#i bet no one else carols like these three tbh
toychest321 · 6 months
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🎄 Loxx, Bao BBY, and Beigne all decked out for the holidays! 🎄
(Courtesy of @ thefreshdolls on Insta)
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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alright, y'all, fuck it, i'm not going back and rereading civil war again bc it literally breaks me every goddamn time bc my stupid ass will literally always reread the confession and the road to civil war, and leads to me rereading iron man: director of shield, which also breaks me, which makes me read secret invasion and dark reign, which makes me read fraction's run, which makes me-
you get the idea.
but let's.  let's talk about this a minute.  i'm not gonna rehash the entire comic civil war here, it's a lot, but you should read it if you haven't.  it's a big turning point in the 616 world and leads almost directly to the current state of things as they stand today.  you should read it.  period.  if you're mcu be prepared for a bigger gut punch than anything the films gave you, i sob like a fucking baby every time i read fallen son and the confession.  and...the end of the brain wipe, which i'll also get to here in a minute, when tony starts filling himself in on what he's missing.  it's different.  it's bigger, but more contained (as in us-based only).  it's nastier.  and it drags on a hell of a lot longer than what amounts to one fight in a walmart parking lot, i'm talking months.  there is no nomad bullshit in this (steve hasn't picked up nomad in a very, very long time and the circumstances were different).  what i'm saying is, civil war literally divided and tore the entire us superhero community apart.  people that were friends were suddenly on opposite sides of the debate.  it didn't just tear apart tony and steve, think of carol and jess.  think of peter parker caught in the middle.  think of all the people who loved tony and steve equally and found themselves torn on who to support.  think of sue and reed, and johnny and ben, who were all over the board and nearly ripped their family apart permanently over it.
civil war was no bullshit.  it hit hard.  it hit fast.  people died.  it left the superhero community in complete tatters.
so let's get going.
extremis:  there are things concerning this i want to touch on.  one:  steve rogers did not like extremis.  this isn't fanon, he vocally was displeased about what tony had done to himself.  he thought it made tony strange.  distant.  more machine than man. (he wasn't really wrong in some ways.)  but something i really want to point in connection with it, outside of execute program which is a nice move into civil war, is that...tony never once really used it to find the rogue avengers.  not once, not really.  he had access to every camera, every satellite, every...digital anything.  he had the upper ground there.  and yet, somehow, the new avengers always managed to mostly stay free.  funny, huh.
miriam sharpe:  there's something too right about her, which makes her feel too wrong, you get me?  there's something about her that...is too perfect at pressing tony's emotional buttons to make her...mmm...legit.  i don't know if she was a plant for sure.  i don't.  but i'd be completely, utterly unsurprised to find out she was.  i also wouldn’t be surprised if she also turned out to be a skrull, tbh.
the night before registration was signed into law:  the team leads were separated.  god, folks, outside of steve's touchiness about extremis, and execute program, this was one of the best teams of avengers since the early mansion years.  tony and steve were closer than ever, they'd put down the avengers and then when steve wanted them back, tony couldn't tell him no.  they were doing what they do best, and doing it next to each other (and i'm sorry, you can fight me, but steve and tony are at their absolute peak when they're working together as an unstoppable duo, they're a team within a team, they're partners, they're best friends - in a lot of ways they're each other's whole world and driving force).  but the night before while they'd all gathered together, steve got called to the helicarrier.  tony and steve were separated.  steve was given an illegal order and refused.  he had fire opened on him.  and he bolted.  he and tony never did regroup and circle the wagons, not really, to actually talk about it.  i don't think...in any way...things would have gone as sideways as they did if steve and tony had been together and presenting a united front.  and i think certain powers that be were well, well aware of that fact.
thor clone:  tony might have had a thor hair, okay.  sure.  i can see him thinking at some point it would be neat to see what asgardian dna looked like but uh.  did everyone forget that biochem's not his thing?  it's not his wheelhouse?  he's an engineer.  an electrical and mechanical engineer.  now...who do we know that's a biochem person that supported registration, one of the foremost scientists in the field, hmm...oh, that's right.  hank pym.  and...gasp.  it turned out...hank pym...was a skrull.  wow, what a coinkidink.  i'm sure that totally absolutely doesn't mean a thing.
steve's extremes:  okay, so...steve does some stuff that is...drastic.  like steve is stubborn.  he's bullheaded.  once he plants his feet, getting him to move is damned near impossible.  you know who can usually bring him around to some form of compromise or agreeing to disagree?  ding ding ding, tony stark can.  this is not the first time tony and steve have had a bitchfit at each other.  they're in each other's pockets, literally, at almost all times, they fight sometimes.  it happens.  but they always, always manage to patch up and walk away friends and better for having had that talk.  the supreme intelligence.  tony erasing him being known as iron man.  the whole shebang, if you're familiar with the older comics.  they fight, they make up, they climb back in each other's back pockets again and they go home happy.  so...this is it?  they've had bigger shit on their plate and this is the one that does them in as friends?  this is the one that makes them fight like they do?  steve...does some hinky as fuck shit here, no one is blameless in this, steve is not in the right, tony is not in the right, no one is.  that's the fucking point.  but the extremes steve went to:  tony meeting him in good faith to actually talk because they haven't and need to and tony knows that, and steve taking him out with an emp (which if it had shut down extremis completely it would have killed tony and don't think steve isn't aware of that - steve is far more tech savvy than you'd think).  tony begging for another talk to ask steve directly if he had anything to do with happy hogan's death and yet another ambush by team steve.  meeting in the mansion one final time to talk and he and tony literally beating the shit out of each other (or rather, steve really unfairly smacking tony around because tony dropped his armor, and had been practically sobbing, begging steve to talk to him) and parting ways for good.  the thing here is:  tony called steve and steve still picked up.  steve still fucking picked up even though they were at war with each other.  and...of course...that final fight.  tony's armor was disabled by the vision.  he was a fucking sitting duck, he could not fight back in any meaningful way against 220+lbs of pissed off super soldier.  his armor was dead.  and steve beat the everloving fuck out of him.  tony, laying there in the street, his helmet smashed to hell, jaw broken, face swollen, steve on top of him with the shield raised about to drop it on tony's unprotected face, and tony laying there...begging steve to end it.  begging him.  and then steve getting yanked off of tony by a bunch of civilians who saw steve about to murder tony right there in the street and took action.
