#humberto carrillo imagine
wweassets · 5 months
Okay I could NEVER be as good as the OG calendar anon but I thought I’d make one since they’ve gone missing. Hopefully y’all like it! <3
January: Happy New Year! Dirty Dominik Mysterio is looking forward to another year of criminal acts and peggings from Mami, he’s so excited at the Judgement Day New Years party that he’s stripped out of all his clothes and has two bottles of champagne going, he pours one dramatically into his open mouth, letting some of it drip out the sides of his lips and down his slender body, the other is held just in front of his dick and balls. He’s holding the bottle there deliberately, not letting us get a look at his junk; only Mami gets to see the goods.
February: Picture the scene: Valentines Day, fancy Italian restaurant, candles everywhere, rose petals surrounding the table. Sitting opposite each other is Tony D and Stacks. Adriana Rizzo is in the background serving cunt (& meatballs!). The two men are sitting so close together, their faces only an inch or two apart, looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. The tablecloth obscures the view for everyone but us, and we can see that under the table Stacks is secretly rubbing his foot against the hardening bulge of The Don.
March: Class is back in session for the Spring Semester at Chase U, but Riley Osborne was late for one of Andre Chase’s lectures. Everyone knows bad behaviour has to be punished! Riley is seen bent over Andre’s desk at the front of the class, his pants dropped to his ankles, with Mr Chase winding his palm back around ready to spank the bare ass of his student. The MVP of Chase U, Duke Hudson is also there, sitting at his desk but with a flushed red face, using a textbook to cover the boner he’s got from watching his twunky tag team parter getting spanked.
April: There’s an Easter egg hunt happening at the PC but Carmelo Hayes (dressed in his slutty crop top and a pair of tiny gym shorts) has been distracted by a trail of candy on the floor leading him into the locker room. His eyes are locked into the candy until they appear on the locker room bench in front of him and stop abruptly in between two powerful oiled up thighs belonging to Trick Williams. Trick is completely naked with a seductive look on his face and is holding an Easter egg in front of his beautiful dick, almost teasing Melo to dig in.
May: The Cinco de Mayo celebrations are underway for Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo in some kind of dance club. You can tell they they were initially dressed in traditional clothes but they have been thrown to the side and they’re now moving their nearly naked and sweaty bodies along to the music. The men are in tiny thongs that leave VERY little to the imagination. They’re dancing on small tables while everyone gazes lustfully at them and their sensual moves, drawn to the cousins curvy and juicy asses. The camera catches Angel mid twerk, while a horny tío slips a few dollars into Humberto’s bulging thong. The Lotharios can’t help it, they love to show off!
June: Summer is the perfect time for volleyball! It’s a Raw vs Smackdown volleyball game for brand supremacy. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller vs The Creeds. Both teams are wearing speedos that are colour coordinated with their brand. We all know Austin’s is not stranger to a blue speedo 😉 Both teams are shining; is it the sun? sweat? baby oil? who cares, they look like gods! Austin is stood to the left of the picture, his shapely ass spilling out of the tiny blue speedo, watching his glistening partner soaring through the air to slap the ball. On the other side of the image, Julius is jumping through the air hoping to block Grayson’s shot, his heavy shlong protruding obscenely from his speedo. Brutus is still face-down on the sand after initially saving the point, his thick ass pointing to the sky.
July: CAAAAW 🦅MURICA 🇺🇸 happy 4th of July y’all! Cody Rhodes loves America so much that he even sleeps in a bed with an American flag duvet! This candid picture was taken of him just after waking up, one half of his body still tangled in the bedsheet, the other above it, with him laying on his stomach. Silly Cody was very tired the night before and went to bed completely naked, so here he is presenting his smooth All American bubble butt to the camera. A sliver of morning sunlight peeking through the window is perfectly illuminating the curves of his body and ass. Gawd bless the U S A.
August: Bash in Berlin is the first WWE PPV to ever happen in Germany, so what better way to celebrate the occasion that with some German delicacies. WWE has superstars doing promotional work across the country. Oh no, looks like someone forgot their lederhosen 🫢 Ludwig Kaiser will have to be naked instead I guess? He’s in a German tavern, holding a massive overflowing plate of thick German sausages in front of his lean muscular body. Luckily for him, one of the thickest sausages is dangling off the plate in the perfect position to cover his own huge meat.
