#i dont know what im doing man someone take these stupid fucks away from me
ssobsinternallyy · 8 months
hi guys im bringing you my 2012 angst headcanons for the boys because they're silly
on the topic of ANGER:
donnie's anger is very loud, but not like- in the raph way loud. more like "i'm gonna lose my fucking shit" loud. he probably laughs like a fucking maniac when he's pushed over the edge angry. probably screams a lot and doesn't take a single break from screaming. like, take every pent up anxious thought this man has ever had and channel it into this anger. bro is a mess. he probably cries after every anger meltdown he has.
okay okay leo. leo's anger is a lot quieter. he probably funnels all his depression into his anger when he's like, honest to god, genuinely angry. the most you'll probably get out of him 90% of the time is irritation or disappointment. but when he is mad, lord have mercy on your soul. he probably goes to his room to brood after his little anger tantrums and then apologizes later.
everyone knows raph's anger. big loud and scary. he yells a lot of insults and shit. very very very VERY defensive when he's mad. can and will beat the shit out of you and won't feel bad about it unless you're someone he genuinely gives a shit about. after he's done screaming whatever he's mad about, he'll stomp off and listen to music or something. the most he'll do is text you an "im sorry" and then not talk to you for a good few hours.
let's talk about mikey. oh my god, mikey. this man is IMPOSSIBLE to get mad. you CANNOT piss him off. HOWEVER, WHEN YOU DO? bro. you're FUCKED. oh my GOD you are fucked. mikey's anger is COLD. not like, his fake, borderline irritation anger. no, not that. @turrondeluxe has been getting a lot of asks about mikey having anger issues and i SO SO SO agree. the worst part is, he won't say a FUCKING WORD to you, if he's angry. like, if he's fighting you, he will not speak. he can be quiet when he needs to be. and oh my god this man terrifies me. let him go apeshit plEASE. he'd go to his room and blast the most ear-bleeding death metal in existence until he's pushed all of the bad emotions back into their little box in the back of his mind. (as for the aftermath, he'll probably act completely normal the next day, after he's done bottling it all up again.)
more under the cut (tw for eating disorders, mentions of suicidal thoughts/ideations, and just genuinely sad stuff) (also sorry for tagging you fer LOL EVERYONE GO FOLLOW THEM)
some extra headcanons because i like them a lot they make me silly
- mikey actually loves reading. he's dyslexic and can't read, but he loves forcing his brothers to read to him. (they secretly love reading to him)
- he probably struggled with an eating disorder of some kind at some point. probably almost killed him too
- also on top of the eating disorder: probably why he’s so much shorter than his bros (bad genes combined with not eating enough [or eating too much to the point of throwing up])
- 100% a metalhead. (i also think he listens to like, green day and nirvana. probably a huge gorillaz guy too. he just listens to whatever)
- master of manipulation. he might not be able to do math but he can crack your brain open like a walnut and pick you apart.
- has a lot of weird not-directly-suicidal thoughts about something happening to him. like "what if that train just hit me and i died" type shit.
- he keeps cat food on his belt so he can feed stray cats in alleyways :3
- raph is his favorite brother. raph is also the only one who knows Just How Much Shit (tm) mikey bottles up. they have a sworn pact to keep it in between themselves because leo and donnie just dont Get It like raph does. and mikey listens to raph and talks to raph and FUCK YOU IF YOU THINK RAPH IS ABUSIVE HE LOVES HIS BABY BROTHER‼️
- he loves april so so so so so much they do everything together. he cries indefinitely depending on how hurt or sad april is.
- gossip king. he keeps tabs on EVERYTHING
- he LOVES hot chocolate.
- trans guy (thanks fer i stole this hc from you)
- “i like everyone as long as they’re nice to me”
- he’s leatherhead’s little baby. LH is like, fourth favorite family member next to raph, donnie, and leo.
- speaks spanish (and russian for some reason?? idk it seemed like a funny headcanon) along with japanese and english obviously
- only texts in slang terms for some reason. donnie’s like, the only one who can semi decipher what he’s saying half the time
- after getting over his ED with the help of raph, leo, and donnie, he begins to treat his body a little kinder. he trains with raph in the morning, and slowly gets his booyah back!
- he only talks to mikey. he plays up the whole "mehmehmeh i hate mikey he's annoying" in front of leo and donnie but the moment they're alone they are best friends. mikey listens. he listens and he understands and he doesnt get mad at raph and raph loves him so much for that.
- his banter with leo is just petty. it's his second favorite way to blow off steam.
- his first favorite way is to punch old reliable (the punching bag)
- second best cook in the entire household
- he gossips with casey about people at casey's highschool.
- speaking of casey, he likes to spar with casey a lot. not train like he does with his brothers
- was passively suicidal for a long time because of some bad shit he was going through. he only just started realizing he needed help after realizing that MIKEY needed help
- he loves dogs. contrary to popular belief, he likes golden retrievers. (i also hc that he likes chihuauas tho)
- he likes soft indie music. (also probably a huge nirvana fan)
- iced tea lover
- bisexual as fuck
- speaks spanish cause he watches too many telenovelas
- trains regularly, treats his body like a temple.
- he likes reptiles! snakes, lizards, and little frogs are his favorite :3
- green tea drinker (he likes all tea except iced tea, but green tea is his favorite. chai is a very close second though)
- anxiety 9000% percent of the time, it gets better as he gets older though
- he’s allergic to peanuts probably. he strikes me as a peanut allergy guy
- he loves milk!!! he fucking loves milk!! drinks it every chance he gets!!!
- classical music nerd. (secretly a theater kid as well, has the entire grease soundtrack memorized)
- almost killed himself once (karai stopped him in time and they talked about it. he never tried again)
- donnie and him have the closest relationship. he likes that donnie doesn’t start fights for fun or lose interest in whatever he’s talking about quickly. (not that mikey actually loses interest, but it feels that way cause mikey hates eye contact. makes leo feel like he’s not actually listening.)
- he secretly really loves ICK. mikey always leaves her in his care when he’s off doing something else
- banned from mikey’s kitchen
- karai is his emotional support sister
- reads to mikey on a daily basis
- owner of the most popular captain ryan x reader fanfic on ao3
- kind of bullies his body by pushing it way past its limit at times, but mikey’s helping him with that
- nearsighted
- token straight brother (ik the transfem leo hcs are great.. but its funny to think about him being the only cis straight guy in his household…)
- aroace king.
- treats his body like trash (getting better at going to sleep at reasonable hours with april’s help)
- HE LOVES MICE!!!! any kind of rodent actually. (also bunnies)
- black coffee drinker.
- can speak like four different languages fluently. has the third best understanding of japanese and kanji next to leo and mikey (mikey’s being the best because he retains the most of what splinter taught)
- not very spiritual at all but tries his best.
- probably the most depressed out of all of his brothers (pro tip: don’t compare depression guys, just saying he most definitely struggled the most with depression)
- doesn’t have a favorite brother. loves them all equally.
- got over his weird crush on april after realizing that it was probably just him wanting to feel normal. they’re besties now though
- would belittle everyone at a really low point in his life, got help though :D 👍 (he still apologizes about it to this day)
- also banned from mikey’s kitchen (still a better cook than leo)
- most of his inventions are stupid things his brothers though would be funny if he made (50% of the time they blow up in his face, but it’s still fun to mess around.)
- casey is the only one not allowed in his lab without supervision LMAO
- any bad depressive episodes he has usually ends in a turtle pile (HIS BROTHERS FUCKING LOVE HIM SO MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO SO SO MUCH FIGHT ME RAHHHH)
- he wears his goggles 100% of the time now.
- surprisingly has really good eyesight. the best out of his brothers.
- and lastly, he loves sweet things. even though he’s a black coffee drinker, he loves pastries and asks mikey to make him little sweet things all the time (mikey always agrees!)
thanks for reading this long ass post :3
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the-modern-typewriter · 11 months
wgshdwgd im sorry if youre not accepting snippet reqs </333
but could i req you write abt a villain who *everyone* is genuinely terrified of. and then the hero just politely tells them to shut the fuck up. like, villain could be monologuing or smth and hero would cut them off saying that they would really appreciate it if villain could finish up in the next hour or so because they dont want to miss bargain day at the supermarket.
uwah im sorry if i broke any rules </33 stay safe its a crazy world out there <333
"-Could you please just shut up?"
There was a moment of absolute, horrified silence. One man promptly fainted. Nobody seemed to breathe for a few seconds.
The villain turned, slowly, towards the protagonist.
They were on their knees on the floor, surrounded by armed guards ready to execute the various staff still in their building. Their expression was one of exhausted long-suffering, one hand pinching the bridge of their nose as if to stave off a headache.
"Excuse me?" the villain asked, oh so softly.
"Will you please stop talking?" The protagonist dropped their hand, levelling the villain with a look. "Like, if you're going to slaughter the lot of us, just do it, don't make us listen to the spiel first. It's been forty five minutes."
"Are you so eager to die?"
"No. But if I'm going to die, I think I'd like to get it over with. Otherwise, I'd like to just go about my day. I need to buy food before the shop closes and takeaway costs a fortune. I mean, bloody hell. Forty five minutes. Do you really think anyone here is listening?"
The villain stared.
"Like, not to be rude," the protagonist said. "But they're all scared out their minds. They are not processing the finer points of your monologue. It's just so unnecessary."
"I could cut out your tongue and feed it to you."
"You don't have anything better to do?"
"I could cut out their tongues," the villain swept a hand around the room, "and feed them to you. That sorts out dinner, doesn't it?"
"I mean, I'm vegan, and not a cannibal, but I appreciate you're more concerned with being menacing than actually addressing the issue."
The villain stared some more.
The protagonist stared back.
"The data I need is still downloading," the villain said, after a long moment. "If I let you leave, someone will do something stupid like try and call the police."
"Sure, sure. But the monologue."
"You don't enjoy the sound of my voice?"
"I wouldn't take it too personally. It's been a week. Bit overstimulated, to be honest. Anyone's voice right now feels a bit like a cheese grater on my nerve endings."
"A bit like a cheese grater."
"No offense."
The villain blinked at them, slow and somewhat incredulous. "A cheese grater."
The protagonist shrugged.
"I'm assuming you didn't miss who I am in the last forty five minutes," the villain said.
"And yet."
"It's not that you're not terrifying," the protagonist said. "I just - forty five minutes. Humans aren't set up to be this stressed for forty minutes. My head is killing me. Processing all this - if you don't kill us - is going to be hard enough without having to fit in all the life admin I'm not currently getting done."
"Come here."
The villain crooked a finger to beckon the protagonist forward.
The protagonist swallowed, eyeing the villain warily, but didn't make them ask again. With a glance at the armed henchmen, they shuffled forwards to the spot the villain had gestured at their feet.
"You know," the villain said, "it's been a very long time since anyone has talked back to me."
"Sorry. I'm really not trying to be rude."
"No," the villain mused, head tilting with something alarmingly like curiosity as the protagonist came to a stop. "You're really not, are you? Turn."
The villain gestured again, to indicate that the protagonist should face away from them.
"...You can't just give me all the orders at once? I get this is more dramatic, but I probably wouldn't be trying your patience as much if-"
The villain seized the nape of the protagonist's neck, like scruffing a kitten, making their breath catch.
Everyone watched for the inevitable torment. The punishment. The kill.
