#i burn real easy
branmer · 2 years
there is only one beauty obsession i indulge on the regular tbh, and that’s moisterising
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Spice is the variety of life!
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anteroom-of-death · 4 months
Teacher's Pet part 3
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Synopsis: The Doctor struggles with morality. The student is struggling. Both are tearing themselves up.
A/n: I'm sorry for the bit of pain. The next one should be a bit more pain, but it will get better soon. Also. These things are fun to bang out. Especially when you listen to dramatic early 2000s nu metal. Thank you all. Your response to this mean the world to me.
Utterly ashamed and indecent, the Doctor remarked to himself once (y/n) fled the office. He felt utterly indecent. Ashamed. He was shocked that even he could hold such an array of thoughts. Not that he didn’t have similar thoughts before. He had been married before. To multiple people, multiple times. He was the reason why the Virgin Queen wasn’t really a Virgin.
But to a student? No, he couldn’t. Even though this was a charade, he still felt bound to at least some of the rules a professor should follow…
And the scenarios his mind was running? Much more akin to something that his dear best enemy, locked in her Vault would have.
He kicked her out for her own good. Her obvious tone shift and body language change had clued him in to the fact that she picked up on it. The girl was very good at making connections, it seemed. Maybe not getting them in a correct or orderly manner. But she was no idiot. Despite what her brain, past educators, and experts had probably told her.
He knew all about various so-called learning disabilities and some honestly just seemed like evolutionary differences to give the species different roles throughout the tribes and flocks.
Once, before Rose. Before he swore to himself that he would run solo forevermore. He held the idea, the hypothesis: to take a random person from a random planet. Mold their life and bend it to his will. Make a perfect companion. One noble enough to save the day, but not stupid and caring enough to get themselves killed in an act of bravery. Like so many if his past ones.
He shuddered, thanking Rose in Pete’s world for saving him from himself…
But this one? He felt oddly returned to this idea. A perfect companion. This time shaped by her own insecurities. Not preconditions he would control. He admitted he was lonely.
Nardole and Missy didn’t really count.
He stopped himself there. Maybe Missy was rubbing off on him. Getting him to pry back into those darker, more primal urges.
He needed a breath of fresh air. A trip off-planet.
Just Missy’s influence, he shook himself as he meandered down to the mess hall to get a bit of scran before a trip to somewhere. Nothing more, nothing less. Relapse in it's most basic indulgences.
He found himself at the Eye of Orion. Just exactly what the Doctor ordered! Peace and solace. Stop what was shaking him up at the source.
Too bad that he was being plagued by thoughts of (y/n).
She was possessing him.
Clever, nervous, just a hint of something else. She came to the meeting with some sparkly gunk crusted to her eye corners and the residuals of make up being slapped on in layers.
The way she quickly diverted the topic when her work was mentioned slightly irked him. She didn’t elaborate, just a missed appointment and a shocked tone.
What did she do?
Another mystery girl to lure him out of his shell. The universe, in all of its infinite wisdom, loved tossing mystery women at him.
They always frustrated him to arousal. A stupid trait he felt he got from his days crushing over Missy when they were young lads. Back when he shielded everyone from the Drums until they drove him to madness and self-corruption.
That stupid past plot of his past self echoed again. It might be fun. She might be fairly easy to tip into it on her own accord.
He decided against it. Ultimately.
Missy’s influence. Damn it!
He leaned back on the patch of grass he was on. Trying to clear his mind. She was just another daft ape. Just a student for him to inspire to help along the way.
But her grins and demeanor wouldn’t leave him.
Her hunched over form, and the clanging of her jewelry and the way she used her hands to speak…
Was doing something to him. Awakening something he tried to kill.
He relaxed for a while more before returning. Nardole, of course, was exasperated that he went away. Especially without telling him beforehand…
He hadn’t felt this frantic since he was locked in the Confession Dial.
Back in his office, he had a queue of students waiting for Office Hours. Mainly droll questions about the mid-term project. (Mandatory by the university.) The other students sat in her seat, where she had spilled crumbs on. He engaged them. And got a kick out of them and their findings and research. There were a good batch of students in his classes this term.
The Doctor found delight in them and the thoughts of (y/n) went to back-burner.
