#i already miss everyone we've said goodbye to
fabulouslygaybean · 10 months
im so sad that tomorrow (technically today but i haven't gone to bed yet so shhhh) is our final day here in california. we head out for the airport at noon and im just gonna miss my family out here a lot :(
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explosionkatsu · 5 months
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Random Number (Upcoming Series)
Pairing: Adult!Bakugo x F!Reader
Bakugo Katsuki's phone beeped as he received a text from an unknown number. Feeling curious about the contents of the message, he unlocked his phone and opened the text to find an unexpected list of grocery items. Perhaps it was a wrong number or maybe someone was playing a prank on him.
Warnings: None. Ya’all know I don't write stuff like that! Haha!
Y/n had put in a lot of effort throughout the week and was eagerly awaiting her paycheck. She had been looking forward to her evening, filled with relaxation after a long day at work. The idea of having some quality 'me time' was exciting, and she couldn't wait to indulge herself by staying up late and binge-watching her favorite series on Netflix. She had also planned to treat herself to some delicious food, which would only add to the enjoyment of her well-deserved break.
"Hey, Y/n! Do you want to join us for some Shabu-shabu?" Y/n's colleagues asked her.
"That sounds like fun, Mika. But I already have plans for my evening. You know, some 'me-time' would be nice," Y/n replied.
"Haha! Well, you deserve it after this hellish week we've had. You're probably the hardest worker here," Mika responded playfully.
"Oh, shut it. Haha. Well, I'll be off now! Say hi to everyone for me and have fun with the team!" Y/n giggled as she picked up her bag and waved goodbye to her colleagues.
As soon as Y/n got out of the building, she rushed to the nearest cash dispenser and withdrew a good amount of money from her account to pay her bills and buy groceries for the month. She had worked overtime the previous week, and she felt pleased that her hard work had paid off.
Humming happily, she walked towards the supermarket, enjoying the cool breeze of the night. When she reached the store, she fished her grocery list out of her bag, only to realize that it was missing.
Panic set in, and Y/n started to rummage through her bag in search of the list. She even planned on flipping her bag upside down, but it was nowhere to be found.
Frustrated, Y/n muttered under her breath, "It's not here. I must have left it at home." She pondered for a moment about what to do next. She could either go back home to get the list or try to remember the items she needed to buy.
Finally, Y/n decided to use her phone to make a list of the things she needed to buy. She hoped that she could remember most of the items, but she knew that she might forget some of them. She sighed and muttered to herself, "Hopefully, I still remember some of it."
Without wasting any time, Y/n pulled out her phone and opened the messages app instead of the notes. She swiftly listed all the items she required and then hit the send button. However, she immediately noticed that she had left the contact details empty. Not wanting to waste any more time, she quickly typed in her number and hit send again. Unbeknownst to her, the last digit of her number was incorrect.
"Hey Bakugo, I'm so pumped up! Our dine-out is going to be epic!" Kirishima exclaimed with unbridled enthusiasm as he met up with a scowling Bakugo, who was already bundled up in a thick scarf to protect himself from the chilly weather.
“I'd rather spend time alone than be with you idiots,” Bakugo said under his scarf.
“Aw, come on bro. We’ve rarely got this chance,” Kirishima insisted. “Besides, today is the only day we’re all free!”
“Tsk.” Bakugou only said in response.
As they started walking, there was a sudden sound of "ding" emanating from Bakugo's device which caught their attention.
“You should check that out. It's probably something important,” Kirishima pointed out and continued walking.
“For god’s sake," Bakugo said with a hint of frustration evident in his voice, as he reached for his phone in his pocket.
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Bakugo's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the message. "What the hell?" he blurted out, scanning the text again. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of it. Could this be some kind of sick joke? “Is this a prank?”
Kirishima glanced at Bakugo's phone and asked, "What's up, bro?" After reading the message, he snickered and said, "I told you it's important. And let me tell you, strawberry milk is amazing. Don't be shy about enjoying it." He teased.
Bakugo's voice boomed with anger as he shouted, "Shut the hell up, Shitty hair!" His outburst drew the attention of everyone in the vicinity, causing them to turn and stare at the source of the commotion.
“A-ah! Sorry about that! That's just nothing!” Kirishima apologetically said to the people looking at them. “Bakugo! Keep it down will ya!”
"Whoever this person is, is screwed!" Bakugo exclaimed, clenching his jaw.
“Hey, hold on a minute. What if that person is an elderly woman who’s unfamiliar with using phones?" Kirishima suggested. "Also, have you thought about how it might affect your reputation if she finds out you're Dynamight? Think about this carefully, man.”
“Tsch!” Kirishima's reaction might seem excessive, but he has a point. It's best to just let it be.
Upcoming series? Does that mean sluggish uploads again? Haha. As you all know, the series I'm currently working on is coming to an end. Only two chapters more. 👀
See you again in my next series! 😘
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evermoresversion · 8 months
ㅤㅤ♡⃕ ﹙distance, conrad fisher.﹚
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PAIRING Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Angsty, mentions of break up.
SUMMARY The two broke up due to Conrad's decision, but even despite all the time that has passed, you both still feel the same, so you decide to keep your distance.
SONG Distance By Ruel.
"Yes, I'm going to Cousins this weekend." your voice rang through the house's landline as you spoke to the youngest Fisher, Jeremiah.
"This weekend? Great, we've missed you so much." He hadn't realized that Conrad was nearby listening to everything. Jeremiah hadn't said your name but he didn't have to be very smart to know who he was talking to. It was you.
"Well, see you then, bye."
And that was when Jeremiah became aware of Conrad's presence in the room. He swallowed, making a straight line with his lips as he looked at his brother.
"Is she coming?" Conrad asked trying not to sound panicked or something, he looked indifferent but inside he was the opposite.
"Yes, y/n is coming."
"Cool." He nodded and turned around without saying anything else.
It seemed like a coincidence that before he heard the call he already had you in mind.
You were always on his mind.
The next few days before the weekend he was mentally preparing to see you again after at least three months without having seen you since the two of you broke up. It scared the shit out of him.
When the day finally arrived a very smiling Jeremiah greeted you.
"I missed you so much, silly." He wrapped you in his arms as he swung you in them and you giggled.
"I missed you, you idiot." When he let you go he saw how you looked around the house looking for someone.
"They're shopping, they will return shortly."
You nodded with a small smile and he quickly leaned over to grab your bag and lead you to your room.
"This way, miss." You laughed at his antics and wrapped your arm around his to let yourself be guided even though you knew the house better than the back of your hand.
In the afternoon when the others arrived, they greeted you and hugged you, telling you how much they had missed you. Everyone except Conrad. He was avoiding you at all costs, in all aspects.
During the meal he could feel your gaze but he didn't return it for any reason, he wanted to but his pride and fear wouldn't allow it.
He was keeping his distance like he told you he would.
But he was dying to return to your arms, kiss you and forget everything. But the reality was that he couldn't do it anymore.
He had to keep his distance.
He couldn't break your heart again. He couldn't allow it.
When you weren't looking and the others were busy with their own conversations, he allowed himself to look at you.
You had always seemed beautiful to him, but in some way or another this time he found you gorgeous.
And he looked away from you again so he didn't want to kiss you even more.
You were right there, but he would never admit out loud that he's still in love with you.
He can't complicate things further.
He just had to be patient, just one more day and you'd be gone again. He repeated himself mentally but on the other hand it hurt him that you were leaving him again, even though you hadn't even exchanged a single word since you arrived.
And just when he thought the seemingly slow dinner was about to end, Susannah spoke. And the words she said made him panic.
"Connie, honey, why don't you and y/n help me clean up a little?" He couldn't say no when she looked at him like that and smiled so sweetly.
When he was ready to speak, you did it first.
"You should go rest, Suze, I'm sure Conrad and I can handle it, right?" you questioned looking at your ex and he just nodded without looking at either of you, picking up the plates from the table.
"Thank you very much, sweetheart, good night." The oldest waved goodbye, walking towards the stairs of the house to get out of your sight.
You gathered the rest of the dishes and as soon as you saw Conrad returning you didn't hesitate to speak.
"You said you would call." You accused him, looking at him and he just shrugged, not looking at you and playing with the napkin holder.
That was the conversation he dreaded.
"I was keeping my distance."
You sighed, shaking your head with a sarcastic smile.
"And you just say it like that? It's hard for me to just let go of what we had, for God's sake, it was three years of relationship. At least you could call me to tell me you were okay."
And that was the last thing that triggered everything he had been keeping to himself since you had broken up.
"Do you think it wasn't hard for me too? Because it was, y/n." You saw how his chest fell and rose rapidly due to the heaviness of his breathing, just as yours was too.
"Then why didn't you call?!"
"Because I didn't want to stay stuck in those memories to make it worse, to not feel worse."
The two looked at each other for a few seconds, as if you were telling each other everything you couldn't with words.
"I just can't describe the way it hurts, because I know that what we had is no longer and will never be."
You sighed in denial, finishing cleaning everything to walk towards the kitchen and before leaving the dining room he took your arm.
"It is the best." He looked you straight in the eyes and that's when you knew, it was better to keep your distance.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023
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wosoluver · 1 month
Not good at saying goodbyes.
Part 2/4 - previous - next
Lena Oberdorf × Reader
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And here you were about to turn 23, you were a late bloomer in football. Only having a big boom in the past two years, playing for Barcelona.
You were set to play the euros for your national team, as you already did play for the qualifiers. You had finally been called up to play, and represent your country. That was, Spain. Despite being born and raised in Germany, you were only a little girl. The most memories you had in football was unfortunately made in Spain. It had been almost 15 years. So it felt like the right thing.
If someone would have told you that then, you would never believe them. You would say there was no way, and you would take the first chance you had, to go 'home'.
But you followed your path, with the best opportunities you had, presented to you. And that's how you ended up where you were now. On a top team, being among awarded players. And you were happy. Really. But something was always missing, and you couldn't figure out what it was.
Asking for a transfer to Bayern Munich as a loan, was a slight desperate try, at trying to fix that feeling.
And the deal had been settled.
And you were feeling great and confident, despite knowing you would have to sooner or later face your old friend, but for only 90 minutes max.
Your plans had been frustrated when a week after the announcement over your contract, Bayern announced another transfer. From Wolfsburg. The very same girl you couldn't stop worrying about.
You deeply hoped you would be better at hello, better than you ever were at goodbyes.
Not knowing where to start was tough. After all, besides the loss of contact, you had so many chances of reconnecting. But you both chose not to.
You, because you were extremely scared of the rejection. And her, simply because she was still not over how betrayed she felt, even after all this time.
You didn't know what you were expecting, but being humiliated by having your existence ignored, was not on your list of possibilities.
You came in, to get ready for your first day. Georgia came over to try and fit you in.
"Hello! It's nice to have you here already! Your spanish right? Do you have a german family? You have a german last name."
"Well yeah, I was actually born here, but I grew up there."
"Really? But you play for the national team no?" she asked as you two moved outside.
"Yes, played for them first time this year."
"Hola!" - said Giulia coming close to you.
"She's speaks english and german probably." - said Georgia stoping her friend from embarrassing herself with bad spanish.
"Yes, english or german, or spanish, whatever you prefer."
"We're so excited to have you here, come I'll take you around, you can meet everyone."
And you did. But when you were about to approach Lena and Lea, she simply walked away.
"Hey, sorry about her." - said Lea, with a tight lip smile.
"It's fine."
But it hurt. And it was only going to get worse.
Every chance she had to pass you the ball, she didn't. Everyone noticed at this point. And in the locker room, she didn't make an effort to hide the fact that your presence bothered her.
From that day on, that's what it was like.
You knew you deserved a cold shoulder, but this was too much, and it started taking a tow on you.
You decided to move back to Germany, trying to fill a small void you had deep down, not to make it feel worse. Had you made the right decision?
"Good morning Y/N!" as she caught up with you on the parking lot.
"Morning Georgia."
"I know it's none of my business and you probably don't even know, since you just met. But is there something wrong between you and Oberdorf?"
"Uhm-" in a way you were kinda glad to be cut off.
"I'm sorry it's just been so weird. We've never had something like this happen in the team."
"I'll try talking to her."
You hated the unwanted attention, especially on something you were so sensitive about.
But she was one of your captains, if she came up to say something like that, it was probably because she wanted to sort it out.
Lena's pov
"You need to try and be more subtle, the girls are worried about the team's harmony." said Lea to her friend.
