#i feel like it's hurting due to weather changes as a lot of past wounds/injuries do but this is the worst i've had
zevrans · 2 months
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nelllraiser · 3 years
no good deed | luce & nell
LOCATION: nell’s greenhouse. PARTIES: @divineluce​ and @nelllraiser​ SUMMARY: luce asks for nell’s herb supplies to help with her phoenix cleansing. absolutely NO emotional talk or introspection follows. CONTENT: discussion of the lydia plot without specifics, very brief and vague sibling death allusion.
Luce washed her hands in the sink, wincing as the hot water and soap stung the healing wounds. She glanced at herself in the mirror-- she looked like she’d been through hell. Deep purple bruises had blossomed across her skin, but most were covered by winding bandages she’d wrapped over the jagged cuts that ran along the back of her legs. Her back was a mess and it made sleeping a nightmare, but she couldn’t do much about it. A crooked butterfly bandage kept the cut over her eyebrow shut, and the wound was purple at the edges. She looked like shit and she felt it too. But, she couldn’t stop now.
Leaving the bathroom, Luce returned to her room and sat back down at the books she’d borrowed from Rio. The ash had been collected, a piece of the cursed earth for good measure too. The Bloodroot sat in a vase next to the window, the stems dying the water a light pink. Which left… tears, from a phoenix and cleansing herbs. The tears wouldn’t be too difficult-- Leah had said she’d help her with this, so she’d probably be alright parting with a few tears. The cleansing herbs though. Luce couldn’t pretend to know which ones were best suited to a ritual like this. Plants had never been her thing and she didn’t have the coven’s knowledge at her disposal anymore. But… there was someone else who might know. Taking the book with her, Luce made her way out to the greenhouse. And, as she suspected, Nell was there. 
Knocking lightly on the door, Luce spoke up, “Hey.” 
It was no surprise that Nell was puttering about her greenhouse after everything that had happened over the past week or so. In reality, it wasn’t all that much in comparison to the things she’d weathered before. The mad rush to save someone she loved, the devastating blow of losing that same person merely days later— though it hadn’t been in the way she’d anticipated. Frank hadn’t been the one to fell the curtain between Nell and Bex by stealing her life, it’d been Bex herself that had made the severance. The witch wasn’t trying to throw herself a pity party, it was simply that the only way she could think to keep her storming thoughts at bay was to create something, and to care for the plants she nurtured with a gentle hand. The greenhouse had always been a sanctuary of her’s, a place of peace that was her’s and only her’s where she could be alone with herself. She never needed to find the strength to draw her armor within its walls because she didn’t need it’s defenses between the fragile glass panels lining the perimeter. Here she was free to be happy, or hurt, or whatever else she might be feeling at the moment.
But with the sound of a soft knock that changed, and Nell rolled the softness from her shoulders as she went to the door, setting them into their usual and proud position. “Hey-” she began thoughtlessly when she heard the sound of her sister’s voice. A moment later shock was flitting over her face, brows drawn together with concern as she took in the ugly picture Luce made with her collection of injuries. “Luce- what the fuck. What happened? What the hell is wrong with you? I could have closed whatever cuts you have instead of whatever shoddy job you made of your legs,” she chastised while she took in her sister’s bandages. 
A grimace spread across Luce’s face as Nell stared at her, face shifting to an expression of surprise. Maybe she should have put on a jacket or something. Heatstroke would be preferable to getting a lecture. “Slipped and fell on a hike.” Luce said. It wasn’t entirely untrue. She’d been on a hike and she had fallen. Nell didn’t need to know that Morgan had helped with the fall. That Morgan had shoved her down, that she’d thought the other woman was going to kill her. “Yeah, you know me. I’m shit with first-aid.” She said offhandedly, glancing down at the haphazardly wound bandages. “It’s fine, though, I’ll be fine with some time.” Moments like this reminded her of how lucky she’d been all her life-- their mother had always been an option, even if they didn’t necessarily want her help. Now? Mixed messages aside, Luce was never stepping foot in her parents’ home again, not if she could help it. She didn’t need her mother’s help. She didn’t need her pity either. “I’ve got a question for you,” She held up the leather bound book and flipped it open to the page she’d been staring at. “Do you have any idea about what sort of herbs would be used for this sort of thing?”
Nell fixed Luce with a scrutinizing look, arms crossed over her chest as she decided whether or not she wanted to fight her sister on the lackluster answer she’d given. But for once in her life she decided that she was simply too tired, and Luce could give her the answer in due time. Nevertheless, that wouldn’t stop her from mildly calling the fire witch out. “Right. Slipped and fell.” Another disapproving glance flitted over her face before her chastisement continued. “Yeah, but you live with someone who has an entire greenhouse of healing herbs. I’m literally just upstairs in case you forgot. I could have at least scabbed the shit over and lessened the amount of ‘time’ needed.” The mention of a question and the book being presented was enough to spark Nell’s interest, if only for the sole reason that it could provide a distraction from the pity party she’d been throwing herself, wondering how she’d so spectacularly failed at teaching Bex. She should have known. Just because she wasn’t the girl she’d been a year ago didn’t mean she was suddenly equipped to take in a baby witch with her newfound emotional maturity. For a long moment, Nell scanned over the text, lips pursing further the longer she read. “This is about the phoenix that Adam told me he was helping you with? Loved finding out about that from him and not you, by the way.” 
Luce wearily rubbed the heel of her hand against her eye, ignoring the sharp twinge of pain that shot across her forehead. “It’s a long story.” She said lamely. She knew that answer wouldn’t be enough for her sister, but hopefully it would do for now. Later. She’d tell her the details later. Right now, she needed to focus. She had the flowers, she had the ashes, she had the dirt. She just needed the herbs and then the hard part-- the phoenix. And the fire. She didn’t have any idea how she was going to get that whole situation figured out, but… she had to try something. Hopefully the ritual wouldn’t be too affected by a couple cans of gasoline. “I mean, no time like the present? Care to help a sister out?” Luce joked weakly.
At the mention of Adam and the phoenix, Luce blinked. Ah. Yeah, that made sense. They were dating, Adam was a decent guy. Of course he would have told Nell about the situation they had on their hands. “Sorry. I’ve been caught up in trying to figure out how to fix shit. Spent a lot more time in the scribrary than I wanted to. Rio-- Winston’s ex? He’s lending a hand with it. Hence the book.” She said, holding the book up again.
A long story. Nell was growing increasingly tired of the ‘long stories’ that seemed to make up the majority of her life since she’d returned to White Crest. How many ‘long stories’ could someone fit over the span of a year and a half, anyway? “I’m sure it is,” she mumbled lamely, once again proving herself to be uncharacteristically not nosy for the time being. Luce had meant her words to be joking, but Nell failed to continue in that vein, unable to find the energy needed for sarcasm in the moment. “Of course I’ll help you,” she said a little too seriously, clutching onto one of the only constants in her life now that she’d lost yet another person in the form of Bex. It was beginning to look as if the only people she’d always have in her life and at her side would be her sisters, and that was a gift she couldn't afford not to treasure. Leading Luce towards a nearby chair, she began to gather the healing poultices she’d made, the ones their mother had taught her. “So you need lavender and sage.” It wasn’t a question as she took another look over the book. “That’s easy enough.” Squinting at the last plant, she was already beginning to search her brain for what the words could mean. “And a white flowered herb?” Of course a ritual wouldn’t be complete without a sufficiently vague ingredient.
“You know I could have helped ‘figure out how to fix shit’.” Nell had failed at making sure Bex didn’t feel alone, she wouldn’t do the same for her sister. “You mean the guy you punched, and then refused to apologize to?” Perhaps she was still a little bitter about the argument she and Luce had following the happening. “Yeah, that makes sense that he’d help. He’s a good guy.” 
A wave of guilt washed over Luce at the defeated sound of her sister’s voice. Fuck. “It’s-- just don’t fucking… fly off the handle, alright?” She said before running a sloppily bandaged hand through her hair. She paused, not entirely surprised by how quickly Nell figured out what kind of purifying herbs they’d need. Sage and lavender. She should have known that. But she’d never paid attention to purifying rituals, she’d never really paid attention to the plants they used at the coven meetings. She’d just accepted the bundle of herbs and lit the ends, allowing the smoke to waft through the air and mingle with the combined power of the rest of the coven. How she’d taken it all for granted. “Cool, yeah. You’ve got that growing in here, right?” Luce said as she followed Nell to a chair, looking around at the greenhouse as she walked. She’d done enough lavender tattoos to be able to spot the tall sprigs of purple. But, she refocused on her sister and stared over at Nell. “The white flower-- it’s Bloodroot. It grows at Lyssa’s Peak and I needed the stuff that grew at the top. Lunar cycles, drawing power from the moonlight, you know.” She said. Rip the bandaid. Just tell her sister what happened. No more secrets.
“I went hiking up there to get to it the other day. And I ran into Morgan. She showed me a way up the mountain and we got to talking and I was in a… mood about shit. About… Lydia.” Luce said, wondering if Nell would understand why she was in a mood, if her sister would get just why the killing didn’t sit well with her. “And she kept trying to figure out what it was and I snapped at her. And then she snapped at me. Because she’d cared about Lydia. Even though she was a fucking…” Monster. Murderer. Torturer. “Even though she was what she was. Morgan lost her cool, I lost my footing, I took a tumble down the peak. But, it’s fine. She helped me down the mountain.” She didn’t need to. She could have kicked me off. She could have let the coyote finish me. She could have let me die up there. 
Swallowing, Luce blinked at her sister’s words. Yeah. Nell could have helped her. Bea probably could have helped her too. But, again, she’d felt like she’d needed to do this on her own. And where had that landed her? Right fucking here, with no magic to speak of and just struggling to make things work. “Sorry. Old habits. And I’ve said that before, and I’m sorry. I just-- fucking, it’s hard to remember that I don’t have to do everything alone.”
“Me? Fly off the handle? Where would you get an idea like that?” There was the sarcasm Nell had been missing before, but it was short lived as she unwrapped the bandages from Luce’s legs, her frown renewed while she took in the extent of the scrapes and cuts. “Yeah, of course I’ve got those growing. They’re pretty good staples. So the sage is obviously for cleansing…” That made sense, she supposed. They had to rid the phoenix of whatever it was that had made them this way. “And the lavender...it’s for healing.” Healing couldn't take place without the cleansing. After all, you had to clean the wound before it could properly heal. Otherwise you risked it becoming infected, a festering thing that wouldn’t even get a chance to scar, let alone fade. “Sure- the moon. It makes sense.” The great glowing woman in the sky was like butter to a witch’s bread, always ready and willing to lend her strength to those who sought it. 
But the mention of Lyssa’s Peak had Nell remembering her own time in the shadow of it, watching the yellow-eyed wolf and Layla attempting to murder Adam while she and Ariana did their best to prevent it. “Lydia?” That hadn’t been a name she expected to surface, and Nell hadn’t heard it since the brief conversation of guilt she and Luce had following her death. Besides, what did Morgan have to do with Lydia? The zombie had cared about the woman who kept innocent people in a basement? Nell wasn’t all that sure what to make of that— especially when paired with the recent revelation that Morgan had befriended Miriam as well. “Her losing her cool was related to you losing your footing or not?” There was a vagueness there that Nell wasn’t ready to let go of. Not when it concerned her sister, and her injuries. “You tumbled down the fucking peak,” Nell hissed, knowing that Luce was lucky to escape with her life, let alone her bones intact. 
Nell sighed, knowing it was hypocritical of her to call Luce out for refusing help while she was guilty of the very same. She knew accepting assistance wasn’t so easy as flipping a switch. “I know.” Apparently Nell was in a forgiving mood, too tired to fight in the wake of the heaviness the past few weeks had held. “Why are you helping the phoenix, though?” Nell knew her sister had a decent heart beneath her barb-like exterior, but she’d never much gone out of the way to help an utter stranger. “Obviously I’m glad someone is- I just didn’t expect it.”
Settling into the chair, Luce cast Nell a wan smile as she listened to her sister speak. As she unwound the bandages, Luce could see just how sloppy a job she’d done. Nothing looking infected-- she wasn’t that stupid, she’d done enough tattoo aftercare to know how to wash wounds-- but it didn’t look great either. The roses on her legs were bleeding red angry cuts, the backs of her knuckles were scratched and raw, and she knew her back looked fucked to hell. None of them seemed too serious though, so with enough time, they’d fade away. “Sage for cleansing and lavender for healing.” Luce repeated, wincing as one of the bandages pulled at scabbed skin. “Good to know.”
“Hey. What did I say about handles and flying off them?” Luce reminded her sister. She’d had a brief vision of what would happen if Morgan had let her die up there, if Morgan had shoved her just a bit too hard. And it was that endless cycle of blood and vengeance, one that she didn’t want Nell to continue. It didn’t matter that she was hurt, it really fucking didn’t. “I’m alive, aren’t I? Didn’t even break anything.” She said with another grin, though the motion made the cut over her eye sting.
Why are you helping the phoenix, though? Luce looked down at her hands. The million dollar question. Why. Why was she doing this? Why was she helping them? Because it was the right thing to do? That had never mattered much to her before. “I don’t know. Because I can. Because I should.” But even those weren’t quite right. She’d never been more powerless in her life, she didn’t possess the flames to be able to really help them. She didn’t need to help them, they were nothing to her. “I just… I don’t want more people to burn. You see the news?” She gestured to the night sky through the glass of the greenhouse. “There are fires sprouting all over the forest, burning shit, running animals off their land, threatening people. Adam called me to help him deal with the situation. And I know more about fire than almost anyone in this town.” Except Mom. And Dad. And probably Bea. “And fuck, I have to try and do something.” 
While Nell continued to work with Luce’s legs, she nodded in confirmation as her sister repeated the words. “Cleansing and healing- and lavender’s also about serenity, and the peace that comes about healing.” It was clear enough why these herbs had been chosen for a ritual such as this, used to drive out whatever had brought the phoenix to this point to begin with. Cleansing, healing, peace. It was a cycle she herself hadn’t yet mastered, not even sure whether she’d washed over the wounds of the past years. If Beltane was anything to judge by...Luce had taken better care of her spiritual wounds. But the problem with letting wounds heal was that you didn’t remember them as vividly once they were gone, no longer a thorn in your side as a reminder of how they’d come to be in the first place. Healed wounds could make for complacency, and make one forget to be cautious enough to avoid the same cuts and breaks a second time around. Her cuts made her stronger, more willing and ready to take care of the people she loved. More vigilant. Was it right to give that up?
A healthy eye roll later, and Nell was tugged from the stormy seas of her thoughts, all too ready to deny Luce’s words. “You know better than to think that’s flying off the handle,” she teased back. All three of them had more than healthy tempers, though all in their own ways. Nevertheless that didn’t stop them from burning bright and hot when the time called for it. Morgan losing her own temper was something of a surprise, but Nell knew Morgan would have never willingly hurt one of the Vurals— even in the case of Luce and her tendency to push away the kindest of people. Morgan was family as well, and she wouldn’t steal another sister from the Vurals. 
Lydia, the phoenix, Morgan, and not wanting to burn others paired with the fact that Nell was more than familiar with the expression on Luce’s face had the younger witch’s sneaking suspicion reaching a boiling point. She knew the look- had seen it and felt it enough in her own features to recognize it in a face that was half her own with their family resemblance. She let loose a long sigh, shoulders deflating while she finished working with Luce’s legs. “I’m glad you wanna help. And you’re obviously right about knowing fire. But it...doesn’t fix it. It won’t fix that way you feel inside about things that already happened.” Bringing food and caring for the families whose loved ones she stole with a rampant shark demon hadn’t fixed it. Hadn’t made it any easier. “I want you to help with the phoenix I just...don’t want you to be disappointed. If it doesn’t do what you think it’ll do when it’s all over.”
