#i don't feel that satisfied with this gifset but here it is anyway
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Robyn Miller and Dylan Keogh in S37E15 "Lost in Translation"
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zykamiliah · 1 year
i had to watch ep 12 really fast because there are so many gifsets and screenshots in tumblr qwq
well i really don't have anyone to talk about my impressions of the anime and the finale, so here it goes
more than anything, i loved the journey, how every episode was a parenting adventure for those three.
the ending was fitting, if a little bit rushed and contrived (really, of all things to take to an armed assault in the assassin's stronghold, they forgot to wear bulletproof vests? but anyway, not important)
i liked rei's character development too, i loved that by the end he became his own person.
i love that the french toast somehow became this symbol for their little family, or more accurately, the way it symbolizes their effort to be a family, to keep trying to change and improving themselves. and they achieve, specially rei, and the french toast becomes their specialty.
I LOVED GROWN UP MIRI 😭♥ i totally get why kazuki gets sentimental, i would too
sarcastically laughing at the anime team's commitment to NO HOMO-ing 'til the very end. was there really a need to say that kazuki had gone to meet a woman the night before? tbh i feel it's a bit insulting to the fanbase, because i know that a lot of people that watch it will at least see them in a decidedly romantic light, if they aren't outright shipping it. but then i think about amatonormativity about the fact they ARE a family and it doesn't matter that if kazuki and rei are sexual partners or not. food for thoughts. i would love to hear other people's opinions on this
what a journey! it was very fun. i cried my eyeballs out every damn episode. totally worth it
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lavienjin · 3 years
thinly veiled desires: beckoned | jhs
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gif header by the lovely sugajimin and this gifset! thanks for letting me use it!
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pairing: sub!jung hoseok x gnc, soft dom!reader
word count: 800 (again? whoa!)
rating: 18+ with themes of bdsm and dom/sub relationship. please don't read if you're uncomfortable.
genre/au: non-idol, bdsm au
warnings: blindfolded • pet play • handjob • safeword mention (as a reminder) • soft scenes • pet name (pup) • praise kink rejoice!
author's note: this one's pretty tame and probably the hardest for me to write. don't worry, our sunshine still gets a happy ending, but the most difficult part is trying to fit everything in 800 words or less. hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! oh and! feel free to let me know your thoughts about this fic or the series as a whole.
series m.list | general m.list | ao3
immediate smut after the read more!
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A toy.
That's all Hoseok is to you as he kneels on the hardwood flooring, the coldness seeping into his naked form, making him shiver. The usual music that plays as he waits is gone, and he feels like he's suffocating. Hoseok lived and breathed music, constantly needing something to fuel his thoughts even in the most mundane of situations.
And today, you've taken it away from him. He scans the room quickly, noting that the furniture has been moved away leaving a vast empty space. The only thing lacking in the room… is you. An agitated huff leaves his nostrils. Devoid of a clock, Hoseok is unsure how long you've kept him in there. He used to count his breaths as seconds, but after reaching a hundred, he gave up, too bored to continue the math game in his head. Straining his ears and closing his eyes, he finally picks up on the soft padding of feet just outside the door.
Relief floods through his body as Hoseok hears the knob turn, the pins and needles he's experiencing forgotten as he takes in your form: the salacious smirk on your lips and the way you're casting your eyes downwards towards him sends shudders down his body. Hoseok starts to open his mouth, but your eyes turning into slits stop him in his track. He pouts instead, an upside down triangle forming on his lips before he spies the black band of veil you're sporting in your hands.
"Hoseok, you may speak. How are your legs feeling?" you murmur as you get closer, dropping to your knees in front of him to run a thumb along his cheek.
"Numb, but I'm okay," he grins convincingly, closing his eyes at your touch with a sigh.
This earns him a chuckle and there's pride blooming in his chest as he sees the joy on your face. Sure, he may be a toy, but that doesn't mean he can't be a damn good one.
"We're going to do things a bit differently today. I trust that you remember the safe word?"
"Tempo," Hoseok says automatically, puffing his chest forward as he waits for your praise.
You coo at his eagerness, stroking his cheek again before thumbing at his lips. Hoseok opens his mouth and, without much prompting, begins to suck on your finger gently, eyes twinkling and never leaving yours. He hears the hum of approval and a gentle roll of desire fogs his mind, eager to earn more of your good graces. You leave his warm mouth with a satisfying pop and begin to wrap the blindfold around his eyes.
Hoseok gasps at the lack of vision, willing his body to breathe slowly as he lets himself be submerged in darkness. Though he tries to be silent, a small whimper escapes him anyway as he feels your warmth dissipating from his vicinity. Calling out to you seems foolish since the scene has started and the last thing he wants is to be punished. Hoseok tilts his head as he strains harder, senses reaching out around the room to locate your presence.
Your voice calls out to him from all sorts of directions and he whimpers, unseeing eyes twisting around to make sense of his surroundings. There's a need to be close to you; to feel your calming presence. He whines louder, calling back to you without words.
"Come here."
