#i also caught a jeno love bug
ghostofhyuck · 30 days
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NCT Dream when you're a bookworm!
AN: As a bookworm, I am so in love with this request! <3
Mark Lee
He's really into it! I feel like Mark's also a book reader, but he leans more on self-help or nonfiction books. He thinks that it's cute when you finished a book and you started reviewing the book to him! Doesn't judge when you're immersed to the book, especially when he sees you reading and you're tearing up or squealing in glee. Also loves to buy you books. He'll pass by the bookstore, enters there, and just scans around the aisle. If he sees one that he thinks you'll love, he'll buy it and gives it to you. 
Huang Renjun
Just like Mark, Renjun's really into it! He sometimes would just bug you whenever you're reading because he wants your attention but he just ends up cuddling you while you read. Also bookstore dates are a must! Renjun knows that whenever you two are out on a date or on the mall, you'll end up dragging him to the bookstore and just spend hours to read a few chapters or look for a book that you'll add on your reading list. 
Lee Jeno
I feel like Jeno leans more on playing games, so he's not much of a book reader BUT he understands why you love it and he finds it endearing whenever he caughts you cursing at a character or maybe crying because you just finished the book you read. He'll ask you how was it, and he'll be there attentively listening to your rambles about the book, and your review about it. Jeno just keeps on nodding but at the same time his hands just travels around you, wrapping you for a hug. 
Lee Donghyuck
Thinks that as a good boyfriend, Haechan should also try to invest to your hobbies the same way you invested to his hobbies (playing games.) so when he tried to approach you and ask for book recommendation, you were so HAPPY about it. You'll recommend him your most favorite, a classic novel that you've been reading ever since you were young. While Haechan finds your love for book cute, he tried to get into it, but knew it wasn't for him. So he just spoil you by buying you books instead. 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin is a very attentive boyfriend. I feel like as an introvert, his past time is also reading books. So he'll be the type to read the books that you recommended to him. Some may be cheesy especially those YA romance novels, but I feel like Jaemin's personal taste leans more on the mystery side of a novel. So when you two meet, he'll tell you that he just finished the book you gave to him, and you'll be overjoyed when you hear your boyfriend's review about it. 
Zhong Chenle
I feel like Chenle understands your love for book. He often spoil you too by buying books whenever you two stop by the bookstore. He also loves giving you space whenever you're reading a book OR he'll be beside you just doing what he wants. (like leaning against you or maybe playing with your hair.) but I feel like Chenle is also the type to judge your personal taste when it comes to books. "what do you mean you like the male lead, isn't he a killer!?!?!"
Park Jisung
LISTEN. Jisung is also a bookworm. Actually he's more of a manga reader. I think that he's a huge fan of anime, so he also reads manga or maybe manhwa. That's why your past time sometimes just involved books. You two will be in the living room, reading books quietly. Then suddenly one of you stops halfway frustrated because the flow of the story, that's why the latter will stop reading too just to listen to the former's rant. OH. And you two have a shared bookshelf in your apartment. It's full of manga books and novels! <3
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neopuppy · 5 months
Your writing is perfect and keeps inspiring me to write my own dark nct fics 😫 Do you have any writing tips? How do you get ideas for fics? because I must say you are extremely creative. And lastly any tips for running a tumblr fanfic blog? Sincerest apologies if you've been asked any of this before - I'm new and obsessed with your writing. I really want to write and put my stuff out there but also the thought of a kpop idol finding it scares me even though it probs won't happen. I don't want any male idol to have a big ego cause we write horny shit yk. Anyways hope 2024 is kind to you!
omg thank you!!! my writing is nowhere near perfect!!!!! but who’s is right? what would be perfect writing anyway…(sunnyjinx on ao3 lol😅😅😅 my mother fucking QUEEN🧎🏻‍♀️)
as for writing tips, you gotta just write. like if you’re inspired and have your own ideas, you gotta just go for it! that’s how I started on here, I was bored during lockdown and wanted to desperately read an Alpha Jeno fic and couldn’t find any(to my utter shock..) so I was like alright fuck it, and I wrote my own. now here I am💀
I literally had no idea what I was doing, I love reading fics tho so I at least knew *what* I wanted to put out. when I was posting on here at first no one was writing omegaverse or hybrids or stepcest or darker fics for nct really, and that’s what *I* wanted to read. I thought it was weird at first how everyone acted like I was doing something terrible and wrong and writing ‘really filthy smut’ but then I started reading some fics on here and I was like lmao. wtf. my advice would be to read on ao3 if you enjoy darker genres too, READ A LOT, don’t read on here, and don’t only read my dark stuff bc I’m actually very mediocre lol. read all the dead dove stuff on ao3……even if you’re not a part of the fandom, if it has a high number of kudos theres likely chance u will enjoy the fic regardless. BTW ITS FINE TO READ ON HERE AND WATTPADD(?) IF UR LOOKING FOR ANYTHING NOT DEEMED ‘dark’. as for what I’ve found on here mostly anime fandoms write the decent darker genres. kpop mehhhh.
I get ideas from reading, consistently reading, and music, and content I absorb. like if I’m listening to a song, 9 times out of 10 an idea for a fic will come to mind. I am definitely more the type that thinks with my creative brain than anything though. its a curse bc I end up writing whatever my heads stuck on instead of touching my rotting wips lol.
as for running a fanfic blog- don’t take it serious. people don’t pay us for this shit, this is NOT a job- do not treat it like one. don’t let anyone give you shit either, BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK!!!! I think it’s better to not get close to other writers in your fandom either…..they’re almost always going to be hateful and weird. if people enjoy your writing, your community of readers will be all that matters. don’t worry about the social aspect as much or engagement… it will come as long as you’re consistent and have fun with what you’re writing. so basically- don’t get caught up in drama. its hard believe me, I’ve tried not to but 🤷🏻‍♀️ just do your thing, block weird loser anons, block anyone who comments your shit being unnecessarily rude, etc. your blog is YOUR safe space first and foremost!!!!!
lmao also don’t worry about male idols growing egos😭😭😭 they literally have women stalking them 24/7, invading their childhood homes, sitting next to them in first class, poisoning their food, bugging their phones. fanfic blogs are the LEAST of their concerns im sure😭😭😭 those egos are enormous with or without us.
good luck if you decided to start posting!💚
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misswoozi · 5 months
OMG I also caught the Markno bug recently, there is something about them that drive me insane. Yes I know Jeno is a responsible man, the captain that keeps the Dreamies in line, but he is so puppy sub, he likes pets and people being nice to him. And Mark is the corny loser who would court him even though we're living in the 21st century. In the context of a college AU, Mark would wait for Jeno at his classes so they could walk to lunch together or some shit. If there's a complicated ex for Mark, I can see Jeno being really shy about it and not wanting to approach Mark at all because he feels off limits, and yet he still likes hanging out with him too much. Or if the ex is Jeno's ex, then Mark would still be checking up on him and being like "are they bothering you? Do you want me to talk to them?" stuff like that haha
- Suwitru
I have been thinking about a Mark/Jeno/Jaemin love-triangle + college AU recently. Jaemin could be Jeno's ex OR Mark's ex. Which do you think suits this dynamic better? I'd love to talk more about it!
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enhypvn · 5 years
yes y’all i do love otters and yes y’all i caught a doyoung love bug today grrr 🥺😤
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pyox1 · 4 years
Warnings: smut!! and also possessive/jealous Mark Lee because I can't seem to get over that concept
part of two of this
[5:47pm] "Who would've thought we'd end up in this situation, huh?"
No one, not even you. Well, maybe the other boys, but certainly not you.
Never could've you imagined banging your long time best friend, Mark Lee. Just the thought of it made your cheeks burn. Quite ironic since you were the one under him at the very moment, while he rocked himself into you.
"Mh- Fuck, Mark," You panted, your nails digging into his shoulders. He smirked at your babbling self, contempt filling his senses knowing he was the one to put you in such state.
Compared to yourself, the boy had thought about you in a few different ways in the time of being your friend. He was, after all, a hormonal teen and you were what he considered to be pretty hot. His eyes couldn't help but wander to your thighs whenever you wore skirts that he deemed to be a little too short to wear in public, or whenever your shirt hung a bit too low, revealing your cleavage.
What bugged him most, was when he caught his members staring. He absolutely hated the gut-wrenching feeling he had seeing them get all touchy-feely with you. Deep down, he knew it was irrational since you were all friends. Still, he snapped the day he overheard Haechan saying he'd fuck you.
That's when he decided to be more physical with you. His arm often wrapped around your shoulder or your waist, it even went to the point where he'd only let you sleep in his bed while you came over for the night. He wasn't sure why he did it, but he knew for a fact he couldn't let anyone else touch you that way and he wanted to make sure the boys knew about it.
You hadn't seemed to notice his new protective side, only enjoying the newfound attention he gave you. Mark was glad that you didn't seem to care about the obvious jealousy he felt towards the other boys since he wasn't even sure of what it meant himself. What he didn't know, was that you were just as confused as he was. He was getting closer to you, which made you happy, but he wasn't making a move. He was starting to treat you like more than a friend while keeping everything platonic at the same time. Your feelings were all over the place.
It was only when Haechan had dared you to kiss Jeno during a game of truth or dare that he knew he had to act up. When he stopped you from getting closer to Jeno and laid his lips on yours, he finally knew what he felt. He felt love.
"I still remember those mornings where I'd wake up with you in my arms," He said, his thrusts not faltering. "Fuck, I want you all for myself. I don't want you doing this shit with anyone else." His fingers digging into your sides, he bent down to leave kisses on your collarbone.
"What do you say? You want to make this you and me thing only? Officially?" There was no way you were going to decline his offer, now that you were physically this close to him, you couldn't see yourself with anyone else. And to say that you had to go all to way to beg Haechan to give you a stupid dare for you to make sure Mark had feelings towards you.
"Yes, please." You smiled shyly.
"Good." He also smiled. His speed suddenly got faster, your moans getting louder.
"Now, now," He started, "We wouldn't want the other boys to hear you." There was no way in hell the other boys hadn't heard anything since the beginning. You had been letting out all sorts of noise for the past hour and that's without pointing out the fact that the bed frame had joined your cacophony not long after the first round.
His thumb swiped over your bottom lip, and you quickly realized what he had in mind. Opening your mouth, he put his finger in before you closed your lips around it, letting out a hum.
"Mmh, good girl." You blushed at his words, your stomach swirling with butterflies.
"My good girl."
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jisvnq · 4 years
[ 02:11AM ]
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title | sneaking around
genre | fluff, suggestive, humor, chenle's little sister!reader
warnings | a makeout that's barely there, and a few hickeys oops
word count | 1.8k words
requested | by anonymous
description | where you're chenle's little sister and secretly dating jisung.
z.txt | the text for the headers keep messing up idk why :/ but eh can't really do anything about it ¯\(ツ)/¯ so also idk how to properly write those spicy spicy scenes yet, i'm still learning and i'm doing my best to improve each time :D i dunno, this was supposed to be a timestamp but i got kinda carried away ajdbwjfn here it is!!
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Jisung knew sneaking around behind his friends' backs was risky. He knew he'd get his neck snapped in half if he was found out to be dating someone without even his best friend knowing.
Oh, how he hoped to the heavens they didn't find out he was doing exactly that. And with his best friend's little sister out of all people.
"Meet me in my room after they fall asleep," you had whispered in his ear hours ago as you hid from your friends who searched around frantically for the two of you. "And make sure nobody sees you."
Jisung slowly and carefully pushed his best friend's head off his shoulder, watching in panic as the other boy's eyes groggily fluttered open.
"Hey, Jisung," Chenle slurred, still half-asleep. "Where are you going?"
"I– me?" Jisung stuttered, pointing to himself.
Chenle rolled his eyes. "Yes, you. Where are you going?"
"To the– uh," Jisung cleared his throat. "To the bathroom. I– uh, dinner didn't really settle well with me..."
Chenle nodded, waving Jisung off. "You know where the bathroom is, right?"
Jisung nodded, getting up fully and quietly opening the door. "Yeah. I do."
He waited until his best friend's eyes fluttered shut before heading out, closing the door and dashing into the hallway that definitely didn't lead to the bathroom.
Jisung's heart beat a mile a minute as he looked over his shoulder every few steps. If he got caught here, he was gonna be deader than the chicken they ate for dinner. And he was pretty sure that thing wasn't even remotely alive.
"Y/n," Jisung whispered as he knocked frantically on your door. "Y/n! It's me! I'm here! Open up already!"
He heard shuffling inside, and he cautiously looked behind him as if something or someone would just pop up out of absolutely nowhere and tell on him to your brother.
"Hm, I'm surprised you didn't chicken out on me," you hummed, opening the door, only for the boy to rush inside, making you chuckle. "That scared of getting caught, huh?"
"If Chenle catches me sneaking in here, you know he's gonna kill me," Jisung groaned, plopping onto your quite familiar bed.
"Why don't we just tell him then?" you inquired, sitting down beside him. "It's not like it's that big of a deal, you know?"
"Not that big of a deal?" Jisung said, giving you a funny look. "There's something called the Bro Code, Y/n. I'm not supposed to be dating anyone without the guys knowing, and sisters are supposed to be off-limits!"
You chuckled, when his eyes meet yours, pressing a small kiss to his forehead. "Oh, who cares about that silly little code of yours. Come on, Jisung. Lele won't mind. I'm sure of it."
"Chenle out of all people would definitely mind," Jisung said, raising a finger up with each statement. "One, you're pretty much a whole year younger than me. Two, I'm dating you without any of the guys knowing. And three, you're Chenle's sister. You're Chenle's sister, Y/n! Of course he'll mind!"
You rolled your eyes at the boy and pulled him up to sit next to you. "Jisung~ I'm telling you! Chenle won't mind~! Besides, the idiot had a crush on Renjun's younger cousin for like a year. He can't say anything."
"That was different," Jisung huffed, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Those were Renjun's cousins, not his sisters, and it's not like they were secretly dating now too. Chenle is so gonna kill me."
"Not if I can help it~" you chimed sweetly, crawling over to press a soft kiss on his lips and leaving him blushing furiously. "I love you~ my brother just has to come accept that. When we end up telling them, that is."
"You really think we should tell them?" Jisung asked you nervously as you climbed onto his lap. "Y- Y/n?"
"I think we should," you whispered, cupping his face with your hands. "If you want to. But I love you, and I don't think I'll be able to hide it from them any longer. You, Jisungie?"
Jisung felt his heart melt at the amount of love dripping from your lips as you uttered his name, the nickname he refused to let anyone else use. His eyes turning into beating hearts when they meet your similar ones.
Your lips curled upwards into a sweet, sweet smile, Jisung subconsciously mirroring it with his own. Jisung shook his head and you giggled, the sound echoing in his ears wonderfully.
Unable to bear the straining fondness for you in his chest any longer, Jisung leans in to press his lips against yours, hearing himself hum when you respond immediately to his kiss.
Your legs wrapped around his torso and you fell onto your bed with a soft thud, breaking the kiss to let out a few giggles.
"Shh!" Jisung tsked as you bit your lip to contain your laughs. "We're gonna get caught if we're this noisy!"
"Okay, okay," you grinned, copying his radiant smile. "Now, shut up and kiss me then."
"Good idea," Jisung chuckled, diving back in to press a deeper kiss to your waiting lips.
You wouldn't say you were the best at kissing, with the slight risk of getting caught always bugging you in the back of your head. But this time, along with a few nervous giggles, you seemed not to care for once, feeling the boy hover over you to press feather-light kisses all over your face and down to your jaw.
"So we're telling them tomorrow, right?" Jisung whispered, eyes locked nervously with yours. "Y/n?"
You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, pecking his cheek while doing so and making the flush on his cheeks deepen. You chuckled. "You mean later today, Jisungie."
"That means it'll be alright if I do this then," Jisung hummed, trailing kisses back down to your neck.
"If you do what?" you asked curiously, before letting out a gasp when you feel him suck harshly on your neck. "Park Jisung! What was that?!"
"Just... something," Jisung grinned at you mischieviously, kissing the bruising mark lightly before moving to place another one.
"Jisung, if those things leave marks..." you tried to threaten, failing in your act when a little whimper escapes your lips at his actions. "We- we're gonna be in big, big trouble."
"We're already planning on telling them later," Jisung said with sparkling eyes. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, teeth gently grazing your earlobe. "We can have some fun tonight."
"Hey, Y/n?" the door burst open. "Have you seen Ji– oh, there you are."
"Chenle!" the two of you gasped, Jisung immediately climbing off you with burning cheeks.
"Wha- what are you doing here?" you asked, looking at your brother who had a sleepy smirk on his face. "H- hey! Answer my question!"
"I was looking for Jisung," Chenle yawned. "But he wasn't in the bathroom, nor in the gaming room. Decided to check on you if you saw him."
Chenle eyed you up and down and hummed. "Looks like you two've been busy. I knew you just called him oppa for show."
"I– what?!" you shrieked, throwing one of your pillows at your laughing brother. "Shut up!"
"And... you aren't at all mad?" Jisung asked confusedly, looking to Chenle who made kissy faces at you, much to your annoyance.
"Mad?" Chenle repeated, looking to Jisung this time. "For what?"
"For... uh... finding me in here?" Jisung coughed, blush rising back to his cheeks. "You know, with your sister? You don't have the urge to snap my neck in half?"
"What?" Chenle snorted. "Snap your neck in half for making Y/n happy? Look, I'm just a bit disappointed you didn't tell me about it, but I can never get upset at you two idiots for long."
"So..." Jisung bit his lip, looking to you before looking back at Chenle. "It's alright if we're, uh, let's say–"
"Dating?" Chenle finished with an amused grin, seeing his best friend's face flush red. "Yeah, pretty much figured that out. Also, Renjun and Jeno owe me, Hyuck, and Jaemin hotpot now, so–"
"Wait, you bet on us?!" you asked in disbelief, throwing another pillow at your brother. "You bastards!"
"Oops," Chenle snickered, tossing the pillows back onto your bed. "Anyways, I'm gonna go get some sleep, so you two better not do anything more than kissing. I might just take Jisung's PS4 privileges away next time the guys come over."
"My PS4 privileges?!" Jisung gasped. "Why mine?!"
"What, are you planning on getting them taken?" Chenle teased, making Jisung shut his mouth. "And it's yours because you're the older idiot here, and because Y/nnie gets sister privileges."
Jisung lifted his arms up in exasperation before letting them fall to his sides. "I mean, I don't plan on getting them taken now, but I–"
"Jisung, you idiot," Chenle cut the boy off, throwing a pillow to the younger boy's head. "That's my sister you're talking about, watch it."
"Alright, fine," Jisung said with a snicker, seeing Chenle give him a pointed look. "Nothing will happen. I am the responsible one in the relationship here."
"That is very debatable," Chenle said, making a face. "But I'm serious about it, Park Jisung. Try anything on Y/n and I'm kicking you out."
"Gotcha," Jisung grinned, saluting to his best friend who went out the door.
"Also," Chenle smirked, looking at the marks on your neck. "I think you should cover those up before Dad comes home for dinner later. I don't think he'll be as chill as I am about leaving you and Jisung alone in a room together."
"Y- your Dad's coming over for dinner?!" Jisung said, his jaw dropping as he stared at both you and Chenle in disbelief. "Oh my God..."
"Oops," you grinned sheepishly at him. "Forgot to tell you. He wanted to meet up with you all later today..."
"Ah, shit," Jisung groaned, plopping down onto your bed as Chenle laughed out loud. "Chenle, you are given full permission to snap my neck in half now. Please hurry on with it."
"No can do, bro," Chenle snickered, seeing the look of dismay on Jisung's face as he went out, closing the door behind him. "Y/nnie would kill me if I did. Gotta blast~"
"Y/n, will you–"
"No, Jisung," you sighed, shaking your head as you laid down next to him. "I am not snapping your neck in half for you."
"Well, fuck me then."
"Maybe when we're older."
"Y/n, no–"
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jungstruly · 4 years
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From Eden || Lee Jeno
Disobedience, the first sin on mankind.
GENRE Romance, Demon!Jeno AU
WARNING/S Religious undertone, Suggestive
NOTE Hello, I am back from my hiatus! Here is a peace offering for you all lmao. Thank you so much my lovely @scissorhands1617 for taking the time to read & edit my work! I love you my cute lil froggie úwù. Happy reading! Also, read at your own risk. Even I kept on blushing while writing Devil!Jeno ;)
The tree was calling your name. It rang in your ears like a captivating enchantment, whispering your name and telling you to come. A hymn that you cannot tune out that starts from the rise of the sun ‘till the dead of the night. You tried everything that you can to block it from your senses. You divert your attention to the clouds at noon even frolic in the river with your favorite animals to pass the time. And even tasted every fruit that this huge garden can offer. Except one, of course.
The only tree up the small hill that you were prohibited to do so. You were told that you are allowed to eat anything. Anything but that tree’s fruit. The both of you were instructed to do so without even telling the reason why and it bugged you deeply. You tried to bury it at the back of your mind.
But the more you resist, the more your curiosity heightens. Your desire devours every inch of you. You felt like it was going to kill you any time soon. If one cannot answer your simple why then, it is a matter of time ‘till you figure it out yourself.
The untouched green grass prickles your bare feet but you could care less. The tree was just few feet up from you. Your mouth gets drier with every step. It quirks up as you look behind you. With two shaking pupils, you glance to where you left your sleeping companion just across the river bend. Sure enough, his eyes screw shut in a deep slumber. It was now or never.
Sure, the garden in which you live was beautiful. The place is paradise itself. Every tree was standing proudly. Flowers in every kind dotted the whole place. Creatures in every kind live in harmony but all of these, can’t compare to the beauty that the tree has. The tree alone left you even breathless from your walk.
It has the plumpest red fruit that you have ever seen. It was even bigger than both of your fists combined. You were absolutely sure that it wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you but you swore that the air was sweeter here. A sweet and citrusy scent wafted to your nose. Truly, it was addicting.
The late afternoon sun made the leaves sparkle. You swore that you even saw tiny specks of gold on its leaves. Confusion stirs inside you as you remembered being told not to eat anything from it. Why would anyone stop you from having a taste of the fruit of this pure and harmless tree? It was absurd that you were kept from taking anything from it or merely looking or thinking of it.
Lost in your own thoughts, your hand absentmindedly reaches out to caress the red fruit. You were told not to eat it. Nobody said that you can’t touch it. The sensation of touching it along with its sweet smell puts you in a trance.
“Grab it.”
A faint whisper can be heard from your left ear. It was soft but it made your naked body jump because of the close proximity. The hot breath of the culprit tickled your ear. You turn to the side, expecting to see your companion fully awake but you were wrong.
Two piercing red eyes glowed and met your warm gaze. His long ebony hair parts perfectly, falling at the side of his face in an intricate manner. He looked like he was sculpted to perfection because of his chiseled face. A smug smirk lingers on his red lips. Just like you, he was naked.
It was a man. No, not your companion. It was another man that you haven’t seen in this entirety of Eden ever since you can remember. You tear your eyes from his blazing red pupils as you became conscious of what you were doing. You wanted to see the tree up close, nothing more. But here you are, seconds away from picking a fruit from it.
“We really should not.” Your voice sounded like a hoarse whisper. The man beside you walks past your nervous figure and marches near the fruit that you were holding earlier. “We were told not to do so and-“
A loud grunt comes from him before he picks the red fruit from the tree. Your eyes widen at his sudden action. You were sure that he was absurd but you can’t seem to tear your eyes off of the fruit. The man throws it in the air in one swift motion before catching it right in front of your face. It’s intoxicating smell wafts through your nose.
“You were saying darling?” The loud beating of your heart filled your ears as you tried to calm down your ragged breaths.
“I-I,” You stutter, unable to form coherent sentences to scold him but nothing came out. Your squirming figure only made his smirk grow wider.
Clearing your throat, you tried to swat his hand away and look him in the eyes.“I thought there were only two of us here, me and my companion. How come this is my first time seeing you? Where did you come from? Are you one of us too? Do you have a name? And what on earth do you think you’re doing?”
“Well, it’s to meet you too.” The man’s voice dripped with sarcasm but you were too nice to notice it. The tree that you were under gives both of you a nice shade.
Your cheeks immediately heat up, biting your lip in embarrassment as realization hits you. “Where are my manners? I’m not usually this rude. Sorry,”
“It’s very nice to meet you. Hello,” You blink back at him. “I am Y.N and you are?”
Your wide curious eyes look innocently at him. The sight of you being so pure and almost angelic made the man growl underneath his breath. His mind raced into different directions, but every single one of them involved him breathing your scent and him not leaving any inch of your skin untouched. The dark haired man raised a brow at your waiting figure. Well, how must he put this? What must you call him? He has many names indeed.