The peace that comes with healing. As thought such a thing existed. And maybe it did, but it wasn’t something that Luce was familiar with. But, had she ever really healed from the wounds that she’d suffered this last year? She didn’t know. Maybe this was part of the healing process too. The pain and the anguish and the guilt. Everyone thought of grief as just being sad and healing as just recovering from pain. When her grief had never just sadness-- it had been deep-seated rage and helplessness, frustration and guilt. And so was healing. “Sounds like it’s just what this person will need.” She said with a nod. “I don’t know how much I’ll need but I think a lot? The more we have, the more potent?”
Luce arched her good eyebrow at Nell, nonplussed by the eyeroll. “And that’s not what I’m talking about. Seriously, Nell. I’m okay.” She said, reaching out to grasp her sister’s hand, to squeeze it tight. Her hand was still hot against Nell’s skin, still burning with the flames that refused to listen to her call. She was still here. And she didn’t want Nell to go off and do something that might change that. 
Watching as Nell wound clean bandages over the wounds, freshly daubed with healing poultices, Luce reflected on how things had changed. A year ago, this would never have happened. A year ago, she would have licked her wounds back at the safe isolation of her cabin, maybe drowned her feelings away with more whiskey than she ought to have, and have pretended as though she was fine. But, she wasn’t pretending anymore. She was too tired to play those games, to pretend that the world was anything other than it was. But, as Nell’s words continued, Luce’s gaze snapped up, expression shifting. “What do you mean by that?” She asked abruptly. “I know that this doesn’t change anything I’ve done. And I’m not-- What do you think is going to happen? Nell, if this doesn’t work, I’m going to keep trying. I’m not letting this go.” I’m not letting them go.
Nell held Luce’s gaze for a long moment, feeling far too tired to actually address their shared trauma at the moment. They both knew what was on each other’s minds, and that was enough. She was so tired. They’d both been fighting for so long— all Nell had ever truly known how to do was fight. To refuse to give in, refuse to let the day win and simply allow herself a moment’s rest. She didn’t know who or what she would be without that fight, but occasionally she wondered what it was like for those who allowed themselves peace, whether they were truly happy with the battles they’d let lie, or if regrets haunted them as well. Maybe there was no actual winning. You just lived with the path you chose, and that was it. “Yep- sounds like just what the phoenix doctor ordered.” Not that she actually knew all that many details of the phoenix, but all anger stemmed from somewhere, and most often it was a product of hurt. “Sure, the more the merrier. It’s not really like you can over cleanse something when it comes to things like this.” 
The feel of Luce’s hand against her was enough to melt a little more tension from Nell’s shoulders, and the distant memory of crawling into bed with her sisters as children to hoard their shared elemental warmth was brought to mind while she let herself feel the momentary salve of nostalgia. “I know,” she assured softly. “I’m glad you are.” Her overprotectiveness wasn’t subtle, and Luce understood the source of it better than anyone in tandem with Bea.
Nell straightened from her place before Luce, standing as she began to rifle through the greenhouse towards her sage plants. “I just mean...I don’t know if this is what you’re thinking or whatever but- helping people isn’t gonna make the past sit right. Not really. And also...saving someone from something you think you’ve gone through isn’t gonna fix you either.” Hadn’t she just finished learning that with Bex? Or maybe they’d just been too different. Maybe the feeling of loneliness wasn’t as universal as Nell had thought, and she couldn’t fix her own by putting love into another person who was caught in the throes of it. “It’s not that I don’t think it’s gonna work, and I know you’ll keep trying. I just don’t want you to expect something of it that’s not gonna come.” 
Good to know that burning fuck tons of sage and lavender wasn’t going to create some kind of flower monster-- christ, Luce realized how fucking little she actually knew about magic outside of the flames. But, at least she had Nell here to help. Because she did, even if Luce didn’t often think about it that way. Her sisters were here. They were all here and, ever since they’d been excommunicated, they were all each other had to rely on. She had Nell, she had Bea, they were three and… in the past six months, she’d somehow forgotten about that. She’d drifted back to her old ways, of trying to handle things on her own. But she couldn’t now, it was impossible. She needed them, needed people. She couldn’t do this alone.
“Yeah. Same here.” Luce said, giving Nell’s hand another squeeze before slipping away, pulling the sloppy bandages from her hand to treat the wounds on her hands herself. The poultice stung a bit as she spread it over the open cuts. She kept her gaze trained on Nell as her sister moved away from her, aware of the distance that had just grown between them. “I’m not trying to make it sit right with me. And I’m not trying to fix me, either.” She said sharply. “I know that what I did was fucked. And maybe you don’t think it is, but I do and I’m making… some kinda peace with that.” She wound the bandages back around her hand, covering her raw skin once more.
Staring down at her hands, Luce could feel tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. Maybe it was the exhaustion, maybe it was the stress, maybe it was just the crushing weight of everything that she’d been going through that had finally pushed her to the breaking point. Luce cleared her throat. “I just want to do something good, Nellie. I want to be someone good again.” She said, though the words came out as broken and hollow as she felt.
“I didn’t say that,” Nell replied instintcively in a defensive tone, even if she thought Lydia was far better off dead from what she’d heard. Even though she’d shared her own surprisingly introspective conversation with the fae, there was no question of whether or not the woman was doing more harm than good in the world. But she knew Luce wasn’t as accustomed to life and death judgements as she was, not when she’d simply been an artist with a grumpy streak. She didn’t want her sister to become wrapped up in such things anyway, not when it most often led to a life of constant stress, or having a target on one’s back. “But if you want peace...then you deserve it,” she finished stubbornly, her tone not quite matching the well meaning nature of the words. 
The hardness in Nell’s voice was washed away instantly as she looked over her shoulder back to her sister, recognizing the picture of a person desperately trying to keep themselves together at the seams. Had Nell been so wrapped up in her own world that she’d completely missed what was going on with Luce? She’d known her sister’s fire wasn’t in the best of straits, and that in itself was a flashing red sign in the direction of emotional turmoil. But she hadn’t thought— hadn’t realized it had gotten to such a point as this. Had Nell been too wrapped up in her own troubles and world to see it? A flash of guilt spread through her chest, and she went back to the other side of the greenhouse, moving to check over the bandages Luce had wrapped around her hands.
I just want to do something good. Nell could understand that— when one got to the place of wondering if they’d gone past the point of no return, and grasped at straws for a win. Nell needed a win, too. The feeling of being unclean after going too far...she’d felt it herself on more than one occasion though it was less centered on the suffering of her victim, and more about the shockwaves her actions had set into motion. Adam with August. Jared with the Ring. Bex with Frank. Dave and the shark demon. She’d made more than enough mistakes to know the feeling of desperately wanting to look for the light in oneself no matter how dim it might be- to know that you weren’t just darkness and sharp blades, as much a monster as the thing you’d killed. “I understand.” If this is what Luce needed to face the days coming, Nell would do anything in her power to make sure her sister got what she needed, that she crossed the finish line with arms raised, and a peaceful expression on her face. “So if that’s what you need...then that’s what you’ll get.”
Luce continued to stare at her hands, remembering the way that the blue flames had spread from them to consume the flesh from Lydia’s body, burning away the sinew and skin until there was nothing left. “Sure you didn’t.” Luce said, tone neutral. “I’ve spent the last six months trying to rationalize shit like… she would have hurt other people if I hadn’t killed her, she would have come back to kill us. But there’s no way of knowing if that’s true because I made a call that took away any chance she had to change her ways. I decided that I knew better. And I’m not… that’s not okay. It’s not fucking okay.” She said.
When Nell took her hands again, Luce let her sister fix the bandages wordlessly. For a year, it had seemed like everything she’d done had fallen into the same cycle of anger and rage and pain-- sometimes on the receiving end of that punishment, other times delivering it to others by her own hands. The anger and rage would burn wild and out of control until everything was dead and charred to dust. And it would lie low for some time, before flaring back to life because someone else was hurt, someone else was hurting her-- and endless fucking cycle. She just wanted to be free of it all. This phoenix situation, it was something... different. It was something that she could do and know, without a trace of doubt, that she had done something good. She just wanted to prove to herself that she was still capable of that. Of being more than just an instrument of death, bringing fire and ruin to the world around her. She just wanted to do one good thing. “Thanks Nell.” Luce said quietly. “Really. Thank you.”  
Nell couldn’t rightly say she agreed with Luce— not when she’d been ready and poised to kill Frank in the middle of the Outskirts. He’d been a threat so she was going to eliminate him. It was as simple as that. Except it hadn’t turned out to be so simple as Bex had begged for his life, and Nell had withdrawn her knife. How many chances did people deserve when it came to changing? She’d given Kyle his chance in that basement with Morgan and Bex, even taken it upon herself to help him succeed. But Kyle wasn’t a woman keeping people in his basement. It was different...wasn’t it? “I didn’t know Lydia well enough to know whether or not she’d change.” That was the gamble you took with people, the not knowing. And there was always the chance they could change back if they decided their new route was too hard. Would Lydia have made a 180 turn back to where she’d started if she’d decided ethical eating wasn’t quite the same? What was the straw that would break the back of Miriam’s new life?
“I don’t know if it was wrong,” Nell finally admitted. “I don’t know if it being wrong would have kept me from doing it, too. Probably not. And I’d probably still do it if no one stopped me or you hadn’t already done it.” She was selfish with her wanting to protect the people she cared about. “But I...don’t think it’s fair to condemn yourself with it. Maybe rationalizing it isn’t the answer, but burning yourself at the stake isn’t either.” Nell swallowed briefly, still not all that accustomed to being so open and honest with her sister. “And...I think you deserve to forgive yourself instead of needing to use a phoenix to prove you’re worthy of it. I think you’re worth it on your own. Just because of who you are. I think you can be good without having something to point at as proof.” 
But it wasn’t about that. Not really. Why did Nell want to summon the murderous selkie to her? For control. To have just one thing she knew she could do right. “But I think I get it. Sometimes you just...need one thing to go right. Just to know that...that you’re not a fuck up who ruins everything they touch.” Nell didn’t have fire like he sister’s, but she’d always been just as destructive. “There’s one thing you can do, and not burn a hole through. So...we’ll make this work.”
“Neither did I. But Morgan seems to think that she could have. And maybe she’s right, maybe she’s not. But we’ll never really know.” Luce said wearily. She’d spent so many nights mulling over that exact question. “I don’t want to make those calls, Nell. I don’t want to hold someone’s life in my hand and decide that I’m worth more than them. Because that’s exactly what happened to us and I’m… I’m fucking tired of it.” This town, this fucking town. She’d grown up here, been a part of this world but only now had she really learned the price that White Crest demanded of the people who lived here. This town was steeped in blood and suffering and senseless death. She didn’t want to contribute to that anymore than she already had.
“Maybe.” Luce shrugged, before regretting the action as a fresh wave of pain ran down the wounds on her back. “I also think you have to say that as my sister.” She said, a ghost of her old sarcastic grin flitting across her face. Luce stood up from the chair, collecting the herbs that Nell had gathered for her. Sage and lavender. Healing and cleansing. And the promise of her sister to help her see this through. Side by side, they’d be able to move forward. Luce didn’t know how Nell was holding up with all the grief and trauma they’d experienced in the last year and she wished that she did. Once this was all over, once the dust settled and she could finally rest… She’d try harder to be there for her sister. For both of them. Maybe Nell said that she didn’t need to prove herself, but Luce couldn’t believe that. If she couldn’t be a good person, at the very least, she could be a good sister. 
Reaching out, Luce took hold of Nell’s hand again, looking at her sister intently. “We’ll make this work.” 
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Ah yes I am completely anonymous and you totally don't know who I am. Heheheh! Anyway, here's a writing prompt: Sick fic, but Geralt, because I love making my boy suffer, but specifically Geralt basically being a very petulant and childish sick man who just wants his bard to cuddle with him because cuddles from his bf is the only thing that makes him feel better.
(Alright Completely Anonymous, this prompt was cute af so I tried my hand at it. I hope you enjoy it my dear!)
tags: Sickfic, established relationship, Sick!Geralt, Hurt/Comfort with a happy ending, Minor angst, super fluff, Jaskier loves his witcher, Touch needy witcher because it does my heart good
The day had been utter shit if Jaskier was being perfectly honest. At first they had woken in their camp and it looked like it was going to be a lovely day to travel. The sun was shining. Birds were singing. A lovely breeze passed through but soon after they had taken off the wind blew stronger and harder until a gale fell upon them. There wasn’t even a place nearby to take shelter in until it was over so they had to trudge on. The oilskins they had did their best to keep them and their things dry but by the time they were even remotely close, at least from what Geralt had said, to the next town they were soaked through. Jaskier was sure water was even drowning in the deluge. To make matters somehow worse, there was a fresh battlefield they had to pass by and it was undoubtedly teeming with ghouls. They had hoped to creep past unnoticed but today was not their day and the ghouls descended on them. Geralt was pulling Jaskier up into the saddle in front of him in the blink of an eye before he quickly encouraged Roach into a gallop to get them out of there. Jaskier only had a glance at the hoard chasing them before suddenly Roach was rearing back and Geralt was unseated from behind him because of his haste to get them out of there. Jaskier tried to catch him but their hands missed by the barest amount and Roach was rapidly carrying him further away from his lover. Even if the bard had wanted to turn back to help, he was too busy holding on for dear life and Roach was refusing to listen to him, most likely too scared from the creatures and the storm. Eventually they reached the town Geralt had been heading for and Jaskier really wanted to go and find Geralt but he didn’t know how he would find him with how low the visibility was, so he did what he could. 
He took Roach to the stables, got her all settled in just how Geralt taught him, lugged the bags into the inn, and booked a room for the night. Before heading up, he also ordered food and a piping hot bath to be brought up for Geralt when he got there. When! It wasn’t as if because the witcher was going to die from something like this. He couldn’t. Not after they had just finally figured out what was between them. Not before they found their child surprised again. Not before they had spent as many years as they could together.  It would have broken Jaskier’s heart. So when Geralt gets to the inn, Jaskier will have everything ready!
And he did. But with every passing minute of Geralt still not arriving, Jaskier was not panicking but he may have been a teensy bit worried. He nearly had a heart attack when a young lad of the inn came in abruptly with a wooden tub and proceeded to fill it with steaming water as requested. By the time the boy was finished, Jaskier was about ready to charge out into the storm to find the witcher and drag his ass back here.That was the exact moment Geralt stumbled into the room though, wounded and bleeding, but still alive, thank Melitele! Jaskier hurried to his love’s side and helped him to a chair where he sagged heavily as the bard divested him of his armor. He needed to get a better look at the injuries. Obviously the bard had seen worse in their time traveling together, but seeing painful lacerations covering the other never got any easier. 
Jaskier made quick work of stitching wounds closed and patching the witcher up before getting him settled in the steaming water. He wanted to get all the blood and gore off so they could both just relax for a few hours in each other's company. As he scrubbed through Geralt’s hair, he rambled on, trying to make light conversation. He talked about the unexpected weather, a ballad he was working on, potential work that may be in the town, and of course he remembered to reassure the other that Jaskier had properly attended to Roach before booking their room. He knew Roache’s safety mattered a lot to the man and he didn’t want him trying to rush off to check on her. All of which, however, only received a few grunts. If Jaskier was being honest it was less than the usually sparse amount he gave and after they had finally fallen in with one another Geralt had been more open, more talkative with Jaskier. The troubadour hummed with a furrowed brow as he looked down at his lover in front of him, worried he was more injured then he had thought. 
Geralt shifted to look over his shoulder at Jaskier, his yellow eyes gleaming in the fire that lit the hearth. “Did you warm yourself properly?” The deep rumbling voice caught the bard off guard. 
“What?” He asked dumbly, still trying to process the sudden question. 
“From the rain.” The gruff voice clarified and oh, he was concerned Jaskier realized. Looking down at himself like he had forgotten what state he was in, the human realized that no. He had not in fact done anything to warm up or dry his clothes in the least other than divest himself of his doublet and footwear. He had been too worried about Geralt to think of doing anything else, so he slowly shook his head no to the witcher who had been somberly awaiting an answer. Jaskier smiled shyly, as if to convey ‘whoops my bad’, and stood, deciding he should probably change now that his love was well. Before He could get very far, his wrist was snagged by a strong calloused hand and he suddenly found himself in the Witcher’s lap in the bath. Jaskier couldn’t help sputtering and flailing for a moment before he realized what had happened and why. Geralt for some reason got the bright idea to pull the bard into the water, fully clothed! The water was still nice and warm though, which was nice. 
