#i am a sucker for forms of media like this
ilynotes · 2 years
oh tmnt 2012 is just such an interesting show to me because of the way it frames itself as this silly lighthearted comedic kid-bubbly 3D animated take on the turtles when underneath the surface are layers and layers of genuinely intriguing storyline and character trauma and backstories and dark arcs that are just So fascinating and become so much more captivating the more you analyze it all.
one of the biggest things that made me fall back in love with this show (harder than i did when i was a kid) is that, when watching the show, you see all these moments that you don’t think much of at first, because they’re executed in a way that seems like a joke or not something that serious, but then if you were to really, actually describe what’s happening to someone down on paper, you realize, “holy shit, this is actually so dark.” and for a KID’S show?? i love it so much
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
I really liked your dating HCs 😃 wanted to know if you could do the jjk men flirting with a crush HCs? 🥰 just all the stuff they try to do to woo a person if interest 😍
Aww, I'm glad you like my dating HCs! Flirting goes hand in hand with dating as far as I'm concerned, so lets do this!
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Kento Nanami
the quiet type
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Nanami is so bad at flirting I'm being SO SERIOUS 
He doesn't really have the time or energy for it, so it's a struggle for him to flirt. 
All I can think about when I think about Nanami flirting is this clip.
I feel like he treats it as a business transaction because that's just what he knows and is familiar with
When he's not being extremely business savvy, he's trying to get to know you as a person. 
If you're going to make a relationship work, you have to know that person. So he's asking you about your hobbies, your childhood, your opinions, ect.
Now, I know what you're thinking Dear Reader. "Isn't that just what friends do?"
I told you, he's bad at this.
Honestly, you probably wouldn't have any idea he was interested in you romantically until he hits you with that, "I've had feelings for you for a while now, would you like to go out on a date with me?"
But, honestly? Considering all the Information he's gathered about you it's going to be one of the best dates of your life 
After that, his flirting does shaft. It turns more into him sending you “Good morning 💛” texts and checking in on you throughout the day. 
Also he cooks for you.
He flirts by learning your favorite dishes and learning how to cook them perfectly.
As far as he’s concerned, cooking for someone is the oldest expression of love and care, and he’s a sucker for cute traditions. 
He also starts to recommend media based on things you like. He’s flexing that he knows your taste
Ultimately Nanami flirts by showing that he knows you well, which is weird to say lol.
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Suguru Geto
Prince Charming
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Charismatic as fuck.
Out of all of these men he's the best at flirting. 
Suguru is very manipulative, and that translates Into him being phenomenal at flirting, because he can manipulate your emotions. 
I'd give an example but I can't cause he's better at flirting than I am by a mile
I think it's very subtle at first. Almost like him planting the thought of you liking him into your brain.
And once that seed has grown into a full on tree, his flirting becomes more overt, so you know he likes you and you like him
He definitely pebbles.
Giving you wildflowers he picked while the two of you were walking, giving you used books he annotated for you, sending you memes that made him think of you.
Do not be fooled reader, this man is Baby's First Manipulator and this is the start of love bombing.
He writes poetry for you. The type of poetry that when you first read it, it makes you all giggly and love sick, but when you read it after the breakup you realize it was all just pretentious garbage. 
Geto flirts by giving you song recommendations, sending you music that reminds him of you, videos of live performances he thinks you’d like, and the like. 
Music genuinely forms the way this man interacts with the world, so when he starts sending you love songs that should honestly be the first hint that he’s into you. 
He sends his homies over to go and hype him up to you, that's the vibe
The moment you say you’re cold he's covering you in his jacket. 
“Where's my hug?”
Ok, no to the last point but also yes kinda.
I swear I physically CANNOT bring myself to be nice to Suguru
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Satoru Gojo
the goofball
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“Like my shirt? It’s made of boyfriend material.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
“Did it hurt when you fell? Cause you're the only Ten I See…wait, I think I fucked that one up.”
But, it’s almost charming just how earnest he is in trying to woo you. 
He sends you those couple memes like “this could be us but you playin’” paired with a picture of minecraft diamond armor Halloween costumes
He takes you to watch slasher movies so you get scared and cling to him, but ends up getting spooked and clinging to you.
When he looks at you you just see his eyes glittering with adoration
When he looks at you he just sees you through the Shojo vision filter
He always looks for a reason to touch you. Brushing your hair behind your ears, his knees brushing yours when you sit next to each other, anything. As long as you’re comfortable with it of course.
He slips notes into your pocket with other cheesy pick up lines or cute little doodles.
It starts with him just jokingly flirting to hide his real emotions, but it only makes his heart burn brighter for you.
You noticed it, when slowly it turns from him laughing after a cheesy pick up line to him nervously chuckling and trying to hide his blush.
He can’t look at you without smiling, at least just a little bit. 
His heart gets fluttery and he starts to get a little more stuttery.
He decides that just flirting and leaving the chance of a relationship just hanging over you, indefinite and fuzzy, hurts WAY MORE than any possible rejection could hurt
He slips a note into your pocket that's like “Wanna go on a date with me? For real this time! Yes No”
Gojo’s flirting just shows his inexperience with romance and seduction tactics, but it’s almost charming in that way
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Ryomen Sukuna
The Monster
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This man is Radioactive besties, idk how to tell you want nothing he’s peddling. 
He doesn't even flirt.
His flirting is telling you you belong to him and slaughtering anyone who dares to disagree. 
He flirts by being nice to you homie. 
Actually, no, scratch that. He flirts by not being actively hostile.
His tsundere ass would literally kidnap you, force you to spend as much time with him as inhumanly possible, and still be like “I don't understand why you think i like you.”
Basic kindness is his flirting. Like, honestly I don’t know to go about his section of this because he just doesn’t flirt LMAO
Him flirting is him just like, staring at you like a weirdo and just expecting you to know what that means
Him flirting is calling you woman instead of wench
On the real though, flirting is mostly seen in him being over protective of you. 
Like, god help any other person that talks to you where he can see it.
He’s going to choke slam them.
He picks on other people than immediately looks at you for approval because he thinks that sharing violence is flirting.
Honestly, that’s how he flirts. He goes out of his way to try and gain your approval.
He’s like a cat that brings you a dead bird, only the dead bird was another possible suitor.
Except he doesn’t know how to be a decent human being so it’s just him doing the most unhinged and horrific shit then looking at you like “I do good?”
No Ryomen, you don’t do good.
And yet, you’ve won my heart anyway. What a bother.
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prickly-paprikash · 5 months
Don't you just hate it when one of the biggest grifters online decides to like a piece of media you like?
Gatekeeping is wrong. Forcing someone to like something in the specific way I interact and consume a piece of media is wrong. Art is meant to be viewed through a multitude of lenses, and each individual will have their own way of interpreting that creation. And that's good. That's fine. That's human.
