#i also started putting together sets of dice for them and picking out potential magic items they could use
arcaneyouth · 1 year
autism moment
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hemaris · 4 years
Hello I love your penumbra art and I showed some to my friend who finally started listening to Juno Steel and she said that she's been enjoying penumbra fanart but keeps on seeing fantastic Peter designs and then having to ask where his pockets are. This is not at all a criticism I just needed to share the thought because now I'm wondering too
OKAY THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION so here’s a trio of highly unlikely options for your consideration (put into fic format by someone who has little to no experience writing fic and is, to be completely honest, miles outside of their comfort zone):
nureyev’s pockets contain a - for the lack of a better word - pocket dimension
“You’re full of shit, Steel,” Vespa says. “If you wanna brag about sticking your hands down the thief’s pants, go find someone else to do it to.”
And really, Juno has been at the business end of Vespa’s blade before, but twice in one morning is probably a new record. He bristles. “Okay, first of all, would it really kill you to not wave your knife at me every single time we’re in a room together? Can’t we have one conversation where this doesn’t happen?”
“You started it! You got your finger all up in my face!”
“Yeah, well, my finger doesn’t have a long and celebrated history of gutting people when-”
“Keep it civil, sweethearts,” Buddy says from the other side from their makeshift recreation room, where she and Jet are playing a game Juno has never heard of involving a set of oddly shaped dice, some old Uno cards, and, inexplicably, a pineapple. Vespa moves to sheathe the knife, but makes a whole show out of doing it without averting her icy stare for even a split second. Juno has to suppress the fleeting urge to do something petty and potentially life-threatening, like sticking out his tongue at her.
“Second of all,” he continues, his voice only slightly lowered, “you asked! You asked me about Ransom’s - about his pocket situation, I’m just telling you what I know. And for the record, I never said anything about anyone’s pants. Or where I’m sticking my hands. Or, you know, whatever. Shut up.”
Vespa still hasn’t broken eye contact. “No, Steel,” she says, “I asked you how the thief managed to get an entire cupboard worth of Ming dynasty porcelain off of Titan and onto our ship. What you’re telling me is that he has magical mega pockets that are bigger on the inside, which isn’t a thing.”
“That’s what I used to think about teleportation, and mind reading, but here we are.” The truth is that the porcelain thing is a mystery to Juno as well. He has asked Nureyev, of course, but all he got in response was a that’s for me to know and for you to figure out, isn’t it, detective, which is more than a little annoying. “All I’m saying is that it could be an option. Don’t rule it out just yet.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Vespa says. “Ask him to pull, I don’t know, a live rabbit out of his breast pocket, and maybe I’ll buy into it.”
Juno has to roll his eye at that, and immediatey realizes he’s lost their little staring match. Not that it matters - the odds were stacked against him from the get-go anyway, with Vespa having a whole extra eye to look pissed off with. “Fine, whatever. But just for the record - have you seen a rabbit lately? Because I can guarantee you those things won’t go down or come out of anyone’s pocket willingly, regardless of pocket size.”
It might be a trick of the light, but for a brief moment, he thinks he sees the corner of Vespa’s mouth quirk up just a little.
a strategy once used by juno himself: Just Put It In Your Mouth! it’s mother nature’s built-in pocket!
“Uh oh,” Nureyev says once Rita has successfully hacked the giant metal door to slam shut behind them and they’ve skidded to a halt. He tentatively presses a hand to his throat.
“What- are you-“ Juno wheezes from where he’s doubled over, "Are you okay? They didn’t hit you, right?”
Nureyev makes a dismissive fluttery motion with his free hand. “Nothing of the sort.”
Juno squints at him, giving him a once-over, and seems to sag with relief once he sees Nureyev is not actively bleeding. It’s a little bit endearing, Nureyev thinks. “Okay, whew, good,” he says. “So then - what’s the ‘uh oh’ for? We got the blueprints, we-”
“Let’s say,” Nureyev interrupts him, “hypothetically speaking, that there was some ancient and priceless treasure in the vault we took the blueprints from.”
“That’s not really a hypothetical,” Juno says. “There was enough old Earth monarchy junk in there to bedazzle the entire Carte Blanche with.”
"Right. And now let’s say, once again purely hypothetically,” Nureyev continues, “that someone with only the noblest of intentions noticed the Koh-I-Noor diamond among that treasure, and that that someone decided to free it from the monstrously tacky diadem contraption it was stuck onto, because it’s a waste for something like that to be gathering dust in a vault.”
“You know,” Juno says warily, “I’m not sure I like where this is going.”
“The problem is that this outfit, while very stealthy, does not provide a great amount of secure pocket space, so i had to improvise.”
“Oh no,” Juno says.
“So I put it in my mouth, but then the guards arrived and while we were running I-”
“Oh no,” Juno repeats, a little louder this time. “Ransom, you - did you eat the Koh-I-Noor?”
“I accidentally swallowed the Koh-I-Noor, there’s a difference-”
“You ate it. You- Ransom, who would even-”
“Who would even what, Juno” Nureyev interrupts him, “There’s this old saying, something about a pot and a kettle, I believe.”
Juno’s comms crackle to life. “RIGHT,” Rita chirps loudly, “I know the both of you are very busy talkin’ about who ate a conifer and why - and i’m not judgin’, mista Ransom, you eat your greens however you wanna! That’s what my mom told me that time I dipped my green beans in marshmallow fluff - which I wouldn’t recommend, by the way, at least not with the beans, it was a WHOLE mess. Maybe with some broccoli, though, or baby carrots, or - anyway, what I was gonna say is they’re about to crack this door open, so I’m just thinkin’, maybe now isn’t the best time for this conversation?”
“He didn’t eat a conifer, Rita, it’s - actually, don’t worry about it,” Juno says. “Let’s get moving. I’m sure Vespa can figure something out to make you hurl the thing up again. But for the record, Ransom, don’t expect me to ever let you hear the end of this.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Nureyev replies. Juno grins a little, crooked and pretty, and Nureyev’s stomach almost somersaults enough to throw the stupid diamond out.
and lastly - why use your own pockets when you can use someone else’s?
“Nureyev,” Juno says against his neck, “can I ask you something?”
They’ve folded themselves onto Nureyev’s cot, neither of them up for more than just lazing around. Nureyev has been trying to study some floor plans for the last twenty minutes, but if he’s being honest with himself, he has no idea what building, owned by what person, built on which planet in whatever system he’s been looking at. He’s mostly been lost in thought, only grounded by the weight and warmth of Juno pressed against his side. He had thought the lady asleep until now.
It’s a little ridiculous, the effect his own name being spoken by Juno Steel has on him. He’s fairly sure that with Juno this close, he should be able to feel the shiver it sends down his spine, pick up on the stutter in his pulse. It’s okay if he does, he tries to tell himself, it’s okay, it’s only Juno - but at the same time Juno is infinitely, immeasurably more than 'only Juno’ to him.
“Of course,” he replies. “Anything, anytime.”
Juno hums. “Earlier, when we got back from the media bigwig backstabbing competition-”
“It was an award show, dear Juno.”
“I said what I said. Anyway, when we got back, there was something in my pocket that I definitely didn’t put there myself.”
“A flash drive,” Juno continues, “that had the name ’M. Valderrama’ engraved into it. And a crazy amount of plastic rhinestones glued to it, but that’s not the point. I didn’t wanna risk it containing a virus and blowing up the ship, so I didn’t plug it into anything. But I did do my research, so I know Mignon Valderrama was at the backstabbing- I mean, the award show, and is the acclaimed director of titles such as ’The Notebook Part 44: This Time They’re All Ancient Mercurians’, the entire ’Ultra Magma Tsunami’ franchise, and the upcoming-”
“The upcoming blockbuster ’Cerebral Cephalopods: Rise of the Mathematician Octopi’,” Nureyev finishes.
Juno shifts against him. "Yeah, that’s the one. Didn’t know you were a fan.”
“Oh, I’m not,” Nureyev replies airily.
“Still,” Juno says, propping himself up on an elbow. “I have to wonder. How and why did mx. Valderrama’s flash drive, rhinestones and all, end up in my pocket?”
“Hmm. Would you believe me if I told you mx. Valderrama tripped, and the drive flew out of their pocket and into yours?”
Juno shakes his head. “C'mon, Nureyev.”
And for a moment, he hesitates. It’s not the best of stories. There’s no real noble, for-the-greater-good, Robin Hood-esque reason for him stealing the drive. He didn’t do it for the challenge, either - Valderrama might as well have presented it to him on a silver platter. Sure, he could make something up, spin a tale, make it sound big and impressive and sensible. But despite the alarm bells going off in his mind, he also thinks it might not be so bad to tell the truth, to bare his throat to Juno just a little. Of course, his own voice echoes, anything, anytime.
He sighs. “I might not be a fan, but I believe your secretary is. She’s been talking about those Magma Tsunami movies for days. They are horrible, by the way - she made me sit through two of them and I can’t believe I’m never getting those four hours of my life back. Valderrama should be liable for damages to my psyche. The drive, as you probably guessed, contains what I’m pretty sure is the final cut for whatever that octopus movie is supposed to be, so I snatched it up for her. My dress didn’t have any pockets, so I slipped it into one of yours. I must have forgotten to slip it out again.”
Juno frowns. “Wait - Rita? Did she ask you to? Because at this point i’m pretty sure she could hack into the studio’s servers in a heartbeat, and rip the whole thing-”
“She didn’t ask,” Nureyev says. “It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing. But she wouldn’t have been able to get her hands on this by hacking. Valderrama is famously paranoid about leaks. All of their works-in-progress are stored on only a handful of physical drives until the day of release. One of the drives goes into a vault with a nightmarishly difficult analogue lock, one goes to the executive producer, and Valderrama keeps one of them on their person at all times. I saw my chance, so I took it.”
“Huh,” Juno says, “that's… that’s kind of sweet of you, actually.” He prods Nureyev in the chest with a finger. “And very illegal, and you shouldn’t do it again. But still. That's… yeah. That’s sweet. She’s gonna be over the moon.”
That’s what he’d been hoping for. He smiles, shrugging a little. “We’re space pirates, Juno. Most of what we do is illegal. We got into the award party illegally, and for illegal reasons. Valderramma will make their billions with or without that drive. It’s just-” he sighs again, raking a hand through his hair. “Rita is very important to you, which - which makes her very important to me. She’s been there for you all these years, and she’s never been anything but kind to me either. I’m not trying to buy her friendship or her appreciation, I suppose I just… think she deserves something nice, especially if that something is within arm’s reach anyway. Even if that something is a movie about hyperintelligent squids taking over Mars’ moons.” He lets his head fall back into the pillows. “I know that might sound a little foolish.”
Juno leans into him a little more, cupping Nureyev’s jaw in his warm hand, looking a little bit puzzled and a lot fond. “I’m pretty sure you already know that I love your particular brand of foolish,” he says after a second.
And before Nureyev has the chance to think about what that means for too long, Juno is kissing him, wiping any semblance of thought from his mind.
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fipindustries · 4 years
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The ludomancer
So you heard of parahumans fans using their own lives to come up with triggers and create their own fan capes? well, that is more than well trodden ground so i figured lets take it an extra notch and figure out my own fan practitioner, my own fanctitioner! (disclaimer: many of of the personal details here were either exagerated or fabricated for dramatic effect)
i had open heart surgery when i was 6 months old, and if niccolette belanger is anything to go by, having big openings in your flesh at a very young age is free real state for persky spirits. Just imagine this giant entrance direct to my chest, leaving my heart ridden with holes and openly exposed.