Then Tuesday came. One of the two days the class (y/n) was in was.
He groaned.
Hopefully today whatever was abnormal faded. Maybe she’d not come. Some sort of survival instinct will have kicked in…
Of course. He wasn’t so lucky. He remembered her scribbled maths equations about her monetary investment in university. He doubted that she’d go and waste the nearly eighty pounds a singular class was costing her. It seemed out of character.
He, in bad faith, wished her ill enough to take off.
Too bad the universe rarely responded well to bargaining.
She slunk in in between the masses of people. As if to go incognito, to not draw his attention. She removed her notebook and got a pen out and slouched forward. He scanned the room as he opened up with his exciting build-upon on Thursday’s lecture. A poem from Robert Burns that tangentially related to the themes. She wasn’t making eye contact, instead she was chewing on the chain of one of her many necklaces. This particular one was the chain that held a pendant with a historical symbol. She was scribbling furiously. Her eyes squinted and she seemed to be muttering a tad bit under her breath. He didn’t want to admit how much he wanted to pry in. To hear. To understand. To respond. To feel.
“And fare thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel awhile! And I will come again, my luve, Though it were ten thousand mile.” He finished and then went on with a remark.
“Does the universe love us? Does it owe us?And if it does, why?” He opened up to the floor to discussion and debate.
Many responded, except for (y/n), who obviously was holding her tongue and trying to not make eye contact with anyone. Just focused in on writing and listening.
He could carve out a response from her.
“Miss (y/n’s surname)? What do you think, I think Braelynne made a fantastic point. Come, join us.”
(Y/n) spat out the chain and straightened up her posture. She had pen ink on her chin and looked, quite frankly like she’d leak tears.
She sniffled before speaking, a crack in her voice. “I think it’d be narcissistic to assume that the universe owes us anything. But does it love us? Maybe. It loves itself through us. Like, like, like, when we do tasks like help an elderly neighbor carry their groceries in. Or give a few coins to a homeless person. It’s the universe loving itself. Maybe it’s like when you drink something probiotic. To the germs in your gut…aren’t you the entire universe? I don’t know. I do think that thinking you, out of all creation, prioritizing yourself in the center of it….uhhh. Red flag!” She flustered, grabbing her pen and resuming the furious scratching she was making.
That gave the Doctor a world of insight to her brain, inner workings. Maybe she felt like she was owed something but held some remorse over these thoughts. It seemed conflicting in her punctuation and how hard she seemed to force the words out. Wise, beyond wise, but also leaving herself a tad bit shortsighted and a decided lack of grace.
Obviously she didn’t want to speak. Obviously she had plenty to occupy her mind with at that moment.
So he pursued via others, “Is it narcissistic to expect something when, by (y/n)’s standards, we’re bacteria and microbes in a greater gut system?”
Someone replied that it was reductive and put humans on the same levels as non-sentient life. That they had greater purposes. That the microbes’ lives were less vital than a human life. (Y/n) scrunched her nose in disgust at such a statement. Internal dissent.
Ah, he thought, very good. A measure of her morals.
He built on that. He opened up the topic, getting more opinions from the other student. Hoping she’d speak up…
He noticed (y/n) shoving her things into her bag and sniffling again. Maybe he did get what he earlier asked the universe for. Maybe she was sick. Maybe.
She made a beeline for the door, “Sorry. I have…an emergency.” She turned to him at the door. “I’ll get the notes from someone.” She promised. Her chest was beginning to visibly heave.
He nodded and she shot out of the room like a horse out of a gate.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I hate the existence of the Functionist Universe but if it has to happen don't make it fun for Megatron. It's not a second chance for him to do things right, it's him living like a fucking ghost feeling like he doesn't belong here. It's Megatron looking at familiar faces who look back at him as if he's a stranger-- because he is. It's Megatron accidentally forgetting himself and referencing something that happened in his universe and having to cover it up: "oh no, I must have been thinking of someone else, haha." It's Megatron knowing so much about Impactor and Orion Pax in a way that's unearned; he knows Impactor and Orion Pax in another universe, these are different people who only share an origin. These are people who have never met him but he knows almost everything about. These are people who only see Megatron's best and the knowledge chokes him when he's alone: "I am not the person you think I am." It's Megatron screaming at Terminus when he finds out what he did, saying "I didn't ask for this. I wanted to help my true home and yet you've locked me here forever to carry out a hollow recreation of a person I used to be but can't. I have done too much to be seen as a savior. This is not my home. These people don't know who I am or what I've done. This is not me. This is not me."