But when an Anti-Woke Grifter who thinks alcoholism is a really cool personality trait and decides to brand everything about themselves as that; who has historically engaged and criticized films and shows and games and books in bad faith; who has put down women and POC's and Queer representation in media; who is one of the biggest dicks in the online space decides to actually pay attention to an art that is pretty much dipped, coated, laminated, and injected with fucking GAY, ANTI-PATRIARCHAL ENERGY—that's when I get mad.
For those not in the know, Critical Drinker has posted a review for Blue Eye Samurai, saying he likes it.
You know... Blue Eye Samurai?
The show that oozes Queer Wrath? Feminine Rage? Curb-Stomping Toxic Masculinity and the Patriarchy whenever and wherever it can? That Blue Eye Samurai?
See, he's done this before with Arcane.
He says he likes it. Him and his ilk say that, "Finally, the wokies have done something actually good!" and point to Vi and Jinx as strong female characters written well!
But they also say, dang, feels like all the men in that show are idiots and that they had to be dumbed down to make room for the rainbow-haired girlies brigade. Who have all remarked that Vi and Caitlyn's relationship is forced and being shoved down our throats because god forbid women like women!
I got sick of watching his Arcane review halfway, and this was before I knew what a douche Critical Sucker was.
So I ain't watching his Blue Eye Samurai review. Why?
His Glass Onion review was done in bad faith.
I didn't like She-Hulk, but that's because that show was a byproduct of abused VFX animators, creatively bankrupt executives, and writers desperately trying to manage a convoluted shared universe that continues to buckle under its own weight. Political Stinker over here thinks that it's pandering, stupid, feminist garbage. He is one of the biggest Anti-Feminist voices in Youtube.
Him and his incel brigade have an obsession over hating Captain Marvel and Brie Larson. These basement dwelling cucks rant and rave over a mediocre duology and an actress that just lives in their tiny heads rent-free.
He says that they are removing men from leading roles and roles of great importance!
So why would I want to listen to an inebriated libertarian's opinions on a show that has become the show for lesbians, trans mascs, and other lovely brands of gay and feminism that he oh so despises? He'll most likely praise the action and violence and shit like that, then probably say that Mizu and Taigen's homoerotic rivalry isn't gay actually. Or that Mizu and Akemi's narrative foils don't scream enemies-to-sapphics. Or that Mizu, WHO'S NAME MEANS WATER AND HER ENTIRE CHARACTER REVOLVES AROUND FLUIDITY ISN'T IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM FLUID IN HER GENDER AND SEXUALITY.
Fuck. I'm sorry. I don't even care if he doesn't say that. He's made so many disgusting, disparaging remarks about any piece of media that shows an inkling of progressive themes that what else am I supposed to expect?
If anyone watches it and sees this, lemme know. Watching an Anti-Woke bullshit video with just myself is just straight up wading through the desert without proper protection. No thanks.
Anyway watch Blue Eye Samurai again. Because I know you watched it. Watch it again. And again. And when you're done, watch Arcane. Watch She-Ra. Watch Dragon Prince. Castlevania. Watch anything "woke". Consume trans-positive shows. Make all the haters and even the ones who like it but have no ounce of media literacy irrelevant. Let them dry out and die, please.
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kundusaysthings · 2 months
I've been thinking about asexuality and aromanticism and art
I've been thinking about how most relationships that are portrayed in media, in some way, use the model of demisexuality or demiromanticism in how they present themselves. Most media relationships that we are supposed to understand as good try to convey the idea that one can only form meaningful relationships via close emotional intimacy, and that close emotional intimacy always leads to a relationship with romantic and sexual connotations. It feels somewhat insidious to me, upon reflection - and might be part of why ace people find themselves in an uncanny valley of sorts when it comes to representation. Like, it's using some of the right ideas, but it's not actually there, and that makes it more wrong.
I've spent a while processing that my dislike for sex is not a symbol of some form of wrongness. But I still find myself balking at the idea of being 'aromantic'. I find myself yearning for the poetic companionship of grand operatic narratives - mostly because I am a sucker for grand operatic narratives as a whole, but also because I find the idea of a 'soulmate' beautiful. But I struggle to find signifiers of romance that appeal to me. Like, I find myself drawn to the idea of Achilles and Patroclus, but, you know, differently.
And I find myself wondering whether what I am searching for is a demonstration of my romantic desires or a recognition of my need for healthy relationships as a human being. And whether it is even possible to divine the answer given that we all live within the larger media landscape that has defined both the creation and our understanding of art through a mostly cis-allo-het lens.
Mostly, I don't know how to square my desire to not be alone, with my desire for no romantic or sexual connection at all. And I understand that labels are only tools for identifying broad groups and trends, but having some explanation for this yearning sure would help. Did it come because of what most media says people should be? Or is it a normal part of me?
<s>Is there an option for operatic/dramatic/poetic asexual?</s>
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chicultstuff · 29 days
Why am I such a sucker for occult and religious themes in media?
I'm a big fan of Pokémon, which has like 50-90 literal gods in it (I stopped keeping count)
My favorite game of all time, Hollow Knight, has a massive religious theme on display.
My third favorite game, the one this blog is about, is based around running a cult and murdering the followers of immoral gods.
My favorite horror franchise, Bendy, has a massive occult theme. Also, my favorite character from said franchise is Sammy Lawrence, A character who treats the main antagonist, who is a demon, as a god to be worshipped, (He also says my favorite line in anything ever "I said, can I get an amen.") And two of the characters are in the forms of angels, only one of which actually being worthy of said title though.
I adore The Legend of Zelda, and BOY do they mention The Godess Hylia a lot.
My favorite show pilot is Ramshackle (major spoilers btw) which has a literal BIBLICALLY ACCURATE ANGEL at the end.
I'm a ginormous fan of Spooky Month, which has a cult that worships a giant tentacle monster that works as the shows looming threat
And my only fictional romantic crush used to worship the god of chaos and is named after an ars goetia demon.
Speaking of ars goetia, Helluva Boss is one of my favorite shows of all time (so far) and so is Hazbin Hotel
Why am I like this
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lemonadedino · 26 days
74, 77 for prompts ask! huddling for warmth, and in vino veritas -- wiz
i'm so sorry that this took soo long wiz!! life started kicking my butt and my thoughts wouldn't settle
made this one lestappen for funsies
charles is the owner of an ice cream shop that specializes in making really elaborate ice cream confections. his store lowkey went viral on tiktok because their creations are super impressive looking, but mostly everyone in the comments was thirsting over charles when he appeared in the video to explain how they flavor the ice cream. obviously, his social media guy lando is absolutely thrilled with the heightened engagement.
one day after work, charles brings his puppy leo to the vet. they've been going to dr. vettel for forever and they both adore him. so imagine charles' shock when he checks in the with receptionist, an australian with remarkably swoopy hair who seems to have replaced the middle-aged woman with a perpetually pinched face that charles remembers form his previous visits, and is informed that dr. vettel has retired, moved to the alps to save the bees, and has left his personal phone number to charles in case he ever needs something.
after processing some emotions, charles finally asks the gold ticket question.
