#i got the prologue achievement ofc
voigtvirremade · 6 months
SJDHFGSJ opened whrt and got. an achievement for free
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skyfallslayer · 3 months
Should We Stay or Should We Go? || Prologue
-A ST Rewrite Feat. Steve Harrington x Henderson!OFC-
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Main Masterlist || Series Masterlist
🎲Summary: On the night of November 6th, 1983, Stephanie Henderson decided to walk her little brother’s friend, Will, back home. However… they never arrive. Now, Dustin, Mike and Lucas, and soon the exception of the girl’s ex-best friend, Steve, must band together to find out what happened. Meanwhile, Steph and Will must fight for their survival in this nightmarish version of Hawkins, Indiana.
🎲Chapter Summary: When they interlocked their pinkies none of them ever expected the weirdness that follows the years after. None of them ever expected to start growing apart. None of them ever expected the red string to stay attached. And none of them ever expected that they would be out saving the world with a baseball bat and wings. Yeah... you can’t make this stuff up.
🎲Pairings: Will x Platonic!OFC; Dustin x Sister!OC; Slow burn! Steve x Henderson!OFC (Ex-bestfriends to Lovers); Slow burn! Byler
🎲Rating: Teen-Mature
🎲Word Count: 921 (Small Introduction)
🎲Date: 3/6/24
🎲Warnings: Angst; Swearing; Implied Broken Friendship
🎲A/N: Extremely small chapter, hence why it's just the prologue. I just wanted to show my readers what the big picture is of this story, which is the Steve x OC relationship. However, just like above, this will contained the loving sibling relationship of Dustin, and even Will, between OC. This story also contains Jopper (a personal fav), Jancy, Mileven and the slow burn of Byler (I got to give this boy some love and if you think Will has been a background character for the last few seasons like I have then don't you worry! I'm giving Will a time for him to shine throughout this fic). Anyway, don't want this paragraph to be longer than the actual chapter. Lol. Enjoy!
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Pinky Promise.
It’s a bond between two people, a vow that’s taken so it shall not be broken. Childish, you know, but to a small kid it means everything. When they locked their pinkies together, muttering their promises to one another, they both had barely turned five, barely ready to take on the world head first. 
But a promise was a promise— Yet a pinky promise was so much more. It holds so much more weight than crossing your heart or giving a handshake. 
At least it was to these two very best friends…
“Wow.” The blue eyed girl said, genuinely surprised (She can’t even believe their conversation is so calming in a situation like this). “That explains so much. And… you never mentioned that to me before?”
“Well, can you blame me?” He asked, with a small smile and laugh. “I think it kinda does. I think, like, right out of the gate, like, I’m super confident. But I’m also, like, an idiot. Which is just…” He shrugs. “I mean, it’s a brutal combination. But, I mean, the good news is, I get a big enough thump on my head, I can change, you know? I can learn. I can crawl forward.”
She noticed his pace was slowing, and his brown eyes of his were becoming distant. “Steve?”
“Listen–” He stops them both, face looking like a lost puppy now. “I guess what I’m trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um… is thank you.”
She tilts her head, confused. “Thank you?” She watches him nod, adding fuel to her emotion. “For...?”
His face softens. “For giving my head the biggest thump of its life two years ago.” He chuckles. “Nancy, you know, she gave me the push, but you, Stephanie, gave me the thump I needed. It’s changed my life. And now I’m crawling forward in a way I never thought I could achieve. Slowly.”
And now he’s frowning, looking down at himself, engulfing himself in the glum. “I just wonder sometimes... you know, if... if I had just opened my eyes before I met Nancy, would things have been different? Like… part of me thinks we would’ve made it without our relationship falling apart.”
“Steve–” She croaks, teary eyed and shocked.
“And… you know what the craziest… most messed up part of the story is?”
His lips curled up just a bit. “Remember the dream I told you about? About the Winnebago? Seeing the country with my six lil’ nuggets? It’s all true. Every last word. But… the mess up part?” He swallows, also getting emotional. “The mess up part is when I first thought of that dream… is that… you’re there. You’ve always been there.”
“And that…” He smiles. “That’s my pinky promise to you, Miss Stephanie Henderson.”
The creature shrieked above, its claws waving around frantically –trying to get a nick out of him– as he held it back with some piping. He watched the pupils go all ‘cat-like’, fangs coming out that he swears were growing with each scream. 
He was struggling, he knows this, and he knows he has to buy the kid some time to get a radio signal out to his girlfriend, but he was slipping, fuck it. However, he knows deep in his heart he can’t back down from this.
His jaw clenched and his eyes flash with determination. “I don’t care what you’ve become! I ain’t leaving you, Henderson!” He shouted, hoping his words would get through to her. “That’s a pinky promise.”
“I’m helping you and Dustin out.” He insisted, knowing damn well that she didn’t even want him near her brother, let alone near herself.
She sends him a look, skeptical, on edge. “Why?”
“Look, I know you don’t want to talk–”
“Damn, right.”