Serpent, devil, demon, monster, beast...
You wave your hand in front of his face, still naive of the brooding dark look that he was giving you. He snapped back to reality. His face contoured into a quick smile which you also mirrored.
“I got distracted, pardon me.” What he needs is your trust if he wants to get inside that pretty little head of yours. He didn’t expect you to be this kind and hospitable already but it wasn’t really a surprise. After all, everything is designed to be good and righteous in this garden.
“It’s Jeno,”
A nod is your only response. Questions filled your head but everything seemed to disappear once you got another look at the fruit that he was clutching. A sinister smirk paints on Jeno’s lips as he takes a closer step to you. Your eyes not leaving the fruit.
“Don’t you want to take a bite?” Jeno’s voice is filled with honey yet laced with malice. He urges the fruit closer to your face the moment he sees you gulping. His cold demeanor vanishes once you come back to your senses. You shake your head.
Jeno gives you a knowing look, slowly waving the red fruit in front of your face. His smirk not faltering. “Even just a tiny little bite, darling?”
“No, I’m not supposed to eat that.” Curiosity was eating you out but it still didn’t stop you from doing the right thing.
“Well, I don’t know.” You whispered in all honesty. His question caught you off guard. You glance at the sky. “I think I should go back now. It’s almost night time.”
“But don’t you want to know why?” He presses on. Jeno knew you were listening when he saw you not moving an inch despite bidding farewell. 
He tries to hide his devilish smile while talking. “I mean, I suppose there isn’t any problem with you knowing why you’re not allowed to eat this one fruit. Why not find out right here, right now?”
“I was told that I’ll die if I did.
His loud laugh filled your ears. Once his laughter died down, he raised a mocking brow at you. The smile was still obvious on his lips. “Oh really?”
A nod was your only response. Your face contoured into a face of shock and despair the moment he takes a huge bite from the forbidden fruit. A gasp leaves your lips.
“Oh dear!” You panicked, eyes wide open as you think for a solution to save him from dying.
Jeno on the other hand, moaned in delight upon chewing the delicious pomegranate.
“But I am very much alive?” He shrugs, taking another bite. “You were saying?”
Your mouth opens in astonishment. Jeno gives you a smug look. “Why don’t you take a bite?”
You were persistent. Your head shook no. You tried to push the idea of your creator lying to you away as you try to feed your curiosity. “Well, what does it taste like?”
“As sweet as an angel’s kiss.”
“A kiss?”Jeno finds your curious head tilt endearing. “What is a kiss?”
He stops himself from taking a bite from his fruit. Jeno gritted his teeth. You looked like a cute lost deer, waiting for its prey to eat you anytime soon. That time has come for he has something up his sleeve.
“Do you want me to give it to you?”
“Well if you must,” You held out your hand in front of him, anticipating the ‘kiss’ that he was talking about. Jeno snickered to himself. He wanted to stain your innocence so bad. You were too pure for him in his delight. It was a surprise that he was able to control himself from keeping you all to himself and taking you to his lair.
Besides, the serpent himself isn’t that foolish to begin with. He knew with your inborn goodness, you’ll definitely do what you’re asked of.
“One should stay still. Can you do that for me darling?” Jeno slowly runs his tongue to his lip as he draws closer to you. The taste of the red fruit still lingers on his mouth. “Hm?”
Head bobbing excitedly, you can’t help but to put your other hand out in front of him. This was exactly what he had in mind. If there was one thing you were also born with, it’s curiosity. You were created to have it. A mortal will always have the need for answers. It is inevitable.
You shudder at his touch. Jeno’s pale hands delicately caresses your cheek before cupping it on his palm. His touch was soft and gentle as if he was holding a porcelain doll. Your soft and warm skin made him crazy. His red pupils dilated the moment he locked his eyes on your plump red lips.
You were about to open your mouth to ask him the kiss’ whereabouts but your words were silenced by Jeno’s lips crashing on yours. It was rough and hard— the exact opposite of his touch. He was going crazy how soft your lips are. The fact that he was the first one to do it to you pushed him to the edge.
His action took you by surprise. You stood there frozen with eyes wide open. This was your first time receiving a ‘kiss’. You didn’t know what to do and you didn’t want him to stop. Whatever he’s doing, he’s making you feel something you haven’t felt yet in your entire lifetime.
Jeno pulls away breathlessly. His forehead still glued on yours as he whispers, tucking a small strand of hair behind your ear. “Close your eyes and just feel it. Let it consume you.”
Obeying his command, you did what he said. With eyes screw shut, Jeno smirks to himself.
“Good girl,”
He attacks your lips once again. This time around, you were much aware and responsive. Jeno’s lips tasted sweet with a hint of citrus. It tasted almost like a fruit actually— a fruit that you haven’t tasted yet. You didn’t know that your body was capable of responding to his actions. Your hands slowly run through his silky dark hair before letting your hands knot itself on it.
Jeno gives out a throaty chuckle when he realizes how much eagerness and hunger you’re giving to the kiss. Not that he was complaining though. He couldn’t blame you either. It’s hard to resist the things that are forbidden. One will have a hard time to quit.
You let yourself indulge in the kiss as much as you liked before pulling away just to breathe some air.
Jeno’s eyes flicker with mischief the moment your eyes linger to his lips and to the tree. You can’t help but to question your creator. How come you haven’t crossed paths with this man in front of you? How come the “kiss” isn’t introduced sooner? Why is eating the fruit from this tree prohibited in the first place when it’s obvious that it is harmless? Why? Why not?
“I-l” You tried your best to meet his eyes, avoiding to stare at his very red lips. “I need to go. It is getting dark.”
He nods his head with a knowing grin before grabbing your hand to place an open mouthed kiss. Jeno’s eyes not leaving you with each passing second. You gulped when he stayed still in that position.
Chuckling at your squirming figure, he releases your hand. “I think you should.”
As much as you wanted to stay here and kiss Jeno until morning comes once again, you know to yourself that you can’t. You give him a wave before skipping down the hill however, you stopped midway.
“When can I meet you again?” Your voice sounded desperate, needy even. He knew that his plan worked and it’ll just be a matter of time until you get banished from this ‘paradise’ and he can all have you to himself.
“Oh sweetheart,” Jeno’s eyes darken as he smirks. The bitten pomegranate fruit went flying in the air before it landed perfectly on his palm. “I’m everywhere.”
That night when you were asked if you have eaten the fruit from the forbidden tree, you answered no.
But you did.
The fruit of evil is indeed sweet. It is addicting. It consumes every part of your soul. The lingering taste of his lips shouldn’t be tasted in the first place. Because Jeno— Jeno became the fruit itself.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
butterflies by Kacey musgraves with jeno pls 🥺 I was LITERALLY listening to this song while I saw your post and took it as a sign 🥺
|📣 ▹▹ it WAS a sign my love! Enjoy! Also, I will say this is a bit longer than the others, so yeah lol🦋
Send in your own request!✨🍰🌙
|⚠️ caterpillar’s unfortunate death
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“I was just coasting, never really going anywhere. Caught up in a web, I was getting kind of used to staying there”
You’ve known you didn’t like Lee Jeno since you were eight years old.
It was October; the leaves on the ground made loud, crunchy noises that were music to your ears when you walked home, and the weather was just cold enough for your mother to pack you into a light blue jacket and pull a beanie over your head before sending you off with a kiss and your peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It was the day you had been waiting for, for what seemed like weeks; Miss Stacy’s First Grade Class was going to start raising butterflies.
You had been paired off into groups of four kids to one butterfly. You were in a group with a young girl named Yeri, and two boys named Renjun and Jeno. You would sometimes play tag with Yeri, and Renjun was your tetherball partner. You hadn’t had many interactions with Jeno; the older boy was always too busy playing kickball with the other boys to play with any of the girls - let alone you - but it didn’t matter to you; nothing did. All you could focus on was your beautiful caterpillar, and the excitement you felt about raising and then releasing it.
You had a routine.
Everyday, Renjun and you would come into the class and check on your caterpillar; change it’s water, give it more leaves; anything it needed, you gave it. In the afternoon, after lunch, Jeno and Yeri would do the same. However, that day Yeri had left school at lunch; her retreating figure slumping along as she did the walk of shame to her mother; anxious about the dentist appointment she had. You didn’t think twice before getting up from your spot under the tree and walking to the sand field not far from you; Jeno’s figure in your line of sight. He was waiting for his turn up to kick, laughing at something Na Jaemin had whispered to him, when he felt a small peck on his shoulder.
“H-hi Jeno oppa,” You shyly mumbled while looking down at your light up sketchers, not used to interacting with the elder boy.
“So um, Yeri unnie left for the day, so I’ll be helping you with your caterpillar duties.”
Jeno gave you a confused look. “Oh, Why did noona leave?”
“Um, a dentist appointment I think.”
He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a weak, “okay,” Before turning back to the game.
You thought it was okay.
But clearly, it was not.
“I don’t understand why we even have to do this.” Jeno whined next to you as you wrote down how much the caterpillar had eaten since this morning to now (2 WHOLE leaves).
“Because, well...it’s cute” you shrugged.
“Well, I don’t want to do this lame work. We wouldn’t have to if we just killed the bug.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Kill the caterpillar? Not on your watch.
“N-no! We can’t kill it! It’s a living thing! Would you kill a cat?”
Jeno’s eyes went wide, and he frantically shook his head. “No! But this isn’t a cat, it’s a caterpillar!” He laughed.
You didn’t think this was a laughing matter, so you gave a small ‘humph’ and turned your head so you weren’t looking at Jeno anymore. Jeno, wanting to play a small joke on you, took this opportunity to silently open the caterpillar's cage, take out said caterpillar, and hide it in between his hands. He thought it was so funny; seeing you turn and freak out because the caterpillar wasn’t there anymore.
What wasn’t funny was when Jeno totally forgot living things need air to breathe.
It was quite a scene to behold; you were standing by the teacher's desk, sobbing so hard that snot came out of your nose, while softly holding the dead caterpillar's body in your little hands and caressing it with your left index finger. You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrible. Somewhere out there, a little mommy butterfly is wondering when her baby will be home from his adventures in human children's land, and he’ll never return. He’ll never get to turn into a beautiful butterfly, and fly in the wind; spreading his beauty.
Jeno was also trying not the cry. He didn’t mean to kill the caterpillar. He just wanted to play a small prank on the girl he thought was pretty like his mommy. He did actually want to see the caterpillar turn into a butterfly. Renjun tried assuring him that it wasn’t a big deal, but Jeno still felt guilty. Especially when you wouldn’t stop caressing and petting the caterpillar, saying that, that way it doesn’t feel scared, or lonely. Saying that out loud to your teacher made you cry even more, and you didn’t stop crying until you were safely in the arms of your own mommy, while she pet your hair and held you while walking to the car.
The next day, you saw Jeno laughing and playing with his friends; seemingly having forgotten all about the caterpillar incident the day before. Your blood boiled. In the end, you got put into another caterpillar group, and got to release the butterflies anyway; but you never forgot about that one caterpillar incident with Jeno, and you vowed to never let your guard down around the older boy, and to always hate him.
And you had perfectly upheld that vow until sophomore year of high school.
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“Now you're lifting me up, instead of holding me down Stealing my heart instead of stealing my crown Untangled all the strings round my wings that were tied”
Week 1
“It’s your fault we’re in here, so shut up!” Jeno had been nothing short of annoying for the past week while you both sat out your punishments in after school detention.
Why were you in after school detention, you ask?
It was no surprise that you two went the ways you did after elementary school. Jeno, being the most popular varsity soccer player by sophomore year - and you, being a valued member (gunning for president by senior year) of the photography club. It was because of the ways you two went, that you ended up in the position of taking the soccer photos for the yearbook. You had to stay at their practice for the whole two hours, but took a break halfway through to catch up on a bit of homework. Jeno, wanting to always be the center of (your) attention, thought it would be a hilarious prank to kick a soccer ball at you while you were looking down at your homework. The first time was harmless. It landed at your feet and startled you, sure, but you just glared at a laughing Jeno while throwing it - albeit, weakly - back. However, the second time he kicked it, neither of you got so lucky.
And that’s how you ended up with a broken $630 camera, Jeno with a bruised (you weren’t that good at punching) nose, and the both of you with a months worth of after school detention.
“My fault?! You’re the one that punched me!” You both sat at opposite ends of the classroom, but that didn’t stop you from fighting. The teacher had walked out to go get more coffee, so you two were free to argue.
“And you’re the one that broke my camera!” You fired back, which initiated you both yelling on top of each other in anger. Jeno wouldn’t usually be too upset about a small incident like this, but after school detention collided with his soccer schedule - which meant that for the next month, Jeno was off the team.
And boy, did he hate that.
“ENOUGH enough! Listen, I really don’t want to talk to you, so you stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine, deal?” You offered, already tired of yelling. Thankfully, Jeno mumbled out a,
“Fine,” and turned his gaze out the window with a sigh, just as the teacher was walking back in.
Week 2
“I need help with my homework.” Many people thought you were an easy A kind of person. You came off as a smart kid, but you secretly kept it in that your grades were genuinely terrible, and just prayed that no one found out.
Usually you would be with your math tutor, but with after school detention, that wasn’t possible. The teacher was, once again, not in the room (that happened a lot, although the times she was there, she was sleeping), and so your only hope was unfortunately, well, Lee Jeno. You knew he was smart - sports kids had to have good grades. You really hoped that he would help you, and wouldn’t laugh, and wouldn’t tell anyone that he did.
When he heard you, he was so ready to laugh in your face and spit out a “no way”, but when he looked up and saw your pouty gaze, well, he was sold. So, instead, he mumbled out a small, “yeah sure” - to which you smiled and took a seat next to him.
It was only once you were already out of the school building did you realize that not only did you two not fight that whole time, but you actually made jokes with each other, and you sat with him the rest of detention.
Week 3
“-And so I quickly grabbed her and said ‘no yeri, those aren’t eggs!’ And she spit them out onto the floor while yelling!” The milk Jeno was in the middle of downing quickly flew from his nostrils as he broke out in laughter at the climax of the story you were telling him. You quickly had to shush him while laughing yourself; making wide eyed glances back and forth between him and your detention teachers slumped figure.
It wasn’t that you two were friends, oh no, definitely not. You just had no one else to talk to in detention, so Jeno and you found yourselves sitting next to each other and actually having civilized conversations that didn’t end in having to be separated. The thought of you two being friends still disgusted you, and you refused to admit that you were becoming close.
This is as far as I will get you told yourself.
I only have one more week, and then I can go back to hating him.
But do I still want to?
You didn’t know this, obviously, but Jeno was thinking the same thing.
Week 4
You and Jeno were slowly walking down the empty hallways of your school after your last detention together. Not a word was said between the two of you; both afraid of what might be shared.
You didn’t want to stop talking to Jeno. In the last four weeks, you’ve come to actually enjoy your time together - finding that you had more in common than you thought. While you never would have admitted it before, you’ve always kind of wanted to get to know Jeno, even if you did think he was a jerk. So the idea of not talking to him made you quite upset, though you tried not to show it.
Finally, the two of you got to the entrance doors of your high school, but neither pushed them open. You both just stood there, exchanging awkward glances back and forth, and hoping that the other wouldn’t leave. This went on for around a minute, before something was finally said by Jeno, “y/n, can I be honest,” you nodded, “I don’t want to go back to hating you.”
“Same!” You exclaimed a bit too quickly, the both of you giggling messes at the fact.
“Actually, if it’s alright with you, I was wondering if you, maybe, I don’t know, wanted to see a movie with me tomorrow?” He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, and in the pit of your stomach, you could feel a lonely little butterfly begin to flap its wings as you nodded at his offer with a smile on your face.
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“Now I remember what it feels like to fly You give me butterflies”
The breeze from the open windows pulled and pushed your hair every which way as you closed your eyes and smiled from your spot in the passenger seat.
The speaker was blasting with Kacey Musgraves, and you almost felt yourself falling asleep, but the hand that slid into your own had you opening your eyes and glancing at the boy occupying the driver's seat. He was glancing back and forth between the road and yourself with a smile on his face, and you couldn’t help the content sigh that fell past your lips.
“What’s up, baby?” Jeno mumbled, always worried when it came to you.
“Nothing, you just make me so happy.”
Jeno’s smile widened, and he brought your interlocked hands up to his lips, and kissed the back of your hand, before looking at you and saying, “happy three year anniversary”.
First, your mind is occupied with that little 8th year old girl, crying while glancing down at the dead caterpillar in her hands.
Then, you think back to that moment in front of the entrance doors to your school, where that little butterfly in your stomach popped up for the first time, and your heart warms at the thought that that butterfly lives in a garden of its own kind now.
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
hourglass | lee jeno
▸angst, fluff i guess??
▸ summary: sometimes, love just ain’t enough.
▸ WARNING: eating disorder, depression, body dysmorphia, starvation. if any of the above triggers you or if you are not comfortable, please refrain from reading the story. 
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All your life, you never really cared about your weight. As an engineering student and a part-time musical theatre actor, you never had the reason to be conscious of your body. Engineering required only your brain; no one cared what you wore or what you looked like in class. Musical theatre didn’t have as much standards for appearance than it does with vocals. Your body wasn’t that bad anyway. You were considered skinny by some and many grew envy about how you could eat so much and not gain a pound immediately. However, your perception of your body changed the day you started dating Lee Jeno.
You met Jeno when his company’s CEO decided to treat its artists with tickets to a Wicked show. You got the greatest opportunity of playing Elphaba; with your impeccable vocal talent, it wasn’t an effort to grace the stage and awe the audience. Your production always valued you not only because of your talent, but also because of your warm personality. You first made eye contact with Jeno when his company’s CEO took them backstage to meet the cast after the show. You had time to talk for a while as the CEO became deep in dialogue with the show’s director. It was Taeil who first initiated a conversation with you as the others, especially the youngsters, were too shy to start a conversation with anyone. As everyone warmed up with the other casts, you never failed to notice how Jeno was love-struck with you.
“Wow, your voice is defying the laws of gravity,” another member, Johnny, said to you.
You blushed and shook off the compliment. “Thank you so much. That meant so much to me.”
Everyone scurried off to different areas on the backstage. You were caught off-guard when one of the younger members, Jeno, talked beside you.
“How long have you been performing?” He asked.
“Only just for a year. I wasn’t planning on making this long-term. I only wanted to play a few shows here and there.” You explained. “but, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity of being Elphaba.”
“That was one of the greatest performance I’ve seen in so long.” He said. “I actually really enjoy musical theatre.”
“Really?” You asked, shocked by his confession. “What’s your favorite musical?”
“It used to be Cats,” He said, smiling shyly. “But I think know it’s Wicked.”
“Oh please,” You chuckled. “Cats is a really good show.”
He looked at you, laughing shyly. “Do you like frozen yogurt?”
“I like frozen yogurt,” You smiled.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself going on secret dates with the heartthrob. You would bond over coffee, books, and broadway musicals. You never knew he liked musicals. There would days where he would help you practice songs for your next show and you would watch him practice a choreography for a comeback. You both found the one thing that kept you closer and closer: the love for performing.
“Seeing the happy faces of my fans is one thing,” He started, staring off into the night. “But the look on my parents’ as they say how proud they are of me, is what keeps me going.”
You stared at his side profile and swallowed a lump in your throat. “They have every reason to be proud of you.”
He turned his head to meet your eyes. His eyes lingered on yours for a while before looking down at your lips. You blushed at the feeling he had over you.
“You’re really pretty.” He started. The statement took you by surprise. Not a lot of people tell you that you’re pretty but, if it comes from Jeno, any other doesn’t matter anymore.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” You chuckled. You’re not lying. Jeno has the looks that could make anyone wrapped around his fingers. “I feel like I don’t deserve to be under your gaze.”
“Of course you deserve to be looked at.” He said, more seriously this time. “I could build a gallery of you but that would give me more competitors so, I won’t do that.”
“Jeno, if you wanna kiss me, just do it.” You said. You wanted to punch yourself for what you just said. Normally, you would freak out and leave from embarrassment. But now, you held your gaze stronger. You had no idea where the courage came from.
And he did. He kissed you like you were the only thing that mattered. It didn’t end there. Later that night, he showed you how beautiful you are.
Sometimes, he would sneak out, with a member or two, to watch one of your shows. He would stare in awe at how people give you their applause. As the spotlight shine down on you, it was like he was seeing a goddess grace everyone with her beauty.
“Dude, if you don’t ask her out, I’m really gonna do it,” His friend, Jaemin, announced beside him.
“I already beat you into it, punk.” He responded boastfully. The shocked look on his friend’s face made him laugh.
Your peaceful relationship was cut short when his boss found out about the thing going on between you two. To say you were shocked by his calm and accepting nature would be an understatement. His company approved of your relationship. It was like the stars have aligned just for the both of you. The news broke out and spread like wildfire on the internet that night. You were too busy rejoicing with your lover that you failed to notice the threats and harsh comments of furious fans until the next morning.
You were supposed to wake up with the bird chirping and the sun shining just for you. However, you found yourself with an unfamiliar feeling in your gut. It was as if you were scared to do anything and go outside. You knew how ugly criticism from fans could be. You understood that many would not approve of your relationship but you accepted that. His company accepted the relationship and his future in NCT is not affected. At the end of the day, the comments would just float around the internet and disappear before you know it.
“You can block off the comments, you know,” He said.
“Yeah, but I think criticism can always help me improve,” You said. You didn’t want him to hate his fans.
“Those aren’t criticisms, Y/N” He replied. “Those are bashful comments.”
“It’s okay, Jeno.” You smiled, pecking his lips. “I can manage.”
Outfits are an important part in musical theatre. They distinguish which character is which, even if the actor is an understudy. You were casted as Regina George in the musical remake of the hit movie, Mean Girls. The director and costume head requested you wear a crop top and skirt for the role and you said yes; after all, you liked really girly outfits. You were looking over your closet and picked out items that might fit the role. You tried on an outfit that you think was a good combination. You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt a slight wave of worry come across your chest. Jeno’s fans might see your show. What would they think if they saw your body was no match to any female idol that Jeno has interacted with? You walked over to your phone and searched up healthy diets for a good figure.
Jeno had a day off and he wanted to see you practice your songs. You both sat at the couch of your small apartment with lyrics sheet in front of you.
“I wanna have pizza for lunch. What kind do you want?” He asked, fishing his phone out of his pocket to order.
“Oh nothing, I’m kinda watching my figure.” You said, looking down to avoid his eyes. You’re still not comfortable in telling people about your diet, especially to Jeno.
“Are you sure? You can burn those off in work outs anyway.” he said, concern washing over his eyes. It worried him that you weren’t eating. Food was one of the things you both bonded over. You had a fancy palette. He thought it was best to trust in you for now.
“I promise. Olivia makes very good hearty meals. I will eat dinner later.” You said.
With so much going on between theatre and your college life, there is only so much you could do in your free time. Working out would take so much of time and with deadlines as the semester is ending, you couldn’t find any time for it. So, you resulted in skipping meals. You only had two more weeks until the Mean Girls show. You just had to make sure your stomach was flat till the end of the production.
“Do you think my cheeks are too full?” You said to Jeno, squishing your face in front of the mirror.
“I think they suit you.” He said before pinching your cheeks. “It’s also really fun to squish.”
“Ouch,” You chuckled before playfully slapping his wrists away.
“You don’t have to worry about them.” He said, wrapping his arms around you. “They make you who you are.”
“That’s very cheesy, babe,” You said while chuckling.
“Y/N, you don’t have to change because other people wants you to.” He replied, more serious this time. “I’ll make sure you believe that you’re the prettiest girl that I’ve ever seen.”
You were stuck with a question on your Physics quiz. You hadn’t eaten anything since you woke up. While you were standing in front of your mirror, you liked how flat your stomach was. The first show happens tomorrow night and you planned on keeping your body that way until then. The lack of food in your system resulted in your brain not working well. You spent many sleepless nights studying for Physics. Usually, you would have solved this problem in under 5 minutes but right now, you only had a minute left in your quiz and you just can’t seem to figure out what to do. On top of that, you were feeling very light-headed. The ding of your professor’s alarm struck a sharp pain from your ears to your head. You winced as you struggled to stand up. Your seatmate looked over to you, checking if you were okay but you smiled it off. You also regretted telling Jeno about your stupid diet because all he did was bug you if you ate already.
jenobear [11:34 am]: babeee, did u eat already??
jenobear [11:34 am]: oops i forgot u have ur quiz. good luck, love <333
jenobear [11:35 am]: make sure u eat, ok?? I love you.