“Geralt you could’ve just…” He started to whine but the strong arms that had wound around his waist, pulled him tightly against that broad chest that was very distracting. “ Geralt?” The name fell from his lips in a soft breathy question before he maneuvered himself around carefully to face the other. Geralt was watching him intently but his gaze looked hazy and disoriented while his face looked paler then normal. Jaskier frowned slightly and hummed before reaching out to touch the larger man’s cheek. It felt clammy to the touch but his skin was burning under Jaskier’s gentle hold. Now, he knew witchers, well at least his witcher, was weirdly a furnace for someone with lower heart rate but this was much worse. “Geralt…” He tried again, speaking slowly and waiting for his lover to focus on him before continuing. “I think you may have gotten sick.”
Geralt scoffed, much to Jaskier’s chagrin. “Witchers don’t get sick.” He slurred slightly in a petulant tone and got as close to pouting as one who was unused to expressing themselves could. 
“Oh? Like how witchers don’t have feelings? Or how a particular someone didn’t want others to need him? Or--” He sassed back, rolling his eyes before he was cut off by Geralt grumbling irritably in acquiescence. “Well, we should get you into bed then to rest and you should eat so you can easily sleep this off. Hopefully it’s just a minor cold that will be gone by morning.” Jaskier tried to sound reassuring and confident but he couldn’t help but be worried. He had never taken care of a sick witcher before, obviously. An injured one? Yes. A grumpy one? Certainly. Never had he seen Geralt sick before. He hoped it wasn’t going to be a big problem, but luck had been striking out with them tonight so he would have to see. 
He made to stand but hands on his hips held him firmly in place. “Geralt…” He spoke sternly in warning but was met with an indigent huff. “Geralt, we can’t stay in the tub all night.” He huffed right back, frowning at the difficult individual in front of him. The displeased tone of his voice must have gotten through a little though because the grip holding him loosened. In the next couple of minutes, Jaskier managed to get them out of the water, dried off, and in their clothes usually worn for sleeping.
He settled the witcher in the bed, tucking the blankets up to his chin and snuggly around him, before turning to get the food that had been brought up earlier before Geralt’s arrival. Thankfully it was stew which was easier for a sick person to palette. Again he found himself caught by those wonderfully large hands taking hold of his wrist before he could take even one step away. What was with Geralt and manhandling him today? He turned to meet the other’s gaze but he had not expected the sad, pleading expression on his lover’s face which had his heart aching. “Dear heart, it’s ok. I’m only going to get your food, remember? You need to eat to keep your strength up.” He tried to soothe his lover as he patted the hand holding him in place. 
“Don’t need it. Just want you in my arms, Jask.” The softly rumbled words pleaded and had Jaskier’s  heart swelling in his chest. The sweet sentiment had his chest aching to breath and his eyes stinging slightly with tears. He couldn’t help but lean down and kiss his wolf’s forehead. 
“Darling, I love you dearly and want to do as you wish but I worry. I don’t want to lose you now of all times.” He spoke honestly, his voice catching in his throat a bit due to the weight of the emotions Geralt made him feel. “If you eat as much of the stew as you can stomach, I promise I will cuddle you for the rest of the night.” He promised gently, trying to find a compromise. He took Geralt releasing his wrist as a sign of consent, so he didn’t dawdle as he grabbed the food and set it on the table beside the bed. As soon as Jaskier sat on the edge of the bed, Geralt slowly sat up and accepted the awaiting bowl with no objections. The bard watched his lover eat quietly, and once he was done, the troubadour put everything to the side before sliding under the covers as promised. 
Geralt curled his arms around Jaskier’s waist and pulled him snuggly chest to chest. Tucking his nose into the wavy brunette locks, Geralt deeply breathed in Jaskier scent. Seeing the witcher so relaxed was one of the bard’s favorite sights in the world. His wolf deserved a little peace and quiet after everything he does for the world, everything he goes through, and Jaskier was delighted that he could help provide it. The bard curled into the other man and wound his arms around his neck content to lie there, combing his fingers through the snowy locks. The petting seemed to pull a pleased purr from the wolf. He was determined to provide Geralt with anything he needed throughout the night no matter what. Slowly, the witcher’s breathing evened out and he was soon fast asleep as Jaskier watched over him. He was certain Geralt would be fine by morning, but until then, the bard was there to care for the one who had so captured his heart. 
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keyvan-firedrake · 4 years
Hey uh, anyone want a NaLu fic that’s not written as a fic and instead is basically an outline of an entire story?
I wrote it out a long time ago and I know I won’t get to write it so I figure, why not share?
So here you are....might be little things that don’t make sense or are grammatically incorrect since it was just me jotting down the whole story as fast as I could so I didn’t forget.
Basically set as if Lucy is a princess and being married off to someone. Medieval times and such.
Dragon Princess
Lucy on way to “meet” future husband. Traveled many days- in outskirts of Fiore instead of her home country. Cart attacked by bandits (no relation to anyone).
She fights/escapes into the woods. She still holds her ground and even rips her dress so she can maneuver better.
Before she passes out from a hurt leg and a busted head she’s saved. (By Natsu)
She wakes in a cave surrounded by furs. No idea where she is she attempts to get to the entrance but she’s dizzy and stumbles. She realizes the cave entrance is literally at the top of a fucking mountain and panics. A rumble alerts her to someone and she finally comes face to face with a dragon. Fire dragon. As it slinks out of a cove at the back, the sounds of things falling in that area vaguely like coins. Her suspicions correct when a few gold objects cling to the dragon and fall off as it moves closer to her.
She screams and attempts to throw a rock which bounces off his nose. He snorts about it and rumbles.
Makes her realize he’s not going to hurt her. Then grabs her in a claw and takes her back to her “bed”. Tells her she’s hurt and needs rest. (Provides some clothes to her from stash of treasures that she doesn’t know about yet) blue cat is his companion (Happy)
Spends a few days resting in and out of consciousness as her wounds heal and finally irritates the dragon enough to fly her down to a river so she can bathe. He does so and gathers some food while she’s doing that.
He sees her naked but she doesn’t care since he’s a dragon. (She will later ;)) she washes the clothes she has and puts on the clean he let her borrow. He flys them back up and he asks her questions about herself as she’s finally more aware and healing.
She tells him she’s a princess and that she had been on her way to meet her arrangement marriage partner. But the bandits had attacked the cart.Typical Natsu and happy behavior happens. On the 5th? Day or so he leaves while she’s sleeping to get foods and supplies. She wakes and is looking for them and stumbles around the cave. She find his hoard room. Full of treasures beyond imagine: now she knows where he got the clothes too.
She’s reaching to touch one big pile when she hears a growl/snarl. She whirls around only to face a man with deep red horns, pink hair, red wings, and scales down body (tanned human skin on the undersides of his body ref pic).
Eyes angry and smoke coming out of his mouth. She screams and backs into the hoard. Big growl and he comes in close. Yanks her away (not roughly to hurt her) and tells her not to touch his things. Smoke spilling out of his mouth.
She realizes it’s Natus, a little less raspy. Apologizes and Happy gets her out of the room whole Natsu calms down. Explains Natsu doesn’t like his treasures touched and she can’t go in there. That it’s okay but to give him time.
She’s sulking a bit when Natsu comes out again and looks at her likes she’s grown 3 heads, calls her weird and teases her. She gets annoyed and banters with him.
Then she asks about his appearance and he explains he can transform into this body and back at will. She gets blushy as he’s seen her naked which she slams her fist down on his and Happys head when they both poke fun at her and yells at them for not telling her.
Happy falls asleep and she tells Natsu she couldn’t give two shits about his treasure room and won’t go in there or touch anything. He rumbles and smiles/pats her head. She asks how he found all that and he tells her about the big abandoned castles from the past in the outskirts of the country.
Said he found one recently before he found Lucy and would take her with when she heals enough. One day, after Lucy teases him for losing a hunt (deer escaped) but barely, he challenges her to a game.
If she could hide from him he would let her browse his books (in his treasure room) if he wins she has to do his bidding. She accepts and puts on a ton of clothes. He flys them to the forest below and gives her an hours head start.
She evades him for a long while, but tripping over herself he catches her and throws them both off a small cliff with a pond/lake at the bottom. They play with Happy in the water for a while before she feels her leg becoming sore from all the activity it hasn’t seen in a long time.
As she sits on the bank Natsu comes up and heats his hands up and massages the leg. He notes to himself she doesn’t flinch from his claws. Typical behavior happens
She helps gather up the clothes she left about and changes so she’s not cold anymore. Shen Natus carries her up its princess style and she blushes about that. Noticing how warm he his.
He lets her have a book anyway, ignoring his bargain. And asks her about the stars as she seems enamored with them as usual. He has been invading her personal space as usual. He provides her items from his treasures (things he’s gathered even though he has no use for them. Even went out and got her soaps).
He takes her to the castle he recently found a ways away. Happy and he have find treasure hunting and he turns into a dragon to be able to carry it all. Lucy herself finds a few things she’d like to keep-good hair brush nucknacks but doesn’t grab anything flashy.
She even find something just to give it to Natsu which he won’t say but it makes him rumble in happiness.
They have fun traipsing through the castle and even camp out. Then go home.
Natsu shoves his hand in his pockets one day when he notices her sighing. She obviously is bored and wants to do something. But he’s apprehensive. If he takes her to town what if she wants to stay? Not wanting to come back with him?
He figures he’ll have to just spill the beans and take her. She’s obviously needing to get out. He finally goes up to her and mentions the town. She is excited about it. Asks him why he didn’t mention it sooner. He says it’s due to her injuries but she had been healed for a long time so she’s suspicious.
Natsu takes her and happy to the forest floor and they walk some ways to get to a dirt road. Natsu hides his dragon features completely. To which she is surprised. He says no one knows he’s the dragon. It makes it easy when he comes to town to get supplies.
They go into the main town center building, (Fairy Tail guild basically). People are happy to see Natsu and happy and meet Lucy. She meets everyone and starts making friends. Makarov does have a conversation with her about Natsu, knowing he’s the dragon.
She makes friends with Levy and Levy even gives her a spare journal and pens for her to write with. Natsu buys some fruits and vegetables (Lucy’s idea) and he is surprised when she suggests it, planning on a meal or two “at home”.
Natsu to her surprise has Makarov turn the power on to his home. She’s confused about that, but it’s explained that a long time ago he had power lines run through the forest and trees (they are well hidden) and covered from weather and wind damage to his cave. He hasn’t had a need for it to be on in a long time.
But he has a fridge and some lights. Lucy is annoyed, finding out he has a kitchen all this time and he hadn’t told her. (There is a small water fall area for bathroom purposes). But when they get back she’s happy to have some lights not lit by fire and to know they will have a space to keep foods good. (He just used to get blocks of ice from the mountains).
He clears (just moves stuff over) space for her in his treasure room if she wants to write at a table he has in there. He sleeps on his treasure when she’s writing sometimes.
They have an interesting time with her being flushed around him as he gets naked or semi naked during time at the lake. Her noticing that she’s enjoying his company a lot. They play around and goof off. Natsu loving teasing her.
When she’s eating a peach one days he’s curious about it as he’s never eaten one. She lets him have a bite and delights at his childish excitement at its taste. Happy didn’t want any as he prefers his fish. She ends up take a bit ore two more before giving it back to Natsu for him to finish.
She tells him that she’s happy. That she finally feels like herself and she’s not trapped by her dad. She says, that when she feels safe she won’t force her presence on Natsu and happy anymore. But Natsu immediately shoots that down. He says this is her home. Not telling her it makes him want to roar thinking about her leaving his/their den.
One day he takes her down for her to bathe and he goes off hunting again after teasing her and making her flush-common occurrence lately. After her bath she takes a stroll, knowing Natsu will find her when he’s done. Happy and her talk and banter. She begins to write while in a small clearing and happy naps.
They get attacked, she and happy try to protect each other but she ends up sending Happy to find Natsu. The bandits are human traffickers. She does get a bit her and does fight back.
Natsu comes in with a roar. He’s angry as hell and his dragon features are out, body tense. He’s snarling and he uses his fists, claws, and fire to beat the traffickers. He’s ready to kill one when Lucy stops him. She’d stepped in front and hugged him. Holding him back.
The bad guy is spitting blood and angry, talking shit even though he’s lost. She feels Natsu tense up again as he had relaxed a little in her hold. She turns to glare at the bad guy and Lucy kicks him. Knocking him out. She stumbles and Natsu catches her by her waist.
Happy is crying at her blood and she hugs him to her chest while wobbling. Natsu won’t let go and his chest is still rumbling with growls. He lifts her up and she stops him, her bag has her stuff and he huff. He takes off for home, it speaking. He sets both her and happy down on one of his treasure mounds and snarls at them to stay put and not move.
They both nod and he leaves. Lucy sits up and hobbles to her area in the cave. Happy is nervous as he tries to tell her not to leave but she ignores him in favor of looking for a bandage, she gets her wound wrapped and hears Natsus wings flapping.
He skids in, crown still on his face eyes wild and drops her bag onto the floor by the entrance of the cave when he sees her. His body is tense and his nostrils flare. Smoke comes out of his mouth as he eyes her and he growls.
He stalks over to her and she tries to back away but he tosses her over his shoulder and carries her to his room again. She pounds his back but he ignores her.
He grabs a thick beautifully designed royal looking blanket/tapestry and throws it down over a post on his mound. He tosses her onto it and face plants into his pile next to her. Arm draped over her middle in a vice like grip.
His grumbling hasn’t stopped as he says “I thought I told you not to move”. She huffs and tries to pry him off but his grin tightens and she snarls. She stiffens. Not afraid of him, not really. But she hadn’t heard him like that since that first time she came in to this room unannounced.
Happy floats over. He explains that when Natsu feels his things are threatened, after he takes care of the threat he curls over his hoard and rumbles on it for a few hours before he feels better.
She sputters and says that makes no sense as why she has to be in here. And happy just snickers. Natsu rumbles deeply and steam comes off of him. Eventually she is able to free herself but Natsu doesn’t move. Instead he almost slithers into the mound.
Hours later, sore but hungry she starts making some food. Happy chatting happily near her. She limos around the small kitchen Natsu finally showed her. When the food is almost done she calls out knowing Natsu can hear her. Telling him if he wants to eat he needs to come out.
She smiles as she hears coins moving and objects shuffling. The dragon wiggling his way out of his mound of treasures. She laughed when his stomach growls. She turns to him and smiles as he scratches the back of his head in a sheepish way. Mood back to normal it seems.
Natsu teaches her how to do some climbing, trees, rocks, and some survival skills.
They visit the town some more, bathe regularly. Natsu gets a bit more clingy and happy meets Carla. It’s nice a quiet for a bit.
One day in the town Lucy is cornered by knights. They had gotten a tip she was here and her father exits a cart. Her arranged marriage partner was also in the cart. They demand she come home with them and they have an argument about it. Natsu, Happy, and Fairy Tail help her as back up and the knights retreat for now.
Natsu reveals his dragon nature and everyone backs him up.
Her dad mentions this will cause turmoil between lands and she feels responsible as she sits inside the guild hall after all is said and done.
Natsu and gang start a small party/fight and it’s getting crazy. While that’s happening, someone sneaks in and passes some letters to Lucy.
The letters display the AMP power and the gun net ships he has. Along with dragon hunting weapons like harpoons/nets/poisons. It even shows pictures of the Cave Natsu lives in off in the distance. The writing tells Lucy that the AMP currently has a prized gunner ship in the harbor it’s gun trained on the mountain cave and several smaller cannons trained on the city. Within a few days the other ships would be dispatched and would arrive. They also had land based artillery in select places that will wreak havoc if she doesn’t comply.