“Steph.” He says, stepping in front of her way to get her attention. “We’ll just put this on the backburner. Right now, and I mean it, I just want to help you and Dustin, keep you guys safe. Pinky Promise.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” He says, while playing with his hands, nervously, worriedly. “Not until I know you’re okay.”
She frowns apologetically. “You know that might be a while.” 
“I know.”
“I have Dustin and my mom, you don’t have to stay here.”
“I know.” He breaks eye contact. “But what if I want to?”
That made her chuckle. “Well… if you want to.” She says, making them both smile. “Fine sleeping in a chair?”
He nods. “If that’s what I’ll have to do.” He replies, making her hum.
She raises an eyebrow. “Is that a pinky promise?”
“Yeah.” His expression grows. “Pinky promise.”
But what if you break it? The promise? What if you don’t follow through? That is the unfortunate part of this story. The promise was to stay together forever, to make their friendship last a lifetime. For them, they were two peas in a pod, polar opposites that still attached themselves to one another… until they couldn’t.
When the boy decided to become a King, the girl became a peasant. The boy was showered with love and affection, and the girl was on a quest of loneliness that became bitter.
This was a story about Steve Harrington and Stephanie Henderson.
A story, where no matter what happens, the red string still stays attached to their pinkies despite their attempts to take it off.
This was story where the two of them decided to save the world–
Their families–
Their friends–
And their friendship.
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A/N: I was so surprised when everyone was asking to be added in just a few short days. Makes me really happy :D
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@ladygrey03 @poppet05 @tooearlyforthis @lovesfics @lordzzz
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unicornbitchface · 4 years
Raat ki Rani
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC
Background: A story set in the colonial past of India.
Beta’d by my lovely friend @madbaddic7ed​​ !
No warnings as such, but I shall let you know before the chapter if needed!
Chapter 1
It was the third time someone had disturbed his sleep. “Go away, you shitbag!”, he growled.
The servant stood there, not knowing what to do. The Saab was already late by two hours for the meeting and had not even come down for breakfast. He did not dare to go back to the Maharaja with the same news again.
A set of heavy footsteps brought some relief to his pounding heart. Kulwant stood there, tall at seven feet and broad like the pillars of the palace. The servant tried to explain, but he was waved off. That was enough for the lanky fellow to understand that the job shall be done. After all, Kunwar Kulwant Singh was the very capable General and a close confidant of the king, Maharaja Ganga Singh. There was no job that was too low for his stature, and neither insurmountable.
The prick of ice-cold water hit the Lord before anything else. He was out of the bed in a flash, with his pistol cocked at the General. Face red with fury, he said, “How dare you? What the fuck do you think you are doing? Do you have a fucking death wish?” And with that, a bullet hit the door behind Kulwant.
Unknowing of his position and experience, Cavill expected the General to cower and beg for forgiveness. Instead, there wasn’t even a minute change in this giant man’s breathing.
“Are you done, Cavill Saab? Since you so politely asked, let me introduce myself. I am Kunwar Kulwant Singh, General to the Maharaja of Bikaner, Shri Ganga Singh. And I am here to take you to meet with him, which, as his guest, you should have taken the initiative of. 10 minutes, downstairs.”
With that, the broad tree left. What an odd fellow! The British own their asses, but the pomp hasn’t died. Well, he’s here now. Things ought to change. Whores don’t belong beside you in bed, they always belong under or on their knees.
The Maharaja waited in the Diwan-e-Aam. He needed this meeting to go well. He didn’t care about those pale buffoons, but the money he got was too tempting to abandon. Anyway, what did his ancestors achieve with all the morality in the world? Power leads, the weak follows and Ganga Singh was born with power.
While he waited, he had called upon his daughters, or liabilities that would cost him expensive dowries sooner or later. As they arrived, he asked them to be seated. He looked at his older ones, Renu Bai and Revati Bai, both gorgeous and docile- his favourites and began.
“I hope you all have been informed by your mother that we will now have a British employee in the court and he shall be living with us. You know what is expected of you, don’t you?”
Both of them nodded, while the third one sat there confused. Revati, the oldest said, “Yes Father, we know that we must not leave the zenana mahal without a chaperone and we are not to interact with that strange man.”
Ganga Singh nodded, proud of her answer. The third one, Damini Bai had not spoken a word, much to her father’s disappointment. But he did not lash out, as he had different plans for this wretched, rebellious daughter of his. He was about to give his orders when she spoke up.
“Shouldn't HE need a chaperone? After all, he is staying in MY house. Why curb my freedom, father?” THIS. This again. Sometimes Ganga had doubts that she was even his! Out of his four children, Damini was born with a tongue that wouldn’t stop wagging even in her sleep. Always asking, always questioning.
“Well, my lovely child, don’t worry. You do not have to curb anything! You are to fly. Fly right into the arms of the British dog, making sure he has everything he desires. You are to be his companion. Do not disappoint me Damini. Do you under-”
“LANGUAGE, DAMINI. Do not forget who you are standing in front of!”
“Of course I do, the great Maharaja of Bikaner, who seems to have forgotten his Rajputana pride for some petty gold. Good luck with your dog!”