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exopelagic · 2 days
I need to go to bed I’m just gonna shout a lil
#ice hockey needs to chill the fuck out#I had such a good night tonight!! was ssosososossososososo happy#but afterwards people started shouting in the group chat#and they all have very valid reasons for being angry but my god the us vs them mentality is STRONG#I am concerned abt how much people want to escalate things and how quickly they’re moving to do that#I am aware I am a doormat and a people pleaser or whatever but#I mean for one this is a tense political situation and we don’t wanna burn bridges#(there is no real politics i am being dramatic to be clear)#two clubs. alike in dignity. in fair Verona where we lay our scene#and I am personally managing at least 4 fragile egos that are all highly volatile#as well as an internal divide that’s threatening to cause problems very soon#I also should not be part of this anymore! and yet.#also why are specifically men who play team sports so dramatic when you get them all together#like that’s a whole shitstorm that is so easy to set off#anyway with my club I can’t blame the committee for being dramatic (different way to what I just said they’re not the same people)#bc I sure as fuck was overdramatic which fed into other people ramping up BUT that normally snapped me the fuck out of it#so I tempered the worst of it yknow. but I don’t think this new committee has that#/is not willing to listen to the person who would play that role#anyway if people don’t play nice it’s going to start some actual shit which will be deeply unpleasant for everyone#particularly the people who are in both clubs and do not deserve this bc they’ll be getting it from both sides and theyve done nothing wrong#anyway! bedtime now <3 I’m just frustrated bc the person who maybe would’ve calmed everyone down is out of commission#and I should not and am not willing to have the power to tell people to stop even though I probably still could#it’s whatever. sleep#luke.txt
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danielnelsen · 9 months
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wooow it's my favourite part of the game
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
(About the Alice in borderland) So I'm not the only one who thought so! I had read the manga before the season 2 came out and when I saw this arc, I wondered how they would cover the guy up. Everytime I thought that surely, they won't really put him naked, that would be too hard to cover... well imagine my surprise when watching the episode. Btw are you enjoying the new season so far?
uh spoilers i guess since its only been out for like a day but i'm already finished?
i don't like it as much as the first season, tbh. i kinda zoned out in the middle and don't remember what happened, which makes me think there was something up with the pacing. but also maybe i don't think you're supposed to watch an entire season of television in one sitting and while you're making jam, so maybe it was a me issue. what i liked about the first season is that they were able to disguise the fact that it is based on a manga relatively well when adapting the visual design. there are some visual design conventions that are common in manga character design that when adapted to live action just do not make sense logistically, and so it can be really obvious when you're watching something that has been adapted. i don't usually have a problem with that kind of thing, bc it usually happens in places where you would expect there to be whack ass clothing, so the fact that it looks weird isn't going to break immersion (ie like the fma adaptions etc). but i found the second season had way more trouble due to just the absurdity of some of the characters, especially with the return niragi. normally i don't really give a shit about weird costuming, but his post burns look is just. well. i thought he looked like someone airdropped in an anime character in the first season and i think it even more for this season. idk, i don't really think that it's a problem per se, it just took me out of it enough to remind me that it's an adaptation of a different media form and i think i would have preferred them to have been more uniform in adapting the character designs across the board at the expense of one being less 'canon' accurate, as opposed to having one that stands out very strongly despite looking 'accurate'.
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rancidarling · 1 year
it's probably such a good thing I didn't grow up in America because anytime I went to someone's house and they had a bb gun, I'd just be obsessed with it and trying to be subtle about how interested I was in using it and also wanting to know what it would be like to shoot someone with it 😍
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bottomvalerius · 1 year
once again thinking of sam and dog collar wrestling matches hmm
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osamu-tamashi · 1 year
What's your favorite perfume or scent?
