#i forgive him for the murders
flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
Literally how can anyone be mad at him 🥺
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rubydubydoo122 · 4 months
I think the funniest thing about how the Fandom perceives Tim (especially obnoxious Tim fans) is that he is was deeply hurt by the actions Jason, Damian, and Dick have done to him, but lowkey that’s just the fandom projecting
Tim lowkey did not give a fuck. Maybe a little at first, but he definitely does not hold a grudge against any of them.
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spite-and-waffles · 9 days
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aalghul · 2 months
first mention from a bat character of sheila betraying jason ever??? would love to get some more
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yj-98 · 11 months
i think that if anyone was gonna write "angst" abt tim and being bi/coming out it should be about how jack drake died before tim could tell him. that despite the complicated relationship he had with a parent who wouldve, couldve, been horrible about it, tim never got the choice to tell him (or janet. i love you janet i know you wouldve supported your little guy)
like. the evidence that your parent would react horribly but the need for them to accept you and jack drake who's primary way of bonding with his kid was trying to make him a mans man (but not That kind. yk.) and clearly expected tim to be cisheterosexual vs the reality of a bisexual kid who has a lot of stake in identities and disguises. and like. jack had to grapple with the fact that tim was robin (famously.) but like
idk sorry i just think it would eat at tim. like. part of the guilt of losing the parent you have this complicated relationship with would also be tied to the "they never really knew me, they didnt get the chance or give me the space to tell them" and feeling guilty and sad that you Couldnt come out. and Not Knowing howd they wouldve reacted. and how that could tie to real internalized bullshit! because that is also an lgbt experience! especially with parent death!
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allmightyscroll-swag · 2 months
THREE POSTS ABOUT THIS AU IN A WEEK IM ON FIRE BABY.... OR JUST IN THE HYPERFIXATION MOTIVATION PITS.... Could be both, tbh (also all posts in this au are in my pinned post now! Fun)
Possessions are more common in the fuck around and find out au :))
At least Cyn can talk to her big brother now!
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This came to me in a fit of inspiration guys
BONUS DOODLES + full comic page below, some drawings old some new.
all can very much can be read as canon to the au (except the solver Uzi thing which definitely happened. Uzi gets possessed more than once)
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Also you can see some of my first drawings of V I ever made,, eh whatever
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houseofborgia · 9 months
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"He's spent the entire time being picked upon and bullied by the family. I think personally from where Juan stands he sees the hypocrisy in the family, how they can do one thing and say another. As far as Juan is concerned he's always had the best interests of the family at heart, however misguided that might be and doesn't quite comprehend why nobody understands that. Nobody seems to understand that what he does, he does for the betterment of the Borgia clan and never waivers from that. He does that in ways that perhaps aren't sanctioned by the church or sanctioned by family law."
#oh spill the tea!! he truly believed he was doing something right. an impulsive sad lonely dude who doesn't think through#he was bestowed a position he never gave a fuck about in the first place because being a soldier is NOT what he wanted#he just wanted his family's love and affection. a simple i love you would've gone a long way#the way he teases cesare about being a cardinal because that's the only way to get his attention it's just a little brother thingie#and yet cesare took it way too personal lol crazy to me how cesare was the one who slowly destroyed juan before killing him#like how he forced his hand to murder djem and then slowly sabotaging him by mocking him constantly then setting him up to die at forli#by not informing him that ludovico's army was coming for his neck like even from a military stand point cesare ruined the forli mission fr#because he decided to prioritize his own jealousy of juan; humiliating him and hoping him to die so he can take his position as a soldier#the hypocrisy part is sooo tea because cesare killed juan in cold blood telling him that they're borgias and they never forgive#5 mins later he's begging rodrigo to forgive him for killing juan like bro was just saying that to dying juan to destroy him mentally first#i'm screaming he singlehandedly caused juan's spiraling into darkness. how are you gonna fuck up your brother that hard helpppp ?!!?!?!#fucked up dysfunctional family that i love#david oakes#juan borgia#the borgias#theborgiasedit#perioddramaedit#televisiongifs#tvedit#by jen
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add1ctedt0you · 6 months
Underappreciated how much worse is for jc that he couldn't kill wwx
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ear-motif · 1 year
it took me 5 months to realize that the drive behind hannibals murder and cannibalism is forgiveness. I mean he’s a god, he requires penance for peoples’ sins. He’s just a little old testament and barbaric about it. a liver for a traffic violation yknow.
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betasuppe · 1 year
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A very much so my-styled Uprising Rinz as my cool down distraction for the night♡
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Close up because ehehehhhhh.... he so pwettyyyy♡♡♡
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angelthemanspanker · 3 months
The way some people characterise Buffy in fics like you described genuinely put me off Buffy fandom for years, it was absolutely everywhere, in Spuffy fics, in faith/buffy fics, it felt like I couldn't read a fic without the obligatory 'Buffy apologises to whoever the fuck for being so mean' and I just stopped, it was so baffling
For real its so weirdly pervasive. It genuinely blows my mind bc I totally get the urge to use your fic to call out a character/plot point you don't like, more power to you. Like I'm constantly imagining rewrites of the scenes where Xander is at his most insufferable but no one in-show is verbalising obvious holes in his bullshit (my big one is that besides a one off line from Buffy that everyone in the show ignores and a DELETED line from Giles is that NO ONE calls him on his absolutely infuriating "I was jealous of Angel being with the girl I like and I'm gonna have the gall to pretend it was bc I saw him turning evil coming" BULLSHIT)
But like. Buffy? You came out of this show and the person you had beef with and want to call out is BUFFY? THE VAMPIRE SLAYER? The protagonist of all time? Bc she's mean sometimes :( people try to apologise for trying to kill her and she's so unsympathetic :( she carries out her responsibility as the Slayer whether she wants to or not even if the person she's targeting is a character I like :( why won't she apologise. why won't she apologise. why does she insist on taking up space. why can't she just be nice all the time. yes my ao3 tag is princessspuffy why do you ask. yeah I know their relationship is abusive but I think Spike would forgive her :)
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norrington-hell · 7 months
just finished binge watching ‘Bodies’ on Netflix in one fucking sitting and can I just say-
they knew what the were fucking doing with Karl Weissman
i’ll be thinking about him for the rest of my life now probably
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pancake-breakfast · 6 months
Me, a manga reader: Look at my boy Choso! Bestest boy! Gentle big brother! Sweetest man!
Anime Onlys: Choso? You mean that guy with the spiky pigtails who murdered a bunch of people in cold blood during Shibuya and then beat the shit out of Itadori?
Me: Wait, my boy did what now?
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soccerpunching · 11 months
Yes, a lot of fans know that Emperor Penguin No. 1 was a hissatsu that teikoku created specifically to counter God Hand and that Kidou himself credited Kageyama to have come up with it. But not a lot of us think about how Kidou is probably the first user of that technique and that Kageyama made sure that penguins will be hurting/biting the user of that technique knowing that penguins are Kidou's favorite thing in the world
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icarrymany · 3 months
im not into timlex but i DO support its truthers bc that shit is funny as fuck. any point in the timeline. that dude you see in a random elective freshman year who you dont talk to but you guess he is a little pretty. friend of a friend who is insufferable but you kinda like that he's mean. guy out to kill you but hey its a little hot. hilarious, thank you
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laurelwen · 10 months
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