There. Hoseok goes on all fours, thighs trembling greatly after a long period of unuse. He moans at the shivers of humiliation coursing through his body as he slowly crawls his way towards the sound of your voice. The journey was agony; knowing the layout of the room didn't mean shit when he only has a sense of where you are and even though he occasionally comes too close to the wall, you having to redirect him again, he'll be damned if he doesn't at least try to make you proud.
When his nose touches your calf, he salivates, licking at the salty skin as you praise him, whispering how proud you are of him. Hoseok sits back on his heels, waiting for further instructions patiently as you undo the knot of the blindfold, discarding the fabric behind you.
The first thing he sees as his eyes adjusted to the dim light is your smile.
"Stand up, pup. It's time for your reward."
Expert hands glide across his slick cock, moans tumbling freely from Hoseok's mouth as he grabs fistfuls of sheets.
"Yeah - mmh - gonna cum," he pants, bucking his hips wildly against your palm. With one final grunt, he coats your fingers and he feels you kiss the top of his head, praising him once more. Before sleep claims him, Hoseok mumbles your name, feeling utterly satisfied at being your toy.
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love my work? please consider leaving a like and reblog! feel free to ask me anything about the story, i’d love to hear your thoughts!
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Posted: 6.20.21 at 10:38am CST
taglist (please dm if you want to be removed): @thedarkwinterrose @somewhereofftheglobe @typicalgenzworld @nch327 @moonchild1 @kooafraid @syazkook @kookie-vuitton @jimilter @hoseokstrashcan @imcompletelyok @sa1ntsuga @jungkookah-lover @vantxx95 @love2luvya86 @nochuel @missgeniality @yoontaethings @kookieebangtan
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tuiyla · 2 years
Gif maker appreciation! Talk a bit about your five favourite gifsets that you've done and send this to five other creators <3<3<3
Aah okay getting around to this!
I'm just gonna do Glee ones since Glee got me back into gif making anyway. These are in chronological order btw.
Naya's 34th birthday
I remember spending a while on this one and don't regret a second of it. Blew up a bit too and I think it's my most popular gifset, which I'm not complaining about. If anything, I'm glad it's this one. Feels strange to say but there's love put into it. The sharp knife of a short life indeed.
Every Santana song: New Directions group numbers
I wanted to mention one of these here and this took by faaaar the most time. Selecting and organizing was a pain but I liked it in the end and even though I'd do it differently today, a year later, I'm still happy with it. One day I might actually finish giffing all her performances lol.
the original five + connections they’ve made (and +Bram version)
The first paintbox prompt! I'd say this and paintbox as a whole is what reaaally got me back into making gifs so it's special in that but this also just happens to be pretty much the only gifset that turned out (almost) exactly as I imagined it. I'm never truly satisfied with how things turn out but I'd change very few things, if anything, about this one. Plus it was just fun to make.
Underrated mash-ups
I really thought I'd pick the Glee girls edition here but there's just something about this one that sparks joy? I did it in a single day which I almost never do and I dig the colours and layouts. Home/Homeward Bound could have been better, what with being my fav song of the bunch but overall yeah I like it.
Quinn + mad at god
Listen I'm not 100% satisfied, like I say I rarely ever I am, but it was such an effort and I tried so many new things with it, plus the song would not leave my mind until I got it done. So I'm happy to have made something for her Skankness and tried my hand at lyrics gifs because I wanna do more of those.
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yzkhr · 4 years
Love Language miniseries for Shinran!
I dedicate this corny and cringe worthy miniseries to @meitanteisachi for giving me inspiration through her gifset and her wonderful fanfictions.
Acts of Service- a language that can best be described as doing something for your partner that you know they would like, such as filling up their gas, watering their plants, or cooking them a meal.
"Not sick, huh?"
Shinichi glared as Ran leaned back from the table, unamused. He was working on a difficult case in their—now only his— mansion, when she showed up unannounced after he forgot to attend school. He was wearing his school uniform but lost sense of time being too absorbed at the new case Inspector Megure gave him.
"I told you I'm fine." he avoided her scrutinizing gaze, being stubborn. Ran wouldn't have any of it however, bringing her left hand to her waist like a stressed mother.
"Fine? You're burning hot and your face is even redder than a traffic light!" she argued and his face produced an even darker shade, acknowledged.
He wanted to protest and retaliate how can it not be when she literally put her face in front of his without any sort of warning, brushing his unruly bangs upwards with her soft hand and letting their foreheads touch as he froze while she remained unbothered.
The detective restrained himself however, not wanting any further embarrassment to occur.
He heard a sigh from Ran, forcing him to turn around. She was now arranging the stack of messy papers and documents, bringing them to side.
"Oi, what are you doing?" he frowned as he stood up from the swivel chair and held Ran's hand to stop her. It didn't go unnoticed how Shinichi flinched at the coldness of her skin.
Ran eyed their physical contact before giving him a stern gaze.
"I'm fixing all of these so you can rest. You won't be touching files until your fever's gone." she effortlessly shook his hand away, continuing.
"Ran, I told you I'm fine. I have to end this case cause if I don't---"
"Then you can let Megure-keibu and the other officers to handle it until you're well again." she was consistent at putting all the paperwork aside, not even sparing a glance.
