#i didnt use tumblr. like no one Knew Me and i didnt know anyone
daydadahlias · 9 months
top 3 Superbloom songs?
the way i gasped seeing this <3
DRIVE (always my number one oh my god)
Greyhound (I mean it has to be top 3, that song is just insane)
The Sweetness (this is hard... I don't feel super confident in saying this is my number three bc... Sunshine is really close for me but I really like his voice in sweetness <3)
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aita for informing someone that a meme was made by a problematic person?
i (18F) attend this youth group run by and for queer people to meet other queer people my age. this means that the other members are usually well versed in memes and internet culture. yesterday at the group i heard someone (18 ish? NB) constantly referencing the dj crazy times tiktoks and i immediately felt uncomfortable. i had recently learned that the creator had made a handful of tiktoks purely making fun of kids with autistic traits titled "kids who are no fun" (ive seen the proof i promise im not pulling this out of my ass) and as an autistic person myself it pissed me off that he can still gain support despite that.
i also know the person who was referencing the tiktoks and showing them to other people is autistic. i didnt want to be confrontational or judgemental, i just wanted to let them know what they were supporting. i tried to hold off saying anything because i didnt want to potentially harsh the vibes at the youth group but this person kept referencing the meme over and over and it was upsetting me.
i went up to them and asked if it was okay if i shared potentially upsetting news to which i realized i said that in front of the group and everyone was staring at us. (which luckily wasn't many but still frightening) then i informed them about the other content that dj crazy times makes as non-aggressively and non-confrontationally as i could. to which they replied "well, im autistic and i like it so im gonna keep enjoying his music" (not paraphrasing)
i backed off because i knew arguing wouldn't do anything productive or respectful. i basically said "yeah haha i just wanted to let you know" and then nitpicked the conversation in my head the rest of the night. it upset me how someone could still support someone after learning something like that especially when you're the one affected, but i suppose it could be a separating art from the artist type of deal.
anyway, i worry that i pulled a dick move by doing that especially in front of everyone. if i were to redo the conversation i wouldve brought them aside and told him that the meme made me personally uncomfortable for those reasons and just asked them to stop referencing it around me. but thats not what happened unfortunately.
so tumblr, aita ?
for info: as far as i know the videos are not deleted or held accountable for. if anyone knows if he's changed his ways please tell me 👍
What are these acronyms?
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mazzystar24 · 2 months
OMG i still feel like I'm in a fever dream. I keep refreshing tumblr just to make sure that it HAPPENED.
We've been waiting for this for so long, i can't believe that they made Buck Bi!! Also here is the thing i want Buddie to happen and I am a hundred percent sure that it's happening (i don't know why people are thinking that it's not like???) the way i could see this going down is buck and tommy exploring their relationship and Buck beginning to question more and more things such as his relationship with Eddie. I WANT and him and Tommy to be in a relationship for a while (because they're actually pretty cute) and eddie pining. tommy will be the catalyst for Buddie.
Also: Oliver stark literally said, Buck has a crush, gets the person (exactly what happened with tommy) and that he has to work for his relationship to work and ryan saying "closer than ever??"
I also hate the fact that so people are mad and hating on the actors , that it wasn't with Eddie. Like of course a Buddie conformation would've been great, but we all knew that that wasn't gonna happen in this episode? We got FUCKING BI BUCK !!! Let's just celebrate this and just watch this beautiful story unfold. I really love reading your prediction and your positivity, please continue with that !!!
What do you think is going to happen in the next episodes? Sorry for the long ask!!
Sameee like I keep trying to be normal then I REMEMBER I’m like wow I didnt hallucinate that??
Exactly like they flat out called Tommy a plot device, confirmed he’s here for a little bit and that it’s a fling, so enjoy it as much as you want to while it’s here but don’t lose hope for buddie people? like legit this is the biggest confirmation buddie is on the horizon
Like let’s not forget Ryan saying they’re trying to give the people what they want🫡and that they are closer than ever - like legit he has no reason to say this in the same season buck realises he’s bi unless something BIG is gonna happen for buddie (maybe not full canon but vibes???)
Anyone hating on the actors can legit fight me.
Oliver and Ryan have been such troopers for the fandom and Oliver now with this storyline you can tell how much he genuinely loves buck and like understands him as a character but also how to give this storyline what it deserves. Like Oliver has been endlessly respectful to the fandom too like he’s been making sure that he doesn’t get peoples hopes up while also trying to play buck in a way that is true to the character. Like did you guys see his message to the fans? Or his interview talking about how he was gonna actively play buck as bi this season as much as he can even before he got told abt the kiss. Like that man hasnt just been supportive of the fandom he’s been an advocate for us and for buck which is such a wonderful thing.