You sighed and typed out an answer. You said you already ate. You hated lying to him but him being overseas made it easier for you somehow. The night of the show came at last. You sat backstage as Olivia helped you with your hair.
“You look pale. Are you okay?” She asked, concerned.
“Yeah, just a bit light-headed.” You replied. “It’s not like I haven’t performed with a headache before.”
“Okay, sure,” She sighed. She knew you too well. You didn’t like to be bugged with questions, especially if you’re preparing for a show. “Wanna eat at that new wings place? Heard it’s really good.”
“Sure, I could need some wings after the show.” You replied. All you needed was to be in shape for a few hours.
The crowd roared their applause as you, and the other casts, bowed as the show reached its end. You felt a migraine creep up your head and you knew its because you haven’t consumed as much food as you needed to lately. It also felt weird that it made you a bit nauseous when your eyes met the spotlight. You were glad bottles of water is all around the backstage. You picked up your phone and smiled to see messages from Jeno and the other members as well.
jenobear [9:30 pm]: never not proud of you. congrats on your show, love. <3
Lee Haechan [9:45 pm]: Y/N!!! Congrats on your show. I’m sure it’s amazing!
Kim Doyoung [9:50 pm]: Sorry I wasn’t able to go, Y/N. I’m sure you did great tonight, Regina George :)
You smiled and thanked them. You decided you wanted to call Jeno but a notification from a social media site distracted you. One of Jeno’s fans came to see the show and posted pictures of you with the caption “Y/N is very talented! I hope to see more of her shows soon~~” You blushed at the compliment. You know you shouldn’t have but you looked at the replies under the post. Your heart fluttered at the sweet compliments. You thought maybe dating an idol isn’t so bad after all. Over the sea of praise come a harsh comment that caught your eye. “I’m sure her vocals are amazing but she should work on her body.” , “Regina George wouldn’t have a match stick figure.” , “she’s kinda bloated. If only she worked on her love handles, I would like her.” You felt a sickly feeling to your stomach. You took each and every word to heart. You scrolled back up to look at the picture the original poster took. You zoomed in on your body and saw what they were talking about. The girls who played Gretchen and Karen, your character’s fellow mean girls, had Barbie doll bodies. Their curves hit at the right places and they had slim legs. You knew that you shouldn’t let this affect you. You have talent, you have personality. But, you also wanted Jeno’s fans to like you. That led you to texting Olivia to cancel your chicken wings plan.
You prepped yourself to see Jeno again after 2 months. He had schedule after schedule and his team went overseas for at least 2 weeks. You limit your diet to soy milk and water. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you could see the changes. Jeno would definitely notice as well but, you liked how you looked. Your jawline was prominent, your waist was thinner, and even your legs got slimmer. It wasn’t easy slipping out of Olivia’s invites for take out and dinner but you managed, somehow. You started to notice how concerned she got each day, especially this morning.
“I grabbed you breakfast, it’s an omurice.” she said, with a warm smile.
“I can’t eat rice, I’m watching my weight.” You said, slurping down the soy milk.
“Since when did you care about your weight?” She asked.
“Since I realized that my body wasn’t in the right shape.” You made sure none of the words came out as bitter or else, she will suspect something was wrong. She didn’t stop bugging you and it started to make you cranky so you just gave in. After consuming the omurice, you couldn’t deny that you felt better. But the guilt started kicking in and the next thing you know, you’re sticking two fingers down your throat in an attempt to vomit what you just consumed. You stared at the mess on the sink and that’s when you knew something was wrong.
“I missed you so much,” Jeno said, as he held you close to his body.
“How are you, my favorite boy?” You stared lovingly to his eyes.
“A bit tired,” He said, taking off his cap and fixing his hair. “But I slept the whole flight.”
“Do you want to just chill here?” You asked. Everyone in the door went to see a movie with the older members. Jeno and Jisung chose to stay behind since they had plans. He snuggled closer to your body. He noticed how your body didn’t feel familiar. He could definitely tell that you were losing weight.
“I am a bit hungry though,” He responded. He wanted to see you eat. It worried him to the core about thin you were looking lately. It wasn’t obvious when you two would FaceTime but it was more apparent in person. He felt you shift slightly at his response. He spoke before you could. “Have you been trying to lose weight?”
“I just wanted to be more fit.” You said, your heart beating faster each time you lie. “I’m working out.”
As someone who works out to maintain his body, Jeno knew well that your body wasn’t a result of working out. But as someone who cares about their appearance, Jeno also knew that he shouldn’t jump into major conclusions yet. He knew how horrible the talk about weight is and he didn’t want to put you through it. Besides, he knew you and he knows that you wouldn’t lie to him.
You felt conflicted as you noticed that Jeno was becoming concerned about how thin you got. To make him believe that you were well, you agreed in eating take-out with him for lunch. You know what to do after, anyway. As you wait for him to finish showering, you decided to check your social media accounts. You tapped on instagram to replied to a comment Olivia wrote on your new post. You laughed silently at how your friends gave funny compliments. Your eyes browsed through the comment sections. Normally, it would be filled with comments about your face, body, and how you didn’t deserve Jeno. This time, it was filled with compliments about how great you look. “I wish I had her body :(“, “Body goals oh my god”, “SKINNY LEGEND QUEEN”. You felt your cheeks blush at the compliments. You realized that the thinner you got, the more you got full of praise. You intend to keep it that way.
Jeno scrolled through his twitter feed and saw an article from a k-pop news page. It was an article about your drastic weight loss. He looked at the pictures included in the article. There were pictures of you from months ago with your old body. Jeno reminisced the first time you met. You looked healthy and happy. You didn’t have the curviest figure, but you were healthy. Following the old pictures were recent pictures of you, both from your recent social media posts and pictures from fans during your latest theatre shows. Your ribs were more prominent and it created a tidal wave of concern to wash over Jeno. He didn’t realize how much he missed the old you. The one who was never scared to try different food. Now, it was like every time he asked you to eat with him, you always refuse. But, he was too kind to base a fight over your appearance.
You sat across the couch with Olivia. You two decided to watch the latest season of The Office.
“Wait, let me use the bathroom for a while” She announced. While she did her business, a phone on the coffee table in front of you lit up. Your phone was laid beside hers so you looked over to see it was her phone that had the notification. What you didn’t expect was who sent her the message.
You have one new message from Lee Jeno.
You didn’t know what to think. It would be immature of you to accuse them of being unfaithful when you don’t know what the message contained. But why would she text him? Why would he text her? As in on cue, Olivia came back from the bathroom.
“Uhm, Liv” You started. “Why are you texting Jeno?”
She stared at you. She knew what you would think but she promised Jeno she wouldn’t tell you about what they were talking about.
“Oh, you know what?” You said suddenly. “It doesn’t matter. You two can be friends and I trust both of you.” You tried so hard not to sound jealous because you weren’t. Olivia is like a sister to you.
You knew well that she wouldn’t betray you like that. She smiled slightly and offered you the popcorn. You shook your head and she snapped.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Y/N” She said. You were caught off guard by her outburst. “You wanna know why I’m texting Jeno?”
You gulped, maybe you don’t want to know why. You changed so much of yourself to please him, his fans, and his management. If they betrayed you like this, you wouldn’t know what to do.
“You’re starving yourself, haven’t you?” She asked, her eyes burning holes into your skull.
“I-I’m not…” You stuttered. You thought you were good at lying but apparently, you’re not.
“Really?” She said. “Ever since you started dating Jeno, all you cared about was your weight. We don’t eat out anymore. We don’t cook anymore. What bothered you? Is it him? Is it the fans?”
You know you could never blame anyone, but yourself. It wasn’t their fault you turned out this way. It was one thing to hear about your weight loss from concerned fans, but it was another when it’s coming out of your best friend’s mouth. You didn’t realize that tears were falling out. The moment Olivia wrapped her arms around you, everything collapsed. All the pressure, the frustration that built up inside of you for so long. The urge of wanting to eat, to feel what it was like to taste again. The anger you felt for yourself for letting it become this bad. It all collapsed and fell from your eyes.
“Here, there isn’t a lot of sugar in that,” Jeno offered you some cookies. You decided to visit him in the recording studio. You were doing so well. You decided to enrol yourself in a support group, as well, and you’ve never missed a single meeting. But you knew you were only forcing it. You saw Olivia and Jeno cry over your situation. It was unfair that you bring them into your mess. Maybe if you say you’re fine loud enough, you’ll believe it.
“I’m proud of you.” His eyes sparkled as he said those word to you.
“I love you.” You responded, before leaning in for his lips.
It took everything in Jeno to let you know how much he loves you. By the way his lips merge with yours and how his hands worshiped every crevice of your body. Each touch symbolizes that you are the most beautiful person he had ever laid his eyes on. You knew that; but, you wish you could believe it. With every praise that heat your cheeks, comes a wave of hate that consumes it all. Will a beautiful body make it all better for you?  
You hurried to your bathroom the second you got home. Olivia was out to her boyfriend’s night, leaving you alone with your habits. As your fingers hit the spot on your throat, you felt the hot bile rise from your stomach. It burned and left a sour taste to the back of your mouth; and you loved it. You missed the sensation of your stomach being empty. You never knew how much you liked the feeling of being empty until you felt it again.
“Am I not enough for you” Jeno spoke, his eyes attached to his hands that are clasped in front of him.
“What are you saying, babe?” You asked. You tried to see where this was going. You made you sure every lie that came out of your mouth was believable; why is he saying those things?
“I try so hard to make sure everything I do for you is enough,” He said. It was obvious in his demeanor that he was tired. “I worry about you all the time. The members try so hard to cover up for me every time I needed to tend to you.”
You chuckled, “So what is this? You’re telling me I’m a pity party?”
“No,” He shook his head, not believing the attitude you’re giving him. Frustration was starting to let itself be known on his features. “What else could you possibly want? I give you love, I give you space. I get tired as well, you know.”
That’s when it dawned on you. Love is not enough. Love won’t come magically and heal everything. Jeno could give you all the love in the world but it won’t be the remedy. Love doesn’t fix everything. You can’t just go up to a broken person and expect romance would suddenly want them to dance on their grave. It doesn’t work that way. You never had the courage to tell him that. In retrospect, you wish you had it in you to say it.
“You’re enough for me, Jeno.” You said quitely. You didn’t know what else to say. All this time, you never blamed him. But here he is now, throwing it all back at you. You still won’t blame him though, he doesn’t know what it feels like; you’re glad he doesn’t know how it feels like.
“I don’t know how to help you if you can’t help yourself.” He said, sighing as if he has given up. Maybe he has given up. The people who left you before has taught you to swallow every plead to make them stay. That’s the only think you could stomach to swallow right now - the words to make him fight a little longer. You didn’t know how much long it would be for you to be okay, or if you could actually be okay. But, you knew better than to run after others when you can’t even stand for yourself. Some nights, you feel yourself drown in cold sweat. Your body felt like it could give up on you any minute. You laid still and wait; but it never came. You wondered how much longer.
Jeno has a bright future ahead of him. The news of him being single again gave him new schedules that would give him exposure to different opportunities. He didn’t regret leaving. He still occasionally see your musical shows just to check how you are. You will never know this but he hopes it’s always sunny wherever you are.
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a/n: i hope you liked this. this hit close to home. i would like to remind you that if you are experiencing symptoms of any mental illness, please check with a professional. mental health is a topic that i hold deeply in my heart since i have experience from mental illnesses. i would also like to remind everyone to always be kind to others - whether it would be our friends, people we don’t like, and even idols. let’s not contribute to anything that could affect them negatively. as always, feedback and requests are always appreciated. love u all <33
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donghyuwus · 4 years
Jisung | CampTripping
pairing: jisung x fem reader (you could see at as gender neutral if you just skip the swimsuit part)
genre: fluff + tiniest sparkle of angst, but just mostly cheesy stuff :)
warnings: swearing, mention of bugs, cuts and bruises (not in a harmful way but just in case someone might find that triggering)
words: 6996 (my longest fic yet, wow)
authors note: well hello there, welcome back to me. it’s been a while since i’ve written stuff so please excuse me and this cheesy work. i hope you guys will still enjoy it though and if you have some feedback pls leave me an ask or a reply. also hehe the title is genius, i love myself
disclaimer: english is not my first language so sorry for my spelling or grammar mistakes, i tried my best.
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Maybe it was the weather, warm and sunny, it almost felt like the sun was smiling directly towards you. Maybe it was the fact that today went by so perfectly, you were the most productive you ever have been, got all the things done you wanted to and even got time left for yourself. Or maybe, just maybe it was because you were going on a trip with your friend group tomorrow. Whatever it was you were in the best mood you have been in a while.
Humming along with the speaker in your room you packed the last few things for tomorrow. Honestly it surprised you that you were this excited. You weren’t much of a camping person honestly and that you were so looking forward to this almost scared you, to a point you had to tell yourself all the downsides that came with camping. Setting up a tent would be much work and very annoying, also there would probably be bugs, loads of them. A few days ago you searched up the weather predictions for the place you were going to and it was going to be hot, so that meant sweaty and sticky times. Besides that who knew what would be out there in the woods, maybe you should search that up later. Talking about woods, you had two left feet so that would mean coming back with lots of cuts and bruises. But even though you had said that to yourself so many times to get a realistic outlook on things and not be disappointed in the end, you still were extremely excited and almost couldn’t wait.
You were just closing up your bag when your music stopped and instead a ‘ping’ came trough the speakers, indicating that you had a message. You stopped what you were doing and grabbed your phone from the nightstand, expecting some spam from the group chat you were in. Surprised you stared at the message from someone who you didn’t expect.
‘Wanna go shopping?’ - Jisung
Looking over at the time you noticed it was already 8:27 pm. The shops would close soon, why would he want to go shopping now? And why with you? Lately Jisung wouldn’t talk or hangout with you much when the two of you were alone. You used to though. You two were almost inseparable, you loved hanging out with him and he with you. From all of your friends you could definitely call him your best friend, he was always there for you through all your ups and downs, mood swings and hard days. He was an angel. Jisung didn’t talk very much but the two of you always knew what was on each others minds. It was almost scary. You shared everything with him, he knew about your darkest secrets, crushes you had and embarrassing memories. And you knew everything about him, the fact that he was afraid of cockroaches to the fact that he deep down was a big iron man fan and maybe had some merchandise hanging around his room here and there. You found it cute, Jisung overall was very cute. However someday he got a little distant, you two had an argument a few days before that, but you knew deep down that wasn’t the reason he was acting like that. There must have been something else, but as you were trying to figure it out, Jisung only became more distant and distant. The two of you still talked, you were in the same friend group after all, but he didn’t speak to you as much when the two of you were alone. Let alone ask you to hangout with him and chill at his place. It mad you sad but you weren’t going to push him. You gave him his time but he never fully reached back to you until now. Whatever it was he wanted to buy right now, you were up for it and texted him back that you would meet him at the convenience store that your group would usually meet before shopping. Quickly you ran downstairs and grabbed your summer jacket, giving yourself a few glances in the mirror before leaving, making sure you looked okay. Why were you suddenly so lightheaded? You gave yourself one last glance in the mirror and noticed how red your cheeks were. The weather was clearly getting to you.
When you arrived at the store you noticed he was already waiting for you. Leaning against the wall next to the store, with one foot up to it making him lean backwards. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and a denim jacket paired with black jeans and white sneakers. It was a simple outfit, yet it looked like high-fashion on him. His brown hair hanging over his forehead and covering it while he looked down at his phone. Your heart felt a little sore, you missed him, a lot. You didn’t even notice you stopped in your tracks and were staring, until a middle-aged man bumped into you and yelled at you for being in his way before stomping off. When you looked back at Jisung you noticed he was laughing, he had noticed the scene and clearly found it entertaining.
‘Distracted?’ He asked, clearly not knowing he was the distraction. ‘A little.’ You confessed a little embarrassed. A laugh escaped his mouth again before he shook his head and grabbed your hand. ‘Come on, we have some shopping to do if we don’t wanna starve tomorrow.’ A frown appeared on your face, because of what he said, but especially because of him holding your hand and taking you with him to the store. What was up with him all of the sudden. The last time he held your hand was such a long time ago. Were you always this nervous and excited when he did it? Maybe you just needed to get used to it again. ‘Didn’t you guys already buy food for the trip yesterday?’ He chuckled. ‘With Haechan ‘watching over it until we go’,’ he made quotation marks in the air, ‘there isn’t much left. Plus I want us to have our own food just in case. You know how the boys are.’ You nodded absentmindedly, your mind covering the word ‘us’ over and over again. It felt nostalgic.
The next day you woke up to the sound of a car honking. Confused you grabbed your phone to check the time. Shit, shit, shit. Quick you ran to your window and looked down. There they were, the two cars, waiting for your overslept self. You mumbled out a few curse words while you tried to dress yourself as decently as you could and fixed the bird nest that was on your head. While brushing your teeth you went over the events of yesterday. You packed your bag, went shopping with Jisung, he walked you home, you were confused, set 3 alarms and eventually stayed up ‘till 4 because your mind wouldn’t stay silent. Fuck, you slept trough all 3 alarms. You noticed the dark circles under your eyes but there wasn’t time to fix any of them cause one of the cars was back at honking. ‘Coming, coming.’ If they would hear you, you yelled out. Quickly you grabbed your bags before rushing out the door into the car that you were assigned to on the road there.
‘So, so. You took your time.’ Renjun spoke, annoyance having the main focus in his tone. He set the car in reverse and drove off your driveway, following Mark who was the driver of the other car. Guilt made it’s way into you. ‘I’m sorry, I set three alarms. I truly don’t know how this could have happened.’ A sigh escaped your lips when none of them answered, you looked over beside you and to your surprise it was Jisung sitting next to you instead of Jeno. Usually Jisung loved sitting in the front seat and refused to sit at the back, his reasoning was that he felt like the oldest sitting at the front and of course because of the aux-cable. But at this moment he was sitting beside you and was giving you a reassuring smile. You knew what kind of ride this would be so you sat back and closed your eyes, listening to the music Jeno was putting on. Honestly you were glad that on the ride there, so early in the morning, you had the quiet group with you in the car. It gave you some time to think, look at the landscaping out of the window, listen to and enjoy the music and maybe sleep a little.
You didn’t know how much time had passed by when you woke up from your nap. Finally you had caught up a bit of sleep and you felt a lot better. After you rubbed your eyes and looked out of the window you noticed the car was standing still, that’s when you also noticed that the two front seats were empty. They had stopped at a gas station. Shifting your gaze to your left to see if you were the only one in the car, you locked eyes with Jisung, Honestly not expecting him to be here you almost, almost let out a little scream but instead you just puffed out some air. ‘Fuck, Jisung. You really scared me there.’ A laugh came out of him. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to.’ It went silent and he stared at his feet while you stared out the window beside you. It was bugging you how unusual times like these had become to the both of you. You were getting foreign to this just talking about him about absolute nonsense. Maybe you should try and start a conversation again and see how it goes from there. So you did.
‘How long have they been gone?’ Surprised he looked up to you and for a split second a smile appeared on his face, before being replaced with his neutral face. ‘Uhh, about 15 minutes now I think. The cars needed to be tanked, Jeno and Chenle really needed to pee and the other guys just wanted some food and a break from sitting in the car.’ You nodded while you took in his words. ‘Why didn’t you go with them.’ There was a pause before he answered. ‘I don’t know, just didn’t feel like getting up.’ You didn’t buy any of it. ‘Sure. Usually you love getting all kind of ridiculously expensive food in there and making Mark pay for it, you’re not fooling anyone.’ He chuckled. ‘Okay, okay. I wanted to wait here for if you woke up. I’m sure you would be hungry and thirsty so I could make sure you were okay.’ A smile creeped on your face, you couldn’t help it. ‘That’s sweet but I can grab the food myself, you know?’ That seemed to struck him. ‘Oh. Oh, yeah, that’s true. Wow that is stupid of me.’ ‘It’s okay, it’s still sweet.’ You smiled at him and he smiled back, looking absolutely stunning, the sunlight shining trough his window, hitting him from the back, making him look like an absolute angel. For a moment you found yourself staring again, but he snapped you out of it, asking you if you wanted something to drink and eat. That’s when you noticed that you were indeed craving something. So he scooted closer to you and shared some of his sandwiches and candy the two of you bought yesterday. While eating he started a conversation with you this time and you both laughed and talked until Jeno and Renjun came back. And even after that he stayed on his spot right beside you, leg touching leg, shoulder touching shoulder. You tried to remember the last time you were this close to him, it had been a while, you had to get used to it again because your heart wasn’t giving you an easy time going so rapidly. It gave you a weird feeling, inhaling his cologne, hearing his laugh so close to your ear, seeing him smile from up close. It almost made you dizzy. Maybe you were carsick.
After a few more hours of driving and stopping here and there, you arrived at the camping spot. It was located at an open spot, in the middle of the woods, lucky for you there was one main road and a few tinier paths leading up to the big spot. When you stepped out it directly was showtime, you had been driving for so long that the sun was already setting, so all of you had to get to work and set up the tents quickly before it would be dark. They had brought 3 tents with them so it was some work but it eventually all was set up in time. After setting up the tents Mark and Jeno went out to look for some branches and sticks for a campfire, Renjun and Chenle were unpacking their stuff and getting out the food while Haechan and Jaemin went out to explore the woods and promised to be back on time and not get lost. You were busy putting your sleeping bag and your other bags and necessities in your tent when Jisung walked in and put his stuff next to yours. Startled you stopped what you were doing and looked over at him. He noticed your eyes on him almost directly. ‘What?’ You could see his cheeks getting rosy. ‘Isn’t Haechan supposed to sleep beside me this trip?’ A cough came up his throat and he looked caught. ‘Uhh, wel yeah, about that. Let’s say it like that, Haechan doesn’t want to sleep next to you anymore. He thinks you won’t be as much fun.’ You stared at him and blinked once or twice, processing his words. ‘He.. thinks I won’t be as much fun?’ Jisung’s expression changed as soon as he heard the tone in your voice. ‘Well no, no, yes, well no. Not like that. He just thinks you and me would be a better match up, he is a bit loud you know? He snores and stinks and-’ ‘Yeah, yeah, okay. I get it.’ You continued what you were doing in silent and so did he. Your mind not leaving you alone. You and me would be a better match up.
When you were done making sure your tent was cozy and liveable for a few days you stepped out and noticed the campfire being lit up and Jeno, Mark, Renjun and Chenle sitting around the thing on some bigger branches. All of them holding some sort of snack and putting it in the fire. It looked like fun and you were excited to join when you noticed Haechan and Jaemin still being gone. Shouldn’t they be back by now? Like he could read your mind, Jisung, beside you, spoke: ‘Hey guys, shouldn’t Jaemin and Haechan be back by now?’ Mark shrugged his shoulders. ‘You know how they are, they will probably show up soon, don’t worry about it too much. Now hurry up and grabe some food before it’s gone.’ So that’s what you both did.
Many stories, laughs and marshmallows later you were full and it was pitch black outside, the stars and moon, together with the fireplace being the only sources of light. It was the best temperature it had been all day, not too hot but definitely not cold, just right. You felt content and happy, in your gut you could feel this was going to be an amazing trip. Gratefulness washed over you when you looked over at your friends who were still talking, while some of them were starting to clean up and get ready for bed. You were so lucky to have them in your life. Your eyes stopped at one person however and couldn’t look away. He wasn’t talking just simply looking up at the sky, at the stars and the moon. A sly smile plastered on his face, which was being lit up by the campfire, making him look absolutely stunning. His eyes seemed to glisten in all sorts of colours, or maybe that was your mind making that up. His smile making you feel fuzzy inside. Just like yesterday he was wearing a simple tee and jeans with some sneakers but without a jacket this time. It was almost effortless for him to look good and it made you upset. It was unfair how perfect he looked. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him when you noticed he was staring back, a shy smile on his face. Fuck y/n, dumb. Bet you looked like a creep. You were just about to look away when his expression changed from shy and happy to concerned. ‘Guys,’ everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at Jisung, ‘Haechan and Jaemin still aren’t back.’
‘Okay so you stay together, don’t lose each other and if you find them go back to our camping spot and wait there until we return. Don’t lose the flashlight and take care.’ Mark was instructing the group. He had paired you all up in duo’s who would all go a different direction to find the two lost boys. Mark and Renjun would search the north side of the woods, Chenle and Jeno the west and Jisung and you the east. It was crazy how in such a stressful situation Mark remained calm and took lead of the group. He gave one person of the duo’s a flashlight since there weren’t enough for all of you and Jaemin and Haechan had grabbed the last two. ‘Good luck everybody, remain safe please.’ Mark pleaded before walking of with Renjun. After that Chenle and Jeno followed and then Jisung and you.