"I told you I'm fine didn't I? It's just a fever."
Finally done with her task, Ran faced him with an expression that resembled his mother way too much for his own comfort.
"You're not fine. You have a horrible fever and along with it is a terrible headache. You didn't actually expect to read all of these with those blurry eyes of yours, did you?"
She squinted, gesturing at more than fifty papers on the side. He opened his mouth to deny her claims but retreated seeing her eyes squint even more, as if challenging him to lie. Ran was right. He'd been trying to ignore the throbbing of his head and the haze in his vision while reading through the entire case.
He sighed as his misty eyes finally having the time to observe her. She was still wearing their uniform, which means she went here as soon as classes were over. He suddenly remembered an important thing.
"Wait, don't you have an upcoming Karate competition? You have training everyday after school right?" he smirked internally, finding out a plot hole.
But instead of seeing a look of panic and rushing out the of the doorway like Shinichi expected her to do, Ran simply grabbed his hand towards the door making his cheeks turn red out of surprise and something he would never dare name of.
"I'll just skip it for today. Besides, I have something more important to take care of." she squeezed his warm hand, hinting what—or who— important thing she meant.
Blushing even more at the implication certainly did not make his illness any better.
After a few stumble here and there, they finally got to the bedroom in one piece. Minutes seemed like an eternity, with his headache feeling like he was being hammered. He was freezing and sweating at the same time not knowing if he should undress or add more layers. It was good thing that Ran immediately slumped Shinichi down the bed, and started removing his blazer.
Wait, what?
"Umm..." he spoke weakly, but still complying and accepting her help. He thought that she was done but she suddenly kneeled in front of him and leaned in, making Shinichi hyper aware of everything around him. Her hands went straight to his uniform which he did not predict. She was now untying his neck tie, making their faces inches apart. She was so close that he could feel her breathing at the open part of his longsleeve. Despite his mind telling him not to, Shinichi's eyes went directly to her face, which seemed too focused at her task, with her slightly furrowed eyebrows and violet orbs concentrated at undoing the knots. He would never admit it, but Ran looked too innocent and pure that it was killing him.
It didn't help that her scent was literally intoxicating him. A combination of honey and lemon, Shinichi noticed. Flustered and a bit shameful, he looked up,having butterflies in his stomach with his childhood friends' soft and nimble hands slowly removing the fabric from his neck.
He jolted awake when she begins unbuttoning his polo however. On instinct, Shinichi took a hold of her hands before they can go further. Shocked and confused, Ran looked up.
"I," he breathed heavily. "I think I can do this myself, Ran."
As if broken by a spell. Her face instantaneously turned crimson red at the realization that Shinichi might have thought she was the one with the fever. She stood up straight away, turning around and making a beeline to the door. She had been uptight all day that he was a bit glad the usual Ran came back.
He wanted to laugh at her reaction but was too tired to do so. Even slightly moving drained him, but it didn't mean he wasn't capable of undressing himself.
"I-I'm sorry! I got lost in my thoughts! I'm going downstairs!" she squeaked and left in an instant, closing the door with a loud thud.
Now alone, Shinichi struggled to move his shaking hands to undo the buttons. After a few more attempts, he was finally able to fully strip and drag himself to the closet. Nauseated and feeling like the world weighed on his shoulders, he randomly put on a white pajama and went straight to his bed, curling a bit like a kitten. His eyelids getting heavier and heavier, Shinichi closed his eyes, immediately falling asleep.
"Shinichi? Shinichi?"
Hearing a faint voice from behind, Shinichi turned around languidly and opened his eyes, meeting a concerned Ran.
"Hmm?" he hummed, still sleep deprived.
She brought up a steaming hot bowl of food, smiling.
"I cooked you chicken soup. Sit up, you have to eat." she ordered gently.
Despite feeling pain all over his body, he obeyed, knowing that he needed energy. Sitting up groggily, Shinichi faced his caretaker.
Ran sat beside the empty space of his bed, chicken soup in her hand. He frowned at the sight of the food.
"You still cooked my favorite style? Even though you know I won't be able to taste it anyway?" she shrugged as a response, bringing a spoonful near her and blowing weakly.
"Well, you might not be able to taste it but your stomach will surely enjoy it, so why not?" something in his chest swelled after hearing such words. Still, he kept it to himself.
After a few more blows, Ran brought the spoon near his mouth, gesturing for him to eat it. Face flushing and coughing slightly, Shinichi took a bite at the soup. Albeit tasteless, he couldn't help but smile mildy, knowing the effort put in.
Ran laughed a little looking at him as well, but said nothing and continued feeding him.
After five minutes or so, the bowl was finally empty. She told him that he could have just ate half but Shinichi argued that he was hungry(he really wasn't but he would never stand having a food Ran cooked for him go to waste but he'll die before she even find that out).
He was now inclining back to the comfort of his own bed when Ran spoke.
"Seriously, don't overwork yourself Shinichi." she berated, masking her worry with exaggeration as she arranged the plate and the soup, slowly making her way outside.