"who is leo seeing today, then?"
and then a blond man dressed in navy blue scrubs steps out from behind the door separating the rest of the clinic from the lobby. he doesn't seem to notice charles. charles doesn't mind because he's too busy ogling this gorgeous man who's exactly his type. he's always been a sucker for blue eyes, sue him.
"oscar, do you know if the 6'oclock appointment is coming in? they're already 15 minutes late, and the sooner i can get back to jimmy and sassy the better."
"charles, meet dr. max verstappen. he's taking over the clinic now that dr. vettel has retired," oscar says.
and boom introductions are made. they have a perfectly lovely vet appointment, where charles accidently said that leo is 4 years old instead of 8 months because the way max's mouth moved was just sooo mesmerizing wdym i actually have to have a functioning brain??
the next day, max shows up at the ice cream shop, presumably on his day off. charles is like "omg is he here to see me... but i don't want to read too much into it, yk?"
while paying for his scoop of vanilla ice cream on a waffle cone, max admits that he had no idea that charles owned the place. apparently, oscar had casually suggested the ice cream parlor as the best place in town for dessert. lando, who had been puttering around somewhere next to charles, trying to act like he wasn't listening in on their conversation, knocked over a rack of scrapers as soon at the mention of oscar's name. weird, right? crazyyyy
some time passes. max and charles become closer. leo is suddenly having a lot more vet visits than normal, even though he’s in perfect health so that charles has an excuse to see max. he’s aware that it’s getting borderline pathetic, and he’s pretty sure that oscar agrees, since the aussie has memorized his number due to how frequently charles calls to schedule appointments.
they're mutually pining but the feelings are kept under lock and key because i-dont-want-to-damage-our-friendship-what-if-he-doesn’t-like-me-back-am-I-allowed-to-date-my-dog’s-vet-blahblahblah.
charles’ shop gets nominated for a prestigious award, created to highlight innovators in the gastronomic world internationally. to celebrate, his best friend, pierre, throws him a surprise party at the ice cream store after hours. all of their friends are invited, as well as seb. having listened to charles mope about the hot vet countless times, he pops by the veterinarian office and invites max, telling him to bring a friend if he’d like so that he’s more comfortable.
and that’s how max ends up at charles’ surprise party, cradling a bottle of what he hopes is acceptable wine, oscar in tow.
upon seeing max, charles has a brief moment of “i am actually going to to murder pierre omg how am I supposed to handle being with him outside of a work context without combusting” before realizing “OMG I GET TO BE NEAR MY CRUSH!!!!”
charles notices that oscar and lando seem super awkward and stiff around each other but doesn’t know why and chooses not to press it (so actually landoscar had a one night stand that lando fled at 5AM because commitment is scary and he’s worried because he likes this guy way more than he should for someone he’s met less than 12 hours ago. better leave before it get too real)
The night progresses, more wine is poured and toasts are made. Basically everyone is tipsy by the time the party winds down and people start to trickle out.
max is the last guest to leave, constantly finding himself caught in conversation with charles again and again. just as he steps out the door, charles grabs his arm.
“wait hold on, do you want to try next week’s special edition flavor? you’re special, so you can taste test before the official public release.” charles says and then proceeds to wink horrifically. max agrees and the two of them make their way to the walk in freezer in the back where charles stores flavors to restock.
the door closes behind them and they realize a little too late that charles forgot to unlock the door from the inside so they’re now trapped.
cue immense panic from both of them. thankfully, charles has his phone on him and calls lando, to whom he had given a spare pair of keys to let them out. in the meantime, they ultimately end up cuddling for warmth in an effort to not freeze before lando could get to them.
wrapped up in max’s embrace and lulled by the wine on his tongue, charles confesses to max. mutually reciprocated declarations of love ensue and just and they’re about to kiss, a lock clicks and lando opens the door.
laying in his bed that night, max asleep next to him, charles realizes that the bruises on lando’s throat definitely wasn’t because of the shop’s weird lighting casting shadows. they were most definitely hickeys and charles remembers lando slipping out of the party at much the same time as a certain receptionist.
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deficd · 2 months
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respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? oh man. uh. i guess, following my url's general meaning, i choose to write muses on here that have defied their fates/expectations in some shape or form. this is true for more of my older muses on here, as i've definitely added some recently where i have to kinda twist that a bit. aside from that, i really just write muses that i can connect with on some level. my apparent calling is sad men who are prone to violence and are also incredibly sad/lonely. the mains i have floating in my head are usually there because it's the current media i'm consuming (i.e. star wars: the old republic). i could write long metas on why i adore all of my muses though. c':
is there anything you don’t like to write? uhh, you know. i'm actually pretty open to most things. i need some sort of action going on, regardless of the type, to keep interested i suppose. like, if there's a lot of conversation, i tend to get stuck. that's just because i struggle with it and i don't want to bore my partner, though. aside from that, pretty much any genre you throw at me, i'll be interested in writing.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? I'm a sucker for redemption au's, even if it takes thirty threads to get there. i enjoy writing the aftermath of a character's worst arc, and all of the guilt, pain, and sorrow that comes with it. so do i want to write arcann's redemption? yes. do i want to write about nihilus somehow healing from being a literal wound in the force? yes. (or even, writing who he was before malachor.) ragnar going back to being a farmer? please. all of it, yes. aside from that, i really, really enjoy hurt/comfort, violent/gore threads, general sci-fi adventure, and general fantasy adventure (the campfires, the fights, the enemies in between destinations, etc.)
how do you come up with headcanons?  it's kind of a mix between being inspired by outside sources, such as media, music, mututals, and things that pop into my head after hyperfixating about a muse for three straight hours or something. i do adopt headcanons/partial headcanons from other people, but like sparingly and if it's appropriate/i know them/have asked. most of the time i really just get hit in the face with them though.
do you write in silence or do you play music? i am someone that requires music to write. i need to drown out distractions however i can. i really struggle with being easily distracted (getting tested for adhd soon lol) because i can very easily lose a thought before i'm able to write it down. i find that with music i can focus better, and i have playlists that help with whatever mood i'm going for in the reply.
do you plan your replies or wing them? i usually just sort of write what comes to mind first and then, if i have questions about something, i'll either approach the other mun or write things in the tags. sort of referring to the previous question, i try to write my ideas down as soon as i see a reply, or i'll be prone to forgetting them.
do you enjoy shipping? yes, 1000% yes. i love all sorts of relationships, not only the romantic ones. i don't really get to write about platonic/friendships too often, but i really enjoy the times i can. that said, re: romantic ships, i'm usually on board if there's chemistry between muses. i also encourage other muns to approach me if they think they might want to ship because chances are, i'm already on board.
what’s your alias/name?  Lee
age?  old
birthday?  December 25th
favorite color?  silver, purple, black
favorite song?  i... don't think i can choose? there are all sorts of songs that hit me in the right way. i can tell you a song i'm listening to on repeat right now is The Wind Weeps Eleanor by American Murder Song.