"I'm not going to play my feelings down!"
"I'm not asking you to. But at least inside the pitch, you need to put your feelings a side momentarily. You can't let this harm our team's performance."
"See that's exactly what your doing!"
"Lena! You just got here. You can't risk this over pride. You don't need to talk to her, just play football like I know you can."
This time she only nodded. This couldn't be bigger than her career. And that she agreed on.
reader's pov
During training today, it felt like something was different. Besides the fact you had fallen in the same group as Lena. And you two did football like you used to. So much, you had beaten the opposite group on 5-1. Something that hadn't happened yet since your first day. Her passes from the middle field to your position as a left winger, made sure that most balls got into the penalty area so Lea and Pernille could manage goals.
The way she had been acting made you think something between you had changed. That gave you a little hope as you went to talk to her, later in the locker room.
"Hey... I just wanted to- I wanted to apologize." - You said barely above a whisper.
"I don't want your apologies. I'm not doing this for you."
"Still, I need to apologize. There's no excuse to what I've done and-"
"Your right there's no excuse." she said dryly as she walked away.
You felt like someone grabbed your heart that was already holding on to it's pieces, and smashed it against a wall.
You never thought you would see this side of her. In reality that part of her had only been created after the harsh reality had hit her all those years ago.
Like you had drove her to create the best side of her. The kind, funny and quick witted one, you had managed to do the same, but for the worse.
You moved as quick as you could, into a stall, and cried your eyes out, as quietly as possible. Not quiet enough though, apparently.
"Y/N? It's Giulia." She said softly as she sat down next to you, outside the stall. "Do you need anything?"
You were quiet for a few minutes.
"A hug?" whispering back.
You sounded like a little girl, scared off by the monsters under her bed.
"Of course."
You got up and unlocked the door, as you walked into her arms.
"You don't owe me an explanation. But if you need to talk, I'm here."
"Did you hear any of it?"
"We were childhood best friends. When I had to leave the country. I didn't say goodbye. I couldn't."
"How old were you?"
"About eight."
"You were just a kid!"
"It's still my fault."
"Honey no! You were so young, I can't imagine how it was for you. You were about to lose everything you knew. You can't spend the rest of your life carrying this weight!"
"Well even if it was a child's mistake, I have lost her forever. If I could go back in time I would."
"I believe you. Just give her a little time, and she'll see it too. What you two did today was amazing! You guys were synced like one. I saw a slight tiny smile on her face when you assisted those two goals."
"Yes, it was in her eyes. She is really good at keeping a straight face, but I'm better at reading people."
"Thank you. I haven't talked about this in years."
"I'm here. Now let's get you home, do you need a ride?"
"No, I'm good, I drove here."
"Okay. Anything, you call me, yeah?"
We'll probably have four or five parts on this fic 🩷
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Jack Thompson x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Marvel
Day 14 Prompt: "If you don't stop now-"
Summary: When Y/N is the first female agent allowed to work the night shift, side by side with Jack Thompson, Peggy and Daniel want to make sure she doesn't miss the hint.
Word Count: 1,108
Category: Fluff, Humor
Requested by @bandshirts-andbooks! This was so fun to write Babs lol, hope you enjoy!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scribbled away at the report I was working on, completely ignoring the pointed throat-clearing from my friends on the other side of the desk. The workday was almost over, so if I could just block them out for a little longer-
"If you want to pretend to ignore us, that's fine," said Peggy, her voice light and teasing. I fought back a sigh. "Daniel and I can just have the conversation with ourselves. We know you can hear us."
I made a face, glancing up long enough to make eye contact with both of my friends before slowly and deliberately raising my hands to my ears and plugging them. Since I'd already decided to be this childish, I figured I'd go all out, so I stuck out my tongue too.
Peggy and Daniel shared a look, and then Daniel reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling one hand away. I glared at him, ready to yank my hand back and continue ignoring them both, but he spoke lowly before I could.
"You know, if you plug your ears, we'll just have to raise our voices so you can hear us."
I narrowed my eyes at him, wordlessly threatening murder, but Daniel didn't blink as he stared back. Finally, after a minute, I sighed.
"Fine. I won't plug my ears. But it's basically five, so maybe you two should just head out. You know, get a jump start on the weekend-"
"And leave you alone with Thompson sooner?"
I turned to glare at Daniel. Like before, he didn't flinch.
"Y/N, listen," started Peggy, leaning forward and looking at me like she was being the reasonable one. "Everyone in this conversation is aware that you have feelings for Thompson. All we're trying to get you to hear is that, since Thompson actually agreed to let you work the night shift with him, making you the first female agent to work a night shift... he might return those feelings."
I sighed, long and hard, through my nose. I put up with so much from these two.
"Great. I've heard you. Now mind your own business, both of you."
"We've long ago made this our business," Peggy responded, an all too pleased smile on her face.
"Yeah, come on," continued Daniel. "I have no idea what you see in Jack, but you clearly like him a lot. And you didn't let up when you saw me and Peggy dancing around each other. So we're not letting this go, either. Not when you spend every minute he's in the room moon-eyed staring at him-"
"Daniel, if you don't stop now-"
"What's going on over here?"
Peggy, Daniel, and I all whirled around at the sound of Jack's voice next to my desk, like kids caught digging in the cookie jar.
"Nothing!" I answered quickly, before whirling back around and glaring at my two friends. "Daniel and Peggy were just saying goodbye before they left for the night."
"Well, then, goodbye. Now get out of here, you two are off the clock and I'm not paying you overtime."
Peggy and Daniel shared a loaded look that I didn't miss, and that I also doubted Jack missed. I rolled my eyes, then the three of us stood.
"You don't have to tell us twice to get us out of here," said Daniel, stretching a little as he got to his feet.
"I sure did," I muttered. He ignored me.
"You two have fun tonight," said Peggy, giving us a pointed smile as she turned away. I narrowed my eyes at her and Daniel as they linked arms and started heading for the doors of the agency together. They didn't look back once, the bastards.
"So... what was all that about?" asked Jack, turning to me the second our friends had cleared the agency doors. I huffed a laugh and turned to face him with a small smile.
"They're still trying to play matchmaker."
"They make any good points?"
I grinned. "Well, they did point out that you must like me if you let me stay to work the late shift with you. They really might be onto something there."
Jack scoffed. "For two of my best detectives they're sure oblivious sometimes."
"I'll say."
Jack and I shared a smile, and then he slowly leaned in until we were almost nose to nose, our breath mingling. His smile widened as his hand moved up to cup my face, and then he closed the rest of the distance and kissed me.
Jack and I had been together for a few months now. It had all started as we worked towards our mutual goal of setting Peggy and Daniel up, mostly so we wouldn't have to watch them exchange longing glances every day at work. In the process, he'd stopping being a dick to me, and I'd realized I actually really liked him. The rest was history.
To be fair to Peggy and Daniel's skills as agents, Jack and I had intentionally been keeping our relationship a secret from the beginning. It wasn't all that high-stakes, but we'd wanted to enjoy the beginning of our relationship without everyone in the office chiming in about it, to our faces or otherwise. We still hadn't told anybody, but our interactions had changed enough for Peggy and Daniel to pick up on the energy. They'd been hounding us both for three weeks to try to set us up, and for our part, Jack and I had just laughed when they weren't looking.
After a few long moments, Jack pulled back, both of us still with grins on our faces.
"So... we gonna tell them?"
I hummed in thought, hopping up to sit on my desk, swinging my legs a little as I fixed Jack with a mischevious smile.
"We probably should. It's gone on long enough that they should probably know."
"But there's still a lot of fun to be had in how we tell them. And, unless some emergency comes in that we have to deal with tonight... we've got plenty of time to figure out the best way we can think of."
"Have I mentioned lately that I love you?" he asked, leaning down to kiss my temple before taking a half step back towards his office. "Because I do."
"I love you too. Now come on, go get a notepad from your office so we can brainstorm ways to mess with our friends."
"Honey, you don't have to tell me twice."
I grinned after the swaggering form of my boyfriend, my heart singing. I really did love him. And this was gonna be fun.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @luv-ghostie @songbirdcannabe
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bgyuus · 1 year
Hi! Can you write about Kaiser having an unrequited love for the reader but the reader is Sae's girlfriend.
— all too well
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"running scared, i was there, i remember it all too well."
; in which kaiser finds out that he was already too late.
!!!: mentions of liquor, everyone is in their twenties except for the flashbacks, angst.
not me crying while writing this + i recommend listening to all too well (taylor swift), pluto projector (rex orange county), sparks (coldplay) and tired (beabadoobee) ++ reblogs and feedbacks are sm appreciated <3
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the after-party was loud. too loud to be exact. bastard münchen was celebrating their victory, again. the german prodigy, michael kaiser was sitting at the bar with alexis ness, a small glass of liquor in hand.
"hey kaiser, isn't that y/n? she's the girl you've mentioned before, right?"
ness pointed out. the ace immediately whipped his head around the place, trying to find a glimpse of you. finally his eyes landed onto you. when was the last time he saw you? were you doing fine? did you finally get your dream job? many question started swirling in his head. "go talk to her!" ness laughed as he nudged kaiser.
it wasn't that hard right? you guys were once close after all, surely a little catch up session won't hurt. kaiser stood up from his seat, took a deep breath and walk towards your table. you seem to be waiting for someone, but he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. "hey, y/n," he waved, a small smile plastered across his face.
you raised up your gaze upon the familiar voice you used to oh miss so much. "michael?! is that you? oh my god, it's been forever!" you said as you engulfed him in a hug. kaiser hugged you back. oh god, the way he had to hold himself back from taking in the scent of your hair. looks like you still use the shampoo from back in the old days.
"it's been awhile, hasn't it? how are you?" he asked, letting you go from your embrace. "never been better! in fact, if you're wondering, i did got my dream job hehe," you smiled. the man swore to god that he's trying his best to not breakdown right in front of her. not now. oh how he missed that god damn smile of hers. how that smile used to make him go weak in knees and how that smile used to make his heart skip a beat-
"oh, mi amor, who's this?"
an unknown voice rang through his ears. "sae! what took you so long? michael, i'm sure you know him. this is the famous itoshi sae, my boyfriend. sae, this is the one and only german prodigy, michael kaiser who was also a childhood friend of mine," you introduced. boyfriend? the itoshi sae? kaiser's eyes trailed down to the man's extended hand, wanting a hand shake in which kaiser bitterly accepted it.
"how long have you been together?" asked kaiser. the smile on his face made sae questioned his question. "oh a few years already actually-" "2 years, my love, we've been together for 2 years and we're planning to get married too," sae replied, pulling you close by the waist. kaiser definitely didn't like sae's tone. thus, he decided to end there by saying that ness is asking for him.
after bidding goodbyes, he went back to ness, who watched the whole scene. "guess the boyfriend was being a douchebag?" he asked, taking a sip of his beverage. kaiser stayed silent, only to excuse himself after. ness only nodded in response. ever since he heard about this girl who used to be kaiser's first love and now belonged to someone else, he understands what his friend is going through right now.
kaiser exited the bar, alone, only to find his way to the playground where he met you for the very first time. how did you guys ended up like this? what happened between you? why weren't you close anymore? better yet, why wasn't he the one who gets to pull you closer?
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"y'know, it's very coward of you guys to be picking on girls."
a young michael kaiser steps in front of you, who had tears in your eyes. the group of boys walked away, throwing dirty glances towards you and the boy who was shielding you from them.
"you okay? the name's michael kaiser! and you?" the boy chirped as he stook out a hand. you shyly accepted his offer and replied "y/n l/n," as he pulled you up from the ground. "oh thank god they didn't do anything bad to you! you live around here? i can walk you home," he gave you a toothy grin. you nodded accepting his offer.
the boy beside you was a loud one definitely. he talks a lot and you listened to whatever he has to say. but surprisingly, you didn't mind him at all, instead you enjoyed his stories. and soon enough, you two became friends in no time.
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junior high years came and guess what? kaiser and you went to the same school. your parents thought it was a good idea to send you both to the same school, that way it'll be easier for you both to walk home together. and of course, you both didn't mind, in fact you both enjoyed having to have each other side by side.
people mistaken you both for being siblings at first due to the both of you being with each other for nearly most of the time but soon they drop the topic.
kaiser, who matured faster than you, got his very first tattoo at the age of eleven. you wondered how his parents weren't mad at him because yours was totally against the idea of letting you having one.
kaiser, who matured faster than you, felt his cheeks redden when one of his friends asked him if you were his girlfriend. he immediately denied this of course. but the question has never left his mind ever since.