"I wasn't, I just got a little busy that's all." her saw how Ran rolled her eyes at his excuse as she replied.
"A little busy? You rarely get sick. I was so close to believing you were invincible to fevers." he scoffed at her remark, being defeated with yet another fact. Maybe the pain he felt was a lot worse than he expected.
"Look, I'm glad that you're trying to save as many people as you can but you also can't forget about yourself." he winced at the obvious disappointment and seriousness of her scolding. Instead of meeting her gaze that bore holes into him, he averted his stare into the lamp.
"I'm fine."
"No you're not. And besides, if you don't take care of you, think of all the people that will need you but won't have you." he stayed quiet, getting her point. Shinichi knew it was irrational being stubborn and pushing himself to the limits but he just couldn't help it. He may be a cocky bastard as a lot of people call him, but he wasn't someone that can stand not being able to help when he clearly can.
He sighed, giving in.
"Fine. I promise I'll take better care of myself." his answer seemed to satisfy Ran as she smiled contently.
"Good." as he heard the creaking of the doorframe, Shinichi instinctively flipped his head towards the sound.
"You're leaving?"
He didn't know why, but an infallible amount of upset coursed through him at the thought of Ran leaving. She paused by the door and looked back, inclining her head to the side.
"You want me to stay?" she teased in a light-hearted manner, making Shinichi's cheeks flushed.
"N-no, just wondering.." he played it cool by keeping his voice even, now being reminded how pathetic he must have sounded like asking her if she was leaving.
"I'll stay. After all, someone has to make sure a certain mystery otaku doesn't go back to the library just because he's feeling a little better."
He glared at her jesting and turned to the other side, lying down.
"Barou, it's not like I can do that with my entire body in pain."
Ran laughed, knowing she annoyed him enough.
"Then that's more reason for me to stay right?"
Before he can even think of a reply, she already closed the door and all Shinichi could hear were the sound of her shoes walking downstairs and the erratical beating of his heart he hoped was a side effect of the fever and not..... entirely something else.
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Pain and Sadness
Hi! We reached the las season from Supernatural!
This is a summary of my metas from season 15, with some new additions after the end of the show.
You can find my metas from these two episode here: X, X , X, X, X , X, and X.
They Keep Fighting
We started season 15 with Destiel driving us to their big fight.
The bickering the sarcasm, is all over between Dean and Castiel.
Talking about frames and visual narrative, also symbolism in the dialogues, we have Sam and Dean in the same page about taking decisions, and Castiel in disagreement. This was deliberately written to show us how Dean and Castiel are walking away from each other.
This scene...
Gifset credit @agusvedder
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It shows the mood. It also drives our attention to Castiel's intentions to separate humans from angels, he did it too when he explained Jack that Dean and Sam will die someday. And it will be linked to the very end of the show, in Wich Castiel and Jack are in another high level by rebuilding the Universe and Dean and Sam remain in Heaven.
Another scene was this one:
Gif set credit @wnterfalcon
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Even when Dean is so mad At Castiel (in fact, he's mad with himself and he just put all that shit over the man he loves... Things that people used to do) even when he is mad at him, he can't stop checking on him. Because he knows Jack's death hit him strongly, and also, seeing his son being possessed by a filthy demon, it's breaking his heart. But Dean cuts his attempt of talking himself. And of course, Belphegor will mock Castiel about it.
About Belphegor, the Demon of the Divorce
At first I thought he was behaving sarcastically, as a very weird matchmaker between Castiel and Dean, but this was because he represents divorce.
He was enjoying Dean and Castiel fighting like a couple in a crisis for sure. He even will mock about Dean being handsome (indirectly Castiel being handsome). Two beautiful men in love.
Belphegor: Okay. Cool. So, people are, like, crazy good-looking now, eh?
Dean: What?
This observation is linked to season 13: "They're equally beautiful". Belpjegor is trying to mock Castiel and Dean's beauty.
Belphegor: I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and... Anyway, folks back then, you know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot. Look at 'em now. I mean, look at you. I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous.
Dean: What? Okay. When are you gonna get out of that body?
The mention of a phallic statue, and people worshipping it, is symbolically talking about Dean and Castiel being in love, passionately in love, with each other. The desire of being together. And then again, he turns to Dean's beauty. All of these comments made Dean very uncomfortable.
Another things about Belphegor enjoying the Destiel Quarrel...
First of all, let's pay attention to the spell and it's ingredients:
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This spell is related to season 8 spell to close Heaven! And it's not the only reference to season 8.
And the explanation of why that heart belonged to Dean:
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This has to do with the break up in episode 15x07 but also with Castiel dying in episode 15x18.
Closing this episode I want to mention two more things:
Nobody understood Castiel's silent pain, not even Dean. Castiel had to suffer seeing a demon possessing his son but also, he will have to see his body burn.
Another important reference to season 8 besides the spell was the Mausoleum with Carver's name on it.
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It was a clear call back to Carver's era, to the crypt scene THE I LOVE THAT NEVER WAS because we will have ANOTHER NOT SAID ILY in this season from Dean.