Now this was in a very modern hospital in and incredibly sterile enviroment so is not like there were a lot of grisly phantasmagoric spirits crawling all over the place, you i was covered head to toe in technology, multiple wires and tubes and god knows what else all poking out of my chest, back in those days i was more machine than human. So with that in mind i like the idea that perhaps some fairly young spirits of electricity, technology, science and artificousness got inside me.
nothing too wild and powerful considering these things were all relatively recent by the standards of the practisce, but enough to have an influence. The general result is that i would be naturally inclined towards STEM fields, mad scientists, math and engeneering as a kid. I would constantly find myself getting involved into these enviroments (even when i didnt want to) such as going to a course in robotics, going to a high school soecialized in mechanics, studing computer science in college, etc.
my life would go on more or less like normal, the spirits slowly growing inside of me but always kept in check by my own essense and sense of self. Until...
i changed careers and went to live at a college dorm in the middle of nowhere, five kilometers away from the nearest city, a small oasis of technology in the desert and the central hub for the Wi Fi of my state. As the years went by i became more and more isolated, my Conections grew weaker, my own sense of self got thinner and thinner (exacerbated by me finally questioning my gender identity). my prescence on the world was almost non existant, spending most of my time in my dorm in my computer not interacting with anyone, browsing ever incresingly more niche or obscure websites.
in this oasis of technology in the middle of nowhere, with my personal conections and sense of identity growing weaker, the spirits within me started to grow stronger and stronger, starting to screw with my very perception of reality, pushing things so that i would start to go down weird rabbit holes online, reading strange texts in impossibly formatted websites that would introduce strange ideas about the nature of reality, some times even downright attempting to posses me (i would try to rationalize these episodes where i would experience derealization as just panic attacts).
The spirits of technology would introduce me to forbidden ideas online, dangerous memetic cognitohazards, basiliks that would force me to perform obscure rituals to summon  demonic entities from lost planes of reality, not aligned with human values. They would try and convince me that reality was a simulation and coax me to pierce the veil and see the true subyacent reality, that subatomic particles were capable of experiencing suffering, that i could be tortured for eternity if enough people were kept from getting dust specks in their eyes. If things had gone like that for much longer i would have probably ended up summoning or becoming an Ex Machina and probably an entire wing of the college campus would have been condemned.
Luckly in my college there just hapened to be a young dabbler who got wind of my situation. They took notice of me and were kind enough to put me in touch with an online community of witch hunters who specialized in cases like mine (the dabbler didnt take care of it themselves because they didnt want to accidentally reveal to me more than strictly necessary about the magic world, the group of witch hunters had a lot more experience solving this problems without the karmic burden of awakening someone)
The witch hunters were a fairly niche group within the larger community of witch hunters. They specialized in bayesian techniques. Using the tools of rationality to dispell illutions, glamours, mind tricks and half truths. They established firm rules for thinking and percieving the world so that Others wouldnt be able to decieve or manipulate them. Calling bullshit on the impossible. Their organization, the Magical Interference Restriction Institute, coordinated the efforts to develop safe protocols for the practisce in the digital age.
They exorcised most of it, gave me a few basic mental tools and rituals to keep the spirits in check and recommended me to try and forget about the whole affair. But fat chance about that, by this point my eyes had been opened.
The awakening
When i finished college and moved to a different city i did everything in my power to enter in contact with the practitioner world again. Walking around the city, reading craiglist adds, looking into different organizations. Of course i wasnt acting blindly, i was guided by some of the things that i had picked up during my posessions, the things the spirits had revealed to me, the forbidden texts that i had read and some of the advice the witch hunters gave me.
Eventually i managed to follow conections and came across a small cabal of practitioners who put the front of a board game club to recruit people and have a place to reunite while looking legitimate and not arising suspicion from the mundanes. The way the club would work was that on the front it was a normal place to play things like Catan, Carcassone, king of tokyo, etc. But on the back room they would “play test” new “games” between the senior members of the club. when in reality they would workshop new rituals to perform.
They would focus on a fairly recent branch of magic caled Ludomancy. Focused on the idea that any boardgame is in the end a ritual. it would be this communal activity with rules and mechanics, supported by the illution and the beliefs of the players who would manipulate symbols and idols across intricate diagrams. 
they saw my experience with rules, logic and technology applied to magic and saw enough potential in me that they allowed me to join. Their awakening ritual is a bit different than most since they customized it based on their findings and experiences with rituals. Instead os sitting in a circle the circle is inscribed in a board. The piece that you use to move through the board has to be carved by you and has to be composed of elements that represent you and that are meaningful to you and it has to hold within a couple of drops of your blood.
You throw the dice and move across the board and depending on what places you fall in on of the cards will be drawn from the multiple decks. These cards will either give you challenges to overcome to prove yourself, make declarations and impositions on the kind of practitioner you will be once you awaken or just be criptic messages and riddles that wont be relevant or mean anything to you until many years down the line. You have to overcome the challenges, answer the questions posed by the cards and most of all, play the rules cleverly so that you can make your piece reach the center of the board and scream jumanji to complete the ritual. Now the rules of every awakening playthrough change and they can be incredibly intricate and complex, it can take a lot of cleverness of a lot of luck to finish this ritual but once you do you find yourself in a much firmer and powerful grounding than most begginers do.
the practice
i would probably focus on shamanism, collecting spirits here and there, slow and steady accumulation of a power base. i would like to get into constructs, acumulating spirits, helping them grow, give them a bit of my own power to help the process along, like sacrificing one drop of blood every week, or establishing small rituals of worship, and then mix and mashing them together to build more complex spirits, also i would probably offer small favors to the local practitioners in exchange of tibdits, trinkets and sources of power, always keeping it low profile and not too ambitious, something like helping with a ritual here and there, being a pair of extra hands, mostly giving help establishing magic circles and drawing diagrams, running small errands, sending messages. it would help let other people know that im not too much of a concern and hopefully they would let me be
if you need help or want to make an exchange with me you could come to my house and i would offer to play a game (usually one i made up) and in the process of playing the game i would perform the magic that you need or arrange the cosmological and quintessential pieces inside and outside of you according to your request.
My implement would be a set of D&D dices that i can use to make a bit of augury, affect probabilities, dictate outcomes and, in times of need, cheat at my games a bit. the rest of my equipment would be booklets and notebooks filled with my own designs, rulesets and texbooks, lots and of graph paper and one actual RPG supplement that i would use to bluff some of the more out of date Others by claiming that i have tomes filled with arcane spells and a full compendium of magicl creatures.
eventually i would try to diversify, focusing more on crafting and building, going more for the angle of the toy maker rather than game designer. I would build complex structures in papercraft, small mechanisms with cardboard, intricate contraptions with some clockwork and some springs.
i probably wouldnt get a familiar, i just dont see my self commiting to a life long companion. i would desperatly try to establish a demesne but that would also be rather complicated since i dont see my self owning property any time soon either.
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birusabi · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons/ideas for your AU that you'd like to share?
Hello, anon! I don’t have a super specific plot or anything, but I do have some general things + details for each of the characters! 
The general idea is that Ouma is a somewhat notorious thief who’s wanted for causing havoc around the kingdom(s), and Kiibo is a knight who unwillingly gets caught up in his mischief. The two end up traveling together and come across different lands, people (the other V3 characters), and varying degrees of trouble while on their adventures.
I have headcanons for where the other V3 characters would fit in + class ideas too, but there’s spoilers for the game (and it’s long) so I’ll put it under the cut.
(Also if you ever want to talk to me about DR or my AU or anything like that, please do! I enjoy it and I’m super happy that someone finds it interesting!)
*Heavy spoilers for DRV3 within, read at your own risk
Ouma: Thief. Very good at lock-picking and getting into things that he really shouldn’t be getting into. DICE probably exists in this AU too, but I imagine he got separated from them somehow, so in the meantime he explores the world on his own, getting into trouble. No one really knows where he came from but most people will recognize who he is (and not be too happy about it).
Kiibo: Knight. Probably lived a pretty normal life before he met Ouma. Starts off very annoyed and unwilling to cooperate, since being involved with Ouma gets him into trouble too, so Ouma pulls him along for a while. But he eventually learns to enjoy the adventure and the new company. Very level-headed and tries to be prepared for anything that could potentially go wrong (which is a lot of things).
Amami: Traveler, based off his backstory in the game. Has been to a lot of remote/mysterious places and is the most knowledgeable about the world. I like to think that he’d travel with the main duo sometimes, since they’d run into him in different places, but he’d always leave to explore on his own at some point. You never know when/where he’s going to pop up, but he’ll always have some new and exciting story to share.
Akamatsu: A traveling bard. She knows a variety of different instruments (mostly because you can’t have a portable piano in a fantasy setting), but she typically carries around some variation of lute. Other than traveling and seeing the world, she likes to perform for small villages or people in need because she sees how her music can raise people’s spirits. Usually never seen too far away from Saihara, who travels with her.
Saihara: Archer! Based off the fact that as the protag he uses truth bullets, but there are no guns in this AU, so arrows are the next best thing. He travels with Akamatsu, as both a companion and a bodyguard, though she ends up protecting him just as much as he protects her. He’s an extremely good shot and spends a lot of his free time listening to Akamatsu’s music.
Angie: Priest/Shaman. Most likely lives in a small, remote village that has a long history of communicating with the gods. No one knows if there’s any truth to this, but Angie is pretty highly respected since she’s so capable with magic. Her knowledge of the world and “proper ritual practices” are questionable at best, but she has good healing magic and has maybe performed a small miracle or two.
Tenko: Monk/Fighter, which is pretty self-explanatory. Probably set off on her own journey out of a desire to “find herself and hone her senses” (or maybe she was instructed to do so). Somewhere along the line, she ran into Himiko, got super attached, and hasn’t left her side since. She might get underestimated as a female fighter, but she definitely has more wins under her belt than losses.
Himiko: (sorry if I switch between first and last names btw) Mage. Which is probably obvious. More of a fledgling mage than an experienced one (not that she’ll admit it), but she has a lot of potential. Spends a lot of time in libraries or other places where magic-users are known to gather in order to study. Tenko never leaves her side (not that she really minds).
Momota: Astronomer (not sure if that counts as a class, but it’s the closest he can get to astronaut). I like to imagine that he has his own little observatory, filled with star charts and books and various equipment (it’s probably a complete mess in there). He spends all of his time studying the stars, but occasionally goes into town to buy food or to see if the traveling merchants have anything new to share. Likes to brag about being the town scholar, although that’s debatable.
Harukawa: Assassin… based on the fact that she’s the ultimate assassin. Her backstory is probably pretty similar to what it is in-game, orphanage and shady training and all. She wanders around working as a blade for hire. I think she’d probably run into Momota at some point while staying in his hometown, he’d strike up a friendship with her, and she’d find it increasingly difficult to hide the unsavory details of her work from him.
Gonta: Druid. He basically lives in the forest, is skilled with nature-related magic, and can probably talk to animals/bugs. Talking to bugs also means he can probably control them which is not great news for Ouma. I imagine he spends a lot of time on his own though, so he probably gets lonely and would appreciate the occasional human company. He also knows a lot about herbs, medicines, and what mushrooms are safe to eat.
Iruma: Blacksmith. The closest she can get to inventor. Very, very talented and has developed somewhat of a renown across the kingdom(s) for her skill in crafting anything from armor to weapons to everyday household items. Many people have come to try and work as an apprentice under her, but she turns them down every time. If I ever decide to add characters from SDR2 or DR1 to this AU though, I’d love to have her work with Souda and maybe Chihiro!
