#i fail so badly with birds
merriclo · 1 year
half of the time i like ships because they have genuine chemistry and/or an interesting dynamic to explore
the other half of the time it’s just fuckin’ funny
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pestilight · 11 months
[sits upright in bed as though waking from some prophesied dream] rau.ru as flavour text
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earthtooz · 11 months
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x : LOVIN' YOU RIGHT :*+゚ all of me i'm offering, show you what devotion is !
in which: reo keeps chasing after you because the one thing he knows how to do is love you right.
warnings: 2.2k words, FLUFF, gn!reader, reo is an athlete, post-argument fic inspired by jungkook's 'seven' mv, mentions of food, pet names used by reader and reo, reo is a little bit of a flirt and a lot in love and pathetic bc that's how we like our men!
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“what are you doing here?” 
reo looks at the direction of your voice, eyes widening in surprise upon seeing you. there are grocery bags in your hands, you’re wearing the sweater you always wear when running errands, and you’re looking at him like he’s a fly that’s invaded your home, annoyance and exasperation seeping right off you. despite it, his heart flutters alive and reo feels like he can finally breathe after the few days you spent ignoring him. 
“y/n!” he exclaims, a smile making its way onto his face. “hi baby, i’ve missed you!”
just as he leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, you swerve aside smoothly, causing the purple-haired’s smile to drop.
“y/n? what was that for?” you don’t answer him, instead slipping past his figure to stand in front of your door, perhaps pressing a little too close for it to be normal, but reo keeps quiet about it. “at least let me help you with your groceries, you can’t unlock a door with both hands-”
“don’t.” you command, struggling with getting your keys out. “why are you here?” 
“wh-what do you mean? i haven’t seen you in three days and i missed you so i came to visit,” he pouts. “did you not miss me?” 
your eye twitches. “i’m still mad at you,” you finally unlock your door, pushing it open and closing it before reo could come in. 
however, that plan is much easier said than done because your boyfriend has better reflexes and is considerably faster than you, so he jams his shoe in between the doorway before you could close it. he makes no move to push it open though. 
“i’m sorry!” he calls out guiltily and he hopes his words reach you through the thin space. “you know i am, i didn’t mean to upset you, and i came to talk it out and make it up to you!”
you peek through the gap, looking reo in the eye. “as much as i appreciate your apology reo, there’s no point in letting you in, i need to go run some errands soon so why don’t you leave and come back later when we can talk.”
“then can i come with you?”
“why? you’re just going to be bored following me around.”
“i’d follow you to the ends of the earth if you allowed me.” 
the silence is deafening, utterly suffocating as reo awaits for a response. he has never wanted to kick down a door so badly in his life because if you spend another millisecond not speaking to him then he might lose his mind, he’d rather die than have you shut him out. 
thankfully, you open up the gap just a little more, allowing him to see more of you, but you don’t meet his eye, looking to the side bashfully instead. “fine, but i’m still mad at you, so don’t get any ideas.”
heaven is on his side, reo decides as he fails miserably at hiding his smile.
“you wait outside though, i’ll be out in a bit.”
“wait, can’t i help you put your groceries away?”
“you don’t even know how to do it properly.”
“i’ll learn for you.”
“another time.”
reo retracts his foot and you close the door with a gentle click, the sight of you being replaced with a wooden plank souring his mood significantly. better than you slamming the door in his face, he supposes, but nevertheless, the purple-haired sighs, moping in front of your door like it was his birthright. 
he only broods for a few minutes maximum because soon enough, he’s reunited with you, trailing behind you like a second shadow as you both make your way through your neighbourhood. the excitement that reo feels practically tangible, leaving a trail of undying devotion, powered by the love he feels for you.
the walk is quiet, filled by sounds of passing cars, birds chirping, and people strolling by that stare a little too long at the purple-haired, either subtly admiring him or wondering why he seemed so familiar. you’re acutely aware of the stares and how strange the sight must be to them. world-class soccer player and multimillionaire trailing behind a nobody as if it was just another day, how unfathomable. 
you wonder if reo gets tired of it.
“what are you doing today?” your boyfriend asks, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“i need to drop by the bank first of all, then i have some things to return, and then i need to buy some new headphones because mine broke.”
“oh, good to know!”
“reo, i swear, don’t even get the idea about paying for any of it. use your credit card today and i will personally-”
“-okay, okay!” he jokes, defensively putting up his hands. “i won’t.”
you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion, very clearly not believing him before continuing your journey. you know your boyfriend better than anyone and if it’s one thing he’s stubborn with, it’s never letting you pay, but you’re determined and reo is plotting the many ways to break his promise. 
the first method is dropped in front of him like a divine gift, which took shape through a flower stall in front of the mall you planned on going to. reo is a man of taking his chances whenever he sees it. grabbing your hand to stop you from walking any further, reo doesn’t explain his intentions as he wordlessly drags you to the quaint store that had set itself up. 
“reo, no-”
“-this one, please,” reo demands as he hands the bouquet of his choice to the store owner, keeping you in a tight grip before you could run away. 
“that’ll be 7700 yen.”
“that’s too much! reo, stop it! i told you you couldn’t use your credit card today!”
from his pocket, reo fishes out a crisp ‘10000’ bill, dropping it on the platter for cash before speed walking away with the bouquet. “thank you very much, no need for change!”
the protests of the store attendant fades in the background and reo turns to you with a boyish smile, pushing the bouquet into your arms as if you hadn’t witnessed everything that just happened. 
“reo,” you murmur, resolve crumbling as the beautiful arrangement shines up at you and it doesn’t help that your (very charming) boyfriend is looking at you with a pleading look in his eyes, practically begging for you to accept. “i told you not to buy anything-”
“-with my card! you never said anything about cash.” 
“that’s not the point- oh my goodness,” you pinch the bridge of your nose whilst shaking your head, but you quickly admit defeat when a small giggle slips through your lips. 
glancing back up at him, there’s scorn in your eyes but it’s easily contrasted by the gentle smile that dances along your lips. reo feels a warmth spread in his chest, as if he had swallowed the sun and made itself home beside his heart, the same one that begins to race at the sight of you laughing. he is so pathetically devoted to you that it makes him stupid, but he’d buy all the flowers in the world if it will make you smile at him like this. 
“you’re so silly, reo,” taking the bouquet from his relaxed grip, you hug it close to your chest. “thank you though, i love them.”
“i love you,” slips past his lips before he can think.
“ever the smoothtalker, aren’t you?”
you walk away without another word, causing reo to chase after you. “wait, why aren’t you saying it back?”
“still mad.”
reo shuts his mouth, complaints dying on his tongue as he continues following you through the mall. slowly but surely, you make your way through your list of things to do, with the world-class athlete silently losing his mind more and more with each second that you weren’t giving him attention. he needs to plot more ways that would break your resolve, and fast.
his opportunity comes up when the two of you pass by a bakery that catches your eye, your gaze to lingering a little too long on the display of baked goods for reo not to notice. without a second thought, he drags you in with him, your immediate complaints falling on deaf ears. 
“i don’t want anything!” you hiss, trying to keep loyal your stubbornness despite the enchanting smell of baked goods wafting through the air.
“too bad, either you tell me what you want or i’m buying out the whole store,” reo promises, eyes alight with determination.
“i want to go home.”
“aren’t you hungry?”
“there’s food at home, i don’t want to waste any unnecessary money.” 
“it’s not wasting if it’s spent on you, though,” he reasons before ordering the baked goods that he knows you will like, and once again, paying for it with cash. 
“if you’re trying to get me to forgive you by spending your money then forget it,” you mutter, ripping your hand out of his grasp before walking out of the store.
“y/n-” reo begins, cutting himself off as he waits impatiently for his order to get finished packing; not that it takes long before he leaves the store with a branded paper bag in hand, filled with perhaps multiple boxes of baked goods as dashes out to the entrance, prepared to chase after you.
except he doesn’t need to, because you’re standing outside patiently waiting for him, the bouquet of flowers still snug in your arms. its beauty could never compare to yours, reo thinks offhandedly as he approaches you like a magnet. 
“i thought me walking out would deter you,” you murmur, eyeing the bag in his hand. “should’ve known that it wouldn’t work.” 
reo grins, partly out of adoration, mostly because he’s just glad you didn’t actually leave him behind, not that you ever would or could do such a thing. 
“you treat me too well, don’t you think?” you hug the flowers closer to your chest. 
“what? where did that come from?” 
you shrug, not meeting his eyes. “i don’t know, you’re just too good for me sometimes. aren’t you tired?”
a crack resonates through his heart, causing a few pieces to crumble and shatter on the ground. “how could you ever think that?” he says in a panic. “do i need to give you more flowers? i need to call to make you an arrangement soon, i’m so inconsiderate! we can go out next week, i’ll clear my sche-”
two hands are placed of either side of his face and the words die on reo’s tongue. you look at him with a look of fondness that almost makes him cry and fall to his knees. “-i’m sorry, i don’t know where that came from. i just think i got really lucky having someone like you in my life.” 
reo wants to say that its reverse, that he’s the one who landed in a pot of fortune and came out with someone as kind and beautiful as you, but he’ll find the words some other day because he wants to kiss you, badly. 
finally, you say, “thank you love, i appreciate your gifts.” 
he beams and falls harder in love than he already was.
by the time the two of you arrive at your apartment, the sun is beginning to dip belong the horizon and you hold a lot more goods than anticipated, your boyfriend being the one to blame for most of them.
“are you gonna call someone to drive you home?” you ask, stopping in front of your door.
reo frowns, “i guess i could do that.” 
he makes no move for his phone and his pout is a strong indication of what he truly wants. you’ve always been good at reading reo but you’ve never been good at resisting his wishes, so it’s with a faked sigh that you give in.
“fine,” you hold out your hand for him to take and he very happily complies, beaming with a hope so bright that it blinds you. “want to stay the night?”
he almost drops to one knee but doesn’t get the time to because you’re unlocking your door. this time, you’re leaving it open and reo storms in like its his birth right (which it could be. he thinks he was put on this earth to love you and being welcomed in to your apartment might as well be another declaration of love.)
its refreshing to be in your space once more, to bathe in your presence and be welcomed in instead of shut out. as much as you may scorn him, reo’s only place in the universe is beside you, and he’ll take whatever you give so long as it’s you he gets to see at the end of the day.
