#i did everything i could to make this guitar sound real
ghostighostly · 2 months
shout out to songs/artists/albums with names that dont fit on my screen gotta be one of my favourite genders <3
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chaoticladyfire · 1 year
Things I screamed about in ATSV (spoilers)
-Got to rewatch the film so I’m just going to add the colours changing to warmer tones when Gwen hugs her father. Not even ten minutes in and I was already crying.
-Realised that we missed the Gwen-Vulture fight BUT got to see Jessica Drew enter the scene like a bad ass in her bad ass bike and hearing the audience collectively say ‘me too’ when Gwen asked if Jessica could adopt her. 
-Screaming OSCAR ISAAC when Miguel spoke
-Lyla. Just Lyla.
- ‘Do you say anything other than no?’ ‘No-YES!’ more of miguel and jessica pls
-The Spot’s introduction. I didn’t see any promotional stuff, teasers or even trailers before watching this film so I had no idea who or what the The Spot was which was great because he really went from villain of the week to villain of the movie. And they clearly had a great time choreographing the fight scenes with him
-Miles’ heating up the beef patty while the spot and the convenience store man argue
-Miles patting the spot’s with a ‘good cow’ text
-Gwen and Miles both having to deepen their voices to avoid being recognised by their respective cop dads
-Miles saying that he can get two cakes when the counsellor says you can’t have your cake and eat it too and then bringing two cakes for his father’s party and neither of them saying what he wanted to convey. 
-Rio and Jeff scolding an annoyed miles but instantly smiling when a relative hugs them what an universal experience 
-Gwen teasing Miles for drawing her in his notebook almost obsessively but also breaking the biggest rule to spend time with him knowing the consequences. 
-As they went to talk, my friend leaned over and said ‘yeah I bet they will talk’ and when they only talked he groaned very loudly at which point I had to remind him Miles was only 15 
-Watching Jeff talk to Spiderman about his son not knowing his son is spiderman
-The DJ increasing the volume when Miles’ parents started scolding him in the middle of the party (the real mvp of the movie actually) 
-JK Simmons cameo that no one seems to be talking about??? Embarrassingly enough I had to literally scream into my friend’s ear for most of the people to realise it was indeed JK Simmons
-Just the entire Mumbattan scene. It was so exciting to see my city be represented like that, still a bit cliched in my opinion but not like Slumdog so obviously they have updated their views. Everything from the traffic gag to Pav’s rant about chai tea had the theatre howling. Also the detail of the thought boxes (?) and sounds being written in Hindi 
-My friend and I are huge fans of the UK punk scene (her for the ideologies and myself for the music and fashion) so Hobie was a dream come true. He was already super cool with his guitar and mohawk costume but when he revealed his face it was just so amazing
-Gayatri is every indian’s dream girl with her modern shirt-flannel and jeans combo mixed with bangles and piercings I really wish we get to see more of her in the next movie. Anyway there was a lot of wolf-whistling and hooting for her and Pav
-Also Pavitr literally means pure I don’t know if they did that on purpose or not but I love it
-His pet name being Pav cured my soul
-’This is the most emotional I have seen him’ and Captain Singh has no emotions at all
-I want to see how they came up with so many spider designs because each was so unique and immediately endearing. My friend who is also a big dinosaur fan screamed DINOSAUR 
-Kind of obsessed with how detailed Ben Reilly’s arms are they did not need to go that hard with it
-Tom Holland’s Spider-Man being referred to as ‘the little nerd’ by Miguel
-When everyone was making puns about the Spot my friend leaned over and said ‘i wonder which hole the spot prefers’ it is a miracle we are still friends actually
-The Donald Grover cameo!!!
-Peter B Parker having a cute little baby with the love of his life is what he deserves
-Miguel O Hara is one step away from becoming a Batman-Spiderman 
-Hobie’s admiration for Mayday being the avatar of chaos Spider-baby
-I think they saw the appreciation for the art style in the previous film and then trebled it for this film and I cannot thank them enough for it
-Peter complaining about how Miguel breaks the Spiderman tradition of being funny and witty and Miguel being the first anomaly 
-Every scene with the Spot is very unnerving because as I said, you watch him transform from this joker to a literal void of vengeance and it is every bit of terrifying
-Miguel is a man suffering from the destruction of an entire universe because of his selfish actions and forcing that anomaly narrative on a fifteen year old boy who became a spiderman on accident and doesn’t want his father to die because of that. Unlike the Spot, who isn’t even human anymore, Miguel is drowning in grief and guilt and trying to ignore it by holding the weight of the spider-verse on his shoulder. I hated him so much for making a boy go through that but then I just couldn’t in the end. 
-Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire cameo!!! Hopefully we’ll get a fun Tom Holland one too in the next movie.
-’Let me guess, he died?’ being a therapist for Spider Men must be a fairly boring job after a few patients.
-I just loved the absolute of wrongness of the scene where Miles returns ‘home’. The rain and darkness. I didn’t really think about Rio asking Miles what happened to his hair because I thought she was referring to the rain (although of course she wouldn’t ask him why his hair was wet when it was obviously raining outside) but realised something was wrong when he didn’t know about comic con but she did because in the first film there’s a joke about Peter B Parker explaining the concept to Miles. 
- This movie is not good for my father related issues
-The glaring neon welcome sign when the gang end up in Earth 42
-How did Uncle Aaron get even scarier? 
-Miles being the Prowler is honestly a great twist I saw it coming but still felt the shock of the reveal
-Prowler Miles having an accented voice meaning his father probably died when he was young and he only had his mom growing up
-Can’t wait for the original spider team to return for the third film seeing as they brought back Spider-Man Noir and Spider Ham and Peni Parker
-Screaming WHAT when the ‘to be continued’ appeared because that cliffhanger is absolutely destructive. All that adrenaline and excitement just popped. I’m still oscillating between being impressed and being disappointed. 
I probably skipped over a lot of other scenes because these were the most memorable and I only watched the film once (unfortunate) but I can’t wait for the movie to hit streaming services and watch it again and again for all the other details I missed. Ill probably keep adding things as I remember
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smeddiemunson · 2 years
(part 1 here)
After they narrowly escape being fucked up by what Eddie had planned for them (a goblin ambush they were completely underprepared for), the Hellfire members took their sweet time in clearing up after themselves; an unspoken agreement between the older members to hang around long enough to see just how Eddie behaves around Steve.
Gareth didn’t think Dustin had figured it out. He just connected dots he doesn’t know are on the same playing board, Eddie’s mystery crush and Steve’s favourite song nothing more than a coincidence. Or at least Gareth hoped that’s how it’s playing out, he knew it took a lot, more than his posturing would ever imply, for Eddie to reveal his big secret to the band. He didn’t want Eddie to have to confront that again until he felt ready, even if it is just to some kids.
Jeff was kneeling on the floor, reaching under the table where he pretended to drop a bag of dice when Steve began to make his way down the stairs.
Over his shoulder he called out, “Thank you, Mrs Wheeler!”
Jeff didn’t see the way Eddie perked up just at the sound of his voice, but Gareth and Grant certainly did.
“Are you flirting with Mrs Wheeler again, Stevie?” Eddie teased, ignoring the way Mike retched and groaned about it being gross.
‘Stevie?’ Gareth mouthed to Grant, who just shrugged. Nicknames are a dime a dozen when Eddie decides he likes a person. Gareth had been Gare-Bear for as long as he’d known him, Jeff was Jeffy, and Grant got to be ad-Grant-age. Stevie was a bit different, Stevie was close, affectionate in a way that the nicknames that usually spilled from Eddie’s lips weren’t.
This was maybe worse than they thought.
The last crush Eddie had was there and gone almost in a blink of an eye. Connor from his home room who doodled stick figure drawings of their teachers to pass to Eddie every morning until the jocks got to him and Eddie was cast aside again. But for two precious weeks, Eddie was happy, nice, and didn’t freak when Grant snapped a guitar string that meant they couldn’t practise until he got his hands on a replacement.
This was wholly different. Steve didn’t even bat an eyelash at the affectionate tone, in fact, Gareth thought he saw a faint pinkness colour his cheeks; though he didn’t know if it was just the heat of the basement that did it.
“Convincing her you haven’t yet corrupted her children more like,” Steve laughed.
Jeff, who had now appeared from under the table, made a half aborted motion towards Mike that only Gareth and Grant could see from their side of the table. There was no question that Eddie had sunk his claws into Wheeler and the boy was fully corrupted. If they didn’t know better, they could’ve confused Mike for Eddie’s brother, the resemblance now so uncanny.
Eddie smiled. A real one that took up his whole face and made his eyes sparkle.
Definitely worse than they thought.
Steve turned to the kids. “Henderson, you’re with me. Byers you’re with Eddie. Sinclair, I trust you can walk next door without supervision?” He glanced at his watch while Lucas nodded as if this weren’t the first time he’d been questioned in such a way. “And we’ve got thirty minutes until curfew so get moving.”
The kids, naturally grumbled but they didn’t argue, which was yet another weird thing for the Corroded Coffin boys to experience. Those kids argued with everything.
“Oh hey, Ed, Argyle is getting in late Friday night so pool party at mine on Saturday. You in?” Steve dug his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, trying to act casual, as if he didn’t care about Eddie’s answer. But it was clear as day to Gareth, who didn’t even know him, that Steve really really cared.
Eddie’s face fell. “Sorry, band practice on Saturday. We’ve got a show coming up so…”
Gareth jumped in before he had to watch either of them start crying. “You can go after, Eddie. My mom’ll kill me if we spend all day in the garage anyway.”
Steve’s face lit up like it was Christmas morning.
Now Gareth couldn’t be certain, he wasn’t certain about anything in his life except for his love of Iron Maiden and the reality that he was never leaving Hawkins, but he was fairly sure Steve Harrington might just return Eddie’s feelings.
“Awesome! Hey, you guys should come too! It’s only gonna be a small thing: me, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and his friend Argyle.”
“Um, thanks, but—“ Jeff cut off in his refusal with a groan as Gareth and Grant not so subtly dug their elbows into his stomach.
They were going to have to spend more time in the orbit of Eddie-and-Steve if Gareth was going to be able to figure out if feelings were a two way street. He wasn’t super excited about the prospect of spending all afternoon playing nice with rich kids, but he’d done worse things for the sake of making Eddie happy. He could do this as well.
“We’d love to!” Grant filled in a little too excitedly. Gareth shot him a look that hopefully conveyed his need to calm down.
“Where do you live?”
Steve smiled. “Teddy knows, he’s been enough times. Oh and you’re welcome to crash after, if you want. There’s enough space.”
“Teddy,” Gareth echoed. They all knew about Eddie’s mom’s nickname for him. Eddie’s dead mom’s nickname for him, and the way he never wanted a reminder.
Steve laughed. “Yeah because he’s just so cuddle-able!”
Eddie, through clenched teeth and a bright red blush, hissed. “Shut up.”
Oh and his eyes pleaded with Gareth to let it go, that they wouldn’t talk about it later.
Clue 5. Eddie was completely aware of how smitten he was.
“We’ll be there, Harrington,” Gareth said, the finality on the matter that Jeff would be arguing with him about later.
Steve smiled so wide it was almost blinding. He left with a squeeze to Eddie’s shoulder, hand lingering longer than necessary, and Dustin moaning about why the kids hadn’t been invited to a pool party.
There were two things Gareth knew for sure. One: Eddie wasn’t just crushing on Steve Harrington, he was well on his way to being in love with him. Two: Steve was either just the chillest guy alive (unlikely) or he returned Eddie’s feelings.
Either way, Gareth had some meddling to do.
(part 3)
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thecapybara526 · 8 months
Series : The Mazer Runner
Pairing : Newt x reader
Note: I've had this idea in my head for a bit and when I saw a maze runner tiktok with this song, I had to incorporate it someone how. I think it explains the core three so well. please enjoy! Also please listen to “Solider, Poet, King” by Reno Loves you! I’ll tell you when!
Summary: The creators send a box with a greanie every month but this month a box with a guitar and music sheets come in. Y/n somehow knows how to play and read music. A special bonfire will be held after Newt hears Y/n sing and play. At the bonfire Newt gets super jealous when one of the boys decides to dance with you especially since he’s been pinning over you since you arrived. Lots of Minho meddling to get you two together.
Themes: angst, Jealousy, fluff, pinning,
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You were running down the last straight away of the maze with Minho. You smiled to see some of your fellow gladers waiting for you to arrive. Particularly one…but you knew he'd be there, I mean he always is.
Your lungs burned and your legs ached, running the maze was tough but there was something about being out there that felt right to you. Especially with one of your closest friends Minho, you knew nothing would happen to you and you wouldn't let anything happen to him.
“Why does It have to be so hot today” Minho moaned as the two arrived at the doors of the maze that were starting to close.
“Minho baby, it’s always hot.” You laughed starting to slow down.
“Yea..well today more than usual.” He winked at you and you shoved him. You and Minho always flirted but it was never serious. After countless hours in the maze together you had both shared your most inner thoughts and more importantly your feelings for a certain second in command.
You had never outright said it but Minho figured it out. The way you got a bit nervous when he was around, how you unconsciously looked around for him when he wasn't around. Not only that but when you weren't running the maze with Minho you were with him.
Newt was there at the maze doors, he always is. He always just brushes it off that as second in command he should make sure the runners come back and conveniently everytime he makes his rounds of the glade is when the runners come back.
Newt knew the real reason he was there though, you. Since the moment you came up in the box and looked at him with those y/e/c eyes, he was a goner. He knew he'd protect you, and be whatever you needed, even if he wanted to be more than friends. He couldn't risk it though, he couldn't risk losing you or making things awkward.
You were his best mate, together you had formed an unbreakable bond. You could tell each other everything, well minus your feelings for each other. You were the person he wanted to see when he was sad, when he needed comfort, and just all the time in general. When you were together you made him feel as if he could stay in the maze forever as long as he had you by his side.
Minho’s comment made Newt’s stomach turn, he watched as you shoved Minho, and he couldn't help but feel a pinch of jealousy. You never flirted with him, then again he wasn’t sure if he did. Although the first time he called you love it was an accident and after he realized it had made you blush he kept saying it.
“How was the maze today love” he said trying to drag your attention away from Minho.
You looked up to see Newt looking at you, you smiled softly, love, you loved when he said that to you.
“Uh, you know the usual. Ran around, gathered some info.” you placed your hands on your hips still catching your breath.
“Fantastic, well I’m going to continue my rou-”
Newt was cut off by the sound of the box coming up. You all looked at each other and started to walk over. A new grennie was coming up.
You had been in the glade for over a year now, at first it was frightening. Waking up, breathing hard having no idea where you were. The sun blinding you and it was so hot your skin was already slick with sweat. The scariest part wasn't that you couldn't remember anything but the amount of boys staring down at you.
You had shoved yourself into one of the corners, when one of the boys had jumped in.
“It’s okay, I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe” the boy’s voice was smooth with an accent, somehow it felt like your heart rate slowed down a little. That was until your looked up at all the boys again.
“Where am I? Why can't I-” you started to freak out again.
He reached out a hand, “just take my hand and I'll explain everything, okay?” he smiled. Slowly and hesitantly you took his hand but from looking into the sincerity of those brown eyes you knew you'd be alright.
Now it was someone else’s turn to feel everything you had once felt, you couldn't say you were jealous. The poor kid was shaking like a leaf, not only that but Gally wasn’t too kind either.
“Alright, let's unload this box and get moving people” Gally yelled out to everyone, collective groans echoed through the air.
“Well come on, love.” Newt reached a hand up to you from inside the box helping you down.
“Thank you” you turned away from him heading towards a box so he couldn't see that his gesture made you blush.
As you helped hand boxes to gladers above, you noticed a smaller box, one you hadn't seen before. You grabbed it and handed it to Minho.
“Hey, keep that one aside for me please” you said
“Why do you get to keep it?” Minho shook the box, “what if I want it” he smirked
“Minho, if Y/n wants the box, she gets it.” Newt shot Minho a look. Minho smirked again but this time in amusement. He loved to play this game, a game called make his second in command want to kill him.
“Careful Newt…You're making it sound like Y/n gets special treatment. I wish you were as sweet to me as you are to her..” he watched carefully as Newt’s face became red. You wanted to kill Minho, he always says the dumbest things, Newt was just being nice.
Before you Newt could open his mouth, you spoke. “Yea? Well maybe if you helped out in the gardens a little Newt would be nicer.” you climbed out of the box.
“Y-Yes, Y/n’s right” Newt was still flustered, he snuck a glance at you. You didn't seem fazed at all, you grabbed your box and walked away.
“What the bloody hell was that” Newt glared at Minho.
“Hey, I'm just trying to help you” Minho threw his hands up innocently. “Put yourself out of this misery and just confess already.”
“There is nothing to confess. Y/n and I are best mates. That is all.” Newt huffed out a breath, “sneaking” a glance at you walking away. Minho rolled his eyes, hopeless. You two were hopeless.
Once you found an area in shade, you sat down and opened the box. A guitar was in it, at least from your vague memory that's what you think it was. It had to be. You continued pulling things out and a sheet of music caught your eye. As your eyes skimmed it you realized you could read it. As you flipped the page you found more but with words.
“Soldier, Poet, King” you whispered to yourself, a song? (play first 30 seconds of song)
You propped the music up against the tree and settled the guitar in your lap. You strummed the strings following the sheet, it took you some time but you felt a tune starting to come together.
You took a deep breath and decided to try to put it all together. You began to softly sing the lyrics, you were so focused on making sure it was right you didn’t hear a certain blonde boy sneaking up on you.
Newt was in awe, he was confused when he saw your h/c ponytail facing the tree with something in your lap, he had come to find you hoping to walk to dinner together. When he came to investigate he wasn't expecting to hear the soft strumming and what had to be the sweetest voice he had ever heard, memories or not.
He listened as you sang but the sound of a twig breaking called him out. You turned around startled but you smiled when you saw him.
“Newt, you startled me”
“I’m sorry about that, please don’t stop. It sounded lovely.” he smiled down at you.
You blushed and turned away, you didn't think he'd heard you singing. When you turned up to look at him again you made sure you weren't blushing anymore.
“Ah, thank you. It’s not very good but-”
“No, no. It's good, you're good..at that” Newt wanted to slam his head into the tree. With you looking up at him, he couldn't focus, you were just too pretty.
You smiled and stood up packing up the guitar and music sheets. Newt lifted the box for you as the two of you walked.
“You should play at the bonfire.” he glanced to his side.
Immediately you wanted to say no. You didn't want everyone looking at you, what if they thought it was bad or if you mess up. You only just started to learn.
Newt noticed your hesitance, “you don't have to of course but I would really like to hear the full thing.”
And just like that you knew you were going to have to play at the bonfire. If you Newt wanted to hear it, how could you say no?
“Okay. I will. For you.” you smiled at him, then started to panic realizing the “for you” part was said out loud and not just in your head. Newt’s heart started to beat faster. For him?
“Y- You did help me secure the box from Minho! Yes, the least I could do is play it for you.” you tried to cover up your slip-up. Let's just say it worked because Newt’s heart started to slow down again and maybe it cracked a little.
“Fantastic” he gave you a tight-lipped smile and opened the door for you to enter the cookhouse. Newt watches as you walk in thanking him, he took a deep breath shaking his head and walked in after you.
You had been practicing all of last night after dinner and throughout the day today after coming back from the maze. The bonfire was tonight and you were nervous. Nervous about messing up the cords or lyrics but most importantly scared to mess up in front of Newt. You knew even if you did he would probably pretend like it didn't happen because he was sweet like that but still.
“You think if you sing to the walls maybe they will let us out?” you heard Minho’s voice behind you. You groan.
“Minho! You just ruined an almost perfect rehearsal.” you put the guitar down and turned to the dark haired boy.
“How was I supposed to know it was almost perfect.” Mingo sat down next to you.
“You just are, this needs to be perfect.” you huffed running your hands through your hair.
“Perfect for everyone, or just perfect for Newt?” he grinned at you, picking up a sheet of music.
“Perfect for everyone.” you snatched the sheet out of his hand and put it back.
“You know he likes you right? Newt is one of my best friends and I'm not trying to out him but you guys need to stop torturing each other.” Minho was getting fed up with this dance you two were playing. He was tired of seeing his two best friends tear themselves apart over each other when they literally feel the same way.
Especially Newt, Minho notices the way he looks at you. His gaze was always so soft, it kinda made Minho’s heart ache. You could break the rules or murder someone and Newt would still think you were perfect.
“And you need to stop saying that and getting my hopes up. Listen Minho, I've accepted that all we will ever be is friends.”