The villain's fingers dug into the knots of tension in the protagonist's neck, power sparking up the touch.
The protagonist sagged. "Holy shit," they breathed.
"Um. I mean - yes - but -"
"Good." The villain glanced up to the henchmen. "Shoot everyone else."
"What? Wait - no -"
The sound was deafening.
Then the silence was, once again, absolute.
"You didn't have to do that," the protagonist whispered. "I didn't mean - if I offended you -"
"Oh, you didn't, don't worry. That's why you're still alive. Tell me about yourself."
The villain's grip stayed unrelenting on the back of the protagonist's neck, holding them securely in place.
"We still have ten minutes," the villain said, in a tone of great patience, "before the download completes. Tell me about yourself. I shouldn't be the one doing all the talking, after all. It's very rude of me, isn't it?"
Hesitantly, the protagonist talked, watching the blood pool on the floor. What else was there to do?
The computer finally gave a quiet beep to indicate that the download was complete.
"Good. Very good." The villain gave the protagonist's neck another gentle enough squeeze. "Now. Let's go grocery shopping," the villain said cheerfully. "Up you get. Dinner's on me."
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bahrtofane · 3 months
i dont want to leave
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When Jude finds himself slipping from your life. He chooses to leave it completely, for your sake. 
Jude x reader 
Word count - 700+
Watch it - angst angst and angst 
Judes first appearance to your modest little apartment in months turns into him begging and pleading for you to find someone better. 
Someone who doesn't make you wait all day for a reply, someone who isnt in 3 time zones in one day, someone who has time.
Jude has many things, many luxuries and commodities that fill his home and surround his daily life. Fame and fortune that follow him, recognition. Riches.  
Time is not one of them. between games just about every other day, events and press appearances, media days and content recording. He is exhausting every second of his day.
He knows he's not making enough time for you. And now he's begging for you to move on  
Sitting cross legged on your couch, in red and black plaid pj pants and a hoodie he grabbed from his hamper. He made his way to you as soon as he could. Even if it meant after doing a virtual interview from his room, he grabbed his wallet and keys, sprinting out the door.
“Please…” he tries again. His eyes droop and he can not pick them up to face you. Can not meet your gaze. His eye bags look horrid and his skin is taking on a sickly sheen you saw last when he came down with the flu. 
You shake your head, “Jude. listen to what you're saying. You want me to leave because you're busy?”
“I'm saying I'm not good to or for you. I'm never around. I barely reply. I forget things. I never know what you're up to or what's going on. Im shit. And you don't deserve that.” he tries again, keeping his head down and picking at his nails. 
“But I love you. Busy or not.” you sigh.
“And I love you. So much that you have to let me go.” 
“I don't want to leave you,” you cross your arms.
He rubs his eyes. Its been back and forth like this for what feels like an hour now. This will get nowhere if he simply lets this continue. 
He slides a leg from under him, swinging it against your couch, “then I will.”
Your face morphs into one of pain, but he knows you can't keep living like this. He can't keep making false promises and hurting you. No matter how many times you say it's okay. He was late to your birthday for fucks sake. He doesn't know your friends names, do you even still watch that show? He's losing who you are and it's no one's fault but his own. 
He scoots to you, gently taking your hands in his, “I know you'll find someone who treats you the way you need. And I'm sorry I couldn't.”
Tears begin to swell in your eyes, lip trembling as you shake your head, “you can't,” you cry out weakly. But it's too late. 
“I'm sorry,” he whispers, getting up from his seat and gently closing the door behind him, with a little too much force than intended.
The little framed picture of the two of you that hangs on the wall next to the door shakes and wobbles. It only makes you cry harder. 
You remember that day. He took you to the fair, buying you all the stupid food you could ever want. (the deep fried ice cream gave you a run for your money in the bathroom). He won every prize at those silly games. Even if it took him 50 tries and a whole lotta cash to do so. 
There was a little man walking around with a polaroid camera. A sign reading “$2 for a picture” painted in bright green lettering hanging from an old withered string around his neck.
You took 4. 
Your favorite, the one on the wall, stares back at you mockingly. Hands held together while your heads are thrown back, soft yellow and pink light from the ferris wheel behind you painting your faces. You'll need to take that down you suppose.
You want to scream, but instead only tears fall. Can he see he's the one that's meant for you? Busy or not, forgetful, tired, moody, cranky. You love him through it all. Can he see that?
You try to call him, blinking away the tears as you fish your phone from your pocket.  Pressing on the screen harshly and putting it on speaker, but they all go to voicemail. You suppose that's that.
His first visit in months. And he's never coming back. 
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- Animal death (graphic), mention of vomit, 18+ words and themes overall. Slight angst.
Previous chapter here
Slightly proof read sorry for any errors
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Sandor huffs sitting in the corner as far away from the fire as possible.  
“Come on clegane warm up will yah?” thoros says. 
“Fuck off.” he grunts out shifting away. 
“Leave him be thoros.” Beric says sitting next to sandor. 
“I fucked you up well.” Sandor chuckles looking at barrack right side which he nearly split the man in two just moments ago. 
“Aye, but lord of light has granted me movement and health.” Beric speaks, holding up his arms seemingly magically healed. Sandor hums in response. 
“My men tell me you weren't alone when they found you.” Beric says. 
“Found me? Eh..they ambushed me piled on top of me like wrangling a fucking swine." Sandor releases but Beric still waits for his answer. 
“Yes i wasnt alone… had my stupid fuckign squire and-” he stops himself not wanting to say anything more, let alone anything about you. 
“And?” Beric prods as the unfinished answer. 
Sandor sighs rolling his eyes before answering once more. 
“My wife,” he speaks again. 
“The volantis princess?” Beric asks. Sandor nods. 
“I heard of your wedding of what king joffrey had done to her brother he's with the lord of light now-” 
“OH will you shut the fuck up about that lord of light bullshit!” Sandor stands up about to walk out when four men run into the cave. 
“My lord we've spotted a Lannister raiding party.” 
“How many?” Beric asks. 
“No more than 15.” the man replies. 
“Where are they headed and how far?” 
“Headed east across the essos most likely making a stop at lys, and just two miles off here twords hellholt.” the man answers Beric. 
“I need a horse.” Sandor grabs Beric , pulling him to him. 
“You're joining us?” he asked. 
“Once he hit lys im taking a ship straight to volantis i dont give a rats ass about your religious cunts. I'll follow you until then. Understand.” Sandor says Beric nod knowing he wants to get back to you more than anything. Dispute his effort to try and hide it he knows that his squire and you arnt the only thing he wants to get back too there has to be something else. And something, someone, else there is. 
“We leave at dawn. Your horse will be tethered outside.” Beric assures. Sandor lets go of him and nods. 
Dawn hits as you and joss ride on the horse you've both spent the night at an inn in hellholt the last night and the journey through the mountains before the vaith is something you've both need to get over with before taking on the rest of the nearing towns. 
“When we get there we’ll sell the horse for extra coin my lady.” joss says. You nod mindlessly. 
“S-stop..” you say he stops the horse and gets off a slight bit of struggle before landing on the ground and hurrying to the side only to cough up your breakfast.
“My lady!” joss says worriedly you hold up a hand to him.
“N-no..im fine.” you say holding your stomach hoping the nausea wave will pass before continuing on through the bumpy terrain on horseback. You cough standing up straight before going back to the horse which you've now realized you can not get back up onto so you take the reins and lead it to a fairly high rock and climb onto the rock before hoisting yourself onto the horse. 
“Are you alright my lady?” joss asks. 
“Yes i'm perfectly fine, probably not in the condition for heavy travel but considering the circumstances it will have to do.” you say before leading the horse to go on.
“Do you really believe in the lord clegane?” joss asks. 
“About?” you answer. 
“That…h-he will find us. I know what I said before but I just..” he trails off. 
“Don't talk like that…we have to focus on getting to volantis and then if not we will send a raven.” you say now being the one to lift spirits. He nods. 
“My apologies.” he says. You take a breath in filling your lungs with air before letting it out watching ahead. 
“How are your injuries?” you ask him. 
“I'm alright. just bruised.” he says you nod to him continuing on. You look, seeing a sign. ‘Town of vaith 2 miles’ 
“Almost there.” you say to joss. Just as you do the horse takes a miss step sending you and joss falling off. 
You both hit the ground, the wind getting knocked out of you as you keel over coughing trying to catch your breath. The squeal of the horse blaring out. 
“M-my lady!!” joss runs to you. You hold your stomach, catching your breath. 
“I-i'm okay. I'm okay.” you say getting up.
“No..no no.” you hurry to the horse as it lays on the ground, its leg clearly broken. You need the horse to get to sunspear, pass vaith, and walking across miles and miles of pure land can't be conquered by you. 
“Its leg.” you say to joss kneeling in front of the horse trying to keep it calm in its pained state. 
“M-my lady we-....we have to put it out of its misery we cannot leave it here.” he says. You nod, feeling bad for the creature. 
“H-help me get our things off.” you say getting up pulling off the bags of your money and a few clothes. Joss places them down on the side away from the beast. 
“Can you do it?” you ask him, looking at the suffering horse. He slowly nods unsure yet sure enough to do so. 
“I-i've seen some of the knights put down their horses…they c-cut the throat…there.” he points. Pulling out the dagger sandor left in the bag. Your heart clenches at having to hurt a living animal. Put the pain it's in to overcome any other fear or worry you have. 
“Okay…” joss whispers to himself, walking over to the horse and kneeling down in front of it. 
“You should look away my lady.” he says to you. You nod and turn your head waiting for the horse's ragged breath to stop. A few seconds go by but nothing, you can still hear the horse whining in pain. You look back at joss who holds the knife above his head looking into the horse's eyes. 
‘How do you kill so easily?’ you ask Sandor as you rest your head on his chest. 
‘It's not something I like to do…but when youre life in against another's will, your will to live may be stronger. Just don't look them in the eyes, seeing a soul leave a host will never not be a hard one.’ he says to you his voice vibrates through your ears. 
‘Mm’ you answer. 
‘Don't tell me you're planning on killing anyone anytime soon, little fox?’ he asks. You shake your head nod with a giggle. 
‘I could never.’ you say.
“Joss.” you say looking at him he looks up at you tears streaming down his face. He is a boy after all. 
You hold out your hand as he stands up. 
“M-my lady…” he says. You take the dagger out of his hand before kneeling down and quickly as if you'd done it before cutting the horse's throat and immediately it stops. It stops breathing, it stops moving, it stops all together. A splatter of blood hits your cheek as you look ahead at the mossy rocks in front of you. You look down to get up only to catch a glimpse of the light in the horse's eye dull out. 
You let out a shaky breath fully standing. 
“H-how far is sunspear?” you ask joss. 
“Too far to walk on foot my lady. But.. salt shore is 2 miles from vaith to the right.” he says. 
“And they have a shipping dock there, yes?” you ask. 
“Yes my lady.” he nods. You wipe off your cheek with your sleeve and pick up a bag. 
“We’ll head to vaith see if we can find another horse and if not…we walk to the salt shore.” you say. 
“Yes my lady.” joss nods as he picks up the other bag, slugging it over his shoulder. You both begin the trek down the mountain to the town of vaith.
