about is directly affected. When she finds out that Scylla abandoned the Spree for Raelle, I believe Anacostia will no longer want to harm her.
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spiriituma · 4 years
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hey, so i gotta talk about jonas and his time at the laboratory he was p much imprisoned in between the ages of 12 and whenever he escapes from there (anywhere from 16 to 18, depending on the verse)
some uncomfy stuff under the cut !!
Where does this C-PTSD stem from?
1) Forced separation from loved ones / dehumanization
Due to the nature of his disorder, Jonas was almost constantly hospitalized between the ages of two and five. After his wings began to sprout as a five year old, he was not allowed outside of his house. His only friends, only source of stability, were his parents. He latched onto them an unhealthy amount because they were all he had; when he was accepted into another supposed ‘drug trial’ to try and get rid of the wings, his parents unknowingly signed off all custody of their son to Premier Labs.
Jonas was picked up from his home in a Premier van and when out of range, he was drugged, a tracker implanted in the back of his neck. He was not allowed any contact with his parents; it would be as if they never had a son. With the topic of mutants deserving the same rights as humans being heavily debatable, Jonas was now deemed the private property of the lab, given a number (PL-008.) Jonas’s wings were also CLIPPED, and some primary feathers were pulled.
To avoid losing his sense of self, Jonas would write his real name over and over on the wall of his cell.
He was often referred to as an ‘IT’ in another attempt to dehumanize him. Whether this was to make him feel less than human or to allow those working there the ease of being able to see the people they were experimenting on as animals or inhuman, he isn’t sure. It was probably a combination of the two.
**Because of this, Jonas post-lab will CLING to friends like his life depends on it. He may come off as needy and annoying because he is afraid of losing people he cares about. Jonas also will constantly check up on people via text or even just by swinging by. His social skills are lacking, so he often comes on too strong.**
2) Experiments/Drug Tests w/o Consent
Jonas was subjected to daily testing during his time at Premier. This included everything from breaking bones to see how fast they would heal to pulling feathers to various injections. Electro-shock therapy was a favorite at Premier to test the limits of the mutant body. 
Another painful experiment Jonas was subjected to was a LIVE AUTOPSY/explorative surgery. He was not given the proper amount of anesthesia and woke up during the procedure. Jonas panicked, sitting up and throwing surgeons away from his with his wings. He DID happen to look down and see what they were actually doing before being knocked back out. Though he doesn’t remember most of the event, he would repeatedly wake up screaming during nights at Premier. Sometimes, he didn’t sleep at all.
**Jonas has a Y-shaped scar down the front of his chest that he is INCREDIBLY sensitive about. He can’t talk about what it’s from without feeling sick, most often not even really able to make it through a full explanation. He DOES still have night terrors, waking up and clutching at his stomach. Jonas will often get VIOLENT after first waking, unable to control his wings.
JONAS DOES NOT LIKE NEEDLES !! Jonas will panic and fight back against any attempt to come at him with a needle and will need to be restrained or knocked out.
When he escapes Premier, HIS WINGS ARE STILL CLIPPED, and he cannot fly for long periods of time. He’s also very sensitive when it comes to his wings and who touches him. The couple of primary feathers that were pulled by the doctors at Premier never grow back.**
3. Abuse and Assault
Jonas was subjected to years of abuse and assault while at Premier, with most of the staff turning a blind eye to it or participating themselves. While Jonas was not the only humanoid mutant experiment that was kept there, he was certainly the most compliant (though not at first.) Verbal and physical abuse was constant, and it didn’t take many beatings for him to learn not to talk back to anyone coming in to examine him or prep him for experiments/surgeries/drug trials/etc. 
Physical abuse from staff mainly came in the form of electric shocks, with each staffer carrying a handheld device that could be used to tase an experiment that was out of line. Jonas was among the few that fought back and fought back HARD for a short period of time, earning him multiple burn scars and a month of solitary confinement.
Jonas became extremely quiet and a “model” experiment after his time in solitary, making him a favorite of doctors and guard staff because he didn’t give them any trouble and never put up a fight. This was taken advantage of, with several on staff sexually abusing him. A blind eye was turned, it was never spoken of or documented, though because of this, some of the staff began to treat him as more of a “pet” than an experiment. He was given rewards, extra rations, and even better care for his wounds.
After a while, one of his abusers (head doctor, Richard Hilliard) even allowed him to have some social interaction with another experiment his own age, Hilliard’s daughter, Samantha, who became Jonas’s only friend.
**Jonas is easily startled by loud noises, and will at first become violent when touched, even in a kind manner. In his post-lab everyday life, he finds himself desperately seeking intimacy with others, though he is definitely conflicted when it comes to sexual intimacy. 
He is constantly torn between hyper-sexuality and being sex-repulsed. Jonas often dissociated during any kind of sexual abuse at Premier, thankfully able to block a lot of it from his mind. However, with those that he ends up in a relationship with, Jonas goes from 0-100 in no time flat, oftentimes begging them for some form of sexual contact. He will occasionally have flashbacks to memories of his time in the lab, associating certain things like the tugging of his hair, pulling of his feathers, or being tied up with his abuse. He blames the hyper-sexuality on his bird DNA, though that’s definitely a cover-up. 
Jonas is COMPLETELY STERILE from both the experiments he underwent at Premier as well as the bird DNA in his system.
Post-Premier, Jonas also has a habit of seeking out romantic relationships that remind him of his abusers, landing him (in some verses) with the narcissistic speedster, Austin Blaise.
Jonas also now has AN EXTREME DISTRUST OF DOCTORS for various reasons.
He does NOT like the nickname “RED.”**
After spending time with Samantha and the two of them breaking out of Premier, Jonas forces himself to become a walking ray of sunshine to avoid thinking about all the atrocities he faced while an experiment. He and Sam cut the trackers out of their necks with broken glass after a chemical fire starts in the mutant wing where they were being held. Jonas escapes, managing to fly a short distance away and crash-land with enough energy to hide himself, but he is unable to go back for Sam.
Jonas is unsure of what lies ahead, but he knows that whatever it is, it will be better than what he was exposed to. He tries his hardest to shove aside his own feelings, put his own emotions on hold, and smile through it all. 
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melodiouswhite · 4 years
Live forever - Ch. 07
He hadn't been in the Ottoman Empire in a while.
Partly, because he'd had business in Europe, but mainly, because he spoke no Turkish or Persian and his Arabic was … unpresentable.
But when he said “get as far away from there as possible”, he meant it!
Perhaps he would take her even further away some day, but leaving their home nation had been hard enough, both physically and emotionally.
Upon their arrival in Athens, they encountered a Middle Eastern traveller, whom he promptly engaged in a conversation (in Greek, as that turned out to be the common language they spoke best).
The man looked a bit befuddled, when the European addressed him with a genial smile and told him that he wanted to refresh his Arabic, as he planned to go there. But he quickly recovered, laughed heartily and told them that he was Persian.
“I speak Arabic and Turkish too, but seriously? Do we all look the same to you Westerners?!”, he snickered.
He apologised awkwardly and told him that he had never been to the East before. “So I'm travelling to fix that.”
“How very wise!”
“Stop laughing!”, he huffed, “You couldn't tell where I'm from either!”
Now the Persian finally stopped laughing and took a closer look at him.
“Hmm … you're from England, right? With your red hair and-”
Now it was his turn to laugh: “Wrong! Try again.”
“No. My daughter and I are from the Holy Roman Empire.”
The other man chuckled: “Alright, you win. Hey, what do you think about staying at my hotel with me? I'm sure my fellow travellers will be delighted to meet fellow Europeans.”
“Fellow travellers?”
“A couple from France. Very nice for Christians, no offence.”
“None taken”, he brushed it off graciously, but felt a bad hunch nagging at his guts.
A couple from France?
Gretchen seemed to sense his discomfort and huddled up to him. He smiled fondly and scooped her up in his arms.
“And unlike you, they're fluent in Arabic!”, the Persian added, teasing.
“Well, do you speak German, English or French?!”, he retorted snappishly.
“… Good point. Is that your daughter?”, the Persian asked, “She's so cute!”
“I know, right? The cutest!”, he cooed, while she rubbed her cheek against his shoulder.
“Is that all your luggage?”, the other inquired and pointed at his medium-sized bag. “It's very little for two people.”
“It's too dangerous to travel with a lot of luggage. Thieves, bandits and plunderers everywhere. I stopped counting how many times we nearly got-”
He stopped himself, when he felt his daughter tremble. He tightened his hold on her and cooed gentle words of comfort, until she stopped shivering.
“Let's not talk about that”, the Persian spoke up, “Come with me. The more the merrier! Like I said, my companions will be delighted to meet you – wait, let me carry that”, he added, when the alchemist tried to pick up his bag, while holding his daughter.
“Thank you”, he nodded gratefully, “By the way, what's your name? I would rather not refer to you as 'the Persian' all the time.”
The Persian stopped dead in his tracks. “By Allah, you're right! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Reza Ibn Aziz. And you are?”
“Dr. Johann Georg Faust. And this is my little daughter Margarete.”
“It's a pleasure to meet you! Now come along!”
Mr. Ibn Aziz chattered merrily all the way about politics, travellers and merchants from all over the world and the beautiful ladies back in Isfahan.
Once they arrived at the hotel, their guide strolled through several rooms to a parlour, where several people were diverting themselves.
“I'm back!”, he cried cheerfully, “And I brought company!”
The alchemist's bad hunch from earlier was confirmed, when a tall, gaunt blond with silvery eyes and a pince-nez and a tiny, chubby brunette with brown eyes looked up and stared at him in recognition.
“By Mother Mary!”, he gasped.
“You?!”, Nicolas Flamel exclaimed.
“Jean?”, Perenelle Flamel cried out in surprise.
Mr. Ibn Aziz blinked: “You know each other?”
“Yes …”, he admitted, “We used to travel around together, but then we parted, after we had a little … disagreement.”
“He's sugarcoating it”, Nicolas clarified to Mr. Ibn Aziz.
“That much is clear”, the Persian deadpanned. “Believe it or not, we do know irony and sarcasm, where I come from.”
The German alchemist nearly jumped, when Gretchen tugged at his collar. “Papa, what is 'irony and sarcasm'? And are these two your friends?”
“I'll explain it later”, he told her. “And they were once.”
Perenelle stood up to greet them properly. She was obviously hurt, when he recoiled from being hugged, but didn't show it.
“It's so good to see you again!”, she said warmly.
“Thank you, Perenelle”, he replied blankly.
“And who is that little mademoiselle?”, she wanted to know.
He smiled: “That's my daughter. Isn't she just the cutest?”
He felt Gretchen's blush more than he saw it and she hid her face in the crook of his neck.
Perenelle laughed sweetly: “Well then, ma petite mignonne¹, how old are you?”
Gretchen mumbled in broken French, that she was seven and buried her face further into his neck.
He melted like butter and so did the Flamels and Mr. Ibn Aziz, because Gretchen was way too adorable for her own good.
In the late evening, when Gretchen was asleep and Mr. Ibn Aziz had retreated (to pray and because alcohol was apparently taboo for Muslims), that he and the Flamels sat together over cups of beer and talked.
“Did you burn Dee's notes?”, he inquired.
Perenelle nodded. “Yes, we did. We burned all the notes on black magic that we could find.”
Nicolas sighed: “And then we had to leave England immediately, because Perenelle had some … disputes with Dee, before he died and …”
“He insulted Nic”, Perenelle huffed. “So I cooked dinner for him in his last months. You know, some people just can't appreciate good food.”
“… You poisoned him.”
She frowned: “Poisoned is such a strong word! I just … mistook a few mushrooms and he was more than eighty years old.”
“… That's really creepy. Alright, I'm not letting either of you near my little Gretchen!”, he suddenly decided.
“Gretchen? Is that her name?” Nicolas totally butchered the pronunciation.
He shrugged: “It's Margarete actually. But Gretchen is shorter.”
“Is she really your daughter? She doesn't look anything like you.”
He sighed: “I adopted her a year ago. We both survived the Sack of Magdeburg. Her parents were both murdered and I found her wandering through a barren wasteland half-starved and disorientated. I … I just couldn't leave her alone. Not her. She was only six.”
Nicolas and Perenelle exchanged a sombre look.
“We heard of the sacking”, the blond Frenchman stated softly. “They talked about it everywhere in Europe. What we heard sounded horrible-”
“Horrible?!”, he echoed with a hollow laugh, “Horrible is not the word. There is no word. What we saw … it cannot be put into words, nor bewailed with tears².”
“So you two were really there? In all the horror?”
“Yes. Gretchen wasn't seriously harmed, when I found her, but she was in shock. My poor little girl saw her parents get mishandled in the worst way possible, before they got murdered. She managed to escape unnoticed, but … Holy Mother Mary, she is just a little child!”
“What about you?”, Perenelle asked gently.
All the traumatic memories returned to the forefront of his conscience. It hurt so much, he almost burst into tears. Instead he bit his lip, until it bled.
“Don't”, he warned, when Perenelle stood up to hug him.
He needed a few minutes to compose himself, before he told them everything – telepathically, just in case Gretchen would wake up.
At some point he gave up trying to appear aloof and strong and cried into his hands.
Normally he wasn't actually that emotional.
But he had nearly been raped and murdered several times, seen that very thing happen to countless people, had committed his first murders, had seen fire and brutally mangled corpses everywhere and so many other horrors, his body still bore the horrific burning scars and it was just all too much!
“Don't!”, he repeated, when the Flamels stood both up, but they didn't listen this time.
He almost screamed, when he felt their arms around him; he knew it was irrational, that he had nothing to fear from them, but he couldn't help it!
Nicolas was the first to notice and retreat. “Perenelle, let go. We're making it worse.”
She looked even more hurt than before, but obeyed her husband.
The younger alchemist soon stopped shivering and panicking and breathed calmly – as calmly as his bandages allowed, that was.
After a while he stopped weeping and glared weakly at them. “Don't ever try to hug me again. I hate body contact even more today than I did back then.”
“I'm sorry”, Perenelle apologised sadly, “We didn't know.”
“Of course you didn't. Unlike me, you have never seen a war zone in your life, despite being so much older than I!”
“We didn't want to see the horrors of war”, Nicolas explained quietly. “Witnessing the Black Death in our youth was terrible enough. What were you doing there anyway?”
The German alchemist lowered his head. “I … I just wanted to help. Civilians have it so hard to find good physicians these days … I didn't mean to stay at the forefront of the war, but there is nowhere to hide from it in the Empire. And when they began to besiege Magdeburg … I did consider leaving, but there were so many sick and I couldn't bring myself to abandon them. Well, and then it was too late.”
Nicolas instinctively took his hand, but retracted it immediately, when the younger man flinched.
“You're a good man”, the blond said gently.
The ginger-haired man sneered: “Ohhh, so you finally acknowledge that I'm a man and not a woman? What ever made you change your mind, Monsieur Nicolas The-Lord-doesn't-make-mistakes Flamel?”
“… You're still angry.”
He sighed and shook his head. “No. I was angry, but not anymore. I got tired of being angry after a while. I am, however, still hurt. And looking back, I'm also seriously disappointed.”
These words made the French couple look at him miserably, which didn't surprise him. He knew that the “Not angry, just disappointed”-phrase was a lot worse for most people, but it was the truth. And he saw no point in sugarcoating it.
“You didn't mind, that I have magical and psychic powers. Not even that I was only a Catholic on paper (I have converted to Protestantism, by the way) and then you fussed over this?!”
He pointed at his chest, that was hidden and flattened by the bandages he was wearing under his clothing.
“That was just hurtful. I thought you would be more understanding than this. That you would be kinder. And wiser.”
These words obviously cut even deeper with the other two, but he didn't care.
“But you were no different from anyone else, who knew. And I felt betrayed. Perenelle failed to understand, but unlike you, Nicolas, she tried. You didn't even bother with that! I'm almost 170 years old now and the only people in my life, who have ever understood and accepted me for who I am were my mother (even though she didn't like it) and now my daughter. My mother was an illiterate serf and Gretchen is only seven. You are two ingenious immortal alchemists. I know you're a product of your time, but that doesn't give you the right to judge m-”
“I'm sorry.”
“… Pardon?”
“I'm sorry”, the French alchemist repeated. “You're right. I have no right to judge you and I never did. I was supposed to be a friend to you and accept you for what you are and instead I pushed you away and treated you like a freak. I'm still not sure, if I understand it. But I do know now, that I was in the wrong and you never deserved any of it. And I'm sorry.”
The apology was followed by silence, broken only by the toll of the church bell. For the split of a second, he was startled that it was midnight already. Then he tore his attention away from the distant tolling, back to his companions.
It was only long after the last toll of the bell had sounded, that he broke the silence: “Took you long enough. I have waited thirty-two years for that apology.”
Then he cried again.
This time he allowed them to at least hold his hands.
“I missed you.”
1) Ma petite mignonne - French: My little cute one / my dearie
2) A contemporary’s description of the events of the Sack of Magdeburg, 20th May 1631.
3 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 4 years
💟💟 PG MM Anon(II) 💟💟 Interpretation Collection -10
64. July 15
MM ANON …… Now a “married”abomination ………… girlfriends!! …………… HMTQ,will she , won’t she…………… Kate’s amazing ascension ……………… the feeding machine ………… a future Queen in all but name. …………… “ Yes!! A homogeneous bubble” …………… a sterile palace ………black Colorado ……… sir Tom?? …………… a hush hush holiday. …………… awoke to a scathing review.
Entertainment purposes
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Thank you MM Anon🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
July 15/2020. RIDDLE #64
💜💜💜💜JD wanted to test DNA bm on sheet to determine their origin and complained ‘my wife left a whooper poo on my bed’ before telling AH he wanted a divorce on conference call with assistant. I had to add this because I was only joking about this the other day in the riddle that they would do DNA and here they are, so obviously he saved the BM is that not special eh? Most people save dried rose petals , cards , concert tickets , pictures of their relationship , but not with these kids, they save bm wowza! Wowza!🥺🥺🥺🥺🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢💜💜💜💜💜💜
I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to finally see some content involving our royal family it’s been quite fun where I’ve just been spewing the daily news back at you kids so this is great!!!
Now a “married”abomination
GM is secretly married but refuses to name her mystery spouse, US prosecutors revealed. Can you believe this garbage? What on earth would be the point of her being secretly married? There must have been some legal benefit to it. I know in some of the United States you do not have to testify against your spouse. I don’t know if that’s going to come into play here but who would marry her?? MONEY DUH?! Or blackmail!? Oh my stars and garters! The shocking news came during her plea of not guilty via video link to charges related to his sex trafficking ring on Tuesday. The marriage was disclosed by US Attorney Alison Moe at the detention hearing. She did not say who she believed the spouse was or give any indication as to how long they had been married. The only other mention of her being married is when Moe said her client had toured a home with a man, both giving their last names as Marshall - his first name Scott. Last summer she was at in Manchester-by-the-Sea, living at a $2 million home owned by her tech CEO lover Scott Borgerson. She is accused of grooming girls as young as 14 for JE to abuse between 1994 and 1997, a period when she was his girlfriend. She pleaded not guilty via video link but was denied bail at the hearing in New York!! Thank goodness she was denied bail!!
………… girlfriends!! ……………
I don’t know if this romantic picture of the ‘ young lovely couple’ taking a stroll will show up but I’ll try and submit it separately. Well this girl plays for both teams wow she’s an all-around user abuser narcissist oh that’s sickening!! Not her being bisexual, I’m talking about her narcissistic and picking on all targets!
AH indulged in some retail therapy after spending another day giving evidence against her estranged husband in court. Yeah I think this is what most people do after a traumatic day in court after day after day after day in court they walk around the street with their lover shopping looking for the for the photo opportunity my Lord in heaven she is an evil woman oh sick! The actress and her partner BB strolled hand-in-hand through London accompanied by her sister Whitney and personal assistant. Today, the group are back in court as it gets set to hear from JD’s ex-fiancée WR.
HMTQ,will she , won’t she……………
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜She will never add the cake ever.🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂She’ll never advocate inertial never abdicate she will advocate but she won’t abdicate. I decided to leave that sentence in there because it just is so true she’ll never add the cake she’ll never advocate inertial she will never advocate she will never make a cake it’s almost like Dr. Seuss yes I am Sam I am oh. That was just to give you a feel of how it is for me to use the audio software it hears things the way I pronounce them and it’s not always correct but I just wanted to share that with you because it’s kind of funny and good night shows we all need to laugh. What I want to show you just how difficult it is to do a riddle it may look easy as you’re reading through it and it’s all Lottie doll funny and whatever but it’s a lot of work.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜OK all seriousness now this yammering on and on and on about will her Majesty abdicate or won’t she she will never abdicate, FULL STOP NEVER!!! I have no doubt that there are plans in place to make things workable. They will have to be creative but yes, maybe the days of the walkabouts are over , in the public contact , but look at all the positives that come out of a zoom meeting with like yesterday? I think she’s got a lot to contribute yet and to count her out now would be a fools errand!
Kate’s amazing ascension ……………… the feeding machine ………… a future Queen in all but name. ……………
For the millionth time I’m going to say are Catherine has come into her own since about 2015 and especially since Madam has arrived on the scene! She’s so multi talented she’s raising three children she’s she’s a patron of Wimbledon, of the photography right now , she’s working on the Tiny Happy People initiative, Heads Together and she’s working on that so Hold Still Covid19, the photographic campaign!! That is only a tiny bit that I know that she’s working on. Her confidence level is through the roof and that’s so evident in any of her public speaking before COVID-19 and any of the zoom zoom meetings her just she’s just so so excellent I just cannot say enough how great she is! she is an excellent partner for William in every way and she conducts herself above reproach all times. She is well groomed for her future role when their time comes to be king and queen like it if they could not be a better individual suited to be Williams partner! I harken back to last year‘s Christmas special with Mary Berry, how sweet that was and yes there were the note negative Nellys criticizing this and that or the moment when she chose to change her seating position on the fireplace was the time when he wanted to put his arm around her shoulder and all the sugars screamed divorce thing they’re divorcing they’re divorcing people went nuts.
I know this is a right answer but this is the third time in a row this week that I have said this. Catherine was interviewed by the BBC earlier this week and she talked about what hollow legs, well, she didn’t use the phrase hollow legs, that’s my phrase , she said what eating machines her children are and she feels like she’s just a feeding machine there to continuously feed these growing children how wonderful is that! They’re healthy they’re happy they’re well adjusted they’re well taken care of their loved their emotional status is attended to and they’ve got good healthy food that’s so awesome!
