#i almost like them when i forget what heterosexual nonsense they put me through
sollucets · 2 years
i feel like i have to explain myself
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
Ranma ½ is GENIUS. Here’s Why by  Bonsai Pop
The thing I really appreciated about Ranma ½ when I was younger, was that it was a discussion about gender without getting sidetracked by sex, the way most “sex comedies” did, especially at the time.  At the time, publishers tried to market Ranma ½ as a “sex comedy” in the vein of raunchy college-setting Hollywood movies or fanservicy Male Gaze series (compare “Futaba-kun Change” or the proceeding “harem genre” that Ranma ½ started).  But Ranma ½ felt more like a discussion about gender more than sex, or even more than sexuality.  And being an AroAce kid, who didn’t know what AroAce was at the time, but was very confused about my gender, I really appreciated Ranma ½’s focus on gender over sex, fanservice, and heterosexuals navigating (sexual) relationships—which, I *cannot* express enough, was the saturated majority of all anime/manga, that even came close to discussing gender, at the time.  I just wanted a discussion about gender, gender roles, complaining about presumed traditional ideas about gender, and how to define one’s own gender despite society’s pressures about gender.  I wanted a discussion about Strength, that the martial arts genre did so often, without an advocation for sexist ideals, toxic masculinity, stereotypes about “feminine” being weaker (even as warriors), fixated only on romance, or any number of female stereotypes, etc.  I feel like I can’t remind people enough of how it was back then, when not only were these toxic mysoginist ideas portrayed frequently, but they were also portrayed as good, true, “right”, or unquestioned.  At least when Ranma Saotome was being a sexist jerk, he was punished for that terrible thinking or eventually had to reconcile with his dissonance.  And Akane Tendo was revolutionary at that time too.  It used to be that on the Shonen genre side, we had only hyper fem, passive, romance-fixated, love interests, OR nagging, cold female characters that really felt like the author was conveying all their horrible views on women in general, OR sexy eye-candy that had close-ups on their boobs or butt so frequently, that it completely made their lack of focus on romance or anything else in their personalities, secondary.  Then on the Shoujo genre side, we had girls who were fixated on nothing but romance, constantly jealous and possessive—and often over guys who hadn’t even proven themselves worthwhile to pursue romantically.  Let’s face it: A lot of Shoujo leading men were often jerks, treated their female love interests badly, and for some reason, she was just supposed to play the devoted “Lady Murasaki” and be totally “in love” with him.  Whyyyyyyyyyy?????????????  Even worse on the Shonen genre side too, because he treats her badly, it doesn’t get portrayed as bad treatment, he doesn’t understand why she’s angry, so she just looks like a volatile nag all the time, often existing only to be objectified or serve as a flimsy motive for his character arcs and actions. It was a pretty bad time.  Not that now has eliminated those problems, but when Ranma ½ and Akane Tendo seem like the shining lights of something different, maybe then you can understand how much I sorely needed Ranma ½ and Akane Tendo at that time.  
Really surprised that this video essay didn’t mention Jackie Chan.  The thing that differentiated Ranma ½ from so many martial arts battle anime/manga at the time, was that Ranma ½’s style of martial arts was inspired by Jackie Chan.  Meanwhile, all the other Shonen martial arts manga/anime were so serious and based more on “cool”, “action” genre toned martial arts movies.  
I’m intrigued by this video essay’s idea that Ranma ½ the series isn’t sexist, but rather, characters within the series are sexist, and are so in order to make a point about how them being like that is messed up.  I need to grapple with this because one of my problems in looking back at Ranma ½ is that it can be a little transphobic and/or homophobic at times.  Like, I’ll never forget when Tsubasa Kurenai was introduced and, Akane, this character that we’re supposed to completely sympathize with during this series, just keeps screaming in Tsubasa’s face that they are a “pervert”, simply because it’s revealed that Tsubasa identifies as a boy but dresses as a girl.  I think the episode just ended like that, and that was supposed to be a joke, but I don’t know whether the reveal’s shock intended on the audience was supposed to be conveyed through Akane and we were expected to have the same reactions as her, or if we were supposed to be shocked at Akane’s reactions and her reactions being ridiculous were the joke.  I dunno; it was a long time ago, I don’t remember much context, and I really should look it back up.  But frankly, there’s a lot of Ranma ½ to sift through and that’s more time than I have, writing this post.  Akane does seem to repeatedly have instances of being perfectly nice to characters, but when she discovers they’re actually guys, she spends a lot of time yelling “pervert” in their faces.  Sometimes I don’t know if we’re meant to see how ridiculous Akane is being or if we’re meant to agree with her.  Again, I watched/read the series a long time ago, and maybe if I re-watched/re-read it now, it would be clear to older me.  Because, when it happens between Akane and Ranma, Ranma has a specific line, grummbling about how Akane was perfectly nice to him, up until she found out he was actually a boy.  And Ranma was a bit nice in his characterization up until that early line of dialogue, so maybe we were supposed to be on his side in that thought.  So maybe Akane spending the rest of the series yelling “pervert” at Ranma (repeated so often it’s essentially their running gag), is supposed to be a joke laughing at how irrational Akane is being.  o.o?  I’d hate to think we’re supposed to be on Akane’s side, repeatedly calling Ranma a “pervert” over a curse that he had no control over getting, and early on was portrayed as a misfortune that the audience was supposed to sympathize and pity him over.  Maybe the whole thing is supposed to point out Akane’s flaws, since everyone in the series is pretty messed up.  (Even Kasumi unsettled me a bit when I was younger, in that she dropped her entire life, to replace her mother’s role when she died.  For me, being a young girl who didn’t buy into those traditional female roles, that were still at the time, strongly pushed onto girls in society, that was a little unsettling.  Still love Kasumi as a person though.)  Akane did have reason to “hate boys”, as the series specifically states early on, but I’d like to think that she was given this flaw as a point to grow away from.  Just as this video essay calls to attention Ranma being sexist and, over the series, eventually growing out of it.  But back when I was young and initially into Ranma ½, I feared that some of these sexist or even homophobic ideas in Ranma ½ were actually reflective of thoughts that Rumiko Takahashi advocated.  After all, there’s a point in Maison  Ikkoku where Kyoko berates herself by saying all women are fools.  Maybe I was too young to see the nuance in a character berating her own mistakes in her love live, vs the implication that all women are “properly” stereotyped into being obsessed with love and end up acting foolish for it.  Nowadays, I can see how we can berate ourselves whenever our specific actions can slot us into generalized stereotypes, and we curse ourselves for falling into proving stereotypes true on occaision.  But back then, when I was younger and watching Ranma ½ for the first time and reading Maison Ikkoku for the first time, I was afraid that such lines were reflective of Takahashi believing such stereotypes as truth.  Which is why I was so happy when sometime after Ranma ½, Inuyasha had a canonically gay character, and instead of Inuyasha calling him a pervert the entire time, he just got exasperated with his non-stop flirting, the way that all the female characters from Ranma ½ are tired of guys who won’t take “no” for an answer.  At the time, I thought, “Yay!  Takahashi has evolved to a less homophobic stance!”  But maybe, all this time, she was always against such things, and merely portraying them, even through characters we were supposed to sympathize with, merely to show how messed up such ideas are.  I really like that thought which this video essay presented.  
But I will disagree with this video essay on 1 thing:  The manga is better.  I’m not trying to be elitist.  I realize that comedy has a very subjective sensibilities, and the anime leans into awkward silence type comedy, whereas I am sick of that type of comedy.  But so many visual gags and jokes in the manga, and Rumiko Takahashi’s style in general, involve panels that are almost completely re-drawn, with only 1 element changed—the gag element—suggesting that the eye is supposed to read from panel to panel quickly (since the human eyes/brain filters out a lack of change, and is hard-wired to focus on changes from previous conditions).  To me, this suggests quick punchlines, whose sudden oddity is supposed to shock, implying an intended fast pacing to the jokes.  And yeah, Takahashi will draw seemingly normal scenes, detailed with all the normalcies of a commonly recognizable environment, then suddenly the next panel is exactly the same except a character is contorted into a silly pose or an absolutely ridiculous creature with an intentionally nonsensical facial expression has suddenly appeared, amid that completely “normal” scene, with all its “normal” details _redrawn_.  It’s why the “evil oni” episode in Ranma ½ had a ridiculous face, despite its supposedly ominous background.  In fact, anywhere Takahashi can fit a gag face, especially if it contradicts the surrounding scene’s/story’s serious tone, she will do it.  She has even said in interviews that if scenes are too serious, she will try to put in a gag in the corner.  I remember reading Maison Ikkoku during a depressive episode (for both me and Godai) and suddenly Yotsuya had poked his head through a hole in the wall, into the scene, shining a flashlight onto his own face, like a kid telling a ghost story, all while he made funny faces and Takahashi’s typical gag with the sign language “I love you” gesture.  The woman cannot let things stay serious (except for Mermaid Saga, parts of Inuyasha, and some short stories), and I love her for it!  ^o^  But the way she suddenly injects ridiculousness into scenes and character designs, suggest, at least to me, an intended fast paced delivery with the jokes.  That sudden shock when you notice Yotsuya making faces in the corner of a depressing scene. That sudden shock, when Ranma is hiding from his mother, and is clinging to the ceiling or futons like Spiderman, and Akane is just supposed to act natural so Ranma’s mom won’t notice where he’s hiding.  To me, this suggests the punchline is supposed to come at you like a sudden punch, unlike awkwardness that hangs in the air.  So when the anime tries to make the joke linger, I just don’t enjoy it as much as when my brain can dictate the faster pacing I want (and believe better fits) while reading the Ranma ½ manga.  
Also, the manga is better because those manga filler episodes were not as well written as the manga.  Rumiko Takahashi is a master of short stories.  And that shows when you run into the less-effective filler anime episodes–even when you don’t know they’re filler episodes!  I remember watching the Ranma ½ anime before reading the manga, before there was even internet lists of which were the filler episodes, and coincidentally, all the filler episodes did not make me laugh out loud, whereas every episode up until that point, had made me uncontrollably laugh.  I feel like the anime thought that because Ranma ½ was an episodic, very silly series, they could just insert anything and it would fit.  But clearly, only  the manga-based episodes—and even individual scenes!—had the nuance of Takahashi’s writing and pacing, to make even an episodic, ridiculous series work.  
  Also, I love how this video essay just lavishes the love on Rumiko Takahashi.  ^o^  
Another thing this video essay pointed out that I appreciate about Ranma ½ is how indifferent Ranma is to all the advances of his suitors or even accidental fanservice.  All the consequential “harem genre” series that tried to emulate Ranma ½ always seemed to include male protagonists who were surrogates for the audiences’ intended horny reactions.  But Ranma was neither turned on, enticed, nor tantalized by even accidental fanservice falling into his lap.  (As Mother’s Basement has noted, harem genre protagonist have a penchant for accidentally falling and grabbing a girls’ boobs, or their face falling into her boobs, or accidentally put into a position to forcibly see up her skirt, etc.)  If anything, he’s more embarassed that he accidentally walked in on girls in undress, rather than enjoying the view OR reacting so long, that the scene drags on, fixating on the accidental nudity/groping/fanserivce.  And I was about to postulate that maybe because most harem genre and fanservice series are usually made by straight men for an audience with a Male Gaze.  But Takahashi wrote Maison Ikkoku’s Godai, right before she created Ranma ½, and he very much enjoyed the view, took peeks, and fixated on any accidental fanservice.  So it’s actually Ranma himself who had reactions and a perspective that were very agreeable to this asexual.  
I hadn’t noticed before this video essay said it, but Happosai really is condemned much more for being the “pervy old man” archetype, whereas other series are very permissive towards that same archetype, even when they’re being sexual predators.  I’d like to attribute this to Takahashi bringing a woman’s perspective, but Sailormoon was also written by a woman and (if I remember correctly) Rei’s grandpa’s pervy ways were reprimanded in only 1 episode then permitted as a running gag in the rest of the series (thankfully, not often).  Then again, lots of the Shoujo genre also advocated for many toxic traditional ideas about gender (like girls picking romantic partners who don’t respect them, and girls being fully devoted/invested in such guys, because they “once” meet the bare minimum for human decency by being nice to them once).  So maybe it was uniquely Takahashi’s prerogative to not let the “pervy old man” archetype slide as supposedly “endearing” silliness.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice Society of America #4 (1992)
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Ultrahumanite exhibits all the characteristics of a man happy to be reunited with friends: cheerily laughing, bright happy expression, hands on hips, weirdly-shaped massive hard-on.
Forgive me for the erect penis joke but I felt it was in the tradition of Grunion Guy. You might find it funny if you knew how uncomfortable it made me to type it and how worried I was for a second that my mother might see it. But then I realized that if my mom saw it, it would mean my mom read Grunion Guy's blog, and then I almost threw up. That would be so embarrassing! Normally I would be on the side of the Justice Society of America because they are the good people with the good values. But how good are their good values if they are trying to stop a job creator and upstanding corporate citizen like Ultrahumanite who is just trying to run his Ultragen business the best way he knows how: with stormtrooper bodyguards to defend labs where they experiment on animal-human hybrids? Anything that hurts corporate profits is a bad thing for capitalism and the Justice Society of America should know that, being that they have "America" right there in their name. Although they also have "Society" in their name and that is a bird whistle for socialists. The bird whistle is the dog whistle of the left because it is more pleasant to listen to and it isn't aggravating or obnoxious and it makes the world a better place for everybody (except people who hate birds and probably own guns to shoot those stupid birds. Stupid birds. So dumb).
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Oh no! Nobody warned these old timers that we aren't doing prison rape jokes anymore!
Wildcat has some great words of wisdom in that previous panel. It is the most scienciest science statement I have ever read (unless it was the mathiest math statement): "If X did not happen, Y would have happened! Thusly I have proved we are better than you! QED! In your face, Ultrahumanite!" Whenever I would lose a game of Dungeons & Dragons with my friends Bullpup and McGroover, I would say, "Oh yeah? Let's see you make a delicious sandwich!" Then they would back down and they would be all, "Yes, you are correct, Pickle Boy. You are the better friend with the most useful skills and we are only good at pretending to slaughter Kobold families for copper coins." That's pretty funny if you realize Dungeons & Dragons is about adventurers invading the lairs of creatures to steal their material possessions! Doctor Mid-Nite does not quip with the others because he might be dead. Do not forget these guys are really old! It does not matter how many muscles they have or what kind of cardio breathalyzer tests they can pass; they still have super old bones and a lifetime of clogged arteries. One slip or the slightest bit of extra exertion could mean Stroke City or Brokenhipsville for these cool cats! That is old person slang! It is very humorous!