Next chapter here
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sillygirlactivities · 1 month
Let Me Be Your Girl
Summary: You decided you weren't a little girl anymore. Pairing: DBF Leon Kennedy x Younger Fem Reader (y/n) Tags: older Leon (mid 30s), reader is 20, IM SORRY I DIDN'T WANNA USE Y/N IT JUST HAPPENED, f masturbation, p in v
A/N: first (official) fic! Feedback is appreciated !! Please enjoy! ₊✩‧₊˚౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ (he has a slight accent DONT CARE IF ITS NOT CANON IDFC)
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╔══ ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ══╗
I loved wearing short skirts, tight tops, little bows in my hair.
I loved parading myself around knowing I had everyones eyes on me.
But boys my age would never be what I wanted, I always wanted something older. More bitter. Like how I always would take whiskey over cheap beer. Sweet wine over a shot. Just like how I wanted him from the start. Leon has always been close to my dad. Whenever my dad was on missions, Leon was there to watch me. Held me over my first breakup, gave me my first glass of whiskey. I mean what about him was there not to love? "You'll find older is always better hunny." He told me after pouring me a glass. Leon always wanted me to be safe. Drinking with him than at some stupid party with drunk boys. "Teenage boys don't know how to treat someone like you yet baby." He said to me that night. That's when it started, my little teenage crush on Leon. Whenever he came over my shorts got shorter, my tops tighter. I always did my hair up for him, my makeup a little nicer than usual. I started to wear the bows in my hair for him when he said drunkly to me, "You should wear these more often. Make you look pretty." he said stumbling all over his words, mindlessly moving my hair out of my face. I tried making my crush on him obvious, brushing my hand along his, bending over to pick stuff up, listening to him talk about his hard day at work. Batting my lashes at him, practically giving him fuck me eyes. Never did he ever do anything back. Moved away from my advances even. Now I'm 20, still having him babysit me like some stupid teenager. I'm not some stupid kid anymore who can't take care of herself. I pull my tits into my lacy cami top, braiding my hair putting little bows at the end, just like he said he liked. My pj shorts rested low on my hips, barely doing anything to cover up the pink lacy underwear underneath.
Tonight I was going to prove to Leon I wasn't some dumb kid he needed to protect and watch over, but rather a girl who could love. A girl he could fuck. No more restless nights in my bed, fucking into my own hand thinking of him, I needed him. Just once. To ruin every other man for me, just like he said. "Older always better."
I hear the door open downstair, "Hey baby, your daddy said I had to watch you tonight." I hear him yell from downstairs. I skip down the stairs checking myself in the mirror before going into the kitchen. I smile big before jumping into his arms. "Leon!!" I can hear him chuckle as he holds me back. His hands resting on my lower back, never any lower. I lean my head back to look up at him, "Don't you think I'm a little old for a babysitter?" Leon tilts his head at me, "No but I also rather not lose my job because I told your dad off." I roll my eyes at him, "Daddy likes you to much, he'd never do that." Leon walks around the kitchen, in what I'm assuming is making us dinner. So I perch myself up on the counter, trying to position myself in a way that would draw his attention to me. I hear him sigh, "Yeah, I guess I am a favorite of his ain't I?" He puts the pan on the stove next to me, and he leans over me. I lean into him more, "Yeah, and I think he knows I'd be mad if I didn't see you around again." I say smiling, bringing my face closer to his. Leon immediately backs up. I pout a bit, going to get off the counter before, "You need to stop that." He says gruffly from his spot on the other side of the kitchen. I tilt my head, walking towards him. "Stop doing what Leon?" He turns and stops me in my tracks, my face almost colliding with his chest. "Parading yourself around for me, I'm not stupid y/n." I look up at him, giving him the best fuck me eyes I can give. "Than give me what I want Leon." I put my hand out onto his chest, "I've only been asking for years now. Just one time is all I'm asking for." He grabs my wrist and leans into my face, "Baby, one time would ruin you. Would risk me my entire job. What if your daddy found out huh? I think he'd kill me." I tilt my head, pouting out my lip a bit, "He doesn't have to find out, you're a government agent, I know you can keep a secret."
The grip he had on my wrist got a little tighter, and he gave me a harsh look, like he was trying to figure out what he was going to do to me. That look, the grip he had on me, made me wet. I step closer into him, "Leon, please?" He dropped my wrist, "Go to your room." He turned away from me, going back to cooking. "Your sending me to my room?" I stop my foot on the tile. "I am not a fucking child Leon!" He swiftly turns, "Your sure actin like it!" I sniffle and climb up the stairs back to my room. I slam my door before letting out another little sob. I was not a little kid anymore. I lay in my bed, cuddling my pillow. I sniffle again drying whatever tears were last till I had another idea. Why be sad when I can make myself feel better? I reach into my bedside table grabbing my pink vibrator, before removing my pj pants.
I sit up on my knees, before turning it on and placing it on my clit. I moan, loudly at the feeling. If I wasn't going to get the attention from him, I'll give it to myself. I spread myself out onto my bed, ass up, starting to grind into it. "Y/N! Dinner is ready!" I moan, turning it on to the higher setting, ignoring Leon. I hear him start to climb up the steps before swinging my door open. I don't stop. I open my legs wider, exposing my wet cunt to him. I keep chasing my high before I feel a pair of hands grab me and flip me over. He grabs the vibartor out of my hands, and throws it across the room. "What the fuck do you think you're doing." I tilt my head, "Pleasing myself cus you wouldn't man up and do it for me."
Leon grabs my hips harder, digging his hands into my hips. "You're real stupid to think this would work on me." I get my foot in-between us, pushing on his lower stomach. "Well something down there is say something else, hun." Leon grabs me again, pushing my leg out of the way, putting me flush onto his hard on. He leans down, putting his face right in mine, "Well, Hun, me ever fucking you, is not an option. I could lose my job, your dad's friendship. It doesn't matter how badly I want you or your tight ass cunt." His grip on my hips feels bruising now, causing me to lock my legs around him.
"Leon nobody has to know, please. I can't explain to you how much I need you. " I plead to him. "I know, you think I can't hear you up here? Walls are pretty thin here baby, and do you know how hard it is to not come up here and treat you the way you're begging?" He seethes out of his mouth. "Trust me I've had blue balls for months Y/n."
I let out a shakey breath, "Nobody, Leon, has to know." I bring my hand up to cup his cheek, "I can keep a secret and my dad would never know any better. Please." I beg. Guess my pleading worked because next thing I know his mouth was on mine. Hot, feverish, sloppy, kisses. In a mess on tongue and teeth clashing, panting into each others mouth. He moves down to my neck, leaving hickeys on my collarbone, "Gotta stop wearing those stupid tiny little camis, drive me fucking wild baby. I know every other boy is staring at your pretty little tits too, but they'll never see em' will they baby?" He continues his assault on my chest, "No, nuh-uh." I drunkly mumble out.
I can hear him chuckle as he moves his hands under my shirt, "We haven't got to the good part and you're already drunk on me, ain't that cute." I whine at his words, "Leon~". I tilt my head back, trying to grind myself into him, (very unsuccessfully). He finally pulls my shirt off of me, before running his hands back down to my thighs. "Just because I think you've been left so high and dry for so long, I'll give into you but next time you're gonna have to work for it, k baby?" I frantically nod my head, desperate for him to touch me, "Yes Sir." I watch him smirk above me as he starts to play with my clit. "I like that." He says to me, before he slips in one of his large sized fingers, causing my to moan. "Fuck aren't you wet, I really get you going huh hun." I can sense the shit eating grin he has on his face, but my eyes are rolled so far into the back of my head I could give a fuck less. He continues to finger me open, before I start to come undo around his fingers. "We aren't done yet baby, still haven't had my turn." He flips me over and pulls me to the edge of the bed, lifting my ass up to meet his hips. He puts the tip to my entrance, circling and tapping on it just to get a reaction out of me. It worked, I was squirming and moaning beneath him. "Leon, fuck, please just fuck me already." I cry into my sheets. I feel him push into me, causing me to gasp at how wide I was being spread open. "You said you wanted it." He says from behind me. And he took advantage of it. The grip he had on my hips would leave bruises in the morning as he pounded his cock into me. Leaving me a drooling, moaning mess, gripping onto my sheets. He moves one hand under my chin, bringing me up to him, "You can't even say how good you feel I'm fucking you so good, huh baby?" He chuckles as nothing but a broken moan escapes me as I paw at the hand on my chin. He spits into my mouth before pushing me back into my sheets. Keeping one hand on my head, pushing me down and the other still bruisingly gripping my hip. He starts to pound into me faster, "Come on baby, I'm close, I know you close. Can feel your little pussy squeezing me." I can hear his low groans as he pounds into me faster. I let out a loud, broken moan as I feel myself cum around his cock. He pulls out just in time, coming all over my ass as I twitch and squirm underneath him. He moves a piece of my bangs out of my face, leaning over me. "You alright baby?" I nod, contently (after having the best fuck of my life) before he smiles, "Well let's get you cleaned up then and we can have dinner. I made your favorite." And he did, he showered you, helped you change your clothes, he even let you pick out the movies you guys watched as y'all ate. You cuddled up into his chest after, him running his fingers through your hair, both contently holding each other, falling asleep on the couch.
╚══ ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ══╝
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A/N: AAAAAA I hope yall enjoyed!! much love if you read this far !! <33 :3
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feralforfrank · 2 years
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summary you've been tasked to grab your clean clothes from the laundry room during a storm. little do you know, a certain someone has a similar task.
cw ANGST, but it's the last time. FLUFF. kind of bad writing. storms, thunder, the dark. feelings!!! miscommunication fr, definitely not how the navy operates, but idc. NON-DESCRPTIVE READER. TELL ME IF I MISSED ANYTHING.
a/n THE LONG AWAITED LAST PT3 IS HEREEEE. im feeling kind of...weird about the ending. i like it, but i dont love it. i hope you peeps enjoy it, though!! sorry for taking so long to write and post it :/
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Sunday noon came around quicker than you wanted it. You'd slept until eleven and elected to stay in bed until it was time to eat. When that time came, you ate Penny's homemade burritos that Nix had sneaked in without the boys seeing.
The two of you ate in your bed and then laid back down. Phoenix was literally on top of you, her hands supporting her head. If Hangman were to walk in now, he'd never let her live this down. Badass Nix with messy bed hair, practically cuddling her heartbroken friend. It was a rare sight.
"I'm exhausted, Nix. I wish I'd never opened my goddamn mouth." You sighed, rubbing your temples.
You were tired. After your confession, you raced back here, flopped under the covers and cried, much like the night before. You wanted to take everything back—every word, movement and facial expression. Rooster hated you, and that was the only way you could get close to him—the hatred—but now you've shattered that wall. 
He doesn't like me. I ruined whatever connection we had. Fuck that stupid mouth of mine. Why did I have to react so poorly both times? He's not mine. I want him to be mine. No. Yes. Fucking hell, this headache. Can't we go back to normal—our normal? That has been your train of thoughts for God knows how long, and it was seriously tiring you out.
"Everything will work out for you. Rooster is full of surprises," Phoenix responded reassuringly.
You looked at her weirdly. "What kind of fucking riddle is that? Have you lost your mind?"
She just laughed, sitting up. "Shut up. I know what I'm saying."
You were about to reply when the screech of the bunkroom door caught your attention. "Oh my God!" Fanboy shouted, closing the door again. "Am I interrupting something?" 
You snorted. "Have you never heard of knocking?" You yelled back.
"What are you doing on top of each other, man?" He sounded traumatised. You giggled.