Also yeah it wasn’t Eddie but do people realise that it’s VERY hard to write an up to now presumed straight character’s self discovery in their 30s LET ALONE TWO?? Like Tim found the easiest way to set the scene for the new audience and the GA who won’t have picked up on early seasons undertone and the little things planted throughout and while I would’ve loved buddie without the middleman I completely understand why they did it this way and I’ll enjoy seeing it unfold
And YES EXACTLY BI BUCK like that alone is a MASSIVE win like we are getting such rare bi rep of not only a guy in a very “macho” job and a womaniser type character BUT ALSO a person figuring stuff out in their 30s not in a repressed full of sex shame and guilt way but in a they genuinely just never explored that side of them!! Like that’s so huge we can talk for hours about how many queer rep stories are just plain depressing but this one is so authentic while also being quite light and sweet
Also aww thanks I genuinely love these asks sm (me? In love with everyone who sends me an ask? More likely than you think🤭🤭🤭)
Also omg I’m sorry this is so long like I spent most of this talking about everything except your question😭😭
Okay so predictions:
So we know that Buck is gonna tell some people and some will be surprised some not so much and some will be like it’s about damn time, my bets are:
chimney- surprised but maybe not through insider info (Maddie)
Maddie- KNOWS HAS KNOWN but the only shocker for her is that it wasn’t Eddie like I can imagine the confused and so tired face rn, I think she probs has either thought he knew or knew he didn’t and just was giving him the time and dropping as many hints as she can in the meanwhile
Bobby- supportive father icon, KNOWS (and while he also I fully believe is the buddie captain as well he will play it a little closer to vest if you get what I mean- but inside he’s going insane and his eye is twitching because he poached Eddie for his dumb bi son only for them to ACT married for six seasons and go to him for dating advice abt other people constantly and now that his son is a man kisser it’s not the man Bobby was hoping for😔 pray for him y’all)
Hen- she’s the it’s about damn time response
Athena- also might be the it’s about damn time response
Ravi- in a permanent state of confusion- not about this he’s just confused always (also still fully convinced the poor guy thought buddie had been married cos that headcanon is endlessly amusing to me)
Now for actual plot I think that like the date is low-key a train wreck after the Eddie and Marisol interruption and that either we get a chenford-like double date or we just have a brief intereuption from Eddie and that’s a minor thing and like it’s buck admitting it’s his first date with a guy who hates throws a lot of questions in the air because Tommys reaction was a bit 👀 like I think it’s more or less confirmed that Tommy was repressed for a while when working with captain dickhead so maybe he’s like gonna be taking a step back cos he thinks buck needs more time to like explore this part of himself (but I hate that trope so hoping not) or maybe we get the buddie shipper daydream and Tommy is like more aware of buddie than buddie are and he either says that to buck as the reasoning but buck doesn’t tell Eddie that OR he says something cryptic about it to buck and buck doesn’t fully understand and he’s like you will eventually👀👀👀 (I need a lobotomy yes the delusions are a part of me now)
I hope that Marisol gets the fuck out right about now but I say that every episode 🫡 (edy’s face and voice make me wanna scream I hate her homophobic, transphobic ass sm)
Anyways I’m gonna shut up now bye love ya thank ya and sorry 🫡🫡
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witchinatree · 3 months
magnus protocol episode 10 recap
im not gonna lie i almost waited a week to listen to this one but then i opened tumblr and saw a spoiler i think 💔
a fucking clown a fucking clown i can't fucking do clowns this is worse than the mannequins i cant with this. mr bonzo if you become a reoccuring character it's genuinely so over for me
i HATE the killer clown thing this is just like the meat episodes from tma i am losing my mind. i am so fucking excited about this please keep bonzo around its scaring me so badly
COLIN'S ALIVE????? i was convinced he got gertrude'd and was hidden somewhere
listen i love celia and colin theyre both great but id really like to know whats up with alice and sam
oh colin is NOT supposed to be back thats not good at all
"i'll know it when i see it" yeah you would. you would Know™ it sam.
alice hunny please do not let romantic feelings destroy your years of avoidance and survival
ok gwen going to the statement guy makes me 100% sure the creepy clown will be reoccuring and im terrified
shitting myself and we're BACK to sam and alice this is terrible i'm losing my mind
the soft "c'mere" i think i am fully on the sam & alice train now
alice is so in love with him this is so terrible for the narrative
WHAT? WHATTTTT???? WHAAAAAATTTT????? oh my god i knew it i knew they would cliffhanger us. i fucking knew it. APRIL 11TH IS SO FAR AWAY ☹️☹️☹️☹️
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bearhugsandshrugs · 5 months
Hello im coming to hit you with some small tidbits and also my own little thoughts ive had with my own durge because of it :D (this got long because adhd go brr; tldr, you can totally play durge as a weapon without real autonomy due to Bhaal and his possessing of the Durge, and i went all in on that and also the Pining TM) One thing that Sceleritas will apparently tell you (and I believe I read this elsewhere on tumblr) was that the most awful thing he ever saw you do was (checks notes) give gold to a beggar. There's also times with the durge where, when dealing with like, sweet things, they feel physically sick at the sweetness of it/the person/their own actions? And its implied that that feeling comes from Bhaal, and it almost feels like Bhaal is essentially sneering at the act in your blood and its like an intrusive thought that the durge has to push away and push through if you lean less Murder Hobo with them. Theres an especially good example in the Grove with Arabela when you can potentially send the kid to her death or you can push through that thought and instead focus on saving her and the narrator describes it as you taking a breath and willing the thoughts away to retain some clarity. Combined with the fact that the durge often has like,,,, detox symptoms? And can outright state when talking to Sarevok if you become an Unholy Assassin and play their little game and be a good Bhaalspawn, that you wished Bhaal trusted you enough to not possess you and use you against your will, so the game even leaves room for a Durge to turn against Bhaal, not even out of morality or inherent goodness, which can also 100% be played up and played into, but rather out of an autonomy issue, that sure, maybe they are a murderer, but at least now itll be 100% their choice who and when and how, and not a thing that literally overtakes them and possesses them Exorcist style minus the pea soup! When I played my Durge who was made specifically with Gortash in mind, Miri, she was actively walking backward on her history- blending in with the cult in Moonrise, trying to find notes and letters and talking to anyone who might've known her before to see what was up. But i never actually leaned into being a Bhaalspawn, I actually played her pragmatically. She was a bit of an ice queen and could be cruel, cold, callous but she was ultimately a strategist. But its that call to her history - not Bhaal but just,,,, knowing who she was, finding her identity that was so cruelly stolen from her, however messy and horrific it, she, mightve been, and then with Gortash, that turns up to 11 because "holy shit theres been a little hole inside me until i finally made my way back here, back to you, and you knew me, holy shit i feel like i know you, i feel like i trust you and i feel like you're the first person i dont want to have to kill, oh no you were important somehow before but how?" which turns into "Am I too different now? Is too much of me gone for you to feel whatever you might've felt, the feeling that is tugging at me too?" and the answer is no, because its still her and it was never just about being a bhaalspawn; she admired and respected him and it was the same back; two abused, lost, cruel people, who found one person they didnt want to be like that with, didnt *need* to be like that with, because they accepted one another (and also also the way Gortash is like huh im surprised you turned on bhaal but now the power we obtain will be ours and you wont even have a god in the mix so that means all the more power to you and you alone <3) Anyways i think im actually in love with this stupid man and gortash with an OC, tav or durge, is my Roman Empire
aww thanks for sharing! I think my biggest “issue” with Durgetash is the whole reveling in being bad together, mostly brought on by Durge (?). Personally (like yay for anyone who finds that appealing) I find being a cruel, manipulative, murdering power couple to be boring. It’s always easier to be evil than good. The world isn’t inherently fair. it comes with the territory.
