#i got BEAMED running through an old discord server to find these
vellichorom · 2 months
Have you ever drawn anything Angsty or sad of Cosmo?
oh BOY; so some years back, when i was still riding a late edgy phase, i guess i ( & a friend iirc ) heavily associated cosmo & glitchmaster's relationship with the vocaloid song " Happy Days " by GHOST, assuming glitchmaster was at least Vaguely manipulating an already troubled kid into doing her dirty work with them having possibly been aware of that,
i think
which lead to " hey get PROFOUND & make an angsty thing about it " which you can see the scraps of HERE. beyond that & a very blank-faced cosmo that i've yet to post ( & FIND ), that's probably about the angstiest i got during the CQ fixation.
i also drew cosmo as monokuma danganronpa once. because i'm insane. i don't think that aids your question any
i'm SURE that kid has problems aplenty that glitchmaster is barely helping but i'd prefer these days to daydream about them being mutual shitlords myself...
on an ENTIRELY unrelated note, i just found a whole bunch of edits & such from like. 2018-19 in which i gave cosmo visible eyes. feast
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
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Pairing: Gaara x Reader
Summary: As the Kazekage Gaara has many duties that keep him from his personal life, but you’ve never let that stop your friendship. As your feelings grow deeper and he starts to show his own, he feels that the perfect night to show you is the night that celebrates his fifth year as Kazekage.
A/N: This is part one of two for my contribution to the Konoha Simps Server Collab. You can find the rest of the amazing works right here! If you want to be involved in future collabs or even just be in a place to meet new people and talk about anime feel free to join us. Konoha Simps Discord Server
Warnings: fluff, one kiss (I swear it) 😂
Word Count: 1.7k
*10 Years Earlier*
Gaara’s eyes were trained on you as you moved around the battle arena. Temari had dodged every one of your attempts to hit her, flawlessly soaring around with the help of her Tessen. Gaara watched in awe as Kankuro came up beside him and nudged his arm. “The way you’re looking at her little brother…” He chuckled teasingly. “It’s like you’re in love with her or something.”
Gaara looked over at him with a glare. “Shut up Kankuro, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He crossed his arms and looked away from him. 
Kankuro let out a hearty laugh and watched the two females in front of him. “Ahh, young love. It gives you life, doesn’t it Gaara?”
Gaara growled and sand started to twirl around Kanukuro’s body. “Knock it off Kankuro. I’m not afraid to bury you.”
That’s when Temari and you stopped and watched them. She reprimanded them as she saw Gaara’s sand circling Kankuro menacingly. “Knock it off you two. You’re distracting us.”
The sand fell back to the ground immediately and his eyes found you, a small smile spreading as you looked back. “What are you two arguing about now?”
Kankuro looked at the ground and then at you. “We’re not arguing about anything. I promise.” He waved the two of you away. “Just get back to your training. It looks like Y/n needs a little more of it if she can’t even hit Temari.”
You raised your fist to him. “Listen here you meathead. Keep it up and I’ll clock you one.” Before you could get close to him a fist made of sand came from the side and sent Kankuro falling to the ground underneath him. 
A laugh erupted from you as you watched a smirk spread on Gaara’s face. “Be nice to Y/n Kankuro. She’s doing amazing. Temari is a tough girl to beat.”
*Present Day*
A smile spread across your face as you sat upon the couch that lined the far wall of the Kazekage’s office. Gaara looked up from his papers and questioned why you were smiling like an idiot. “What’s got you looking like that Y/n?”
You hadn’t even noticed that he had been watching you. You had been busy with a stack of papers that sat next to you, trying to help Gaara catch up on what he had to do. Tonight was the night of the fifth anniversary of the day he became Kazekage. There was a big celebration and you didn’t want him to miss it. “Nothing really. I was just thinking about the day when we were younger that you knocked Kankuro to the ground for insulting me.”
Gaara leaned back in his chair and chuckled. “He had it coming. He shouldn’t have been making fun of you when Temari had always proved to be one of the strongest in our squad.”
You placed the paper on the couch and stood, walking to the large windows and looking at the crowd forming below. Gaara spun his chair around to look out with you. “Holy moly.” 
He placed his pen on the desk behind him and crossed his arms. “Are there a lot of people forming out there?”
“Yea.” You stood on your tiptoes to see better. “There’s a ton of people already. What time are you supposed to make your entrance on the balcony?”
“About an hour.” He looked nervous. It didn’t matter how long he had been Kazekage, getting up in front of all of those people always made him nervous. “I know I shouldn’t worry about it. It’s not like it’s the first time in five years that I’ve gotten up in front of people… But I just worry that the opinions of people will change at the drop of a pin.”
You turned and leaned against the wall. “The people of Suna love you Gaara. How could they not? You’re the most amazing person I know.”
And just like that, the butterflies came back to taunt him. He had known you since you two were ten years old, now you had both turned twenty. And in all that time he never had the courage to tell you what he wanted too. He hadn’t ever felt anything like it, but the fear of being rejected controlled him. He had been dealing with those butterflies for ten years now. Ten years of your smile making him melt, of your laugh making him want to shout to the heavens, of your touch making him want to pull you into him every time.
As for you, you had never gotten the courage to tell them that you had felt the same way. You were afraid of ruining the friendship that the two of you had built in all this time. You were afraid that one wrong word could mean that you were no longer together and that you were no longer friends. The fear of something like that happening was the one reason that you had never told him sooner. 
But as the hour window that you guys had left closed you began to forget about all those things, even if it was just for a moment. You had to help Gaara get ready to make that special entrance onto the balcony and look down upon all his people below. You held his Kazekage robe out for him, helping him place it over his everyday attire and then handed him his hat to place upon his head. As he finished dressing he took a deep breath, those waves of nausea that he always felt before stepping out before his people hitting him like a truck. 
You placed your hand on his chest and his heart started to beat harshly against his chest. “You’re going to do amazing Gaara. You always do.” You leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. The man looked like he might explode at any second. “Good luck.”
Gaara smiled weakly as he tried to keep himself from running in the opposite direction. “Thank you Y/n.”
As you watched his step out on the balcony you had nothing but admiration painting your face. You had always loved to watch him doing what he loved. He had been nothing but amazing at being the Kazekage. The people of Suna loved him and were devoted to him. 
As he gave his speech all you could think about were all the time you had helped him through his anxiety of going out there. He had gotten the job at a very young age so that last thing that he had known how to was run a place like this. You had helped him through every step, granted you were the same age, you had showed him that he could do it. You had helped him get over his fear that the people of Suna would hate him since he had been a Jinchuriki. 
When he bowed to the people before him and walked back into the office you couldn’t help but let a beaming smile spread across your face. “I told you that you’d be amazing out there Gaara.” You approached him again and pulled him into a hug. The timid man wrapped his arms around you weakly and stepped back quickly, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 
“It’s getting dark enough for us to see them now.” Gaara continued to rub his neck as he looked back at the door to the balcony. “I’ll take off these robes and we can go watch the fireworks?”
“I’d love that.” You placed your hands together and jumped slightly, your childhood love for them showing. 
Gaara held his arm out to you, letting you lace your arm through his. The door to the balcony slid open as both of you approached it and one of the guards handed Gaara a blanket. As he placed the blanket onto the ground he motioned toward it. “After you, my lady.”
You smiled and sat down, waiting for him to take the place next to you. As he did you both watched the sky. At any time the fireworks would start and your attention would be drawn to them. Gaara had never believed that he deserved this celebration, but trying to stop the people from doing it was bad for morale. As you watched the sky you felt his eyes on you, but you ignored it, too afraid to look over at him. 
As you looked down at the ground you knew that there was one thing that you had wanted to do, but you were hesitant about it. A loud sound ringing through the area pulled your attention away from the ground. The colors that erupted in the sky forced your eyes to shine with color as Gaara watched your face. The courage that he needed had disappeared, but he knew that he had to work through it. It had been long enough, he had to do it tonight. Now or never.
The sound of his voice made your turn to him. You hadn’t even heard what he had said, but you had instinctively moved. You didn’t even have time to ask him what he had said before his lips touched yours. But you didn’t pull away. Your lips danced against his as the fireworks exploded over the two of you, lighting up the darkness that was starting to fill the village as night fell. Gaara placed his hand on the back of your neck and spoke against your lips. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” 
You touched your lips to his again before finally getting the courage to say the three words that you had wanted to tell him for so long. Wanted to tell him in a sense of more than a friendship like you had so many times before. “Gaara. I love you.”
His lips lingered against yours as you felt his body shaking, a chuckle barely heard over the sound of the fireworks above. “I love you too.”
279 notes · View notes
Peach Blossoms
Hey there my Little Rogues! Guess what, it’s time for another Collab! I took part in another Collab run by the Bnharem Discord Server, this time we were given the topic of Pen Pals and left to our own imaginations. I didn’t reblog the masterlist this time as I was busy writing and didn’t get the chance but head on over and check out the Masterlist, give these wonderful writers the love they deserve and enjoy the stories! I decided to go with our lovely Miss Momo Yaoyorozu this time around and you know what, the rest explains itself.
I just want to say thank you to @mari-writes-smut​ for bouncing ideas for the story back and forth with me. Thanks to @heyybrittannia​ for helping this clueless person work out what Momo would smell like and find a fragrance that as befitting her. Last but not least thank you to @villain-hotline​ for giving me the name of this Fic when my brain was too fried to think of one for myself.
~Lesbian Peanut
Word Count: 7634
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“(Name), there's a letter here for you.”
You perked up at the sound of your mother’s voice calling to you from your doorway, your head snapping around instantly to stare at the thin object hanging precariously from between her fingers. “Is it from her?” Your voice cracking from the pure excitement you couldn’t contain as you vaulted over your bed and bound across your bedroom; heading directly for the sole object of your desires.
Your mother couldn’t help but to laugh at how eager and cute she thought you were being, seeing your eyes alight with anticipation was more than she could handle. She passed the envelope containing the letter over into your hands, watching as you turned it this way and that while inspecting the paper closely. “It has come all the way from Japan, I certainly don’t know anyone else it could be. Do you?” She teased as she pressed a hand to her lips, suppressing the giggles that were threatening to spill from her lips at any moment but unable to stop them causing her body to shake.
“It took awhile for her to respond this time, I wonder if there was a reason for that.” You remarked thoughtfully as you drifted away from your mother and towards your desk where your writing implements awaited your attention.
“You must remember darling; she would be in school around this time.” Your mother chimed a gentle reminder to you as she moved to sit on the end of your bed. “Perhaps one day when we move back to Japan, it won’t be quite so difficult for you to keep in touch with one another.”
“I eagerly wait for that day to make its arrival; it would be most splendid to finally see her!” You turned to beam over at your mother, your excitement evident on your face as you clutched the envelope to your chest securely.
It was mesmerising, the boundless and innocent joy of a child; it never ceased to amaze your mother. Without fail you would become elated with excitement each time a letter arrived at the house for you, seeing your beautiful smile was something your mother looked forward to each time. It had been years since you started exchanging letters and despite being twelve now, you still held the simplistic excitement of a child as you did when the first letter arrived. A tender smile crossed her lips as she watched you turn to open your delivery, your fingers gentle as ever as you slit the letter opener through the top of the envelope. She expected no less, you always took such care when opening the letters you received; she just wished you’d be as careful once they were open.