She takes a longing look at Natsu and Happy. Smiling and laughing, fighting with their friends and causing a ruckus. Tears in her eyes she makes a decision. She crinkles to papers into her pockets when she opens the guild doors to exit they fall out. She doesn’t notice and heads for the harbor.
There she enters the boat AMP is waiting on with her dad and they quickly set sail.
The guild party goes on and on, had been someone’s bday and it’s not until someone finds the letters they notice something is wrong. They alert everyone Natsu included who is furious he didn’t notice. He had been so preoccupied with his fighting and drinking that he hadn’t noticed she left. In fact, since her coat was left on her chair he scent remained so he thought she was still around.
Thinking she maybe went upstairs as she sometimes does to find peace in the guild Library. He furiously leaves the guild to get to the harbor but it’s too late. The fast ship is long gone. He begins to transform but is brought to reality by Makarov. Natsu, as strong as he is won’t be able to fly that distance.
Lucy, once they are out to see is put into chains. Her father is also put into chains and they are taken “captive”. The AMP plans to go through with the wedding. Lucy and her dad would have an unfortunate accident and the would take over both countries. (Lucy’s original home country is closer than Fiore)
When they arrive at the harbor of AMP, she is taken to the harbor castle. To the very top tower room. She thinks it’s cliche. She is chained to the wall by her hands and as she looks down out the window she can see the harbor. See the gunner boats he has and his artillery. She’s disheartened.
Knowing no one will know where she went. AMP comes in and scares her, tells her he plans on firing on Fiore anyway. That he’s going to take it as a power move just to spite her as she embarrassed him in public.
When he leaves she chooses to fight. She finds a thick nail is loose in the wall from one of the shelves. She gets it out and tries to use it to break the chains holding her as a wedge.
(Dead of night)
It takes some time, but while she does this she notices the boats. If she can get to them, turn that giant canon of one towards the others, she could fire it and send the boats crashing into themselves. It would take out the fleet.
Natsu and gang are traveling by boat to where Lucy is. He’s sea sick but desperate to get there. Another boat carries several more of them as they are heading to flank the harbor, as the ground support.
Lucy gets free of her chains, and has to scale the rocky castle wall. She uses the small tips Natsu had taught her. She slips a bit but makes it most of the way down. She slips and luckily lands in a haystack with a groan.
A girl in chains who is cleaning the pen area is startled and starts to raise alarm but Lucy covers her mouth. She hands the girl the nail she had used and told her to free herself. And asked her not to tell. The girl agrees.
Lucy, deer bleeding and hands bleeding gets herself to docks. She sneaks avoiding guards. She gets to the main boat. Aboard she goes to the room that has the controls. She had seen them moving the switches when she was chained up on the ship.
She starts to get the big gun moving and aiming to the other boats when the alarm gets raised. Rushing she hears boots coming for her along the boat. She hits the fire button and the boat rumbles, she falls back as it kicks with the explosive power of the gun.
She stumbles as yells begin and runs. She avoids the men and gets to the top of the boat. She sees flames and explosions are going off, the boats are rolling one by one into each other like dominoes and debris is flying everywhere. Alarms are raised. Fires spreading.
The boat she’s on had also caught fire. Seeing reinforcements coming she bolts to the front of the ship to hide. Still undetected. She hears a roar and a big creature is flying overhead. It’s Natsu.
Men scream and shout about him, but they aren’t fast enough. Natsu flys past and breathes fire on their harpoons and giant crossbows. Some do try to fire at him but it’s pointless. He sucks up some of the fire produced by the boats to fuel his rage as he roars. He even transforms into his smaller form as he barrels into the castle big tower.
Lucy feels happy but sees the ground crew from the forest coming in with their nets and weapons. She sees them aimed at Natsu and the tower. Screaming his name she alerts him. She thinks she’s too far but he whirls around and knows right where she is. But the get one arrow through his shoulder and she cries out for him. He grunts at the pain of it going through him but ignores it the best he can.
The guilds boat fires on the harbor, and the boat Lucy is on. They didn’t know she’s there. The boat begins to split and explode. Lucy screams and runs straight off the bow.
Natsu catches her as he roars her name. The guild ground team takes out the rest of the AMP reinforcements. The battle won.
Growling at the smell of her blood Natsu clings to Lucy. And gets her to some friends. He eats the remaining fire (heals his wounds) and Happy cries but hugs Lucy.
When it’s over, AMP is in chains and Lucy’s dad has respect for Natsu. Makarov notes that Natsu is their king (wasn’t ever talked about but he is technically).
Lucy’s dad says he will allow her if she’s happy to stay and won’t try to force her to go home. They get onto the Fiore boats and head back. Natsu being sick as all get out, Lucy comforting him/letting him sleep on her lap. Wendy healing/helping her while on board.
When they get home Natsu waits until she says by to her dad and whisks her away. Happy not far behind. Lucy tries to squirm away when they land at the cave but Natsu ignores her. He sets her down on his hoard and tells her to stop.
He’s growling and holding himself back. Tells her that he NEEDS this and begs her to just STAY. She relaxes and lets him hold her and his hoard. Happy brings a blanket and puts it over then before curling up with them. Hours later Lucy wakes up alone. She slides down and finds Natsu at the cave entrance talking to Happy.
Happy ends up leaving to go visit Carla, his excuse. Natsu asks Lucy if she’s like to go bathe. She agrees but isn’t sure what’s going on with his mood.
He takes her down and turns away when she starts undressing. She frowns as she usually has to almost beat him to get him to turn away. She slinks into the water enjoying the temperature and getting clean.
She startles when Natsu gets in also. Naked. He semi ignores her though as he dunks himself and brushes his hair back out of his face before leaning against some rocks. Face pensive.
She asks if he’s okay and he said he’s fine. It’s quiet for a bit. Lucy not knowing what to do. And nervous to be so close to him while naked.
Natsu finally speaks, asking her why she left. She stumbles over her words to explain and he gets mad but doesn’t yell. Tells her that he didn’t care about the cave, if she had told him they would have planned and she gets mad. Telling him he doesn’t understand she wanted to protect her home. Him.
They both clam down and apologize to each other. Just happy to be together. Natsu makes a lewd joke or comment and Lucy gets flushed. She splashed water at him and he laughs before splashing her back. They play.
He even does a canon ball and drags her under the water to tease her. Eventually comers her. He makes her shiver with his proximity and his lips brushing her ear as he talks.
Tells her he needs to hoard her, like his pile of treasures. Kisses her ear and neck. Tells her she drives his instincts crazy. Nips her.
Cue smut?
Ending: them cuddling, his head on her chest as she runs her fingers through his hair. Happy coming in saying “they love each other”.
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c-s support + paired ending + night of the ball
Dimitri: Thank you for your help the other day, Professor. Please, allow me to express my gratitude by taking you to dinner.
>It was nothing.
D: Nonsense. Your guidance was magnificent. Just what I'd expect from a professor at this esteemed academy.
>I would be delighted.
D: Fantastic. Please think about what you'd like to eat. After all, such magnificent guidance must work up quite an appetite.
D: I've studied swordsmanship for some time, but your mercenary skills are something else entirely. D: Speaking of which, there's...another question I must ask you. D: Were you reconciled with the reality of battle from your first foray? With...the killing part, I mean.
>I hadn't the luxury of questioning it.
>No. It's never easy.
I see.
>And you?
D: No... I do not carry that burden well. I doubt that will change, no matter how many years come and go. D: The first time I led on the battlefield, I was sent to quell a rebellion in the west. D: It was not a difficult fight. The enemy was not well-trained and their morale was low. D: A swing of the lance, and your opponent falls. A flash of your blade, and a path opens up. That's the sort of battle it was. Easy...right?
>You did what you had to do.
D: That's one way to look at it.
>What caused the rebellion?
D: The noble family from that area sought to seize the throne after my father's untimely death. D: The leader of the rebel army was defeated and the rebellion quelled. This was at the height of the post-war period. D: I recall coming across a dead soldier's body. He was clutching a locket. Inside was a lock of golden hair. D: I don't know to whom it belonged. His wife, his daughter...mother, lover... I'll never know. D: He was a soldier. An enemy. Someone we had cut down without hesitation. D: But in that moment, I realized he was also a real person, just like the rest of us. D: Of course, we cannot stand idly by and allow anyone to commit senseless acts of violence. D: Yet in dispensing what we call justice, we take the lives of cherished family members. Beloved friends. D: Killing is part of the job, but even so... There are times when I'm chilled to the bone by the depravity of my own actions.
>It's normal to feel that way.
D: Is it? Perhaps you're right. I pray that you are.
>I've felt the same way.
D: That you feel the same way is more comforting than you could know.
D: Professor? May I speak freely? D: When we first met, I thought of you as someone who felt no strong feelings about killing your enemies. D: I could never trust someone who kills without batting an eye. My heart won't allow it. D: But after speaking with you and getting to know you better, I can see you're not like that. D: Now I know, with all my heart, that I can trust you. Thank you for that.
D: Perfect timing, Professor. If you don't mind, I have a favor I'd like to ask of you.
>What's the favor?
D: It's in regard to sword training. Not for myself, but... Well... D: To be honest, I've been teaching swordsmanship to the orphans at the monastery for a while now.
>How unexpected.
D: I must agree. Frankly, I'm not great with children.
>How did that come to be?
D: Some of them saw me sparring with the knights one day. D: They started pestering me to teach them. They were so earnest... I couldn't help but oblige. D: There's much I wish to show them, but due to my own studies and training, I'm afraid my time is rather limited. D: Which brings me to my favor. Your swordsmanship is unmatched. I hate to ask this of you, but... Would you consider lending me a hand?
>You can count on me.
>You leave me no choice.
D: Thank you, truly. I am in your debt. And I always repay my debts, I'll have you know. D: All of these children lost their families and homes to war or illness. This may sound a bit arrogant, but...I feel it's my responsibility to help them. D: I lost my parents without warning too. In that way, we're the same. D: In Duscur, I lost my father, stepmother, and closest friends. I didn't have many allies at the castle after that. D: In truth, I had only Dedue for companionship.
>Have you no other family?
D: I'm afraid not. My birth mother fell ill and died shortly after I was born. And my uncle... suffice to say we don't get along.
>Is there no one else you can trust?
D: I once had people I could confide in. Family, friends, instructors, even the royal soldiers.
D: But they were all taken away from me four years ago. D: Ah, but there were those outside the castle walls I was close to. Such as Rodrigue!
D: Heh, pardon my rudeness. I meant Lord Rodrigue. He is my father's old companion, and the father of Felix. D: On the occasions he would visit the capital, he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides. D: While Dedue is like a brother to me, Rodrigue is more like a second father. D: It might sound ridiculous, but...he's the kind of man I hope to become one day. D: Someone who helps others... Someone who can reach out and save a lost soul. D: Oh... Please accept my apologies for boring you with my life story. D: In any case, don't forget your promise, Professor. I'm counting on you.
D: …
>What are you doing?
D: Sleep evades me, so I thought I'd get in some extra training. I was just about to finish.
>Still training?
D: Indeed. But I was thinking about ending it here.
D: Perhaps it is the gloomy weather, but I am feeling the sting of wounds that should have healed long ago...
>What wounds?
D: The injury I got when that girl stabbed me after the battle at Gronder. D: Her eyes were filled with revenge...just as mine once were.
>Who was she?
D: I don't know... But I have a guess.
D: Ah, I suppose I haven't told you about that yet.
>What are you talking about?
D: I was attacked inside the monastery the other day. It caused quite the uproar. D: The ones who attacked me...were some of the youths we taught swordsmanship to, once upon a time.
>Are you OK?
D: Of course. I could capture the lot of them with my eyes closed.
>Why did they do it?
D: It seems they were raised by a group of thieves who we put down five years ago. D: I heard Lady Rhea took custody of them, claiming that the children were innocent. D: I have taken so many lives...and with each one, I face hatred. D: During the last five years especially. My life was not so different from that of a wild beast... D: And that young girl's brother... At some point, I must have... D: That is why I thought it only natural that someone would retaliate someday. D: Because I hated, because I stole, and...because I killed. D: But with those children, it's different... We drew our blades with the best of intentions, only to hurt them in the end.
>I suppose this is yet another thing we will just have to live with.
D: I feel the same way.
>It's part of the job.
D: Yes...
D: As one who chose to fight, it is my responsibility to confront this anguish and the true nature of war... D: Until the day my life comes to an end.
>It is mine as well.
D: Perhaps...
>We can confront it together.
D: Thank you...
D: You know, Professor... There is something that I only recently realized. D: I never knew it could be so...comforting to have someone standing by my side...
D: Come now, my friend. You must stop staying up so late. Tomorrow is yet another early morning. D: Then again, I know that matters little. You cannot sleep, can you? Neither can I, of course. D: I... I want you to know I am sorry for making you do so much when your battle wounds aren't even completely healed yet.
>And what of yours?
D: Do not worry about me... My shoulder has healed nicely. I still have some numbness in my hand, but it should not hinder me too much.
>It's awful.
D: Well, I am truly sorry. I only ask that you do not overexert yourself.
D: But I am afraid our burdens will only grow in number. I hope you are prepared for that.
D: It is a lovely night... Is it not? D: How many years has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future, rather than by nightmares of the past...
D: I have had the same nightmare for nine long years. A nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died... D: They ask me why I have not avenged them... Why I got to live, yet they had to die... D: No matter how many corpses I piled up for them, in the end, their voices only grew louder. D: Voices loathing me, calling out to me... Their inescapable death cries ringing in my ears...clinging to my soul... D: Even now, I can always hear them. I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die. D: But I will not cover my ears. I will go on living...and their voices will serve as a warning. D: As a king...and as a wretch who claimed countless lives...I will build a Kingdom where the people can live in peace. D: I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish... But I wish to change this world in my own way. D: Well, Your Grace, things will be busy from now on. Our first order of business is tomorrow's coronation. D: Once a professor and student... Now an archbishop and a king. How very far we have come.
>We're still the same.
>Only our titles have changed.
D: That is true. To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all. My beloved... D: Yes...my beloved.
D: Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation. Give me your hand. D: ... D: Please... I beg of you. Say something! D: If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
>That's not it at all...
D: What is this?
>I love you, Dimitri. Marry me.
D: You beat me to it... D: ... D: Yes, I see. Right. In that case, let us exchange them, shall we? D: Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are. D: These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved. D: Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...
paired ending
Paired with the end of the war, the joyous marriage of Byleth, the newly-appointed archbishop, and Dimitri, the newly-crowned king of Faerghus, gave the people of Fódlan much to celebrate. The two were devoted to improving life for the people and to seeking greater wisdom in order to reform the government and the church from the inside out. As leaders of church and state respectively, at times they engaged in heated debate. Even still, when enjoying a long horse ride or a quiet evening, they were not as the world saw them, but rather two adoring spouses, desperately in love. They remained as such for the rest of their days.
night of the ball
D: It’s quiet here, isn't it, Professor? D: That reminds me. Do you know the legend associated with the Goddess Tower?
>I've heard it.
D: Is that right? You don't strike me as the sort to enjoy stories like that.
>I'm not concerned with such things.
D: Just as expected.
D: They say that wishes made in this tower will come true. I wonder who came up with such a silly notion.
>You don't believe it?
D: Legends are legends, nothing more. I doubt there are many who really believe that wishes can be granted. D: The goddess just watches over us from above... That is all. D: No matter how hard someone begs to be saved, she would never so much as offer her hand. D: And even if she did, we lack the means to reach out and grasp it. D: That's how I feel about her. D: In any case... I suppose there's no harm in passing the time with silly legends. What do you say, Professor? Care to make a wish? D: We are here on the night of the ball. Why don't you try wishing for something?
>After you.
>I can't think of anything, so go ahead.
D: A wish of my own... D: I suppose my wish...is for a world in which no one would ever be unjustly taken from us. Or...something along those lines.
>That's a great wish.
>I'll wish for the same.
D: Thank you, Professor. Although, at a time like this... D: Perhaps it would make more sense for me to wish that we'll be together forever. What do you think?