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finally, high school era. still, both of you enrolled into the same school. both of you were still friends of course, but not as close as back in junior high. you did wondered why though, but never have found an answer.
kaiser looked incredibly handsome now. his rose thorned tattoo still there on his left arm. his hair cut into a mullet style with blue streaks at the end. he was also in the school's soccer team which whom has brought name to the school and himself. as for you? you were the normal high school girl who's aim was to end school asap so that you can go live in the city with your dream job.
kaiser rarely talks to you, now that he's the school's super star and always has girls and boys around him, especially girls. kaiser noticed this too but chose not to do anything about it. he was secretly hoping that you'd come to him instead. but it seems like the bond between you weren't heading anywhere so he decided to take things into his own hands.
that one specific evening where he told the coach that he wanted to end his training early because of "family emergencies" but actually was to pick you up from your class to walk home together. other students whispered as they saw you both walking together, asking each other if you guys were a thing.
upon arriving at your front gate, you turned to face him. since when did he became this tall? and since when did his shoulders became so broad??? a small blush crept on your cheeks as you looked down to your feet. he certainly was even more handsome up close, you thought silently. "kaiser, um," the boy raised an eyebrow at you, wanting you to finish your question.
your heart ached to scream out the questions you've always wanted to ask. what are we? friends? best friends? a thing? what are we?? but instead all you did was smile and said "thanks for walking me home."
kaiser waited until you closed your house's door and walked home. he replayed the scene where you paused for quite some time earlier. what did you wanted to ask? surely you thanking him for walking you home wasn't the only thing you wanted to say.
he sighed as he collapsed onto his bed. the memories of his old junior high years came replying in his mind. "is y/n l/n your girlfriend?" one of his old friends asked him back in junior high. he remembered clearly that he denied it. but now? does he really like you? he likes you, definitely, but in that way? he wasn't sure. curse this feeling, he said quietly.
days continued to pass slowly turning into weeks. and finally you've decided your feelings towards kaiser. the constant search for him in the hallways, you waiting for him after his practices just to walk home with him. you like him, heck head over heels for him. your friends can confirm this since they noticed the little changes in you. you started to pick up track and field all because you wanted to train in the evening just to be in the same location as kaiser. you being the top of your year and the teachers assigned you to be kaiser's tutor in specific subjects. your reason? "to fulfill my teenage years in high school." your friends all side eyed you and go on with your answer but deep down they all know the actual reason.
kaiser noticed that you changed. from being the introverted shy girl to the all rounder high schooler like those you'd see in rom-com, coming of age movies. he has no idea why you changed but seeing you happy was enough for him to be happy as well. he also noticed that you'd always wait for him after his practices, and the way you were very patient with him during those tutor sessions. and he'd also notice whenever your fingers brushed against each other, you'd look away or your eyes avert to anywhere but him. like he didn't notice huh. you might not know this but he secretly enjoys spending time with you.
weeks turned to months and finally graduation day! this day was the very day that you'll finally make your move. to confess to michael kaiser! as soon as you got your certificates and all, you went all over the school to find him, but he wasn't in sight. a friend of his came up to you, saying that he was around the school's garden area, you immediately ran to catch up to him.
"michael!" you called out but stopped when you saw a girl beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. your heart dropped at the sight. you felt like you just got stabbed in the heart. your stomach churned as you bit your lip. you immediately turned away, running from the scene before kaiser can see you as you felt hot tears going down your cheeks.
unfortunately for you, kaiser did noticed you calling out for him.
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oh so that's how you suddenly broke contact. so that's why you didn't want to talk to him when he came to see you at your house after graduation day. a small misunderstanding which led to a big hole in his heart. his younger self took your absent as something small and nothing much to be bothered about. but soon, as he was growing up, he realizes that he missed those times where you waited for him after practices, he missed those times where you'd cheered for him in all of his games.
he laughed to himself. silly him for not noticing it earlier, silly him to not have the courage and guts to ask you how you were doing. now that you belong to someone else, he has no rights to be mad at you, even so, he has no rights to be mad at himself either, for as the saying goes let bygones be bygones.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 8 months
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Part 15
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Series Masterlist
Part 14 🟣 Part 16
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, angst. SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, fingering, oral (f and m receiving), face fucking, Dom!August, p-in-v sex, and we're finally putting that special little talent August has to good use. I think that's all necessary warnings, but as always; tell me if I missed something, please!
Word count: 4334! (hm, yes, beautiful number <3)
A/N: Alright! We're finally fucking some vampires - ones who don't answer to the name "Mike", that is. So I guess it's a moment we've all been waiting for... Or like... Y'all have been waiting for, I knew it was going to happen. Enjoy, loves.
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld
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“Hello, princess,” August yawned as he stepped into the kitchen. “Everyone’s out.” It was not a question, but rather a statement – of something so glaringly obvious that you had already figured it out before you set foot outside of Sherlock’s bed, where you had woken up. He’d been the last to feed last night, after Mike had gracefully accepted – save for some slight protesting – that you wouldn’t share his bed that night, no matter how happy you were that he was home again. Now, he was probably out to talk to some teachers about his recent absence. Sherlock had kissed you goodbye that morning at an absolutely unholy hour, to make the commute to his new workplace – a university in another city almost two hours away. Marshall was… where he always was, working some case or another until he could barely stand on his feet.
August was the only one of the guys who had taken a vacation these weeks, and you found yourself oddly grateful that you weren’t all by yourself this morning.
“Hey,” you answered, “want some breakfast?”
He laughed, taking your hands in his and leaning his forehead against yours. “Allow me,” he muttered. For the first time, you dared to ask him why he always seemed so happy to cook for you – the question made him laugh. August didn’t laugh often, but when he did… The sound was something mystical, in a way you couldn’t quite explain. “It’s my second-best way of showing you how I feel about you,” he chuckled.
“What’s the first?” You realized your error too late, and by the time you figured that out, August had you pinned between the counter and his body, with no possibility of escape.
“I could show you,” he said, grinning widely.
“You know how I feel,” you teased, hoping to get him to do the heavy lifting, which – surprisingly – he didn’t. Instead, he took a step back.
“No, princess,” he sighed, shaking his head. “That’s not gonna work.” He stepped closer to you again, putting a hand against your cheek. “I want to hear the words. From you,” he mutters, his voice dangerously void of emotions – until you look into his eyes.
“August?” With your thumb, you gently wiped the tears away. “What’s wrong?”
“Yes, I know how you feel, but talk to me, please,” he whispered softly. “I want your feelings for me to be important enough for you to say them out loud. Despite my already knowing them.”
“Oh, August, I didn’t think…”
“No one ever does,” August replied to you plainly, although there was an apologetic smile on his face. “Promise me, princess… Share your feelings with me, your desires with Mikey and your thoughts with Marshall the way you talk to Sherlock.”
Slowly, you became aware of August’s hands, resting on your hips. Resting your head on his shoulder, you leaned into him, and he responded by wrapping his arms around you. “All of them?” you asked quietly. His answer was a simple nod. You hummed – a half-chuckle that didn’t seem to surprise August at all. “You make my heart beat faster, and when you touch me, it sends shivers down my spine – even if you just hold me like this… When I think about you at night, I feel butterflies. I am so completely, incredibly and undeniably attracted to you, and I want to know you in every possible way.”
Before you had good and well finished your sentence, his mouth was on yours, eagerly moving against your lips, the coarse hair of his mustache scratching your skin. There was something uniquely romantic about the way he kissed you, as if you could feel the walls he normally had put up around him fall away – as if he was really letting you in for the first time since you’d met him.
After some time, he broke your kiss, holding your face in his hands. He moved away, leaving you looking into a pair of hungry blue eyes. “Can I take you to bed?”
You gasped your answer – a clear, resounding ‘yes’ – and nodded as his eyes begged you to temporarily waive the ‘human speed’ rule in the house, which you gladly did for him in this instance.
When your back his the mattress, you laughed. “You need this, don’t you?”
“’Need’ is a strong term,” he chuckled, laughing when he saw your puzzled expression. August pulled you into his side, where you quickly got comfortable.
“There’s something about you, August,” you sighed. “Something that’s not entirely like the others. Something…”
“A little deviant?” he asked, using your words from the day before. You nodded. That was exactly what you were getting at. “I’m surprised you noticed. Most of my kind… or kinds, I suppose, don’t.” He absentmindedly ran his hand over the arm you had lying across his chest. “I’m not a full vampire.” Now that was surprising… “I wasn’t bitten, I was born. About four hundred years ago. I am a vampire – my father was one. My mother, however… She was a succubus.”
“Succubus as in… female sex demon?” you asked, slightly confused by the revelation that those, too, existed.
“Put bluntly, yes,” August chuckled softly. “They’re quite rare, and there’s not a lot known about them, unfortunately. It’s said they need semen to survive, which we know isn’t true, but it’s a rather persistent piece of folklore. They feed off energy of a sexual nature – orgasmic nature, to be precise.”
“Do you?” It didn’t sound like much of a problem to you if he did.
“Yes and no,” he answered vaguely. “It can’t sustain me, but it’s a very nice snack. My gifts to feel and influence other’s emotions seems to be a result of my mother’s proclivity for perceiving those energies…”
“So, when you say ‘nice snack’…” Your voice trailed off, but August laughed understandingly, anyway.
“I mean I’m going to make a point of making you cum so many times you won’t be able to stand,” he growled in your ear before chuckling. “You like it when I talk to you like that, don’t you, princess?” Instead of answering him, you squirmed in his arms. “I love how comfortable you are around us,” he said suddenly, taking you by surprise – to say the least. Nevertheless, you knew exactly what he meant.
“It’s very… liberating,” you said slowly, “not being able to hide from you guys… At first it scared me, but now – ever since the agreement, I’m sure you noticed – I don’t want to hide anything from you anymore.”
“Nothing at all?” August asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively. What could he possibly be up to now? Hold on…
“What’s the… range on this gift of yours, Walker?” you snapped, slapping him on the shoulder out of reflex, hurting your hand in the process. “Do you just go around listening… feeling in on my, eh… private time with Mike?”
“I try not to,” he replied apologetically. ‘Try’. A very nice word to hide a ‘yes’ behind. “Sometimes I can’t help it… You and Mike – especially Mike, unfortunately – are very loud in your affection for each other. When you first moved here it was so bad I had to leave the house on occasion…”
“August!” you shrieked, pulling the pillow from under your head and putting it over your face to hide your embarrassment – completely unsuccesfully, of course. Your cheeks were burning, and you were overwhelmed by shame – not just because August knew some extremely intimate details about your sex life, but also – if not mostly – because you found that really, really hot in a way you couldn’t describe, even if you tried.
“Marshall couldn’t stand the two of you, either,” he chuckled, “but he didn’t feel the same way I felt about you back then.” Right… August had a thing for you when you first moved into the apartment… “I can tell you’re curious,” he laughed, “it wasn’t a crush so much as a… craving. It’s not gone – it never went anywhere, if I’m being perfectly honest with you.”
“A succubus-craving?” you asked, putting the pillow back where it belonged.
“Incubus, technically, but yes.” He turned his head, laying his forehead against your temple. The soothing baritone of his voice seeped right into your bones, making you shiver, and an involuntary moan escaped you. “It’s a very intense need to see that you’re taken care of.” August startled you by gently sucking your earlobe into his mouth, and biting down on the soft flesh, making you gasp. “And I would have preferred to be the one doing it myself, but as long as he managed… And from what I’ve gathered over the past months, he manages just fine…” His voice was nothing but a low growl now, with a jagged, feral edge to it that effortlessly caused goosebumps. “But today…” “It will finally be you,” you sighed. Fact of the matter was that you had been waiting for this moment as much as he had – although maybe not for quite as long.