It’s why Gortash is the most interesting to me when he offers a Tav a coalition. He seems gray with his morals, pragmatic, not picky about what gives him the control he so desperately craves. Durge (in most portrayals, but I’m really thankful for your version, which I thinks is very interesting) is often portrayed as someone reveling in the murder and all the bad. This whole heehee-haha we’ll murder the world vibe for a pre-tadpole Durgetash is just… I don’t connect to a character who had no redeeming backstory other than a sudden bout of amnesia?
But it seems like the portrayals I’ve seen of Durge so far have been more caricatures, more exaggerated, and that’s okay (again not trying to judge, it’s just my personal preference). If there could be a version of Durge that always struggled with the murder? Who didn’t eat people because that’s their thing? Who didn’t fuck corpses because they were into it?
Yeah. I can work with that. That’s a story of breaking free, of redemption and reinvention. Yes, I like that.
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aemiron-main · 5 months
Tumblr media
Posts Made Before Seeing The First Shadow
(click here for the TFS section of the google doc)
(click here to go to a tumblr post with the posts I made AFTER seeing the first shadow)
Edward Creel is Vecna And Henry Creel is Innocent: The First Shadow, Edward Creel, Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and Carl Jung’s Theory of the Shadow (x)
Edward Crumbs in the TFS Audition Tapes (x)
Leave No Trace: Henry Creel’s Questionable Hiking Etiquette (Did Henry Bring The Shadow Particles To Dimension X? Does Soteria Inhibit The Replication of Shadow Particles?) (x)
Will Scott Clarke Be In The First Shadow? (x)
TFS and The Fact That Joyce Didn’t Know Who Bob Was In Highschool (x)
Is Scott In Bob’s Audition Tape? (x)
The Ones Like Us That Don’t Punch Back (x)
Bob and Mr Baldo- Was Bob Abused As A Child? Was There Ever Really A Mr Baldo? (x)
TFS and The Radio Weirdness In The Auditions vs The Creel Murders Radio Weirdness (x)
THEORETICALLY: More Proof That Scott Will Be In The First Shadow (x)
The Shadow(s) of The Past and TFS vs LOTR (x)
A Silly, Terrible Play (x)
The First Shadow Poster vs El’s S4 Poster vs the Other S4 Posters (x)
The Shadows of the Past Have a Very Long Reach (x)
The First Shadow and Tommy (x)
Creelarke and The Black Cat on the First Shadow Loading Screen (x)
The Broken Windows On The TFS Poster (x)
Another Post About Tommy and The First Shadow (x)
Scott Clarke and The Black Cat In The TFS Animated Trailer (x)
TFS Auditions, Henry, and The Flickering Lights (x)
I Knew It- Betty Olsen Is Bob’s Adopted Sister (x)
TFS and I Dreamed A Dream vs Dream A Little Dream of Me (x)
The TFS Black Cat vs Doris Driscoll’s Black Cat Clock (x)
Scott In TFS: The Key To The End vs Key To Solving The Mystery of What Happened in Montauk (x)
Bob Being Abused vs Not Putting Up A Fight (x)
George, Betty, Henward, Hearing Things and Radio Waves (x)
A Freshman?? Something Weird Is Going On With Henry’s Age And EVEN MORE FIRM EVIDENCE FOR MULTIPLE TIMELINES Featuring A “Canon Event”!! (x)
Lord Henry and Lady Patty- Does This Mean That They’re a Romantic Couple? How Does Stranger Things Treat The Type of Relationship That Exists Between a Lord and a Lady? (x)
They Didn’t Just Forget About Alice in TFS and Alice vs Scott (x)
Smaller Initial Post About How They Didnt Just Forget About Alice in TFS and Her Possible Connection To Scott (x)
Henry and Patty and George and Creelarke: Have I Changed My Mind About George? (x)
The First Shadow, Timelines, Alice Creel, and Swapping Family Members: New Thoughts On Alice Creel vs Karen Wheeler Regarding the Edward Timeline- Karen Wheeler Might Be Alice, Just Not In The Way Anyone (Including Me) Thought She Was (x)
Alice, Sweet Alice, TFS, and Karen (x)
Mr Baldo vs Father Newby (x)
Initial Post About The TFS Casting and Mike Jibson Resembling Sam Owens and How That Could Tie Into The Edward Timeline (x)
“Henry Meet Demogorgon”: Interesting Wording Choice (x)
Henry Being Subtitled As ‘Boy’ During NINA vs Orderly Henry and the Henry Age Weirdness During TFS (x)
“Future Vecna” (x)
Ruth, Nevada, Parallel Timelines, and Edward (x)
TFS and the Final Bow Poses: Both Poses Are Familiar (x)
TFS, Hand Positions, The Shadow, and S2 Will (x)
Edward Scissorhands and TFS (x)
Alice Creel’s Weird Age, TFS, and Interview With The Vampire (x)
Caught A Body At The Munsen Trailer (x)
Henry Getting Nina’d During TFS and Why It Might Be Tied To Scott Clarke’s Absence (x)
Claudia’s Cat: Fake Cats and Fake People (x)
Patty-Henry vs Stobin- Prom Queen vs Prom King  (Henry Is Painfully Gay) (x)
A Budding Romance: Even More Patty-Henry Straightbait/Gay Henry Evidence (x)
You Don’t Have To Do The Play: TFS, Dark of the Moon, The Confession Booth Scene, and Gay Henry (x)
Edward Crumbs in the TFS Audition Tapes (x)
More Patty-Henry and Stobin Thoughts: The One That I Like and She’s Not Even Real (x)
A(L) SILLY, TERRIBLE PLAY: Weird Al, Scott and The First Shadow (x)
Brenner’s Dad and The Weird Grey Hair (x)
The Cure, Scott, and Moving From Nevada (x)
I’m The Mistake vs You Feel Like A Mistake: Joyce Vs Betty Parallels (x)
Project One: Digging Into The Code On The TFS Website (x)
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idealspawn · 11 months