D: ... D: Haha! Well now, Professor! You must admit I've improved in the art of joke telling.
>That's cruel.
D: I'm sorry... I guess that was rather thoughtless of me.
>It didn't sound like a joke.
D: ...
D: Honestly... I do regret saying such a thing. Please think nothing of it. D: I've blurted out irresponsible things like that to my classmates. Promises that we'll see each other again and the like. D: I have no business making such promises for the future. D: There are certain things that I must accomplish, even if it means risking my life. I may not even have a future to promise to someone. D: ... D: We should head back soon. D: It's rude of me to keep you all to myself. D: Shall we, Professor?
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fftwister · 5 years
Byleth/Dimitri C-S Support
I went to bed after posting the Byleth/Claude support chain, so I don’t know if other supports are online or not. However, a few folks requested Dimitri and Byleth’s support chain, so here it is for clarity’s sake. Major spoilers below regarding what Dimitri’s deal is (+general BL route and Byleth spoilers). Be wary, this too gets really fucking long.
Dimitri: Perfect timing, Professor. If you don't mind, I have a favor I'd like to ask of you. Byleth: What's the favor? Dimitri: It's in regard to sword training. Not for myself, but... Well... To be honest, I've been teaching swordsmanship to the orphans at the monastery for a while now. Dialogue Tree:
A: How unexpected. B: How did that come to be? Dimitri: (A) I must agree. Frankly, I'm not great with children. (B): Some of them saw me sparring with the knights one day. They started pestering me to teach them. They were so earnest... I couldn't help but oblige. There's much I wish to show them, but due to my own studies and training, I'm afraid my time is rather limited. Which brings me to my favor. Your swordsmanship is unmatched. I hate to ask this of you, but...Would you consider lending me a hand? Dialogue Tree:
A: You can count on me. B: You leave me no choice. Dimitri: Thank you, truly. I am in your debt. And I always repay my debts, I'll have you know. All of these children lost their families and homes to war or illness. This may sound a bit arrogant, but...I feel it's my responsibility to help them. I lost my parents without warning too. In that way, we're the same. In Duscur, I lost my father, stepmother, and closest friends. I didn't have many allies at the castle after that. In truth, I had only Dedue for companionship. Dialogue Tree:
A: Have you no other family? B: Is there no one else you can trust? Dimitri: I'm afraid not. My birth mother fell ill and died shortly after I was born. And my uncle...suffice to say we don't get along. I once had people I could confide in. Family, friends, instructors, even the royal soldiers. But they were all taken away from me four years ago. Ah, but there were those outside the castle walls\nI was close to. Such as Rodrigue! Byleth: Rodrigue? Dimitri: Heh, pardon my rudeness. I meant Lord Rodrigue. He is my father's old companion, and the father\nof Felix. On the occasions he would visit the capital, he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides. While Dedue is like a brother to me, Rodrigue is more like a second father. It might sound ridiculous, but...he's the kind of man I hope to become one day. Someone who helps others... Someone who can reach out and save a lost soul. Oh... Please accept my apologies for boring you with my life story. In any case, don't forget your promise, Professor. I'm counting on you.
B Support
Dimitri: Thank you for your help the other day, Professor. Please, allow me to express my gratitude by taking you to dinner. Dialogue Tree:
A: It was nothing. B: I would be delighted. Dimitri (A): Nonsense. Your guidance was magnificent. Just what I'd expect from a professor at this esteemed academy. (B): Fantastic. Please think about what you'd like to eat. After all, such magnificent guidance must work up quite an appetite. I've studied swordsmanship for some time, but your mercenary skills are something else entirely. Speaking of which, there's...another question I must ask you. Were you reconciled with the reality of battle from your first foray? With...the killing part, I mean. Dialogue Tree:
A: I hadn't the luxury of questioning it. B: No. It's never easy. Dimitri: I see. Byleth: And you? Dimitri: No... I do not carry that burden well. I doubt that will change, no matter how many years come and go. The first time I led on the battlefield, I was sent to quell a rebellion in the west. It was not a difficult fight. The enemy was not well-trained and their morale was low. A swing of the lance, and your opponent falls. A flash of your blade, and a path opens up. That's the sort of battle it was. Easy...right? Dialogue Tree:
A: You did what you had to do. B: What caused the rebellion? Dimitri (A): That's one way to look at it. (B): The noble family from that area sought to seize the throne after my father's untimely death. The leader of the rebel army was defeated and the rebellion quelled. This was at the height of the post-war period. I recall coming across a dead soldier's body. He was clutching a locket. Inside was a lock of golden hair. I don't know to whom it belonged. His wife, his daughter...mother, lover... I'll never know. He was a soldier. An enemy. Someone we had cut down without hesitation. But in that moment, I realized he was also a real person, just like the rest of us. Of course, we cannot stand idly by and allow anyone to commit senseless acts of violence. Yet in dispensing what we call justice, we take the lives of cherished family members. Beloved friends. Killing is part of the job, but even so... There are times when I'm chilled to the bone by the depravity of my own actions. Dialogue Tree:
A: It's normal to feel that way. B: I've felt the same way. Dimitri (A): Is it? Perhaps you're right. I pray that you are. (B): That you feel the same way is more comforting than you could know. Professor? May I speak freely? When we first met, I thought of you as someone who felt no strong feelings about killing your enemies. I could never trust someone who kills without batting an eye. My heart won't allow it. But after speaking with you and getting to know you better, I can see you're not like that. Now I know, with all my heart, that I can trust you. Thank you for that.
A Support
Dimitri: ... Dialogue Tree:
A: What are you doing? B: Still training? Dimitri (A): Sleep evades me, so I thought I'd get in some extra training. I was just about to finish. (B): Indeed. But I was thinking about ending it here. Perhaps it is the gloomy weather, but I am feeling the sting of wounds that should have healed long ago... Byleth: What wounds? Dimitri: The injury I got when that girl stabbed me after the battle at Gronder. Her eyes were filled with revenge...just as mine once were. Byleth: Who was she? Dimitri: I don't know... But I have a guess. ... Ah, I suppose I haven't told you about that yet. Byleth: What are you talking about? Dimitri: I was attacked inside the monastery the other day. It caused quite the uproar. The ones who attacked me...were some of the youths we taught swordsmanship to, once upon a time. Dialogue Tree:
A: Are you OK? B: Why did they do it? Dimitri (A): Of course. I could capture the lot of them with my eyes closed. (B): It seems they were raised by a group of thieves who we put down five years ago. I heard Lady Rhea took custody of them, claiming that the children were innocent. I have taken so many lives...and with each one, I face hatred. During the last five years especially. My life was not so different from that of a wild beast... And that young girl's brother... At some point, I must have... That is why I thought it only natural that someone would retaliate someday. Because I hated, because I stole, and...because I killed. But with those children, it's different... We drew our blades with the best of intentions, only to hurt them in the end. I suppose this is yet another thing we will just have to live with. Dialogue Tree:
A: It's part of the job. B: I feel the same way. Dimitri: Yes... As one who chose to fight, it is my responsibility to confront this anguish and the true nature of war... Until the day my life comes to an end. Dialogue Tree:
A: It is mine as well. B: We can confront it together. Dimitri (A): Perhaps... (B): Thank you... You know, Professor... There is something that I only recently realized. I never knew it could be so...comforting to have someone standing by my side...
S Support
Dimitri: Come now, my friend. You must stop staying up so late. Tomorrow is yet another early morning. Then again, I know that matters little. You cannot sleep, can you? Neither can I, of course. I... I want you to know I am sorry for making you do so much when your battle wounds aren't even completely healed yet. Dialogue Tree:
A: And what of yours? B: It's awful. Dimitri (A): Do not worry about me... My shoulder has healed nicely. I still have some numbness in my hand, but it should not hinder me too much. (B): Well, I am truly sorry. I only ask that you do not overexert yourself. But I am afraid our burdens will only grow in number. I hope you are prepared for that. ... It is a lovely night... Is it not? How many years has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future, rather than by nightmares of the past... Byleth: Nightmares? Dimitri: I have had the same nightmare for nine long years. A nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died... They ask me why I have not avenged them...Why I got to live, yet they had to die... No matter how many corpses I piled up for them, in the end, their voices only grew louder. Voices loathing me, calling out to me...Their inescapable death cries ringing in my ears...clinging to my soul... Even now, I can always hear them. I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die. But I will not cover my ears. I will go on living...and their voices will serve as a warning. As a king...and as a wretch who claimed countless lives...I will build a Kingdom where the people can live in peace. I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish... But I wish to change this world in my own way. Well, Your Grace, things will be busy from now on. Our first order of business is tomorrow's coronation. Once a professor and student... Now an archbishop and a king. How very far we have come. Dialogue Tree:
A: We're still the same. B: Only our titles have changed. Dimitri: That is true. To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all. My beloved... Dialogue Tree:
A: Yes...my beloved. B: Dimitri... Dimitri: Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation. Give me your hand. Byleth: ... Dimitri: Please... I beg of you. Say something! If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me.If so, I will face the truth and walk away. Dialogue Tree(? There’s a lot of responses here, I don’t know who says what)
A: That's not it at all... B: What is this? C: I love you, Dimitri. Marry me. D: You beat me to it... Dimitri: ... Yes, I see. Right. In that case, let us exchange them, shall we? Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are. These hands that have saved me countless times...Thank you, my beloved. Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...
Checking through the zip file, Dimitri doesn’t have a final bit of dialogue with Byleth like Claude does in his ending, as the next text file after the S support is his dialogue for a moment after the ballroom dance, and the following files being Claude’s supports. It’s possible the dialogue might be in the ZIP, but I don’t know for sure.
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nomand-berserka · 4 years
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A little openly honest abridged intro in to me and dealing with my head and my black dog.
I am the newly appointed Team Leader for West Yorkshire with the guys at Veterans Hike. @veteranshike
Ive found a love for hiking over the past few months, since this crazy lockdown here in the UK.
I have struggled a lot over the years since leaving the Army, still dont feel like I fit into the bracket called Civvie. I know that may sound a little cliche. But it is exactly what it is.
I joined the forces straight from school. There was nothing for me where I lived, and with a long proud military history in my family, I felt it's what I'd always wanted and knew in my early to mid teens, that I'd join up.
I felt I did pretty well, considering pretty much everyone I knew, thought that I wouldnt even make it past selection. Well I pissed on their parade let me tell ya.
I'm not going to go into the ins and out of my career. But the tours I did, were SFOR (peacekeeping) Bosnia 98 and Op Agricola Kosovo 99.
Now with that, I've seen some pretty fkd up stuff at the ages of 18 and 19.. But you crack on and get the job the done. Get back home and continue as normal.
Now upon leaving the Army, I felt very lost. Ended up going from job to job, due to not being able to fit in with or liking the people I worked with. Often getting pushed out because of having a different mindset... This turned into a serious dislike for people in general. There was no bond, no brotherhood, everyone out for themselves and didnt care who they fkd over to get what they wanted.
This became the time I started with the heavy drinking and the stupid violence, infact the drink and the violence became the reason I lost my family and almost ended up 6 feet under.
The violence continued, as I just hated everyone... for lots of different reasons. This then led to me serving time on a couple of occasions. But it still continued after being locked up... I didnt see it as a problem, as I just thought "I wont take peoples shit", and I'll show anyone who tries to give me shit. That it will lead to getting hurt. Jump forward to being left for dead with 2 stab wounds... Yes it got that bad. Maybe I was asking for my way out?
Jump forward a year or so of living a dark time.
Its then i got into martial arts (Muay Thai under the tutilage of master Ronnie Green 5 time world champion), a friend of mine didnt want to see me locked up again. Or with more perforations than a "Tetley Tea bag". This became my drive again, I'd found something I could focus on and put myself, my whole self into again.
First session in, I was hooked. Had my first full contact fight at just over 6 months and had plenty thereafter, still have the copy of my official invite to the 2013 world championships. This was my crowing glory moment... This is where I'd found the focus to not be that drunked violent ass hat. My fitness went through the roof and I felt good again for the first time in years
Injury got me though, put me right back to not being able to train. Even ended my career, I tried to train again, but way too soon. Causing myself more problems. Taking even longer to get back to 100%
My anger started to creep back, the bad food the drinking... and yes the violence. then jump again forward to going back to prison for a very violent episode in 2015. Where 2 people got badly hurt. I pleaded guilty. I tried to reach out for help before the day in court. But it was too little too late...
However, in prison this time in 2016 I asked for help. Where can i get it, and who can help me the most.. There was a small eager group called Care after Combat, they concentrate on helping Veterans, who are sent to prison. During and after release. (I'll go into them at a later date).
I've kept my nose clean since then, was officially Dignosed with PTSD in 2017, so done a few local therapy courses Anger Management, CBT but still no actual PTSD help as of yet. Combat Stress, I think may have forgotten about me hahaha.
But the thought of prison!!!! id rather not go back ever again. Plus I'm getting on now, and not a 25 year old dick head. Eith a chip on his shoulder about civvies anymore.
Jump forward again, to present Covid 19 times.
I'm a joiner now put myself through College 12 years ago. The outdoors have always agreed with me. But after a work accident last year in August I had 14 weeks sat at home gaining weight. Bordem drinking and eating shit and the head started to go again. But thankfully got back to work early December.
In March 2020 and we get Furloughed. For however long it may take.
So I gave myself THE talking to. Stay off the booze (well not completely hehe). Keep yourself busy. Find a focus in something, anything. Just dont he that dickhead again.
So here I am, I spend at least 3 days a week walking the Pennines and the moors between my beloved Yorkshire and the dark soggy lands of Lancahire. Its literally 20 minutes from my door to where I park the motor. My head still goes south, but more into the low mood and hating myself for allowing what I'd done in the past. I've had depression for years, but it was always over shadowed by my stupidity. So when it does that, i hit my local park and do 10 laps (8 miles) of that. Or just get my pack ready and hit the trails. Often doing around 15-20 miles.
Now I've started with a small Daystack and have started adding weight, carring 15kg. plus 3 litre camelback, food stuff and inclement weather gear. Its north of England the weather does what it wants. "If tha dunt lyk weather, jus bloody wait 20 minutes It'l change". hahaha.
Doing this has given me more drive in my fitness and massively boosted my mental state. Plus the escape from the rat race bollox that we all have to live through. More and more people have started to notice my weight loss. Down from 20 stone to just over 17 stone. Now I'm as round as I am tall, but for a fat lad I've been told I'm pretty fit... Guess all those years in the Army, years of Muay Thai and Kempo Jiu Jitsu. It must have left some form of conditioning and muscle memory. So this again boosts me. I'm now picking up the weights at home and even got a bike... so this new found fitness is a fantastic feeling again... it's not just about keeping busy anymore, it's about showing people. Who I'd alienated during all these years, that I'm not the same guy, and they are wanting to come on hikes with me now
(Its also pushed me to train for the 3 peaks... but that's another story for another time)
It's also the biggest Therapy I can give myself, sometimes I go it alone and sometimes I have company. The outdoors is literally where I feel at my easiest and most peaceful... The benefits are there for everyone who knows me, to see. Its physically demanding, but it's so peaceful. If I bump into other people, there is always a nod a smile and a "morning/afternoon" exchanged. Not all people are nob heads haha!
I cant stress enough how good it feels to keep occupied physically and mentally, buy doing something I never thought I'd do...
It's become my passion... I'm looking into longer routes all the time, and now looking at some proper outdoors gear. Better rucksack even a tent. If being up the hills for a few hours or just a day, makes me feel things are better. Then surely a couple of days and nights will be even better...Right?
I want to thank anyone who takes the time to reads this, however you see it. Be it on insta, Tumbler or FB. So cheers guys and gals.
We all have hardships, we all need that help at some point. Go out and find what makes it all better, please guys. We all deserve to smile for what ever reason.
Who knows, we may even cross trails someday. You'll always get a smile and a nod from me.