"None of your business!"
"Whatever, man. I came in to tell you it's going to storm real hard soon. Prepare for a blackout."
"Okay, thanks!" You hear the shuffling of feet moving away from your door and groan.
Phoenix makes a move to stand up. As if she knows what you're thinking, she speaks up. "I'm not going."
"Oh, please, Nix! You know how much I hate it down there! Especially if it's storming out," you whine but to no avail.
"You're in the Navy, for Christ's sake. And it's a quick job. Go in, grab the clothes, and come back. I already put them in the dryer. You only have to fetch them."
You groan but get up as well, blindly searching for your phone and earbuds. If you were going in that dark, scary laundry room, you'd at least do it your way. And who's a better companion than Taylor Swift?
It was early in the evening when all lights shut off. The heater in your room stopped groaning, and you concluded that the expected blackout was happening now. Nix was sleeping in her bunk above you, and you sighed. You'd put off going to the laundry room in hopes of Natasha changing her mind, but there was no way you were getting out of it now.
You really didn't want to face Bradshaw, and there was a big chance you would in the hallways. Unfortunately for you, no one has invented time travel yet, so you're destined to bump into him at some point. You work together, for fuck's sake. It's impossible to ignore him forever.
So, you gather yourself, put a hoodie over your t-shirt with the nearest civilian shoes, and plug your earphones before pressing play on Taylor Swift and blindly find the door. The backup generator is up and running, for the hallway lights are on. 
A few people are conversing and leaning on their bedroom doors. Some greet you with a nod and a smile, and you shoot them one back, ducking your head so as not to be spotted by your friends—who are likely hanging out with Rooster.
You arrive at the laundry room and immediately get to work. There's no one else in here, and it's cold. You feel like a child, shivering in fear as if a ghost will pop up from a corner. The music is blasting, and you're grateful, for the eeriness of this place makes you jumpy. Fuck, it's so dark.
Unbeknownst to you, Bradley was also on laundry duty. He'd put it off as much as he could, even paying Hangman to do it once. He hated the silence in that freezing room and how far away it was from everyone.
So, here he was, trying to walk as quietly as possible; so no admiral ghosts pop up to scare him. Lucky for him, he only had to put them in the bin, press a few buttons and be out of there in seconds.
He's startled when he sees you. Well, he spots your back, but he knows it's you. The unmistakable Taylor Swift tune reaches his ears. Bradley leans against the doorframe, watching as you bop your head and slightly move your hips while you hum the lyrics. 
He chuckles. Your undying love for the singer was the cause for your callsign, although not many people knew that. You made up a story about how quick you're in the air—that's why people call you that. But he knows.
And he loves his knowledge over that little detail about you because it's so significant. Bradley loves memorising things about you—from how you struggle to french braid your hair to how you like Heineken beer more than Corona because you don't like the stupid connection it has to Fast and Furious.
I miss you. The words are on the tip of Rooster's lips, but he doesn't dare say them. He wanted to give you space and time to rethink your words because—surprise, surprise—he's been in love with you for God-knows-how long. And he wants you to love him back, truly, but he doesn't want to freak you out. So, he'll gladly settle with watching you dance to Taylor while trying to hide the fond smile taking over his features.
A loud crack of thunder startles the both of you. The place goes completely black. Bradley moves off the doorframe, but you drop the half-filled basket with a gasp. A soft fuck escapes your lips, and Bradley decides to close the distance between you and help.
His hands look for your waist, wanting to help you up. He hadn't thought about how isolated you were from the world. You don't have time to move away from the hands circling around you, and a yelp escapes your lips when you hit something solid. One earbud falls off in the process.
You fight to move away and swat the person—God, please let it be a person and not an actual fucking ghost—with a shirt. You cry for it to get away, but the arms find your waist again while the person hushes you.
Bradley. It's Bradley. He's holding you tightly, shushing you, and you gulp deep breaths, trying to calm down. Your heart beat fast from what has happened, and because holy shit, Bradley Bradshaw is holding you.
You have to move away—your skin is on fucking fire. So much for ignoring him.
You push him, turning on your phone's torch. "What the fuck, Bradshaw? I almost had a heart attack." You hit him with the shirt you're still holding.
"I didn't mean to scare you. I was here to do my laundry, but the lights went out." He leaves out the part where he watched you dance. "I heard your basket fall, and I wanted to help."
And suddenly, oxygen is no longer making its way to your lungs, and your whole body is tense. Bradley is right here, in front of you, staring at you with his hands on his hips. And he also knows how you really feel about him. He has to go now.
"You, uh, you can go do your thing," you stutter, pushing your hair out of your face, your eyes never finding his. "I'll finish this on my own."
"No." It's nothing but a statement. "I'm not leaving you all alone down here."
Your heart warms, and the corner of your mouth lifts oh-so-slightly.
"Aren't you doing your laundry?"
"Fuck that. I'll do it tomorrow."
"Alright." You get back to picking your clothes out of the bin.
The silence between you lies somewhere between tense and comfortable. You feel at ease with Rooster here, knowing that no harm will come to you before him, but you can't help but feel awkward since he knows about your feelings now. The lights turn back on, and you have to make your blush disappear before he notices.
You ignore how your stomach turns—butterflies and anxiety—and close the washing machine bin's door when you finish. Well, you at least try to. The door won't latch, making you look like an idiot pushing the washing machine for no reason.
"Here, let me help." Oh my fucking God.
Rooster is hovering above you now, his hand replacing yours. He pushes the machine's door hard, and you hear the satisfying click. 
You can feel his breath down your shoulder, but you try not to tense. Your head spins to him involuntarily, and your eyes meet his. Your eyes fall from his eyes to his lips, and he does the same. Oh my God. Does he want to kiss you?
Your question is answered three long seconds later by him crushing his soft lips onto yours. It's like how all those novels and poets describe it. Instant fireworks. Your body tingles, and your heart pounds so hard that you think it'll rip off your chest. His hand encircles your waist, and you tighten your hold around a random shirt.
He's doing this out of pity. And just like that, the dream you've had for God knows how long is shattered by your own thoughts. You have to pull away.
"W-We can't do this, Rooster."
Your eyes meet his as you touch your lips. They're tingling, scratch that, your whole body feels like it's been electrocuted. He looks hurt and confused as he pants a few feet away from you.
"Why?" It sounds so sad.
"B-Because you don't like me, Rooster. I know you hate me, but I don't want something I've dreamed of for so long to get destroyed because of your silly antics." You sound even sadder.
"Is that what you think?"
"It's not a thought, Bradshaw. I know it. I've seen it with my own eyes." Tears have gathered in your eyes. Fuck, those mood swings.
Bradley exhales deeply. "I don't hate you, Swift. Never in my life have I felt what I feel when I'm around you. I feel all hot and tingly when you walk past me. My cheeks burn like a kid when your comments involve my love life, because deep down, I want you to be the protagonist of my fantasies, not some random girl I met at the Hard Deck.
Your jokes and your talent, your wit and your beauty—I love them. Your charm and ability to persuade everyone into doing chores for you are my favourite. I love listening to you talk, sarcastically or not, because you always have something to say.
Do you know how many times I've eavesdropped on you and Phoenix so I could learn more about you? I know about your hatred for Fast and Furious movies, your obvious Taylor Swift adoration, and the one time you got hammered and thought you were talking to her. 
I love knowing all those details about you, and it's not because I can use them against you. They're what make you...well, you! You're nothing like the girls I've met in my life. You're extraordinary, and I..."
He hesitates.
"Is this...Did Natasha put you up to this? I swear I don't want your pity and fake love confessions, Bradley. You don't have to pretend to be in love with me—"
"But I am! I am madly in love with you. The kind of love that is so dangerous and—and so crushing. I want to be with you every second of the day, annoy you, and make you smile. It's all I've ever wanted for years now."
Your eyes are wide and glossy, eyebrows raised in shock and confusion, and so many emotions. 
"I love you, Swift," he confirms.
"Prove it." Your words are merely a whisper.
Despite the hard rain and thundering outside, your voice is the only melody in Bradley's ears. And he doesn't hesitate. He crushes his lips against yours again, this time with hunger, passion, frustration and love. You kiss back with just as much force, but before you know it, you're pulling back, gasping for breath.
Bradley's hands are cupping your cheeks, and his forehead is touching yours. Your breaths mingle as you stare up at him. Your fingers grip his shirt tightly. 
"Is that enough proof for you?" He whispers.
You lightly shrug. "I still haven't forgiven you for almost calling me a slut." That's a lie—you have. You forgave him as soon as your head hit the pillow yesterday. He didn't mean it.
He sighs a long, sad sigh. "Please, let me make it up to you. I was a—a jerk. A complete and utter idiot. I don't deserve your love, but please, I need it. Give me a chance to prove how much I love you." Your heart clenches, and a smile tugs at your lips. 
"You can make it up to me as long as you want, Bradley Bradshaw."
He smiles back, and you think; this is it. This is heaven on earth. Bradley Bradshaw—the man you've longed for so long—smiling at you with nothing but adoration. You're heart feels light and free.
You don't want the moment to end.
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squishy-says · 23 days
Frail body
A willry/helliam fic
WARNINGS: very nsfw, swearing, henry is mean and will is a bottom, the works, will is a whore as usual, yappa yappa yappa
Overview: will pisses henry off again and henry has had ENOUGH
Enjoy :)
“Will I'm kinda busy you know,” Henry sighed. Will spun in his chair.
“You could be busy with me,” Will smirked. When Henry didn't turn from the animatronic he had been fixing for the past hour, he sighed. “Your so boring, Hen, I just want you to take a break with me,”
“You're being an asshole,” Henry swore as he burned his finger on the soldering iron.
Will giggled. “Maybe you could show me yours,”
Henry felt his last shred of patience snap. “No, I'm not doing that Will. You have done nothing but piss me off all day, first with the recording for the guard, then cursing in front of a kid, then losing my only wrench, now this?? Why the hell would I let you fuck me??” Henry turned to face the smiling man, who simply put his feet up on Henry's vacant chair.
“Oh someone is mad,” he mocked. “Be a good boy and shut up,”
“Oh you want a good boy, ill fucking show you a good boy,” Henry started walking over to Will, who was overly confident that he had broken Henry. That confidence faded as Henry bent and forced his chin up to meet Henrys eyes.
“H-Henry what are you-”
“Whos a good boy?” He whispered, voice smooth as silk.
“M-” Will started, almost out of reflex, only catching himself as Henry raised an eyebrow. “I- I dont know who you- what you- fuck-” he mumbled, starting to turn red.
“Cmon baby, who's my good boy,” Henry grinned as he felt Will let himself melt into his large hand.
“Me,” Will smiled dumbly.
Henry felt his pants tighten while staring at the submissive male.
“Your so fucking good, right?” Henry mocked.
“Mhm,” Will looked up at Henry. Henry took his hand away.
“That's where you’re wrong. Now shut the fuck up, and let me work.” Henry barked, the smile instantly dropping off his face.
Wills mind raced, deciding whether to pursue Henry or give up. Unfortunately for Will, he always chose Henry.
“Cmon Hen, please,” Will whined. “I'll do anything,”
Henry turned around and laughed. “You look so fucking dumb. How am I supposed to work with such a whiny bitch around? Get on your knees right now.”