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Now they goof on his stutter? I am beginning to wonder who the real villains are in this story!
Look how happy the Ultrahumanite is! And these old guys have been nothing but bitter, cynical old winds from the butt! Plus he is a successful businessman and scientist who has created life! It sounds like he has turned over a new leaf now that he no longer has to steal bodies. I am not ignoring the laboratory full of hybrid creatures; I'm just going to assume that they were all volunteers until it is proven otherwise. You cannot go through life never eating the buttered bread that fell on the floor buttered side down! Ultrahumanite decides to recount his past for some reason. This made me laugh because I was thinking, "Yeah! They are old men. They cannot remember stuff from so long ago and also they have enlarged prostates!"
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But which is actually worse: making fun of somebody's disability or sympathizing with Nazis? I've got some hard questions to answer!
Some things are unforgivable but one thing I think we can all agree to forgive is a hot woman who sided with the Nazis.
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How does a huge ape body reflect the Ultrahumanite's desires? Please do not answer, "He loves to copulate with monkeys," because that's what I an suggesting by the question and you would look like one of those fools on Twitter who thinks they are hilarious by restating somebody's joke in a less subtle manner.
Ultrahumanite continues to explain how he became such a pillar of the business community. It is as boring as you would expect a PowerPoint presentation from a business man would be. That was probably the joke! Why is not the trademarked name "PowerPoint" two words? If you are going to bother capitalizing the second "P", you might as well just separate the words. Maybe it was somebody's online name when they were fourteen years old. It is always a smart decision to just run the two words together rather than separating them with an underscore. And it is easier to read when the second word is capitalized (as opposed to every other word capitalized or just the consonants. I do not understand young people). Nobody remembers to put underscores in when searching for a name online!
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"Ultrahumanite! You are experimenting on innocent people, ruining the environment, causing unknown amounts of damage to the populace of every city where one of your labs operates but Ted Grant and the world just want to know one thing: was that hot Nazi body the real you because 'Rrrrrow!'"
You think I am making a joke but I don't joke about things that I don't joke about and one of those things is that Ted Grant has previously expressed interest in cultivating an intimate relationship with hot Nazi Ultrahumanite. Specifically, he said earlier that she "swept him off his feet." He only used that phrase so Al could make a joke about how they were hanging upside down so the sweeping off of feet is still happening. But I think, in his heart, he wanted to say, "She made me spontaneously become a man every time we wrestled. Is that okay under the Hays Code? Can I get away with that amount of innuendo?!" The Ultrahumanite has to go deal with The Flash who has literally suddenly appeared. Weird how the word "literally" is never actually needed when it is used properly. I guess using it in a hyperbolic and exaggerated fashion is really its only job. While Ultrahumanite is gone, Doctor Mid-Nite "double joints" his wrists to escape. I'm pretty sure Grunion Guy's wrists were double jointed by the amount of times he wrote about masturbating. He was a crude jerk but I still hope he rests in peace in that pauper's cemetery down by the toxic sludge factory. Doctor Mid-Nite takes on the guards while The Atom and Wildcat rush out to save The Flash who is The Flash and almost certainly does not need saving. While Doctor Mid-Nite is beating up the guards, he suddenly becomes a stand up comedian. Was I wrong to assume he was an actual doctor? Is that just his stage persona? I would tell you why his jokes were funny if they were but I cannot figure them out. Why is this an old joke (and if it is, why would he even retell it when it is nonsense): "I know you're out there because I can hear you breathing"? The Flash gets encased in some living green goo that absorbs heat and kinetic energy which might also be a definition of heat? I'm just a sandwich maker slash writer's assistant who has never once showed an ounce of curiosity about the real world so forgive me for languishing in my ignorance. At least I own a thesaurus. Back in Gotham City, Jesse Quick appears for a page or two to remind everybody that she exists. "Hello! I am the hot daughter of the infomercial guy! I have also deluded myself into believing a mathematical equation gives me super speed! It makes no sense!" Jesse takes some papers proving that Ultragen is breaking laws so the JSA has the right to beat the crap out of its CEO. For comedic effect, they have a little more confusion over Ultrahumanite's pronouns (which, to be fair, he has not expressed any preference for and doesn't seem to mind using whatever pronouns match the gender he seems to be expressing) before rushing off to punch her in the face. I don't know what pronouns to use either but she was a super hot Nazi so let's just go with that one.
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See? She is a scientific genius!
At first I was all, "Oh, big deal! So The Flash is trapped in goo!" And then the Ultrahumanite was all, "You cannot breathe without oxygen!" And then I was all, "Oh no! I had not thought of that! Somebody save him, preferably an old guy from the JSA or I will feel cheated out of my hard earned buck twenty-five." I keep laughing at that previously scanned panel and how Wildcat and The Atom are hiding behind trees the way characters do in comic strips. So ridiculous! It is even funnier if you remember that they are old men! I bet you are laughing a lot more now! Doctor Mid-Nite arrives because he "smoke bombed" with his previous stand-up gig. Get it?! If you understood the play on the word "bomb" there and that I meant the fight against the guards when I said "stand-up gig," you would be cracking up like crazy!
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Yeah. A smoke bomb! We all know that is where he keeps them!
The Flash breaks free and Doctor Mid-Nite punches Ultrahumanite in the nose, breaking it. Ultrahumanite is so vain that he falls to the ground, defeated! And that is when the Calvary arrives! That is funny because I used the wrong word and now you are picturing a crucified Jesus riding up on a horse to save the day instead of Green Lantern, The Flash, and Jesse Quick arriving on a Green Lantern construct! Justice Society of America #4 Rating: A. I have not read as many comic books as Grunion Guy but this one seemed pretty good in comparison to the ones I have read, like WildC.A.T.S. #1 and pick any issue you want of Youngblood. One more "What gender is Ultrahumanite?!" joke for the road!
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Alan felt this was the kind of thing a heterosexual would say. It's funny because he "New 52" comes out of the closet later!
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artificialqueens · 6 years
When You Got a Good Thing (Trixya) - Pichitinha
A/N: hi peoples of aq! i’m back with more useless lesbians fics bc that’s how it is in this life. you can find it on AO3 and you can message me at @pichitinha
Summary: Trixie chuckles a bit and gives her a soft look, and even though the jokes don’t really bother Katya she wishes their friends would see and comment on this too, the non-physical intimate moments they have, which is part of the reason that their, yes-physical moments are so special too. Katya squeezes her hand again. It’s okay, she tries to pass. It’s just a joke. - Also known as that one time Trixie and Katya were useless lesbians and Willam tricked them into a bet.
It all had started mostly as a joke to their friends. When they started dating everyone had claimed that they had always acted like a couple anyway, way before getting together, so there wouldn’t be much of a difference. They obviously took it upon themselves - Trixie being fiery and daring, and Katya just loving to play the fool - to be always all over each other and to be borderline ridiculous with their excessive PDA whenever any of them were around.
Their friends knew they were playing, of course, but truth is that beyond the natural development of dating that gets people closer, constantly joking about being so extremely passionate had in itself made them, well, extremely passionate.
So Trixie and Katya are very physical and that’s common knowledge and also not a problem because they know the line between joking and making people uncomfortable. When they’re with their friends, it’s overacted and sort of jokingly, but when they’re alone it’s also there, present - it’s sudden kisses, light butt slaps, thigh squeezing, hands on hands or hips or anywhere, really.
Katya doesn’t see the harm in being so passionate about her girlfriend anyway, doesn’t understand why it’d be wrong to want to touch her and be with her and just overall want her constantly. But it’s all good because their friends are just playful, their comments lack malice and it’s more of an inside joke with their group than a real critique. They don’t really mind and it’s not like Trixie and her are ever disrespectful.
Except Trixie maybe does mind it a little. She never says anything but Katya knows her. She knows it when Trixie exaggerates a bit when they’re all hanging out, draping herself over Katya and making it obvious what she’s doing, and she knows it when she retreats, actually interacts less with Katya and makes people think they’re fighting. Katya is certain it’s involuntary and she considers if she herself should maybe say something to them when Trixie isn’t there. She’d never say anything herself, Katya knows she wouldn’t want to be the buzzkill when it’s obviously harmless, but it bothers her and therefore it bothers Katya.
Of course Trixie eventually takes matters into her own hands by being impatient and bratty - Katya should have seen it coming, really.
They’re all hanging out at Courtney’s new place on a Friday night, their stomachs full of pizza and wine, and so the loud conversations have been slowly dwindled to mostly whispers. It all happens when Willam takes a jab at Trixie, as it usually goes, and Trixie is normally cool with it, knows Willam and likes her a lot and gets that she’s always just trying to have a good time, but Trixie’s been off all day due to cramps and she’s had a bit more wine than she should and Katya recognizes the look on her face that says that she didn’t take it well. And when she replies, maybe she doesn’t do it with the best approach of all times.
“Well, it’s not our fault you’re fucking lonely.”
Katya’s blood runs cold as she catches the words her girlfriend is saying and, most importantly, her serious tone. She looks around the room to see that everyone sort of stopped talking. On one hand it’s Willam, so chances are she’ll just laugh or bark back and won’t take the words to heart - she isn’t looking for a relationship right now and everyone sort of knows that she and Courtney have this weird thing going on that no one wants to ask about. On the other hand, the words are harsh and Trixie’s already not in the best mood, so if Willam replies in the slightest wrong way, Katya is sure an argument will start.
Willam smirks, though, and Katya takes this moment to squeeze Trixie’s hand as if she’s saying calm down. “My problem is not that I’m lonely, my problem is that you guys aren’t teenagers anymore, you can’t possibly have all these hormones still. Especially now, after all these years together. ”
“We’re just passionate! And also adults, who can be physical if and whenever they want,” Trixie tries with a forced light tone. Katya can see that she knows she’s on edge and that she’s trying hard not to start something. Katya is proud of her, but she can also see she’s anxious. She tries to chime in.
“Yeah, my girlfriend’s really hot, you can’t blame me.”
Trixie chuckles a bit and gives her a soft look, and even though the jokes don’t really bother Katya she wishes their friends would see and comment on this too, the non-physical intimate moments they have, which is part of the reason that their, yes-physical moments are so special too. Katya squeezes her hand again. It’s okay, she tries to pass. It’s just a joke.
Willam narrows her eyes then, and for the first time Katya can’t tell if she’s gonna keep joking or if she’ll get serious. She’s apprehensive either way.
“Hmm. I wonder. Are you the one super horny for her or is she the one super horny for you?” Willam points with her index finger at the two of them, her glass of wine still secured with her other four fingers. For some reason it makes her look surprisingly wise and dignified. “Which one of you is faking to make this work?”
Trixie sits up straighter immediately as she hears the words, she’s clearly offended and to be honest Katya is as well, even if she knows Willam is just trying to rile them up. It’s working.
“We are both very much in love and attracted to each other, thank you very much-”
Willam cuts Trixie off, a sly grin on her lips. Katya is convinced she got to where she wanted to get. “Yeah? How about a bet then?”
“What?” Trixie and Katya say at the same time, both confused by this turn of events. Given all the other girls’ faces, they are too.
“A bet. We’ll see which one of you can last the longest without being intimate. I bet neither of you can last a week - unless this whole thing is an act and you’ll actually last forever.”
“That’s ridicul-” Katya starts saying, but she distinctively hears Trixie’s voice alongside hers.
“It’s obviously me.”
Katya snorts as she turns back to her girlfriend. “What?”
“I could definitely last longer without, like, touching or kissing you than the other way around,” she defies quickly.
“Right,” she replies sarcastically. “You’re super cuddly all the time!”
“And you are super horny all the time!”
Katya raises her eyebrows and opens her mouth in an offended gasp, but closes it soon after. Trixie’s right, she is.
“I’d win, bitch.” Trixie taunts, her lips tugging slightly into a grin. And honestly this is all very childish, but it got Trixie to forget all about the possible argument and her eyes are sparkling because she loves to play games, so Katya just goes along.
“I’m more resilient,” Katya follows suit, can admit to herself that she also likes games.
Willam is forgotten at the other side of the room by this point, but it doesn’t matter: the bet is on.
The first few days go by easily enough, Katya has a thousand papers to grade and classes to plan, and Trixie has a new band she’s handling at the studio, so they’re barely ever home and they’re freshly excited about their bet, which makes it easier to go to sleep without a goodnight kiss and to not take showers together in the morning.
They’d established with Willam what counted and what didn’t and the only clear instructions were that, obviously, sex and kissing were off the table. Hugging and touching in general is considered fine, as long as it isn’t sexual - which was a really fun and not awkward at all conversation to have in front of all of their friends.
It’s not like it’s actually easy. They’re allowed the simple touches and all but most of the intimacy that they share and that Katya loves is forbidden, including - especially - any form of kissing, which is stupid because kissing has always been one of Katya’s favorite things to do. Kissing Trixie is Katya’s favorite thing to do. And honestly, to consider that they’re allowed or forbidden to do things is in itself very idiotic.
Plus, of course, the novelty fades soon. Katya wonders what sort of heterosexual nonsense they’d gotten themselves into, not fucking or kissing her girlfriend? For no reason at all other than Willam being stupid? Not their smartest move.
Still, Katya knows for sure that they’ll both suffer through this until it becomes literally unbearable. Katya loves winning, Trixie hates losing. They may look like they’re the same thing, but not quite. And yet, they’ll carry them through.
Katya is determined to play it fair - not out of goodness, though, she knows that if they were to enter a seduction game she’d lose disastrously, is as certain of very few things as she is of how attracted to Trixie Mattel she feels. She doesn’t even want to think about it, can’t risk tempting herself.