Kirumi: Knight like Kiibo. I contemplated making her a maid again, but I’m a huge fan of her argument armament segment, where she’s designed as a knight, and I think it fits her character perfectly! She likely serves some type of lord and may even be part of a small army (which is what’s more expected of a knight) whereas Kiibo has deviated from that and gone off on his own. I feel like she’d have many admirers, both for her appearance and for her combat abilities. 
Hoshi: Also an archer like Saihara. Because I think that’s the closest he can get to firing tennis balls at people. I imagine him as kind of a jaded mercenary, wandering the lands and taking on small jobs that no one else wants in order to get by. He never sticks around for too long though because he “doesn’t want to form any attachments.” Very worldly. 
Shinguji: Dark mage/Alchemist. Basically the type of shady magic-user who has probably dabbled in something forbidden. I’m not a big fan of the whole plot twist with his sister though, so in my AU I like to imagine that she’s alive, just very sickly. And while Shinguji does get into some questionable things (that don’t involve murder), he does it to find a cure for her, even if he has to research long-forgotten magic to do so.
Shirogane: Last but not least. Sorceress/Illusionist, which felt the most fitting to her cosplay talent and her mastermind role. I like to think that she holds some position of power in the kingdom, though I’m not sure if she’d be as high as a queen. But she’s very good at disguising herself (and maybe can shapeshift thanks to magic), so she spends her time secretly moving among the normal folks, looking into all of the dark secrets that the kingdom has to offer.
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tabletopinfinities · 5 years
Tales from the Loop
The landscape was full of machines and scrap metal connected to the facility in one way or another. Always present on the horizon were the colossal cooling towers, with their green obstruction lights. If you put your ear to the ground, you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop - the purring of the Gravitron, the central piece of engineering magic that was the focus of the Loop’s experiments.
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What’s the premise?
It’s the ‘80s, but it’s not quite the decade we remember. Magnetic-powered hovercrafts move through the skies ahead and industrial robots clomp through the streets. You are all children who live in the suburbs near the Loop, a massive particle accelerator built for unknown research purposes. Strange things happen around the Loop, sometimes even dangerous things, but the adults would never believe you. The primary Loop is in the Mälaren Islands of Sweden, the default setting for the game, but there’s also setting material for a Loop in Nevada. The setting is based on the artwork of Simon Stålenhag, drawing from the art book of the same name.
The children investigate mysteries stemming from advanced technology, Loop-induced dimensional anomalies, abandoned facilities, and research projects gone awry. You might deal with malfunctioning robots, eerie transmissions, sinister new inventions, or even time-displaced dinosaurs, alongside the stresses and triumphs of mundane childhood. You might even end up saving the world - but, again, the adults will never believe you.
You’d like it if you’re into: ‘80s kids adventure movies, Stranger Things, Dark, The X-Files, Eerie, Indiana, The Breakfast Club
Why do you recommend it?
Like the best ‘80s kids adventure movies, Tales from the Loop inspires wonder and terror in equal measure. Playing ordinary children grounds the fantastical elements and introduces some very real emotional stakes. In addition, the ‘80s Swedish setting provides a specificity of place and time that’s fascinating to dig into, both familiar and unfamiliar to those who didn’t live through that particular decade in that particular place.
What are the rules?
Any time something prevents you from doing something, you’re in Trouble. To resolve Trouble, describe how you’re overcoming it, choose the appropriate attribute and skill, and roll that many d6s. Each 6 is one success. Typically you only need one, but extremely difficult situations might take two or three. If you fail, you can retry by Pushing it and taking a Condition (Upset, Scared, Exhausted, or Injured). Some Troubles give you a Condition when you fail - for instance, failing to get past the school bully could leave you Injured. The more Conditions you have, the fewer dice you roll, and if you have all four, you’re Broken and automatically fail all dice rolls. Kids can’t die in this game however - that’s a basic story principle.
Particularly dramatic situations are portrayed by Extended Trouble, which requires successes equal to twice the number of kids or more. Each Kid gets to use their own individual skills to contribute to the plan to overcome it (and the pool of successes). If the Kids get a partial success, they can take Conditions to make up for the successes they need and come up with a partial victory that achieves some of their goal.
There’s no combat in the traditional sense - either everything gets resolved in a single Trouble roll or it’s portrayed as Extended Trouble that everyone gets to participate in. NPCs don’t roll anything.
What’s my character like?
Each Kid is built around a particular archetype - Bookworm, Computer Geek, Hick, Jock, Popular Kid, Rocker, Troublemaker, or Weirdo. That archetype determines which skills you’re best at. You’re between 10 and 15 years old. The younger you are the luckier you are, and thus more generally successful overall, but the older you are the stronger your attributes, which makes you more successful in specific areas.
Your character’s primary attributes are Body, Tech, Heart, and Mind, and each of them has three different skills that represent the kinds of actions you can take with them (like Sneak, Force, and Move for Body). You also have a pool of Luck Points that give you the ability to reroll dice. Each Kid has an Iconic Item that says something about who they are, gives bonus dice when used, and never disappears or breaks unless the player wants it to.
Kids are further fleshed out by choosing a Problem and a Drive, which provide backstory, and a Pride, which is a strong point in their character that can be used to succeed automatically on a related roll once per session. The Kids all have defined Relationships with each other, and each has an Anchor that they can go to for safety, support, and care, and to heal Conditions. The players collectively design a Hideout shared by the Kids that can be used the same way. Finally, you pick a song from the ‘80s that represents your Kid.
What’s the campaign like?
There are two ways to play the game - through individual Mystery Stories (which can be linked together or run as standalones) or through the Mystery Landscape, which is more freeform and offers the Kids a chance to explore particular locations and their Mysteries.
Games start with the Kids each getting to play out a scene from their everyday life, then introducing the Mystery. From there, the Kids search for clues as to what’s going on and how to stop it. Mysteries typically have a Countdown that advances in steps as the GM wishes and describes what happens if the Kids don’t intervene (with potentially town-destroying or even apocalyptic consequences). There might also be a Retribution Countdown if someone’s actively trying to stop the Kids, which advances to more serious attempts with each clue the Kids find. The Mystery generally ends in a dramatic showdown, and then an aftermath.
Afterwards, you determine if the Kids have changed their Problems, Pride, Iconic Item, or Relationships in some way, then spend XP to increase skills. Kids can grow older over the course of an extended campaign, and if they turn 16 they move on in life, stop solving Mysteries, and the player rolls up a new Kid.
What books should I get?
The core book lays the rules and setting and provides a four-episode campaign that can be used for either Mälaren or Boulder City, as well as a Mystery Landscape. The supplement book Our Friends the Machines and Other Mysteries has more adventures as well as some basic guidelines on how to place a Loop in your town, but is mostly inessential.
Things from the Flood, the recently released standalone sequel, presents a darker ‘90s version of the setting with older characters - and the possibility of death. You can carry over characters from Tales from the Loop into that game (or vice versa if time travel is involved, I suppose).
What equipment do I need?
All Tales from the Loop uses are d6s, about 8 or so per player. The GM doesn’t need any. A way to play music would also be useful to play the Kids’ theme songs.
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rekkingcrew · 6 years
Rek DMs: Space Bastards Ep 0 (pt 2)
continued from https://rekkingcrew.tumblr.com/post/179064273187/rek-dms-space-bastards-episode-zero-pt-1
Let’s talk about the ship!
I always figured the custom ship was going to be a big focal point for the group and a big part of the initial buy in. It’s home. It’s home base. Both the players and the characters have made modifications to make it their own.
My plan had been to ask the group what insane star wars alien species their ship was designed for, and what modifications they had all made to be able to use it. I was thinking something like an aquatic species where the inside required joisting to hold it’s shape absent the presence of liquid, or it had belonged to something that was naturally much smaller or much larger than a human. 
Instead, the players gave me something magical.
TK’s player said his idea for how he came to join the crew was that he had been in a crate in an evidence locker. 
Or maybe an evidence ship.
“Oh my god,” said another player. “We’re driving around in a stolen cop car.”
And so they are. 
And I’m not kidding, that’s the thing that set the tone for everything that came after and clicked everything into place. The Black Star is who the group is.
What the players came up with was that they and their NPCs had been disparate petty criminals who had, individually and with other groups, been part of a fifteen gang pile up when a wealthy criminal individual died and everyone tried to be the first to loot his space station, and had ended up in a guns pointed every direction space Mexican standoff (minus TK, who was in the evidence locker, and Eshi, who had already hopped aboard from one stow away situation to another), before they made the collective decision to work together to escape the collapsing station rather than fight. The main architect of this truce was an older twi’lek called Ort Fine, who was wounded during the escape. The group grabbed the last available ship, a slow but heavily gunned and armored police vehicle that was a brand new prototype model, and jetted off together into space. They peeled off the police logo and painted a black star over it. It’s not even a particularly good cover job. Ort was initially the primary force in getting them all to stay together and work as a crew, speaking to each of them about their strengths and convincing them to work a job together he arranged. He died on the job, but the crew stayed together, and out of respect Ort is still listed as the captain on all the manifests. 
Mechanically, I’d told the players to pick one of the freighters or transports from the books. They would be allowed to up two stats or put in upgrades, and then I would require them to drop one stat. There would also be whatever narrative consequences I thought fit their choice of ship- in this case, they look like a cop ship, plus in stealing their ship, they’ve made personal enemies of the police forces. The ship also has a lot of internal locks and seals that have been slightly on the fritz since they stole it. I’ve also told them I’m keeping track of fuel and they’re going to have to keep refilling if they want to make long jumps. They have six units in the tank. A small hyperspace jump uses one, a medium two, a long three. The players picked an ILH-KK Citadel Class light freighter, which is a perfect police or pirate ship. They improved the handling and added smuggling compartments as their upgrades. For their disadvantage, rather than dropping a stat, they suggested the following: this ship is exclusively sold for police and military use and parts are proprietary and restricted. All mechanics checks have at least two disadvantage dice unless correct parts are obtained first. Some repairs will not be possible at all without them. 
The players seemed to really enjoy making the ship. Most of them also do Warhammer, and one of them found a ship design from there they shared with everyone. “Yes! That’s perfect!”
The NPCs
I’d told the gang they got two NPCs to help cover any gaps in competencies. They were also meant to get the players invested in the world right away. Since TK was capable of covering multiple roles, they had a little freedom. 
The first thing they wanted was a criminal face man. I’d been talking to Nyla’s player about some of the things I’d been kicking around about Devaronian gender politics, and so that was the species suggestion from that player. We went for some obvious Satan jokes, and everyone in the group took a turn giving the character one trait. Which is how we got:
Beelz Feck: devaronian con artist and walking catastrophe. 
Beelz is a compulsive gambler and up to his eyeballs in debt. He’s also alienated a lot of people in his past and has more bounties on him than the rest of the crew combined, largely because when things get dangerous, Beelz has a bad habit of cashing out. Even so, more than anyone else on the crew, Beelz has a very good ear for what’s going on, and while he always comes back to the ship poorer than when he left it, he also comes back with loads of useful information about rumors, gang wars, and possible leads for the PCs to follow. Beelz’s uncle (who variously goes by “Old Harry”, “Old Scratch”, and “Old Nick”) runs an off-the-grid ship hangar and trading port, and out of gratitude for looking after his sister’s kid, he’s sheltered the crew even when it was a big personal risk for him (that NPC was always planned but not populated, and the group decided it made sense to tie him to Beelz). We also worked out that he is terrified of Brick, but Brick, being Brick, has never actually noticed, and just thinks Beelz is being accommodating. They’re room mates now. 