And these so many call backs to season 8 not just in this season but the reminder of PURITY in season 14 with Michael are linked to the incoming Purgatory 2.0 and more Destiel.
We Are Real
Episode two, we had one couple as a Destiel mirror at the beginning, but it ended up in tragedy, just like our Destiel love story will en in 15x18.
We also had Ketch and Rowena, and Ketch dressed in pink (happiness) showing us that love can be real in wartime.
Another important scene after watching how Dean and Castiel kept working in separated teams ,was the one Castiel tried to give Dean his faith back.
CASTIEL: Ball, right. I didn't tell you about Jack, and then after what happened with your mother...
DEAN: Don't.
CASTIEL: You're angry.
DEAN: Yes, I am angry. At everything. All of it.
CASTIEL: All of it?
DEAN: This mess... all the messes. It turns out that we're just hamsters running in a wheel our whole lives. What do we have to show for it, huh? Tell me you don't feel conned. God's been lying to you, Cas, forever. You bought into the biggest scam in history.
Dean is angry for everything, but mostly, because he feels all his life has been a lie. Something written for Chuck. So he's afraid things he thought were real, are not. Like his love for Castiel. So he needs to know if Castiel is angry too. Aren't you angry that what we feel for each other is not real?
CASTIEL: You don't think I'm angry? After what Chuck did? After what he took from me? He killed Jack. But that doesn't mean it was all a lie.
DEAN: Really?
Dean needs to believe again. If not all was a lie, it could mean...?
CASTIEL: Chuck is all-knowing. He knew the truth, he... he just kept it to himself.
DEAN: Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing?
Dean pushes again all his fears. He needs an answer that satisfy him.
CASTIEL: Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that.
DEAN: Did we? I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't.
And because Dean keeps pushing, Castiel gives him the answer he needs, the answer about them, TFW, bus mostly, about Dean and Castiel:
CASTIEL: Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" We are.
If this is not romantic, then what else can be?
To Conclude:
The beginning of season 15 started by deepening the incoming Destiel big fight.
All is unhoped, pain and Sadness. Despair.
But those three words said by Castiel "We are Real" gives the hopes we need.
Hope you liked this summary, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
Buenos Aires, July 11 2021 12:58 PM
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scalproie · 3 years
dee em cee 5 anon here for my final report... i did it, i finished story! vergil is a bastard gold orb stealer and i feel like hes mocking me every time hes casually strolling around like he knows im toast as soon as he uses sdt. i almost cried when nero called kyrie im just,,, i care him so much. very rude and uncalled for to instantly take his newfound family away from him tho. i also have some emotions about how strong and persistent v was thru this entire thing. and the parallel of nero hating himself of not being strong enough to protect credo and vergil saying that thing about not being able to protect anything wo power that ive seen in gifsets and how despite that parallel they went completely different ways about it. (i only have impressions to base this on but thru this entire game nero felt like the most idk, 'human' character to me. like when everyone else is in full badass mode doing what needs to be done, nero is allowed to show his emotions even tho they arent always whats 'expected' of him.) and how nero physically helped v carry on when v couldnt do it by himself anymore and how incredibly important that makes nero. and- okay ill stop dumping every single thought i have here, also idk how postable this is w many spoilers...
I hope you get to mess around with the technical aspect of the game now, if you want a challenge you can try the bloody palace
YESSSSSS NERO IS SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER I LOVE HIM!!! Emotionally I agree with you for the ending, but thinking back on it I also think its the best they couldve came up with because it closes enough doors but opens just as much. Like for exemple, theres the passing of the torch: after an entire game of Nero trying to prove to Dante (but mostly, to himself) that he isn't in fact, dead weight. Which Im willing to bet Dante only called him that because it was hard to focus on beating Vergil Urizen if he had to worry about Nero killing Vergil Urizen and Vergil Urizen killing Nero, its not that he doubted Nero, its just that he didnt want Nero to get involved because that would result in him killing his father, because "those of Sparda's blood are destined to fight" (which is a STUPID rule made up by Dante and Vergil. Well yeah maybe those of Sparda's blood do if the only ones in existance did nothing but fight. To kill each other. They didnt consider an alternative until a third player forcefully made them realize. And might I had, this is the only reason why Dante didnt tell Nero he was his uncle before). Anyway, even the meta kept implying that Nero was "lesser" than Dante: Dante is the "Legendary Devil Hunter" while Nero is just the "Devil Hunter". So Dante entrusting Nero with protecting the human world is like, what I believe the game was leading to.
Another exemple is the handling of Vergil: what satisfying ending do you give to a character that was both the problem and the solution? Urizen had to pay for what he did but after everything V went through, he absolutely deserves to live. So what do you do? You don't kill Vergil (Nero made a big point of that) but you also don't let him connect to his son, he has to go to a completely different realm to fix the mess hes made and get "stuck" there. BUT this time Dante come with him, and its also a good ending for Dante because after losing his brother a grand total of three time, this time he went with him, which Im pretty sure is something he beat himself up for not doing back in dmc3, and now the two are stuck in some sort of limbo in hell, fighting apparently forever, but its the one thing they love the most because the person theyre fighting is the only one capable of keeping up with them. Outside of Nero. And speaking of Nero, on top of Dante aknowledging his strength aka what he was basically after the whole game until the third act, and entrusting the human world to him, he is now the literal keepsake of his father's humanity (represented by the book, which he read at the end, so I take it as a hint of him wanting his father to be in his life in a way abd as a way to connect to him) as well as a promise to return, and even if we don't get another game, a promise of a future for this relationship. AND he gets to go home.