last movie you watched?  Hagazussa: A Heathen's Curse, but I hope to go see Dune 2 this week.
last show you watched?  just started Shōgun and it's wonderful.
last song you listened to?  Dwamn by Tech N9ne 🫣 
favorite food?  fry bread! or a step further: navajo tacos.
favorite season?  winter
do you have a tumblr best friend? um i think i'm close to a few people on here, but the only one i know i can tag for sure is @vuulpecula starbuck has put up with my nonsense on here for years and somehow still talks to me lmfao we have the greatest and the worst ships and honestly i am always always always excited to write with her❤️❤️❤️
and idk if i should tag u because this is an rp meme and this is one of my rp blogs but @oolathurman is my other bestie and i've known and adored them for literal years so. yeah sflkjdslf❤️❤️❤️
TAGGED BY @valorums thank you<3
TAGGING @vuulpecula @riiese @hcxcd @fasciinating @juramentum @mistrdctr / @respondedinkind @auroradicit @red-white-and-trauma @blue-eyed-banshee @helreginn @astridnorddottir @brittlefcrged and YOU!
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master-of-the-railway · 4 months
🚂Introductory Post!🚂
Greetings TTTE fandom! You may have seen me around as @electricfied-wolf, but from now on, all of my TTTE related posting/reblogs will be directed here! This is a sideblog, my main account is @itsorcatime, and here's some information about me!
First and foremost, I am a minor (Above 14) so if interacting with someone under 18 makes you uncomfortable, feel free to steer clear of me. I won't take it personally! Boundaries are important after all.
You can call me Wolf! My pronouns are they/them and she/her, but I heavily prefer they/them.
I am fairly new to TTTE, trying to watch it all but my mixed up self has decided I'm just going to watch the episodes in no particular order, so I might get things mixed up here and there. My favorite character atm is Hiro! (If that wasn't obvious enough already lol)
I am not an overtly negative or toxic person. I tend to see the good in a lot of things that most do not, everything can have potential if you dig deep enough. I also believe that people should be allowed to like what they like without people hijacking their posts just to tell them that their interest sucks. That being said-
I am a genuine fan of All Engines Go and will not tolerate hateful behavior about it on my blog. You are allowed to have your own opinions about it and are allowed to hate it, but when you enter my personal space and converse with me, you need to at least keep that hatred to yourself. When you go onto the blog of someone who enjoys something you don't just to tell them how much you hate the thing they love, you're just being an asshole. You have your own blog for a reason, post about how much you dislike it there.
Any queerphobia of any kind is also not tolerated on my blog. If you do not accept trans people/aces or aros, and so on and so forth, just block me so that we never have to see each other.
My hyperfixations switch on a dime at times, I am very heavily obsessed with trains and all media containing them at the moment, but I have no idea how long this interest will last. If I post less or not at all, I'm probably just moving onto another interest! But for now the trains are here to stay.
Tags for my ttte AUs!
Life On Sodor- A model/cgi series au which combines the two a bit more seamlessly (and includes the magic railroad!) as well as expands upon the characters and includes ships I am partial to as well as relationship hcs I enjoy. Basically a canon divergent au, or in other words:
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Children of Sodor- An All Engines Go au that's similar to LOS, but has a little bit more of Mystery as to where the kids came from and if there will ever be more. Explores the idea of the AEG kiddos being the first machine children to exist, lots of cute family dynamics but definitely also includes some angsty content bc I'm a sucker for tragedy.
On The Horizon- A crossover between TTTE (specifically my own version so ig it's more of a crossover using Life On Sodor) and The Owl House. Luz, King, Hunter, and Willow are all transported to Sodor when they're all very young and end up being raised there, unaware of their birthplaces (except Hunter that is) and just having a good time. Meanwhile, Eda has been in turmoil over her adopted son having disappeared, she has an alliance with Raine and Darius in which they are attempting to dismantle the coven system. Eda wants the emperor dead, convinced that he has King.
Beasts of Sodor- Lady the magical steam engine is infected suddenly by a strange sickness that causes her to take on a beastly form. It's untraceable in origin, but she manages to spread it to Gordon and Diesel 10...and slowly, through various (not always intentional) ways, the disease begins to affect all locomotives.
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pikapeppa · 1 year
Fic writers' end-of-year roundup: 2022 edition!
It’s that time of year, writer friends — time to take stock of what we’ve been up to this year! Tagging to literally ANY AND ALL WRITERS who would like to participate, but I’ll throw down some tags from the top of my head: @contrivedchaos @kittynomsdeplume @little-lightning-lavellan, @varric-tethras-editor @lavendreapark @hobo-apostate @ranaspkillnarieth @iamcayc @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @hollyand-writes @elveny @johaerys-writes @charlatron @noire-pandora @hellas-himself @crackinglamb @barbex @mogwaei @alyssalenko @musetta3 @iarollane @about2dance @mythicaitt @cthu-boo !
Words written (published or not, WIPs included!): 1 012 607. I was hoping to crack a million this year and I FINALLY DID IT. 😂
Smut scenes: 41! Less than other years, but not the least.  
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New things I tried:
I wrote fanfic for anime for the first time this year — for Samurai Champloo (Fuu/Jin/Mugen) and for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (David/Lucy). On a related note, this year was the first time I wrote for a form of media that I didn’t originally watch in English. I was always a little scared to write in English for something that I hadn’t watched in English, because capturing characters’ voices and speech patterns is so important to me, and it’s hard to translate that across languages. But CPER got me by the throat, so I watched it in both Japanese and English so I could capture the characters’ voices as best as I could. I watched Samurai Champloo dubbed in English, though, and I am a sucker for Jin’s English voice, so that was a snap to write. 😂
For the first time, I also wrote for a game that I’ve never played before: Far Cry 5! @schoute got me reeled in with her raving loving descriptions of cheeky shithead John Seed, and I was compelled to write some smut for her. I had a blast watching a playthrough of FC5 with her (LOVE YOU BB ❤), and writing from John Seed’s POV was A MINDFUCK AND A HALF, let’s just say. GOOD TIMES. 😂
Fic I spent the most time on: 
Becoming Whole (Aloy/Kotallo), which has been my main focus since March and is more than 500k words now. I genuinely did not expect or intend for this fic to be this long! I’ll blame the party banter for this. My outline will say “GAIA Gang chat over dinner”, and this single note will translate into 10k words in the chapter 😂💀 In any case, VERY honoured by everyone who has stuck with this extremely long fic!
Fic I spent the least time on:
The Wisdom In A Bowl Of Pudding (Felassan/Tamaris Lavellan). I was inspired by the news about the DA:D milestone and got so excited that this oneshot came together in… one day, I think? One or two. I JUST LOVE FELASSAN OKAY.