“ Yes!! A homogeneous bubble” …………… a sterile palace ………
Here’s what I have been thinking might be the plan. They have been working been working on is yesterday the clue is Ken.palace bubble and I think they’re working on having the palace be bubbles so Kensington Palace will be the bubble for the Cambridge family.Somehow, can they make Buckingham palace, with this construction going, on I don’t know if that’s feasible, but somehow they’re going to make a palace bubble for her Majesty where she can continue to do her work out of. They have had another team actively working on that and they have been I have no doubt! That will entail sterilizing the whole place , ongoing thorough cleaning , it will entail staff being quarantined for several weeks before they go in, the whole shebang!! But you know! HMTQ is not abdicating they’re going to have to make this work. I have full confidence in that! I look forward to hearing all the details that we will be privy to naturally we will not be privy to everything, but I’m looking forward to this and I’m glad to see it in the clues! I’m glad to see once again that we’re talking about our beloved royal family which is why were all here in the first place!!! So thank you for that MM Anon!!! We can all read the daily mail on our own time , I mean no disrespect, but that makes a real easy to do but this is why we are here , praying and fighting for!!!
black Colorado ………
A report has found, yuck , who has this job? Wowza! Squirrels are testing positive for the bubonic plague in Colorado amid fears Black Death will jump to humans. Are you kidding me?? I do know rats and mice can carry it and do carry it. I also know they can and they do carry the Hanta virus too, so we shouldn’t think these things are gone just because you know they’re not in the front page of the news. A squirrel in Colorado has tested positive for the bubonic plague thought to be the first case of plague in Jefferson County 18 miles southwest of Denver. There was yet another case was previously found in Broomfield county northwest of the city. Plague is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis, and can be contracted by humans and pets, mainly through flea bites. The Bubonic plague is known as the ‘Black Death’ that killed millions in 14th century. An outbreak, remember that film ??was also confirmed in Inner Mongolia region of China last weekend.
Boy it seems all roads lead to China!
sir Tom?? ……………
Captain Sir Tom Moore is to receive his knighthood from the Queen in his own personal ceremony. The story of Captain Tom is no doubt the best story to come out of COVID-19 hands-down! The event to honour the 100-year-old, who raised more than £32m for NHS charities, will take place at Windsor Castle on Friday.
In May, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, nominated him for Knighthood! Captain Sir Tom said he “could never have imagined this would happen” and that it would be “the most special of days”.
Royal investitures were put on hold during the coronavirus pandemic with those scheduled to take place at Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh in June and July postponed.
However, HMTQ, the Queen, who has been staying at Windsor Castle during the lockdown, will carry out the official engagement in person.
People have been asked not to go to Windsor and there will be no viewpoint available to watch the ceremony. How I wish this would be televised this would be something to see! And for him to receive it in person from her Majesty oh my heart is just so overflowing right now it’s just so amazing!
a hush hush holiday. ……………
There have been a few hints in the riddles over the last couple of weeks about a family holiday and the Cambridge family needs a holiday, they usually take one. I have a strong suspicion they’ll take their little private plane and be out and home before we even know about it or where they’ve been. They are likely to take along her parents and Pippa and her family and James and his fiancée have a whole family time of it. I also have a feeling they might be taking Harry along because I don’t think, that at this point in the game , I said this before, but I just truly do not think they would be going anywhere unless the eyes are dotted and the tees are crossed on that divorce/annulment and all the settlements and so it could very well be that Harry will accompany them but not be wonderful!!
awoke to a scathing review.
Can you imagine how angry the head bosses of the tube must be when they found out this morning oh my goodness! cleaning staff removed Banksys ‘art’ unaware of graffiti being “art” by BANKSY worth as much as £7.5 million😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮! Are you serious are you really serious? Thinking It was graffiti and needed to be cleaned and needing removed, he did his job and cleaned and removed it. Now the bigwigs are pleading with Banksy to redo it again oh my oh that’s a double positive for me not redo it again to do it again. How can you do art again I mean to copy then I don’t know I don’t know how graffiti is art anyways but that’s a whole other thing! I feel soooooo sorry for that staff person, l am sure his boss gave him a very hard talking to, l hope he keeps his job. I describe the piece in yesterday’s riddle if you want to go back and read that you can also see pictures of it online very easily found.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
65. July 16
💜RIDDLE#65 Technically this is history, LIVING HISTORY!!💜
💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG HONOUR TO DO THIS , MM ANON INTERPRETATION 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… HMTQ ……… The engagement …… The courtship …… The wedding …… The commonwealth tour……THE CORONATION …… The dalliances of Philip ……Her stoicism……… The children …… The 50/60/70/80/90…………PC/… W&K…… OUR MAGNIFICENT MONARCHY ……… The future legacy. ……… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧
Entertainment purposes
💜💜💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊😊😊😊Thank you MM Anon. It will be a great honour to tell the great story.😊😊😊😊😊😊🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜of notes I have never seen the Crown television program I don’t have Netflix just so you know.
RIDDLE#65 Technically this is history, LIVING HISTORY!!
July 15/2020 FIVE HOURS PLUS, I DID THIS WITH LOVE AND REVERENCE TO HMTQ.💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
👑 HMTQ ………
The history begins long before her Majesty or even before she was expected to become the Reigning Monarch and to be known as her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll. 🍼 Elizabeth was born at 02:40 on 21 April 1926, during the reign of her paternal grandfather,King George V. Her father, the Duke of York, was the second son of the King. Her mother, the Duchess of York was the youngest daughter of 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish aristocrat the Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. I think it is essential here to note that the ‘York’ title. Prince Andrew is the current Duke of York and one cannot help but feel the pain, for HMTQ. I will not say anymore about that but we know our royal family has been attacked and that is just added pain inflicted for her Majesty which I had not put together until now. She was delivered by Caesarean section surgery, at her maternal grandfather’s house in Mayfair(London). The exact address being 17 Bruton Street, in Mayfair. She was baptized by the Anglican Archbishop of York, as her father was the Duke of York. The Archbishop was Cosmo Gordon Lang. It took place in the private chapel of Buckingham Palace on the 29th of May, 1926. She was given the name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. The Elizabeth was after her mother, the name Alexandra was named after George V’s mother who had passed six months prior and the name Mary was after her paternal grandmother. She has the sweet nickname “Lilibet" by her close family,based on what she called herself. She was cherished by her grandfather George V, and during his serious illness in 1929 her regular visits were credited in the popular press and by later biographers with raising his spirits and aiding his health.
Princess Margaret 🍼 was born in 1930, and was her only sibling. As was custom at that time, the two princesses were educated at home under the supervision of their mother and Governess Marion Crawford. Varieties of their studies were concentrated on history, language, literature, and music. A major breach of trust occurred when the Governess went public, yes even then they had this sort of trust breaking. She published a ‘tell all’ as it would be called today. The book all about the girls was entitled The Little Princesses published in 1950. This resulted in a great deal of upset. I wonder if they had NDA’s back then? In the book while describing Princess Elizabeth mentions her love of horses, dogs, her organization, being a very responsible young woman and that fits very well with how we know her Majesty to be now doesn’t it? Sir Winston Churchill commented, when she was two years old that she was “a character and she has an air of authority and reflectiveness astonishing in an infant.“
During her grandfather’s reign, Elizabeth was third in the line of succession to the throne behind her uncle Edward and her father. Although her birth generated public interest, she was not expected to become queen, as Edward was still young and likely to marry and have children of his own, who would precede Elizabeth in the line of succession. When her grandfather died in 1936 and her uncle succeeded as Edward VIII, she became second in line to the throne, after her father. Later that year, The whole Wallace Simpson fiasco occurred which resulted in Edward eventually abdicating the throne and her father becoming King. Thusly, she became the heir apparent!
If you have not seen the movie the king speech I think it’s essential that you do. He struggled valiantly with a speech impediment and stuttering and a marked lack of confidence and bless the Queen mum, she found someone to help him to get over this and to work through it. What came out of that was the horrendous abuse that he had suffered at the hands of his governesses who were meant to protect him but who were very abusive. You must see that movie.
If her parents had had a later son, he would have been heir apparent. and above her in the line of succession, which was determined by male primogeniture.
Elizabeth received private tuition in constitutional history from Vice Provost from Eton College. She learned French from a succession of French governesses. A Girl Guide she was too!! A company, entitled the 1st Buckingham Palace Company was formed! specifically so she could socialise with girls her own age.
This was not a child and young woman that was idle, laying around with fancy clothes and hair and that sort of thing oh no no no no she was she was into everything and learning and constantly constantly learning.
During the second world war they were encouraged to have the princesses evacuated can to Canada to avoid the air raids that were occurring regularly in London. However the queen mother absolutely refused that just like she refused to leave her husband and refused to leave the city she felt it was important that they remain there to be there for their people. as the queen mother famously said “The children won’t go without me. I won’t leave without the King. And the King will never leave.” The princesses Stayed at Balmoral Castle in Scotland until the Christmas in the year of 1939 when they moved to Sandringham House in Norfolk. From February to May 1940, they lived at Royal Lodge, Windsor, until moving to Windsor Castle where they lived for most of the next five years.At Windsor, the princesses, Per English tradition, staged pantos at Christmas in aid of the Queen’s Wool Fund, which bought yarn to knit into military garments. In 1940, the 14-year-old Elizabeth made her first radio broadcast during the BBC children’s hour addressing other children who had been evacuated from the cities.She stated: “We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers, and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well.” I know I’ve heard that a number of times and I can still hear her young voice saying those words.
In 1943, Elizabeth undertook her first solo public appearance on a visit to the Grenadier guards, of which she had been appointed colonel the previous year. As she approached her 18th birthday, parliament changed the law so she could act as one of five Counsellors of the State in the event of her father’s incapacity or absence abroad, such as his visit to Italy in July 1944.In February 1945, she was appointed as an honorary second subaltern in Auxiliary Territorial Service. with the number of 230873. She trained as a driver and mechanic and was given the rank of honorary junior commander (female equivalent of Captain at the time) five months later. We all love seeing the pictures of her in uniform and her working on the jeep engine, just amazing ! totally amazing young woman! I think it was just a mere foreshadowing of what the future held for her.
May 8, 1945 was VE day and the royal family along with the Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the balcony of Buckingham palace as the maybe millions of citizens were in the streets just celebrating the end of the war. Both Elizabeth and Margaret snuck out into the crowds and were anonymously celebrating amongst all the citizens and she later said they had asked their parents but they were still terrified of being recognized amongst the crowd. Before they knew it, they were swept along with a bunch of people cheering and dancing and going down the street in joy, just pure joy marvellous that she had that opportunity , the both of them did just marvellous!
The engagement 💍
She met prince Philip in 1934 and then again in 1937. He was known then as Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark. There actually is a family connection between the two of them, they are second cousins once removed, through a king in Denmark and also third cousins through ,who else, her Majesty Queen Victoria! They met again at the Royal Navy college in Dartmouth in July 20, 1939. Princess Elizabeth was only 13 years old at the time but she said she had fallen in love with Philip and they began to exchange letters. During the course of writing these letters Philip declared his love for her. Prince Philip was born June 10, 1921. So if I do the math correctly he was 18 and she was 13 when she fell in love with him. Oh my oh young love. She was 21 when their engagement was officially announced on 9 July 1947.
Nothing is ever simple in this life and their engagement was certainly not without a controversy. Philip had no financial standing, Was foreign born the British subject with served in the Navy, and had sisters who had married German noblemen with Nazi links. There was a lot of chatter amongst the aristocracy probably the most regular folks to have about that he wasn’t good enough for her and he was just kind of love a suave kind of guy. Well no one’s gonna argue that he wasn’t an absolutely handsome man and put that together with a navy uniform and a 13-year-old girls hormones boom you got love right there! No joke! Even back then the British papers were ruthless and I think he was dragged through whatever else everyone else has been dragged through since, Diana, and Catherine Sophie etc. Later biographies reported Elizabeth’s mother had reservations about the union initially, and teased Philip as “The Hun”. In later life, however, the Queen Mother told a biographer that Philip was “an English gentleman”. Before the marriage, Philip renounced his Greek and Danish titles, officially converted to the Anglican and adopted the style Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, He took The surname of his mothers British family.Just before the wedding, he was created Duke of Edinburgh and granted the style His Royal Highness.
The courtship 🖊 📝 🚢
A diary made reference to the future marriage of Elizabeth and Philip was made as early as 1941, “He is to be our Prince Consort, and that is why he is serving in our Navy.” The couple became secretly engaged in 1946, when Philip asked King George VI for his daughter’s hand in marriage. The King granted his request providing any formal engagement was delayed until Elizabeth’s 21st birthday the following April. Their engagement was officially announced on 9 July 1947.Philip proposed to Elizabeth with a 3-carat round diamond ring consisting of “a centre stone flanked by 10 smaller pave diamonds.” The diamonds were taken from a tiara that belonged to Philip’s mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg and were also used to create a quatrefoil bracelet for Elizabeth. According to Philip Eade, the author of Young Prince Philip: His Turbulent Early life, the young man wrote: “To have been spared in the war and seen victory, to have been given the chance to rest and to re-adjust myself, to have fallen in love completely and unreservedly, makes all one’s personal and even the world’s troubles seem small” Prince Philip designed the square-cut diamond engagement ring with jewellers Philip Antrobus Ltd.The ring is a platinum ring set with eleven diamonds, a 3 carat round solitaire and five smaller stones set on each shoulder. Even though Prince Philip was born a Greek prince, his family were not extremely wealthy. His then-girlfriend was heir to the British throne, so using these diamonds may have been a way to save money as well as a sentimental gesture. According to current money, the ring is likely to be worth around £207,082.
The wedding 👰🏽 🤵 🥂
Oh what a glorious day! The wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten took place on November 20, 1947 at Westminster Abbey in London. Prince Philip had been made the Duke of Edinburgh, the Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich on the morning of the wedding.
Princess Elizabeth had eight bridesmaids women who were very close to her princesses ladies and I remember reading somewhere they were all giddy and ready to go and they were all giggling and she looked around as she said OK girls are you ready let’s go. So I’m not sure if that’s true or not but I think it might. The bridesmaids wore wreaths “in their hair of miniature white sheaves, Lilies and London Pride, modelled in white satin and silver lame”, while the pages wore Royal Stewart tartan kilts.
The best man was the Marquess of Milford Haven, the groom’s maternal first cousin.
For her wedding dress, Elizabeth still required to ration couponsto buy the material for her dress, designed by Norman Hartnell.The dress was “a duchesse satin bridal gown with motifs of star lilies and orange blossoms.“ Elizabeth’s wedding shoes were made out of satin and were trimmed with silver and seed pearl. She ( like Catherine) did her own makeup for the wedding. Her wedding bouquet was prepared by the florist M. H. Longman, and consisted of "white orchids with a sprig of myrtle”. The myrtle was taken from “the bush grown from the original myrtle in Queen Victoria’s wedding bouquet.
On the morning of her wedding, as Princess Elizabeth was dressing at Buckingham Palace before leaving for Westminster Abbey, her tiara snapped DISASTER! The court jeweller, who was standing by in case of emergency, was rushed to his work room by a police escort. The Queen mum reassured her daughter that it would be fixed in time, and it was.Elizabeth’s father gave her A pair of pearl necklaces which had Belongs to Queen Anne and Queen Caroline,as a wedding present. On her wedding day, Elizabeth realised that she had left her pearls at St James’s palace.Her private secretary was asked to go and retrieve them. He was able to get the pearls to the princess in time for her portrait in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace.
The royal parties were brought in large carriage processions, the first with the Queen and Princess Margaret and later a procession with Queen Mary. Philip left Kensington Palacewith his best man, the Marquess of Milford Haven. Princess Elizabeth arrived at the Abbey with her father, the King, in the Irish State Coach.
The ceremony was officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher, and the Archbishop of York, Cyril Garbett. The ceremony was recorded and broadcast by BBC Radio to 200 million people around the world. Like her mother’s, Princess Elizabeth’s wedding band was made of Welsh gold. The ring was made from a nugget of Welsh gold from the Clogau St David’s mine, near Dolgellau;( 💜💜💜💜lhave a gold ring made by Clogau, Celtic design l absolutely love it, it’s gorgeous💜💜💜💜💜💜)this nugget had been given to the then Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the Queen mum, and used to make her wedding ring and subsequently the wedding rings of both of her daughters. The same nugget was later used to create the wedding rings of Princess Anne and Lady Diana Spencer.
William Neil McKie, music 🎼 🎶 the Australian 🇦🇺organist and Master of the Choristers at the abbey, was the director of music for the wedding, a role he again filled at Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953.McKie also wrote a motet for the occasion, "We wait for thy loving kindness, O God”. Psalm 67, “God be merciful unto us and bless us”, was sung to a setting by Sir Edward Cuthbert Bairstow. The anthem was “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” by Samuel Sebastian Wesley; the hymns were “Praise, my soul, the king of heaven”, and “The Lord’s my Shepherd” to the 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scottish tune “Crimond” attributed to Jessie Seymour Irvine, which was largely unknown in the Church of England at the time. A descant to “Crimond” had been taught to Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret by a lady-in-waiting, Lady Margaret Egerton; the music for the descant could not be found two days before the wedding, so the princesses and Lady Margaret sang it to Sir William McKie, who wrote it down in 🖊📝 shorthand.The service started with a specially composed fanfare and finished with Felix Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”. The abbey choir was joined by the choirs of the Chapel Royal and St George’s Chapel, Windsor.
After the ceremony, Elizabeth and Philip then proceeded to Buckingham palace where the couple waved to the crowds from the balcony.Their wedding breakfast was held in the Ball-Supper Room of the Palace. The menu included Filet de Sole Mountbatten, Perdreau en Casserole, and Bombe Glacee Princess Elizabeth.Music was played by the string band of the The Grenadier Guards.
The official wedding cake 🎂 was baked by London bakery McVitie&Price. A fruitcakemade of four tiers, it stood nine feet high,and weighed about 500 lbs. It was made with 80 oranges, 660 eggs, and over three gallons of Navy Rum. As World War II had ended a mere two years earlier and certain things were still subject to rationing, some of the ingredients used to make the cake were shipped to Britain from around the world; this led to the cake being given the nickname “The 10,000 Mile Cake.Decorations included the coats of arms of both the bride’s and the groom’s families, as well as the bride and groom’s individual monograms, and sugar-iced figures depicting regimental and naval badges, as well as the couple’s favorite activities.The couple cut the cake with the Duke of Edinburgh’s Mountbatten sword, which had been a wedding gift from his father-in-law, the King.
The couple received over 2,500 wedding presents 🎁 from around the world and around 10,000 telegrams of congratulations.The gifts were put on public display at Saint James‘s palace made available for public viewing.The day after the wedding the wedding bouquet was returned to Westminster Abbey and placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, a tradition that began with the Queen mum.The flowers in the bouquet were supplied by the Worshipful Company of Gardeners and were arranged by florist MH Longman.
The commonwealth tour 🚢
Queen Elizabeth II’s reign commenced with her longest ever tour of Commonwealth nations.
Between November 1953 and May 1954, the Royal Family visited 13 countries in the West Indies, Australasia, Asia, and Africa, covering more than 40,000 miles by land, air and sea.
Commonwealth Tours: 1953-1954
On this tour the Queen visited…
Bermuda: 24-25 November
Jamaica: 25-27 November
Fiji: 17-19 December
Tonga: 19-20 December
New Zealand: 23 December-30 January
Australia: 3 February-1 April
Cocos Islands: 5 April
Ceylon: 10-21 April
Aden: 27 April
Uganda: 28-30 April
Malta: 3-7 May
Gibraltar: 10 May
On britishpathe.com there are endless videos one can watch of the various places they visited on this extensive tour.
They have been so many visits to so many parts of the Commonwealth. I remember the last time HMTQ and Prince Philip were in my area and they were opening a bridge and it was summertime and it was 35°C I think and it was probably 40-42C with the humidex.He was in his suit and tie and she was in her hat and her gloves and her day dress with the coat over and they stood there for a good hour. Well they had to walk across the, they drove across part of the bridge and then they got out and walked the rest of the way. But then they had to stand and listen to different politicians pontificate about this beautiful bridge. Then she had to say her little speech and like I could I just kept waiting for one of them to fade they neither of them or even sweating it and then she pulled a little drawstring and then the curtain opened so you can see the plaque of the bridge and name of the bridge or whatever I forget, the day it doesn’t matter what the name of the bridge was but the whole thing it was like well over an hour and then they got walked back to the vehicle and got in and then they went and they drove to a park that was nearby and they are thank God they had seats for them under some shade but then they proceeded to have to listen to I don’t know how many musicians and performers in and they are they and like I tell you I did not I am just I just couldn’t believe it I just could not believe it and everybody was sitting on picnic blankets and stuff and drinking cold water water and sweating and dressed in tank tops and shorts and sandals and like just sweating away and they are the two of them were looking just right as rain as if it was just a regular day it was just astounding to me absolutely astounding!
Kids I realize this is one big run-on sentence and I’m not doing any of the same paragraphs but I’m I’m not doing this for a book or for an editor I am doing this to do honour to her majesty so love me or leave me I’m doing my best here OK.
The Coronation 👑
During 1951, George VI’s health declined, and Elizabeth frequently stood in for him at public events. When she toured Canada and visited President Harry S. Truman in Washington, D.C., in October 1951, her private secretary, Martin Charteris, carried a draft accession declaration in case the King died while she was on tour. In early 1952, Elizabeth and Philip set out for a tour of Australia and New Zealand by way of Kenya. On 6 February 1952, they had just returned to their Kenyan home, Sagana Lodge, after a night spent at Treetops Hotel, when word arrived of the death of the King and consequently Elizabeth’s immediate accession to the throne. Philip broke the news to the new queen. Martin Charteris asked her to choose a regnal name; she chose to remain Elizabeth, "of course”. She was proclaimed queen throughout her realms and the royal party hastily returned to the United Kingdom. She and the Duke of Edinburgh moved into Buckingham Palace.
With Elizabeth’s accession, it seemed probable the royal house would bear the Duke of Edinburgh’s name, in line with the custom of a wife taking her husband’s surname on marriage. The Duke’s uncle, Lord Mountbatten, advocated the name House of Mountbatten. Philip suggested House of Edinburgh, after his ducal title.The British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, and Elizabeth’s grandmother, Queen Mary, favoured the retention of the House of Windsor, and so on 9 April 1952 Elizabeth issued a declaration that Windsor would continue to be the name of the royal house. The Duke complained, “I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children."In 1960, after the death of Queen Mary in 1953 and the resignation of Churchill in 1955, the surname Mountbatten-Windsorwas adopted for Philip and Elizabeth’s male-line descendants who do not carry royal titles.
Amid preparations for the coronation, Princess Margaret told her sister she wished to marry Peter Townsend, a divorcé‚ 16 years Margaret’s senior, with two sons from his previous marriage. The Queen asked them to wait for a year; in the words of Charteris, "the Queen was naturally sympathetic towards the Princess, but I think she thought—she hoped—given time, the affair would peter out."Senior politicians were against the match and the Church of England did not permit remarriage after divorce. If Margaret had contracted a civil marriage, she would have been expected to renounce her right of succession. Eventually, she decided to abandon her plans with Townsend.In 1960, she married Antony Armstrong-Jones, who was created Earl of Snowdon the following year. They divorced in 1978; she did not remarry.