“Well… I need you to do something for me first,” August said softly while he grabbed your hand and guided it between your legs. “Touch yourself. Cum for me. Let me know how it feels…”
“You know how it feels,” you muttered. It had only been a few months since you first had sex with the lights on, for crying out loud, and now August, who wasn’t your boyfriend, wanted to watch you finger yourself until you came so he could what? Get off on it himself? This was beyond scary…
“I want to know what it feels like when you know I’m watching you,” he growled, “you’re different like this, just like you’re different when you’re by yourself. Sometimes I wish I had Marshall’s gift, too, so I could know if it’s different depending on which one of us you’re thinking about.” With every word your heart rate climbed higher and your cheeks burned hotter. “You do think about us, don’t you?” There was no point in lying, but there was also no way you could speak, so you nodded. While August was talking, your fingers had started to move as if by magic, drawing circles around your clit. Soon, you found yourself restricted by your underwear, and you slipped your hands underneath the fabric. “All of us?” Another nod. “Separately?” The question pulled you away from your self-induced pleasure; your eyes flew open and your muscles cramped. When your eyes met August’s, it was like he’d tapped directly into your most private thoughts. Maybe you hadn’t been speaking the whole truth when you said you had nothing to hide from them anymore. But it was no use trying; August may not have been able to read your mind, but he had certainly felt your heart skip that proverbial beat when he mentioned it – as if your eyes didn’t give away everything anyway. Despite your obvious terror, August didn’t seem prepared to drop the subject. “Hm, I’d be up for it.”
“What?” You hadn’t really expected that to be his response to your half-admitting to having thoughts of fucking more than one of your housemates at the same time…
“After a few centuries…” he made a vague gesture you were not sure you understood the meaning of.
“Does it get boring?” you asked.
“Never,” he nuzzled your neck, occasionally pressing his lips to your skin. “It always feels different.” His hand covered yours and gently guided it back into your panties. “Please,” he muttered, “keep going. I need to know.”
Your fingers seemed to move on their own again, but this time, you didn’t get distracted by the words August muttered into your ear: “You’re killing me, princess. Cum for me, please.” After that, he showered you with praise, every word of it bringing you to new heights until you finally exploded. August let out a loud gasp. “Fuck, princess you’re delicious.”
“Right,” you chuckled while trying to catch your breath, “incubus-snack.”
“And a catalogue-building moment,” August chuckled mischievously.
For a moment, you wondered what he could possibly mean by that, and then you felt it; another orgasm building inside of you, steadily and very quickly, and without a single touch.
“Are you serious?” you laughed.
August responded with a dark chuckle. “Until you can’t stand, princess,” he reminded you of his promise from before while he continued to push you towards your sexond climax without so much as lifting a finger. “Be a good girl and cum for me again.” Naturally, you were more than happy to oblige, and August roughly pulled you into his side – almost hurting you – when you came again, whispering another comment about how good it was in your ear as you did.
“Are they as good as the… manually obtained ones?” Weird way of putting it, but for lack of a better way to say it…
“Every bit as good,” August hummed contently, “I could do this all day.” Honestly? So could you… Sure, your muscles would get tired eventually, but the lack of friction meant you could likely keep this up for quite a while. Besides, you doubted that August’s gift would let itself be stopped by a little leg-cramp. “The one thing that’s better…” His voice trailed off as he slowly kissed his way down your neck, his hands slipping underneath the old t-shirt you wore to bed. Without thinking, you reached for the hem and pulled it over your head, leaving August chuckling at your sudden eagerness. Your hands moved to undo the buttons of his shirt, but you soon got distracted and allowed tourhands to roam his chest.
“The scars…” you whispered as your fingers trailed the raised crescent lines on his chin.
“Paris in the nineteenth century was a dangerous free-for-all,” he sighed wistfully, “it was swarming with vampires and other creatures. Succubi, incubi, werewolves, vampires, some monsters you’ve never even heard of. Feeding was a criminal offence, and this was France, so breaking the law didn’t typically end well.”
“Yet you seem to remember it fondly,” you said bitterly, biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from saying something stupid. “What was her name?”
“Miriane,” August answered. “And his name was Elias, in case you were going to forget about that question.”
“Was she like me?” you asked. “Or was he?”
“He was,” August remembered, “but she found him, and he was hers – and so was I. Admittedly, I was first, but… like I said. Free-for-all. My gift made it easier to find willing victims, but as you can see, I got attacked a lot. That ended with him. Until…”
“What happened?” you asked breathlessly, looking at August with wide eyes.
“I left,” he snapped. Clearly that was the end of that line of inquiry…
“Who attacked you?”
“Other vampires. Ones without powers. Ones with powers that were less useful in those particular instances. Most of us didn’t want to kill to survive, but few had the option. I guess one would consider me lucky, even though I hardly have what’s considered an ancient gift.” He scoffed, then smiled, sensing your confusion. “Sherlock’s is – the compulsion, I mean. My father has it, too. Unsurprising, since he and Sherlock were turned by the same man.”
“So Sherlock is more or less your uncle?” you asked with a barely discernible smile on your face.
“Oh, please, no! Trying to impose human family ties on vampire covens is next to useless and will quickly make several things very, very awkward,” August laughed, laying his head on your chest. His hand moved up to cup your breast – which he somehow managed to do incredibly casually.
“Awkward, how?” Why? Why did you always have to know? The answer would probably make things awkward and…
Luckily, August was smarter than you in this particular instance: “After, princess.”
And that was the end of your conversation; August turned his head to wrap his lips around your nipple, and that was your cue to cease any and all rational thinking. So, this was wat patience felt like? Several centuries of practice in restraint? Paired with the ability to feel exactly what each move did to you… All those things put together should have made him better than Mike in more ways than one – maybe even more than the obvious – but weirdly enough, they didn’t make him better so much as exquisitely different. You’d become used to the way Mike would spend a whole lot of quality time with your boobs, so the fact that August moved on relatively quickly only to tease you relentlessly when he settled between your legs was almost disappointing in a way.
“I’m not Mike, princess,” August laughed when you tangled your hand in his hair in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to pull him to where you needed him most.
“I know that,” you huffed, scowling down at where August was busy scraping his teeth over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. Immediately, his icy blue eyes shot up, meeting yours.
“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow in that way that made you want to punch him and bit down harder on your leg. “I might even try Marshall’s favorite technique,” he said indifferently, a grin spreading on his face as you struggled to remember what he meant by that. Oh no! August chuckled when your expression told him you finally remembered. Another nip at your thigh was followed by the wet warmth of his tongue soothing the sting of the playful bite, and finally another stinging sensation as he sucked on te sensitive skin.
“Do you know you’re not Mike?” you chuckled. He rolled his eyes at you. Why did it make you so happy when he did that? Simply because he looked so incredibly hot while doing it? Then again, when did this man not look incredibly hot?
He stuck to that one love bite, and seemed to decide that that was plenty of teasing for today. As it turned out, being able to feel exactly what you felt was as good a gift as being able to sense desires. Honestly, it was such close competition that you wouldn’t dream of trying to figure out which was better – even more so because it would cut into your ‘enjoying being eaten out’-time. As if you had a prayer at thinking straight while August worked your pussy with his mouth, anyway; as soon as he flattened his tongue against your clit, it was over for you. Your back arched off the bed and you tangled your hand in his hair to pull him closer.
He finished you in no time, chuckling as he kissed his way back up your body again.
“I need you inside of me, now.” Whoever this breathy, more-moan-than-anything-else voice belonged to, it couldn’t be you, could it?
“Good girl,” August murmured. A few swift moves later, he was naked. You let your eyes travel down his body and sighed. He looked just as good as you’d imagined. “Let me take care of you.” Another orgasm hit you out of nowhere as August teased you by sliding the tip of his cock along your slit. It startled you – unnecessarily, of course. You just hadn’t noticed him putting on a condom. Fucking vampires – literally.
“Please stop teasing me,” you pleaded, “and come here.” Pulling him in was a fruitless endeavour, as always – annoying the everloving hell out of you, as always. And as always, the alternative – him indulging you – would have made matters so much worse. So he stayed put, teasing you more, until you were a squirming, whining mess underneath him, and he had an insufferably cocky grin on his face as he made you cum again, and again. You’d already lost count – but his eyes clearly told you that he hadn’t. “God, I wish you were Mike,” you blurted out. It was a lie – you were happier than happy to be here with August right now, but damn the man could do with half the patience he had.
A sadistic chuckle escaped him. “You’re so incredibly desperate for me,” he whispered. “I didn’t know it could feel this good.”
“Another snack:?” you asked sarcastically – and before you registered any movement at all, August’s hand was on your throat.
“It’s that attitude, or my cock, princess,” he snarled, “you can’t have both.” The pressure on the sides of your throat increased slightly, and you gasped. The next orgasm felt different – heightened, in a way, no doubt by the way he handled you right now. “So, which is it?”
As far as you were concerned, this condescending asshole could go to hell – which you didn’t neglect to tell him. Did it have the predicted effect? Absolutely. Did it have the desired effect? Not even close.
He dragged you up by your hair. “Knees.” Not a question. Very, very much not a question. It was also impossible to disobey him, as he still held much of your hair in a tight fist at the back of your head. “Open.” You had to give Mike credit; when he’d done his little failed experiment, his August-impersonation had been eerily on point. Which, of course, you hadn’t known at the time. But now… now you knew. And God, it suited August so much better – although he’d already shown you he could easily do ‘sweet and caring’, too.
Despite the orders shooting straight for your clit, you opened your mouth with the utmost reluctance, helped along by August’s piercing glare and a very persistent thumb that all but forced its way into your mouth. You made a few quick mental notes for comparison – you simply couldn’t help it. Mike was all about sensations; temporarily taking senses out of the equation, heightening others, playing with them, blending pain and pleasure… August didn’t give a damn about sensations. And who could blame him. He could already make you feel anything he wanted without lifting a finger… This was about control. And he was going to have to fight for it. At least that’s what you would have bravely thought about the whole situation if you hadn’t had cock stuffed balls deep down your throat, tears gathering in your eyes, and a ruthless man hovering over you, making you gag around him.
He fucked your mouth like he owned you – and he wasn’t wrong about that. You couldn’t move away from him, you couldn’t breathe, and the tears blurred your vision to the point where you couldn’t see, but you didn’t panic, finding comfort in the thought that August could feel exactly what you were feeling. A few months earlier you’d never thought you’d feel this way, but now you trusted him to take care of you on such a deeply intimate level, that you instinctively relaxed around him. He wouldn’t hurt you.
“That’s my good girl,” he said softly as his grip on your hair relaxed a bit. Oh, he still held you in place, but not with the same iron grip he’d used before. This was softer, gentler and something vaguely reminiscent of a kind of trust.
Surely enough, he soon let go of your hair altogether. “Keep going.” His voice was gentler now, but you didn’t dare make the mistake of assuming anything was up for negotiation. Despite your realization, his hand found its way to the back of your head again rather quickly, nudging you along. “You can do better than that,” he said as he pushed himself deeper into your throat until you were taking all of him again. “Perfect.”
When he let go of your head again, you quickly found yourself in the same predicament. “Just because I let go of you, princess,” he grunted, a tinge of annoyance to his voice, “doesn’t mean you don’t have to take every inch of me. Come on.”
He didn’t allow you to stop sucking him off until you were taking all of him, all by yourself – and for a good while. As you did, he kept giving you those little compliments that made your heart beat faster. Somehow, knowing he knew exactly what his words did to you made it even more exciting. By all means, you should feel terrifyingly exposed, unable to hide from him and his gift – or any of the others – but you didn’t. It was, as you’d mentioned before, very liberating to have them know everything.
After some time, he pulled away, sinking to his knees in front of you, cradling your face in both hands as he wiped away your tears with his thumbs. “You did so well, princess,” he whispered, leaning in so he could press his lips to your forehead. “Now be a good girl for me and get on your knees on the bed so I can fuck that pretty little pussy.”
You had to admit, as you very willingly – eagerly, even – crawled onto the bed again, that August had already done a very good job of fucking the attitude out of you, and something told you he hadn’t even really started.
This time, he didn’t tease you. He just sank into you with one smooth thrust.
“Fuck, princess,” he grunted, his tone suggesting he was going to say more, but he didn’t – or, more accurately; he couldn’t. His near-continuous stream of moans was interrupted only by the occasional swearword as he set an intense pace. With every thrust, your walls clenched around him, your thighs quivered and your fingers’ grips around the sheets tightened. “I’m gonna make this short,” he growled as his hand found it’s way into your hair, and he pulled you up until your back hit his chest. His final thrusts into you were merciless, and another orgasm rippled through you – his doing – exactly at the same time August reached his own peak.
Moments later, the vampire had taken care of cleanup and he held you snugly against his chest, where you quickly threatened to doze off, if it weren’t for Mike, who came home at that moment.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 52 - Goodbye. (part 1, out of 2.)