“But Y/n-”
“What was that?” you slapped a hand on his mouth, “sorry can't hear you” you chuckled
From the corner of his eye, Minho could see Newt watching the two of you. If telling the both of you won’t do anything maybe it was time to be more aggressive he thought. Minho quickly removed the guitar from your lap and jumped on.
“Min-!” you erupted into giggles, “what are you do-” he then started to tickle you
“Sorry? I can't hear you, what was that?” he continued his attack until one hard knee to his stomach knocked over. You both laid on the grass laughing, Minho picked up his head and glanced over at Newt. The expression on that boys face that pricless.
Newt watched when Minho jumped on you, he first took a step forward dropping his tool ready to arrive at your defense but the sound of you laughing stopped him. He took a deep breath and picked up the tool again squeezing his fist around it.
He tried to fight the jealousy eating at his chest but he couldn't. He wished it was him rolling around with you in the grass and then he blushed imagining it. He looked up again to see you leaning over Minho, eyes firey playfully yelling at him. The feeling threatened to overtake him again but he was being silly. It was just Minho, he knew how Newt felt about you, it was fine. Newt shook his head and continued his work.
The glade was buzzing because of the bonfire. It was the best time, everyone got to relax and drink some of Gally’s awful but effective drink. After Minho left you were able to practice more and focused on the parts you struggled with. The sun was dropping and the darker it got the more nervous you became
The bonfire was in full effect. Everyone was yelling, wrestling, and overall just having a good time. About half way through the night you finally came out from hiding and walked toward Minho and Newt.
“Finally ready?” Minho laughed and started to raise his glass.
You snatched his full glass out of his hand and before he could protest you chugged it. With a hiss, you handed Minho back his drink. Newt and Minho’s jaws dropped, you weren't opposed to drinking and there were nights Newt had to carry you back to your hammock. But you chugging? That meant you really must be nervous and getting very drunk tonight, which was the plan.
“Y/n-” before Newt could finish his sentence you finished his almost empty drink.
“Okay. Now I'm ready.” you grinned and grabbed your guitar and music sheets. You walked over to Alby and whispered to him.
“Everyone! Tonight Y/n has a special surprise for us!”
Everyone cheered, already drunk but also excited to see what you were up to. Newt clapped and felt a wave of nerves pass through him. He wasn't even performing but he just wanted you to do well.
“This came up in the box the other day…and I realized I knew how to play. So I hope you guys enjoy!” you yelled, the liquor definitely playing a part in your confidence. (start the song)
You started the strum the guitar and you looked up when Minho started to clap on beat like you practiced. Everyone started to clap and your adrenaline soared. You started to sing, at first, it was quiet just the clapping, you looked up, did you sound bad? Your eyes caught Newts.
He had this look in his eyes you couldn't decipher but he nodded at you and gave you a small smile, encouraging you to keep going.
Finally it seemed like the boys broke out of the trance and starting cheering loudly. You started moving around singing to boys in front of you and the longer you sang the more passionate you got. Even making them sing the chorus, “oh lei, oh lai, oh lord” echoed throughout the glade.
Minho laughed clenching his stomach, “oh god, the liquor is hitting her hard.” and he was right Newt looked back at you and were jumping around now hair everywhere.
You had finally made your way toward Minho and Newt. Singing at Minho and dancing around him, when the Poet part came up you stood right in front of Newt looking him straight in the eye. Nest held your gaze completely mesmerized by you. Hair everywhere, a light sheen of sweat on your chest, and the fire dancing across your skin. When you grinned at him Newt felt his heart stop. He felt like every fiber of his body was awake, in that moment he wanted nothing more than to pull you in and kiss you until you were breathless.
You were pulled away by Frypan as he picked you up to put you on his shoulder. You yelled in delight and with another swig of your drink, you played the song again from the top. Cheers of delight filled the air and the clapping to keep the beat continued.
Nest smiled and also took a sip of his drink. You looked so happy, so he was happy. He couldn't take his eyes off you, you looked so beautiful. It made his heart ache, he just wanted to hold you, he wanted you to see him as more. He took a bigger swig of his drink this time.
“She’s great” Minho turned to Newt
“Are we surprised?” Nest chucked and tore his gaze off you.
“How do you feel about your special serenade” Minho’s eyebrows raised, curious to see how Newt would deny this.
“She sang to everyone it wasn't just me..” he fiddled with his drink, focused on the amber liquid.
“Mhmm, but not the Poet part… just you.” this made Newt’s eyes snap to Minho. He was right, it was just him, he shook his head. No no no.
“We're just friends Minho, she doesn't care for me like and I-” from the corner of his eye Newt could see the new greenie taking your hand. Minho smirked this has gotten interesting.
“What is he doing,” Nest spoke flatly drink clenched in his hands.
“Mm, don't know maybe dancing. Either way, you're right, you're just friends. Maybe Y/n and the Greenie are a good match” Newt's eyes flared to Minho. Minho couldn't contain his laugh.
Maybe it was the liquor or maybe it was seeing the greenie with his hands on your hips but something in Newt snapped.
After Fry put you down you placed your guitar down, and you looked to see Minho and Newt talking. He wasn't even looking at you, your drunk thoughts were getting the best of you. Maybe Minho was wrong, Newt only saw you as a friend. The greenie came up to you and you locked arms with him spinning around laughing. It was innocent, until you started to get too dizzy and needed to stop. He placed his hands on your hips.
“Are you okay?” you could feel if thumb stroking your side. Before you could respond, someone pulled his hands off.
Newt didn't know what came over him but by the time he realized what he was doing he had pushed you behind him and was holding one of the greenie’s wrists.
“Let’s try to keep our hands to ourselves greenie.”
The greenie’s eyes widened, he shook his head and scrambled away from his second in command. You were in shock, what had gotten into Newt.
“W-what was that?” you furrowed your brows, he turned to look at you, he looked mad. Did you make Newt upset?
“D-did I upset you? I'm sor-” you stammered
“No love, it's- come on” he grabbed your wrist and started to gently but firmly pull you away from the crowd. Leaving the gladers who were too drunk to realize their lead singer was being swept away.
After he felt like you were far enough Newt dropped your wrist and ran a hand threw his hair. What was he doing? How was he going to explain this, he let his jealousy get the best of him. He couldn't stand the way the greenie looked at you, he had every right to look at you that way. You were gorgeous and Newt had no real claim over you. But you were still his.
After a couple seconds of silence your patience was running thin, the liquor not helping.
“Newt? Hellooo” you sighed waiting for answers
He spun around to face you, you were standing there looking up at him, hair pulled to one side.
“I- uh.. Listen love-” you cut him off
“Newt. I'm so confused and I swear it's not just Gally’s drink. What the hell was that, one minute I’m dancing and the next you're hauling me over here?”
“Y/n I know it's o—” you cut him off again. Rambling.
“No. No this is not okay. You can't just sweep me off without an explanation”
You were upset now, upset at how handsome he was and how badly you wanted to be with him. You just wanted this ache to go away. Not only that but the mix singles were driving you crazy. Sometimes you felt like there could be more and other times it felt like it was set in stone that you’d only ever be friends.
“I can't do this anymore Newt.”
This made Newt’s blood run cold. What did you mean by that? Do this? He started to breath a little harder, did he really just mess up this bad. You two hadn't even begun a romantic relationship and he already screwed up. He grabbed your biceps that were at your sides.
“Y/n I’m sorry I didn't mean to upset you”
“Well guess what I am. I-” tears filled your eyes, you didn't want to cry but everything was feeling like too much.
Newt's heart was breaking, as soon your eyes filled with tears he swore he heard a crack in his heart. You tried to scramble out of his grasp but he held you tight. His hands moved to your face steadying you.
“Y/n I love you.”
This made you go completely still. Anger disappearing and relief flooding you. He loved you.
“I’m sorry it took this long for me to say it and that it had to come out this way but I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment you came up from that box.”
His eyes desperately searched your face looking for any sign. A sign that maybe just maybe you loved him too.
You sagged against him, your head landing on his chest, your face still cradled in his hands. He held you, confused, holding his breath waiting for an answer. Finally, what had felt like years you pulled away and looked up at him. Your hands balled up against his chest.
“Newt, I love you too.”
He felt a tear slip down onto his hand, you were crying but smiling. He looked down at your lips and then back at your eyes. You nodded your head slightly giving him permission.
Softy, he pressed his lips against yours. He pulled away smiling, you grabbed a fist full of his shirt and pulled him in again wrapping the other hand around his neck. His hands left your face and slipped down to your waist pull you closer.
“Love, you have no idea how many times I've dreamed of this,” he whispered against your mouth a small smile creeping on his lips.
You grinned as he pulled you back in for another deep kiss. You made a sound that only made him pull you closer. He couldn’t believe it, the girl he was pinning over was finally in his arms.
You felt like your head was spinning, being in Newt’s arms just felt so right. Hell you didn’t know where he learned to kiss like this but you were breathless.
“Love?” Newt spoke softy like if he spoke too loudly the trance you we’re both in might break.
“Newt” you whispered
“As much as I’m enjoying this, you’re drunk, I’m a bit drunk” he pressed his forehead against yours.
He was right. You were drunk but there wasn’t anything about this that you didn’t want. Your cheeks burned, looking around and seeing that although the two of you were alone, the bonfire wasn’t too far away. You kissed his nose, then both his cheeks.
“You’re too sweet, you know that?” You ran both your hands through his hair your forearms against his shoulders
“Only for you remember?” He winked
“Does this mean I get special treatment?” You raised an eyebrow. He grabbed your forearms and pulled you in close.
“Don’t tell Minho but you’ve always gotten special treatment.”
You laughed and pushed off him, reaching out a hand. He grabbed it and the two of you walked back to the bonfire. Immediately Minho noticed you two especially you two holding hands. He decided to keep it to himself though, pretending to not notice. Tonight was about you two.
When everyone noticed you were back they begged to play the song again. Who were you to deny them? You began to play again, looking to Newt when you sang about the Poet. It was for him. He clapped along never taking his eyes off you. How could he?
Right before the last chorus Minho grabbed the guitar from you.
“Go dance.” He pushed you toward Newt and practically jumped into his arms.
He picked you up by your waist and spun you around. Everyone kept clapping keeping the beat as Newt placed you back down and danced with you. You spun around then dipped you, you couldn’t believe when he kissed you in front of everyone. Cheers erupted.
“Newt you shank!” Galley yelled
“Sorry lads” Newt smirked
When he brought you back up you collapsed against his chest. From exhaustion, liquor and laughing, when you saw Minho looking at the two of you, you grinned at him. He shook us head and shrugged as if saying “I told you so”
That night you and Newt walked back to your hammocks holding your hand, creeping around drunken asleep boys.
“Goodnight Y/n” he pressed a kiss to lips gently
“Goodnight Newt.” You laid down and he laid down in his hammock next to yours. You tried to fight sleep but the night caught up to you.
Newt watched as you slept, he couldn’t believe it. The ache in his chest was still there but it was different. Instead of being empty it was full so full that it ached. He knew as he watched you sleep before his eyes shut that he would always be by your side. No matter what.
The end :)
I hope you guys enjoyed, it’s lowkey long and I haven’t revised it. If you see any errors please let me know and make sure you comment for more!
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chrissv4mp · 2 months
so american .🩹
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summary: you never fail to impress and surprise your british boyfriend with whatever you do, even if it's telling a simple joke.
pairing: american!fem!reader × british!guitarist!matt sturniolo
warnings: pure fluff, some vulgar language.
matt's eyes scan your face as he pulls to a stop, the light emitting a red glow that stands out in the dark of night.
you're looking out your window, enjoying the quiet of the empty streets. your hand plays with the string of matts pythia hoodie, it was both his and your favorite.
he couldn't help but admire you, not noticing the light turning green as he spoke softly, quietly, "you're so pretty wearing my clothes,"
he doesn't even know if he's talking more to you or to himself, all he knows is that he has the most beautiful girlfriend in the world.
you turn your head at the sound of his voice, accent heavy. his hand reaches up to cup your cheek, and you relax instantly at the warmth of it.
god, his hands made hell seem cold sometimes. they were always so warm, even in the winter.
your lips curve into a smile, lifting your free hand up to lay on his that was still on your cheek.
he ran his thumb along your lower lip, eyes darting between them and your eyes. you were so perfect. the definition of an all-american girl.
his tongue peeks out to lick his own lips before he begins to speak again, "but then again, you're always pretty. my pretty girl,"
his accent. you could never get tired of it, it never went unnoticed and was always so prominent.
even after all the years he's been in the U.S. it would never fade, not even in the slightest.
your cheeks turn a deep shade of pink at the compliment, moving away from his hand to hide in his hoodie and instantly missing the warmth of skin.
your hand moves to hold his, feeling his calloused fingertips on your soft skin, a reminder of his amazing talent of being able to play the electric guitar.
another thing that made him so special to you, another thing that made him, him.
sometimes you wondered if he was even real, if he was just some imaginary guy you made up in your head, or a poem that couldn't escape your mind.
you wanted to be the one to write that poem if he wasn't real. but each time he kissed you, touched you, did anything, he reminded you that he was, in fact, a real boy.
your boy.
matt drove off on the next green light, and you couldn't help but stare with adoration at the boy, he was so pretty. how was he so pretty?
your lips upturned into a smirk, tucking your hands in your pockets as you spoke, "hey, baby,"
the brunette boy hummed in response, glancing over at you before turning his attention back to the road.
"why did the chicken cross the road?" you could already see him smiling, he was so easy.
"hmm, i dunno. why?" he muttered, biting his lip to withhold the laugh he had.
you smiled wider, carefully studying his face as to not miss his reaction. you never failed to surprise matt.
"to get to the other side." you laughed. it wasn't even funny, it was just... matt.
matt smiled, his composure breaking as he burst into laughter.
your laughs became louder, his were contagious. everything about him was contagious.
once he had finally settled down, he snickered, looking over at you with a smile on his face, "god, you're so american."
that's what he always said, and it never failed to make you feel special. like you were one of a kind, like you belonged to someone.
fuck, it wasn't fair how many emotions he made you feel all at the same time. you just wanted to kiss him all over, but at the same time you wanted to fight him.
he was just so cute, you were scared something would happen to him.
he was so persuading, too. just one look at him and you'd do anything. you'd run away with him if he asked you to.
you smiled, leaning over the center console to give him a quick kiss. his lips were so soft, so puffy.
he was perfect. jesus, you just wanted to marry the guy.
"yeah, and i was just---" madi started, but you quickly interrupted her.
"oh my god, matt just bought us tickets to hawaii. holy shit!" you gasped, practically jumping up and down in excitement.
madi and nick rolled their eyes, and nick was the first to speak, "first, super rude that you just interrupted madi, and second, do you ever stop talking about matt? seriously, it's gotten to a point where it's starting to get boring."
"yeah, guys, that wasn't very nice to interrupt me like that." madi joked, her pout fake as she stared at you.
you rolled your eyes, muttering a quiet, "sorry." before letting madi speak again.
after leaving the park with nick and madi, your phone buzzed with a text from your boyfriend.
it was a picture of a book he was reading, "a good girl's guide to murder."
you smiled, his taste was amazing. in everything, really. his clothing, the books he read, whatever he ordered out at restaurants, his music.
'Also can I stay with you tonight?? I don't wanna leave just yet.'
'ofc, baby!💞'
fuck, you had work tomorrow. why'd you even say yes? you never got any sleep when matt was with you, he was always so touchy and you just couldn't resist him. he was addictive.
'I love you.'
your eyes narrowed at his words, guilt washing over you. it wasn't your fault you had commitment issues, it was your stupid ex-boyfriends.
maybe you were a little scared to say you loved other people, especially boys. boys like matt.
your eyes landed on matt, his back glistening with water as he sat at the edge of the pool, kicking his feet into it.
he tapped his fingers next to him, recreating a silent beat that was stuck in his head from earlier.
running a hand through his hair, he turned to look at you, his smile wide at just the sight of your beautiful face.
"hi," he said, awestruck as he walked over to you.
he took a seat next to yours, sitting criss-cross as he stared over at you.
"hi, baby." you smiled, leaning over to kiss him.
his hand rested on your thigh, rubbing his thumb over the smooth skin as he kissed you passionately.
he never wanted to leave your lips, the way his and yours fit so perfectly was amazing to him. it was like you were made for eachother.
your eyes landed on the sunset when you pulled back, admiring the beauty of it.
matt watched it too, barely even seeing it move as it slowly set behind the mountains. you reminded him of lots of things, the sunset being one of them.
one, because of your cheery personality, and two, because of how pretty you were. he would never understand how he got the chance to be with you.
it was a miracle, how quickly you guys just clicked. how quickly you fell for each other. he still couldn't believe it.
the brunette's eyes landed on you once again, scanning over all your features and staying on your eyes just a little longer than all the others.
you continued to stare out into the sun while matt had begun to play with the beach towel he lay on.
"matt," your soft voice broke the comfortable silence as you turned your head to face him.
you were gonna tell him, finally, how much you adored him, even if it was just a little too much just a little too soon.
"hmm?" he turned his attention back to you, propping himself up on one elbow.
your eyes couldn't decide where to stay at this moment, so they just settled for the floor.
fuck, were you even ready? you thought you were but now it seems like the entire world has their eyes on you.
"i think i'm in love," you began, muttering quietly.
matt raised an eyebrow, not quite catching what you had just said, "what was that?"
his accent slipped again, and you just couldn't take it anymore.
"i think i'm in love with you, matt." you said just a little louder than your normal tone, and the brunettes eyes went wide.
his cheeks went a light pink and his lips parted, his hand clutching the blue towel.
you exhaled, and then you spoke again, "i love you, matt."
he smiled slowly, scooting closer to you before cupping your face and kissing you lovingly.
the kiss lasted longer than he intended it to, but he wouldn't complain. i mean, you had just said you loved him for the first time.
you were the first to pull back, but matt was quick to speak, "been waiting for you to say that, darling."
you nodded in agreement, smiling shyly as you looked away, "yeah, me too."
. . .
tags: @freshloveee @333-luvsturns @junovrsmp4 @twelveozpepsi @24kmar @ryli3sworld @mattsneezing @films4sturni @55sturn @freshsturns @voidghsts @mstxrniolo @lanixsturniolo @mattsbbg @madssturniolo @chrissturnswife @heartsforchrisandmatt @sturnrc @avvkwardd @sluttformatt @stvrnslover @sturn3g1rl @iluvmattyb
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sorrowsofsilence · 5 months
Faster • Karlsson
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Pairing: Jolly Karlsson x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: Smut (18+, fingering, female!receiving), choking, derogatory term used (slut).
Prompt: you know what they say, guitarists finger faster.
Author note: I swear these got even dirtier as they went on… AWOOGA lol. But here is the last one under this prompt!! I hope you enjoyed this “mini-series” as much as I did.
Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @th4t-em0-k1d  @lans-angels @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking
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Well, you know what they say, guitarists finger faster.
You swallowed harshly as you watched Jolly’s fingers grazing across the guitar strings, your mind travelling to various unholy thoughts.
The two of you were sat in the studio, producing some solo work Jolly wanted to try doing on the side. It surprised you when Jolly asked you to join him since the two of you only become friends a few months prior due to Noah, whom you had met at a Bad Omen’s after-party and talked about producing music yourself.
You and Noah had hit it off immediately, sharing interests in curating different styles of sounds and imploring each other’s creativity. You two were so invested in the conversation you hadn’t noticed the man looming behind him who was watching you with curious eyes, until Noah turned, almost bumping into him.
“Oh! Jolly!” Noah had said, his smile wide, “This is Y/N, she’s also a producer!”
You held out your hand instinctively, not even seeing the man properly until Noah stepped away, revealing the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen.
You were ready to melt at his mysterious smile alone as he shook your hand, tattooed fingers slipping around yours enigmatically. It was your breaking point when he spoke, the deep Swede accent that left his lips had you completely captivated, ready to surrender everything to the stranger.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Joakim, but everyone calls me Jolly.” His chestnut hair was half up in a bun and half down, the scruff of facial hair carved through his features just right. Your eyes had trailed to his piercings, the cross dangling from his lobe invigorating, and the piercing of his nose sending your stomach into spirals. Any man with a pierced nose knows how to fuck.
You were hooked the moment you met him, but you remained ignorant of his feelings being reciprocated. You told yourself he could be with anyone, and that he couldn’t have any interest in you- but Jolly was fixated that very same day.
Jolly had gone home from the party with his mind dominated by your image. He was consumed by thoughts of what could be; the smile you gave him when you two parted after talking to each other for hours during the event leaving him swooning.