I have a lot to say on V as well, how do you develop a character thats too powerful to want or even need to change? You take the power from them and make then remember why they wanted that power in the first place: because of the fear of dying and for survival. And also make them witness the worst of who they are from an outside point of view.
Oh and yeah bro Nero and Vergil share some many similar lines, like, the one you speak about? "Might control everything. And without strength, you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself." ? Nero says some of this, almost word for word, unprompted, to no one, just before the artemis boss fight. Theres also any mention of the word "power", the "I can still fight." line, the "Where did you learn to [...]?!" line, some of the insults they say to demons, they even have both a line featuring marshmallows. Its so wonderfully unsubtle i love it so much. But even outside of lines they are very similar and I remember reading somewhere that Nero wouldve turned similar to Vergil if he didnt had the support of Kyrie et Credo.
And like you said yeah, out of the three people that have Sparda's blood, Nero is the most human one, genetically of course, he is 3/4 human after all, and he also have the most contact with other humans, but he also act much more genuinely and impulsively than either of the brothers. Hes also very nuanced as in, he is fundamentally a good person, but he also has an edge to him. I feel youve summed what is great and what I like about him pretty well.
Oh and btw did you see the animations in the garage menu? I think they shouldve unlocked once youre done with the story
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i love jack a lot but i don't get everyone's excitement about dean eventually adopting him. like why would you want to force him into another parental role with a kid with unstable powers JUST when he's escaping his role with sam? i'm not accusing you or anything i'm just really really frustrated at fandom's mentality
Yeah, there’s some good posts around discussing the various metaphorical and direct representations of the bad family dynamics going on here. I think it’s possible to enjoy and dislike the same thing from different angles. I LOVE Jack choosing Cas as his father and setting his personal compass by Cas. It’s perfect. But for Cas’s sake I’m genuinely skeeved out by it because of the way Jack(’s powers) latched onto him from the womb and that it is basically what I figured all along - that Jack himself is an innocent sweetie pie because he has a soul and he is therefore gifted free will and a blank slate to be what he wants and is at the very least not inherently evil… 
But his powers still did something because of his increased awareness and powers in the womb that I don’t like, which is… convincing… Cas to be his guardian. Cas being forced into the dynamic is one of the metaphorical parallels to the brothers’ issues which I’ve enjoyed the meta about, because of course Cas can still love Jack and all and have meant it because I don’t think he wasn’t acting from the heart in 12x23 because have you met Cas, that was a classic example of his heart on display. And I’m actually hoping they do have a sweet dynamic when Cas gets back. But I still don’t like HOW it happened, in the exact same way I really dig sweet moments between Sam and Dean which don’t have the complicated baggage, but I can still be uncomfortable about romanticising other parts of their relationship, and critical of how Dean was forced to parent Sam… 
So yeah. Anyway, I think the thing with Dean and Jack is that it’s the goal - Sam already likes Jack and wants to give him a chance. Cas has his connection to him already and it’s unlikely he’ll hate Jack on his return :P Dean is not wrong to be upset and critical based on the information he has like @k-vichan‘s post I just recently reblogged was explaining (Sam hasn’t even told him on camera that Jack said that Cas is his father which means until we get past the point of disbelief that he hasn’t said it off-camera that’s still something we might find out later from Dean’s POV to affect how he feels about him. Although I’m usually careful not to get over-attached to what hasn’t been said on camera in case the writers start assuming it’s obvious they shared it and leave an emotional gap… But this is such a big thing it might HAVE to be said on screen or else be a gap.)
Like… Obviously the emotional hook for “coming to like Jack” is something that falls on Dean to have while the others are already seeming to be clear on it. He’s the obstacle - the thing standing between Jack and a happy families thing (so it might be a long haul or Dean is just starting to warm up when things go bad either with Cas’s return or something that happens with Jack for what will be a frankly bizarre season if they don’t tease him ~going dark~ to test him at some point). It’s like a will they won’t they on Dean liking Jack :P 
And I think that in this case it’s not forcing anything on Dean when he comes to NATURALLY adopt random youngins and other hapless friends (like Garth, tbh :P) but that he has to want to do it and it is something he does instinctively because he’s a nurturer and has a caring soul. Maybe because of the Sam stuff but it’s not weird when he does it to, like, Krissy or something. It’s one of his softer traits but in this case it has mytharc relevance, since Jack is, WE can tell, really sweet, but Dean is in no position to see him for what he is, which may compromise them looking after him, and even if Jack is sweet and squishy right now, he has cosmic powers and intentionally or not he’s going to be dangerous on a huge level even if it’s just for drawing attention. I think Dean coming to like him will play a big part in reconciling this whole situation just because he’s the one who instinctively doesn’t like Jack already. And that’s something where he’s messed up with grief and hasn’t seen anything to convince him Jack isn’t a problem, so it’s set up to be a bigger struggle for him.