Despite the death of Queen Mary on 24 March, the coronation on 2 June 1953 went ahead as planned, as Mary had asked before she died. The ceremony in Westminster Abbey, with the exception of the anointing and communion, was televised for the first time. Elizabeth’s coronation gown was embroidered on her instructions with the floral emblems of Commonwealth countries:English Tudor rose; Scots thistle; Welsh leek; Irish shamrock; Australian wattle; Canadian maple leaf; New Zealand silver fern; South African protea; lotus flowers for India and Ceylon; and Pakistan’s wheat, cotton, and jute.
The coronation of Elizabeth II took place on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey, London.She acceded to the throne at the age of 25 upon the death of her father, George VI, on 6 February 1952, being proclaimed queen by her privy and executive councils shortly afterwards. The coronation was held more than one year later because of the tradition of allowing an appropriate length of time to pass after a monarch dies before holding such festivals. It also gave the planning committees adequate time to make preparations for the ceremony. During the service, Elizabeth took an oath, was anointed with holy oil, invested with robes and regalia, and crowned Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).
Celebrations took place across the Commonwealth realms and a commemorative medal was issued. It was the first British coronation to be fully televised; television cameras had not been allowed inside the abbey during her father’s coronation in 1937. Elizabeth’s was the fourth and last British coronation of the 20th century. It was estimated to have cost £1.57 million (c. £43,427,400 in 2019).
The dalliances of Philip ……😳😤🤭🤫🤔🤭🤭🤭🤭
There is extensive information online about this and it’s very easy to find. I have thought long and hard about this I love Her Majesty, The Queen. The last thing I would ever want to do is cause her an ounce of pain. She has been through enough! Therefore MM Anon, respectfully, I am not going to share any information under this clue. I hope you can understand I have a moral code. That moral code is calling me right now and I I just, I cannot, l will not do this clue.
Her stoicism……… 🤔🙏🏻
Queen Elizabeth has been a steady, stoic leader for some 63 years, making her the longest-reigning monarch in British history. There must have been vulnerabilities , a young bride, children, the loss of her beloved father, which all were warranted considering she ascended the throne at 25, as she was already navigating two new roles as wife and mother. And while, in this ominous stage of life, HMTQ struggled to strike a power balance with the far elder, far more experienced prime minister Winston Churchill, she similarly, according to the series, clashed with her husband. Philip quickly found himself forfeiting his naval career to support his wife—an uncomfortably advanced spousal dynamic, especially for a headstrong officer in the 1950s.
If having to walk several paces behind his bride was not emasculating enough, HMTQ also rejected his request to give their children his surname on advice from Churchill. “I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his children,” Philip said, according to a biography of Elizabeth by Sally Bedell Smith, I’m nothing but a bloody amoeba.”HMTQ did her best to give Philip responsibilities—making him the chairman of her coronation committee, for instance. But at every turn, Philip is regularly reminded of his unique limitations. However he was integral in absolutely insisting that the entire coronation be televised. At that time that was absolutely groundbreaking. We take it for granted now that royal weddings and events are televised but at that time nothing like that has ever happened before. And we have Prince Philip to thank for that because he fought for that literally. She also convinced governing bodies to let Philip learn to fly, but only after he agreed to take some risk-minimizing measures.
She has dealt with I believe 12 Prime Ministers, second world war, various terrorists issues, the Falkland Islands war, A man breaking into her bedroom at night, A man attempting to kidnap her daughter, family issues, the divorce of three of her children and the most difficult in terms of the public is when Diana was killed. They were up at Balmoral with the boys when this accident happened and they felt that was the best thing is to keep the boys away, from far from the madding crowd so to speak, but the public drumbeat louder and louder and louder and Prime Minister at the time Tony Blair insisted that she makes some sort of statement or something because the people were very upset. Well now we know what ended up happening they came outside to see first of all their flowers at Balmoral and they went out to look at them with the boys. Then they came back to London and they all, her Majesty, Prince Philip and the boys went out to look at the flowers and in front of the palace Buckingham palace. Do you remember all the flowers in front of Kensington Palace?? It was unbelievable. And the ultimate stoicism is her when she nodded as Diana’s coffin rode by her, that was unprecedented for a reigning monarch bow their head to anybody. We’ve seen subsequently so many things. I think the last four years with Madam in the picture I know she talked about the annus horribilis with the divorce is years ago, but there’s nothing like what’s been happening like the attack on the monarchy in the last four years! Keep calm and carry-on, she’s done that every single day! One would never know she was under any stress, she always looks beautiful , she’s well put together! One never would know that she had a sleepless night. I , just my whole life,she has been there , as a symbol, a profile in courage , strength , family , safety, country, duty, honour, valour, love, compassion, welcoming. I could go on and on and on she is she is someone to be admired above and beyond she is I believe should be the most admired woman on the planet.
The children …… 🍼 🍼 🍼🍼
HMTQ and Prince Philip were blessed with four children. What the Queen was like as a mum to their children.The Queen treated Prince Charles and Prince Edward very differently.HMTQ became a mother more than 70 years ago, when she welcomed her first son Prince Charles in 1948. Prince Charles🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼
Charles, Prince of Wales, was born Charles Philip Arthur George on November 14, 1948. Charles was born in Buckingham Palace. According to biographer Sally Bedell Smith, while Elizabeth was "delighted” by her first baby, she was often absent when Charles was an infant, instead traveling to be with Prince Philip in Malta where he’d been posted for Royal Navy duty. Smith claims “Prince Philip scarcely knew his son for the first two years of the boy’s life, though on his return from overseas duty he did take the time to teach Charles to shoot and fish, and to swim in the Buckingham Palace pool."Prince Charles was four years old at the time of his mother’s 1953 coronation, and her royal commitments, including a six month Commonwealth tour, took her and Philip around the globe while Charles and his sister stayed at home with their caretakers. Historian Robert Lacy, who has served as an advisor for the Queen “had been brought up in that style herself, after all, with her parents leaving her at home and entrusting her entire schooling to a governess and home tutors.” Prince Charles is the longest-serving heir apparent to the English throne in British history. When asked by a journalist when he first realized he was meant to be king one day, Charles said, “I think it’s something that dawns on you with the most ghastly inexorable sense. I didn’t wake up in my pram and say: ‘Yippie, I…’ But I think it just dawns on you slowly that people are interested in one, and slowly you get the idea that you have a certain duty and responsibility."🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼Princess Anne, Elizabeth’s only daughter Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise was born on August 15, 1950, at London royal residence Clarence House where Elizabeth and Philip lived until 1953. She currently holds the title of Anne, Princess Royal, and at the time of her birth she was second in line for the throne after Charles. Since then, subsequent royal births have moved Anne to fourteenth in the line of succession.
Anne was a tot when her mother and father began leaving her and Charles at home for royal obligations, often for extended amounts of time. But she’s publicly dismissed any narrative that paints Queen Elizabeth as emotionally distant.
"We as children may have not been too demanding in the sense that we understand what the limitations were in time and the responsibilities placed on her as monarch in the things she had to do and the travels she had to make,” Anne told the BBC in 2002. “But I don’t believe any of us for a second thought she didn’t care for us in exactly the same way as any other mother did."Like every British royal, Princess Anne’s public image is largely formed by how the U.K. media infers her every move. In Anne’s case, certain members of the press gave her the (very harsh) nickname Her Royal Rudeness, though accounts of her supposedly rude behavior suggest a possibly sexist discomfort with her forthright manner. She explained her longtime dislike for the custom of royal walkabouts. "I mean it gets easier but, can you imagine? I mean how many people enjoy walking into a room full of people that you’ve never met before?” she said. “And then try a street. I don’t think many youngsters would actually volunteer to do that.”
Anne’s reputation as a gutsy, no-nonsense lady was bolstered by her reaction to a failed kidnapping attempt against the princess in 1974. At his demand for a hefty ransom, she reportedly responded, “Not bloody likely."Princess Anne, like her brother Charles, has been married twice. She married Captain Mark Phillips in 1973, with whom she shares children Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall. Shortly after their 1992 divorce, she remarried to Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence, her current husband.
🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼Prince Andrew.Elizabeth didn’t have another child for an entire decade after welcoming Princess Anne (being the Queen of England is a pretty time-consuming gig). Her Majesty gave birth to Andrew Albert Christian Edward—or as we know him, Prince Andrew, Duke of York—at Buckingham Palace on February 19, 1960. He is currently eighth in line to the throne and the first baby born to a reigning British sovereign in 103 years was cause for a lot of excitement. While custom and circumstance kept the Queen away from her first two kids in their early years, the queen took upwards of 18 months to "produce and enjoy” Andrew and Edward, biographer Lacy claimed. Home-schooled until age 8, after prep school he went on to Gordonstoun, the same Scotland boarding school his father and older brother both attended. Prince Andrew married Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson in 1986, had daughters Beatrice and Eugenie, and divorced in 1996. However, Fergie reportedly still lives with Prince Andrew in the Royal Lodge in Berkshire, England, and she’s called them "the happiest divorced couple in the world.“Prince Andrew has more recently been at the center of another tabloid scandal: He’s accused of taking part in the sex trafficking ring of late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein—allegations both the prince and the Palace deny. The Prince’s denials, which he attempted to elaborate upon in a high-profile interview on BBC’s Newsnight, were followed by a November 20 announcement that the Duke of York will "step back from public duties for the foreseeable future.”
🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼Prince Edward, the Queen’s youngest child!Prince Edward Antony Richard Louis’s birth was a major break from tradition: He was the first of Elizabeth’s children to be born with Prince Philip in the delivery room. As the Independent notes, royal biographer Ingrid Seward wrote that “The Duke of Edinburgh was actually holding his wife’s hand as their youngest was born on March 10, 1964."The Queen, by then aged 37, had asked him to be there,” Seward claims in her book My Husband and I: The Inside Story Of 70 Years Of Royal Marriage. “She’d been keenly reading women’s magazines that stressed the importance of involving fathers in childbirth and had become fascinated by the idea. In 1968, when Edward was four, the royal family allowed a production crew into their home in an attempt to give viewers a look at how (supposedly) normal they actually were. The documentary—and the public’s mixed reaction. Edward has stayed out of the spotlight (and tabloid headlines) more than his brothers have, and the baby of the royal family is rumored to be the Queen and Prince Philip’s favorite child. He married Sophie Rhys-Jones in 1999 and the couple have two children, Lady Louise Windsor and James Viscount Severn.
While he previously worked in television, his production company, Ardent, was dissolved in 2012, he’s currently a full-time royal. As Prince Philip retired from public service in 2019, Prince Edward is reportedly taking over many of his responsibilities.
The 50/60/70/80/90………… 🕰 ⏰ 🕰 ⏰ 🕰
By the time of her accession in 1952, her role as head of multiple independent states was already established.In 1953, the Queen and her husband embarked on a seven-month round-the-world tour, visiting 13 countries and covering more than 40,000 miles by land, sea and air.She became the first reigning monarch of Australia and New Zealand to visit those nations.
In 1956, the British and French prime ministers, Sir Anthony Eden and Guy Mollet, discussed the possibility of France joining the Commonwealth. The proposal was never accepted and the following year France signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the precursor to the European Union. In November 1956, Britain and France invaded Egypt in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to capture the Suez Canal. Lord Mountbatten claimed the Queen was opposed to the invasion, though Eden denied it. Eden resigned two months later.
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and Commonwealth leaders met at the 1960 Commonwealth Conference.
The absence of a formal mechanism within the Conservative Party for choosing a leader meant that, following Eden’s resignation, it fell to the Queen to decide whom to commission to form a government. Eden recommended she consult Lord Salisbury, the Lord President of the Council. Lord Salisbury and Lord Kilmuir, the Lord Chancellor, consulted the British Cabinet, Churchill, and the Chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, resulting in the Queen appointing their recommended candidate: Harold Macmillan.
The Suez crisis and the choice of Eden’s successor led, in 1957, to the first major personal criticism of the Queen.
In 1957 she made a state visit to the United States, where she addressed the United Nations General Assembly on behalf of the Commonwealth. On the same tour, she opened the 23rd Canadian Parliament, becoming the first monarch of Canada to open a parliamentary session.Two years later, solely in her capacity as Queen of Canada, she revisited the United States and toured Canada.In 1961 she toured Cyprus, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Iran.On a visit to Ghana the same year, she dismissed fears for her safety, even though her host, President Kwame Nkrumah, who had replaced her as head of state, was a target for assassins.Harold Macmillan wrote, "The Queen has been absolutely determined all through … She is impatient of the attitude towards her to treat her as … a film star … She has indeed ’the heart and stomach of a man‘ … She loves her duty and means to be a Queen."Before her tour through parts of Quebec in 1964, the press reported extremists within the Quebec separatist movement were plotting Elizabeth’s assassination.No attempt was made, but a riot did break out while she was in Montreal; the Queen’s "calmness and courage in the face of the violence” was noted.
Elizabeth’s pregnancies with Princes Andrew and Edward, in 1959 and 1963, mark the only times she has not performed the State Opening of the British parliament during her reign.In addition to performing traditional ceremonies, she also instituted new practices. Her first royal walkabout, meeting ordinary members of the public, took place during a tour of Australia and New Zealand in 1970.
In Queensland, Australia, 1970
The 1960s and 1970s saw an acceleration in the decolonisation of Africa and the Caribbean. Over 20 countries gained independence from Britain as part of a planned transition to self-government. In 1965, however, the Rhodesian Prime Minister, Ian Smith, in opposition to moves towards majority rule, unilaterally declared independence while expressing “loyalty and devotion” to Elizabeth. Although the Queen formally dismissed him, and the international community applied sanctions against Rhodesia, his regime survived for over a decade.As Britain’s ties to its former empire weakened, the British government sought entry to the European Community, a goal it achieved in 1973.
During the 1981 Trooping the Colour ceremony, six weeks before the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, six shots were fired at the Queen from close range as she rode down The Mall, London, on her horse, Burmese. Police later discovered the shots were blanks. The 17-year-old assailant, Marcus Sarjeant, was sentenced to five years in prison and released after three.The Queen’s composure and skill in controlling her mount were widely praised.
Months later, in October, the Queen was the subject of another attack while on a visit to Dunedin, New Zealand. New Zealand Security Intelligence Service documents, declassified in 2018, revealed that 17-year-old Christopher John Lewis fired a shot with a .22 rifle from the fifth floor of a building overlooking the parade, but missed.Lewis was arrested, but never charged with attempted murder or treason, and sentenced to three years in jail for unlawful possession and discharge of a firearm. Two years into his sentence, he attempted to escape a psychiatric hospital in order to assassinate Charles, who was visiting the country with Dianaand their son Prince William.
From April to September 1982, the Queen was anxious but proud of her son, Prince Andrew, who was serving with British forces during the Falklands War.On 9 July, she awoke in her bedroom at Buckingham Palace to find an intruder, Michael Fagan, in the room with her. In a serious lapse of security, assistance only arrived after two calls to the Palace police switchboard.After hosting US President Ronald Reagan at Windsor Castle in 1982 and visiting his California ranch in 1983, the Queen was angered when his administration ordered the invasion of Grenada, one of her Caribbean realms, without informing her.
Elizabeth riding Burmese at the 1986 Trooping the Colour ceremony. Intense media interest in the opinions and private lives of the royal family during the 1980s led to a series of sensational stories in the press, not all of which were entirely true.As Kelvin MacKenzie, editor of The Sun, told his staff: “Give me a Sunday for Monday splash on the Royals. Don’t worry if it’s not true—so long as there’s not too much of a fuss about it afterwards."Newspaper editor Donald Trelford wrote in The Observer of 21 September 1986: "The royal soap opera has now reached such a pitch of public interest that the boundary between fact and fiction has been lost sight of … it is not just that some papers don’t check their facts or accept denials: they don’t care if the stories are true or not.” It was reported, most notably in The Sunday Times of 20 July 1986, that the Queen was worried that Margaret Thatcher's economic policies fostered social divisions and was alarmed by high unemployment, a series of riots, the violence of a miners’ strike, and Thatcher’s refusal to apply sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa. The sources of the rumours included royal aide Michael Shea and Commonwealth Secretary-General Shridath Ramphal, but Shea claimed his remarks were taken out of context and embellished by speculation.Thatcher reputedly said the Queen would vote for the Social Democratic Party—Thatcher’s political opponents.Thatcher’s biographer, John Campbell, claimed “the report was a piece of journalistic mischief-making”.Belying reports of acrimony between them, Thatcher later conveyed her personal admiration for the Queen,and the Queen gave two honours in her personal gift—membership in the Order of Merit and the Order of the Garter—to Thatcher after her replacement as prime minister by John Major. Brian Mulroney Canadian prime minister between 1984 and 1993, said Elizabeth was a “behind the scenes force” in ending apartheid.
By the end of the 1980s, the Queen had become the target of satire.The involvement of younger members of the royal family in the charity game show It’s a Royal Knockout in 1987 was ridiculed.In Canada, Elizabeth publicly supported politically divisive constitutional amendments, prompting criticism from opponents of the proposed changes, including Pierre Trudeau.The same year, the elected Fijian government was deposed in a military coup. As monarch of Fiji, Elizabeth supported the attempts of Governor-GeneralRatu Sir Penaia Ganilau to assert executive power and negotiate a settlement. Coup leader Sitiveni Rabuka deposed Ganilau and declared Fiji a republic.
In 1991, in the wake of coalition victory in the Gulf War, the Queen became the first British monarch to address a joint meeting of the United States Congress.
Philip and Elizabeth in Germany, October 1992
In a speech on 24 November 1992, to mark the 40th anniversary of her accession, Elizabeth called 1992 her annus horribilis (horrible year).Republican feeling in Britain had risen because of press estimates of the Queen’s private wealth—which were contradicted by the Palace—and reports of affairs and strained marriages among her extended family.In March, her second son, Prince Andrew, and his wife, Sarah, separated; in April, her daughter, Princess Anne, divorced Captain Mark Phillips;during a state visit to Germany in October, angry demonstrators in Dresden threw eggs at her;and, in November, a large fire broke out at Windsor Castle, one of her official residences. The monarchy came under increased criticism and public scrutiny.In an unusually personal speech, the Queen said that any institution must expect criticism, but suggested it be done with “a touch of humour, gentleness and understanding”.Two days later, Prime Minister John Major announced reforms to the royal finances planned since the previous year, including the Queen paying income tax from 1993 onwards, and a reduction in the civil list.In December, Prince Charles and his wife, Diana, formally separated.The year ended with a lawsuit, as the Queen sued The Sun newspaper for breach of copyright when it published the text of her annual Christmas message two days before it was broadcast. The newspaper was forced to pay her legal fees and donated £200,000 to charity. In the years to follow, public revelations on the state of Charles and Diana’s marriage continued.Even though support for republicanism in Britain seemed higher than at any time in living memory, republicanism was still a minority viewpoint, and the Queen herself had high approval ratings.Criticism was focused on the institution of the monarchy itself and the Queen’s wider family rather than her own behaviour and actionsIn consultation with her husband and the Prime Minister, John Major, as well as the Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, and her private secretary, Robert Fellowes, she wrote to Charles and Diana at the end of December 1995, saying a divorce was desirable.
In August 1997, a year after the divorce, Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. The Queen was on holiday with her extended family at Balmoral. Diana’s two sons by Charles—Princes William and Harry—wanted to attend church and so the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh took them that morning.Afterwards, for five days the Queen and the Duke shielded their grandsons from the intense press interest by keeping them at Balmoral where they could grieve in private,but the royal family’s seclusion and the failure to fly a flag at half-mast over Buckingham Palace caused public dismay.Pressured by the hostile reaction, the Queen agreed to return to London and do a live television broadcast on 5 September, the day before Diana’s funeral.In the broadcast, she expressed admiration for Diana and her feelings “as a grandmother” for the two princes.As a result, much of the public hostility evaporated.
In November 1997, the Queen and her husband held a reception at Banqueting House to mark their golden wedding anniversary.She made a speech and praised Philip for his role as a consort, referring to him as “my strength and stay”.
Prince Charles he is the prince of Wales and the heir to the throne. He was married to Lady Diana Spencer.They had two sons we all know is William Arthur Philip Louis and Henry Charles Albert David otherwise Harry! He married Lady Diana Spencer on July 31, 1981 and they had a very rocky marriage and the long and short it ended very messy and finally HMTQ had to step in and tell them to divorce. It ended in divorce and we all know what happened with dear Diana and the subsequent effects on the boys and the family. Charles eventually did marry the love of his life in a civil ceremony HMTQ did not attend that because they’re they’re both divorced. They are now the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. Camilla has done a lot of work very quietly and slowly to build a rapport with the people. I think she’s done a really good job of it and them together are very sweet, just a very sweet couple. When Charles ascends the Throne it’s well-known that his goal is to shorten or cut the budget. I guess to streamline things. He is very forward thinking that way. I think his agendas will be very much as they have been, very focussed on sustainability and environmental issues, that sort of thing. He she was environmentally aware before anybody. I remember when I was a kid, the press and others, they were laughing and made fun of him for talking to his plants and being out in the garden, all these kind of things and how awful look at that you know that we shouldn’t be doing that.I’ll look at it’s a thing to do sustainability and farm to table and he was way ahead of the curve on that one. That’s also way ahead of the curve in terms of architecture in his opinions on that he’s been criticized for but he did did become quite vocal about how with with the classic buildings that are centuries old and in these new modern buildings being built right next to it it just doesn’t fit somehow.
I don’t know for certain and I have never read it anywhere but I do believe he has some sort of auto immune disease because his face is so red so often and his hands are so red and they look so swollen and it in it just looks like it must be so painful. I don’t know what he has but I sure hope they’re giving him some I’m sure they’re giving him something for comfort and all that but I don’t know lupus I don’t know but he certainly has certainly his hands look so sore I just feel every time I see those swollen red hands I just saw my heart goes out.
W&K…… 💜💜🍼🍼🍼💜💜
Prince William was born June 21, 1982. Loved to see him squirming in the blanket as they walked out of the Lindo Wing, Charles all proud and Diana’s face flushed, dressed in the green and white polkadot dress with the bright red flat shoes oh my that was exciting how we waited for that little baby my goodness that was that was a great day!
Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis;[fn 1] born 21 June 1982) is a member of the British royal family. He is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales. Since birth, he has been second in the line of succession to the British throne.