“reo!” you call out from the kitchen, disrupting his thoughts. “should we have some of those cakes you bought earlier?”
“yeah, i’m coming!” shouts reo, happy, content, and grateful that you will let him love you, because he’s the only one that could do it right.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 5 months
Fentons family's guide Section on being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Fentons family's guide to being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Guide by Jazmin Fenton in case of employment with a supervillain.
Being an evil assistant or henchmen is surprisingly a very stable source of an income stream all things considered.
You just need to find a boss. A as in singular it's very important, who is pathetic and or stupid enough to constantly have their large scale plan failing even without the hero's Involvement.
And while their large scale plan for taking over the world with a weapon of mass destruction could be feasible if only they didn't think to actually use it. Using it to threaten the world leaders for sway is the correct way. It is the most unused method the one being used most is the method of actually using the weapon of mass destruction for mass destruction.
You as the evil assistant then have the responsibility to make sure that the villain doesn't/ can't use said device to destroy the world. The heroes can help. Later then take the blame for the failure absolving you of involvement.
Being a good evil assistant is babysitting the evil boss.
_________________________________pg 9___
"Oh man never thought I'd actually need to use the 'Fenton guide' Jazz made me." Danny mumbled quietly and heaved a sigh of relief when he had found it among his hastily packed together bag.
Jazz had been the one making both of their emergency bags when she had told him about the guide. He hadn't appreciated it then now he truly did now with everything going on.
God he missed Jazz so much. He wanted to see her so badly he wanted to hold her hand like when they were kids. He really wanted her hand to squeeze his back in reassurance that everything was going to be fine.
Danny tried holding back his sobs at the thought. He couldn't stop the mist in his eyes or his hands shaking holding the little booklet.
But he wanted her safe and far away from everything even more. He wanted his friends to be safe with his sister. It didn't matter if he had to be far away working getting those crystals every way he could think of. His friends and sister needed money to keep them safe, hidden and taken care of. They needed that money and crystals and if Danny had to choose between his morals and fright he would always choose his true family. Morals be damned.
• • •
He hadn't expected the costume to be so good in quality. That had surprised him the most the second being how easy it would be getting a job with villains. Turns out working as an "meta" henchmen who knew everything from fighting to logistics and machinery was a rarity in this dimension. Who would have guessed it with all the metas and enhanced humans going about? And omg they even have aliens in this dimension!
Getting the money for the crystals had been going surprisingly smoothly. Everything had been going so smoothly that of course it had to be ruined! The villain Danny was working for had gotten noticed and promptly got beat. Which meant he didn't have an employer anymore at least until a breakout was orchestrated. So no more job until then.
And Danny had finally managed his way to the middle hierarchy in that organization! Now he would need to go looking for evil henchmen positions again! It wasn't even a good season to go looking for openings in other organizations.
Damn it that bat furry in Gotham and his flock of birds. Don't they get how hard it is for a henchmen to find descant work!?
Maybe he should go with the duo villain and assistant type next time.
Thank you so much for reading I hope it was enjoyed!
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Danny in the lair after having saved his villain boss from Batman after said villain had their scheme blown up in their face. Danny knew the plan would fail miserably but at this point he didn't care. He stopped trying to help when it came to schemes ages ago.
+Some art
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Idk if I've posted this idea before but I've had this thing bouncing around in my head for a while.
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wolfjackle-creates · 3 months
Bad Reveal AU Chapter 2 Part 2
As promised! Here's the compilation of every snippet I've written for the 1000 follower ask game. I added an additional 300 words to the end to round out the scene.
Story Summary: Danny loves the Waynes, loves living with them. After the GIW, after his parents, he never thought he'd be able to have this again. A family, a home.
Then he overhears a conversation.
The Waynes aren't just the Waynes. They're the Bats, part of the Justice League. And the Justice League works with the US Government. The same government that runs the Ghost Investigation Ward.
It was all a lie.
AO3 link
Tumblr Links: Chapter 1, Previous
Word Count: 2.6k
Three days later and they were all ready to tear their hair out. Barbara had found nothing new on the Fenton parents, even after Tim and Bruce joined her in the search. Apparently everything about the Fentons had been hidden behind the best digital security they had ever seen. Everything except the basics. And the firewalls were so good that they were almost invisible which is why no one had noticed them before.
Danny’s room lacked any sort of clue. They opened every drawer and went through everything they could find, only for nothing even slightly unusual to turn up. Definitely nothing like the bizarre energy weapon he’d used.
Jason had asked around as Red Hood to see if he could find any leads on the weapon. But every rumor lead to a dead end.
They could find nothing that might lead them to the people who wanted to hurt Danny. And Danny never came home.
Dick was currently in Danny’s room, again, trying to find anything. He was under the bed searching for hidden compartments in the frame or box spring when sharp footsteps sounded in the hall. A moment later, Alfred cleared his throat from the doorway.
“Master Dick! I believe you were instructed to leave the cave so you could rest.”
Dick pushed himself out from under the bed and sat so he was leaning against the bed frame. He flashed a dazzling smile. “Sorry, Alfred. I just had the idea to check the bed frame for any hidden messages or compartments. Wouldn’t have been able to sleep without doing it.”
Alfred sniffed. “We have already been over every inch of this room. You will not find anything new and you know this.”
Dick sighed, letting the smile drop away, and rubbed his face. He looked down at the carpet as he picked at it. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep. I just keep seeing his face. He was certain we were going to hurt him, Alfred. My own brother. How could I have failed him so badly?”
Alfred’s shoes came into view as he walked further into the room and sat next to Dick. “You haven’t failed him, Master Dick. And you know that. His fears were his own; based on experiences from before he ever joined this family. And we did not know there were problems to address. But we do now and I have full faith that you will solve this and bring Master Danny back home.”
“I wish I had your optimism, Alfred.”
“Then I shall just have to have enough for the both of us. Now, if you insist on being useful, Titus could use his afternoon walk. Normally Master Bruce or I take care of it…”
“But with B injured and the house full, you’ve got enough to handle. I’ll take care of it, Alfred.”
“Thank you, my boy. Now, help an old man up.”
Dick laughed; it wasn’t sincere, not truly, but he knew it’d make Alfred feel better. “Don’t even pretend you can’t get up on your own.” But he still did as requested and helped Alfred to his feet.
“When you’re my age, you will know what troubles I face.”
“Sure, Alfred. Now, where is Titus right now?”
Ten minutes later, Dick was outside in the late spring sun throwing a tennis ball for Titus. The dog was delighted with the game.
He rather felt like it should be raining or overcast or something. Not a balmy spring day with birds singing and bees buzzing in the clover. Danny was still missing; it shouldn’t be a nice day.
His next throw went much farther than he planned, and Titus bounded away.
Dick groaned and collapsed to the ground. He threw an arm over his eyes as he bit back his tears. Everyone was relying on him to hold it together. Damian was on a hair trigger and he was the only one who could keep him in line consistently; Tim was sunk deep into his research and barely surfacing for another energy drink every few hours; Jason and Bruce couldn’t be around each other for more than ten minutes without someone starting to yell. Duke was spending more and more time on patrol trying to find any information on the meta angle.
And all of them came to him to complain about the others. His family needed him. He couldn’t fall apart.
When a shadow fell over his face, he cracked open an eye expecting to see a cloud covering the sun. Instead he screamed and jumped to his feet as he came face-to-face with Clark.
“Warn a guy next time!”
Clark, the bastard, just laughed at him. “Hey, Dick. Didn’t expect to find you here.”
Before he could reply, Titus returned, ball clenched proudly in his mouth. “Good boy,” said Dick as he petted him. “Ready to go back inside?” To Clark, he said, “Most of us are staying at the manor right now. What brings you here?”
“We’re worried. Bruce called in saying he had an injury that would prevent field work for a few weeks. At the same time, Tim told Kon he’d be unavailable for Young Justice missions until further notice. And Damian canceled a sleepover with Jon with no explanation. So I made two of Ma’s pies and decided to come over for a visit. What’s going on?”
Dick sighed. “Danny’s gone. He discovered who we were.” He let out a hysterical laugh. “And apparently thinks that because we work with the US government it means we were just pretending to like him to gather information so we could turn him over to someone who would hold him against his will and torture him.”
Clark landed and pulled him into a hug. Dick clung on tightly. “Why does he think that?”
Dick shrugged and, reluctantly, pulled away. “Apparently his parents betrayed him once already. I think…” Dick closed his eyes and whistled sharply. “Come, Titus.” He held onto Titus’s collar and began walking away from Clark towards the manor. “We think he already has experience being held and tortured. And that it was his parents fault.”
Clark’s sharp inhale proved his horror at such a thought.
“Yeah. So now Danny’s gone and we have no idea how to search for him. Did B tell you he’s a meta? We knew he had some powers, but clearly we missed some because now we suspect invisibility, density shifting, and flight. So we’re trying to find the people who want to hurt him. But we keep hitting walls!” Titus whined when his grip tightened too much. Dick winced and let go immediately to pet the dog. “Sorry, Titus. You’re such a good boy.”
Clark draped an arm around his shoulders. “Well, why don’t you take me to the cave and you can go over everything you know. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will help.”
Dick shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt. And maybe seeing you will remind Bruce he knows how to do more than grunt when people ask him a question.”
Clark winced. “That bad, huh?”
“Worse, if I’m honest. Danny shot him with an energy weapon before density shifting out of the cave. So now his newest kid is missing and he’s too injured to go out and search for him.”
Clark let out a low whistle. “Yep. That’ll do it.”
Dick pulled out his phone and opened the group chat. A quick text ensured everyone who was around would make their way to the cave. “I’ve told everyone to meet us in the cave. We’ll swing by the kitchen to get some plates and cutlery for the pie. Thanks for that, by the way.”
Clark ruffled his hair. “You know me, I’m too midwestern to show up anywhere unannounced without food.”
Dick gave a half smile, unable to muster up anything warmer.
Clark tried to keep up a stream of small talk as they swung by the kitchens to gather the plates. But Dick just couldn’t keep up with it. His mind was just too far away, on a young boy with blue eyes who loved hugs and had fit into the family so smoothly.