And that probably also plays into Dean as the emotional centre of the show - that Sam is usually dealing with the plot stuff head on, while Dean is the filter we struggle with it through. I think Dean not trusting Jack is another way of drawing out uncertainty and tension about Jack in the narrative. Is Sam wrong to trust him? Is there still something hinky between Jack and Cas? Will Jack turn bad? Even if it’s seeming quite clear that Jack is not as bad as Dean thinks by far, and Sam’s made the right call here, to go with his confidence in leadership and standing up for himself arc, playing the reconciliation to Jack’s presence in their lives through Dean is giving us (or, well, the surface level read of the show, which I pay as much attention to as I can out of curiosity as a writer about stringing appearances and cheap drama out of more complex stories and I watch the episodes from the POV of “what is the show trying to tell us” before “what can I read into this”) a more drawn out exploration of who and what Jack is and the conclusion on what his character can be. 
And I think that means Dean will be challenging Jack too, and always probably be more on the side of checking if he really is what he seems or second-guessing his actions etc. It will give Jack something to grow and fight against, especially since people HATE letting Dean down and Dean is the moral centre of the show when it comes to love, humanity, what is the right thing to do, the free will choice, just generally a beacon of these themes. If Jack has to win Dean’s approval, it’s going to be a complex and satisfying story and a good way of proving we can definitively trust him. Not because Sam makes bad choices or because Jack doesn’t already seem like a good guy, but just because Dean has Standards which are so high you can define and navigate the story by them. Like Cas rebelling in 4x22. Or on the flip side, 6x20.
This is all kinda wishy washy stuff for later in the season that what we already have, though, and I don’t know how thoroughly others have thought it through or if I am missing some really obvious lines of thought here myself, but I don’t think the instinctive reaction that people are wishing Dean adopts Jack is all just forcing a new child on him, or that people think Dean shouldn’t come to that choice himself, and approve of Jack for real reasons. One of the short posts out there about it that I like is a line of spec that Dean will start to like Jack after he does a Benny - does something to save or help Cas that Dean can’t deny Jack is good any more after seeing. That’s not just wishing another child to look after on Dean, that’s a complicated series of Dean recognising Jack’s potential to be good and understanding him better or now having a motivation to reach out to him. 
And I do personally find it kind of creepy to be super gung ho about Jack as any of their children - Cas for the reasons I already said although I like it for Jack and would be open to Cas being cool with it :P But Sam and Dean as well because I think there’s a lot of point scoring going on with who gets to parent Jack like it’s a token or trophy for them, unlocking a whole bunch of parent headcanons and also, and I know it’s weird to say about a 1 day old baby, infantilising Jack. I think he’s already starting to get an idea of the more complex stuff and a lot of his literal born yesterday mannerisms will disappear as he gets older, since he has an adult intellect to deal with the world, so I’m very curious about his character growth. 
I think it’s just a fandom thing to be eager for the main characters you care about to have fun relationships and the idea of just giving them a kid can be appealing to some people, but it kinda weirds me out. I saw a gifset of the father reveal to Sam captioned with “Sam realises he’s an uncle” and I like that a lot more because it emphasises his brother relationship to Cas, and puts Jack in that context to him. I think since Jack said Cas is his father, “parenting” just means “we are responsible for guiding this young soul” not “I will be his father” and Sam and Dean are basically his uncles, not surrogate fathers, and I’m pretty much just gonna treat it that way, personally, since it’s less skeevy to me. That’s a YMMV thing, though, so I’m not saying you can’t enjoy the dad TFW stuff, I just don’t wanna :P 
(The Claire stuff was different since they didn’t have a whole bunch of responsibility over her and the episodes she was in never made it weird, and it was a side storyline… With this it’s all such high tension it sort of feels to me like I need to draw much stronger lines, especially since with all the fatherhood parallels some/all of TFW are going to be examined through being John at some point or another… There is a LOT more going on with Jack that makes it complicated and fraught :P)
So… uh… tl;dr… I have no idea if I’m even answering your original thought any more :P Idk about the wider fandom of crack posts and cracky art, but I think the meta folks I follow are not being too weird about it or will at least entertain all the posts being critical or introspective about these dynamics and I think some crack posts are just made in the spirit of fun, though it doesn’t help NOT give the impression everyone’s gaga for dad TFW and not being very considerate of the deep dark meta stuff and character angst going on… :P 
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kestrelsward · 7 years
rebelcaptain + The Americans AU "Being in a relationship is complicated. You don't share everything. You hold back what you need to. Everybody does." PLEASE THANK YOU 🙏
Inspired by this kickass gifset by @lclrgsl​ & because we need more undercover AUs 
Ord Mantell, 1 BBY
“Maker, the climate.” He is shedding his jacket before she even shuts the door. His gloves are next, tossed to the table by the entrance. Jyn barely offers a hum; she locks the door behind her and tugs at the handle (once; almost breaks it; part of her habit).