Will obeyed instantly, dropping to his knees like a desperate little whore. Henry let his lenght out, groaning at the relief. He put the tip to Will's mouth and Will took it in. Henry sighed and put his hand in Will's brown hair, watching his face get red as he looked up at Henry.
“You look so cute with my dick in your mouth baby,” he moaned and started petting wills head. Will moaned in response, sending vibrations up Henry's cock.
After a minute, without warning, Henry removed himself. Will looked confused as Henry stared at him.
“Wh- Henry?” Will watched, spit trailing from his mouth.
“You don't deserve it. I changed my mind.” Henry glared at Will while attempting to shove his dick in his pants.
Will mumbled something that Henry couldn't understand.
“Im gonna need you to speak up if you want something,” he put his hand on his hip.
“Please fuck me Henry, I said please, are you happy now?” Will looked at the wall, trying to avoid Henry's gaze.
“No,” Henry laughed. “Im fucking not. You have bothered me all day, and really I should just leave you to suffer and just jack off, because you don't deserve any relief after what you've put me through today. Remember this next time you piss me off.”
After a minute of watching will squirm in the silence, he got an idea.
“Maybe if you saw how stupid you look, sitting there all pathetic with spit on your chin, you'd be able to remember this,”
Will perked up. “Anything. Please.”
Will propped himself up on the staff bathroom counter, staring at his pitiful red reflection. He watched as Henry spat on his hand and rubbed it on himself as lube.
“Ready honey?” Henry asked, not really caring for the answer as he quickly inserted himself. Will yelped and looked down. Henry forced his head up and held it to face himself in the mirror with the other grasping Wills hip.
“F-fuck,” Will whimpered softly as Henry stroked his face with his thumb.
“Yeah? You wanna- fuck- wanna say anything else?” Henry sped up, causing will to dissolve into moans and incoherent swears. His legs were shaking with the force of the fucking.
“Fuck H-hen im so fucking- fuck- so fucking sorry just dont stop,” he moaned, not caring how loud he was.
“Yeah? You learning your- uh- your lesson baby? You're gonna be a- hah- good boy from now on?” Henry forced Will's head back up.
“Please i'll be so good i'll be- hah- i'll be so good please please please,” Will dropped to his elbows as Henry let go of his face to grab his other hip.
“Good boy, just keep fucking moaning for me,” Henry huffed, feeling so close that he felt dizzy. He stopped holding back, letting all his frustrations out on Wills thin body.
“Fuck Henry ple-please im gonna cum,” Will panted and squeaked as he released, Henry filling Will up soon after.
There was a silent moment, with just their breathing filling the room.
“I,” will panted, “I fucking hate you,” Will growled.
“Sure you do,” Henry grabbed a paper towel and cleaned himself up.
“Im never fucking you again,” Will grabbed the towel from Henry, wiping sweat off his face.
Henry laughed. “Let's see what you say next week. No, not even, let's see what you say in two days.”
Will grumbled in response.
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honey-mice · 22 days
to anyone who thinks people are fearmongering about trump please take a fucking second to remember that fearmongering involves exaggeration. people arent fucking exaggerating about the destruction trump will do if he gets into office again. please please please look up project 2025. its not a fucking exaggeration. its real. stop pretending that you can just not vote and that will do anything!! people who support trump will vote no matter how much you think we can just boycott voting. you are just giving them the win at that point! i genuinely cant understand how fucking out of the loop of the world you must be to think boycotting voting will do jack shit in this stupid country.
also i think some people have this idea that there arent a lot of trump supporters. well thats great if you are in a place where you dont encounter any, seriously that sounds wonderful. but i regret to inform you that they do exist and there are still a lot of them. less than 5 minutes away from my house there are people that hold little trump rallys every couple of months. 3 members of my extended family are very heavy trump supporters and there are at least 7 that are probably going to vote for him. by my house there are multiple people on the street with trump flags still flying. and thats all just stuff thats close to me. in this little bubble. please stop pretending that just because you and your friends know trump is awful that it means the rest of the country agrees with you. it is important to realize how many people still support him. because if you dont it can lead people to do what i said before, be stupid and think its better to not vote.
if you need people to say shit about what great things biden has done and the good sides of him and all that shit to literally think you shouldnt vote against trumps plans for a dictatorship then you are fucking hopeless. you shouldnt need people to win your over with biden to vote against trump. if you arent a white cishet ablebodied christian man then you will be fucked if trump gets into office. i dont like biden. im not going to sugar coat that man so that people dont vote for someone who will strip them of all of their rights. open your fucking eyes. boycotting voting is the stupidest shit ive ever heard.
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posebean · 1 year
letting it leave mutual circles heres my rinky fic idea enjoy
niki gets into an accident (because of rinne) saving him or smth like getting hit by a car and so then nikis seriously injured and wakes up in a hospital covered in bandages and his arm in a sling but no memories at all not even his own name rinnes there when he wakes up and is breaking down into tears and then nikis just like. im sorry but. who are you? and rinne just stares and is like niki are uou joking
niki: niki? is that my name
and then rinne leaves the room and niki is so confused because 1. he has no idea who he is and why he was in a hospital all beaten up and 2. he had no idea who that red haired man was and then out of exhaustion and painkillers he passes out
the next time he wakes up himeru and kohaku are there n help him out . explain to him a bit about who he is, take him out of the hospital. red haired man from earlier is nowhere to be found niki feels like he dreamed that whole scene. himeru and kohaku dont mention rinne at all idk why because if rinne wanted something stupid they wouldnt but well. gotta advance stupidity somehow i guess
its a whole thing of niki finding this red haired man trying to befriend him but rinne just acts like theyre strangers out of pure guilt and horror because the love of his life was literally on his deathbed because of him (he wasnt rinnes just being a dramatic bitch)
but theres still the fact that niki got hurt because of him and now has no memories except for standard motorskills and etc and a little innate stuff for cooking but like. no memories memories. no relationships or feelings.
and everyone at es is careful around niki because he doesnt remember and hes probe to migraines as if hes trying to remember but just cant and also for some reason he feels like a part of him is missing and he gravitates toward that red haired man he thought he hallucinated after running into rinne in the halls on coincidence one day and rinne just. tries so hard to push him away and it explodes into a whole rinne-kun why are you pushing me away i just wanna get to know you the way you act its like we knew each other before i lost all my memories
and rinnes like you dont want to know me and its better this way you really wont like scum like me and nikis like bro what are you talking about first ur saying were strangers now ur saying we do know each other and have for this whole time and rinne is like
you were my star but i put you out with my own hand lets leave it at that and then runs away and now niki has even more wuestions unanswered than answers and its a whole game where niki slowly pieces together from things scattered around his apartment, vague memories of someone else's life, something with Rinne and hes like oh and idk the chase continues until he finally corners rinne and is like rinne-kun i might not be the same anymore i might not have any memories of you at all but now i know is that the me in the past was the most dearest to you and i know you feel like you are the reason hes gone and feel the need to punish yourself but i dont think hed want that he pushed you out of the way of that car for a reason i may not be the same, i may not have the memories that we used to share. but i know that deep down i still have that love for rinne-kun. id like to get to know rinne-kun again. that sweet brute of a man that the past me loved so much. i want to relearn every memory ive forgotten, every memory that is important to rinne-kun. maybe one day ill messure up to the past me again , maybe ill be whole again, rinne-kun, will you help me remember and then rinne fucking bawls because he hasnt cried at all in front of niki during this and was only in complete shock or cold apathy (while himeru and kohaku watch him sob in private and are like. u fucking idiot stop doing this n hes like no i ruined niki he'll be betyer off without me )and cue tender moment where hes like niki doesnt have to get any memories back i will love him no matter what, no matter the cost even if the world burns and we all change that will always stay true. and nikis like but i wanna rember if these memories are so important to rinne/kun they must be important to me too i dont know if ill ever get all my memories back but i at least want to know the memories that rinne kun loves so in case rinne-kun loses his memory i can be the one to remind him of the memories he holds so dear
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bug-eyed-bum1234 · 1 year
🦢Twitter Snooper 🦢 (Fem! Y/N/Tim Klitz) (1/?)
Word count: 837 (I know its short! Sry!)
Tags: Mature, profanity, overall pervy-ness from Eli, no actual use of Y/N, reader works for Onlyfans, fairly tame!(so far...)
"Hey guys!! Merry Christmas! I bought a set just for this season. I hope you all enjoy <3" The caption read. You were posed in a cheeky, lace lingerie set with green and red accents. You had been posting on twitter ever since you turned 18. You caught many peoples attention quickly, and it helped you realize a path you hadn't thought of until then. OnlyFans.
Twitter would be the perfect place to advertise it, and you would be making money off of something you already enjoyed doing.
That's how everything started. Klitz’s eyes shot open, mouth hung, pupils darting from Eli to Matt.
“Hey Klitz, you good man?” Eli chortled, eyebrows askew. “Yeah you seem a little shook up” Matt agreed.
“Yeah I’m fine! Just another stupid thing Elon is doing.” He wittily replied, coming up with a lie as fast as he could. Eli was the one who suggested to scroll Twitter when he got bored of the porn tapes he “studied” for film school.Klitz’ s eyes shot open, mouth hung, pupils darting from Eli to Matt. Klitz agreed just to get himself away from watching it with his friends on a big screen, at least this way he could have a little bit of privacy. That is when he came across your picture. He didn’t even recognize you until he opened up the picture fully just to see your face greeting him.
“Hey, I’m gonna go get a drink, want anything?” He timidly questioned the tripod.
“Yeah just a Dr. Pepper.”
He shifted his way towards the kitchen. Phone still open in his hand, hidden against the cloth of his khakis. He opened the fridge door, a little more security between him and the living room. He lifted his phone, opening your profile. He inspected your bio, profile picture, and even your banner just to make sure he wasn’t imagining things. Your profile pic was you with a soft, pink filter wearing a bikini top with pastel, heart shaped cups. Your banner was a pattern of those candy hearts with phrases like “Lick me” and “Cutie”.
Your bio simply said: “Miss me! Miss me! Now you gotta kiss me! ~<3”
He stood there trembling, feeling so hot even in the cooling air of the open refrigerator. He imbedded your username into his memory, taking a screenshot just in case. He grabbed the drinks and headed towards the living room.
• • •
Klitz’ s phone buzzed. At first, just a quick *bzzzt* then silence, he decided to ignore it when suddenly the buzzing became rapid. Klitz gave in and opened his phone, greeted with Eli’s name sprawled across his screen a numerous amount of times. He opened the text.
(Eli:) Dude “something with Elon”??? Bullshit. What good shit did you find??
(Eli:) Im being dead serious dude, what did you find??
(Eli:) Istg answer me dumb fuck
(Eli:) wait, was it someONE?????
(Eli:) wait. No i cant lose my virginity after YOU. Im coming over.
(Klitz:) First of all, no girl was hitting on me. Second of all, dont come over. Im studying and dont need more of a distraction than you are already providing me. Third of all, Its my phone, my business, my shit. See you at school tomorrow.
Right as he hit send, the “bing” was accompanied by the “ding-dong” of the doorbell.
He opened the door to a playfully aggressive Eli and perplexed Matt. Eli pushed Klitz into the living room and onto the couch, spewing out ridiculous accusations along the way.
“You can’t lose your virginity first, that’s not happening, I’m not going to let that happen!” Eli spat, pacing the room, punctuating the sentence with pointedly wagged fingers towards Klitz.