As close as you could you walked beside him. Not wanting to trip, the chance now being even higher since it’s dark, you walked careful but slow. Jisung noticed since he walked way faster, because he wasn’t as clumsy and because he had way longer legs. So he stopped and waited until you caught up on him so that he could grab your hand and guide you. He used to do that a lot, he knew how clumsy you were and how many times you fell over your own feet. You were glad it was so dark outside otherwise he clearly would have noticed your rosy cheeks and flustered face by now, it was starting to get annoying, all this fuss that your body made to get used to him again. You almost wanted to smack yourself, this was a serious situation, Jaemin and Haechan were missing and you were out here blushing because your friend is holding your hand. So stop being such an idiot y/n. The both of you didn’t speak much except him warning you for certain things on your path and the both of you screaming out the names of the missing ones. Without much payoff however. Nobody answered and you didn’t find even one clue about where they could be. You had been walking for so long you were almost scared you two would get lost, well you would have if you were the one leading, lucky for you Jisung knew what he was doing because he had been here before.
Even though you really tried to ignore it, his hand holding yours was very, very present in your mind. It was almost like an alarmbel in your mind, well more in your heart. It had never gone to this speed before, you were sure of that. It had happened while shopping as well, but then you were just so confused, you were better at not paying attention to it. Suddenly you realized something. An epiphany. It explained why you always liked hanging around Jisung, you loved it, however it made you feel so nervous, so dizzy, you always had a dumb explanation for it which now makes no sense at all. You understood why you found yourself staring at him so often. Why you always double-checked how you looked around him and how you acted. Why you were so excited to go on this trip. Why his smile was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, why his laugh brought you so much joy your stomach almost started to hurt, why his eyes made you get lost in them, why everything he did was mesmerising to you, why the little things he did made your heart race at such an immense speed. You liked Jisung. You liked Park Jisung and you had just found out. It made your heart stop. What did you do? Oh my god what did you do? He noticed long ago, you were sure of it. That’s why he didn’t hang out with you so much alone anymore, that’s why he didn’t talk that much or looked embarrassed around you, that’s why he became so distant. He knew you liked him and he found it embarrassing, he didn’t want to hurt you so he acted like he didn’t know and instead took a step back from you. Oh how stupid have you been? At this point you were sweating so much you were sure he noticed your hand being clammy in no-time. You wanted to cry on the spot.
The both of you were already turning back to the camp because there was no way you would find them here and leaving the path would be too dangerous right now, you two could get lost and that would cause an even bigger problem. As you were walking back and you had your internal breakdown the flashlight flickered 4 times before turning off. ‘Shit.’ As a whisper it came out his mouth, he let go of your hand to fix the thing. You took the opportunity to take a step back and calm yourself and your stupid sweaty hands before he would hold them again. Unfortunately for you, you took a bit too many steps backwards and tripped over what you assumed was a rock, making you fall and roll down for a few seconds before coming to a stop. You hissed at the pain in your arms and legs from the freshly cut bruises and the pain on your head, which you fell on. That all would heal very annoying, you would get scabs and now the sun would be out so much, you would get tanned while the wounds would stay light and form ugly scars. You sighed and tried to get up but immediately fell back down. That’s when you noticed you sprained your ankle when you tripped over that stone and you sprained it quite badly. So you sat there, in the dark, in the woods, on sticks and leaves, probably surrounded by thousands of little bugs who would love to meet the human who is among them. It was the universe, you knew it, punishing you for being so dumb for falling in love with one of your friends, your best friend even. You felt the tears pricking in your eyes and before you knew it they were rolling down your cheeks. Not even a few seconds later a bright light was shining right towards you.
‘Oh my god, there you are, I was so worried I had lost you and wouldn’t find you-Wait are you crying? Oh no, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left you alone standing there, looked what happened. Are you hurt?’ He kneeled beside you, shining the light at your exposed arms and legs. It was a stupid idea to were shorts in the woods even though it was warm, it would have at least protected you more if you wore a pair of jeans. All sorts of mumbles came out of his mouth while he inspected you from top to toe, asking where it hurt, if you felt dizzy. Honestly you did but that was not because of the fall, well a part of it was, but mostly because of the closeness of him and his face and how he was inspecting you. It made you even dizzier that your brain allowed yourself to feel all this, absolutely disgusting. He stopped asking questions and rambling about how stupid and irresponsible he was when you didn’t respond to anything. He shone the flashlight right at your face and you quickly closed your eyes to block the bright light. ‘Are you okay?’ His tone was soft, dripping with concern. You still had your eyes closed even though he had put the flashlight down beside you. ‘Hey, it’s alright. I’m so sorry for letting your hand go.’ His hand was on your shoulder. It was driving you insane, why was he being so nice and caring. ‘Don’t say sorry please, I’m not hurt. I’m used to getting bruised. The only thing that really hurts is my ankle, I think I strained it. And my head since I fell on it. But it’s fine.’ ‘It’s not fine, otherwise you wouldn’t be crying.’ His voice sounded a little bit more relieved, probably because you responded, but still concerned enough. ‘I’m sorry Jisung.’ His hand moved up to your cheek and you could swear your heart stopped. ’For what? You did nothing wrong silly.’ You wanted to cry even harder but it was like the tank was empty, nothing was coming out anymore. So you sighed and opened your eyes to look at him. His face only a few inches from yours, staring at you with the most concern you have ever seen, he probably thinks you’re going crazy. His brows furrowed, making wrinkles on the part of his forehead you could see, that wasn’t covered up by his hair. You wanted to smooth them out, he shouldn’t look concerned.
‘I like you Jisung, that’s why I am sorry’ You sighed out, looking at his face, waiting for his disgusted reaction or the face of embarrassment before he tells you he doesn’t feel the same way. But that never comes. Instead he looked confused, he didn’t look away for even one second, he kept staring into your eyes. This was even worse than you expected. You wanted him to reject you, right in your face so you could move on and maybe, just maybe become normal friends again. But instead he looks like you gave him shock therapy and he is paralysed. You felt like apologizing to the poor soul. ‘Look I’m sorry Jisung, I really am. I know you had noticed it already and that you became distant because of it, to not hurt my feelings and-’ You stopped to catch your breath and bring your hand up to your head since it was bonking like crazy and you were getting even dizzier because of it. ‘I like you too.’ You halted your movements and your eyes became as big as eggs. Most certainly you had hit your head way too hard and this was the side effect of it; hallucination.  
‘JISUNG! Y/N!’ Jisung jolted up at the sound of your names, it was Mark calling for the both of you. ‘Stay here.’ He said before running of in the dark towards the sound of Mark’s voice. ‘Like I could go anywhere.’ You let out to yourself while staring at your ankle. Suddenly everything hurt way less. Like your bruises were almost gone, you could feel the sting but it didn’t hurt as much. It almost felt like you were on clouds instead of the ground of the woods. Maybe the second side effect was showing up, getting sleepy and paralysed. You were almost sure of that when an angel came jogging back and picked you and the flashlight up from the ground like it was nothing. You felt even sleepier but you didn't want to close your eyes, afraid that when you opened them again it would all be gone. That it would all have been a dream. You laid your head against his chest as you listened to the pounding of his heart, it was rather fast, but he did run back there so that explains it. He smelled nice, just like in the car. Like cologne but a bit more worn out now and woody maybe, it smelled like a forest or maybe it was just you who had sticks and leaves in your hair from falling. It didn’t really matter honestly. He was warm and comfortable and staying awake was getting harder and harder.
Suddenly you noticed he stepped into an area with more light and you could hear the voices of your friends. It sounded like they were very distant and unstable. The only voice you could hear rather clearly was his voice. He was telling them what had happened out there and that he needed the first aid-kit. But you didn’t want to do that right now, you wanted to go to sleep, the pain was just setting down. You knew what they were gonna put on your bruises and that would wake the pain up again. No, no. They all went quiet. Could they hear your mind? Or did you say that out loud? At this point you couldn’t separate reality from your imagination anymore.  ‘I’m sorry but we need to, otherwise it will be even worse tomorrow. After that you can go to sleep okay?’ You opened your eyes a bit more to look at him a bit more clear. He looked gorgeous. ]You nodded your head slowly and he smiled at you before putting you down in your tent. After that the treating of your wounds began and even though you hated it now, you knew it would be better in the morning.
The next day you woke up with a headache and someone stroking your head. You blinked your eyes a couple of times and noticed the tent was completely lit which meant it was light outside. You had no idea how late in the day though. ‘Slept well?’ Looking over to your left you saw Jisung’s face on the pillow beside yours, stroking your head and giving you the most precious smile. It honestly felt and looked like a dream how he was laying there so perfectly. You were enjoying the moment and was just about to answer when you remembered the events from yesterday evening and you quickly shot up. He followed your movements and the concerned look was plastered on his face again. ‘We didn't find Haechan and Jaemin, oh my god no. They are starving out there, what if there was a bear and-’ He placed a hand on your shoulder and chuckled. ‘Calm down, y/n. Renjun found them yesterday when he and Mark got back to the camping spot. They opened the tent they were supposed to sleep in to see if they had left any clues to where they would have gone when they found them in there sleeping peacefully.’ You honestly never felt more confused. ‘Wait, what? How? Why?’ You mumbled. ‘They didn't even go into the woods, while we were busy doing our own stuff and setting everything up. They sneaked into their tents and waited to prank us at the perfect time. However they waited too long, ate too much candy while doing so, got a sugar rush and after that was over they fell asleep.’ Deep down you were happy those two idiots were safe but you also could kill them right at the spot for making you so worried. ‘So there is nothing to worry about okay? Except yourself cause you have been pretty bruised up.’
Just as he let those words out the headache started to make itself noticeable again and you decided it was a better idea to go and lay down again. And he followed, his face again on the pillow beside you but this time closer towards you, only a few inches between the both of you. You could feel his breath on your face, it smelled minty. That’s when you realized you maybe should do that too. Fuck, what did you even look like after all those hours of sleeping. ‘Is it okay if I go.. and get ready?’ He nodded. ‘Of course, but don’t you need a bit of help since you can’t really walk that well?’ ‘No, I’ll be alright, I advance rather quickly to my situation.’ ‘Okay than, see you in a bit. I’ll be waiting outside.’ Lifting himself up he gave you a quick glance to make sure you would indeed be alright, before stepping out of the tent. You took a few seconds to calm yourself down and after that rolled to your right side to grab the bag which stored your clothes. ‘Oh yeah, one thing. We are going swimming, the guys are already at the lake but I stayed behind for you. You have a swimsuit or something like that right?’ You nodded in response. ‘I do.’ He closed the zipper of the tent again and you were left alone with the challenge to get ready. While doing so your mind wandered off over and over again. Trying to remember the events of the night before as clearly as you could before passing out. You knew you had fallen down, the evidence was right there when you looked at your legs, all sort of little cuts and purple bruises were splattered on there. Your arms had the same story going on. So that was a fact. But what about the rest. You knew you had been crying because when you looked in the mirror to fix your hair you saw the puffiness of your eyelids, which only appeared after some good old spilling your emotions out trough your eyes. It was all physical evidence about what had happened yesterday. The rest you thought you knew, but honestly you didn’t really trust your mind. What if you were mixing up the real world with your dream one? What if you telling Jisung you liked him and him confessing he felt the same was just you making it up? He didn’t act awkward, so maybe nothing had happened. That gave you a peace of mind, well a little.
After about, what you assumed to be, half an hour, you were finally finished and hopped over to the tent opening and zipped it open. Jisung was waiting for you on one of the branches, as soon as he heard the sound of the zipper he jogged over to you with a bright smile. ‘Ready to go?’ And with that you hopped over to the lake, Jisung by your side, holding your hand and offering to carry you once in a while since it looked tiring. But you declined, wanting to do it yourself because he was already carrying a beach bag, even though it was indeed tiring. Eventually after a long time of hopping the two of you arrived at the lake. It was an open spot surrounded by many trees and a few mountains in the distance. The scenery was absolutely stunning. When you looked a bit better though you noticed the sun was already slowly setting. How late did you wake up for it too be this late already. You looked over at Jisung apologetically. How long has he been waiting for you to wake up. ‘Hey guys, there you finally are.’ Jaemin said while jogging over to you, a towel in his hand. ‘We were actually just getting ready to leave, we were getting hungry,’ Chenle spoke behind Jaemin, already wearing his normal outfit unlike Jaemin who was still in his swimming trunks, his hair was still wet though, ‘and besides that waiting in the water for you two for that long get’s kinda boring after a while.’ When you looked behind him you saw he was right, all of them were packing there stuff and getting ready to leave. That’s a bummer you actually would like to chlll in the water for a bit. ‘It’s okay, you guys go. Y/n and I will hangout here for a bit and return before it’s dark.’ Chenle really liked that for some reason and started giggling, while Jaemin was giving Jisung a wink. ‘Okay then, have fun together.’ He gave you a wink this time and you furrowed your brows while Jisung sighed loudly beside you. They started running of into the woods and eventually the others followed as well, leaving the two of you alone at the mesmerising spot.
You hopped over to the sand, near the water and started taking off your shirt and shorts, together with the pair of flip flops you were wearing, leaving you only in your swimsuit. Being brave you hopped over to the water but before your toes could even touch it you felt a hand grabbing your arm, halting your movements. ‘Are you crazy, you’re not doing that without my help dumbass. You’re gonna get hurt even more.’ A chuckle escaped your mouth when you looked over at the boy who had undressed himself as well and was now only wearing swimming trunks. It was mind-blowing how good he looked. ‘That’s not funny.’ He pouted before sliding the hand from your arm to your hand, leaving goose bumps behind on every part he touched, he guided you closer to the water but still didn’t let you touch it and instead picked you up in his arms. The scene reminded you of the night before, even though it was still very hazy and you didn’t trust your memories. But you could remember the absolute bliss you felt being in his arms and this time it was just as present. He was just as warm and the cologne was still vaguely on him even though he was shirtless. The sun hit him in such a way that he looked like he was shining himself. You got interrupted from your staring session when the water finally reached your skin and you got startled by it, it wasn’t cold though, it was just the right temperature. Jisung had stopped walking and was now looking down at you. ‘This doesn’t work very well, why don’t you hold onto my neck, then we can go a bit deeper.’ Little did he know it was extremely comfortable in his arms, but still you agreed and put your arms around his neck while he continued walking. Like a reflex you put your legs around his waist and held onto him tightly.
He stopped again when the water went up to his chest. You let yourself fall back a bit too look at him, his eyes where on you, they were smiling at you. His hands went to your waist and he pulled you even closer to him, you saw the flicker of nervousness shooting trough his face. No words were being spoken, but with Jisung you were used to that. You two didn’t need to speak that much to understand each other. But this time you were questioning yourself if you were sure of what he was doing. His head was tilted, his eyes searching for your reaction as he got closer. The only emotion you could feel was absolute bliss. When your nose touched you could feel the bubble that had been growing in your stomach wanting to pop, but it was waiting for something. Jisung and you had gotten really close before, he was your best friend after all, but never this close. His eyes were still searching trough yours and when he saw what he searched for, permission, slowly he pressed his lips against yours oh so softly. The bubble had popped. Releasing all kinds off butterflies, small and big. They were fluttering trough your whole body. His grip on your waist tightened and with his other hand he held your neck, deepening the kiss. His lips were soft and warm, like honey. The kiss didn’t last long, you had to catch your breath and so did he. When you did he looked at you with the most loving eyes, looking happier than ever and you were sure you were a mirror of those emotions.
‘I like you y/n, a lot actually.’ He confessed, for the second time. It was confirmation that yesterday was real, that his words were real and that his feelings for you were real. ‘I’m sorry that I became so distant. I always knew I liked you but only recently discovered that I liked you in a different way than just friends. I didn’t want to ruin things between us, so I thought the best thing to do was to just give us some space. I know it’s stupid, I truly am sorry. I think I’m just not used to feeling these things’ You leaned over to kiss him once again, this time with one of your hands going trough his soft brown hair, pausing only to catch your breath again. ‘I like you too Jisung.’ You whispered to him, foreheads touching, eyes locked. ‘But sometimes you’re a dumb goose, who gave you that tip for being distant because I’m sure you wouldn’t come up with that? It was Haechan wasn’t it? Yeah he’d be dumb enough and still call himself a love-guru-’Before you could even finish your rambling he held onto you even tighter and pulled you with him under the water. When you came up you had water in your nose and were coughing some up. ‘Park Jisung, I will kill you, just wait.’  You coughed out. His laugh was ringing in your ears as he looked at you struggling. ‘You can’t even walk without tripping, so I’m curious to see how you are planning to kill me.’ He laughed even harder. ‘I don’t need my feet to kill you.’ ‘Touche.’ He pecked your lips. ‘Touche.’ You mumbled before pressing yourself against him and stared at the sunset.  
You were right, this was going to be an amazing trip.
heya, if you liked this and would like to support me and my work consider buying me a kofi for 2 euro’s trough the link in my description, it would mean a lot to me! but don’t feel forced to of course, it’s totally optional <3
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kuratoki · 4 years
Distance 07
Annyeong~! Its been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve last updated and I’m sorry to everyone who’s checked in to see how I’ve been doing and such >< Life got REALLY hectic over the last three months....you see...I may have gotten MARRIED!! Oppa and I have been together for a long time and this past summer we finally tied the knot!
Leading up to that, I was also working 6 days a week with 10hr days and working on my YT channel so I was stretching myself wayyyyy too thin to really think about posting ><. But that does not mean I forgot about Distance!! I was actually working on it during my downtime to try to complete it so I could start posting again but it was only this past week that I finally got the editing done so over the course of the next few days, please enjoy the next few parts of Distance. If you’re new and checking things out, you can find the Masterlist and all the other parts here.
Once again~ I’m so sorry for being gone for so long and I’ll try to be more active in the future ><
There wasn’t a day Jeno didn’t regret not making things official with you sooner. What he also didn’t expect was his soon to be ex best friend to act on his feelings towards you either. Now a whole continent away with a ten hour time difference, will the two of you survive the distance and all the obstacles that come with?
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Ballerina OC x Dancer Jeno
Words: 4322
Warnings: Cavity eating Fluff :x
~Tag List: @mikachu-28​ @peachykrystal​ @jenoleeaesthetic
The next morning, the two of you were woken up by both your cellphones ringing simultaneously. 
“If it’s Jaemin I swear to gjgksd.” Jeno said muffling his face into his pillow and hit the reject button only for his phone to ring once more.
“Its seven in the morning, what could you possibly want?” you grumbled into the receiver after you opted to answer it instead of let it go to voicemail. 
“We’re on our way down and we’ll be there in two hours.” Renjun said, sounding more awake than usual, “Everyones skipping classes today since it’s Friday. Jaemin and Soonyoung are driving.” 
“But its so early.” you whined as you heard Jeno grunt in agreement next to you, “See even Jeno agrees.” you heard Jeno mumble again, “He says to  tell Jaemin to stop calling him.” 
“Jaemin is not going to stop calling him till he answers” Renjun stated as you heard laughter in the background, “And we’re in different cars. I’m with Soonyoung, Yukhei, Yeeun and YangYang. Everyone else is in Jaemins car.” 
“Fine, we’ll meet at our place first and decide what to do after.” you said stretching as you felt Jeno let out a high pitch squeak from his pillow and you felt his hand reach for your leg, “See you soon.” and without waiting for a goodbye, you hung up and rolled over to your companion as you felt him envelope you in his arms and nuzzle your cheek. “What’s wrong with you now?” you asked as you heard him giggle slightly. Now that was something you never heard.
“You told Renjun that you’d meet at our place.” he whispered in your ear and you rolled your eyes, turning in his arms as he readjusted so his hand rested on your waist.
“Why are you such a big puppy?” you asked curiously as he shrugged, leaning down to rub his nose against yours.
“A puppy only for you.” he confessed with a sigh, “You know how I am around everyone else.” 
“An introverted pain in the ass?” you asked with a smirk and Jeno raised his eyebrows and raised one of his hands in a warning, wiggling his fingers for emphasis.
“Final answer?” he asked in warning as you gave him an innocent look. 
Quickly rolling away and getting out of bed, Jeno barely caught your answer.
“Final answer!” you said quickly, running out the door towards your bathroom, leaving Jeno there to contemplate what you said. 
Jeno sat up quickly and threw a playful glare towards the open door, “Y/N!!!!!!” he yelled but only got a muffled answer that he couldn’t even make out. He was actually hoping to sleep some more but with you awake now, there was no point. Running a hand through his hair, he yawned, reached for his glasses and looked around the room with a smile. He was glad that you approved of the decor and how there were mixtures of the two of you throughout the space.
At first he wanted to do a his and hers theme but he also liked having your stuff mixed with his. It made the room look homier, there were more pictures of your adventures, some of your clothes that Jeno had taken from your home hung next to his in separate closets. He had done this all himself and with some decoration help from the girls but he wanted to make this place special for the both of you.
Some would question why he decided to settle down so early, he was young, good looking and was in a good place. He knew he could have any girl he wanted (well maybe except Hana), but he had tried picturing a life without you and he didn’t like it. He tried picturing you with someone else and even the thought of Jisung still slightly aggravated him. He was selfish and wanted you for himself because no one understood him more. Did he love you? Somewhere deep down maybe and in time the words would come out but right now, he was just content being in your presence. You were his best friend, his travel buddy, his everything. 
Reaching over to his nightstand, he took out a jewelry box and looked towards the door. Should he? It’d been on his mind for quite sometime and judging by how you reacted the night before to him making his place yours as well, he was sure he’d receive the same reaction. 
“Staring at your bed won’t make it make itself you know.” you said from the door and Jeno looked up to see you freshened up in leggings and one of his button downs that looked like a dress on you. Walking over and sitting next to him, you ran your hand through his bed head.  “Hello...Earth to Jeno Lee…I swear Renjun was right about the aliens switching you from an alternate universe. You haven’t been yourself lately.” you said, poking the side of his head and he turned to look at you with a playful glare which you returned with an innocent smile.
“You look good in my clothes.” he commented and you looked down at the light blue shirt, “But you do know you have clothes here too right?” 
“Yours smell like you though.” you said grinning and laid down next to him on the bed, using his open arm as a head rest. You let out a content sigh as you felt your muscles relax, “I don’t know why, but with all the stress from the show...Jisung...this is the first time I feel...content.” you said feeling Jeno’s fingers tap lightly on your stomach as he hummed, rolling over so he was hovering over you before sitting up straight. 
“I want to give you something.” he said as you craned your neck to look up at him with a raised eye brow
“What is it?” you asked and he placed the small box on your stomach.
“Open it.” he said and you reached forward but he slid the box further down your body, giving you a playful smile. 
“Jeno Lee” you growled as he continued to move the box, before finally settling on your abdomen. 
Finally getting a hold of the box, Jeno let go of your legs and helped you sit up but made sure your legs were still thrown over his. You looked at him curiously as he urged you to open the box and ever so slowly, your fingers lifted the wooden cover and just by the feel of it, you knew whatever it was, was expensive. 
“Jeno you did not…” you said and gasped as you finally saw what it was. Inside the box was a chain and two intertwined rings on it. You recognized one of the rings as his Representative Rings he got back when you were at the same dance academy. He had given it to you as a birthday present and told you to hold on to it since he wasn’t big on wearing rings back then. He said it messed with his dancing and you couldn’t figure out what he meant but accepted the gift anyways. The other ring on the chain you couldn’t recognize.
“That’s my NCT Junior Club ring.” Jeno explained as you fingered the silverband, “Everyone who enters the club gets one with their name engraved into it and the year they joined. You get a nicer band when you become a senior. The rumor is that if a member gifts their significant other with their junior ring, then they’re bound to be life partners.” 
You turned the ring so you could see the inside and right there was Jeno’s full name and the year he entered but there was also something else engraved next to it and you gasped.
~Forever my Soulmate~ Y/N 2020
“Jeno Lee..” you gasped softly and felt him wrap an arm around you, burying his face into your hair.
“Be with me.” he muttered and you almost didn’t hear him, “I don’t want you to go back to Europe knowing that Jisung is there and that he might make another move...At least...if you say yes, I’ll have a reason to beat him up if he does..” 
Pulling away from him you slapped his chest, “How many times do I have to tell you that violence solves nothing?” 