The Nomad Beserka
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writersrealmbts · 5 years
Train Tracks: Part 2
Description: Hybrid!Reader x Taehyung: As a hybrid you have no worth and your means of survival is digging through the trash, working odd jobs for those who are more kind-hearted, and–unfortunately–pick-pocketing. When you choose the wrong target, things take a strange turn as this obviously wealthy man enters your life.
Warnings: I think this part is clean, but let me know if it’s not.
Posted: 05/06/2019
Tags: Taehyung, Human Taehyung, Hybrid Reader
Fluffy with some angst: 3,368 words
A/N: I’m now officially only a year away from being 25. Birthdays are weird. Good, but weird. Anyway, here is the second part to the introduction, then once I finish both routes I’ll post them. I’m about a third of the way through one route, and then I’ll work on the other. I’m not sure if the routes will be the endings yet, though that is currently the plan.
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When you woke up it was because the light was getting just bright enough that you could see easily, even in this part of the car. He was stirring as well, getting up and looking like he wanted to sleep for another four hours. He must have forgotten to check if you were awake as he started changing back into his suit. You averted your gaze once you realized that he was undressing. After he finished dressing he seemed to realize you were awake. “Oh, hey, were you warm enough last night?” He asked, coming to stand beside your bed. You looked up and nodded. “Were you?” He nodded, grinning. His mouth was like a rounded rectangle. “It’s a comfortable bed. Thanks for letting me use it. You stay there and rest your leg. I’ll get you some breakfast.” You almost protested, but he was already off with a spring in his step, so you got yourself propped up a bit, shivering at the slight chill in the air when the blankets shifted. Your leg was throbbing a little, but it was nothing you minded. He came back and was at your food shelves for a while, rummaging until he came over with a plate containing bread, an orange, and some slices of the sausage, as well as a glass of water. “Here. Now, I have to get back to town. Don’t work too hard today, remember Jungkook-ssi said to take it easy.” You nodded again. He nodded toward your leg. “Do you need help changing your bandage and cleaning the wound?” You shook your head. He nodded again, going over and grabbing the blankets from his bed and giving them to you. He climbed onto your bed to wrap the blankets around you and your little nest. He set the plate of food and the glass within your reach. “There. Now, be a good kitty and rest. Stay close to your home.” He pet your head and ears, surprising you with how easily it brought a purr to your throat, but bringing a grin to his face. You ducked away, startled by yourself. You just purred from getting pet by the man who terrified you for most of the day before. He let you go as he cooed. “I’ll see you later.” He got off your bed and then headed out. “Later?”
“Well, not today, because I’m going to have to deal with some business until late due to my early departure yesterday, but soon,” He said cheerfully from the door and then quickly left before you could protest, apparently knowing that you would from the grin you caught through the window before he was lost in the darkness of the tunnel. He didn’t show up the next day, or the next, which was fine because you weren’t really ready to face him again. He still scared you and you still weren’t sure what he wanted from you. You stayed near your home for the whole week that Jungkook said you needed to take it easy, then headed back into town. It was a bit of a fight getting past the lingerers and the malevolent, but you managed it with minimal new injuries, and hurried down back-streets and alleys to the place where Jungkook had treated you. You took a couple minutes to gather your courage again, then snuck up to the door and knocked. Jungkook answered moments later, and smiled. “Hey, come on in.” You entered as quickly as you could because there were people on the street and they hadn’t noticed you yet. He closed the door. “How does your leg feel?” “Better, thank you.” He nodded, but his gaze had already caught sight of the bruise forming on your arm. “Did you get attacked recently?” “Not the way you’re thinking,” You answered, following him into the living room. Taehyung was sitting in there on a laptop, and he looked up with a smile when you came in. “Hey. Sorry I couldn’t make it out there. I just escaped late last night.” “And he got lost when he did try to go see you,” Jungkook added, laughing as he said it. You looked at Taehyung in surprise. “How did you get lost?” He seemed embarrassed and held up his hand as he stuttered to try and reply. “He went out the South gate,” Jungkook laughed out. You shook your head slowly. “You should get a compass.” Taehyung grinned. “Would you like to go on an adventure with me after Jungkook finishes?” You blinked at him in surprise, then hesitantly nodded. “Sure.” He jumped up. “Yay!” You flinched slightly. Jungkook rinsed your leg wound, nodding. “Looks good. You must have really done well at keeping your weight off of this leg.” “Well, except when I climbed the apple trees.” You watched him pull the stitches, and then tested bending your leg for a moment. “Skin still feels a little tight, but that’ll get better, right?” He nodded. “Yeah, as the skin continues to heal it’ll get more flexible. It might scar a bit, but it looks great right now. Keep it clean and keep changing the bandages, but otherwise you should be good.” “Thank you.” He smiled at you. “My pleasure. Go ahead and walk with it before I bandage it.” You nodded, getting up and pacing a little before smiling at him. He nodded. “Alright, I’ll bandage it and then you and Taehyung can go on your…adventure.” He seemed just as in the dark about what the adventure was supposed to be. Taehyung was bouncing around, half-dancing as he waited for Jungkook to finish so the two of you could go on whatever adventure it was that he had planned. It was strange to watch him dancing and being goofy. He had this aura of regalia around him, demanding respect and awe. Until he grinned and started acting silly and then you wondered how you could be terrified of him while also being even more scared of him because how could one person give off such different vibes? Jungkook nudged him after a moment and whispered something just low enough that you couldn’t pick it up. Your ear flicked with irritation at how he seemed to know exactly how to not be heard by you, which was confusing because he had every right to speak privately. But the feeling of it being about you made you want to hear exactly what was said, especially since Taehyung seemed to calm down a bit more. Taehyung nodded, then approached you. “Ready?” You glanced at Jungkook, a little nervous, but you nodded. Taehyung grinned and bounced toward the door, holding it open for you. “I have a lot I want to show you.” You nodded again, following him as he led the way through town again. People’s heads turned, admiring the man ahead of you and then faces wrinkled with disgust at the sight of you behind him. Taehyung turned slightly, holding out his hand with a gentle smile. “So we don’t get separated.” You shrunk closer to him as you received a particularly hostile glare, taking his hand gratefully. You were struggling to keep up a bit since you still had a bit of a limp. His smile grew as he twined his fingers with you, and he had a sort of skip to his step. “It’s a great day, isn’t it?” “It’s…sunny. And warm,” You replied. You weren’t sure what constituted it being a great day to him. For you, it was getting a good odd job that allowed you to get some sort of essential supply and not getting hurt. He didn’t have such worries, so the only thing you could assume was that the weather was what constituted it being a good day. “It is! And you got your stitches out and we’re going to have fun!” He led you into the most expensive neighborhood in town, which made you feel like you committed a crime for existing. The houses seemed to glow, pristine in the light of the sun. Glass windows and marble fixtures, gardens of mostly useless but beautiful flowers. He pulled you up to the biggest, most amazing and pristine looking house in the neighborhood. He went right in while you just about panicked. The house was immaculately clean, from the marble floors to the white ceiling. It was milky white—so white and pure that it had a blue tinge to it. You were a mud puddle in this world of cleanliness. He kept pulling you through the house, and into a room full of light and windows with potted plants and a few chairs. He brought you over to one of the chairs and gestured for you to sit down. You looked at the chair, then at him. “Um, I don’t want to get your furniture dirty.” He looked at you, frowning slightly, then nodded. “You’re right, we should fix that first.” He looked thoughtful for a while, then waved for you to follow him. You were nervous, but you followed upstairs and into a room that you suddenly realized was his bedroom. Your heart started racing and panic started filling you. He went to the closet and pulled out some different clothes, holding them up to you, then shaking his head and sticking it back. He finally settled on a pair of silky-looking pants, a shirt of similar-looking material in a soft blue, and some sort of silky coat. “Try these. They’ll be big on you, but there’s a drawstring on the pants. The robe should help you stay warmer in here. You can change in here. I’ll wait in the hallway so you don’t get lost. Did you want to bathe?” You blinked at him for a good two minutes, not able to form words. “Let’s do that then, I’ll run a bath for you and you can get all clean and relax and I’ll set up and can you find your way back to that room?” You nodded slowly. He smiled and nodded firmly in return, striding to another door and heading inside. You heard water rushing from a faucet soon after and inched after him, checking to see if you were leaving a trail of dirt since you felt like you were. His bathroom was unlike any you had ever seen before, it was bigger than the house you remembered living in as a kit. He was adding something to the water, and soon the smell of vanilla and honey seemed to waft from the water. He set a towel on a chair next to the bathtub, then put some bottles next to the tub. “This one is shampoo, this one is conditioner. This is to wash the skin. You can use this lotion after your bath to help your skin be soft. Use this one for your face, and this one should be fur friendly. I put the clothes on the counter there and you can put your clothes wherever. Take your time.” He showed you how to adjust the temperature of the water, then exited. You felt your tail flicking with curiosity, your body and mind relaxing slightly after he left. The water smelled amazing. You entered the tub after undressing, nose wrinkling at the feeling of your fur getting wet, but eventually relaxing into the hot water. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a bath. You somehow managed to remember everything he had instructed as far as the bottles went, slowly going through everything he had pointed out. It felt amazing, though washing your hair was difficult because of your ears. But you managed to wash ever millimeter of your body, and exited the bath feeling a little sleepy. You dried off and put on the clothes that he had set out for you. They were huge on you, the shirt was almost to your knees and you had to roll the pants up. You were grateful for the silky coat since it did help you retain some warmth. You used the towel to dry your hair and your tail, then slipped out of the bathroom, looking around a moment before following the scent trail back to that room of light and plants. He was sitting on the floor playing with a small dog, but he looked up at you and grinned. “You didn’t give him his treat,” You said. He looked confused. You gestured to the dog. “He wants his treat that you’re supposed to give him when he’s a good boy.” He looked at the dog and then gave it a treat. “You can understand him?” “I told you I could communicate with animals on the first day we met. You said I was ‘in tune’.” He nodded. “But being told and seeing it happen is something else entirely. What else does he say?” “To get out of his home because no cats allowed.” Taehyung grabbed the dog. “Don’t be mean.” He waved you over. You sat on the floor beside him, tail wrapping around your legs. He was looking you over, smiling. “That’s a good color on you. But you should dry your hair. You might catch a cold.” His smile faded and he set the dog aside, standing up and leaving. “I’ll be right back.” You looked after him in confusion. He came back with a strange-looking device that he plugged in. “May I?” You nodded hesitantly, jumping slightly when he turned it on. He showed you that it was blowing out hot air, then started blowing it at your hair, using a brush and giving you an overall feeling of being pet. You’d missed that feeling. When he turned the device off your hair felt soft and fluffy. He chuckled. “You’ve got quite a loud purr for such a small person.” You choked and coughed. He kept stroking your hair. “You want your tail dried?” You swallowed, then nodded eagerly. It was warm and your tail would be so soft after, like your hair. He turned it on a quieter setting, carefully drying your tail. He had a quiet smile on his face as he worked and you smiled a bit when he couldn’t resist brushing the tip of your tail over his face with a grin. “So fluffy.” You looked down shyly. He was suddenly right next to you, breathing in deeply. “Mmm, I like that smell. Honey and vanilla. It’s a good smell. Do you like it? I thought it would be better than something flowery.” You nodded. “It’s very nice, sir.” “Taehyung.” “It’s very nice, Taehyung.” You closed your eyes as he started petting you again. It’d been an age since you had been properly pet and it was such a comfortable feeling. You allowed yourself to purr, leaning into his touch. His hand lightly touched your waist, guiding you into a gently embrace where he continued to pet you and comfort you. Warmth radiated from him. You were surprised with yourself for acting like this. But you also couldn’t blame yourself. Dogs had a good sense for people and this dog adored Taehyung, so maybe he wasn’t a bad person. And he always seemed to be making sure you were okay. That was much different. That was like— You shivered and curled into Taehyung. He hummed, then managed to reach over and grab a blanket from one of the chairs, wrapping it around you. “You get cold easily, don’t you, y/n?” You nodded after a moment of sleepily processing his question. “Can I try and paint you?” You looked at him in both surprise and confusion. “Paint me?” “Yeah,” He pointed toward an easel. That made more sense than him putting paint on you right after having you bathe. “Do I need to be awake?” “Nah, you sleep cutely. And it probably won’t actually look like you, but I’m going to try. You just get comfortable on this couch, warm and snuggly, and I’ll paint.” This was the adventure he wanted to go on? Something told you that he had changed his mind somewhere along the line and that you were on an unplanned ride through whatever he decided to do. You let him help you onto the couch, purring softly as he tucked you in blankets and pillows, adjusting your position the way he wanted for painting. Your eyes were closed before he even left you, drifting into sleep in the comfort of his really soft couch. He woke you gently a while later as he picked you up. “It’s okay. I’m just putting you in a bed so you can rest easier.” “Hmm?” “Shh, just sleep. It’s okay. You’re safe.” His deep voice lulled you, reminding you so much of the friend you missed. “I’m not,” You murmured, gripping your tail to comfort yourself. “Your friend, what was his name?” You nudged into his neck, taking a deep breath. “The one that died, what was his name?” “Chanyeol,” You whispered, just the sound of his name enough to make you tear up. “I miss him.” He lay you on a cloud and wrapped you in sunshine. “I know, kitten. He watches over you, I’m sure. Now rest. I’ll guard your dreams.” You had strange dreams, but they were good. You were safe and happy. And warm. So wonderfully warm that it would be a crime not to purr. So you purred. You heard a soft chuckle and felt someone pet you. You curled into the petting, nudging the hand to get more when they paused. “Cutie. Come on, I have some breakfast waiting for both of us.” You blinked awake and saw the half-asleep face of Taehyung. He smiled at you. “Morning.” “Good morning.” “Sleep well?” You nodded, unable to resist the stretch that you felt you needed. Your back cracked in about five different places and you let out a shaky sigh of relief. Then worry hit you. It was another day lost for winter preparations. “Whoa, you okay?” You scrambled to your feet, struggling due to the silky fabrics against silky sheets. “I lost a whole day.” “What do you mean?” “I’m already behind on my preparations, and I’ve lost a whole day. I need to…” You didn’t even know where to begin. Clothes. You should begin with changing back into your own clothes. You looked around frantically, then hurried toward the door. “Too much to do, too little time, lost so much time—” “Hey,” He called, catching up to you and grabbing your arm. “Calm down. It’s going to be okay. I’ll help you.” You met his eyes. “You’re not alone. You should stay with me. You’ll be safe and warm, and well-fed.” He held your gaze. You shook your head. “No.” He looked away, worry clear on his face. “But…what if you…have you been feeling…how long until you know if you’re pregnant or not?” You froze, feeling like you were choking. “Because…if you…if you are…I don’t think I would be able to stop worrying about you. And if something happened to you…” He took your arm in both hands. You took a deep breath, then looked up at him again. “If…if I am…I’ll stay here. If I’m not…then I won’t.” He shifted, but nodded. “Alright. But I’m still giving you food so you don’t get hungry. And you’re taking some new blankets. And I’m bringing a friend out to help get your home insulated for winter.” You opened your mouth to protest. “No, I won’t let you fight me on that. I’m doing it, and you’re accepting it. That’s the only way I’ll let you stay out there if you aren’t pregnant. So, I’ll hire you. You can help me train service dogs.” “Service dogs?” You tilted your head. He nodded. “For blind people, or people with diseases. I train one or two dogs at a time. With your help, I can train them easier. Do we have a deal?” You took a deep breath and lifted your chin. “Deal.” He smiled. “Alright. Now, let’s go have breakfast.” You took his hand without hesitation. “Okay.”
Masterlist. ~ Part 1. ~ Route 1: Not Pregnant ~ Route 2: Pregnant
Tagging: @jiminslye
258 notes · View notes
diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader - “The Work Wife” Part 3
You’ve been working for The Joker for the past 10 years: you speak and act for him and no matter the circumstances, Y/N is always there to take care of everything he needs.  The King of Gotham might not be married, yet he has a perfect partner: his work wife.
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Part 1      Part 2     (Part 3 as voted HERE)    Part 4     Part 5
5 months later
“Are you just gonna sit there the whole time?” The Joker splashes the water in the Jacuzzi while you look outside, not even hearing his words. “Hey, I’m talking to you!”