You smiled as butterflies fluttered to life in your stomach, whizzing about as your fingers slipped into the envelope to retrieve your letter. It hit you like a warm breeze, the scent wafting from the papers and enveloping your every sense. You expected it each time and yet it never failed in managing to take your breath away, the sweet but warming scent that came with the papers. You took the papers from their restricting prison, unfolding them fully before lifting them to your nose and breathing deep.
“Shall we get started then??” Your mother’s voice snapped you from your trance and you peered over to her sheepishly as your cheeks heated, flooding with colour. “It’s best not to keep her waiting.”
You nodded eagerly at your mother before taking up your seat at your desk, placing your letter atop it as you pulled out your own paper in preparation for a response before staring down at your letter. The words scrawled across the paper looking more delicate and elegant with each passing year, you could still remember how messy the first one you’d received from her had been; it had taken your mother several hours to decipher the poor handwriting. You shook your head quickly, clearing away the old memories as you focused in on the words before you.
 Dear Miss (Last Name),
I’d like to foremost apologise for my tardiness in replying to you so late after you have sent me your last letter. I assure you it was in no means meant to disrespect you; I have just been busy of late with studies. I will be frank with you though; I feel as though my abilities when compared to those of my peers are severely lacking. Many of my fellow students are more academically inclined than what I am capable of, it feels as though I am falling behind and quickly. I have lost on several occasions with one of my peers when it comes to spelling competitions, the latest word to stump me was one I had never come across before; iridocyclitis.
I do apologise for my ramblings of my academics; it must bother you for me to write about it as such.
In regards to your question from your previous letter, you asked me if I had any success with the Peach Blossom this year. I regret to say, despite my best efforts to keep the beautiful tree alive; it has withered down to nothing this year. Mother is looking at having it removed from the garden soon and starting over with her design.
I must enquire about Bast, is your adorable kitten doing well? You said she was perplexed over being in a new environment, has she since adjusted to her surroundings? I would very much love to see what she looks like one day; I imagine she’s quite beautiful to have you so enamoured with her. Don’t forget being a Sphynx you must keep her ears cleaned regularly and bathe her to remove the build up of oils on her skin.
I hope that your family and yourself are doing well. I can’t wait for the day when we may be chanced with seeing one another, for now though I look forward to your forthcoming letters.
Momo Yaoyorozu
 You smiled as you sat back in your chair, your finger tracing over the paper as you read over her words one more time. That familiar scent wafting through the air towards you, it was something you had yet to figure out the exact fragrance of but it made you feel safe. Your smile turned quickly into a pout as you thought about what you could respond to her letter with, the words just didn’t seem to be coming together as easily as they usually did. You tapped your fingers against the page, Miss Yaoyorozu was rather disheartened by her studies and felt as though she we’re falling behind her peers. You had always felt as though she was one of the brightest people you had ever been given the opportunity to converse with and to read that she was being so hard on herself; it made you sad. You sighed as you read through the paragraph over and over, trying desperately to find the right words that might aid in putting her mind to ease and comforting her.
“Mother, what does this word here say?” You turned your attention to your mother where she sat behind you on your bed.
She blinked rapidly; she had been lost in thought when your sudden words had startled her. She lifted herself up off your bed and moved over to stand beside you at your desk, her small frame leaning down over you as she peered down at your page. “Iridocyclitis, if I remember correctly it’s a word of medical origins. It’s been quite some time since I’ve heard that word myself actually.” Your mother confessed as she tapped her forefinger against her bottom lip thoughtfully, her eyes skimming over the sentence that preluded the word. “It doesn’t surprise me Miss Yaoyorozu got it wrong, I failed to spell that word when I first heard it too.”
“You did?” Your eyes lit up as you looked up to your mother’s face, a smile stretching across your face as she gave a small nod of affirmation. “Thank you, mother. I know now what to say.”
“You’re welcome, (Name).” She smiled as she gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving to leave the room and give you the space you often desired to respond to your letters.
 Dear Miss Yaoyorozu,
I find no need for you to apologise for the length of time it took you in responding to my previous letter. There was no disrespect felt or conveyed in any manner and I quite understand the importance of being able to devote oneself to their studies. It saddens me to hear that you feel as such about your academics, it would be my desire to give you a hug if I were there with you now. I’m sure that your fears of falling behind your fellow peers is nothing short of being afraid of failing. My mother informed me that she too failed in being able to spell iridocyclitis as well when she was a girl. I’m positive that with practice and patience, you will overcome the spelling of such difficult words in the future. Perhaps you could reach out towards your fellow peers, invite them to study with you and discover new ways of learning with them.
I am saddened to hear about the Peach Blossom tree, the photo you sent to me of it when it was in bloom in previous years was extraordinarily breathtaking. You shall have to keep me informed on the decisions your mother makes in regards to the garden, its serenity is something that rather appeals to myself.
Bast is doing quite fine now, thank you for asking about her. She has adjusted rather well to her new surroundings now and is instead proving to be quite adventurous of her environment. She is becoming somewhat of a sook and often opts for never leaving my side. I shall enclose a photo of my darling kitten with this letter so you may see for yourself how beautiful she is. I have been cleaning her ears regularly as well as making sure that her skin does not incur a build-up of oils.
My family is doing well, father is as busy as ever and mother is finding new things to keep herself entertained each day. I hope your family is doing just as well, I’m sure they are proud of you. Perhaps when I return home to Japan in the future the two of us can meet then, until then I too look forward to your forthcoming letters.
(First Name) (Last Name)
 You smiled happily as you lay your pen down next to your paper, scanning over the words you had scrawled out in reply. You were content for now to communicate with Miss Yaoyorozu through these letters but you would much rather have been happy seeing her in person.
“One day! I will see you one day without fail, Miss Yaoyorozu.” You declared before rising from your desk to embark on the task of locating Bast for her photo.
Delicate fingers ruffled the battered edges of pages in disrepair and diminished over the years. You smiled wistfully as the pad of your forefinger danced gracefully over the indents in the pages where words were scrawled, etched into the depth of the pages by a hand unknowing of its own force. You couldn’t contain the way your smile spread further as you looked down at the all too familiar pages you were holding in your hands, the contents of those pages childish and yet invigorating. The once white pages now discoloured a murky yellow with stains littering them from childish hands that knew no better. These weren’t just any pages you held so lovingly; these were penned to you over the course of several years by one you now considered to own your heart.
You felt almost giddy as you lifted the papers towards your nose, your heart fluttering with elation as you breathed in deep the sweet aroma that even now lingered on those pages. The scent had faded over the years but unlike in your years of childish knowledge, you could now identify exactly what the fragrance was that assaulted your senses. It was an intoxication scent, a mixture of floral with a hint of amber and spices mixed into it. Oh, how you longed to be able to smell that scent anew after all these years and finally see the one of whom it belonged to.
Momo Yaoyorozu, the two of you had exchanged many letters over the years and each one had been as cherished as the next. As the years passed though and things became busier for the both of you, your means of communication had been forced to change in order to better suit your lifestyles. The letters became non-existent and were replaced with daily texts between one another. You had enjoyed the occasional phone call but the hours you got to spend texting with her, were some of your happiest hours of each day.
You were pulled away from your thoughts by the sound of a phone ringing, your eyes falling to the office phone that sat huddled on the corner of your desk. You sighed longingly as you shook your head, retrieving the phone from its cradle before lifting it to your ear. “Good evening, (Name) speaking. How may I help you?”
“My Lady, your car is awaiting you out the front. You need to leave now or you’ll be late to the event tonight.” You blinked as your secretary’s voice came over the line, looking down at the watch wrapped around your wrist and cursing yourself as you realised the time.
“Thank you Uraraka, I seem to have lost track of time up here. Please inform the driver I will be down shortly.” You responded as you opened a drawer, slipping the letters into its depths before returning the drawer to its closed state.
“Of course, My Lady.” Uraraka chimed as she started to hum on the other end of the phone. You were just about to put the phone down when you heard her sudden intake of breath and her scream come through the speaker.
“Yes, Miss Uraraka?” You smiled as you flicked your eyes over to the back of your door, looking at the onyx garment that was hanging there.
“I almost forgot to say, remember your dress is hanging on the back of your door and I brought the shoes you requested from your house over; they’re stored just next to the bookshelf to the right of your door.” She blurted out quickly, as though she were trying to beat someone else to inform you of these things.
“Yes, thank you. I can see the dress on my door and I will find the shoes. Thank you Uraraka, I’ll get changed and head down.” You informed her before placing the phone back down onto the cradle and leaning back in your chair.
You felt as though this night was just going to drag on forever, you wanted nothing more than to already be at this event. You sighed heavily as you pushed yourself forward out of your chair, pressing your hands down onto your desk before hoisting your body up into a standing position. You couldn’t help but to smile as you stalked your way around your desk, your eyes never leaving the garment that hung in the bag. Oh, how you knew this dress well, you hadn’t worn it since you had designed it but now was the time for it to make its debut. You snatched the bag off the door, pulling the plastic away from the hanger before letting it slide down the silky material inside. You smiled happily as you thumbed at the material, your eyes skimming over the garment quickly in search of any flaws that may have revealed themselves.
Satisfied with the quality and integrity of the clothing, you moved quickly to remove the clothes you’d been wearing all day. You couldn’t suppress the shiver that ran down your spine as you slipped into the clothing article, smirking as you moved to retrieve your shoes from their hiding place near the bookshelf. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror that stood alone in the corner of your office, your eyes flicking up to your hair where it sat pulled into a tight bun atop your head. You hummed to yourself for a moment, contemplating leaving it as it was before deciding to let it down and watched as it cascaded over your shoulders.
“I think this will about do it.” You whispered to yourself as you ran a hand over your thigh, content with your look before moving to leave your office. It was a quick trip down to the ground floor from your office thanks to the elevator, lord knows you’d have never made it down all those stairs without face planting it at least once.
“Oh… Wow, don’t you look gorgeous?” Uraraka gushed as she leaned against the service desk, her hands clasped over her chest as she stood waiting for your arrival.
“Thank you Uraraka, you look rather stunning yourself.” You returned as you ran your eyes over the dress she was wearing. “Shall we get going then?”
Uraraka nodded as she spun on the spot before moving to grab the front door for you, holding it open as she waited for you to pass through. She trailed behind you as you approached the car, your stride graceful as she watched you walk and only realising you were waiting for her when she almost walked into you. “Ah, sorry My Lady. You just look so beautiful tonight.” She admitted sheepishly as she rubbed at the back of her neck. “I’m certain you’re going to catch a lot of eyes tonight.”
“Is that so?” You murmured softly as you slid into the backseat of the car, propping your elbow up against the window on the other side as you cradled your chin in your hand.
You didn’t hear whatever it was that Uraraka replied to you with, your mind had already drifted off in thought of her comment. You didn’t care for all of the eyes that would be on you tonight, there was only one set that you wished to meet with and that was something you could only hope for. You were pulled from your thoughts when Uraraka tapped your shoulder, realising the car was moving as buildings flashed past the window and you turned to face your companion.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure she won’t be able to take her eyes off of you.” Uraraka giggled as she beamed over at you.