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Judging from the clothes, this story happens after Ecaflip City. Yes, I am analysing a story that never gets told. This is my last chance to get really tin-foil hat-ty with this blog.
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Not Joris leaning on the table cutely... 😭
Also, considering it is no longer snowing, I am assuming this takes place during spring. Therefore, in this episode, Joris is now eight years old! :D
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Kerubim is probably feeling like he's going through his 20th platonic divorce. Even though Simone is literally leaving a job and he's her boss.
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Everyone in this household is somehow traumatized by divorces, despite no marriage even taking place.
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(coughs up blood) It's lore unfriendly if you don't draw Simone and Julie with matching rings. Preferably on their ring-fingers.
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While there is something to be said about the fact that Kerubim is gentle here, and doesn't even seem bothered, — I think it's him putting on a brave face.
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He probably feels like he's losing Simone. And, just like he is going to lose Simone now, he is going to lose Joris. Because Joris is bound to grow up and leave him, or go through a moody teenage phase.
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And after that, are they going to have a good relationship? Is Simone going to visit him? Is Joris going to visit him? Is Joris going to have someone he loves more than him too...? He can't expect either of them to be a part of his life forever, — it's selfish, he already had his chances at companionship with Lou, Bashi, Indie, and Atcham, and he missed them all.
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He can't expect them to be a part of his life forever — both metaphorically and literally. He couldn't have known that the dragon thing would extend Joris's lifespan.
And who knows, if Joris will even like or tolerate him anymore, once he's old enough to actually think.
The impact of this exchange only gets more emotional, if you consider the fact that Joris is now eight years old.
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Simone is going to miss them too. It's probably why she wants them to start a travelling store, — so that the two of them can meet new people, form new connections, once she's gone, — and so that, perhaps, they could visit her too.
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Chances are, the happy atmosphere is a bit painful. He has a lot of reasons to be sad.
He can't just live in a bubble where everything stays happy forever.
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Joris's book he worked on the entire show...
This says "JORIS SECRET"
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They will miss each other a lot.
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Of course the guy who grew up with Kerubim would think this is remotely okay. dfjgksfdg. One last moment of bashing Kerubim's parental skills for the road...
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I love this show.
I love it with my whole heart.
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If they make a second Dofus movie, and don't include Simone in it again, I am not responsible for my actions.
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Not Joris playing with a rock...
He's so used to having Simone, that it feels lonely, to just be with Kerubim again. He hasn't had someone leave in his life, yet, either... This is a first for him.
Also, for the last time in this show, I will translate: the book still says "ALBUM PHOTO".
Just like the other times we've seen it.
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I know Kerubim says that one has to rub it (and calls him a fucking noob), but listen. Listen. I have some pretty big news for Bob:
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There's this little thing called "survivorship bias", and basically——
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callsign-dexter · 11 months
I'm Already There Pt. 1
Summary: Nick is off to the Naval Academy leaving his new fiancée at home. Carole has a wedding to plan and life plans to figure out.
Pairings: Nick Bradshaw x Carole Bradshaw, Carole Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Nick Bradshaw x Daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Sister!reader
Warnings: fluff, inaccurate military talk
I'm Already There
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June 21, 1980, came sooner than anyone hoped for. Nick was excited to go but felt bad about leaving his fiancée to plan the wedding alone and just in general. They told everyone about the engagement when they came back from their date on the beach. Everyone was supportive and both Carole's and Nick's mom said they would help plan the wedding.
Carloe went with them to drop Nick off at the Naval Academy, which was a little heartbreaking for every one that went. Carloe immediately started to plan the wedding, already having the details in mind, while going to drop Nick off. Carole's mom, Liza, and Nick's mom, Samantha, already agreed to help.
Once a very tearful goodbye and promising to keep in touch when he could, Nick was heading to basic training. While Carole went back to their hometown. She already missed him.
Everything was running smoothly as it could without Carole's other half not being there. Samantha has been a huge help with details that needed her son's advice. They had the venue, color, cake, dresses, suits, and decorations picked out. Now all they needed was Nick and a date. They wanted to get married as soon as possible.
On August 2, 1980, Nick was out of basic training and was allowed to talk to family members. The first person he called was Carole and they talked the entire time he was allowed. They talked and they finally settled on a date. He would be home for Thanksgiving and they figured the day before Thanksgiving would be perfect and the best time for them to do so.
Thanksgiving was coming up and nothing could stand in the way of their love. They talked whenever Nick was allowed to and Carole went down there every other weekend. They talked nonsense, about the wedding, about the kids that they were going to have. Everything was perfect until it wasn't.
Thanksgiving weekend rolled around and everything came in full force. Nick and Carole were running one way while the parents were running the other trying to get everything set for the day after. Thankfully the wedding was gonna be a small one and not too many people were coming which meant that some good country cooking was happening.
Friday- November 21, 1980 (1 day before the wedding)
When Carole and her father-in-law went to get the cake in the early morning the bakery said that they had lost the order. Carole was furious and so was the father-in-law. Everything was falling apart and fast.
"What do you mean you lost the order?" A frantic Carole asked, stress shooting through the roof.
"I'm sorry ma'am, we didn't mean to. We've been busy trying to fill other orders and somehow yours got misplaced." The bakery owner explained as calmly as she could knowing yelling and getting mad wouldn't help the situation.
"My wedding is tomorrow. Is there anything you can do?" Carole asked, trying to keep the peace. The baker sighed trying to think of a solution.
"I can get the cake ready in an hour. I'll also throw in a discount for the trouble." The baker said.
"Thank you. The discount isn't necessary though." Carole said not wanting to impose.
"Nonsense! It was our mistake. I'm just glad we don't have problems between us." The baker said thankfully she wasn't like normal brides that come in. They both left and returned an hour later with a perfect cake made for their special day.
They arrived back at the venue which was a nice country bed and breakfast with a beautiful backyard. It had a nice little lake behind it and a beautiful view of the sunset. The other family members were hard at work setting up lights and flowers and chairs. Carole just stood back and admired everything, she was so out of it that she didn't even notice Nick come up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and lie his head on her shoulder. She leaned into him and put her hands on his.
"I can't wait to call you my wife." Nick said followed by a kiss to the back of her head. Carole smiled.
"I can't wait to call you my husband." She replied and turned to kiss him on the lips.
Everything was starting to become perfect again.
Saturday- November 22, 1980 (Wedding day)
This was it. The big day. Nerves were starting to pop up but nobody was getting cold feet, they both wanted this and it was their dream. They weren't allowed to see each other until their first look and honestly, it was killing them both not being in each other's presence.
The wedding was going to be at 6:30 PM, the perfect time to take pictures. An hour before is when they decided to start getting things into motion. Nick went down to the lake with the photographer and waited for his perfect match. Finally it was time for their first look. Carole walks down to him with the help of her mom carrying her dress. She reached her soon to be husband and mother-in-law.
"Nick, you can turn around now." Liza, Carole's mom said with a smile on her face. He turned around and a huge smile came onto his face and hers.
"You are absolutely beautiful." Nick said while taking a step towards her and taking her face in his hands and kissed her. Carole giggled and leaned into his kiss and then broke apart.
"You look handsome." She said quietly only for him to hear. He never stopped smiling. They both were crying by now.
The photographer took pictures of them, groomsmen, bridesmaids, them with groomsmen and bridesmaids along with the mothers and fathers. Everything was flying by quickly and then it was time for the wedding to start.
They both went inside and waited for people to take seats. The music started and Nick along with his groomsmen walked down the aisle first. The music changed and the bridesmaids in their Navy blue dresses walked down. Then finally Carole in her beautiful white dress started down the aisle with her father while everyone stood. She reached the front and Nick shook her father's hand and handed her off to him.
"Everyone please be seated." The minister said and everyone sat down. "Good evening. We gather here today to witness and celebrate an act of deep love. “Carole and Nick”, in their devotion, respect, and love for each other, wish to unite in the holy bond of marriage, and to dedicate themselves to each other's happiness and well‑being as life mates and partners. On behalf of them, I welcome you all." The minister added. "Nick and Carole have decided to trade vows as a sign of their love. May I have the ring?" The best man gave him the ring. "Nick, you may start." 
"From the moment I met you in our sophomore homeroom, I knew you were the one for me. You were and still are the most beautiful woman I've set my eyes on. Nothing could stand in my way of starting a life with you and the kids that we'll raise together. I'll always love you, even if you did turn me down 2 times before saying yes, in sickness and health for richer and poorer to death do us part." Nick finished.
"Do you Nicholas Bradshaw take Carole to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The minister asked.
"I do." Nick said as he placed the ring on Carole's finger.
"Carole you may say your vows." The minister said and received the ring for Nick.
"Nick from the start you've always been a true gentleman since we were friends and been together. I love your goofy personality. I fell in love with you from the moment I met you and to this day and always will love you. I can't wait to grow old and raise children with you. Nothing could stand in the way of my true love for you. I too vow to always love you in sickness and health for richer and poorer to death do us part." Carole said with tears forming in her eyes, well everyone's eyes.
"Do you Carole take Nick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked her.
"I do." She said with a grin on her face and as she slid the ring on his finger.
"By the power vested in me the State of Virgina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Nick, you may kiss your bride." The minister said and that's exactly what Nick did. He grabbed her gently and kissed her like there was no tomorrow well until they both ran out of air.
They both pulled back and turned to face their loved ones and everyone clapped and hollered. They walked down the aisle hand in hand and when they got to the end the bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down next. They took a few more pictures with their family and headed to the reception.
When they arrived at their reception everyone cheered when they walked through the door. They said their speeches and they started the line to eat. Once everyone had their fill the dancing started. They had their first dance and after that was over everyone was allowed to get up and dance. Overall it was a fun reception and lasted well into the night. Once it was over the newlyweds went to the little cabin on the property and everyone else retired to their rooms.
Sunday- November 23, 1980 (Thanksgiving)
Thanksgiving was the next day and everyone showed up at Carole's house. The food was cooking and would be ready around lunch time. Kids were in the pool while their parents were all sitting around talking and having fun waiting on the food. Nick and Carole got there last not wanting to leave the little cabin at the venue.
They both arrived at the little cozy house and were greeted by everyone. They asked them what their plans were and if they thought about starting a family, in which they answered truthfully. The food was ready to eat shortly after and the turkey was carved, blessings were said and everyone dug in.
Their first holiday as a married couple was perfect! They wouldn't trade it for anything. A few days later they had to say goodbye to Nick as he had to go back to the Naval Academy. Another tearful goodbye had to be made but instead of leaving his fiancée, he was leaving his wife.
Honeymoon- September 20-27, 1983
Nick and Carole had decided to take a honeymoon before he had to go back to the Academy. He had one year left of the Naval Academy. They decided to go to a cute cozy little cottage by the lake near Virginia and Maryland located in Washington. Since Nick excelled in all of his classes they were letting him take 7 days for his honeymoon.
When they got to Washington everything was perfect. It was a beautiful site to see and nobody bothered them, it was a nice secluded area that housed a cabin and a lake right out the backyard and the closest neighbor was 2 miles away.
They didn't do much on the honeymoon; they just enjoyed being together and drinking some wine. They sat around the bonfire in each other's arms and sometimes ended up falling asleep. Nothing could ruin that moment. They talked about anything and nothing.
The last night of their honeymoon was sweet and sensational. They spent it together in bed, well they did every chance they got but this was more personal. The next morning, the last day of their honeymoon, she was late and she was never late. She voiced her concern to Nick and they went to get a pregnancy test. They waited the right amount of time and when the timer went off they looked at it, and both broke out in smiles. Carole was pleased to announce it to her husband.
"I'm pregnant."
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fullstcp · 3 days
"emails i can't send: fwd" by Sabrina Carpenter Sentence Starters
emails i can't send
"It's times like these, wish I had a time machine."
"Were you really asleep?"
"Were you lying to me and the family?"
"There's no 'us' in us when I'm lacking trust."
"You disgust me."
"Don't say sorry now."
"Thanks to you, I can't love right."
"I blame you for every worst that I assume."
"God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit."
"Please fucking fix this."
"You were all I looked up to."
"Now I can't even look at you."
"You're lucky I'm a private person."
"I've quietly carried your burden."
"Everyone thinks you're an angel, but, shit, I would probably use different wording."