She won’t go far. This was the last straw, and she will have to bend to his will even if he had to lock her in the Lord’s room himself!
Cavill walked through the corridors behind the General, who took three steps at a time! He could hear faint giggles and bell-like sounds when the giggles moved. He tried to spot these creatures but failed. Insanity all around!
With an empty stomach and disrupted sleep, he was not in the best moods when he was almost knocked off of his feet. Again.
That smell again.
It engulfed him and rendered him speechless. All thoughts ceased, the time stopped. His feet couldn’t move, as if needing permission from the fragrance.
He could barely hear the Mountain talking to him, everything drowned around him. Like a moth to a flame, his heart took over and he ran after the scent.
Reaching a hall, he madly searched for the owner, or maybe there was no owner, only a source. Whatever it was, he wanted to know. No, scratch that, he needed to know or he would not survive.
It took a while for the madness to seep out of the air, which is when he realised where he stood and with whom. Shit! He was supposed to dominate, stand tall in authority and here he was, chanting “Who was here? That smell.” like a lunatic.
“Lord Cavill, I am not sure who you are talking about! And what smell?” said a voice deepened with age but firm nevertheless. The king was genuinely perturbed, and yet joyful that the British Raj had sent a bogus man to his court for audits.
“Um, it’s nothing I am sure. I apologise, I am perhaps tired from the long journey. So, shall we begin Mr Singh?”
The meeting went on for hours, with the Maharaja discussing various incomes and expenditures in quite the detail. However, his entire being was gripped by only one vice.
That smell.
Chapter 2
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itonje · 3 years
Hi!! Ok here is my question. What is your favourite arthurian trope and why? What's your fave iteration of it, and if it applies to specific characters, in what ways is it connected to their themes/personality/reputation/etc? (Basically this is a prompt to ramble about something you like cause I love ur analysis 👀)
okay first of all thank you for saying that u like my analysis omg 🥺🥺🥺 that means a lot i just come here to ramble it is very incredible that someone whose takes i love likes them anyways ill talk about the holy grail cause i got reminded of it just now so yes. grail. under the cut cause it gets a little bit meaty haha
anyways years ago i watched a video from leftist philosophy youtuber the BIGGEST joel talking about the wasteland of jordan peterson and in the prologue he mentions the wasteland by ts elliot and how its based off well, of course, the story of the fisher king and how the resolving of the poem is through the hearing of the right words (grail) , and how that we/the protags of the poem can apply the words that healed the fisher king to our own lives to help fix our own respective wastelands. 
and then i think about how thats exactly the opposite of what happens in most arthurian iterations of the grail narrative (specifically the more christian toned ones), that the characters do not take what made them unworthy of the grail to heart,  and moreover, the obsession with purity in the court played a major role in its downfall. 
definitely think the most interesting interpretation of the thing in my eyes is in king artus, when the grail, something that has like, a pretty christian connotation most of the time, needs to be written into something understandable to the jewish audience the author was writing to (as well as being a part of themself) and i find the resulting interpretation of it being a certain type of bowl used for charity. i think it gives it such a touching meaning meaning that imo conveys the idea of goodness and holiness maybe even better than just the vague..amorphous ideal of christian purity (esp more than like...perlesvaus jesus christ)
speaking of christian purity i couldnt mention it without mentioning one of my longest and deepest strifes with some grail narrative which is probably the concept that the people who achieve the grail have to be like, some special level of holiness i just do not understand it at all but thats because chosen one narratives have never really appealed to me. like i understand WHY the trope of it exists, that the grail is kind of metaphorical in the sense that it kind of represents the greatest, most christian ideal and that the characters who ofc live up to that ideal are the ones to achieve the grail but like. i dont know whats the point of being born perfect from birth didnt we have an entire goddamn church heresy debunking that notion (i actually agree with the heresy but like. i digress) where is the literary SPICE..and thats one of the reasons why i love parzival (eschenbach's) because parzival FAILS!! he fails a couple times and he doesnt achieve the grail until he like, examines himself and repents and puts in the work to better himself..its good. i like it a lot. very... “one sinner repents and the whole of heaven rejoices” kind of feeling which is a narrative i would like to see more in grail stories  anyways thank you for sending an ask about this it was rlly fun haha again i really cant say how much it rlly does mean that people like to hear my rambles haha!!! 
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes The Serious Cereal Serial Killer
Prologue: Aye Aye Captain.
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Series Intro: Captain Steve Rogers and Sergeant James ‘Bucky’ Barnes are hot on the tail of Brooklyn’s latest criminal- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer. Captain Rogers assembles the best officers from the Brooklyn 101 Murder Unit. This specialist team, nicknamed The Avengers, are working in the dark as the killer leaves behind no clues, other than their choice of murder weapon- whichever beige cereal he/she chooses.
The team are in a race against time as the bodies begin to mount. Can they catch the perp before it’s too late?
Episode Summary: There’s a lake, and Steve’s in a suit. Someone he clearly has feelings for appears and we get the impression that he may have done something a little bit dumbassy… Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Dark Comedy themes.  CSI:NY + Brooklyn 99 = CSI: Steeb!