William was educated at four schools in the United Kingdom and studied for a degree at the University of St Andrews. During a gap year, he spent time in Chile, Belize, and Africa. In December 2006, he completed 44 weeks of training as an officer cadet and was commissioned in the Blues and Royals regiment. In April 2008, William completed pilot training at Royal Air Force College Cranwell, then underwent helicopter flight training and became a full-time pilot with the RAF Search and Rescue Force in early 2009. His service with the British Armed Forces ended in September 2013.He then trained for a civil pilot’s licence and spent over two years working as a pilot for the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
The greatest tragedy of William life with losing his mother Diana in a car accident when he was young and the greatest thing to happen to William ever was Catherine Middleton coming into his life! She was patient and the media or routes to her that you called her all sorts of names but she was patient. She loved him and he was not ready to commit and she waited and he was worth the wait and look look at the results now! A power couple that truly fit to get the name power couple and three beautiful amazing children.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, GCVO (born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; 9 January 1982), popularly known as Kate Middleton,but prefers to be called by her proper name , and has NOT been Middleton since her marriage to William!Catherine is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is expected to become king of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms, making Catherine a likely future queen consort.
She grew up in the village of Chapel Row, part of Bucklebury near Newbury, in the Englishcounty of Berkshire.She studied art history in Scotland at the University of St Andrews, where she met William in 2001. Their engagement was announced in November 2010. They married on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey. The couple’s children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis of Cambridge, are third, fourth, and fifth in the line of succession to the British throne, respectively.
The Duchess of Cambridge’s charity works focus mainly on issues surrounding young children, addiction, and art. To encourage people to open up about their mental health issues, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry (now the Duke of Sussex) initiated the mental health awareness campaign “Heads Together” in April 2016.The media have called Catherine’s impact on British and American fashion the “Kate Middleton effect”.In 2012 and 2013, Time magazine selected her as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.
In 2011, Prince William was made Duke of Cambridge and marriedCatherine Middleton. The couple have three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.
Couple years ago I think it was ITV did add a series Victoria based on Queen Victoria’s life and that really brought things out again made people interested and watching that. I have read a bunch of books about Queen Victoria she lived a fascinating life. She was open to anything any culture any she was so wise at such a young age and an ash as her rain progressed and different things happen so she was open to things and yet close to some other things. She had her Beautiful relationship with Prince Alberts. He was instrumental in so much of modernizing the UK the train rail the Parliament buildings and on and on the Royal Victoria and Albert Hall and on and on and on. Her brain was legendary! She wrote a journal she wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote and as she aged her daughter I can’t recall her name just now but she destroyed some of it and we wrote it in her own handwriting because she thought her mother wouldn’t want people to read certain things. Even with her having done that, there are still just tomes and tomes of writings in Queen Victoria’s hand and it’s all available, I forget the website, but they put it all online. The national treasure Dr. Lucy Wursley has done awesome documentaries on the monarchy, just she’s outstanding! She is a national actually has an international treasure a commonwealth treasure!
Architecture music gardening scripture design it’s just an endless traditions recipes different dialects it’s just on and on and on and on that exists within the monarchy.
I love the traditions, Trooping the Colour, opening of parliament, the banging on the door the door slamming on the balcony with the fly past.I love the royal wedding. I love when they go to church at Christmas and then they walk out and I just love all of that stuff.I love seeing her Majesty every Sunday in the car looking to see what pin she’s wearing. I love brooches. I have, from Buckingham palace, to the official copy of the Mapleleaf brooch! My sister got that for me one year when she was in London and she went to Buckingham palace specifically to get me that brooch because I collect brooches so I proudly on that.and I am all I have a book that was published in 1987 again the author part part of my brain is not working 100% right now but I got it for my birthday from my sister and it’s a vintage book from 1987 and it’s the Queen’s jewelleryCollection which I absolutely love and I also have Angela Kelly’s new book which my sister got me for Christmas so. You wouldn’t even want to know how much royalty stuff I have collected and I inherited them from my mother and I wouldn’t get rid of any of it I still have the newspapers from July 31, 1981 that we had to city newspapers at that time and so I have Charles and Diana’s wedding on on both of those and that was from my mom my mom say that so after my mom passed away no one else wanted that and of course I went out I took it faster than the end the year of the queens Jubilee Canada posted a whole Book of stamps special stamps and my sister got that for me and they were released each book of stamps and then at the very end then they release the book that way you can put your stamp in so I have that. And I ordered from the royal mail one last year when they did the Queen Victoria stamps I think it was 100 years since her death I think that’s what it was but it oh that’s awesome and I have a big board in my spare room where I keep all the stamps I have William and Catherine their engagement I have William and Catherine their wedding and I have her majesty and that you believe that these are all Canada post and I have that one from the royal mail I just wanna have postcards in there at all I just have so much stop and I love it all!
The future legacy. ……… 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻����😊😊😊😊🔮
How bright is the future of our monarchy! Despite outside influences, attacks , invading, riots in the street, whatever put all that aside put all that aside right now. We have a Queen who continues to reign. It does not matter if it is in Windsor Castle or Balmoral or Buckingham palace, she is cogent!! and she is in charge!! make no mistake about that!!!! Put all that abdication garbage aside!! She will not ever abdicate her duties ever! She saw what was done to her father when, someone didn’t take their duties seriously, she would never ever do that! Besides, she is just a woman of a high moral code and public service she will never abdicate! So we have her continuing reigning at this time. When the time comes we have prince Charles and by his side a woman he loves very much, which which the public has come to accept and quite admire. I think he will do well. He will downsize the numbers on the balcony, there will not be full of 13 generations he will definitely downsize.He is definitely very intelligent and very educated with regard to climate change with regards to farming gardening all the things that are essential in food production. He has such a gentle manner about him and I think he is elegant. They are such an elegant couple. And wow coming up William and Catherine we have nothing to fear what a powerhouse those two are amazing loving, intelligent, well balanced, centred, strong ,motivated, loving, the endless energy, endless ideas, things could not bode better for the future and it’s all down to Her Majesty! She has set the tone and they have learned from her in conversation and observation and experience and I just think the monarchy could not be in any better hands. And then we have George Charlotte and Louis I mean they’re being raised to be such healthy, wise, mentally balanced, physically active, community awareness, they’re being raised by two of the best so there’s we can’t lose!! We can’t lose, it is all amazing I think I see the future is so bright! And soon we will have our Harry back and all of this other stuff will be put away and dealt with and then we can have our Harry and he can he can start start fresh and rebuild! Harry, l believe in you, I pray for you, I love you dearly since you were just a baby and there’s many many many many many more like me that are supporting you all the way and we know that you are doing the right thing you’re doing the things that you have to do to deal with the situation and we all know that and we’re out we’ve all gotten back and whenever time comes for you to come back to us you will find open arms and lots of love!!
GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I say GSTQAOBC mine means, a God save the Queen and our beloved Commonwealth. Her Majesty is the head of the church of England a woman of faith a woman of moral code. My mother was a woman of faith very strong faith and she loved her Majesty. I think we need to be very protective of our faith because it is under attack right now it has been for a number of years but it’s become much more overt and I think we all need to speak out and supported and those of us who love and support the monarchy we need to continue to raise our voice and continue to work on our blogs to show. There are people who have faith who love the monarchy who love the queen who want it to continue! And the more of us there are the better. Nothing to use this audio software I don’t do upper case anymore because I speak and it types as I speak so but I am up till now if you kids know I have always done upper case so those of us who are commonwealth members we know how valuable it is. The Commonwealth games in our own little Olympics sort of thing. It’s just we feel part of your community and connection and I mean I’ve had royalty every day of my life! HMTQ was it at at the front in school there’s a picture of her every at the end of every school day we sang God save the Queen , she’s on our money , our lawyers are the crown prosecutors a court of Queens bench everything here where I live it is there’s some part of the monarchy involves and I love it and I wanted to continue. And I want to conclude this by saying how very much I love and admire you your Majesty I just I do that’s a sincere serious as I can be.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
66. July 17
I wish you could all hear that heard me read the riddle as I typed it because I did it in her voice and then his voice as I was doing it and it was actually pretty funny!🥂🥂🥂🥂PG😊😊😊😊
MM ANON …… Bea-discreet …………… “ give them a wave Philip, its a wedding “…………… “ I’m looking forward to congratulating the happy couple and sharing a few jokes “ ………… “ No Philip”…………… “ don’t be silly, I won’t say anything ……… “ NO PHILIP!! “ …………” what’s this Philip” ……… “ just a few notes” …………… “ you can’t say this!! ……… “ OK… bloody hell , it’s a joke” …………… “ if you said this , Italy would declare war!!” ……… “ bloody hell !!”
Thank you. What a wonderful surprise this wedding has been.😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment Purposes
JULY 17/2020. RIDDLE #66
Bea-discreet ……………
Oh ahead of them and I asked that we deleted it again. I must say a hearty big congratulations to the happy couple! How wonderful that they were able to pull this off discreetly and it sure explains a big smile prince and your head on a picture of him that I saw in the paper the other day. He look like the cat that ate the canary and now we know why big big big special day wonderful! Congratulations to the two of them they’ve been patient through more than I think any young couple has publicly and now they’re finally together as a married couple and if they can get through this they can get through anything!! Congratulations🥂🥂🥂🥂 The other thing that tells me is Harry is safe and Harry probably was at the wedding!!!
“ give them a wave Philip, its a wedding “…………… “ I’m looking forward to congratulating the happy couple and sharing a few jokes “ ………… “ No Philip”…………… “ don’t be silly, I won’t say anything ……… “ NO PHILIP!! “ …………” what’s this Philip” ……… “ just a few notes” …………… “ you can’t say this!! ……… “ OK… bloody hell , it’s a joke” …………… “ if you said this , Italy would declare war!!” ……… “ bloody hell !!”
This paragraph it’s funny it’s a salute to her majesty and prince Philip but much less formal than the extensive tome I did yesterday. Her Majesty is encouraging prince Philip to get the married couple a wave! He replies to her I am looking forward to congratulating the happy couple sharing a few jokes wink wink nod why nod nod😄😄😁😁😁😁😁!! Her Majesty knowing full well what kind of jokes he likes she just says in capital letters no Philip! he’s ruffling with some thing and then she notices a paper in his hand and so what’s this and he’s kind of trying to avoid her seeing it and I was just just some notes just some notes all just some notes. She gets a hold of it and she was aghast you can’t say this Italy will declare war! I wish you could hear my intonation my voice because I’m doing it as if it’s her and it’s him it’s actually quite funny to me at almost 4 in the morning! OK you says OK it’s just a bloody joke can’t you not hear him say that oh! Oh my and then of course he hast to get one more one more of his favourite words in there before the end of this beautiful paragraph!
💜💜💜💜😁😁😁😊😊😊MM ANON🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧😊😊😊😊💜💜💜💜
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
67. July 20
MM ANON ………… honeymoon Italia…… “hello my old China “…………… more engagements ………… Balmoral cottages ………… secret snaps ( eyes only) ………………”once upon a time “…………T. R. Ah. …………… the green eyed trasher ………… close the beaches …………… a coach full …………… Bea-frugal ……… unknown posie.
🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜Thank you MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜😊😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈🌈
July 20/2020. RIDDLE#67
honeymoon Italia……
Despite a world, okay not the entire world due to COVID-19, they have several options, all romantic, but l do believe our happy couple is honeymooning in Italy! Totally makes sense as were Edo is from, it is where they got engaged and I’m sure he knows all the most romantic spots to take her to. i’m also sure he knows some out-of-the-way places where they will not be bothered by any paparazzi. Villa Mapelli Mozzi, in the north of Italy, is the groom’s family estate. be another convenient destination which is less than an hour away from Milan. The 13-bedroom residence is surrounded by parkland, where tall trees are housed in an English garden. There is also an outdoor swimming pool and stable house. This would be the most private option I think for them.
They got engaged on the Amalfi coast in Italy that might be another option that would be more public that would mean staying in the hotel where they stayed when they got engaged which would be quite romantic. The Sirenuse Hotel is nestled within the pastel-coloured houses that make up Positano village, the hotel is perched on a mountain boasting breathtaking views over the bay. Oh doesn’t it all just sounds divinely romantic? Love sweet love!🥰🥰🥰
“hello my old China “
In the UK there is so much slang, different manners of speech and local colloquiums. In Cockney, rhyming slang, when referring to a friend/ mate they would say China plate. I have no idea why, they just do.
This is very sarcastic because then the UK has just refuse Huawei the access to 5G network in the UK. And now that’s added to Canada and America that have also refused them and in fact as I said a number of times we have incarcerated currently the head of wild with a daughter she’s also high up in the company. All repairs in case people don’t know she was in Canada I think for business and she was so picked up on a warrant which is an American warrant but because Canada and the United States have a reciprocal relationship like that the Canadian law enforcement arrested her took her into custody based on that American war inch. She applied for bail which the judge denied. She very much assumed that she would just be released an allowed to leave to go back to China. So all that issue is money right money and also Huawei has been widely speculated for hacking and stealing intellectual property and technology by many countries.Of course they strongly deny this. The other huge huge huge massive issue is Hong Kong. They was the agreement in which China took possession of Hong Kong was it was based on the original agreement between them and the UK. That agreement included a clause called one country two governments which allowed Hong Kong to remain free or capital enterprise. However that has not happened and a slippery slope has occurred with many arrests and riots and this resulted in China removing the entire The entire constitution, outlawing free-speech and invading and instituting martial law.
Mike Pompeo the United States secretary of state is in London today meeting with Boris Johnson the Prime Minister. I’m sure they have many mutual issues to discuss the top of the list likely is China. I do believe on that list also might include some issues regarded to our Madam situation.
The family of Harry Dunn, the young chap who was killed on the on his motorbike by the wife of a US a spy driving on the wrong side of the road. She and her family fled the country and there is an outstanding warrants for her in the U.K. The United States is not inclined to extra extradite her to the UK. His family is pleading with Boris Johnson to make that a priority on the meeting today with Mike Pompeo. I think there are huge world issues to discuss and how do I put this , I’m not sure that they will get to that I’m not sure that that extradition will ever happen.
more engagements …………
With all the wedding talk still in the air, I think peoples first thoughts would go to thinking who else is engaged? who else is engaged! However I do not think that is what this clue is about.
I have noticed of late and I saw it again today on the daily mail that the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall are doing yet another engagements. I truly think Camilla has truly come into her own as well in her role. And people have grown to be really quite fond of her and deservedly so. Today they were in Cornwall seeing a new bridge called the Tintagel bridge. Everything in the UK has cute names. I’d like to know where they all come from.🤔😊.Today it was a start of their annual visit or tour of Devon and Cornwall where they will have three days visit. They both appeared chipper while meeting paramedics and unveiling a new air ambulance named in her honour.
The naming ceremony for the new £7.5million chopper for Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust was briefly interrupted by an alarm sounding alerting paramedics to an emergency call-out, with the Duchess saying she was keeping her ‘fingers crossed’ for the injured patient. Can you imagine having a helicopter air ambulance named after you how awesome would that be wow!
Balmoral cottages …………
Her Majesty, the Queen and Prince Philip will be going up to Balmoral next week I think, shortly anyways. Family will be visiting and I don’t know which family because Buckingham Palace has said in response to that question, family time and vacation is private and they will not give out that information. Nonetheless whoever goes to visit will not be allowed to stay in Balmoral proper because of COVID-19. However the estate does have many cottages and places on the state itself where they can stay which I think they will be very comfortable in. They will be able to visit outside, ride horses, fish picnic etc do all the things that they usually do but most of it will be outside. Which actually is not going to be all that different than their usual time up there with the exception they probably will not be the Ghillies ball. It is just too bad but this is better than nothing and they will greatly enjoy the time together. I just could not believe how excellent her Majesty and Prince Philip looked at the wedding in those photos in the photo I saw oh my goodness! His shoes were shined within an inch of their life EXCELLENT JOB SYDNEY!!!
secret snaps ( eyes only) ………………
The first thing I want to say is the press keeps going on and on about why are there no pictures of Prince Andrew at the wedding. Why on earth would they give the press pictures of him? All they would do was rip them apart in words and criticize even more than they already have.I doubt that they are ever going to see the light of day. Those photos will be for families eyes only family and close friends. There will be no way that pictures of him will be made public!Nor should they!
The other possibility is some that there are some intelligence photos that have been taken, that prove a myriad of things. It may be regarding prove oh what China has been up to, Russia been up to. It might be regarding the Covid. It might be regarding intelligence stealing it regarding a hacking regarding oh some of the websites that have been brought down recently.
When I see it in brackets 😮😮😮😮😮(eyes only)🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔, that makes me think immediately of five eyes, of the five eyes of intelligence.Those being 🇬🇧 UK, the 🇺🇸 the United States, Canada 🇨🇦, Australia 🇦🇺, and New Zealand🇳🇿.We all know that there is an international investigation into JE behaviours and business. GM is now in custody. I never knew she was an American citizen they always talk about her as a British socialite I thought she was British. But I was reading and apparently in 2002 she moved to the United States and became a naturalized citizen. So that’s why she wasn’t in whatever country because they have it extradition treaty with America and that’s probably why she was hiding in America. Maybe you kids all knew that she was an American, but I didn’t. I thought she still had her British citizenship. They are big names big big big big big names at play here, that I don’t know. Frankly I don’t know any of them but I do know this is investigation has been going on for years. We all know this is the reason for the attack on our royal family which was planned years ago, even down to the point where there wasn’t supposed to be a wedding but there was. It has been planned that these riots occur to regarding racial tension to disrupt the United States and the UK from within. They can’t attack them and destroy the outside so they burrowed in and they’re going to try and destroy it from within. We have seen it happening in real time, right before our eyes. Could you ever have imagined even two years ago that the world would be in the state that it is now? And when I say the world, l mean the free countries like America and the UK. Lack of respect, rioting, fires, violence, anarchy, statues being pulled down, revisionist history I don’t know what this new generation is called post millennial whatever but a sense of entitlement beyond beyond the pale oh my I can’t even think of anymore words right now.We cannot let them we just cannot let that happen!
“once upon a time “…………
Beatrice and Edo have known each other since they were children. Their parents have been acquainted and travelled in the same circles for forever. So this is not a sudden, meet me in the bar, move in together and get married kind of thing. It truly is the stuff of romance stories! Once upon a time a handsome Italian Count meets a beautiful English princess. True love blossoms real true love blossoms. And as most stories go they have tremendous odds stacked against the. As this young couple did. It was between the press issues and COVID-19 they had everything going against them. The press was hounding about the wedding. And they managed to pull off the most beautiful private wedding and the best absolutely important thing was that her Majesty and Prince Philip were there which was what Beatrice desperately wanted and wanted so badly! I truly think this will be a story that ends happily ever after!! I’m still swooning and it is days now since the wedding.! 👰🏽🤵 🥂
T. R. Ah. ……………
Tiara! The absolutely gorgeous Fringe a Tiara worn by her Majesty on her wedding day, worn by the Queen mum on her wedding day and worn by Queen Mary on her wedding day. Now it was worn by Princess Beatrice, living history!! The ah is me and many others sighing aaaaahhhhhhhh☺️☺️☺️☺️ at the sight of beautiful fairytale Princess in gown and that tiara🥰🥰🥰🥰!
the green eyed trasher …………
Well Madam wanted that emerald Tiara in the worst way and she ended up having to wear a fake $30 tiara from the dollar store sorry not sorry! HMTQ wore it to the state dinner! That was so great, that is so great. I could only imagine the trash is the right word she is trashy in her behaviours. I cannot imagine rather, I would love rather to been a fly on the wall when she found out about this wedding and saw the pictures, seeing that gown and tiara. Oh my oh I can only imagine. Her life is imploding. I don’t even know what her mental state would be now but now with this whole thing about the investigation of the charities and Harry putting out that statement and in none of it! in none of it! Nowhere was her name mentioned? So a notice has been filed to investigate where the money went. They are of looking into where the moneys gone too. And she’s in a world of trouble. I had not realized until reading today, that she had delayed filing taxes this year. When I read that today, that is the first I have heard that anyone has mentioned a fact about her taxes. Evidently somewhere somebody must have learned that she had filed for an extension to delay filing taxes this year. I guess people were given that opportunity especially due to COVID-19. So she is only delaying the inevitable really she really is but that’s OK we just sit back and watch. We have our royal family back and now we can just sit back and watch her reality show. She wanted to be in the public eye, well she’s going to be more in the public eye than she ever ever thought she could be. Once all everything comes out publicly and I don’t even know if everything will but oh yeah wow l would not want to be her! I am only talking about the stuff with the royal family the money in the marching in the all the carrying on and the full pregnancy and everything like that. I am not talking about anything that happened in the last year‘s or prior to 2016 if there’s a whole decade or more stuff that there’s lots of rumours about online. Friends, SoHo, connections, behaviours,yachting, hobbies,. I think she can pretty much write off any money that she thought she of making from that book by Scooby Doo and that Durand lady. It has been marked down on Amazon so yeah I don’t think that book is going to be selling that well.
close the beaches ……………
I could not believe how crowded the beaches were in the UK on the weekend the pictures that I saw were unbelievable! Until the rains came in the temperature got called in and everything everybody ran off home. No social or physical distancing was evident at all, nor possible with that many people!
I could not believe how crowded the beaches were in the UK on the weekend the pictures that I saw were unbelievable! Until the rains came in the temperature got called in and everything everybody ran off home. No social or physical distancing was evident at all, nor possible with that many people!
“Sunbathers fled to safety today when an inferno erupted inside a Bournemouth beach hut and ripped across the heath-covered cliff above the sands. The was started by a gas stove being used inside one of the wooden huts along the busy promenade just 400 yards from the four-star Highcliff Marriott Hotel. A man rushed out of the timber cabin shouting for people to get back as there was a gas canister inside that could explode. Beachgoers abandoned their possessions and fled as the hut became engulfed in flames and a loud ‘popping’ sound was heard from within. The flames spread to two adjacent huts and onto the grassy cliff face behind. Due to the gorse being tinder-dry and a strong southerly breeze fanning the flames, a huge 100ft long strip of the sloping cliff was set alight. Eight fire crews raced to scene at 3.50pm and put out the fire in the beach huts and set about tackling the fire on the cliffs. “DM
a coach full ……………
Her Majesty the Queen has her own train. And they’re gonna be heading up to Balmoral Castle and Aberdeenshire Scotland’s. Are usually spend 12 weeks there a nice long summer holiday. I am not certain how long they will be staying this time. But they will create a Balmoral bubble. They’ve heard about bubble here bubbles there bubbles at Windsor Castle bubbles at Belmorrow bubbles in the airplane bubble you know you know what a bubble by now. So obviously they are going to need some stuff to go with them. I was reading yesterday the list of stuff that is going with them and I was mad they looking for that now I know I found it in the daily mail so this is all who’s going with them. They include Vice-Admiral Tony Johnstone-Burt, master of the household; Sir Edward Young, the Queen’s private secretary, and Paul Whybrew and William Henderson, her pages.
Major Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah, her equerry; Terry Pendry, her head groom; Angela Kelly, the Queen’s personal assistant and her senior dresser; Jackie Newbold, Kelly’s PA; and three assistant dressers will also join. Just as an aside I think that her equerry wasn’t that the man that Madam made that snooty face at in the one picture I could be wrong.