Your skin heated as you flushed violently, your eyes lingering on her face as she giggled harder at your reaction. There were days you wished you had never confided in her about your crush on Miss Yaoyorozu, then again you wouldn’t be where you were tonight without her knowing those details. You sighed heavily as you turned your attention back to the buildings out the window, watching as people moved about on the streets. There was something about the bustle of the nightlife in Japan that always managed to capture your attention, you were unused to so much activity during the night.
You had finally returned home to Japan a little over a month ago, Uraraka or Ochaco as she often preferred to have you call her, was one of the first people you had the luxury of meeting. She had taken on the roll as your Secretary when you had offered her the job and the paycheck had been the main thing to hook her. You didn’t blame her; she wanted the money to help her parents with their business and that honestly made you happy to hear. Ochaco was actually the reason you had the chance to see Momo tonight, if it hadn’t been for her then you probably would have had to wait longer. It just so happened that Ochaco ran in the same circle as Momo, her father owning one of the main construction companies that Momo relied on for her work.
Momo Yaoyorozu, she had made quite the name for herself here in Japan and you couldn’t be prouder of her. She had become a leading Architect and was now one of the most highly sought-after people in the whole of Japan, with the occasional job that would have her called overseas on important jobs. She was the one people turned to when they wanted plans and designs for a building, often being the one appointed to oversee the construction of the buildings as well.
“How much longer?” You piped up as you turned to peek over at Ochaco.
“Not too much longer. The opening celebration shouldn’t start until after we get there.” Ochaco responded as she fiddles with the ends of her dress, the several layers scrunched together in her tiny hands. “How do you think YaoMomo will react?”
You smiled at the nickname your friend had given to Momo over the course of the years they had known each other. “Not sure, she doesn’t even know I’m in Japan at the moment.” You whispered thoughtfully as you looked back out the window.
“Wait, what?” Ochaco squeaked as she turned in her seat fully to stare at you. “I thought she knew! I thought you were just surprising her by turning up tonight. You mean to tell me, you’re surprising YaoMomo with being in Japan altogether?”
You nodded as you closed your eyes, pressing your temple up against the cool glass of the window and allowing it to ease some of the tension there. “I just hope she got the package I sent her.”
“Package…” Ochaco frowned before popping her eyes wide as she grabbed a hold of your arm. “That was you? Tell me that’s a joke, you sent her that expensive package the other day?” She squeaked in disbelief.
You giggled as you moved your hand to release her hands from around your arm. “Ochaco, just what exactly do I do for work?”
“You’re a fashion de… oh!” She giggled as she moved to sit properly in her seat. “I see, well played (Name), well played.”
“My Lady, we’ve arrived at your destination.”
The two of you were pulled from the childishness of the moment by the announcement from the driver, your head snapping up instantly to look out at the building outside. It was a magnificent building, a Science Hub built for the youth of Japan to make use of in order to help further their studies and achieve high in their academics. Momo had been the one to spearhead the entire operation and tonight was the Grand Opening of the Hub, not to mention a huge thank you party for the woman herself.
You felt the butterflies spring to life in your stomach as you stared out at the building, suddenly the weight of the situation was suddenly all too real. Somewhere, in the depths of that building was the woman you had spent years exchanging words with and spent endless hours longing to see. Your heart felt as though it was in your throat, beating rapidly as you realised the only thing standing between you and Momo was a set of doors.
You yelped as the door disappeared from in front of you and you suddenly toppled forwards out of the car, thankful for the fact Ochaco was quick on her feet; catching you before you could hit the ground. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise you were still leaning against the door.” She apologised profusely as she sat you back up in the car properly.
“It’s fine, probably just the distraction I needed just now.” You smiled as you took her hand, accepting her help as you got out of the car and smoothed out your clothes properly. You turned promptly to thank your driver, bowing to him respectfully before stepping away from the car. You watched as he drove off, turning to face the building as he disappeared and moved off for the entrance.
Your breath was baited as you walked inside the building, your eyes scanning the crowd within as you sought out one person in particular. You watched as Ochaco detached herself from your side and disappeared within the mass of people, one would think you’d be used to this many people with your line of work; truth was you really weren’t! You took a deep breath as you stepped away from the entrance, taking your time to weave through the close-knit crowds and avoid bumping into people along the way. You were beginning to get overwhelmed with the crowds of people as you moved further into the building, feeling as though you’d never be able to locate Momo.
A flash of red. A giggle comparable to wind-chimes. You snapped your head to the right as your eyes locked on to the vibrant red that stood out amongst the crowd, complemented by the dark hair that fell in waves half way down the back of its owner. Your heart raced as you stood there, your teeth pinching your bottom lip between them and chewing on it anxiously. She was splendid, the sight of her standing there in all her elegance was more than your poor heart could handle. You moved without thinking, your feet carrying you across the room until you were standing just behind the woman of your desires. You watched as she bowed respectfully to her company, of whom departed from her and left her standing to herself.
There it was, washing over you in a thick and refreshing wave; the scent of your childhood. “Freesia mixed with sheer Jasmine and a hint of Amber. It’s a rather warm scent, Miss Yaoyorozu.” Your voice was loud enough to reach her ears and you watched as her body stiffened, her hands falling slack to her sides just moments before her body spun in your direction.
Your name was but a whisper as it fell from her lips, only for your ears and enough to send your heart into a chaotic flutter. You smiled as you stepped in closer to her, extending your right hand out towards her as you locked eyes with hers. “You didn’t think I would miss this now, did you?” You teased as you tilted your head to the side and awaited her response.
Momo smiled as she moved, forgoing your hand and pulling you in tight against her body in a crushing hug. “What are you doing here? You’re not due back for another month.” She questioned as she nuzzled into the side of your neck.
You blinked as you wrapped your arms around her slender form, your face pressing into her shoulder as you closed your eyes. “I wanted to surprise you.” You confessed as you breathed in, her perfume assaulting your senses as you tightened your grip around her. “I’ve waited so long for this day to present itself.”
“So too have I.” Momo admitted as she placed a tender kiss in the crook of your neck, causing your breath to hitch as you stiffened in her hold. “I want nothing more than to leave this place and head home with you.” She whispered against your ear.
You smiled as your cheeks heated, nuzzling into her shoulder as you hid your face from prying eyes. “We can’t, this is your night Momo.” You reminded her gently as you ran your fingers up along her back tenderly.
“And, it is now complete thanks to your being here.” She declared as she pulled back away from you and looked down into your eyes. Momo blinked as she looked into your eyes, her eyebrows knitting together out of confusion as she released you from her grip. “How did you know about tonight?”
You smiled as you scanned the crowd, your eyes landing on the frilly pink dress and the bob of brunette hair. “I have my ways.” You relucted as you turned your attention back to the woman in front of you.
Momo watched as you stepped back from her, tilting her head as you looked her up and down. “Do I pass your inspection, (Name)?” She asked as a giggle bubbled to life in her chest.
“I have to say, my dress looks much better on you than I had anticipated for it to.” You confessed as you moved to circle around her, taking in the way the gown adorned her body.
The dress she was wearing was one you had made specifically for her and by lords did it work magic when she wore it, or perhaps she was the one working the magic. It was the perfect fit for her figure, hugging her curves in all the right ways while still having enough give so as not to hinder her movements or suffocate her. If you had to describe the image she gave you in that moment, you would compare her to a flame standing proud and elegant in all its glory. The floor length vermilion gown complimented perfectly by the black waves that flowed elegantly over her shoulders. You couldn’t help but to let your eyes slip down to the slits that ran up the sides of the dress, stopping at her hips and exposing the beautiful expanse of her powerful long legs.
“My eyes are up here, (Name).”
“Oh, trust me, I’m well aware where your eyes are my love.” You retorted as you circled her once more before coming to a stop in front of her. “My dress is perfect when worn by you.”
“I was right about it being from you then.” Momo smiled as she skimmed her hand over the fabric covering the front of her thigh. “I had a feeling that might have been the case when I saw the design along the hem of the dress. Peach Blossoms, just like the ones I used to have.”
“I told you, I liked those Peach Blossoms.” You admitted as you peeked down to the blossoms that seemed to be swirling to life with each slight movement Momo made.
“We match, don’t we?” Momo asked as she motioned to your dress and quirked an eyebrow in question.
You nodded in affirmation of her question, flicking your eyes up to her face in time to catch a smile gracing her features. “Beside the colour, our dresses are twins. I designed them myself.”
“Of course.” Momo whispered thoughtfully as she squatted down in front of you, her hand coming out to catch the hem of your dress as she traced her thumb over one of the blossoms. “No-one else could ever capture the true beauty of the blossoms as you could.”
Heat flooded your cheeks as you peered down at Momo, she looked so serene as she was but her current positioning was garnering quite a few unwanted stares from the crowd. You opened your mouth in preparation to say something to her but snapped it shut when you caught sight of a man heading towards the two of you.
“Miss Yaoyorozu, your presence is required at the stage please?” The man stated curtly as he motioned towards a temporary stage that had been set up within the area of the building.
“Yes, I shall be there shortly.” She quipped as she stood from her position and looked straight into your eyes. “Meet me here when this is all over, ok?” You nodded in submission to her request and watched as she was led off by the man.
You stood amongst the crowd as the guests were welcomed and thanked for being there for the grand opening. Your eyes quickly wandered over to where Momo was standing off to the side, blushing when you realised her attention wasn’t on the speaker either but focused solely on you. You smiled, suppressing a giggle as you pointed towards the speaker and Momo reluctantly turned her head back to focus on the man. He thanked her for her dedication and effort that she had put into the project and presented her with an award for her efforts. The crowd applauded her for her achievement and you couldn’t help but to clap along with them; you were so proud of her after all. You listened closely as she thanked the speaker before turning to thank those in the crowd for having attended the opening ceremony tonight.
Before you could register what was happening the crowd erupted into incessant chatter and started to break off into the smaller groups from before. You jolted as your hand was grabbed from nowhere but you were instantly calmed as you locked with onyx orbs staring down at you. A singular tug of your hand was more than enough of a message to let you know what it was Momo wanted from you. You smiled and nodded as she pulled you along after her, only stopping to thank people for their murmurs of congratulations as she made a beeline for the entrance. You shuddered as you stepped out into the cold of the night, the air washing over your skin and you stepped in closer to Momo in order to shield yourself from it.
“(Name)!” You blinked as you peeked up at Momo, her eyes flicking down to your lips as she bit her own bottom lip. “Kiss me!”
The drive to Momo’s house had been nothing but a blur for you, after giving in to her request for a kiss the two of you had hardly been able to keep your hands off one another. It had been a slow and tender kiss but it had quickly turned fevered as you had managed to thread your fingers up into her long hair. The two of you only breaking apart after her driver had cleared his throat several times in order to gain your attention. You’d been snuggled into her side for the entire drive, your mind focused solely on her left hand which she had slipped inside the slit of your dress and allowed to sit atop your thigh.
You giggled as Momo pulled you inside her house, bumping the front door closed with her arse before flicking the lock into place and turning the security system on. You were lost in admiring her hallway and the delicate designs around the awnings when suddenly her hands were on your hips and she was spinning you in place. You squealed as she pushed you, your back pressing up against the cold wall as her thigh slipped between your own and she pinned you beneath her heated gaze. You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, pulling on the sensitive flesh as you watched her longingly. Her lips pulled up into a smile as she dipped her head, pressing her lips along your jaw and making her way up towards your ear before biting down behind your ear.