When they got to the cave, Tim didn’t even look up at the sound of the elevator doors opening. Dick followed his lead and ignored him, instead going straight to Bruce.
“You’ve got a visitor, B!”
Bruce only grunted and didn’t look up from his laptop.
Clark hid a smile. “I’m sure Alfred raised you better than that, Bruce.”
“Indeed I did,” declared Alfred with a sniff from where he was making notes in Bruce’s medical chart.
Bruce’s head whipped up at the sound of Clark’s voice and Dick bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Clark? What are you doing here?”
“Been worried about you and the kids, so I made some pie and decided to come on over. Kon and Jon are both waiting for updates as well.”
Apparently the appearance of Clark and Kon’s name was enough to finally drag Tim from the batcomputer for the first time in days. “Is Kon okay?”
Clark gave him a fond smile. “He’s fine, lad. It’s you—all of you—we’re worried about.”
Bruce looked away. “It’s Danny.”
Clark nodded and sat on the foot of the bed. “Dick’s told me a little. Let’s wait for the others to join us and you can all tell me everything.”
Dick checked his phone. “Babs said my text woke her up and don’t start discussions without her.”
Clark looked at him sharply. “Barbara is here, too? You really meant it when you said everyone’s been staying here, didn’t you?”
Dick shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s Danny.”
Tim laughed mirthlessly. “Yeah, he’s the only one who all of us like pretty much all the time.”
Clark frowned as he looked around at the people gathered, but didn’t say anything.
Alfred bustled in with a chair. “If some of you would help me set up chairs for everyone? We might as well be comfortable as we talk and eat.”
“Of course, Alfred,” said Clark, seeming relieved. “Be happy to help.”
Honestly, with how many people were there, it only took a minute. Jason and Stephanie arrived just as they were finishing up.
“Duke messaged me,” said Jason. “He’s on his way back from patrol.”
“Damian?” asked Dick.
“I am here, Richard,” said the boy as he walked into the medbay. “I apologize for my tardiness. I was with Alfred the cat and didn’t notice your message immediately.”
Dick went to his side and ruffled his hair. He ignored Damian’s glare with years of practice. “Glad you could make it. Come on, let’s get you a slice of pie.”
“I’ll start slicing,” said Clark.
By the time the pie was sliced and everyone had a piece, Barbara had arrived.
“Where is Duke?” asked Bruce.
Tim pulled up the tracking information on his laptop. “Looks like he’s only twenty minutes out.”
“He’d’ve said something if he’d learned anything new,” said Jason. “I say we just start sharing now. He’ll be back before we get through it all.”
“Agreed,” said Bruce.
Clark nodded and looked around the room. Dick just knew he was cataloging how exhausted they all looked. “What can you tell me about what happened?”
“Daniel lost his mind and attacked Father,” said Damian.
“Listen here, Demon Brat,” argued Jason, “you know damn well that’s not what happened.”
And when Tim backed up Jason, it became a shouting match. Dick buried his face in his hands. A headache was forming and he knew if he tried to intervene, he’d just make it worse right now.
“Enough!” said Alfred when it became clear the others wouldn’t calm down on their own. “We will go over it one at a time. Master Richard, you may start.”
So Dick gave all the information he knew. When one of the others indicated they wanted to add more, he let them. Alfred made sure no one overstepped. Duke arrived partway through and described what he saw when Danny disappeared and used his powers.
When everyone was finally satisfied they’d shared everything they knew, Barbara pulled out a tablet to show Clark the footage of the confrontation in the cave.
“And you don’t know where he got that weapon?” asked Clark after he watched it twice.
“No clue,” said Tim. “We’ve searched his room a dozen times since then, but there’s nothing even remotely like it.”
Jason nodded. “And I’ve been asking around. No one I can find has ever heard of one like it.”
Alfred added, “Even I was unaware he was in possession of such an object.”
Clark hummed as he replayed the last few seconds of the video where Danny density shifted through the stone. “He brought it with him when he left.”
“You’ve thought of something,” said Bruce.
“Could he have hidden the weapon inside something? Like a wall or the floor?”
Bruce hummed as he thought. “Is that even possible?”
Dick shrugged. “We know very little about what he can and can’t do.”
“Want me to take a look at his room with my X-ray vision?” asked Clark.
Bruce nodded. “Please.” No one commented on the begging tone in his voice.
And for the first time in days, Dick felt hope rising in his chest.
“And do we have any idea what he meant by Jason being in trouble, too?”
Jason shrugged. “Probably has something to do with how I died. I’m apparently the only one who can sense Danny’s empathy, too. And I mean supernatural empathy, not the normal person kind.”
Bruce agreed. “I found the most information on Amity Park when I found my way to supernatural message boards. Zatana is looking into some things for me as well. But it always leads back to ghosts. Though why Jason alone is of interest when others in the family have also died is uncertain.”
“I see. Well, I suppose we’ll find out when you get him home. Who wants to show me Danny’s room? We might as well start there.”
Of course, no one was willing to sit this one out. The biggest argument arose when Bruce insisted on pushing himself to his feet. He refused the wheelchair Alfred tried to insist he use, but a raised eyebrow and pursed lips did get him to take the crutches.
Dick and Jason exchanged a smirk at the scene. Alfred always got his way.
So, the entire group made their way out of the cave and through the halls of Wayne Manor until Clark stopped in the doorway to Danny’s room.
He let out a low whistle. “Whatever his powers are, he can definitely hide things in other objects. He’s left a lot behind.”
“Can you tell what they are?” asked Bruce.
Clark shrugged. “Some of them. There’s another item that looks like that blaster he had. Some…rope? I think? A tool box in the floor. A case that’s probably lead-lined. And a lot of stuff that I just can’t identify. I mean, a random cylindrical object. Some rectangles, maybe external hard-drives?”
Damian stepped forward, gripping the handle of his katana. “Then we will smash the walls to see what he is hiding.”
Dick rushed forward to put an arm around Damian’s shoulders and stop him from doing anything.
“Indeed not, Master Damian.” Alfred gave the boy a level look. “We want Master Danny to have a home to return to. And what sort of welcome would he feel if he came back to a destroyed room? Master Bruce, Mr. Kent, I am aware you have other collegues who can density shift. Could one of them be prevailed upon to come and remove the items?”
Damian scowled and kicked at the floor. Dick bit back his smile. The kid really did care about their missing brother, whatever he said.
Clark nodded. “I’ll call J’onn, Alfred.”
Several of you guessed this is where I was going to take it the minute I introduced Clark. Didn't see anyone mention J'onn, though. (But that might be because I was sharing such small segments, so fewer people were speculating.) Let me know what you think!
I've finally gotten around to making a Subscription Post for this fic, so follow that if you want notifications!
@hailsatanacab also started a fill for this prompt that I absolutely adore, so check that out here! (It hurts, it hurts so good.)
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typecastwritesssss · 10 months
okay but like the wind waker man. that intro. so many questions. we all know ocarina is dark but man wind waker just straight up said "and then they all drowned and the gods never came to help" hello??? how many years. how many decades. how much time did the adult hero of time buy for them? which child of zelda’s was daphnes? her son? grandchild? great-grandchild? when he stared at the rising waters and realized nothing was going to save them, his kingdom, did he think it was retribution for all the war? 
has it really been all that long? yes and also no. the lines are so blurred. the zora are birds and the kokiri are koroks and they had time to Get That Way but everywhere you look the old Hyrule, the Hero of Time himself, they're both all over the place. the deku tree is implied to be the sprout from the adult timeline but honestly who knows. the golden goddesses are statues on islands somewhere and there was a tower built to test who came after but…who and how and why? what was the tower of the gods even for? how did they know they’d need it? at what point did they accept the hero of time was never coming back so they’d probably need to train a new one? 
and oh my god, that outset island tradition. “dress your kids in green and give ‘em a sword and pray to the gods they’ll have the courage to cast down evil.” link rolls his eyes at it but he wears them to appease grandma. the revered clothes of the hero have had time to pass into “stupid traditional getup” territory. how many “failed Links” were there before Aryll’s brother? what evil could those children have possibly stricken down? the monsters in the woods?
“what became of that kingdom? none remain who know” like goddamn. say what you want about the hero’s shade in twilight princess. but at least the traumatized ghost got to meet one of his descendants and pass on his songs and his knowledge, even if that knowledge was only of war and death and combat. in the wind waker he’s a statue. an element of a legend mentioned once or twice by the last remaining holdouts of the past—holdouts who so badly want him to return, view him as the solution over all else, that they never pause to consider any other option. there are stained glass windows of the seven sages in the master sword’s chamber that are never mentioned. there is so much that is never mentioned.
nobody knows what the fuck anybody is talking about. link doesn’t know old hylian. tetra is running around the high seas (as a pirate. she and her retainers are now pirates. how did things get that way) with a piece of the damn triforce around her neck and she doesn’t know who ‘princess zelda’ even is. the juxtaposition between ganondorf, older and tired and wiser but still hell-bent on ruling hyrule even if it is a dead land full of nothing and no one, and tetra, a zelda that knows nothing, asking why he’s laughing and calling him insane. because hyrule’s dead. she has no frame of reference for his longing, or what he found so great about this sunken kingdom.
and this is framed as a good thing. the king of red lions thinks it’s better not to let either of the kids in on the loop until tetra nearly dies for lack of knowledge. daphnes nolhansen hyrule brought “the hero” back just to end ganon, and hyrule with him. was the plan always to let the sea fall in on him? maybe. i don’t know. but he rejects zelda’s plea with him to take him with them to the land that will be the new hyrule, because “it will not be hyrule. it will be your land” and that still gets me. he thinks the best thing to do with his kingdom, Hyrule, the kingdom of a whole hell of a lot of irl people’s childhoods, is for it to wash away. he wants the kids to live for the future and they do and they will and they name it hyrule anyway in his honor but he never gets to see it.
anyways i’m still mad everybody got butthurt over “trains in a zelda game” like come on now
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kurogane2512 · 27 days
Imagine male cheif reader and bai yi having sex with reader pounding her in a mating press but he tells her he loves her in her ear and she whimpers before clenching on his cock and squirting
Now, because of this, the reader praises her more often, but when he does, his fingers or dick are always in her, like if he's working in his office and she's on his lap cockwarming him, he can reach down and rub her clit softly while kissing her neck and calling her a good girl which makes her cum right there on the spot while whimpering readers name
Another sinner who would fit this is definitely anne and raven. Those two, like bai Yi, will do anything to get your approval and praise
With anne she loves when you compliment her while kissing her roughly, calling her your pretty girl or personal cute nurse will get her panties soaked and her pussy ready for you
As for raven all you have to do is have her in your lap and call her "pretty bird" or "my lovely lady" and she start grinding against your thigh while saying your name and begging to get bred (raven definitely has a breeding kink) and to have a little flock with her
Path to Nowhere | Male Chief!reader x Bai Yi, Anne, Raven (separate)
I imagine Bai Yi to be very cheeky and tease you a lot especially while cockwarming. It could begin with her coming to your office for a casual meet-up and soon escalate to her sitting on your lap and grinding your clothed erection while you work. She loves the way you hiss and tell her to stop, but she continues since she wants you to just bend her on the table and fuck her dumb.