Matt’s ears perked up.
“Wait, Klitz do you have a girlfriend?” He interjected between the interrogation scene.
“Guys, no. I don’t have a girlfriend, no one is hitting on me, I’m no where close to losing my virginity soon! Leave me alone Eli, and check your texts, geez.”
Klitz put his hands up in defense and defeat.
Eli’s eyebrow quirked up.
“You still haven’t answered if you saw anyone you recognized.” He prodded.
The room fell silent then erupted with wise words from Eli.
“So you did see some puss!” He whisper shouted while scrunching Klitz’s shirt, shaking him about on the couch.
“Ok! Ok! I will make a deal with you. If you leave right now and don’t blow up my phone, I will tell you at school. Deal?”
Klitz bargained with the horndog, which was immediately accepted with full enthusiasm as a hand came down to Klitz’s, shaking it jarringly.
“Deal!” He exclaimed with immense force. He quickly hurried Matt and himself out of the house, feeling as if they got out fast, the truth would get to him faster.
Klitz flopped sideways on the couch with a sigh. He opened his phone and into his twitter.
He had a lot of “studying” to catch up on.
Authors note: This was supposed to be posted around christmas, sorry it's so late! This is just one chapter! Im not sure how long the series will go on. I hope you enjoy! :)
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
I saw your posts asking for ideas and I was thinking what If you wrote something about you being Bams younger sister and filing cky coz April doesn’t want you to get hurt and you have like secret relationship with Dico or Ryan
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thank u so much for the suggestion!!! im gonna do it for dico this time bc one, theres no fanfics of this silly dude and two, i havent written abt dico in SOOOO long. this ones for the dico lovers out there love yall, a dying breed🫡
WARNINGS: dangerous stuff, fluff, bran being bran yk
being bams younger sister has its ups and downs
bam as a brother is A NIGHTMARE
hes just such a dick
making fun of u, annoying u and being the “younger brother” type character bc hes just like that
u were 2 years older than him
so when u started kinda liking his life long friend, “dico”
it was kinda awkward bc u yk, hes ur brothers best friend
one night, u were just chilling at the house alone
ape and phil went out, bam was probably out skating somewhere and jess had band practice so having a empty house all to urself?? hell yea!
as u sit on ur couch, just watching some stupid ass movie thats on someone knocks at ur door
when u answer it, its Brandon dicamillo himself (dico)
“hey, uh is bam around?” he asks looking kinda nervous
“nah, i thought he was put filming with u, but its 9:00 he should be back soon.”
“ah ok, ill just wait in my car till he gets here then, thanks.” he smiles at u
“come on bran dont be a stranger! i’m m just watching a movie just wait inside till he gets back.”
you held the door open for him and he walks in and plops down on ur couch
in your spot.
“asshole what the fuck thats my spot”
“didnt see ur name on it.” he says smirking “also what kinda horse shit are u watching? let me show u some real funny shit.”
dico then proceeds to put on an old western movie
“what the fuck dicamillo??”
“what??! this shit is so funny watch this.” he says pointing to the tv as some guy dressed as a cowboy gets shot on screen
the acting was terrible yes, but the way dico was hysterical laughing at it kinda made u smile
his laugh, his interests, just his goofy personality made ur heart flutter
u didn’t realize that u had been staring into this mans whole soul for ten mins until he turns to u and smiles
“may i help u?” he says kinda chuckling
“oh, uh sorry..” u say blushing and kinda turning away
the silence that took place after could have killed u right then and there
until he turns to u
“hey uh.. ive been actually meaning to talk to u about something…” he says, that nervousness kinda coming back from before
u nod ur head as he starts to confess to u
“listen, i know ur my best friends older sister and this is kinda weird but… ever since i met u, i thought u were so cool! i wouldnt have expected u to like masters of the universe and filming bits as much as do…”
“yea, i can see how u couldnt have seen that coming bc of my brothers”
“yea, but anyways, ive always kinda…been into u, im super sorry if this is weird i didnt mean to make it like that i just think..”
u smile, did fucking brandon dicamillo just confess his love for u ??
he turns to u
“i feel the same way, ive always had i just didnt wanna make things awkward if u didnt.” u smiled at him and scooted closer to him on the couch
“really?!?” he said in shock
“mhm, i like you… like A LOT”
u move in closer and you two end up making out on ur couch
after that day u both agreed to date without anyone knowing
yea it was suspicious when u two wouldnt be able to film or hang out at the same time on the same day but the guys kinda brushed it off
u two went of secret little dates
dico would surprise u ALL the time with cute date spots
random cat cafes, parks, family ran restaurants, he just found little cute places in westchester to take u to, and u LOVED IT
when bam realized u obviously were seeing someone bc u were WAYYY to happy, u decided to snoop
going through u room he ended up finding one of dicos shirts hidden under ur bed
thats when bam decides to confront u about it……
might make some type of part two to this but it depends if yall want it or not, hope u enjoyed! also please keep sending in requests i love them sm !! yall are so creative i love it sm
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
CW: this is a vent post. it actually doesn't really mention anything too upsetting but it's very personal and will be long so I guess some won't want to bear that.
Yall is 'brother issues' a thing lmao bc the guy i've been talking about keeps making me feel that way 😔😔😔😔
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OK so the first thing is the reason why i opt for brother issues rather than daddy issues is because i see him as a big brother, not a dad or anything. And i also don't feel anything romantic or sexual towards him, like in the other post, i only feel (and crave) family-like affection from him.
I guess it's partly because i dont have a big brother or an older male cousin, and during my childhood no one really considered me a boy, so i have always been craving to have a cool big brother or an uncle who will treat me as the boy i am and show me simple acts of affection that men often do to their younger male family members, like hugging shoulders, ruffling hair, sth like that...
It's so nice here when i grew up and escaped from that stupid homophobic and transphobic where i spent my whole childhood and secondary school years and studied in a place where i meet people who respect my identity and really see me as a boy. Including him. And it's not common for me to be closer than a mere acquaintance to a man who is older than me (most of my friends are my age or younger), so being with him makes me have feelings. Like i wanna be important to him so fucking bad.
The "he" in the two pics above is a new close friend of mine. We met in a language class where "he" is the student and im the teaching assistance, and tbh "he" brought me to hella places like bars and pubs and stuff where i had one of the newest and most exciting experiences of my life. "He" is also the person who helps me and the guy i have brother issues about to get closer like we're now. But i feel like the only reason why that guy gets closer to me is just because of "him", bc everything we talk about is related to "him" lmao (besides work ofc).
Earlier this evening, the guy called me out to have a talk, and he told me the exactly things i wrote in the pics above. The feelings i had that moment sucked so bad. I feel jealous over one of my best friends for having an older man considering "him" as a younger brother, i feel like a loser for having such a feeling.
I mean he cared for "him" so fucking much that it's so fucking obvious. And given that one of the main reasons we're best friends is because of out similar family background: we all have sth with dads--"his" biological dad left "him" and "his" mom when "he" was a small child while mine passed away kinda early (my dad was a very great man, but bc of his early passing away i kinda felt-- u know what i meant), we both have to try to work to earn money and support ourselves, and we always care for (and sometimes it even reaches 'stressing over') our moms and sisters. So when that guy told me he wants to help and care for my friend as much as he can bc of "his" family background, i just feel jealous so bad, and i hate myself so much for that yk. Watching someone having the things that u'll never have. im supposed to feel happy for my friend for meeting such a great man, and tbh i do, but still i cannot help feeling jealous and i fucking despise myself for that.
I'm not the luckiest person with romantic love (in fact, my love life is just a pile of mess) and i've kinda given up on finding someone who really loves me lmao... and now even this i can't have. I feel like i'll have to take care of myself forever🥲🥲🥲🥲 like having no one to care for you like that guy with my best friend... It's like i'll never have what i wanna have and it's my fucking fate to keep watching other people having what i desire. All my life i've just been standing in a distance and watching people having those of things, having a big brother, having a close-knit friend group, having a healthy romantic love,... fuck it sucks so bad i hate my life lmao
I never plan to grow old 💀👍 like i'll die (kms) as soon as i think my job here on earth in this life is over 💀💀💀
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eirian · 9 months
not to be that guy again
but i also dont fuck with anybody who talks about "anti culture" or anything like that when it comes to how shit's portrayed in fiction. i super try to stay out of "proship vs anti" discourse bc its stupid as shit and i have other things to worry about than internet discourse. but i still cant help but express my beliefs which relate to the core argument
dont make me tap the sign. fictional exploration of pedophilia/incest/abuse/etc at all isnt the problem, its the way its portrayed. if youre out here portraying that shit as bad and inexcusable, then youre fine. if youre exploring it in a way that doesnt defend it, then youre fine. if youre out here saying that a 40 year old man getting it on with a 14 year old is cute or sexy, or that two brothers having a sloppy makeout is hot, then yeah im going to burn your house down with you in it
the thing about the "what about fictional murder??? ppl romanticize that all the time and you dont see people turning into murderers irl!" argument is that. well. people dont groom people with murder fics. ppl dont show others art of their favs getting murdered and then try to use that to justify them murdering someone. that just doesnt happen. what Does happen is that ppl use incest/pedophilic ships and art portraying it in a "cute" or "fun" light and they use that to justify their grooming actions. that does happen. ive Seen it happen.
and no, im not saying that getting rid of this depiction of these subjects in media or fanworks is going to Stop All Grooming. thats silly. i know that if theyre going to groom someone theyre going to find a way to do it anyway, im not an idiot. but all im saying is that this shit makes it easier, makes it more accessible, and may even make it more normalized, which i hope you can agree is a bad thing.
exploration is one thing! lots of gothic media has "problematic" shit like that in it. lots of fiction has gross shit that the author doesnt condone irl, theyre just exploring it through writing. however, romanticization is another thing. portraying it as cute and fun is another thing. trying to excuse it by saying its fiction is another thing. thats when you ascend to freak status in my book.
youre not ~making a statement~ by declaring yourself a Proud Proshipper--at least not the one you think you are. youre giving me the signal that you dont care about how certain subjects are portrayed even if theyre harmful, and youre telling me that i should stay far the fuck away from you.
last thing i'll say on this is that for the record i am also against purity culture. i dont think ppl should be watering down media to be Acceptable and Pure all the goddamn time. i dont think ppl should stay away from "problematic" media entirely as long as they can use their brains and be critical and not excuse or defend said problematic content. everything is problematic bitch lets get you some fruit. yknow? theres nuance and context to everything; things arent black and white. trying to take the problems out of everything is a waste of effort and frankly makes everything boring as shit. having said all this, the way things are portrayed and how you interact with them are still important factors and i will stand by that
aight rant over o7
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(he love me) he give me all his money I Part 2 [18+]
Part 1 I Series Masterlist
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summary: A brief interaction with a catfish on a sugar daddy website leads to something quite unexpected and suddenly you're on the radar of genius tech billionaire Nathan Bateman, and honestly, you don't mind the attention.
chapter warnings: none (?), light sprinkling of daddy kink (as a joke mostly but...)
a/n: honestly i dont even know where im going with this but here we are
also just a note about the texts in this fic
> Texts like these are from Nathan. [bold and italicized]
> texts like these are from you [italicized]
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The next morning finds you laying in bed, eyes wide open as you scroll through the text thread you now had with the CEO of BlueBook.