is it all steve's fault?  fuck no, tony did some nasty shit, too.  which is my point.  they both did things that overall, were out of character for both of them.  tony okaying hit squads?  of supervillains?  to bring in kid superheroes?  tony?  are you fucking serious right now?  that is not typical tony stark behavior.  see:  young avengers for details, when it's very obvious he doesn't think steve coming down so hard on kids wanting to help make the world better place was necessarily the right thing to do.  steve rogers, the man who mourned bucky barnes for years?  because he lost his best friend?  about to kill his other best friend in cold blood?  in the middle of a street?  really?  really???
steve in his cell:  when steve surrenders and steve's in the helicarrier, power dampner on, under arrest, awaiting arraignment, and tony comes to talk to him...things i want to point out:  this wasn't like an extended period of time after steve surrendered.  this was...very soon after that.  please remember, tony had been beat to all fucking hell by steve.  he shows up in full armor, never removes his helmet, nothing.  extremis's healing factor is good, but it's not that good.  tony's still beat to hell.  i'm willing to bet he was using the armor's autopilot function, too, because if he could actually stand up straight i'd call you a fucking a liar.  steve flinging out accusations on tony's mental health like barbs (he's not wrong, though, but you can bet tony takes every fucking word to heart in the absolute worst way).  the last words steve rogers says to tony stark is "was it worth it?  answer me."  as tony walks away.
steve's death:  hoo boy.  okay.  so, let me just...throw this out here:  steve's death fucking broke tony.  broke him.  completely.  utterly.  unmade him entirely.  steve on his way to arraignment takes a sniper shot for someone else, because steve is that kind of guy.  sharon, under mind control, pumps three bullets (time bullets it later turns out) into steve's stomach.  steve bleeds out.  dies.  you know what happens?  tony, who was supposed to give steve's eulogy, loses it.  breaks down when he gets up to speak.  starts sobbing hopelessly.  has to step down, there's no way in fuck tony stark will ever hold it together to deliver a real eulogy like that for steve.  i keep saying i cannot overstate how important they are to each other.  i can't.  i really can't.  like...they're so close at some points i feel like they're one soul in two bodies.  anyway.  when asked, tony says finding steve was the greatest day of his life.  not only does tony just fucking lose it, it turns out they don't bury steve that day.  instead, the remaining of the original avengers (tony, hank, jan) meet in the ice fields they found steve in.  they give him a quiet send off, for just the three of them and steve.  it's where "i miss your battlecry" comes from.  namor takes steve's coffin, promises no one will ever bother it.  they put steve back in the ice they found him.  yeah that...sure sounds like...the treatment of a guy who hated steve rogers, huh, and this on top of the fact that, yes, tony watched steve's autopsy (through the helicarrier camers).  he tortured himself just like that.  clint never had to tell tony he might as well have pulled the trigger himself, tony was already telling himself that.  he saw what happened to steve's body after, just...what it looked like.  he argued with sharon.  and then made sure sharon was taken care of, as completely as he could, after everything, because that's the kind of person tony is.  he continued to completely fall apart and not deal with steve's death in any fucking meaningful way.  he talked to steve's body after they brought him to the helicarrier before his autopsy.  he told him literally everything.  he told him through snot and tears and sobs and a complete and utter breakdown.  he told him it wasn't worth it, because the truth is, tony stark cannot bear the thought of living in a world where steve rogers does not exist.  there's a flipside to this, hold that thought.
tony's breakdowns:  post civil war tony has...quite a few of these.  he hallucinates steve (a side effect of extremis, all the info he takes in on a daily basis gets shoved into the part of his brain that processes guilt to be sorted through, and then his brain spits out important information in the form of people who are dead that tony blames himself for - steve played a prominent role there).  everyone can see it.  he doesn't leave the armor most of the time.  he flips out randomly.  he loses his shit utterly.  he's put on admin leave barring a psyche eval as direct of shield (a position he got ultimately railroaded into).  tony doesn't deal, is what i'm saying.  steve's death?  fucking breaks him.  totally.  tony does not pull himself back together at fucking all.  he doesn't handle it.  he blames himself for everything.  utterly everything.  yes, he was at fault for some things.  yes, he made a lot of bad calls.  but he canonizes steve (who also did hinky shit) and then turns around and tells himself he doesn't deserve even the modicum of happiness.  he has good days and bad days.  sometimes he almost seems like his old self.  most of the time he's barely holding himself together with spit and bubblegum.  ...i'd argue he may have been more than a little suicidal, at points.  he does some really, really risky shit - riskier than normal.
bucky/steve's letter:  bucky comes to kill tony.  there's just no other way to put it.  and they fight.  and tony does his absolute best not to hurt bucky.  he'd just gotten steve's letter - via execution of steve's estate - and even in the thick of it...steve still reached out to tony.  that letter was like...a friendly shoulder squeeze through the veil, you get me?  tony needed that, he really did.  it was a bandaid over a bullet wound, but he needed it.  and he turned around, and because steve utterly believed in bucky, put the weight of his faith and his trust behind bucky completely.  gave him the shield.  knew no one else would carry on steve's legacy the way bucky would.  ended up trusting bucky enough as the new cap to give him all the info on iron man, and how to shut tony down permanently, if need be.
frank castle:  steve damn near kills him.  steve.  that steve.  steve rogers.  y'all get how weird that is, right?  steve is wound like a bowstring the entire goddamn length of civil war.  i wonder if...the purpose...wasn't to get him to snap utterly and you know what that could have culminated in?  that's right.  tony's death at steve's hands.  you'd never get tony to kill steve.  ever.  ever.  but the other way around?  if you...tweak it just right?  hmmm.
the brain wipe:  so tony just...magically doesn't have any backups that include the worst year of his life.  i'm supposed to believe tony "meticulous to a fault" stark didn't back up his brain more than once.  uh huh.  okay.  so he just...manages to forget completely how unfunctioning he was after steve's death.  wipes out how utterly devastated and destroyed he was because steve was no longer in the world, who was fine with steve hating him and never speaking to him again as long as tony could protect him.  okay.  sure, karen.  but also, as a point, he left the decision up to thor and cap, ultimately, whether or not to bring him back.  at the time, thor was...mmm... but they had don.  and cap was bucky.  but they also brought steve in, who was alive at that point, because everyone knew when tony said cap in that recording he meant steve rogers.  and the holdout was pepper.  no one else really hesitated.  of course they bring tony back.  the world needs iron man.  the world needs tony stark.  gee, does...does that sound...like the guy ready to turn his best friend's head to mush with his shield?  hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm.