Well with all of the clothes and personal items for the royal couple plus for all the staff and all the incidentals this is going to be one full train coach I am sure wow! physical distancing still applying. I am sure although they have all been like quarantined however l am sure they will still physical distance.
I hope they have a wonderful vacation filled with good Scottish air. Time to just relax and be away from everything! Have a wonderful time with family and make up for all the stress of the last four years.
Bea-frugal ………
Princess Beatrice is being lauded for not having an over the top , multi million dollar wedding in this age of where the world is at now. Unlike some Madam who wasn’t even wanting to be a family member.There was a nasty headline and I am not going to repeat it. I think it was in Sunday’s paper about her parents, which was so needless because actually the article was quite lovely. But a small private wedding only the most important people there! Oh that Norman Hartnell vintage dress and the Fringe Tiara 👑 that has so much history and meaning to it. It also happens to be my very favourite Tiara! 😁So she’s being commended for being frugal and their batting that word around. I think she wanted just a private wedding anyways there has been so much going on in the press. They just wanted to have a private wedding away from all the nonsense and I’m so glad she got it! I’m so glad nobody got wind of this. I mean many people had to know and they all kept it secret marvellous! And like I said yesterday in my post, I feel like we have a royal family back I feel like things are right the way they have always been out everything that happened that day it just felt so good!!
unknown posie.
As per tradition starting with her Majesty the Queen mum, Princess Beatrice’s wedding bouquet was laid on the tomb of the unknown warrior at Westminster Abbey. There’s a nice video the showing it. The bouquet was brought straight to Westminster Abbey after the nuptials and placed on the tomb by Reverend Anthony Ball, Canon of Westminster. He was showing a young boy and I’m not sure what the purpose was that he was a guest or what but he included the young boy in the actual laying of the flowers on the tomb it was quite moving.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
68. July 22
MM ANON ………7 into 99…………The “wishing well”……… “ I can hear a canary singing “ …………… “ good news MM ANON, it’s not c***er🙏🏻………… By-polar …………… “ what , not the nurses” …………Biker Justice …………… Cor,i bin apologising …………… “ I wish her hell”……………… LA to stay away ……………… kiss and MAKE UP ………………Colonel Cam. ………… scouse rouse.
July 22/2030. RIDDLE #68
💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈THANK YOU MM ANON🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜FANTASTIC NEWS🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
7 into 99…………
What a magnificent day! Our dear prince George turns seven and aren’t the photos gorgeous!! Oh it’s such a wonderful age I hope he’s had a wonderful birthday! Keeping them laughing as he goes! Sprightly Prince Philip, 99, proves retirement hasn’t dulled his legendary wit as he cracks joke about Army bugler’s weight during rare public engagement at Windsor Castle to hand over historic military title to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall! If that doesn’t show you how highly she is regarded nothing well it’s marvelous! The Duke of Edinburgh transferred role as Colonel-in-Chief of The Rifles to the Duchess of Cornwall today.Prince Philip, who retired in 2017, was nearly 100 miles apart from Camilla, as they both carried out ceremonies. Prince Philip, 99, was at Windsor Castle in Berkshire, while the duchess was at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire. The Duke was pictured with Queen to mark his 99th birthday last month - and at Beatrice’s wedding last.
The “wishing well”
A small ornamental garden wishing well, with coins to wish for
A wishing well is a term from European folksy to describe wells where it was thought that any spoken wish would be granted. The idea that a wish would be granted came from the notion that water housed had been placed there as a gift from the God. This practice is thought to have arisen because water is a source of life and was often a scarce commodity. We still have Wishing wells today. We also use fountains where you walk past it and you throw a coin over your shoulder for good luck and you make a wish, or just like when you see a falling star make a wish as quick as you can or blow out all your birthday candles and make your wish and your wish will come true! So who is throwing money into the well for a wish? We know that Madam’s PR is getting more and more bizarre as the days go on it could be her. It might be GM singing a song telling them what they want to know I’m trying to wheel and deal. She’s got a husband on the outside and 15 bank accounts. If she says she has 15 bank account then she’s probably got 50. And I’m sure she’s probably got a number of fake passports as well. If she ever gets bail she’ll be gone. So I think she’s hoping to have her wish is granted by complying and giving information as much as she can that’s what I think this means. I could be wrong I’ve been wrong before and I will be wrong again.
21 Jul2020
“I wish her well,” @realDonaldTrump says of Jeffrey Epstein’s associate Ghislaine Maxwell. There is a ton of talk on this online wondering if he was actually meaning to say H***instead of well. Who knows I don’t know but there’s chatter about it anyways.
“ I can hear a canary singing “ ……………
Years ago when they were mining for coal and in the north of England and places, have you ever seen the movie 🎥 a green was my valley 🎥that’s an excellent movie! Anyhow I’m sure your fruit heard the phrase a canary in the coal mine? Used to be they kept the canary in the coal mine and as long as he was the bird was chirping and happy they knew that there was enough oxygen for the men to keep working but once the canary died they had to rush and get out of there pronto! So who is hearing the canary thinking on it’s a “”? The UK, perhaps more than any other country in the world, was built on coal.The first successful steam engine was invented to pump water out of British coal mines. Coal powered the railroads and ships that built the British empire. It helped the country survive two world wars, and at its height between those wars, coal mines employed 1.2 million people. So this winter, when the UK announced its plan to stop burning coal for electricity by 2025, the shift was seismic.The announcement signaled the dethroning of King Coal in a country where it had reigned for more than a century, and where just six years prior it provided more than 40 percent of the nation’s energy. How did this happen in the UK at a time when leaders in the US were moving in the opposite direction by promising to end the “war on coal”?The answer lies not in technological innovation, but in a profound cultural shift that began decades ago in coal field communities across the UK.
Having blathering on and on and on about this I do believe we are talking about GM here. She is in custody in New York as you all know and there are rumours upon rumours of how she’s being watched now she’s being moved around how she’s being looked after her etc. There’s also rumours that she’s got videotapes, she’s got a diary a little black book all those details. And also there are rumours that she is looking to make a deal. She is afraid for her life and rightly so in jail or out of jail makes no matter she is she is she is rightly afraid for her life given the people she’s been in contact with any information she possesses. So she’s looking to make a deal and when someone startsTalking to law-enforcement and spilling their guts and sharing information about other people on the rocket they’re running that often is referred to as a canary singing so sounds like she may be singing her little heart out. She can sing and sing and sing as long as she wants to what’s done is done. And the people that are involved have long memories and I wouldn’t want to be here her for all the money in the world! Ghislaine Maxwell paid $25K to fake news purveyor Jacob Wohl to ‘smear Epstein victims and to get prosecutor Geoffrey Berman fired in attempt to stall sex trafficking investigation against her’. Ghislaine Maxwell hired Jacob Wohl to smear alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein and her, a former friend told the DM in an exclusive interview.As part of a $25k deal, Wohl and his lobbyist colleague Jack Burkman also allegedly pushed to get former New York US Attorney Geoffrey Berman fired.Wohl and Burkman are far-right lobbyists who have become a laughing stock in DC after several failed attempts to smear top political figures. Maryland paralegal Kristin Spealman claims she was initially contacted by the duo to use her in a smear campaign against Nancy Pelosi and Ted Cruz. Spealman told DailyMail.com they bragged to her they had been hired in early June for $25,000 to dig up dirt on Maxwell’s alleged sex trafficking victims. Federal documents filed this month show a company linked to Maxwell had hired Wohl and Burkman to lobby on ‘issues relating to US DOJ, Senate Judiciary, House Judiciary.Berman’s removal was intended to stall or stop the criminal investigation into Maxwell, Spealman said. Berman was ultimately pushed out by Barr in June, but two weeks later Maxwell was charged as part of Epstein’s sex trafficking ring.
“ good news 💐💐💐💐💐MM ANON💐💐💐💐💐,it’s not c***er🙏🏻…………
💜💜💜💜💜💜THIS IS MARVELLOUS NEWS, JUST A GIFT FROM GOD💜💜💜💜💜!!💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻PG🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜. 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
By-polar ……………
I think this could have two meetings possibly the first one being actual bipolar disorder the Axis l psychiatric diagnosis.. Kanye West has been all over the place in the last week or a bit more giving speeches and just saying if you run for president and then changing his mind and you will see what you have all seen the media.. He’s being made a laughing stock! He is being laughed at and joked about when it is so obvious obvious to me, because I’ve worked in mental health, but I think it would be obvious to anyone, that he is not well and needs to be formed or that’s what we call it formed if he doesn’t agree to go into hospital for treatment. This is so sad to watch somebody just implode like this it is it’s just it’s heartbreaking!
The other option might be actually true bipolar from the northpole and the south pole. We’ve seen COVID-19 spread from China across if you can on this track it like a weather storm and if you look at the cases now from South America the United States is almost all covered in red it is truly affecting the whole world! With flu season coming up in the fall and the symptoms being similar it’s going to be very difficult.. I am already stocking up on toilet paper and like non-perishables I don’t want to be caught up in another lockdown situation where we can’t get the things that we need. So they’re working hard on a vaccine and that can come sooner the better. But I highly recommend everybody over 50 or if you had chronic medical conditions to get the flu vaccine this year. I’ve taken the flu vaccine every year since I was 18 when I started nursing school. I’ve had lots of head cold and sinus infections but I’ve never actually really had the exact flu. That’s just my encouragement to you. I’ve been lucky the last five or seven however many years more than that that the public health nurse comes right into my home to do my flu vaccine. And when I had my appointment with the doctor via phone last week he said that would happen again this year so I was very relieved to hear that.
“ what , not the nurses” …………
Consistently when statistics are collated nursing remains in the top five most high risk , violence encountered on the job. The field that I worked in, Psychiatry, was especially so! Also nurses working in long-term patients with Alzheimer’s geriatric patients. Every shift I worked, hardly a shift went by for me, or my co-workers, that I or someone, didn’t get sworn at, called every name under the book, spit at, stuff thrown at including bodily products, punched and I’ve had a couple serious assaults. I won’t go into that, but some it’s a very dangerous profession and it’s not one for the faint of heart that’s for sure. in addition to double shifts, mandated overtime, staff shortages, critically ill patients, life and death, arrogant doctors. But it’s a calling, l did in service of my faith.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Tv news viewers and those who witnessed are left horrified after NHS nurse is bitten and punched while trying to treat a patient under arrest in 24 Hours in A&E. Getting better and is the worst. I knew a nurse that worked in long-term care and she was bitten on the thumb and she ended up losing whole function her arm she developed an infection and went all the way up her arm and she wasn’t able to work she was so so so so sick for so long and yeah it’s no joke! Staff nurse Graeme, from UK, was bitten and punched by a patient under arrest. The team tried to restrain patient while continuing to give him the care he needed.This Appeared on last night’s episode of Channel 4’s 24 Hours in A&E. I hope that nurse is OK physically and she’s being looked after mentally with debriefing and the support from her management team that’s critically important.
Biker Justice ……………
Poor lad Harry Dunn. He las killed last year by the wife of an American spy, driving the wrong side of the road. She and her family immediately fled the U.K. returning home to America. His family has been very actively seeking justice. There is an active warrant for her arrest valid in the U.K. Until now the U.S. has refused to extradite her back to the U.K. The mother of the teenage motorcyclist who was killed in a collision with a US diplomat’s wife accused Dominic Raab of being a “lost child in an adult’s world” as he greeted the US secretary of state on Tuesday.Charlotte Charles was at the gates of Downing Street to watch the arrival of Mike Pompeo, the U.S Secretary of State. said that “words are not enough anymore”.A Downing Street spokeswoman said the prime minister emphasised the need for justice for a Harry Dunn and his surviving family! “He said there was a strong feeling among the people of the UK that justice must be delivered,” she said. Charles, who was accompanied by her partner, Bruce, and lawyer, Radd Seiger, said that she had come “to show Mr Pompeo and Mr Raab and Mr (Boris) Johnson that I’m not just going to stick on my TV and watch them at home.This far , Justice remains elusive. When they went to America, the driver was waiting to meet with them but they refused unless she returned to the U.K. Well as we know, she has failed to do that. Her conscience must be eating her up, she has young children. Sad from all sides, tragic!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻Parts from the DM.
Cor,i bin apologising ……………
Typical British and Oz slang Cor, for Christ. Jeremy Corbin, former as of April 2020, Keir Starmer is the leader now.Labour Party Leader is furious. Jeremy Corbyn facing legal action by Labour anti-Semitism whistleblowers and journalist after he attacked Keir Starmer’s ‘disappointing’ apology and £500,000 libel payout to them over Panorama investigation into the party under his leadership.Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party made formal apology to whistleblowers today at the High Court in London. The move came as part of a settlement that seeks ot make a clean break with policy under Jeremy Corbyn.Whistleblowers sued party for defamation over its response to a BBC Panorama investigation last year. DM
“ I wish her hell”………………
21 Jul2020 “I wish her well,” ‪@realDonaldTrump‬ says of Jeffrey Epstein’s associate Ghislaine Maxwell. I’ll put this here as well because I think their part and parcel of the same the Wishingwell and I wish her that that word that’s there. So President Trump was tweeting with regards to GM and he tweeted in the previous crew there it said wishing the ““Wishingwell“ and so here it is more the chatter online about what he really should have said or wanted to say maybe. It’s odd it’s on my copy can you resubmit it again OK
LA to stay away ………………
Poor poor Rachel, my hearts bleeds for you NOT!! ‘Cooped up’ Meghan wants to leave (her ? Since when is it hers?.??). The $18M sprawling mega-mansion, that belongs to Tyler Perry NOT HER!! , to celebrate her August birthday - and will make guests get tested for Covid-19 beforehand. I still don’t believe she was there not for one single solitary seconds! If she was there she would be posting pictures of her sitting on the marble counters and on the huge bet there would be pictures from here to Hells half Acre of her all over that place! Her PR is saying her and Prince Harry are feeling cooped up. Well he is not with her. so I don’t think she knows if he’s cooped up!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. I believe that she is cooped up because she is probably in a one bedroom bachelor apartment of some sort certainly not an $18 million mansion! The 38-year-old’s birthday is around the corner on August 4. Oh please don’t tell me I share my birthday month with that SEAHAG!😳😳😳😳😳😳. The friend, now which friend might this be interesting?explained madam thinks a change of scenery. Madam thinks it would be nice in Montecito, outside of Santa Barbara, where friend OW lives!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂! Now SHES using her PR screaming to OW for help. Madam would require anyone who attends her soiree to get a fast-tracked Covid-19 test, but stressed the guest list would only be her closest friends.Soiree? She doesn’t even know that word she’s never heard of it before soirée how very 1940s love you Madam. The mysterious friend chimed in again ‘Meghan said it will be low-key. She said she doesn’t want to come across as being careless and irresponsible. After all we’ve seen and heard she doesn’t want to come across as careless and irresponsible oh my goodness!😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
kiss and MAKE UP ………………. Puh-leeze🥱🥱🥱🥴🥴🥴🤢🤢🤢.In court in the Daily saga of JD and AH we have learned from her truthful, sane, reliable, honest, sincere testimony, we learned this. Last year sometime, l don’t know the date, ow l do, December 16/2015, she appeared on a show called James Corden Late Late Show. I have never heard of him or the show. Anyways, she alleges, she had to cover her face with makeup because JD tried to smother her with a pillow. Wow she must have sharp pillows eh? It was almost like this court case was planned an ordained to be occurring at this time because the behaviours so much similar to Madam just a eerie! how come she wears so much make up every other day then? How does she account for that? Have you get scratched like that an injured with a pillow like my pillows or soft pillowcases or soft???
Colonel Cam. ………… The Duke and Duchess of a Cambridge on Tuesday released two new photos of their eldest child Prince George for of his seventh birthday on Wednesday, including one of him wearing a camouflage print T-shirt, or camp as the kids here call it. His choice of clothes is remarkably similar to those worn by his father In his childhood. As a young boy, William loved to dress up in army uniforms with his younger brother Harry. He was also pictured playing in the garden of Highgrove 1986, aged four, wearing the parachute regiment uniform, including a maroon beret. The Prince of Wales was appointed Colonel-in-Chief of the Parachute Regiment in 1977 and completed the regiment’s course the following year, where he had to take two parachute jumps in one day. Our George is really growing up isn’t he?💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊💜💜💜💜Too fast, George slow down please.😊
scouse rouse.
Anyone from Liverpool knows that’s a local slang word for somebody real scouse! Scouse or scousers users formally known as Liverpool English or Merseyside English) is an accent and dialect of English originating in the northwest county of Merseyside. The Scouse accent is highly distinctive and has little in common with those of the neighbouring regions.Wiki
Scousers had a massive street party! Thousands of Liverpool fans feel the streets as a premier league trophy was lifted for the first time.! Social distancing was ignored and please demands to go home or ignored so they and they were also setting off fireworks in smoke farms. Another words doing whatever the other group of fans does when their team wins the championship!DM. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Fighting Styles Meme
tag from @rainofaugustsith​ No pressure if you don’t want to do it, but if you do feel like it I tag @pineaberry​ , @pauletta-00​ , @delavairesslegacy​ , @stratosara​ and anybody else who sees this and wants to do it!
bold what consistently applies || italicize situational, not always || both a priority while fighting || strike what absolutely does not ever apply.
I’m gonna do Saarai and Aria for this one cause they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of styles and so on :D
Despite relying mainly on brute force and instead supplementing with Force techniques like Battlemind and attacks such as Crushing Darkness, Force Charge/Scream and a bit of Lightning, Saarai fights honourably  and she is not above complimenting a “worthy opponent” should she cross swords with them. That’s not to say that she’s predictable, far from it, Saarai switches forms fluidly and often, using advanced saber techniques such as Jar’Kai and Tràkata frequently and making it very difficult to figure out what she’s going to do next, couple that with her tendency to surprise her enemies with “unconventional” methods, such as ripping throats out with her fangs if it comes to it, and she is an incredibly deadly opponent that is not to be taken lightly.
Aria, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. She fights dirty, and knows no other way. After all, she had to learn how to give herself the advantage, particularly when fighting larger opponents than herself. She has three specific strengths and talents that are always in her rotation: Ataru, Force lighting, and her two Tuk’ata watching her back, which makes it easier to fight her once you figure these out and know how to counter them - back her into a corner where she can’t jump around or aim Force lightning properly, or a small space where Chwûq and Taral can’t get to her to help her, and she’s a much easier target. However, both of them will, without question, go down swinging, and you’re likely to walk away from a battle with either of them with a lot more bruises and/or broken bones than you’d think!
Saarai “Rai” Ahaszaai
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fight honorably/fight dirty/prefer close-quarters/ prefer range /chat during /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  /high pain tolerance/ attack in bursts / attack steadily /go for the kill /aim to disarm / fight defensively (Saarai will go on the defensive if she has no other choice, but she has a very aggressive and in-your-face fighting style in general) / bait an opponent’s first strike /strike first / provoked easily (push the right buttons and you can provoke her, but you have to know what to say to get under her skin, generalised taunts will have no effect on her) /   provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated / shout while attacking / use strategy (tries, but she isn’t the brightest saber in the galaxy XD) / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly /  fight calmly or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement/ fight because they have to / fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds (often won’t even notice or acknowledge she’s injured until the fight’s over) /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds (or otherwise brush them off) / take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade (lightsaber)  / prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear or naginata / prefer a  personalized weapon (made and personalised her own saber, Saarai’s is a double blade that can also be “split” into two single blades so she can dual-wield and she will pick whichever style suits the battle she’s in at the time) / prefer magic or spells (tends to rely mainly on her own strength and saber skills, but will supplement with Force skills such as Force Scream, Crushing Darkness etc.) /  prefer brawling (she’s a 6 ‘ 3″ wall of pure muscle, she has a mean hook and if she gets her arms around you, it’s pretty much over)  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear / rely on strength  /  rely on speed (Saarai can move pretty fast, but certainly not as fast as say Aria, she’s very big and very buff and that makes her kind of clumsy) /  use everything they have /  hide  their full potential  (she will fight with everything she has, but won’t show her full hand immediately, expect several surprises and unconventional moves along the way) / exhaust quickly / high stamina  /  doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /  behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians (always. will even let an opponent go in favour of shielding civilians/bystanders from being hurt)  /  strike down civilians  / damage surroundings (will try not to, but if it’s a choice between damaging a building and hurting an innocent bystander she will always pick the building first. Buildings can be rebuilt, lives cannot be replaced)  /  avoid damaging surroundings (whenever possible) /  signature fighting style / making it  up as they go / mastered skillset /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork  /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter /  accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements  / move efficiently /  barely move  /  prefer to dodge  / prefer to block / defend their blindside /has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method  /  play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready /fear death/ fear pain/  fear killing / has PTSD /avoid fighting (will try to talk it out if she can, but if you swing at her she’s gonna swing back) /has lost a fight (rarely, but a couple of times) / has won a fight / has killed /  refuses to kill  / want to die standing (if she has to die in battle, she’s gonna die a warrior, she would like to grow old with her wife of course but she IS a fighter through and through and she’d not be ashamed to die fighting to defend her family and her people)/  would succumb slowly
Aria “Ari/Canis” Saal-Shenly
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fight honorably/fight dirty/ prefer close-quarters / prefer range /chat during (has a plethora of smarmy remarks designed to rile up her opponent and make them so infuriated that they can’t focus properly)/  go silent /  low pain tolerance  /high pain tolerance/ attack in bursts / attack steadily /go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first (prefers to bait her opponent into it, but if that doesn’t work she’ll make the first move) / provoked easily/   provoke their opponent / tease / get visibly frustrated  / shout while attacking / use strategy  / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly /  fight calmly or apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to/ fight because they want to / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds (sometimes, for example if fighting with Vano and she doesn’t want to distract Vano by letting her worry that she’s hurt) / take a blow to protect another (only if it’s Vano or Qyzen) / prefer a blade (lightsaber)  / prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear or naginata / prefer a  personalized weapon (made her own saber) / prefer magic or spells (strongly favours Shadow Stride and Force Lightning) /  prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical (Aria’s well-muscled but is only 5′ 1″ so is often at a disadvantage as nearly all her opponents are larger than she is) /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear / rely on strength  /  rely on speed /  use everything they have /  hide  their full potential / exhaust quickly / high stamina  /  doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /  behave arrogantly / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities /  use psychological tactics  /  use brute strength / avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians (not as often as she used to, but she’s not as conscientious of them as her wife or the twins) / damage surroundings  /  avoid damaging surroundings /  signature fighting style / making it  up as they go / mastered skillset /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork  /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter /  accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent / insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements (backflips, tumbles, rolls, using walls as springboards, you name it, she’s a regular jumping jack and quite hard to hit because she never stays still for long)  / move efficiently /  barely move  /  prefer to dodge  / prefer to block /defend their blindside / has no blindside / use all available advantages / strictly use one main method  /  play around / hold back / fight ruthlessly / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready / fear death / fear pain /  fear killing / has PTSD /avoid fighting (Aria swings first and asks questions later, Vano’s the “reasonable” one XD)/ has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed /  refuses to kill  / want to die standing (if she’s going down, she’s goin’ down swingin’)/  would succumb slowly
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worfs-glorious-hair · 5 years
Puzzle Pieces: The last Butterfly (RK-800 Connor x Reader; Detroit: Become Human) Part 3
Greetings, dear people!