You're really hot.
That's the text that the Nathan Bateman had sent you the day before, the one you'd opened but still hadn't replied to, and honestly you didn't know what to write back because Nathan fucking Bateman had called you hot.
Thing is, you know that you're hot, you're fucking smoking, you had thousands of pictures on your Instagram to prove it, but you never did get used to compliments, especially when they came from someone like Bateman (a man you'd lowkey been thirsting over for years).
And, fuck, you realize how casually you'd spoken to him yesterday, and a part of you cringes because he's probably just sitting in his huge cabin in the mountains or some shit, gawking at your audacity to not only speak with him like you were old pals but to also seen zone him.
Then there was the issue of the eighteen hundred dollars just sitting in your bank account. Somewhere along the way you'd managed to forget he'd actually sent you money because of a stupid joke in a video.
You open up your mobile banking app, your finger hovering over the send button for a few moments, before hurriedly typing out the necessary info to send back the money you'd received.
Successfully sent.
You sent $1800.00 to Nathan Bateman.
Not even a second later, you get a banner notification from the man himself.
You seen zone me AND you give me back my mon...
And in the panic to put your phone away, you fumble and accidentally click on the notification, which meant Bateman could now see that you'd seen his text.
> You seen zone me AND you give me back my money?
> Were you lying in your Top 10 video? About me being your favorite?
And not even a second later-
> Well?
You imagine him sitting in his swivel chair, in some big office in his cabin in the middle of god knows where, one eyebrow raised up like it usually is in almost all the pictures that have been taken of him. Maybe he's stroking that luscious beard of his as he waits for you to reply, and there's a part of you that wants to ignore him a little more, see what he might do next, but you don't want to risk the possibility of him just not ever talking to you again so you text back.
> i panicked okay?? ur like this rich CEO guy and im just some silly goofy internet person ..
> and bout ur money. that was just a lil joke for the video, please keep your dollars Mr. Bateman
> Fuck off with that Mr. Bateman shit. Call me Nathan
> And, it's my money, I can do what I want with it.
You chew on your bottom lip, typing out words and deleting them, unsure of what to say to him.
> ik you've got enough of it to go around but i really dont know how i feel about just taking your money..
> Think of it as compensation for what you had to endure at the hands of Imposter Bateman.
> i- dude that was a JOKE
> Too bad I'm quite literal-minded.
> Okay in all seriousness, can you go back to how you were yesterday? 
> Just talk to me like you would with any other friend.
> And I'm sending the money back. Treat yourself to something nice.
You've received $1800.00 from Nathan Bateman
"Daddy Bateman sends his regards."
Texting Nathan became a regular thing after the initial awkwardness. It was simple stuff at first, short greetings throughout the day, followed by things like 'spent some of that 1800$ u sent on this shitty coffee' with a picture of you holding your coffee cup or 'thoughts?' accompanied by the Imposter Bateman drawing you made one day, basically just a rough sketch of an Among Us astronaut with Nathan's head instead of a visor. He'd always reply, no matter how late he got sometimes (he was a busy man after all, you could understand), even sending back blurry pictures, sometimes of piles of paperwork, sometimes of strings of code on a computer with messages like 'that looks awful i'm suing you for psychological damage' (with regards to the Imposter Bateman sketch) or 'good to know my money's being put to use' and 'let me know if you need more'.
That last kind of text was always followed up with a transfer of money into your account, anywhere between fifty dollars to two thousand, and any attempts you made to return the money were just straight up rejected.
> am i a charity case?
> No.
> so why spend ur money on me when u could be donating?
> First off, I barely send you any money. Second, I do donate, actually.
> 2000$ isnt 'barely any money'
> wait i forgot who i was talking to nvm-
> so why give me money?
> Because I can.
> ugh whatever
> can i post about u? about us being mutuals and u sendin me money n shit
> Sure.
> cool
You'd felt a little bad about keeping your followers in the dark about everything that had transpired after you'd posted the sugar daddy video, especially when they'd been so invested in getting Nathan's attention for you, but in the end it didn't matter because once you posted the screenshots of the notification that you'd received when Nathan followed you and when he'd sent you money, your fans had excitedly started tweeting about your 'sugar baby era' and about how you'd gotten Nathan Bateman of all people to follow you first (because yes, you'd made sure to clarify that little detail, which Nathan later confirmed in a tweet).
And since everything was now out in the open, you and Nathan began interacting outside of your Instagram DMs, tweeting at each other about the most random things. You'd even tagged him in a couple of Instagram posts with captions like 'this post was sponsored by @thenathanbateman_official . cause i bought these clothes with his money' or '@thenathanbateman_official can u please text me back im sorry i used ur money to buy new airpods i know better now #bluebookissuperior'
Your fans loved it. It seemed like they lived for every interaction between you and Nathan, and honestly, you lived for them too.
You'd even turned on notifications for the guy! You didn't even do that for the friends you knew in person, although, it didn't really amount to much since Nathan rarely posted anything on his Instagram. It was usually just reposts from different accounts that had mentioned his work, or the occasional post on his stories about life at his secluded cabin.
You'd asked him about it only once.
> where do u actually live tho??
> cause im dying to know
> Can't tell. Last thing I need is the press coming out here.
> i wont tell anyone. pinky swear
That's the first time he'd called you.
"Hey," his low voice sounded through your phone. You could hear a faint buzzing in the background but besides that, it remained quiet for a few seconds.
"It's Nathan."
You swallow the lump that had suddenly formed in your throat. "Uh, hi, yeah, what's up?" you ask, mentally kicking yourself for how awkward you sounded.
"Needed both my hands free to get this job done, so I thought I'd call."
"Yeah, no, that's fine."
"You wanted to know where I lived yeah? Any guesses?"
You hum, like you're deep in thought. "I always thought you might be on a private island or up on a mountain maybe."
Nathan chuckles, and you try not to focus on the way it causes a shiver to run down your spine. "I have better things to spend money on than a private island. And no, I'm not up on a mountain."
"Okay, so where are you then?" you ask, holding back a remark to the comment he'd made about 'having better things to spend money on'.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" he asks, and you try not to focus on the way your thighs had involuntarily clenched together at the way his voice dropped just a little.
"Yeah, that's why I fucking asked, Bateman," you bite back, hoping he doesn't catch onto how out of breath you sound, because holy fuck, Nathan Bateman was talking to you on the phone and you were pretty sure you were having a mild heart attack or something.
"Relax sweetheart," he says softly, and yup, that definitely made you throb a little in the nether region. "And didn't I tell you not to call me that?"
You try not to focus on the way he calls you sweetheart, either.
You and Nathan ended up talking for hours (2 to be exact), about your work and his, about your next video, about his money that was still in your account, going back and forth trying to argue about what you should and shouldn't spend it on ("Kitten, you absolutely cannot spend my money on anymore Apple Products, I will block you I swear-" he'd said, to which you'd replied "I posted a picture wearing cat ears once, a year ago. Let it go. Also, screw you, it's my money now, I get to buy whatever the fuck I want."), before you eventually said your goodbyes and headed to bed.
You try not to focus on the way your heart is still hammering in your chest even hours after your call with Nathan.
"Did I wake you up?" Nathan asks one night, after he'd called you at around 2 a.m. in the morning.
Luckily for him, you'd actually been getting ready to do a late night Twitch stream.
"Nah, I was up. Going live on Twitch in a bit."
"Right, right. Reacting to another bad web series? Or are you gaming this time?"
You pause for a few seconds, still not used to the fact that the Nathan Bateman was so aware of your online presence. Technically, he was aware of everyone's at any given moment, but it still threw you off.
"Gaming," you reply as you check on your cam settings and make sure you have everything set up for the stream.
The calls had become a regular thing too, at some point. Usually you'd text Nathan, and ever since that first phone call, without fail he'd call your phone instead of replying to your text, and that conversation almost always went like this-
"Why the fuck would I put everything aside just to text you, when I can just call you and work at the same time?" he'd say.
You'd scoff and reply with something like "Wow, fuck you too asshole," before the two of you would settle into pleasant conversation about anything and everything under the sun.
This time was just like every other time, except-
"Alright, I need to start the stream soon, so..."
You hear him sigh, before saying, "Yeah, yeah, I'll let you go. Don't stay up too late."
"Yessir. I'll text you later."
"Good girl. Have fun with the stream." And with that, Nathan hung up.
The next few hours had gone by pretty quickly. You'd started the stream, played a couple of hours of some old indie game that your subscribers had been requesting for you to check out, before signing off.
It was only after you had gotten ready for bed at 4 a.m. that Nathan's words had really settled in.
Good girl.
You didn't think that would do it for you, but surprise, surprise, it obviously did, especially because it came from Nathan, and you find yourself tossing and turning in bed with a growing ache deep and low inside you, your skin growing warmer by the second.
"Fuck," you whisper out into the darkness for no one to hear, squeezing your thighs together only to feel how wet you'd gotten and it was honestly a little mortifying how one man's voice coupled with the words 'good girl' had gotten you to this state.
You always had been a sucker for praise, but this was new.
Just as you're about to turn over to sleep on your side (because yes, you're going to ignore the way your underwear is essentially sticking to you from how wet you are), your phone pings with a new notification.
> Make sure you're home tomorrow at around 3 p.m.
> ?
> Just make sure you're at home.
You roll your eyes at your phone (with the biggest smile on your face), before typing out-
> yes daddy
You see Nathan typing for a few seconds, which is a little weird since he's usually quick to send a reply.
> Good girl.
> You should sleep. We can talk later.
> Night.
You stare at your phone, wondering what the fuck happened because Nathan usually isn't one to leave a conversation first, at least not with you. Even if he said you should sleep early, he usually was up and texting you until the sun rose, but apparently not tonight.
You don't have much time to dwell on it though, because you get another notification from your mobile banking app.
You've received $2500.00 from Nathan Bateman
"For being a good girl."