You gasped and mewled as you arched your body in response to her action, your fingers flexing where she held your hands above your head as you rolled your hips forwards. Soft moans left your lips as she chewed on the spot, rolling her tongue over it as she pushed her thigh further between yours. Your breath hitched as her thigh pressed against your folds giving you the pressure, you desperately needed as you rocked your hips forwards. Whimpers and moans left your lips as you shamelessly moved your hips, grinding against her thigh as she littered your neck in a barrage of kisses.
“(Name).” Momo whispered heatedly as she released your arms, her hands coming down to trace over your sides as she pulled at the edges of your dress. “I want you.”
If only this woman knew what those words would do to you. You whimpered as you moved your hands to grasp her shoulders, pushing her back and pinning her against the opposite wall as you looked up into her eyes. “I’ve waited so damn long to hear those words, Momo!” You confessed as you let her go, moving to undo the back of your dress as you kept your eyes on her.
Momo smirked as she pushed off the wall, tucking her fingers beneath the straps of your dress before sliding them down off your shoulders. You shuddered as her fingers ghosted over your skin, only to be followed by her lips as she planted kisses over your exposed skin. You stumbled backwards with her as she urged you down the hallway, kicking her shoes off as she went and continuing to push your dress down your arms. You giggled as you kicked off your shoes, discarding them individually down the hallway as she pushed you further into the depths of her house. Momo stopped as she peered down at you heatedly, releasing your dress and watching as it skimmed over your skin to pool at your feet.
“Perfect.” Her voice was soft as she whispered that singular word and her hands were on your skin. You’d spent years dreaming of having her hands over your skin, of having her mouth and teeth leaving marks over your body.
You slipped your hands up under her hair, searching for the zipper in her dress as you sought to see her body. Momo giggled as her hand came up to replace your own, pulling the zipper of her dress down as she nudged you further down the hallway, her eyes never leaving your body as she greedily drank up your beauty. You watched in awe as she shimmied her dress off her shoulders before letting it fall from her shoulders, only needing to push it down over her hips before it pooled on the floor beneath her. You stood there staring at her as you abused your bottom lip feverishly, your eyes drinking in every bit of her body hungrily. You were so lost in her beauty; you didn’t register that she was getting closer to you until the moment her hands gripped your hips and she lifted you off the ground. You squealed as she moved your body so easily, shivering violently as your arse came into contact with a cold surface and you realised you were now on the counter in her kitchen.
“Momo…” You raised an eyebrow as you looked into her eyes, her lips pulled into a breathtaking smile as she closed the distance between you.
You moaned as she latched her mouth onto your breast, her teeth ghosting over your skin as she teased at the possibilities. You whined as her hands gripped your thighs roughly, her tongue dancing over your chest as she pressed the crown of her head against your throat. You squirmed against her hips as you wrapped your legs around her waist and threaded your fingers into her hair securely. Your eyes fluttered shut as your lips parted, her mouth moving lower over your body as she slipped her hands beneath your thighs and started to push them apart. You purred low in pleasure as her teeth sunk into your stomach and hips as she unhooked your legs from around her waist. Your eyes shot open as her hand pressed against your chest and she pushed you down onto the counter. You looked down at her in time to watch her head disappear between your thighs.
Momo smiled as she spread your thighs wide, hooking your legs over her shoulders as she dipped her head in close to your heat. She nuzzled her nose against the lacy material, soaked by the juices leaking from your needy pussy. She flicked her eyes up to your face, watching you as she flicked her tongue out and pressed it flat against your panties. Momo closed her eyes as a soft moan left your lips and she pushed her tongue against your pussy firmer, pressing the material and her tongue between your folds ever so slightly. She hummed low in appreciation as she moved her tongue along your folds, the lacy material of your panties an odd sensation against her tongue as she took in the taste of your juices.
You moaned and squirmed as you tangled a hand further into her hair as you arched your back, you wanted more from her but you knew she was enjoying herself. You gasped and bucked your hips as she located your clitoris, pulling it between her teeth and rolling it delicately between them. A wanton moan left your lips as you curled your toes, the fabric of your panties only adding to the sensation against your clitoris.
“Momo… Please?” You pleaded as you rolled your hips desperately and pulled on her hair.
Momo giggled as she lifted her head from between your thighs, looking down at your face as she pulled your panties down along your legs before throwing them out of the kitchen. “As you wish, (Name). Such a pretty voice when you beg.”
You blushed violently as you looked up at Momo, watching as she flicked her tongue out over her lips before diving back down between your thighs. You were about to argue with her when she lapped her tongue along your pussy, cleaning up your juices as they flowed. You moaned as she hooked your thighs over her shoulders and pushed her hot tongue into your pussy. You bucked your hips as you tightened your grip on her hair, her tongue pushing deep within your pussy as she wriggled it about.
Momo smiled as she closed her eyes, she couldn’t help but to be enticed by your taste as she pushed her tongue deeper into your heat. She moved her tongue about, pressing it against your walls roughly as she savoured your flavour. She smirked as she flicked her tongue about, satisfied when she heard your breath hitch and your body arched off the counter. Your hand pulled on her hair roughly as your hips rolled down to press against her face as she found that spot inside of you. Momo hummed low as she licked feverishly, lapping up your juices as she rubbed her tongue against your spot. She snaked a hand around your thigh, pressing her thumb against your clitoris before rubbing it in a tight circle and causing you to cry out her name.
You threw your head back as your body arched off the counter, a rush of pleasure coursing through your body as Momo assaulted your senses from inside and out. You curled your toes against her back as you moaned, whimpering her name as you moved your free hand to grip the counter. You cried out as you bucked your hips, Momo’s tongue relentlessly pushing against your walls before rubbing over your spot in a disorientating cycle. Wait, what was that?
“Holy fuck!” You cursed as a metal ball pressed against the walls of your quivering pussy; Momo had a friggen tongue piercing! Fuck you loved this woman, she seemed to be full of surprises but by the gods was she damn good with her tongue.
You let your head loll back over the edge of the counter, your hand tightening in her hair as you slowly let your eyes slip open. Red. That was the first thing that registered in your mind, red orbs filled with distaste as they glared at you from across the room. You gasped and moaned as you blinked desperately trying to clear your vision of its lust filled haze. You stiffened as your eyes locked with crimson eyes set in a scowl and your body instantly seized up. You flicked your eyes over the occupant on the other side of the room and realisation suddenly set in to your fogged brain. You screamed as you sat upright on the bench, pulling Momo’s head up from between your thighs as you blushed furiously.
“You fucking done now?” The gruff voice came from behind you as the sound of shuffling feet could be heard approaching you both.
“Hardly even, we were just getting started.” Momo quipped up as she stood in front of you and wrapped her arms around your form, her lips pressing against your ear.
“Yeah, on my fucking counter!” He growled as he moved, coming into your vision as he walked around the counter and went to what you presumed to be the fridge.
“It’s not like you’ve never fucked anyone on this counter.” She shot back quickly as she looked over her shoulder at the blonde man behind her. “Need I name a particular brunette I keep finding on your counter?”
“MY COUNTER, damn it Ponytail!” He snarled as he slammed the fridge shut and took a long gulp from the bottle of water he’d retrieved from its depths.
“Very well Bakugou, I shall take her to my bedroom.” Momo relucted as she nuzzled into your neck and opted for ignoring her housemate. Somehow it had managed to slip your mind that Momo shared her house with the one and only Katsuki Bakugou, a well-known lawyer who was yet to lose a case and was her own legal representative.
“Good.” He huffed out before moving to head back across the room. “And pick up the damn peach blossoms in the fucking hallway!” He growled before disappearing into a different part of the house.
You blinked as you peeked around Momo’s shoulder and peered back down the hallway, it did indeed look like scattered Peach Blossoms with your belongings scattered the way they were. You smiled despite the situation and burst into laughter as you pressed your forehead against her shoulder. “What now?” You asked softly as you kissed her neck tenderly.
“I finish my meal!” She declared before sinking back down between your thighs.
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darkhymns-fic · 3 years
When Life is a Song
Genis narrowed his eyes, looking up at Lloyd and Colette both. “You two… What kind of dancing was that?” He frowned, standing on his tip toes, trying his best to be tall, though in comparison to his already tall friends, this only slightly worked. “How about we leave some room for Martel, huh?"
In which there is awkward dancing, awkward confessions, and awkward musings about a sleeping Goddess.
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters/Pairing: Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Genis Sage, Raine Sage Rating: G Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: This was a secret santa gift made for @poesby​ for the Colloyd discord server! Thanks so much for being a part of it! I had so much fun with this prompt.
It was at a school dance that Lloyd first realized he was in love with Colette.
That dance happened just a year before Colette would be off on her journey to regenerate the world, Lloyd remembered. No oracles had come down to Sylvarant, and no Desians had gone to attack the Martel Temple where she would train and take her lessons on the scriptures of the Angels. It was still just in the tail-end of spring, before the air would grow more humid with the coming of summer. The farmer’s crops had yielded their share, and the treaty still kept them safe, as far as everyone was concerned.
It was the Professor that had arranged the school dance to begin with, which had always confused Lloyd back then, even though she claimed that it was to celebrate a successful school year. Only years later, after the journey, would he realize that perhaps this had been his teacher’s way of giving Colette what had been denied her for so long. Never allowed outside of the village, with sometimes her entire days being holed up in that temple, Colette barely got to just relax and enjoy the normalcy that everyone else had. 
But of course, Raine had to make that be a part of school somehow.
“Lloyd! Why are you so late?!” Genis was standing at the wooden door to the Iselian schoolhouse, hands on his hips, and looking very displeased. The air around them was warm, even in the early evening, carrying the scent of the oak trees that surrounded the village. “The party started a half hour ago!”
“Gah, sorry!” Lloyd said, rushing up to the entrance as if he had just run all the way from his house. Which, well, he did! Once he realized he was late… “Noishe doesn’t like to walk around the forest at night, and it’s really dark! Monsters are also kind of a pain…”
Genis wasn’t convinced. He eyed Lloyd’s outfit. “And you just wore the same thing you wear every day to a party ever since you were 13?”
“It’s not the same thing!” Lloyd proudly pointed at his familiar red jacket, but specifically at the buttons that lined up his torso and sleeves. “See? These are golden buttons! This is my fancy jacket!”
“…That’s stupid. You can barely even tell they’re different in the light!”
“At least I’m not wearing a lame bowtie,” Lloyd argued back. Bright red and decorating Genis’ little suit like he was a doll, Lloyd would have teased more had he not felt Raine’s sudden smack across the back of his head, his only warning being the slow smile on Genis’ face just a half-second before.
“Don’t be rude, Lloyd. And you are very late. This is going to affect your grade, you know.”
“What?! I’m being graded for a school party?!” But he barely got to argue, already being pushed along into the schoolhouse by Genis. To think that he’d have to go to school still on a weekend…
He hadn’t realized how that night would be so important to him then.
The schoolhouse wasn’t big, containing only one room for the entire class. But with the desks put away, replaced with tables of home-cooked food from local chefs in the village, and fun party decorations that lined the walls, it looked so entirely different. Streamers that were a multitude of colors flowed down from the ceiling, and even some balloons were tied around the place, some having cut loose and now floating way up high to the wooden beams overhead.