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark (will they, won’t they, did they???)
Song for Episode:  Alien by Cary Brothers  
A/N: Inspired by THAT picture of Mr Evans on set in his suit by the lake, myself and @icanfeelastormbrewing put our heads together and we present to you CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Serial Cereal Killer. I really hope you’re ready because this is a journey into our very, very odd minds but we promise there is a decent plot underneath all our Avengers and Stark Spangled Banner Easter Eggs and jokes! You don’t need to have read that series to understand or enjoy this, but we’ve used the Universe to spin this from. 
Our knowledge of American Policing is limited, so bear with us if we slip up, but at the end of the day this is a fiction so we’ll claim any mistakes as creative license!!
Episodes will be given individual warnings, summaries, pairings and songs so please pay attention to those.
Tags are open. 
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List 
 Main Masterlist 
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“Nice suit, punk.” Sergeant James Barnes smiled at his Captain, Steve Rogers, who sighed, dropping his hands to his hips.
“You’re a jerk, Bucky” Steve replied simply, eyeing his best friend through his Aviators, a small smile playing on his face.
“Ready for your big speech?” Bucky questioned.
Steve took a breath and looked around. It was a gorgeous, sunny May evening. The Lakehouse which had been hired by the NYPD for the Ceremony was full of people all milling around inside and out. 
“Yeah.” he nodded “I think so.”
“Think so ain’t gonna cut it Steve.” Bucky chuckled “You got half the force out there. The Deputy Commissioner, the Commissioner…” “Buck, just don’t” Steve sighed “I’m well aware of who’s here, thanks.” “Well it’s hardly surprising…” Bucky said, taking a pull from his beer “It was a pretty big case. Thanos and The Children were terrorising Brooklyn for years. “And it was the 101that put him away.” Steve smiled “It was a good team effort.” “You gonna take that time out?” Bucky asked. Steve shrugged.
“I dunno.” 
“You work too hard.” “Criminals don’t exactly take time out because we want to a holiday you know.” Steve said, looking at him. “I’m sure the Unit wouldn’t fall apart if you took a week out.” Bucky said “Stark’s right, you need to get a life man.” “Fuck you.” Steve shot back and Bucky snorted a laugh. 
At that point, Deputy Commissioner Nick Fury approached them, and Steve nodded to him
“They’re ready for you now Captain.” he said “You do your speech and then Senator Ross will join you on stage to hand out the Commendation to you and your Unit.” “Yes Sir.” he nodded.
“Knock ‘em dead Punk.” Bucky smiled, and Steve shot him one last look, before he took off his aviators and tucked them into his pocket, Bucky making his way to his seat.
He passed by the other members of his specialist unit, smiling as he went. Detectives Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff aka Clintasha on account of them hardly ever being apart, Patrol Officer Odinson, aka the Bungalow on account of him ‘not having much upstairs’ according to Bucky (which was ironic seeing a the guy was about 8 feet tall) and then on to his support staff- Tony Stark and Bruce Banner his forensic experts aka the Science Brothers, their Assistant Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, the lead Pathologist and Police Technician Wanda Maximoff. 
After acknowledging them all, he walked up the steps to the stage to a round of applause and wolf whistles, and smiling he pulled his pre-written speech out of his pocket. 
“Thank you.” he spoke into the microphone, squinting slightly against the sun “It’s my pleasure to welcome you to this celebration of achievement for the Brooklyn 101 and their efforts which led to the removal of a dangerous crime lord from our streets.” he paused as Clint gave a little cheer, followed by a shout.
“Go Avengers!”
More cheering and Steve smiled at his team before signalling with his large hands for them to settle down. As the noise died down he cleared his throat and glanced down at his notes again. 
Bucky watched him, smiling to himself. Steve was good a public speaker, his ability to command an audience and simply make people listen was one of the many reasons he had risen through the ranks so quickly, alongside the fact that he had an impressive ability to manage people and a huge number of solved crimes to his name. Bucky was incredibly proud of his best friend. The tall, broad man on the stage was a far cry from that skinny little blonde haired punk he had grown up with, bailing out of fights constantly on the streets they had roamed as kids. 
Steve caught Bucky’s eye, and his Sergeant flashed him a wink and he smiled before continuing.
“Months of hard work, long days and even longer nights went into putting Thanos away. And each and every single member of the 101 had a huge role to play. From Sergeant Barnes who commanded and led the team to Wanda who kept all our paperwork and reports water tight. No matter how meaningless you may have felt your contribution seemed on the outside, every single bit of it was influential in bringing Thanos to justice, and he I am over the moon to be able to thank you all for your efforts and service today.”
He paused and looked out and that was when he spotted her, gently weaving her way through the crowd that was stood up at the back of the seats. Not that it took much effort, he could have found those big green emeralds among millions of people. Her hair was different, not only shorter, but different. It curled round her left ear and her bangs swept across her face sweeping down and finishing in a longer point along the right hand side of her jaw. But those eyes were piercing through him the same way that they had always done. Steve had seen them shine with excitement, sparkle with laughter, darken with lust and close with utter bliss… he had also seen them water with disappointment and shrink with anger.