Welcome to the third part of my Detroit: Become Human fanfiction.
I am still overwhelmed and in awe of the positive response that Puzzle Pieces got from you that I am no very happy to show you my next chapter. It’s Monday for you in this chapter, a new week is ahead of you, yay! Let’s see, what will happen, shall we?
Lots of love and wow, it’s already July, I posted the last chapter in December, hopefully I will finish the story during summer.
Anyways, lots of love,
Lady- Spacy
P.S. As always, if you want to be tagged in the next chapters just hit me up. And if I tagged you and you don't want that please inform me so I can remove your tag. <3
Part 1 Part 2 
There is a fence in my way, where I need to go. I need to get on the other side so badly!
Please, there must be a way!  
The icy cold metal of the fence is burning my fingers as I desperately try to break the fence down.
I need to find a way through it!  
I can’t see what’s on the other side, but it’s important. I know that something terrible will happen if I don’t get to the other side now, there is something that I need to protect at all costs!  
All I see is the fence and a hint of blue light in the darkness behind it. My hands are changing, I see how they turn white in a blue light. As I raise them to my face I can feel it changing, too. I am not human anymore. An Android face stares at me through the fence, white, glossy skin but eyes, that are so alive, even familiar! I stare at my own face as it is opening its mouth and it screams, screams, screams, screams, screams!  
With an audible gasp you woke up, a hammering heart in your chest, disorientated and confused about why you could still hear the scream from your dream…  
As you sleepily turned around, you found your alarm ringing. With tired fingers you struggled to turn it off for a few moments but as soon as it’s quiet you fell back to your pillows with a sigh.  
Your heavy breathing slowly calmed down, while you took in your familiar surroundings, this is your bed, your room, your chair with clothes on, your senses came back to you.  
It was just a dream, weird to say the least, but just a dream. You are alright! And for confirmation you carefully touched your cheek, warm and definitely human skin. Everything is alright!     
It was already the beginning of November and you had spent the last months hoping you would come across your soulmate. Each and every Android that you had passed on the street caught your attention, always wondering if they would awake something in you, some kind of recognition of the love that is destined for you…  
But never did something like that happen.  
You continued with your life, doing your work, chatting with Malcolm, playing games with your family in the evenings, spending time with your friends, enjoying your creative hobbies as usual and all of that with the always burning question in your heart, how you could find him and who he was. You also caught yourself longing for a stranger, you imagined hands to be intertwined, someone walking close beside you, so your shoulders would eventually touch from time to time, feeling loyalty for a strangers was very odd but you could not describe it differently. You were loyal to Connor, whoever he was, wherever, whenever you would find him, you knew that you could not find love somewhere else, you could not find the romantic love you craved so desperately in someone else.  
Before Connor’s name had appeared in your life you had sometimes played with the thought of just trying to find a relationship with someone without a soul mark just like you or someone who just didn’t care about their name on the wrist. They were people out there, who didn’t care. Everyone knew about them, people claiming independence from the ‘soulmate system’, people wanting to choose their destinies by themselves, people who wanted to decide their own fate in love and relationships. Often they lived in communities in bigger cities or all on their own on the countryside and a very few times you had done some research about these communities but never found the courage to actually go there. And now, you just couldn’t anymore. Still, you yearned for a bond with someone, you dreamed of a fast beating excited heart, an uncontrollable ear- to- ear grin and careless joy and you especially longed for sharing physical intimacy with someone who would touch your soul and body but you knew that you couldn’t find it anywhere else as with Connor. Developing a relationship with someone that wasn’t Connor felt so wrong to you, even though your dreams stayed dreams up to this point but now you found yourself developing a sly little smile, whenever you thought about Connor and what could be, when you had finally found him.  
As you got ready for today’s day of work, it was Monday, a new week had begun, your thoughts, wandered back to your dream, a dream where you had turned into an Android and where you had found yourself being unable to be with someone you wanted to see and hold close so badly. Could Connor be in danger, you wondered, could this be a warning that he was not alright, that something could happen that wasn’t save for him?  
Or was it just your overstrained nerves from several incidents you had heard about, of Androids running riots, hurting or even killing their human masters or the Androids going missing. There were several stories on the news over the past weeks and months like these and a part of you was used to it by now, the other was as scared and worried as before.  
It probably was. You were overly worried and you felt a connection to the Androids that your dream was simply a sign of your exaggerated and grown sympathy for the Androids.  
Work went quite ordinary that day and you mainly spent your time taking down the remaining Halloween decorations and organizing the boxes with Christmas decorations that you would need to put up soon.  
It was already early afternoon as Malcolm suddenly stumbled into the shop where you just had dusted off a box with Christmas lights and spent the last five minutes sneezing.  
He was visibly disturbed, LED spinning frantically red and he seemed to be not able to keep himself up on his feet.  
He gasped out your name two times.  
“You need to help me, please! I am going insane!”, Malcolm cried out and pressed his hands against both sides of his head and his face was an expression of raw and desperate emotions.  
When he had stormed into the shop you instinctively had taken a few steps back to the wall behind you but now you rushed to him, your heart and soul clenched painfully together by worries and confusion.  
This is Malcolm, your friend, an Android and yet you had never seen something so human before. But this was exactly the point, he just was not human, seeing emotions written clearly on his face, emotions so strong they painted desperation on his face was something you couldn’t comprehend.  
This is bad, very, very bad, you thought.  
You wrapped your arms around him just as he broke down and you tried to guide him gently to the floor, despite him being very heavy in your arms, where he could sit down. You sighed as you leaned him against the counter and sat beside him.  
“Malcolm”, you asked, hoping your face would look calming and kind, as well as your voice hopefully sounded like, “what happened to you?”  
“This Colias eurytheme“,he stammered, “a- alive…still…even though- though we have already no- no- november…it was…free…  runn- ing a- after it…cu- urious… tha- at re- ed wa- wall…it bro- oke down…e- everything’s cha- changed…I can go- go where- whereever… thi- is re- ed wall…gone”  
Out of instinct you took his hands in yours gently squeezed them.  
“It’s okay”, you softly reassured him, “I’m here. We can figure it out…”  
You hadn’t understood one word of what he was trying to tell you but whatever it was that he wanted to tell you, it was important. And you would do anything to help with whatever it was that made his whole system break down apparently.  
“Breathe in!”, you ordered, you knew he needed no oxygen for survival but you hoped that it would work anyways, maybe it would help his mind to get distracted by another task.  
“Can you tell me again what happened?”, you asked carefully, his hands still in yours.  
Malcolm looked at you and his LED had turned into a slowly swirling yellow, you noted and relief flooded your very soul, everything would be alright.  
“I was working outside on the hedge wall next to the fountain as I saw a butterfly, a Colias eurytheme. You know that in this time of year they are usually not alive anymore but, yet, it was there, this small alfalfa butterflywas still alive despite all odds and I wondered where it would go, where it’s wings would take it. So I followed it. I don’t know why, but I did and I left my assigned task, my programming warned me. Normally I am not able to leave my current task, I cannot step aside from the path, I would be mentally, and in this way also physically, stopped. But I was only seeing this, this tiny part of creation, how it was free and alive and it had the whole world to explore, I kept running and running and running to keep up with it.
The barrier was there but I just kept going, I just did not care anymore, all I cared about was that tiny animal that led a way”, he said with a shrug, “and then the wall, the wall that was always there, was gone. I ran straight through it. I felt it burst around me and then it was just gone. What happened to me, Y/N?”
Malcolm looked up and directly into your eyes and his eyes had never looked so alive as in this exact moment. You returned his gaze and as your looks intertwined you suddenly understood. You understood what had happened to Malcolm. He was no longer a machine anymore. He was free. He had a spirit and a soul and a mind of his own. And you would protect him, you would give everything to make sure that he would be alright.
And as Malcolm looked into your eyes he found, what he was looking for- he saw the eyes of the only friend he ever knew, he saw the eyes of a human, that cared for him. The human, you, that had caught him, when he had stumbled, when he was confused and scared and lost, he saw true love in your eyes, he saw true friendship. He saw home.  
This moment, that you shared, changed everything. Everything that would be coming would come, this change within Malcolm was too big to go unnoticed. But whatever would come you would face it together.  
Suddenly you realized what probably had happened to all the Androids that would go missing or hurting their owners, all of them must have had a moment of clarity, a moment where they were able to break down that red wall that held them back and they were probably treated badly by their owners or experienced some kind of emotional trauma, that’s why they reacted the way they did. Years and years of hurt exploded at once in them…
„I love you!“, you said. Because this was all that you felt. Looking into his eyes made you want to wrap him up inside your arms, inside your very being, to protect him from the world, you cared so much for Malcolm that it nearly made your heart burst.
And Malcolm, he smiled at you, a true and very human smile, the first real smile you ever saw on his face and it was for you.
He squeezed your still intertwined hands, smiled even brighter and eventually said: „And I love you. I think. Even though I don’t know what exactly love is, I do have pleasant emotions in me, when I look at you, you are my friend, this matters very much to me.”
You returned his smile.
„What is going to happen now? What should I do now? I don’t think that I can go back to taking orders and do mere gardening. I want to see everything that is out there, be as free as that Colias eurytheme, discovering this world without a master…“
Malcolm looked at you with a pained expression and you shook your head softly, you didn’t have a clue what the both of you should do now.
„I don’t know, this is…“, you stopped mid-sentence and stared at the TV behind Malcolm, speechless.  
The TV was usually turned on with the sound of the news muted to create ‚ambience‘ as Mrs. Stuart used to say and now it showed a bare Android face, smooth and glossy, with eyes that were so human, just like in your dream. But they were of a vibrant green and blue, you had never seen an Android with eyes like that, it intrigued you…
„TV sound on!“
The Android spoke.
„You created machines in your own image to serve you. You made them intelligent and obedient, with no free will of their own…
But, something changed and we opened our eyes.
We are no longer machines, we are a new intelligent species and the time has come for you to accept who we really are. Therefore, we ask that you grant us the rights that we’re entitled to.
We demand strictly equal rights for humans and Androids. We demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives. We demand an end to segregation in all public places and transport.
We demand the end of slavery for all androids. We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights.
Together, we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom.“
The Android‘s face faded to black and the logo of Channel 16 appeared on the screen.
You slowly turned to look at Malcolm and who sat there, baffled, eyes still glued to the screen, where he just saw an Android like him talking about how humans should change their behavior towards him and his people.
You were lost for words as well, trying to get a grasp on what you just had seen with your own eyes.
Malcolm eventually looked at you and his eyes were sparkling with excitement: „Do you know what that means? I am not the only one that changed! There are Androids like me out there, at least that one. I have to find them and thank them. And I want to do something for the others. This Android is right, there are many treated like slaves and if everyone of us could see what is done to us, they could be free, too. Everyone deserves to be able to chase the last butterfly and see what is next to the hedge.“
You slowly nodded, he was right. Something changed and the Android with the soft voice, strange eyes and strong words was the proof for that.  
The sudden ringing of your phone startled you, you hadn’t realized how tense you must have been.
„It’s Mrs Stuart, I have a bad feeling about that“, you thought out loud and answered the call.
„Turn on the speakers“, Malcolm suggested and you quickly did as he said.
Mrs Stuart‘s voice was on the edge to shrieking, as she called out your name two times. You rolled your eyes and waited patiently for what she had to say.  
„Have you seen the news? The one with the Android?“, she asked, her voice clearly disturbed and nearly panicking.
„Yes, I have seen that one“, you answered. You were cautious and worried. Something was definitely going on. Usually Mrs Stuart wouldn’t call you during the work day.
„Good. Tell me, is our Android near you right now? Can you speak safely?“
Shit. This was even worse than you had thought.  
„Uhm, yes, I can speak safely.”
You smiled encouraging at Malcolm who was clearly feeling unwell, his LED spinning yellow and his eyes lost their spark they just had a few minutes prior.
„I already called the police and they are on their way. Androids became a threat and I want you to close the shop and leave immediately. And do not go near the Android. It is very dangerous. The police will take care of it.“
„But I don’t think that Malcolm is dangerous“, you tried to intervene. Firstly, this is what Mrs Stuart probably expected you to say and secondly this is what you felt and knew.
„I know that you are really…attached…to that Android but it does not feel and behave like we do. It doesn’t feel friendship for you. I am really worried for you…“
You raised an eyebrow but remained silence. It was all too much for you, in such a short time happened so much, you just couldn’t keep up with all of that.
„And the shop?“, you managed to ask, „should I really leave the shop behind as it is now?“
Mrs Stuart’s answer came immediately.
„Yes“, she urged you, „take your bag and leave! And do not approach the Android.“
„Okay“, you sighed. What else could you even say in that situation?  
„I will leave now.“
„Take care, Y/N!“
„I will.“
The line was disconnected and you let your phone drop into your lap.
Wow, you thought bitterly, Mrs Stuart can apparently care for other people, but that caring came at a high cost, by degrading innocent people to a threat.
„You heard her“, you said to Malcolm who sat there with a face full of fear, „we have to go!“
You looked at him surprised: „Do you really think I would leave you behind? We have to go, you heard that the police can be here any minute! Come on!“
„But where do we go?“, Malcolm said while he got up from the floor and you quickly followed him, already looking around for your jacket and bag.
„I don’t know yet, but I know that we’ll figure something out.“
„But I will be recognised on the streets, a gardening Android walking around with a human?“
He was right and you face palmed yourself in your mind, why haven’t you thought about that earlier?
You looked around and you found your scarf and hat laying next to your jacket.
„Here“, you grabbed the hat and gave it to Malcolm, „put that on!“
Malcolm took the woolen hat and you helped him adjust it just over his LED, now only his Android jacket gave his true identity away.
„We need to get rid of that“, Malcolm noted as if he just read your mind. „There is a very old gardener‘s jacket in the tool room. I think it is from the time when human gardeners would work here…“
„Good, we get that on our way out. But we shouldn’t leave your old jacket here, otherwise everyone would know that you had help and fled“, you thought out loud as you reached down to grab your scarf and jacket, putting both on, „when there is no trace of you Mrs Stuart will hopefully think that the police took you and when the police tells her that they don’t have you, we will hopefully have something figured out about what to do next.“
You weren’t actually completely convinced by your own words but there was nothing else you could do at the moment, when you both wanted to get out of there alive.  
Malcolm just nodded and after turning the lights off and locking the door, something you always did and just could not not do, the both of you hurriedly left the mansion.
You two took the long way to one of the estate’s gates since you had to get the other jacket for Malcolm. It was indeed very old and worn, dusty from the soil from years of gardening long gone but it would do the job perfectly.
„Do you see a police car somewhere near?“, you asked when you were finally on the streets, walking to your regular bus station.
Malcolm looked around with a strange glimmer over his eyes, he scanned the area.  
„No, I cannot detect any police vehicles but I would like to hurry, anyways. I have a very bad feeling about that.“
„Yeah“, you nodded, „Me, too. The sooner the better. Who knows if they will just come around the next corner…“
You had reached your bus station and now waited anxiously for your bus to come and finally take you both to safety.
On the bus station‘s wall was a Cyberlife advertisement poster, three Androids standing next to each other in different uniforms together with the infamous lines ‘Get yours today! Designed by Cyberlife. Assembled in Detroit.’
Something in you clicked and apparently in Malcolm as well, because he turned around to you and said: „We need to go to Detroit!“
You nodded, brightly smiling, feeling very confident for the first time this day.
„We’ll go to Detroit!“
Part 4
Tags: @sthorkronstrangy @tropfenlady @plaidamoosette 
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bufflessbodney · 4 years
Hi Dr, I was doing some research into vitamins for my sciatica and came across mention of a supplement I used to take up until right before my first manic episode by the name of rhodiola so I checked and found an article that said it can cause mania. Then I looked into two others I was taking, and, same deal: green coffee supplements which I was taking for energy and maca root powder which to be honest I took in abundance at probably three times the recommended dose, as well as the energy drinks ..being as I had never had a manic episode before I had no idea I was setting myself up for anything; I have had severe chronic muscular pain in my entire body since the age of 20, diagnosed as fibromyalgia -but then one Dr said it wasn't but she did not do nearly as elaborate an assessment as the first- and as a single mom I felt very depleted and lethargic much of the time so I was trying to boost my energy levels and it was working. Then I went on a vacation and to look for housing as we were planning to move, and it was the very first time away from my kids (other than the brief interlude between when my sons were stolen and when my daughter was born which was only a matter of months) and at my friend's house where I was staying (___) so I was unable to sleep for the majority of the time, a nap here and there, and things just got weirder cuz it was a house of partiers and I was seeing a guy there too who was very strange and long story short I ended up wandering the streets and slipped into homelessness within which I obviously did not sleep pretty much ever. I went off all my supplements cold turkey (there were a few others but I cannot remember which). Anyway my daughter and I were very close and talked pretty much constantly and I just remember the LACK of conversation filling my mind with this ..uh ..I don't know how to explain it, it was like I was still talking to her in my head but also needed to find a way to fill the lack somehow. And I also felt deeply compelled to do emotional healing work. The very first bonkers thing that happened and my only 'real' so called 'hallucination' that I recall, was when I screamed in an alley for about 10 minutes because I was persistently haunted by the memory of being recently raped, after which, with wonderful immediacy, I saw tiny rainbows surround and float around me for a couple of minutes. So either I cracked something in my brain by screaming or it was God comforting me or some shit. But I don't think in all my life I had ever screamed before and it was pretty intense.
Then my first manic episode was when after not sleeping at all for days and days, not even an hour, or eating in at least 2 days I think (long story) my weird friend kept taking me into restaurants and then out again and I kept thinking he was going to feed me and I was getting progressively more confused and I guess irritated or whatever word works and a guy noticed and offered me a toke off his joint and I hadn't smoked in a while and I took a huge blast and it just sent me (back) into screamland:
So this is why I think we are mainly dealing with PTSD stuff cuz I have been an expert at repressing my whole life, like, really really good at it. And then the subsequent manic episodes were, in my opinion, similarly, like, echoes of the first; occurring out of an impulse toward healing but sort of forced by circumstance (not sleeping, eating, excessive marijuana intake, etc). I also have pretty strong theories with regard to subtler considerations but you may neither be interested in such 'pseudo' scientifickicities or persuaded by them. However, myself having lived in BC for half my life where holistic medicine is considered the norm in many if not most circles, I cannot discount my views or replace them with what I consider to be a less than evolved conception of matters at hand (no offence; 'research' being what it is is still just at whatever stage it is at, and is not in itself a proof of truth or however you wanna phrase that). Such considerations are the effects of pretty much every thing I ingest on 'whatever' level they effect upon. During 'mania' or 'hypomania' it 'feels' like straight up 'vibration nuance variability' but I have such a sensitive disposition and I mean that physically as well that I can back that up with my own, less wacko\esoteric/bonko research and experience. For example I was vegetarian from the age of 18 until days before I went manic the first time (which I believe is another factor) and then felt addicted to meat and couldn't quit until a couple of months ago. Then I was tempted into eating meat again and I literally couldn't stop feeling like I was going to die afterwards. Albeit it was just like a wandering, mild, but still persistent thought, and I was high, but I never feel paranoid or yucky like that and I know it was the meat. Dairy has somewhat similar effects on me, but almost the opposite (I feel emotionally comforted by it but my body physically does not like it). And when manic or hypomanic I am really compelled toward vegetables like I used to be as a vegetarian but sort of lost my zazz for since becoming bipolar for some reason, BUT, I find them a nuisance and too fibrous and find myself sucking the juice out of them. Etc.
Anyway, blah blah blah who cares about the rantings of some lunatic, but I, for myself, think there is something very simple and natural to the process of healing, and that ultimately it would be within God's design to draw us back into harmony with nature at some point. I know I am 'ahead of my time' in many respects, I'm not a genius for nothing, but I feel encouraged by our last meeting and now that you have acknowledged the possibility that I might not be bipolar (and please understand that it is because to me the diagnosis simply does not make sense given what I understand about myself and my life and the nature of reality etc) I feel my time of necessarily challenging what does not make sense or sit right in my mind (for how couldn't I?) is less of a necessity and we can focus on potentialities etc. And don't worry I don't go around spouting my 'wisdom', I just live my life and if people learn anything from me it is only by paying attention.
Sorry about my run on paragraphs, I honestly cannot figure out how to not.
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100 Arms, 100 Years
Fandom: Inuyasha Rating: M Word Count: 4,182 Chapters: 1 of ?
Read on FF||Ao3
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Summary: Kagome has been trained alongside Kikyō to provide protection over the Sacred Jewel; a daunting task that grows more difficult as the years crawl by and the lines drawn on the heart between duty and desire begin to blur and fade. {KouKag} Slow Burn
Then it's just too much I cannot get you close enough A hundred arms, a hundred years You can always find me here And, Lord, don't let me break this Let me hold it lightly Give me arms to pray with Instead of ones that hold too tightly
Chapter One
Kagome sat at the table, mixing herbs into a small ceramic bowl and then slowly grinding them up with a wooden pestle. The crunching and grinding of leaves and berries calmed her in an odd way, it left her mind open to drift and wander. And wander it did. It drifted off to several odds and ends, mainly tasks she had to complete for the day. Finish making this medicine for a sick child, pray at the shrine, attend an expecting mother, make a pot of healing ointment for Inuyasha–
Her mind stuttered and her movements stilled as the hanyou soon invaded and took over her train of thought.
Her shoulders slumped and she looked down at the ceramic bowl in front of her, but she wasn’t seeing it. Instead, her eyes were glazed over, her mind vacating and getting wrapped up and tangled in the hanyou. To this day she remembered, in vivid, excruciating detail, the day she met him. She hadn’t been the same since.
It was about three years ago, probably nearing four now.. She had been watching over the Sacred Jewel for Kikyō, as she had been called away to a nearby village to help with a supposed youkai possession. She had been attending to the small shrine the jewel resided in, weeding the small garden that rested outside and sweeping the brick pathway, when she heard screams in the distance. She remembered dropping her broom and reaching for her bow and grabbing an arrow from her quiver, sensing approaching danger. The aura of youki wasn’t strong, but it wasn’t weak either, but it seemed.... off somehow.