Favourite thing I wrote: 
It’s a tie between two fics. I loved writing Finding Something In Common (Aloy/Nil/Drakka) because a) writing Nil again after 5 years of being “away” was like coming home 😭❤ and b) I fucking love Drakka with a burning passion LOL. But I also loved writing my Samurai Champloo fic Just Hold On, We’re Coming Home because it was purely and entirely for me. There are so few fics for that anime and even fewer explicit fics for the OT3, so I knew that basically nobody was going to read it and that anyone who did would be really grateful to see a rare fic for the OT3, but I had to write it because I just had the urge and couldn’t rest until I did. It was a gift to myself to kick off the year. 😂
Favourite thing I read: 
I’ve actually done some actual reading this year!!! Both of fics and published books, because I wanted to start working my way through my bedside tsundoku, with mixed results: I read a couple of books from my tsundoku pile but then bought the entire Sailor Moon manga set and have only read 6 issues so far 😂😭💀 one step forward, 10 STEPS BACK. 
Anyway! Fave fics of the year:
I read a few fics for Samurai Champloo. As I mentioned before, there aren’t many fics for this fandom, but one of the fics I read was both the shortest and the most drop-dead gorgeous fic I’ve ever read: Bodies of Water by moemachina. I genuinely envy this writer for their ability to pack so much emotional punch into so many words. 
Where The Time Goes, a Chloe Fraser/Nadine Ross fic by @contrivedchaos. OH MY GOD WAS IT EVER LOVELY. Cat used a repeated phrase/theme throughout the fic that just had me on the edge of my seat the whole time, and MY GOD was the ending ever wonderful and satisfying. 😭❤
Written In The Stars, a Kotallo/OC fic by @iamcayc WHICH IS SUCH A TREAT. Caycee has created a wonderful OC to pair up with Kotallo and expanded on Tenakth lore in a way that had me squealing!
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network by Discar. It’s a texting fic between the GAIA Gang and it’s SO GOOD. Hilarious, great characterization of the crew, incredible expansion on the worldstate and lore. I stopped reading halfway through because I was afraid that I’d start accidentally stealing their headcanons/lore expansion since it just makes so much sense, but I just recently noticed that the fic finished, so I might get back into it soon!
Writing goals for next year: 
Oh man there are so many things I want to write and so little time and I’M SO MAD ABOUT IT.
Finish Becoming Whole. Now that we know the DLC is coming out in April, I am DETERMINED to finish BW before then so my slate can be clear for new fics ideas 🤩
An Aloy/Avad sequel to Window Bird. The conversation that Aloy and Avad have at the start of HFW makes MY ENTIRE HEART HURT. I will stubbornly maintain that Avad is the most tragic character alive in the Horizon universe, and I’m going to give him some love because he deserves it, the poor sweet man.
More Aloy/Drakka. This entire fic has been my treat to myself, and the next oneshot is in progress -- probably the first thing I'll publish in 2023!
Aloy/Nil. I fucking love Nil to the moon and back, but writing this ship again is going to take some mindfuckery because I’ll be rebooting my take on the ship as though Stormbirds and Stalkers didn’t happen 😅
I’m sure this won’t be all; I always end up getting blindsided by a desire to write something I didn’t expect (e.g. Cyberpunk this year), so we’ll see what else comes up as the year progresses! 
Can't wait to see what everyone else has been up to!!! Please tag anyone you think would like to participate, and tag me back so I can spy on what you've been up to as well! 🥰
-- love from your friendly Pikapeppa xoxo
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I Just Got Done Drinking Two Liters Of Black Tea and Am Severely Overcaffeinated, So We're Doing Asher "literally me right now someone please give me sleeping meds" Talbot Headcanons!
-How to make an Ash-catcher: You put coke, orange juice, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of honey, and a colorful straw into a glass. The smell alone will make Ash come running (not so much the taste, though-).
-Dyes his hair some very obscure color once a year in hopes of it affecting his wolf form. It doesn't, but Ash isn't going to give up (and he's also not going to go through the trouble of having Baabe dye all his fur again).
-Asher plays gacha games. I say "games" but he mainly plays Honkai Impact 3rd.
^He's a Senti main.
^^He hasn't spent a single cent in those games and somehow still has about 3/4 of the available S rank units because he's just that lucky.
^^^Through Baabe, he found out about the recent release of Honkai Star Rail, and upon playing, he kept crying about Himeko.
-His Instagram is "OneBadassAshKetchum:3" but before that, it was "ThatOneBadassBeta:3" which he had to change once David asked him to for the sake of avoiding unempowered people asking questions.
^In addition to this, when he was a teenager, he had a social media account somewhere (he refuses to tell anyone what platform it was on, likely because the account still exists and he doesn't want Milo to find out) and used it to impersonate Milo on it because Ash liked the idea of an "emo blog with sad quotes and pics of a hot rockstar boy." Once Milo found out, his first concern wasn't him taking it down, it was correcting Ash on the fact that he wasn't emo. Then, he asked Ash to stop posting things of him, which he did, but the dead account still exists somewhere.
^^Ash gets weirdly nostalgic about this and yes, he has shown Sweetheart some of the pictures he still has of Milo from back then.
-Ash's favorite flower is the sunflower and he has a lot of them standing around his and Baabe's home.
^Unlike with cooking, Ash is actually pretty decent at taking care of plants. It took a lot of practice and hundreds of dead flowers, but by now he's quite alright at it.
-Ash is a sucker for physical touch. So whenever Baabe doesn't have paper or a canvas to paint on, he will happily offer up his entire body for them to work with.
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jellogram · 2 months
See like I do think "Is this movie, no matter how mediocre or bad, a fun movie to watch?" is a really vital question. I love plenty of bad movies, I have openly defended shitty big budget trash on occasion, and I am not too good to get suckered by a spectacle.
But it just feels like so many of those sorts of movies these days aren't even fun. Those disney live action remakes don't look like fun. Marvel doesn't look like fun. The endless stream of sequels don't look like fun. The only mediocre-but-fun movies I've seen in the last few years are things like Barbie and Saltburn that may have been flawed and tailor-made for social media engagement but they were NEW and ORIGINAL STORIES that had good technical aspects and interesting characters. I don't think they're the fucking Godfather but they were fun to watch and I enjoyed them.
But I look at Sequel Remake CGI Mess #40086 in blue and it doesn't make me have fun. It sucks the fun out of me. What's the point of a spectacle if it's all green-screened in? What's the point of fun character designs if you're going to dress them up in spirit halloween quality costumes? Why should I turn up to engage with a story that I've seen forty times if you're not even going to make it look good? What's the point of neutering as many characters as possible down to one-liners so no one can ever dislike them?
I'm just tired. I love movies so much. I love good movies, I love bad movies, I even love movies that are mediocre and overhyped. But what I'm seeing release lately is just stuff that I can't even begin to form a full opinion on because it's so boring that there's nothing to say about it. I want to sink my teeth into your movie, no matter how it tastes. Give me something I can sink my teeth into.