But you are used to her tactics and you don't give in, hence making her whine and become impatient. She'd try to request, urge you to put it inside but you just keep refusing. You feel her wet cunt rub against your crotch now and smirk, finally whispering to her to be a good girl and not disturb you if she wants your cock so badly. She's so needy by now she'll agree and take your cock in and sit on your lap like a good girl, only moving when you tell her to.
Anne loves it when you sneak up behind her while she's working in the ward, or even just tending to you in your office. The way you kiss her neck and whisper sweet praises in her ear gets her week in the knees, top it off with her feeling your cock grinding against her ass and she already wants it inside. You cup her breasts and knead them all the while praising her and grinding your cock between her thighs, you can feel her slick drip down and the wet patch on her panties. God, she just wishes you'd pin her on the nearest surface already and fuck her brains out.
I have rarely written on Raven so I'm not too familiar with her characterization, but I feel she'd be similar to Bai Yi in the sense of teasing you except with her words rather than actions. Sending you her silly little (and bad) poems about how she wants to see you, even sending you dirty texts asking you to meet her. And if all fails then she'd come to your office herself and straddle you, telling you to take a break as she grinds on your lap and you drop everything and finally fuck her as she wanted~
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m1d-45 · 1 year
i need MISERY and SADNESS and ANGST !
reader absolutely sobbing to bird xiao. i mean fucking wailing, man.
our birdie was going about his usual business, peeping around, looking for any possible dangers, maybe bring back a nice acorn. once he’s done, he’ll fly back to us, glad to report — (chirp a few times) — that the area is safe.
but instead of finding you eagerly awaiting him with an outstretched hand, he finds you curled in on yourself, stifling sobs.
he lands on the ground in front of you, worriedly hopping past the squirrels and deer nudging various forest tributes to you. he peeps once, but you don’t respond. he peeps a second time, and this warrants an answer.
you weakly unfurl yourself, willing your head upwards.
xiao now notices the state of your clothes. tattered, dirty, and dampened with what he hopes is just a peculiar blue juice.
he then meets a pair of reddened, glossy eyes. your cheek was scratched, and your now visible hands badly scraped. he chirps in concern, flapping his wings and hopping closer to your face.
that same face scrunches once again, as you curl your head back into your knees. as another sob escapes, you only wordlessly produce a few almonds from your pocket. you only whimpered an apology as a deer laid at your feet.
the almonds were not what he wanted. he did not need an apology for- what? a lack of attention? no, none of that. he only wanted you to be happy. how had he failed you again? he was a disgrace to the adepti, he was surely deserving of avid punishment. perhaps the loss of a finger would serve well. or two, after all, he had been too selfish and ignorant to save you. why was he even aIive? why was he ever even born? such a faiIure should never have been —
his inner monologue was cut off by an offering of a hand instead. you shakily nudged him with your index finger, making him release a squeak.
“hey.. i said i’m fine, right? please eat. you’re always so hungry.”
you sniffled.
“i can find some plants, and-“
but the sobs only continued.
“and fix it..”
your hand went limp as your cries shook your body. you didn’t even bother to weep silently anymore.
the squirrels chittered, the approaching raccoon held a rock in its small hands as an offering. a deer sniffed your head as you curled into fetal position again.
“i didn’t want this- i- i didn’t want to—”
i was just having fun, why did- how did it come this far?-”
a rabbit hopped closer.
“i want to go home. i miss my mom, i miss my dad, i miss their hugs-”
the deer at your feet nudged your leg.
“why can’t i just die aIready?”
xiao squealed, flapping his little wings furiously. he chirped and chirped, trying to bring you back to your senses.
he’d seen this thing time and time again- the form taken by relinquishment. once the thought was spoken, it could only end in misfortune.
he knew this was only a psychological effect, of course. to lose a battle when a small part of you wants to. to become careless and fall asleep on a thinly frozen lake. or, to intentionally cause one’s own end.
but that would not stop him from bringing you charms of good fortune in the following days. talisman to ward off draining spirits, necklaces and bracelets he personally imbued with evil-vanquishing power.
it did not stop him from distancing himself from you, in fear his karmic binds had effected you. that they were having the same effect on you as his siblings- as himself.
he had to protect you.
it was his duty.
-owl anon RAAAHH
i’m sorry this got so long, my thumbs go *taptaptaptap* on my keyboard while i just watch
oh…. you get it.
(under the readmore because my fingers tend to go)
xiao blessing small pebbles with adeptal energy, ignoring how it stings his hands as he wraps it in a leaf. as the one enchanting the stone, he’s granted a small amount of grace, but protection charms always tended to hiss at his karma.
he picks it up with his claws, flapping up and into the skies of liyue. he always brings you small gifts, and he knows you keep them, at least for a little while. he’s not sure if the magic is absorbed into you, if it fades, or if you simply lose them—some small part of him is satisfied at the image of mountain shaper being repelled by a simple stone—but he brings them to you faithfully. you always greet him the same way, and anticipation begins to bubbles under his skin at the thought.
he loves seeing you.
…but not like this.
your tree is more crowded than usual, various small wildlife surrounding you. nothing big, nothing threatening—the deer hesitate at the treeline, huffing and pawing at the ground—but worrying for certain.
he gives his same warning cry he always does, but you don’t step out to greet him. he has to duck beneath the leaves, and he sees you… crying.
he freezes, dropping a few inches in his shock, but quickly recovers.
(he can’t hesitate. he can’t pause. there’s no time for his own problems when you are in pain-)
he lands on your arm, bumping his head to yours and giving you a small chirp.
(please be okay. please be okay. please let the teal grass around you be lighting, or his bird eyes. please.)
another bump. another chirp. he reaches and pulls a leaf from your hair, turning to drop it away, and when he looks back you managed to lift your head.
he can’t stop the way he jumps, flapping to regain his balance at the smear of blue across your face.
“oh… hello there, little friend.”
he can’t even bring himself to be as happy as he normally is at your voice.
you take the wrapped rock from your claws, both you and the leaf unfurling. the blue stone glitters, and you smile slightly. from his new perch on your wrist and your shift in posture, he can’t help but notice more and more tragic details about you.
a slash across your waist, the cloth of your shirt clinging to your skin. the dirt across your skin, the tracks of tears down your cheeks.
“th-“ you cough, and the stone in your hand pulses outside of your view. “thank you, pretty bird.”
some part of him hopes that the stone brings you some joy. that you can absorb some of his magic- hell, he’d enchant it again if he needed to, expending every drop of energy he had of it meant you didn’t have to cry.
but not even the beauty of the earth can mend the tragedy of betrayal.
if anything, you cry more, curling up again in an attempt to hide from the world that wanted you dead. concerned cheeps slip from his beak as easily as the rabbits and birds around you hop closer. none dare to get as close as he, but acorns and river stones and pushed towards you, a ring of offerings surrounding their god.
“sorry,” you stutter, your voice choked, and he wonders why you’re apologizing. “i- i still-“ another sob. xiao feels like crying himself.
(he has no right to be distraught. not when he’s the blade you fear)
“here,” you manage, offering up a shaking handful of crushed almonds. you still have him your food, you still went through the strain and effort of crushing them so he could eat them in this form- even after the adepti had injured you, you still found it in yourself to help him?
(you didn’t know he was an adeptus. he was still lying to you. he hasn’t even taken any serious action, he couldn’t even try and help you when you still helped and cooed over and loved him-)
“do- do you-“ your voice hitched and broke, and he chirped, hopping up your arm. how he wished he could comfort you properly. how he wished he wasn’t a coward, that he could do more. “i know it isn’t enough, i-“ fresh tears welled in your eyes, and he had the feeling the pain ran deeper than your skin. “i’m sorry.”
you were sorry? why? he didn’t need an apology, he- if anything he should apologize. you deserved his offerings and apologies, you deserved his effort- and he couldn’t even give you that. he couldn’t even do what he was meant to, he wasted air with every breath, he spent his time protecting the citizens that hurt you. you shouldn’t be giving you his food, he should be giving you his blade, his armor, his mask, his- his faith.
he didn’t deserve to cry. but when he took a look at his own actions, he couldn’t help but think that he should be the one with blood on his skin, with ragged clothes and heaving breaths.
(he should be dead for what he allowed to happen to you.)
“please eat,” you sobbed, nudging him with the hand holding the almonds. “i can- i’m- you can trust me.”
(you shouldn’t trust him.)
he hated seeing you cry. he hated hearing your sobs and knowing he was indirectly part of the cause. he hated that he was too much of a coward to take any serious action, he hated that he still stood besides your enemies, he hated that some of your blood fell on his hands, hated that every ounce of strength he had was one that you didn’t, and it was his fault. at least partially.
your cries took words, pleads to the wildlife for a world they didn’t know, people and names you begged to carry you from your position.
“i just wanted to have fun.” you should be. you should be dressed in gold with jewelry of silver, you should be smiling and dancing with the ones you had blessed, traveling nations not as a fugitive, but as a god. “i never meant to come here. i never meant to be a problem.”
he hates that he knows you’d be safer in your previous world. he hates it. he hates it. he hates the adepti, he hates the millelith, the knights, the matra, he hates every blade that dared to cross your skin.
(he hates himself. he hates that he’s never done enough. he hates that he’s still so much of a coward he can’t take any action, not even against himself. he should turn his spear on himself, for allowing such heresy.)
you sniffled, harshly wiping at your eyes.