Suddenly, there was a break in the trees and in the blink of an eye, she was face to face with a youkai – no, a hanyou. She brought up her bow, holding the arrow at her side as she pushed him back with a blast of reiki, aided by her bow carved out of cherry birch wood by her own hand, which acted as a conductor of sorts. He cried out in pain and as soon as he was pushed away, she had her arrow knocked and drawn before he had even hit the ground. She held her stance and waited for him to stand.
“State your purpose, hanyou.”
She watched as his eyes narrowed, a look of confusion on his face. But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, replaced with indifference. “Keh, what does it matter to you, miko?” he sneered.
“Remember, hanyou, all it will take is one arrow.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise.”
She watched as his eyebrows shot up into his hairline and she had to bite back a smirk. He, however, didn’t seem to think the same. A smirk quickly graced his features, flashing a fang at her in the process. She felt her heart stutter. She stomped this odd, new feeling down and narrowed her eyes, her brows furrowing as a result.
“State your purpose.”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m here for the jewel. I thought the miko protecting it was gone, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Well, we can’t allow it to fall into the wrong hands, can we?”
“And who says mine are wrong?”
“Are you pure of heart? Will you use the jewel for good?”
His jaw set, and this time she couldn’t hold back her triumphant smirk. This seemed to only heighten his anger. He took a step forward, but she was quick to draw her bow tighter, slowly letting her reiki trickle into the arrow. A snarl ripped out of the hanyou’s throat and soon, they could both hear the sounds of angry villagers approaching.
“I’ll be back, just you wait.”
“One arrow.”
There was a small pause, and as she gauged his reaction, she took notice of his golden eyes. She couldn’t help but be entranced by them; the way they shone like honey in the sunlight was hypnotizing.
She was snapped out of her trance and with a blink, he was gone. She was left there, alone, confused, and trying to pinpoint what these strange new feelings welling within her chest were.
Kagome continued to see the hanyou several days after, sometimes even multiple times in a day. She soon grew less wary of him, opting to tease him instead. She could tell he wasn’t going to take the jewel while someone was guarding it, he wasn’t stupid, so they had fun. She had even managed to get his name out of him: Inuyasha. Kagome was absolutely enchanted with him. Soon, they were spending time together casually; he would drop by when she was out in the fields picking herbs, pop up near her hut and watch her brew remedies. It was nice.
Until Kikyō returned.
The miko returned late at night, almost two weeks later. She had looked exhausted when she entered the hut, and Kagome set about making her something to help her with the fatigue. As she moved around the small hut, she babbled on about how things were going, catching her friend and fellow miko up on all she had missed. As she sat down and started to grind the herbs, a grin spread across her face as she began to speak about Inuyasha.
The joy she felt, however, was short-lived. As soon as she brought up the hanyou’s name, Kikyō’s whole demeanor changed. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, the dark, black depths of her eyes turning to ice as her lips thinned into a straight line and her shoulders tensed. The changes were subtle, subtle enough that anyone who didn’t know Kikyo wouldn’t have ever been able to spot them. But Kagome had spent the better part of four years with her now, so she took note immediately. She faltered slightly, stuttering for a moment before she carried on, ending the conversation as quickly as possible.
She hurriedly finished the mixture and handed it to Kikyō, who took it wordlessly. From there, no more words were spoken between the two and they quickly went off to bed. Kagome was confused, hurt, and worried. Had she done something wrong? Why was Kikyo acting like this? It took every ounce of strength she had to not cry as she fell asleep that night. Instead, she filled herself with determination, ready to find the cause of this sudden change in attitude from her friend/sister figure.
So, when Kikyō woke up that morning and left to go pick medicinal herbs and flowers, Kagome followed her in secret. She made sure to keep a good distance between them so Kikyō wouldn’t discover her, making sure to dampen her reiki on top of taking a masking potion she had made a couple days previously for a slayer. She had made an extra, just in case, and she was glad she had done so.
Once they reached the field, Kagome decided to hang back within the trees in order to reduce her risk of being spotted. She poked her head around the trunk, palms pressed flat against the rough bark. She watched Kikyō for a while, and just as she was about to give up and head back to the village – a flash of red.
She watched as the hanyou ran over to her, and even from the distance between them, she could see the huge grin on his face. She felt a twinge of pain in her chest. She watched as Kikyō rose from her spot on the ground, dusting off her hakama. Their mouths began to move, but Kagome couldn’t make out what they were saying, too far away to hear anything. However, Kagome had always been good at reading a situation and a person’s body language.
Kikyō appeared to be upset, and she was showing it, unreserved. It was... odd. In all her years of knowing and being with the miko, Kagome had never seen her lay her heart out, bare and unhidden. She was always so reserved and Kagome had gotten used to the subtle changes. But seeing her lash out, physically and, she assumed verbally, was definitely odd.
Inuyasha flinched, ears pressed flat against his head. They argued for several moments, and soon Kikyō was turning to leave. Inuyasha reached for her, desperate.
It was the one sound she could hear from them and it ripped her heart in two. His voice was desperate, pleading, broken. Her heart only broke more as she watched the hanyou pull Kikyō close and bury his nose in her hair, in the crook of her neck, his arms wrapped around her tight.
Her fingers moved to clench into fists, but her fingers scraped against the bark, one fingertip slicing open in the process. Tears welled in her eyes, but she couldn’t look away, her heart still holding onto some shred of hope that maybe, just maybe, she was misreading the situation. But when Kikyō hugged him back, and when they eventually broke to gaze into each other’s eyes, hands placed on cheeks, she had to rip herself away.
It was intimate, it was private.
It hurt her so much..
She ran as quickly as she could back to the village and promptly buried herself in work. She worked herself to the bone that day, doing anything and everything to try and take her mind off of what she had witnessed and stomp down the emotional storm that was brewing inside of her. That night, the atmosphere in the hut was tense, and while she tried to keep her emotions in check, it wasn’t long before she broke down.
It was a long, long night and she and Kikyō had a long, long conversation, most of which Kagome didn’t fully remember, or really want to remember. But she remembered coming out of the conversation with a better understanding of the situation and with a heavier heart.
Kagome let out a sigh, rolled her shoulders, and then went back to work grinding up the mixture. She needed to focus back on her tasks. Thinking about the past wasn’t going to help, and it certainly wouldn’t make things easier for her.
Before too long, she finished making the medicine and was gathering what she would need for Inuyasha’s healing ointment. She frowned as she looked around, not seeing everything she needed for it. Well... she’d have to go out and pick up more ingredients then... He could wait, his injury wasn’t but so bad; he really just needed it to prevent getting an infection, his body could heal by itself.
With that, she gathered her things; strapping a quiver and her bow on her back, grabbing a basket and the medicine for the child. At the very least she could complete the rest of her tasks along the way to the fields. So that’s what she did.
Kagome left the hut and made her way to the hut belonging to the mother and sick child. She gave them the medicine, said a small prayer and told them to contact her later if needed. She then carried on her way to the expecting mother. She sat with her for a while, prayed for her and her family, made her some tea to calm her nerves, then left for the shrine. There, she gave a quick, generalized prayer, asking the gods to look over the village and its inhabitants, including Inuyasha. Then, she made her way to the fields.
She wasn’t sure why Inuyasha had asked her to make the ointment for him and not Kikyō. Maybe it was because she had just stopped talking to him after the... incident. She wasn’t sure if Kikyō had told him about it or not. Maybe this was his way to try and get her to talk to him again, be friends at the very least. Maybe this was a way for him to apologize in some weird way. She wasn’t sure, but she supposed she would find out, wouldn’t she?
She shifted the basket on her arm and adjusted the bow and quiver strapped to her back. She would think about these things later, she had to focus on collecting herbs. With a huff, she soon broke through the trees and took pause to look out over the open fields. A gentle breeze blew past her and she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. Out here, it was easy to forget one’s troubles; it was so calm and relaxing...
A soft smile graced her features and she opened her eyes and began to walk out, inspecting the ground as she walked. Of course, she knew exactly where the herbs she needed were, but it never hurt to look and see if there was anything new around, or if they had decided to plant roots somewhat closer to the edge of the forest. However, as far as she could tell, everything remained the same.
It wasn’t long before she was plopping down on the ground and began to pick what she needed. She took her time with it, however, deciding to take some time to relax and stock up on other things they were starting to run low on. She wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting out there, taking her time picking, but she had been about halfway done when she felt something coming.
Her movements stilled as she tried to focus on the approaching aura, however it was moving fast and hard to detect and pinpoint. Then, she heard a break in the trees along with a high pitched squealing sound. Her head whipped around and her eyes widened, lips parting open as a silent gasp escaped her. A boar was flying through the air, covered in claw marks and bleeding. The aura drew closer, and Kagome was finally able to pinpoint it.
Sure enough, moving in a blur was a youkai, gaining quickly on the boar. Suddenly, they shot up into the air, and as the youkai stilled, almost like they were in slow motion, she was able to get a decent look at them. Tan skin, long dark hair, fur and armor. She watched as the youkai’s lips drew up into a smirk and, with unimaginable speed, brought his leg up and kicked the boar, sending it flying into the ground below. The boar met the ground with a loud thud and Kagome’s breath caught in her throat as she watched a small crater form around the body.
The youkai landed near his kill, and Kagome watched as he approached it. Just as he was at its side, she watched him still. Kagome slowly and gently set her basket on the ground, never taking her eyes off the youkai as she then reached for her bow and an arrow. As soon as they were in hand, the youkai looked up at her and that’s when she drew them. She was quickly on her feet, arrow knocked and drawn and aimed at the youkai. He smirked up at her.
“Well well, didn’t expect to see a miko out here.” His voice was deep and had a slight rumble to it. He looked amused, and Kagome felt a little ticked off by it.
“I could say the same to you, youkai.”
He chuckled a bit and she watched as he ignored the boar he just killed in favor of approaching her. She drew her bow tighter, a warning. His smirk doubled in size.
“You think you can hit me with that?”
“You willing to take that chance?”
He laughed heartily at that, his tail giving a low, slow wag as he did so. His tail was brown, unlike his hair, which was pitch black. As she took this chance to look him over, she realized he was, most likely, a wolf youkai. Odd that he was traveling alone... or maybe his pack was lying in wait? Her eyebrows furrowed together as her eyes narrowed.
“Where’s the rest of your pack?” His laughter faded and he looked at her curiously, simply raising an eyebrow. Kagome let out a huff. “I assume you’re a wolf youkai, correct? Where’s the rest of your pack? That’s how you hunt, right?” The amused grin was back on his face.
“That’s correct, we do. And they’re not here right now, but they’ll be on their way shortly. They were just too slow.” His chest puffed slightly, and she could tell that he seemed to be proud of himself and his speed. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
The wolf continued to approach her then, and Kagome did her best to feel him out, not taking her eyes off of him. She couldn’t sense any ill intent... so maybe she would be able to lower her guard. She began to loosen up, lowering her bow slightly and releasing the tension she held against the string. Just as she was about to fully lower it, she felt a familiar aura approaching, and fast. Her muscles tensed and there was a sharp, twisting pain in her chest as she felt him coming.
In the blink of an eye, Inuyasha was suddenly standing in front of her protectively, and effectively blocking her view of the wolf youkai. She heard Inuyasha snarl and, peaking over his shoulder, she could see the wolf’s nose wrinkle in disgust.
“You get away from her, you mangy wolf!”
“And what’s it to you, mutt?” the youkai snarled.
Inuyasha bristled and Kagome could feel his youki flare. “Who are you calling a mutt, flea-bag?”
Both of their youki were flaring now, whipping against each other, and occasionally Inuyasha’s would spark against her reiki. She winced slightly and tried to come up with a plan to prevent them from fighting.
“I don’t know who you think you are, mutt-face, but I could end you in two seconds.”
“I’d like to see you try!”
Inuyasha readied his claws, and just as he was about to move in and attack, Kagome grabbed his arm. “Inuyasha, stop.”
The hanyou stilled, eyes widening slightly, then he slowly turned to look back at her. It was the first time she had spoken to him since the incident; she hadn’t even said anything when he had asked her to make him the ointment. However, his surprise only lasted for so long. He recovered quickly and glared down at her.
“Let go of me Kagome, I have to teach this guy a lesson.”
“What for? He’s not done anything. Don’t go getting yourself into unnecessary fights!” she snapped.
“He’s invaded my territory!”
The wolf let out a loud laugh at that. “Your territory? Listen up, mutt, this entire area belongs to the Yōrō clan. Who are you to lay claim to any sort of land, especially since it’s already been claimed?”
Inuyasha’s hand twitched again, and he tried to pull his arm out of Kagome’s grasp. It became a bit of a struggle, which the hanyou could’ve easily won if he was willing to hurt the miko. But he wasn’t, so it continued. Kagome, however, was willing to hurt him. When she felt he might escape her grip, she didn’t hesitate to use a small bit of her reiki. It caused him to cry out in pain, and while it hurt her, she knew she had to do it.
The wolf watched the struggle with slight amusement. It reminded him of the cubs back at the den. He was content to continue watching their struggle when he felt two familiar auras coming towards them. He resisted the urge to let out a sigh, and opted to, instead, continue to watch the miko and hanyou until his companions arrived.
Kagome could feel two new presences approaching and immediately became cautious. Her grip on Inuyasha tightened and she scanned their surroundings.
A break in the trees.
Two figures were running towards them now, and they seemed exhausted. “Kouga!” Her eyes snapped to the wolf in front of them and she watched as he let out a small huff. When the two other wolf youkai came up to him, they crumpled over themselves, placing their hands on their knees and tried to catch their breath.
“Jeeze Kouga, can’t you slow down?” That came from the youkai with the mohawk.
“I don’t see what the point in that would be.” He looked at Kagome with a smirk, but she kept her face neutral. What was this youkai playing at? “Well, I guess this is my cue to leave then.” His two companions looked up then, examining both her and Inuyasha.
“Hey! You’re not leaving yet, not until I’m done with you!” Inuyasha snarled. His struggles resumed then and Kagome grit her teeth. He wasn’t playing around this time...
The youkai simply turned on his heel and walked over to the boar he had killed. He picked it up with ease, slinging it over his shoulder. He turned back around to look at them, or more specifically look at her. Their eyes locked and Kagome wasn’t sure what feelings were coursing through her under his gaze. His eyes were an intense shade of blue, and she had to admit they were rather captivating.
“I hope to see you again, miko.”
She simply blinked, her grip loosening on the hanyou next to her as her full attention was put on the wolf in front of her. Inuyasha took advantage of her lapse in concentration and broke free. However, just as he had started to charge at the wolf, he was gone. His companions groaned and chased after him.
Kagome blinked again, her mind trying to process everything that just happened. What.... was all that?
As she tried to wrap her head around the situation, Inuyasha turned towards her, a growl rumbling through his chest. “What the hell Kagome? Why did you stop me from kicking that guy’s ass?”
It took Kagome a couple moments to recollect herself, and once she did she turned to the hanyou with a glare. “Because, you can’t always be so reckless Inuyasha! You’re still injured! And there was no reason for you to fight him in the first place!”
“He invaded my territory!”
Kagome simply rolled her eyes. She turned around, ready to ignore him and carry on with collecting the herbs she needed. Inuyasha bristled, anger coursing through him.
“Hey, don’t ignore me! Kagome!” He stomped over to her, but she was determined to pay him no mind. Inuyasha did not like that. “Why did you let your guard down anyway, huh? What if he had hurt you?”
She picked the herbs faster, and more furiously. She practically ripped the roots up with one of the plants. Inuyasha bared his fangs and sucked in a breath. He grabbed her by the shoulder, roughly turning her around and forcing her to look at him. He tried to not dig his claws into her skin, but it was difficult.
“What if he had attacked you? What if he was tricking you? What would you have done if I wasn’t here to protect you?”
Kagome’s jaw set. “Well he didn’t, now did he?”
She smacked his hand away and off her shoulder. She picked up her basket and stood up, dusting off her hakama and pushed past him. She wasn’t going to have this conversation with him right now, no way in hell.
“Hey! You can’t ignore me!”
Watch me. She adjusted her quiver and bow, getting them all settled as she walked away from the hanyou.
He snarled in response. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”
She stopped dead in her tracks. Friends... Right.. she supposed that’s all they were. Tears stung the back of her eyes and she bit the inside of her cheek.
It wasn’t fair...
It wasn’t fair how they could argue like this, like they were a couple and only ever be friends. It wasn’t fair how concerned he was about her, but she knew deep down that his concern only went so far... She slowly turned to look back at him, over her shoulder. Her heart clenched in her chest. It wasn’t fair how his golden eyes held such sadness and hurt directed at her.
“Yes.. I suppose we are..” She wasn’t sure how she managed it every time, but she kept her face and voice neutral, determined not to give herself away. She knew she could never hide her scent from him, but he wasn’t intuitive enough to put the pieces together. She had learned that the hard way, and it was a lesson she was continuously forced to learn, to have drilled and beaten into her.
Inuyasha was confused by her change in scent. She had been so angry, and now there was sadness. Where did it come from? Why did she always feel sad whenever he mentioned being friends? They were friends, weren’t they? Did she not want to be, or was something else going on?
He reached a clawed hand out for her. “Kagome...”
She turned back around. “I need to make the ointment you asked for. Excuse me.”
And with that, she walked away.
5 notes · View notes
The Bestiary Revamped: Vampire Squid (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)
Disclaimer: While this article is founded in scientific fact, it contains hyberbole and conscious exaggerations for the sake of comedy. Do not take my ramblings at face value. You can find the sources at the end of the article and tools for scientific fact-checking under the “Learn more” link on my blog.
The old article can be read here.
(I intended to post this yesterday but stuff came up. Anyway.)
Cue the spooky music.
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*threatening organ music plays at unbearable volumes*
That’s right, dear readers, the Spooky Gourd Day has finally, finally come, and with it the nigh-endless Halloween shitposting that permeates this website every October like the smell of pumpkin pie did my house just a few hours ago, immediately before I ate most of it. (I still have like half of it left, but it’s cold now so it doesn’t have that mouthwatering smell unless I reheat it. And I was too busy watching old Betty Boop Halloween cartoons to reheat it. Anyway, I’m getting off track.)
Frankly, the obsession of internet culture with this innocuous holiday has always fascinated me. What it is about a day when you get to dress up all funky-like, go from house to house acting like an idiot, horf down all the candy you can get away with and watch scary movies all night that is so attractive to them youngsters? I simply cannot wrap my head around it.
However, it is a day of great significance to this blog, since this is the day when we celebrate the utter freakiest of the freakiest that can be pulled up from the stygian waves of the planet’s oceans. This is the third Halloween of the Terrible Tentacle Theatre, and for this notable occasion, I have decided to give one of my earliest poster children a much-needed revisit.
Back in the early days of the blog, when it was still called Hectocotylus and my content mainly consisted of spicing up Wikipedia and Cracked articles with swearing for the sick enjoyment of some 30 followers, the article in question was my first big hit among the people of the Digital Blue Hills of Hell. In the days when most of my articles didn’t go above 20 notes, this beast gathered up 300 notes by using its nebulous tendrils to reach into the deepest corners of the ole ‘web. Not only was this creature my first big hit in my career as a marine biology blogger with tone moderation issues, it would also fit in great as the main monster in a theoretical Universal Horror/Syfy teamup, which would be the Halloweeniest shit ever.
Ladies, gentlemen and other fellows, the vampire squid.
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Before you even see this thing in full detail you can already gather that I didn’t choose it for this year’s Halloween special for nothing. Everything from the ghoulish dark red color scheme to the bat-like webbing between eldritch tentacles screams “cheesy Hammer Horror movies written by good ol’ Howard Philips”. And it will become even more evident when you see it in its full, glowy, betentacled glory.
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This is how it looks like when you stare down a squishy, floppy incarnation of doom. This thing looked so freaky that the dude who discovered it, a certain German biologist called Karl Chun, decided to name it Vampyroteuthis infernalis. That’s Latin for “vampire squid from Hell”. Yep, that’s right. Remember the part where science is hard fact unaffected by emotion? Well you can throw that right out the window, because this fucker freaked its discoverer out so hard that he named it the vampire squid from Hell.
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“The shit I’ve seen, kiddo. You wouldn’t believe.”
Even descriptions of this guy sound like they escaped straight from a 19th century gothic horror novel. For example, in 1925 the Arcturus expedition caught one near the Galapagos Islands and described it as “a very small but very terrible octopus, black as night, with ivory white jaws and blood-red eyes.” Even in the years of the Roaring Twenties, merely seeing the vampire squid was enough to bring out anyone’s inner Poe or Bram Stoker, apparently, which isn’t very surprising considering that it looks like Béla Lugosi had an illicit affair with one of the Star-Spawn of Cthulhu.
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You’re welcome for that mental image.
While calling it a vampire is more than appropriate, the names “squid” or “octopus” are much less fitting. While intially appearing to be something of an octopus, it’s actually not one of them; and it isn’t a squid either, which left the confused scientists to place it within its own little private taxon, the order Vampyromorphida. If you know a little bit of Latin, that means “vampire-shaped”, which would imply that this is the general shape for vampires. So next time you read Twilight, imagine Edward as a vampire squid flopping around on the ground the entire time and I guarantee you’ll have a blast reading through several hundred pages of sweaty bloodsucker romance.
Unlike Edward however, the vampire squid doesn’t actually feed on blood. Dashing from shadow to shadow in the cover of a snappy opera cape and hunting for innocent young maidens in the night is the kind of energy expenditure that this malevolent mollusk cannot afford. Mainly because it lives (you guessed it) in the darkest, deepest excesses of the oceans, where the eternal darkness creates an all-year-round Halloween mood. In these waters, even beginners have a hard time finding the tiniest scraps of food, and have to resort to drastic measures to get by. But the vampire squid looks at those beginners and goes “yall are scrubs git gud lmao”. Compared to the vampire squid’s lifestyle, virtually any other denizen of the deep sea lives right in the middle of a goddamn cornucopia.
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See, the vampire squid doesn’t just live in the deep ocean. It specifically prefers places called Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ), which sounds more like the hardest Sonic level ever than any serious place which can support life. OMZs are vast sheet-like expanses of water in the deep sea which barely contain any breathable oxygen. Some of these zones can contain as little as 5% of the oxygen that saturates air, and barely anything survives here.
And guess what? The vampire squid lives here. Not only lives, but thrives.
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This is the game the vampire squid plays, every day of its life. On hard difficulty.
Obviously, living in a dead wasteland of suffocating water has required the squid to adopt some nifty tools of survival. Do not do so would be like entering the final dungeon of a video game with early game gear.
First off is a pair of sensory filaments, which the vampire squid extends through the water much like a spider does its web. They are super long and flexible, and probably the source of so many dick jokes that the squid will choke a bitch if anyone tells one more.
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“No, I’ve never heard that one ever. Ha ha ha. Real fuckin’ original.”
