#i hate plagiarism
luvsellie · 2 years
heyyy shawtyyy i’m 🍒 anon btw and i just wanna let you know some mf on wattpad stole ur work 💀 the @ is bils_broken_ankle
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BRO WHATTTTTTT oh hell no i am RUNNING to wattpad. thank you for telling me about this!
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 months
I'm too lazy to use chatgpt for essays. What do you mean this overglorified text prediction can write an entire essay for me but then I have to fact check every single sentence and reference and rephrase everything to sound human and then check everything again. It's way less effort to just do some research and write an essay about it.
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blackberry-s0da · 4 months
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Gonna make a big post to try to answer this.
My characters are inspired by lots of thing things (and lots of artists), Machete wasn’t an inspiration in particular to be honest, it’s a fully fleshed character with a specific white-black-red aesthetic, catholic imagery, blood, violence, hate, guilt and by the latest posts, love too. Mercy barely has a name for now, I haven’t been able yet to make a story, place him in a specific historical context or do as much as design his clothes.
Regarding physical similarities I actually took most of the poses and general vibes for Mercy from paintings depicting naked women (mainly form renaissance) as i liked how soft and peaceful they looked;
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(Machete lives on that time period if I’m not wrong so there’s also that. Mercy doesn’t have a spot in any timeline yet, but I’ve depicted him in modern clothes once and I think I’ll eventually place him in a modern setting)
Another inspiration was actually the artist Babezord, specifically for Mercy’s color palette and face pattern as seen in the image below. Many characters count with this mask like pattern and I’ve always loved it;
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(funnily enough on this character it is an actual mask)
The similarities on style are due a few factors: I learned to draw dogs mostly from Canisalbus, I’ve been following their work since I was around 13 or 14 I believe? Maybe earlier, and I learned a lot of things from them for the most part. On top of that I also love sighthounds and mostly draw that type of dogs as I’ve been having them as pets since childhood and always found them very pretty. I currently have two greyhounds.
Another artist I’ve leaned from are Lilaira, putrid.hound, canisinfernalis and mischievousdog, amongst others so shoutout to them too.
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I believe that Canisalbus characters are more stylized and fancy looking, they’re more lean and lanky for the most part, their hands are small and delicate, characters are very expressive and culturally rich, the clothing and pieces of background are beautifully detailed, their pieces usually tell a story, Mercy in the other hand was recently picked up from a mental trashcan I had him on as he’s my oldest and probably less used oc (he used to be a she but I decided to keep the name, that’s as much as he has for now, besides two scraped background stories). I designed them when I was a teen for lots of vent art and didn’t like how he looked (plus the negativeness I attached him to) so he’s been pretty much abandoned until September of 2023 when I redesigned them. Also gotta add that, while he isn’t a self insert he’s been used for the most part to reflect things about me and how I feel at the moment.
I believe my art is similar in many aspects to the one of Canisalbus, but not remotely close to being as amazing as theirs, I wouldn’t say were identical but I do take inspiration on them, amongst other artists.
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
when you realize 75% of this app has zero media literacy, the reading comprehension skills of a wet gym sock and the attention span of a fucking goldfish, you won’t feel so bad about your work or take these opinions seriously. Expecting people with a 3rd grade reading level and the plagiarism skills of an amateur thief to have anything good to say about creative writing is asking too much . Lower you expectations.
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platinumgigi · 6 months
you know, in light of the Great James Somerton Callout Double Feature™ recently, it made me think back to when i used to watch James' videos. i wasn't an avid fan and never watched his streams or anything so i couldn't have any inkling of the plagiarism on my own, but this all now reminded me of one instance where he made a point of something in one of his videos that was so blatantly wrong, it made me wonder "wait...did you even watch the thing you're talking about?"
and that was with his video on the Owl House, because i believe there was a bit near-ish to the end where he's talking about the open queer representation in TOH, and at the time the video came out the show itself hadn't concluded yet, but he mentioned alongside the not only very canon Lumity as representation the show had to offer, he also mentioned...that the show was hinting at there being a potential romantic relation between Hunter and Gus????
and that had grabbed my attention and made me confused, because...no?? did we watch the same show??? cause if you've watched the Owl House not only would you know that Hunter was 16 and Gus was 12, which is really stretching it in terms of acceptable age gaps, but also...their relationship was not like that, and didn't have any sort of romantic subtext to try and grasp at. the way they hung out and interacted was much more of a "dudes being bros" way (silly headbump handshake, comforting each other in their insecurities and what people saw them as "weak" for), and i'm pretty sure even at the time the episode came out where Gus and Hunter officially became friends, Hunter was already showing signs of crushing on Willow???