Just like they were doing now.
Steve had always been one for containment and keeping his emotions at bay, he was the righteous Captain everyone in his team looked up to after all and couldn't afford to let his emotions get in the way. At that moment though he struggled to focus on the page in his hands which he was surprised to find were shaking slightly.  With a deep breath he steeled himself, cleared his throat and resumed his speech. Had he let that scrawny Brooklyn kid he once was come out, he would have stayed there slack jawed with nothing to say.
Bucky sensed something was off, he knew Steve too well not to notice. He turned around to follow his best friend gaze only to find a brunette young woman with gorgeous green eyes dressed in a sleeveless dark green cocktail dress adorned with little golden pineapples. Bucky turned back to the front and glanced at Natasha, whose sharp eye had also noticed Steve’s reaction. Bucky shrugged and motioned with his head to the back of the seats where the woman was stood. Natasha glanced back and her eyebrows shot up in surprise. She nudged Clint who turned to look, before he shared an imperceptible knowing glance with Natasha. 
Ok, so they knew who she was. Bucky still had no idea. 
When Steve finished his speech and the crowd erupted in a big round of applause, Senator Ross approached his spot on the stage and handed out the Commendation, giving Steve a brief hug and pat him on the back. Steve then showed it to his team mates who were now stood, cheering him from the front row under the stage and that was when Bucky saw Katie approach Tony, dropping a kiss to his cheek. As he looked at the faint resemblance between the two, understanding suddenly flooded his system. This had to be Katie Stark, the youngest child of the late Commander Howard Stark, Steve’s one time boss and mentor.
As Steve was dragged to the side for photos with the Senator and Chief, he continued to watch the unit out of the side of his eye. Tony said something to Katie’s ear as his arm curled round her shoulders and that smile Steve would have died for threatened to spread across her pretty face. Steve swallowed, and allowed himself to be rearranged for more photos with the Senator and Chief, before all to soon he was being dismissed to leave the spotlight to mingle with his friends to celebrate. 
Get yourself together Steve, you can do this.
He took a moment to inhale deeply and give himself a pep talk, before he drew himself tall and walked over to where the members of the 101st .and Katie were.
As he approached he saw Thor sweep Katie into a huge hug and drop a kiss to her cheek. "Little Stark, you look fantastic. It's good to see you." "You too big guy" she grinned before she stepped forward to hug Clint and Natasha, her one time team mates "and you two." Steve shuffled uncomfortably, his collar and tie felt real tight. His hands slipped into his pockets and he rocked to and fro on the balls of his feet, a little tick he had whenever he got nervous. One that didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky. 
"Not that we're not happy to see you but...what you doing here?" Clint asked, releasing her. "Was on a rare few days off and came to visit Tone" she said, smiling at her brother. "He insisted I come...share your success. Was a pretty big case you guys smashed." "Well me and Bruce were the ones that actually linked him to 30 crimes forensically but I don’t wanna brag..." Tony quipped and Katie rolled her eyes. "And he’s so modest about it too." Bucky grinned, flashing a huge smile at the girl in front of him "James Barnes, Bucky." "Pleasure to finally meet you Bucky." She smiled "I heard a lot about you. I'm Katie, Tony's sister." "You're Howard's daughter?" Bucky cocked his head to one side and she nodded. "Your dad was a legend. Sucks what happened to him and your mom. Choking on fondue...no way to go." "Thanks. He was good man." Katie said. And then her eyes flickered to the blonde Captain who took a deep breath as her green eyes grew colder. "Hi Katie" he said softly.
"Captain Rogers." Her reply was a little curt, and it cut him to the bone that she could be cold towards him, especially after everything they had been through over the past almost 10 years. But deep down he couldn't blame her. He had been a total jerk. He deserved her indignation.
“How are you?” he asked. 
“Good thank you.” she said. 
“I hear you made Sergeant.” he said, and she nodded. 
“Yeah, month or so back.” “Congratulations, you deserve it.” “Yeah, thanks, err…” She turned to Tony “Any chance we can get a drink, I’m gasping.” “For you kiddo, anything. Anyone else want one?”
Pretty much the entire unit nodded and they headed off to the bar leaving Steve and Bucky alone.
“Ok…” Bucky turned to his friend “What the fuck was that about?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Steve sighed, looking back at him.
“Bull crap.” Bucky shot back “I thought you and here were fiends. When I was in Russia, for 5 years all I got was emails and shit telling me about her and what you’d been up to…now she looks like she wants to kill you.” Steve snorted “She probably does.”  
“Wait, did you…” Bucky frowned, before his mouth fell open “You did didn’t you! You slept with Howard’s daughter!” “Shhhhh keep your voice down.” Steve hissed.
“Was that before or after he died?” “Bucky shut up.” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, looking at his friend. 
“Does Tony know?”
Steve gave a derisive laugh “Do you think I’d still be alive if he did?”