For months the two of you stole glances at one another, both of you smiling in greeting when you got together with the band to work on their new album. Behind each grin was a plea for one another to make a first move; the fantasy of completely devouring each other.
Jolly wanted you more than anyone he’s ever crossed paths with. He loved the way your s/c skin radiated through the sun, your perfect h/c hair accompanying your e/c eyes. He wanted all of you. Needed all of you.
The more time you spent with the boys, the more the tension would build. You would let your fingers graze across his skin when you passed each other equipment, and would purposefully wear certain clothes you knew drove him wild. You’d walk past with a sauter in your step, bending over in front of him to pick up cables or reverb pedals after a recording session.
Jolly would watch with hungry eyes as he licked his lips, readjusting himself through the pocket of his pants as his mind undressed you. He imagined bending you over the studio couch, holding back your arms as leverage to fuck you deeper and faster; touching himself over a dozen times to the thought of how good you’d feel, wrapped around himself- desperate to send you onto your knees, praying his name.
You sat across from him in the studio, sitting cross-legged on top of the leather rolly chair placed by the computer screen. You listened to Jolly’s strumming through the headphones plugged into the amp, bobbing your head to the music. Flickering your eyes to Jolly, his own were closed as he bit the inside of his cheek, focusing on the riff.
Your eyes wandered back and continued to watch as his hands danced through the harmony he created, his fingers picking through the strings with ease; your stomach spiralling with thoughts of what his fingers could do to your own body. You wanted to think about anything else, but your heart began to race, face flushing.
Jolly watched you admire his hands working along the neck of the guitar, and you didn’t know that he caught on to the effect his playing had over you. He strummed a few more cords before sighing, taking off his headphones and placing the guitar on the stand next to him.
“I don’t know if I liked the sound of that,” Jolly said, standing up. Your heart hammered as he got closer to you, staring up through your lashes towards the man towering over you as you sat below him.
“Can you play it back for me?” He asked, and you nodded quickly, swallowing away your lustful desires as he spun your chair around. You clicked your way through the computer, looking for the riff. You unplugged your headphones so you two could hear it aloud, and Jolly frowned once he listened to it back.
“No no,” he hummed, before leaning down over the back of the chair, face inches away as he placed his hand over yours on top of the mouse, “Here.”
You let out a shaky breath at the proximity, as he guided your hand to click the part he wanted to listen to.
“What?” Jolly whispered, turning to look at you now. You felt his warm breath cascade over your ear, “Are you nervous?”
Your face warmed as you turned to look at him, “no, why would I be nervous?”
He smiled, his lip finding its way between his teeth as he looked towards the computer, exiting the program.
“I’m tired of playing this game,” He said, standing back up and turning the chair around so you were facing his body, head barely above his waste line.
“Wh-what game?” You laughed nervously, but your stomach erupted into spirals of excitement.
Jolly’s hand gripped underneath your chin as he forced your gaze towards his own, holding you in place, “You want me-”
You almost choked on your saliva at his bold words, even if true.
“-And I want you.” He finished, eyes searching your face for any doubt. His grip tightened on your jaw for a moment as your chest rose heavily before he leaned forward, placing a hand on either side of the armrests of the chair. He hovered over you, waiting for an answer.
“Am I wrong?” His head cocked to the side, and your lips parted briefly, before shaking your head.
“No,” you bit the inside of your cheek, avoiding his eyes. Jolly’s heart raced when you agreed with his words, the realization that you felt the same way causing his breath to hitch.
“So kiss me,” He demanded, leaning closer towards you, noses almost touching. You looked at him now, eyes wide as your chest hammered with nerves.
“I said, kiss me,” He stated again, and you analyzed his expression, reading his stern yet titillating gaze.
You didn’t even nod before closing the gap between the two of you, Jolly sighing in complete relief as your lips met. Jolly kissed you firmly, immediately licking at your lip to open the kiss, devouring each other.
You almost began moaning into his lips as you vibrated with excitement, your ears warming through the heat of the moment.
Jolly himself had to restrain himself from taking you right then and there on the chair, ready to mercilessly pound into you with no constraint. Instead, he wrapped his fingers around your neck, pulling you to stand up beneath him, gripping your body as though he owned you.
You barely held yourself up against Jolly’s grasp, letting your own hands roam beneath his t-shirt and trail along the covered skin. His free hand ran down your back, memorizing your hips through a repetitive pattern as he reached beneath the short black skirt you wore.
Jolly’s hunger for you was lascivious, the grip on your neck proving so; but it wasn’t until he dipped beneath your collarbone, placing his tongue at your nape before licking his way up to underneath your jaw. His mouth moved against yours ruthlessly, afraid to miss any inch of your being, sucking along the spot behind your ear. A breathy laugh escaped your lips in disbelief at his yearning caress against your skin.
Your hands trailed to the waistband of Jolly’s jeans, tugging at the fabric, dipping your fingers dangerously close, before running them along the hem of his underwear, teasing him. Jolly was already hardening as your lips melted against his own, but he was no longer able to stop himself as he pulled you by the neck towards the studio sofa; famished and lewd.
The pent-up tension of the last few months eased as the two of you watched each other while he pushed you into the leather, replacing the anxiety with heated desperation.
“You have no idea how many times I have touched myself to thoughts of you,” Jolly shared a suave smile, and you grinned back, satisfied at his words.
“I’ve wanted you since the day we met,” You said as Jolly sat beside you, hands roaming over your body again. You slouched your body into the cushions, resting your heels on the edge. Jolly kissed you again, his hands wandering between your legs as he rubbed them up along your skin, clawing and squeezing before spreading your thighs apart. He lifted the fabric of your skirt, exposing your underwear. You thanked fucking god that you chose a slutty pair of lace ones this morning.
Jolly’s lips trailed down your neck as his fingers began to dance along your covered core, and you winced once they grazed over your desperation. You stared at him, pleading with him to do something, anything.
Jolly pulled your underwear to the side and he spread your arousal along your folds with the pads of his inked fingers. Your breath picked up pace as you watched how they grazed over you delicately. Jolly eventually began circling over where you craved him most, and you moaned into his lips with furrowed brows. You tried not to buck your hips for more friction.
“Please, fuck me with your fingers,” you pulled away from him, begging.
Jolly chuckled, “So that’s why you always watch the way I play guitar.”
He watched you intensely with parted lips as he teased you a moment more, before sinking his fingers through you. Jolly ravished in the moment you looked back at him through hooded eyes, succumbing to his touch.
“Fuck,” you cursed, refusing to break eye contact with Jolly as his fingers pumped in and out, curling upwards as he beckoned for you to moan.
“Say my name,” Jolly said, pushing into you with force, the speed of his fingers flicking against your spot leaving you blinded with incitement, “Who’s fucking you with their fingers? You’re going to come on them like the good little slut you are.”
“You,” You cried, holding your thighs into your chest as you exposed yourself fully, surrendering, “Jolly.”
The shit-eating grin plastered on his face said it all, pleased at your submission. Jolly’s other hand reached to stimulate the top of you for a moment, pushing your body over the edge.
You screamed as he remained fixated on your pleasure, pumping his fingers with immense speed through your orgasm until you pushed him away, catching your breath.
Jolly smiled proudly through hooded eyes, sliding his fingers along you one last time before bringing his fingers up to your lips.
“Suck,” He demanded, and you obliged, opening your mouth as he pushed his fingers towards the back of your throat. You moaned, tasting yourself against his fingers, sucking along his digits.
A guttural groan emanated from Jolly as he envisioned your lips wrapped around him, taking all he offered, saliva dripping from your tongue. He wanted nothing more than to fuck you aimlessly into his mattress, leaving you a withering mess.
“Let’s go back to my place,” Jolly said, kissing you desperately again before standing up, adjusting himself in his pants and grabbing his keys.
You stared at him, wanting to please him, “But- it’s your turn?”
Jolly gave you a low laugh, throwing his jacket over his shoulders as he pulled you up off the couch, smacking your ass to push you forward.
“Where else do you think I’m going to fuck into you senselessly?”
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Part Two ;)
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Bandit Like Me - 00
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Synopsis: You meet Ellie at her album release and she offers you her jacket.
Pairing: Rockstar!Ellie x Musician!Reader (Side Abby x Reader)
Warnings: None, really; Ellie's a slut (and southern); Reader's a slut (and southern); Reader isn't explicitly femme or masc, but I'm femme and everything I do is for myself; Eventual Smut; Joel is Super Alive
A/N: I haven't written something with a real plot that wasn't about Jennifer's Body in 5ever ! Also a transphobic radfem reblogged my last fic... terrifying. I would rather not interact with TERFs ever <3
Word Count: 1,252
On TLOU2 and Palestine
You need air- or at least, that’s what you told Abby before you rushed out onto the back patio, away from all the warm bodies, glitter, and the sounds of the world ending. It’s overwhelming being surrounded by celebrities now after all the years of shitty apartments and college parties. Now, they’re supposed to be your peers… or something like that.
You probably weren’t supposed to be here, on the guest list for one of the biggest parties of the year at Ellie’s absurd mansion- all dressed up to celebrate her. You definitely weren’t supposed to be outside, on her back patio in the cold New York air, watching her strum her guitar to herself.
You know you’re intruding, but you just can’t turn around. Not when Ellie looks so… like that with her signature guitar in her lap and her hair messily piled up on her head. She’s under-dressed in her blue jeans and wife beater. The only sign that she isn’t in the same tax bracket as you is the bright red racer jacket covering her arms. You’d seen that jacket a million times in photos. On-stage, in paparazzi photos, in music videos.
You hadn’t expected her here, outside all alone. Not when all the people worth name-dropping were inside, celebrating the release of her newest album. It seemed she was already working on the next thing. You hadn’t expected to get to speak to her either. She’d been famous since you’d been in high school- you still had her old country songs from long before she was a rockstar saved to your phone.
She must know you’re here- you didn’t make much effort to hide your arrival- but she stays focused. Her eyes are trained on her hand at the neck of the guitar, and she’s got that wrinkle between her brows like she’s doing surgery. The longer you wait, the more awkward you feel.
“Now, what would your daddy say if he saw you right now?” You manage a bit of confidence as you take a few steps toward where she’s seated, legs crossed on the concrete. It feels like a safe enough topic; something you could talk about for a while.
She chuckles, already back to being the impossibly charming star she was back inside. She flirts the same way that she breathes- instinctually, “What if I told you that he taught me everything I know?”
The answer? You wouldn’t be surprised. You’d grown up listening to Joel’s music with your parents, and you could hear bits and pieces of him all over her music. There were touches of him in your own work too. You still idolized him- had nearly choked on your drink when you saw him inside.
“About guitar,” you murmur, already melting into her, “or women?”
“Both, but there was only so much he could tell me about guitar,” she jokes. She finally looks up from her guitar, green eyes intense as she watches you squirm in front of her, “Did he see me leave?”
You shrug in response, your arms wrapped around you as you realize how cold it is. You can feel the goosebumps along your arms, and you’re starting to really regret your outfit choice, “I couldn’t say. He looked pretty relaxed the last time I saw him.”
She starts strumming again, something familiar- you recognize it from one of her first albums. It felt like those albums were a lifetime ago, but you remember listening to her debut when you were still in high school. She was only a couple of years older than you, but it seemed she was speaking right to you. You’d recognize those first tracks any day. Her strumming stopped again when you shivered and breathed into the cold air.
“Take my jacket,” she placed her guitar aside gently and began to remove the expensive leather for you, “Joel’d be pissed if I let you freeze out here, sugar.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t,” you protest, finally sitting next to her but certainly keeping your distance. You weren’t here to get starstruck and fall hopelessly in love with your seventeen-year-old self’s crush. You were supposed to be getting fresh air. You’d already promised Abby that you wouldn’t get into trouble tonight.
“You could,” she shoved the jacket toward you, “And you should.”
You push her hand back toward her, “Ellie, I know better.”
The smirk on her face doesn’t let up as she drawls, “You’re really hurting my ego here.”
“One second I’m in your jacket, the next I’m in your bed. I know how you are.”
“I’ve heard similar stories about you,” Ellie placed her jacket in front of you and crossed her arms, celebrating her minor victory as you picked it up and used it to cover your legs, “You don’t have to hop in my bed for it, I promise. I’m still a gentleman. Just don’t tell your girlfriend.”
“I’m sure she won’t mind. She’s a big fan,” You wink. ‘Fan’ might be a strong word here, but so was ‘girlfriend.’ What you and Abby had was something in between that. You looked good together, and you had fun. You tried not to think too much about Ellie knowing anything about your love life.
She reached for her guitar again with a laugh, “Yeah, I’m sure.”
You watched as she stood to leave, seemingly pleased with that being the end of your interaction. You stood awkwardly and called her name, folding her jacket over your arm. She only turned back around to you when she reached the door back into her house, “Your jacket?”
And god, you want to push her for how cocky she looks as she turns on her heel to grin at you, “Don’t worry, I’ll take it back once I’ve seen you in it.”
The moment she’s inside, the whole interaction feels fake. The only evidence you have of the moment is the red leather covering your arm, and you feel like a ridiculous teenager as you bring it to your nose to take in her scent. It smells earthy and expensive and now you’re certain you were smart not to put it on. If you had kept bantering with her, surrounded by her scent like this, you would be in trouble.
You stay outside, thinking about the feeling of being with Ellie for a little longer before heading back in to find Abby. She lights up when she sees you, her large arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you in like you really do belong to her. She’s warm against you, and when she gives you your personal space back, she has confusion contorting her face as she stares at the leather folded over your arm, “That’s new.”
“Yeah,” you attempt to shrug off the edge in her voice, “I ran into Ellie Williams outside and it was cold so she-”
“She left her own party to sit outside and wait for a pretty girl to need a jacket?” She murmurs into your ear, pulling you back into her. You can already tell she’s preparing to make this a thing.
You frown up at her, “She was working on a song or something. I interrupted her and she was really nice about it.”
“I’m sure she was.”
“Oh, stop it,” you hook your free arm around her neck, “She knew I came with you.”
That makes the corners of her mouth perk up. She presses a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth before responding, “Good.”
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Housekeeping: Dividers again by @saradika ; pinterest board that got me here ; As always, I'm a black femme lesbian and that's my truth
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
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🎶 The night he died, my dad had a dream 🎶
Antoine got home just before midnight, a rare occurrence for him since moving to Strangerville. He had sat with Abe for hours after he took the guitar from him, using rolled tobacco and caffeine to try and ignore the humming that was coming from inside of it even as they talked. He had told himself that he had accepted it for Abe; but he wouldn’t play it. It belonged to another man, and whatever story was inside of it wasn’t his to tell. 
Still the moment he got into his own home, now grown dark and quiet as his family had long been asleep, he could still hear it humming. Constantly and consistently, it begged simply to be heard again. He collapsed onto the couch, unwilling to touch the strings but unable to part from it in any way. As he laid it across his lap, his hands hovered near the body so that he wouldn't accidentally draw a single sound from it; because if it did, he knew that it would sound like pain and shared memories that weighed on him at all times.
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Unbeknownst to him, Zelda had walked silently down the stairs behind him. She was never able to sleep when he wasn’t there, no matter how exhausting the day might have been. So when she heard his boots in the kitchen she had put her book aside and gone to find him.
Now she stood in the archway as he looked down, seemingly lost in a sight she couldn’t see. She called his name quietly, so as not to startle him, but loud enough so that he turned around. Only even as he looked at her, his eyes were glassy as though trapped in a reverie, and the relief he might have felt seeing her never quite reached his face.
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She walked nearer, albeit cautiously, uncertain what had happened or how the guitar she could now see in his lap had gotten there. As she approached, his posture grew more inviting, as though her nearness alone made her more real than whatever reverie was occupying his mind. He moved aside slightly, carefully shifting the guitar as he invited her onto the couch next to him.
Her calm silence seemed to have some effect on him, and he reached one finger out toward the neck of the guitar. Still he avoided the strings, running it up and down the wood grain on the side as he told her everything that Abe had explained to him, about his grandfather and his father, about Chicago and what had happened to the man who had once played the instrument.
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As he finished she looked down at it as well, as though she could very clearly see the spirit that haunted Antoine’s mind and inhabited the hollow body of the guitar between them. She reached her hand out and looked toward Antoine before bringing it down, “May I?”
He shook his head yes, although he was unsure if even he had the authority to touch it either, and they both lapsed into silence. Her touch on the shining metal strings was so soft that it barely made a sound, much like her low hum when she sometimes still sang to herself in the fields. She moved her hand down onto the base of the guitar and it let out something that was almost like a soft sigh. Sadly, she laid her palm onto the wood and let it fall back into the quiet state it had been in a moment before.
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Then she moved her hand back along the strings and he realized that she was humming in tune with them, singing in the soft but immensely sad way without barely making a sound like only she could. 
When she finally spoke it was low, and almost mournful. “What was done to him was horrible, and for that I am so sorry,” her voice paused as she reached the top of the handle, stopping there as though in memory before her hand trailed back down to the base, “But I know that’s not the only thing in here, because you don’t make music only out of pain, you make it out of love too. Out of all the joy and memory that flows alongside the pain. He played to feel it all, to move through it and past it and to make sure others could feel it too, so that even if you don’t speak it, you’re not alone.”
Then she took his hand carefully, holding it tenderly above the strings, “The same way I know you did.”
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She turned his hand over in hers, running her thumb along the inside of his palm before flipping it back toward the guitar again. The echoing vibrations that had been coming from them seconds before ceased just as her hums did, as though they were both leaving a quiet space for Antoine to move into as she brought his hand down onto the weathered wood.
She left her own hand atop his for a moment, just so that he knew she would stay there for as long as he needed. When he made no move to pull away from the strings that he had been avoiding so diligently before, she slowly brought her hand to his face and her forehead to his.
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They stayed that way for a moment, always able to better sense what the other was feeling without speaking. Antoine’s other hand met Zelda’s on his face, and with a small smile she noticed that the other remained on the guitar.
She moved to stand, understanding when he needed to be alone, and brought her lips to his forehead before looking into his eyes to be sure that he would be okay. Then she treaded out as silently as she had entered, pausing in the doorway as he slowly picked up the guitar from his lap. She stood there to look back at him for a moment, knowing that he was once again trapped in a reverie and wouldn’t notice her presence.
Just before she turned he brought his hands down onto the strings, moving them so that by the time she walked away soft sounds had already begun to follow her back up the stairs. By the time she reached the top they were coming quietly but quickly, and she paused once more to listen to them. It the first music he had played in almost four years.
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eddiemunsonswhxre · 2 years
Could you do an Eddie Munson x reader where the reader is cleaning Eddie’s room or something and accidentally damages his guitar (whether it be something small like a scratch or something big) and Eddie, obviously, finds out. maybe it be both angst and fluff?
here's a little something :) (i cried while writing this... hormones need to go away)
accidents happen / eddie munson
one shot
cw: worried reader, swearing, angst to fluff
you didn't mean to chip eddie's guitar, and now that you had you were terrified.
you sat with your hand clasped over you mouth as you look at the guitar on the ground. you had taken it down to clean his window and laid it on his bed. you didn't put it back far enough and bumped into it, causing it to fall onto the ground. it had chipped one of the edges and you were so scared you may have damaged it more; that maybe it wouldn't work now.
you were just trying to be a good girlfriend and clean up his room a little since he had been so stressed out recently. he'd gotten a real job and his coworkers weren't the nicest to him. he barely had motivation to do anything but work and practice or perform. his room wasn't disgusting, but you knew you always felt better in a clean room so you figured he might as well.
but you had just damaged his guitar. his sweetheart. his literal everything. he spent so much money on it, saved up for over a year, and you were 100% sure he loved it more than you. and you just put a chip in it. you cursed yourself as you picked it up and put it back on his freshly made bed. your eyes watered as you thought of how mad it would make him and how much money it would cost for a new one. you didn't have that kind of money right now, and it made you want to sob.
how were you going to tell him you'd damaged his baby? that there might be more problems to it that just a (very obvious) chip in it? the thought made you want to vomit as you began chewing on your nails. eddie was going to be home from work any minute, hence your rushing to finish cleaning, and he was already going to be in a bad mood. this was going to ruin his week. you began pacing back and forth, tears threatening to well up in your eyes as you tried to think of how to explain this to him.
your time to think was cut very short when you heard the door to his trailer open and your heart dropped. was this going to end your relationship? by the sound of his heavy footsteps and a grunt of annoyance, it was obvious he was already pissed off. you heard him pause in his doorway, and slowly turned around to look at him. he wasn't expecting you to be here, not that he minded. he looked from you around his room, his eyes finally falling on his guitar.