It’s a late afternoon on Tuesday, almost four days since the bet took place, and Katya already despises the whole thing with a burning passion. She’s sprawled out on their living room floor, papers and post-its scattered around her as she tries to understand the handwriting of one particular student on a really long essay, when Trixie comes in with messy hair and looking exhausted.
“Hey,” Katya greets her absentmindedly, smiles warmly at her and watches as she removes her shoes and her earrings and puts her hair in a messy bun.
“Hi,” Trixie replies with the same tone, seemingly happy to be home with her, and it fills Katya’s heart. For a few seconds everything is normal, Trixie walks towards her and sits down opposite her on the floor, raises her hand and moves forward as if to cup her cheek and kiss her. Katya is leaning in too, without thinking, and then suddenly they both stop, midway through.
“This is very stupid,” Trixie says as she leans back, sighs as if to signify how childish she finds it all.
“Uhum,” Katya hums in agreement. “You’re free to kiss me and end this, then.”
Trixie narrows her eyes then. “Nice try.”
“Don’t even start with me, miss thing, you’re the one who is trying.”
Trixie smirks, shrugs a little. “Maybe.”
“Does that mean you want to kiss me?”
Trixie snorts, changes position so that all of her curves are more prominent and enticing, which Katya totally doesn’t think is fair.
“Do I want to kiss my girlfriend? Nah.”
Katya laughs and hits her arm playfully. “Okay, let me work then. I gotta finish this.”
“All right. I’m gonna shower and then I’ll order us something. Chinese?”
“Hmm… Thai?”
“Sure.” And before vanishing into the bathroom Trixie leaves her with a big bright smile and Katya’s heart jumps a little.
She isn’t sure she’ll be able to last until the weekend.
They sit on opposite sides of the couch, like always, their calves touching in the middle seat and Katya doesn’t even think about how they could be hugging because she’s just happy to be spending time with her favorite person. She may hate not being able to properly touch Trixie, but there’s a lot more to being with her that Katya loves anyway.
First Katya tells Trixie about her day, about how half of her grading process was taken up by just trying to figure out what letters her students had written, because not only are the handwritings painful, but it’s also complicated to guess what they meant when they’re trying to write in french and are simply butchering every single spelling possible (she’s half certain that one of her students invented at least three new types of accents - as if French didn’t already have enough).
She tells Trixie about one cute essay she read at the beginning where the girl was telling a romantic story and it was definitely between two girls, unless she totally forgot the word il and all gendered word variations existed, and Trixie smiles fondly at her, the way that she always reserves for when they’re alone and that emcompases all of her feelings into one quiet moment, and Katya hopes she’s doing it right back because normally she’d slide over to Trixie and kiss her softly on the lips, whisper her words quietly into it, but right now she can’t, even if she hates it.
Then Trixie tells Katya about her day, sings the few lines she remembers from the single of the new band she’s negotiating with right now and the song is terrible but Katya still relishes the chance to hear Trixie singing. It’s not a rare occurrence at all, Trixie sings and hums all the time - as she showers, as she does the dishes, as she does the laundry, you name it. But Katya can’t get enough of it, really, is always blown away by her soft voice, even if her range isn’t all that impressive. It’s such a calming tone and it makes Katya feel all sorts of ways, it’s always guaranteed at making her fall in love a little bit more.
And that’s when Katya realizes that Trixie isn’t trying to seduce her, but she is possibly trying to trick Katya into caving.
She sits up straighter in a second and Trixie stops singing, raises her eyebrows questioningly.
“Trixie Mattel, are you tricking me into kissing you?”
Trixie raises her eyebrows even more at that and for a second Katya thinks she misread everything, but soon enough the sides of her mouth start trembling and she looks sheepish.
“I mean, not exactly-”
“Oh my god!” Katya is actually laughing alongside Trixie as she slaps her shin. “One might take your plans and think you’re too eager to be able to kiss me. I would consider this as you losing.”
An outraged sound leaves Trixie’s throat and Katya just laughs louder. “No way! I’m using the cards I have!”
“Oh, is that how you wanna play?” Katya knows she’s a dumbass because there’s no way she’d win if Trixie started really trying, but she can’t help it. There are very few things she enjoys more than riling up Trixie.
“Consider this: you don’t wanna do this.”
Trixie’s attempt at a ominous face is a disaster and undeniably adorable so Katya can’t help but giggle as she holds Trixie’s knees and stares her in the eyes, Trixie giggling right back.
“Oh, you’re on, bitch.”
It’s Wednesday morning and Katya is reminded of why she had decided she wasn’t gonna enter a seduction game with Trixie. Trixie never gets up before Katya does unless work hours require it, and since Katya gets up at the crack of dawn on Wednesdays to attend a yoga class before going to school, it’s something that never, ever happened on that day. Until now.
When Katya’s alarm clock goes off and her eyes open, the very first thing she sees is Trixie standing right in front of her with her back to Katya. She’s facing the mirror as she applies something to her hair and combs it calmly, all of it suspiciously slowly. Oh, and she is wearing only a fucking towel - which barely covers her ass.
“Fuck,” she murmurs, her eyes still sleepy but her whole body kicking into gear.
Trixie turns around then, has such a fake innocent look on her face that Katya has half a mind to just jump out of the bed and grab her, but in reality she’s frozen in her spot as she eyes the entirety of Trixie’s thighs uncovered by the white towel. They look super soft and Katya knows they are, but she still wants to touch and make sure.
“Hey, good morning.”
Katya just squints her eyes, which probably looks really funny considering they were already half closed with sleep.
“You are the worst.”
Trixie smirks, keeps on brushing her hair as if she’s done nothing, the towel teasing at revealing more as her body shuffles with the motion.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
There’s a 90% chance that Katya’s plan for an immediate response will backfire, but what has she got to lose?
“It’s a shame we have this bet because looking at you right now there’s literally nothing I would like more than to kneel in front of you and eat you out until your knees give out and you’re falling on top of me with shaky legs, the towel totally forgotten already on the floor, sweat dripping down your back. Guess all I can do is touch myself in the shower to the thought of that, though.”
“Oh,” Trixie gasps with wide eyes, her hand stopping abruptly as she flushes lightly but immediately. The small moment of victory takes over Katya quickly, allows for her to get up in her tank top and panties and walk over to the bathroom, feeling fairly confident that now Trixie is the one eyeing her bare skin.
She just winks before closing the bathroom door. Trixie is still flustered.
Katya doesn’t touch herself in the shower and she spends almost the entire day with the image of Trixie in the small towel haunting her brain. It’s ridiculous because she’s seen Trixie naked hundreds and hundreds of times and also in every possible sexy outfit and also in towels and basically every option available where Trixie would look sexy - which, well, is always. But since they started dating they have never gone so long without even kissing, and the fact that they live together and constantly see each other only adds to it - they can kiss but they can’t and that’s the most stupid decision they have ever made, which is astounding because the bar is pretty low, especially on Katya’s side.
“Willam tells me you and Trixie are being ridiculous?” Alaska’s voice pulls her out of her thoughts and she realizes she’s been pressing her pen to her notebook for the past however many minutes and it’s leaked through and made a huge blue spot on her annotations. “She didn’t elaborate on it, though. I can’t believe you guys decide to do dumb shit the one night I can’t come to dinner. And that you had all week to tell me and didn’t yet.”
“Willam is the one who is ridiculous, me and Trixie did nothing.”
“Trixie and I,” Alaska corrects her as she sits down on the top of Katya’s page, forcing her to look up.
“Well, I teach French not English and in French we definitely say Trixie et moi so I’m gonna stick to that.” She doesn’t want to talk about this stupid bet so, yeah, she’s deflecting.
“You’re not speaking French right now so that doesn’t apply.”
“Veux-tu que je parle en français?”
“Stop that!” Alaska laughs and fake-slaps Katya’s shoulder. “French is sexy and I don’t wanna think of you as sexy. And you’re changing the subject and I don’t like it, tell me what you guys did.”
Katya rolls her eyes and sighs. Not only did Willam somehow trick them into this, but she’s also gossiping about it.
“Willam managed to talk us into a bet.“
Alaska nods and encourages with a roll of her hands. ”… About?“
Katya’s nose twitches unpleasantly, she knows that saying the words will make it all sound even more childish. "To see which one of us could last longer without kissing or being intimate with the other.”
Alaska’s eyebrows shoot up immediately, her lips quirking. “You both said yes to that?”
“Yes, okay, we’re two idiots. That’s not news to anybody.”
“Oh my god,” Alaska laughs loudly. “And how’s that going? Have you caved already?”
“No. It’s horrible, I hate it, Trixie’s too pretty and I’m too horny.”
“At least the sex will be great when one of you caves.”
“Me. It’s gonna be me.” The fact that she’s gonna lose has been very clear to her from the beginning, she just wants to last a while and be less pathetic.
“You just need a strategy.���
“This isn’t chess, Alaska.”
Alaska just rolls her eyes. “You know your problem? You’re whipped and she knows it. Well, everyone knows it. Just stop showing that, block her out, fake disinterest when you’re together.”
Alaska, as it seems, is insane. “Right,” Katya replies sarcastically.
“No, listen, I’m serious. Of course you’re gonna want to rail her, you just don’t have to show it. Like, I don’t know, everytime she tries to seduce you just think of a random boring man being boring or something.”
“If you think I can shut off my arousal like that you’ve got a problem, Lasky.”
“Just try it, ok! I’m gonna start a bet on your bet and I’m gonna bet on you, so you better win.”
“Oh my god.”
It’s not that Alaska’s idea is stupid, it’s just that Katya knows herself and she knows her girlfriend and there’s no way she would manage that. Still, it’s not like she has any other choice, so she might as well just give it a try, just so she could go to Alaska and rub it in her face that you were wrong, bitch.
Katya always wears her heart on her sleeve, everyone knows what’s she’s feeling and especially Trixie, who knows her so well. So she practices it the rest of the afternoon in class, showing as little emotion as she can possibly muster at the antics of her students and she does it well, apparently, because at the end of her last class a group of them asks her if she’s alright.
She isn’t exactly confident, but there’s a chance she might just pull it off - even if only for a few minutes.
When Katya gets home late that evening Trixie is already back and she’s sitting at the dining table with her laptop out, apparently doing some extra work. She has her back to the door so Katya can’t see her face, but her shoulders look tense and she doesn’t even turn when Katya comes in.
“Hey, babe,” she greets her once she closes the door and Trixie jerks at the sound, turning around fast. She looks tired and stressed and for a split second all Katya can think of is running her a relaxing bath and giving her a massage, so she freezes in her spot.
“Hey. How was your day?”
She shrugs, doesn’t want to tell about her talk with Alaska, and basically the only thing she did all day other than that was think about eating Trixie out and she’s not about to tell her that when she’s trying to seem cool and unbothered. “Just a normal day. What about you?”
She sighs as if she’d been holding it in all day. “It was a complete nightmare but I don’t wanna talk about it right now, I just want to forget it. Can I just say that I hate, hate, hate Kevin?”
Katya snorts, very much familiar with said hatred. “Yes dear, I know,” she mocks and Trixie gives her a tiny smile instead of the usual grin.
“Can we just like have dinner and a quiet night in? I really just need to not think about anything that happened today.”
Katya nods slowly, swallows quietly sits down on the sofa. Usually not thinking about anything involves lots of activities that they can’t do right now. Is Trixie lowkey trying to make her break?
“Sure,” she replies fake uninterested while searching for the remote and turning the TV on. She’s focusing all of her power on keeping a straight face and following Alaska’s instructions, she’s very determined to try her very best in lasting at least until bedtime - Alaska can’t possibly expect her to fake disinterest in bed. With Trixie. It’s outrageous, really.
Trixie is quiet for a while and when Katya glances at her she’s still sort of looking at Katya, seems maybe a little puzzled. Maybe Katya is a better actress than she thought. She clears her throat and goes back to the TV, doesn’t change the channel from where a ridiculously boring documentary about weasels seems to have just begun and pretends to be paying attention, even though she’s mostly thinking three things: one, weasels are cute; two, Malfoy made a great weasel in the fourth Harry Potter movie and three, Trixie is mere feet away from her and it would be really easy to just go over and kiss her and take her right there on the table.
She shakes her head and focuses on the first two items because they definitely seem safe and she can hear the sound of Trixie’s fingers on her keyboard not long after that, which means she’s back to work. It’s quiet for a good while after that, so much so that Katya actually pays attention to the documentary and finds herself oddly invested in the little fur creatures.
“Do you think we should adopt a weasel?” she blurts out eventually when a bunch of them are grouped playing together in the wild. They’re adorable.
Trixie is obviously stunned back to reality and definitely confused. “What?”
Katya points at the TV without turning to Trixie. “A weasel! Look how cute they are.”
“I am pretty sure it’s illegal to own a weasel.”
Katya just pouts. “You never let me do anything fun,” she complains and looks back at Trixie, who’s somehow even more disheveled than she was when Katya got home and her heart gives two quick thuds. Oh god, she’s such a loser.
“How about a dog?” Trixie suggests nonchalantly but without a hint of a teasing. “Or maybe a cat, since we don’t have a lot of space or time for a dog?”
Trixie is seriously suggesting a pet and Katya’s brain short circuits for a second. They’ve been living together for over a year and dating for even longer, but adopting an animal seems so serious. Not that she isn’t serious about their relationship, she one hundred percent is, she just didn’t expect the topic to simply arise on a Wednesday afternoon when she and her girlfriend are willingly not being intimate and she’s trying really hard to pretend she’s not horny.
And now on top of horny she feels such a surge of affection for Trixie that she debates quickly whether or not it’s worth it to just lose the bet right now and tackle her. Trixie is apparently not overthinking the whole thing like Katya, though, because she gets up and walks to the kitchen.
Get yourself together, you needy lesbian mess.
Now Katya really wants the damn cat and she really, really wants to kiss Trixie, but she won’t budge just yet. She’s managing it so far and she’ll last until bedtime. When Trixie gets back from the kitchen Katya doesn’t turn to look at her.
Blank face, Katya. Blank face.
She feels Trixie’s eyes on her for a while, but soon she looks back to her computer and Katya goes back to the TV.
The rest of the night goes by unusually quiet.