"Why you gotta be so vicious?"
"You just run to whoever is winning."
"Said that it was me and you for life."
"Now you're kinda acting like I died."
"You don't think you hurt me if you wish me the best."
"I loved you, but I wish I didn't."
"I can't read your mind."
"You say you need to be alone, but night and day, want me at your beck and call."
"You're not my friend and you never were."
"Why the fuss if you say you just wanna be mine?"
"Double checking, did I get the message in the way you intended?"
"Don't understand how quickly we get right back in our rhythm without missing a step."
"I want you there sometimes."
"I'm lying to my therapist."
because i liked a boy
"Who knew cuddling on trampolines could be so reckless?"
"It was all so innocent."
"I'm not catastrophizing, everything's derailing."
"You said I'm too late to be your first love, but I'll always be your favorite."
"And all of this for what?"
"When everything went down we'd already broken up."
"We'd probably be better off as friends."
"Make me fall where I stand, only like you can."
"I say I'm done, but I'm still confused."
"How am I supposed to close the door when I still need closure?"
"I change my mind, but it's still on you."
"How am I supposed to leave you now that you're already over?"
"Selfishly don't wanna give you time to be on someone else's lips."
"I'll take three short hours over three long weeks pretending like we don't exist."
"I know you'll be coming back."
"I like my bed, but it likes you too."
how many things
"There's no hiding from the thought of us."
"I've got ways to find you anywhere."
"I consider you, I'm not trying to."
"Your corner in my mind is well-established."
"I wonder how many things you think about before you get to me."
"I feel myself falling further down your priorities."
I still make excuses for you constantly."
"Remember when you left once?"
"Am I not even a second thought?"
bet u wanna
"It's cold out there, let me know what you found."
"Bet you wanna love me now."
"When you don't have control of who I'm holding, is it feeding all your fears?"
"If you're satisfied, touché."
"Your so-called friends are gone."
"I bet you hate the way that you said goodbye."
"I hate the way that you left me dry."
"Think I only want one number in my phone."
"I might change your contact to 'don't leave me alone'."
"Treat me like a queen, now you got me feeling thrown."
"I can't help myself when you get close to me."
"I don't want no one else."
"Looking at you got me thinking nonsense."
"I can't find my chill, I must've lost it."
"You gotta keep up with me."
"I caught that L-O-V-E."
"How do you do this to me?"
"I don't even know anymore."
"Ahead of myself's an understatement."
"What the fuck is patience?"
"Give me a second to forget I ever really meant it."
skinny dipping
"We've been swimming on the edge of a cliff."
"I'm resistant, but going down with the ship."
"It'd be so nice if we could take it all off and just exist."
"Won't that be too nostalgic?"
"We won't bring up the past, we'll keep it bureaucratic."
"All of my friends think I've gone crazy."
"They don't know me like my baby."
"We look good in photographs."
"Now you're taking up my nights."
"I've never been so glad to be so tired."
"I'm mad for you."
"It's sad but true and I know it."
"You're on my mind."
"You stole my life and it's showing."
"You had to go and break into my head."
"I'd make all the same mistakes again."
"I know everyone sees that you'll be the death of me."
"You're good for my heart, but you're bad for business."
"You're good at the falling, not the staying there."
"You're good at the giving too much, then getting scared."
"You're good at impersonating someone who cares."
"You had me for a minute there."
"Where else can we go?"
"There's nothing left here to decode."
"I'm done looking for signs in the gaps and the silence."
"There's a weight off my shoulders now that I don't chase you."
"I'm learning from you that I can walk away too."
"Oh, so you do have a type and it's not me."
"Oh, so you can reply, just to not me."
"You knew I would see that."
"You knew I would notice."
"Should I be trying to take it as a compliment?"
"Why do you look so happy?"
"Now I think I get the cause of it."
"You were holding out to find the opposite."
"When you said I'm beautiful, was I being lied to?"
"I feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind."
"Your signals are mixed, you act like a bitch."
"It feels so good not caring where you are tonight."
"I got you blocked, excited to never talk."
"I'm so sorry for your loss."
"You miss me? No duh."
"If I fall in love with all my problems, will they leave me too?"
"Maybe I believed in all your lies cause I believed in you."
"Why were you somewhere else when you were next to me?"
"I know you know it keeps me up."
"Did you even give a fuck?"
"There's no hope in misery."
"I can't escape your history."
"Tell me I was more than just a decent opportunity."
things i wish you said
"Sorry I left you in the dark."
"Everything reminds me of you."
"Nobody gets my jokes, everyone here thinks I'm fucking rude."
"When I saw you cry, I didn't handle it well."
"Without you here, I don't know what to do with myself."
"I saw you met somebody and I'm jealous as hell."
"I can't even fathom loving somebody else."
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mngums · 6 months
It's snowing, babe.
Mina x F!reader
It's Christmas, however, Mina wants a somewhat unusual gift.
Wc: 1.8k
I apologize for my bad English! Sometimes Google Translate can get some words wrong.
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— Y/N! Is it serious that you haven't asked Mina to be your girlfriend yet? — Jeongyeon asked, looking at me like it was some kind of threat. — I mean, you two like each other and we've all seen you two make out like crazy, you both have a reputation as “girlfriends”, and yet you still haven't asked her to be your girlfriend?
— Well I’m.. Sorry? — I responded with an awkward laugh, clasped my hands in front of my thighs, bit my lower lip as if I was nervous. — It's not as easy as it seems, how long did it take you to ask Nayeon to be your girlfriend?
— Well, I kind of haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet... — The brunette crossed her arms, looked at me from top to bottom, from bottom to top, raised her eyebrows and closed her eyes. — It does not matter. Me and Nayeon are best friends and she doesn't know that I like her, she probably doesn't like me, it won't happen. Now, you and Mina have liked each other for who knows how many years! And yet you two don't date.
— Well, I beg your pardon, miss. But I don't feel like dating her right now.
— No, you don't understand. you NEED to date her until Christmas. — Momo practically appeared out of nowhere, I screamed in shock and laid my hand on my chest, feeling my heart stop for a fraction of a second. — Boo.
— Listen, you don't need to meddle in my love life, not now. I'm fine with her, and I don't want to seem hasty in asking her to be my girlfriend, when we've only made out like... 6 times.
— Who did you have sex with 6 times? — Sana asked me, I ended up shrinking my body. Damn, everyone wants to scare me today..
— Sex..? I didn't have sex with anyone! I said I made out with Mina 6 tim-
— You had sex with Mina 6 times?! — Dahyun shouted from across the room. The blood from my entire body rushed to my face, I covered my cheeks and lowered my head. Can I go back in time and dig a hole to hide?
— No.. Listen, I'm not going to ask Mina to be my girlfriend, not this year! I don't feel like she'll accept it. — I raised my voice a little, started walking to the back door of the house - which, by the way, is huge. –
I walked to the door with the girls talking in the background, Jihyo's house was always huge. Sana was accompanying me, we said goodbye to the girls, I really didn't want to leave so early, but the amount of questions was already stressing me out.
— Okay, changing the subject! — The blonde said excitedly, grabbing my arm like a sloth. — Have you already bought your Christmas presents?
— Christmas presents? Are we going to have parties after all? — I closed the door behind me while talking to her, I went to the car and opened the door for Sana, getting into the vehicle immediately.
— Well, I think so... It's like a group tradition, isn't it?
— I don't remember much. Since the pandemic, we have never had any type of party at anyone's house again. — I started the car and started driving, Sana's house was a little (too) far from Jihyo's.
— Do not remember? We would video call and decorate the background to make it look more Christmassy. I even remember when we sent gifts by mail.
— It was probably around the time I was sick and didn't want to do anything but stay in bed.
— Oh yeah. Last Christmas we were on video call, you were sick.
— I saw in the rearview mirror Sana leaning her elbow on the car support and resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
— Well, I think I can participate in Christmas this year. I'm brand new. — I sighed softly. I accelerated the car, which was very easy to drive quickly as the streets were empty due to the time of day.
— Okay, okay! Let's make a Secret Santa, how about that?
— Secret Santa?
— Yes! Like, we do a draw with all the girls' names. For example, in one of the paper sheets, you end up getting Mina in Secret Santa. Instead of buying gifts for everyone, you buy them just for Mina. However, you can't tell anyone who you've had as a Secret Santa, otherwise it's no fun.
— Oh yes. I forgot that you all have different traditions than mine. — I saw Sana's house from afar. — Wasn't your house further away?
— We've been here for 17 minutes with you driving, I think you managed to go faster and it seems like my house is closer.
As soon as we arrived at Sana's house, I parked my car in front of the house and walked her to the door.
— Oh, hello, Y/N! — Mina greeted me with that beautiful gummy smile. She wears a sweatshirt (it was my sweatshirt) that was really big on her, sweatpants and cute penguin socks. In addition to having some dark hair falling across her face, she had very round glasses that made her pretty eyes look bigger. — Why don't you come in?
— Oh no! I'm just passing through, I just came to leave Sana here. — I looked at the blonde and smiled without showing my teeth, I hugged her quickly before she waved at me and disappeared into the house.
— You haven't come to visit me recently. — Mina leaned against the door frame, crossing her arms with a defiant smile.
— I ended up getting busy with those final exams at school and- — I couldn't even explain myself properly. As soon as Mina's lips collided with mine, I felt that wave of relaxation take over my entire body. Her thin arms wrapped around my neck while my hands quickly found their way to her waist, bringing her closer. I grunted quietly as soon as our bodies touched, I wanted to be able to make our bodies stick together forever and feel Mina's embrace until death.
Mina gently scratched the back of my neck with the tips of her nails, subtly pulling out a few strands of hair that were there. I separated our lips long enough to catch my breath, it didn't last long as I had already collided our lips again. Mina pulled me inside without breaking a kiss, putting me against the door to close it.
The brunette asked for passage with her tongue, which was quickly accepted. My entire body shivered every time our tongues touched. It's not new that Mina kisses really well, she always manages to drive me insane with any kiss, even if it's completely short. Reluctantly, I pulled my head to detach our lips. Her lips were very red and slightly swollen.
— You look beautiful with your mouth screwed. And it's even better to know that I was the one who did it. — I whispered softly in her ear, giving her a kiss on the neck.
— Shut up! — She laughed softly, giving my arm a weak slap. I let go of her and made her gently move away to open the door.
— See you at Christmas? — I asked as I held the door open, waiting for a "yes."
— Of course yes. — She gave me a quick peck and clasped her hands behind her back again. She always does this when she is embarrassed. I smiled and closed the door. I almost jumped to the car. Mission accomplished → I didn't start getting extremely red with embarrassment after the kiss.
— Mina wants snow as a gift. SNOW! — I screamed, becoming extremely nervous.
It's Christmas Eve and I literally got Mina in Secret Santa.
— Hey, don't freak out. There are several toys that make fake snow out there! — Tzuyu put an arm around my shoulder, trying to reassure me that everything was ok.
— Real snow, Tzu. She came back from a country where at Christmas it's summer and there's no snow. — I massaged my temples, trying to figure out what to do.
— And why isn't it snowing here? — Chaeyoung chimed in, switching her attention from her sketchbook to the 3 of us on the bed.
— I don't know. The whole world is strange, I saw on the news that if it snows, it will be very little. — Dahyun continued to pay attention to that Nintendo Switch she had in her hands, lying on my belly.
— But like... It's normal here, it should almost always snow. — I replied, taking out my cell phone to text Mina.
The cell phone disappeared as quickly as it appeared in my hands. Tzuyu grabbed the phone and left it on the desk beside her.
— You won't text her asking what she wants as a gift.
— But-
— No buts.
— Okay, so where's Christmas going to be? — Dahyun finally put down the video game, sitting cross-legged on the mattress.
— At Jihyo's house, probably. — Chae replied, jumping onto the bed as soon as she left the desk.
— I wanted to give Mina real snow... But it's practically impossible. — I grunted, covering my face and laying down on Tzuyu's shoulder.
— I kind of have an idea. — Tzuyu said, making everyone quickly pay attention to her.
— So where is Y/N? — Jihyo asked in that same high-pitched voice. Everyone had already received their gifts, except Mina. Because I didn't give her anything.
— Did Y/N say you would be here? — It was Mina's turn to ask, feeling worried about my absence.
— Sincerely? No.
They were all in a circle together, the room (fortunately) was on the top floor.