September: Harvesting season has begun for Brooks Jensen and he’s busy trying to fix this goshdarn tractor. Farming is sweaty work so he’s thrown his plaid shirt to the side. He’s stretching himself across the giant tractor wheel to fix the problem, forgetting that he’s wearing a jockstrap under his denim bootyshorts, and his stretching has given us all an eyeful of his fat country ass framed by a few flimsy bits of fabric. Typical himbo!
October: It’s not such a happy Halloween for Dragon Lee since he’s being chased down backstage by cock-hungry zombies! 😨 he was preparing for a match when the outbreak happened so was caught off guard by the attack, they clawed at his glistening body and tore some of his tiny trunks leaving parts of his ass exposed for all to see.
November: It’s Thanksgiving for the WWE roster and many of them are sitting around a long table, ready to feast. But wait, that’s not a turkey in the middle of the table… that’s Jey Uso’s giant ass! He’s completely naked On a large serving platter and surrounded by seasonal vegetables while his humongous cheeks are being used as the table centrepiece and they look as shiny and delicious as a well-basted turkey!
December: Some people need to just stop fighting and kiss-and-make-up, none moreso than CM Punk and Seth Rollins, and what better way to do that than meeting underneath the mistletoe. They’re both wearing adorable Christmas jumpers but the kiss they’re giving each other is far from adorable. It’s nasty, passionate, sloppy, tongues deep inside each others mouths. Punk’s hand has slipped under Rollins’ pants and has a vice grip on his asscheek, while Seth has one of his wrapped around Punk’s throat. Don’t you just love Christmas?!
WELL HELLO CALENDAR ANON (thats what im gonna name u now)... THIS WAS A FUCKING SHOCK! and also so funny cuz costume contest anon sent theirs in just before dfsjsadjadsf
these are legit so hot like:// gonna need u to do more too pls....
seth and punk
angel and humberto
jey uso
how about yall? double the fun today!!
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ohnojustimagine · 4 years
The Prince and the Duke
Humberto Carrillo/Reader/Angel Garza; smut and fluff (with a touch of angst along the way), 6760 words
Historical AU with arranged marriage and poly.
You are the youngest of five sisters, but for some time now you have been the only child remaining at your family home. You have watched your sisters leave one by one, all to be married to noble gentlemen of your parents' choosing, always aware that sooner or later, your own time would come.
And though you are now of marriageable age, it seems you are not an easy match, as several potential suitors have already come and gone, apparently unimpressed by your manner, the way you carry yourself. Your mother tells you you need to be more reserved, less bold, as you have a habit of speaking your mind, a trait which unfortunately does not endear you to all. And lately, you have begun to wonder if she is right, because you are growing restless, waiting for your life to truly begin, but you tell yourself it will happen soon, that there surely must be a man who will appreciate you for who you are.
One dull afternoon you are sitting at the window, and though you are supposed to be sewing, embroidering the hem of a nightgown for your trousseau, you are instead staring out wistfully at the mist that hangs over the lake by your parents' house, your mind wandering aimlessly. You quickly turn back to your sewing as you hear someone approaching, glancing up to see your father entering the room with your mother trailing along behind him, a pensive expression clouding her features.
Your father comes to stand in front of you, and for a moment does not speak, seeming uncharacteristically apprehensive. But then he clears his throat, and addresses you. "My dear child," he says, "I must inform you I have of late been corresponding with a good family of very high standing, and that we have just received an offer for your hand in marriage."
Your mother sighs quietly, dabbing at the corner of her eyes with a lace handkerchief, and such a reaction does not fill you with confidence.
"Who is it?" you ask, your heart sinking a little at thought that perhaps your intended husband is very old, or ugly, or poor. "What is wrong?"
"The offer is from the royal family of the Kingdom of Garza," your father explains.
You have not heard of such a place, but your mother makes a small noise of distress at even the name.
You frown to yourself, and your father continues. "The kingdom has some customs that are..." He pauses. "They are different to our way of doing things."
"There is legend of a curse that once killed all daughters born to the family, some supernatural nonsense from long ago." You father shakes his head. "It is no doubt just an excuse for their habits, but for generations now, the royal men of Garza..." He again stops before continuing, taking a deep breath. "The men share a wife."
"They... share?" you say, not comprehending.
"You would have two husbands."
"I would..." You still do not understand. "Two?"
"You would be married to two men," your father states. "They would share you between them."