"babe, why's my guitar down?" he asks curiously, walking over to it. you bite your lip, trying to think of something to spit out but he freezes and you know he's seen it. "what the fuck?" he asks, anger already infiltrating his voice. you freeze as he picks up the guitar to inspect the chip. "what did you do?" he booms, causing you to shrink back.
you look at his eyes, staring at you with pure anger as he waited for a response. "i-it was an accident," you stutter, fearing his reaction.
he glares are you looking back to it. "what the fuck, y/n? are you serious right now?" his voice raises.
"i'm sorry, i-i was just trying to clean and i bumped into-"
"it better fucking work, you know how fragile this is," he glares at you, shoving past you and stomping to his amp and speakers. you stumble back from the force and turn to him.
he begins plugging things in, and you can feel the rage emitting from him. "i know, i-i can buy you a new one, um i just need-" you start and eddie turns to glare at you once again.
he huffs, looking at you with the most disgust you'd ever seen. "you do know this was five hundred fucking dollars, right?" he spits, turning back to continue hooking it up.
your lip trembles as you wait in anticipation. "y-yeah, uh, i-i'll find it. i promise, baby- i'm so sorry," you say, feeling the lump build in your throat. he strums it, sighing in relief when it works, realizing it was only out of tune.
"you're lucky it still works," he grumbles, unhooking it and taking it back to where it was supposed to be.
he refuses to look at you as he brushes past you. "eddie, i didn't mean to," you whisper, your eyes going blurry.
he starts taking off his work shoes, kicking them off so they slam into the wall. "yeah? well, maybe you just shouldn't touch my shit," he growls, untucking his shirt from his pants.
a couple tears fall from your eyes as you hiccup over the lump. "i was just trying to hel-" you try to explain but eddie's head snaps up to you.
"well, you obviously didn't, did you?" he sneers, causing you to whimper. he looks back down, ignoring you. "i didn't ask for your goddamn help. jesus h christ. now, i gotta get her fixed and everyone and their mother knows i don't have the money for that," he begins rambling to himself as he takes off his dirty shirt and throws it on the floor and beginning to undo his belt.
you feel a sob bubbling in your chest, but swallow to keep it down. "i didn't mean to," you whimper.
"i don't even want to look at you right now," he mutters, anger still radiating off him. you let out a quiet sob, muffling it with your hand before nodding.
you watch him as he changes into a pair of sweatpants, hoping he'll say something else but he doesn't. "i'm really sorry, i-i didn't mean for it to-to fall. i shouldn't have touched it, i kn-know it's like your everything an-and i shouldn't have even gone near it. i know how much you love it, and i-i i'm gonna go home and let you be. i'll get you the money for it, promise. i'm sorry i made you mad, um i understand if you- if you wanna break up," you choke out, quickly walking out of his room and grabbing your keys from his dresser. you start slipping on your shoes as eddie looks up.
did you really think he'd want to break up over the guitar? he sighs and walks out of his room after you. "y/n, stop," he says, letting the anger filter out of his body. you look up at him cautiously and he sees the tears streaming down your face, eyes red and puffy as broken little cries left your lips and you sniffled. his heart pings with pain at the sight of you and his face covers with worry. he didn't mean to make you so sad. "c'mere, baby," he mumbles, grabbing your shoulder and twisting you to face him.
his strong arms wrap around your frame as you cry into his chest, fists pressing against him instead of wrapping around him. "i'm so sorry," you whimper, your tears wetting his skin. he rocks you back and forth, placing one hand on your head to tuck it under his own.
"i know, baby. it's okay, calm down. it's just a guitar," he soothes, mad at himself for freaking out in the first place.
you shake your head no and let out a small sob. "it's not though, you-you love it, it's like your world," you cry.
eddie places a kiss to the crown of your head and shakes his. "no, baby. you're my world," he coos, guilt eating at him.
you pull back to look at him, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "re-really?" you ask and eddie furrows his brows.
he smooths your hair back from your face, frown deepening as he feels how warm your face is. "yeah? what, you think i love that guitar more than you?" he asks as a joke, giving you a smile to try and lighten the mood. but when all you do is sniffle and look at him with tear filled eyes his heart falls through his stomach. his face drops as he accesses your expression. "oh no, baby, you do?" he asks, the pitch of his voice raising in worry.
you nod slowly, looking down. "you-you've said it before, and i- well, you do act like it," you say in an embarrassed tone, trying to pull away from him. eddie pulls you harshly back to his chest and begins rubbing your back.
"no, no, darling i was just joking. i'm sorry i made you feel like that. you matter so much more to me, i love you. please, stop crying, i'm not upset anymore," he says, trying his best to reassure you. "baby, you are my world. i don't want you to think any different," he murmurs, burying his face in your hair.
you nod, trying to calm yourself down a bit. "m'sorry about your guitar," you mumble, causing him to scoff.
"forget the guitar, i'm over it," he shushes you. "will you come cuddle with me, baby?" he asks, pulling you back to look at your face. you nod slowly, setting your keys on the kitchen counter and following him to his room again.
he climbs on the bed, guiding you by your hand to crawl into his lap. you straddle him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and laying your head on his chest. he secures his arms around your back and places a kiss on your head. "love you," you mumble, feeling yourself calm in his embrace.
"i love you more," eddie whispers, nuzzling his cheek against your head. he looks around his room, finally taking in the new state of it. "thank you for cleaning up for me," he says, rubbing his thumb along your spine. you give him a small nod but keep quiet.
eddie's eyes linger on the guitar, his mind replaying his reaction to it. he hated how he went straight to yelling at you, he knew you'd never mean to do something like that. he sighed, holding you tighter as he thought of ways to show you how much he really loved you.
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elizabethwritesmen · 7 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 1 - i remember everything
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pairing: firefighter!steve x reader
summary: in high school, steve and y/n were the best of friends. now, she’s moved back to hawkins, and he hasn’t seen her since her graduation 7 years before.
warnings: smut to come in later chapters.
a/n: this is a christmas fic, split into parts. this part does not mention christmas because it is not christmas time yet. also, steve is 28 and reader is 25. this fic is basically a hallmark script but make it sexy and angsty. italics paragraphs are flashbacks. all parts will be out by december 25.
chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
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I remembered everything.
The bumps in the driveway that tousled my car like a carnival ride. The sparkling lake glistening with the sun’s reflection, reminiscent of all the times I snuck out there with my friends for a swim in high school. The beautiful cabin, two story but still small and cozy, haunted by all the scary stories that were told in it by high school students goofing off because they didn’t know what real life was.
The crack in the window where Robin tripped and fell into it that never got fixed because we never told my parents.
The guitar picks Eddie left all over the place, never remembering to take them home with him.
The small stain on the carpet from where the kids spilled a beer they’d stolen.
The huge tree by the water with Steve’s name carved into it, right next to mine, and a poorly shaped heart scribbled beside them.
Yes, I remembered everything.
I sighed as I unpacked my boxes, putting things away where I thought they should go. I never thought I’d be back in Hawkins, and I hadn’t yet decided how I felt about it, but the cards were dealt to me so I had to play them. It wasn’t so bad, though. I moved away less than a week after I graduated high school thinking that if I went to college in another state and started a new life, I could get away scott free from the things that were weighing on me. But it doesn’t work that way. You never get away from matters of the heart. They stay, and stay, and stay.
I stopped abruptly when I heard a knock at the door, going to check it and seeing Robin standing on the porch. I opened it quickly, “Rob!” I exclaimed as I pulled her into a hug. She squeezed me back with just as much force.
“You’re really back,” she sighed, “Your mom told me you’d be here and I was worried it wasn’t true!”
“Well here I am,” I giggled, pulling away reluctantly and letting her in. She walked with me to the dining room table where I had my things laid out and started helping me put them away.
“So how was Florida?” She asked.
“Hot,” I blandly offered, and she laughed.
“Seriously. You disappear the day you graduate and I hear from you maybe four times before we lose touch. I wanna know everything!”
I sighed, pausing for a moment, “I’m sorry about that, Robin. I didn’t mean to disappear on you, you know you’re one of the best friends I’ll ever have and I love you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to apologize to me, honey. I was never mad at you, but only because I understood why you left. Steve and Eddie, though… they went through it for the first year you were gone. Don’t even get me started on the kids.”
“Eddie understood, I know he did. He knew I was leaving, he was the only person I told because he caught me talking about my plane ticket on the phone. And the kids would never have understood, they were too young. Just needing to get out for a while would’ve sounded like a lame excuse to them.”
“But you didn’t just need to get out for a while, you needed to get away from Steve for a while”
“That’s not the only reason.”
“But it was a reason. Right?”
Hesitantly and carefully, I answered her, “Yes. It was. I couldn’t keep letting him break my heart. I needed space.”
“You couldn’t have found space in Hawkins? You had to leave?”
“There was no space in Hawkins. Wherever I went, he found me. He never left me alone. Even when I asked him to.”
“Because he loved you.”
“But it wasn’t enough,” I sighed exasperatedly, “Can we talk about something else?”
“Of course,” she smiled, “We’ll discuss Steve more later.”
“No we won’t,” I rolled my eyes, tossing a trinket from one of the boxes at her. She dodged it with a laugh, carrying on the conversation.
“Really though, how was Florida?”
“It was good. I dunno, I don’t think I fit in there.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m not all beachy and outgoing like most people there were. But they were all super nice anyway. I made some friends at the college I went to, but I didn’t stay close to any of them after I graduated and started working.”
“Is that why you moved back? Cause you had no friends?”
“Robin!” I scolded, mouth dropping open. She laughed again, lighting up the room. “I did have friends, I’m just not a very social person!”
“Then why did you move back?”
I shrugged, “Florida isn’t the place for me, but I don’t know where is, so my mom suggested I move back here in the mean time.”
“And she’s just, like, letting you live in the cabin?”
“Yeah. I mean, they didn’t pay for it, and I’ve spent more time here than they have anyway. When my grandpa left it to them, they thought it was more of an extra bill than a vacation house. That’s why they’re gonna put it in my name if I decide to stay.”
“What?” she squealed, her eyes going wide as saucers, “So you could be little miss homeowner! That’s amazing! As bad as the economy is, I’d take that deal in a heartbeat!”
“I know, I know. I’m thinking about it. It is nice to be around family again. And you.”
“Just wait til you see the others. They’re gonna be SO excited you’re back! As a matter of fact why don’t we have them over here for a little reunion?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Do you even still hang out with them?”
“Eddie and Steve, yeah. We’re all still pretty close. The kids are all kinda doing their own thing now, but we still see each other a lot too, around town and such. And we still have a group chat, we just don’t send much but dumb memes in it.”
“Damn, Rob. Thanks for including me in this group chat!” I huffed, smacking her arm jokingly.
“You left, you gave up your groupchat rights!”
We laughed together and talked some more as we finished unpacking my boxes. I didn’t have much, no furniture or anything because the cabin was already completely furnished. My grandpa had impeccable taste, everything was extremely elegant while also being perfectly warm and rustic.
“Okay,” she sighed after we threw away the last piece of cardboard, “It’s dark now so I should probably get home, but let’s hang out again tomorrow! Come up to town! I opened up a music shop, you can come see!”
“That’s amazing! I’d love to come see!”
And with that, she was off. I breathed in a deep sigh, a smile on my face as I fell onto the couch and turned the TV on. It was nice to have Robin again. I was impressed with how quickly and swiftly we fell into old habits, gossiping and chatting like no time had passed and we were still just two kids. The person I was nervous to see again was Steve.
The next day, I woke up and showered, preparing myself to go to town. I needed to pick up groceries, and I also wanted to stop by Robin’s music shop, excited to see her hard work paid off.
I slipped on a pair of running shorts and a crop top, throwing a loose cardigan on over it and slipping into a pair of tennis shoes. My hair was curled and I had on light makeup. I felt pretty, but not overdone. I wanted to at least look decent enough that, if I ran into someone I knew, I wouldn’t be mortified.
The grocery store was desolate as I pulled into the parking lot, only a few cars in the spaces and a firetruck parked by the door. I supposed public servants do need to shop, too. I wondered if it was someone I knew, I remember my dad was friends with some of the town’s firemen when I was younger, but I shrugged it off, wanting to get in and out hassle free.
As soon as I walked in the door, though, I was greeted with a high pitched voice, “Y/N?”
I turned to see who it belonged to and was delighted to see Max, behind one of the registers wearing a store polo.
“Hey!” I grinned wide, rushing over to her and going in for a hug. She’d been like a little sister when I’d lived in Hawkins before, and I had to admit, I missed her while I was gone.
“What’re you doing here?” she asked, leaning back to stare at me, “I haven’t seen you in like… five years!”
“I know, I know. I moved back!”
“What? Like forever?” she asked, hope creeping into her voice.
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet. But definitely for a while. What about you? How long have you been working here?”
“Two years now. Dustin works here, too, but he’s off today.”
“That’s a shame. I’ll have to come back when he’s here and see him!”
“Oh, you should see everyone! We’ve all missed you so much! Even the ones of us that won’t admit it,” she giggled with an eye roll, “Mike has always been stubborn and dumb.”
“Well that’s okay,” I hummed, “I’m here now, so it’s all okay.”
“Yeah, but next time you leave, can you warn a girl first? I missed you a lot!”
“I know, I’m sorry. Scouts honor, next time I’ll shove you in my suitcase and bring you with me.”
“Perfect,” she beamed, her teeth as pearly white as always. She looked older, and she’d grown up beautifully. I didn’t know if she was still with Lucas, but if so, he was lucky.
I let go of her, getting started on my shopping. I didn’t get much, just the basics, and a few minutes later I was done and ready to check out. I wasn’t paying attention and accidentally bumped into the guy in front of me in line.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” I rushed out as I pulled my cart away gently. He turned around and my mouth fell open as I recognized his pretty face.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice steady but his face gave him away. He was in utter shock.
“Steve,” I offered back, staring at him, waiting for what he had to say.
Max interrupted the short awkward silence, “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Y/N’s back.”
He sent her a glare then turned back to me, scanning over me, settling on all the parts of me that had changed. I’d filled out more, and I could tell he noticed. I could tell he appreciated it.
I scanned over him as well, taking note of his khakis and the Hawkins Fire Dept T shirt he wore. So the truck was his. Interesting. He looked good, better than ever. He was more chiseled than I remembered, and it worked for him, from his head to his toes. And his hair was as iconic as always.
“Why’re you back?” he asked me, his voice devoid of much emotion.
“Just wanted to come back for a while.”
“A while? So not forever?”
“I dunno, Steve. I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I breathed out a laugh.
“You never did.”
My eyes dropped, shame creeping in. “I’m sorry for how I left, Steve. I just had to go.”
“Yeah,” he deadpanned, “It’s fine. Is what it is. It’s your business anyway.”
“Steve, please don’t do that,” I sighed.
“Do what?”
“That thing you always do where you pretend you’re not hurt.”
“I’m not. I might’ve been seven years ago, but I’ve had a lot of time for that wound to close, Y/N.”
“So you’re not happy to see me at all?”
“Not as happy as I would’ve been to see you on my doorstep that day.”
I knew exactly what day he was talking about. It was the Saturday, two weeks after I graduated. He’d asked me a month in advance to come over, and I agreed, not even thinking about the fact that I was leaving. He’d consistently asked me for reassurance that I would be there, and every time I promised I would. But I wasn’t.
“I’m just so sorry Stevie. I can’t even tell you how sorry I am. Of all the people I hurt, I regret hurting you the most.”
“It’s fine. Like I said, seven years,” he shrugged, grabbing his receipt from Max and walking out. I watched him go, dejected, melancholy overtaking me.
“You ok? That was rough to watch,” Max gave me a sympathetic look and I forced a smile.
“I’m good, Maxy. Like he said. Seven years.”
She stared at me for a moment, as if she was deciding what to say, an internal battle behind her eyes. “He had a party planned for you that day.”
“Yeah. With me and the other guys and Robin and everybody. He was so excited, he never shut up about it. Then he found out you left and cancelled. He hasn’t really been the same since.”
“How’d he find out I left?”
“Your dad told him. He went over to see you and you weren’t there.”
I sighed, my eyes welling up. I couldn’t believe I’d screwed up that badly. All I wanted was a getaway, I never knew I’d be hurting so many people. I never knew he cared so much.
“Max, I-“
“Was in love with him. I know. Everybody knows. That’s why we didn’t understand why you left.”
“He wanted girl after girl after girl. And it was never me. I was never his type. I needed to get away to get over him or I was gonna live a life full of heartbreak and disappointment. But now I see how selfish that was.”
“It wasn’t selfish. Just not well thought out. Have you at least gotten over him?”
“I thought so, til I saw him look at me like that.”
I finished checking out and promised Max I’d be back in to see her, then headed to the music store. The exterior was nice. It was a painted brick building, colorful and bright. There was a huge mural on the side of it, and I knew it was all Robin’s doing because I remembered that particular building being boring and run down before I left.
I walked inside, looking around to see the inside was just as amazing. I was honestly impressed with how well she’d done everything, from organizing to decorating.
“Rob, this is awesome!” I exclaimed as I walked up to the counter. She’d been looking down, doing some kind of paperwork, but when she looked up and saw me she put it down and ran around the counter.
“You really came!”
“Of course I came, have I ever let you down?” I asked, laughing, then added, “Well, other than that one time.”
“You’re right. You did always used to come through. I don’t think you ever missed anything.”
“And I definitely wouldn’t miss this! If I’d known you opened it, I would’ve been here that day to watch you cut the ribbon or whatever!”
“Oh, it’s okay, it wasn’t that big of a ceremony. You know nothing is big in Hawkins unless you’re rich. But I get good business and I’ve kept the doors open. Plus, all the high school girls like to take pictures in front of the mural outside for their instagrams, and that’s actually drummed up a lot of business.”
“I’d imagine so. Show me around?”
She took me to the instruments section, explaining why she’d organized it the way she had and how it made the most sense. Then we wandered to the sheet music, and then to the records. Finally, we hit the cds and a little caddy full of Apple, Spotify, Iheartradio and Youtube gift cards. She also had a small section with assorted local snacks.
“This is great, really,” I smiled, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Well, I actually got the idea from you,” she nonchalantly shrugged.
“When?” I furrowed my brows and asked.
“One time, I was talking to you about how I’m just a band geek and you told me band geeks make it far in life. You suggested I either get famous or open up a huge store full of band stuff and make tons of money. You really thought I had it in me to do both.”
“You did have it in you. You could be in a real band right now if you wanted.”
She full on belly laughed, waving the thought off. “Whatever. Change of subject, I heard you saw Steve.”
“Heard from who?”
“From Steve. He called me mad because I didn’t tell him you were home.”
“Why was he so mad?”
“Well, he’ll say it’s because he just wasn’t expecting to see you and would be happy if you’d have just stayed gone. But I know it’s because he does want you here, more than anything, and all his old feelings are coming back, and he would’ve liked some wanting before seeing your face in the middle of the grocery store after seven years.”
“It wasn’t the middle of the grocery store,” I rolled my eyes, “It was the front. And he was not happy to see me, sorry to be the one to burst your bubble. Old feelings can’t come up if there weren’t any in the first place, Im just a girl he used to be friends with.”
“It was always more with you and Steve,” she shrugged, “Everyone else saw it.”
“If I’d known he planned a party for me, I would’ve been there that day.”
“I know. And he knew, too. That’s why he told us to never tell you. He didn’t want you to feel guilty, and he didn’t want you to have to come back just for him.”
I sighed, feeling even worse than I did when Steve was staring at me with that look in his eyes. I knew him, I knew his faces, and I knew what he looked like when he was hurt. I really did a number on him.
“I don’t know if I can make this one better, Rob.”
“You can. He’ll get over his anger, I promise. The way he felt about you doesn’t just go away, he has a big ol’ soft spot for you. There’s nothing he could ever hold against you, not even this.”
I nodded with yet another sigh, “Anyways, what about you? Any ladies on the roster?”
She looked shocked I’d asked, “Bold aren’t you?”
“Always have been!”
She proceeded to tell me about all the girls she’d been interested in, and all the ones she’d dated since I left. It was nice to see her so comfortable with herself, and it was even nicer to hear that she’d gotten some really cool girlfriends.
“So who are you dating now?” I asked, leaning on the counter, fully intrigued.
“Well, there’s this lady, Shelly. She sold me this building. She’s older than me, but goodness, what I wouldn’t do to -“
“You don’t have to continue that,” I giggled, “I catch your drift. Is she into you?”