“And how many times am I going to remind you how hurt Jaemin was when you punched him?” he asked laughing as you shoved him slightly but obviously he was not moved, instead pulling you closer, “But what do you say..? Can we finally put a label on whatever we have now? Can I actually call you my girlfriend and not best friend?” he asked, his voice full of hope, “Not that we need a label or anything, it’s just that Jaemin and everyone else always bugs us and I know we agreed to go at our own pace but I really really want to call you my girlfriend.” he rambled and your hand on his cheek stopped him and the two of you shared a peaceful moment of silence.
“Put it on for me?” you ask, handing him the box and Jeno grinned, leaning over to kiss your forehead knowing that it was your way of answering his question. Taking the necklace out of the box, you held up your hair as he fastened the clasp around your neck before bringing you into his arms and snuggling his face into your cheek as the two of you laid down once more
“Best day ever.” he murmured, peppering your face with small kisses, making you giggle as you wrapped your arms around him, “You don’t think it’s too fast do you?” he asked, “I mean, we’re just getting to know each other again…” 
“You did ask me to move in with you last night.” You deadpanned, “I would think that we’re going backwards.” 
“It just felt like the right time.” Jeno reasoned and you snorted thinking of the reality of the situation.
“We’re eighteen, both with at least two pieces of property under our names, have pretty much settled down and are lucky enough to have a future secured for us. We’re not your typical teenagers.” you stated and Jeno chuckled.
“Yea, but we were never considered normal in anyone's eyes anyways so why start now?” he asked and you couldn’t help but agree with him as you shared a comfortable silence before he got up, bringing you with him. “I should get ready. Jaemin normally scrapes off ten to twenty minutes of time if he’s had his hell drink.” 
“He’s going to die of a caffeine overdose someday.” You commented, making your new boyfriend chuckle. Straightening out the shirt, you reached for one of your belts you saw in the closet and wrapped it around your waist. “When did I give you permission to raid my closet?” 
“Talk to me after you return all twenty hoodies that I thought went MISSING.” he called over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.
The first group to arrive was Soonyoung, Renjun, Yukhei, Yeeun and YangYang. Jaemin had offered to pick up breakfast for everybody and was a few minutes behind. The two of you met them at the elevator and Yeeun was the first to embrace you before anyone else.
“Y/N!!!” she squealed, making you laugh before you were pulled away into Yukhei’s arms.
“Jeno took off with you so quickly yesterday that we didn’t even get to greet each other.” he said kissing your cheek and you pulled away to face the other three and waved while Jeno greeted Yeeun and Yukhei with the same enthusiasm, maybe even more. 
“Hey guys.” you said to Soonyoung and Renjun who both gave you hugs and you turned to the last person,  “Sorry we didn’t get to meet formally last night. I’m Y/N.” you said holding out your hand.
YangYang grinned and shook your hand, “It’s nice to meet you. Everyone has only said good things, especially Jeno over there.” he nodded towards the trio who were walking further into the space, joined by Soonyoung and Renjun.
“Yea…” you said, turning back to look at the blonde boy you could call yours, “Don’t believe everything he says, he tends to stretch the truth.” you said scratching the back of your neck awkwardly and motioned for him to follow you, “Do you want a tour?” 
“Sure.” he said as you started to lead him through the apartment while everyone else lounged around. Jeno said he had to step out quickly but would be back before Jaemin got there.
After leading him upstairs, YangYang really got to look at the apartment as a whole. It was larger than most and he’d never seen an apartment like this in Korea before. There were floor to ceiling windows throughout the apartment, including the upstairs portion. It was a unique design and was definitely custom made, looking at you as you waved at Yeeun below, “The design of the place is so unique, I’ve never seen anything like it. Does your family own it?”
“Oh no. I don’t own property in this city.” you said shaking your head, “This is Jeno’s place.” 
 “You mean Jeno’s parents?” YangYang clarified, confused and you shook your head again.
“Jeno’s parents were the developers of this building which is why this specific apartment has a unique design. It’s two apartments designed as one.” you explained, “His parents gifted it to him when he turned eighteen.” 
“Shit really? So this place is all Jeno’s?” he asked looking around and you giggled, used to newcomers reactions, “how does he afford to maintain the place?” 
“He pays the bills and his family takes care of the people who maintain it when he isn’t here. Cleaners come once a week and they even stock the fridge if we give them enough warning but we rarely do. We tend to eat out or buy or own groceries on our way here anyways.” you explained and YangYang seemed surprised. 
“So Jeno owns this whole place.” he said and you nodded, “And his parents gave it to him when he was eighteen?” you nodded again.
“We spent a lot of weekends here growing up and the occasional spring break.” you said, “he spent a lot of time here after he learned how to drive and his parents just thought it made sense.” 
‘Just how much money does he have?’  YangYang asked himself and you continued the tour and YangYang continued to look around in awe. He paid extra attention to the photos scattered around the apartment. Mostly of you and Jeno growing up and in a tropical country or in a dance studio and birthday parties. There were many pictures of Jaemin as well and a few of Hana and this person he’d never seen before. 
“And that’s pretty much it.” you said as you ended in the kitchen, “Feel free to help yourself to whatever you want, the fridge is stocked with a few drinks and snacks and so is the pantry.”
Around the same time, Jeno casually walked into the apartment with a bouquet, bypassing you and YangYang and straight into the bedroom before coming back out empty handed. 
“Where did you go?” you asked as he came to stand with the two of you and greeted YangYang. 
“Jaemin asked me for a favor at the last minute and I had to pick something up.” he answered, “I actually saw them pulling into the parking garage so they should be here any minute.” 
“I cannot believe this place is yours.” YangYang said as he and Jeno made their way into the kitchen as you went to sit with Renjun. 
“It’s ours.” Jeno said nodding towards the couch where Renjun was inspecting your new pieces of jewelry, holding in his chuckle when Renjun let out a very audible gasp which gained the attention of Yukhei and Yeeun who were now hovering over you with looks of interest. “I asked her to move in with me yesterday.” 
“Woah, already?” YangYang gasped as Jeno shrugged, handing him a drink, “Don’t you feel like it’s a bit early? We heard that the two of you started connecting only in the last few months.”
“Felt like the right time.” he answered and chuckled when he saw Yeeun engulf you in a big hug while Yukhei ruffled your hair, giving you a large smile, “It’s a long story but we have too much history for us not to try and honestly, she’s the only one I can see myself settling down with.”
YangYang wondered why he felt a sense of deja vu as he listened to Jenos story when he heard the chime of the elevator signalling that the rest of the group arrived. 
“Took you guys long enough.” Yukhei called as Jaemin and the others walked in with various bags of food and you got up to help Hana with the few bags in her hands. 
“The order got held up.” Hana explained as the two of you hugged each other and she smirked seeing your necklace, “Nice piece of jewelry you got there girl, is it new?” she whispered as you giggled.  Jeno had confessed that both Hana and Jaemin were in on his little surprise since it was Jaemin who had hooked him up with the person who combined the rings and Hana had found the box on the kitchen counter when she and Jaemin went to hang out at his house. She had found it cute and promised that she wouldn’t tell you about it. You were surprised that she had managed to keep a secret for that long. 
“You should ask your boyfriend. I’m sure he can hook you up.” you said shooting her a wink before going to greet Chenle and the others who were with Jeno and YangYang. Once you were within arms reach, Jeno had brought you to his side and Chenle looked between the two of you suspiciously. 
“So did Jeno finally grow some balls and ask you out?” he asked out of the blue and suddenly you were holding your boyfriend back from wringing the Chinese boys neck while you, YangYang and Xiaojun laughed. 
“Wait so you mean you weren’t together already?” Xiaojun asked surprised, from what he’d heard about your relationship, he assumed that the two of you had already been together for a while now.
“I’ve been away for a long time and we’re still kind of reconnecting.” you explained, meeting the other boys eyes, “we’re official as of this morning.” 
“That’s cute.” YangYang commented as Tzuyu rolled her eyes.
She still couldn’t understand why someone as perfect as Jeno would date someone as plain Jane like you. He deserved someone better, someone who would compliment him in terms of looks and skill. Granted, she had only seen you dance once and thought that it was nothing special. She still refused to acknowledge the look of love from Jeno’s eyes that he only directed towards you. 
“Yep, proud neighbours for fourteen years.” you said and motioning to the food, “I’m sure you guys are hungry after that long drive. Make yourselves at home and if you need anything, let us know.” 
“Thanks. Do you mind if we look around after? I’ve never seen a design like this before.” Xiaojun said with a smile as his eyes met yours, you felt the arm around your waist tighten as you smiled back.
“Sure, Jeno can give you the tour.” you said grinning up at said person who looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, “We’ll figure out our plans for the day after.” 
Pulling away, you made your way over to Jaemin and Hana, squeezing yourself between the couple 
The three of you along with Renjun updated each other on the happenings between the two Continents. Hana once again apologized for not talking to Jisung sooner and you brushed her off. You considered Jisung one of your closest friends and no one could have predicted that he’d make a move on you, especially after knowing that you belonged to Jeno. 
“Have you and Jeno talked about it?” Hana asked and you shrugged. 
“Kind of? He asked if I’d talked to him since the incident but Mia and Chan took away Jisungs phone since he has to focus on training camp. Obviously we get the occasional updates but from what we’ve heard, he’s one of the top 3 in his group.” you explained and Renjun nodded in agreement. 
“He just needed to focus on one thing. You could tell that whenever he had a bad day he’d always run to you but without you there, he’s pouring his soul into his dance because he thinks it’s all he has.” Renjun added, “I’m very impressed. We won’t be seeing him till we get back to Europe for rehearsals but thats only when we drop in.” 
“Where would Jeno be when he starts?” Jaemin asked and you grimaced.
“Jisungs class. He’s one of the nominees for captain of the new competition team if he makes it through and the students in that group are top tier. He’ll be spending a lot of time observing the group to make decisions.” Renjun answered chuckling and looked at you, “You guys need to get your bull shit together cause once rehearsals start, it’s half a year of responsibilities and thats for all of us. Jeno and Jisung are going to be around each other a lot in a few weeks and I’d rather not have the first fight of the season be over you.”
Jaemin examined your new piece of neck jewelry with a smirk. 
“Well by the looks of it, Y/N and Jeno got their shit together.” he commented, toying with your necklace, “What did you think about the bracelets?” 
Silence fell among the group as you looked at one another and Jaemin looked like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Bracelets?” you asked, looking at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow and he shook his head quickly, realizing that he had spoiled a surprise and Hana gasped.
Turning to the kitchen where Jeno was conversing with Yang Yang and Kun who had shown up with Sicheng and Yuta he could feel your demeanour change as you made eye contact and his eyes shot to Jaemin who looked guilty.
He then realized that his best friend had ruined his surprise that he’d kept from both you and Hana who had only known about the necklace. 
“Wait so there are bracelets?” Hana asked, looking at you and Jeno sighed shaking his head. 
“Later, after I teach Jaemin how to keep his mouth shut” he said, wrapping his arms around you from behind the couch, throwing a glare at his best friend as everyone gathered around with plates of food, “First, what’s the plan today? Everyone kind of showed up a lot earlier then we were expecting.”
“What were YOU two going to be doing till dinner?” Jaemin asked in a teasing tone and Jeno smacked him on the back of the head.
“Not spoiling other peoples surprises, thats for sure.” Jeno said with a glare as Jaemin looked at him innocently, “I have to spend a few hours reviewing audition tapes and work with Soonyoung on who to call back for the first two schools we’re going to.”
“Y/N and I were planning on going to the studio for a bit to work on a routine and condition. Anyones welcome to join us if they’d like.” Renjun said and you nodded in agreement.
“I kind of just want to chill out till dinner.” Yukhei said, “Is it cool if we hang out here?” 
“Whatever you guys want.” Jeno said, “The rooms upstairs are all vacant, assuming you plan to stay the weekend. Jaemin and Hana can have Y/N’s old room and theres three more for you guys to choose from.”
“Do you not mind?” Xiaojun asked and Jeno shrugged looking at you and you shrugged right back. 
“Of course not. We kind of expected this.” you answered with a giggle, “Anyways, if you guys want to head to the studio with us, we’re gonna leave in ten.” 
In the end, Xiaojun, YangYang, Yuta, Sicheng, Jaemin and Hana decided to go with you while the rest stayed back. At first you were wary about leaving Tzuyu alone at your apartment with your boyfriend. It’s not that you didn’t trust him or anything, but Yeeun had shared with you an interesting fact that made you skeptical about her innocent image.
As you walked by the bathroom to your old bedroom, you heard voices coming from inside and you realized that it was Tzuyu and Xiaojun and it sounded like they were arguing? From what you could pick up, Tzuyu was upset that both he and YangYang were going to the dance studio with you and Renjun and Xiaojun kept telling her that she could come too. Apparently Tzuyu didn’t want to be around you and you could clearly hear Xiaojun scoff, telling her that its her problem. You felt someone wrap an arm around you and you held in your gasp, looking up to see Jeno looking at you with curious eyes.
Holding a finger to your lips, you motioned towards the closed bathroom door where the voices were still coming. This time, Tzuyu sounded upset while Xiaojun sounded frustrated.
“You were the one who dumped me Tzuyu, not the other way around. We could’ve had what the two of them do but you decided to screw it all up when you dumped me for someone who has zero interest in you. They’re cool people and you can’t tell me who to and not to be friends with anymore.” Xiaojuns voice boomed through the door.
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neopuppy · 3 years
Hot Sauce (M): Deeply Dip That
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Hot Sauce: Intro—>
Hot Sauce: Part 1–>
Hot Sauce: Part 2–>
Hot Sauce: Part 3–>
Hot Sauce: Part 4–>
a/n: To thank you for 2000 followers(little under 100 away atm), this happened so fast and I never expected more than a few 100 followers. I’m very appreciative for all your messages and support! I’ve decided on one last Hot Sauce installment to celebrate🥳 The fivesome that was requested more than a few times, hopefully will wrap this up nicely for you all😮‍💨(not that I do requests but..)
This will be a lengthy one shot- and filthy. Reader be mindful, always read to your level of comfort💙
please do not ask when I will post- if you would like to be tagged just lmk!☺️
There is also this.
“Why’s he always gotta be such a dick? What does he want? He won’t fuck any of the girls we bring back. Now he’s pissed we got his sister here..” Haechan scoffs. Hands busy behind the little bar set up by the pool mixing a drink. Renjun sighs, leaning in on his elbow.
“Step sister, when you just say sister it’s kind of weird. After what we all had to watch..” he rubs his sweaty nape with a smirk. Other hand snapping at Haechan for a beer.
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it. You came faster than all of us.” Haechan lets out an appeased laugh. Pouring golden bubbly liquid into a red cup. Under his breath, he whispers quietly “wonder why.”
“Fuck you dude, talk about Jeno being a dick.” Renjun snatches the cup out of Haechan’s hands, sniffing the contents cautiously. All too familiar with his stupid pranks by now.
“Renjun.. hear me out.. if he’s not gonna fuck her..” Haechan’s brows lift suggestively. Eyes darting back and forth between where you stand. Tension evident in your body language as irritation overcomes you the longer Jeno ignores your presence. “Been awhile since me and you shared right?..”
“Haechan, he almost killed us once already. You really want to risk that chance again for some pussy?” Renjun leans back, contemplation passing his eyes none the less.
“You know it wasn’t just some pussy. Love me a good freaky bitch.” Haechan’s grin grows. Sipping alcohol through a straw, having started early today. Slight buzz reaching his head already. Maybe with a clearer state of mind he wouldn’t dare test Jeno again- yea right.
“We’ve been 6 feet deep in ass since we got here. You just love to piss him off dude.” Renjun stands up from the bar stool, hands smoothing down his t-shirt. “I’m not completely opposed to the idea though..”
“You act like Jeno doesn’t deserve it. Look at him seething away over there like some big baby. He needs to learn his lesson already, just cause he’s hot and has chiseled abs doesn’t mean he should always get what he wants.” Haechan says shooting a lazy glare Jeno’s way.
“You have to stop watching those enemies to lovers movies. You’re one more hour of Jeno walking around shirtless away from proclaiming your undying love.” Renjun responds with a disgusted tone. Tossing back the rest of his drink. Combination of summer heat and alcohol causing sweat to pool in the crevices of his body.
“Whatever..” Haechan laughs to himself, finishing the rest of his drink off. With a spin, he grabs two cans of beer making his way out from behind the bar. “You in or what?”
Renjun sports a hesitant smile, eyes bouncing between you and Jeno. He should know better by now than to let Haechan talk him into these messes. Against his moral judgment, he nods, smile spreading wider into his cheeks. “If we get caught, I’m blaming it all on you.”
“We’re not gonna get caught. Jeno’s too busy pretending she doesn’t exists.” With a roll of his shoulders, and an elbow nudged into Renjun’s side they make their way over to you. “Act cool. Don’t make it obvious.”
Renjun scoffs, stepping ahead of Haechan. If anyone knew how to be inconspicuous out of the four of them, it’s him.
“Why are you standing here all alone? Are we not friends now?” He steps into your space under the roofs ledge where you’re trying to catch shade. Pulling a can of beer from Haechan’s clutches, earning a scoff. “We got that sugar free kind, girly spritzer stuff? You thirsty?”
“First off- ew, we are not friends. Second off- why would you idiots invite me to this party?” You spit out, snatching the can from his hands. Haechan’s expression turning amused over Renjun’s shoulder muttering- “Should have let me handle this one.”
“God she’s just like Jeno..” Renjun tucks his chin into his shoulder whispering to Haechan. Face turning back to you quickly with a kind smile. “Let’s be friend then? You’re here right? We all know each other well.”
“You know fucking doesn’t equate to friendship right?” Your tone laced in annoyance. Hand swatting at mosquitos circling around you. Haechan’s eyes light up, the bulb in his mind sparking to life.
“Bug spray!” He shouts out, a little too enthusiastically. “We have bug spray inside.. come on let’s get you some before you turn into a mosquito feast.”
Renjun looks at him with confusion. Haechan motioning for you both to step inside the house. Majority of the party goers outside by the pool- a pool party after all. He throws Renjun a look indicating ‘I got this’, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Jeno doesn’t spot the three of you. You make your way inside, Haechan placing a hand on your lower back.
“Still can’t believe Jeno ruined your summer plans over something so petty..” Haechan mumbles, throwing another knowing look at Renjun behind your back. You take in the gorgeous beach house, anger building up inside of you the more you think about it. Unable to stop yourself from picturing all the surfaces Jeno could have been fucking you into mindlessness on.
“He’s so immature.” You sigh, slumping against Haechan’s hand. Renjun nods in return, wrapping himself around your arm.
“You have no idea. He’s just lucky we all agreed to help him pay this off.” Renjun bites back his smile. Leading you down the hall toward their bedrooms.
“I know you guys are like besties, but Jeno’s just..” your hands shoot up, groaning in frustration. “Why would he even bother to rent this place out for us. It’s not like I wanted to go out with that Mark guy!”
“Oh I know..” Haechan pauses, turning you to face him. “He told us all about it.” He tsks, head shaking.
“He can be such an asshole right?” Renjun strokes your arm up and down, free hand brushing hair off your shoulder. You slump into his pets, soft warm hands sweeping up and down your bare skin.
“You need to get back at him, give him a taste of his own medicine.” Haechan’s tone deepens. Hands finding their way to your hips. “Let us help you.”
“Help me?” Your eyes widen, Haechan’s lust filled gaze pulling you in. This can’t happen again, or can it..
“Jeno abandoned you for weeks to come fuck around out here with us. He doesn’t deserve anything from you.” Renjun leans into your ear with a hushed tone. Fingers finding the tie on your bikini bottom, toying with the strings.
“I think it’s only the right thing to do..” Haechan slides a hand down your fluttering bare stomach. Fingers reaching for strings on the other side of you. His mouth falls open comically, pulling the tied knot free.
“Wait..” you look around the hallway with slight panic. Thighs squeezing together, clenching the fabric of your bottoms between you. “Here? Isn’t this..”
“What? You’re shy all of a sudden?” Renjun bites your earlobe, tugging free the other knot. Bikini bottoms betraying you as they fall to your feet. Eyes drifting down, toes kicking the cloth aside. Stomach heating up, fiery heat coiling around inside of you.
“I’m not.. I just.. what if he..” Swallowing, head tilting as Renjun’s tongue slides down your neck. Soft lips leaving hot pecks on your burning skin.
“What if he what?” Haechan clasps your chin, eyes blazing with intent. “Jeno deserves this..” fingers drag down your neck, between your chest. Lips pulling back, sucking air through teeth. “You deserve this.”
A whimper passes between your lips, legs trembling holding you up. Haechan’s head tilted down, hand slowly stroking between your abdomen. Eyes look up, half lidded and menacing. Fingers sliding in-between your squeezed thighs, tapping at your clit.
“Don’t you?” The questions dangerous, almost threatening. Biting down on your lip as Renjun’s teeth dig into your neck, humming in agreement. His fingers running along the dip in your back. Giving in you nod rapidly, cocky smirk on Haechan’s lips spreading.
“That’s right. Nasty little whores like you love getting fucked where anyone can watch.” Haechan’s grin grows. Fingers gliding between your folds. “As expected, dripping wet.”
“Let me” Renjun steps in front of you, lips pouted with a sheen of spit. Lust hazy filled eyes racking across your body. He swiftly falls to his knees, arms wrapping around your thighs.
“I got you” Haechan steps behind you, arms wrapping around your waist. “He loves to eat.”
Renjun’s face dips down, nose shoving between your shaking thighs. One of Haechan’s hands squeezes your hip, landing a smack loud enough to echo against the walls.
“Stop acting shy, that pussy’s hotter than my ps4” lips drag across your nape. Teeth skimming down skin, tongue lapping at your shoulder. Hips jolting forward Renjun’s nose pressing against the hood of your clit.
Sandwiched between their bodies has your temperature rising quickly. Haechan pressing flat against your backside. Licking the top of your back, tongue languidly dragging up and down your spine. Renjun pulls your thigh forward onto his shoulder, you tense up reluctant to relax your body weight against him.
Haechan slaps your hip again, firm hand landing on your ass after. “Stop acting innocent, where’s that whore that begged for cock in front of all of us huh?” He hisses against your ear, hips thrusting forward against your lower half with emphasis.
Pathetic whimpers fall from your lips, body slumping as you release control, giving in. Renjun’s eyes shine bright below you, cheeks bunched up with eagerness. His jaw stretching open, mouth enveloping your mound. Hot tongue forcing between your wet folds. Loud sounds of wetness burning at the tips of your ears.
“That’s more like it, dirty slut” Haechan lets out a laugh, teeth digging into the crevice of your neck. “You gonna let me fuck this ass?” Fingers reach between you, tips circling around your clenching up hole. Gasping in surprise, instinctively rolling forward against Renjun’s mouth.
“Fuck..” your eyes squeeze shut, biting down a moan. Tongue finding it’s way to your entrance, moans shivering up your core.
“Ride his tongue baby, he loves that shit” Haechan slaps your ass again. Finger prodding at your backside. Mouth marking up your neck with endless licks, sucking and biting over every expanse of flesh. Haechan thrusts forward, Renjun’s tongue gliding inside with a firm wiggle. He doesn’t stop thrusting, finger running up and down between your cheeks. Face growing hotter as you speed up, neck dropping back against Haechan’s shoulder.
“Feel good? Come on, tell him how it feels.” He hisses meanly into the back of your ear, teeth nibbling.
“Yes! Oh fuck, yes yes” eyes dropping open, the ceiling spinning above succumbing to the pleasure. Renjun knows what he’s doing, hands squeezing around your thighs. Tongue relentlessly working away inside of you. The combination from Haechan’s torment and Renjun’s stimulation too much. Haechans fingers not giving your ass a break, hole fluttering against him with each pass.
“Dirty slut..” he mutters, reaching around you. Hand sliding down your stomach. Your eyes follow the motions, head dropping forward. Eyes locked on Renjun’s squinted crazed look. Practically fucking down on his mouth. His head moving up and down with each thrust of his tongue inside.
“I’m..o-oh..oh fuck…stop stop!” You squeal out. Still too aware of your surroundings trying to control your vocals. Haechan smirks behind you, hand swiping down. Thumb teasing at your clit.
“Gonna cum?” He presses down on your clit harshly. Roughly circling it, working you from both ends. Your head shakes, waist curling forward in his hold.
“No! I’m… I’m gonna..oh f-fuckk” your face contorting tightly. You grind down on Renjun’s tongue, legs shaking around him. Body jumping forward, squirting out past his tongue. He groans beneath you, eyes falling shut in ecstasy. Continuing to work away, licking all over your drenched folds. Heavy sounds of slurping mixing in with your panted drawn out moans.