brain wipe aftermath:  tony's not wrangled well enough.  i...will argue that leaving him alone with pepper and maria hill might not have been the best of things to do.  i get it, osborn was being osborn, but.  it played out as being vindictive, letting tony stumble upon all of that himself.  but the huge, key thing to note here is steve fucking rogers tearing into the building where tony's being kept, knowing what's up, demanding to know where tony is because tony's only very recently woken up and...it turns...out...he's playing catch up on the last year and...has found...he thinks steve is dead.  in that moment tony stark thinks steve rogers is dead and you know what he does?  what tony always does when confronted with steve's mortality:  he starts crying.  he gets upset.  and i definitely think how tony finds out sets the tony for things for...a good long while, especially between himself and steve.
and going on in the background of all of this melodrama is...civil war itself, of course, everyone fighting each other viciously over registration, the nightmare of the fifty state initiative, which does not...go well.  the shit with the negative zone and a huge flashing warning light in the form of tony telling carol that of course they have to bring their friends into custody.  if he and the mighty avengers don't, they will.  they being shield.  remember project wideawake?  think microchipping every superhuman.  think genetic testing for powers.  think sentinals for everyone, not just mutants.  think people like spider-man on a dissection table.  all the shit tony was trying to get in front of, and put a stop to.
secret invasion happens.  and the first person in the entire thing, openly, that gets taken out?  tony stark.  extremis is mostly shut down.  his tech gets taken down.  iron man is, for a time, effectively removed from the picture completely.  tony, having seen it coming, has set rhodey up with a suit that has no starktech.  has a plan in place.  tony seizes.  he damned near dies, really.  almost gets taken in by the skrull queen (who's been psing as spider-woman all this time).  and during all of this steve's floating through time, trying to make his way back to his own body so the red skull can't take it.  eventually succeeds at that.  what i'm saying is everything was a complete and utter shitshow.
norman osborn?  now director of shield.  it goes about as well as you think it does, him and his dark avengers.  he tries to lay siege to asgard (which is floating up above and near broxton, oklahoma) after going off the rails.  he does some naughty naughty things.  it's not good.  he steals tony's tech.  he damned near beats tony to death on live tv.  the rt in tony's chest doesn't just cover the brain wipe, folks, it handles the fucking brain damage norman osborn did to him.
things to particularly consider:  jessica drew was a skrull during all of this.  with pheromone powers.  firmly on the side of team steve.  just...think about that.  think about steve's aggressiveness.  think about how easily the real jess is able to like.  sweeten up the hulk (he made her a sandwich and it's the most precious thing) even when he's angry and in pain.  just.  think about it.
think about project wideawake.  think about how firmly tony opposed it.  think about how he saw the writing on the wall after stamford and knew they had to get in front of it.  think about tony going to all those kids' funerals.  think about how emotionally open he'd be.  think about how perfectly miriam sharpe played into things.  think about all the praise she heaped on tony every time he did something she wanted.  think about how tony's self-esteem issues work.  just...think about that.
think about how a lot of players in shra were all involved in anti-mutant stuff.  consider that a moment.
think about how easily the green fucking goblin was able to get into the good public graces by killing the skrull queen.
and the most important piece of evidence i'll give you:  civil war: warzones.  it's a what if.  a what if had civil war dragged on instead of ending in steve's death.  guess what.  turns out the skrulls had been escalating and manipulating the entire fucking time.
just.  think about it.  all of it.  and civil war starts to make a hell of a lot more sense.
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howlingheartdemigod · 5 years
Christmas Carol anon again and I’m betting I’m not one of the three people you’re thinking of... I just scrolled down and immediately started singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing as soon as I read it And there wouldn’t be a problem except I have the radio on a lot and omg if it starts too early I’ll be sick of them by Christmas Eve and then how am I gonna enjoy Midnight Mass?? (Still kidding, mostly!)
you weren’t! I looked at my notes and saw who’d liked that to make my guess lol 
and OH GEEZE midnight mass. glad I don’t have to go to that anymore tbh.
glad this is the kind of discourse i spawn though. better to be about carols than about anything else lolol
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wannawrite · 7 years
Don’t Play
who?: Wanna One’s Ong Seongwoo genre: 🌸 type: bullet point the ‘our two lips’ flower boys LDH | PJH | PWJ | KJH | IYM | JH | LGL 
blog navigator. • flower boy AU • Seongwoo loves to play but not on the job and definitely not with your feelings the double-edged sword flower boy AU is back, with added Christmas spirit. I kind of lost touch with this AU, it has been awhile. :”) but TYSM for requesting anon!! The boys are back ;) - Admin L
• so you know that guy who is always over enthusiastic and excited about ANYTHING • that is Seongwoo at his finest • you always hear him before you see him • it’s simply a Seongwoo thing you know? • every time, everywhere • in university lectures • at the campus Starbucks • even on the other side of the football field • Ong’s voice will surround you • everyone is blessed with Seongwoo and the whole student body drools when they see him • along with his 10 friends • everyone calls them Wanna One • for some odd reason • strange • literally, everyone loves them • there are fan accounts on IG and Twitter just for individual members • your college is so extra tbh • side note: this actually happened at my friends’ school • like there were fan accounts of the popular boys • lowkey scary tbh • but anyway, they’re Wanna One • they are just THAT good-looking, well-mannered, smart • if you breathe the same air as them, good for you • honestly, you’ve inhaled too much of Seongwoo’s toxicity • he has been your neighbour since two of you were toddlers • but it isn’t that cute, fluffy, scattered with sugar story that is expected • no • the Ongs and your family aren’t exactly on good terms • it isn’t like World War III is about to lash out any moment but that’s exactly what I’m saying • there’s just some unspoken rivalry that neither of the younger generation understands • ‘you must never associate yourself with them!’ • ‘don’t even think about looking about that Ong boy!’ • your parents shut up whenever you question it and your grandparents brush it off • ‘it’s nothing. just ignore them and don’t give charity.’ • lol trying to trip Mr Ong Senior with your walking stick isn’t ‘nothing’ • but whatever, you and Seongwoo just avoid each other • like you’re meant to • your families would throw a big fuss if the two of you were within a 5-metre radius • ‘why can’t we just sell the house and move?’ You’ve asked that question many times • apparently, this house is passed down to your parents from generations ago and they must ‘continue the family tradition’ • this is weird • side note: I’m sure this happened in real life too • so you continue to avoid Seongwoo • even though many of your lectures are spent a few seats away from each other • sometimes you take that chance to ogle his extremely good features • that jawline • his twinkling eyes • those cool three moles on his face that form a perfect triangle • you wonder if he took his family’s eyeliner to draw it on • there’s no way he can be SO flawless • but he is Ong Seongwoo so there is a way • half of you wants to just say ‘f it’ and talk to him but the other, more rational half is saying that he won’t speak to you because of all that family drama • no one knows what even happened • you go about uni ignoring Ong and trying to suppress your feelings for him • but it’s really hard because of how ‘close’ you are to him • like if you concentrate, you can see that he’s actually drawing flowers on his notepad and not taking down notes • Seongwoo also lets Daniel, his best friend, doodle random sketches on his hands and arms • most of them resemble flora like patterns • it’s also not uncommon to see Seongwoo walking home with a bunch of wildflowers in his grasp • he likes flowers • and he’s intimidating • Seongwoo is that guy who will talk a bunch of crap and expect people to know what he’s referring to • only his friends get the drift • he’s just naturally talented in gag • always cheerful, bubbly, making his friends chortle with laughter • he definitely knows how to put on a show • playfully insults all his friends, won’t hesitate to punch one of them - but gently and for fun • you’ve seen enough of Seongwoo’s quirky personality to fall in love • finally, on the very last day of school, you muster up the courage to talk to him • ‘h-hey Seongwoo, c-could you sign m-my yearbook?’ you stutter out, blushing • internally: please! don’t! ever! tell! my! parents! about! this! • smiling, he turns away from Daniel - who wriggles his eyebrows - and takes your book • ‘sure, of course. I can’t deny my adoring fans, can I?’ • he even adds a heart to your yearbook page • you can’t tell if you should cry or laugh • ‘thank you!’   • ah goodness now you have to make up some crappy excuse as to why your parents can’t see your yearbook • ‘oh! that! I...uh left it at Jaehwan’s place by accident. You know...since we went out to celebrate...’ • Seongwoo was at Jaehwan’s house party too, but you never communicated • I guess it’s a good thing? • a wasted opportunity • other than admiring from your living room window or balcony, that’s the last you see of him and the first yet last interaction you had • you need to be careful, your mother caught you staring at him a few times • ‘staring at that Ong boy again?’ she spits out ‘Ong’ so venomously you nearly shrink back • ‘that Ong son is no good? Don’t mix with him! I’m so glad he will be in a different lecture next year. Good grief!’ • your whole family insists he’s bad influence, turning you into somewhat of his rival • it does irk you a little how much they dislike the Ongs • enough to pit their children against each other • sigh • family drama :( • ahhh, another thing happens • Seongwoo starts to pay more attention to you • ‘hi!’ he chimes when he sees you at the bus stop • ‘you asked me to sign your yearbook...and I saw you at Jaehwan’s party. Y/N? Was it?’ • is he really talking to me? • hold up, there are CCTV cameras around here right? • ‘uh, yeah. see you around!’ • *runs* • another time, you’re going out with your friends and he seems to be on his morning run, Nikes, earpieces and all • ‘GOOD MORNING’ • you blush, shyly waving • Seongwoo greets you every time he sees you around and it really worsens your crush on him • for a good week, you try to avoid him as much as possible • please! don’t! smile! at! me! that! way! • if not my heart will flutter wildly :”) • but our families hate each other • for no reason • and I’m not about to go around pulling some modern day Romeo and Juliet shit • btw, I watched the ballet this year and it was very very VERY enthralling. 12/10 would recommend • suddenly, running from Seongwoo becomes a routinely thing • it works • now, it is the only physical activity you will engage in • to hell with physical education • but do take care of your health guys!!! • you find yourself thinking of other things other than him • until Saturday • you and your best friend are on your way to a cafe for dinner • since it’s Soyeon’s birthday, she chooses to dine at Our Two Lips • please support Cube’s amazing rapper, Jeon Soyeon’s debut single ‘Jelly’ • please please Cube is trash but their artists are never • ‘oh! My relative, Guanlin, works there. I’m here to collect blackmail to send to Seonho.’ • my Cube babies :”) • Lai Guanlin? The opposite of ‘flower boy’?  • oh well • Our Two Lips is early to celebrate Christmas, the place is already decked out with fake snow, Christmas lights and a hella lot of mistletoe • all the flower boys now boast Santa hats • well, some have Poinsettia flower crowns • Guanlin literally goes tomato red when he sees his cousin • he’s all over her Snapchat story • from a mile away in the Yoo house, you can hear Seonho’s evil laughter cackling • ‘I’m done.’ Guanlin says, tossing his mile of menus to someone else and taking a tray of empty plates from their hands • oh look who it is • your jaw falls open, and immediately, you feel redness creep up your neck and guilt root in your stomach • the man you had been desperately trying to evade • Ong Seongwoo • and his perfect constellation moles • to hell with him in his crisp work attire and bright red Poinsettia flower crown • plus, he did his hair up today • the poinsettia’s are the ones holding his up-do in place • in fact, the dark shade of his hair makes the flower crown POP • w o w • but, to your surprise, there isn’t any huge beaming smile, or jokes falling from his lips • just a serious, suave, look • Seongwoo smiles politely and takes the both of you to your seats • throws a huge fuss when he finds out its Soyeon’s birthday • ‘SuNGWOON HYUNG, iT’S SOYEON’S BIRTHDAY’ • if you don’t get the connection, Sungwoon and Jisung spend a lot of time dabbling in dessert and confectionery other than being flower boys • seen in the other flower boy works ^ • wink wonk check them out via the master list • ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ • this Seongwoo is so different from the one you’re used to seeing • suddenly, you miss his laughter, his smile and his humour • that small glimpse you had of his personality was enough for you to love it   • ‘I’ll be back shortly with your order,’ he says, taking the menus back • cue wink @ you • once he’s out of earshot, Soyeon bursts into a fit of giggles • ‘I knew it! Everyone was betting whether you two liked each other!’ • everyone? • ‘huh? who?’ • ‘oh you know, Daniel, Lin, HyunA, Jisung, Sungwoon, Jihoon, Yeeun, E’Dawn, Hui, Eun-‘ • your hands fly to cover your reddening ears as Soyeon lists pretty much everyone you know • ‘LA LA LA LA LA’ • it doesn’t take you long to realise that you blurted that out a crowded cafe, loud enough for everyone to hear • curious stares bore holes into your back and you can feel the embarrassment choking you • ‘FA-LA-LA-LA, LA-LA-LA-LA TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY’Seongwoo belts out, skipping across the room as if it was normal • out from the speakers blast the Christmas carol • the speakers were connected to Seongwoo’s phone via Bluetooth • you’re lucky he invested in Spotify premium as an early Christmas present • ‘to: Ong Seongwoo. With love, Ong Seongwoo’ • he is that hoe who pulls that kind of shit • but yes self love, self appreciation • pretty much forces everyone to join him in a mini Christmas song karaoke session • Soyeon gets the video she needs • Guanlin wants to kill himself so he dabs at the end of every song • all the diners clap and cheer along like nothing happened • they love Jaehwan’s high notes • it takes you a moment to process that Ong Seongwoo, who you tried to hate and avoid • whose family is in deep shit with yours • just saved your ass • albeit it isn’t like he saved you from drowning • well, drowning in your tears of embarrassment but • it’s nice of him to try and cover your peculiar behaviour • ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!’ Ong shouts, spraying canned fake snow • ‘uh, hyung it’s still November.’ Park Woojin reminds softly • ‘well Halloween is already over and we can’t exactly celebrate Thanksgiving right now so it’s practically Christmas already,’ • happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! • I don’t but I’m thankful for all of you 💓 • Seongwoo wins that mini-debate so it’s declared Christmas starting from 30 November • remember when he said Merry Christmas in the middle of May? yes, mood • ‘JIHOON, I’M GOING TO NEED SOME SNOWMAN LATTE ART’ • ‘JAEHWAN, BRING OUT MORE POINSETTIAS’ • Soyeon simply snickers once more Christmas songs pour out of the speakers • Seongwoo arrives with your drinks and you can’t bear to look him in the eye • ‘Oh gosh Soyeon,’ he whisper-yells. ‘God doesn’t need snow to make an angel.’ • *points at you* • I’m sorry I’m sucking the bad Christmas jokes too much • I can’t believe I came up with that? It’s awful • your face is redder than the Poinsettias or mistletoe decor • when will he give you a break? • never • I love Never so much • ‘hey, Y/N,’ he pauses to set your dinner down • ‘yeah?’ you already know how it’s going to end • you like it • shush, don’t let him know ;) • ‘in my eyes, you’re more radiant than an angel.’ • A S D F G H J K L • that was bad since I made that one up too • you fight a blush and purse your lips, forcing yourself not to smile • ‘I guess you’ll end up on Santa’s naughty list this year,’ you counter-attack • ‘wait...I didn’t know you were into that kin-‘ • ‘because you stole my heart!’   • cutting off Seongwoo for a good reason • he nods in approval, high-fiving you • ‘nice one.’ • all puns intended • with a smile on her face, Soyeon shakes her head and quietly chuckles • ‘you two are the perfect match. I saw it coming.’ • the only rivalry you’ll allow between you and Seongwoo • who can make worst puns? • it’s entertaining to playfully spite him • puns bring people together • Seongwoo looked absolutely dashing • you suddenly love Poinsettias • and mistletoe • but that’s for another day ;) • he’s sweeter than the Christmas stollen you ordered • he’s stollen your heart for sure • puns intended • there’s like 0 way you can hate him now • your family is going to combust if they knew • AHHHHHHH • maybe you’re secretly wishing for Seongwoo to appear under your tree this year • ‘don’t wish for him under the tree, wish for him under the mistletoe!’ Soyeon hisses, winking. • you love her • spending time with your best friend at OTL is 12/10, I’m ready for emotional talks over Christmas scented Yankee candles yes • then • Seongwoo, Sungwoon, Jisung and pretty much all the other staff make their way to your table • you can see the glint of Guanlin’s phone as he records the moment of Soyeon’s face going absolutely red when they start singing ‘happy birthday’ to her • SO CUTE • she’s a girl crush okay, what is my sexuality anymore • the cake that Sungwoon and Jisung made is a mini log cake • those with little reindeer and sleds pinned on the top too • ‘Soyeon, I have locked you in my memory!’ • you don’t need to look to know it’s Park Jihoon and his catchphrases • ‘ahhh, no. That’s now how you do it,’ Seongwoo protests • Jihoon pouts. ‘Okay, show me hyung.’ • ‘Y/N,’ • N O. N O • ‘You have the key to UNLOG unlock my heart!’ He does an ‘unlocking door’ gesture • you can’t contain your giggles and neither can the rest of your friends. • awwwww Seongwoo is really something else • maybe he’s your gift this Christmas • the sweetest, cheekiest, cutest gift ever • you really wouldn’t have it any other way • ‘Seongwoo,’ you call, just before you’re about to leave. • he perks up, a faint pink rushing to his cheeks. ‘yes?’ • ‘maybe...you can give me your number and we can go out more this holiday.’ • his eyes go wide and his mouth falls open a little, shocked • ‘u-uh..sure!’ • he NEVER stutters • ‘I’ll see you around then!’ he yells as you walk out of the shop • outside, there’s a thin layer of snow coating the ground • snow falls • and you’ve fallen for the Ong boy wearing a Poinsettia flower crown • looks like you’ve got a secret to keep this Christmas • and Santa has one wish off your list
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bohemelesbian · 7 years
50 bookish questions
Okay, like @thevajunglebook didnt tag me specifically but she did say to do it if you wanted to, so here I am, doing it. 
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M Danforth is my favourite stand alone and Becky Chambers’ Wayfarer’s series is my favourite series.
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
Probably A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, which is like 700 and something pages.
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date)
Does Shakespeare count? If not, maybe Frankenstein by Mary Shelley?
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas, oops.
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
I want a movie for the Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers and a movie for The Last Nude by Ellis Avery. The Witches of New York by Ami McKay would be a fantastic 13 episode netflix show, if she decides to write a sequel, and I’m betting that The Power by Naomi Alderman will be optioned for a streaming service TV show too. And Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen would make a sick mini series.
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M Danforth, The Power by Naomi Alderman or The Last Nude by Ellis Avery.
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
Probably anything by Colleen Hoover tbh.  
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading?
There’s nothing that comes to mind.
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth?
My favourite book by an Australian author is Burial Rites by Hannah Kent but my favourite book set in Australia is probably Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden.
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
Carol/The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith.
11. What horror book made you really scared?
I get scared really easily so I don’t tend to read horror. The first book in The Diviners by Libba Bray freaked me out, so. 
12. What book do you passionately hate?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Like, I know it’s a play and I know that excuse has been used a few times to explain why it was so crap, but I read a lot of plays so that’s not it for me. And then there’s Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry. Oooooooohhhhhh boy, don’t even get me started on that piece of trash.  
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it?
Probably Harry Potter.
14. What book gives you happy memories?
Probably Yes Please by Amy Poehler.
15. What book made you cry?
Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, The Last Nude by Ellis Avery, How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake, A Close and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers …
16. What book made you laugh?
Yes, Please by Amy Poehler, The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers, any Lumberjanes comic.
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
Most of my favourite books contain LGBTQ characters tbh. Like, really.
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
The Diviners has Memphis, who is a side protagonist I guess. Like, Harry Potter, I suppose? I haven’t read a whole lot of male centred books recently.