The room – their room – is a standard, modest room for a transfer government agent. A living space, its sides connecting to the fresher room, the small dining area and its kitchen, and then it is the bedroom west-side. 
Andor has disposed of their suitcases on the carpeted area, leant down to smooth a hand over one of the cream sofas, and is now surveying the dining table. He pokes a green fruit among the collection in the basket, a decorative piece that Jyn wants to get rid of as soon as she can.
Jyn remains in the living room and lets her hand trail over the furnishings, keeping her curious mask on, just in case. She has to move all over the furniture twice before she’s satisfied that the room is bug-free.
Andor should be doing the same to the kitchen, but when Jyn nonchalantly wanders in, he is standing at the opposite end of the kitchenette, bending his waist down. 
“It’s an air-conditioner.”
His eyes are wide, his hands poised over the box. “It moderates the temperature here?” Andor’s voice is a mixture of bewilderment, apprehension, and borderline fascination. 
Jyn nods, and flicks the nob up to turn it on. The cold breeze seeps into their clothing, and she can feel more gooseflesh dotting along her arms. 
His sleeve rustle at his side, and Cassian Andor reaches for her, along her shoulder, his cuff touches her ear as he places his hand at the base of her skull, his thumb worms into her bun.
“I’m not ready.”
Andor takes his hand back as if he knows that he is going to get burned, but still did it anyway; his hand stays for one more heart-beat, then retreats altogether. “No – we’re supposed to be married now. That’s all. They’d expect us to have children, eventually. Or maybe you just don’t find me attractive. That’s all.”
He stumbles around with his words; he babbles when he’s nervous, but at least he’s only doing it around her now.
Jyn watches him leave her side, towards the kitchen, and hears him open up the cabinets. She follows him back to the main room, and snatches her suitcases up while he investigates the rest of the doors in the flat without so much as looking into where they lead. 
“How does your attractiveness mean anything?” Jyn asks aloud, at the general direction where the doors are shutting with more force than necessary.
“You do have to wake up to this face from now on. Our children might look like me, forbid.” He adds a bark of laughter in the end, as if it is an inside joke, just to tease her. 
“There’s nothing wrong with your face.” Jyn mutters flatly. She purses her lips as he whips the wardrobe doors open.  
She crosses her arms in front of her chest. She’s protecting herself from him, and that trace of pleading in his eyes he seems to reserve just for conversations they have when they are alone. She remembers how it can hang in his brown eyes, haunting her afterwards. 
“I’m not ready for me and you – for us to be Joreth and Liana Willix when I am not working.” 
“I –” Andor sighs, his exasperated sigh frees a strand of his hair, and it falls to his forehead. There. He is chosen because of his face. “We need to get used to each other. As soon as possible. That’s what I mean.”
“You want us to start the relationship?” How apt, for the bed to be between where they each are standing. 
Andor wipes his hand over his jaw, brings it downwards, his beard audibly scratches his palm. “I just want you to trust me. Enough.” 
“Define trust.” She places her suitcases on the side of the bed, furthest away from the entrance, purposefully claiming her territory. 
“You – we have to talk to each other. We have to get used to that.” 
“We do talk. We talked about the weather and the air-conditioner. We talked to my supervisor about not taking a holiday for our honeymoon yet.” 
“Come on, Jyn.”
It is the first slip since he got assigned, over something so trivial. “So you want to rush this? Being in a marriage – Force, or in a relationship is complicated. You don’t share everything. You hold back when you need to. Everybody does.”
Andor repeats her last line by re-issuing it as a question.
“I do.” She winces at how quick her response is. “And maybe you have to be content with that for the time being.” 
Andor’s mouth moves to bite the inside of his cheek. Jyn holds his stare. 
Then he simply nods: “Trust goes both ways.” he’s conceding; Jyn doesn’t take it as a win.
He is the first to turn his back on her, to fiddle with the clasps on his bags while she begins to unload some of the more delicate dresses she got, hanging them neatly into the wardrobe. Andor follows, and he hangs his clothes, and pushes them into the other end of the wardrobe. Jyn feels that the distance between, he intentionally creates. To give her space, or to draw his own line?
Jyn locates her nicer shoes, puts them on, and raises her hand, palm up and facing him, a coy smile on her face. “Do you want to walk around the city? Have dinner somewhere?” Liana's eyes gleams, hopeful for some good wine, and music so she can have an excuse to get her husband to hold her, spin her around, and maybe catch a kiss, or two. 
Joreth takes Liana's hand; he always does, always looks at his wife as if Liana hangs the moons, and his eyes shines as bright as stars. “Surprise me, Mrs. Willix.”
“How do you like it so far?”
“There’s a weakness, almost the burden of loss in the people. I can feel it.”
“Now I’m here... it’s brighter than I’ve imagined. It creeps up on me, I guess.”
She can only stare at how the light casts over his face, and then she stares to watch, to see, to learn him. 
hope you like it! i didn’t expect it to be this long ha-ha. 
[*stands far enough it is but a whisper*this is on ao3]
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