Foot steps sound around as they reach closer, stepping into the hallway. Bottoms of feet pattering down on the wooden floor approaching. Moans and a tongue swirling in your ear much louder. Distracting you from hearing any warning. A displeased huff of shock paired with a deep voice breaking your thoughts— “Are you two fucking serious right now?”
ps- they are so going to get caught🤓
pps- 💙love you all💙
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he said, she said
lee jeno x reader
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Summary: You like Jeno. Jeno likes you. You think Jeno likes your best friend Aisha. Jeno thinks you like Jaemin. Aisha and Jaemin think the both of you are idiots. 
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 3K
Genre: pure, stupid fluff
Pairing: jeno x reader, friends to lovers!au
Ever since primary school, it seems like it had been the four of you. You and your best friend Aisha had met Jaemin and Jeno, another pair of best friends, and you all just kind of melded into this quartet, proving inseparable throughout high school. 
And somewhere, at some undetectable point in your journey, you had decided to be a clown had caught feelings for Jeno. At first, you were certain that it was just a short crush, a brief infatuation with the smiley-eyed boy that would go away, but time passed, you hit double digits, you went off to high school, and even then, even now, your heart still somersaults anytime you think about him. 
A few years ago, you had even thought about confessing, having a wild notion that there was a possibility that Jeno returned your feelings, but then you heard some schoolyard gossip that stopped you in your tracks. 
“I heard Jeno likes Aisha! Yeah, I even saw him giving her his jacket yesterday!” 
And that gossip worked as a catalyst, your fickle middle-school mind overworking the words in your mind and using them to overanalyze every interaction that Jeno and Aisha had from then, and you drew the conclusion that yeah, he did like her. After all, you were one of the people that knew him the best, and if you couldn’t trust your own gut...
So you backed off. You knew Aisha wasn’t interested in Jeno, but there was still no way in hell that you were going to confess when you knew you would be rejected, and possibly ruin your friendship. 
Aisha sat in the cafeteria, uninterested in the food that was slowly growing cold in her tray. Her chin rested in her palm and she tapped her fingers against her cheek, squinting at the two people in the lunch line on the other side of the room. “Hey Aisha-” Jaemin greeted her, only to be met with a glare and a hush. “Who’re you watching?” He asked, his eyebrow raised as he sat next to her, sneaking fries off her tray. 
“Jeno and Y/N,” she sighed, nodding to where the two were moving through the lunch line together. Jeno, first in the line, reached forward for the next food option, tater tots, and dropped some first into Y/N’s tray, and then some into his. “Look, he doesn’t even like the tater tots, but he always takes some so Y/N can take them off his tray.” 
“Ah yes,” Jaemin sighed, french fries being forgotten as he understood his friend’s predicament. “The crippling saga of When Will Our Oblivious Best Friends Get Together continues.” 
“It doesn’t make sense!” Aisha gestured wildly at the two. “There is literally nothing that should be stopping them from dating! Their families love each other, they’re good friends, they both like each other, so why the fuck can’t they just get together?” 
“Who can’t get together?” You asked, smiling at Jeno as he used his foot to pull your chair out for you. Aisha glares at Jaemin once again. 
“Uh- why Monica and Chandler can’t get together, on FRIENDS,” Jaemin stuttered.
Jeno raised an eyebrow, pulling his plastic fork from the packaging. “But- Monica and Chandler are together?” 
“Dude! Spoiler alert! So anyway, you guys doing anything after school?” You and Jeno looked at him with confusion, then at Aisha, but she had on her impeccable poker face, so the two of you just looked at each other and shrugged. 
“Uh, I’m tutoring Jeno for the chem test.” 
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, can you wait for like 10 minutes in the library? Coach told us he needs to talk to us about captains after practice today.” 
“Yeah sure, just meet me there. What about you two?” You smile as you nod at Aisha and Jaemin, using a fork to pick a tater tot off of Jeno’s tray. 
“Nothing much,” Aisha shrugged. “We’ve just got a project we need to work on.” 
“What pro-” Jaemin started, cutting himself off with a cough when Aisha pinched him from under the table. “Oh right, that project, I remember now.” 
Jeno raised an eyebrow, eyes darting between the two, but shrugged and went back to eating, transferring the rest of his tater tots to your tray. Jaemin looked at Aisha, but she mouthed “After lunch” to him.
“Okay, so either I have amnesia and we got assigned a project, or you were lying in there,” Jaemin dropped his lunch tray off, following Aisha into the hall. 
“Well, we technically do have a project. Just not for school. I’m initiating Project Get Our Dumbass Friends Together.” 
“Oh thank god,” Jaemin sighed as the bell rang, the two of them continuing to talk as they headed to class. “I thought we actually had to do schoolwork. So what’s the first step, Captain?” 
“Recon,” Aisha shrugged, the two of them slipping into their seats in Chemistry, lowering her voice to a whisper. “We talk to Jeno and Y/N separately and we figure out what’s stopping them from getting together, apart from the obvious.” 
“What’s obvious?” Jaemin whispered, trying to not get in trouble with Miss Lin, who hated his guts. 
“They’re both pussies.” 
After the final bell rang, Jaemin set off for the library, his work set out for him. Aisha was gonna talk to Jeno when he got out of basketball practice, which left him with you. The librarian glared at him as he walked in, pointing her pen on the “no food or drink” sign. The old bat’s memory apparently hadn’t begun to fail her. Holding his hands up in defense, he walked past her to where you sat, earbuds in and head buried in some book. “What’s shaking?” You jumped as he tapped her shoulder, falling into the seat next to you. 
“Jesus Christ Nana, give me some warning next time,” You sighed, rolling your eyes. “What’re you doing here, don’t you have to work with Aisha?” 
“Oh yeah, we uh, we actually got most of it done in Study Hall. And so I was walking by the library and who do I see but my favorite person to bug, Y/N Y/L/N,” 
“You’re such a pest.” 
“A loveable pest.” He coughed, not sure how to transition into the topic. “So you like Jeno, huh?” Your eyes widened, and you turned to look at him so fast he’s sure that he gave you whiplash. 
Well, that would work. 
“W-What?” You stutter, face reddening as you look down at your book. “You’re crazy Na. Me? Like Jeno? As if.” 
“Yes, I predicted that you’d react like this, so I’m just gonna get to it. Y/N/N, everyone can see the way you look at Jeno. Well, everyone but him, but that’s not the point. You guys practically do everything together, you’re tutoring him for Chemistry on a Friday night, for fucks sake and so help me if you don’t confess I’ll start singing right here, right now-” You cut him off by slapping a hand over his mouth, your face a furious shade of red. “So?” His voice came out muffled and you groaned, removing your hand. 
“Okay, okay, I like Jeno, okay? You can’t tell ANYONE.” 
“Why not! You guys would literally be the BEST couple-” 
“He doesn’t like me, Jaemin.” That took him a bit by surprise. “I’m not gonna ruin everything on a whim that he might feel the same.” 
“What the fuck do-” The librarian shushed him aggressively, and he continued in a whisper. “What do you mean he doesn’t like you?” 
“He likes Aisha, Jaemin.” 
Aisha tapped her foot to the beat of the song she was listening to through her earbuds, leaning against the wall outside the gym as she waited for Jeno. Her last class of the day was closer, so she had volunteered to interrogate him.
They were heading into their senior year of high school and it was frustrating to see that you and Jeno, two people that have had feelings for each other since forever, still hadn’t managed to put two and two together and start dating. She was doing this not just to get them together, but also she was curious to see what was stopping them. 
The doors to the gym opened and the basketball team started filing out, changed back into their daily clothes with their gym bags over their shoulders. Jeno was near the back talking to Chenle. “Hey, Jeno!” She called out to him, waving him over. His head perked up and he smiled at her, saying bye to Chenle and walking over. “I need to talk to you.” 
“Uh, I really need to get to the library, is this gonna be a long talk?” 
“Actually, we can talk on the way.” Pulling him by the sleeve, she started walking to the library. “So you’ve liked Y/N since forever, and I know that-” 
“Wait, wait wait-” Jeno looked around to make sure no one was around, looking at Aisha like she was crazy. “What do you mean I like Y/N?” 
“You’ve liked her since she pulled the fire alarm to get you and Jaemin out of detention on your birthday so we could all go celebrate. Am I wrong?” Jeno opened and closed his mouth, but no noise came out. Aisha shrugged and kept walking. “Didn’t think so?” 
“Wait- what, how’d you find out?” 
“You’re not too subtle, you know? The only person who apparently doesn’t know you like Y/N is, well Y/N herself. So tell me, Troy Bolton, why aren’t you confessing?” 
“I’m not gonna ruin our friendship just because of some stupid feelings,” Jeno huffed. “If keeping everything to myself means we can stay friends, then I’ll gladly never tell her.” 
“You’re actually so stupid. You’ve known the girl for over a decade and you’re this oblivious about the way she feels? Do you think she’d do the shit she does for you for other people, Jeno? Staying after school on a FRIDAY NIGHT to tutor you, when you damn well know that you guys could do this over FaceTime? Pulling the fire alarm? Y/N likes you, dumbass!” 
Jeno looked at Aisha like she was crazy. “No, she doesn’t. She likes Jaemin, Aisha.” 
Jaemin met Aisha outside of the library after Jeno went inside. “So what’d you learn?” He asked as the two watched Jeno walk up to you. Smiling, he put his head on your shoulder and said something, making you jump. Scowling, you hit him with a book. 
“Jeno thinks Y/N likes you.” 
“Oh shit, that’s crazy. Y/N thinks Jeno likes you.” 
“Dumbasses,” they sighed at the same time, looking at each other. “So what do we do know?” Jaemin questioned, following Aisha as she walked away from the library. 
“I mean, I guess we can set them up in some sort of elaborate blind date,” Aisha suggested. “We tell them both we have someone we want to set them up with, and then we just leave them together. Something’s bound to happen.” 
“Or we could do the simpler way and just lock them in a closet,” Jaemin suggested, shrugging as they walked out of the school. 
“What is this?” Aisha wrinkled her nose at his suggestion. “A fanfiction? Knowing them, they’d just sit in silence until we let them out.” Jaemin opened his mouth to argue, then closed it and shrugged, nodding in agreement. “Come on, Nana, Step 2 of Project Get Our Dumbass Friends Together has begun.” 
You hit Jeno with her book. “First, Jaemin scares me, then you? What is this, Terrorize Y/N Day?” Jeno fell into the chair next to her, trying to stifle his laughter, and her scowl faded away. She couldn’t stay mad at him, unfortunately. 
“So um, why was Jaemin scaring you?” Jeno coughed as he stopped laughing, pausing as he reached for his textbook to ask. 
You turned red, remembering Jaemin’s speculations and shook her head. “He sat me sitting alone and just stopped by to annoy me, is there any other reason for Jaemin?” Jeno just pursed his lips and nodded. You could tell something was bugging him, but you just couldn’t tell what. “So um, what were you having trouble with, exactly?” 
“Uh, everything?” Jeno blushed, scratching the back of his head and you laughed, hiding your smile behind the sleeve of your sweater. Jeno smiled. He loved your smile.
As the evening wore on and you kept talking about polar bonds and balancing equations and Lewis Structures, you couldn’t help but notice that Jeno was staring at you. Not looking, which would have the rational explanation that he was dozing off and staring off at nothing, this was full-on staring. His eyes flickered from your own to the strands of hair curling behind your ear to your lips- “What is it?” You asked, taking him by surprise. “Is there something on my face?”
“No, there’s nothing!” He stuck his hands up in defense. “I’m just thinking of something Aisha told me on the way here.”
Ouch. You purse your lips, avoiding his eyes and looking back at the textbook. “You and Aisha walked here together?”
“Yeah, she had to talk to me about something, uh where were we?”
“Molar mass,” you mumbled, that tiny bit of hope continuing to crumble away. At the end of the evening, they packed up and Jeno offered to give you a ride. Most of it was spent in silence, which was rare between the two, but granted they did have a lot to think about. “So what did Aisha want to talk to you about?” you asked, turning your attention from your fraying jeans to your friend.
Jeno ribbed the back of his head, awkwardly avoiding your gaze. “Um, this is gonna sound crazy, but she was basically saying that you like me.”
Your heart started going so fast you were sure it would set a world record at the Olympics. “Huh,” is all you managed to say, glad that it was so dark out that Jeno couldn’t see how red you were.
“Yeah I told her that was crazy, I mean... you don’t like me, like that, right?” Jeno pulled the car to a stop on the curb in front of your house, looking at you intently.
“Uh, yeah, I mean of course not.” There was something funny in the look on his face. It was almost a look of disappointment. But that’s crazy. “Jaemin actually said something similar about you, and I told him he was mad, I mean, you like Aisha, everyone knows-“
“What?” Jeno was now looking at you like you were crazy. “What- I like Aisha?”
“Yeah, I mean, don’t you?”
Jeno groaned, resting his head on the steering wheel. “no, I don’t- I actually like...” He trailed off, turning red and stopping himself before he revealed anything more.
“Who? Who do you like?” You were dreading the answer and honestly didn’t know why you asked.
“I um- okay, please don’t hate me, I like you.” His fingers tapped furiously on the wheel, looking out the window at passing cars. “But I know you like Jaemin, so can we just pretend I never revealed-“
“Wait a damn minute-“ You clapped a hand over his mouth, mind struggling to understand everything that was just revealed in the past 2 minutes. “I don’t like Jaemin, who told you that?”
“I- I mean you guys are always- You don’t like him?”
“No.” Groaning, you rested your head in your hands, hair falling over your face. “I like you, idiot.”
“You- like- me?” He worded it out slowly, finally comprehending the meaning of the words. “Man, we’re both dumb, aren’t we?”
“Yeah,” you laughed breathlessly, moving your hand from your face to pat his, which was still furiously clenched around the wheel. He slowly released his grip, turning his hand around to hold yours.
Making eye contact, you both flushed even redder than you were before, Jeno coughing and looking away. “So um, what now?”
“I- can I try something?” He nodded and removing your hand from his grip, you leaned in, cupping his face and pressing your lips against his. The initial shock wore away and he kissed you back, hands wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. Which was a bit difficult with the seatbelts, but you finally figured it out. Pulling away, you were both grinning like idiots, faces flushed and lips buzzing.
“Can I ask you something?” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and you nodded. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Come Monday, Jaemin and Aisha we’re completely prepared for Step Two, which was probably a bit TOO detailed. “You got the roses?” Aisha asked, and Jaemin nodded.
“Yeah, you got the peanut butter-“
“Hey, guys!” You greeted as you walked into the room. They looked up, jaws dropping when they saw you.
There were a few things different. First of all, you were wearing Jeno’s jacket. To continue, Jeno’s arm was around you. In conclusion, you two did not look like two people who were JUST friends. “Hi,” Aisha managed to say, nudging Jaemin in the side. “What happened to you two?”
“Oh, we’re dating now, basically.” Jeno grinned, taking your hand in his. The bell rang to get to homeroom, and kids began to filter out of the halls. “I’ll see you in Chem?” You nodded and smiled as he leaned down and kissed your cheek, waving at Aisha and Jaemin as he walked off.
“I gotta get to class, I’ll see you guys later,” You waved at them, hands invisible in the sleeves of Jeno’s large sweater. and walked off.
Jaemin finally closed his mouth, looking at Aisha in shock. “That really happened?”
“Yeah,” she smiled, then groaned. “We have a lot of roses and peanut butter to get rid of, don’t we?”
“Yup.” They started walking to homeroom when Jaemin got an idea. “Do we still get to take credit for them?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
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goldenswan · 4 years
Chapter 2 ( Lizzy P.O.V.)
5500 words - After getting out of the torture chamber, her fate must be decided.
Disclaimer: Violence signs depicted and swearing.
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And now, here you are, trapped, unprotected and at the mercy of all those menacing eyes found in the room you just stepped in. They were all targeting you, how could anyone not feel vulnerable found in such a situation? Since you’ve entered you could feel the reek of danger and all your senses would shout alarmed to get yourself out. While your fight or flight instinct started building in you began to observe more your surroundings analyzing all the risks. The room was spacious and quite flamboyant, they were rich for sure, only by seeing this you know such a mansion you can only dream of, they can have a ballroom inside, but that’s not what you needed now. You soon found yourself drawn by the huge round wood table and all the people that were waiting at it. The two boys that escorted you went forward and took their places, letting a free chair in the middle of them.
My place I assume?
All of them were expectant at the last persons that were supposed to take their seats, you, and Jaehyun positioned at the opposite part of the table. From the sharp look, Jaehyun trowed towards and the sit down read from his lips you understood he was waiting for you, and he was becoming impatient of you being oblivious. You took his words and followed his demand. Only after that, he did the same.
Wanting to be that last. Does he consider himself that special?
You found yourself looking side to side at each man that was present, from left to right, strangely at the same time you became tinnier that you already were seeing how intimidating they were from a brief close up.
There are still many empty chairs, are they even more people like them in here? 
You started counting and learn each of it as if your life depended on it, who might help you out and who will push you down the pit.
Jaehyun seated right opposite to you, with an aura that would make you believe that even at this round table, he is the center, he was listening to the man next to him, you couldn’t hear what he was saying but from their faces and the attention Jaehyun was having while listening you knew it was serious and private.
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The man that was talking seemed a bit more wiser, maybe with one year older, but softer in eyes, he was wearing a full suit, looked like a true businessman but you already know what’s their business, they were mobsters. You could tell he was serious but still calm, he felt in control over the situation, only his eyes were becoming softer whenever he was facing the woman near him.
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I am surprised to see a woman between all these men, but again, she looks quite scary too.
Still, the man was smiling so warmly to her, taking her hand carefully in his, feeling reassurance through her touch and the welcoming smile with loving eyes she would return to him. Soon the man realized his expressions and he went back at looking serious, well he was trying but the woman stopped from keeping a straight face. Seeing her smile like that, made you awestruck, she was so beautiful, and even more, she seemed exotic, maybe she was a foreigner. She was wearing a uniform, she seemed to be dressed similar to a nurse, but it felt way more stylish, her attention was only on the two men near her and what they were speaking. You had a small heart attack when she turned her eyes towards you.
Did she catch me staring at her?
You got a bit worried before realizing she was looking at the boy from your left side, he didn’t seem to feel her stare but when he shifted his head to you she also moved fast to not be caught, smiling unfazed at the men near her. You stared back at the boy you just met look.
How was he called? Jaehyun mentioned it. Was it Haechan?
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The boy glared at you, clearly not liking for you to keep your eyes on him for too long so you moved your stare next to him, meeting again another man in a suit.
Even though he was sitting down, you could know, he was quite massive and intimidating. He didn’t seem to care that much of being here. He was the only one who was keeping his legs on the table, his arms intertwined and his eyes lost and staring at the window.
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No one was bugging him, and sincerely you would be scared to do it too. He was like a lion sleeping and who is that crazy of actually disturbing a lion? He did resemble one, with his hair color, full of warm tones or maybe that it was a bit longer, not too long, perfect to emphasize his face structure. He did throw some sneak peeks at you, trying to not seem too interested, but who he can lie, those were the only moments his dull eyes would show a bit of energy. But the last look he gave to you was different. This time you were the one to feel a bit electrified, or maybe scarred, even he only kept his eyes fixated on you for a second, they were too feral to feel nothing from it. You gulped the knot he was able to make in your throat.
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Why do I feel I would end up eaten alive in here?
Next to him was another man, and surprisingly, if the previous was a ferocious lion, this was the prettiest deer you would see. He might be older, but his soft features might make you call him boy at first even thought that was a man standing near you. His hair seemed fluffy and his eyes were so big, like those of a Bambi deer. He seemed gentle and angelic. Maybe he will be the one to save you, after all, out of all of this he was the only one who didn’t feel threatening, but again, you ended up in here because you believed those types of eyes.
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But he also looked worried, he was shifting in his chair, shaking, never keeping his eyes in one place, he was anxious. The man from before observing it too started to try amd calm him down, with a pat on his back, encouraging him to “man up” or that everything will be ok. Now at a second look, you realize all of them are dressed formally. All of them except the two next to you. Well, one of them was formal, before giving you his coat, you touch the fabric of it while blushing at the bold statement the boy said it before you entered.
Who am I lying, since when boys can say things like this so easily? Am I that old fashioned?
You found yourself looking again at him.
His name… was it
Y/N: Jaemin You whispered the name softly, more for yourself, but he still picked it up, turning at you, with a bit of shocked face to hear it from you. It didn’t take long to welcome you with a reassuring smile and praising eyes for learning it so fast.
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Jaemin: Uhm, you got it right. I’m proud of you. He nodded happily while you started blushing again at him and all this scene.
What’s this? Did I end up in a romantic comedy?
***  Jaemin: I like to keep this image only to myself.  ***
Your ears started to burn while his voice and the fact he saw your bra right before to enter start playing again in your head.
Why his voice was like that? It won’t leave my head. That whisper was too close to me.
You moved your hand to cover your ears while still feeling them tingle from his voice. While you would go through this Jaemin would simply smile, enjoying that conflicted look on your face. On the other side, Haechan seemed to be unfazed at the beginning growing a bit annoying by seeing you and Jaemin. He rolled his eyes and sighed, turning himself on the other side, not wanting to assist more after seeing the scene. Turning his back to you made you see his leather jacket more clearly. He was the only one wearing one out of all of them.
Is he part of a gang?
Taking a closer look you could see what was written on the back of it.
“Nightmare?” I think I saw it before, but where?
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Wait a minute, the boy that was with him when I got kidnapped had one similar.
The thought made you come to boil from the anger. You found yourself glaring again at the last man from the room. The one who also clearly tried way too hard to act like you are not in the room.
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Goddammit, Lucas!
You are surprised to see him this time in a suit, and not the biker clothes you’ve been used to. While you worked at the coffee shop he was a simple customer. In the beginning, you thought he only liked the coffee from your shop, by visiting it quite often. You always tried to ignore the fact that you would catch him staring at you or your workmate’s teases that he might have a crush on you. He was handsome, but you didn’t want to allow yourself to get infatuated with such thoughts and dreams. Until the dream did happen and he confessed you. You only gave him his number, being suspicious of everything. For a few weeks, you only maintained texts and chitchat while you were working. He did walk you home a few times but none of you seemed to have courage to even kiss each other, you barely held hands, to begin with. You would lie if you would deny those moments, he made you smile only with a thought of him and you had butterflies whenever you would get closer to him. Soon you had your first date, you were so excited about it, and then here you are, you completely fell for his trap. He kidnapped you together with that boy, and you foolishly allowed them to do it.
You muttered it together with other curse words towards him, but he didn’t dare to face you, pretending not to hear you.
what a man, rising the trust issues I had until now reach a whole new level. If I get out alive … you … are … so dead. 
You were ready to rise from your chair towards him, before you hear Jaehyun cleaning his throat, bringing your attention back to him. He seemed mad serious about you to stay put, you wanted to fight back, but again, you were in no position to do it. He commanded to sit down, and again, you found yourself following him.
Johnny: Now what? Jaehyun: Now? Shall we start?   Taeil: We aren’t all, but I think we can, Mei will reach soon, and Renjun was instructed to give her all the details before she comes here, Jeno is with them too. Great, more people to show up. Jaehyun: Jisung and Chenle? Jia: We decided they shouldn’t be here knowing the topic we will talk about. Jaehyun: Stop babying them Jia, being part of it means they have to face everything that is happening here, good and bad. They can’t stay weak-hearted forever. Taeil: You are right, but we advise it might be better to postpone it for the next time when our boss will be here to decide if they should or not. They didn’t take their coming of age exams yet. They barely bloomed into being adults, we need carefully to Jaehyun: How you just said, they did become adults. Next time they should be here. Taeil: I understand. This shall be done. The man slightly bowed his head to Jaehyun in agreement.
Even that he lowered his head to him, you could still feel a bit of tension between the two of them, a small break installing before they went to the next name.
Jaehyun: Where is Feli? Is she still sick? Jia: She is recovering at a slow pace, but soon… Haechan: You two did become quite close, covering her. The boy spoked loudly, interrupting the woman with a sarcastic tone, being heard by everyone, without changing a bit his position, laid back on the chair. Jia: Being so jealous, if you want me to take care of you find other solutions Haechan.
The boy blushed for a second, but that faded away soon, even so, this time when he opened his mouth to speak you observed his voice being more mellow.
Haechan: But we all know the real thing. If Taeyong is not the one initiating a meeting she won’t attend it, even though it’s her brother calling her to be here. Why does she get special treatment? Johnny: Hm, true, but knowing her chaotic nature, it might be better with her out, for now, I would have refused too to come her but then I would have missed the chance to meet such pretty sight.