“Well… she’s recently divorced from a man, but sometimes she flirts like she’s curious or something.”
“Maybe she is. Maybe she wants to taste your cherry chapstick,” I stuck my tongue at her jokingly.
We were interrupted by the bell above the door, and I turned to see Steve walking in, Eddie on his tail wearing the exact same uniform.
“Oh,” he stared blankly when he saw me, “I’ll come back later.”
“No,” I stopped him, “If me being here is that big of a deal then I’ll go.”
Robin scoffed, “Neither of you idiots are going anywhere. We’re all friends here.”
“It’s ok Rob,” I sighed, “Really, I’m fine with leaving.”
“Steve, she doesn’t have to leave, man. We’re not gonna be here long, and she’s not hurting anybody,” Eddie put in his two cents, and I smiled.
“Hey Eddie,” I walked over to him and he opened his arms wide for a hug.
“Hey Y/N. I’ve missed you.”
“Missed you more,” I poked him as I pulled away, taking in his short hair and muscles more formed than I’d ever seen them. “Fire department make you chop your curls off?”
“It’s a nice look,” I shrugged, “Very handsome and mature.”
Steve cleared his throat and we turned to him. “Relax,” Eddie sighed, “We’re not flirting, bro. That’s what you guys do.”
Steve blushed. He couldn’t stop himself. “Give it a rest, Eddie.”
“Not until you stop your temper tantrum and let the past go.”
“I’m not throwing a temper tantrum,” Steve rolled his eyes, and Robin took it upon herself to lighten the mood.
“Anyways,” she smiled brightly, “How’s work going today, boys?”
“Well, we have a kitten in the firetruck,” Steve sighed, and she laughed.
“A cat?”
“Yeah, Steve rescued it from a bush, it’s little foot was stuck in one of the branches,” Eddie patted Steve on the back.
“It looks like that cat Y/N used to have, the one that she cried for a week straight when it died,” Steve mused, smiling at me for the first time since I’d seen him again as if involuntarily. He caught himself though, and turned away.
“You remember that?” I asked.
“I remember everything,” he shrugged, “Wanna see it?”
“Of course!” I squealed, and he walked me outside, opening the drivers’ side door and pulling it out.
It was cute, white with silver spots all over it. It meowed as he handed it to me, climbing into my arms and clinging on to me for dear life.
“Oh, he’s perfect,” I hummed as I stared at him, holding him close to me and giving his forehead kisses.
“He’s yours,” Steve said, his eyes trained on me and the cat, “If you want him, I mean.”
I looked at him, seeing if there was any sign of joking but there was none. “I’d love to take him!”
“I thought of you when I saw him,” he admitted to me, staring at his feet and swaying nervously.
“I didn’t think you even still thought about me.”
“All the time.”
His voice was almost too low for me to hear, but I caught it and my heart sped up.
“Steve, I’m sorry again. Really. I missed you every day. If I could go back and be there that day…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” he sighed, “I was angry when I first saw you. I’m not now. I just needed to get over the initial shock, that’s all.”
“So you don’t hate me?”
“I couldn’t if I wanted to. You were my best friend. I just… I just wanna understand why you left. You never told me. Nobody ever told me.”
“It’s…” I hesitated. How could I explain it to him? “It’s a long story.”
“Of course,” he nodded, “Well whenever you’re ready to, we can talk.”
We stared at each other for a moment before Eddie broke the silence, “You ready to go Steve? They’re gonna be sending out a search party soon if we don’t get back.”
“Yeah,” he nodded then turned to me, “See you later, Y/N. Take care of the cat.”
“I will. Bye,” I smiled, watching him walk away.
Well, at least the anger had subsided. But I was never going to be able to explain the reason I left.
The night of my graduation
The ceremony had taken ages. I wouldn’t have cared if not for the heels that had been cramping my feet all day and the tight white dress that I wanted to rip off. I groaned as I walked to the parking lot where my family was waiting, along with my friends.
The first person that greeted me was Steve. He was always the first to greet me, no matter the place or occasion. In his hand, he held my favorite slippers, fuzzy and cozy and just what my feet needed.
“Aww, Stevie, you brought me slippers?” I cooed, pouting at his kind gesture.
“When you told me you were wearing those ridiculous heels I knew I needed to bring them so I wouldn’t have to listen to you complain about your feet hurting.”
I ripped my heels off with a vengeance and replaced them with the slippers that had cute smiley faces on them, and my face matched the expression. I pulled Steve into a hug so tight I thought we might suffocate each other, breathing him in.
“This is why you’re my best friend,” I hummed into his chest.
We didn’t let go of each other for a minute or two, soaking in the moment. Our hugs were always like that. It always felt like we were never going to see each other again. Only this time, we really weren’t. He didn’t know that, though.
He pulled away, looking in my eyes, a sparkle in his that was all for me. His eyes trailed down to my open gown and the dress under it, and he raised his brows.
“You look good.”
“Just good?”
“Really good.”
And that moment dragged on with a heated glance shared between us, eyes locked on each other and refusing to move until Robin barreled over to us, kids in tow and Eddie following.
“Quit hogging her, dingus, she’s too pretty to only talk to you,” she rolled her eyes, hugging me tightly and chit chatting about the ceremony. Steve stayed quiet though, and that heated gaze didn’t dissipate. Something felt different. Something was off, in the best way.
My family joined us, offering to bring us all back to the cabin for a barbecue and we eagerly agreed. I rode with Steve, naturally, the kids rode with my parents, and Eddie and Robin took his van.
The ride felt longer than it should’ve, tension in the air.
“Steve, what’s happening?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“We’ve never run out of things to talk about,” I shrugged, leaning over to brush a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
“We haven’t run out of things to talk about. It’s just, sometimes when I’m with you, nothing needs to be said.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I think so,” he glanced at me, his eyes sharp and cutting into my heart, right where I wanted him most. Right where he already was.
Minutes later, we pulled in the rough driveway, my hair flying all over my face. He chuckled, smoothing it out over my head before we got out, joining everyone else by the lake.
“They’ve got it decked out,” I commented as we approached, and Steve just smiled bashfully. “Did you have something to do with this?”
I giggled lightly, turning away from him to greet everyone else.
“Y/N, Steve, you made it!” my mom beamed, pulling us into a hug, “I see you ditched the gown!”
“Yeah, it was itchy,” I grimaced, remembering the horrible material.
“Well I wanted to take pictures but we can do it later,” she shrugged, leading us to the picnic table. The benches were full, though, so Steve pulled a big folding chair up and sat down, pulling me down beside him, my legs over his lap. That wasn’t unusual for us, we were always touchy and feely, always beside eachother somehow. Nobody even found it odd anymore, though the jokes about us getting together never ceased.
Everyone laughed and had a good time, and as the night wore on, I got a little sleepy. Steve and I had been up and about, but we were back in our chair, my head laid in the crook of his neck and his arms around me.
“Wanna go for a walk?” he asked me, watching everyone else continue their good time. I nodded, standing up. He stood up after me, grabbing my hand and leading me away.
We walked through a trail in the woods we’d found the first time we snuck out to the cabin together.
“Remember the first time we came out here?” he asked me, and I nodded with a laugh.
“I slipped in mud and fell on my ass. I fractured my foot, too, and I couldn’t walk. I was disgusting, but you still carried me back to the car.”
“I don’t mind getting a little dirty,” he shrugged with a wink, and I rolled my eyes. “Not with you, at least.”
Finally, we reached our destination, a clearing by the water. It had the prettiest view of the sky.
“Swim with me,” he stated, as if it was more of a demand than a question.
“Steve!” I huffed, “I can’t swim in this dress!”
“Then take it off. You have on a bra and panties, right?”
“Well… y-yeah, but-“
“Just do it. You only graduate high school once, do something crazy with me! We’re best friends, right?” he coerced, squeezing my hands and pulling me closer to the water.
I sighed, nodding slowly. “Will you unzip me?”
He walked behind me and laid his hands on my shoulders. They were warm and heavy, his grip on me soft but firm. his fingers trailed down my back to the little metal piece and he pulled it down, exposing black lace and my plain black thong. I turned to him, letting the white material fall to the ground, and the way his eyes lingered in all the places a friend shouldn’t look was hard to miss.
“Why would you wear that to graduate?” he asked, “Were you planning on getting lucky tonight!”
“I’m already lucky tonight, Steve,” I sighed, “I’m with you. Now take off your clothes and come on!”
He chuckled, his eyes darker than they’d been a moment ago, and pulled his shirt over his head, then kicking off his pants. I was greedy taking him in, his boxers tight and leaving little to the imagination.
Steve and I had seen each other like that before. We’d walked in on each other changing, and we’d swam in regular swimsuits. All of our insecurities had already been exposed so many times, so none of them even mattered at all. This felt different, though. Being in nothing but dainty lingerie had me shy, exposed.
He approached me slowly, his hands landing on my hips, his eyes meeting mine and staying. He was so close I could feel his body heat radiating off of him, goosebumps prickling my skin.
“Race you,” he smirked suddenly, twirling me out of the way and sliding past me, running to the water and jumping in. I rolled my eyes and laughed, following him and jumping on his back. We fell into a fit of giggles together as he tossed me off, pulling me into his front instead.
The giggles died out, replaced by heavy breath.
“I won,” he whispered.
“What’s your prize?” I responded breathily.
He groaned, leaning his head down into my neck and inhaling.
“You’re driving me crazy. You’re my best friend. I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t…”
“Shouldn’t what?”
“Shouldn’t love you so much.”
“I love you too, Steve,” I giggled, but he stopped me, his thumb running over my bottom lip.
“I don’t think I could’ve made it these last couple years without you,” he admitted. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me. Don’t tell the kids.”
“Oh, I won’t, they’d be crushed,” I nodded dramatically.
For a second I thought he’d kiss me. I thought he’d kiss me and I wouldn’t have to leave. He leaned in so close, his lips were less than a breath away from mine. But then he pulled to the side and kissed my cheek instead, then trailed his lips down, ghosting over the sensitive skin of my neck.
I let out a raspy breath, “Steve,” I barely moaned. I needed him so bad I could feel it, I could hear it and see it. I’d been in love with him for far too long. His hand tangled in my slightly wet hair, tugging lightly, pulling me in. His other landed on my side, trailing down my thigh and pulling my leg over his hip. I could feel everything, and I didn’t know how to take it all.
All of a sudden, he pulled away, his hand still in mine but the warmth gone. I whined at the loss of contact.
“We’re supposed to be swimming!” he chuckled, haphazardly pulling me under with him. And like that, the moment was replaced with something lighter, friendlier, but still close.
Later that night, Steve drove me back to my parents’ house. As he parked in the driveway, he turned to me.
“I can’t wait to see you again,” he whispered bashfully.
I stared at my lap, not knowing what to say. I wanted to tell him I was leaving, but he would just beg me to stay and wear me down until I agreed, and I would spend the rest of my life hanging on his arm next to whatever girl he wanted more than me. I was never going to be it for him. I was never going to be what he wanted. I wasn’t enough.
“Goodbye, Steve,” I gave him a sad smile and got out of the car, running inside the house.
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milgram-tournament · 4 months
MILGRAM Best Song Tournament, Round 2, Match 2 BRING IT ON vs. THIS IS HOW TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU
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Propaganda for both options under the cut!
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Propaganda for BRING IT ON:
"Reasons why Bring it On should win:
- Just by starting the song, the instrumentals are BANGER. Like his more rock style is very cool, even better than After Pain’s more mellow style - Arthur’s voice (Futa’s va) had bills due because have you HEARD his singing?? His raspier voice fits Futa so well - It feels so explosive and like a call to action in a sense, which very much matches Futa’s mentality during trial 1. He also wasn’t playing victim like a CERTAIN girl… (jk, love you mu!) - SAA HAJIMEYOU USOTSUKI KARIDA - UNDEAD HEROOOI YES SLAY KING HIS HIGH NOTE HERE IS HEAVENLY - His scream at the end. Oh my god. HE LITERALLY ATE THIS NOTE. AFTER PAIN COULD NEVER. BRING IT ON FTW 🔥🔥🔥" - His range goes WAAAAAY higher than Mu. She would end up like PHG if she even tried hitting any of his high notes in the last chorus /j
- The vocals are amazing, those growls are so well done - You’re able to get Fuuta’s crime and motive pretty succinctly, only based on the visuals - But it still leaves a lot up to interpretation, like how he only attacked once in the final fight scene. It lead to some cool theories. - On that note, the game aspects are so cool!! Especially when paired with him going after people online, just good synergy with awesome style! - Fuuta’s scared face after he realizes what he did. The great contrast of other foes simply being knocked out then being met with blood splatter. - The tempo of the song changing with his mood is a really good touch as well. Make the song more chaotic which highlights his character traits well
"propaganda for bring it on: the music FUCKS it genuinely slaps so hard listening to it. song style is incredible its perfect for fuutas personality and gamer vibes. also the way the mv frames everything as a game? the only time real blood and real gore happens being when killcheroy dies? the little details of all the usernames, the different monster designs, the generally distorted feel of everything being too lighthearted?
okay i could go on about the mv for hours but lets not. aside from that: the FEEL of the song!!! the vocals!!!! it really feels like fuuta putting his whole heart into it, into this point of view that both blows problems out of proportion and minimises them, and DEEPLY fucking up. my darling little hypocrite gamer boy twitter user. he makes his witch hunt genuinely sound like something that could sweep people up into it. also the instruments goddddd. the guitar and synth the bass and the drums the DRUMS. im relistening to it to write this propaganda and it keeps making me headbang when i should be writing. if you arent headbanging to bring it on you are LYING.
the way the lyrics are written is wonderful too!!!! they feel so brash and brave and powerful and like. cocky about it. and it fits PERFECTLY. its gets someone swept up into it and it FUCKS. vote bring it on im serious. lets go!! a victory march!! dan da dan!!"
Propaganda for TIHTBILWY:
okay so like the thing im most in love with: the VOCALS!!!! this song has an absolutely AMAZING singer and AMAZING vocals!!!! the way the conversational talk-singing lines still feel so musical!!!! the cute cute cuteeeee mahiru voice!!!! it brings you so much energy!!!! its a song sung with so much love!!!! mahirus va brings such an amazing feel to the song with such amazing talk-singing!!!! its very skillfully done and it happens in i love you too!! mahiru songs r the QUEENS of musical talk singing
the silly phone call bit. kurururu~!
the little vocal flourish and the way her voice raises up like an excited exclamation in the final prechorus!! daijoubu nante kirai DA!
its such a fast song but everything flows so well!!!! it makes it feel so bright and cheery and peppy!!
the instrumental is so underrated just LISTEN to that catchy bass line thats so pretty in the verses!!!! no for real even if u dont vote this is how to be in love with you go listen to the bass line in the verses it works to move both the song and the listener forward at mahirus sweeping breakneck pace. and the cute keyboard sounding and synth instruments!!!! its SUCH a danceable song!!!! i cant listen to it without bopping along in my seat
the way the ominous bits are subtly hidden? it all sounds so cute but there are just these Things that she sings that are really kind of concerning and unhealthy when she sings them!! and the veiled desperation to be in her relationship- listening to that and the cheery tone and breakneck, quick song pace, it really does represent mahiru SO well. she throws in all these little bits that just go noooo teehee the relationships just fine!! when it REALLY isnt
i would listen to mahiru talk for hours
the MV!!!!!! HER FASHION SENSE THE MAGAZINE STYLE!!!! the magazine style especially works so well with her character!!!! its so cute and stunning and just looking at it you have a blast. also her birdcage!!!! her birdcage and the bright orange and the pink bars!!!! the way everything desaturates and becomes more sickly looking when she wakes up at the end!!!! its such a happy carefully curated and designed dream and then it drains away!!!! also god all her outfits are stunning. mahiru call me
the way she sings "overheat de~!" cutest thing in the WORLD.
the little faces she makes!!!! godddd shes so expressive
actually the whole songs so expressive!!!! shes putting her all into it!!!! her words have so much expression in them!!!! once more praising mahirus va the way her voice can soften and become bright or subtly desperate so quickly is MASTERFUL control of expression when singing and its so underrated. join me in being insane over miho okasaki delivers her lines. shes such a perfect mahiru.
funniest es cover. hands down. funniest es cover.
this is how to be in love with you is FREE serotonin!!!! free energy right there!!!! this is how to be in love with you sweep!!!!!
-The song is so cheerful!! I always feel like dancing and singing when this one comes up in my playlists!! Absolute banger, mood definer, kicking sadness in the shin with those high-heels and then hitting its face with a cute purse -THE HIGH-HEELS STEPPING TO THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC IN THAT ONE SCENE (0:50). SIMPLY ICONIC. NO ONE DID IT LIKE HER. -👠💅👝👗 -She is slaying. Look at her outfits. She put so much effort there. She gave it her all. Absolutely serving. -SUKITTE KIMOCHI WAKATTA TSUMORI? NARA KONO MAMA FUTARI O-VA-HI-TO- DE -The storyline of the mv MAKES SENSE and you can form a COHESIVE TIMELINE OF EVENTS (unlike other unspecified contestants' mvs you know 🙄) -look at herr 🥺 she beby 🥺 all she did was love too much 🥺 we all love mappi don't we 🥺 she deserved more let her win this pleease 🥺 -No medical malpractice happened in the making of this mv 👍
I care so much about This is How To Be In Love With You- it's visuals are brilliant in the ways it conveys its themes and narrative. I'm never normal Ever about the "Love as marketing" symbolism that is brought in by the use of magazines. It's a lovely upbeat song but the Horrors are Always Lurking under it, the breakup Ritual line is my Favorite Line cause its so horrifying but its said so casually and its so good oh its so good-
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ghostfanwriter · 11 months
💖🧰 Dirty hands pt 3 🧰💖
Part one Part two
💖 Pairing: Dbf!Joel Miller x Virgin!Fem!Reader
🧰 Synopsis: Joel keeps finding reasons to stay in Lincoln. And you worry about the day he leaves, but he makes sure to show you how special this whole thing also is for him.
💖 Features: 🔞, fluffy and domestic Joel, Joel fixing things for her, masturbation (m and f), soft — so soft — (kinda dom) Joel, praise, pet names, quick cumplay (for poor Joel's desperation), sprinkles of angst here and there (I hurt my own feelings sometimes).
🧰 Word count: 9.5k. I'm so no sorry about this.
💖 About this: It took me forever to find this story, but I'm so, so glad it came out how it did. This series is gonna be a bit longer than I planned, but I have some real cool ideias for the next parts. Hope you're in with me ❤️
🧰 Author's note: Life really got in the way of this series, besties, but I came out alive. I'm really happy so many of you are as engaged with this story as I am, I love them so much. I just want a domestic, fluffy, soft Joel for myself 😩🤧
Good reading, besties 🩷🫶🏻
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'You're always up with the sun.'
Bill's sentence made Joel sleep with his curtains open that night. Even with all the reasons why his mind told him he shouldn't pursue you, even with the potential death trap he was jumping into.
He couldn't not think about you. He couldn't not want to be with you.
He couldn't treat you like he felt he needed to. Couldn't dismiss you or break your heart. He had to make this experience as good as he could for you. It was only fair.
He would feel horrible if you never wanted to meet anyone else ever again because an old man made you cry.
So even with all the reasons he had to just forget about your and leave Lincoln the next day, he chose to keep his curtains open instead. To let the sun wake him up, so he could see you first thing in the morning.
He remembered the day he arrived, when Bill was showing him his bedroom and he saw you hugging Frank on your bed. Your grumpy and sleepy face, your messy hair, your clothes.
It made him smile again, and this time he allowed himself to. He let the feeling that was blooming inside his chest to make its point, to show him that there was an option outside of the QZ. That maybe he could stay.
Could stay with you.
Sure, making Bill lower his guard shouldn't be easy. But he could work on that; show him that he didn't want anything wrong or inappropriate with you.
That he wanted to take care of you like you deserve. Care for you like you're his.
Have you as his.
As the sunlight filled his room, he woke up and washed his face, staring at his own reflection in the mirror, last night memories floating around his mind.
He could almost feel you again, your warmth against his chest, as your body contorted and you made such pretty sounds for him. Then your soft hands stroking him, curiously roaming over his stomach and chest, how good it felt to be so close to someone again.
Not that him and Tess had ever stoped to have sex. They still did it, but not as a way to share anything, not to feel anything. Rather as a way to dismiss the bad feelings they had. They just dumped all the negativity of their lives into one another.
With you he didn't want to release anything. He wanted to gather everything he could from you, to make you feel as good as he could, without thinking about what he'd get from it.