Katya wakes up on Thursday to the distinct feeling of Trixie’s warm hand very high on her thigh. It’s stilled but spread open, all of her fingers touching a patch of skin, some of them dangerously close to the inside of her thighs. She’s gasping before she’s fully awake, even if Trixie has not moved an inch.
She forgets her act detached plan.
“Morning,” Trixie smirks, her face rested at the end of the pillow almost in the middle of the bed, where she’d go to meet Katya halfway for a kiss - if they could kiss.
Katya’s response is split. Half of her brain makes her body turn completely in a way that makes Trixie’s hand nest in between her thighs and their faces almost touch, while her mouth says “You little devil.”
Trixie giggles sleepyly and it’s the cutest thing ever and truly not fair to Katya. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Katya shakes her head as much as she can with half of it smashed into the pillow. “Are your cramps finally over?” She’d gone to bed complaining the previous night after taking an advil.
Trixie just sighs. The air hits Katya’s nose and it tickles her a bit. “Are they ever? I feel like a newborn.”
Katya lets out a breathy laugh through her nose and absentmindedly moves her hand to Trixie’s hip, not to try anything, but really just because.
“You’ve been working too much,” she muses as if that could be a cause for cramps. “You should come home to relax not work.”
Trixie opens her mouth and squints her eyes for a second before closing them as if she changed her mind. Katya could press it, but Trixie soon hums lightly before moving her head down and resting it below Katya’s chin, her hands moving up from her thigh - previous task apparently forgotten - to hug around Katya’s stomach.
Katya’s heart aches a little with how good this feels and how much she loves the woman in her arms. She hugs her back, squeezes her middle twice in hopes she’ll understand what she means.
“Cuddling like this is fine, right?” Trixie asks in a low voice, doesn’t sound all that worried, honestly, even if Katya knows best.
“I declare that it is.”
Trixie giggles again and Katya is aware that they’ll have to be up soon because they both have to go to work and she’s overly aware of the fact that she really, really wants to kiss her, but she closes her eyes and lets this moment sink in for a bit.
All in all, she wouldn’t change a thing about it.
Katya spends the entirety of Thursday morning trying to erase the image of Trixie in her only red lingerie out of her brain. She’d stepped out of the shower earlier that day relaxed and happy and ready to face the day after their nice cuddling session under the rising sun but had instead been met with Trixie wearing the set she rarely ever wears, unless she’s doing something special for Katya.
Katya is, of course, fucking turned on by her overall existence and how hot she looks in the piece, but part of her is also a little irrationally mad that Trixie would break tradition on the garment just to win a bet.
That reminds her that Trixie is also playing the game and that she decided on the whole cool and unbothered shabang because she couldn’t possibly win using the same weapons as Trixie, so she ought to go back to pretending she doesn’t care.
Unlike the previous morning, then, she made absolutely zero comments about it and looked at her body a total of two times while she was distracted only and left with a quick goodbye that left Trixie with her eyebrows up to her hair in bewilderment.
But, of course, now the image of her red lingerie clad girlfriend is etched onto her brain and she’s cursing every generation of Willam’s family as she tries instead to think of the accent agúd she’s trying to teach.
It’s not working very well.
“Miss Zamo?” one of her students asks, stunning her out of her stupor, and she shakes her head at how unprofessional she’s being.
“Oui, Miles?”
“There’s someone at the door.”
She sees the hair before she sees anything else, her eyes soon after focusing on the pink makeup she’s wearing. She smiles despite herself.
“Give me two minutes, guys.” The words are out in English before she can even think about it, but she’s trotting to the door already.
“Trixie!” She greets as soon as she opens it, Trixie’s surprised face meeting hers.
“Oh, hi! You forgot your folder in your hurry this morning.” There’s something to her voice that Katya can’t quite place. “I thought you might need it? I tried texting but you didn’t reply.”
“Fuck, I do need it. Thank you.” Trixie looks a bit out of herself, but as worried as Katya is she has to go back to her classes. It’ll be lunch time soon, probably how Trixie managed to drop by, and she has to finish the chapter before letting them go. “I- we’ll talk later okay?”
Trixie nods, smiles reassuringly, although Katya’s still not a hundred percent convinced she’s fine.
“Love you,” she says before she starts walking away.
“Love you, too,” Katya replies without raising her voice so her students won’t hear, hopes Trixie will.
It’s easier not to wish she’d kissed her when she’s standing in front of her classroom where she wouldn’t anyway, but she’s still bothered by the fact that she couldn’t.
That evening she gets home before Trixie and much like every time this happens she scrapes together something quick for dinner, that’ll just need to be heated up when Trixie gets home, and makes sure they have a bottle of wine to share. They do.
Katya didn’t think they’d last this long - that she’d last this long - with the bet and she’s sort of proud and also sort of appalled at the fact that they’re doing it, but now that it looks like she has a chance Katya really wants to win. She’ll do her very best to not show interest to any of Trixie’s attempts from now on, will combust internally while her face remains calm at every trick that Trixie tries to pull, and will hopefully win by tiring Trixie out - she’ll probably get exasperated by Katya’s lack of response and will take matters into her own hands.
At least that’s what Katya hopes, considering that she actually manages to follow through with it, because she hasn’t been good at it a hundred percent of the time. It’s hard not caring about Trixie, she couldn’t it if she tried, but pretending not to care proves to be just as hard.
She just wants to win and she wants to win soon - Trixie needs to cave for the good of Katya’s sanity. So maybe Katya could try a little something together with her fake disinterest, it’s not like lingerie ever killed anyone, right?
She gets the set that she knows is Trixie’s favorite and she thinks it’s fair since Trixie is wearing her favorite red set right now - which she’s trying really hard not to think about, - and she puts it together with the clothes she intends to wear tomorrow. She’ll see who will seduce who in the morning.
Trixie gets home when she’s just finished getting her things ready for the next day and Katya greets her with a small smile before moving over to the kitchen to heat up their food. She pours one glass of wine for each of them and sips hers slowly as she stirs the saucepan. Trixie finds her once she’s changed into more comfortable clothes, far from sexy but seemingly so comfortable and undeniably cute that Katya bites the inside of her cheek so she doesn’t grin and make a comment on it - Trixie will break soon, Katya is confident.
“You okay?” Trixie asks with her glass now in hand too, her ass resting on the sink as she leans on it. She seems concerned and Katya wonders how to reassure her without breaking her façade.
“Yeah, just got a headache,” she lies swiftly which she never does, actually, hates lying to Trixie, but it’s a small white lie that won’t harm anyone.
“Oh. Maybe you should get an advil instead of the wine?” Trixie is already moving to the cabinet to grab their medicine box but Katya denies quickly. She really wants the wine to help her out.
“It’s fine, nothing some rest won’t cure.”
“If you’re sure-”
“… Alright, then.” Trixie moves back to the living room while Katya finishes, which is unusual because they usually cook together, but Katya is almost done anyway.
This bet is the most stupid thing they have ever done and Katya isn’t sure why she’s trying so hard to win it. But she is.
Over dinner Trixie tells her about the band and how she’s convinced them to change part of the horrible song and that’s good, really, because it truly was awful, and Katya voices those opinions to Trixie enthusiastically, which gets a genuine big smile out of her. Katya smiles back, can’t help herself.
God she’s really bad at this. Alaska was right, she’s too whipped and Trixie knows it.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Trixie offers as she cleans the table. “We’ve established cuddling is fine, so.”
They did, but Katya doesn’t think she could cuddle Trixie again and not break completely. She really, really wants to say yes, but for the sake of winning, for the sake of proving her self-control a bit more, she diverts again.
“Uh, I’d love to but I have some papers to grade. Reschedule?” She’s lying again and she’s mad at herself, but it’s still nothing, right?
Trixie’s eyebrows raise immediately and Katya thinks she’s been caught in the lie. “I thought you’d finished all your grading on Tuesday?”
“Yeah, but I forgot this assignment for one of my classes, gotta have it by tomorrow.” For a last minute thought it seems like a safe excuse.
“Oh.” Trixie doesn’t look convinced but she seems too confused to actually press it. “Ok. Guess I’ll go to bed early.”
It’s a little weird. Katya can tell Trixie is unsure, but she feels she’s already dug herself into this hole and can’t back out - and it’s a little white lie, really, she can “be done with grading” in half an hour and go to bed too.
Trixie’s asleep, though, once she joins her, her back turned to Katya’s side of the bed. She looks peaceful and the lines on her face are really soft and Katya gives in to temptation and presses one tiny kiss to her cheek. It’s not nearly enough for what she wants and it has the opposite effect of what she expected: her resolution to win starts to crumble.
Tomorrow is Friday. In the evening it’ll be exactly one week since they agreed to this bet. One week is objectively a long time, right?
Katya thinks so. She’ll put her efforts into tomorrow, will last this extra day, and that’s it. If Trixie doesn’t break, she will.
Just one more day.
Friday morning Katya does really well and she’s extremely proud of herself. She wakes up abruptly a little before her alarm clock and the sight that greets her is Trixie completely naked rummaging through her underwear drawer.
Katya can’t even accuse her of doing it on purpose, she clearly doesn’t notice that Katya is awake as she mutters shit under her breath and continues to search for whatever it is she wants to wear today. Katya takes the chance to look at her, really focus and appreciate it like she hasn’t these past few days.
Katya has a health relationship with sex and she likes to partake in it quite often, but she’s perfectly capable of going periods of time without it, has done so several times in the past. The thing is that Trixie and her have never spent more than three days apart since they started dating and they’d really never gone much more than that without sex. There is truth to what their friends say about them, Katya knows this. And, well, it is also an important factor that they haven’t just not fucked in almost a week but they haven’t even kissed. They’ve definitely never gone more than perhaps two days without kissing or making out a bit and that had been back when they didn’t live together yet. The lack of total contact apart from some innocent cuddling is driving Katya completely insane and she misses Trixie as if she hasn’t seen her in a month.
So she looks at her natural naked figure, none of the sensual attempts from before, and she feels a mix of desire and love tugging deep down in her stomach and she considers briefly if she should just quit right now - which, yes, she did every day this week at least five times. But she’s managed it this far and she’d promised herself she’d take one more day, just one, just to close the week. Just one more day and she’ll quit if Trixie doesn’t.
When Trixie finds what she wanted, Katya shakes herself and averts her gaze, does her best to not show desire in her eyes even if she feels it spreading through her entire body.
“Oh, hey, good morning.” Trixie smiles wide and happily and it’s like she’s not even aware she’s naked.
“Morning,” Katya replies with a small smile and gets up moving quickly to the bathroom with her clothes in hand, doesn’t look at Trixie’s figure again. When she comes out she’s wearing only the lingerie set and Trixie trips a bit on the carpet when she first gets sight of it.
“Oh,” she exclaims as she finishes zipping up her skirt and then she stands there, in skirt and bra only, staring at Katya.
Katya has to physically force her neck to turn to the other side so she won’t look. “What?” She sounds a bit harsh even to her own ears, can feel the restraint she’s summoning weighing on her words, and Trixie just shakes her head.
“Uh-” she starts but then bites her lips and puts on her blouse without saying anything. “Nothing.”
They finish getting ready in silence and Katya leaves with a quick goodbye just like the day before. Trixie’s bewilderment looks a lot more crestfallen today.
Katya wonders if there’s something going on here.
After musing the whole day about whether or not she did something that could throw Trixie off and then convincing herself that they’re both playing their cards and she shouldn’t worry, Katya says yes to going out with her coworkers after work without giving it much thought. Trixie and her don’t usually get a lot of time to themselves during the week so it’s rare that either of them will go out after work, opting usually to be together, but today is the last day on Katya’s self-applied limit and she just wants to finish it, to reach the imaginary line she created regarding how long she’d last on this bet.
A day away from Trixie means a not quite complete day, but it also means one last day she can rub in Willam’s face. She might as well push it one last time.
She’s packing her things at the end of the day when she calls Trixie to let her know she won’t be home until later.
“Hey, babe,” Trixie greets once she answers the phone.
“Hey. Just calling to tell you that I’m going out with the teachers, ‘kay?”
“Oh,” Trixie says a little surprised and then she stays quiet for one second too long. “Uh, okay, yeah. Have fun.”
“Thanks. You’ll be al-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine. See you later.”
She hangs up after that and that’s unusual, they never really hang up without saying love you. It’s not like Katya needs her to say it, it’s just that they always do and it feels like something is wrong and Trixie perhaps is a little off. Maybe Katya did do something and going out now is only aggravating things? That can’t be, though, as they always tell each other when there’s something wrong and also Trixie has never minded her going out and having fun, they’ve always been extremely trusting and easygoing.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts by Shangela calling her and she goes to meet everyone at the exit, tries to push her worries to the back of her mind. Katya is probably overreacting. She didn’t think a few days would have this much effect, but it probably is just her brain playing tricks on her because of the withdrawal.
Just a few more hours. She’ll go out and have fun and not think about Trixie, and then she’ll go home, knowing it’s been one exact week, and she’s gonna grab Trixie and kiss her with everything she has and they’ll hopefully rip each others clothes off, no matter where in the house they are. Then she’ll be able to go to Willam the following day and tell her that for an entire week she wasn’t exactly as Willam had once put it - a horny desperate adult addicted to her girlfriend.
The evening goes smoothly, she likes the other teachers and she always has a good time with them and tomorrow is the weekend so she indulges herself in one too many drinks. She gets home a bit later than she planned and she’s maybe a bit tipsier than planned.
She goes to grab some water before heading to bed, will pop an advil today and have one ready for next morning, and when she opens the fridge her eyes are drawn to a container wrapped in tin foil. She curiously peeks inside and half a medium lasagna from Katya’s favorite restaurant sits inside. Her heart falls to her stomach at the sight. Trixie had probably decided to treat them both to a nice dinner before Katya told her she’d go out.
She quickly grabs her water and moves to the bedroom, but Trixie is already sleeping when she enters. Trixie is a heavy sleeper, but Katya slows down so she doesn’t make any noise and also gets ready for bed in the dark.
Tomorrow she’ll apologize - not that she could have known, it’s not even like she’d done anything wrong, but she feels sorry and bad and she wants Trixie to know. The way Trixie spoke on the phone earlier indicates that perhaps she had been upset and Katya can’t wait to fix whatever it is that’s wrong.