“god, why can’t i just die?”
ice frosted xiao’s veins.
he would understand if you were angry. he would understand if your tears were of frustration, if you beat at the ground instead of your aggressor’s bones, if you wanted to shout and take out your anger on the sky. he’d offer himself for your wrath—at least then he could finally be of service—but for you to wish to offer your life?
for you to be convinced that the death of a god was the only solution for the falsehood of another…
how long had this thought been in your head? how long had you offhandedly thought of letting yourself be captured, be slain, of giving up what you had blessed upon so many? how many times had you debating letting a wound get worse, of allowing infection to rid you of the thorns of this world?
xiao hopped up your arm, cooing sadly and curling into your neck.
he wished he could do more. he wished that he could hold you with human arms, he wished he could give you faith in your own creations, he wished he could whisk you away and take on the world himself, that he could fight on your behalf, that you would remain safe and if anything, he would be the one to die.
“don’t cry,” you said shakily, awkwardly reaching to pet over his wings.
how could he not, when his god had forsaken everything, including themself?
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luffyrose · 1 year
Dc x Dp Random Blurp #1
I know I've got more than one before this but these are the ones I probably won't ever write so feel free to take them and run with em-
So we all know Dick (you can probably all guess that Dick and Jason are my fav bat kids with how much I talk about them lmao) has lotta trauma in general. In the general canon we all follow for like fics and stuff though, there's one thing I think most people don't put into their fics and stuff and I had an idea with Danny being kinda adopted/brother-napped by Dick involving it.
The thing?
Someone he loves falling and he's not able to help. Sure he's spooked his family as a joke pretending to fall off things. But here's the thing, they all KNOW that they'll all find a way to catch themselves.
But what if Dick had gotten a harsh hit from whatever rogue decided to play whack-a-mole with the birds and when he saw a kid on the roof where they were fighting (idk why they're up there, ask the riddler or two face or whoever-) and his already slightly concussed brain starts to work overtime.
The kid is on a roof, which is already a bad sign! The kid looks kinda...strike that a LOT like Jason before he died? Even worse!
So when whatever stray attack ends up sending the kid tumbling over the edge, Dick is literally milliseconds behind him. It's not a tall roof, and even if Danny was a full human, he likely wouldn't have suffered too badly from the fall if he didn't land completely wrong.
Reason Danny isn't flying? Something triggered his fight or flight and his body chose to freeze this time, falling did not help that. Maybe it's the Joker doing all this, we love clown trauma.
Either way, Dick is oh so quickly grabbing this random kid who he can only register as Tiny Jason he had failed to be a good big brother tm too, and is literally just taking the impact of the fall in favor of ensuring Danny didn't get hurt AT ALL.
Danny is now emotionally attached whether he likes it or not because hey! A random hero saved him and is still hugging him and he feels like safety, so he will cling on just as hard, and no Jazz! He definitely isn't crying-
Dick refuses to let go of the kid, muttering apologies to Jason, which the others are pretty quick to realize why when they see the kid's face. It's a whole mess. Partially because they have a delirious Dick who won't let go of this random child and said child hisses at them when they try to get him off just as much.
For a lil extra spice you could make it that Danny and Jason are related somehow and Jason upon seeing the kid both KNOWS they're similar and recognizes him as his kid brother and is just like "Oh god- oh god he's alive(questionable) and traumatized(definitely)-"
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heyiwrotesomethings · 9 months
Hello! I wanna request Shinobu with a s/o (She/Her) that sends her letters very often like every single day as she is on a mission. But one day she just stops writing, Shinobu panics and just sets off to find her to find out she was injured and just treats her while chatting with her because they don’t hang out alot.
On the way back to the Butterfly Mansion, S/O just says ‘I love you’ to Shinobu while she was unconscious. (Note: they are just friends) And S/O didn’t know she said that the next day. Shinobu remembers it and confront S/O.
S/O gets flustered and just ran away and tries to avoid Shinobu which was soon a fail. Shinobu thought she did something wrong and Aoi just had to set them up and S/O finally confess to Shinobu consciously.
(Aoi and the girls are watching from a bush!)
I love your writing so much and have a great day! ❤️
You Were Not Supposed to Hear That
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: On Friday I took a really spectacular running fall into some gravel and have just tore myself into shreds. From chin to knees I have fucked myself up🥲. I’m okay, but just thought you all would like to know. But amidst the stinging and aching pains, I was like, it’s been two weeks, I got to get something done so here you go! (Again… don’t really have the energy for editing right now. Hope there aren’t any errors that are too distracting.) Hope you enjoy, thanks for reading! Word Count: 3,066
“Still nothing?”
En fluttered her wings and shook her head at Shinobu, confirming that yet another busy day went by without a letter finding its way into her hands.
“This is starting to become troubling…” Shinobu murmured to herself, looking out the window up at the darkening sky.
(Y/n) was a sayer she had treated a couple of years ago, nothing life-threatening, but she had been out of commission for long enough for her and Shinobu to develop a rapport and parted on friendly terms. (Y/n) would visit on occasion, but more frequently, she would send Shinobu letters. Usually once or twice every two weeks. But now they were approaching the end of the third week without a word and Shinobu was growing concerned for her friend.
“I suppose I should try sending her another letter of my own then. No offense to the poor bird, but her crow is not as reliable as you, En. Will you go looking for her and ensure my letter reaches her once I finish drafting it?”
En assured Shinobu that the letter would be safe with her, then waited patiently on Shinobu’s windowsill, giving Shinobu privacy as she wrote. The Hashira never wrote anything scandalous of course, but En always made sure to give her the opportunity to if she ever saw fit. (Y/n) was one of the very few people Shinobu exchanged letters with regularly after all and given how the letters she received often made her smile so, En thought there was a good chance their relationship could lead to something more and En liked (Y/n), she gave her extra berries and peanuts. The more letters sent between Shinobu and (Y/n) the better, En would say.
As soon as Shinobu secured the parchment to En’s leg, the crow was gone on the breeze of the cool, evening air. Unfortunately, (Y/n) had been a little tougher to find this time around, but she was found nonetheless. Shinobu would not be happy when she heard what kind of shape the slayer was in, however.
“Injured?” Shinobu frowned worriedly while scanning the letter En brought back to her further. She had hoped (Y/n) would tell her more about how badly she was injured, but she hadn’t, instead going into lighter topics such as how nice the Wisteria House that she had taken refuge within. Shinobu sighed and put the letter down on her desk. “Well, you saw her, En. How was she?”
“Broken hand, bruised ribs. A smattering of scratches and bruises, but nothing that won’t heal in due time.” The crow helpfully provided.
“Hmm, I see... Thank you.” Shinobu seemed to go deep into thought then, the concern not leaving her expression. In fact, it seemed to grow into anxiety despite En’s assurances that the other slayer would be just fine. “I think I will pay her a visit then. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her anyway. Besides, it’s not a bad idea to make sure whoever checked her over caught everything…”
A glint appeared in En’s eye. A promising sign if Shinobu felt compelled to travel all that way just to check on what was essentially just a few bumps and bruises as far as the usual demon slayer injuries go. Shinobu was showing (Y/n) special treatment, but En wouldn’t judge. Knowing how much of herself Shinobu gave others, En figured she deserved to be a little selfish from time to time. Even if that selfishness was still technically for someone else’s benefit.
And so, Shinobu packed a light bag, jaunted over to the closest train station and hopped on a train that would go through the city (Y/n) was recuperating in. The look of elated surprised on (Y/n)’s face when she looked up from her book to see her standing there and knocking on her doorframe made Shinobu’s mood brighten substantially.
“Shinobu! What are you doing here?” (Y/n) asked excitedly, quickly closing the book and shoving it aside.
“Oh, you know,” Shinobu moved to sit on the edge of the bed, “I was in the area so I thought I’d drop by, see how you’re healing up.” She gently took hold of (Y/n)’s casted hand, scrutinizing it to make sure it put together with care. “So, how are you?”
“I’m doing alright. Kind of achy and sore, a little tired, but otherwise fine. How about you, how have you been?” (Y/n) seemed excited to know, she always appeared to hang on to Shinobu’s every word. Shinobu was no stranger to such things, but having (Y/n)’s undivided attention felt especially good.
“I’m doing quite well, especially now that I get to have a visit with you.” Shinobu teased. She always loved to see just how flustered she could make (Y/n). It was one of her favorite activities.
“Yeah?” (Y/n) laughed awkwardly, her free hand bunched up in the blankets to serve as a distraction from the sudden uptick of her heartbeat “I’m glad to hear it.”
“Mhm!” Shinobu tilted her head to the side, smiling all the while. She gave (Y/n)’s casted hand a soft pat when the bandaging cleared her inspection. “In fact, you should take the train back home with me. Complete the rest of your recovery with me so we can catch up on all that was too wordy for the letters. What do you say?”
“Really? I wouldn’t want to impose. I’d just be more work for you, having to check my injuries and whatnot.”
“Injuries like yours are like treating paper cuts and grazed knees to me. It’ll be no trouble at all. Come on, I’ll buy your ticket~”
(Y/n) bit her inner cheek, well, far be it from her to miss out on extra time with Shinobu. Especially a direct invitation. Hell, she’d buy her own ticket and Shinobu’s if the Hashira asked her to.
“If you’re certain, then I’d love to come along.”
“Wonderful,” Shinobu patted (Y/n)’s shoulder and then slid off of the bed. “Let’s get you packed up then.”
Before (Y/n) knew it, she was all packed up and on the next train to the station closest to Shinobu’s home. It didn’t take much time or exertion at all, but she did find herself drifting off once they were settled in their booth. After maybe the fifth or sixth nodding off and then jolting awake, Shinobu chuckled.
“You can rest. I don’t mind. I know how to keep myself entertained.” She said, taking a book from her own bag and waving it back and forth.
“Sorry, I really wish I could stay awake.” (Y/n) yawned.
“It’s no trouble. Rest, you need it.”
It didn’t take long before her head to find itself against the booth’s edge. She was out like a light. Shinobu hummed in amusement and then flipped open her book. Before she could even make it to the bottom of the first page, (Y/n)’s head tilted the opposite way and ended up on her shoulder, a nonsensical mumbling falling from her lips as she pressed in a little closer.