“Good point, he’d have probably designed some kind of murder-bot to kill you in your sleep…” Bucky mused. “You sly little punk, I didn’t know you had it in you. Well, she had it in her more like, but that’s by the by…”
“Buck, I swear to God…” Steve’s nostrils flared at his friend’s crassness and Bucky gave a howl of a laugh.
“I’m just toying with ya Stevie…I’m impressed. She’s hot.”
“Not a word.” Steve glared at his friend as the unit started to make their way back, various beers and glasses of wine clutched in their hand.
Bucky mimed a zip closing across his mouth and smiled, slightly surprised as Natasha handed both him and Steve a beer.
“Thought you might need a drink.” Natasha said quietly to Steve, shooting him a knowing look as Clint did the same. Steve groaned, he should have known. Nothing got past Clintasha. He swore the pair of them had been fucking spies or secret agents in a past life.
“So Katie…” Clint turned to the youngest Stark. “How’s DC?”
She smiled “I love it. It’s a beautiful place. Not home though.” “She misses me.” Tony interjected and Katie slapped him on his shoulder, rolling her eyes.
“Like a hole in the head.” 
Bucky laughed “What made you move over there?” he asked, ignoring the deep breath of annoyance from Steve to his left.
“Well, I wanted my Sergeant stripes” she said, nonchalantly “I was told there was no progression available in the 101st so imagine my chagrin when they replaced me with one.” Steve bristled slightly but he didn’t reply.
“Wait…I was your replacement?” Bucky frowned, looking at Steve.
“It wasn’t like that.” Steve said gently “The budget for a sergeant was only provided to me after you left Katie.” “Sure.” she shrugged “Anyway, it’s irrelevant now. The position in the SHIELD unit was too good to turn down so…” “Yeah you guys got a good result on the Mandarin Case.” Peter Parker looked at Katie 
“It was hard going…” she nodded “I was undercover pretty much for a month, hence the haircut.” “Ha Steve knows all about being undercover….” Bucky snorted 
“Shut up.” Steve said.
“What?” Bucky looked at him innocently “I was merely referring to your impressive moustache man…” Steve gave a groan as the unit began to laugh.
“As part of the Thanos op, Steve had to infiltrate the gang.” Tony looked at Katie who was frowning, not understanding the reference. “He basically shaved his beard off but left this God awful tache…he looked like a 1970s German Pornstar.” Katie snorted “Beard murdering…” she looked at Steve who simply shrugged giving her a small smile.
“Yeah well its coming back.” he shrugged, gently stroking his chin where there was a faint smattering of stubble.
“Hmmm.” she made a small noise, and then looked around, and smiled with a wave as Deputy Fury caught her eyes “Excuse me guys, I’ll be back in a moment.”
Steve watched her leave before he turned back to his team listening to their conversation.  But he couldn’t focus. Just seeing her again was enough to send his head into an absolute whirl. She looked amazing, not that she hadn’t always. Maybe it was the fact he hadn’t seen her for 5 months that was making it worse. But all he could remember was her touch, the way her head would rest against his chest when he hugged her, the smell of her shampoo, the softness of her hand when she would take his…and then the feel of her lips on his, the smoothness of her skin…
Fuck! He had been a grade A jack ass.
Steve took another long pull from his bottle of Stella and looked around. Katie was just finishing a conversation with Fury and Pierce, before she excused herself and headed for the bar after shaking hands with both men. 
Now or never, Rogers…
"I’m, err, going to get a refill..." speaking for the first time as he showed his team mates his almost empty beer bottle, "be right back."
“Course you are…” Bucky mumbled, as he watched Steve slope off. He turned to Natasha.
“So what’s the deal…” he asked, dropping his voice and turning side on to face her so that Tony wasn’t looking. “I mean I kinda figured something went down but…” “Well we don’t know for sure…” Natasha said “But they went home together after the Christmas party in December. Was a long time coming, they’d been dodging around each other for years.” “Yeah, both dating other people when it was clearly obvious they were head over heels for one another.” Clint added. 
“But it got frosty. Like real frosty and she put in for a transfer request.”
Bucky sighed and looked over at Steve who was now stood by the woman. Stevie had always been useless with women, Bucky had all the luck in that department when they were growing up. That was until Steve went to University and discovered the Gym and signed up for an experimental Nutritional Programme called ‘Operation Rebirth’. 3 months later Steve’s physique had changed dramatically. Gone was the lanky, twig thin kid and in his place was a stocky, ripped, 6ft 2 adonis. Frankly it had put Bucky’s nose well out of joint as the women flocked around him. But he needn’t have bothered, he was still as fucking hopeless has he always had been,
And seemed he still was.
“What?” a voice said, and Bucky turned to see Tony stood there, looking at them, his brown eyes flashing as he glanced from Natasha to Clint and then to him. 
When Steve reached the spot by the bar where Katie was waiting patiently for her Martini to be served (made with gin, obviously, he recalled as he had bought her enough- I’m not a heathen, Steve…) he gently touched her forearm and she turned around slowly with a sigh to face him. Steve know she had sensed his presence even before he touched her, she always could. Many years of friendship did that to you.