And honestly, to Lloyd, it still felt a bit like another school day with the other students here too. The girls who always gossiped in the corner were chatting away in the very same place, but wearing different dresses that looked like the colors of the grass outside. And the boys that he remembered being part of Professor Sage’s fan club were milled about in a small group, sneaking occasional glances towards the door where Lloyd and Genis came through, groaning when seeing their teacher wasn’t with them. They always had more and more members than he thought…
But the ages of everyone also ranged all over the place, from those being as old as him, to others as young as seven. He could already see a group of the youngest students trying to play tag with each other while flitting about the tables, treating the party as if it was just another recess period. That was what happened when everyone in the village had their classes at one place and with just one room.
But through all that, through all the people he recognized and the color that brightened the walls, he searched for her, barely finding a trace.
“Where’s Colette?” he finally asked Genis.
The boy pointed to the back of the classroom-turned party hall. “Over there when I last saw her. She tripped, and well…”
Lloyd winced, knowing exactly what that meant. “Ah man, again?” Hopefully she was okay, but then again this was the usual for her.
“She didn’t mess with my decorations at least, but I made sure Raine healed her of any injuries.” Genis nodded, looking proud of himself for that decision. “Anyway, I don’t think she’s moved from their since.”
“Why aren’t you hanging out her? She’s probably been really bored of this party!” Now Lloyd was starting to feel bad about being late if Colette had been by herself this whole time.
“Hey! It’s not boring!” Genis argued. “Besides, I can’t hang out as I’m in charge of chaperoning. Well, sis is, but I’m helping out!”
Lloyd tilted his head. “Chapa what?”
Genis frowned. “...Just go to her.”
Honestly, Lloyd didn’t need to be told twice, already heading off while Genis was still talking. “Whatever you say!!” Saying the last bit in a shout was not exactly the smartest move, the sound traveling easily in the room and making heads turn; from the kids playing tag, to the boys still gossiping, openly wondering why Raine wasn’t here yet…
It made her head turn too, just in time.
Underneath the dim lights of the set table lamps and the stars outside, he saw Colette, still brushing away the wood chips from her dress. A familiar-shaped hole was just behind her, which was about her very height and width. Maybe something that Lloyd could help fix up later…
But it was at his sudden shout, bouncing across the room that took her attention, made her turn to see him coming over. “Lloyd! You finally made it!”
And for one moment, Lloyd slowed his steps.
Back then, maybe Lloyd hadn’t understood what he felt just yet. Colette’s dress was different from her usual one, still covering her from head to toe. But it was more flowy than her usual, the edges trimmed with lace, her hem printed with star-shaped patterns. It was a summer dress perfect for the warm air outside, the kind that would let her feel the summer breeze. Her hair was also tied up in a bun, showing off more of her face, such as the red on her cheeks, and the dimples that formed whenever she smiled.
Lloyd hadn’t understood why his heart had beat so strangely back then, why he took a moment to speak… and why he suddenly felt a little ashamed at how he dressed, wishing he had gotten something cooler, like a cape, or maybe even a party mask… “Uh, hey Colette! Why are still over here?”
Colette laughed, though she looked nervous as she did so, still brushing away more invisible dust from her dress. “Ah, well, I messed up…”
She gestured to that hole, scratching her cheek in embarrassment. “I’m not even sure how I did it this time!”
“Oh right… It must be all these balloons here,” Lloyd offered as an explanation. “They’re in the way of the floor a lot!”
“Aw, but they’re really cute. I was afraid I’d pop them if I get too close.”
Lloyd reached out to one balloon floating nearby, its pink color so bright and pastel-shaded that it drew the eye a bit. “Nah, there’s no way these can just pop that easily!” He took its string, pulling it to him quickly. “You just gotta-” Pop!
The sound made both Lloyd and Colette flinch, along with a few other people who stood nearby. From the front of the room, he heard Genis yell out to him. “Lloyd! Careful with those!”
“Er, sorry about that!” Now Lloyd held a completely deflated balloon by its string, smiling at Colette shamefacedly. “Guess we both should be careful…”
Colette giggled. “It’s okay, I’m just happy you’re here. I thought that maybe you wouldn’t come.”
“No way! I uh, did kinda forget for a little bit, but then I remembered!”
Her smile was gentle in that dim light, and it was different than what Lloyd was used to, even though he was always seeing Colette’s smiles each day. How come…? She spoke again, breaking the brief little spell he was under. “And you have new clothes too! I really like those golden buttons.”
Lloyd stood there in shock. She noticed! “Y-yeah! It’s my fancy set! See, look, look!” He turned around, showing off the white ribbon strips that streamed from his collar, looking the usual to the untrained eye until…
“Oh! There’s patterns on it!” Colette said, reaching out to hold one of the ribbons, so softly in her hands. “They look like little dogs!”
“Hehe. I was using Noishe as a subject to make these! I still gotta get better at sewing though…” He turned back around, while Colette still held onto that ribbon, tracing the shape along the surface. He stared at what she wore as well, so used to her thick overcoat and not the dress that fluttered about her legs freely. “And, uh, you look pretty great too!”
“Hehe, thanks. Usually the Church doesn’t want me to but… they said it was okay for tonight.” Her voice lowered a fraction, her fingers still twiddling with the ribbons until the note of a flute floated in the air. She dropped it in surprise, raising her head. “Oh!”
Lloyd turned around, seeing some of the other students gathered near the very front of the classroom (party room?); one girl was holding up the flute that played softly, while a spectacled boy was by her side, strumming a guitar, and another was holding up a triangle, waiting for the perfect moment to strike it… “Isn’t that the music club?” he asked aloud.
“Oh, they’re playing for the party! That’s so nice.” Colette clasped her hands to her chest as some of the other students moved from their groups to go out into the middle of the room. The music was still in its beginning phases, but the tune was finding its place, delivering a rhythm that even the youngest student could jump around to. The song was simple, the beat easy to nod heads to.
“Wow…” Lloyd hadn’t expected this party to be much of anything, but the music stirred something in his chest. Did Iselia do stuff like this often? Was this what he was missing living so far off in the forests with his dad? He looked at Colette, finding her suddenly very quiet, eyes rapt to the front of the room.
“Colette, what’s up?” he asked.
“Hm? Ah nothing! Well maybe just, um, Lloyd…” Her voice held something soft that he didn’t understand, not just yet still, but it made him give her his full attention either way. The candlelight within the lamps shone off her tied-up hair, illuminated the stars on her dress, all as the music stirred louder around them. “Do you think… you want to try dancing?”
Lloyd only felt a twinge of nervousness – just a bit. But not enough to make him hesitate or refuse. With a grin, he held out his hand for Colette to take. “Yeah! Just uh, I haven’t ever danced before.”
“Hehe, that’s okay! I haven’t done anything like this before either, I think.”
“So that sounds like a pretty good excuse to try it then,” he teased, feeling her hand go in his. It always felt so natural to hold her hand like this, like it was just the right size when her palm pressed against his. His heart went ba-dump! all the sudden, but he only focused on Colette, walking with her to the floor, hearing that same flute play with more energy, the student musicians giving it all they had.
On the way, Colette caught the edge of her shoe against a small pile of confetti on the ground. Lloyd reached out with both arms to catch her, pulling her up. “Oh, uh, watch out for those!” It was literally just paper Colette had tripped on but somehow that was enough…
“Ah, I’m sorry… I’m just too clumsy.” She bit her lip. “Maybe this is silly…”
“Didn’t you just say you wanted to try?” Lloyd asked, genuinely wondering. And they were already here, weren’t they? A brief glance to their surroundings showed him how everyone else danced too; many of them just excitedly moving around each other in erratic patterns, while others interlocked their arms together, skipping across the floor. Genis was to the side, arms crossed, looking out over the place with a certain pride, with Raine finally not far behind. She was taking a red pen to a piece of paper she held in her hand… She really was grading people right now!
He had a few ideas on how he couldn’t fail on this.
Lloyd quickly looped his right arm into Colette’s left, keeping her close. He heard her lightly gasp, but she didn’t move away, her cheek brushing against his shoulder as she turned to him. “How about this? You definitely can’t fall if we dance this way!”
Colette looked radiant before nodding in approval. The warm light over her hair made it glow, and she gripped Lloyd’s arm back just as tightly. “Okay!”
Lloyd had no idea what song was playing, or if it was a mish-mash of many at once. (The students were still learning, after all). But as he took Colette out to the floor, he made sure to keep her standing upright. The most he knew about dancing was a few dwarven jigs, and Lloyd quickly kicked out his legs to imitate such a thing, moving to the beat of the song(s). “Dad taught me this!”
“Oh, I wanna try!” Colette saw and then attempted to follow through. The hem of her dress flew along with her, and already Lloyd could see her tilt a bit backwards at the motion. But he kept hold of her fast, and even when she lost her balance, soon she was falling back against his arm safely. “Ah! I almost fell again…”
“But you didn’t! See? I won’t drop you, promise.”
Colette’s face was nearby, a few stray blonde strands already slipping from her bun. “Okay, I trust you!”
Even as they tried out their dwarven steps that a few people raised an eyebrow at, Lloyd felt the night rush around him. They were clumsy on their feet, and they bumped into other pairs that were also out on the floor. But even through all the stumbles, Lloyd felt his cheeks ache with a constant smile.
Even for a party that he was being graded on, this wasn’t so bad at all.
Still, there were a few hiccups along their dancing journey. Colette would somehow, through by her own little miracles, accidently step on someone else’s toes, earning a complaint from the victim. “Sorry!” she’d say, and then trip over another person, and then sometimes, even accidentally planting her heel against the tip of Lloyd’s boots.
“Ah! Oh no…”
“Hey, that’s nothing!” Lloyd reassured, the pain simply brief and then forgotten. But he’d have to carry her closer, or hold her nearer to avoid everyone else. “Just follow my lead!”
“I thought I was…”
“Oh, watch out for that other balloon!” he warned before neatly whisking Colette off her feet, saving her from accidentally popping the party decoration. “Phew. Just in time.”
“S-Sorry about that!” Colette giggled, hands placed on his shoulders as he held her up by the waist. Her cheeks were red from their dancing, and she was catching her breath, all while she grinned so wide.
Lloyd didn’t move for a few moments, staring at her before finally getting the idea to set her down. “No more apologizing, remember?” he teased, one hand slipping from her side while the other lingered. Because they were going to keep dancing! Unless she was tired? “Did you wanna keep going?”
Colette nodded, and the relief in Lloyd was so palpable, he wondered then just what he would have felt if she had said no. The music still went in their same beat, bringing everyone else on the floor into more energetic movement. A pair of young children swerved around them both, one of them bumping against Colette’s leg and offsetting the precarious balance she always had.
With hardly any sound, she fell forward. Lloyd caught her deftly by the waist once more, because it was natural to do so. She was always so light between his fingers.
“Still not letting you fall,” he said to her with a smile, helping her stand up just a bit. “No matter how many little kids run into you!” In this room right now, that was a very high probability.
“Hehe…I’ll do the same for you!” Colette said, straightening, but only a bit. She was leaning against his chest, head tilted downward. He still held her, and she felt perfect against his palms. “Wow, those buttons are really shiny…”
“Told ya they were!” Lloyd said with pride, having made sure to extra polish them before coming over. But even with that, and the frenzy of the students around them who still danced to the music, he felt a little calmer then usual. Colette hadn’t moved away and he didn’t want to question why.