Your mother lets out a sob, rushing from the room, and you do not know what to say, but your father takes out a small, delicately engraved silver pocket frame, opening it to reveal two finely painted portraits. "This," he says, pointing to the one on the left, "is the youngest son of the King, Prince Humberto." And he is remarkably handsome, you think, with slicked-back hair, and soft, kindly eyes, the hint of dimples either side of his face. "And this," you father goes on, finger sliding across to the other section of the frame, "is his cousin, Angel, Duke of Garza." He is just as handsome, but wears a more rakish expression, something of a mischievous smirk hovering about his lips, his eyes shining in a way that makes your heart beat a little faster.
"Would you be willing, my child?" your father asks. "They are an extremely wealthy and respected family, so you would be well provided for." He takes your hand, holding it. "Your mother and I grow old, and it would gladden our hearts to see you settled."
Two, you think to yourself. Two men. Two extremely fine-looking men.
"Yes, Father," you tell him, gazing up at him, careful to keep your expression demure, not betray the direction in which your thoughts begin to stray. "I would be willing."
You are being fitted for your wedding dress, and your mother sits by you, watching, though she has barely spoken to you for days.
"Do you..." she says, suddenly, and you hear her take a short breath. "Do you understand what it will mean? To serve two husbands?"
"I can guess," you reply to her shortly, trying to hold still as the seamstress adjusts the bodice of your dress. It is very beautiful, you think, far finer and more womanly than anything you have ever before been allowed to wear.
"Men are..." your mother starts, then stops. "They have needs," she continues, pointedly. "And to be required to satisfy the needs of two men is not a burden you should be taking on lightly."
And yes, you should be fearful, you know that, but instead a small, secret flare of heat runs through your body, seeming to settle somewhere deep and low inside you.
"I'm sure I will manage," you tell her.
She sighs. "You were always a wilful girl," she says, bitterness in her voice. "Perhaps they will tame you."
"Perhaps they will," you muse, staring at yourself in the glass before you. The dress is snug under your breasts, lifting them full and high, and you turn a little to the side, admiring your reflection, wondering what it might mean, to be tamed.
It is several weeks' journey by carriage to the Kingdom of Garza, and though the trip is somewhat arduous, you never lose that sense of nervous anticipation, some strange mix of hope and trepidation stirring you, contrasting tensions that push and pull until you feel as if you cannot think.
But you force yourself to keep your head, your eyes forward, and finally you arrive at the palace the day before your wedding. You are given a short while to tidy yourself before you are whisked off to a formal afternoon gathering, where you will meet your fiances for the first time.
You take a deep breath as you enter the room, your heart fluttering light in your chest as you see them turn and walk towards you, for they are every bit as attractive as their portraits indicated.
"I am Humberto," says the Prince, the one with the dimples, which are even more beautifully pronounced as he gives you a warm smile, taking your hand and raising it to his lips, kissing your fingers as he regards at you with a delighted wonder.
"And I am Angel," the Duke interjects, though, as you suspected, you can already see there is very little of the angel about him beyond his looks. He seems quite delightfully devilish, his eyes sparkling as he takes your other hand, dropping a lingering kiss on it.
They both straighten up, Humberto glaring at Angel, who looks back with a pronounced sneer, and oh, you think, because this is something you had not expected.
Because it would appear your fiances are not fond of one another, that, while they might be blood-related family, they do not get along, not at all, and you have no idea what that will mean for you and your life with them.
Yet there is no turning back, not now, and so you smile, uneasily, allowing yourself to enjoy their attentions.
The very next day, you stand between them at the altar, every breath you take tight in your chest as the priest speaks of the sanctities of marriage. Your husbands-to-be are dressed all their finery, so manly and handsome that you can barely stand to look at them, Humberto on your left, Angel on your right, each holding one of your hands in both of their own.
The two of them repeat their vows in unison, promising to love and honor you, cherish you, and you in turn swear to honor them as your husbands, to forever love and obey.
"I do," you say, and the priest decrees you married in a covenant never to be unbroken
They both lift one side of the veil that covers your face, gently arranging it back behind your head, and then kiss you demurely on your cheeks, either side of your face. You blush a little, feeling their lips too-brief and soft on your skin, your own mouth left wanting, but you know the time will come for that. Soon, you tell yourself, and try to be patient.
There is a feast, and music, and you dance with both your husbands, separately and together, Humberto gazing at you in reverent adoration, Angel with an expression that is equally adoring but also suggestive of somewhat less noble intentions.
The hours pass quickly, and soon it is time for the three of you to retire for your wedding night. Already in your time here you have overheard enough talk and innuendo to understand that most, though not all, wives occupy one bedchamber with both their husbands, and you would be very, very interested to know how that works.
But it seems you will not find out, because it is clear Humberto and Angel are not willing to share you, as they lead you off through the palace to an out-of-the-way corridor that houses three separate doors, lined up along one side.