You were taken aback by his comment, a small blush arising in your cheeks. As your eyes lockdown one more time he flashed you a cocky smile, before moving back his attention to the man speaking, who was not in the mood to see flirting at this time.
Jaehyun: True, I will talk with her after, she listens but she never had enough focus span to stay in a meeting.
Haechan tried to hide a laugh from his comment. As he caught you staring at him, Haechan trowed you an annoyed look.
Haechan: What, now are you starting to catch feelings for me too. I thought after ending up in this situation you would have learned already. Lucas or Jaemin, I would be more careful when it comes to boys noona.
Tch… another Jerk
You got annoyed, but more because he was right of what he just told you. Jaemin too, just like Lucas, or worse, he might throw in a bigger problem.
Johnny: What about Mark? Jungwoo: Mark decided to take care of himself of the body found dead today. Haechan: ugh
He sighed deeply Haechan: that idiotic hyung of mine. Again, taking a fault that is not his.You heard Haechan mumbling under his breath. That was the first time when you saw his eyes got a tiny softer.
Jaehyun: The body from the morning, right. What info we have, how did she died? Jungwoo: She was found dead at her home with an overdose injected into her veins. Johnny: Such a coincidence to happen to know that people were trailing her. Jaehyun: Suicide? Taeil: Actually, a faked suicide. Jia: I got a chance to check up on the body before reaching here, it showed light signs of restraints on her ankles and wrists, at the first look, they might have used a polypropylene rope for this, letting soft marks, it can be seen as only that besides drugs she also indulged into more strong sexual hobbies Easily mistaken for someone who might have a rope fetish, but such statement is true only if you don’t check her mouth, by looking closely, I observed some of her teeth have been forcefully and quite painfully extracted, they went for the molars, nothing to be seen upfront, hiding the actual pain they inflicted on her, there have been also signs of…..
Jia: cigarette burns …..
Jia: her body …..
Jia: mutilated …
Jia: they used a knife for ……  
From there you lost your focus, you couldn’t hear anymore, your heart beating so hard was covering almost anything that she was saying, only small fragments would reach your ears letting your vivid imagination picture the whole gory acts, you started trembling from all the thoughts that were hitting you. With each new word, she would mention you would start to shiver harder and harder, forgetting any rhythm in your breathing, fear, and panic installing in by the gruesome acts she was describing. You could feel the stomach-turning upside down, a need to trow up combined with the feeling of your lungs failing of getting any air, you almost started choking.
Jaemin saw your face changing and acted quick reaching your hand behind the table. He allowed you to hold it as hard as you could, putting all the pressure you had into him. At the same time, he calmly stared into your eyes, reminding you patiently to breath, by accentuating his breathing, you soon start to mimic his moves, stabilizing back at a normal pace. A sigh of relief came from him he saw your pale face getting back to normal. The woman who was talking saw the whole scene, stopping from giving any other detail, slight remorse could be seen in her eyes.
Jia: The bruising may be minimal or invisible on the skin surface but they took their time in torturing her. We should be thankful to Doyoung for his connections within the police, we might have missed the chance of finding her identity and the case would just have been closed as a dead drug addict found in a bathtub.
Taeil: Also, on the identity topic, checking her info on the police data, we found that she changed her name and address quite many times, a runaway with light criminal records, a no-name perfect to use as a pawn in local actions, also more easily to have it confused when searching for a trail, the man stopped for a second fixing his gaze on you, his eyes shown worry and resentment. She is innocent.
Mei: So it was a mistake!
A loud voice was heard from the backside while the door opened. You turned around to be faced by possibly the most gorgeous woman you have met until now in your life. From head to toe, she was sparkling, from her black silk dress, the brown fur coat worn only on the half, letting a shoulder to be seen, the glamorous shapes of her body to the extravagant ruby earrings she was wearing, together with make-up so on point that you could never guess if she prepared for a date or a murder. You were blown away by the fierce and elegant aura she was radiating that took you quite a several seconds and blinks to realize she wasn’t alone. Two boys were standing by her side, left and right.
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Again, wearing those leather jackets, one with bleached ashy blond hair and black eyes and another with brown hair and sharp eyes, both of them were quite intimidating, scary.
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That didn’t take long, one of them changed completely as he sneezed, his face softening from the straight one he tried to keep, still, he looked a bit lost in thoughts, or maybe a bit under the weather you could say. His eyes seemed feverish. Jaemin laughed at the sneeze, followed by a small “someone had fun” that only you got to hear. On the other side, Haechan was seething from actually realizing one of those two was sick. Jaehyun: You are late. Mei: Next time I should be announced a little bit earlier when you fail of doing the smallest thing while the boss is out, even though I didn’t mind rushing in here, a ride with the motorcycle was something I did miss. And again, late? It seems I am not last, after all, you have some people missing. Especially that devil of a sister you have. Jaehyun face was starting to get a bit darker as the woman was going on with her talk, but soon he regains his composure. Mei: Can’t keep simple tasks in control, can’t keep his sister in listening to him, even this meeting and information I received came from the advisor order, so, our dear and precious underboss, Jaehyunie, enlighten me, whose fault is that right after Taeyong and Doyoung left to take care of the external affairs the first thing happening in this house is a mistake!? The woman shouted while finishing her sentence, she looked mad. Taeil: As an advisor, I feel you should listen when I ask to control both your voice and temper.
Jaehyun seemed unperturbed by the woman’s attack. He was analyzing her, keeping his eyes steady and his words followed in the same manner while each of it left his mouth. At that moment, with his low tone, and slow rhythm of speaking, you could truly see how much he was in control.
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He didn’t need to shout, his words were already heavy enough, not only the woman who was supposed to receive the message, but everyone in the room found themselves listening carefully to him, even you found yourself drawn by him, he had the charisma of a leader, he was enjoying al those eyes on him, bathing himself in attention, and becoming a true ringleader in this scene.
Jaehyun: We are here to discuss Mei, and if you lose your cool so easily you are no use for any second advice, if it’s like that, then you can as well go back to your work, …  I will pay you for the hours while you were away or shall we make it double, bartender?
A smirk showed up on his face while rolling out of his tongue the last words, meeting her eyes, full of cockiness. Jaehyun: I will handle it myself.
If eyes could trow real daggers, it would have been a real carnage in here. The woman got so dark after that comment, but surprisingly she did calm down. The silence that fell in the room together with the pair of eyes you could swear they could’ve been owned by a true murderer made you feel full terror in your bones. You found yourself holding again Jaemin’s hand a little bit harder this time. The atmosphere was becoming so heavy you could have used a knife to cut through it.
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You flinched when she started to move, walking slowly, hearing her heel clicks at such a tensed rhythm like a ticking bomb, that soon will explode, and it did, when the sound stopped, when her steps reached their destination, the woman faced Jaehyun with a killing smile, Taeil truly looked intimidated near her, but not him, Jaehyun faced her eyes with a faultless expression, and expectant eyes, waiting for hell to be unleashed.
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Mei: I am amused but not surprised by such comments. since we were little you always wanted to be on top, didn’t matter the games or the rules, hungry for power, our Jaehyun would always become the one in charge when the chance arises, and today is no different than those past years, your father truly took its time to nurture such a desire into you, I will acknowledge that, but sadly he didn’t put the same amount of effort into teaching his children about ethics or value. Our dear underboss, I would be careful in your place, letting yourself be blinded by power will just make things easier for getting your crown snatched. Let the pride aside, after all, you didn’t always win, and I know the best out of all, of your fair share of losses.
She took a small break, to asses her upper hand before continuing her speech.
Mei: Taeyong trusted you for everything to work even without him here, and you failed, how can I not be mad. And more than mad, I am disappointed. The first time you’re given real power and you can’t even keep it in your hands. In your place I would start changing some things, seeing you fail is becoming predictable and … quite boring nowadays.
Jaehyun rose from his chair, reaching the same eye level with her, no actually he was way higher, even if she was wearing heels he was still towering over her, lowering his head, looking down on her.
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Jaehyun: In your place, I would be more careful with my words, let’s not forget how dreadful it might be if we would know about all the mistakes in here, after all both me and you know the best who stepped on the wrong path the most often, right, cousin?
The woman shrugged, moving with so much lightness, just like a feather, no guilt could be felt from her stance.
Mei: I am not his mother, if it needs to be punished he will be punished, doesn’t matter of love when for me, blood is and will always be thicker. I came into this family to support Taeyong, this was and is my job since I was welcomed here, nothing more, nothing less. Taeil: Good, then this should be easier, the informants who mislead us, where previously workers under Doyoung.
She paused for a second, you could feel her aura getting again a bit darker, she turned around gracefully this time to face the pretty boy that was close to them, he flinched when he locked eyes with her, he was afraid.
Mei: …Jungwoo The boy flinched again while being called. Mei: I hope you have a good excuse, you kept close attention on this situation for quite a while, and even if they were previously workers under Doyoung, they are still currently in your command, you were the one in charge with the past mission.
Lucas: You know already what Taeil told us too if it’s a mistake like that we have to assume it together … as a family.
That was the first moment Lucas opened his mouth since you were there, also the first time he did face you, finally. He kept his eyes fixed, he didn’t show fear nor anxiety but also he didn’t provoke such feelings in you either.
Was that directed to me?
You got caught by the thoughts before coming back to the conversation.
Jungwoo: No… she is right, even if it’s a mistake, there are still my people who committed, I did know it from the start. I .. I will take responsibility. I am not denying or searching for a scaping goat, I will assume it, but my punishment will be chosen by Taeyong himself, when he comes back until then we need to solve the problem. That’s why I asked for Taeil to bring you all here, to inform you of her presence and also think of solutions. Thank you, Lucas.
The boy thanked with a cheerful smile.
Mei: Good. First, Jungwoo, I am proud to hear this from you but we will talk about this subject later, privately. Secondly, the police might help us the most, after all, currently, she is a missing person, right? Taeil: Not really, no one declared her missing, and we can keep it like that. But we still need to figure out where to place her. Mei: I see, well… one thing is for sure..
for the first time the woman looked at you and for the first time you felt such coldness from her eyes that a shiver ran into you, it felt like you were staring into death itself
Mei: … she won’t be allowed to stay here. Jaehyun: This is not mainly your decision. Mei: True, but after all of you seeing her appearance is not like my choice has no foundation. Jaehyun: Mei… Mei: When I entered this room, I didn't raise my voice because I am angry about the mistake, but more on its effect. I am seeing a ghost of a person that should never put a foot back into this place. Taeil: She Is not Alice… and she has zero connection with her. Mei: I don’t care. I don’t even want to know what would have happened if Taeyong would have been here today. I don’t want her here for when he comes back, find her a place to be sent or I will choose the place myself. I am not allowing demons to come back into his mind again.
A whisper you could hear from your left side.
Haechan: Good luck, knowing her, you might as well end up in a brothel for the better.
Jaemin: Stop scarring her with lies.
And you couldn’t think of your heart to sink deeper, but here we go again, the thought made tears start to show in your eyes, it was just too much, you don’t even know what to believe anymore.
Lucas: We will find her a place away from this house, she previously worked at a café, we have some chain restaurants under our networks, we can send her there. Johnny: Well if she makes good coffee she can work as my assistant, I do need one for all the travels and papers, and she will only stay in my office. Haechan: Or even better, we can use her for our cover. Think about it, a cursed café, one worker kills himself while the other one runs away, coincidence or a true criminal mastermind. I feel it’s a good news headline. Mei: Not bad... Haechan: Right, we get two birds with one stone... Y/N: OH Fuck off! The curse was loud and you could feel all the frustration that was built into that outburst. But you couldn’t take it anymore. You spat on him while you shout out, followed by your heavy breathing. The boy was perplexed by your reaction, he finished his sentence while wiping some of your spits that ended up on his face with a disgusted look, but this time with way less confidence in his statement.
Haechan: one stone. Now now, we understand that you are innocent, but you should understand also that we can just let you out after what you’ve experienced everything, plus seeing our faces. Y/N: I have nothing to deal with this and no reason to deal with this hell. I want out. Everyone was shocked by your boldness, well everyone except one person. That one started laughing like he never had a good laugh for way too much of time, and that one was Jaehyun. You ended up being shocked by his reaction, together with everyone from the room.
Jaehyun: Now, Mei, your turn to enlighten me, is she the ghost you thought you would see?
The man was smiling so cheerfully, it looked so happy, his face got lighted so much, he was enjoying this moment like a kid enjoying his favorite show, but this wasn’t a kid’s show, this was you being tormented.
Mei: She… well, she is different.
Jaehyun: Right. She is more amusing though. Now if you don’t have any suggestions you can all leave, we will need to discuss more private where we can hide her, for now, you know the situation, you are free, but keep an eye on her, she can’t be allowed to escape. And Y/N, trust me, you will leave this building tonight.
A smile was so brilliant and confident that it can shatter any defense. You couldn’t understand anymore, the feelings that came and left while staying in this room for all this time, how only this small moment would take all away, why is he like that, and why your heart feels like it can beat faster, only because of a man you barely meet, a man who took the blindfold from your eyes and welcomed you into this torture. How can you be such a fool and feel any sweetness from this? You felt conflicted by everything.
Another laugh woke you up from all the reminiscences. This time not from the man from your story, but a new face.
Feli: I can’t believe it. I truly did miss quite a face. His laughing is a once in a blue moon event. Also making a promise for you leaving. How mighty of you Jaehyun, as expected of my brother. Jungwoo: Calm down, if you laugh like this with your nose clogged you will end up out of air.
The girl sounded so upbeat, that you wouldn’t believe she is sick if you wouldn’t have seen the number of tissues around her. Still, the coffee table was clean and welcoming with many sweets and tea. She coughed a bit while calming down her laugh. She soon took another spoon from her chocolate cake like nothing even happened.
Feli: Now now, having such a piece of information we can open so many new doors. I wonder, how we should put that into play.
After eating that last piece of cake she pointed her spoon towards you and welcomed you with a bright warm smile.
Feli: I should thank you. Today you turned my boring day into something way much better, and this can go on quite easily. So, Y/N, wouldn’t you like some of my help?
Boring, today was anything less than boring. This became a memorable day, you truly believed you’ve died at that time and ended up in hell, and all the devils you’ve met made your belief stronger. But letting your memories play again in the back of your head, and seeing again all those small things that you saw but never understand at the right time, you start thinking that maybe you were the actual devil that they’ve welcomed, hidden behind a lost child, but all if that is in the past, that’s why you are hearing it now. This is a story of the times I might have wished to change them, but they are all stuck, in Yestoday.
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cannedapricot · 6 years
the wind, the sky, and you.
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ocean man take me by the hand. hahHAHAH i’m sorry
lmAO am i just gonna be writing seasonal fics for the dreamies or what bsefveVBIFUVE i swear i’ll write something non-seasonal one day. i had a hard time choosing between jeno and haechan for a summer fic but jeno won in the end sorry hyuck i still love you :c
you can find the spring fic i did for renjun here but it’s not in the same universe as this fic!! also,,,, the formatting looks weird on mobile ug h it ruins the flow of the story subvsoeb
word count: 6.8k of hopefully cute summer shenanigans loosely based off of nct dream - la la love. god this is long.
This word brought utter joy to some people. 
It meant goodbye to snow and hello to sand. 
It meant laughing with friends while frolicking on the beach.
It meant clear, cloudless skies.
It meant that the icy winds would finally be replaced with cool, refreshing ones.
But to you,
it meant the arrival of hell.
You hated summer with a passion. 
You’ve read enough to know about how summer was portrayed in books. You know how highly everyone thinks of the warm season.
Cicadas called to each other gently as you sat on your porch with a book in hand. Lifting your head and looking up only to smile and wave at a small group of children passing by.
What a lie.
Cicadas did not call gently. They shouted angrily at each other like their neighbor stole their crops, staying on the porch for more than five minutes attracted multiple bugs to come at you, and children around your neighborhood liked to scream their heads off when they were bored. You could hardly find any of these pleasant.
To top it all off, the temperature was absolutely unbearable. All the fans do is direct the hot air towards you and it wasn’t like you could stay inside your air conditioned house all day either. Your mom would yell at you to “go outside and play like a normal teenager.”
Hanging out with your friends sounded like a great, positive way to spend the summer holidays right? 
Well, too bad that your friends were all dirty rich and went to a new, foreign country to spend every summer at.
Another reason to hate summer, ticked off and added onto your list.
As the sun beat down on the earth and sunflowers turned to face it head on, you chose to turn away from the ball of light and attempt to shield yourself with your hardback copy of ‘Lord of the Flies’. Walking to school under the intense glare of the sun was absolute torture. Your sneakers, worn with time, slapped against the hot concrete path as you round the corner, arm already sore from holding the book above your head.
There was really no point in going to school the day before vacation started. The teachers would all be just as ready for school to end as the students are. They’d likely open some kahoot on Disney Princesses for the students to do or they’d play some David Attenborough documentary for the class. 
Honestly, if your mother didn’t force you out the door this morning, you wouldn’t even be dealing with the sun beams. Your plan to skip and sit under the air conditioner for the whole day wasn’t going to happen, not on your mom’s watch.
You sighed in defeat as the sleek school buildings started coming into sight. At least the fancy private school you attend, (thanks to your uncle who’s the chairman), actually turns their air condionter on during summer days.
  “I’m off to the Maldives this holiday. Dad’s hosting a high school reunion over there so I guess I’ll be snorkeling all summer again.” Jisung said, sliding onto part of the bench next to you.
It was noon and the bright, burning sun was hovering right above the school. The small breeze, though pleasant upon contact with skin, hardly did anything to counter the blistering heat. Under a big, green tree you sat with two of your underclassmen, content with the shade, their company, and your book.
You hummed in response to Jisung, who had bust open and started sipping on his capri sun.
“My family’s going on a tour around Europe this summer. Eleven weeks, fifty countries. I’ll end up bringing back suitcases of souvenirs for you guys.” Chenle joked, sliding a can of peach soda across the picnic table to you before settling down on his seat.
“As expected of President Zhong.” You remarked with a smile, looking up from your book. “Remember, when you take over your family’s hotel chain, let me live there for free.”
Jisung tutted while shaking his head, his messy blond locks shaking along with the movement.
“I can never beat President Zhong can I?”
Chenle’s eyes crinkled up and his lips let out a small, high pitched giggle. With a grin creeping up onto your own face, you directed your full attention back to your novel, hoping to finish it before the sun retires.
“Say, what about Y/N? Gonna spend summer with her imaginary friend again?”
Your head snapped up at the mention of you and your ‘imaginary friend’.
“I’m telling you, Jeno is a real person!”
Both of your underclassmen shared a look before bursting into laughter. They loved teasing you, even though you were older than the two. They found your reactions adorable! 
You, however, didn’t. 
“I want to graduate as soon as possible.”
You had meet your ‘imaginary friend’, Lee Jeno, a few summers ago, during your first summer vacation as a high school student. You had been trudging home from the last day of school, your head deep in a book and barely caring about your surroundings. 
Living on a street just five minutes away from the beach meant that you had the choice of going down to the boardwalk and enjoying the salty sea breeze anytime you wished. But that day, you seemed to be able to smell the familiar scent, even though you were in your own neighborhood. You didn’t complain though, you rather enjoyed it. It was the really the only part you enjoyed about summer.
Only upon reaching your front door you had noticed that there was a boy squatting in the front yard of your neighbor’s house, happily pulling weeds out of the flower garden. 
Strange. You had thought. A new neighbor? But Mr and Mrs Lee never sold their house?
The brunette had noticed you staring at him. But he didn’t look away or question you. Instead, he straightened up, and stared back at you. 
Realizing that you were being a huge creep, you had dashed into your own house, a million thoughts going through your head at once. Did he kidnap the old couple that had lived beside you? Or was he their new adopted child? Flinging your book to the side and groaning, you decided to stop overthinking and hop into the shower. It wasn’t any of your business anyways.
But what you hadn’t noticed after rushing indoors, was the boy’s eyes and lips curving up in amusement before he stood up, dusted off his pants, and went inside himself.
That same summer, you had gotten to know Lee Jeno. 
You were hanging around the smoothie shack that your friend, Mark, had a summer job at on the boardwalk. Due to similar tastes in literature, you got along very well with the older boy and visited the shack whenever your mom kicked you out to talk about new book releases.
It was extremely hot that day, the sun shone down without any restraint and many people swung by to try cool themselves down with a iced smoothie. You had perched on a stool in front of the counter and watched Mark flutter around, trying to get everyone’s orders made as quickly as he possibly could. Though your book was open on top of the wooden counter, it was long forgotten as you watched Mark nearly spill some Strawberry-Banana smoothie onto himself with glee. 
You caught the eye of a familiar brunette as he neared the shack, blue surfboard under his right arm. Smiling to himself, he ran his free hand through his wet hair before walking up to the little shack.
You had smelt him before you saw him. The familiar scent of salt, getting stronger and stronger. It wasn’t like you knew it was the boy from next door exactly, you just thought it was another beach goer. But then he rested his board against the shack and sat on the stool. Right next to you. 
Frowning, you had snapped your head to your left. All the stools were vacant. The customers bought their fruit smoothie then left to head towards the beach once again, replaced by new customers who would stand around to wait for their order. 
You swore mentally. You didn’t do well with social interactions when they’re with strangers. Especially when they’re half naked from surfing.
“A strawberry smoothie please.”
Mark had raised an eyebrow at you when he took the surfer’s order. It was as if he was questioning you whether you knew him or not, but soon left to take care of the fruit drink. Then your neighbor turned to you.
“Hey, I’m Lee Jeno. The guy you stared at the other day.”
You cringed at the memory before cracking an awkward smile, eyes darting to a crowd of chatting teenagers who were waiting on their drinks. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Lee Jeno, the guy I stared at the other day.”
You cringed again, How much lamer could you get.
To your surprise, you had gotten along quite well with Jeno, despite him being more into sports and you more into literature. He didn’t laugh at you for liking books like some jocks would. Instead, he payed attention to every word you had gushed about ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and reassured you that he was not at all bored when you asked him. You admit, you tend to go on and on about the books you love and the listener gets bored quickly.
But he found the twinkle in your eyes fascinating.
The two of you had walked home together. Even though the sun sets later in summer, it was as though the day went by in a flash. You suspected that the sun was jealous of you finding a new friend and decided to end the day earlier. Though you had only gotten to know Jeno that day, the two of you had talked away like old friends.
Bidding goodbye in front of your house, you counted on your fingers what you had learnt about your new friend that day. 
His name was Lee Jeno, he was from the neighboring town and was spending the summer at his grandparents house, he’s learning to surf because that’s on his bucket list which he wants to complete, he adores cats, he prefers strawberry over blueberry, and,
he always smelt like sea.
Literally no one from your school believed that you met a boy named Jeno. It didn’t help that you didn’t have his phone number either! All your play dates were spontaneous and at the most random times. For example, he had showed up at your house one morning and announced that the two of you were going paragliding. You had grinned and went with him without second thought.
It also didn’t help that everyone else in your school went somewhere else during the holiday. No one was there to back you up. 
Except for Mark. But he believes that the two of you are summer flings. To which, you deny.
Chenle and Jisung claimed that he was part of your imagination. Claimed that you had missed the two of them too much. To which, you also deny. 
But even you had started doubting his existence.
He seemed too good to be true.
The next summer, however, Chenle and Jisung were proved wrong when Jeno showed up at your doorstep with bright blue hair. You had gawked at the bright color choice whilst he just smiled brightly at you. 
“Your hair!” Had been your first words to him that summer. 
The boy’s bright smile turned into a sheepish one as he ran a hand through his brand new, sky colored hair. 
“Yeah, I wanted a change. Does it look weird? Jaemin said it looked cute on me, I’ll kill him if he’s lying-”
“No! It looks perfect on you!” You interrupted. 
You had immediately regretted saying that out loud. Feeling your face heating up in embarrassment, your hand flew up to rub the back of your neck. 
As though he had sensed your awkwardness, the boy in front of you had cleared his throat and announced that he had bought a new board, pulling you by your hand and dragging you all the way to the beach. 
The summer breeze blew past the two of you as Jeno pulled you along the familiar road to the sea, even taking the shortcut that you had discovered the year before. It astonished you how he could still remember it after a year of not even being in town.
Jeno’s laughter mixed in with the wind and passed by your ears. Unknowingly, you had started to laugh with him.The two of you must’ve looked crazy, but who cared about the people looking at you weirdly, it was summer, it was time to unwind from school. After all, your summer started when you smelt the salty scent of not the sea, but of the boy whom you associated with the sea.
The town had a fair that summer, right on the boardwalk. It was one of the bigger events the small beachside town had. 