“Sorry,” she whispered again, hands reaching up to clasp before her chest. But her knuckles just brushed against the front of his jacket. Her fingers loosened their hold on each other. “Just trying not to trip…”
She was shuffling her feet across the floor. Lloyd found that he did the same, keeping the slow, slow pace with her.
Were they still dancing? It didn’t match the music, or everyone else around them…but he liked it.
“Dork, don’t apologize,” he chided once again, but softer. Would she be able to hear him through the noise? But she was so near, she must have. Her hands finally let go of each other to press against his jacket lightly. “But, this works out, doesn’t it?”
“Hm?” Colette, eyes half-lidded, raised them to meet Lloyd’s own.
“If you’re tired but don’t wanna stop dancing, we can just do this.” This seemed like the perfect solution, that and holding Colette this way made him feel so warm. “Right?”
“Yeah, hehe.” She nodded, her cheeks still a bit red, her hair still reflecting the dim light of the room. “Just tired… And, you don’t mind?”
He had more to say, but the way she looked up at him made his words catch in his throat for a short moment. How to say that he really, honestly, liked this so much? “I don’t mind…” he told her, and as she lingered in his hold, he wanted to say something more. “Hey, um…”
Colette gave him all her attention, a hand now over one of those bright buttons of his. “Yes, Lloyd?”
Something that his voice was doing, his own brain barely able to catch up. But with Colette, it felt natural still. Along with…
“Do you think…that maybe you and I could-”
And then he felt a sudden force between them, with Colette somehow further away from him? But she looked just as confused in the position, her hands held up in the air with surprise. Huh? What is-?
It was only the tell-tale peek of silver hair that brought Lloyd’s eyes down to see Genis was right in-between them, hands pressed against their stomachs as he pushed. “Red flag, you two!”
Both Lloyd and Colette blinked, looking down at their tiny friend, who was doing all he can to stretch out his arms. “Oh, Genis!” said Colette, smiling down at him, even though she was still very confused. “Um, is something wrong?”
Lloyd was less nice about it. “Yeah, what gives? Ow!” Also, Genis was pushing on his stomach way too hard!
Genis narrowed his eyes, looking up at Lloyd and Colette both. “You two… What kind of dancing was that?” He frowned, standing on his tip toes, trying his best to be tall, though in comparison to his already tall friends, this only slightly worked. “How about we leave some room for Martel, huh?”
That… made no sense to Lloyd at all. “What are you talking about?”
“But… Martel isn’t here though.” Colette argued, though she sounded just as confused. “I mean, I guess she is everywhere technically… Oh, Genis! Can you talk to Martel? Is she dancing with us?” Then a softer question, her concern so apparent. “Are we squeezing her too tight?
“N-No! It’s an expression!” Genis sighed, putting down his arms but still standing in-between them. “You’re getting way too lovey-dovey in here. You’re just lucky my sis isn’t watching right now.”
And that was it, the moment Lloyd completely understood what he had been feeling all evening just then. He could only hope the light was dim enough to not show off his blush, and that the crack in his voice was unnoticeable. “K-Knock it off!” Had that been it all along?
Colette also looked a little shocked…. Though maybe for different reasons. “I didn’t know Martel would be so angry…” She bowed her head to Genis. “I’ll tell her I’m sorry.”
“Colette, I just said it was an expression! Agh, forget it.” Genis still hadn’t gotten out of their way, which probably made Lloyd more annoyed at his friend then he had ever been. “I have to watch out for you guys all the time.”
“No you don’t!” Lloyd argued. “We’re older than you!”
“Sometimes I honestly wonder about that.”
Colette was more patient than Lloyd, but her hands still hovered over her chest, fiddling with her fingers as she could only just stand and wait. “Um, does this mean we’re not allowed to dance anymore?”
Genis sighed and waved away the question, already stepping away. “Go ahead, but again: No lovey dovey stuff. It’s weird!”
Lloyd was about to protest that it wasn’t that lovey! Even if the memory of holding Colette close got his heart racing just a little bit… But Colette stepped forward, taking Lloyd’s right hand in her left, while placing her other hand on his shoulder. The way she took over made him lose his very track of thought.
“Is something like this okay? Oh, maybe you can dance with us too, Genis!”
Genis flushed then. “No way! I’m still chaperoning! So you two better keep those hands where I can see them!” Pointing at his two friends, Genis walked off, maneuvering easily between other dancing pairs across the floor.
Lloyd stood there now, gripping her hand tightly in his, unused to this somewhat fancy dancing position she had gotten them into. “Is he still watching us?” Lloyd asked Colette, who still faced the direction Genis had gone off to.
Colette leaned past his shoulder slightly, the loose collar of her dress falling gently across her neck. The sight made him consider a few new feelings in him. “A little bit… But he keeps looking at the musicians a lot!”
“Genis always wanted to play that flute,” Lloyd said, letting his other hand fall to her waist again. Again, fitting so perfectly against his palm. “Um, did you still wanna dance?”
She smiled up at him, and even though she wasn’t as near, the sight of it got him feeling warm. “Only if you want to.”
So Lloyd took her hand and they tried again to dance across the floor with the others, not as slow as before, but careful to not trip Colette’s feet. Still, he had to swerve her out of the way of an excited third-grader, or another couple that kept stepping too near their pace. It was only a matter of time before Colette tripped again!
“If we danced outside it’d probably easier…” he whined aloud, needing to make another quick swerve to the left to keep Colette from running into a table. “More room to move around, also way less stuffy than in here!” That was also one other issue; having so many people packed into one large room made him yearn for fresh air.
“Hehe, and the moon outside looks really pretty too.” Colette turned her head to the windows, where the torches that served as Iselia’s light helped illuminate the dirt roads outside.
“You think so? I guess it kinda does.” Lloyd looked too, then back to Colette. She blinked up at him as he shifted his hands to hold both of her own. “Is Genis still watching?”
A soft pause, but she looked again past him. Her loose hair tumbled just past the shell of her ear. She then giggled. “He’s now trying to play the flute too!”
Perfect. He shared with her a grin, all while still holding her hands, that he had shared with her so much over the years, the kind that he knew Colette would recognize what it meant.
“So,” he started to ask, tilting his head towards the door. He had again seen the night sky outside, how inviting it looked, with the stars so intensely bright, with even the upright torches so warm. “Wanna sneak out?”
The party was festive, with music that was now accompanied by a few off-beat tunes from a certain flute. But it was always nicer when it was just the two of them anyway.
“Oh…” Colette breathed, and then he saw the hint of a smile at the corner of her lips. “You think we could?”
“Genis is distracted.” Another piercing flute note that made Lloyd wince slightly. Yeah, he was definitely distracted. “It’s now or never!”
He barely had to wait for Colette to decide – who already locked his arm in hers, head just slightly touching his shoulder.
“Just so I don’t trip,” she said, winking at him.
Lloyd knew exactly what he was feeling then, and it only made him smile. “Yeah!”
With the two of them together, they had all the awkward grace of a stumbling newborn deer, but it hadn’t mattered much. They had rushed out from the schoolhouse, once again underneath the soothing dark sky. Lloyd quickly ushered Colette, their boots stepping hard on the wooden doorsteps. “Come on, come on!”
“I am!” Colette agreed, but her eyes had caught something else, just behind them as they finally got out into the open world before them. “Oh, is that the Professor…?”
Lloyd swore he felt his blood leave his face at the mention of it. He dared to turn, saw that familiar frown framed by silver hair as their teacher stomped after them. “Uhhh let’s go right now! Hurry!”
“Waa! O-Okay!” And somehow, in their mad dash away from the schoolhouse, Colette didn’t trip or slow down. She held fast to Lloyd’s arm, and rushed alongside him down the Iselian roads. Dirt kicked up at their travel, but neither really cared at all.
“Okay…I think we lost her,” Lloyd said as stopped at a nearby hill to catch his breath. It was a place that overlooked Iselia, but still stayed clear of the forests where monsters roamed. He winced then, remembering. “Man…I probably got detention for a week now.”
Colette was also panting a bit, but each breath she let out was like an airy giggle, making her shoulders shake. “We ran so fast! I think I tore my dress a little too!”
“Huh!?” Lloyd snapped his head up towards her, and then immediately saw that tear on the hem of her outfit. “Dammit, it must have been when we ran past that tree and a branch got you… Argh, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?” Colette asked, sticking out her tongue at him. “But if you really wanted, maybe you can fix it for me later.”
“Oh, yeah! I can do that!” Lloyd figured he could use the practice at sewing. If he could stitch up the face of a dog into his ribbons, he could fix up a dress!
“And besides, we can dance out here.” Colette reached forward to grasp his hands. “Like you said?”
“Heh, already? There’s no music this time, but we don’t need it!” And he went to grasp her hand in his, the other settling on her waist. “And no people to trip you.”
“Yeah! Unless you do.” Another tease, prompting out a ‘Hey!’ from Lloyd but she only laughed, and so did he. The night air was comfortable, and the flowers that were near surrounded them with the scent of pollen, mixed in with the pine from the forest.
And then – another trip.
Colette this time got her boot caught up in a tangled nest of grass stalks and weeds. She fell back, pulling Lloyd down with her until they were both sitting on the grass, legs askew.
“You let me fall!” she told him with a grin.
“I didn’t think you could even fall now!” Lloyd protested. He sat up straighter in the grass, hands still on Colette as he helped her do the same. “I want a do-over.”
It must have been something from before that made him still keep his hand in hers, that made his thumb brush against her dress, now not only torn, but stained from the grass. He hoped she wouldn’t be in trouble, not with her grandmother, or the Church, or with Professor Sage who had just saw them sneak out…
“Lloyd…” Colette asked, and her voice was now more serious than before. It made him pause, wondering. Maybe he was being too weird with her now, and she didn’t like it and- “Didn’t you want to ask me something before?”
Oh. He hadn’t expected that. There was no warm candlelight to color her hair, but the moon made it shine even more, highlighted the many ruffles and folds of her dress.
“Haha, um…” He did know. He knew exactly what he wanted to ask, even before he understood the significance. “It’s too lame though.”
“I won’t think so,” Colette reassured him.
“Why do you say that?” he asked, curious.
“Because it’s you, Lloyd. I know I’ll be okay with what you want to say.”
She was okay with being with him too, away from the party, their hands still clasped.
“Ah well…” he hedged, feeling suddenly so childish in all the wrong ways. “Maybe it’s a weird thing to ask.”
At that, Colette only looked even more curious, looking up at him. No crowd to continually make her trip, or the well-meaning friend of theirs to keep them from getting too close, or the teacher who probably already had their grades set.
It was just Colette, and no one else.
“Do you think, um…” Lloyd started, worried for an interruption; from the sky, from the forest nearby, or from Colette. But she waited for him to move on, to be brave enough in what to say. “Do you think you and I could be…I dunno, uh… more than…” It was sounding worse by the minute, even as he couldn’t stop holding her. “More than friends?”
It was the best he could say, and he only hoped that the silence that followed would be merciful enough. Maybe Colette would only make fun of him a little bit.
“Lloyd, is this your way of asking to kiss me?”