The players couldn’t think of any role they desperately needed after that, so they went for something fun: an assassin. They decided the character should definitely be female, because it was a bit of a sausage fest otherwise. They also decided she was a Bothan. We followed the same format: one trait from each player, then a free brainstorming session. This gave us:
None of the crew know what Thirteen’s real name or actual story are. Every now and again she claims she needs to visit her husband, but each time it’s a different man. They have never seen her without knives or a holdout blaster. Sometimes she’ll just disappear for days. Sometimes, even when they think a mission was their idea, she’ll coincidentally have someone she needs to kill at just that place. Thirteen mostly stays out of the rest of the crew’s business, and she keeps them well out of hers. She’s icy, aloof, and professional. Only the killbot personality in TK has ever gotten a laugh out of her. After Ort died, she took over the captain’s quarters and changed the locks, and no one has been able to get in since. Twice since she’s been with the crew, small groups of well trained killers have tried to hit the ship, which hasn’t made the rest of the crew happy, but Thirteen has not explained anything. She appears to know and will occasionally allude to other character’s secrets, but she hasn’t betrayed any confidences and does not appear likely to. Thirteen is exceptionally capable, and when it suits her, she brings in hard to find jobs that make problems like the APB on their ship just... disappear. She seems content with her situation for now, and as far as anyone can tell, she mostly likes the crew, especially Eshi. 
I also gave each NPC four starting opinions, one for each character: very positive, positive, neutral, and negative. I let the players pick who got which and what that meant. I like players having asymmetric access to resources, and I like interesting social dynamics. 
Beelz considers Nyla his good luck charm and goes out of his way to do nice little things for her. He’s also predisposed to think of her as competent and in charge because he grew up in a matriarchy and doesn’t examine his own thought process much. For all that Brick terrifies him, he’s a really comprehensible sort, and a useful guy to have at your back. TK is a droid, and kind of a weird one, but meh, what can you do? He doesn’t like having Eshi on the ship, though. He’s just a kid, and that feels irresponsible even for Beelz. 
Eshi is Thirteen’s favorite. He’s a smart kid with so much potential. Of all of them, he’s going to be the most useful. She’s amused by TK, especially his violent program. Her relationship to Nyla is cool and professional, and that feels comfortable for both of them. Nyla is more crisp and military around her. But they don’t know each other well personally, and neither seems inclined to. And Brick? What about him? He doesn’t even merit contempt, really. He’s a dime a dozen. We could replace him with any one of a thousand thugs off the street and who could even tell the difference?
More later. Jesus this is long, but I did want to talk about the process, because I think it all went very well. 
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findingflavorland · 4 years
Sourdough Bread: Sun-dried Tomatoes & Parmesan // Roasted Garlic & Rosemary
Test Recipe 01
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Sun-dried tomato, parmesan boule (front)  // Roasted garlic & Rosemary boule (back)
Overall Outcomes
Bread Score: 7/10
Would have preferred larger, open crumbs. Bread was denser than I would like, but I was happy to see an even distribution in crumbs overall, a good sign of better shaping. Nice oven-spring and rise on the loafs. Beautiful coloring on crust. Much better compared to my first foray into breadmaking. See section on bread to see what I tried this time round that made it better.
Flavor Score: 2/10 The low score wasn’t because it tasted bad. Rather, it was simply the lack of flavor that was disappointing. It just tasted like plain sourdough. I ended up eating it with some whipped cream cheese. Whenever there were bites that contained the flavor bombs, it was great. 
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On the Roasted Garlic, Rosemary loaf:
Best enjoyed toasted. Cream cheese complemented the herbaceous flavors really well, kinda reminiscent of Boursin’s garlic chives cream cheese. 
The Good
The sticky, mushy garlic helped the herbs clump together, which ensured those flavors always lived together, rather than separate.
The Bad
Mushy clumps of roasted garlic ruined the texture of bread. It was also unevenly and scarcely distributed throughout the loaf. 
The Techniques
Roasted a head of garlic in the oven for 45 minutes till caramelized and mushy. Cut cloves into chunks, not tiny because I thought I wanted bites of flavor. This was a terrible experience. It was mushy, sticky and hard to handle. it caused all the rosemary to clump together and I could not get the incorporated into much of the dough because of the low volume.
Flavor bombs were introduced in final shaping stage as well, incorporated with every fold in the Tartine book’s packaging fold technique.
There must be a better way to infuse garlic flavors into the loaf. 
Things to potentially try next time:
Definitely MORE VOLUME of garlic & rosemary. I used 1 head of garlic. There wasn’t much garlic from it after roasting. Might need 3-4 heads of garlic next time for a half-sized boule.
Incorporate smaller bits of roasted garlic instead of chunks
Mash into a butter with olive oil and chopped herbs and incorporate into a loaf through a lamination method, like a cinnamon roll/babka or croissant instead.
Try diced, raw garlic. Maybe it’ll roast and caramelized during the baking period to get the same effect and you won’t have to deal with messy, mushy garlic that stuck everywhere.
Would garlic oil work? How would fat incorporated into a dough affect proofing and rise? Would it still become bread?
Tips from the FB sourdough community:
I roast the garlic in foil in the oven just to the point where it is roasted and the cloves are still holding together so I can dice it. I don't roast it until I can just squeeze it into a paste. Once it is minced I will put it in a little bowl with just 10-15grams of EVO just to keep the garlic from clumping and to help it distribute through the dough a bit. 
I add it at my 2nd turn. I will autolyze and then start my turns and at the 2nd one I will add the garlic and EVO mix to the dough and squeeze through until the extra liquid is absorbed and the garlic is distributed through. At most reduce your water amount by a few grams if you are worried about the hydration level. 
~ Stephen Blanchard from https://stephensbreads.com/
On the Sun-dried Tomato, Parmesan loaf:
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“oh what a beautiful crumb”
The Good
The loaf smelled AMAZING while in the oven. You could smell the gorgeous scent of Parmesan and sun-dried tomatoes. I was expecting it to be very rich in flavor.
The Bad
I was nervous any cheese on the surface was going to burn real badly during the bake, but I was wrong. Not only did it not burn, it gave the crust a glorious golden brown.
I wished there was more cheese on the surface, and in the interior of course.
Since I had used shredded cheese, the flavors were really mild, if not, undetectable. 
The sun-dried tomatoes on the other hand, burned to a bitter, charcoal crisp on the exterior of the bread. Next time, make sure any sun-dried tomatoes are on the interior of the bread. Thankfully, those on the surface were easy to pick off without any visible damage to the boule. 
The Technique
I used 1.5 oz shredded cheese and opted for 2 oz dry-packed sun-dried tomatoes instead of the oil-packed variation for fear of what the excess oil would do to my dough. 
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Flavor bombs were introduced in final shaping stage as well, incorporated with every fold in the Tartine book’s packaging fold technique. Even after chopping the sun-dried tomatoes, they were still bulky and made folding and shaping difficult. Building surface tension on the dough was a little trickier with this. 
Things to potentially try next time:
Soak sun-dried tomatoes in water, then use that water for the doughChop sun-dried tomatoes smallerUse more cheese, both on interior and exterior of loaf.
On the bread making:
Base Recipe: I used the recipe for the Basic Country Loaf from the Tartine Bread book. 
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(img credit: Tartine Bakery)
I halved the recipe, so my boules are only half-sized boules, perfect for portion control for me.
For my Levain: I made 120g of levain even though recipe only needed 100g, so that I would have 20g remaining to keep as the mother starter.
20g starter 
50g flour (25g All Purpose flour, 25g Whole Wheat)
50g water
For the 2 half-sized boules (about 6in in diameter):
350g water
100g levain
450g AP flour (would prefer to use bread flour next time)
50g Whole Wheat flour
10g salt, dissolved with 25g water
Thoughts on Technique
Dissolving levain in water first then mixing in flour for autolyse, incorporating salt dissolved in water after dough has rested for 1 hr. I really liked this technique. Joshua Weissman uses this as well. I felt that the levain and salt water were better, and more evenly, incorporated into the dough this way, versus the finger poking, stretch and fold method from Mike Greenfield from Pro Home Cooks.
Using a clear, transparent tupperware for bulk proofing/stretch & folds. This allowed me to measure and track how much the dough was growing as a better indication of proofing stages, versus when it was in a stainless steel bowl. I did not see very much bubbles, like in a starter, but I could see the change in volume. Dough also felt lighter and aerated over time, become more fluid in the container, but not in a gloopy, sticky dough sense. It detached cleanly from the container. It still wasn’t clear to me whether or not dough was perfectly proofed though. Is this over? under? No idea. Note: I proofed for 4 hrs with 6 sets of stretch & folds ever 30 minutes in a ~78F environment.
Dip your hand in (unchlorinated/boiled and cooled) water before handling dough. This creates a magical glove that prevents the dough from sticking to your hand. Did not realize dough was hydrophobic(?), but that was cool. Not entirely sure if using normal tap water was fine, but since chlorine could kill the bacteria and yeast in your starters, I didn’t want to risk killing it when I needed them to proof the dough.
Use a bench scraper. It is your friend. This made shaping the dough so much easier, especially the turns & tucks. Make sure to wet your bench scraper prior to using to prevent the sticky undersides of your dough from sticking to it though.
Do the circumference pull and pinch dumpling method for first shaping to develop more dough surface tension first, before the turn and tuck. I only did the turn and tuck, as instructed by the book, but it didn’t feel like enough surface tension was built. Use this technique that Jack the Baker recommends instead to prevent your dough from spreading. I used this to tighten up the dough later when it was in its proofing bowls.
It’s fine to shape, shape and shape again. After a beautiful first shaping, the dough deflated and became a sticky mess in my second attempts of shaping after incorporating the flavor bombs. So defeated was I, that I had expected to get 2 flat, frisbee-like dense loafs the next morning. I had already placed the doughs in its final proofing bowls, dusted with rice flour, so I didn’t want to risk reshaping and incorporating rice flour into the doughs. After taking a break and leaving the doughs in the fridge for its overnight proof, I mustered up enough energy to try another Hail Mary pass to save it. I pulled the dough out of the fridge, pulling the edges of the dough and folding it into the center to create surface tension, then pinching the dough folds together until the seams were invisible. Not sure if it helped, but it created the (dis)illusion that I’ve incorporated more air into the boule for hopefully, a decent rise during the bake.
The next morning, I did the turn and tuck for one final time until it looked like a beautiful, round, and tall ball of dough before baking. This worked extremely well and the final boule came out looking very well shaped versus if I had just placed it into the oven as is, without shaping.
Proofing covered with a dish cloth instead of cling wrap/plastic Now my bowl is deep enough for my tiny boules, so I don’t have to worry about dough spilling out during proofing. I didn’t use plastic wrap this time when resting my doughs overnight in the fridge. I covered it in my dish cloth loosely. I did not dust my doughs of excess dough prior to baking either. Having it uncovered by plastic allowed the dough to try out abit more, resulting in a nicer, crackled crust this time round and I liked it better.
Baking withOUT a dutch oven Yes, it’s possible. The last time I did made bread, I baked it uncovered in my cast iron skillet with a tray of ice cubes in a tray underneath for steam, as suggested by Mike Greenfield from Pro Home Cooks. I didn’t think it was enough, and my bread came out with the ugliest crust (see pic below). Dissatisfied, I needed to find a better method. 
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My first sourdough breads. SEE THAT UGLY OLD ASS CRUSTY TOP??? Looks like your grandma’s ashy butt. No. can. do. 
Research with various videos and the FB group of sourdough experts revealed it was an issue with insufficient steam during the bake. So this time, I provided a heavier source of steam, and trapping any steam generated from the dough during the bake by covering the top with another skillet. 