You stand in front of the first of them, nervous, but Humberto is quick to allay any confusion. "This is my bedchamber," he explains, nodding at the door before you. "And that," he continues, gesturing with some disdain at the farthest entrance, "is Angel's. And this..." He points to the door in the middle. "This is for you, as a private room for dressing." He smiles at you. "I have had the servants unpack all your things, and you will find all that you need in there."
You nod, grateful, still not understanding what they have planned, who you will spend your first night with, but it appears that it is already settled.
"For tonight, I will have the pleasure of your company," Humberto announces. "As Prince, I outrank my cousin, and so it is only proper."
"Only proper because I have agreed to it," Angel interjects before giving you a sly smile. "I always prefer a woman with some... experience," he says.
"I hope you are not insinuating our bride is of low morals," Humberto snaps back, practically bristling with indignation.
"I would never do such a thing," Angel rejoins, and you can tell that, for once, he is perfectly sincere. "I have no doubt of her purity." His eyes shine as he looks at you. "But I'm sure she would rather the disappointment of your attentions to be over and done with before she enjoys what a real man can provide."
"Please do not insult me on this, of all nights," Humberto says, taking a step towards Angel, who quickly begins to back away, laughing.
"I will see you tomorrow, my sweet," he calls, blowing you a kiss as he turns, entering his own chambers, closing the door behind him. You blush, and turn to see Humberto scowling.
"I am sorry," he says. "My cousin is..." He shakes his head, as if consciously damping down his anger, and then takes a deep breath. "But I will not let him spoil our first night together," he states, firmly, and then opens the door to his chambers, ushering you inside.
The room is sumptuously appointed, but your attention is so drawn to Humberto that your surroundings barely even register, the thrill of finally being alone with him like a rush in your veins, dizzying and intoxicating.
"You are so beautiful," he tells you, softly.
"As are you, your majesty," you reply.
"No," he instructs you."No formalities, I am your husband now." He gently cups your face between his hands, gazing down at you. "Call me Humberto."
"Humberto," you repeat, letting the r roll across your tongue.
He smiles, and you hold your breath as he leans in to kiss you, his mouth soft and gentle against yours. His lips linger, his breath warm, and then you feel his tongue, licking its way slowly into your mouth, hot and sweet against your own tongue which responds as if by instinct, tangled in a dance you feel as if you already know. You close your eyes, sure you are falling, wishing for this to never stop, but when it does, when Humberto at last pulls back, your mouths separating, you are instantly certain that you are ready for far more than just a kiss.
You turn away from him, looking back over your shoulder, encouraging, and he understands, unbuttoning your dress, carefully helping you remove it, unfastening your stockings and petticoats, letting every layer that covers you slip away until you are naked in front of him. And though you have been taught that you should feel ashamed at such a lack of modesty, Humberto looks at you with nothing but the purest, most loving desire. You feel as if you are glowing under his gaze, made into something new, the woman you were always meant to be.
"So, so beautiful," he murmurs, taking off his own coat and shirt, and it is your turn to stare, at his body so strong and yet so fine and smooth. You want to touch him, but instead he takes your hand, leading your towards the bed. He helps you up, watching you lie back, making sure you are settled comfortably before he joins you, arranging himself to lie beside you.
He kisses your mouth again, strands of his hair trailing delicate across your face, but then his lips wander, exploring, as he begins to kiss you all over, from your head to your toes, until every inch of your skin is tingling, and then, without warning, he parts your legs and kisses you there too.
And you gasp, because you could not have even conceived of such a thing, not when he is licking you, his tongue soft and then hard, pressed against you, inside you and then not, seeming to find places you had no idea existed, your body responding to him in ways you would not have dreamed were possible. You feel a pleasure that you have no name for, the heat of it increasing within you like something catching fire.
But then he stops, and you hear yourself whimper in helpless frustration. "I..." you say, not having the words for what you are experiencing.
Yet Humberto seems to understand. "I want you," he says, softly. "I need to be with you, my love."
You do not trust yourself to speak, but you nod, staring up at him wide-eyed, practically breathless with anticipation.
He unfastens his pants, lowering them, and though you do not dare to glance down at what is between his legs, you feel it, brushing against your thigh, nudging thick at your entrance, and you gasp.
He hesitates at the sound, giving you a questioning look, but you are certain. "Yes," you whisper. "Please."