She goes to sleep with her arm over Trixie’s waist and her head ridiculously close to the back of her neck. There’s a nagging feeling of discomfort at the back of her head and it doesn’t disappear as sleep wins over her.
Katya wakes up to an empty bed and the feeling at the back of her head from the day before now spread everywhere, including particularly her heart. They got themselves into a very stupid and avoidable situation and Katya still isn’t sure as to why they did that.
Katya thinks for a second about the whole week and she absolutely despises the fact that during this time she’s gotten used to not touching Trixie. The want to do so is still there, obviously, strong as ever - maybe more, even - but the unconscious impulse is gone. She sees her and she consciously wants to kiss and hug her, her heart still tugs a tiny bit at the mere sight of her just existing in their place, but she doesn’t instinctively start moving her way, ready to do so.
She loves Trixie and she still wants Trixie, but she’s somehow fallen out of the habit of going for it.
She’s filled with anger in a second, outraged with herself for letting it get to this point where she’s making herself miserable for no reason at all - and Trixie too. She jumps out of bed and moves quickly through the apartment, searching for Trixie and she finds her drying her hands near the sink in the kitchen, makes a loud noise when she slams the door open.
Fuck Willam.
“Katya-” Trixie starts saying with a hand placed over her heart, possibly beating faster due to the scare, but Katya is done, she’s done with the stupid bet and with just being horribly miserable because she somehow thought she had to prove Willam wrong, as if that’s more important than her and Trixie’s happiness.
She walks in long strides and it makes Trixie not say anything after her name, which she clearly had intended to, and just look at her with her eyes getting wider and more confused. When Katya reaches her she places both her hands on the sides of Trixie’s face and kisses her, strong and hard and desperate, like it’s been years she hasn’t instead of just a few days.
Trixie gasps in surprise but it takes her no time at all to just kiss back and wrap her arms around Katya’s back, her whole figure relaxing against Katya’s body as they finally, finally fit against each other exactly like Katya loves.
God, Katya’s missed her. She thought about kissing Trixie all of the time during this week and yet it’s like her body had forgotten how it felt because this is a whole other level of wow. She tries to pull Trixie closer only to realize Trixie’s already pressing the two of them together as much as possible and Katya actually parts their lips for one second to breathe and make an offended noise because it’s still not enough.
“Bedroom,” Katya murmurs raspily and moves away from Trixie to grab both her hands and walk backwards, pulling Trixie with her. Trixie’s eyes are still wide as if she isn’t sure of what’s happening and against every muscle in her body Katya stops midway into the living room. “You okay?” Katya doesn’t think she’s ever been that desperate but maybe these days have affected Trixie differently than her and she’s not particularly interested in sex right now. Katya will respect her, if that’s the case, even though she’ll most definitely need to understand why.
That seems to pull Trixie out of her thoughts though, her feet starting again and her arms sort of pushing Katya so that she’s walking again. “Yes, oh my god, yes. Bedroom.” She nods as if she agrees with how Katya had suggested it and they stumble together into the room, Katya’s hip hitting the chair in front of their vanity on their way in.
“Ouch,” she exclaims as she moves her hand to her side before even thinking, it stings more than it should and yet Katya is determined to not let it ruin the mood. “Nevermind, get naked.”
Trixie, though, looks uncertain again, now her eyes are worried. “You sure? You hit it pretty hard, it’ll leave a huge bruise.”
Katya shrugs while pulling her closer. “Nothing we can do about that now, so whatever.”
She kisses Trixie again, can’t help it when their mouths are so close and they can do it and for the second time that morning she wonders why the fuck she let Willam talk them into this because it was insane and horrible and Katya will never again go as much as one single day without kissing Trixie.
“Katya-” Trixie tries again against her lips and Katya pulls away when she notices that the uncertainty is still there in Trixie’s voice. She doesn’t know why it’s there but it’s starting to worry her - it reminds her that Trixie had been off last night and last morning and maybe, against all of her instincts, they should talk first.
“You sure you’re okay, Trix? We don’t have to do this.”  She motions her head to the bed but she also means whatever other type of intimacy and touching. “I’m not trying to push you, you can say no to anything if you don’t want to do it. You know that, right?” Trixie should know it because that’s always how they are, perfectly comfortable with just changing their minds, but Trixie is never quite like this and it makes Katya wonder.
“God, no-” she sounds as if there’s more to what she’s saying, but no other words leave her mouth.
Katya gets closer again, slower this time, and just cups her face onto her right hand as her left one rests on her hips, squeezing it reassuringly.
“Hey, babe, it’s okay. What’s going on?”
Trixie almost looks sad and Katya’s heart is pounding.
“I want to, of course I do.” Trixie snorts a bit, moving her hands to Katya’s back, apparently involuntarily. “I just thought you didn’t.” She murmurs and places her emphasis on the you and it stuns Katya. Out of all of the things she thought she would hear, that is definitely not one of them.
“I don’t know, you’ve been acting so weird these past couple of days. You barely smiled and I’d tell jokes and you wouldn’t even acknowledge it. Heck, you barely looked at me most of the time.”
She shrugs as if she’s trying to be nonchalant about it but all in all Katya is pretty sure she’s never been more shocked in her entire life.
“Trixie, oh my god, no. This is- goddammit, why do I let our friends ruin our lives?” Trixie makes a confused face at that. “I told Alaska about the bet and she gave me unsolicited advice and I just thought there was no harm- fuck, you have no idea how hard I had to try to act like that. I seriously haven’t thought about anything that isn’t you for a week straight.”
Trixie seems legitimately shocked at this as if the only possibility that had gone through her head was seriously the one where Katya just didn’t want her.
How would she ever? She wants Trixie for the rest of her life. She never wanted anything remotely like that before, but with Trixie she’s always known it.
“I got really mad at Willam for making you realize you didn’t want to date me anymore.” Trixie confesses shyly, plucks her bottom lip between her teeth.
Katya shakes her head and even though it’s probably insensitive she can’t help a breathy laugh from escaping her lips. She once again grabs Trixie’s face and kisses her strongly, but this time it’s just a peck, a strong one that makes a pop noise when they break apart.
“I love you,” she opts for saying. She was gonna say something more joky, maybe even teasing, but she’s never seen Trixie doubtful of their relationship before and  she hates it, despite the ridiculousness of the situation. “I love you and I always, always want you, okay?”
Trixie nods and smiles lightly, she moves her hands to cover Katya’s still holding her face.
“I love you, too.”
And then Katya is kissing her again and she’s kissing back and Katya wants to ask her just one more time if she’s certain, but then Trixie’s hands find the hem of her shirt and tug it upwards desperately and Katya knows she’s sure - now Katya just wants to be naked and to get Trixie naked and to make up for all for all of the time they wasted on this stupid bet.
“You realize it’s been one week and we’re acting as if we’ve been oceans apart for a whole year, right?” Trixie asks while Katya is removing her pajama shorts with desperate fingers.
“Well, I was gonna eat you out first, but if you’re not in a hurry maybe we can skip that?” Katya teases even though her hands are leading Trixie to the bed and throwing her there.
She giggles and much like every time she does so it fills Katya’s heart with warmth and this time she can actually kiss her so she throws herself on top of her and does.
“You are so cute,” she compliments as her lips move down to her neck, both of them wearing only their panties now as they’d been pretty much only in sleeping clothes before.
“That’s exactly what a girl wants to hear before fucking. Cute.”
Katya rearranges herself so that she’s sitting on top Trixie’s thighs and she grins at her, her hands roaming all over her skin.
“You are cute, beautiful, sexy, hot and everything else you can think of and I am so glad you’re with me and I get to do all of this.” She flicks her fingers over one of her nipples as she speaks and Trixie gasps. “You’re perfect and I missed you.”
Trixie looks like she’s about to tease again, but she forgoes that to capture her lips one more time. “Me too, babe.”
It’s almost like a physical fight of who will touch who first because Katya can’t keep her lips on her clavicle for more than a few seconds before Trixie is leaning forward and breaking that contact so that she gets to explore Katya’s skin with her lips.
Everything in Katya aches with desire for Trixie, her nipples are painfully hard as Trixie manages to dip her back and close her mouth over them, alternating way too fast as if she can’t decide which one she wants to pay attention to.
Katya faintly remembers Alaska saying that at least the sex would be great and she’d been right. She doesn’t think she’s ever been this desperate this fast before and it’s making for great foreplay when they don’t seem particularly patient enough for that.
Trixie moves her lips up to her again and Katya takes this chance to slide up on her legs until their torsos are practically touching and their nipples are deliciously rubbing against each other. She grabs Trixie’s face again and kisses her strong and hard one more time, her body quaking with want as she pulses in her soaked panties right next to Trixie’s, which are probably the very same way.
“I want to eat you out,” she murmurs when they break apart, and only when she finishes speaking she notices that Trixie said literally the same thing to her.
They blink twice before bursting out in laughter and for some reason that only gets Katya even more turned on - their intimacy is something that she’ll never take for granted, she loves theses moments more than anything.
“I’m already on top, lay down and let me go down on you.”
Trixie lays down with a heavy fake sigh. “I mean, alright, I guess.”
Katya laughs and slaps her thigh after pulling her panties off. “Stop being a brat.”
“Look-” Katya doesn’t give her time to finish whatever banter she was about to start because there are more important matters at hand, such as tending to the soaking woman below her, so she wastes no time in fitting her mouth around her clit and sucking it. “Fuck,” Trixie gasps instead.
Usually when they have sex they’re both terrible people that drag it all out for as long as possible and are always arguing about who can last longer - and maybe Katya can see why they took the bet in the first place - but for her part Katya knows that there’s no way she’d manage being teased today and she can see that Trixie is in absolutely no position either. She could try to stretch this out but she’s aching with need and Trixie is so incredibly wet and they need this right now, fast. Maybe afterwards they’ll both be in a state to do this for real but right now she wants to get Trixie off for the first time in a week and she wants it to be a shuddering orgasm, so she doesn’t stop.
She uses her tongue to circle her entrance a few times before dragging her wetness to her clit. She focuses on licking it for a while, wants to get Trixie close to the edge without tipping her over, and then she moves her hand from her thigh and teases just for a second with one finger before fucking her slowly with one, then two, then three. Trixie makes a muffled sound and when Katya looks up briefly she has one hand lying useless on her stomach and the other in between her teeth.
Katya wants to tell her to quit it and just make the noise that she so wants to hear, but as she goes back to tending to her clit as her fingers continue in and out at a slow pace even her hand can’t fully stop Trixie from moaning and the sound is so sexy it travels through Katya’s entire body like an electric wave.
Trixie then moves the hand that’s currently free to Katya’s head and pushes her in a little bit. “Katya, please.”
Katya knows she needs to come, she’s gaping and contracting around Katya’s fingers and her clit is so swollen - Katya doesn’t think she’s ever seen her like this and she’s sure she must be the same. So she does as Trixie needs, goes back to properly licking and sucking on her clit, and she curves and speeds up her fingers, and she even toys with her own coordination to move her forgotten left hand up and try to reach one of her nipples. She manages, ish, but Trixie moans loudly and grabs strongly at her hair and her breathing becomes more and more rapid as she contracts tighter and tighter around Katya’s fingers. One second later and she’s coming, her back arching off the bed and her legs trembling and Katya’s name brokenly falling out of her lips repeatedly.
Katya can’t believe this but she has to forcefully constrain herself and close her eyes to force herself not to come just from that. She’s so aroused right now that she’s sure that one touch of Trixie’s fingers will tip her over.
She removes her underwear and moves over her body, careful not to rub against Trixie because she’s definitely way too sensitive for that, but she does drape herself over Trixie to kiss her open mouth.
“That was intense, huh?” She asks smugly but Trixie is so out of breath she doesn’t even notice.
“Hm. Who could’ve known that abstinence would have this effect?”
Katya laughs and then sort of jumps when Trixie accidentally rubs over her nipple. Goodness, she’s so horny right now.
“Please get me off, Trix,” she begs against her mouth and Trixie is the one laughing now. She taps at Katya’s hips so she’ll get off her and once she’s the one lying down on the bed, Trixie mimics her position in between her legs.
“How long is this gonna take, Katya?” Trixie’s running her hands up and down Katya’s thighs as she drips down on the bed. Katya knows that she never makes needy sounds like she’s doing right now and that’s probably why Trixie is dragging this out. She really can’t handle this at the moment.
“Oh, five, tops.”
“Minutes?” Trixie asks amusedly with her eyebrows raised.
Trixie laughs loudly before finally settling down in between her legs and spreading them just a little bit more because she knows Katya can.
Unlike Katya, Trixie pays no attention to her clit when she starts and Katya partially wants to die, but she also knows it’s a smart choice because she really is right on edge and she doesn’t trust herself to hold out.
Not that she wants to. She’s not interested in bets and competitions right now and she couldn’t care less about lasting more than Trixie at this moment, she truly just needs to come.
Trixie knows her like the back of her hand and so to not let it unattended she uses her fingers around her clit as she fucks her steadily with her tongue. It’s not enough but it’s a sweet kind of pressure and it drives her even more insane than before, which she absolutely did not think was possible.
“Trix, baby, I can’t-” And she really can’t, she really needs to come, she almost feels like crying a bit, but thankfully Trixie knows her and gets the message - it’s no time for stretching this out. She removes both her fingers and her tongue and for one second Katya feels like she’s gonna explode without any contact, but Trixie merely changes positions and swiftly inserts two fingers milliseconds before using her tongue on her clit and just as she knew she would, Katya comes immediately, shouts Trixie’s name only once, but terribly loud for a Saturday morning and her entire body shudders before she goes slack against the sheets.
Trixie goes up her body, leaving faint kisses everywhere until she reaches her mouth and then kisses her softly. Katya circles her waist, pulls her against her and now that she’s no longer combusting the feeling of their naked skin touching is the most wonderful thing in the world.
“You were selling yourself short, that was at least ten seconds.”
Katya giggles against her and they rearrange themselves in the sweat covered sheets so they’re somewhat more comfortable - as much as possible.