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi. I haven’t actually finished it; it’s not exactly clicking with me, but every few weeks I read a few more pages. Binti by Nnedi Okorafor is another one, though half of it is set on Earth. 
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which?
I’m actually considering not finishing the Throne of Glass series, to be honest.
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
Yeah, because of hype lol. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, The Winner’s Curse …
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
Douglas Adams; I have Hitchhiker’s Guide on my shelf but haven’t gotten around to it. Zadie Smith as well; I have Swing Time but when I started it, I just wasn’t really feeling it so I’m going to try it again down the line.
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
I don’t have one.
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
One big one. I’ve a few stacks around my room though, for ones that don’t fit on my shelves.
25. How many books do you own?
At last count, just under 200. That was the end of last year though.
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
I love memoirs. Fun Home and Are You My Mother by Alison Bechdel, Yes Please by Amy Poehler, Buffering by Hannah Hart.
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
Nothing comes to mind. I’ve read and liked a few but nothing really comes to WAIT does Lumberjanes count?? It’s a comic book for younguns. I’m gonna say that. 
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
I’m in the mood for Urban Fantasy about witches and, like, contemporary wlw romance so probably something in those genres.
29. What book are you currently reading?
Juliet Takes A Breath by Gabby Rivera and Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur. 
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
I dunno lol. Almost everything I buy, I buy on whim.
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
I bought The Luxe by Anna Godbersen from a school fete for $2.
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
Probably A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. It was the massive paperback at the height of its popularity and it was like $43.
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
Carol by Patricia Highsmith.
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake, Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera, Grrls on the Side by Carrie Pack and The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery were what I ordered together from Book Depository.
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year?
Lumberjanes Vol 7, Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather, If We Were Villains by ML Rio (I know that one’s already out but I haven’t gotten it yet).
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc)
If we’re talking love triangles, it’s The Diviners by Libba Bray. Actually, she’s the only writer I can think of who writes tropes I dislike and makes them good.
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
Not really.
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born?
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters.
39. What book offended you?
Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry lmao. I think my rant review is still one of the top reviews on its goodreads page lol.
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
The Regulars by Georgia Clark; it was just a crazy plot to the point of hilarity.
41. What is your favourite duology?
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskrie.
42. What is your favourite trilogy?
Errrmmmm The Hunger Games, maybe? Or the Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray.
43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
Done Dirt Cheap by Sarah Nicole Lemon. Gorgeous cover, but I couldn’t finish the book because the writing was so illogical.
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
The Abyss Surrounds us and The Edge of the Abyss by Emily Skrutskie. Love the books!!! Covers ….. eh.
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poem from it?
I have Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur but I’ve only just started reading it.
46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
Nup. Maybe eventually. 
47. Do you own any historical fiction?
Yes, loads.
48. What book made you angry?
Look Both Ways by Alison Cherry again lol. Also Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
49. What book has inspired you?
The Witches of New York by Ami McKay. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth.
50. What book got you into reading?
Harry Potter, initially, when I was a kid. Then after I stopped reading in my couple of years of high school, I took an elective called creative reading, where we pretty much read a bunch of texts and responded to them and I had a great teacher and suddenly, I was back in and ever since I’ve been reading like 7 or 8 books a month.
I’m tagging: @finchinlove & @violaeade & @glindaelphaba & @beautyandthebec & whoever else wants to knock one out. (no pressure though, obvs)
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disneymoviethoughts · 7 years
Thoughts I had while watching The Little Mermaid
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1. Before Tangled came out, this was my favorite movie. I'm so excited to watch it. 2. I can't believe this is the first princess movie in thirty years. 3. And so begins the classic castle start to princess movies instead of the books. So sad. 4. I wonder when they stopped doing the books in non-princess movies. 5. Eric's ship looks like a lot of fun tbh. 6. He really is an attractive cartoon. 7. One of his shipmates mentioned Triton, I see you movie. 8. I've never wanted to deep sea dive more than I do when I see this intro to Atlantica. 9. I aspire to be a mermaid and be pulled by dolphins. 10. Fun fact: Sebastian was supposed to be British. I can't see it. 11. I feel like if I were Ariel's sisters I would be bitter that my father clearly loved her more than us. 12. I can't tell if this is a performance for the king or a coming out thing for Ariel. 13. Ariel loves the sunken ship but it looks like there are several sunken ships around that area. 14. Flounder pretends to have a cough but can merpeople and fish even get sick? 15. I would be Flounder in this situation 100%. Ariel is too adventurous for me. 16. But also Flounder is so loyal, going places with her even though he knows he'll be scared. 17. I want to get that excited about a fork. Excuse me, a dinglehopper. 18. Ariel is remarkably calm that this shark is attacking her. 19. This scene is so awesome. Such excitement in the first ten minutes. Disney really revamped their princess movies.
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20. Her bag should have fallen apart by now from being underwater like that. 21. I've always wondered where Scuttle learned his words. He obviously spies on humans. Has he never seen someone use a fork? 22. Let it be known that I haven't called a fork a fork in years. I use dinglehopper in every situation. 23. Ursula is also one of my favorite villains. I love Pat Caroll's voice. 24. I would 10/10 watch a movie about her days in the palace and what made her the way she is. Is she Triton's sister? Niece? Cousin? I NEED ANSWERS. 25. If this concert was the pinnacle of Sebastian's career, he shouldn't have counted on Ariel to be the star when she didn't even go to rehearsal. 26. Flounder telling Triton the story of a shark attack is how my mom tells stories. (Badly). 27. Jk i love you mom 28. "I'm sixteen years old I'm not a child" I’m twenty three years old and I’m still a child. 29. Okay she's sixteen years old but she doesn't need a babysitter. That seems excessive. She's just a little rebellious. 30. I need a cave for all of my collectibles tbh. 31. If you don't sing at the top of your lungs when Part of Your World comes on, you're not a Disney fan. 
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32. I'm pretty humans would like to know how mermaids live. 33. "Bet you on land, they understand- bet they don't reprimand their daughters" LOL girl no. 34. I would probably get sick of swimming too. 35. This song is amazing. Alan Menken at his best. Besides all the other brilliant songs he's written. 36. I wonder how long Ariel has been collecting stuff. This is a really impressive cave. 37. I wonder how Max smelled Ariel. Does she smell like a fish? 38. The way Ariel looks at Eric is me when I look at pizza. 39. This scene where the ship is in the storm is why I'm terrified to go on boats. 40. This is actually way more like the original story like I thought and I am so into it. 41. This is such an action packed movie. I love it. 42. I can't believe Ariel swam all the way to shore basically carrying Eric but his crew couldn't even wait for him to resurface. 43. This reprise of Part of Your World might be better than the regular song. 44. I DONT KNOW WHEN, I DONT KNOW HOW, BUT I KNOW SOMETHING'S STARTING RIGHT NOW!