so, in retrospect, it now occurs to me that the reason James mentioned that was not because he had simply misinterpreted Gus and Hunter's interactions and the shows intentions for them in the future, but it was deliberately James grasping at straws to shoehorn in some kind of MLM representation into the show where there wasn't any. and while, yeah, in an openly queer show, still not seeing yourself represented kinda sucks, but James Somerton is clearly a person who doesn't value anything in the LGBTQ+ community other than the G. he thinks being a gay man (especially a cis white gay man) is the only real way of being queer, or at least the most "oppressed" type of queer, probably because news media only ever gave significant attention to the deaths of cis white gay men during the AIDS crisis, and that is pretty much James' only point of reference in "historical events that happened to queer people" because god knows he didn't care enough to research and write on his own, let alone research and write about queer history involving queer people who weren't cis white gay men like him.
and it's especially shitty that he that he tries to force this idea of Hunter and Gus having romantic subtext right after he talks about Luz and Amity's relationship. i'm personally not the biggest fan of Lumity within the story of the Owl House, but the representation is really great, especially for something in a disney cartoon. so him trying to then detract all the sapphic representation that Lumity provided and even built the show upon with an MLM relationship that not only is weird in context but also never even happened?? the AUDACITY.
and what gets me even more is that, by the end of the show, while Hunter does end up in a relationship with Willow, it's not a straight relationship. it was confirmed by the show's creator Dana Terrace after it concluded that Hunter is bisexual and Willow is pansexual, and while yeah, real shame that there wasn't any actual expression of those facts during the show's runtime, it's still nice to know that they're queer, and thus their relationship is queer. it's also great to have a canon bi/pan couple when there's STILL an immense infighting problem between bi and pan people thinking that one of the sexualities is trying to erase the other due to their similar (but not same) definitions. so having them not only coexist but also be in love is great!
but you just know, you just KNOW, that even if James' video was made after the show's official conclusion, he would probably either:
A: ignore Hunter and Willow's relationship and try to play on plausible deniability that they're just friends since they never had any great romantic gestures like Lumity's confession and many kisses
B: make a shitty argument out of it that the Owl House "could have gone leaps and bounds further with their representation, but Disney was so homophobic that Hunter couldn't possibly get to also be gay, so he had to end up with a woman :("
and while i think both are probably just as possible as each other, my money would be on option B, because god damn it this man can't praise a piece of queer media if it doesn't somewhat center around or involve gay men, and leave it to James Somerton to try and project himself onto the white teenage boy and think that if he were gay, that'd somehow make the story better.
this man actively hates women, especially queer women whom he loves to pretend are actually straight women, and if he had the chance would still do everything he can to try and make a queer relationship between a man and a woman into some woeful narrative of "what could have been" if they just made the man gay.
god, from this singular moment alone where i had a very questionable opinion of James, the knowledge i have now completely recontextualizes everything. this guy is a plagiarist, a misogynist, but most of all, an internalized homophobe who replaces the word "gay" in the content he steals from with "LGBTQ+" and "queer" because he actually *would* just like to use the word gay, but if he did it would make it more obvious that he's plagiarizing, so he instead makes "queer" and "LGBTQ+" be synonymous with gay to make it look like he's actually being inclusive.
and i don't really remember much about his video about Korra, i don't know if i even watched it, so the only frame of reference that i have is what Hbomberguy said about it in his video, and i frankly do not want to go and give James anymore views he has not earned and will never deserve, but i think he did a similar thing in trying to grasp at straws with a potential queer relationship between Mako and some guy who i don't remember (i really didn't watch much of Korra sorry) but that also kind of was not the case of their relationship at all either, from what i've heard. at most it was just people shipping them, especially since the footage James Somerton used in his video was from a fucking ship AMV and not even from any of the high resolution episodes. so again it seems like there's an instance of James trying to shove in an MLM relationship that doesn't exist in a show whose lead representation is a WLW couple.
again i could be wrong, and correct me if i am, but unless there's a convenient re-upload of that entire video on another channel or even another video website, i'm not going to give James' channel any more attention than it unrightfully has.
fuck this guy.
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alilaro · 6 months
its so funny hbomberguy uploads a video like once every millenia, but when he does he manages to send every person he scrutinizes into oblivion, never to recover
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deathenfield · 6 months
The whole James Somerton affair perfectly encapsulates why I say I do not trust rich, affluent queers. The pursuit of money and privilege inherently dehumanizes you and turns you against your fellow man, or in his case, his fellow queers.
You cannot be a capitalist, to value money above all over things, and be ethical, they're opposite concepts. It doesn't matter how earnestly Somerton felt about his work, how he claimed he did everything for the LGBTQ+ community, everything he did was for money, and it if meant fucking over other queer people to do that, so be it. To me, the LGBTQ+ community is about love, support, and community, all of which capitalism stands in direct opposition of. Someone who desires capital more than anything will inevitably betray their humanity, inflicting cruelty onto others in pursuit of higher profits.
The queer writers who tried to make their voice and their communities' voices heard as they were dying of AIDS, the journalists who wrote about their experiences hoping that someone would learn something about themselves through them. Every LGBTQ+ writer who deserved to have their voices heard, but instead had their work stolen and obfuscated by a hack fraud who couldn't give less of a shit about queer voices. This is the price of capital.