Huh?! Wait, is it?! He blinked, staring at Colette, who seemed to have also made her own little gamble on what should happen next. Her cheeks were still flushed, even long after they had stopped dancing and running, and laughing…
Maybe it was dumb, to take her bet just then. But he leaned down to kiss her, just like he wanted to at the dance so suddenly before being pushed away. It was quick and tinged with a bit of panic, but he felt Colette press against him, not turning away.
He was already laughing in mid-kiss, pulling away only to cup her face in his hands. “You’re really a dork.”
“So are you,” she told him, matching his smile. But then there was something so sad in her eyes then, that it made Lloyd pause.
“Oh…was it that bad?” he asked. It had been his first kiss! Not exactly something one could practice…
“No, not that! It was… really nice.” Colette reached up to brush her fingers against his hands, happy to keep him near. “I’m just thinking about what Genis said.”
Lloyd’s mind stilled. “You were thinking of Genis when you kissed me?”
“Not like that!” she argued with a pout. “It’s just, what he said, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Lloyd let his hands fall from her cheeks to rest on her shoulders. “You’re gonna have to remind me what he said because I completely forgot.” Really, Genis was the last thing on his mind right now!
Colette wavered, hands now brushing from his wrists down to his arms, always continually touching him. He hoped she would keep doing that. “Lloyd, do you think…Martel would be okay with this?”
That had been unexpected, a weird splash of cold water that just got dumped on his head. “Um, why are we talking about Church things right now?” As if talking about Genis after their kiss wasn’t weird enough!
“Maybe she wouldn’t… Because I’m supposed to…” Then she trailed off, stopped.
Lloyd saw the defeat her eyes, a pain in them that he hadn’t understood back then. There had been so much he didn’t truly get until it was too late.
Maybe what he said next was careless, but the feeling gripped his ribs, wanting to be known. “It doesn’t matter what Martel thinks,” he said, and saw Colette’s eyes widen. “I mean! Well…this doesn’t have anything to do with her, does it?”
Colette blinked, her hands gripping his tight. “It doesn’t?” she repeated, thinking it over.
“I mean, not that she’s not important!” All he ever heard about Martel was how important she was, especially to Colette, a Chosen! He didn’t want to make her feel bad, but how best could he explain? “It’s just, well, this isn’t part of being a Chosen. So… it doesn’t have anything to do with her, right? Just us.” He paused, thinking it over again, liking that so much suddenly. “It’s just us right now.”
Colette still hesitated, and suddenly he was understanding that whatever she struggled with now, she had struggled with for years and years. All of it unraveling right before him, in his very hold.
“But anything I do… has to do with Martel.” She looked down, right at those golden buttons of his. “So, shouldn’t I…”
Lloyd tried one last thing, a thrown-out fact in class that he had somehow been able to retain. “But Martel is asleep. Would she even know what you’re doing?”
Colette didn’t say anything, silent, considering.
“And besides…” Lloyd continued. “Martel is supposed to be good and kind. So, even if she was awake and everything…why wouldn’t she want her Chosen to be happy?”
Still Colette stayed silent, still, she would not say anything.
Lloyd worried just then he had messed up, but he couldn’t take back what he meant. “But it only matters if you like this.” He grinned nervously, his lips still tingling from remembered warmth. “Because I definitely do.”
“…Me too,” Colette said, staring up at him again. The words came out fast, all as she looked up at him. “I- I really liked it!”
He hadn’t expected such intensity in her eyes. “Colette?”
“I do too, I really do, I-” she said it even faster, as if she was releasing something held insider her for so long, and then she moved to kiss him again, surprising him with the force of it. But he was eager to learn, eager to take whatever Colette was giving him right now. He held her close, kissing Colette underneath the many stars.
And if Martel really was watching and disapproving them right now in her sleep, Lloyd thought, then he didn’t care. Not if Colette wanted this too. She deserved to want things, and he promised since then, that he would keep helping her believe that with every part of her heart.
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creamypudding · 4 years
I organised a Secret Santa for the Hotel de AkuRoku Discord server (which you can join by dropping me a message ;) ) and then had to take up the mantel of stocking filler. This is what I cme up with. Title: Traumhafte Landschaft Fandom: Kingdom Hearts - Modern AU Pairing: Axel/Roxas Rated: Explicit Word Count:  15,893
Summary: Night after night, Roxas has the same dream. Snow. Cold. A town. A man—a man who claims to be real. Roxas works tirelessly to find the truth and must make a difficult choice between what his heart wants and what is the selfless thing to do. ————————————————-
Traumhafte Landschaft
With eagerness in his heart and a positive attitude, Roxas stepped into the large foyer of the five-story municipal building, clad in an imposing Neoclassical façade. The exterior was embellished with marble pillars and interiors featured large pedimented window frames and opulent furnishings; plush carpets, ornate ceilings, and masterpieces as large as double doors hanging on gilded wallpapered walls.
Roxas had been lucky to land himself an internship at this prestigious law firm in the heart of the city. He knew the position entailed copious amounts of grunt work, but he was prepared and ready for it.
His induction was swift and before he knew it he was part of a team specializing in civil law, shadowing the lawyers and being privy to how they worked both in and out of court. His job of course also included running coffee errands, but this didn't faze him. It was all part of climbing the ladder of success.
He had been on the job for close to a month when he was assigned a laborious task that no one else on the team wanted to do; collate and backdate old court reports and manuscripts. He got his own desk and a filing cabinet, which had him beaming with pride. Between coffee trips, shadowing interviews, and being allowed to sit outside of the courtrooms, Roxas went through centuries worth of data year by year, decade by decade. Each time he finished with one section he filed it away in the building’s archives, on the top floor.
He passed galleries worth of old artworks hanging on the long hallway, leading from the elevator to the door of the archive, which was a glorified attic. Roxas found the space desolate and mildly creepy, which is why he tried to minimize his time spent up there. The place smelled musty and looked like a museum, what with the lofty ceiling and the collection of artifacts haphazardly stowed away. Half the lights weren't functioning along the hallway, the wallpaper was torn and peeling, and Roxas was pretty sure he saw some rats up there too.
So, understandably, this was the least favorite part of his work schedule. Other than that, work was going well for him, though. He didn't have much of a personal life to speak of so the long hours didn't interfere with anything, except for his sleep. He found himself exhausted and slept soundly, except when he didn't.
He had never been one for remembering his dreams. In fact, he was always someone who'd readily dispute ever having dreams because he could never recall a single instance of ever having one. Yet, when his job commenced, he started waking up to half-remembered snowy-white images of places he never visited and memories of experiences he never had. Snow, white Christmases, the biting cold… Roxas had never felt or seen snow before, so he found it strange that this was all he saw in his dreams, never mind how weird it was to even have dreams. And the dreams became far more vivid with the passing weeks.
He found himself in a proverbial winter wonderland. Snow up to his knees. Snow-laden pine trees. Frigid air burning against his skin and his fingers bitingly numb. He wandered around, clutching himself for warmth as he trudged in the stillness, with no sounds to be heard, only the deathly silence.
Roxas awoke from those dreams with his hairs on end, a disturbing head-fuzz, and relief sitting in his chest that he was tucked up in his bed, cozy and warm in his rented apartment.
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no-longer-tainted · 5 years
Six chances to fail according to plan [fic]
Happy Valentine’s Day Yuri! ♥ ( @chuuyeetos ) I’m your Secret Valentine on the Discord Server and I hope you enjoy the fic I’ve written for you!! 
Title: Six chances to fail according to plan Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day and every time Dazai is alone with Chuuya, someone interrupts them with something Dazai thinks of unnecessary. It takes him six tries until they are alone and he can ask Chuuya what he planned since morning. 
Read on: AO3 
"Alone on Valentine's Day?", Dazai asked Chuuya who was sitting on a working laptop in the Port Mafia's empty canteen. It was still too early for lunch so no one was around here. "As expected from someone like you." 
A sigh escaped Chuuya and he rolled his eyes while shaking his head slightly. "It's not like you have a date yourself, right?" He finished typing the sentence, he started before Dazai interrupted him and closed the device after saving the document. With Dazai around, it was impossible to concentrate on work and the report could take some delay. "So what?", he asked and let his hand hover over an envelope next to the laptop, not sure if he should put it away or not. 
Dazai sat down on the table next to the closed laptop and his lips formed a smirk. "I was about to ask someone to be my Valentine for today." 
For a moment, surprise lit up in Chuuya's eyes before he raised his eyebrow at his partner, ignoring the nervous skip of his heart. He hadn't expected that Dazai would place importance on commercial days like today but then again, he never knew what he had to expect with him anyway. "Oh yeah? Who is that lucky person you want to ask out?" 
"Actually-" Dazai chuckled, looking around in the room like he was searching for the right words. "it's a pretty dumb person who wouldn't even get it if I asked directly." 
Frowning now at Dazai, Chuuya wasn't sure what he should answer on that, putting the envelope back in his pocket. When he was honest, Chuuya couldn't take a guess on the person, Dazai wanted to ask out. Who would be so dense and not getting a direct question like this?  "How complicated are you planning to ask them out?", Chuuya asked finally, taking a sip of his coke afterwards. Maybe more sugar helped to deal with this idiot.
"Oh, Chuuya, here you are." 
Chuuya leaned back in the chair to have a look on who was interrupting them. "Ane-san!" His eyes lit up with happiness and he jumped up from his chair. "What can I do for you?" 
Kouyou looked at Dazai, scanned him from head to toes before she spoke up to him: "Even as an executive member of the Port Mafia it is inappropriate to sit on the table, Dazai." After he jumped down with a simple 'I'm sorry.', Kouyou put her attention on Chuuya. She reached out to him and gave him a small purplish-red textile pouch with pink cherry blossoms on it. "It is some chocolate. I hope you can enjoy it." 
Smiling at Kouyou, Chuuya thanked her for it with a brief hug and a simple but euphoric "Thank you!" It was the first chocolate he received today and that it was from Kouyou made him really happy. Though, he knew she wouldn't go all out and make it herself but he appreciated her gesture and that she thought of him as important enough to buy him something. 
"You look way too happy about it, chibi," Dazai said to him after Kouyou had left them again because she had a meeting with Mori. He was playing with the textile package, Chuuya had received, his head supported on his other hand. 
Chuuya took it before Dazai would open it and probably eat it without giving it another thought. "You're just jealous that I got something from Ane-san and you came away empty-handed!" He definitely wouldn't let his mood marred by Dazai. 
Clicking his tongue. "As if." Dazai turned to leave Chuuya.
It wasn't a full hour later when Chuuya was walking through the Port Mafia halls to get rid of some time. There wasn't exactly much to do today so it was a little boring since he was already done with all the reports for the day.
Maybe he shouldn't have thought about it being boring because this always seemed to summon his loud partner. "What do you need now, shitty Dazai?" 
Putting an arm around Chuuya, Dazai walked next to his partner. "Can't I just greet my partner without having a reason for it?", he asked and had the most innocent smile on his face while Chuuya just raised both eyebrows at him, not believing a single word he just heard. "Okay~ maybe I wanted to ask you something." 
Not minding the arm around him, Chuuya just stopped and looked at Dazai, waiting for whatever question the other executive member would have. He guessed it would be something stupid about his next suicide attempt - maybe he found some Valentine's Day specific methods on the internet and wanted to clarify something. 