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45. Sorry, the music overtook me. 46. I just bought a shirt from Hot Topic that had these lyrics on it. I'm obsessed. 47. Look at all the souls Ursula has collected. I'd love to know what they wished for. 48. Out of seven girls, how is Ariel the only one that ended up with their mother's red hair? 40. Under the Sea. Another freaking classic song and beautiful sequence. 41. "Up on the shore they work all day" you know what Sebastian, you make some good points. Where can I find an Ursula to make me a mermaid? 42. Or a Morgana. Points to anyone who gets why I said that. 43. Ariel did look really into this but then she just swims away in the middle of all the fish being awesome musicians. How rude. 
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44. The king says lately Ariel has been distracted and daydreaming a lot but it's literally been half a day since she met Eric. 45. Flounder really is a great BFF but how did he get Eric's statue into the cave? 46. Sebastian telling Triton about the cave was SO low. I know he didn't know he would break all of her collectibles but still. 47. I do love this movie and like I said, Ariel was my favorite princess before Rapunzel came along, but it's so silly that she loves him. She saw him for like ten minutes. 48. Triton destroying Ariel's stuff destroys me. I would die if someone did that to me. 49. Flotsam and Jetsam are such creepy sidekicks. 50. At least she tried to resist. A for effort. 51. Poor Unfortunate Souls. Great villain song. 52. Have I mentioned how great these songs and Alan Menken were? I could go on forever about him. 53. "Now it's happened once or twice, someone couldn't pay the price" Ariel look at how many souls she has she is LYING girl. 54. Ariel considers never seeing her father and sisters again and decides Eric is worth it after never even speaking to him. 55. I wonder what Ursula would have taken from her if she didn't know Eric loved Ariel's voice. 56. I get goosebumps every time Ursula starts the spell to take Ariel's voice.  
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57. Disney villain laughs are my favorite thing ever.                                           58. Her fins splitting into legs looks like it would be really painful.                           59. Sebastian is the best. He's so funny. 60. At least Max smelled her before or he wouldn't have recognized her. 61. "You can't speak? Then you couldn't be who I thought" MAYBE SHE HAS LARYNGITIS ERIC. 62. Ariel would be horrible at charades and I would not want her on my team. 63. She's so excited by the bubbles in the bath but she did all this to get OUT of the water. 64. I really love Eric's castle. I'd live there. 65. Eric thinks Ariel is beautiful and is excited to see her but still won't let the girl who sang to him go. 66. Grimsby is such a curmudgeon. So cute. 67. I feel like Chef Louis is probably an accurate portrayal of French chefs. 68. That is an excessive amount of knives to throw at a small crab. 69. If you don't get the warm feels when Eric and Ariel look at each other you're heartless. 
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70. Since Eric is a prince I feel like he should have guards. 71. Kiss the Girl is another iconic, classic, beautiful scene and is definitely one of my favorite songs. 72. I know I keep saying that. This whole movie is my favorite don’t @ me. 73. I wish someone would take me on a romantic boat ride. Maybe I'll go hang out by a lake. 74. "The little tramp" says Ursula, who told Ariel to use her body language. 
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75. I know throwing away his flute was symbolic but like that's your flute man. 76. I wonder what Ursula put in the potion to hypnotize Eric. Was it just Ariel's voice or something else? 77. Eric SOUNDS like a robot, why does Grimsby not notice this 78. A sunset wedding on a boat? Seriously, where can I find a prince? 79. Ariel sitting alone on the dock crying is so sad omg. 80. I LOVE that shot of Vanessa looking into the mirror and seeing her Ursula self. (I couldn’t find a GIF. So sad).  81. Sebastian is such a good delegator. He should have more responsibilities. 82. Vanessa just straight up KICKED MAX IN THE FACE. That is more villainous than anything she's done so far. 83. All of the villains' eyebrows are so on point though. 
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84. Eric is not shocked enough about Ariel being a mermaid. Or Vanessa turning into a purple octopus. 85. I do think it's cool that even Triton's trident (lol) couldn't destroy the contract. 86. So if Ursula lived in the palace maybe Triton took the crown from her somehow? Or she was bitter that he was next in line instead of her? 87. There's no way Eric could dive down that deep without equipment and hold his breath. 88. Can you imagine if a life sized octopus like that existed? I would stay as far away from the water as humanly possible. 89. I'm not gonna lie though, having all that power and the trident would be pretty fun. I could make endless food appear whenever I wanted. 90. I think this is the most action packed princess movie there is. 91. Second time out of two that a villain has died because a prince stabbed them. That's so dark, y'all. 92. I think Triton could've given Ariel the power to turn back into a mermaid whenever she wanted so she could come see him. 93. I love her purple sparkly dress. Where can I get one? 94. I'm really glad Alfred Angelo makes princess inspired dresses instead of exact copies because those are some very poofy sleeves. 
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95. I really would not be able to leave my family or my best friends for a guy. She has some resolve. 96. What do the townspeople think of Eric having a bunch of fish at his wedding? 97. I still love this movie. 10/10. Excuse me while I go listen to the soundtrack on repeat.
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exyjunkies · 7 years
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AND I’M BACK!!!!! i’m officially on summer vacation yay. tbh i’m a bit rusty so this is just a thing i pulled outta my ass lmao send in more prompts WOO
Among the many things that Jean Moreau did not embody, it was the hatred for being single.
He supposed he wasn’t missing out on anything, given the fact that being a new addition to the USC Trojans didn’t mean he should be big on putting himself out there. The Ravens — moments and memories, people and places — were what he wanted behind him, and this, if anything, was a chance at a fresh start. He wanted to do all of this right.
He knows he can. Jeremy thinks so.
In fact, if anything, Jean thought he should completely erase the possibility of being taken. Being a new backliner meant he had to focus on learning the ropes - the team’s dynamic, how he factored into the hierarchy, who he shouldn’t cross, who he should befriend.
Getting a boyfriend was, for all the reasons there should and would be, far from his list of priorities.
Jean supposed it was something else tugging at his heart then, when at an Exy college teams mixer, Jeremy looked just about ready to charm his way into the pants of some goalkeeper.
Well, no. That was probably an exaggeration. Jeremy was, after all, only flashing said goalkeeper one of his signature glinting smiles.