“I can’t believe we willingly said yeah we’re gonna go a week without doing that for no good reason at all and with zero rewards at the end of the line.”
“I can’t believe you ignored me to win this rewardless bet,” Trixie accuses jokingly.
Katya still feels bad though, so she’s sincere when she apologizes. “I’m sorry about that. And thanks for the lasagna, I’m so mad I didn’t come home yesterday.”
Trixie just rolls her eyes. “Shut up, it’s just a lasagna.”
“Hey,” Trixie cuts her with a serious face. “We just spent seven days without kissing to prove our friends wrong and then we had some of the best sex to make up for it and - oh, we are definitely adopting a cat now by the way, so whatever.”
Katya smirks. “You think this is the best sex we’ve ever had? That’s literally not fair to all of the effort I always put into teasing you-”
“I said some of the best-”
“Still, we can do better than this.”
“Hm?” Trixie raises her eyebrows, her eyes are sparkling. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely. I need a coffee and some oatmeal and then we’re back to bed.”
“And what about the cat?”
“We’re not bringing a cat into bed, Trixie, that’s so wro-”
Trixie slaps her arm and they both laugh. “No, asshole. How do you feel about adopting one? I wanted to bring it up again that day but you seemed so off.”
“I know, I’m sor-”
“Apologize one more time and we’ll go another week without sex.”
Katya shuts her mouth into a straight line and surrenders with her free arm. “Alright, geez. How about Bet?”
“You want another bet?” She looks at her as if she’s grown another head.
“No, for the cat. We’ll name them Bet.”
Trixie blinks twice. “You want to name our cat Bet?”
“It’s fitting!”
“Oh my god-”
They’re back to laughing and bantering as they get up and put on some clothes to go and make coffee, and just like that it’s all good and easy again, Katya kisses her all the way through to the kitchen just because she can and she eyes her constantly also just because she can.
On their way back to the bedroom Trixie picks up her phone on the dining table and texts Willam.
Trixie: we’re done
It takes no time for her to reply.
Willam: yeah? Who won?
Trixie looks up at Katya who’s rolling her eyes already because of course she lost, she knew she would, but then Trixie pecks her loudly and grins.
Trixie: we both did
(Obviously Katya later finds she texted Willam saying she won. She didn’t expect anything else.)
63 notes · View notes
firesonic152 brought this twitter thread to my attention and we ended up running with a variation on the idea.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 https://twitter.com/fconvicted/status/903811242514563072 Bro
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 yay, but also slightly creepy. ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 it's a whole other level of awkward from saying the wrong name lmO ... lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 X'D okay, but...what if it starts out with Jack just trying to imagine someone who would be ideal for him, and every time he does it, the image gets clearer and clearer and one day Gabe actually comes out of the mirror?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 :OO!! ELABORATE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 like...maybe he's lonely but doesn't really know how to connect with people, so he lets his mind wander and starts imagining he's with someone long term. and as he goes from lover to loer, he keeps picturing this other person in the mirror instead of them. maybe Gabe was someone he knew a long time ago and regrets losing contact with, even. So Jack imagines him as he would be. Older, scarred, well built...it's almost instinctive. Meanwhile, Gabe has been having these recurring dreams where he's with this guy and in the dreams, the guy is always watching his reflection really intently. and he thinks he remembers this dude, but it's been so long that he isn't even sure he remembers his name, and he sure as hell doesn't know why he's suddenly dreaming about him.
so, then there's a couple choices--take it from something relatively simple like linked dreams to Jack actually being able to summon Gabe throught the mirror (AWKS), or Gabe tracks him down.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 OMG I love thisss I like the idea of Gabe tracking him down and startling Jack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 XD Jack sees him and immediately pops an awkward boner X'D
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA does Gabe know what Jack's been using his image for lmao Probably not lol AWKS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I don't think Gabe knows that it was Jack's fault. XD All he knows is that he's been dreaming about Jack. He doesn't realize it's because Jack was calling to him.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 how romantic~~~ except when Gabriel finally finds Jack, Jack is totally caught off guard and freaks out a little
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 I BET HIS DOES! xd **he ^^;
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 He lowkey fantasized a whole life for them that never happened |D a LITTLE too much to dump on Gabriel lmao XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lol not only that, but he knew exactly how Gabe would look
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 >w> and for good measure they were never together before this bc yay pining
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 THAT'S THE SPIRIT!! Maybe Gabe was a really close friend of his back in the day, but Jack was closeted or something, and even seeing Gabe be out and cool with it wasn't enough for Jack to be comfortable about it?
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 anfkanxsnckanx Jack doesn't know how to be like SURPRISE I WAS GAY THE WHOLE TIME so he tries to, how you say, "play it straight" at first
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 lolololololGOOD FUKKIN LUCK WITH THAT!! X'D at this point, he's slept with half the guys in town and is more attracted to Gabe than ever
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 AHAHA OOPS WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 when he was needing partners to fuel his wanton imaginings, ofc Jack, you naughty thing
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 Jack: aggressively shrugs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 Jack should be aggressively thinking of the perfect way to FIX THIS haha what if they go out drinking one night, and Gabe has enough to get a bit careless about what he says, and he tells Jack why he's come out to find him? and Jack is just I want this SO BAD but he is DRUNK fuck my life
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 LOLLLL gabe: i've been literally dreaming about you jack, googling "how to say "i've been literally fantasizing about having a long term relationship with you and fucking you instead of the real people i'm having sex with every day for like 10 years' but like in a chill way":
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 pfft. X'D Jack, you are FUCKED. Maybe keep that one to yourself.
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 jack, googling "how to kill myself"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/01/17 JACK NO
firesonic152 – 09/01/17 gabe: i'm glad you're back in my life man jack: y. yay
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 okay okay but. jumping ahead just a bit. pls consider: Jack cries the first time they have sex because he's imagined this for so long and never thought it was a wish that would come true
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 akcnskjnakjcnasc does gabe know why he's crying
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack could make up some nonsense about it only being that he had a crush on Gabe years ago. pull out the reveal of Jack's fantasies toward the very end, after they've hooked up. Maybe one of Jack's exes knew what was up somehow and spilled the beans and Jack is terrified that now Gabe is going to think he's creepy.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsnaxKJNSCAKSJCN jack tries to nip it in the bud and get the heck out before gabe can do anything about it
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but Gabe is just. wait. hold up. You loved me so much that it got through to me across the country? And now you're going to run away?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD well, Gabe was already out, so...unless you want BOTH of them closeted when they were friends
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is Very Gay but he thinks jack is straight and he assured jack that he wasn't gonna come on to him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oooh...what if they were, and Gabe only told Jack he was gay, but Jack was crushing so hard that he didn't trust himself to keep his own secret and he was afraid he would give Gabe away so he started avoiding him and then moved or soemthing??
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sjicndskjnsouvnsd omg jaaaaack
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jack you fucked up
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ffffffffffffffffffffff my brain hadn't gone there orz i fucked up
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabe is very very nervous when he finds jack he's just really really hoping jack is okay with... the gay thing now
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack is completely stunned when he first sees him. Gabe wasn't even sure Jack would recognize him, but that's obviously not the case. He has a couple of seconds to be worried about how Jack will react before Jack lights up. Although, it might have been Gabe's imagination, but it seemed like a strange expression crossed his face before he smiled.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 sdkjcnsiducnsd Gabe thought he'd buried all his real feelings and it was just fanciful romantic notions that were making his dreams seem like so much more. but it all comes rushing right back.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Worse, Jack is so eager to spend time with him while he's in town--wants to show him the sights and take him to the best places to eat. And Jack remembers so many of his favorite things. They click right back to the way they had been before things got weird. It almost feels like they're a couple on vacation together...except Jack goes home every night, and Gabe returns to his hotel room alone. !!!!!!!! that's how gabe figures out that something's up!! their first time is at the hotel, but when Jack brings Gabe home after that, he forgets to take down the mirror! Gabe recognizes it and the room!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHH JACK!!!! U DUMMY
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 haha altho i guess Gabe might just think that he's the psychic one instead. unless Jack reacts weird when he says something about it.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jshbdiybcidhb gabe points it out and kind of laughs when he says he must be psychic but jack immediately gets weird about it freezes for a sec, then puts on a painfully fake smile
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 i'm sorry, but i gotta turn in. ;; early day tomorrow.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 awwww <33333
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 we'll have to finish this tomorrow. ^^ night night <3<3<3
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gn!!!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 FRIEND I'M LONELY AND BORED
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 well that's no good! any more ideas on that last thread?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 WELL WE NEED TO RESOLVE THE PINING SITUATION how can we do it in the most awkward way possible LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 hrmmm... heh heh what if, while he's visiting, Gabe has another dream? and he wakes up out of the middle of it and just calls Jack without thinking. and Jack's still with the guy, 'cause Gabe's dreams and his fun happen simultaneously.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ^^
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it's a more intense dream this time too bc the distance is so small >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Jack fukkin' answering the phone in the middle of getting fucked 'cause the call's from Gabe and, of course, what the hell is he gonna say? prolly freaks out that he answered at all
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHA or he answered by accident and now it's too late he fumbled w the phone and accidentally hit the accept call button
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 what if the guy he's with knocks the phone away 'cause he's annoyed Jack picked it up at all?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDNAFKADNJF YEAH
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 So now, Gabe's listening to the two of them together and HEY GUESS WHAT Jack ain't straight
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 THAT'S REALLY AWKWARD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 suuuuuuuuuuuuper awkward does he hang up? the guy sounded really annoyed. but listening in on all this...
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 and it gets more awkward when jack mumbles something that gabriel SWEARS is his name but kdjfnadskfnjs
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, Gabe is gonna have to rush over to Jack's place once it's over. oh wait he can't see the bedroom just yet. keep out
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL well he can go see jack's place and not go into the bedroom...?? maybe?
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 yeah, prolly. Jack wouldn't want him to see it after all that. but, like, so does Gabe hang up and Jack calls him back as soon as the dude leaves? And Jack, like, isn't even sure why he's reaching out? They just end up snuggled together on Jack's couch, watching a movie till he falls asleep 'cause he didn't want to be alone after
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjfksdfksadnksdn jack calls gabriel back afterwards all frantic like "uM I... DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING" and gabriel replies "n............ no the call dropped....... right away.................."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D GABE YOU LIAR When Gabe comes over, Jack looks all worn out and kind of sad, and his skin is blotchy and beginning to bruise, so of course gabe has to ask if he's okay. Jack smiles at him, all relieved and bittersweet and says he's fine, and Gabe's heart goes doki doki
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 gabriel is Dying he's so in love and holy SHIT jack isn't straight they snuggle while watching a movie and gabriel forgets how breathing works
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 Gabe has the hardest time behaving himself while tucked under the blanket with Jack for their movie.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kajsdksajdnf bc GOD NOW HE KNOWS WHAT JACK SOUNDS LIKE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol haha oh SHIT XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he pays Zero attention to the movie he instead spends the time caught between stealing glances at jack and fantasizing about what he could do right then and there
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaa
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 plus being hyper aware the whole time of every place he and jack are touching
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 eeeeeeeeeeee okayokay...what if, like, when the movie ends and Jack is only barely awake, Gabe starts to get up to help him to bed, but Jack just snuggles a bit closer and sleepily demands that Gabe talk more about himself. And Jack's drifting off with his head against Gabe's chest, more relaxed than he's been in a long time, and the lonliness is almost completely gone for once, and he's just about asleep when Gabe runs out of things to say about himself and just murmurs '...and I've always been in love with you.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 SHRIEKING!!!!!!!!!!!!! does jack assume it's a dream later or does he immediately wake up at that lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 could have him assume it's a dream, then really freak out his next partner by gasping out 'i love you' in the middle of things before tacking 'Gabe' onto the end of that.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHHHHHH IDIOTS
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 and, of course, since they're in teh same time zone now, Gabe's asleep at the time and dreams that.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 CONFESS!! IT'S A SIGN!!! lol Gabe being all HEY LET ME TREAT YOU TO DINNER AS THANKS FOR SHOWING ME AROUND so that he has an excuse to set up something kinda fancy. he's nervous the whole evening, 'cause if he ruins this, he's still got a few days left in town and he doesn't want to miss out on seeing Jack, but then again, if it goes right, he's still got a few days in town with Jack
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJDFANDKSANFDS he means to save his confession until the end of the night but like as soon as they sit down he blurts out "i love you" very smooth gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE!!
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 LOL jack's head shoots up, certain he misheard "excuse me?"' gabriel wants to Die but he balls up his fists and clarifies, "i'm- in love with you jack. i have been for..." he swallows tightly. "almost since i met you."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;u;
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 jack drops his glass and it shatters on the floor, spilling water everywhere and also glass shards what a mess
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 jaaaaaaaaaaack u fukkin mess Jack is up out of his seat, and Gabe is starting to clean up the mess, but Jack just grabs his arm and is all: 'take me back to your hotel.'
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 KJADFNAKSDNF gabe is like wait you have a hou- and jack is like yOUR HOTEL NOW
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD you two jerks haven't even ordered they just walked in, ate some free bread, broke a glass and left
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 HE TRIED SO HARD at least he hit the goal! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 IT REALLY IS THE DESTINATION THAT MATTERS, NOT THE JOURNEY while they're having sex jack keeps closing his eyes and expecting to see someone else when he opens them but no it's still gabriel
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 awww he's just...so...HAPPY TTuTT
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 >w< afterwards they're lying in bed and gabriel has to ask "bro i thought you were straight"
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AHAHAHA YA DUMMIES but jack still doesn't know about the phone call and gabe doesn't know about the dreams LMAO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 nopenope ^^ more fun for them to get into
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 maybe jack asks what gabe wanted the other day when he called lollll and gabriel is just "ohh god" admits he was dreaming about jack bc he guesses there's no harm in it now but oh god what if jack knows somehow
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 if he knows he was sending Gabe those dreams?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 i should have put that in quotes lol it's gabe's anxiety feels about what if jack somehow knows that he was listening in that whole phone call >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohh gotchagotcha. ^^ well, i mean, if the call wasn't disconnected, and if the phone was face up, Jack would know exactly how long Gabe was listening bit of an exhibitionist, isn't he?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kdjsnfdksjfnasdkfjn jack opens with "i know you were listening in" and gabe has a heart attack they have to call 911 for real
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 X'D JACK THINK BEFORE YOU ACT jack teasing him, like: 'is it better for real?' and Gabe just rolls right over on top of him and hides his face by attacking Jack's neck with kisses
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 that's when gabe admits he called bc he's been dreaming about jack all the time and it doesn't take long for jack to figure out why
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh ho ho. now whatcha gonna do, Jackie?