im so happy. im so happy i barely even come on tumblr anymore... i met up w the guy im seeing. he kissed me when we were sitting on a large swing :D he told me he actually already wanted to kiss me the last time we were together. we also went out to eat. i let him pick what i ordered and got the bar to make me a surprise drink so it would be fun and challenge my ed. they made a cucumber tom collins w reduced sugar(the only instruction i gave them was to not make the drink too sweet bc i dont like sweet things all that much). and!! tom collins is my fav cocktail btw!! :DD. ate a vegan burger and fries. which is also pretty cool bc i avoid bread generally. but i didnt die and it was so good. we walked around a lot and then climbed on top of this climbing pyramid?? at a playground. we lied down and just talked. i was supposed to go back to my sister's place but he asked if i wanted to stay over at his for a while. he sang to me and played his guitar and showed his cool posters and told me the stories behind them. our first KISS KISS like make out kiss was so cute too... he played a song i knew but had weird memories attached to it. i told him im glad im making new ones w it. when the chorus came on he spontaneously kissed me :D we stayed silent w our foreheads touching till the end of the song. now i can associate the song w good memories :D we cuddled and kissed a lot. i ended up accidentally falling asleep and my sister thought sth had happened to me bc my battery had died too. but it was so nice. it was all so innocent and had no implications that it had to go any further than cuddling and kisses. we were all over eachother and tbh i dont think ive ever felt this comfortable w physical touch w anyone else before. he looks at me w such adoration too.. its so sweet. he said he has discovered so much good music from looking at my spotify which is cute.. our shared playlist now shows that the songs only i listened to before are the songs in common to us. thats sweet... he is so gentle and vulnerable and open. and he likes my quirks and doesnt view them as weird. lol i have that neurodivergent rizz. no but truly. so much more happened. i wish i could talk abt everything but im so exhausted i havent slept at all for the past week bc ive been so busy w diff events. saw my ex at this one party btw. she made long awkward eye contact w me but i looked away very fast but i saw from the corner of my eye that she didnt. at the last party the roles were reversed, i couldnt stop staring at her but she broke the eye contact fast. cool to know im over her completely now. anyway, im in such a great mood that i dont think even she can ruin it. she didnt look like she was having a great time and im glad. i had so much fun and i now think she truly did me a favour by leaving me. i have glow-upped so much and she hasnt. :) i feel so loved by everyone. i cant wait to meet up w the guy again next week. we have so many fun things planned. i cant stop thinking about our goodbye kiss. it was so passionate :D and our chemistry is so good. like truly one of the best. i layed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. when i wrapped my arm around him i felt how his heart started beating extremely fast. it was so adorable. :) we have so much in common too, its insane. like literally already starting from our childhood.
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corvidcall · 11 months
Fascinated by your sarah z hate- would love to hear more about this if you’d like to share. My experience of her is just that mediocre Homestuck vid or something she made.
lmao yeah sure i guess i can expound on it
i should preface this by saying that i dont think shes like. a bad person. and i dont have some secret knowledge of problematique things shes done that we should all Cancel her for.
tl;dr i just think her videos are really bad. she keeps making videos about stuff that i was there for and then being wrong about them, and it drives me crazy. on top of that, it just rubs me the wrong way to make your whole brand "the lady who talks about tumblr"
like, i think her homestuck video sucks (and i think its very funny that she admitted that she only spent a week making it, but ALSO got really defensive when people said she was wrong about stuff. like, i think the way whatpumpkin and andrew hussie responded to her video was Bad but also that doesnt retroactively defend the original video from being poorly researched and, in my opinion, in bad taste. it was weird to make a video where you talk about all the controversy about hs^2 not that long after the whole project got cancelled because too many of the trans women working on it were receiving daily death threats)
and i think the mcelroys video sucks (that was the last one i watched before i gave up entirely. its really long and very boring, and basically is just her listing a bunch of stuff they did that people had problems with, which essentially puts "travis was annoying on twitch" on the same level of seriousness as "taz: graduation used a lot of harmful native american stereotypes". i genuinely am not sure what the point of this video was supposed to be, because it feels like its her reading a tumblr callout post. also she was wrong about taz: amnesty. the ending WAS foreshadowed, it did NOT come out of nowhere, she just wasnt paying attention.)