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slowjamastan · 1 month
hi, I like you and what you post but may I ask what your view is with trans folks? I genuinely just want to know, tbh it doesn’t matter to me your views but I am just curious because you don’t seem particularly judgy but a little more traditional
oh yeah fair question. i hope u dont mind if i expand on my life a bit, bcz my views make more sense w context i think. tldr at the end
so i identified as dif flavors of nonbinary/trans/queer for nearly a decade of my life. ive been on tumblr since 2010, i called myself "trans" since age 14. ages 18~20ish i went to art school. it was a Peak Woke environment if you will and i fit right in. i dropped out when i realized the artists life wasnt for me. I had no idea what to do next with my life, so i did a lot of serious introspection and among many things, made the conscious decision to consider points of view on trans people from places other than tumblr (there is a lot wrong with me), like, i found out that people who didn’t “get” the trans thing aren’t universally stupid and considered their concerns. crazy ik. later i conclude baby steps style "hey i think 'nonbinary' as an identity might make no sense, like at all" and officially moved my worldview away from "identify as whatever you want forever uwu" 
my opinion on nonbinary genderqueer etc people is that it was made up online in the early 00s at best. “but other cultures have third genders—“ yeah you mean like when gay men aren’t considered real men? or when theres no male children in a family and a girl has to take on that role? nonbinary folx are either children or immature adults who can barely function in society. thats not a moral failing btw but it is hard to watch
from this point forward, assume im talking about binary trans people.
i dont believe gendered pronouns are a decision you get to make, theyre when someone looks at you and diagnoses your appearance as one of two things, and trans or not you dont get to decide how other people see you. trying is an easy way to drive yourself insane and get 500 plastic surgeries and do nothing but obsess over your appearance for your short time on earth. this isnt controversial right? we've all seen trashy reality stars with fucked up faces and botched boob jobs right? trans ppl look like that to me. again, not a moral failing, but def a red flag considering, for instance, the price tag and self centeredness transitioning implies. but anyway it feels ridiculous to handle random men in skirts or women with green hair with kiddie gloves in public yk so i just gender em as i see em. i dont give them any space in my brain bcz why should i. sorry if u dont pass and are going to angry tweet ab this interaction, its not my problem
i started identifying with truscum types (because i was never doing the trans thing “for fun” ive been uncomfortable in my body and had complicated feelings on being seen as female for most of my life), and committed to being a trans man full time age 21~22. started therapy soon after while weighing the risks of T on my health and safety and what exactly i wanted from it, even tho i WOULD be kicked out if i medically transitioned and i had no safety net nor any close friends to help me, so i kept putting it off. i was saving as much money as i could from my pt job (while going to community college for my ged) but mentally getting worse and worse. so i got a prescription for ssris.
in a few months, zoloft not only helped my overall mental state but also alleviated the fixation on my body parts being somehow wrong (or maybe it was all the same thing?). it took away my ability to mentally spiral about gender for hours at a time. i dont know if thats a normal effect, or i got placeboed out of wanting to transition somehow. but i experienced the hypothetical scenario "what if you woke up one day and didnt want to be trans anymore" after 10 years of trans identity and organizing my life around transition as a goal.
it was awful but mostly a huge relief. the dysphoria (or dysmorphia or whatever it was) had felt innate and had been with me my whole life and it was just gone, age 23ish. i felt genuinely neutral about myself and my body, and didnt feel like other peoples image of me being “wrong” would make me kms. could have had something to do with my brain maturing also. (as an aside: it felt like 1/3 of my brain had been dedicated to the gender musing pathways and then stopped all at once. my head genuinely hurt. it was a bizarre physical sensation, like a lobe removal, and it took a good year for that to go away)
ive since gone on and off then quit my meds for good, and the mental spiral patterns came back, but its not strictly about my body anymore. its an overthinking pattern that can latch on to anything. (my friend with ocd described a similar cycle she gets caught in. i dont have full blown ocd but i can relate)
i realize my experience isnt universal ofc. gender dysphoria could be a result of a lot of things, but i dont think its an innate hardwired thought pattern. my take is its a result of trauma / autism / mental issues / bi/homosexuality in whatever combination. this is a personal opinion subject to change given evidence, naturally.
anyway. after the dysphoria evaporated, i moved on quick. my ideas about gender were still all over the place. i tried to be more feminine for a while to "match" how i "felt inside". i forced it, didnt enjoy it, but it was fine i guess. i was still insecure about my gender presentation. i still do have body issues, but who doesnt. i wear a mix of clothing styles these days and often get theythemed on vibes alone. im beating the tradwife allegations i promise
this is the point in the average detrans 20-somethings life where she will call herself a TERF semi-ironically and be a shithead online, which is what i did for a while. you pick up new perspectives that feel freeing and suddenly youre above all that gender drama bullshit, like finally you get to look down on the people suffering and laugh because theyre too dumb to "get it." its cathartic after a decade of feeling insane and suddenly feeling capable of living without inherent suffering. i reached gender nirvana and im better than you :3
then you wake up from that and go wait, that was fucking stupid lol. truly terminally online behavior, but i dont have regrets really. the most evil terfily thing i did, if ur wondering, was co-run a blog that reblogged selfies posted in public tumblr mlm tags. i dont think we even added commentary, but we got soooo much hatemail lmaooo. rip straightgirlarchive 🙏
even at peak terf phase i had irl trans friends by the way, and male friends for that matter.
i think the best way i could describe my feelings on trans people now is like meeting someone with a face tattoo, who also treats that tat like a religious experience. they can feel like this represents to the world who they are and are very serious about the symbolism of this tattoo, and thats fine. its trendy in many circles to have face tats rn (wont be for long) but theyre built different, they always needed this face tattoo to be themselves. bro u just dont understand the inner journey like u wouldnt GET it.... and then they complain about not being employable or single or how their loved ones are struggling to get used to their new look...you see what im saying. you get it
i dont hate people like this. i dont think trans people are subhuman or anything. but i am so so SO glad im not one of yall anymore u are ANNOYINGGGGG. I WAS ANNOYING!!!!! in hindsight i sucked so much and was insufferable to be around if u werent on My Level Of Gender Understanding which was based on nothing but social media infographics, >10,000 hours of blind introspection, and Vibes
my god if i could go the rest of my life not having to hear or think about trans stuff ever again i would. ive done my time. ive gotten my trauma. i dont wanna deal with this anymore but it is inescapable online and irl.
and of course, as a lesbian, i personally dislike what T does to womens bodies, not even getting into the top surgery epidemic.... plus theres now biological men taking over or shutting down every lesbian space. i gotta say, existing as a gay woman has never been more suicide inducing than current year /lh
but the human condition generates all types and genuinely if youre an adult and are determined to transition or microdose T or whatever, its your choice. we live in a society. im not gonna berate an alcoholic for drinking or a fat person for overeating either. hating yourself isnt a crime and i can say i find transing cringe but thats subjective and no one asked me. im just chillin, truly, and we can be friends even if i disagree with your life choices. like. its on par with being friends with someone with 200k in college debt to me. you made a dumbass decision imo but maybe to you its worth it, and what are either of us gonna do about it now? im not arguing shit brother, live ur life. manage those consequences best u can. i love u
in conclusion i wasnt born destined to be trans, im a gender nonconforming lesbian with mental problems related to gender and social roles because of the lesbian thing. this is a normal experience that i overthought into body dysmorphia and identity delusions because of the culture around me... im definitely not a radical feminist. maybe call me gender crit but i dont care. i dont identify with any labels that strongly. labels are the mind killer.
-nonbinary isn’t a real thing outside of hyperonline exclusively-politically-left subcultures, which i personally find annoying since ive left it behind in the process of maturing. to each his own but im allowed to roll my eyes and not play along with larping teenagers and it doesn’t make me evil
-there are no major female / male brain differences. there are no gendered souls. gender dysphoria shouldn’t be treated with transition, because extreme body modification is a mental illness problem in every case. i can’t stop anyone with my opinions obviously but if i could talk to my younger self, id say wait until you’re 25 for the brain development, and in the meantime try less invasive/understudied treatments to improve quality of life.
final disclaimer: i am in my 20s. my views on life and social issues will continue to evolve as long as i live, but the cringe i feel when seeing visibly trans people will never truly go away due to personal traumas. and my trans exes, probably. im super over the queer scene, im a normie gay now. blessings peace love and light
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arttrampbelle · 8 months
Honest opinions hour:
Mk9 was actually fan service done well. Minus the shit with shang tsung and sindel,raiden bargaining with a fucking bald ass demon that is quan chi. And kung lao dying and being treated like shit. And liu kang being an arrogant asshole that never gets called out in the narrative outside of towers. But we all should FUCKING KNOW! that tower endings aren't canon! They are best case scenario in favor of the character YOU PICKED. that's the point of towers. (And the fact that nrs got rid of towers said to me they dont give a fuck about their fans. AT ALL. And people are too stupid to see just how fucked up and really bad that is for the game. That's how you know mk has been commercialized. Next they gonna get rid of the violence or blood too,watch as they fuck up so badly. And make it legitimately an official knockoff cheap sanitized version. Ugh gross. Watch as people legitimately dont care and when all the hype goes away....they are left with nothing and nobody. Y'all first clue should have been when they made kuai scorpion. But y'all be a special kinda dumb to not see why that is bad. But i digress.)
Anyways. Mk11 was mid. Not the best. Not the worst. But mid. But now? It's a masterpiece compared to the shitshow that is mk12,aka mk1 2023.
Raiden isn't fucking emotionless. He cares about mortals,and especially his mortals that fight under him and his brother fujin. Raiden is the most human out of all the gods. And yes,he's a god. Not a chump farmer,not a fucking "dEmiGoD" naw. A full blown,non gmo,grade A,can of whoop ass,bonafide,thunder god! Fight me on that! Also raiden has responsibilities but he's sassy and loving. Like your dad figure. He's dad shaped. He's understaffed,underpaid,underappreciated,mortals sometimes take his ass for granted(unfortunately). Again raiden is a sweetheart,no pushover,but not a complete dick. No more than anyone else could be.
Speaking of his brother fujin. Fujin is not some uwu,uke boy. He's not some dude that is helpless. He's ferocious,he's deadly. Mischievous,impish,and not someone you should take lightly. He's not the "nicer" of the storm gods. He's just much as a full can of whoops ass as his brother. If not more so. The only difference between fujin n raiden is raiden has years and eons of fucking restraint and mastery. Fujin dont(or he just dont bother to). Raiden is a guaranteed death if you push him. But he doesn't. You could survive fujin,barely,but evennif you do raiden aint far behind and you....aint surviving that man. But lucky for you these two dont automatically resort to violence. Unless you declare mortal kombat. Then im sorry honey your shit outta luck. May the elder gods have mercy on you,cuz they won't.
Reptile is a fucking lizard man. Not some twink in disguise. (Dude I've seen better human forms that that fr from fans eww nrs. Eww.) And his whole ass species was brought into near extinction,and endangerment by SHAO KAHN. NOT SHANG TSUNG YOU IDIOTS. SHAO KAHN. shao kahn has been fucking gotten rid of his importance in the story and it pisses me off. Shao kahn did a looooooot of work. And nrs erased it and gave it to my man?! Like i love shang but no offense,shang tsung isn't that kinda dide to do that shit. At all. He's better as a behind the scenes guy. Because guess what?....THAT WAS HIS WHOLE POOOOOIIIINT!!!!
Shang is a recurring headache at best and at worst he is only a threat to those who dare disrespect him,challenge him,and or prevent him from getting souls(which he needs to live. Not just for power you twats,no he legitimately needs them to live. He's cursed. And idgaraf what nrs said or says.)
Rain is an actual demigod. And is argus's illegitimate son. I hc the gods and elders gods didn't really gaf about mortals x gods mingling. Argus worried about his worshipers and mortals reactions. Because legitimately he cheated on his wife dalia. And taven n daegon were gonna suffer because of it. Rain's mother was heartbroken and told her son died in birth. And yeah rains whole backstory is fucked. But yeah that's what happened. Basically argus is a dick and isn't well liked among the mortals and gods. (Dont tell jade,i hc she was devote to argus but blinded to the truth. Untill she eventually found out. She was so hurt by this,poor jade)
Hanzo hasashi is scorpion. Always will be. Fight me. End of discussion.
Bi-han was just as a victim as kuai and hanzo. Quan chi is the fucker you should blame. Idgaf if you love hanzo. Dont blame bi-han for quan chi's manipulations. Bi-han suffered really bad. It's not his fault that the narrative still wants to cheapen his character to "eViL bRoThEr" archtype trope. Pisses me off. Bi-han and hanzo should shake hands and make up. Like fr.
Never forgive nrs. Idgaf if they make any new games. Dont buy them. They had many years to get shit right. They screwed up. Just play the old games
I havee many more but I'll leave it at that for now.
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