"You know~," Dazai began and was looking around in the halls. It was empty, only a few open offices doors from where you could hear the typing sounds on keyboards or some phones ringing. "Do you want-"
Before he was able to finish his sentence, Hirotsu left one of the offices and approached them, waving at them. "Oh, Chuuya-san. I already looked for you but couldn't find you." The old man greeted Dazai with a short nod with his head and looked back at Chuuya. "I wanted to give you my gratitude for recommending me those wines a few days ago." 
Chuuya put the arm of Dazai away while turning towards Hirotsu to face him while talking. 
Dazai really wasn't in the mood to discuss some expensive alcohol that didn't even taste delicious. 
Chuuya, on the other hand, beamed happily at Hirotsu. "Oh, I'm glad you liked them! I tried to find some in different price classes, so which one was the best for you?" The taller man rolled his eyes before he slipped away. Confused, Chuuya looked at Dazai. What crawled up his ass so suddenly? Though, he wasn't able to stop Dazai by calling him back because Hirotsu was giving him the answer to his question and distracted Chuuya for a while. 
Two or three hours after lunch hour, Dazai tried to approach Chuuya again but before he could reach him, Kyouka was already by Chuuya's side and he decided to just let it be and watch the situation. 
Kyouka was holding a small box behind her back and her fingers played with the red ribbon around it, her cheeks having a slightly red color - unusual for the little girl to be nervous around someone so openly. 
"What can I do for you, Kyouka?", Chuuya asked her and patted her head softly with a smile on his lips. He saw that she was nervous around him and tried to ease it a little. 
Pressing her lips into a thin line, Kyouka looked to her side before she looked directly at Chuuya with her blue eyes - more vivid than in most other situations. "It's Valentine's Day," she started to speak up, "So I made you some chocolates." With those words, she put the box behind her back in front of her and tried to hold eye contact with Chuuya. 
Chuuya took the small black box with the red ribbon. He hadn't expected to get something from her, too.
"It-It's a thank you for always looking out for me. It was the first time I made chocolates by myself so I hope you'll like them!", she explained her situation and it was clearly visible on her face that she was relieved when Chuuya gave her a hug and another pat on her head. 
"Thank you, I'm glad you thought about me!"
A shy smile appeared on the girls face and you could almost feel how happy she was that Chuuya had accepted her Valentine’s present. "Oh, did you already give him your present for Valentine's Day?", she asked and Chuuya shrugged his head. 
"No, not yet. There wasn't the right time until now."
While Chuuya gave Kyouka the answer to her question, Dazai had approached them and gave Chuuya a soft clap on his butt, what made him jump closer to Kyouka and angrily turn around to Dazai. "What the hell?!" 
"Don't mind me," Dazai said and looked at Chuuya with a smug smile on his face. "I just wanted to give chibi a push to ask their crush out!" 
Before Chuuya could punch Dazai, Kyouka grabbed his sleeve and stared at him with her huge blue eyes. It made Chuuya sigh deeply. He patted Kyouka's head with his free hand and tried to smile at her. "Thank you, I'll ask them later."
A while later, both Dazai and Chuuya, left Mori's office together. He had summoned them for a quick mission update they will begin in three days. Chuuya looked up at Dazai who wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings. "So? Did you manage to ask your-" His heart clenched a little when he thought about the word he wanted to use. "crush if they want to be your Valentine?" 
Humming, Dazai just shrugged his shoulders as an answer. "Who knows? Why do you want to know?" Like most of the time, his spoken answer was a counter question. 
It was to be expected, Chuuya thought. As if he would just straight forward tell him when he asked. "Just curious and I wanted to pity the poor person having the honour of getting your attention." 
"You could just-" But before he was able to form a full sentence, Higuchi had stopped right in front of them, out of nowhere and almost crashing into them with the speed she evinced. Breathlessly, she supported her arms on her knees and tried to catch some air. 
Her hair was a mess and most of her hair wasn't in her hair bun. "Dazai-san-, Nakahara-san." The syllable of their names only came out in broken parts because she was still recovering from her long-run, her face slowly recovering from the redness. "Do you know where Akutagawa-senpai is?" 
Chuuya and Dazai both looked at each other before they shook their head in synchronous. Now that Higuchi mentioned him, Chuuya hadn't seen him the whole day and as far as he knew he wasn't assigned to any mission for today either. 
Higuchi bit on the nail of her thumb and seemed to think feverish about where to find Akutagawa. After a brief moment, she sighed and bowed slightly in front of the two executive members. "I'm sorry for disturbing you." She walked a few steps past them and turned around again: "Please enjoy your Valentine's Day together!" With a wide smile, she waved at them before she walking off to find Akutagawa.
Hearing her words made Chuuya blush slightly. "As if I would enjoy this day with this shitty mackerel!", he called at her but she only waved it off with her hand while speeding up her steps to find Akutagawa. 
"Chuuya! Wait for me!" Dazai sped up his steps to catch up with Chuuya who stopped and turned around to him. 
"What do you need now?", he asked his partner. "If you want to complain that you got dumped by your planned Valentine-" Dazai had caught up to Chuuya in the meanwhile. "then sorry. I've no time for that." 
"I didn't get dumped, chibi~," Dazai said and both started to walk next to each other, "Actually, I wanted to ask you if-"
Though, they weren't even able to walk more than three meters together when someone ran in between them and hid behind Chuuya, grabbing his coat like he himself was a shield. 
Now it was more than obvious who was hiding behind Chuuya without even turning around. 
"Oh, Dazai-kun, Chuuya-kun." Mori greeted them with his typical smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt your togetherness on Valentine's Day again." Subtle like a child in a toy shop, Mori tried to look behind Chuuya to get a glimpse of Elise. "Come on, Elise-chan, don't let us interrupt them more." 
"Actually-", Chuuya began but Dazai interrupted him by grabbing his arm and pulling him away from Elise to give Mori a full sight on the little girl. "What?" Confused Chuuya looked up at Dazai and frowned slightly. 
"I wanted to show you something." Not waiting for any reaction of the others, Dazai pulled Chuuya along with him. Mori and Elise both looking at each other before they watched the scene of Chuuya stumbling behind Dazai's fast walking pace, insulting him the most creative way they ever heard. 
The moment, they reached the door to leave the building, Chuuya got called again. For a split second, Dazai thought about not stopping and just walk outside, pulling Chuuya with him but Chuuya had stopped and with a strong movement also freed his wrist from Dazai's grip. 
"Mi- Tachihara, what can I do for you?", Chuuya asked and smiled at him. Nervously, Tachihara looked around and wasn't able to look directly at Chuuya, Dazai rolling his eyes standing behind Chuuya. "I wanted to ask if you have a spare minute?" 
"No, he doesn't," Dazai hissed with a death glare at Tachihara what made both him and Chuuya flinch. 
"What? Of course I-"
"No." Dazai grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, his eyes about to kill Tachihara on spot. "Did you already forget that I wanted to show you something?"
Chuuya's reaction to their intertwined fingers was more than obvious with his red cheeks and his three tries to form a sentence towards Dazai before he turned towards Tachihara and apologized. "Sorry, we can talk later, okay?"
Tachihara only nodded, still feeling Dazai's death glare on him. 
When they left the building, it was already pitch black outside and the cold wind danced around them. "So what do you want to show me now?", Chuuya asked him, still feeling the heat in his face from their joined hands. They walked a few more meters, leaving footprints in the freshly fallen snow behind them before Chuuya asked again. "Dazai?" 
Dazai stopped underneath a lighted street lamp. No one else was around them and the streets around them were empty too. "You were about to call him by his given name." 
The statement confused Chuuya. "Who?" What was he talking about now and why the hell did he stop in the middle of nowhere? 
The dry answer made Chuuya look away. So Dazai had noticed how he corrected himself. "Yeah, but it has nothing to do with you anyway therefore what's your problem with it?" He didn't want to hear any lectures about him getting too familiar with his subordinates and he didn't want to hear any other stupid comment Dazai may have upon his sleeve. 
Not looking at Chuuya, Dazai seemed to search an answer elsewhere in their environment. "Why-" He bit on his bottom lip and chewed on it, having Chuuya's confused eyes on him. "Why did you never try to call me by my name?"
Taken aback by this, Chuuya's eyes widened and within a second he had turned away from Dazai, freeing his hand with the same movement. His heart skipped a few beats in his rib cage before speeding up to the double, the blood rushing up in his face. "What-What the hell?" 
Dazai took a deep breath. "I always call you Chuuya but you never called me-" Turning around back to face Dazai, he pressed his hand against his mouth. "Stop that!", he shouted. "It's fucking embarrassing okay?" His heartbeat still worked against him and he tried to calm down by taking a few deep breaths. "I don't know why it's so hard but just calling you- just thinking about calling you-" Chuuya bit on his bottom lip, looking down on his in snow-covered boots. His hand sank down next to his body and he played with the hem of his jacket. 
"Can you look at me, Chuuya?"  
Chuuya shook his head and felt like a little child not wanting to eat his vegetables.
Dazai stepped a little closer and intertwined their fingers again. "I can't show you what I wanted to show you," Dazai said and took another step closer. 
With his face still red, Chuuya looked up and before he even realized it, his face was cupped by Dazai's hand and his whole body prickled warm when he felt the other man's lips on his own. 
It was only a fleeting moment before Dazai pulled away, his hands slowly slipping away from Chuuya's face. "I love you, Chuuya." He took a step back and smiled at Chuuya. "That's all I wanted to tell you and it's up to you if you believe me or not."
Two things were obvious on Chuuya's face right now. First was his embarrassment about the direct confession towards him. The second thing was how his brain worked for an answer but all Chuuya got was a total blackout. "What do you mean?" 
"See?", Dazai tried to avoid direct eye contact with Chuuya. "I already said you this morning that the person I want to ask out is too dumb to understand it even if I say it directly to them." 
Chuuya could feel how the anger slowly crept up in his body. He wasn't mad at Dazai for what he said, more on how he expected him to read his barely spread hints again. "How am I supposed to believe that?!" Chuuya made a counter question. "All you do is teasing me!"
Brushing a hand through his brown locks, Dazai sighed. "Because that's the only time I get your full attention."
"That's not-"
"Just look back at today's day," Dazai said, interrupting Chuuya. "I was around you on so many occasions but as soon as someone else entered our space, you turned away." 
Chuuya was about to deny it but Dazai was right. "I-" He was at a total loss for words and his hands began to sweat while his heart still jumped like crazy. "Then you probably don't take this as an answer?" Chuuya searched in his pocket for the small envelope and the plastic bag to give it to Dazai, shoving it against his chest with maybe a little too much power. "Now it comes off like it's a sorry present but actually I wanted to give it to you the whole day." 
After Dazai held them with a questionable look, Chuuya added: "The cookies are bought and the tickets for a movie today may seem- I don't know? Boring? But that's what you need to put up with loving me because that's everything I can come up and I know you're probably used to more than that as presents but then again, I wasn't sure what to get for you because you could buy everything yourself anyway and-." 
The flood of words out of Chuuya's mouth only stopped, when Dazai kissed him again. 
This time it was more confident and when he felt Chuuya relaxing, he parted his lips slightly. Chuuya's hand clung onto Dazai's shirt and he supported his body against his chest when he tiptoed to get even closer to Dazai. 
"For fuck's sake! It's your fault that we missed the movie!"
"Oh yeah? Who was the one not letting go of my lips, huh?"
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