“This is unusual.” Shinobu chose to rest her head atop (Y/n)’s and poked the sleeping girl’s cheek gently. “I can’t wait to tease you about this later.”
(Y/n)’s face twitched and she unconsciously rubbed the spot Shinobu had poked with a tired grumble. She hid her face after that, almost between Shinobu and the booth. A quiet sigh of Shinobu’s name left her, and then,
“I love you.”
Shinobu blinked. Had she heard that right? Of course she did. Compared to the other mumblings, that utterance was clear as day.
What a sweet sentiment, even if it was said unconsciously. Shinobu’s expression softened, but only for a moment before a glint of mischief shone through.
“Oh the ammunition you’re giving me, (Y/n) and you don’t even realize it.” She smiled. “Sleep well for now, while you can.”
The train rolled to a stop and the steam hissed, jerking (Y/n) awake. She straightened out and swung her head to the right and then to the left, almost bumping noses with Shinobu.
“Ah!” (Y/n) pulled back, almost falling off of the seat and into the aisle. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for, (Y/n).” Shinobu assured. “Let’s go home then, shall we?”
They left the busy station together and began their walk back the the Butterfly Mansion. When they noise of the crowd died down, (Y/n) spoke.
“Sorry for sleeping through the whole trip. I hope you weren’t bored.”
“Trust me when I say I was thoroughly entertained, (Y/n).” Shinobu assured with a smile that was a tad too mischievous. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?”
(Y/n) felt her stomach drop. Oh god… what had she said? Something embarrassing no doubt from the look Shinobu was sporting. How mortifying!
“And you were quite cuddly too. You were hugging my arm at one point even.”
Agh! Could it get any worse?!
“Well—! It’s pretty normal for people to do things like that in their sleep. It’s all dumb and meaningless stuff you know.”
“Dumb and meaningless? (Y/n), you wound me.” Shinobu rested the back of her hand against her forehead. “Is that how you really feel?”
“Well, yeah!” (Y/n) doubled-down. “It’s not like I know what I’m saying while I’m asleep. Whatever I said didn’t mean anything and you shouldn’t hold it against me.”
“Oh, so when you said you loved me, there wasn’t any truth in that sentiment? You didn’t mean it?” Shinobu carried on as usual, she didn’t seem hurt. She still found the incident funny. She didn’t need (Y/n) to be in love with her, all she needed to know was that they were friends. That was good enough for her.
(Y/n) felt the sudden urge to scream out of sheer embarrassment, but she held it in. Obviously based on Shinobu’s demeanor she was still only playing around, but what was she supposed to say to that? She was a terrible liar!
“Well—!” She fumbled a bit, trying to find the words she needed, “That’s not anything groundbreaking! You know I love you like… a normal amount.”
So inconspicuous! What a wordsmith! Brava!
“Is that right?” Shinobu smirked, a quiet laugh leaving her lips. “What exactly is a normal amount to you, (Y/n)? Please, I’d love to hear all about it.”
(Y/n) felt uncomfortably warm, nervous, like she was going to throw up if she tried to say anything else. Shinobu noticed this and was going to let (Y/n) off the hook right away, but then voices from a little further down the path made both of their heads turn.
“Oh! Shinobu-sama, (Y/n)-san, hello!”
A butterfly girl brigade soon appeared from further up the path, all five carrying baskets of various vegetation.
“Hello, girls thank you for your hard work.” Shinobu thanked the girls sincerely for holding down the fort while she was on her impromptu journey. She was then caught up on all the notable things that happened while she was away and at some point during the midst of that…
“Hey, where did (Y/n)-san go?”
Six heads swiveled around to look at their immediate surroundings to find that (Y/n) had inexplicably vanished from the group. They all called out for her and searched the nearby woods, concerned that she would up and leave without a word.
When their search yielded no result, they went back to the mansion to form a search party out of Kakushi, but fortunately, Goto told them they had nothing to worry about.
“Oh, I saw (Y/n)-san arrive not too long ago.” He said, Shinobu’s body relaxed, a quiet sigh of relief left her.
“That girl,” Aoi huffed, “Where is she now? I’d like to give her a piece of my mind.”
“Ah, well,” Goto rubbed the back of his neck, “she’s around… I may or may not have been asked not to tell anyone where she is within the mansion for now.”
“What?!” Aoi through her arms up in exasperation. “Of all the childish— we just spent half an hour combing the the nearby woods for her when she vanished suddenly. She has some explaining to do, because making us all worry like that is unacceptable!”
“It’s my fault.” Shinobu sighed, making all eyes turn on her, “I pushed her too far, teasing her over something she had no control over. She must have slinked off while I was distracted because she knew she’d never be able to avoid me otherwise.” She guessed a bit contritely.
“Shinobu-sama, what could you have possibly been teasing her about to cause this mess?” Aoi asked, arms crossed.
Shinobu shook her head. “I don’t believe it’s my place to say. I promise I shall apologize to her the first chance I get. But for now, let (Y/n) have some time to herself, and please don’t be too upset with her for running off.”
Shinobu caught sight of the time, telling the girls that for the time being she’d be in her lab. She thanked them again for their hard work, and apologized for their wasted search before walking away.
“I wonder why this happened.” Sumi pondered.
“Oh, I’ll tell you what happened.” Aoi said confidently, “I bet (Y/n) finally said something unintentionally to let Shinobu-sama know how much she actually likes her and in true Shinobu-sama fashion, she fumbled the moment of vulnerability for a joke. Well, I’m not letting this foolishness carry on for a minute more. Will you all help me find (Y/n) so we can get this all sorted out before it gets even more awkward between them?“
All of the girls agreed with a round of exclamations and nods. Soon they were combing through the estate. After some time, Kanao was the one to bring back word that (Y/n) was sitting under Victory, watching the cherry blossoms flutter around her wistfully.
“Thank you, Kanao, I’ll take it from here.” Aoi said, already walking briskly towards the tree, startling (Y/n) from her gloomy thoughts. “Don’t you dare try running away from me, (Y/n).” She warned.
“I-I’m not.” (Y/n) put her hands up defensively. “…Did Shinobu send you? Did she tell you what I said?!” She added hastily.
“No,” Aoi sat down beside (Y/n) with a harsh exhale, “She didn’t need to tell me anything because it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how in love you are (Y/n)-san, so just accept the help I’m trying to provide you, alright? Shinobu-sama seems content to give you space for now, but I know once you two decide to make up, you’re just going to pretend nothing happened, so you better confess properly when I get her to come out here, okay?”
“W-what?! No, I couldn’t—“
“Yes you could! Are you really going to let this go on forever? That would just be sad and annoying considering everyone knows you two love each other. Be a woman and ask her out!”
It took some convincing, but Aoi had finally gotten (Y/n) to a place where the idea of honestly telling Shinobu she had romantic feelings for her wasn’t going to immediately make her throw-up from nerves and so now all Aoi had to do was get Shinobu out there as soon as she could before (Y/n) got cold feet and ran off again. Some people enjoyed playing matchmaker, but Aoi found the whole process rather annoying.
She all but shoved Shinobu out of her lab and pointed her in the right direction, making sure the Hashira was heading that way before quickly working around the mansion to join the other girls watching excitedly from the bushes to witness the fruit of her labor.
She arrived just in time to see Shinobu sit beside (Y/n) beneath Victory’s vibrant petal-laden branches. What a beautiful place for a confession of love. The mood was set.
“(Y/n),” Shinobu spoke softly, “I’m sorry I—“
“You don’t have to apologize,” (Y/n) cut her off, “I know you didn’t mean to make me uncomfortable.”
“But I did. Definitely not to the degree that I did, but I wanted to see you squirm a little. I didn’t mean to cause you anxiety and I do apologize for that. But please,” Shinobu moved to rest her hand atop (Y/n)’s, “if the time comes that I overstep again, please tell me that you would like some time to yourself instead of leaving without telling anyone. I was worried when I couldn’t find you.”
“I will, I promise. I’m sorry for worrying you.” (Y/n) looked down at their hands in the bed of fallen petals and took a deep breath, “Shinobu, can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
“I… I really do love you, but… it’s um…”
“Not a normal amount?” Shinobu couldn’t help but tease.
“Right,” (Y/n) flustered, “but it might be less than a normal amount if you keep that up.”
“Sorry, dear,” Shinobu didn’t look sorry in the least, “please continue, I’m all ears.”
(Y/n) sighed quietly, “I like you a lot more than I’ve ever liked anyone so would you maybe be interested in going on a date with me sometime? Of course, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I know how busy you are and I don’t expect you to agree even if you aren’t busy. I’m happy being friends. Friends is just as good—
A range of gasps and squeals came from the bushes as Shinobu leaned in and planted a bit quite chaste kiss on the corner of (Y/n)’s mouth. She barely pulled away before speaking, keeping their bodies close.
“I’m sure I can carve out some time soon. I did shrink off some duties to hop on a train to see you once already after all.”
“I, I thought you said you just happened to be in the area…” (Y/n) murmured, still light headed from the near head-on kiss.
“I lied!” Shinobu smiled, not an ounce of shame detectable.
“You jerk!” (Y/n) threw caution to the wind and tackled Shinobu completely to the ground, “Just how many of those coincidental run-ins were actually coincidental?”
“Very few.”
An amused exhale left Aoi as she watched the two women laugh together.
“Alright, I think we’ve seen what we needed to see. Come on everyone, back to work.”
Some of the girls seemed a little disappointed to be leaving, but hearing the sounds of joy still lighting up the courtyard as they made their way back inside brought smiles to their faces.
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ariseur · 2 months
Could you possibly do Vergil with an injured SO that he takes care of? It would be really cool
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on the morrow 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
vergil (devil may cry) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
i got csrried away.