You had been reading Eleanor and Park that evening. Snuggling into your sheets, you had decided that you’d finish reading the book before sun rose and before your room became unbearably hot. Until you heard a clunking noise on your window. Frowning, you unwillingly shuffled to your windowsill, cursing at whichever cicada thought it’d be fun to try break in. Shoving the glass pane to one side, you had stuck your head out, trying to locate the source of the noise. You surprised yourself by narrowly dodging the rock that had flew at you.
“Jeno, what the hell?” You had hissed down at the boy. “Are you trying to kill me?”
His eyes had brightened and curved up into moons when he saw you. Dropping the handful of pebbles he was throwing at your window, the boy waved for you to come down. You rolled your eyes at him before closing your window and trudging down to meet him. Your parents had glanced at you suspiciously before you assured them that you were just going out with Jeno and that you weren’t going to do anything illegal. 
"I’ll be back before twelve!” You assured them before stepping out into the darkening evening.
You found Jeno standing in your driveway, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans and humming a song as if he wasn’t just in your backyard, throwing rocks at your window.
“Hey.” You greeted, your own hands in the pocket of your hoodie. The air was starting to cool down as the sun dived below the horizon for the day. The sky was no longer the blue that matched Jeno’s hair, but was various shades of orange, pink, red and yellow. The boy turned to greet you, the descending sun dying half of his face a glowing orange. 
“Hey.” He greeted back. “Let’s start making our way over before it gets dark.” 
You were confused at the time, completely forgetting that the fair was that evening, only following Jeno because of your trust in him. Whenever you asked him where the two of you were going, he just simply grinned and dodged your question. 
You had gasped upon arrival. The boardwalk was bustling with people, even more than there had been during the day. Usually at this time, everyone would be packing their bags, dusting off sand, and heading home for the day. Fairy lights strung from the fencing and hung from the many booths that opened just for the night. Even the nearby Ferris Wheel, that was closed during the darker hours, was open and running.
Laughing at your shocked face, your blue haired friend snorted,
“Are you sure you even live here?”
Giving him a light slap on the back, you mumbled a weak ‘yes’ before sauntering off towards the candyfloss booth, Jeno following suit. 
The rest of the night was full of laughter, teasing and challenges. You had won Jeno at the shooting games and he had won you at the claw machines. Jeno said that he’d gift you the giant Rilakkuma plush he had picked out from the obnoxiously bright machine, but ended up admitting that he had gotten quite attached to it by the end of the night. The two of you even had a good giggle when you neared the smoothie shack and caught Mark being as busy as a bee. The older boy, catching you two out of the corner of his eye, had yelled at you two to either, 
“Buy a drink or get lost!” To which you and Jeno laughed even harder at.
The walk home was in a comfortable silence. You watched as the streetlamps neared, then disappeared into the night behind you. Stars watched over your journey home, twinkling to each other as if having conversations. The summer nights were much better than the days. Even you had to admit, the gentle snoring of the cicadas were rather pleasant to the ears. Turning to your friend who had an iron grip on the bear plush, you had asked,
“Say, Jeno, what do you love so much about summer?”
His head snapped up at your question.
“What’s there not to love about summer?”
Humming, you took a sip of your raspberry flavored slushie rephrasing the question,
“Alright, what do you love most about summer then?”
Jeno smiled at this. Tilting his head so that he was looking at the stars above, he answered,
“The wind and the sky I guess.” Bringing his head down to face you once again, you saw stars reflecting in his eyes. “The summer wind is always so gentle and pleasant. And the sky’s always such a beautiful clear blue! I always get the urge to want to fly up there, you know!” 
Smiling at the gushing boy, you nodded. He liked summer as much as you liked your books. 
And maybe, you were starting to like him too.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t excited to see Jeno again this summer. 
But he was even more excited than you were. 
With Chenle’s electric handheld fan held up in front of you, you were practically being dragged out of the air conditioned school and back into the heat. The two troublemakers claiming that the three of you should spend some ‘quality time’ together before they left for vacation.
“Come on Y/N, let’s go see Mark. It’s been ages since the Fantastic Four has met up.”
“Yeah, your attempts at resisting are futile.” 
Whining, you tried, once again, to wriggle out of their grasp. The heat wave came early this year and you, for one, weren’t happy about it. Even Jisung’s promises of buying you McDonald's weren’t enough to make you agree to head to the beach.
Everyone stared at you guys with their eyebrows arched. If they hadn’t known that you three were friends, they could easily misunderstand the situation as a kidnapping. Which is what flashed through a certain boy’s mind.
“What’s going on?”
Looking up towards the source of the voice, you met eyes with a blond haired boy. A boy who smelt like the sea. Yet, your first words were, once again,
“Your hair!”
Jeno chuckled a little before responding,
“Ah, don’t worry, I didn’t dye it again. The blue just faded away.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, you straightened yourself before Chenle started elbowing you.
“Introduce us.” He whispered, smiling at the taller boy in front of him.
“Right! Chenle, Jisung, meet Jeno Lee! The boy you thought was fake.” You mouthed the last half, a victorious smirk hanging on your lips. Jisung and Chenle’s eyes widened in shock before exchanging a knowing smile.
“Well, nice to finally meet you, Jeno.”
“Ah, yeah, Jisung and I were just off to Burger King, weren’t we?”
Burger King? You frowned. Weren’t they just dragging you to the smoothie shack just a second ago?
“Ah, I see! You’re Y/N’s friends right?” Jeno asked, not a trace of suspicion on his features.
“Yes! Yes, we are! Now, if you’ll excuse us!”
“Say hi to Mark for us!”
Then you were left with Jeno. The two underclassmen slipping off with hushed whispers being exchanged. You stood there amongst the summer heat, jaw dropped in confusion as Jeno waved goodbye with a pure smile beside you. You didn’t even realize that Chenle had taken his fan with him until you turned to face the boy next to you and finding your hand grasping nothing. 
Jeno’s eyes sparkled like they always did whenever you saw him. The stars you had seen last summer never left his eyes, it seems.
After clearing your throat you replied, 
Jeno’s eyes curved up into the moons that you were oh so familiar with. You’ve always found the way they curved up charming. Heck, you found everything about him charming. But soon, you find that you weren’t the only one. Your fellow students had started noticing this boy shining amidst the crowd with his blinding smile and pure heart. 
You didn’t like it.
In one swoop, you gripped onto Jeno’s arm and started leading the way to the beach, your lips pressed into a straight line. It wasn’t until you heard Jeno’s giggles that you came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the street. Then, for the first time in your life, you found the cicadas’ cries interesting. 
“What happened to you? I’m usually the one pulling you to the beach.” The summer child breathed between laughter. Feeling heat starting to consume your ears, your eyes followed a working bee as he traveled from flower to flower. Not noticing that Jeno’s teasing laughter slowly died down and changed into a small smile full of pure adoration for you. Stepping in front you, he softly ruffled your locks before starting walking again. This time, him pulling you along. Like it’s always been. But you miss the small mumble that tumbles out of the boy’s lips.
“It’s not like I mind you taking the lead though.”
“I can’t believe you still work here. Even after graduating high school.”
Mark rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, well, college tuition fees aren’t going to pay themselves.”
Snickering into your blueberry smoothie, you watched as Mark placed Jeno’s strawberry smoothie down. Your older friend was back in town for the summer and like usual, he’s going to be working at the smoothie shack for all of his holiday. At least it was rather empty currently.
“I can’t believe the blue faded out of Jeno’s hair. I can’t call him ocean boy anymore.” Mark joked, leaning on the counter. The book you had long forgotten like usual fluttered as a breeze of wind passed by. Pushing your friend’s wire framed glasses up his nose bridge, you snorted.
“You still can. Nobody’s stopping you.”
Scowling, the black haired boy adjusted his glasses back to where they were before waving to Jeno. The ‘Ocean Boy’ jogged over to where the two of you were situated, surf board under his arm and shaking water droplets off of his hair. Reminded of the same scene two years ago, a smile made its way onto your face. Gulping all of his smoothie down in one shot, the surfer let out a content sigh. Another breeze of wind passed by, the wind chimes hanging from the shack alerting you of its presence. 
“Wind chimes? Those are new.” Jeno noted, nodding in thanks as Mark threw his plastic cup away.
“Yeah, Jaehyun added that recently.” Mark said, referring to his boss. “Said that it’ll ‘add aesthetic to the shack’ or something.”
Glancing up at the glass trinket, you closed your forgotten book. 
“I think it’s cute.”
Jeno couldn’t help but let out a smile at the softness in your tone.
“If Y/N think it’s cute, then so do I.”
Rolling over in your bed, you groaned at whatever was making that stupid tapping noise. Cracking one eye open to check the time on your bedside clock, you let out a whine. It was only five AM. You’d thought that the tapping would go away if you just ignored it and so you rolled back over. But it didn’t. Annoyed at whatever that wanted to shave off your sleeping time, you sat up in your mess of a bed, snapping your head in the general direction of the sound. Concluding that it was indeed coming from your window, you get out of bed in order to shut it up. Except you slipped on your sheets and fell out of bed. Mumbling some colorful words under your breath, you made your way across the room to slide open the window. Poking your bedhead out and squinting around, you tried to locate your biggest enemy at the moment. 
“Psst! Y/N! Down here!”
You should’ve known. Of course it would be Jeno. 
“Jeno, it’s five in the morning.”
“I know! We’re already running out of time!”
“I- What?”
You furrowed you eyebrows. Did you have some sort of thing planned for five AM?
“Come on now! I’ll wait in your drive way!”
“Alright, I’ll just change out of my pajamas-”
“We don’t have time! Grab a jacket and let’s go! You look cute anyways.”
A familiar heat started to climb up your neck and to hide your reddening face, you ducked back inside. Grabbing a random jacket, you trotted as lightly as you could as to not disturb your parents. Shutting the front door with as little force as possible, you mentally back yourself on the back for making it out. The sky wasn’t even light yet. As much as you wanted to swear at Jeno, one look at the boy completed melted any anger you had. The image of his tall frame leaning against the streetlamp just outside of your driveway, waiting, must be enough to make tons of others green in jealousy. Wrapping your jacket around yourself, you shuffled over to the ocean boy.
“Where are you taking me at five in the morning you creep.” 
Finally noticing that you’ve come out, Jeno takes your hand into his. Then breaks into a small jog to the beach with you in tow.
“The beach of course! Where else?”
You rolled your eyes in mock disbelief, even though the big smile on your face ruined your game of pretend. Did this boy know anything else apart from the beach?
The second your feet sunk into the soft sand, you stopped running. Doubled over and gasping to catch your breath, you looked up at the boy who brought you here.
“Good, we’re on time.” He whispered between breaths himself.
“What are we even here for?” You asked, grabbing onto Jeno’s arm in aid to stand up straight. Turning his head to look back at you, he flashed you his signature eye smile before saying,
“To see the sunrise of course.”
So here you were, sitting shoulder to shoulder with the ocean boy, on top of his flannel he had shed on the cool sand. The only sound being heard were the light splashes as ocean waves hit the shore. The first light had yet to break and usually, without a book, you found waiting around to be unbearably boring. But with Jeno, your unfinished story of ‘1984′ didn’t even cross your mind. The boy you had always associated with summer had his eyes closed, enjoying the cool summer air before the sun woke up and warmed the land. Your lips curved up into a sweet smile. With your knees curled up to your chin, you leaned your head on your legs, soaking in Jeno’s beauty. You always disliked the fact that your time with him was limited every year. Only during the months of summer vacation were you able to see him. It was a shame, but perhaps it made you appreciate the time with him even more. 
Suddenly, the thought that this was the last summer vacation before graduation wedged itself into your mind. What would happen after graduation? Would Jeno still be coming over every summer? Or would he be busy with work. No, he’d definitely spend it with his friends and family back in his own town right? You were about to open your mouth to ask him about his plans after graduation when he suddenly jumped up.
“Look! The sun’s finally rising!” He exclaimed, pointing to the horizon.
Giggling at his excitement, you looked at Jeno with stars in your own eyes. His smile was almost childlike in front of the giant, rising, golden star. As the sun rose and littered the sand around you in golden flakes, the birds began to start their day by singing.
“Come on, Y/N, let’s go take a skinny dip!” He said, running back and halting to a stop in front of you. His hands started to pull his white shirt up and whilst you’ve seen him surfing multiple times, skinny dipping was a whole other story. So your hands automatically went over your eyes, yelling at him to put his shirt back on.
“Alright, we’ll skip skinny dipping this time round, but do note that skinny dipping while the sun rises is on my bucket list.” Jeno said with a wide smile before rolling up his pants and running towards the sea.
As he frolicked in the shallow water, your gaze never left the young boy who loved the beach with his whole being. Against the orange backdrop of the awakening sky, the boy who brought you summer waved for you to join him. You wondered about how lucky you were to be have been able to meet him.
“You have some weird things on your bucket list for sure.” You whispered to yourself before shedding your jacket and running to join the blonde. 
Graduation? Whatever. Who cares about the future right? 
Let’s just bathe in the rays of the present for now.
 You weren’t ready for this summer to end. But alas, all good things must come to an end. 
Your room was stuffy with hot air, despite your air conditioner trying it’s best to persuade it into changing into cool air. Your summer homework was left open, yet undone on top of your desk. But how angry your history teacher was going to be was at the very back of your mind. Sighing, you stared at your calendar.
Two days before vacation ended. 
One day before Jeno had to go. 
You were being selfish, you know that, but you really didn’t want Jeno to leave. Because with his departure, your summer ends. Flopping back onto your bed, you started spacing out at your ceiling. Jeno always shows up on his last day and as expected, without fail, he’s at your window once again. You suddenly didn’t mind the tapping against your window. Moving the latch upwards, your eyes meet with the boy you’ve grown to like so much and a smile unknowingly creeps it’s way onto your face. Folding your arms then leaning on the ledge, you greet him.
“Hey.” He greeted back with his signature eye smile. 
As usual.
“Is there any reason as to why you prefer to throw pebbles up at my glass window than knocking on the wooden door?” You asked, acting as if you were annoyed like you usually were. He shrugged,
“I read somewhere that it was romantic?”
Keeping up your annoyed front, you tutted at him. Even though the smile had never left your lips. After telling the blonde that you’d be down in a second, you pulled your window back to it’s closed state, closed your whirring air con, then ran downstairs. You stopped to make sure your hair wasn’t a mess before hauling the door open and stepping beside Jeno, who had started moving towards the beach the moment he saw you open the door.
The whole walk to the beach, you couldn’t help but notice how little space there was between you and the boy. If you moved your hand just a smudge closer to his, they’d touch. 
“So, what’s going on this time? Fair? Skinny dipping?” You asked, opting to stuff your hand in your pocket.
Grinning, he replied, 
“Chenle and Jisung’s back early and throwing a party. We’ve been invited.”
You had no idea your two favorite underclassmen were back in town. Neither did you know about the party they had decided to throw down at the pier. So the second you arrived, you squeezed through the crowds of people to find the trouble making hosts, nearly losing Jeno behind you.
“Woah there, Y/N, wait up!”
Stopping and turning your head, you noticed his blonde hair, gleaming in the sunlight, politely smiling at the party goers he pushed past. Finally catching up and taking his usual place beside you in the noisy crowd, he wrapped his hand around yours. Flustered, with heat creeping onto your cheeks already, your eyes darted to look into his. Jeno’s eyes, overflowing with confidence just a few seconds ago, became equally as flustered as yours. 
“Uh, wouldn’t want to get separated again right?” He mumbled, barely audible between the loud music and chatter.
“Right.” You murmured back at him before continuing to maneuver through the sea of dancing bodies, Jeno behind you in tow.
The moment your eyes weren’t on him, he cursed at himself under his breath. Why did he always lose his confidence every time you looked at him?
“I can’t believe you two came back without telling me.” You hissed between your clenched teeth, cornering the two hosts. “What kind of betrayal is this?”
Chenle and Jisung, noticing you and Jeno’s intertwined hands, giggled like schoolboys before answering, 
“A kind of betrayal that’s good for you.”
“Yeah, you should really see the sun more often.”
A amused snort sounded from behind. Snapping your head around, you found Jeno, trying his best to contain his laughter, his eyes curling up into shining crescents.
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He snickered, raising his free hand to hide his smile.
“Today’s the day I throw a man into the ocean.” You exhaled, but it didn’t come out as aggressive as you wanted it to.
 Let’s be honest, you couldn’t stay mad, not when Jeno’s smile was creating butterflies in your stomach.
The boy’s hand didn’t let go of yours for the whole party. Not even when multiple people came up to ask for his number (something you still had yet to get.). He simply cracked a polite smile, then moved not so discreetly to let the other party goer see your intertwined hands. If they were still persistent about getting his number, he’d give them the number to Mark’s smoothie shack. Nothing wrong with promoting his friend’s shack right?
But then, when the cute boy you’ve been eyeing the entire time slides up to you and asks for your number, you’d been ecstatic. You had tried to remove your hand from Jeno’s, but unfortunately, Jeno’s iron grip wasn’t a force to be reckoned with. The boy had seen the way your eyes lit up when the other dude came up to you. He had only seen you look at him that way and couldn’t help but let the green monster in him take over. 
“Sorry, Y/N isn’t looking for a significant other right now.” Jeno cut in, a smile that didn’t reach his eyes on his face.
“Oh, alright, I’ll try again later then, I guess.”
Eyes widened in shock, you watched as your ideal type walked back towards his crowd of friends.
Pulling Jeno away from the crowd and onto a creaky part of the pier that was significantly more quiet, you were ready to chew him out. But your friend started to explain himself without you saying anything.
“Look, he looks good, he’s got nice shoulders, and he’s your ideal type. I know.” He paused to look down at you for a second before looking back out at the calm sea. Your eyes pierced into his own, trying to figure him out. 
“But- Uh- The other day, I saw him with another girl. They were kissing and uh- I don’t think he’s worth your time.” 
He hated how just one glance at you can completely throw him off.
“Then who is worth my time then?” You asked, letting your hand slip away from his and running it through your hair in frustration. “I’ve been single all my life with no experience whatsoever, Jeno. Even my underclassmen are starting to date. If I don’t give anyone any chances, I’ll be single and lonely with twelve cats at sixty!”
“Maybe you should consider me for once.” He mumbled, not expecting you to hear it at all.
You heard it alright.
“What?” You whispered, thinking that your ears were malfunctioning. Lee Jeno, surfer boy with a killer smile, a sweetheart who had tons of people fawning over him, was asking you to consider him?
Muttering some curses under his breath, he turned to face you in the eye. The sun setting in the background making the moment to be much more dramatic than you liked it to be. The late summer sun’s golden rays highlighted half of the boy’s face and you swear, his features have definitely gotten more mature than the year before. The music from the party was still playing on faintly in the background and all you could really hear was the washing of the waves hitting the pier and your crazy heartbeat.
“I’m not going to hide it anymore. Y/N, I’ve liked you for a while now. This- this wasn’t how I wanted to tell you, but I guess it’ll have to do.” The boy you’ve grown so fond of chuckles before continuing. 
“I think it started during our second summer together. When we were walking back from the fair. You know, you looked stunning under the starlight. More so when your eyes had their own stars in them. I- I don’t know the exact moment I fell, but I remember not wanting to let you go.”
Jeno’s signature scent of sea salt was all you could smell. He was so, very, close. Your heart felt like it was in your throat. You couldn’t form words as you listened to the sweet confession.
“I thought it’d go away after a while, but when I returned back home to my own town, everything suddenly seemed dull. When I went on double dates with Jaemin and the girl in front of me was trying to chat me up, all I could do was compare her with you. Her eyes didn’t sparkle when she talked about things she ‘loved’. They didn’t sparkle like you when you got into a book.”
He was nervous. You could tell. Though he was trying his hardest not to advert his eyes from yours, his hands were playing with the hem of his shirt and his Adams Apple bobbed multiple times throughout his whole monologue. 
“So, I guess what I really want, is for you to see me in the same light.” 
The blond boy’s shoulders relaxed, finally finishing the words he had been preparing to say since meeting you again this summer. His eyes were squeezed shut, not wanted to face you and possible rejection. 
Finally finding your tongue again, you opened your mouth to speak, but was yet again interrupted by the boy who brought you summer every year.
“It’s okay if you don’t like me like that, I understand.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck, eyes still closed.
You let out a giggle of your own. 
Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you pulled him down into a sweet kiss. Smiling into the kiss, you found that his lips faintly tasted salty.
Breaking away from him, you giggled at the sight of his eyes, as wide as saucers, in shock.
“I guess, I like you too huh. I mean, the way your eyes crease up into small moons are something I’ll never stop melting over. Also, did you know that your eyes also light up when you talk about the beach? I get jealous sometimes you know.”
A huge smile spread across the young boy’s face. Yelling out in happiness, he wraps his arms around you in a secure hug, then proceeds to spin you around in pure euphoria.
“So you’re officially mine now?”
You rolled your eyes, even though the smile on your face gave it away like it always did.
“Yeah, yeah. Just stop throwing pebbles at my window and we can work something out. I don’t find it to be romantic, sorry.”
Placing you down but hands not moving away from your waist, the beach boy rests his head on your shoulder and mumbles into your skin,
“I forgot to tell you, I got accepted into the collage a bus ride’s away from your house. On a full scholarship.”
Wrapping your own arms around your new boyfriend, you laughed.
“I couldn’t be more proud of you.”
“Yeah, but you’ll have to work hard to get admitted into the same collage.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.”
Yeah, you hated summer.
You hated the annoying cicadas. You hated the noise the neighborhood children bought. You hated the never ending rise of temperature. You hated how your rich friends would leave you to go on vacation. 
But if a certain boy meant summer,
then you suppose you could deal with it for a little longer.
“Hey, Jeno, what’d you like about summer again?”
He pretended to think about it.
“Hm, the wind, the sky, 
and you.”
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armystringsexo · 6 years
Wizard Apprentice Mark!
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•Mark was never good with mythical creatures nor potions
•he had a small group of friends around his age that helped him
•no one wanted to be his partner in potions
•for good reason
•he either made the cauldron explode or there was no reaction at all
•there’s no in between
•also gets frustrated when he tries to befriend mythical creatures
•”griffins don’t eat seeds”
•”shut the fuck up donghyuck”
•walked into the dinning hall
•and immediately was hounded by chenle talking about a new student
•mark just wants his chicken
•he didn’t sign up for this
•”she’s not like human human, ya know?”
•that caught marks attention
•”what do you mean??”
•”I don’t know man it’s just a rumor”
•well fast forward to two days later
•there is a girl sitting next to marks seat !!!
•”What are you doing?”
•a+ fucking introduction
•”I’m your partner. My name is Y/N!”
•mark nodded and smiled back before sitting down
•they were supposed to make a potion to shrink
•mark was already groaning
•but the girl next to him was shaking in excitement
•”What is wrong with her?”
•he felt bad for thinking it but you did act strange compared to others
•Mark and you began to work on the potion but Mark was falling behind
•”No, next is the rat spleen. Then it’s 3 sliced caterpillars...See! There you go! Good job!”
•you happily led him through the potion
•mark was finally understanding the class for once
•a real shocker
•by the end of the class you both completed to potion without fail
•mark was sooooo happy!!
•he hugged you
•but then apologized bc he didn’t ask
•fast forward a few weeks
•and u two have become bffs
•no shit
•donghyuck is pissed
•finally Mark decided to take a risk and ask the question that has been bugging him since he met you
•”Are you not really like us?”
•u were confused at first but then realized
•”My mother is a pixie and my father is a Wizard.”
•and marks like oh
•”that’s why you have a pixie cut?”
•”n o”
•poor bby
•”It’s just something I like and there are quite a few pixies with short hair so I see your thought process.”
•it was a cute bonding
•u are vvvvv into humans
•u love studying them and find them so interesting
•u harass mark about his human pals
•”why can Johnny eat a lot but not gain weight? Why does your one friend have the name Ten-“
•mark just shushes you
•the first time you were out sick Mark messed up a potion and cried for 10 mins
•also cried because a Phoenix liked him
•one time
•mark was trying to get you some books on humans and the entire shelf fell
•making him spend over 3 hours not only using magic but also his hands to put the books back up
•but it’s worth seeing you smile
•panics when he begins to get a crush on you bc
•holy shit what if he’s gonna mess this up? What does he need to do?
•he’s a whole mess
•honestly a mood
•jeno almost beat the shit out of him bc he wasn’t paying attention in class
•eventually mans up and confesses
•which you of course say yes
•who wouldn’t ?????
•so now you’re dating the clumsiest but cutest wizard
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