but the onceler fandom video is honestly the absolute pits. i am still friends with a lot of the people that i was in the onceler fandom with, and i genuinely havent met a single former onceslut who thought her video was good, or the least bit accurate. her thesis basically boils down to that the onceler fandom was just a bunch of young teen girls projecting fantasies onto a nonthreating decently attractive fictional guy, which isnt that weird and people are only making a big thing about it because they hate teenage girls. and her conclusions arent WRONG, per say, since people DO hate teen girls and this is a thing theyre known to do... its just. thats literally not what the onceler fandom was at all?? first off, when i got into it i was 17 and i was the youngest person i knew by far. almost everyone i saw in the fandom were in their 20s, and a lot of them were not girls at all. and as far as any of US remember, the thing sustained the fandom wasnt 13 year old girls exploring their nascent sexualities, it was people using the barest pretense to make OCs, and then craft stories with and about their friends OCs. it was a really cool unique experience because it was a fandom for the things the fandom built. a lot of the people i knew had never watched the movie The Lorax at all, or didnt really care about it one way or another, but DID get really invested in the dynamic between Swag and One, or got really invested in the two big AUs the fandom had. By the time i got there, most people had kinda moved away from the canon onceler anyway, and were focused almost exclusively on the AUs (there was a high school AU and a zombie apocalypse AU, and then during the summer the high school AU blogs would do a child summer camp AU. i liked the zombie one best because i love melodrama, but the high school one was most popular). i know she was IN the onceler fandom (allegedly...) but as far as i can tell, she was just there at the very start, because it changed WILDLY even just a few months after its inception. and there's no way anyone who saw the fandom that I was actually in would make the sweeping statements about it that she did.
broadly, her videos are too unfocused and not really well-written. her one on Oppa Homeless Style was a genuinely good video!! I know she CAN do good videos!! But so many of her more fandom-focused videos dont really seem to have a thesis beyond "this happened" or maybe even "this was kinda weird right?". like what is the viewer supposed to take away from the video about the mcleroys? that they made a podcast that was really popular and then got less popular? why did that take you TWO HOURS to say? and even when she does have a strong thesis, its always muddied by the fact that she feels compelled to add in really long, boring digressions. I think the video about All or Nothing was good, and made an interesting point about how pan and ace people are really starved for meaningful rep, but i dont understand why she felt compelled to recount the entire plot of the webseries someone made? what did that contribute to the thesis? its like shes reading a wikipedia page, and not like. an actual ESSAY. that someone structured to convey a POINT.
but overall i just take umbrage with her whole "tumblr historian" shtick. i think its kind of gross to put really niche (generally woman-dominated) subcultures on display so people can come gawk at the freaks. ive heard the defense that "she IS a fandom person!! these videos are FOR fandom people!!" but 1. if its supposedly supposed to be for me and NOT an audience of people unfamiliar with the thing shes talking about, then there would be no need to spend so long explaining what everything is, and 2. i can at least say, in my own subjective experience, that i said basically all this to my sister, who told me that thats why she likes sarah z at all, because the videos let her come gawk at all the fandom freaks on tumblr. so its cool that sarah z is giving the person who bullied me my whole life (specifically because the way i engaged with media was too cringe) more reasons to bully me for being cringe. big preesh sarah. glad youre making money off of the free content all of us put out, and even more glad that youre profiting by taking all that free content and presenting it to a largely hostile and judgemental audience who already thinks im a fucking idiot. why dont you make a video about my popular hamlet post next, since you seem to make videos exclusively about things i did.
anyway if i want to watch video essays about fandom, i'll watch princess weekes, whose videos are substantive and not... idk very juvenile. not that i think there cant be more than one youtuber talking about fandom!!! its just that sarah z's videos are mid at best and actively bad at worst, so im not gonna bother.
(all that being said, i occasionally look at her blog and reblog stuff. while shes working down in the tumblr mines looking for content to steal, she does frequently find some decent posts to reblog)
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souryogurt64 · 4 months
the essay!!!! i read that shit instead of studying for my exam so if i fail it is your fault miss yogurt (kidding). i am continuously amazed at your abilities and your perfectly dry-but-witty journalistic style that i am ohsoinlove with. reading the sentence “(Also unsurprisingly, Gray is about gaslighting a girl until she dies.)” took me out lma. ! i love all of ur writing, tho i am obviously biased since it’s on topics that interest me - however, the amount of work and dedication that you are able to designate not only to a complex split of a band, but also personal relationships, biographies, lyrical and prose analysis is astounding! anyway,,,, i guess i just want to thank u !
thank you this message is really genuine and sweet <333 i re-used that joke from the gray dissertation lol
Tbh i was not happy with a lot of parts of this one. Sorry to rant about this appended to your ask specifically <3
mainly I think i shot myself in the foot with the way i structured the last one where i covered the moment panic got signed in excruciating detail and then rushed through 10-15 years really fast. at the time i did not think these were that serious or were going to reach as far as they ended up reaching and it was just like for my tumblr followers so i knew it was like a bad idea but i was just like "whatever!!!!"
anyway that made the beginning really rough because i didnt really have a set place to start. the first like 5 pages were also completely different too which didnt help
Also about 70% of the way through i realized it was really weird that i didnt give brendon any kind of dramatic introduction. I had so much fun writing the dramatic introductions they got a lot longer than when i outlined the essay which made that even more noticeable
But honestly, writing this and watching so many presplit panic interviews i actually started liking brendon a lot more and remembered why people used to love him and i knew whatever i wouldve said would have been things people didnt really want to read, so instead he just got his villain monologue at the end
It was also kind of weird that i didnt introduce spencer or jon at all but i figure anyone reading a 50 page essay about panic at the disco already knows who these people are anyway so i just had 2 move on
Also i was not very happy with the verlaine section, i felt like it was a lot of very dense information to synthesize and like also I didn't want to over explain it and be accused of being like a gay truther but like im sorry. its not even gay truthing its just gay by virtue of existing so i feel like i under explained it
Other parts too. However my research capabilities are absolutely unmatched and i do think im funny. im not sure if most other people think im funny but i sure think i am <3
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shiningnightstars · 7 months
i wanna make another roleplay on tumblr. one that doesnt have a huge following. one that isnt epprbcu. one that is nice and simple and only has a few people.