— What is that? — Nayeon's distant voice sounded throughout the room, everyone quickly looked to where the eldest was pointing.
— It's snow! — I was almost sure that Mina's eyes lit up at that moment, they all ran to the window, watching the snowflakes fall to the ground.
Of course, everything would be fine if my spray hadn't run out so soon. Everyone looked to the side in confusion, except for Tzuyu.
I went down the stairs and faced the window.
— This is my Secret Santa gift. — I saw Mina's eyes seem to glow for at least a few seconds.
They all gave me space to enter the room. Mina quickly went towards me, giving me a tight hug and showering my face with kisses.
— I was joking when I said I wanted snow, honey! — She laughed against my cheek, that feeling of having her mouth close to my skin, and hearing the little girl's warm laugh was always contagious.
— I thought you wanted to see snow after a whole year of just being cold and not seeing snow. — I kissed the top of her head, hearing a sound like vomiting in the background.
We all looked at the window as soon as Nayeon pointed to the window. This time it wasn't me with my spray, but real snow.
Quickly, everyone began to scream with happiness, dressing in warmer clothes to go outside the house.
I kept my hand close to Mina's the entire time we walked through the snow, squeezing our boots tighter and tighter.
— It's snowing, babe. — Mina drew a heart in the snow with her fingers and put our initials inside it. I made her turn towards me, grabbed her waist and pulled her into a tight hug.
— I love you, Y/N. — She whispered softly in my ear.
— I love you too, Mina.
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foxes-that-run · 7 months
Walking in the wind
Harry Styles has a gift for answering a question and not answering it at all at once. In the Made in the A.M track by track he said WITW was inspired by Paul Simon’s song Graceland.
I love how Harry's solo work draws modern inspiration from his diverse music tastes and he encourages his fans to broaden their tastes. Hindsight being 20/20 you can see where he went with his debut in that short video and this song.
When Simon wrote Graceland he and Carrie Fisher were divorcing and his relationship with Art Garfunkel was bitter. Simon said Graceland was a metaphor for the journey to mend a broken heart. Much like 2015 Harry who had broken up with Taylor and was on tour as One Direction ended. Simon also went to Africa to make this album, much like Harry went to South America for debut.
Made on the AM was written in Japan in February 2015. Harry talked being able to just write 'good songs' because it wouldn’t be toured which made space for a song like this. WITW was probably written between February and May 2015. Harry and Taylor had been close at the end of 2014, it was over on or by his 21st birthday 2 February 2015. His smile when he saw her at the start (0:29) of BBMAs showed no animosity, but it’s unlikely WITW was written after the BBMAs in May (Woman). He also started looking even sadder live then.
To rolling stone Julian Bunetta said:
“That title was born in Japan. Just the title of it and the idea of it. Everyone’s different experiences of what they’re going through, whether it’s this or that, I’d like to think that these songs can apply to more than just [one instance].”
[Verse 1: Harry] A week ago, you said to me "Do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost, just look for me You'll find me in the region of the summer stars The fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye Means we've already won A necessity for apologies between you and me Baby, there is none
The relaxed and happy tone depicts their romantic friendship that continues. I think they genuinely cared for each other, are nice people who both prioritised their careers. To me, “the fact we can say goodbye means we’ve already won” shows that mutual respect for each other.
To me “Do you believe I’ll never be too far” is agreeing to be apart while they focus on being massively famous and together in the future.
In the context of their later work about being end game, the 1, sushi is about having only a piece of your persons life, in as it was and golden he sings about it being time or feel her taking over.
Harry does not have anyone that would never be too far in a literal sense, and although at that time he was always with 1D they have spoken in interviews that year of that not being good.
[Pre-Chorus: Niall] Ah-ooh, we had some good times, didn't we? Ah-ooh, we had some good tricks up our sleeve Ah-ooh, goodbyes are bittersweet But it's not the end, I'll see your face again
Taylor has a similar lyric in The 1 “But we were something, don't you think so? / Roaring 20s, / tossing pennies in the pool / And if my wishes came true / It would've been you” this is about appreciating the relationship.
[Chorus: All] And you will find me Yeah, you will find me In places that we've never been For reasons we don't understand Walking in the wind Walking in the wind
Where their earlier work on Red and other 1D albums sung about always wanting to be together and coping in their career by Made in the AM and Reputation onwards they started singing about being connected but apart, on faith they’d come back together.
[Verse 2: Louis] Yesterday, I went out To celebrate the birthday of a friend But as we raised our glasses up to make a toast I realised you were missing
This may be referring to Lily Aldridge’s birthday where they both were. Harry’s 21st birthday was 2 weeks later but Lily and Taylor were in Nashville. In Hunger he sang about making her cry on his birthday, if it was for Debut the 1 year to 2 timeframe line up for that. (Hunger also sings of “your stuff” as in music, doesn’t taste the same, as in Two Ghosts)
Later on 27 February he posted the overgrown winding wheel and she started dating CH.
[Bridge: Harry] And I know we'll be alright, child Just close your eyes and see I'll be by your side Any time you're needing me Oh, yeah
The bridge is similar to Fine Line, which also ends on “we’ll be alright” in Fine line he’s reflecting on being friends with someone he’s in love with. Here he is asking his muse to have faith that although they are not together he’s there for her. Also Sign of the Times "Just stop your crying / It'll be alright"
I just wanna love you leak
In September 2023 a leaked song, I just wanna love you referenced WITW with “A week ago you said to me: "We've started running out of time" / Crying over memories that we lost and cannot be found / Why don't we stop talking now? / (I just wanna love you)” which to me, in the sound and this lyric is the sequel to WITW, he’s saying it’s time. It also refers to Late night talking, and The 1 and Question…? Where they explore friendship with someone they love, in WITW they seem to agree to leave a live unresolved, on Harry’s House and Midnights they are contemplating that unresolved love.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
The innocent detective - Part 8
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Warnings: Mentions of robbery, breaking in, guns, potential shooting
Summary: The team is on the hunt to find your twin sister, Abigail Y/L/N.
A/N: Honestly, we didn't get enough Halstead brother moments in any of the shows and it really upsets me, especially since we're not going to get anymore with JLS' exit. They had so many opportunities and they missed them all. It's kinda really sad.
Anyways, this is kinda long so I hope you enjoy because we're nearly done!!
Previous Chapter / Series Masterlist / Next Chapter
No one managed to get anything out of Blake so after little to no deliberation, he was sent down to the cage where he would remain till he either spilled Abigail's whereabouts or the team found her on their own accord.
Everyone was pulling their weight, doing the most to find Abigail and finally put an end to all of this but so far, they'd all come out empty handed with nothing but dead ends.
Sighing, Jay gritted his teeth, glaring at his computer screen which showed nothing helpful. They were wasting so much time and he was starting to get restless with this endless searching.
Getting up from his chair, Jay grabbed his jacket and excused himself, saying something along the lines of he was going home to have a shower and get a change of clothes since he'd used up everything inside his locker.
With no objections, Jay up and left the precinct, getting into his car and driving to your shared apartment which was empty. It'd been empty for the seven months you'd been in jail but even after more than half a year, he wasn't used to going home alone.
He didn't have a lot of partners and he had military experience but going home to an empty apartment and a cold bed, no one by his side when he woke up, Jay couldn't become accustomed to that again.
Using the time he was going to be driving, Jay tried giving Will a call, not too sure if he was even available to answer since he was still at work.
Fortunately for Jay, Will did answer, the first thing he said when he answered the call being 'Your lucky I just started my break' before he apologised to Jay because he was going to eat his lunch and wouldn't actively be participating in their conversation which was about to take place.
Not bothered by protocol and legality, Jay told Will everything they knew, starting from the very beginning that you were a twin to Blake being in their custody where he would stay until further notice.
Talking to his older brother was a good distraction for Jay, even if they were talking about the exact thing that he needed a distraction from.
By the time Jay got everything out, spilling all the tea to Will, he was parked and waiting for the elevator to stop at the correct floor. Saying a quick goodbye, promising to call back when he got something good, Jay hung up and made his way to your apartment.
Fishing for his keys in his pocket, Jay's body came to an abrupt stop, his eyes freezing on the open door, a small crack revealing the shoe rack which lay right behind the front door.
Wasting no time, Jay pulled out his gun and cautiously entered the apartment, eyes surveying every inch of every room till he knew it was clear. His shoes made no sound at all and even with the best hearing, you couldn't hear him breathe.
Nothing looked out of place. Everything was where Jay left it and that's what irked him, the fact that nothing was taken but it wasn't till Jay got to the final room he needed to clear, your bedroom, to find out what was taken.
The gun you had in case anything happen to your work one was gone from the safe, your purse and your keys to basically everything you needed a key for in your life, was gone too.
Jay didn't have to think too far, already knowing who would've broken in and taken such random but useful things that just so happened to belong to his girlfriend. Without a second thought, his phone was out of his pocket and on his ear.
"Voight, we've got a problem."
"So, besides Will, the only other person to have a key is our neighbour." Jay walked back into the apartment where the entire unit was, a few techs roaming around for fingerprints and all that jazz but there was nothing they would find that they wouldn't already know of.
"She's in the last stages of dementia, going onto Alzheimer's." Jay explained, defending his neighbour, there was no reason to blame her. "Her daughter, whose her carer, was out so she was alone. Abigail somehow got into the building, knocked on her door and asked for a key."
"She just thought it was Y/N who simply forgot her key." Jay pressed his lips together, hands going to his belt, holding it as tight as he could as a sort of mechanism to ground himself.
"We checked the buildings cameras." Hailey said once Jay finished. "Someone downstairs forgot Y/N was in prison and let her through, only remembering when we arrived. Abigail got in and out easily."
Kim carried on for her. "We've got GPS on Y/N's car, we've got access to all her cards so the second Abigail uses them, we'll know."
It was only a few seconds of silence but it was deafening. It was in those few seconds that they realised all they had to do and were able to do was sit and wait till she moved because as soon as she did, they'd know and they'd be on her ass.
It felt like a break away from all the drama and work even if they were at your apartment all but ten minutes ago. Everyone just got back, cars parked and while half the unit went inside, the other four insisted on staying back for a bit and promised to be back soon.
That left Jay, Kim, Adam and Kevin outside in the carpark. Jay standing by his truck while the officers were up to their usual antics and shared their banter which never failed to bring smiles.
In the middle of Kim scolding Adam, Kevin egging her on, Jay caught sight of someone in the corner of his eye, doing a double take when he recognised the man from a little over half a year ago but never saw him again after that.
The man wasn't fazed by the faces of the four intelligence members, instead, he actually walked towards them, telling his partner to head inside without him.
Jay jutted his head in the mans direction, standing up straight and dropping his smile, the three officers following suit as they watched the man join the circle they unconsciously created.
"Detective, Officers." The man greeted the courteously. "I don't think we've officially met."
Adam scoffed, keeping his lips tightly shut when Kim elbowed him in the gut. Kevin stood to his tallest height which would've intimidated the man had he been looking in his direction but his eyes were glued to Jay who looked at him with nothing but pure hatred burning in his irises.
Jay didn't even bother following his movements, neglecting the hand he was offered to shake. He couldn't care less if it made the man feel awkward because Jay was just starting.
"Detective James Simmons, Homicide." The man formally introduced himself, completely oblivious to what he'd just done. Keeping his customer service smile, he eyed the group with some sort of plan building in the far corner of his mind.
Jay clenched his jaw, this investigation was just filled with plot twists that nothing surprised him anymore. Now that he thought about it, they did look the same, sharing similarities like that smug smile and the same broad shoulders but one wore a silver star while the other wore scrubs.
Jay continued to glare at the man but the corner of his lips perked up. "Have a wonderful day Simmons." He said sarcastically, watching his every movements as he left and went into the district.
"You think we should tell him we have his brother in our interrogation room?"
"We don't do shit."
Shuffling back into the bullpen, they filled in the other half of the unit in on the tea, telling them in semi-shock that the sibling of doctor Blake just so happened to be the detective that arrested Y/N that very night seven months ago at Molly's.
At first, it was shocking but then it made sense but then it didn't. Everyone went back and forth with different propositions, guessing and throwing around scenarios but in the end, no one could come to a solid conclusion nor did they have any evidence that supported any of their theories.
While trying to fill in the gaps, Kim stood up way too fast, alerting everyone that she'd just gotten a notification that your car was on and on the move. It was being driven towards an address that not all of them recognised, but while gearing up, Jay grumbled in disappointment.