Jeremy was always charming, the guy that he was. Everybody he came across seemed to take a liking to him, whether they intended to or not. He was, mostly, someone with a personality loud enough to fill in the gaps of a room. He was never too much, and could easily tell the mood of any scene. Empathic or sensitive, Jean wasn’t sure which he was. Or if he was both.
Jean’s eye’s trailed from his mouth, to his rising-and-falling shoulders, to his broad chest. Now, Jeremy was laughing at something the goalkeeper said. And the goalkeeper, smirk slapped across his face, seemed pretty pleased with himself.
Jean’s grip around his drink tightened. Bile seemed to rise in hid throat. Either it was that, or his mojito had too much lime.
“Moreau,” Sasha, the backliner for the Blackwood Beavers, nudged him with her shoulder. Jean shook his head and looked at the curly-haired girl.
“If you wanted to make googly eyes all night at your hunky teammate, then do me a favor and make your move already.”
Making a face, Jean took a sip from his glass. “I am not interested in Jeremy,” he shot back, grabbing a pretzel from their shared snack plate.
Sasha raised an eyebrow and checked her watch. “Well, in about… say, five minutes, Philip over there is going to ask Mr. Hunky to dance, then he’s going to whisper something verrrry convincing into Mr. Hunky’s ear, then… well, you can kiss all your hopes of getting it on tonight goodbye.”
Jean swallowed and inhaled sharply. Why did that bother him? Tell me this isn’t how I lose to you, universe, he mentally begged.
The music playing from the speakers switched beats, moving to a slower, more sensual song. Sasha chuckled into her beer as Jean’s jaw clenched at Jeremy being dragged to dance.
“Who is this Philip guy anyway?” Jean asked warily, not missing the way Philip moved closer to Jeremy. Both hands on Jeremy’s hips. Chest against chest. Arms wrapped around Philip. Jean tried his best to put his focus back on Sasha.
Who was shaking her head with amusement. “Just the striker of the century, Jean! Do you not leave that rock of yours?”
“I happen to like living under it, thanks very much,” Jean snarked back, wrinkling his nose.
Sasha rolled her eyes and looked to the dance floor. Jean followed her glance and observed that the pair was… a little too close for his taste.
“Yikes,” Sasha piped up, making a grab for her beer bottle. “There goes my appetite for, oh, I don’t know, the next three months. You have fun watching this, boo.”
“Attendez, restez-vous,” Jean pleaded, pouting. “You need to sit through this with me.”
“Okay, I’m just going to pretend I understood half of your sentence. Fine,” then, just as Jean was about to turn back, “You owe me like, fifty more drinks after this freak show.”
“Yeah yeah, it’s just—” Jean twirled his straw around his drink and managed to form his thought.
He definitely did not want to make obvious that he wanted to be in Philip’s place. Or that Jeremy would like it so much more if it were him instead of Philip.
“When it comes to guys like me, there’s no such thing as ‘getting it’ without some form of embarrassment, or loss of dignity, or downright groveling. Why put in that much effort?“
It wasn’t his best line, but he needed to ask it. These days, Jean seemed to be a lot more pissy about currently existing social conventions.
With a hum, Sasha put her elbows on the table and leaned forward. “You talk about it as if attachment requires a part of you to die or something.”
Chuckling, Jean replied, “Well, if that isn’t the most accurate thing I’ve ever heard.”
Sasha smiled softly, and punched Jean lightly in the arm. “Oh Jean, it’s not all that bad. Feeling vulnerable isn’t the worst thing in the world.”
Before Jean could prepare a rebuttal, Sasha carried on. “Especially when it’s with the right person.” She sighed. “You know Carol, right?”
Carol Whittleton, the captain of the Searidge Wolves, was Sasha’s longttime girlfriend. Jean has read enough of The Exy Daily to know that. Among many (more important) things, it discussed the worthwhile happenings in the lives of bigtime Exy players.
Jean chuckled to himself as he remembered Kevin Day calling it ‘a pathetic excuse for sports journalism’, despite his occasional sifting through it for the news on his idols.
“There isn’t enough embarrassment in the world that would stop me from getting soft when it comes to her.” Sasha smiled softly, then shook her head lightly. “So Moreau. Stop being such a wuss.”
Jean rolled his eyes. The mixer’s buzz was a lot louder now, with more players drunk and more coaches loudly placing bets over darts. Beer caps were scattered all over the floor, and a jersey was hanging from a staircase railing.
Of the many things he did not enjoy as much as other people, it’s house parties. Jean didn’t know what he hated the most about them — every guest’s heightened potential to be stupid, or the mess that the hosts have to deal with after.
“I think I’m gonna head out. This party blows.” Jean mused, patting Sasha on the shoulder. He should be going back to the dorm anyway. The sleep he hasn’t caught up on would be definitely worth chasing tonight.
Sleep always came better when Jean fully decided that there was nothing left that was worth keeping him up.
“Uh oh.” Sasha replied, holding Jean by the arm. The slight panicked tone in her voice made Jean pause. “Hunk alert.”
Jeremy was headed towards them, his face holding some sort of look that Jean can’t seem to decipher. He seemed to be, more than anything, relieved that Jean was still here.
“Hey.” Jeremy grabbed hold of Sasha’s beer and took a swig. “Good thing I caught ya, Moreau.”
Does he have to be so suave? “Well. I was just about to leave. Party isn’t much of a party anymore.” Jean shot back, shrugging his coat on tighter.
“Aaaand that’s about it for me too,” Sasha piped up, swiping her beer bottle from Jeremy’s grip.
“Have a great night in Fort Knox,” she whispered to Jean, slapping his butt. His jaw clenched on the outrageous comment.
“So,” Jean cleared his throat and faced Jeremy after watching Sasha go, “you seemed to be having fun with that Philip guy. Était-il gentil?”
Cocking his head to one side, Jeremy supplied, “Eh. I’ve met better guys.”
At this, he added, “He’s got nothing on you, to be honest.” For effect, he winked at Jean. He made a grab for Jean’s mojito.
“And what is that supposed to mean, Jer?” Jean interjected, trying to steady his voice.
Jeremy paused, Jean’s drink halfway to his mouth. He set it back on the table, and inched closer to Jean.
In the almost-dark of the party, Jean couldn’t tell which beat came from the bass and which came from his heart. If he was hearing both, he didn’t know which one was louder.
Putting two fingers to Jean’s chin, Jeremy made their eyes level. Jean almost whimpered, but bit his lip to keep it in.
“If it wasn’t obvious, Jean,” he whispered, leaning his forehead against the smaller boy, “I meant to say that you had a much better chance with me than he ever did.”
Attendez, restez-vous - “Wait, please stay.” Était-il gentil? - “Was he nice?”
tell me what you think!! yay
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