maybe i will. maybe i will make one and only share it with a few people that i already know. i just dont want to be in a big roleplay community (eppbrcu) that often gets filled with drama. and id feel bad not telling my current rp fans, but honestly who cares? i miss when the epprbcu was just simple. nobody knew us. and those that did and liked us were few. it felt nice. but now, the epprbcu feels overwhelming. theres so many people, my dashboard is unusable now.
i wish i could go back to june 30th. back to the sun incident. that was so much fun, it still feels like yesterday when i helped kill the sun. i was small and the only followers i had were people who spam followed and people i knew from irl and other websites. and none of them interacted with my posts. and then i suddenly got 100 followers on this brand new roleplay blog i made, and... that was nice, but i wish. i sometimes wish it didnt happen.
i mean. i made great friends! i just wish it never got so big... i wish it stayed small, back when i killed the sun. i wish there wasnt anyone having to fight with anons who cant take "no" for an answer. i wish it stayed a small little rp group...
i love the discord though. theres so many people that are much like me! yeah, we fight sometimes, but its still nice there. its like a second home.
i guess im conflicted. i love the epprbcu and i love everyone in it but... theres just so much happening. i want to keep going cause it brings me joy but it feels more like a job now than a fun little rpg inspired roleplay. i dont know.
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stopscammingartists · 8 months
it's so skeevy how glip n their community put responsibility on their victims to be completely infallible when daring to make a claim that they were abused. they have to walk on fucking eggshells because one wrong move and glip/the flora community just wont fucking read it and instead center an entire book about the 'wrong' statement instead. example being pengo not reading any of boo's stuff bc one sentence insinuated he lied about something.
this is such a classic manipulation tactic. the kind of thing an abusive cheating spouse does. "oh you caught me messaging someone? well you disrespected my privacy by going through my things!". that kinda shit. its abusive and only used to silence someone and intimidate them and they have to know this I mean. they cant be that dense.
anyway, pengo/glip/everyone here's a challenge. if you didnt read all of the allegations against you then dont bother responding them. nothing you say about it has any value unless you actually own up to what you did and better yourself or somehow refute it in a way that matters :)
Let me establish some context for anyone who doesn't know what happened with Lain/Spaggle and what her story is.
In 2014, Lain, who had just recently turned 14 posted to tumblr about how Marl approached her a few months ago in the Floraverse IRC and would talk about how he wanted to fuck Lain in vivid detail and send her pictures of dog genitalia.
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She would retell her story a few times on different platforms over the years. Meanwhile, Glip would respond by claiming they had logs of Lain insinuating that she likes to bait adults into a child porn charge.
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None of the logs Glip would ever provide will show this. Glip was simply lying. Glip, and Eevee both would make call out posts on tumblr continuing frame Lain as some insane 14 year old enchantress looking to entrap adults in a child porn charge. As if any adult, like Marl, who took this supposed bait wouldn't still be a pedophile. Glip and Eevee both would platform the anonymous testimonial they received about Lain from Lain's friend and, alarmingly, another adult who claimed that Lain "has done this before". Establishing Lain as a repeat-victim of childhood sexual abuse. Children who are sexually abused tend to never be sexually abused once.
Glip would continue to berate and slander Lain whenever she popped up until 2019. Propping up the words of the other adults who sexually abused this minor along the way.
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Meanwhile, privately, Glip and their inner circle where looking to do something they where worried would have legal ramifications to them if got out.
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According to @hexcryingwolf who was part of this group - Glip had obtained Lain's dox and had wanted to take legal action against the child who their then ex-husband sexually abused with photos of dog genitalia.
However, before Lain even came forward in 2014, Marl had convinced Glip to be filmed having intercourse with a dog, twice and was told by the person Marl cheated on them with that Marl had shown them pornographic content of their pet German Shepard dog, Apollo.
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So when Glip framed Lain as some enchantress trying to entrap men, as some lying parasite and was trying to go after this child in ways that where legally dubious, they knew from the very start that Marl was a zoophile and probably had dog genitalia photos to send Lain better then anyone else. Because, naturally, Glip is also a victim of Marl's beastiality.
When Glip says they did not know what Marl was doing, or what he was capable of - they are lying. Nothing more, nothing less.
So, let's jump to the present and actually address what @sc0rfanos is talking about.
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This is a 30-something adult who slandered, and silenced a 14 year victim of their shared abuser for nearly 5 years.
Glip does not get to demand that everyone else considers how they feel and how they're hurt, and how they're a victim while they wipe their ass with the feelings, pain and trauma they inflicted upon others.
Redirecting a point about how Glip abused Lain over the span of years to be about how Glip is a victim of said husband is fucking disgusting. Glip continuing the spout the words of the other adults who sexually abused this child in 2023 as if they matter or excuse their actions is fucking disgusting.
This only serves the purpose of redirecting the discussion away from Glip actions and the ramifications those actions have had on others into a discussion about how Glip is some sad lil' boo boo who was totally reasonable to do the things they did.
Eat dirt you disgusting worm of a person.
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jung-koook · 2 years
let me talk about something here please.
every time I open my inbox I saw hates messages. I prefer to block these messages, ignore them completely but this time I think I need to reply to these ones that left me extremely offended.
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stealing from twitter??? what?? whenever I go on twitter and see a photo or video and post it here I always put the credits. I also check their twitter account to see if there are any messages from them asking us to not repost their videos and photos. and after so many controversies and fansites wrong behaviors, i also stopped supporting fansite fantakes. when I go on twitter to look for translations for my gifs I always put the credits in the description of them. when I post only the translation I take a screenshot of their account and post it showing their username. I also use twitter for news and I always post a screenshot showing where the new came from. and I use twitter to see other instagrams uploading members photos, but do i need to put credits where i got these photos? please, I didnt steal anything from anyone!