I had bought an official Easy Tiger sourdough loaf, placed it in my cast iron skillet to measure height. Turns out, having two cast iron skillets stacked on top of each other was tall enough, especially for a half boule. Here’s my setup:
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2 cast iron skillets, a baking sheet, and a small cake pan.
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The tray under cast iron was set to prevent the base of my boules from burning. Is it necessary? I’m unsure at this point. Would have to test it out next time round, but no harm no foul to be extra safe on these early, vulnerable babies.
The spouts on the cast irons meant that steam could escape, unlike an enclosed dutch oven or combo cooker. So, I went overboard by providing an additional source of steam underneath in the form of boiling water poured into the cake pan...just in case. 
Removing the top skillet during the bake revealed that it did provide some level of steaming with it’s paler, shiny crust, but there was still enough crust to indicate that it didn’t do a great job trapping steam inside the skillets, so having additional steam was beneficial after all. I can’t say this with confidence. Only changing things up and experimenting during my next bakes will confirm my hypothesis.
Next Iteration
I would definitely stick to this Tartine recipe for bread making. It was easy, seemed fool-proof, and the number of people using it as a guide meant you had lots of tips available on the youtube channels. 
Would definitely use bread flour instead of normal white flour next time round for a stronger gluten structure though. That might give me a more open crumb this time. 
Would also stick to majority of the techniques, with changes in:
incorporating flavor bombs during stretch & fold instead of final shaping stage
changing the shaping techniques to generate more surface tension and reduce spread of dough.
volume and treatment of flavor bombs as mentioned in the earlier sections.
0 notes
vileart · 7 years
Broken Dramaturgy: Thomas Sellick-Newton @ Edfringe 2017
45 minute theatrical ‘in your face’ spectacle, Broken Episodes, performing at the Edinburgh Fringe in August. 
  Broken Episodes is an immersive Artaud style of performance written and directed by Thomas Sellick-Newton, artistic director of Atmostheatre, and co-written with Sam Hands and Mark Actinson. This 45 minute theatrical 'in your face' spectacle, integrating both ‘spectator’ and ‘performer’, makes its first Edinburgh appearance 17th - 19th August at Greenside Venues @ Infirmary Street.
What was the inspiration for this performance?
In my work I am incredibly interested in the role of the audience/spectator in theatre. I’m interested by the sense of control and power you can have over an audience especially in areas of popular theatre. I wanted to create a piece that swaps those roles around. I wanted to see if you could create a piece where the audience/spectator became the performer and the performers became spectators to their own art. Hence came ‘Broken Episodes’ which is a narrative constructed on an audience rolling a dice to decide the experience they have. This matched with my belief that the world is unpredictable- both beautiful and yet so frightening. This is reflected in the six scenes I have written that the audience have the potential of seeing. Each scene represents a social issue that has been contested and debated about throughout history.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
I believe so because it’s displayed in a practical sense. It’s raw and showcased in a physical way. The audience will see the issue being discussed quite literally ‘right in front of their eyes’. You can connect with something better if you see the pain or euphoria for yourself. There is a real magic about theatre. How it brings people from all backgrounds and ways of life together. The way it educates and creates empathy for groups of people or an issue that had none originally. 
Through this craft and platforms such as the fringe and other festivals around the world, people can feel safe to debate and have an opinion. It reinforces the importance of free speech and democracy. Not everyone will have the same opinion but that’s what makes theatre one of the most powerful tools to produce public discussion because through different interpretations real change and genuine help is properly debated and distributed.
How did you become interested in making performance?
I was severely bullied at school, so much so I had to come out of school for a while. Theatre became a form of escapism for me. I started making theatre at 16. It became something I could use to express and filter the pain and anger I was feeling into a positive passion. I always use a sportsman analogy. Like a rugby player goes into a match looking to use his frustration into the tackles he makes to the opposition players. I use this every time I write or perform. 
Every action or emphasis on a word when I perform is me pushing that self- doubt and pain away forever. I don’t think I’ll ever push it out completely. You never forget the things that loom over you like a shadow but that’s why hopefully people connect a lot with my pieces because they are unfiltered and real. After I came out of my studies I started to develop a real passion for performance art because I could write and perform actions that were very symbolic of my past and it wasn’t ‘acting’ it was me on a stage letting the action manipulate me not the other way around. It was very therapeutic for me. 
All my pieces I have made since I was 16 have been passion projects. I need to be able to have something that makes me have an opinion to be able to write ever since. Theatre was never just a job for me, it’s always been a need and it is ingrained within me because in a sense it saved my life like faith or any other institution do for someone else.
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
I wrote ‘Broken Episodes’ 5 years ago now. It started of me developing the concept of an audience picking the scenes they’re going to see by rolling a dice. I started with that foundation- after every scene they see they will pick another one until eventually they will see the total of six scenes. It was about justifying why I was doing that. I concluded because I wanted to see how an audience would feel about having that sense of power and control over a piece they needed to physically pick the experience they will see. Then I wanted to have a look at what those six individual scenes were going to be about. At that time and very much at this current time as well I was frustrated with the lack of movement in equality for different social groups and issues. 
The answer to this lack of movement was always “look how far we have come.” I agree that It’s important to remember how far we as a world have strived for equality for all people. I believed it was important to still show that we are only one foot on the ladder and that we still must recognise that we must not be content with little battles won but we must be concerned that in 2017 we are still hearing stories where people are being scapegoated, persecuted and killed for the fact that they are homeless, homosexual, of a different race or religion or that their a certain gender, transgender, transsexual or non-binary. 
I constructed the six scenes to address individual issues such as poverty, the ideology of feminism, women, homosexuality, race and the environment. I was worried however that the piece had two very different journeys in what it was about. So the individual narratives of each scene are cleverly written so when the audience pick each scene, a grand narrative will start to emerge from the individual scenes they pick. Creating a unique experience for each audience. It will be a totally distinctive, original and objective performance every day we perform it.
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
‘Broken Episodes’ is different to my other productions in the sense that it is a much bigger project than I’ve done before. I usually write pieces built for one person that is more verging on the style of performance art. This piece is to delve into transporting the imagery and real emotion from my work in performance art to the theatrical stage. This has had an effect because what people will experience in “broken Episodes’ is unfiltered, powerful and intense. 
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
I hope the audience will feel free in the space to interpret it how they want to. I want them to come away with an opinion on the people’s stories they see in front of them. I want them to come away with the belief and understanding that they have one life and they are in control of it and that they can achieve anything and make their dreams a reality. I want them to engage with the material in their own unique way and to have their own personal experience when they are in there. ‘Broken Episodes’ is genius in the sense that every single audience member will have a different role within the space whilst integrated with the performers. I want people to embrace that because I know this will happen in other pieces but with broken episodes this concept is exaggerated. Where the audience decide to stand, do and say will create their understanding of ‘Broken Episodes’. The audience will hopefully learn a lot about themselves while they watch ‘Broken Episodes’. They will experience what it is to be truly human and the beauty in being all the same yet totally different. 
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
‘Broken Episodes’ staging is a way that we did this. When creating the concept, I wanted to make the staging unorthodox thus creating a promenade staging to make it so the audience would be on an equal if not more important than the performers themselves. By creating a promenade setting the audience would be integrated in with the performers thus immersing the audience completely within the environment that the performers create around them. The audience picks the scenes which creates the environment and moulds the interaction they have with the performers. Lighting, sound and smell is another way we create the experience. The audience will be surrounded by light and sound and different smells attached to an individual scene they pick, creating a truly immersed and engrossing theatrical spectacle all around them. I then realized that I had gone as far as activating four senses from the audience so therefore I wanted to find a way where I could add taste, so I have put some edible flowers that certain audience members will receive as a gift for rolling the dice to choose the next scene. One audience member will also be given a video camera per performance and will be told to film the performance however they would like. The video camera will then be collected at the end of every performance. We will then have a range of different video recordings from different audience members to see completely different perceptions of ‘Broken Episodes’ from different performances of the piece.
  Broken Episodes is unlike conventional theatre, the structure and narrative is completely decided by the audience. With a total of six unique scenes that are performed whilst surrounding the audience with light, sound and live action. The six scenes are specifically designed to immerse the audience requiring them to question, engage and debate: what is reality? Each audience will experience a different performance, testing their belief that they have the power over the performance by constructing their own, but is this really just a paradox? Does the control lie in fate, chance or randomness?
  “It’s not something you watch, it’s something you’re part of” says writer and director of Broken Episodes, Thomas Sellick-Newton. Thomas starting acting professionally at the age of 16. Now an associate practitioner for LAMDA and the Wilson Gallery he has written works in performance art, as well performing as ‘TF debut artist’ at the 2013 ‘Tempting Failure’ festival with his performance, sure to test an audience, ‘Am I Perfect Now!?’. Thomas has also performed in the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony but is now taking his own creation on the road to Edinburgh.
  Thomas is also the Artistic Director for Atmostheatre which was set up in 2013 originally for the sole use of Theatre in Education in national schools, using a variety of workshop templates to increase self-esteem and confidence. However, it grew and began to embrace experimental professional works from its many influences.
  Catch Broken Episodes at Greenside Venues @ Infirmary Street in the mint studio between 17th - 19th August.
from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2wCgofu
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waynekelton · 5 years
The Best Upcoming iOS & Android Games 2019
The mobile gamer can look back at 2018 with an affectionate and misty eye, secure in the knowledge that gaming on mobile devices gets more diverse, sophisticated and polished with each year. In this respect, 2019 also is shaping up to be a banner year on this front.
Roughly speaking, the most exciting upcoming games can be split into three groups: the name-brand megahits-in-waiting, boardgame adaptations, and indie projects. Read on to see what the who’s who of mobile gaming are cooking up for this year’s treats.
Cultist Simulator (Roguelike/Card Game)
This hit indie sensation is making the move to mobile in Spring 2019 as a premium priced game. Cultist Simulator mixes roguelike & card mechanics into a dark rpg adventure where you're on a quest to unearth hidden mysterious of the occult. You can found your own cult, making meaningful decisions at every turn. Combining cards allows the story and your cult to grow, embodying the finest reaches of Lovecraftian tradition. If you die, your followers will attempt to carry on your work.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (GPS/Location)
Not many have managed to successfully capitalise on the Pokemon Go phenomenon since it release in 2016. Maybe its because Niantic's catch-em-all offering had a bit of a rocky start. Still, the potential for a decent 'gamified' walking experience is still there, and now Niantic are having a second try with another famous IP - Harry Potter. Taking all the lessons they've learned from Pokemon Go and their own game, Ingress, the developer hopes to make Wizard's Unite the game Harry Potter fans deserve. You play the role of a new member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, whose job it is to go out into the world and clean up a calamity that’s causing magical beings and objects to proliferate the Muggle world, putting everything at risk. If you’ve played the Pokémon game you can imagine the type of activities you’ll be doing, and where you’ll be doing them.
Again, no firm release date yet but we'd be very surprised if this misses the 2019 calendar year.
DOTA Auto Chess (Strategy)
You may have noticed that the Artefact entry has gone: with player numbers for that game plummeting, we're not convinced that it'll be coming to mobile unless Valve prove to be quite stubborn/committed to seeing this game through the long-game. They'd have to seriously revisit their monetisation strategy, however. Another DOTA-related product that you might be interested in though is the hugely popular DOTA 2 mod, DOTA Auto Chess. It doesn't actually look or feel like chess, but it's proving to be a very popular mode amongst DOTA fans. Drafting and a tight, tactical economy are central to a mainly hands-off experience where you pick your heroes, place them on a board, and watch them fight. It's a very strategic experience, and your choices matter at nearly every stage of a game. You can read more about our thoughts here, but this could prove incredibly popular on mobile, given its low interface needs and high skill ceiling.