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
vaguely mentions vergil’s past, intended lowercase, mention of injury and bloody bandages, lmk if i missed anything love 💕
┊ ˚➶ word count 。˚ 🎼
1169 words, 6361 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
bright sun rays seeped through the curtains of your room as they shone on your face, providing it with a golden hue as it illuminated every pore and feature in your face with its light. it made your eyelashes flutter as you wiped the sleep from your eyes with a closed fist and resisted the urge to yawn.
you let yourself adjust to the bed, the once cold sheets now warm behind your back as you stretched every aching limb that you could with a small pop. your eyes danced around the room, taking in your surroundings until they scrunched in pain while you hissed at the dull burning in your stomach. the slow pain brought you memories from the day before as you remembered how a pyrobat had gotten you when you were down, how badly the flames it spewed out of its jowls had stung at the initial contact.
while you continued to grimace at the thought, a deep exhale caught your attention as you turned your head. your eyes fell on vergil, his familiar head of hair still up despite just being at home. he always did seem to take pride in his appearance, you recalled.
you eyes stayed glued to him as he shut the book with a soft thud, the book that previously belonged to his human husk of an alternate, the book that adorned his signature ‘v’ on the front cover was now placed on the wooden nightstand next to your bed.
silver eyes bore into yours as he sighed once more. being with vergil so long, you were able to read his emotions. emotions that were so greatly concealed to the naked eye.
you two sat and stared in silence, waiting to see who’d break first. it took you everything not to tear your eyes away from his intimidating gaze as deafening silence fell on both of your ears, any external stimuli beyond the room was suddenly drowned out. it was only you and vergil.
but alas, all silence has to be interrupted eventually. this one just so happened to take a halt because of you.
“have you slept?” you asked, noting his droopy eyes and the way his cheek slightly contracted on occasion, almost as if he was biting his cheek to keep from falling asleep.
“what were you thinking?” he deflected, you also took note of that. nothing from vergil ever got past you.
you tilted your head a bit, silently inquiring as he pinched the bridge of his nose. an exasperated sigh left his lips, which you noticed the peeling of. presumably due to him chewing on them all night.
“don’t be coy.”
“i was just helping.”
“you were vulnerable, you should’ve stayed put instead of,” he paused as he waved a hand around, “carelessly throwing yourself out of cover like that.”
a frowned graced your lips, one similar to his own, “you could’ve been hurt.” he looked up at you with a furrowed brow as he paused. despite vergil thinking of others too, he failed to think about the fact that others could think of him, too.
another pregnant pause, you thought, great.
this time wasn’t as tense, you could still look at vergil and hear the sweet coos of the birds outside. hear the broken smoke alarm that constantly chirped due to one of nico and nero’s “experiments” with his devil bringer. you could still look around the room and still look back at vergil, who sat there in the wooden chair.
“you waited up for me.” you started again, spotting yamato sheathed against your dresser. typically, the signature sword would be on vergil, he never let go of that thing. yet, there it was in the corner, still close just in case he needed to use it. knowing that he’d think he needed it just in case you needed help made a warm feeling swell in your chest as you awaited an answer for him.
he narrowed his eyes before his chest rose with another sigh, “i suppose i did.” his tone seemed unbothered but you knew better. you knew that vergil was grateful, you knew how much he cared for you. otherwise, he would have left you.
you pressed your hand against your stomach, taking note of the bandages wrapped around your midriff. with how much blood you would have assumed you lost, the bandages would have needed to be changed every hour or so. meaning vergil changed them for you. that was enough evidence to confirm your suspicions on their own. with anybody else, vergil would’ve had someone else keep watch while he continued his work. but no, he stayed. for you, you reminded yourself. for you.
you needed each other, both you and vergil knew that. you had helped him through everything, keeping his hand locked in yours despite how much he tried to pull away. you’d sit with him outside no matter how many times he had wished to be alone, voice wavering albeit cold. you’d pull him into a hug when he came home, tired and dragging his feet, assisting him in whatever he needed as he parted with the wintering sadness of his past.
you cannot remain unchanged without making a change of your own, you’d remind him.
as your warm hand gripped the coldness of his, he didn’t let go this time. instead, he gave you one assuring squeeze although it was weak. it still mattered. he refused to look you in the eye. his own eyes, quick and as observant as silver lightning, were now sunken in and tired with sleep as you watched them stay fixated on your hands linked.
conversations under the stars often turned philosophical, usually when dante egged his brother on too much resulting in way too many drinks and threats, some not so empty than others. in these moments, you’d comment how it often felt as if vergil’s hands were molded to fit yours, to which he’d look away as an embarrassed dust of pink would barely grace his cheeks.
you’re grateful that vergil came around to accept you as apart of his life and him in yours. you’re grateful that you’ve inhabited a place between his ribs and that he is reminded of your presence with every beat. you are grateful that you’ve met each other, both in this lifetime and the next. and you know he feels the same way too, although no words come with that feeling.
you’re grateful that you were reborn with your hands molded together, knowing that before you both were just a clump of weeds with roots matted both in and out of the ground, indecisive on where to go.
but as you hold vergil’s hand in yours, the same hand that felt so perfectly designed as a catering to you, you smile. and for what feels like the first time in forever, he smiles back.
you refuse to let him hate himself for his mistakes in the past, as there are more to make on the morrow.
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loveoaths · 1 year
i find it endlessly amusing that in canon, jar jar binks and maul are fundamentally opposites and yet in terms of life achievements, jar jar whips maul’s pointy ass by a standard mile???
consider: jar jar is a clumsy goofy son of a bitch who, by all rights, should have died 27 times by now simply by tripping over his own feet. instead, he is somehow friend of the jedi, a member of the galactic senate and representative for gungan naboo, regularly called upon to help with jedi/senate business that requires his connections and expertise, is dating a magic nympho bird queen, summoned an underwater caterpillar to gank some separatists just by being nice to it, helped stop the blue lily virus from spreading a pandemic to the entire galaxy, and is a goddamn war hero. jar jar is not always brave or smart but he is always kind, and his kindness and, frankly, his clumsiness, regularly get him out of trouble and save the day. jar jar always gets exactly what he wants COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT.
meanwhile, maul is a super eloquent and talented apprentice and Sith Lord who: gets cut in half by a twunk and tossed down an evil elevator shaft, runs a crime syndicate but LOSES IT ALL, rules mandalore but LOSES IT because of his own actions, goes crazy in a hole for ten years, gets rejected by not one but THREE potential evil apprentices, and who genuinely tries extremely hard and always gets close to his goals, but is always thwarted at the last second by his own base impulses. everything he strives for turns to ash in his hands because he only knows how to burn.
can you imagine how pissed Maul would be if he tried to assassinate jar jar and FAILED? like maul is pulling out every stop in the book and jar jar is just tripping, pratfalling, and generally buggs bunnying his way out of everything, all while totally not knowing maul desperately wants to kill him. so badly. in fact jar jar thinks they’re best friends and is so chummy with him. it is humiliating.
maul’s greatest enemies in his life, from least to greatest, are obi wan kenobi, darth sidious, and jar jar fucking binks.
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fyloe · 23 days
My CoTL AU (Mostly backstory)
BLOOD TW & Yap session warning.
[I've simplified it as much as possible and included little pictures for those with short attention spans.]
This is begins before the slaughter of the lambs and the universe's rules are slightly tweaked, just a twinge... A wee bit. (I only say this because I either can't remember or don't know everything about the game).
It all starts with a little lamb named Marrei who's living in Anura with her parents. Her mother is pregnant/expecting soon and her father works from sunrise to sunset, food is scarce and they all risk starving.
Her mother continuously tries to give her portions to her frail and weak daughter (Marrei) only for her husband to stop her and force her to eat, sometimes he doesn't succeed and instead he gives her his portions to eat.
Marrei's father eventually dies of starvation and the pair (trio including unborn child) continue to eat whatever they can get from scraps, without her father around her mother continues to give Marrei all the food.
One day her mother leaves and does not come back.
Marrei waits inside that house for a week, almost weeks, before she exits. She finds her mothers corpse, her mother had left to die next to where her father lay. He wasn't buried, used instead for compost.
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(I didn't add much detail cause I'm lazy.)
It had been so long that her parents were thoroughly picked apart by birds.
So Marrei, in her little mind, was like "hey, don't baby lamb skulls make me live a long time or something?" So, she took her brother's (congrats, it was a boy) skull and brought it with her.
She just picked a random direction and walked, and walked, and walked... she just kept walking with no goal in mind.
For days.
For weeks.
Longer than she spent alone in her house, just ratting whatever berries or pumpkins she finds. She is kicked from many farms. She grows.
Eventually she happens upon a temple.
(This is where shit gets blurry as I have only got the back bones laid out, some areas have excessive minor detail whilst areas like this do not. Marrei could've gotten caught by guards or just knocked on the door, either way she ends up getting indoctrinated into Heket's cult.)
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Marrei undergoes the world's loooooongest training montage to level up from beta noob to level 99 Mafia boss and through the power of toxic Yuri she becomes the consort of Heket and they are gay for each other for a couple thousand years (she gets an official immortality necklace from her shawty).
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She basically becomes the words most humblest spoiled brat, getting gifts she didn't ask for all while continuing to be a nice soft person.
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(Marrei looooves gold.)
(These are the years she develops relationships with the bishops that come up after they become followers + other secrets that you only get if you stick around.)
Then it happened.
Marrei didn't know much about Narinder as he had only sought her out once and once alone.
She had unknowingly given Narinder a little push, fed the thoughts festering in the back of his mind, yet was completely taken by surprise at the news of his (albeit failed) usurpment attempt.
Marrei spends a while in depression, having lost someone she considered close even though they had spoken once (she's just nice like that) and everybody else she cared about (Leshy/Heket) was badly injured.
She was then promptly kicked out without warning or reason and banished from Anura by Heket.
In a panic, she finds her way into Darkwood as it's the only other place she knows.
This is essentially a period of inactivity, things happen but nothing too serious to write about.
Well, there's one thing....
But, that's a secret.
Marrei gets kicked out of Darkwood as well and then she decides it's time to just start walking again.
So she does.
She walks and walks.
Eventually, she ends up at the clearing Ratau shows the player and attempts to set up camp.
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Alas, she's jack shit at anything but sitting there and looking pretty so she struggles for a long time before meeting Ratau.
He helps her get set up and teaches her how to be an independent woman/is like her father because shes a fatherless idiot and Ratau isn't old enough to be a wrinkly old ballsack yet as he just got fucked over and fired from vessel duty.
You guys will never guess what happens next lmao
Marrei lays an egg!
*air horn sound effect*
(No, it's not Ratau's wtf...)