"Are you avoiding me?"  he asked lightly.
"Does that surprise you?" she replied looking at him directly in the eyes.
"No, not really." he said looking shyly at the grass beneath his shiny black oxfords. With a sigh he looked back up, straight into those deep green orbs "Look, Katie, I hate how we ended things, I..."
"How WE ended things?" she cut in, "Are you for real? I didn't end anything, Steve, because there wasn’t actually anything to end was there? You made sure of that!" 
"I'm sorry, Katie, I truly am." he spoke again.
"Sorry for what exactly?" she fired back.
She was pissed. He could sense it in the rising tone of her voice and the way her eyes seemed to squint in the way they always did when she was winding up for an argument. He had to do something before they attracted too much attention and Tony made an entrance.
"Look, can we maybe go for a walk by the lake?" he looked at her, his eyes pleading. "We can talk and errm..." 
She sighed "Fine."  and with that she started to make her way through the rest of the people at the reception heading towards the calm water.  Once they reached a spot under a tree near a small jetty she stopped and turned to look at him. 
"What do you want, Steve?" she asked shielding her eyes with her right hand from the sun that was beginning to set.
"To check in. I care about you, Katie" he answered looking at her with an almost apologetically.
"So, you care about me.” She snorted “That's rich."
"Of course, I do!" he almost yelled. "We've been best friends for what, almost ten years?" 
“Were, Steve.” she stared at him, “Past Tense…”
He took a deep breath and looked away, the lump in his throat growing even larger. Her words feeling like a slap in the face, but he wasn’t sure exactly what else he had expected. Things hadn’t been the same. They hadn’t actually spoken since she had left for DC. And he was the reason she had left, regardless of how she dressed it up and pretended otherwise to everyone else.
He looked back at her, and saw her eyes. They bored right through him, a mixture of anger and melancholy.
He had to try and fix this, he had to….
“Look, Katie, I know you must hate me..."
"Steve..." she said putting a hand over his forearm, before pulling it back immediately, almost like it had been an involuntary reaction. And the fact she wasn’t comfortable showing him that type of friendly affection anymore made him feel even shittier than he already did.  "I..."  she was fumbling with the words and he remained silent whilst he waited for her to gather her thoughts. “You know what, you’re right, I did hate you. I hated what you did but…you know what the worst thing about all of this was?”
He looked at her waiting for her to continue.
“Was that I mostly hated myself" she finished quietly, her voice beginning to break and she looked away.
Steve was aghast at her statement. "Wha... what do you mean?" he asked stuttering. He wasn't prepared for something like that. Over the last few months his mined had conjured thousands of possible conversations and things she would say to him when they finally met each other again…but not that.
"I hated myself for letting you in, Steve" she inhaled deeply before looking back at him and continuing, trying to keep the tears at bay. "You knew how long it took me to get over Grant, you knew what that bastard did to me because you were there, you were my best friend. You wiped my tears, held me when I cried myself to sleep, you helped me pick up the pieces of myself,  told me I was worth more. But then, when it came down to it…I clearly wasn’t, not to you anyway.” 
Steve couldn't stand her gaze and looked down to his shoes, jaw clenching. "Katie, I..." he started to speak but did he know what to say? 
"Let me finish, let me say this, Steve, please." she pleaded. "I trusted you, you knew how I felt about you, and you know how much it took to tell you that and let you in…" she swallowed hard "You broke through every goddamned wall I put up around me and what’s more, you broke me too."
"Breaking your heart was never my intention, doll" was the only thing he managed to say, swallowing thickly. He didn't even know how he could have possibly formed those words in his brain and actually uttered them, he was numb and wanted to tell her she meant so much to him, so much more than she could ever imagine…but the words just wouldn’t come. 
"But you did." she said quietly, tears now threatening to spill. "And I need time to heal, Steve. There’s not going back from what happened. We can’t just go back to being best friends and hanging out…it doesn’t work like that.”
“Kiddo?” They both jerked a little at Tony’s voice as he approached. She hastily wiped at her eyes and Steve stood back, taking a deep breath. “You two alright?” “Yeah, just catching up.” Katie said, smiling at Tony. 
“Huh, that what they call it?” Tony said, his voice somewhat steely and Steve felt himself blanche. He turned to Tony but before he could say anything, the man’s fist had connected with his face, cracking his nose, making him reel backwards.
“Tony!” he heard Katie say, loudly, and as Steve recovered from the blow he looked up to see her stood with her hands on his chest, pushing him away gently.
“I can’t believe you, you son of a bitch!” Tony was spewing, glaring at Steve. The Captain was relieved to see that Bucky and Thor were hastily making their way over. They were well enough removed from the crowd for this not to be seen, thankfully. 
“Stark…” Thor said in his deep breath “Come on, calm down…” “Calm down, calm down?” Tony’s face contorted with fury “I just find out, he slept with my sister, and then…”
“I’m a big girl Tony.” Katie said gently “I don’t need you fighting my battles for me, not like I did when we were kids…”
“I knew there was a reason you ran off to DC, and all the time it’s been him!” he said, looking at her, before he glared back at Steve. “You’re a piece of shit, Rogers…”
Steve waved off Bucky who had stepped forward to check he was ok. 