A 2019 release for this one is even less certain than COD Mobile below, with pre-registration only being available in China right now. It might technically get a release in some form this year, but we're not sure if that'll include Europe & North America.
Dire Wolf Digital (Board Game)
This isn't the name of a game, but the name of a company that announced this year they're making a bucket-load of digital board game adaptations. Because we only have the announcement text to go on, we've decided to keep the new games all in one place until we know more. The games Direwolf are bringing to digital (which afawk also includes mobile devices) are:
Mage Knights – It's worth noting this is the first step in a bigger agreement with WizKids, so it's likely we'll be seeing more announcements this year.
Wings of Glory – A popular table-top aerial skirmish game.
Raiders of the North Sea – An excellent worker placement game themed around the 8th and 9th century viking raids (pictured).
Yellow & Yangtze – a Reiner Knizia tile placement game of civilization building.
Sagrada – A dice drafting game about creating works of art.
Root – the recent Kickstarter sensation about asymmetrical warfare in the woods.
We're not sure which project is due to appear first - possible WizKids & Mage Knights, given the importance that project has within the announcement? We'll update as we learn more.
Call of Duty Mobile (Shooter/Battle Royale)
Announced at GDC 2019, this latest Call of Duty-on-mobile spin-off is the latest in a long series of mobile adaptations of the hugely popular FPS franchise. This latest attempt appears to be following in the vein of games like Fortnite & ARK - offering a fully 3D, fully-developed version of the main franchise that can run on phones and tablets. From what we know so far, it's going to be a kind of 'greatest hits' compilation of modes, maps, characters etc... and may even feature a Battle Royale mode (putting it in direct competition with Fortnite, which is popular on mobile as well as desktop). We've not had official confirmation its coming this year, but pre-registration is open and we'd be surprised if Activision allow too long a lead time on this.
Mario Kart Tour (Racing)
It’s been practically a year since this title was first announced and outlined with few concrete details added between now and then. Nintendo’s mobile offerings have run the gamut, from the premium Mario Run, the Miitomo social & style app everyone tried and forgot about, to the successful and generally great Fire Emblem: Warriors. Mario Kart is a treasured and classic franchise, even amongst Nintendo offerings, so that reputation guarantees some level of careful handling. It remains an open question whether the game will be a premium or freemium model, but the launch date is still projected to be March.
Diablo Immortal (Action RPG)
Diablo Immortal will draw some side-eye and mockery, having been already made notorious because of its horribly mistimed announcement. (Yes, we have phones, but read the room, Activision-Blizzard). Even more puzzlingly, the game is being created in partnership with NetEase, a Chinese developer whose resume already includes ‘Eternal Realm’ (无尽神域) itself essentially a Diablo clone. Weird stuff: the official license merging with a pretender to the throne to make a hybrid project together. Concerns about endless grind or re-skinning of Eternal Realm are well-founded, but while most of us will be as judge-y as possible we’ll also probably still give the final product a try. Good action RPGs live or die by loot, character progression and above all, delicate-yet-accurate controls, so it will be interesting to see if Diablo Immortal will be a good game as well as the inevitable cash cow.
Five Tribes (Boardgame)
Five Tribes, oldie but goodie, will make its digital debut this year. Days of Wonder has been updating and digitising its catalogue at a steady pace and with fantastic results. Five Tribes central mechanic is just like mancala. Pick a space and drop the meeples one by one along the path. Dead simple, but if you think it makes the game easy, you’d be dead wrong. The Five Tribes each possess unique scoring criteria and effects, and the turn-order bid means timing depends on correctly valuing the current layout. Many simple bits add up to make a nigh-perfect game.
Scythe: Digital Edition (Boardgame)
In another history, the Great War also ruined Europe and annihilated a generation, but its nations and technologies faced the blight and devastation quite differently. With large mechs, steampunk agricultural combines and faux-Eurasian player nations, Scythe gives each player a unique entity to steer to victory. Engine building games are always efficiency races, conversion puzzles, but Scythe’s unique setting, eye-catching miniatures and indirect player confrontation quickly made a it a fan favorite amongst the gaming community. Its rollout on Steam has been smooth experience, with decent AI and a robust tutorial. The assets and UI will translate well to mobile and what used to cost near three figures will be available to most anyone for a fraction of the price.
Terraforming Mars (Boardgame)
Terraforming Mars sounds like a noble goal for all of humanity. In reality, the game is a push-and-pull competition for corporations to garner by prestige by...terraforming Mars. Three categories: oxygen, temperature and ocean coverage dictate the endgame, but to get there, players will reshape the red planet into a bright blue hope. It’s a Euro though-and-though: precisely balanced, intricately co-dependent and inevitably point-based. But the close match between theme and mechanic makes this game deeply satisfying and intuitive to learn and explain, and the action selection mechanic is uniquely innovative and inspired. Just when I think boardgame design is tapped out, something truly exceptional rises to the top.
Mew-Genics (Sim)
This one has been incubating forever but should be worth it when it finally gets here. Ed McMillen (of Binding of Isaac fame) has been teasing this cat-breeding simulator for ages. The game has been described as a mix of Tamagotchi, Pokemon and the Sims, with its signature art style courtesy of McMillen. All bets for a playful wild game about the weirdness, sweetness, malice and all-around havoc of cat-raising seem to be right on the money. The ideas are there, the premise is promising, the only question remaining is when it will get here.
Overland (Finji) (TBS/Survival) 
Overland is tactical turn-based survival meets cross-country road trip (from hell). Each waypoint is a battle, a flashpoint conflict over some minor life-extending objective. Its overland map and procedural generation seem reminiscent of FTL (or its follow-up Into the Beach) but the setting here is familiar people struggling with post-apocalyptic daily hardship. Water, medicine, gas, weapons: the items are banal but vital. The game uses minimalism and scarcity to great effect, sketching characters and strategic scenarios alike with the barest elements.
Impossible Bottles (Rhythm/Action)
Various robots move about in their bottles and raging about like a bull in a china shop. Each level presents one of these Impossible Bottles for the player to fix by manipulating the environment and repairing the situation, or at the very least soothing its sole occupant. A scientist built these robots as part of a perpetual motion machine for unlimited energy, but they don’t quite work as is. The secret to fixing everything is music, or in gameplay terms: rhythm. One-touch gameplay and lush, fantastic art, with a slated mid-year release.
Nowhere Prophet (Card Game)
Nowhere Prophet: this one is a doozy and a little secretive. The dark horse of this race, if you will. In the game, post-apocalyptic leaders trek across a scabrous landscape to gather supporters and supplies, occasionally clashing with foes or environmental dangers. This card game has grid-based combat as well procedurally generated encounters. It’s a card-battler roguelike, essentially, with a unique setting and what seems to be a robust battle system.
Heaven’s Vault (Interactive Fiction)
Inkle (of 80 Days interactive fiction fame) has been teasing their mechanically ambitious Heaven’s Vault for some time now. An archaeologist-slash-xenolinguist explores the dusty remains of an alien civilization on an unknown planet, with a vivid backdrop of sienna sand and celestial blue. There’s some pretty nifty procedural tricks behind the code-breaking and translation, and while its approach to storytelling is a little less handcrafted, it has the potential to have even more surprises and replayability than the globe-trotting 80 Days.
Other Missing Games From 2018
As a reminder, here is a quick list of some other games we were expecting last year, but never turned up:
Void Tyrant (card game/RPG)
Bad North (RTS)
Exodus: Proxima Centauri (Boardgame)
Dungeon Warfare 2 (Tower Defence)
Epic Card Game (Card Game)
Lord of the Rings Living Card Game (Card Game)
Monster Slayers (Card Game) 
EVE: War of Ascension (MMO)
Best 2019 Mobile Releases So far
There's already been some excellent releases this year, and not all of them were expected/on this list. If you haven't already, check these games out:
The Castles of Burgundy (Boardgame)
Star Traders: Frontiers (RPG)
Legends of Andor (Boardgame)
Evolution: The Video Game (Boardgame)
The Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout (Simulation)
Seen any other games coming out this year you're excited about? Let us know in the comments.