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now this one.. gosh :/ being called a sasaeng is so offensive, I’m really shook right now :/ let me reply to this message :////
first of all, I am a 24 year old adult, thank you. “has major saesang behavior”??? what do you mean by that?? if you call me something like that you have to give me proof of what you're talking about! I never posted anything from their private events and schedules. nor pics of them just enjoying their lives. i document every moment of jeongguks life?? I cant understand what you're talking about because i dont to that. I never posted anything private about his life!
i already posted some pics of jeongguk that his brother posted on his instagram and his brother talking about gureum. his brother always interacted with army on instagram. he already posted some pics of jeongguk and some bangtan fanarts on his instagram. his brother never told armys not to interact with his account. but after some people asked me not to post these photos/pics here anymore, i deleted them.  (i dont see anything wrong with posting these since his brother doesnt see a problem with it. different from hobis sister who already said she doesnt like her instagram posts beind shared. )
when jeongguk was to film the ‘left and right’ mv. I saw a translation account translate to where he was going. I had read the kmedia news but I didnt realize that the two accounts were talking about different places. so I completely wrongly shared what the translation account translated but that account translated the place bighit was trying to keep private. a nice person here saw it and came to warn me about it and after that i deleted my post and apologize for sharing that here. I think unfortunately these are mistakes that anyone can make. but that doesnt make them saesang. please search on saesang term first.
if i cared about ony notes i wouldnt make gifs anymore. I make gifs because its a hobby that helps me to relax, to forget about the things that are bothering me in my personal life, to show a little bit of my love and admiration for bangtan by making my gifs. but notes are something important and caring about notes is nothing wrong! everyone wants to have their work recognized in some way right? and here its through the notes. so yes, I will self-reblog my posts whenever I want, thanks. :) 
I dont know why but there seem to be a lot of people who dont like that I've been here since 2013 lol and they think I dont deserve the support I got since the start of my blog. been here since the beginning helped me a lot and its something important for me. please dont try to take that out of my story. my blog is a beautiful part of my history as a bangtan fan. please dont try to hurt this part of my story. I went on hiatus for a while because I'm studying architecture and I had to focus only on my studies :)) when i came back tumblr was completely different. the people I knew from before werent here. even though i still had a lot of followers i felt like most werent here anymore either. so for me it was like starting my blog all over again. most of the people who support my blog here dont know it from the beginning, most are new people. so the reason I have support here is not because I've been here since 2013. the only ugliness I see here is you and your messages. you tried to ruin my day and you succeeded. :)
I'm tired of people trying to make things up about me! leave me alone! I'm not hurting anyone. I just post my gifs, support the work of other talented people here and scream for bangtan. stop trying to make up extremely dangerous lies about me! if you dont like me and my blog, stop being pathetic please do something for yourself. blocked my blog so you will never see me here again.
P.S. I’m sorry for my bad english but i needed to answer these messages. and I answered that way because I needed to block these people or the same person from my blog.
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lil-melody-moon · 24 days
hey again babe...sorry to be a pain in the asks, but im too awkward to drop by in ur dms 😭
im the anon who did the 'have ya meet some1 who drinks like moonie' and oh my god....im so so so sorry to hear about ur friend. i didnt get the chance to know her myself, but hell, i suppose she was important to u. was she a good friend? i know how bad alcohol and drugs can affect people and i cant help but feel sorry for her who lost her life bcs of them and for u for losing a friend ❤️‍🩹
i also asked my dad once again bout his experiences with the who so i could give u more details. as some1 who saw everything from backstage as a roadie, he told me (once again) about something real cool that moonie used to do. he used to always drink a lot at home so when he would be performing he would already be drunk, bcs he thought that he was more talented while drunk. dad said that sometimes he was so drunk that he couldnt stay on his feet but never enough drunk to not be able to drum. i guess it was in his blood and were lucky to have had a drummer like him.
most likely ill come around again for more who stories bcs dad has plenty and its a pleasure sharing them with moonies girl, so until we meet again! 💗
That's okay, my dear, the ask box is for leaving asks in it, I have no problem with you leaving anon asks <3
Oh, Anja was one of the best friends I've ever got honestly. Sure, drunkard, addict, but like, she was to me the person who you talk randomly with one day and the second day you're already besties, talking about everything, even the most perverted thoughts because you trust the other person this much. Sure, she was younger than me, but the age doesn't matter in friendships. I knew her for a year, only through tumblr and the funny thing about this whole year was that, that I've prayed for a friend like her and a few days later she suddenly wrote to me. All I can say tho is that she was one of the most kind people I knew, one of the sweetest and I hope that I made that year far better for her <3
Oh, so your dad was a roadie, that explains his knowledge! That is something I heard about, good to have it approved by this point. It also convinces me that Keith's self-confidence was really low, plus the stage fright might have been too big to deal with without alcohol. Oh, Keith, you poor poor drunky. Thanks for the info tho, it's always so nice to hear more <3 "he was so drunk that he couldnt stay on his feet" I saw a few photos of him in that state I think and I did wonder how the fuck was he still standing XD
Alright, I'll be waiting <3 Also if you feel like just asking about something or talk or whatever, ask box is all yours, feel like at home with it - same goes for anyone who wants to do so really <3
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sagemoderocklee · 2 months
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
startin out rlly swingin' ok... well lotta rlly shit takes out there so it's hard to pick just one. i def dont have any screenshots of anything... pickin' one at random is just like anyone callin Neji horrible or abusive for kickin the crap outta Hinata in their match in the prelims of the Chuunins. like 1. designated match; 2. she was literally goading him about his literally enslavement????????? like anyone who wanna cop for hinata is already someone imma side eye cause for all that she goes through from her dad she never actually suffers from the caste system itself and being 12 doesnt excuse her goading him when she knows damn well what shes doin; 3. the girl would not stop cause of stupid ass naruto, so like yeah she got her ass beat and then everyone and their mother jumped in to protect her but only Gai stepped in to keep Gaara from straight up killing Lee like the double standards. like pls tell me you have no concept of slavery without telling me you got no concept of it... prolly watch movies about white women in the south during the civil war and empathize with them too cause their husband or dad beat them
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i dont know if there is a character i started to hate causa fandom? like i keep to myself and to my focus, and i generally like what i like and dislike what i dislike on its own merit. genuinely i cant think of a single character where im like yeah the fandom has made me despise them. like if i hated a character, i already hated them.