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bereft-of-frogs · 17 days
friday! 🌿
(in progress) Salvation Day - Kali Wallace: I have started and not finished this book like 4 times. Which is probably a bad sign because I also didn't love the other book by this author I read. I've heard this is better though. But I couldn't pick anything else, officially DNF'd Kill Show, I skimmed a couple pages of the other book I took out of the library and I think I'm too much in A Mood to read it, so I am attempting this again.
(in progress) The Rising Storm - Cavan Scott: Not much to say, chugging along with catching up on the High Republic, extremely slowly. I'm just happy Bell and Indeera are back! Love them.
(finished) The Hobbit: Not my favorite, but I feel like it's good to revisit occasionally. Still hilarious when Tolkien kind of slips into that super epic fantasy voice, and then goes right back into 'kids adventure' tone
(in progress) The Silmarillion: Ngl, part of this reread is fueled by that person on the 'have you read this fantasy book' who for some reason didn't believe that 300 people (based on the results at the time of their comment) read The Silmarillion and accused us all of lying for clout. (which like...clout? what clout? why would I lie about this?) So I'm reading it again.
Constellations (AppleTV+): I LOVE this. LOVE it. I mean I'm always a sucker for space ghosts so that was a given, but this is really fun. The lost cosmonaut stuff, communicating through tapes, the fairy tale like elements. I love it Also my toxic trait is basically any multiverse thing I judge based on whether or not I think it could be a branch of The OA's multiverse tree and this passes that test, you can easily imagine Brit Marling and Jason Issacs chasing each other around the universes just off-screen. I only have one episode left, really interested to see where things are going (still wondering who the 'ghost' who appeared when the Soyuz disengaged from the ISS was, I have a Theory, but I'm not sure yet). Also bonus point for having some absolutely genuinely creepy scenes. I am so desensitized, it's always really fun when something manages to unsettle me.
You (Netflix): Trash fave, this is my current 'while I'm cooking/eating dinner' show, it's so cheesy but I love it. I never watched the latest season but revisiting season 1 is fun.
Under the Bridge (Hulu): Yeah so episode 1 I was like 'oh old friends? that would be hot. they'll never do it' and then episode 3 was like 'yeah they're *old friends* *wink* *they make out*' and I was like OH OK.
They Cloned Tyrone (2023): I love movies where at the climax everything seems to go wrong and then it rewinds and shows you how it's really all going according to plan. Also, this was brilliant for the plan basically revolving around the villains seeing what they wanted to see, and the protagonists playing into that. And it recreated the vibe of those 70s exploitation films so well.
Palm Springs (2020): This kept appearing on 'what time loop media is your favorite' polls so I thought I'd rewatch it. Still SUCH a fun time loop movie. I did vote for it in both polls, despite the second also having 'that one episode of supernatural' as a possibility.
The Grudge (2019): ABYSMAL. Like truly terrible. I'm not saying the original US remakes were good, but they do have a special place in my heart because they were some of the first movies to really scare me. And also I thought maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I liked the Netflix Ju-On: Origins series that came out in 2020 fine despite it not getting very good reviews. But no. In this case, the reviews were correct, this was awful. In the running for the worst movie of the year and it's barely May.
The Stranger (2020): Maika Monroe has such a weird typecasting haha but I don't hate it. I learned that this was apparently supposed to be a Quibi series and was stitched back together after the fall of Quibi. It probably would have been more effective as short form content. I probably would have ate it up. But as a film it just felt like 'ok wtf is going on'.
to do:
work day: I'm hoping to get through my tasks fast so I can write on the clock. ('doesn't that mean you should be doing them and not making this post?' SILENCE.)
oh man so much writing because I set myself a deadline so now. there's that. well ok it is self-imposed and if things do go catastrophically wrong, I can JUST post the first chapter. That's for sure ready. ideally though: finish the last 2.5 chapters this weekend -> resolve comments (most of which are just 'come up with secondary character name', 'check spelling on wiki', but there is one I know I have to be clever for which...we'll see how clever I can be) -> full read-through. I'll eventually (sooner rather than later) have to rewrite the action sequences of chapter 9, but I think that should be enough to make me feel like I can start weekly posting.
I might go to my favorite thrift store tomorrow to look for some 'person who cares about their job' dresses/blouses/idk for annual corporate socializing event week
Star Wars day! lol remember how exactly a year ago I was like 'idk man, it's star wars day but I'm really not feeling it' and then had to eat my words like literally less than two weeks later? that was funny. cheers to that. Meeting my dad and brother at the movie theater and then we're going out for pizza just like it's 1999 (ok my brother was not actually there in 1999 because he was 4, but we welcome him to the nostalgia trip)
the monthly Big Clean (aka I fell behind on recycling so I have to take a lot down to the recycling bins, and the vacuum and mop are coming out)
pretend to care about my job for 3 days. Ok, no, I do care about my job in that I actually do like it and I want to do a good job, I just don't really care about like...*the company*. but I will get a lot of free food and probably wine if I pretend to care about the company for 3 days. so. fair exchange.
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the-november-system · 22 days
Hello, I’m M, and hello to our blog.
This is for our system. We aren’t officially diagnosed with DID or OSDD, and we have very little understanding of official terms and things because of this. We’re still learning about what being a system is. Please don’t treat us poorly for this reason.
I (M speaking) , am the host.
This blog is just a place for me and everyone else to hang out and feel like we can share social media together and stuff without secrets. This is a part of myself nobody else knows about and we all intend to keep it that way. This is anonymous for that reason.
Below are bio’s for all of us. Everyone at this time wanted to be included. They wrote their own descriptions (minus click who doesn’t like to really talk, I wrote it for them.)
M: Main host, does a majority of the fronting. I am usually gonna be the one responding and doing things.
Pronouns: They/Them
Likes: Tea, drawing, Crochet, transformers
Dislikes: Flying bugs, overstimulation, confrontation
Niki: Hello, I am Niki :-) I'm the oldest individual within the system. I don't really front by myself, but I will do so from time to time. M tells me that I appear as a Guardian Angel to others, but I see myself more as just an assistant than something so grand. M seemed excited to have us all write down this Bio, so i was happy to do so. Thank you for reading.
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: vintage aesthetics, naps, asmr, meditation
Dislikes: Maybe long work days? The others seem stressed by those which of course worries me.
Winslow: Hello everyone! The name’s Winslow, I'm not quite sure what to put here, so i guess i’ll just describe my interests? I'm super into dad rock, and love to have jam sessions while I clean and stuff. I'm also a sucker for Cozy games. The others find it funny that a tough guy like me enjoys some animal crossing, but hey, this guy knows what he likes! I'm also a lover of customization, pins, patches, piercings, ect. If I can make myself stand out I would like to do it! I aint livin my life as the color beige.
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, patches and pins and stickers
Dislikes: idiots on the road, hypocrites
Note: Winslow is proudly trans, FTM.
Click: Click is almost entirely non-talking. For the longest time, Click was very protective of their form, not showing themselves to anybody, but recently they drew themselves as a cloaked clown. Click communicates through noises, flapping, and only when necessary, speaking. They are able to, but it causes great discomfort. Click is able to clean and do tasks, but generally only enjoys fronting when alone. They’re very shy. Click commonly fronts when I need a break, and is great at self -care and soothing everyone else, however, they do struggle to soothe themself.