He wanted to know you were happy, satisfied, taken care of.
He shook the thoughts as he felt them placing roots all over his heart, knowing that when the day arrived and he had to leave Lincoln, you'd be the main pebble on his shoe.
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Halfway down the stairs he could already smell breakfast being prepared. He had peeked in your room, and, having not found you, he knew you'd probably be the one in the kitchen.
And he was right. As he gets close to the door, he can hear you humming one of the songs you played on the piano the previous night.
The image of himself playing a guitar while you played the piano flashed in his mind again, making his eyes soften as he looks at you.
You're wearing yet another summer dress. One even prettier than the one from the day he arrived.
He swears you look prettier everyday.
You turn around, jumping when you see him watching you from the door frame.
"Oh — God." You gasp with a laugh, almost dropping the pan in your hand.
"Morning." He says, laughing.
"Morning... Joel." You say, your voice small. Suddenly, you can feel your cheeks warm up, and it feels like all the blood in your veins came to them.
You stare at him, remembering the night before. How he touched you — or how he made you touch yourself. How you touched him, how almost ethereal the whole experience felt.
Part of you was afraid to bring it up and learn it was all a dream.
All of you was embarrassed, awkwardly standing with a pan in your hand, staring at him, not knowing how to interact with him after the night before.
You take a sharp breath in when he rushes towards you, getting confused when he walks past you, turning around to find him quickly removing a pan out of the stove.
You put the pan in your hand down at the table and run to the one in his hand, your scrambled eggs burnt at the bottom.
"At least there's more texture to them now." He says with a laugh, and you look up at him, an embarrassed smile on your face. "Are you alright?" He asks.
"Yeah, I am. Just... Gonna have to switch pans now, and what's gonna be left of them isn't going to be enough for all of us, and this is gonna be horrible to wash, and—" Your rambling is cut by his soft and low whisper.
"Baby." He calls, and you look up, finding his eyes as soft as ever. "Not talking about the eggs." He says while staring into your eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"Oh, I'm... Good. Different, in a way. I mean, I don't know how to talk to you, or not make this super awkward." You mutter.
"It's not awkward. Are you... Okay with what happened, or—"
"No, no. I'm fine! It's not like that, no. I... I loved it. I just... I just don't know how to... I don't know it just feels weird." You stutter, feeling like you're embarrassing yourself.
"A good weird, then?" He laughs.
"Yes, a good weird." You agree. "What about you?"
"Long time since I've felt this good, baby. Was just worried about you."
"No, I'm good. No need to worry." You say shyly. "Well, expect my breakfast is ruined." You laugh, and he stares you for a second.
"Ever heard of Chef Boyardee?"
"No." You respond laughing.
"Well, he's gonna save your breakfast. Let me just grab it real quick." He says, putting the pan down and rushing upstairs.
He comes back after a minute, two cans in his hands.
"I was afraid Boyardee was your alter ego." You say, reading the name on the can.
"I'd never dare to compare." He says, bringing his hand to his chest in a fake humble gesture.
He opens the cans, and you two start cooking together. He insists to wash the burnt pan, as long as you watch chef Boyardee up close as it heats up in the stove while you make some orange juice.
Bill stops on his tracks when he sees you two in the kitchen. Cooking, making juice, brewing coffee, talking and laughing.
He smiles seeing how happy you are, seeing maybe he didn't made the wrong decision when he let Joel in his house.
"Our baby's growing up. Weird to think about that, right? It was never a thought before." Frank whispers from behind him, hugging him and snuggling his chin on Bill's shoulder.
"She is my baby. And it ain't Joel that's gonna change that." He replies, caressing Frank's forearm.
"She's not ours, Bill. Maybe the day's coming when we need to let her go, make her life." He says.
"Well, she can make her life inside these fences. Definitely not with Jo—" His rant cut by your short lived scream.
"It's not burning!" You defend yourself.
"Not the ravioli!" Joel fake cries, laughing as you desperately stir the ravioli in the pan, smoke coming out of the sauce, almost catching on your face.
Bill walks into the kitchen, his always heavy steps even heavier to announce his presence.
"What happened?" He asks, his eyes wide when he sees you close to the smoke.
"Oh, daddy... Joel's a disaster in the kitchen." You laugh.
"I was just washing the pan, you were supposed to watch the stove!" Joel defends himself, laughing, lifting the pan to show it to you. "If you didn't burn this one we wouldn't be going through all this right now."
You've never seen Joel laughing like this, and happiness looked good on him. You liked how his nose scrunched when he laughed and how tiny his eyes got.
He honestly couldn't remember the last time he allowed himself to goof around, make jokes and just have fun.
"It's your fault! I never want you in the kitchen with me again." You say.
"Oh, you're finishing this?" He mentions the pan in his hand.
"No no no, that was your fault. You clean it." You say, turning back to your dad. "Sorry, daddy. Good morning, are you okay?" You ask, going to Bill and wrapping him in a tight hug that he's eager to correspond.
"Morning, my love." He whispers on top of your head as he squeezes you, his hand holding the back of your head protectively. His suspicious stare watching Joel.
"We're having canned ravioli for breakfast?" Frank asks laughing, slightly grossed out.
"Chef Boyardee." Joel playfully corrects him.
"We were gonna have scrambled eggs, but Joel burned them." You say and Joel laughs in defeat, shooting you a playful look. "So yeah, canned ravioli. Promise I'll cook us something nicer for lunch." You say, hugging Frank and kissing his cheek. "Morning, dad."
Your dads sit across from one another. You're across from Joel, your right foot is between his feet and he's running his boots lazily up and down your ankles. You can't stop smiling because of it.
"So, Joel. I was thinking we could start with the east side and work towards the gates?" Bill asks, breaking the comfortable silence — only broken before to compliment Chef Boyardee — that was set while you all ate.
"Sure. Just have some other thing l have to work on before the fence, if that's okay? We're still gonna have plenty of sunlight when I'm done. Should be quick." He says while still chewing, stuffing back his mouth right after he's finished.
"What other thing?" Bill asks, not remembering asking Joel to fix anything else that day.
"She told me about these broken doors on her bathroom cabinet. Said they're loud and don't close properly." He says, looking at you, his feet moving higher on your calves, soothing you.
"Baby, didn't I tell you I'd fix your cabinet?" Bill asks, angry to imagine Joel inside your bathroom, even angrier to imagine you going after someone else for help.
"You did. But you never fixed it. So I asked Joel and he said it should be quick." You shrug, playing along with Joel, his legs caressing yours in a reassuring way.
You didn't even know Joel was gonna fix something in your bathroom, you never told him anything about your cabinets.
Bill grunts, and Frank tries to soothe him with a sympathetic look.
You were the most important thing he had, and he didn't like the idea of you not needing him anymore.
"So, love, your dad and I were wondering, what do you think of a bonfire?" Frank asks, trying to dismiss the topic, and you smile.
"A bonfire?" You ask excited, your gaze going from Frank to Bill, and you catch a glimpse of Joel's smile on your way.
"Well, I have some spare wood, and we're gathering a bunch of things we don't need with all the fixings we're doing." Bill explains, looking at Joel, who nods. "Your dad just wanted to call it a bonfire." Bill finishes, looking at Frank, a fake annoyance in his face while he smiles at his husband.
"And you loved my idea, didn't you, honey?" Frank asks, trying to win his case.
"Oh, it sounds so fun." You giggle, and you can feel Joel squeezing your calves softly.
"A bonfire!" Frank says triumphantly. Eating another spoonful of ravioli. "This is actually really good, Joel!"
"Told you." Joel said laughing.
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As soon as you're done eating Frank offers to wash the dishes and you and Joel go upstairs, Bill watching you both with concerned eyes.
"When did you see the doors were broken?" You ask when he walks in your room with a chest of tools, following him into your bathroom.
"When, baby?" He asks with a laugh, raising one eyebrow. Like you didn't know he was in your bathroom the night before. Like you don't remember having him in your arms, hoping that one day he'd be yours.
"No, I know when. I just mean exactly when. I never told you about it." You say, sitting on top of your toilet to watch him work.
"When I was looking for a product to clean the sink. This door made a terrible sound." He explains.
You watch as he kneels on the floor and starts unscrewing the door, cleaning and oiling its parts before screwing them back together.
"So, how's life in the QZ?" You ask when he starts working.
"Not much about it, nothing you're missing out on, for sure."
"Then why are you still living there?" You ask and he looks up at you, the crease between his eyebrows and the way his eyes wander around showing you he doesn't have a clear answer for that question.
"Not that simple, baby." He scrunches his nose. "Told your dad, we've got things there that you don't have here. Things we — grunts — need."
You smile seeing his face contort as he has to use more force to unscrew a particularly rusty part. You notice his arms flexing under his denim shirt, how strong his hands look, making his tools seem small in them. How he grunts when he makes a final effort to remove the screw.
Your heartbeat speeds up before you can stop it, and you only notice that he's staring at you when you hear him chuckle.
"And do they just give you those things? My dads say they used to have to work to gain money, and they'd trade money for things they wanted." You ask, trying to dismiss the blood burning your cheeks.
"Wasn't Frank in a QZ for a long time?" He asks.
"He was. But he doesn't like talking about it. Says I don't need to know about it." You respond. Even though Frank was way more laid back than Bill, he also had his ways to guard you from things he thought he needed to. "But I want to know about it." You add, seeing Joel's reluctancy in keep telling you about it.
"We also work there, not for money, but it's still a trade system. We can get food, medicine, parts, clothes. Whatever we need."
"Do you have nice clothes there?" You ask with more excitement than you wished to. You know it's futile, but you sometimes wish you had different clothes to wear. He chuckles before answering.
"I mean..." He mentions himself, and you turn your head.
"I think you look good." You say honestly and he smiles.
"Your clothes are much prettier than the ones there, baby. You're not missing out."
"You like my clothes?" You ask, your voice small.
"Love them. Never saw no one dress like you since this whole thing started." He whispers, sitting back on his heels and watching you with adoring eyes.
You look out the bathroom door, your bedroom door closed. No noise outside.
You bend down, kissing him softly on the lips. His left hand caresses the nape of your neck as he deepens the kiss.
"Wanna help me choose my dress for the bonfire?" You suggest when you break the kiss.
"My honor." He whispers over your lips, giving them a peck and letting you go.
You come back inside the bathroom with two dresses, both on their hangers.
"Okay, so we'll go by elimination. What do you think of these?" You ask, holding each dress in a hand. He's kneeled on the floor, fixing the cabinet, but he turns his torso, carefully analyzing the dresses over his shoulder.
"Blue one." He says.
"Yeah. This one's a bit too summery, too sunny." You agree, and he raises his eyebrows, nodding and humming before turning back to the cabinet.
"And what kind of jobs you do there?" You ask Joel while going back to your closet, picking the next option.
"All kinds you don't wanna know about, trust me. There's nothing about that place that's worth knowing, nothing good except those walls." He says.
You come back with the winner dress and another option, sitting on your bathtub's edge.
"Well, not when you're in it. Then there's at least one good thing." You say low with a smile, poking him with your foot, and you can see the shy smile that flashes in his face as he quickly squeezes your calves.
"Tess and I we... Leave the QZ from time to time, which you're not supposed to do, to look for things we can trade for other things. Not always for nice things, but we can always trade them again for something better."
"You're smugglers." Frank says out thin air, startling you. "Which isn't bad, I mean, the best stuff I had at the QZ came from smugglers." He adds seeing Joel's worried expression. "Tess told me about it. Told me about the kind of things you two give to guards. Not anything we need here, but maybe you'd know where to find some things for us?" He asks.
"Yeah, sure. Depending on what it is, it shouldn't be hard to find." Joel says.
"Oh! We were talking about having more fruits, right, dad? Strawberries, watermelons. Think you could find some, Joel?"
"Would have to look around, but it's not impossible." He says, making a mental note of finding you those as soon as he has the chance.
The thought of leaving Lincoln to look for things you want plays in the back of his mind, the scenario making him smile softly while looking at you.
"Speaking of Tess..." Frank interrupts his daydreams. "...she's on the radio. Wants to talk to you, seems important. She asked you to bring a pen and paper with you." He finally says what he came in to say.
Joel looks at you, a deep crease between his eyebrows, despite his overall relaxed expression. If you're really starting to know him, the crease means he's worried.
He gets up with a muted grunt.
"Oh, Joel! Which one?" You ask before he leaves.
He looks back and forth between the dresses, pressing his lips, trying to picture you in both of them. He likes how tight on top the blue one looks like, how flowy it looks on the legs.
"Blue again." He answers with a smile. "Be right back." He says directly to you before turning around, walking out the bathroom and thanking your dad for calling him.
Frank sits by your side, carefully walking around Joel's tools.
"What do you think of the blue one?" You ask him, caressing the dress.
"Hm, thought you wouldn't want my opinion." He says almost bitterly, despite his playful smile.
"Why? You always help me choose my dresses." You say, furrowing your eyebrows, his expression softening.
Deep down he felt the same as Bill.
You always needed them, always looked for them for guidance, advice, help, comfort, love. It hurt to think of you not needing them anymore, of losing you.
"Nothing." He says quietly.
"Are you upset because I asked for Joel's opinion?" You ask, and he realizes just how silly the feeling is. You're just picking a dress.
"Well I... Argh, I am, love. Can't lie to you." He hugs your side, squeezing your head on his chest playfully. "You don't need my help anymore, you're not my baby anymore." He says dramatically, making you laugh.
"Oh, no! I don't love you anymore, dude. Let go of me!" You playfully say, acting like you're trying to get away from him but ultimately snuggling even closer to his chest.
"I love you. I'll always asks for your opinions on my dresses." You laugh.
"Well, to be fair. The blue one is the prettiest between those two." He admits. "How are things between the two of you?"
"Great. He's so nice." You say with a silly smile.
"Can tell you look happier. And so does he. Never seen him laugh like I saw this morning." He says.
You remember his face when he arrived. Serious and suspicious of everything about the town. How you only saw him smile three times that day; when you two met, when you said you were going to bed and when he saw you with Frank.
But as soon as you think about that day your chest tightens.
She came with him. For some reason didn't stay. Was she looking for something while he was there, or did she return to the QZ? Was she coming over? She said she and Joel were just friends, but what if they weren't?
You whimper softly, your stomach hurting out of a sudden.
"You okay, love?" Frank asks, pulling away to look at your face.
"Yeah, just... Do you know what Tess wants with Joel?"
"She didn't say, love. Maybe she just wants to know why he didn't go back to the QZ yet."
"Wasn't he going to stay here for a while? To help you and dad?" You ask, confused.
"Well, yes. But she didn't know that. He was supposed to leave yesterday." He said, caressing your arm with his thumb. "But he kept finding reasons to stick around. New things that need fixing, the car's weird noise, now the whole fence. I wonder what — or who — made him want to stay." He squeezes your arm and you smile shyly.
"But why does she care?" You ask, an unexpected annoyance in your voice.
"Darling... Joel and Tess they... They used to be a couple." He says, careful, like he could see his words stabbing you. "She cares about him. She's worried, she doesn't know us, maybe something could've happened to him."
"Do you think he cares about her too?" You know it's a stupid question. Of course he does. It's Joel.
But it hurts to imagine him doing to her the same he did to you. Sharing the same.
Frank gives you a sympathetic look, his eyes softening and his lips falling open, like he's thinking of what to tell you.
"Do you think I'm silly, dad? Do you think he's just gonna leave and never come back?" You ask, thinking about what him and Tess must be talking about.
"I don't know, love. I heard him and dad talk about some of the houses in here." He sighs.
Should he even be telling you that?
'Is he thinking about staying?' You ask yourself, your puppy eyes making Frank kiss your forehead lovingly.
"Only he can tell you that, my dove."
Sometimes you think your dad can read your mind.
You think about what Joel told you.
'We've got things there that you don't have here.'
Could he ever not live in the QZ? Would he ever want that?
"But can I give you an advice?" He asks softly and you nod. You're taking any help you can. "Slow down a bit. Don't think too ahead, don't nourish any hopes or fears about what's gonna happen." He says, looking deeply into your eyes. "Joel has his life outside, you can't forget that. I really, really, my love, hope you don't come out hurt of all of this. And the only way for it not to happen is you being careful. Don't engage in feelings he hasn't displayed to you."
"Don't create expectations then?" You ask, trying to make sense of his words.
"Yes, sweetheart. Feel your feelings, but don't ever run over them. Don't expect what you want to happen to turn out exactly how you wish." He adds. "Like about him staying. Don't expect it but also don't suffer thinking it's impossible before he tells you exactly what he's thinking. Don't put yourself through unnecessary pain."
Before you can say anything else Joel walks back in, a mix of annoyance and worry contorting his face, that softens instantly as his eyes find you.
"Blue one?" He asks with a silly smile and you nod, an even sillier one in your face.
"Blue one."
It's hard to follow your dad's advice.
Because it hurts too much to think of not seeing him anymore.
And that's exactly what you do for the rest of the day.
You watch him fix the fences with your dads while you hurt your own feelings, thinking about him leaving, about him with Tess, about him doing to her what he did to you. What you only did with him.
It hurts to think maybe he doesn't care about you the same way you care about him. Because you can't stop thinking about him. You're more attached than you ever thought you'd be to anyone besides your parents.
It hurts to think about him leaving you...
...forgetting about you.
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He noticed how quiet you were during dinner — it was quite hard not to. And he found strange just how much he missed you, even though you were right in front of him.
How you didn't make any silly jokes or laughed at the ones your dads made. How you didn't give him your leg when he reached for it under the table, like he did during breakfast. How you wouldn't catch his gaze when he looked at you.
He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger in exactly what happened.
After dinner you kissed your dads goodnight and went straight to bed, no piano, no songs, no anything, despite their protests.
Maybe something happened while he was fixing the fences with Bill. He hadn't seen you since he left your bathroom.
"Is something wrong with her?" He asks your dads as soon as you go upstairs. They both shrug, and Bill can't help but wonder... Why does he even care?
You brush your teeth and lie on your bed, throwing a pitty party for yourself, feeling silly for engaging in such unrealistic expectations.
Joel had his life in the QZ...
...with Tess.
He wouldn't just give everything up for you, to stay in Lincoln.
It's hard to follow what Frank told you, to not feel bad, to ignore the discomfort in your stomach everytime you thought about Joel.
You quiet your thoughts when he opens your bedroom door — that you never seem to lock anymore —, finding you laying on your bed, almost curled in a ball, your back facing the door. Trying to keep your eyes dry.
He walks in carefully to not startle you, going around the bed to see if you're awake.
Your eyes start watering as soon as you see him.
"Hey, baby." He says softly, squatting next to you, keeping his distance. "What happened?" He didn't need you to say you weren't okay, he already knew that. He just needed to know what got you like that.
You don't say anything, aware that any words you said would make you cry.
"Can I sit with you?" He whispers, still not touching you.
You nod, moving your hips back to give him room to sit. You knew that no matter how much you tried to stay away, you'd feel him pulling you close, like there's a magnetic field between you two.
He sits down in front of your stomach and you pull your thighs closer to his back, keeping him close to you.
He moves his hand slowly, giving you time to push him away, gently touching your hair, pulling it behind your ear.
"Do you wanna talk?" He asks, his voice softer than ever.
"Do you?"
"I want to do whatever you want, baby." He whispers, caressing your hair, almost making you sleepy.
"I want you to stay with me."
"I can stay until you fall asleep. But I can't sleep here with you." He responds.
Not the stay you were thinking about. But it works for now, and you're glad he didn't pick up on it.
"Can you lie with me?" You ask shyly.
You weren't mad at him. You were just afraid to get too attached — even more than you already were, and to suffer too much when he left.
But you can't deny yourself what you're craving.
"Anything you want, baby." He leans down to press a kiss on your temple, bringing his hand to your hips, squeezing you gently and turning you around, your back facing him.
"Is this okay?" He asks, laying down sideways behind you, staying away and not touching you.
He supports himself on his elbow and strokes your hair gently.
"Are you cold?" He asks, touching your cold arm, and you nod. He sits up and grabs your blanket by the end of your bed, covering you with it and supporting himself back on his elbow.
He's far from you, and you scoot back closer to him, pulling the blanket that's pooling between you two over him.
"Wearing my shoes, baby." He says, afraid of getting your blanket dirty. He kicks his boots away and and moves his body closer to yours.
Dropping his head on the pillow behind you, he slides his left arm underneath your head, letting you use it as a pillow. He hugs you and curl his legs, curling yours along. Fully spooning you.
In a way it reminded you of when you were a child and your dads would let you sleep in between them during a thunderstorm. How the same feeling of calm and safety takes over you.