Hard question for me since good smells are easily one of my favorite things on earth. So far my favorite scent was this jasmine candle I had and ny favorite perfume is one of the gucci bloom fragrances. I love true genuine floral scents
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siriuslynephilim · 2 years
cute guy : yes so you should only invest your money in two things- 1. education and 2. where it grows
*goes on and talks about investments, mutual funds, SIPs*
me : *fond eyes* you would bond with my dad sooo well (derogatory)
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pathofelation · 1 month
i keep remembering i'll be going into emergency medicine and i am filled with both so much joy and so much fear. like.. woah dude.. i was not expecting to get this far. you mean i'm really gonna do that? you mean i am given the privilege to help people like that? you mean i am given the chance to be in a position to serve my community and the people around me in such a tangible way? you mean the kid i never got to be would be happy to see me now? like woah.. hey there.. let me sit down for a second that's a lot.
ignore the essay i wrote in the tags. it's a night /humorous
#personal#<- might start tagging these. ok to rb/like/reply/etc it's mostly for me or filtering haha#going through a Lot right now#and. it's weird#i usually don't feel much. at all#my feelings have always been super duper diluted. especially positive ones.#anger is probably the Only feeling I've ever felt like. raw. burning. etc#hope is such a weird feeling#like. it's dull. but it's there#i don't think i have ever felt happy. like in a “my brain literally does not have the capacity for it” way#but i think this is the closest i have ever gotten#when i reflect on where i came vs where im going#its weird#you mean.. there's life after surviving??#nuts.#and it's like. weird. because i should be really really sad right now#for personal reasons#but it's like.#i don't know#it's weird#everything's kind of numb but not really in a bad way. per usual. but it feels like there's a glimmer of something different#you spend you're whole life in a dark tunnel waiting to see the light that you start to wonder if it's even real#if “light” is just some made up story. like the ones parents tell their kids to get them go ready easy at night#but you trudge forward despite for it. because if light is not real#then#well#maybe the concept of light itself is real enough as is#through the pursuit of happiness you will find happiness#sorry idk why im so. poetic tonight im kinda having a moment#tl;dr I've spent my whole life expecting to die imminently and I'm shocked to see that things can‚ do‚ and are getting better
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thekittyfox2999 · 3 months
I love Fred Cranepool
Wish he was real
Edit: i spelt his name wrong :(
still gonna keep it like this lol
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ghstfacr · 3 months
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𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗜𝗔𝗡𝗡𝗔 𝗪𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗕𝗥𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗔 𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗟 : 4 / ∞ featuring dean winchester ( @bloodsalted )
— 𝙢𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 / 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨 —
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everony · 4 months
One of the things I think about sometimes is that time I told my nepotism manager, in much nicer terms, to fuck around and find out if he wants to make me mad again. Then went above his head and tattled on him to his wife, the owner, and his cousin, the other owner, telling them exactly what I told him and that it wasn't an empty threat.
He backed off and pretty much leaves me alone bow lmao
#straight up told the dude that im autistic not stupid#and if he wants to stop me from doing the main part of my job#but then get mad at me for doing the other major part of my job#then its going to be his problem if he wants to make me mad again#tbh i also told him that if he pulls that shit again then im just not going to listen to him and he can suck it up#this fucker is also aware that im literally LEGALLY DISABLED because of my processing issues but acts like im not#i think he also forgot about telling me to my face that his 4y/o son would be better at the job that ive done for 8 years#until i mentioned it#because he got real quiet real quick#like yeah#i have a shit memory#but im also the type of person to remember tiny insignificant details#and being called stupid by the man who has to constantly ask you how to do shit really leaves an impression on someone#auDHD#also im the type of person who doesnt like to get angry#id much rather just laugh it off and hope the asshole has the day they deserve#but thats because im very non confrontational#and im aware of my temper that burns like thermite#ill be seemingly fine until suddenly the spark catches and my anger burns so fiercely that it scares me#i get described at work as bubbly and easy going#but in those moments youd never be able to see that as truth#but within moments the rage is gone and only apathy for the fucker who pissed me off remains#and apathy is far more unsettling than sudden rage#because now im not masking#i dont have the energy left to mask for the sake of someone who isnt worth a second of my time#and the unfortunate part of being autistic is that i know i make nerotypicals uncomfortable when i dont mask
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workwort · 5 months
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get to know her 👆
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