So yeah, that thing hatches and she doesn't know what to do. Marrei is a horrid mother and she cries all the time, she cries a lot. She is stupid, stupid woman. She is too busy living in the past and missing her shawty.
Ratau smacks her on the head with his stick a couple times... A lot of times.
Fun fact: The Lamb literally doesn't have a name, at all. Everybody just calls them Lamb, or The Lamb, or Leader.
This is because Marrei just... never named them.
Probably doing mushrooms or something lmao
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Marrei pulls on her big girl pants and gets her shit together eventually because she actually gives a shit about her kid, she's just a loser who has no idea what the fuck she's doing and didn't expect bro to pop out...
The Lamb grows up to have a close bond with Marrei and Ratau who occasionally visit like a grandpa.
When Lamb turns 18 they're like "can I finally leave bro, just for a little bit, I've never stepped foot out of this camp"
Marrei is like "FUCK NO!"
And Ratau is like "bro, chillax..."
So she sighs and allows them out.
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Only for Lamb to immediately get lost and be captured before being put to slaughter as 'The Last Lamb".
Lamb meets The One Who Waits and Narinder is like "lmao why u kinda godly or sum shit" and Lamb is like "brother what... Can I just die or go home like damn" and Nari like "shit calm down rude ass"
So Lamb returns home to a worried sick Marrei sobbing in Ratau's arms as the red crown's vessel.
The game mostly continues like normal, the bishops don't know the lamb is related to them and neither does the lamb.
Except after the slaughter of Leshy, Marrei distances herself from her child and then right after Lamb defeats Heket's final mini boss Marrei finally cracks and tells the Lamb everything.
Who their other mother is (don't worry how it happened, it's magic), That their half god/frog, Her upbringing, just... Everything.
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(This is old art, I just thought it was fitting lmao)
Lamb does the equivalent of saving and exiting the game, leaving the cult and going fishing or working on Sozo's quests or something.
Lamb continues their crusade through Anura in which you can get a new dialogue option with Heket where she (not by name) mentions/refers to Marrei, saying the Lamb reminds her of someone she once knew. She remarks on the familiarity of his bracelets they wear as similar to ones she had given to Marrei. (As Marrei had regifted it to the Lamb.)
While the Lamb is out they end Heket without informing her of anything, that Marrei is alive or of their relation.
Once again, the game pretty much continues as normal until the bishop's revival. (Besides the fact of Narinder being a smarty pants and figuring out that Lamb was related to him and being a pissy bitch about it, yapping about the irony of his siblings unknowingly losing to someone who's their blood--things coming full circle.)
There's very minor plot that happens after the game's technical end besides Marrei getting her closure and becoming a toxic old Yuri couple with her shawty, having another kid, Leshy being a fucking goober and getting into a throuple, and Narinder trying to be a not dog shit uncle...
So yeah, that's all!
I'm probably gonna remember a shit ton of lore later and be super angry like "stupid little fucking brain fuck you!" but like this post has been deleted more than four times and I've had to redo it so this so what you get have fun
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This post is dedicated to @owl-lady-lover, thank you for asking about my lore! :3>
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dreamyshape · 2 months
Hi! If/when you're ok with it, could you do something, for like, say Bug and Marco were hanging out and Bug accidently fell asleep on him? Like a one-shot? Only if you're ok with it though.
Sorry this took forever! School has been a pain in my ass so I got behind on asks!
Nother bug and Marco one shot!
Looks like you’re the ‘Bed’bug now!
“Hey, bedbug, that leg of yours feeling well enough for a day out? Bodie wanted all of us to have ‘family bonding’ or something like that.” You look up at the slim gator from the book you were reading and nod. He uncrosses his arms and holds out a scaled hand to pull you up from your sitting position before turning and speed walking out of the room with you closely behind. When he opens the door he stands to the side so that you can exit and then closes the door behind you. Letting your eyes adjust to the harsh sunlight you notice Bodie and Timmy are lounging in a nearby River. You can’t help but giggle to yourself when Timmy splashes Bodie, who retaliates tenfold. Not wanting to strain your leg playing in the water, you opt to sit with Marco and Maria in the shade. Walking over to the tall willow tree, you settle a foot away from Marco and close your eyes to feel the sun against your face. Maria caws beside you and you open your eyes to look at the black bird. You gently pet her with your index finger before leaning back against the tree. Maria, being a creature of opportunity, hopes into your lap and decides to become a loaf. You lightly giggle and Marco looks up from his sketch book before looking back. You lift your head up towards the water and smile as Timmy and Bodie wrestle (Timmy is losing badly) and absentmindedly pet at Maria’s feathers. She’s soft enough that the tension from your shoulders vanishes and you relax against the hard bark of the willow tree. You close your eyes again and listen to the faint buzzing of insects flying bye. Everything is so peaceful that you can’t help but close your eyes.
Marco pauses his sketching and looks over at you, realizing that you have fallen asleep and are now leaning against his shoulder with Maria happily cawing in your lap. He feels the scales along his face heat up as his shoulders tense from the contact. He hears Timmy give a high pitched whistle, “Getting lovey dovey over there?” Marco can only give a glare, he doesn’t want to shout and wake you up. “Come now Tim Tim, let’s not tease Marco.” Bodie tries and fails to hide the wide smile plastered on his face. Marco looks back down at you, you look so peaceful with your eyes closed and cheek squished against his shoulder. He looks down at Maria and watches her stretch her wings out before hopping off your lap. The sudden disappearance of the crowd weight stirs you from sleep. You pull your head of Marco’s shoulder and stretch your arms above your head, hearing your joints pop. You look back over at Marco and take note of his heated face. “You alright there?” Marco coughs and quickly nods his head. You can hear Timmy and Bodie laughing to themselves and then the splash of water as they exit. “Looks like all of us have been out here for long enough. The sun is already going down. Let’s all head inside.” Bodie shakes off and grabs a towel he put out earlier. You stand up before turning and hold your a hand for Marco. He takes it and hoists himself up, taking a moment to stretch. You and Bodie start to head inside while Timmy walks over to Marco. “You call them bedbug but for a while you were their bed.” Marco takes his sketch book and whacks Timmy with it, causing Maria to cackle. “Alright, alright! Quit it!” Timmy whines before running to catch up with you and Bodie. Marco stands there for another minute before speed walking after him.
When I said Maria was loafing I meant this:
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isa-ghost · 3 months
shaking you by the shoulders. gnawing at the bars of the enclosure. begging screaming yelling sobbing crying for some happy qphil hcs . phil and his children. what do they do to destress. how do they recover from tragedy . p lease
Yknow what I need these so badly rn, I'm doing this ask first. Happy qPhil time.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
qPhil is a simple man. His kids are happy, he's happy. I've touched on this previously but they make him laugh so much. They're the fastest way to make him happy.
Seeing random pretty birds while on wandering adventures is another thing that makes him happy. They make him think of Rose.
I have to mention flying. I have to. I know it's angsty bc his wings are fucked. Shhh. Shut. Shut the up. It made him so happy. It still does, he has a glider and a grapple hook and a trident with riptide SHUT UP LET HIM FLY.
The times he and the kids share music together. The kids fucking love Battlecry and Dreamland and the three of them will start belting it out together.
Obligatory sparring mention. Listen some of the fandom makes pvp his whole thing and personality and that's not true but he's still good at it and likes it a lot. Esp when he gets to be unnecessarily homoerotic with Fit or Etoiles.
Building makes him happy ofc. Creating in general. He can't remember atm but he used to be an architect you could say, discovering the creations of the hardcore gods and tidying them up. Getting to make creations of his own for someone like him to discover one day feels fulfilling, even if he doesn't quite know why currently.
His friends' laughs make him happy. Fit's especially. You know the one. The one he does anytime he gets to be up to some fun destructive rebellious bullshit.
Messages aren't the only way the gods, especially Rose and Kristin, communicate with him. They give little signs that are subtle enough to go unquestioned by others but noticed by him. They're always with him and that makes his heart full.
I can't not mention his own stupid jokes he makes with the purpose of making Tallulah especially die inside a little. His lame jokes are for him and him alone sometimes.
The funny thing is when you ask what makes him happy without the involvement of other people, it might take him a second to answer, if he can answer at all. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Yes, he's very "care for others and only the bare minimum for myself," but it's also a testament to how being loved and loving others makes him happy. Having people to make smile and laugh. Having people to show cool shit and teach cool things. Human connection makes him happy.
His crows and their dumbassery make him happy. For all the shit they affectionately subject him to and all the disapproval he puts on about the said shit, he'd be pretty lost without them. They've always been reliable to make him smile or at least feel heard when he has no one else.
He fucking loves all the cultural exchange he experiences with his friends. He could listen to Missa or Cellbit or Etoiles or literally fucking anyone talk for hours. God his friends are so cool and so are the things they tell him about.
Obligated to mention that the thought of Chayanne, a child, beat Ender King's ass for 3 days straight and bruised his ego so hard he gave up using Phil as a meat suit. It always cracks him up without fail.
Getting to reminisce to people about things. Especially memories of Techno or things he's done with Goddess of Death. He loves any excuse to talk about them and how awesome they are.
Crow brain means adventuring and finding cool loot makes him happy. Fuck EK he tainted it a little but Phil will reclaim the hobby if it kills him. He loves the rush of opening a new chest and seeing what cool shit awaits inside.
Okay listen this idiot is allergic to self care sometimes but god does he love the chill days where he and the kids just sit around or stay in one place and just hang out doing something fun and low energy. It's why he hates the reset. He wants the goddamn places they'd do that at back.
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idoodlemen · 3 months
what the heck is your au about i need to know so very badly
“ Sacrifice’s “ Is a more or less religious trauma in a story with HMS.
Featha/Soul is the king of this AU, with his own kingdom, he follows by his god, Kamaria/Whole who wants sacrifices to grow herself as a god and take revenge on humanity my torturing her.
In this, Featha had two close friends when he was younger, Emeline/Mind and Haiku/Heart.
Haiku was a tailor, wasn’t always blind, He became blind due to a failed sacrifice that happened between him and featha that i’ll get into later. Haikus story is blurry, well unknown but majority of the town knows he’s wanted. He has a guide bird named aura.
Emeline is a royal guard, she works with featha without knowing about the sacrifices, she is just happy to work with her friends.
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