The Best Upcoming iOS & Android Games 2019 published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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Summoners War Hack No Survey
There are plenty of mobile phone rpgs with great graphics and many items to get hold of, but several of them are not interesting every time you quite set out to perform them. Not only are now the fights wholly 3d, but occasionally monsters get distinctive chopped displays when performing important symptoms. Competitors have completely full power over what continues on even though struggling there aren't any promptly determined breakdown totals or simulated credit card fights, anything arises promptly plus the participant are certain to get to pick which of monsters symptoms the enemy and just what skillsets to apply. |What will save you this system from remaining utterly unbalanced is invariably that any monster can finally grow to be leveled to as much as and including six This does not mean that free of cost and having to pay athletes choose presctiption componen, but shelling out a share, amongst $25-100, would define most athletes up for all the sensible create, which is where the same premiums can might need endless shelling out in This is also true Summoners War Cydia Hack: skies world continually have the majority of the things that mobile phone Pros: superior mobile phone graphics interesting resist technicians exciting bottom level constructing disadvantages: pay back-to-gain to find an scope tons of mincing some premium errors/glitches like he explained, "Summoners War Cydia Hack is often rather obsessive" yet exceedingly complex, competitively priced most significant, excitement!!! In spite of this, my situation or top weakness using this type of premium is, (not less than for a start hell at circumstances even veteran summoners) ...will be energy stretch of time...is quite difficult to exhaust energy in the center of finding a selected summon chunk monster within a dungeon. Truly the only main difference takes place when the box appears to be. premium perform it's great that resembles another preferred struggle set application form, brave frontier, which puts the gamer to become summoner who requests forth diverse pets inside game’s collection to attempt There's also recommended dungeons readily available for the requirements mincing, levelling and growing your summon set. Particular symptoms could potentially cause rank problems - a majority of that can be distinct, or at incredibly best, uncommon within a rpg style, like doing models incapable of grow to be cured, or working with breakdown proportionate to one’s physical health (suspect gravitational forces magical inside ff series). |Summoners combat prefer skies world has exceedingly staid monsters, each available in four assorted flavors body for every single elemental enter. stars - the better stars they've, the better sensible they're. thought, like which rune combinations are exceptional when it is rewarding to acquire maxing the monster in any way. This boosts the replay worth of all charts, contrasting most premiums when you remain certain by usefulness to grind in level-most appropriate charts. Summoners combat guide your machine also provides several free samples each occasionally. Summoners combat niche-(2) they also contain the product of implying that that you simply reconnect and resend struggle outcomes, really uncommon for some premiums. Competitors definitely sight and be involved in resist your monsters struggle in tangible-serious amounts of is commanded to battle enemies with skillsets, presenting the sport an effective and exciting ingredient a large number of mobile phone rpgs lack. Become-built rpg resist - remaining imagination-enlightened rpg battles with breathtaking proficiency and arduous problems. Amusingly, both of those invade and therapeutic energy is governed with a monsters invade stat, so lethal runes that surge invade also contribute to that monster to restore better hewlett packard when alleviating allies. |The best benefit of Summoners War Cydia Hack is the fact that athletes can make evaluations of monsters. The graphics are energetic plus the effectively finely detailed animation is smooth and appears healthy. Everything that a concept! Summoners War Cydia Hack is often a effectively-manufactured and polished rpg with many different premium perform provided and lots of healthy develop actions. " pocketgameruk mentioned the sport as "an detailed, but attainable, credit card-built strategy premium that combines facets of magical: the product range with potential risk and stratego." Eurogamer published "you may easily genuinely feel summoner battles is an excellent premium, verging on great, that's kept back once again that has a greatly polished but functionally narrow application form. Collects specifics about sex and years. At the way, registered users should buy solutions and products and enhancements with honest cash in your in-premium retailer. The might seem develop is expertly undertaken, plus the energy-built item is large and enables for extensive perform visits with no need to invest in almost everything. In spite of this, we are able to also view a continuous movement of middle-to-dreadful evaluations showing up day-to-day. The topic “useless because” looks like the right spot to begin with: this participant delights in the sport, but he looks like he is not trying to get anywhere you want to. advancement--before they need to pay on their own? You may think that presenting uncommon monsters more frequently will be solution, though that will also reduced gains. |Learn to make athletes wish to pay back, not might need to. for more regional community elements. The gamer make sure you symptoms, enemy monsters are governed through your ai. The perfect and most rare are environmentally friendly 5 stars, but you will find enough nominal and farmable options to experience a healthy lineup. Actually, 5-10 failures regularly (=forgotten or wasted fights) are simply just frustrating for all the substantial participant in grind method, which is the comparable really even with 2 moments without the be aware. Tons of degree, with many different figures to see and look for. Overall, i have been together a couple of days now, participating not less than 30 min regularly (in some circumstances a lot longer, even so am multi-tasking at folks circumstances). Liquids, the wind, fireplace, perspective, and dimly lit. |I'm ready to promote this for everybody who enjoys these types of premiums. The summoner battles master define is made up of six assorted and new thorough factions out there: • perform Name your pushes forth and transmit these important questions surging wave immediately after your enemy. There are actually six factions in this define understanding that everyone loves the actual facts that you’ll hardly ever purchase a identical faction the majority of the other puts, as well. Designers are often exceedingly worried with including content they disregard that easy is frequently incredibly best. Party credit cards permit you to operate an motion within their specified part given that the requirements is fulfilled. The two athletes contribute a 6-line, 8-row board (divided by half for every single participant) which includes locations underneath just for the deck, magical stack, and get rid of stack. Transporting-for-resist you have to roll dice so that you can eliminate resist. reduced is often a pass up plus compared to 3 is often a go to. |Strategy summoner battles is often a strategy premium which depends upon some good fortune for this resist technicians. Guarding your models eventhough doing damage to the opponent’s models needs to be your main concern. Put them mainly for excitement and artistic deck creative ideas that exploit the game’s wide array of techniques and credit card technicians. It is unlucky there is not better living room preoccupied with the art, as it is unbelievable and contains generated a large number supporters to build their very own lover artwork. With athletes making an attempt may well be the survive summoner standing upright, objects might get really competitively priced. There are actually countless numbers of highly exciting times that are priced between interplay of a variety of premium perform technicians provided right here. Summoners combat: skies world has great that resembles the same lets out just like brave frontier, inserting athletes to become summoner who will be able to call forth monsters to do their putting in a estimate. Various kinds of summon scrolls ascertain the rarity and good quality regarding your monsters, varying from 1 to four-legend reviews. Playdek's best and newest ios conversion of table top premium is its most ambitious, and even its most beneficial so far. |The iap is modeled with that of plaid hat's credit card premium, with each faction locating a "bottom level" deck with an enlargement define, readily available for 99¢ each. The guild dwarves are stalwart plus the cave goblins use That's also which is where one of several game's defects would seem to be: there is not any talk benefit. (2) a game name this complicated is required a very good in-premium instructions. Giving thought to that your chosen send in we make no actions usually takes 1 minute close to to carry out (considering of all the unnecessary tapping), this means that more quickly premiums usually tend to devolve into quickness victories without having view when it comes to It might seem that, mainly because of the catalog in this article, i did so not for example premium, but you would be enirely wrong. I realized i would personally want it and ordered Sure, it's missing out on a number of "have to have" elements (most egregious omission will be aforesaid talk in mega-pixel, that may be markedly important for a game name similar to this), but you will certainly be pushed to |To end them back, the $8 for this electronic variation is while under singleortenth of the cost of the physiological variation (or even, a lot off the factions available in this box are at the moment from produce). Goblins), i now have the ability to see the outdoor activity (distinctive caused by danny in tulsa for educating me farmville). summoner battles, each participant assumes the function of the race that's helped bring that has a summoner (so the mention), plus the thing belonging to the premium should be to eliminate the other person's summoner. Accordingly, each around you have to decide if them in the hands and wrists are needed enough to keep, or maybe if they'd survive a lot better as magical (you won't have them back once again - you just have the deck the moment). But that may be the method that you In spite of this, similar to heroscape, warhammer: intrusion, and lots of other premiums currently, it seems like the online marketing strategy for summoner battles is that they will provide you with all you should participate in the premium expecting that you'll maintain shopping for a great deal more of these foods and broadening your premiums understanding. I was really happy about time while using the Should you wish to examine better ideas on summoner battles, i'd promote learning this summoner battles rating from perform premiums, or other summoner battles rating by premiums with two. |If you are interested in that allows you to find the expansions, you would possibly examine miniature advertise (advertising over the web site) - i am quite planning on buying the most up-to-date few a large number techniques from their website a couple of days before! I'd selected inside reinforcements for 4 from In summoner battles, you are taking throughout the factor of summoner who requests forth models to battle for him. This ingredient translates effectively at the ios kind of the sport. Each and every faction is designed for various strong points and methods, offering you an abundance of possibilities from which to choose. While summoner battles hardly ever delivers the endorphin rush of launching a foil increaser wrap to locate a very uncommon credit card expecting you, it can demonstrate that calibre credit card-built strategy premiums is probably attainable on cellular gizmos. There's an insect while using the buy hit-or-miss deck point to consider, though. Shorter variation: eliminate or possibly be cleaned by helping cover their credit cards & dice reduced variation: an optical illusion struggle premium that involves positional board perform, deck & hands and wrists relief, and dice resist better feature for this rectal in our middle: erik arneson (akapoliticalguy) managed a wonderful project summarizing the policies & motion within a past opinionated gamers review… that you need |Fortunately, you don't be required to develop my mistake… simply because the customers at plaid hat premiums managed a very good project throughout the package artwork for this summoner battles master define. And, when you are wanting to bunch two decks all together, there’s several place for those ongoing summoner battles decks within a package - even with credit card sleeves! (could this rating be ever again geekified? Box put in really enjoy?!) also included are (apparently) the necessary dice & counters to have the game… together with a fantastic two-chunk top of the line board.
0 notes
Cheat Summoners War
Inside of the territory using the thousand smartphone mmorpgs it entails a great deal to different a selected one out of the rest. The climate are blaze, fluids, force of the wind, darkish and light-weight by incorporating weather as The permutations would possibly get very outrageous, with healers, impairment merchants, and tanks there are lots of team forms with various quantities of range. |Not known scrolls can certainly be simply purchased with the adventure approach and create a 1 to 3 superstar monster, but magical scrolls, which can seldom be purchased coming from dungeons, summon 3 to 5 superstar monsters and could be bought while using red-colored mana pretty premium foreign currency. This doesn’t imply that entirely free and achieving to spend competitors require presctiption componen, but taking a portion, between $25-100, would setup most competitors up for all the amazing get going with, in instances where related item premiums can need ongoing taking in My ninetails, to illustrate, will develop added infiltration and an opportunity to stun and with its experience right after awakened. Positives: superior smartphone artwork engaging combat aspects involved starting point complex disadvantages: cover-to-profit to find an severity an abundance of mincing some item bot issues/glitches like he said, "Promo Codes For Summoners War can be quite addictive" up to this point pretty troublesome, competing most crucial, a lot of fun!!! Although, my subject or top downside using this type of item bot is, (at least for a start heck at times even master summoners) ...would be the energy resource stretch of time...could be very infuriating to exhaust energy resource in the middle of obtaining a particular summon portion monster around the dungeon. Within your world of entirely free-mium item premiums, you are able to simply trust in them as so-and-so good quality time-wasters with little personality (as they would, then whomever manufactured them into might be asking in this). In spite of the many standard tips related in the majority of tips entirely free-mium and monster getting, Promo Codes For Summoners War: sky field gives you a thing extra. Until now, you will discover six elemental choices available in item bot: blaze, fluids, force of the wind, light and darkish. |Every version capabilities their own precious experience and statistics every awakens straight into an extremely distinct creative item. personalities - the larger personalities they've, the larger amazing they're. Runes are embeddable companies that supercharge your monsters’ statistics. Critique the look and seem from that although, i must say, is high quality - specially for an entirely entirely free-to-execute software. And then the perfect factor about reward exp is that you never would need to worry about going above the time and effort minimize. It is let me tell you-polished and then the set-up aspects are firm, new and a lot of fun to see. Summoners conflict: sky field is actually a switch-founded mmog for your google android and ios websites in instances where competitors get monsters and insert rpg combat inside a superbly-constructed 3 dimensional business. United kingdom, russian, german, french, italian, japanese, spanish, korean, malay, portuguese, basic china, traditional china, thai, indonesian, turkish, vietnamese. Soon after most degrees the video game player generates runes which a lot of the item premiums range comes from. |Every one of these excessive item bot execute aspects then put a necessity range to Promo Codes For Summoners War turning it into a long way magnificent with the other, simpler item premiums using the style. This isn't assisted seeing as some monsters that happen to be identified as are altogether useless besides with the help of as fodder to bolster other monsters. The ios variety was introduced for this the summer months 4, 2014. " ztgd said "huge, extensively-assorted program, outdoor patio-complex and excellent within the web execute may be the favored features of this phenomenal item bot. Several factions overcome for power over the land's way to Additionally, competitors will take profile, improve, and grow their unique marvelous headquarters. Although, the ungoverned competitor chitchat -- although item bot-focused -- and sexualized feminine results may well not utilize each and every parent or guardian. Just once most people A uncomfortableness aspect more and more freemium item premiums are up against is the