i think if there was anything i could say i developed a hatred for because of the fandom itd be like n*r*gaa but i still like hate that ship on my own too.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
rlly swingin' a bat i havent swung in a minute but or*ch*m*r* is not a trans icon. he's a homophobic and transmisogynistic caricature and tme ppl are quick to disregard that and deny whats textual about this character's preying on children because it doesnt impact them. lack of critical engagement from fandoms has rlly done a number on the way ppl view this character because back in the day we all knew what was up with him re sasuke and didnt need our hands held to know he a predator in multiple ways and that is rooted in the aforemented -phobic caricature-ness. ppl do the same shit with like bugs bunny where it's like no this character was not a queer icon, this character was doin this shit as a joke and ppl need to learn how to differentiate harmful shit from the shit that's in good fun/genuine
and lord if someone tries to send me anon hate about this like they used to just kno you wastin your breath cause i aint gonna give you the time of day
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blood-bound · 10 months
brief mini announcement: after reflection. I'll be holding off on posting publicly about WoD - for now temporarily. I will still talk about it in private discords; im not dropping my games or anything... but yeah... just not comfortable posting publicly rn.
personal ponderings and ig reasoning for my choice below.
info for reference: https://www.patreon.com/posts/werewolf-5th-and-86463964
this is a must read if a modern WoD fan imo.
this is not an analysis or specific criticism as it aint my place (im white). i just wanted to vent. and over the course of writing this i decided not to post publicly about WoD for now. if anyone wants to discuss though, i would love to.
i mean in short i dont want to just sit on this info.
so w this werewolf stuff, for context, i only briefly skimmed 1 of its previews and so was holding opinions on it until after i read it fully. and already knew older stuff was anti-indigenous in many respects, (never read it for this reason so dont know details beyond the obvious issues with certain names being used) so now that its fully confirmed the new one is still bad in this way (v v v v disappointed) and the ppl who made it bad and are straight up anti-indigenous are still employed its just. like. ugh. what the fuck. i also didnt know so many of the ppl in old white wolf remained employees when paradox took over???? i fell for the rebranding AUGH.
+ outside of werewolf with outstar still having her position w seemingly no criticism or action or apology given???
theres of course also gonna be a bunch of people way worse than her employed too , that arent as public, so we dont see it, unless wronged former employees speak out about it. (which is very brave and essential. )
in the end i largely believe in the capitalist society we live in corporations are gonna be immoral at their core and that includes paradox. but i dont want to use that belief as an excuse to do nothing. and i feel perhaps i have used that as an excuse before.
sambrano said the following:
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so, we have to hold their feet to the fire. but im not sure if im just misreading or stupid (really, probably just ignorant) but im not sure what exactly is the best thing to do. just express our outrage in someway?
if a boycott was organized i would join. but if one isnt? idk! and idk if a boycott is best. i want and need to hear abt what specifically ingenious and fans of color in general believe is best atm so i suppose my next steps are to just. listen. and see.
idk this is really bad. not sure what 2 do what 2 do.. hhmmhmhmh. just awful all around. my impatience is killing me but i must wait to see what others say.
it seems like when you get down to it the way WoD treats Native Americans specifically in this instance and overall non-white people/non-white culture is abhorrent. both in and out of universe. and i feel if im not careful i could be complicit as a white fan. so i want to proceed very carefully.
if you read, thanks for reading. i hope i can learn what should be done. in the interim...
im not dropping WoD - but something should be done to address this and until then. i dont feel comfortable posting publicly about WoD. ill still discuss OC stuff in personal discords unless others feel this is still inappropriate.
and im still posting on tumblr. just not WoD stuff. this may last a day, might last a week, may last who knows how much longer. but yes. wait and see ig.
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screamofalamb · 3 months
i feel genuinely crazy trying to not use my old account on twitter and i dont even know why because nobody cared enough to follow my new one or about what i was posting before i stopped but im so alone all of the time and i have no friends at all i guess it felt like even though nobody ever interacted with me i was still talking to people? i dont know what i do wrong to never be able to make friends with people and have them care about me and i know this is so trivial but seeing people with like 30 followers get so much interaction just feels so bad because its like whats wrong with me that i cant make people care about me like that or want to dm me or literally anything that resembles friendship. i would say being online makes me feel worthless and small but i also have no one in real life so its like the same sense of loneliness just in different formats. one person followed my new account and it just made me want to cry because i didnt want them to follow me because i wanted to be friends with them really bad like two months ago and it never happened and theyre so popular i feel like a loser that they can even see my posts it all just feels so useless. i dont even know how i can attempt to make friends because everyone who isnt annoying as fuck runs in the same circle and it never works out for me anyways. i feel stupid for even tweeting about my birthday at all because i knew barely anyone would say anything to me and i knew it would make me want to disappear but i still did it for some reason and i feel like i ruined my own week or month or whatever. it feels lonely anywhere i turn to online and honestly tumblr is worse than twitter but here i am. i guess theres no pressure to make friends on here so its like who gives a fuck
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