Driving towards the high school, it felt so surreal. From here on, anything could happen but whatever happened, it would affect the case. Negatively or positively, they weren't sure but they'd be straight back on their feet the second they had another lead.
But Jay wasn't letting Abigail go because she'd gone too far now. He didn't care if she was your identical twin, he wasn't totally upset that the people that caused you pain were gone but he did care that Abigail killed them. He didn't care if he had to continue running after your sister for the rest of the year and the next, as long as justice was served and you were free, that's what Jay cared about.
With deafening sirens blasting down the roads and the flashing red and blue lights blinding the occasional pedestrian, the high school was notified of the situation and was immediately put on lockdown.
The one person that wasn't given a CPD officer to constantly be by their side was the one person that intelligence thought didn't hurt you but did have a connection to the case.
During the frantic drive, Hailey managed to find out who it was exactly that was Abigail's target and she had to blink a few times to make sure she was seeing what she was seeing.
Why was Abigail going after the wife of Detective Simmons? Realistically, Abigail should like the wife of the man that would one day be her brother-in-law if her and Blake's relationship got to the point of marriage but at the looks of things, they wouldn't even reach the point of engagement.
Not being too bothered with his parking, Jay jumped out his truck and weaved through the patrol cars and the several officers that consisted of a mix of patrol, swat and anyone else that was considered necessary for bringing out the woman roaming the halls of the high school you coincidentally attended when you were sixteen.
Briskly announcing he was a part of intelligence, Jay strode into the school, Hailey close behind him with the rest of the unit separating and covering different exits and entrances.
The halls were deathly quiet. All you could hear was the occasional squeak of their shoes going against the polished floor. Whispering clears to one another as the team all came together in the middle of the school where the quad was.
It was in the midst of the flowers, bushes and small trees that were planted and being grown by the students where they found Abigail, her hand shaking as she pointed her gun at Detective Simmons' wife who they found out not too long ago was called Julia Simmons.
Will all eight of their guns trained on Abigail's back, it felt surreal that after everything that happened, they finally found her. It wasn't the ideal situation they wanted but they could work with this.
Jay did the honours since he was in front of everyone else and the closest to her. "Abigail, put the gun down."
She didn't move, having already sensed the heavy presence behind her before they said anything. Her gun which was actually yours remained inches in front of Julia's forehead who had silent tears rolling down her rosy cheeks with her eyes screwed shut, refusing to look the woman she grew to love like a sister in the eye.
"Come on Abigail, Julia's innocent and has got nothing to do with Y/N." Jay started with, seeing if he could pry Julia away unharmed. "Let her go and show everyone you're willing to cooperate and this can be a lot easier for all of us."
Jay could see your twin debate with herself, her thoughts running wild as she hesitantly lowered your gun when all of a sudden, she whipped around and pointed the gun at the first person she saw who just happened to be Jay.
Encouraging Julia to get up and run, Kim grabbed her forearm and pushed her out of the quad, back into the hallways and into an officers arms where she would be safe.
With their alertness increasing because of where Abigail's gun was pointed, everyone's finger itching to pull the trigger but being held back by the thought of one of their own being hurt and you in the back of their minds.
"Listen to me Abigail." Jay said, keeping his weapon drawn on your carbon copy. It felt so weird, staring at Abigail who was technically called a serial killer for everything she'd done but all he could see was you.
But then he had to remind himself that everything she'd done was the cause of you ending up in jail.
"Don't do this. Put the gun down and come with me, come with us." Jay clenched his jaw, unsure how he was going to convince her. "You know who I am, you know who we are which means you know that all we want is to help Y/N and bring her back home."
"She's been hurt and is suffering in jail and only you can help get her out but only if you put that gun down." Jay said truthfully, watching as her eye twitched at the mention of you being hurt.
"You come with us and we will help her, that's all we want to do."
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celestialmantdonna · 17 days
Going Knowhere || closed with thenexusofsouls
She was home. Mantis was finally home again. Not because Knowhere was her home as a place, but because home was where the Guardians were.
It had been two years since Mantis chose to bid farewell to the Guardians, leaving to find her own purpose while Quill left to return to Earth. The Celestial siblings had stopped running from their past, and it was freeing, as scary as the choice had been. Mantis had taken the three Abilisks with her… and the green seed Nuada gave her, of course.
Moments after landing, Mantis was greeted by some of the residents that lived on Knowhere. She rarely wanted to draw attention to herself, but she knew the three giant Abilisks would attract a few looks. Drax was all over her. He had picked her up at least three times to hug her, tightly squeezing Mantis until her eyes bulged from her skull. Part of the reason why Mantis had been at peace leaving his side was because now there were other children, children who needed him, after he spent years protecting Mantis since she reminded him of his daughter.
“Okay, Drax, enough! I want to say hello to everyone else,” she exclaimed, patting his back until he finally put her down.
Nebula, Kraglin and Adam hugged her affectionately, but soon enough Groot pushed them aside so he could hug Mantis, as well as Rocket. Cosmo licked Mantis’ face and Mantis giggled, patting the dog’s head. Cosmo was still the best girl in the galaxy.
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When Mantis asked where Quill was, Drax told her he was still on Earth, but he wrote to the Guardians regularly to let them know he was okay. They were family, all of them, and they would always be.
“I say we throw a party tonight,” Rocket suggested. “You’re back, bug. We've gotta celebrate. What do ya think?”
“That sounds good! Thank you, Rocket,” Mantis said.
“Abilisks!” someone cried nearby, and collective screaming followed.
After reassuring everyone that the Abilisks were with her, lest panic took over all of Knowhere, Mantis asked the Guardians if they knew where Prince Nuada was. She had left without saying goodbye to anyone but the Guardians, and she wondered if Nuada would be angry with her. Rocket and Groot offered to look after her Abilisks while Mantis looked for the Elven Prince.
Mantis walked with more self-assurance than before. She no longer held her hands in front of her body, letting her arms swing at her sides instead. She was more poised now, secure in herself yet more mellow. Confident – but not unfriendly. As if her two years of complete independence had allowed her to grow more than her several centuries with Ego. She wandered over to the spot where Nuada was, following the direction Rocket had told her, and a few bark children appeared to say hello. Mantis smiled and waved at them. She remembered taking them to Knowhere shortly after bringing Nuada's people, as well as Mr. Wink. She never wanted Nuada to choose either his people or his friends; he could have both. She tilted her head when she spotted Nuada, and offered a polite smile.
"Hello," she said, trying not to make things awkward. "Good to see you," she added. "Okay, I know I left without saying goodbye, but... I already said goodbye to my friends, and I realized if I stayed a little longer to say goodbye to everyone, I would not leave. I would just think about how much I would miss everyone and stay. The seed is fine, by the way! I have been speaking to it regularly and making sure it knew it was a good seed. My Abilisks would keep it safe when I couldn't, so... yeah."
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nellie-elizabeth · 10 months
What We Do in the Shadows: Local News (5x05)
Okay, this was pretty hilarious.
The thing about Guillermo's slow vampire transition this season is that it does blunt some of the comedy impact of him being a vampire in the first place. I sort of wish there had been a more dramatic contrast between human Guillermo and vampire Guillermo. It's almost like instead of setup and punchline, it's setup and then very long, meandering journey towards a destination we've already been told about. That's not to say I don't enjoy some of the things about said journey, but I don't know. I guess I'm just hoping we'll see Guillermo get his transformative moment to shine.
Oh, and, same note as always on the Guide: there's nothing wrong with her, but she seems like she could lift right out of the story without being missed at all. Sorry!
I did like Guillermo's scenes overall, I love the solemnity mixed with irritation mixed with comedy, as Guillermo wants to say a goodbye to his mother since once he's fully a vampire, their connection is no longer safe. And yet family squabbles, and distracting news broadcasts showing Nandor and the others getting into all sorts of trouble, mean that Guillermo can't have the solemn moment he wants with his mother. When he finally does get it, her first question is if the change happening in his life is making him happy. She reminds him that it's normal to feel some doubt during a big transition.
It was such a sweet moment from her perspective, having no idea what's really going on. And it was so fraught from Guillermo's, as his mother literally burns his skin by putting a cross on him, replacing the one that she believes he has "lost".
And then back at home, the plot with the vampires is pure chaotic comedy gold. Nandor is on the local news, talking about a water main breakage on the street. He accidentally makes comments about how they've been living there for centuries, which means: oh no! The secret is out. Everybody knows about vampires now. They all decide the only thing to do is to make a stand and fight. They also think if they can get back in front of the cameras, they can hypnotize mention of the truth away from all the viewers.
It all devolves into utter chaos from there, with the vampires setting up booby traps, making plans to flee, to kidnap, to murder... eventually ending up on the local news to try and thwart mention of their vampiric abilities. They hypnotize everyone to make them forget, but then basically have to act out being the news anchors so as not to confuse any humans watching. All rendered especially comedic when you realize that the human newscaster hadn't thought anything at all of Nandor's original comments.
There were too many funny moments to mention in this whole thing, but to pull just a few of my favorites, I loved "Nandor the Relentless" being misheard as "Nandor De Laurentis". I loved Colin immediately going berserker and tearing the house up to prepare for battle. I loved Lazlo being indignant that Guillermo "hung up on him" when in fact Colin had cut the phone line, and I loved the comedy of Nandor and Lazlo discussing how big a bag was needed for their kidnap/murder victim while Guillermo tries to dissuade them over the phone.
I'm also liking the continued trend this season of Nandor really missing Guillermo, noticing he's not around as much, and feeling resentful and sad about it. When Guillermo finally does show up to help, Nandor basically says they don't need him, and Guillermo, in a fit of pique, does in fact refuse to help. They get out of their messy chaos on their own. It's interesting that Nandor knows that something's up; I wonder what the reaction will be when he finds out what it is! I'm so excited to see.
So there you have it. This wasn't one of my all-time favorite episodes but I did think the hilarity and chaos got delightfully insane!
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fleurescentia · 1 year
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@dcviated asked:
"Cecelia, try to stay close." ...is what Enforcer had said to the young girl, but youthful curiosity is a force that could nearly match the firearm slung over his back. A lively conversation towards the back of the open market was enough to catch many attention. And the executor finds himself following after the other Sankta in that direction. He hums in thought after catching up to find... A group of rough-looking locals excitedly discussing something with- one moment, is that... another Rhodes Island operator? The patterned collar on the Pythia was something he had only seen worn by members of the pharmaceutical company after all. "Everyone seemed really excited, were you talking about something fun...?" "Excuse us, we were just passing through, uhhh-" Enforcer can't help but notice the mood shift with his appearance, at least as far as the others were concerned. "Is everything alright?"
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‘ Why, hello there, ’ Indigo says because no one else speaks up. In fact, everyone else has fallen mysteriously silent with the arrival of the two newcomers, and frowns seem to be the preferred mode of communication. But the odd Sankta duo looks strangely familiar. Hasn't she seen them around the landship before? That would mean they must be coworkers! Well, perhaps not the girl, as she seems a little young to be an operator yet.
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‘ How odd to meet another operator around here. And just after I've run into these former colleagues of mine. Why, today is full of such coincidences. ’ And, coincidentally, said "colleagues" all exchange knowing looks and nods while Indigo turns to the young girl. ‘ An unexpected reunion is always quite exciting, wouldn't you agree? We were just wondering how to commemorate this fortunate occasion. ’
"Right," one of the totally-not-bounty-hunters speaks up now. "Just a 'lil get-together." "For old times' sake," a second says. "Uh-huh, just hanging out like back in the day," says a third. "Yes yes," the fourth agrees and places a hand on Indigo's shoulder in what must be a gesture of great comradeship. "That's why we gotta go now. Uh—" "We've already rented a special transport to take us to the place," the first takes over. "It'll be here any second now, so we'd best be on our way. Good day to you."
The group promptly sets itself in motion, happily dragging Indigo along.
‘ Ah, uh, we're leaving right now? Why, that's quite— W-well, everything's alright, as you can see. —Um, where are we going, might I ask? The last time, I woke up alone in the barrenlands. Why, I sure hope that won't happen again. I wouldn't want to miss Rhodes— ’
"C'mon, we've gotta go. Move." The group urges Indigo forward, eager to leave the two Sankta behind. They must be worried because there are Sarkaz among them. It's unfortunate, yet understandable, so Indigo hastily waves goodbye.
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