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 well naturally he decides to experiment with a vibrator and a mirror in the room Right Next to sleeping gabriel it's more intense with less distance after all >w>
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 oh my god XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 he can HEAR gabriel shooting out of bed and falling on the floor with a flurry of muffled curses
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 XD jaaaaaaack you TEASE! You can have the real thing now! XD
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 exactly >w> he gets the real thing slamming his door open and marching over, all riled up and flustered
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 ohho. a calculated move! -^^- you know, part of the reason it might be stronger is also that he's seen Gabe in real life, had his mental image of him confirmed, heard his voice, caught a whiff of his scent...and then, of course, after they hook up, he knows how Gabe feels inside him.
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 kjdanfakjdnfaknsa so what you're telling me is gabriel has the most intense wet dream of his life jack you sly motherfucker
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 lol
firesonic152 – 09/02/17 AND JACK KEEPS DOING IT not ALL the time but often enough that gabriel is pretty pissed about it (but not pissed enough to tell him to stop For Serious)
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/02/17 but it's a good way to stay connected after Gabe has to go back home ^^ (long enough to get ready to move back to Jack ofc)
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 >w< or jack moves in w gabe bc. it's a little awkward living with your boyfriend in a town where you've fucked 90% of the male population
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 lolololol HADN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT ^^;;;;;;;;;
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 jack tells gabe very seriously "thank you for coming into my life when you did bc i was gonna have to move soon anyway, i was seriously running out of people to fuck" and gabe is Very concerned
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabriel stops whatever he was doing, turns to face jack and asks very slowly, "jack what the fuck"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 Jack: no, see, the problem was WHO to fuck
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 "even if you fucked one new person every day you'd have to be doing that for like-" "well your math is wrong lmao 'one' new person..." "j. jack"
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 don't slut-shame, Gabe. It only encourages him.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 HA gabe can't tell if it's kind of weirdly sweet that jack was pining for him so bad he went out and fucked that many people... or if it's just. disturbing
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 it's disturbing, Gabe. Just bc he can't be reasoned with, doesn't mean you can't understand the truth.
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 gabe. for the like. millionth time why do you like him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 poor guy. lol does that make his decisions as bad as Jacks?
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 i think he's a victim of his feelings more than a poor decision maker he was just born with terrible taste in men. it's his unfortunate burden u-u
SuspiciousPopsicle – 09/03/17 but he looks at Jack and Jack's life choices and still doesn't dump him. except for that one time he may or may not have blown up their superhero hq
firesonic152 – 09/03/17 OOPS
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Chapter Six
For as long as Olivia could remember, she had been very fond of walking. Not only as a form of transportation and exercise, but also as a way to sort out her thoughts. It did not matter if she walked along the bustling streets of New York City, strolled between the rows of grape vines at her grandparents’ vineyard in Provence, or hiked along a trail in the mountains; it almost never failed to calm her down.
On this particular day Olivia had been joined by her friend Andrew Parker for a walk on one of the many hiking trails of Minnesota. Andrew was a good friend whom Olivia had gone to theatre school with in England during her childhood. Andrew had recently relocated to the United States after a breakthrough role in an internationally successful film had made him one of the most sought-after young actors in Hollywood.
“How’s your ankle feeling?” Andrew questioned after walking most of the trail in complete silence.
“It’s starting to feel much better,” Olivia replied, “Thank you.”
They continued their hike in silence until they reached the highest point of the trail.
“Do you reckon we should sit down to catch our breaths before going back?” Olivia asked and pointed towards a wooden bench.
“Yeah, that’d be good,” he answered and removed his backpack to retrieve their water bottles out of it.
Olivia and Andrew were currently halfway through the filming of the independent film Blunted Emotions, and had decided to use this day off to get some time away from everybody else.
“Here you go,” Andrew stated as he handed Olivia a water bottle.
“Thanks,” Olivia smiled before leaning back against the backrest while opening the bottle.
“Minnesota is absolutely stunning!” Andrew exclaimed as he wiped some sweat from his forehead.
“Mm hmm,” she nodded before swallowing the water she still had in her mouth. “How are you, Andrew?”
“I’m good,” Andrew faked a smile and took a sip of water.
Olivia smiled softly as she watched as her brown-haired friend tried to act cool.
“’Good’, huh?” she teased.
“Yep,” he replied without turning to look at Olivia.
“There’s nothing that’s bothering you at all?” she inquired with a smile.
“Nope! Nothing at all,” Andrew stated before glancing towards Olivia who raised her eyebrows in disbelief. “Fine! This whole ‘fame thing’ is driving me crazy!”
Olivia giggled as she tried to comfort Andrew by rubbing her hand on his back as he put his head in his hands.
“How do you do this, Olivia?!” he continued. “Whenever you’ve told me what it’s been like for you over here, I just never imagined that it was actually that terrifying. But it is! And it’s driving me bonkers, Olivia! Absolutely bonkers!”
“I know that it’s awful,” she replied calmly, “But everything will work out just fine. You’ll get through this and get used to it just like I’ve had to do.”
“Yes, I know,” Andrew said quietly.
“You do?” Olivia questioned; surprised at how quickly he managed to calm himself down.
“Yes. And do you know why I know?” Andrew spoke as he sat back up to look at Olivia.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I’ve got you as a friend,” he smirked.
“Oh!” Olivia groaned as she scrunched her face up. “That’s such a cheesy thing to say!”
“I know,” Andrew chuckled and playfully patted Olivia’s knee. “You look very unattractive when you do that with your face, by the way.”
“Hey!” she exclaimed as she pretended to have been hurt by the comment.
Olivia giggled as she lightly shoved Andrew’s shoulder with one of her hands. They both returned to admiring the view in silence while resting their tired feet and legs.
“Hey, Andrew?” Olivia said cautiously without removing her gaze from the view in front of them.
“Yeah?” he replied while doing the same.
“Do you know who Seth MacFarlane is?” she questioned.
“Olivia,” Andrew smirked as he looked at her, “I’m a 24-year-old guy. Of course I know who Seth MacFarlane is.”
“What do you mean, ‘Of course I know…’?” Olivia asked, slightly annoyed. “There’s no way that every 24-year-old guy knows who Seth MacFarlane is!”
“Every 24-year-old guy should know who he is, because that guy is super talented, he’s super rich and even I find him sexy. And I’m a totally heterosexual guy,” he explained.
“Are you absolutely sure about that last part?” she mocked in response.
“Ugh!” Andrew rolled his eyes. “If that man can’t get whichever woman he could possibly want in the world, then I don’t know who could. He’s like my God, Olivia!”
“Whatever, Andrew!” she sighed. “Let’s just forget about it.”
“Just tell me what it was that you wanted to say about him, Olivia,” he demanded.
“There was nothing. I just wanted to know if you knew who he was,” Olivia lied.
“Yeah, right,” Andrew snorted.
Andrew sat quietly as he waited for Olivia, to grow uncomfortable enough with the silence, to tell him what was actually on her mind.
“I did something stupid,” Olivia admitted as she tightly squeezed her eyes together to avoid Andrew’s gaze.
Andrew didn’t say anything as he studied Olivia carefully.
“I may have kissed him,” she sighed.
“You may have kissed him?” he questioned, “Are you not sure if you did or not?”
“Of course I’m sure if I kissed him or not!” Olivia groaned as she furiously glared at Andrew.
“So which one is it?” Andrew countered with a slightly raised voice.
“I did,” she admitted shyly.
“Alright!” he exclaimed happily and raised his hand in an attempt to give Olivia a high five.
“Andrew!” Olivia whined. “Can’t you see what a mess I’ve put myself in?”
“Gosh, Olivia,” Andrew replied as he rolled his eyes and lowered his hand. “What’s the big deal?”
“’The big deal’?” she suddenly yelled. “I have a boyfriend! That’s ‘the big deal’.”
“Calm down,” he soothed and took a deep breath as he thought about the subject for a moment. “Does Jacob even know?”
Olivia shook her head.
“When did it happen?” he inquired.
“It was the night of Jared Eng’s birthday party. So… about a month ago,” Olivia admitted shamefully.
“A month ago?!” Andrew chuckled. “Then just drop it, Olivia! It’s too late to tell Jacob now and if it’s been this long without him finding out, I doubt he ever will from somebody else!”
“I wish I could ‘drop it’, but for some reason I can’t. It doesn’t matter how I hard I try; it’s constantly there in the back of my mind… Nagging me!” she retorted.
“Olivia, it was one kiss!” he replied.
Andrew’s smile faded briefly as Olivia ignored his statement.
“Oh!” Andrew laughed slightly mockingly. “It was more than one kiss, wasn’t it?”
Olivia nodded and closed her eyes again as she began to blush.
“You kissed Seth MacFarlane more than once at Jared’s party?” he smiled.
“Well, not really,” Olivia hesitantly admitted. “The first kiss was technically in his car, outside of my house. And well, the second was…”
“Go on, then!” Andrew instructed.
“The second was at my house two days later,” she stated and glanced at Andrew.
“You didn’t sleep with him, did you?” he questioned.
“No! Of course not!” she exclaimed. “I’m not a slut!”
“If you say so,” Andrew teased.
“Andrew!” Olivia whined.
“So, what happened then?” he questioned.
“Uh… We just stopped kissing and then…” Olivia hesitated.
“And then…?” Andrew pressed on.
“And then…” she sighed, “And then Jacob walked into the room.”
“Jake was in the house?” he shouted with an amused look on his face.
“Yes,” she groaned as she furrowed her eyebrows together and blushed.
“Oh! You’re a bad girl, Ms. Bellamy!” Andrew laughed.
“It’s not funny, Andrew!” Olivia whined.
“It is though,” he replied.
“Ugh! Let’s just forget that I ever told you this, okay?” she suggested.
“I’m sorry, Olivia,” Andrew spoke genuinely. “I’m sorry.”
“I feel awful,” Olivia stated quietly.
“I know you do,” he replied and put his arm around her shoulders. “But you shouldn’t. I know that he’s told you that he hasn’t cheated on you with that blond bimbo and he might be telling the truth. But he’s done this to you before.”
“He’s not that bad,” she sniffled.
“Look, I like Jake. You know I do. But he has never deserved you,” Andrew stated truthfully. “I know that it isn’t a nice thing to say, but it is what I believe.”
“Jacob has never wanted me,” Olivia said sadly as she looked down at the ground in front of her; trying to hold back her tears.
“Then you shouldn’t be with him!” he replied. “You should be with someone who wants to be with you. You should be with somebody who wants nothing more than to be the one who gets to make you happy.”
“I’ll be alone forever!” she whined. “Nobody will ever truly want me!”
“Nonsense, Olivia,” Andrew protested before jokingly adding. “If I didn’t like you this much as a friend, I’d marry you this very minute! I mean, we could still give it a try if you really wanted to. But it certainly doesn’t help that we don’t find each other sexually attractive at all.”
Olivia giggled as she rolled her eyes in response and briefly hugged Andrew before sitting back up.
“Seriously though, if you stay with Jacob he could very well block your sight when the man you’re destined to be with walks into your life. The love of your life could appear in front of you, any day now,” he stated. “Maybe that man has arrived already.”
“What do you mean?” Olivia asked cautiously as she looked at Andrew.
“Maybe…” he hesitated. “Who knows, Olivia? Maybe Seth is the one you’re supposed to be with. He seems to have gotten under your skin.”
“Oh, no!” she shook her head profusely. “He’s not the one.”
“How do you know?” Andrew asked curiously.
“Because…” Olivia smiled as she tried to hide her pain. “He’s just like Jacob.”
“In what way?” he inquired.
“Seth doesn’t want me either,” she stated as tears began to fall from her eyes.
“You don’t know that,” Andrew retorted.
“Yes, I do,” Olivia nodded as she wiped her cheeks.
“How?” he questioned.
“He told me so,” she cried.
“Well, then he’s a fool!” Andrew breathed as he pulled Olivia back into a hug.
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The Temptations of the Daughters
There are many types of women in the world. Some of them have done great things for God and others have brought many problems to this world. A ‘woman with direction’, is a woman who has discovered her real reason for being in this world. The real reason for every woman to be in this world is not to find a husband. Neither is it to bring forth children, per se. Your purpose in this world is to serve the Lord and to do his perfect will. I see you as a woman with direction!
A woman with direction learns from the past. The Bible teaches us that there is nothing new under the sun. Whatever has been in the past is what will happen in the future. No one reading this book should see herself above the mistakes of the past. Your life is just a repetition of someone who has gone on before you.
The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6
Many things can be said about Eve. She was the one who was tempted. Today many women are tempted. Eve was tempted and so will you be tempted. A woman with direction is someone who overcomes temptations. Did you know that a set of distinct temptations exist for women? Every woman must know that there are temptations that are peculiar to women. You see, the temptations of men are different from that of women.
When I became a minister, I was told that ministers are tempted in three main areas: money, sex and fame. Somebody put it this way, “The gold, the girls and the glory.”
Tailors are often tempted with the spirit of lying. Doctors are often tempted to have affairs with nurses. Lawyers are often tempted to be immoral.
Daughter, you must understand that there are temptations that are peculiar to you because you are a woman. A woman with wisdom is someone who knows about these temptations. You must be determined to overcome them.
The Temptations of Women
1. The temptation to marry unbelievers
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14
Many ladies are tempted to marry unbelievers. There are many non-Christian men who come knocking at the doors of young ladies. When no Christian brother is in sight, you are tempted to marry an unbeliever. This is very common. A woman with direction is able to resist this temptation and keep herself.
Many women are tempted to sleep with men. Often ladies sleep with half a dozen or more different men before they eventually settle down. Woman, you will be tempted to do this in order to secure the love of a man. When you go looking for tenderness and love you may receive it, but at a high price. Are you a woman with direction? Then keep yourself pure. Be a woman who overcomes her temptations.