Pronouns: They/Them, or just refer to them by their name
Likes: colorful object, stim toys, liminal spaces, exploration, ambient music
Dislikes: speaking, loud sounds
Note: Click does want to be included in this, there is always a possibility they will want to be removed, but as of right now they were excited and enthusiastic on being included.
Melody: hi!!! I’m melody✨💕 I am a lover of all things pink, i'm a bit of a y2k girlie but i also like other stuff as well, i'm also super into Crochet like M, and i've been making such cute stuff and it's making me so dang happy! Ooh and i also like Godzilla, a weird one but I’m not gonna let someone stop me 💁‍♀️
Pronouns: She/Her
Likes: Godzilla, Pink, Space, Crochet
Dislikes: Looking like a man
Flora: Hello, I'm flora 🌼 im kind of new to the system, but am happy to be here. I am a lover of nature, and am a spiritual person, believing in nature and its many gifts. I'm an eclectic witch (Me and M share this trait.), though we’re both new to this path. I will admit i'm a bit shy, but would love to try and be a bit more adventurous so feel free to say hello :)
Pronouns: She/ They
Likes: Flowers, green, the beach, candles
Dislikes: Catholicism/ Christianity (it's not necessarily a trigger but i don't like to talk about this, thank you :) ), Soda
Timothy: Sup I'm Tim. I don't get to be on here a lot because I'm not as “pretty” on paper as the others, so I'm honestly kinda surprised I was allowed to write this but whatever. I'm into horror movies and Metal music. I like hoodies too, my favorite color’s are blue and red. I also enjoy taking walks, I can be a bit of a hothead so it's nice to take a walk and get some fresh air.
Yeah I'm not that interested, but thanks for reading.
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Horror movies, Metal music, poetry, walks
Dislikes: Assholes
Thank you for reading everything!
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skydalorian · 4 months
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Favourite Character Bingo - 2023
Characters I first encountered in 2023 (not necessarily part of media released in that year).
These are intended to be ordered loosely according to genre, moving from classic to contemporary horror, sci-fi horror, thriller horror, on to drama, comedy, then comic/cartoon and fantasy. Naturally, plenty of these don't quite stay in their own prescribed mould and could be considered fitting for another genre, but this is MY PARTY and I make the rules >:(
The hardest thing I've ever done may just be forcing myself to choose only one Baldur's Gate 3 character. If this was ordered by fondness for the characters, Astarion would be up top, but it's not and I'm petty so he's last and least.
As may surprise no-one, the prevailing trends are trickster archetypes, gothic looks, autism coding, and sympathetic or misunderstood status and/or rebellion. Also Billy Crystal is there.
Listing below the cut!
Countess Marya Zeleska - Dracula's Daughter (1936)
Mrs. Danvers - Rebecca (1940)
Lady Sylvia Marsh - The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
Nevena - You Won't Be Alone (2022)
Kim Diamond - Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
Brynn AND the Aliens - No One Will Save You (2023) (as an interacting set of characters, not necessarily as interesting actors singularly)
Violet and Corky - Bound (1996)
Andrea "Dre" Greene - Swarm (2023)
Gunther - V/H/S/85 (2023) - Goth boy who saves the day through his prescient lucid dreaming and rebels against being falsely cast as the villain, hell yeah.
Willard - Willard (1971) - would be in the top three if this were sorted by level of favoritism.
Gerd Wiesler - The Lives of Others/Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
Primo - Big Night (1996)
Walter Tattersall - Yellowjackets (2021-) - of call the cast and I fixate on THIS GUY. Got me again, Elijah!
Willie Jack Sampson - Reservation Dogs (2021)
Barabara Howard and Melissa Schemmenti - Abbott Elementary (2022-) - My god these two gripped me. Just give them an entire season. Gregory can be there too.
Gregory Eddie - Abbott Elementary (2022-)
Sally Albright and Harry Burns - When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Raven - Teen Titans: Beast World (2023-) - solely for her design; I am practically floating at the departure from emo/punk Raven and a return to a more whimsical gothic look. Another artist draws her looking like Billie Lourd and I'm into it.
Sharon Apple - Macross Plus (1994/1995)
Spider-Punk/Hobie Brown - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
The Medicine Seller/Kusuriuri/薬売り - Mononoke/モノノ怪 (2007)
Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3 (2023) - He's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy, and I've been so excited for you all to see his whole schtick since way back in 2020.
Runner Up's: Shin Hati (Ahsoka), Mirror Woman (The Art of Mirrors) - don't ask, Nearly everyone else form Baldur's Gate 3 but especially all the companions and the Emperor oopsies I'm a sucker, Padraic (Banshees of Inisherin), Mary (Carnival of Souls), everyone from Dungeon Meshi but esepecially Marcille and Senshi, Lorne Malvo (Fargo), Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell), Brigitte (Ginger Snaps), The Harppy (Harpya), Joel and Ellie (The Last of Us; kept out because of the Zionist higher plot), Dracula and Clemens (The Last Voyage of the Demeter), Martin (Martin), Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death), Father Amorth (The Pope's Exorcist), Deer Lady (Reservation Dogs), Elora Danan (Reservation Dogs), Adam (SAW), Carl (Skyman), Kris (Solaris), Kurt Kunkle (Spree), Sammi Curr and Eddie (Trick or Treat), Bitch Cat (V/H/S/94),
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d15gu571ng · 1 year
do you actually like family guy or is it just 4 the meme? im dying 2 know
Thanks for the question anon!
This is hard to put into words because while I do genuinely like the show, I like it for more than what it is on the surface. Its not that I relate to the characters on a deep emotional level but more or so of how it slowly grew on me and changed the way I thought of how I interact with media and the people who consume it.
When I first saw the show I was an 11 year old kid who "liked" almost anything, as long as it was 'entertaining' for me. Mind you I didn't actually understand what was going on, nor did I even react to alot of the scenes in any way I just... watched it to watch it. I mean, it beats the shitty infomercials and corny live action sitcoms that were on at the time.
When I formed an actual opinion on the show it was a deep, deep hatred. I saw the show as objectively lazy, cheap, mean-spirited and just downright obnoxious at times with its themes and writing. And I'll admit it, it's true.
Family guy is not an amazing show. A lot of it's characters, which used to be charming and fun to watch became flanderized distorted versions of themselves due to the passage of time. It's writing has moments where it can be downright cringe inducing, especially with some of the jokes. The themes of certain episodes are so ridiculously problematic that it made even ME feel uncomfortable on occasion. The animation is quite often cheap and stiff and don't even get me started on the modernized design of the show itself...
I can completely understand why somebody would say it was downright garbage.