“Oh, I’m watching everything to make sure it’s safe,” you finally pay attention and analyze the surrounding buildings from behind the smoky windows belonging to the second floor of “Serenity Day SPA”; it’s one of the businesses J owns, primarily operated for money laundering.  The rooms upstairs are never used by anybody else except him: he seldom visits and actually uses the amenities since the place is very luxurious.  
“We have 15 men with us, I think we’re OK. Come on, lose the suit and relax,” The King of Gotham requests your presence in the hot tub because you seem absent minded today.
“I’m good,” you mumble and continue to search for any signs of suspicious activity out there even if so far nothing seems out of the ordinary.
“You know how much I hate to extend my invitations twice,” he watches you take a deep breath and gaze his way.
“I don’t have anything to wear,” you come up with the easy excuse and J gestures towards the variety of dressers containing bathing suits, swimming shorts, towels and fuzzy robes.
“Use theirs!”
“Ughh,” the exasperation reaches his ears and it’s not approved.
“Maybe one of these days you could just, you know, drop the attitude?! Only a mere suggestion; don’t lemme stop you from annoying me!” The Joker growls as you choose a random attire and start changing behind the panel as fast as you can, hoping he will shut up.
“Don’t lemme stop you from annoying me” speech is usually between 10--15 minutes long and you are certainly lacking any eagerness to put up with it.
“Why do I have to get in there?” you protest his orders and emerge into a floral bikini bottom with the matching bra.
“Because,” J huffs and completely lowers himself in the bubbly water for a few seconds, then gazes your way. “I must say Y/N, you look decent for a fossil.”
“I’m not a fossil!”
“You turned 36 last month. Basically ancient for my scaling system,” J taunts and smooths his wet hair, thinking that the usual extra feistiness is not present within his work wife today. You step in the Jacuzzi, half afloat until you reach his side.
“Your scaling system sucks, that’s why you don’t have a steady girlfriend,” you lift one of your eyebrows in order to underline the accurate reality.
“I only need company that takes care of my needs for the night; you take care of the rest so I’m fine,” he pauses and waits for the sour remarks to continue but they don’t.
You’re awfully quiet, definitely preoccupied by more important matters than the usual dispute he’s searching for.
“What’s the matter?” J elbows a distracted Y/N.
“Today…” and your voice cracks,” today is Kai’s birthday.”
That’s why she’s like this, he thinks and moves closer to you.
“Wow, the first snowflakes,” you sadly smile and change the subject because you feel you’re suffocating.
“Yeah, I like winter,” he adds on the topic in his usual way of dealing with things. “Much easier to get rid of dead bodies.”
“So charming,” you candidly reprimand. “That’s why women are flocking from all sides; one better than the other.”
“Precisely,” the insolent Joker is glad you’re getting absorbed into his little game; it kind of feels a major part of his daily life is missing if you two don’t clash and he’s aware he has to put in extra work today in order to obtain the desired outcome.
“Please enlighten me so I can prove a point:  when is the last time you went on a date?” you turn towards him, interested in what he has to say.
“Ummm… three nights ago,” J immediately replies.
“One night stand is not a date! As usually, I had to get rid of her in the morning and I’m getting tired of taking out the trash,” you scoff, irritated. “You should have kept the girlfriend you had two years ago; she wasn’t bad.”
“I got bored,” he dismisses your suggestion and stretches his legs under water while you have more to include on top of the earlier statement:
“It’s exciting to see you’re satisfied with bimbos that think you have a stamp collection to show them at the penthouse or drunken ones that you marry on a whim at the sham drive-thru chapels around town.”
“Yes, it is exciting indeed,” The Joker winks and Y/N is done with his crap.
“You know what J ?!!”
Oh boy, here she goes! J grins because he’s getting what he wanted:
“You know what J ”speech is usually between 8--14 minutes long and by far his favorite; you usually blur out a list of judgments about his behavior that you don’t agree with and it falls on deaf ears, yet it’s worth it.
“Mister J,” Frost suddenly knocks at the opened door. “Sorry to interrupt but the weather forecast is showing an imminent snow storm about to hit Gotham in less than 3 hours. Traffic will be hectic since everyone would want to finish what they have to do before roads are closed. Would you like to leave now in order to avoid that?”
The Clown Prince of Crime smacks his lips, debating:
“I suppose so,” then addresses you: “Hold that thought, Y/N! You know how much I love to hear your opinions,” the sarcastic smirk makes you shake your head in annoyance. “I guess is better if we bail than having to deal with the craziness on the streets. Tell the crew we’re out of here in 10!”
“Yes sir!”  Frost complies and you discern the shouted instructions on his way downstairs.
“Right when I was getting comfortable,” J sighs and sinks under the fizzy water one last time while you’re already getting out of the Jacuzzi.
“You can continue at the Penthouse,” you remind the King of Gotham he actually has the same hot tub at home.
“I guess I can,” the grouchy voice mumbles.
The Joker watches as you dry yourself with a towel, his eyes lingering on the only tattoo you have: the Japanese kanji rows inked on your back containing the phrase you’ve been using for years as an inside joke.
He stalls leaving the steamy ambience for a few more seconds before finally abandoning his temporary oasis.
You switch back to your black suit behind the bamboo panel and come out to help him finish up. The white, furry winter coat is placed on his shoulders while J elects to modify the plan:
“Y/N, I want to spend some time at my cabin instead of returning to the Penthouse.”
“Are you sure?” you start walking beside him, surprised at his choice. “With the snow storm you’ll be trapped there for days.”
“It’s fine; I’ll have you to keep me company,” J brushes off any projects you might have like he always does.
“I rather stay at my apartment.”
“No, you’re coming.”
“Seriously J, I don’t want to be dragged in the middle of nowhere. I like that place in the summer and that’s pretty much it,” you try to make him forsake his ideas and pay attention to the stairs you’re both descending.
“I’ll let you know when I give a damn,” The Joker scoffs, signaling some of the men waiting along for his passing to follow.
The door leading towards the secluded parking lot on the north side of the building is already opened and you walk outside, mad he doesn’t care you’re not in the mood to visit that accursed cottage during the crazy weather that will soon hit the area.
Two henchmen are already waiting by their cars and you slowly blink for a few seconds, feeling the snowflakes melting on your face. The faint sound of the bullet shrieks by your ear and you instinctively turn towards J, his eyes already looking down at the fresh wound that’s beginning to stain the white coat.
“What the..?!” he touches the blood in disbelief, suddenly out of breath. You are quick to push him against the nearest SUV, screaming at the others:
“Sniper!!! Get down!”
The goons already outside scatter behind the cars in the parking lot and you help The Joker sit on the ground and press on the oozing injury, the red spot exponentially growing each time he forcefully inhales.
“Shit…” he moans and you gesture at the men that didn’t make it out of the building, including Frost.
“Stay inside! There’s a sniper!!”
“What do we do?” Jonny yells and you shout back:
“Everybody regroup inside!! Stay low and sneak out through the other side of the property! Go in groups of 3 and sweep the surrounding places, maybe we can catch whoever did this! Take the rest of the team and call for reinforcements!”
“You need help?” Frost peeks from behind the curtains, ready to aid if required.
“I’m OK, I don’t need an escort!”
You open the car door and help The Joker crawl in the back seat; he’s wheezing louder and louder due to the painful lesion.
“Keep pressure on it!” you gather his coat around the wound as much as you can, this way it soaks up the blood. “I’ll take you to the doctor; just hang in there, alright?” an apparent composed Y/N creeps on the driver’s side, twisting the keys in the contact.
“It fucking hurts,” J groans and his acknowledgment makes your heart beat faster:
The Joker has a high tolerance for pain so if he says that it hurts, it means the discomfort is beyond what a normal person would be able to tolerate.  
“Hang tight!” you begin to drive, keeping close to the concrete wall enclosing the parking lot, watching him through the rear view mirror. “I’ll take the back streets,” you mumble and immediately accelerate, taking a sharp turn once the protection of the wall is over. The tires screech under the abrupt impact and you speed towards Madison Avenue, having to distance yourselves from the shooting range as soon as possible.
“How are you doing?” you gaze at him and the only answer is a growl.
The Joker’s teeth are clenched together; he couldn’t say a word even if he’d wanted to.      
You nervously squeeze the steering wheel, paying attention to the road again.  
“I think I can make it there under 40 minutes,” the affirmation makes him shiver: the pain is becoming so unbearable he feels he’s going to pass out.
Another turn on Coldwell Boulevard and the last thing J hears prior to losing consciousness is Y/N’s warning:
“Hey, don’t fall asleep!”
The Joker gradually opens his eyes, trying to adjust to reality. You’re sleeping in the recliner close to his bed and the venue seems familiar: it’s the same private clinic you were taken after the unfortunate events that left such a deep scar on your cheek. He’s groggy and a bit confused, a typical secondary side effect of all the medications present in his body.
“Nurse…” J whispers and has to gather his strength to say it louder since you didn’t hear him. “Nurse! Wake up!”
This time the exhausted Y/N promptly snaps out of her troubled dreams, gasping when she realizes The King of Gotham is glaring her way.
“You’re awake,” you jump out of the recliner and move close to him, so happy to see he’s out of danger you actually smile.
A rare occurrence these days.
“Why are you wearing scrubs?” J licks his lips and you reach for the cup of iced water on the cupboard, offering some to the patient.
“We’ve been here for 2 days: it’s easier to blend in, just in case,” you explain while waiting for him to finish drinking.
“What’s the verdict?” he taps his fingers on the pillow, seeking your company for the requested briefing. You lie down next to him and relay the main points to the weakened Joker:
“By the time we arrived, you’ve already lost a lot of blood. You had a clean wound: the bullet went right through; almost pierced your kidney, only half an inch away from disaster. They couldn’t stop the bleeding and I was scared you’re not going to make it,” you gulp and touch his face, upset it was such a close call.
“Why? Were you afraid you’ll be unemployed?”
“Basically. You pay well.”
“True,” J utters. “Do we know who did it?”
You remove your hand, the immediate change in attitude making him aware you’re displeased.
“So we do know,” he figures, wondering why you look at him like that.
Perfect silence; you are flustered, that’s for sure.
“Well?” J yawns, tired and drained.
“Do you remember your last flame? The one I got rid of 5 days ago?”  
No answer. Because he can kind of tell where this is heading.
“Apparently, she didn’t like that you threw her away the next morning so she did something about it. Thank God she can’t aim that well, I’m sure she tried for the head.”
J is speechless since he was expecting a different outcome.
“The Great Joker, taking down by one of his one night stands. How stupid is that?!” you hiss and try to calm down the urge to strangle him.
“That is quite stupid, my reputation would be ruined,” he tries to joke since he knows he’s going to hear about it forever. “Is it fair to assume she’s not around anymore?”
“I made sure,” you frown, scooting closer to him again. “If you were planning to sleep with her again, she’s not available.”
He grabs your waist, loving the bitter expression written all over your being.
“Any other news?” he changes the subject, delighted you’re so worked up.
You cut him some slack for the moment, sharing your observations:
“I think one of the nurses likes you. She keeps on lifting your hospital gown, checking out the area.”
“Probably to see if I need my bandages changed,” J grins, satisfied with the little confession.
“Or maybe checking out your components,” you honestly reply.
“Components!” he chuckles and regrets it the next second: the sore wound is definitely there.
The door opens and you grumble in a low voice:
“That’s her, that’s the nurse.”
“Quickly, fix my hair,” The Joker demands and you comb the green locks with the tip of your fingers. “How do I look?”
“Like crap,” you sigh, unable to repair too much due to the present misfortune.
“Dammit,” he completely covers the both of you with the sheet, shielding the intimacy of the discussion from any prying ears.
“Miss Y/N, it’s not safe to be this close to a recovering patient with a raw injury. There’s the risk of infection. Could you please go back to your recliner?” the woman requests out of concern for the medical staff’s own safety: she knows that if something happens to The Clown Prince of Crime while under their care, they will pay for the consequences.
“Make me!” you sneer from under the covers, irritated with her plea.
“Yeah, make her!” J growls also and it’s a red flag for the nurse to leave before one of you snaps. The care giver leaves some medications on the cabinet, planning to return later.
“Try not to contaminate me,” he pouts and you roll your eyes. “I already sacrificed a lady’s interest in me by siding with the competition.”
“You’re so full of it,” you kick his knee, careful not to touch the stitched laceration.
He has no clue how much it terrified you that he almost died on Kai’s birthday; it would have been unbearable to think each year at the same date about two men you care about no longer around.
After 3 weeks
The Joker was released from the clinic yesterday and went straight to the cabin in the Willow Woods, hauling a vexed work wife with him against her will. You sure detest the place in the winter time; there are days it snows so much you can’t even walk to the shed to restart the generator. But he said the fresh air will make his recovery a piece of cake and for once you didn’t argue with the bullshit reason.
You are so worn out after taking care of J 24/7 that the tempest going on outside doesn’t bother you. Y/N dozed off one hour ago and the strong wind sweeping the wilderness slams branches, snow and frozen leaves against the windows.
A strand of your hair is being tugged by the crabby King of Gotham; he has insomnia and of course he sneaked into your bedroom after drinking 2 cups of chamomile tea that did absolutely nothing.
“Y/N, are you awake?”
You barely make eye contact, the brain fuzzy from all the restlessness you dealt with in the past weeks.
“My back is stiff,” The Joker indirectly implies a massage would be more than welcomed.“Did you hear me?” he pokes your shoulder when you nap again.
“Why won’t you let me rest?” you finally blur out, wishing you were at your apartment and not in the boonies at the cottage you can’t stand.
“I can’t work out for a while and my bones are cracking every move I make. Plus, I can’t sleep because your dumb tea didn’t work. Are you gonna do anything about it or not?!” he loses patience describing his hardships to the woman that should know all about them.
“Don’t nag me!” the unexpected response containing what J usually throws at you makes him search his mind for a sour admonishment.
In the meantime, you get on your knees and slap his side so he can turn face down, beginning to rub his back along the dragon tattoo since he won’t quit bugging you.
“That feels awesome,” he grunts when your hands work around the tight muscles keeping him up at this hour of the night.
“Jesus, one knot after the other!” you blur out frustrated, trying to relax the stubborn tissue under his skin.
“Told you I‘m stiff; I wasn’t lying. Keep going,” he motivates the grumpy Y/N. “Aren’t you happy that you still have a boss to take care of?”
He senses your fingers stopping, then restarting and something that sounds like sniffling.
“Are you crying?” the muffled question arises from under the pillows.
You wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your fleece pajamas, watching the flames in the fireplace crackling in the darkness. The Joker reaches his left hand backwards and grabs yours, pulling you next to him again. There’s no resistance from your part and his face moves on top of the cushions again.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…” you bite your cheek and refuse to say more on the topic.
You don’t really have to though; The Clown Prince of Crime is neither stupid or blind.
“I’m still here old girl,” he emphasizes due to his twisted desire to get you out of your misery while still being a jerk.
“I’m not old,” you defend your 36 years of existence like you always do.
“According to my standards you are,” the silver teeth maliciously glisten 2 inches away from Y/N’s lips.
“Your standards are pure crap,” you sulk and he wraps your arms around his neck, compromising at last:
“Probably…” and your sudden kiss takes him by surprise and in the same time it doesn’t.
That’s new, The Joker thinks and enjoys the opportunity of making out with the feisty Y/N that clings to him so tight he cannot move.
“I think I’m still out of commission,” he purrs in between kisses and you couldn’t care less.
“That’s fine,” you smile and give him a second to catch his breath.
“Wait…Wait…” J carefully debates. “Ummm…On the brighter side, I believe we might be in luck but you’ll have to do the hard work giving my present situation.”
“That’s fine too,” you accept his proposal and lean over to whisper:
“Don’t worry, I’ll be nice.”
7 months later
“Did you get what I asked for?” The Joker barks at the smuggler that’s taking too long searching the metal crates from the last shipment received yesterday.