2. The temptation to trust in your beauty
Daughter, do not be taken in by the lies of the devil. Did you think that the devil had stopped whispering lies to women? Certainly not! Demons whisper lies and deception to women all the time. Many women believe that their beauty will last forever. This is why they say “no” to prospective young men when they propose to them.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
Many women are deceived into thinking that their beauty will charm a man forever. A woman with direction knows that beauty is vain. She may be beautiful but she is also spiritual.
I have seen a young beautiful girl move in to replace the wife of an older person. If you have seen this before you will know how it usually ends. The younger and more beautiful replacement is also thrown out after a while.
One lady told me that she was going to get somebody’s husband. I said to her, “The man is already married.” She smiled and said to me, “I am more beautiful than his wife.”
Woman, your charm and beauty have an expiration date. They will not last forever. Seek for spiritual things. It is the inner spiritual commitment of the man that makes him faithful to you and not your beauty. Do not believe that beauty is everything.
3. The temptation to sleep with many people before marriage
Some women are deceived into thinking that if they sleep with a man, he will marry them. Woman, be not deceived! Woman, the man you are currently sleeping with has slept with dozens of other ladies whom he did not marry!
I once read an interesting scientific report about AIDS in Africa. Some people wonder why AIDS is spreading so rapidly in Africa. While AIDS is primarily transmitted through homosexual and bisexual activity in North America and Europe, in Africa, Asia and South America it is primarily transmitted through heterosexual activity (normal male-female relations).
Doctors in the Third World countries confirm that the average sexually active adult in these countries will have between twenty-five and one hundred different sexual partners every year. This level of promiscuity has produced a tragic and widespread epidemic of AIDS. Think about that! Twenty-five to one hundred different partners in one year!
Woman, be not deceived. When a man sleeps with you it means almost nothing. If he can sleep with twenty-five to one hundred people in a year, then you are just an insignificant addition to his list. Woman with direction, do not believe these lies. Do not believe that sex can keep a man attached to you.
4. The temptation to follow material things
Some women have their confidence in material things. This is also a deception. They believe their happiness hinges on having nice carpets, chairs, furniture, cars, clothes, etc. Remember the Word of God! A woman’s happiness does not come from the things she possesses.
And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.
Luke 12:15
5. The temptation to be fearful
… whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1 Peter 3:6
Perhaps the commonest temptation of women is the temptation to be fearful. The Scripture above teaches that the daughters will do well if they are not afraid.
The Common Fears of Women
The fear of not getting married The fear of not having a child The fear of marrying the wrong person The fear of poverty and financial difficulties The fear of your husband becoming interested in someone else The fear of your children not doing well The fear of your husband not loving you anymore The fear of becoming a widow The fear of in-laws The fear of not being liked by others The fear of being mistreated in the future The fear of giving your everything and losing it all The fear of experiencing what you’ve seen happen to others The fear of investing your everything into marriage and then losing it all.
Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear influences many women to do the things they do. Humbly analyse your thoughts. See if you are doing what you are doing because of fear. Remember that fear is a demon.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Fear is not a good reason for marriage. Fear is a demon. A demon should never make you do anything. Fear should never make you criticize and accuse your husband. Do things for the right reasons and God will bless you.
6. The temptation to be emotional
… whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1 Peter 3:6
“Amazement”, speaks of the emotional nature of women. The Scripture teaches that women will do well if they are not amazed (emotional). When the emotions of a woman dominate her, she loses her focus. Emotions can make a woman forget all the Scriptures and principles she knows.
Do not allow emotions of sorrow, fear, jealousy, hatred, and insecurity to overwhelm you. Remember, you will do well when you are not dominated by your emotions.
7. The temptation to be proud
Because women have suffered greatly from discrimination, they tend to be reactionary. Many women display the pride of a “no-nonsense” person. “I will not take this from any man,” they say.
“I will not allow a man to disturb my life. You can’t keep me in a cage! Why must I do what you say? I am as good as any man; I can do the job any man can do.”
One wife repeatedly told her husband, “I am more intelligent than you are.”
There is no need to be proud; there is no need to be reactionary. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and he will lift you up! God can promote you better than you can with your words.
8. The temptation to be unforgiving
I often say that women have fish-hook hearts. This is a deep, narrow and retentive heart which stores up all the hurts and experiences of this life. Even non-Christians sing songs that say, “Forgive and forget”.
God will not hear your prayers when you do not forgive others. Your life will change dramatically when you learn forgiveness.
Woman, remember that your sins are numerous. It is in your interest to walk in love and to forgive those who have hurt you. This will make you a daughter that pleases the Lord.
Daughter, you can make it. In spite of all these temptations, I see you making it! His grace will see you through.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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What are the best techniques to overcome HOCD? This question previously had question details. You can find them in the question comments. AnswerRequest Follow14 Have this question too? Request Answers: Request From Quora We will distribute this question to writers, and notify you about new answers. Erez Seyger Erez Seyger 14 Answers in LGBTQI Dylan Boschert Dylan Boschert 3 Answers in LGBTQI Dani Lamothe Dani Lamothe, Part-Time Student, Full-Time Dork 9 Answers in LGBTQI Luna SunnyChantal PetitpasMegan ThomasView More or Search 5 ANSWERS Quora User Anonymous Answered Dec 25, 2014 I had suffered for 7 years with OCD, and only just now learned that it was actually HOCD. Thank you for enlightening me. During my long struggle with that crippling anxiety, I severed connections with friends, family, education, and recreation. My entire waking (and oftentimes, inexplicably sleeping) life was devoted to curing myself of OCD. My days were spent chanting my way through the corridors of my house, muttering phrases under my breath while I walked through doors and turned on faucets, and washed my body. Everything I put near my mouth or held in my hand was transformed into something sexual. I kept these thoughts at bay by combating them with similar yet opposing heterosexual thoughts. I imagined a force field around myself when in the company of others, suppressing the sexually intrusive thoughts about the people around me. They manifested into actual physical discomfort. I could not concentrate in my classes because I was preoccupied with repulsing uncomfortable sexual thoughts. If someone of the same gender sat behind me in class, I could forget about retaining any of the information shared there. I failed my way through high school, in the end. I cried every night into my pillow about how I did not want to be gay, and questioning why these thoughts would not stop. Most puzzling of all was that I was not aroused by them. I protested, much to my embarrassment, to my parents that I was not gay, and promised them I never would be. Both of them were extremely kind and loving, and would have loved me just as much if I were gay. They were left perplexed, and fearful for my health. From morning until night, and sometimes even in my dreams, I was never free. I waged wars in my head. I hurt myself physically, assuming that whatever was doing this inside of my head was sentient, and would thus "share pain" with me, like some kind of parasite. I made a death pact with myself, saying that if I wasn't "cured" by 20 years old, I would commit suicide, because I would rather end things than continue living this kind of life forever. Psychiatrists hawking their antidepressants were quick to assure me that this was a lifelong issue--"you have a chemical imbalance, and like a diabetic requires insulin, you need to regulate it." Then things changed. The key was so obvious, so simple. I imagined the "cure" for this predicament I was in would be something complex, bordering on the esoteric, some kind of exorcism or invasive surgery-- but it was laughably simple: I was pushing, where I should have been pulling. I attended several cognitive behavioral therapy sessions with a specialist in the field of OCD. My psychologist taught me simple skills for dealing with these thoughts. Essentially, she told me to pull them out, instead of push them away. Bring them into focus when they come in. Welcome them. Let them know you're not afraid of them. "When they come into your head, you tell them: bring it on" were her words. She had me sit down for an hour a day, close my eyes, and remove all distractions from my room (television, radio, music, raucous family). She told me to seek out those thoughts that were plaguing me all day (not difficult, as I was well acquainted with every last one of them), and as uncomfortable as it may seem initially, to hold them into focus for as long as I could without pushing them away. She told me to do this for an hour a day. Immediately I could feel the difference. It was like a 7-year-burden being lifted off of my shoulders. My mind had instantly become accustomed to them. I could walk through a doorway without pause, hold a pencil and draw again, and turn on a faucet with no problems. I began to push past the 1 hour mark, and would even perform this exercise while out and about. I turned the intrusive thoughts into comedy, and often thought up outlandish sexual scenarios that made me laugh out loud! I became a master of that which had previously plagued me. And almost explosively, the spring I had suppressed with all of my energy all of those years, had become uncoiled. Like seeing a scary movie for the seventh time, its power of me had diminished. Within a month or so of these daily exercises, my life had noticeably changed. After two months, I was a different person. After three months, I found I had more free time than I knew what to do with, and devoted it to diet, exercise, study and self-improvement. I body build now, am fluent in three languages, and graduated from college with honors. Math, which was especially hard in my high school years, became enjoyable. I've traveled all over the world, and am just married to my beautiful wife, while working in an interesting field. Sometimes I feel pangs of anxiety reminiscent of these times- it comes back now and then. But I quickly meet them with the meditative exercise of bringing them into the light, and they are just as quickly disappeared. I used to think I was the only one with this affliction. I thought there was no one I could talk to about it. It was very disheartening. If I could go back in time and let myself know one thing, it would be that there is hope, that this was not the life-long affliction it was touted to be. I hope I am able to do the same for anyone who reads this. 29.3k Views 23 others upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Shivam Kuchhal Shivam Kuchhal Hello, I just turned 20 two days back and I also have been seeing a psychiatrist who said I have ... Quora User Anonymous Answered Jan 29, 2015 Thank you! I've had HOCD for almost a month now but I can't bear it any longer. The first days of it were extremely terrifying for me with non stop anxiety, then those horrible thoughts and the fear remained, but I didn't had anxiety anymore. Now I feel like I went back to were I started again without explanation, it's just hard to get it out of your mind... This will help me so much! Can't believe you struggled with this for so long... I wish you the best! 11.3k Views 6 others upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Quora User Anonymous Answered Jul 25, 2016 Hello, I used to struggle with this for several months and cognitive behavior therapy helped me the most. Have you considered writing a thought diary? There are many apps that can help you do this with rating yourself at the end. Challenge your thoughts and provide logic to your worried mind. This can be a condition that is extremely difficult to deal with and makes you question everything you’ve known about yourself which raises so many doubts. But don’t make the problem seem really big or scary. Make it look small and insignificant in your mind and try to also be OK with the possibility of actually going down that path - expose yourself to that and you’ll realize that it’s not as big a deal as your brain is making it out to be. I realize that I’m writing this very casually but I know how difficult it is to deal with when you’re going through it. Just hang in there and take a few deep breaths and write it all out. And the thing with HOCD is that it’s another manifestation of OCD. So there can be just about anything that can make you thinking and cause this. Write the thought diary for every worrisome thought that you come by - however small it may be. Eventually, they will all become insignificant thoughts. Hope you’re doing better! 6.6k Views Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Ricky Bobby Ricky Bobby Answered Aug 20 Mine is very similar to the previous story but it’ll help you. So relax dude, you’re not gay, trust me. This is just a hurdle you’re going to conquer. I did it and you definitely can too. So I had this HOCD for like, I don’t know, 5–10 years!!!…It was horrid!..I even went to a ‘coming out’ group but was asking ‘how do I really know if I’m really gay?…This one gay guy was like if you look at another man’s ass and are like yeah…check that out.. But I was like, well that doesn’t do it for me but I’m still stressing out. I even made myself look at gay porn but still was not with it. I was seeing dicks everywhere at times, I was like Jonah Hill in the movie Superbad, it was not fun at all. Kind of funny now though. I mean we can condition ourselves to like fuking anything really if we wanted to right? I’ve slept with many women since an early age so if anything I was like I could be possibly bi but it just didn’t seem genuine. I’m kind of an artist and my dad wasn’t around so much when I was younger so the mind tends to look for reasons and connections to tie into especially about everything you’re scared of. I went to multiple therapists, took self-improvement seminars…I wanted to be done with it!! Until I finally came to something that worked!! Here it is my lucky friends. Hope this frees you!!!! FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST…Try this shit out and welcome aboard of leaving that nonsense behind you… I finally came across a CBT therapist where we did ‘Exposure Therapy’ (as mentioned in the other write-up) and this was indeed the cure! This is what specifically worked for me and still does to this day (it’s been like 10 years!). Whenever I feel a trigger like anything gayed up or other & feeling anxious (I hardly do anymore), I will just imagine or pretend that I am gay for like a few minutes in my mind..Just tell yourself ‘okay I guess I will be gay for a day’ and just IMAGINE it but make it comical…At first I think I did it for like 20–30 minutes or it could’ve been longer (I don’t remember) just at my house…Just be like (say to yourself) ‘HEY… let’s go shoe shopping’ (with a lisp)…make it funny man… And once you kind of try it on and don’t resist it …it let’s go and it’ll fade out. Embrace it here and there (but you still know that you’re not) but you’re just imagining it / pretending as like an exercise like you’re an actor. Try a CBT therapist for guided exposure therapy if you don’t get relief after a while, it’s painless and confidential so don’t worry about going. It’s the fearful association that keeps the attachment to it. I think every guy goes through this at some time. Why wouldn’t we, it’s scary shit once we see it’s a possibility or are around it at some point..haa but it’s like a growing pain that can happen really at any time in your life. The mind needs to hash it out. It’s surfacing for you to be healed friend. If you were gay, you wouldn’t be here stressing about it, you’d probably be wondering how to connect with other gay men instead. Our mind finds shit that’s scary and dwells on it until it’s boring then looks for something else…There’s a few TV shows & movies that made me feel better too: I remember George in Seinfeld got a massage from a guy and his dik moved and so he got all freaked out that maybe he was secretly gay. In Everybody loves Raymond, he was questioning his heterosexuality on one episode which was really funny (maybe search on youtube) and then there’s the movie, 40 yr old virgin, the scene, “ You know how I know your gay..” … which makes light of this problem and proves most guys go through this at some point. Hope this helps. Best~ 415 Views 1 other upvoted this Upvote Downvote Share Venting MachineComment... RecommendedAll Fred LaFlare Fred LaFlare Answered May 6 Find another bad habit like smoking and drinking and break it.This will empower you. 661 Views
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