way to enhance the proportion between a lot of fun and monetization. growth--until eventually they would like to squander ourselves? It may seem that supplying uncommon monsters more often would be the cure, unfortunately that may also lesser income. |Matt fairchild, the director of society at tinyco, exposed to each of us how he leveraged society for companies accomplishment. Your identified as fighters (monsters) certainly are a wilderness mix of monsters and manga results, functions surprisingly let me tell you. Monsters have just as much as 3 engaged combat experience as well as perhaps a unaggressive or team reward. Contrary to pokemon, in instances where it's my duty to exercise things i need to use, the combination set-up also causes competitors fatten several fodder monsters, only to enhancement they. Continually, 5-10 failures everyday (=ignored or displaced battles) are merely troublesome for all the large competitor in grind approach, which is the comparable quite even though 2 working days without the note. But on a single topic area, my only meat would it be needs a great deal to stage your results (in addition to picking some of the very great results), by incorporating solutions and products as very hard to come by. The training is certainly congrats, directing you with suggestions while having your whole behavior lifetime, rarely being very troublesome. I routinely don't execute item premiums something like this however it does not ever before grown into so terrible in instances where it's intolerable. |In fact it is free of charge to discover.finalized factor, the game execute using the item bot and it is artwork renders you in amazement. However, many notoriously, they summon their superior race's hordes of competitors for the battleground, to conflict around the rarely-concluding have a problem for supremacy. We find out more about Promo Codes For Summoners War: sky field, the latest I’ve read a great deal in relation to this video game for all the long time, so i’m wanting for many astonishingly fresh item bot execute and many a lot of fun of the item bot which has been picked out for your dice tower’s ‘game of the year’ prize in '09. To maintain the direct to the point handle proceeding, summoner battles affords the competitors the basic setup-up instructions with the cards containing information regarding the step purchase and the degree of circumstance greeting cards your outdoor patio secures. Wide-spread item choices are usually stumbled upon as duplicates inside a outdoor patio that their very own competencies and infiltration technique. Observation impairment is literally rapid while using injury tokens made available. Your first step competitor does ignore their bring, summon, and execute circumstance greeting cards stages, but has the capacity to switch 2 systems and infiltration with as many using the systems that should accomplish that. This provides a brilliant potential for scoring a hit. |All the things expanded becoming organic and many types of i needed to be concered about was my program and then the good luck of the roll within the combat. Defending your systems despite the fact doing damage to the opponent’s systems has to be your consideration. Opting for a thing that looks like it suits you is most likely top rated. Summoner-special-up the many statistics you'll want are stored on the card. I’m delighted that it is Examine only one out whenever possible! For additional graphics, follow this. The sport is definitely directed to getting as much income of the competitors as is possible, yet it is just as exciting without having to squander a cent. Searching out and getting new bases when which you'll put together new, more efficient brawlers is unquestionably one of several game's main charms, and the i recently uncovered myself coming back frequently to make this happen whenever i'd plenty of Take care when you use it, as it'll end up over eating a brilliant slice of your energy for those who are not diligent. |Type iap unlocks all ai decks, outdoor patio manufacturing, and asynchronous within the web execute. As "times" comprises of all item premiums many more spell-like outcomes (sorceries and instants, in magic's words), this really is a thing using the frustration, however it improves stimulate item bot harmony and suggests that every suit is received determined by battleground tactics with bigger outdoor patio theme an edge but no "lock." Every faction takes on in a different way, even though the emotion is classically large imagination, plaid hat traveled to some effort and hard work to grant each and every faction an exceptional seem. It appears like virtually every ios item bot has a thing fascinating within a multi-competitor approach, but this may be a somewhat critical omission.the game's other faults largely are a result of the resolution to essentially make it a standard, instead of ipad only name (wonderfully 2013). My claims may be the immediately following: (1) the menus aren't let me tell you-structured. (8) within the web execute must-have a chess clock for simple (30 or 15 second item premiums). for the board. principal 30 a few seconds using the switch. The integrated factions draws an array of specific execute types, and are generally nearly always sensible (although most people are positively tougher learn than the others). |select a a good deal much deeper option on it's style in the software online store. should certainly make it a large amount easily accessible. Unlike in just about any item bot i've ever before done, you routinely develop whatever foreign currency you possessed to discover results all around, in summoner battles you don't develop wonder will be new around has started off. Below factor that i like about summoner battles (and each other item bot that does this let me tell you) is usually that each and every competition capabilities their own creative, let me tell you put together personality. But thats generally the way in which An alternative aspect to observe (that you i've not reached the This hinders the game proceeding pretty swiftly since you are struggling to realize new systems at the time you exhaust greeting cards. item bot, and the i really be prepared to taking part the game a great deal the majority observing what options are easily available with all the various backrounds, expansions, etc. |Mercenaries are systems that one can area in any army, reinforcements are only able to use a selected faction, and faction expansions provide a completely new competition to discover. Just once wonder: the product range cards tests moving transforming up on the net, afraid competitors felt that these internet based was hastening the conclusion using the dearest passion. Have them on each and every switch is broken into 6 stages (bring, summon, execute circumstance greeting cards, movements, infiltration, and also make wonder), which make it easier to management all component of their imagination army. Continually, it's amazing to help you sample the tricky manner of summoner battles whilst not getting to devote a cent onto it principal. Hence the randomize factor does not do the job. Cheers tom vasel often called summoner battles “absolutely fantastic” and “one using the top item premiums of 2009“. |And Oh yeah, yeah, there’s some greeting cards on the inside, overly.
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euthymie-blog · 7 years
Summoners War Cheat
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Anyone looking around with an unbelievably pleasurable and addictive mobile unlimited generator should preferably undoubtedly give that certain a aim for that notable counteract and artwork by themselves. At the an entire world of free of cost-mium tools, you can actually quite frankly rely on them actually so-and-so reasonable time-wasters with little identity (once they have, then whomever engineered them into could very well be charging for the). unlimited generator play around it's a great deal of that is a lot like another fashionable prevent assortment program, courageous frontier, which adds the game player becoming a summoner who calls forth diverse pests inside of the game’s local library to try and do Prevent application prevent is a lot like basic gaming console rpg patterns that will each and every one system, your team along with the enemy’s, adhere to a become-structured application determined by their targeted efficiency stats. The game’s an item an item one distinct point to consider about Summoners War Pc Hack would be that the monster compendium is not totally that expansive. |Summoners conflict need heavens area has relatively staid monsters, each and every one accessible in 5 various a number of flavors shape for almost every elemental type. This depends upon the monster’s ability and stats, and if you want to create a formidable squad, you’ll hope to use power up-up and develop your monsters, or make use of the most recently-announced monster combination have. Runes are embeddable methods that supercharge your monsters’ stats. Summoners conflict knowledge each and every one model of monster has their very own team of distinct animated graphics in prevent, in glory and also in nonproductive says. Inspite of the typical action in each energy level application, there is even so a great deal to try and do in this jewel. For most, after you burn off relationship, it’s a computerized deficit, so it’s a tremendous awesome touching on the subject of website. which this headline may just be actually worth fitting for holds. Summoners conflict is definitely a mobile mmog perfected and imprinted by com2us, a south korean tools manufacturer. Some runes would raise defence, whenever yet another can potentially boost assault or preciseness. |An amazing have of Summoners War Pc Hack is the reason that gamers can leave reviews of monsters. Excellent. Very best multiple-person that means that you can most definitely play around as frequently whenever you drive. Toucharcade mentioned the sport was "recommended-have for gamers who will like better tactical controlling in their ccgs or maybe more personalization in their method tools. A range of factions prevent for control of the land's process to secure awesome mana crystals through the help of efficient "summoners" who can potentially manipulate a range of great monsters. Also, gamers are frequently recommended to buy facts, along with the leveling application will depend on tedious hrs of rep, subsequently it will require perseverance and the chance to subdue the longing of developing in-program expenses when motivated. Which implies there's some component of the unlimited generator that could be churning a dependable assortment of gamers and requires iteration. There needs to be some help to extra cash, nevertheless the becoming how the person must spend some revenue (as opposed to ending up with a significant amount pleasurable that they wish to take) will angry them. A great deal analysis computer data can bring a better provide answers to. |That is a huge complication, on the grounds that citizens irritated gamers will probably be early to churn. Your known fighters (monsters) certainly are a outdoors mixture of monsters and manga information, work amazingly in reality. Monsters have as much as 3 energetic counteract ability as well as a passive or team benefit. minimal into the valley of grind. Though this are not able to conceal the past due midgame and endgame is definitely mincing and much more mincing, more costly with much less energy level kickback on hardest challenge. Town Extraordinary action/rpg unlimited generator with all the components of a retro!!! In addition to, via the internet dating selections for better replay value for money!!! I go well with it up unlimited generator to ultimate fantasy by satisfies pocket legends this can be most definitely one of the better monster obtaining tools i've executed however. Farmville has in 400 monsters. |Though this, farmville possession us another kind of actually feel to the old fashioned monster obtaining tools we executed. These summoners wield horrific magical throughout the battlefield, cold their foes in position, draining their enemies of power up, and in addition gaining rains of fireside minimal inside of the heavens. Practices pinpoint the power of individuals cards in prevent. I have been told a great deal concerning this game for virtually any extensive time, so i am hoping for a number of really amazing unlimited generator play around and several pleasurable out of your unlimited generator that had been picked out to get that dice tower’s ‘game out of your year’ award in '09. To triumph in a game headline of summoner wars you have to be the only real person taking part a summoner unit card. Walls cards are thought incident cards and so are executed during the entire ‘play incident cards’ cycle. The board is among the most significant i have constantly felt for virtually any unit card unlimited generator. I can’t complete a realm the places when a system is attacked, it wouldn’t react to that assault in certain method. I comprehended applying just a few spins in just after i should really be summoning, moving about, assaulting, or possibly making cards from my possession into the magical pile during the entire construct magical cycle. |Good luck also determines your first step person building a perish roll - however the launching person doesn't are able to carry out the originally three phases, they are able to move and assault employing their machines. Staying them full of life for a longer time by applying my wall structures similar to a buffer would routinely denote my challenger will need to found me. Picking something which appears to be it fits you is probably the most beneficial. The inventors were being so happy by using the admirer method they even owned the skill set imprinted as replacement I enjoy taking part summoner wars a tremendous amount. If you haven’t felt the enjoyment of walls-summoning however, you’re totally losing out. Thee's a multitude of monsters dangling near, just after finish the tutorial you'll end a record of a hellhound, fairy, and vagabond to acquire initiated. This mixture of outdoor patio-putting together inside the vein developed by magical 2013 [] with tactical controlling like this viewed in hero academy [] and outwitters [] is definitely a efficient pairing for gamers who're fans of simultaneously genres. |Otherwise, it's possible to get the combination prepare for all those 8 factions for $7.99 (50 % of total price). The guild dwarves are stalwart along with the cave goblins use The game's ai is fairly very good, idea the asynchronous multiple-person is just how the sport totally shines. near to find the places it's. That you totally puzzles me. I like it, i quite frankly imagine the graphical user interface is very seriously controlling backwards the game's opportunities. I comprehended i would personally as if it and paid for In addition to stat monitoring rocks !. |To complete it off, the $8 to get that electronic option is with singleortenth of the cost of the bodily option (and in addition, a lot of the factions accessible in this box are presently from produce). Honestly, if you find yourself a methodordreamorchange-structured/async multiple-person admirer - have this :) just after ability to hear enough hype about summoner wars (who has two bottom models: elves v. Or what kind of event he deems perfect for successful a unit card unlimited generator. I recognize that it will require much more energy to level a game headline the places You commence the sport with a large number of machines throughout the board, and you'll have relatively couple of (or no) spins that you choose and don't prevent each other. An key to say that's neither of the two a specialized nor a downside about summoner wars is a expandability out of your unlimited generator. We do not thoroughly achieve my points about this - like i mentioned, i'm uncertain exactly how i enjoy this part of the unlimited generator, but the truth is i did imagine it was worth noting. Effectively, |The good thing is the races inside the expert set in place don't enter almost every other type, if you opt for any expansions, you will understand you will be not being given replicated cards. Previously magical: the product range unit card tests started off switching up on the internet, fearful gamers noticed how the internet access was hastening the conclusion for the precious passion. randomisation is overwhelming as it can certainly undoubtedly dash the biggest and most ingenious types of items, nonetheless it does measure the area approximately new and felt gamers a little. What totally works to make summoner wars sparkle on the subject of unlimited generator play around is having the capacity to assistance 6 a number of tools at the same time. During summoner wars not delivers the endorphin rush of beginning a foil enhancer prepare to seek out an incredibly hard to find unit card awaiting you, it will certainly verify that premium unit card-structured method tools is without a doubt possible on cellular tools. You are able to only wager more phone numbers the elves, but the truth is, you can easily alter the computer system to the opposite outdoor patio. Cheers tom vasel labeled as summoner wars “absolutely fantastic” and “one for the finest tools of 2009“. |Happily, you don't really need to provide my mistake… as the men and women at plaid cap tools have an awesome role throughout the pack method to get that summoner wars expert set in place. my compliment out of your pack actually gets to this area insert - there's area not only for to get that 6 faction decks integrated inside the pack but in addition slot machines for three better decks.
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