“Yes, Mister Joker, just one moment. I know it’s in here, I saw it myself.”
“I don’t have a moment!” the impatient King of Gotham retaliates and the dealer picks up the pace, relieved to finally discover the item buried inside the box.
“Here you go Mister Joker,” something resembling a booklet is being handed to J.
The opulent wedding ring beaded with purple and green diamonds stands out on The Joker’s finger and the smuggler’s eyes get big.
“Oh, you got married Mister Joker?!”
“Yeah, two days ago,” he gets ready to bail since he’s late for his own honeymoon trip to Las Vegas.
“Congratulations!” the guy has nothing better to do than offer his best wishes.
“Why??” J’s mood switches for the worse. “You think I got a good bargain out of it?! I didn’t !! She’s been nagging me for 11 years; I just made it official !”
“I’m sorry Mister Joker,” another wrong reply escapes the dealer’s lips.
“Why are you sorry, hm?” the pissed Prince of Crime raises his voice. “You think I can’t handle my own wife?!”
You are waiting for J next to your car, playing with the bottom of your short summer dress. There was certainly a commotion going on until a few moments ago when the noises stopped; you’re about to check on it but J is coming out of the building, brushing pieces of glass off his clothes.
“What happened?” you inquire.
“I got you a present,” he avoids replying and gives you the booklet.
“What is this?” you open it, confused. Nothing but a bunch of stamps neatly organized inside.
“A stamp collection, Y/N! You always complained that when I brought girls at the Penthouse I said I have a stamp collection to show them when in the matter of fact I didn’t. So I fixed the issue: these are actual stamps I can show them; very valuable: I paid one hundred thousand dollars!” he boasts in front of an annoyed Mrs. Joker.
“No girls, no stamps!” you flip the expensive collection straight into the trash can near you.
“Wha’… What are you doing?!”
“No girls, no stamps!” you repeat, urging him to get in the vehicle.
“How dare you?!“ he has an outburst that you don’t pay attention to. “You’re fired!”
“No I’m not,” you calmly go around the car since you’re the designated driver for the vacation. “Come on, get in,” you reach from the driver’s side to open the other door for him. ”Traffic will be horrible across the Bridge of Angels. We have to leave,” you pat the passenger’s seat and J is hesitating. “You really don’t need that stamp collection; you have me.”
“Pfft,” he huffs and enters the car, not wanting to admit to himself that his work wife is right.
Actually work wife and wife.
No matter what anyone says, now there’s finally no difference.
AO3 account - same blog name: DiYunho
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fanfic-collection · 7 years
In a Name: Ch 23
The people @pabegay1 @kristenscamander @hannah-caitlynn @graysonmalfoy @falltoashes @solsticestorm @bingewatchingmylifegoby @elenoranave @incadinkadoo @melanin—senpai @juuliiaa05 @sigridlaufeyson @ihaveanobsessenproblem @oneweirdfangirl
“Wake up.” A soft voice cut through the haze of your sleepy mind. “Darling, wake up.” The voice repeated, shaking your shoulder.
You slowly blinked, body stirring as you registered who was speaking to you. “What is it?” You managed to ask, voice weak and thick from sleep. Loki held out a haunch of meat to you, “I found a rabbit wandering nearby, but we are dangerously low on supplies and we have to get moving. If we stay here, you run the risk of infection.” Appreciatively, you took the meat and began to eat. It tasted heavenly, a testimony to how little you had eaten over the past… how many days was it now? You couldn’t be too certain, as all you had done was slept.  “I can’t walk, where would we go?” “I’ve been thinking,” Loki replied, “I remember studying the map, if I’m right, we should be several days closer to the village than just walking. The caravan wouldn’t allow for us to take such a direct path.” You nodded slowly, examining the bones for any traces of meat that you might’ve missed; it had been picked clean. “You should go on without me, I’ll simply slow you down and that’s something you can’t afford in this cold weather.” Loki straightened up, looking towards the mouth of the cave but remained silent. He seemed to be thinking, weighing his options, before slowly turning back to you, “I’m not leaving you, for anything. I’ve been working on making our supplies into a sled. I will get you there, I promise.” Smiling weakly, you tried to stand up. Loki saw your movements and easily pulled you to your feet, supporting you as you swayed under the effort. “Thank you.” You pecked his cheek, lips lingering longer than you had intended before finally pulling away, “I really wish our situation wasn’t…” you hesitated, “how it is.” Loki shared your bittersweet smile, nodding, “Agreed.” He slowly guided you over to the makeshift sledge, helping you to collapse onto it, “let’s get out of here.” The prince struggled to pull the sled in silence, casting furtive glances around for any signs of being followed. For your part, you were too tired and weak to attempt a conversation. Through the haze of pain, you could feel yourself drifting off again until slowly everything went black. - - Your eyes opened to an unfamiliar environment. Frowning slowly, you struggled to sit up, body sliding effortlessly amongst the many furs you were wrapped in. You reached for the injury on your leg, stopping as your hand touched soft bandages. Surprised, you lifted the furs up to inspect the injury, confirming that it had been properly tended to by a skilled healer. As you gazed around the spacious room, you struggled to remember what events had transpired that led you to this place.  The last thing you remembered was falling asleep on the sledge behind Prince Loki. Loki. You scanned the room for any sign of him, but you seemed to be completely alone. Your armour was missing as well, only covered in flimsy undergarments.  Other than the large bed you lay in, and a number of tables covered in various healing supplies and potions, the room was relatively barren. There was a large hearth at one wall, the flames crackling merrily and filling the room with warmth. As you slowly eased yourself upright on the bed, you could make out a soft animal pelt for a rug, though the ground was mostly stone. Had you been taken captive? Surely captors wouldn’t tend to the wounds of an injured prisoner. Just as your eyes fell on the one door, presumably leading to the outside, it began to open. You struggled to lay back down, attempting to feign sleep, but with a sudden burst of light, you let out a startled yelp. A frost giant stood in the doorway, entering slowly. It was hard to make out the creature’s features due to the light outside silhouetting it. You scrambled back on the bed, trying to back away, but the pain was too much. “My lady, please calm down.” The frost giant’s voice was softer and higher pitched than any you had heard before. The creature closed the door and you blinked hard, eyes trying to readjust to the gloom. After a moment, you finally registered that this frost giant was wearing a dress of sorts, her brilliant blue skin exposed from beneath the short white sleeves. “I am here peacefully.” She finally added. You glared at her distrustfully, “Where is prince…” You cut off the phrasing quickly, not sure if this group was as friendly as the frost giant claimed. “My traveling companion?” You hastily corrected. “Prince Loki.” The Jotun smiled, “We shall see him shortly, he has some business to attend to with my father.” “Your what?” You got the strong sense that you were being rude, but after so long of outright hatred with the Jotuns, you were certainly wary. “Forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Auswíe, daughter of Chieftain Bjorn. It is my understanding that the Aesir consider my position a princess.” “Oh! Apologies, kind princess, I did not mean to be so rude.” You stammered apologies as best you could, brain struggling to comprehend what was happening. Auswíe held up her hand, “Do not fret, you are injured and tired, Prince Loki warned me as such, that is why I saw personally to your recovery.” You nodded again weakly, “Yes, of course.” “It’s been quite warm the past few days, but I have been informed that even so, it is too cold for you to comfortably pass outside in the same attire as I wear.” You looked at her dress, something you only saw on Asgardian nobles on the warmest of summer days and nodded, “Yes, that’s correct, my lady.” She smiled again before turning and opening a seemingly random cabinet. Inside was a large bundle that she pulled out and set down at the foot of your bed. “My tutors tell me that even touching an Aesir will hurt them if I’m not careful, do you know if this is true?” She smiled, staring at you. You looked towards the bundle of furs and slowly opened it, revealing fur lined trousers and top. They were thick and soft and you had to resist the urge to smooth your fingers over them in awe. Upon hearing her question, you looked up, “It’s true.” You mumbled quietly, memories stirring of your childhood. At first you were embarrassed, changing under her intense gaze, but you could only imagine what it might be like from her point of view. She had clearly never seen an Asgardian before and was simply curious about what you looked like. Far slower than you would have liked, you finished dressing and struggled to stand. She gripped your arm, covered through the thick sleeve of your new clothing. Even still, you could feel the cold seeping in and struggled to stop your shudder. “I’ll take you to Prince Loki.” She said, smiling as ever. You allowed her to support you, your leg paining you severely, and were able to get a better look at her appearance. Auswíe had the same fiery red eyes that you had seen on all frost giants. She had long black hair, braided in some areas, hanging loosely in others, it went midway down her back. Auswíe’s skin, that which you could see, was covered in the same ridges and indentations of frost giants. You wondered if each ridge pattern was unique to each individual, if it were some sort of birthmark, but you didn’t want to ask for fear of offending a princess. It was confusing to know where you stood in class level in this society. “Have I offended you?” Auswíe suddenly asked. “What?” You snapped your head to look at her, mind lost in thought. “You seem quiet, and I have not addressed you by any titles. Prince Loki made it quite clear that you were important to him and should be by his side always. The healers feared for your life, and your leg, considering having it removed,” you swallowed hard at Auswíe’s admission, “and managed to convince him to have you stay in the healing room.” “Oh, no, yes, thank you. I just, a lot on my mind.” Again, you trailed off, desperately wanting to speak with Loki. You knew diplomacy, Queen Frigga had trained you well, but this was beyond anything your crash course had covered. Auswíe opened the door of the healing chamber and you found yourself outside a small stone building, seemingly only one room. The bitter wind of the cold Jotunheim air cut through you as soon as you were outside. The furs offered you some sense of warmth, but even still, they did little compared to the thick walls of stone and the fire within. Within seconds of being outside, you longed for that warmth and vowed to never curse the hot summer again. “He’s staying in a tent where other chieftains room when visiting.” Auswíe nodded at a faraway tent. The frost giant princess led you past rows and rows of smaller tents, all surrounding one large tent at the very center of the camplike area. You looked to the large walls enclosing the space, made of thick ice, rock, and seemingly bits of trees. “Father is the only Jotun chieftain in the forests, he’s the only one who has learned to build with trees so much.” Auswíe saw you noticing the walls and smiled, the note of pride clear in her voice. “He is quite intelligent.” You nodded appreciatively, glad to know there would be fewer surprise attacks than your small caravan had faced while on the trip there. Your heart skipped a beat, remembering the caravan and the whole point of the excursion. Auswíe continued to chatter on about various aspects of the village’s life, and pointing out important frost giants. Each frost giant you passed eyed you with distrust, all dressed in clothing similar to summer wear. You could feel the hairs standing up on the back of your neck as you walked, nervous of any attack while being so far from your prince and your weapons. Prince Loki was your charge, he was the one you had to keep safe at any cost, and he was out of sight. At long last, you arrived at a large tent made from animal skins. It appeared to be the second largest in the camp. The largest presumably being Chieftain Bjorn’s meeting tent, and a distance away at the center of the camp. The Jotuns clearly had no time for palace building, or at least no desire. Princess Auswíe stomped her foot outside the door, bare feet scuffing up the thick ice and snow. “Prince Loki, I have your lady here.” She called. It didn’t take half a second for the flap to be thrown open and Loki to appear in the doorway, gripping you and pulling you into a fierce hug. “(Y/n)!” Loki yelled, hugging you as tight as he dared. You threw your arms around him, not wanting to show affection in public, but being too happy to once more be reunited with him. “My prince.” You murmured back, burying your face against his own thick furs. For a moment, you noted that he didn’t seem to be wearing as many layers as you, but you quickly pushed the thought from your mind. “Thank you princess.” Loki smiled, finally stepping away from you to address Auswíe. Auswíe beamed at Loki, “Of course, Prince Loki.” Loki wore gloves, and gently took her hand in his and pressed a light kiss to the back of her hand. Your stomach clenched at the display of affection, jealousy rising unbidden from deep within you. You grit your teeth, trying to force the thought away: he was simply being polite. Even still, the feeling lingered. Auswíe giggled at the display, a deep blue blush spreading on her face as she quickly pulled her hand away. The feeling deepened. Loki looked back at you, wrapping his arm around yours, giving you support from your injured leg. “How is your father?” Loki finally asked Auswíe, breaking the growing silence. She frowned, clearly displeased to share such news, “Father is upset that you come seeking refuge without the promised gifts. He does not appreciate beggars, and was told there was an alliance planned, yet here you are with nothing.” You could see the pained look on Loki’s face as he nodded, “Apologies, my lady, we were separated by an attack while passing through woods that Chieftain Bjorn promised were safe. My brother, Prince Thor, still travels with the caravan, he shall be here on the date we agreed to. If you could remind your father of that…” Loki trailed off. Auswíe nodded, “Of course. Seeing as your lady is returned to you, we shall have a meal at the great tent this night, a celebration of her recovery. The caravan is scheduled to arrive the day after tomorrow, so it will be good to look forward to. I shall leave you two to discuss.” The frost giant princess bowed low, turning and walking away. Loki helped you limp into the tent, before settling you down on the spacious pile of furs, clearly the bed. A number of other frost giants slowly sidled their way out, casting you curious looks as they left. “Bjorn’s advisors.” Loki muttered by way of explanation. “It’s quite the saving grace that I was to arrive without the caravan and not Thor.” Your prince sighed heavily, easing himself onto the bed next to you before turning to smile. “I’m glad you’re alright.” With the tent flap closed, and a small fire in the center of the room, it was quite comfortable inside. The smoke rose up through a hole in the tent, preventing it from getting to smoky or too warm inside. “I’m glad I didn’t lose my leg.” You muttered, stripping off your outer jacket. Loki watched you intently, his hand inadvertently reaching up to stroke your now bare skin. He leaned over and kissed your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you. “I’ve missed you dearly.” He mumbled into your skin, “such cruel fate to spend so much time together, only to have it wrenched away again.” You nodded stiffly, not wanting to enjoy this. The angry jealousy resting in the pit of your stomach would not leave. “You and Auswíe seem friendly.” Loki rolled his eyes, pulling away from you, “Yes, the frost giant princess. The only person here who is most open to peace negotiations that do not involve bribes.” Loki sighed heavily. “Oh.” You turned back to Loki, finally seeing just how tired he looked. Reaching up gently to stroke his cheek, you leaned your forehead against his, “I’m sorry, I should have known.” Loki chuckled weakly, his warm breath moving across your face, “That I would drop the one woman I love at the first sign of royalty? I thought my brother was the only fool I was forced to care for.” You flicked his chest playfully. Loki snickered again, “She is kind, perhaps a friend, hopefully an ally. She can see the bigger picture and I do not wish to abandon that. Believe you me, I do not wish to have Asgard at war with Jotunheim, far too many people have died to the needless wars.” “I’m sorry.” You mumbled, leaning your head against Loki’s shoulder. “Were you jealous?” Loki asked suddenly, pulling away to stare down at you. You scowled at him, “Of course not!” “You’re quite lovely when you’re jealous.” Loki added, smiling. “I was not jealous.” You insisted. “God of lies, my dear, I can tell when people are trying to deceive me.” You blushed, pushing him away, “Is that why you’re having me share a tent with you with only one bed?” Loki glanced back at the spacious pile of furs, “Hardly. I didn’t dare let them keep you in a place away from me, if something should happen, I want you by my side, I can’t allow anything to happen to you.” “I am the guard, my prince, Queen Frigga would kill me if I allowed harm to befall you.” “So I guess we shall continue to keep each other safe, even at night.” Loki grinned wickedly, eyes sparkling. “Especially at night.” You rolled your eyes, “You’re a fool, my prince.” “Indeed I am, and still you care for me.” Loki kissed your cheek gently, “Now get some rest, we have a lot ahead of us with this feast tonight, and even more so if Thor is late in arriving.” You crawled under the many piles of furs, half expecting yourself to not be able to sleep, but you were unconscious almost instantly. Loki watched you, happily before crawling in after you. He stripped off his shirt, tugging you close to his chest, your back pressed tight against him as he held you. There would only be one more night of this in peace, he would enjoy it while he could.
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