It comes as no surprise that the person who does not value the labor of writers is also a virulent misogynist. This is the mindset of someone who cannot think about anyone other than themselves - just pure disdain for anything they think is lesser than them. James Somerton adopts the persona of a highly academic activist but in reality is a cynical, greedy, bigoted, uncreative fraud who built his entire career stealing from the voices he claimed to be supporting. If Somerton truly cared so little about our community that he would sell us out for profit, then maybe he should just fuck off and never come back. There's no place for capitalists and bigots in the LGBTQ+ community. FUCK JAMES SOMERTON FR‼️
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ganondoodle · 2 years
i hate you 'AI art'. i hate you new ways to steal and exploit artists. i hate you systems artificially pushed to seem trendy and fun until they reveal what they actually are. i hate you capitalist egotistical excuses of human beings secretly funding it to trick people with it-
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desert-fern · 10 months
Hey guys, fun tip.
Just thought some people could use a reminder, given some things that have happened in the last week. If you have an idea similar to something that already exists, CONTACT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR OF THE FIC AND ASK IF IT’S COOL TO DO SO. IF THEY SAY NO, FUCKING RESPECT IT.
It’s not hard.
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vulturevanity · 3 months
Great apology, Jimmy
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traumasurvivors · 1 month
I mean if I’m being glass half full today, I guess at least my posts are worth plagiarizing? I could take that as a compliment.
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itsbrucey · 2 months
You think Darryl ever grabbed one of Glenn's horns to make a point and Glenn moaned a little. And they both decided not to deal with it.
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povlnfour · 2 months
in regards to the current wattpad plagiarism situation:
aside from the asks, i haven’t spoken about it myself and i’m going to briefly address it away from everything.
plagiarism is NEVER OKAY. so much hard work goes into what is created on tumblr, and i admire every single one of my fellow writers for the effort they put into their stories. for someone to take advantage of this and us posting for others enjoyment is, frankly, disgusting. to also claim that the writers were ‘asked’ before posting as such a bold faced lie is GROSS.
whilst i’ve only personally been affected by one collection, i am aware there are multiple people on wattpad rn posting the work of other incredible writers on this app and if anyone has any links to them, please do send them my way so i can report.
i have been incredibly busy with, well, being pregnant, so i haven’t had the time to reach out to any of the writers personally affected myself — however if this applies to you please don’t be afraid to reach out to speak. you deserve to know how incredible you are (you also deserve plenty of follows and i’m terrible at following so make sure i follow you back).
i would love to take this time to thank those tirelessly fighting against this whilst i’ve been offline. i appreciate you all so much🤍
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letslipthehounds · 7 months
Plagiarist Alert- Star Wars fandom
Star Wars fandom, there's a plagiarist on youtube to look at. He (male voice) plagiarized at least two of my stories, and after work I will be going back to check for others. There are also stories that have titles that make me think of other stories I've read over the years, including some that are probably 20 or more years old.
Anyway, their channel is "Caseys Star Wars Fanfiction" They're located here. Find your fic, report it, and get this plagiarist banned.
For the record, the two of mine that have been plagerized so far are "You Shall Become (Me)" and "Custos"
I don't have time to look for more, but I'm going to look after work. But he's monetizing my work, and that stops now
But everyone else in the Star Wars fandom, here's the heads up, and I hope none of yours are in there.
Also- Spread this far and wide. This guy shouldn't be allowed to keep doing this- he's monetizing my work! And the work of others!
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i'm throwing myself off a cliff if i can't get this stupid thing (◉ _ ◉)
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jennaissantes · 1 year
hi everyone!!
okay so just a few minutes ago i saw someone say that their fic got copied and its really terrible that this is happening in enhablr.
whats funny is i was on wattpad… on my old acc where i used to write. i was trying to delete everything. all my old cringy stuff..
but thats when i found something super interesting. i saw a particular user yoyoriki and they currently only have one fic. which is mine.
my jay fic ‘sorry, i love you’ was completely plagiarized by them, word for word.
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this is the proof. ive dmed them about it and im waiting for them to get back to me!
this is really horrible. please spread the word.
i think i speak on behalf of all the other fellow writers when i say that we write our content with a lot of hardwork and when we see someone copy it off, it really makes us feel terrible.
and this isnt even the first time it’s happened. last year, my friend @koishua’s fics were shamelessy plagiarized and posted in wattpad. and it wasnt just one of her works, it was a whole bunch of them. me and my friend @sjyuniverse had found this out.
i really hope this stops soon.
please spread the word! and don’t plagiarize peoples works please. its the least you could do to respect writers.
tagging a few mutuals: @haknom @haerinz @hanniluvi @amakumos @atrirose @enharchive @tyunni @dazed-hee @dearhee @kynrki @daegall @yooonz4u @yyunari @chiyuv @ddenoudepression @urszn @renhaissance @petrichor-han
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