You do your best to snuggle into him and find comfort in the new position, eventually relaxing into his arms as his right hand comes underneath your face, cupping your left cheek, pillowing it. You snuggle your face on his hand, kissing his palm gently.
You indulge in the intimacy you two are sharing. In how warm you got because of him, how his calloused hand feels under your cheek, how your bodies seem to fit in perfectly within one another.
How you can subtly feel his heartbeat against your back, how you try to match your breathing with his, enjoying the way his chest raises and falls behind you. How his smell invades your nose, how his hot breath sends chills down your spine, how his strong arms hold you so tight.
You stay tangled for a while before you gather the courage to talk to him.
"Joel?" You ask gently and he hums in response. "Can I ask you something... about Tess?" You almost whisper, afraid of ruining everything.
"Sure, baby. What about her?" He responds, his thumb caressing the skin under your eye.
"Are you two dating?" You ask but regret instantly as you feel him chuckle behind you.
He gives your face a light squeeze before turning it for you to look at him. You feel vulnerable with him being so overpowering, moving you so effortlessly, his body engulfing yours so nicely...
"Is it because she called me earlier?" He asks, a smile on his face as he brings you back to reality. You only nod, not sustaining his gaze anymore. "Do you think I'd be here with you if we were together? Think I'd do this to her? To you? Lie to you like that?"
"I don't know." You whisper, hating how weak your voice sounds, barely making its way out of your mouth.
"Baby, Tess and I we... We were a couple, haven't been for a long while now." He explains, sincerity spread all over his face.
"Did you do to her what we did last night?" You ask, your stomach turning to imagine him doing that to someone else.
Realistically, you knew he had. But it still hurt to think about it.
"No, baby. Not what we did yesterday. That I never did to nobody." He answers and you look away from his soft eyes. "I'm not lying." He squeezes your cheek gently, making you look back at him. "Yesterday it was all about you, making you feel good. And sex with Tess was about releasing frustrations, sadness, anger. Distracting myself." He explains. "I'd never dump those negative feelings on you. I wanna make you feel good, wanna see and hear you feel good. I loved doing it, but it wasn't about me. It was all about you." He says softly, his eyes wandering from your eyes to your lips.
It feels like you're melting in his arms. His words disarming you entirely, making you want to feel him again. To share that again.
"Can you kiss me?" You ask, hope coating your request.
"Anything you want, angel." He whispers as he lowers himself, gently connecting his lips to yours.
The tingling of his beard on your face makes you lean in further onto him, pulling him lower on top of you as you lie back down.
You open your mouth, kissing his lower lip, making him deepen the kiss, rolling his tongue around yours, and gently grabbing a fistful of your hair.
His tongue tangling with yours make your insides burn with need, and your hips instinctively roll against his crotch, making you moan when you feel his still soft cock inside his pants. His hand comes from your hair to your waist, holding you still.
"Baby." His voice sound deep and aroused as he breaks the kiss, softly panting as he talks to you. "We don't have to do anything. We can go slow, slower than we're going. I'd love to just lie down with you tonight." He stares softly at you, his thumb caressing your belly.
"I want you, Joel. Want to feel you before you leave." You say, cursing at yourself when you realize what you've just said.
"Not going anywhere, baby." He promises, furrowing his brows before kissing you again, deeper and more passionately, making you moan into his mouth, his hand exploring your curves and your stomach, its roughness erupting chills on its tracks.
You can't stop your hand from reaching for him when he grabs one of your breasts, gently massaging it through your shirt. He pulls back when you touch his crotch.
"You first, angel." He says, removing your hand and kissing your neck. Then your shoulder, your collarbone. His hand softly pulls on the hem your shirt.
"Can I?" You respond by removing it, laying back down, your back still facing him, your hand reaching back for his hair, running your fingers through it.
His hand finds your breasts again, kneading them before he lifts himself behind you, sliding underneath your right arm to place ghostly kisses first around them, circling his way closer to your nipple, looking into your eyes for any reluctancy before he moves any further.
Not finding any and feeling how you pulled gently on his curls, he licks around your nipple once, still looking into your eyes. When you moan, he takes it in his mouth, humming at its softness. You whimper at how his beard scratches your skin.
The new and soft sensation of his tongue on you makes your clit burn between your legs, that you're pressing against one another, looking for some release for the almost painful need you're feeling.
He squeezes your hips, gently at first, but more and more firmly as you pull on his hair, his lips sucking tightly around your nipple, opening and closing around it, like he's trying to drink from it.
"More, Joel. Please." You whimper, your head spinning as you drown in simultaneous under and over stimulation.
"Want me to touch you, baby? Wanna feel my fingers on you?" He asks, letting go of your nipple, his voice breathy and raspy, and you whimper in response. "Would love to feel you, baby. Know you're so wet for me already. Wanna make you cum on my fingers." He says while tracing kisses from your breast to the back of your shoulder.
"Yes, please. Yes, Joel." You say eagerly, desperately almost. Making him laugh amusedly and spread your legs, pulling your right one over his hips. Slowly running his hand from your hip to your mount, the mere warmth of his hand making you grind against it.
"So desperate, baby. Gonna take my time, make you feel so good." He pants on your neck, lowering his hand even more, drawing soft circles around your clothed clit, earning weak whimpers and moans from you. "Let's take this off." He says, pulling on your pijama shorts, and you lift your hips to help him.
He pulls your leg back over his hips and caresses you through your panties for a bit, running his middle and index fingers up and down your folds, teasing at your entrance, softly pressing on it.
He palms your folds, gently squeezing your pussy. "So good, baby." He praises, his lips never leaving your neck. He runs his fingers of the elastic of your panties, playing with it. "Is this okay?" He asks, his fingers carefully sliding underneath them.
Your moan is enough of a green light.
His rough fingers make their way under your underwear, ghosting over your mount, then your folds. Finally finding the crease between them, gently touching your clit before spreading your folds, groaning when he feels how wet you are.
"Dripping already, baby. We haven't even started yet." He teases, nibbling at your ear and making you giggle. He laughs behind you. "Goddammit, baby, I..."
He stops himself with a grunt before he says too much, before he lets out something he's been pondering on, a feeling he's not managing to prune as it grows roots inside him.
He circles your clit again, just his middle finger rolling lazily over it. He uncovers it from the skin on top of it, making your whole core burn for him, the rough textured of his fingers on such a sensitive spot making you pull away with a whine.
"Sorry, baby. Too much?" He asks, kissing your shoulder, and you whimper in response, getting close to him again. "It's okay. We won't ever do anything that doesn't feel good."
He goes to your entrance and draws circles over it, slowly pushing the tip of his middle finger inside you.
"This okay?" Comes out in a whisper on your neck.
You love how he's always making sure you're enjoying what he's doing. Always checking in on you.
"More, Joel." You manage to put out.
"Okay, but just one, alright? We can work on two later." He says and you nod. You just need something from him.
He french kisses and bites on your shoulder while he pushes in, your walls engulfing him. You moan when his finger goes fully inside you.
It's so much bigger than yours.
He groans as he spreads his palm over your pussy, squeezing it quickly before gently thrusting his finger in and out of you.
"You feel so good, baby. So tight around my finger." His breath fans on your neck, and you have to swallow back a loud moan when he curls his finger, just like he taught you last time, hitting an even deeper spot than you managed to.
"Shh, real quiet, angel." His thumb finds your clit and he caresses it lazily, his finger moving slowly against your walls, your hips moving to try and ease the burn.
You feel his erection against your ass and your hand looks for him, grabbing him through his pants, earning a grunt, moaning when you feel how hard he is.
"Wanna feel you cum like this, can you try that for me, baby?" He asks while he fasten his movements, each thrust deeper and faster, each curl tighter and each circle around your clit more desperate. His hips bumping against your hand while you try to work him.
"Joel." You moan softly when your body starts contorting around him, your core burning as your hips move against his hand. "Please, let me do it." You plead, struggling to open his belt with just one hand.
"Fuck." He curses while he lets go of you, desperately opening his belt and freeing himself. He helps you remove your panties before carefully pulling you back in his arms, spooning you. His left arm underneath your head as his right arm pulls your leg over his hips again, his cock pressing against your ass, his hips grinding against you.
You stroke him slowly, spreading his precum all over his length, giving a special attention to his tip.
Just like he taught you. His grunts a sign you've learned just right.
His hands return their work, one on your pussy while the other alternates between caressing your hair and kneading your breasts, and you can feel his strong arm contracting underneath your face as he moves.
He notices your hand around him and your breathing both getting more erratic, an almost painful look in your face.
"Relax, cum for me, baby, let me feel you. I'm right here, I've got you, just let it come." He coos, and you twist your hand around him, making him thrust into it.
Being so close, so tangled, so vulnerable with him overtakes you, and your orgasm builds like a wave, slow and steady before crashing against your core, making you forget everything that wasn't Joel.
His smell, his warmth, his hot breath on your neck, his sounds, his rough fingers, his hardness.
You bite his arm that's under your head in an attempt to quiet yourself as he engulfs you with it, holding you tight and close to him, whispering praises and curses on your ear, thrusting slower and deeper into your hand.
"There we go. Feels so good around my finger, baby." He coos while you contort under his embrace.
He grunts as you probably squeeze his cock a bit too hard while you cum.
"Even prettier like this, my pretty girl." He praises as he pulls out of you, your arousal leaking all over your leg and butt.
"Making such a pretty mess for me, baby, look at this. You're gonna feel so good around me, angel." He thrusts into your hand again and shows you his finger, glistening and wrinkled from being inside you for so long, coated in your juices.
He sucks on it, furrowing his brows and humming at your taste, an amused smile on his face. His hips buck forward while he laughs, looking adoringly down at you.
"Taste so, so good, my baby, goddammit." He pants, and you wanna see him do it again, so you let go of him and gather some of your juices, bringing your fingers to his mouth.
He's quick to suck around them, rolling his tongue around your fingers and giving you a peck on the lips.
He thrusts forward again and his cock slides against your folds, making you both moan. "Hmm. Thank you, angel." He smiles on your lips, spraying kisses on your collarbone and your throat, his hips moving at a slow pace, savoring how you feel against his cock.
"So soft. So wet for me." He praises, hugging you, squeezing your waist and your breasts, moving his hips with more intent. Your belly clenching when his tip brushes against your sensitive clit.
"You like this, baby? Does it feel good? Feels real good to me." He breathes on your hair, his voice deep and raspy.
His right hand comes back underneath your face, and you snuggle against it, weakly bitting his palm and indulging on its texture against your skin.
It all feels amazing. The contrast between his rough, calloused hands and his soft, wet and warm cock rubbing against your pussy making you see stars. He feels so, so good.
"Feels so good, Joel." You moan.
"Close your legs real tight for me then, baby." He instructs and you do, pressing your thighs together, feeling his cock pulse between your legs. "There you go, good girl. Making me feel so good, baby." He says as he picks up his pace.
He fucks your folds for a while, grunting and moaning behind you as his cock opens it's way through them, spreading them and brushing his tip against your clit. The way his strong arms keep you close to him make you start rolling your hips instinctively against his cock.
He changes his pace to meet your hips, setting a passionate and deep rhythm, and you can hear the wet sound of your bodies pleasing one another when you move just slightly harder.
When you start to really enjoy yourself he suddenly stops, laying you on your back and climbing on top of you. He spreads your legs, making room for his broad frames between them.
He looks so big, so strong above you. You run your hands on his arms, frustrated that he's still fully clothed while you're so exposed for him.
Not that he makes you feel bad like this. No... It feels actually strangely good to be fully naked under a fully clothed Joel Miller.
He notices you mesmerized by him and just stand above you, kneeled between your legs, admiring your own exposed body.
To think that he did everything he's done to you without having to remove a single piece of his clothing is impressive.
But you need more, you want to see him, to feel his skin against yours. If feeling his hands and his mouth feels good, you know you're gonna be lost when you feel his bare chest and stomach burning your skin.
You undo the first button on his flannel, and he laughs.
"You look so sweet, so pretty, my baby." He praises, fixing your hair and leaning down to kiss first your cheek — right besides your nose, under your eye — , then another one on your lips. A sweet and lovingly kiss. You use the proximity to finish undoing his flannel, moaning frustrated when you notice the shirt underneath it.
You pull on it's hem, and thankfully he doesn't protest, just standing on his knees and letting you remove it.
You moan when you lie back down and look at him. He wonders if he's wrong when he sees the way you look at him.
As he got older and older people seemed to want to see his naked figure less and less. And to have you looking at him like that... Set a whole new branch of roots inside his heart.
You run your hands up his sides and his chest, and he closes his eyes at the feeling of your warm and soft hands. It's been a long, long time since he felt like this. You cup his cheeks and he lowers himself on top of you.
Having him on top of you is everything you hoped it'd be.
He's soft, warm and heavy.
So deliciously heavy.
You moan at the feeling and he holds himself higher, afraid to hurt you, but you pull him back, even lower, needing his weight to crush you.
You can't even breath properly, and you love it.
You wrap your arms around him, running your hands on his back and squeezing his shoulder blades. He does the same, his arms snaking underneath you, holding you like he was afraid you could ever think of going away from him.
If it was up to you, you'd never leave this bed again, this position, this man. Every kiss he places on your neck makes you roll your hips and squeeze him between your thighs.
He lifts himself a little and guides his cock between your folds again, spreading them apart and thrusting through them, pressing his cock against you with his thumb.
"Fuck." He pants as he slides his tip over your entrance. "Can't wait to be inside you, baby. Never gonna leave you again." He says, biting your jaw softly.
The promise makes its way to your heart, the thought of belonging to him, being with him, taking care of him and being taken care of consumes you, making you roll your hips on him.
"Please Joel. I'm ready, I want to." You plead, holding his arms.
He laughs.
"No, baby. You may be, but she's not. Look at this." He says as he presses his tip on your entrance, making you clench instinctively at the invasion and whine in pain. "You need to learn how to relax for me. Need to get used to being close to me like this. I need you to be sure about it." He says as he kisses your hand that's squeezing his shoulder.
"I am, I want you." You say, feeling as he slides the very tip of his tip inside you, grunting at how tight you feel around him. He thrusts slowly, just the tip going in and out of you.
And you have to give it to him... It feels like a lot. Even just his tip requires a considerable stretch, and the thought of having him almost carving your insides to make room for himself makes you clench around him.
"Shit — grunts — fuck, baby. See? She needs more time, I don't wanna hurt you." He says as he lowers himself to press a sweet kiss on your cheek, right besides your nose, pulling his tip out of you and sliding his cock through your folds again.
You moan when you feel his now much wetter tip brush against your clit.
He pulls your left leg up, bringing your knee close to your chest, caressing your thighs, not stoping his movements. You whimper as his weight sinks you down onto the mattress, and you wrap your arms around him, digging your nails on his shoulders, pulling away when he grunts from it.
"Sorry." You moan, afraid you've hurt him.
"No, baby. C'mon, squeeze me, it means you're liking it." He reassures you, thrusting slower and harder, pressing his hips deeper on top of you and bringing your other leg up.
"I wanna see it, Joel." You breath, holding firmly into his shoulders, your brows furrowed as you push him away, looking down where your bodies are connected.
"Yeah, baby? I love seeing it too. You look so pretty all spread for me like this, all ready and wet for me." He pants, touching his forehead to yours, looking down.
His hips get more erratic with every thrust, his hands supporting him up and squeezing you as he lowers himself on top of you again.
"Gonna make me cum, baby. But I wanna see you do it again, think you can do it for me?" He asks, his voice low.
"Yes." You moan, focusing on how good he feels rubbing against your core.
"There you are, such a good girl for me." He praises, kissing your neck, fastening his movements even more. "Gonna feel so good cumming under me, with my cock for the very first time, baby. Give it to me, c'mon." He says, moving your hair away from your face and cupping your cheeks.
The constant and relentless pace he sets along with his praises becomes too overwhelming, and you bite his shoulder to not scream when you cum, clenching and convulsing around air. Crying out in pleasure, droll dripping down his shoulder, tears running down your cheeks.
"Shh, it's okay, baby. I know it feels so good, doesn't it?" He coos.
His hand that was on your cheek now supports your head up against him, caressing your hair softly, soothing you.
"Goddammit, baby. Can feel you pulsing on me." He says, staring down, watching himself slide through your dripping folds.
You only moan in response, letting go of his shoulder and kissing the deep mark your teeth left on it.
"Gonna cum for you, baby. You did so well for me, such a good — grunts — fucking girl. My... All mine." He stutters, not being able to form comprehensive sentences anymore. "Can't do it like this, no. Fucking can't." He pants before dropping to your side, stroking himself deep and fast.
You watch his strong torso as it raises and falls heavily, curses and senseless words falling from his lips.
But when he calls you... By your name, a breathy and passionate moan... You can't help it.
You reach for him, wrapping your hand around him.
"Fuck, just like last time, baby." He instructs before running his fingers through your hair and caressing your cheek with his thumb. "Such a pretty girl. I'm so fucking — grunts — lucky, angel."
His praise makes you fasten your movements, twisting your wrist around him and rolling your hand around his tip.
"Joel?" You call and he groans in response, looking at you. "Can I put it in my mouth this time?" You ask, using that goddamn voice to try and convince him.
"Jesus — no, baby. No mouth." He pants, fighting the words as they leave his mouth.
God, he loves how much you want to suck his cock. He fucking loves it.
You tighten your grip when you feel him pulse, craving more of the sensation.
"Shit — fuck. Like that, baby. Gonna make me cum for you."
When you feel him twitch and you see the first stream of cum spurt out his his tip...
...you forget everything he told you. You notice his eyes closed shut and lower yourself, opening your mouth in front of his tip, drawing a circle around his tip with your tongue.
He doesn't taste as bad as you remembered.
His hips immediately buck into your face, a gutural sound leaving his throat.
"I said no — grunts — fucking mouth, baby. Goddammit." He says, his hips thrusting up, his hand fisting your hair, but not pulling you away.
You keep licking around his tip while he cums, leaking into your mouth and your hand. You don't keep anything in your mouth, letting it all fall down on your hand and his crotch.
You look up at him and find his eyes on you. Instead of feeling shy, though, you smile, sucking around his tip for the first time, and he spurts one last time inside your mouth with a grunt.
"Fuck, baby. Felt so fucking good." He says when you feel him start softening in your hand. He fixes your hair lazily while you lick your lips, drinking what was dripping down your chin. "Doesn't taste gross anymore?" He teases, seeing how focused you are in drinking every drop of him that's on your face.
"Tastes better directly from you." You lie, only taking it into your mouth because you like how he looks at you when you do so, holding back a bitter expression when you taste more and more of his cum.
Although you have to admit... It does taste better than last time.
"Come up here, angel." He calls, pulling you on top of his chest. "You okay?" He asks while looking deep into your eyes.
You nod. Okay is nothing compared to how you feel right now.
You feel like you're floating, like you're in a transe, like jelly.
You kiss his chest, snuggling your face on him.
"Are you feeling better?" He whispers on top of your head, his hot breath on your hair.
"I feel so good, Joel."
"You do? And you're not gonna thank me, baby? I thought you had better manners than that." He teases, laughing softly underneath you, your body going up and down along with his chest.
"Thank you, Joel. Thank you too." You lightly tap his softening cock.
He laughs. There's the sillyness he missed during dinner.
The playfulness he knows he'll miss the most when he leaves you.
If he ever manages to leave you.
"Our honor, baby." He squeezes you tighter and kisses your forehead. You wrap your arms around him, feeling sleepy already.
When he feels you soften on top of him and your breathing get softer, he softly scratches your head.
"Hey, baby. Can't sleep like this. Gotta clean you up." He whispers, rolling you on the bed, on your back, and kissing your pout with a smile before going to your bathroom.
You admire his naked figure. His strong back, his broad — so broad — shoulders, his strong legs. He looks like a sculpture, like a God, almost.
And you'd be lying if you said you couldn't describe what you feel for him as almost devotion.
Your blasphemies are cut when he walks back in, already clean, with a cloth in hands. He climbs on top of the bed and spread your legs, caressing your thighs.
"So pretty." He praises when he cleans you, softly to not hurt you. Laughing when the cloth touches your clit and your body jerks up.
He finishes and kisses your belly, right above your mount, going lower and pressing a kiss on your folds.
"Joel." You moan.
"Sorry, baby. Don't wanna make a mess again." He teases you, lifting himself.
"Can you do it? Put your mouth on her?" You ask, a new spark of arousal hitting you at the thought of his warm mouth on you.