“Come on…” Katie said, pushing Tony’s chest, “Time we left…” With that she turned to Thor and Bucky, gave them both a smile before she locked eyes with the Captain “Bye, Steve" she said turning around and beginning to walk away with Tony.  Steve could do nothing else but watch as she walked out of his life for the second time in less than 6 months. 
“I’m sorry” Bucky looked at his friend as he wiped at his bleeding nose with a handkerchief. “He overheard me and Natasha and…”
“I’m surprised it’s stayed a secret as long as it has.” Steve sighed “I deserved it, he’s right, I am a piece of shit.”
“We all do stupid shit bud.” Thor said, “Doesn’t make us bad people.” Bucky looked at Thor “That’s pretty smart for you.”
“I have my moments.” Thor shrugged, before he frowned “Unless you’re my brother, of course. He is inherently bad…but that’s another story.”
There was a pause, and then Bucky looked at Steve.
“Think you need another drink.” he said, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’ll go grab you one.”
Steve smiled, knowing full well it was Bucky’s way of saying “I’ll give you a moment…”
His friend squeezed his shoulder before he turned and walked away leaving Steve stood, looking out across the lake. The tall blonde stood there, mulling the conversation they’d just had over and over in his mind. He knew he’d hurt her but now he understood the extent of that, he hated himself even more. 
Steve Rogers was a man of honesty and principles. A man who believed that you faced up to your actions and took the consequences whatever they were, not merely hid from them. But here he had gone against every single thing he stood for. He’d let Katie walk away all those months ago without so much as a fight. Because it was easier, easier than being honest and explaining why he had done what he had done.  
If time travel was possible, he’d go back and do everything differently.
@the-omni-princess  @momobaby227 @geekofmanythings16 @angelofhell-666 @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear @asgardlover75 @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @djeniiscorner  @ayamenimthiriel  @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @disneylovingal​  @madzmilllz​  @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​  @southerngracela​ @goldenfightergir​ @kellymat​ @official-and-unstable-satan​
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 6 years
every s i n g l e newsies ask
Santa Fe (Prologue): Where do you want to travel to, and who do you want to take with you?Well Iceland is somewhere I do want to go, and I’d say about any friend who wants to tag along ?
Carrying the Banner: Hobbies?? Sports?? Activities in general?? A life outside of tumblr??well I draw, sing, play videogames, practice martial arts even tho I’m still sucky, that kind of things yeet
The Bottom Line: Most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever been given?... if u think i remember anything i’ve ever been told
That’s Rich: What would you say to the people who have doubted/ridiculed you?that they’re ugly and I don’t like them
I Never Planned on You/Don’t Come A-Knocking: Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?I guess it exists for some people but not for me, I need to trust someone to know I can trust them with my feelings and my person
The World Will Know: What do you want people to remember about you? What do you want to be your impact?I wanna make the world a better place !! of course it’s not easily achievable but through little things it can work
Watch What Happens: What musical got you interested in musical theatre?hehehe it was Les Misérables
Seize the Day: What are you passionate about?Science, musicals, music, anime, videogames, traveling, romance, justice, equality, pretty much everything actually I’m super opinionated sdghdkjfg
Santa Fe: Country or City? Big City or Small Town? Sunrise or Sunset?I’d say country but only if there’s mountains ; big city ; sunrise !
King of New York: Dream Job?musical theatre actor yeet watch me never achieve it
Letter from the Refuge: What’s the last thing that made you cry?I was singing king of new york to myself and I got to the whole tap dance battle part except I was humming it and it made me cry for some fuckin reason dghdkgj I couldn’t keep going bc I was crying
Watch What Happens (Reprise): Favorite Fandom to write for//read? Favorite AU?Right now ofc it’s newsies, and my favourite AU has to be like... a modern AU but. they’re still poor kids. like they’re not really going to college or anything they’re just struggling to live except in 2018 hckjdsfs there’s so much interesting stuff to explore ngl
The Bottom Line (Reprise): Which adults have had the most effect on your life?Both my parents, who traumatised and abused me ( one of them still abuses and neglects me so lit ), my great-grandfather who’s a huge inspiration, the people at that one theatre workshop I went to
Brooklyn’s Here: Tumblr ride or dies?are u asking me if I’d die for Hug bc yea
Something to Believe in: Talk about your crush (celebrity, tumblr, or irl-your choice)he’s amazing but he’ll never love me so yeet yknow
Once and For All (alternately titled: hOLY F*cK a kEy CHaNgE): What musical instruments do you know how to play? Which ones do you want to learn?I kinda play the piano just a little bit and I started the guitar ( i know one chord yay ) but I really just wanna play any instrument bc I love instruments
Finale: Where do you want to be in five years?not in France anymore aka in musicals because in France we uh don’t have English musicals. they’re translated. they translated Cats. I’m not ok
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