But my dad LOVED that show
He would continuously talk about how funny he found Peter and his family, recount episodes by memory and even show me his favorite clips of the show and would laugh and laugh at the occasionally shitty punchlines. He loved this stupid bad show so much that for almost every birthday he'd ask me to draw Peter Griffin for him..
I hated that shit.
I would rant to him about how shitty the show was and that it was incredibly problematic that he liked it. And most of the time he'd simply reply, "Well I think it's funny!"
And I'd give a snarky retort on how it was stupid that he did.
Needless to say we didn't talk much about what we liked to one another.
And as more and more life stuff happened we became more distant and hostile until finally I was out of the house for college.
I didn't really reach out to him often and I rarely ever called.
And that was that at the time.
Until I watched dog bites bear.
Now to preface this, it was by complete accident. All my favorite video essayists has no more videos to watch, and I would rather tear my own eyes out than listen to another reddit "Am I the asshole for killing my entire family" type post. So without anything better to do, I let it play out. And to say I was shocked at how good stewie and brian's plotline was had me shocked. For a good while, I was obsessed with this episode, and I became even MORE shocked when I realized that there were MULTIPLE episodes with this amount genuine-ness to it.
As I began to binge through more and more episodes of this... fucking stupid show I hated at the time, I started to see aspects of it that I missed out on.
The original music and dance sequences ranged from alright to downright impressive! And it doesn't help that I'm a sucker for musicals and showtunes. Some of the fight scenes being actually, pretty well choregraphed. Yes, the camera angles are flat and uninspired at times, I do like how creative they can be. Some of the plotlines in many episodes have actually REALLY GOOD STORY BEATS AND SCENES TO IT. Like for example, when Peter and Lois reunite in Meet the Quagmires, or every moment of Peter and Brian's relationship in New Kidney in Town and Forget Me Not, Brain and Stewie's EVERYTHING (And the episode too). AND THESE WEREN'T EVEN THE FIRST 3 SEASONS.
I could honestly go on and on about the things I enjoyed in this show and it kinda made me realize alot about how I treated this show and the people who liked it. I genuinely thought I was better than them JUST BECAUSE THEY LIKED THIS "OBJECTIVELY BAD" PEICE OF MEDIA and I would constantly put people down just for liking the things that I considered to be bad. So, when I binged this show and CONSIOUSLY HAD A GOOD TIME WATCHING ALOT OF THE EPISODES? It made me realize that...
I was such a pretentious fucking dick as a kid lol
When I finished binging through around... what... a good 2-3 hours of family guy, my dad called me
And rather than ignoring it like I usually did I actually picked up... It was a little awkward at first, at least from my end... but I don't think my dad even noticed my stiffness. He was just happy to hear my voice after so long, asking how I was doing and how was school and all that... and I'd answer my usual "It was fine." But, what really started a conversation between us was me asking him what his personal favorite episode of Family Guy was, just out of pure curiosity. And the way I could hear his voice light up as he gushed about all his favorite moments...? Christ man...
As stupid as "Family Guy helped me rebuild my connection with my father" SOUNDS, it's really what happened. We ended up spending alot more time together, talking about things we liked and disliked and realized that... we were alot similar than either of us expected. And not only that it really helped me see both the good and the bad in media and that it was ok to enjoy things that everyone else enjoyed, even if the bad outweighs the good.
I understand that the great aspects of family don't represent the show as a whole... but there's a reason other than capitalistic corporatism of why this show just doesn't ever fucking end. Because there's people there that care about this show and these stupid shitty goofy ass characters, both the fans and the people who work on it.
Idk... this was an unnecessarily personal and sentimental stupid rant about something that I grew to love. Really I could've just answered with a simple "yes" and chad Peter png I stole off of google.
But I really do love this show because it helped me appreciate the one person in my life who stuck with me the best he could despite the tragedy after tragedy that happened to him, how shittily and harsh;y I treated him fur to my own fears and traumas, and how far he sunk down into dark... dark places...
Even after all that he's still giving it his all to the people he loves.
And I love him for that.
Sorry for how insane and incomprehensible this ENTIRE diatribe is. I just wanted to gush about how this show made me grow and change as a person and love my family
have a shitty Peter, thanks for the question ^^
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
List 3 of your favorite sims from other simmers you enjoy and explain why (Send this to 10 other blogs 💖💖)
Gaaaaah, you're really making me work here. 😅 Three? Only three? But I love so many!!! 😫
In no particular order:
Noel IcantrememberhislastnameplsforgivemeIamsuchabadfriend from @happy-lemon and if you've ever seen her No Rules Legacy, he's waaaaaaaaaaaay back there in the generations. He wasn't an heir but he was the husband of Kana the...gen 2? heir. I am horrible with numbers, but I think she was immediately after Nara. Anyway, he had such a wonderful laid back vibe to him. I always lovingly referred to him as Dumpster Boy because that's where Kana found him. In the dumpster. He was dumpster diving and she pulled him out of the trash, fixed him up, and he went on to become the cutest dad/husband/Sim you could ever want. Trish was kind enough to send him to me, for reasons I don't remember because it's been a while...I'm fairly certain I didn't beg on my hands and knees but who can say? It's lost to time. I turned the boy into a werewolf because I thought it would be funny to have a vegetarian werewolf and it was. It really was. Noel was just as sweet and laid back in my game as he was in hers and he was instant best friends with Duchess the dog. Those two were inseparable. It was so cute. 🥺🥺🥺 You knew he was going to be on this list, Trish. This was calculated lmao. 🤣
Nero Lieder from @getboolpropped and I think the reasons why should be obvious. Bad person? Check. Transformed into a toad for an extended period of time? Check. Absolutely hilarious in any form? Check. I had me a binge of @getboolpropped's blog recently and of course I fell in love. The style, the editing, the humor. 👨‍🍳👌💋 Literally immaculate. And while I will miss Nero's toad form, the schnoz is iconic.
Why are you only allowing me three? I can't believe you've done this. Ok ok I'll stop whining (lies, I'll never stop whining). Jonah from @gaiahypothesims I mean it isn't just Jonah but you did say a specific Sim but honestly all the characters are so interesting and the storyline is so good and Jonah is very very very attractive. 😁 He's rough around the edges but he loves his daughter and he's got layers to him. Idk I'm always reluctant to describe other people's characters because I start getting panicky like "omg what if I read the character wrong and I'm totally off base from what the writer intended and I'm just displaying my ignorance to the entire world and the writer is gonna see this and know I'm a dumbass" and this is the entire reason I don't write book reviews on Goodreads because I start wondering if I really understood what I read but like that's probably just me. Anyway, that's for my therapist to untangle. I'm a sucker for a tough guy who loves kids in any media. Go read the story and fall in love with Jonah and everyone else, too. It's very well-written. You won't regret it.
Ok I'mma send this other people but I always hate doing that because I'm like what if they don't want to do it and I'm just being a nuisance what if they secretly hate me what if--LAURA OMG call your therapist. Just my disclaimer: if you get this message from me, you are under no obligation to do the thing. I have no expectations. You are free. I love you. 😚
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