"Can't wait to, baby. But not today. No. Now the only thing you're gonna do is sleep." He puts his pants and his shirt back on before grabbing your panties and your shirt.
He dresses you back up and lie down behind you, spooning you again, his right hand coming underneath your cheek, pillowing it.
You moan at how good it feels to be so close to him. At how vulnerable you can be with him, knowing he won't move one finger unless you're okay with it.
You fall asleep faster than any other night since he arrived, only waking up for a slip second when you feel him carefully letting go of you. And you feel colder, but you know he can't sleep with you.
He presses a kiss to your temple, whispering something muffled before leaving your bedroom.
When he lies on his bed he seals his fate. He can't stay way from you. He doesn't want to.
The whisper on your cheeks more a confession to himself than to you.
"I think I love you."
It reverberates in his chest, a feeling he thought could never bloom again in his infertile heart. A feeling only you could sow on him.
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Please, please let me know what you think about it. I love reading your thoughts, reblogs, asks and comments on this series 🩷
Hope you liked it, have a wonderful day, besties 🩷🫶🏻
My Masterlist 🩷🪷
Been a long while since part two, so I'm tagging some people that seemed to really like this series so far 🫶🏻
@pedritoferg @cleopatra99 @samsamsantos @thecaptainpandabear @blooodmoonbarnes @yourwinchesterbros @walkintheprk @cruelfvkingsummer @laiisleitte
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MCYT ; songs that they associate with you
includes tommyinnit, tubbo, freddie badlinu, ranboo, quackity
warnings ; horrible music taste. Did a few for each of them lmaooo. also let's act like dmca doesn't exist on twitch or whatever. if schlatt can play Fleetwood Mac on stream then who cares yk
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Kiss From A Rose ; Seal
You guys watched Batman Forever together and this song came on during credits. Life changing experience.
You had the DVD version with the music video bonus, that was being replayed for like twenty minutes
He has it on almost every playlist he has
He seems like the type of person to make a private, bad quality edit/music video of you two to it
Goosebumps ; Sorana
Dude this song perfectly reflected how he felt before you guys got together 🙏🙏
Plays this on stream when you're streaming with him for background noise.
Before you get together, he still plays it, just makes sure to not let you know that he feels that exact way about you.
Little inside joke between you two, it's kinda your song in a way
Editors love editing you guys to this song omg. They're always cute as hell too
FaceTime with my Mom (Tonight) ; Bo Burnham
You guys karaoke-d the shit out of this song on stream with Jack and Freddie.
It became a core memory for him. You were only friends at the time but it kinda made him realize that he wanted to be more than just your friend.
He actually FaceTimed his mom afterwards and she said hello to chat and everything
Little funny moment that he loves to think about
Someday (Remastered) ; Sugar Ray
He found this song on your older music playlist
He plays it a lot and thinks about you
Like daydreams that you're on a warm beach with all your friends and stuff
The song has like a warm, summery vibe to it so all summer he makes sure this comes up on your queue when streaming or in the car or whatever.
You guys probably dance around the living room to this song idk
Where The Lines Overlap ; Paramore
"No one is as lucky as us" REAL.
He cherishes you in his own special way yk?
He thinks he's so lucky to have you when you're surprised you could even pull someone, let alone him
Before you guys started dating, he saw an edit of you two to this song and he religiously watched it LMAO
You're both Paramore fans so this worked out perfectly.
Orange Show Speedway ; Lizzy McAlpine
the guitar sounds exactly how you feel to him if that makes sense
the happy nostalgia/dopamine rush kind of feel makes him all smiley and makes him think of you
he literally fell in love at a car speedway show that you two went to together for a little "first date" vlog so 🙏🙏🙏
it's just perfect idk man
Already Over ; Mike Shinoda
this song reminds me a lot of genloss so yk I had to include it here
but yeah, genloss vibes
reminds them a lot of yours and his genloss characters and their relationships and whatnot
when on set for s2 they listen to this on repeat bc your dynamic is so cool
although the viewers r desperately trying to kill you bc you're kind of at fault for genloss! rans trauma/predicament
they'll figure out that's not totally true tho
White Noise ; James Marriott
"I'd quite like to go home now" mother fucker you are his home :(
you're the "What's the point of having a friend when you're on your own in the end" outlook and they're the "I'll make an attempt knowing that I'll fuck it up" in a /pos outlook
you two go perfectly together
like two puzzle pieces, straight the fuck up
the cutest of dynamics
Le Jardin ; La Femme
you guys watched Fresh together (10/10 btw)
this song came on halfway through and you soundsearched it and quickly dove into the la femme rabbit hole
he thought it was adorable cause you kind of understood the music but he understood completely
honestly got you into learning Spanish more
he literally only sees you listening to la femme to the point where he's a little concerned
you're just addicted to the paradigmes album you're fine
but he does play this on stream a lot just for you
editors go crazy after figuring out its always being played for you omg
Don't Want It ; Lil Nas X
holy shit this song goes hard
anyways yall always play this to get hyped up
he found an edit of you guys to this song and he thinks about it 24/7
literally the "people in my life should know I am not the old me" and the "wanted happiness, wanted forgiveness" duo
I can't explain it it's just vibes
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neonghostlights · 9 months
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★ A/N: Thank you to @fracturedarkness for being such an amazing friend and reading this for me and making me feel better about my writing. You’re the best.
★ Series Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: Eddie gets interviewed.
★ Warnings: Drug use, hickies, allusion to drinking, cussing, violent outburst. 18+ only, minors DNI.
★ Wordcount: 1.4k
Chapter Seven: What do you think?
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Here at Wasted Years news we always like to keep it real and give our readers the truth no matter what. With that being said, this interview is unfiltered so that you can form your own thoughts and opinions on the people that we interview. We here at Wasted Years news stand by our decision of only printing the truth and not watering it down-no matter how many threats we receive from managers, lawyers, and angry rockstars alike.  
We want to say that we have never, in all of our years, had an interview go like this one did. 
Recently, Felicity Cash sat down for a one on one exclusive with lead singer of Corroded Coffin, Eddie Munson, today to see how the life of fame really is. He burst through the scene from out of nowhere and took the industry by storm with his killer guitar skills and raspy vocals. There is not a person on the planet who doesn’t know who Corroded Coffin is, no matter what music genre you prefer. 
In typical rockstar fashion, Eddie Munson arrived late to this interview due to traffic on the interstate. He sauntered in with his manager close behind, dressed in his usual black attire and jewelry. There was smeared make up under his eyes, red lipstick and hickies on his neck, as well as the smell of booze clinging to his clothing. 
The following is the full transcript of the interview:
I just wanted to start this interview off by saying congratulations on your success. We are a little bit crunched for time now so I’m just going to get right into it. Growing up, did you ever see yourself in the position you are in now? 
Not at all. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this a lot in interviews before, but I grew up pretty poor in a trailer park in Indiana. I didn’t have much besides my uncle, my friends, and music to get me through. If you would have told me then how I would be on top of the world now, I don’t think I would believe you. 
Eddie spread his arms and legs out, leaning back in his chair like he was the king, and he was sitting on his throne. He looked down at the people in the room.
And is that how you feel? On top of the world? 
Of course I do. I have everything. Every day is a fucking party. I have women begging to be with me and every man in the world wants to be me. I can’t see how it gets any better than that. 
Okay then. Would you say that music was a big part of your household growing up? 
My-yeah, my mom. She used to sing a lot. Just around the house. She’d sing when doing laundry and the dishes. She had a nice voice and when I was younger I used to think she sang better than the women on the radio. I don’t know. I was really young. I don’t really remember. 
This question seemed to catch Eddie a little off guard. There was a glisten in his eye when he spoke of his mother. You could tell he was reminiscing on some fond memories. 
Sounds like some of that talent got passed down. 
Maybe. I don’t know. 
Speaking of talent, you are considered one of the best guitar players in the world. Have you ever played any other instruments?
I played clarinet in the school band in middle school to get out of gym class. I wasn’t very good at it. If you put a clarinet in front of me today I wouldn’t know what to do with it. 
I don’t think I can imagine you playing the clarinet. I wanted to ask you about one of my favorite songs by you guys. Your most recent single Tell Her is much slower than your normal stuff. Fans are calling it your one and only love song. May I ask who your muse was? Is there someone special we should keep an eye out for?
I’m not fucking answering that. 
Eddie’s manager paused the interview for a moment to whisper something in Eddie’s ear. Some crew members have mentioned seeing his manager hand him a pill of some sort which Eddie took immediately. We are not sure what he said or what was given to Eddie but it didn’t seem to deter him or help with calming him down. 
Let’s get back on track. Earlier you mentioned your uncle. How is he doing these days? Would you say he influenced your career in any way? 
My uncle has basically killed himself trying to raise me and keep me fed. He didn’t have to do that but he did. He doesn’t like talking to me anymore. He thinks I’m a disappointment. I offered to buy him another big old fancy house and he doesn’t even want to live here with me. 
I’m sure he doesn’t think you’re a disappointment, Eddie. I had a question for you and the answer might be obvious. Do you ever get performance anxiety? If you once did, how did you overcome it?
Fuck no. Why would I get anxiety? 
It was just a question. I know it’s something a lot of people in the industry struggle with. How about those friends you mentioned earlier? Are they still by your side?
Yeah. Jeff, Garreth, Grant-they’re all great. They’re my best friends. They were all losers like me too, ya’know? Just a bunch of losers that grew up and got a shit load of money…
Myself and the crew started to notice Mr. Munson dozing off in his seat. His manager, who we now know by the name of Don, had to get Eddie awake by splashing water in his face. Despite his manager's persistent advice, Eddie decided to continue the interview. 
I just want to check before we continue that you are okay, Eddie? If you want we can stop the interview now. 
 Fuck no. I got up and drove all the way down here for this so we’re finishing it. 
Okay. I just want to make it clear we can stop this at any point. 
I just wanted to ask you a few more questions before we let you go for the day. Do you have any advice for any young people who want to be where you are today? 
I would say don’t let anyone hold you back. No one really matters except for yourself. And if you think you can be the new me then think of something else to do because I’m not going anywhere any time soon. 
That might be harmful advice. Don’t you think?
What is this? A damn therapy session? It’s the fucking truth though. Do you not want me to answer your bullshit answers truthfully? 
We noticed that Eddie was not well and his speech was slurring. We made the decision to ask one more question and to cut the interview short. 
Of course we want you to answer truthfully and sorry if it’s coming across that way. I’m sure you’ve read one of our interviews and seen our interview style before. One more question before you go, Eddie. I’ve been wanting to ask you this since you mentioned your friends earlier that there was one friend you left out of your answer. I’ve read in previous interviews of yours that you and a certain actress have been very close. I was wondering how your relationship is with her now and if you are still close with her and her boyfriend Collin-
At this point the once drowsy and uninterested Eddie came to life. It was evident that the question pushed a button. His answer was followed by him jumping out of the chair, clearly angered. 
No! Hell no. You do not get to ask me about her. 
I’m sorry. I don’t have it in my notes not to ask you about that. So, there is drama there? 
The interview then ended abruptly when Eddie Munson decided to pick up the chair he was once sitting in and threw it across the room, nearly hitting a crew member. We decided to end the interview there, and after a brief discussion with his manager, decided not to press charges since there was no injury to anyone on set. 
Eddie Munson was escorted from the property by security with a ban from ever coming back. We wish him the best and hope he finds the help he needs. 
After a lot of thought we decided to continue with publishing this interview to show the public the truth. We will let you form your own opinions. 
-Felicity Cash, Journalist, Wasted Years News
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caraphernellie · 1 year
Omg pls do a mermaid x ellie! Would be so cool!
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summary: ellie moves to a lonely coastal town, and finds herself with toes in the sand more often than not nowadays. she ignored the folk tales she'd hear from elderly residents, those about mythical creatures hiding in the sea. until she makes eye contact with something otherworldly one winter afternoon.
an: YEYSYEYSYESYEYSYEYSYESYSYES omg yk im not good at swimming at all (i cant go underwater bc of my sensory issues) but i want to be a mermaid so bad i was an ariel fangirl as a kid and u cant take the mermaid wishes away
info: reader has a habit of sitting and watching ellie but just really fascinated by humans (very very curious mermaid type shit), cw for drowning (that’s it i think) (ellie is not a strong swimmer!)
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moving to a coastal town was certainly not on ellie’s bucket list. to be frank, the ocean, though peaceful, scared the shit out of her at the very same time. it’s not exactly the ocean that gave her the creeps; it’s the unknown that did it.
the ocean is the great unknown. less than ten percent of the entire ocean has actually been discovered and explored.
for all ellie knew, there could be giant sea monsters hiding below, ready to eat her whole the second she went in too deep. childish fear, but a real one.
her neighbours once told her old folk tales about mermaids hanging around the shore. she would smile and nod, but never believed the stories had truth to them. it just seemed far-fetched.
there’s always something different about the beach every time you go. it’s never the same.
ellie’s learned to expect that now. on her second day, her toe had been pinched by a crab when she stepped in the wrong place. now she makes sure to watch out for crab holes.
now that she was only a walk away from the beach, she found that if she wanted some peace it was the only place she could go. she’d walk along for a couple miles until she was isolated, choosing to sit on the jetty far from everyone else to be at peace with her thoughts. it didn’t matter when the wind would pick up and cause goosebumps to rise on her calves when the sun began to set - she’d look into the deep blue waters and watch schools of fish swim past if it was clear, and she’d stare at her own reflection when it was not. all that mattered was that she was alone.
she’d roll up her jeans and wade through the shallow sand on the warmer days, or let her feet hang off the jetty when the tide was high.
sometimes she was brave enough to bring her guitar with her. keep her hands busy. a perfect place to practise, where only the seagulls would hear.
or so she thought.
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you had a fascination with land above the sea. you collected anything you could find, and dedicated your life to learning what everything did and how humans lived above the surface. you’d never get close enough to be seen by anyone, you’d heard horrible things about what could happen if you were caught.
that’s why the pier was your greatest find yet.
the end of it led to a space where the ocean was deep enough that unless it was bright and sunny out, you wouldn’t be seen below the soft waves.
you were able to sneak under the jetty without being seen.
and the best part? this was the closest you could get to observing human nature.
a girl would come sit with her feet in the water everyday. she didn’t do much. she’d sit there, she’d speak sometimes, but you didn’t know who she would speak to. herself, maybe?
sometimes you’d hear different sounds, a sweet melody played by some kind of object you’d not seen before.
there was only one rule that you had, and that rule was to not be caught.
which sounded easy enough, but sometimes the seagulls would look down and squawk at you, finding a human with a fish tail an unfamiliar sight. you didn’t want to draw any attention to yourself or your cover would be blown.
but luckily it never seemed to faze the girl who sat on the jetty. in fact, she’d laugh softly, a sound that never failed to please your ears.
you always timed yourself perfectly - you knew what time she’d show up everyday, so you’d try to get there before she did.
sometimes you’d prop yourself up on a ladder down the side of the jetty to get a better look at her. not close enough for your liking, but it was all you had.
what you weren’t prepared for, though, was for her to look back and watch a seagull fly away, into your direction - she paused when she noticed you, and you were sure that your eyes widened just as much as hers.
both fearful, but for different reasons.
“how long have you been there?” she called out in an accusatory tone.
you dived off the ladder as fast as you could when you noticed her begin to stand up, presumably to walk in your direction.
ellie didn’t know what to think. first, she was disturbed that somebody was watching her - but the more upsetting fact was what she had seen. she didn’t know if her eyes were deceiving her.
there was no way - mermaids just weren’t real. it couldn’t be true, could it? and
she didn’t know anymore if what she had seen was even real - she began trying to look around but couldn’t find it, until she thought to try and look under the jetty.
this is a bad, bad idea, ellie, she thought, losing her balance slightly. when she knelt down, angling her head to look under the jetty, a pair of eyes met with her own. and the shock of it all had caused her to fall in.
you watched her, and you assumed she could swim, in fact, you assumed she had jumped in on purpose to catch you. you flinched and turned to swim away, when you noticed she wasn’t making any distance on you - she was struggling to.
you couldn’t just leave her there.
you felt like you knew her fairly well at this point, listening to some of the things she would say some days while she was at the jetty. not that much of it made sense. but you knew there was someone she had to return to. she often spoke about a joel. from what you could tell, he cared about her dearly.
you couldn’t just leave her there to die.
you mustered any courage and strength that you had swim back towards her, trying to calm her flailing limbs and bring her to the ladder at the jetty - it was a quicker and easier way to help her rather than to bring her to the shore.
she climbed up the ladder as fast as she could, coughing up water and trying to clear her throat so she could say something. you didn’t know what to say or do to make any of this better.
there was a voice in your head, telling you to turn back and swim away as fast as possible, and to never return. but you didn’t know why exactly you felt stuck in place.
the human cleared her throat one more time, meeting eyes with you finally. you noticed they were green. that was the one thing that you suspected was stopping you from turning away to safety - you were finally up close. you could see things you had never been able to see about her before. freckles covered every inch of visible skin.
she watched you, taking in the way your head tilted to the side as you stared at her. she breathed in heavily, noticing the gills on your neck and the random splatters of iridescent blue scales covering parts of your skin.
she reached out to you, very slowly, and you flinched.
she moved even slower now, running her fingers over a small group of scales on your shoulder, leaving bumps in their wake.
you were truly the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.
moving to a coastal town had never been on ellie’s bucket list, but she was now glad she had.
“why?” she asked. “why did you save me? i didn’t mean to startle you- i just- i was shocked. why did you come back?”
“i don’t know,” you lied. “i couldn’t leave you there.”
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part 2 ?? 😁😁😁
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Demolition Lovers
Written By: Matt Pelissier, Mikey Way, Ray Toro & Gerard Way
Artist: My Chemical Romance
Released: 2002
The Demolition Lovers are the couple seen on the cover for MCR’s next album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. This song, along with much of the album, is a prequel to the story of Three Cheers… in which a man makes a deal with the devil to get his dead lover back by killing 1,000 evil men and giving the devil their souls in exchange for her. This song is most likely where the lover dies. The two “Demolition Lovers” are featured on the cover of the album.
[Verse 1] Hand in mine, into your icy blues And then I'd say to you, "We could take to the highway With this trunk of ammunition, too" I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know just how much you mean to me And after all the things We put each other through and [Verse 2] I would drive on to the end with you A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full And I feel like there's nothing left to do But prove myself to you, and we'll keep it running [Chorus] But this time, I mean it I'll let you know just how much you mean to me As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of everything I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold [Post-Chorus] Until the end, until this pool of blood Until this, I mean this, I mean this, until the end of [Chorus] I'm trying, I'm trying To let you know how much you mean As days fade and nights grow And we grow cold But this time, we'll show them We'll show them all how much we mean As snow falls on desert sky Until the end of every… [Interlude] All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this All we are, all we are is bullets, I mean this [Guitar Solo] [Bridge] As lead rains will pass on through Our phantoms forever, forever Like scarecrows that fuel this flame We're burning forever and ever Know how much I want to show you You're the only one Like a bed of roses There's a dozen reasons in this gun [Outro] And as we're falling down, and in this pool of blood And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down And in this pool of blood, and as we're falling down I'll see your eyes, and in this pool of blood I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever!
I Will Follow You into the Dark
Written By: Benjamin Gibbard
Artist: Death Cab for Cutie
Released: 2006
Even on a concept album whose main theme is death, “I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” is a standout moving song about the transcendental power of love, even when that boundary is death. This song was recorded unexpectedly while the band was having technical difficulties in studio. Chris Walla, Death Cab for Cutie’s lead guitarist and producer, said the following. “We were going to track the vocal for another song and there was something screwy happening with the headphone mix. We were having problems, so I said, “Ben, this is gonna be a few minutes. Take a break.” Ben’s version of taking a break while we addressed the headphone problem was to pick up this Stella guitar that he loves and start playing this song we were planning on recording sometime later during the sessions. He was still coming through the vocal mic as he was playing this, and it was sounding really cool to me, so I went up and said, “Let’s track this real quick,” and we did and that’s what’s on the record. It was a mono recording with no effects. Nothing. I added a little compression and de-essed it a bit. It’s really weird. It’s totally there and it’s happening.”
[Verse 1] Love of mine, someday you will die But I'll be close behind, I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 2] In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black And I held my tongue as she told me, "Son Fear is the heart of love," so I never went back [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 3] You and me have seen everything to see From Bangkok to Calgary and the soles of your shoes Are all worn down, the time for sleep is now But it's nothing to cry about 'cause we'll hold each other soon In the blackest of rooms [Chorus] And if Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied And illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Outro] Then I'll follow you into the dark
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