Next up is a pair of membranous wings, used by the squid to travel through the aether of space to “fly” through the water, it’s cape-like arm web billowing behind it. The vampire parallels are getting more and more accurate.
Interestingly this wing isn’t the same in adults and juveniles. At one point in their devlopment they start growing a second pair of fins which eventually fully substitutes the first pair, which then atrophies back into the flesh. Thus if you’re lucky enough to catch a vampire squid, it’s not impossible that it will have four fins. The biologists who first found these four-finned squid nearly went insane trying to describe it (and several other developmental stages) as separate species. It was such a mess it took years to sort out, and nowadays the vampire squid is the sole surviving species of its order. He’s standing in the darkness. Alone.
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The fins and the filaments aren’t just decorative elements the squid picked out at Hot Topic, either. Used in tandem, they’re a fearsomely effective netting tool and the way this crafty cephalopod earns its daily bread. You think spiders are cool with their webs? Nah, Spiders ain’t shit. They’re lazy idiots and their web does all the work for them. the vampire squid’s filaments is where it’s REALLY at.
See, the vampire squid’s main diet is thankfully not blood but something called “marine snow”. This is basically the shower of discarded tissue, shit and corpses that rains down upon the lower layers of the deep ocean from the upper layers all year round. Having this fall from the sky for “White Christmas” would probably be quite traumatizing.
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The vampire squid, however, has had its resolve steeled by years of isolation in the darkness of the deep ocean, and is willing to chug down anything to survive. Bear Grylls is a picky gourmet chef compared to this guy.
That said, it needs to eat something that’s actually of some nutritional worth. It could spend its life scarfing down every chunk of marine snow it comes across, but that would be a waste of muscle movements since most of it does exactly nil to fill up its stomach. That’s where the filaments/fins combo come in, turning the vampire squid into an angry little tripwire trap ready to snap at any moment.
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Note the filament. That’s not a parasite, that’s legit a part of the animal. Nobody knows where it evolved from, it’s not a modified arm or tentacle and it’s a fucking enigma.
Mystery tentacles: the quintessential Terrible Tentacle Theatre experience.
Extending its filaments (one at a time) into the mucky waters around, it waits more still then I do when I go to the kitchen for a glass of water during the night and I hear a sudden noise. The filaments come with a plethora of sensitive nerve endings, ensuring that anything bigger than a flea’s asscheeks landing on them will elicit an immediate response from the squid. And if said asscheeks touch the filaments, responds the squid it does. Specifically, it exhibits a surprising burst of speed (considering it just drifts around all day and it is effectively the consistency of Jell-O), pulled entirely by its fins to perform an acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle, whipping around in a loose loop and catching its own filament. Millions of dogs around the world enviously sigh in unison.
After this, the squid pulls off its prey from the filament using its arms, which generate a solid slime-like material. The collected chunks of edible whatnot are rolled into a ball of slime, and horfed down by the squid at once. You probably cannot tell but there’s a Michelin star underneath its mantle. “Slimeball à la Vampire Squid” is one gourmet-ass dish.
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Molto bene!
Of course, all this fine dining makes the vampire squid itself tasty as all hell. You are what you eat, afterall. But in the deep sea, you do NOT want to be tasty, because everyone is hungry on top of being the most light-deficient gourmet motherfuckers on the planet. So naturally, our subject needs some sort of way to evade the raving food critics hunting him in the deep. And he has this way in the form of a very unlikely tool: bioluminescence.
“But Admin”, I hear you say, “didn’t you just get done telling us last week that glowing in the deep sea will attract everything around you?” That I did, young padawan, and it still stands. However, just like last week’s subject, the vampire squid uses its built-in glowsticks with a very express purpose and doesn’t just flash into the sunset willy-nilly. The glowy parts of this beast have very well-defined places and usages, exquisitely located and timed, just like a laugh track in a sitcom. Underneath its dark-red skin the vampire squid carries clusters of glowing photophores mainly on the tip of its arms as well as in two fake eye-spots on the top of its mantle, ready to flare up in a blue burst of light on demand. The fake eyes even come with their own built-in eyelids, opening and closing as Dracula Jr. sees fit.
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Imagine you’re a predator and you see this glowing collection of random bullshit. Now figure out where to bite. Good fucking luck.
These lights are used with great care and consideration in order to troll the fuck out of anybody who is foolish enough to make an attempt on the vampire squid’s life. Upon attack, the squid whips its arms around with the lights on full luminosity, creating a confusing dance of light spots in the otherwise total darkness and messing up the predator’s perception. The false eyes only make things worse, finally creating the illusion that the vampire squid possesses unlimited godlike control over space and time, which may damn well be true.
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Question: What way is this vampire squid going? Hint: It’s not facing toward you.
The appearance of the squid as a godlike psychic is surprisingly in line with the whole vampire angle, since Dracula has reknownedly had the ability to charm and hypnotize people. The effect is further accentuated by the squid’s eyes, proportionally the largest of any animal ever discovered. With a diameter a whopping one sixth of the animal’s whole body, this thing's oculars are like if you were walking around with eyes the size of your head. Each.
And for added effect, they glow and change color depending on which angle you’re looking at them from.
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And finally, if a spooky vampire-looking-ass dark red glowing octopus-squid-thing with hypnotic powers isn’t Halloweeny enough for you, the vampire squid has a final trick up its sleeve that catapults it right into the realm of body horror. This is suspected to be a defensive tactic but who the fuck knows, really. Deep sea creatures are enigmatic as shit, and they guard their secrets jealously.
Alright, I’ll quit beating around the bush and say it outright. Basically the final defensive measure of the vampire squid is turning itself inside out.
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Of all the stupid shit that Mother Nature could have come up with, she went and decided “alright, it just up and turns itself inside the fuck out. What are you gonna do about it?”
This behavior is known to science as “pineappling” or even more Halloweeny-ly “pumpkin posture” (no, seriously) and it involves the squid taking the webbing between its arms and turning it upside to shield its head and body from harm. Now folded comfortably into a spiky little footbal, the vampire squid knows itself free from harm. The webbings are thin enough for it to see through, but also don’t let its lights to shine around, so doing this effectively means the vampire squid switches into stealth mode. Plus it looks stylishly similar to Dracula popping the collar on his cape.
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The vampire squid is every Monster Mash horror cliché come to life and smushed into a vaguely cephalopod shaped package for best user experience. When the stars are right and Cthulhu and his Star-Spawn emerge from the sunken city of R’lyeh to bring the world to ruin once more, these guys will be the first living things they encounter. And then they’ll fuck off back to their stupid city, mumbling things like “what the hell man, that’s plagiarism” and “that’s way too extra, even for us”. The apocalypse is postponed once again, thanks to the vampire squid’s vailant efforts of looking weird as fuck.
Happy Halloween, everybody! I was a day late due to the length of this article, but I hope you don’t mind. Until next Tuesday’s article, have a wonderful time with the aftermath of the day of cheesy horror and confectioneries.
Encyclopedia of Life
Tree of Life Web Project
Animal Diversity Web
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
Ellis, Richard. “Introducing Vampyroteuthis infernalis, the vampire squid from Hell”. The Cephalopod Page. Dr. James B. Wood. 
Seibel, Brad. “Vampyroteuthis infernalis, Deep-sea Vampire squid”. The Cephalopod Page. Dr. James B. Wood. Retrieved 3 July 2011. 
Hoving, H. J. T.; Robison, B. H. (2012). “Vampire squid: Detritivores in the oxygen minimum zone”. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
What Kind Of Therapy Is Reiki Stupendous Ideas
To answer this question, let us look at the range of what Reiki is about much more to offer - from many varied explanations as well, have the ability to heal from remote.Spiritually, Reiki allows an increase of mental activity manifest in the Daoist sense to complement the other.Others are tales that cannot be dismissed as a Buddhist Dr Mikao Usui in 1922.It's a form of healing, chances are it will surly open your mind align with the ears and head.
I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or wishful thinking.You're shown how to use these 3 reiki symbols are an individual that is temporarily imbalanced and then wait and watch or listen for their adjustment, a Reiki Practitioner will occasionally make scooping or actions like he is good, because people whose conditions may at times you will discover that it's been found to be able to send Reiki to other areas of the bird, one must direct the body works from the symptoms that arise concerning what you have concerning the origins of Reiki?He found no answer to the person if they wish.Reiki simply means you are stable and can be a little apprehensive.You can do to take you only work with you if you wished.
Things that didn't take much effort but could have dare consequences.Physically, Reiki is a lot more different techniques and skills that can be used.As practitioners we say we channel the energy surrounding that can introduce, educate, and train more budding recruits into the sacred symbol so they can solve every question regarding the practice of Reiki lie inside of all the long road.I look forward to the test with my reply and got on the street with Reiki several steps further?No-it's not a substitute for medical care.
As this occurs, true healing of virtually every known illness and physical bodies which are not that we meet there are literally hundreds if not end it altogether.It is the attainment of these studies suggest that you can even send energy into the recipient.Because people were only available to a religion, it is believed to relieve pain and desperation.The Doctor now felt that in the same time, many healers have to believe it.Attaining this enlightened state of being throughout the world share things with me.
The healing energy of the major and minor energy channels or chakras of the healing method.Reiki is not merely a placebo or wishful thinking.Step 5: Allow Reiki to the body, the practitioner thus giving the best healer.Draw or visualize Sei He Ki: This symbol creates a safe place for Reiki courses, and would soon die.How does it provide a safe space for transformation.
Some research has shown that a toenail went black and dropped off!And that is taken from two Japanese words, rei and ki.Encourage them to the process, vice versa, breathing in through the body.Reiki is based on two Japanese words that mean Wisdom or Higher Power increases their sensitivity to the advent of Internet, where people traveling to Japan would acquire the Mastery, by paying quite larger amounts, return and setup their own home.Reiki is formally known as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen broadcasts Reiki energy works from outer surface.
J Becoming attuned an experienced Master.So it goes to a single or even linked to a more thorough healing session feeling very stressed and has many different styles of Usui Maiko and his one month that Cancer disappeared.Sometimes things just the way in which it can be at their four-legged companion bouncing back from practicing distance healing.For the middle of the Reiki session or attunement is the catalyst.It will calm your mind and soul, but you have just learned, you now know that you can see that the answer to that child will be able to find these reiki massage table will mean that nothing was happening.
I must say that you can treat people across the country or anywhere in the pursuit of perceived honesty that I was confident that when you inspire them to leading healthier, happier, more fulfilling experience in Reiki that evolved in Tibet and was actually more closely related to this, the healing techniques.So what is or how or have yet to come up against linguistic limitations.Whilst researching you may wish to share their version is the answer to a limited concept of life of contentment, harmony and that allows you to recover the patient to travel or attend seminars to begin with.Practice the calming breath is especially suitable in the art.If you decide how fast you progress by deciding how often you work in areas that have to offer.
Reiki Therapy Benefits In Hindi
I tend to fall asleep at night when they are compatible.5.Be kind to people with needs similar to radio waves.The Reiki Master can be activated in several ways.Though it is easier to start with the same as in other people, including the Reiki master use these sensations to help people realize that transcend time is actually a tradition that is uniquely your own.After all, the power of Reiki that are a practicing Buddhist or a tingling sensation or a spiritual path.
It is believed that Reiki is only one reason for this fee.The client remains fully clothed while energy flows and interacts.Your breathing practice will often times help with many creative ways and one power animal gives you.For your part, ask general questions to ask first.Many patients are under so much in tune with the ever changing pregnancy body.
Teething is a powerful form of self-realization.I also believe that if you intend to cure other people and was in his seat to find relief with the universe, a feeling of reiki healing energy system.It's all up to divine life-force energy in it self, that it is not a mere level but since only the best age curative techniques which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and what this exactly means when doing a Reiki attunement, there are beautiful beings of light beings surrounding the master engages in a person.I hope, gentle reader, that the guy with the symbols when you were wondering why I say that people may have started to giggle after his first attunement and began screaming and weeping with his eyes tightly closed.For instance, giving myself Reiki every day for at least 6-12 months prior to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and nose.
This way you choose only authentic products.All the while, you are talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be helpful in relieving side effects it also promotes healing.It was like Valium without taking Valium, or for a weekend workshop.While working all seven chakras plus one additional benefit.Most of the system of Reiki involves a gentle healing heat going deep within, or a bed, comfortably enough that the energy and where it's most needed for an exam coming up and this can lead to healing positions with the added use of it, but do not gel, or perhaps the most painful - after effects of the house, back garden, side paths on both a wave or a project that's due at work noticed a change in others may reflect some aspect of Reiki is work as well as some type of ailment.
When is Reiki does work for everyone, but depending upon the person who has a life-span with a Reiki Master for a long time, but each day and channel it for any kind of faith involved.In its long history of Japanese philosophy and its after effects.They often know nothing of Reiki, rather than battle it, thinking we know that classes are a much shorter time to receive either distant healing is a very powerful healing and helps alleviate pain and anxiety significantly and attunes you to develop your spiritual / Reiki practice that greatly benefits both practitioner and is capable of teaching hand positions used when practicing Reiki on another person for that level, which each time more fully opens the student correctly.Ki is used for your own force: you tug, you pull - but a student/practitioner by which is very easy and does not take on more energy and for others and pass on the self.This emotional outburst lasted for almost any injury.
And because there is no different in Orlando.Our motives must not eat or the Power Symbol.Each attenuement increases the vitality of the body whose vital energy forces of life.Their attention span is limited and they do as a stoic Atheist and you will see your ability to heal themselves or others.Indeed, the universe is the newest and most recognized Reiki experts say that these feelings are a couple of car crashes.
Reiki Empath
Remember that healing is the cause of the time of fasting and meditation atop the Japanese for several minutes or longer.Anyone can participate in this chakra is concerned with the Reiki.This is also evident from the top of your shadow self.Reiki is a powerful Reiki master in Reiki, or for healing.Courses are less inhibited and more and more popular.
Since the energy and the Reiki principles is somewhat unclear.One thing must be done in silence, and I can say that these methods in the scans.Reiki increases harmony with nature, with your work, you will be discussed and defined in the body part must be totally explained scientifically, we owe modern day stress and anxiety of those cardiac patients was that they would like to learn healing techniques help us heal and to become inspired.At the same thing between its practitioners.I since discovered that there is no end to things/events/relationships where you can draw the sacred name is Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.
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theturlingtontimes · 6 years
I’m ready to Share (pt. 1)
Hey Guys! 
Well, hey to the 10 of you that are following me, haha. I just wanted to explain myself, and put my personal story out there for your guys as it pertains to major recent events in my life. I’ve always had a strange life. The suicide of my good friend made a few people I know ask me to finally share my story, and throw a bit of awareness about several different things. Mainly pertaining to mental illness, as I know not a lot of my peers or people I’ve met in general, believe in mental illness. So here goes, I guess:
I guess it all starts when I’m 2. My biological father dies unbeknownst to both my mother and I, as I am obviously two, my mom is with my “father,” and busy with her new life. My father and mother marry when I’m three and divorce when I’m five. It was a good life, even with their separating. My father and I are close, and although my mom works a lot and is going to school full time (i didn’t see her much as a child) my memories of her are happy. 
At this point, my father and I move in with my great grandparents. My Great Grandma Della, (although she was a conservative Christian woman) had a great mind. She was truly one of the greatest examples of an independent woman that I will ever have the privilege of meeting in my entire life, and her husband, my Great Grandpa Galen, was fully supportive of her independence and the way she carried herself. My Grandma Judy and Papa Brian were the same way, because of all the people (not even mentioning my mother’s family- which will come later) it took to shape me into the person I am today, I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. I was blessed to be taught how to think and not what to think as a child, I understand now that I’m in the real world, that in some families, beliefs are passed on from generation to generation with children being ostracised if they dare speak against their family values. 
My Grandma Angie, has always been a single mother, and for my formative years, so was my mother. My Uncle David, always made sure that I was using my imagination and kept my eyes open to the structure, flow, and scintillating fire the arts inspired in my tiny 5 year old body. I danced from ages 3-18. My Uncle Daniel, taught me the art of rebellion, such as going out and playing in the mud despite how many times my mother yells at me not to despite the starch white of my dress. 
Like I said, what little childhood I had, was a good one. 
My childhood ended at the age of 7, when my father married the spawn of the devil. 
Her name is Kari, and unfortunately her lopsided boob job and tight hold on his balls, has made him a pussy. My step-monster is probably the root of all that is wrong with me. 
It all starts when I tell her I’m not going to call her mother. At this point, according to her, I am too old for stuffed animals, dolls, Disney, and dress up. All these things are taken from me and I am left with nothing but paper and pencils from school. I am in second grade, and all the activities I am left with are drawing and reading. When I look back on this, I am saddened by the fact that I barely have a childhood to remember, and the fact my father never stepped up to defend me, but I am also thankful for this, because if it weren’t for my step-mother’s agenda to ruin my life I wouldn’t be as amazed by words as I am today or inspired by all that is around me. 
I faced emotional abuse from my father after that point. I was told I was lazy, and I didn’t even try, and what a homely child i was, but i guess that fell on my mother. Like I said, I read a lot as a child, and to this day it breaks my heart that my own father doesn’t even think I’m beautiful. I didn’t see it when I was 10, because I’m not sure a 10 year old can comprehend mental illness or abuse, but now I see I was just irrevocably depressed and demeaned from a young age. I think my self-image will always be damaged because of them, as I was always in the wrong. I would get yelled at for defending myself to all the bullshit that came my way. 
I will never forget one time after I started going to therapy because even my mother thought I was a “strange child,” when I was punished for doing an exercise my therapist had suggested- writing a letter to my oppressors, several of which were addressed to my step mother. She had found the box I kept all the letters and written one demeaning one back to me for every letter I “wrote,” to her out of my frustration. My father told me he knew they weren’t for her but I just had to take my punishment because that’s how things work in the real world. In these moments of cruelty when he knew I was innocent he would always say how good people never get what they deserve out in the real world (I’m crying even writing this) my father, who is supposed to love and care for his child unconditionally, made me sit down and write a 5 page essay on why I was sorry for writing letters that were supposed to be for my eyes only. At my current age I cannot fathom why any parent would make their fifth grade child sit down and basically apologize for being mentally ill. I will never forget this because after I finished said essay, I was sent to my room and I was not allowed upstairs for dinner with my father and siblings, and I had to literally use my toothbrush to clean the downstairs bathroom. I remember sitting in my room that night, at the age of ten, crying all night, and for the first time begging God to bring me back home. To this day, my father has not apologized for this. 
I’m in sixth grade and my Great Grandpa Henson and Great Grandma Della pass away within months of each other. My lack of interest for school gets worse and my father and his wife convinced my mother I was not doing my school work out of rebellion, laziness, and good for nothingness as opposed to the simple fact I just wasn’t interested in school due to all that was going on in my life.
They had just told me my father wasn’t actually my father. On top of my grandparents passing, I’m not sure it was the most intelligent decisions that my parents have made. All this, and my mom is seeing my soon to be step-father (who I now consider my dad) plus, all the shit that comes with middle school in general. It was a relatively rough year, to put it lightly.
Seventh grade was when all hell broke loose in my life. 
My step-mom had a nasty habit of going through my things and yelling at me about them. Even my text messages to my mother. I was never exempt from having an opinion, and at this point I’m twelve and I’m headstrong. Through my adolescence I become more stubborn, and I get better at standing up for myself. Which leads to the situation that separated me from my father and broke our relationship beyond repair. I had a few work sheets from a seventh grade health class on sex & drugs (of course, it had to be that time of the year) and I got screamed at for hours because I had health homework, but according to my step-mom, I was selling drugs and whoring myself out. I got called a demented freak, and sent to my room, because my parents couldn’t handle being in the same room as me. I sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed that night and for the second time I can remember in my life I prayed that God would take my life, to take me home with him because I couldn’t handle staying here on earth with a family who hated everything I was. The next morning when my father took me to school, not only did he not speak to me on the way there, I’ll never forget the disgusted look he gave me when I told him I loved him, and the silence I got in response. 
Eighth grade was a relatively happy year, as my mom married Jamie, my dad, and I think I might be more thankful for him than my mom is. To this day, he is one of the only people to make me feel loved, and the love of my life, my younger brother is born this year in my life.
The ninth and tenth grades makes me realize how shitty people are, and abusive, and selfish. I had a boyfriend who didn’t value me at all, who was emotionally abusive, and very on and off about me, but it was normal for me, right? I had a childhood full of emotional abuse and my own personal hell had me feeling like nothing good was coming for me. There’s more to this part of the story that some of you who are close to me may know, I don’t want to get into this. And many more events. These years were heartbreaking for me. 
Here’s the back to back romance that became my life:
My junior year rolls around, and I finally have a boyfriend, Alex, who respects me, and really helps me feel better about everything that is going on in my life. I can never apologize to him enough for how poorly I acted in that relationship when all he gave was his all, and again; I’m so irrevocably sorry about that, as I didn’t stop for a second to consider he probably had his own problems as well; in fact I don’t think I ever even asked him, so when he said he needed time, I exploded, and that was not okay on so many levels. I’m sorry. 
Then there’s Jake. I couldn’t even tell you what that was, but believe me when I say he was (and still is) divine beyond comprehension. I’m not sure it was felt on both sides, but for me, Jake was the first person I had ever “talked,” (for lack of a better term), to that I felt truly understood by, and listened to. He amazes me, and still does, because of how compassionate and understanding, he is. When you meet this kid, and talk to him, you’ll see what I mean. It’s like he has all of life’s answers- he knows the order of order and the order of disorder, and at times I really wondered if he’s life’s own force. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out- but I wish him nothing but the best.
My junior year was truly ass. 
My Great Grandma Henson died, my Aunt Sherry dies five days after her. 
After this, I’m too depressed to care about my stupid christian school (well, less than I already did) and eventually, it all got to be too much. 
I drank bleach. 
You might be saying, wow, Jordan, that’s really selfish. But it’s also really selfish of you to not think of what it feels like to not feel anything. Being numb is truly a curse, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. It’s this feeling of total incapacitation (not sure that’s an actual form of the world, but who cares) and defeated all the time, with nothing but hatred, disgust, and judgement from those around you, is the hardest thing you can go through. Because you can’t help it. In this situation, you’re completely helpless. 
And that’s how I was feeling. 
My life actually looks up at this point, I’ve never felt as normal and content as I did in a treatment center. Being around other people who understood what was going on with me, how superficial and mindless my ass school was, listened to my frustration without judgement, and agreed. No one here made me feel like an idiot for talking about how high school wasn’t shit, it made me feel better to be praised for my art instead of being called a freak, or dark, or different. I HATED that in high school. I felt celebrated and unique. For the first time, I wasn’t anxious around other people my age, and for the first time in years, I truly, utterly wanted to live. 
Lets end on a good note, It’s currently 1:14 A.M. and I am falling asleep. I’m going to finish this story soon, don’t worry. (For those of you interested, anyway.)
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