He reaches down, holding himself steady as he enters you; slowly, slowly, but there is no need, as his attentions have left you more than ready, your body willingly receiving him into you, opening wet to him. You hear yourself moan, filled by him, and when you think it cannot be better, he begins to move himself, in and out of you, his hips thrusting with a vigor that you have no choice but to surrender yourself to.
And again you feel that heat stir within you, rising like a crescendo to heights that become more and more dizzying. But it is even better this time, because it is clear that Humberto is experiencing his own similar ascent, your mutual need becoming more and more urgent, until it is as if you are one, connected in a way you could have never imagined as you fall into each other, pleasure spilling over you. You cling to him as he says your name, again and again, and when you are both spent, you lie there, panting to try and catch your breath as Humberto smiles at you, his face lit up, kissing you, softly.
"I am so happy," he says. "I never dreamed I could be this happy."
"And I too," you reply, gently smoothing his hair back and away from his face, and he kisses you again.
"We are not expected in court tomorrow," he tells you, pulling you close to him, wrapped up in his arms. "We have the day together."
"Good," you say, nodding, a sweet tiredness drifting over you, sleep gradually taking you, still in Humberto's embrace.  
You do not know what time of day it is when you both wake, but it does not seem to matter, for there is nothing but each other. You eat and drink and talk and laugh and join together once more, and you are certain that this was meant to be, that this is exactly where you belong.
But however blissful, the time still passes, the afternoon drawing in, and Humberto begins to frown.
"What is wrong?" you ask, concerned.
He is silent for a long minute, but then says, "You will have to go to him, now. The Duke, my cousin." Humberto shakes his head.  "I wish you could stay. I wish you could be only mine."
And while you would be quite content to remain with him, you find that something stirs inside you, restless, a curiosity that desires to know what awaits you in Angel's chambers. "I cannot," you tell him. "I am married to both of you."
Humberto kisses you, and says, fiercely, "I will not let him take advantage of you, I promise. If he is improper in any way, then you only have to call for me, and I will be there in a moment."
"I understand," you tell him, but you are already pulling away, knowing you cannot linger here anymore, that you are needed elsewhere. "I will see you again," you say, "the night after this?"
"Of course," he assures you. "I will be waiting."
You nod, trying to put his anguished expression from your mind as you open the door, peering out carefully.
There is no one in the corridor, and so you creep out, still naked, hurrying into the middle room. Just as Humberto told you, all your things are here, and while your own dresses are laid out carefully, there is also a selection of newer, even finer gowns which you would like to admire, but you have other priorities in this moment.
There is a small alcove with a washstand, a jug and a basin filled with water that steams lightly, obviously warmed, and a folded cloth lying nearby. And so you wash yourself off, wondering if Humberto's scent will linger on your skin, if Angel will be able to smell him on you. The idea of it is strangely exciting to you, but you put the thought from your mind, pulling on a white slip made of the finest, thinnest silk, edged with lace.
You again make your way out into the oddly, almost eerily silent corridor, your footsteps muffled as you walk towards Angel's door. You pause for a moment, then knock, hearing his voice from within as he calls out, "Enter."
And so you do, into a room that is not quite as lavishly decorated as Humberto's, but still most fine, perhaps a touch more manly in its simplicity.
Angel is sitting there on the bed, reading through some papers, casually and unashamedly naked. "Ah," he says, his face lighting up at the sight of you. "My bride. I have been waiting for you." He stands up, and you cannot help but let your eyes dip downwards to his lower body, the most prominent part of which you can see is already beginning to awaken. He follows your gaze, and when you look back up, he is smirking at you, the expression on his face so very knowing that it makes you blush, glancing away from him.
"I hope my cousin treated you well?" he says.
"Very well."
Angel gives a dismissive little shrug. "He is at least a well-mannered boy." He regards you, something burning hot in his eyes, and an answering fire stirs to ignite inside you. "I myself," he goes on, "am less well-mannered." He smiles. "And less of a boy. More of a man."
"Is that so?" you ask, daringly coquettish, suddenly feeling bold, sure he will like it.
And it seems he does, his smile widening as he approaches you, closer. You hold your breath as he reaches out to trace the tip of one finger slowly up the center of your throat, taking hold of your chin and tilting your face up towards him, and this time, you do not hesitate, knowing what you want, letting him lean in, opening your mouth to him and kissing him deeply.
His hands slide down over your shoulders, arms wrapping around you as he walks the two of you towards to the bed, falling, pulling you down with him as still he kisses you, only stopping to murmur,"Your mouth is so sweet, my pretty dove."
He nips lightly at your bottom lip, growling playfully, and you giggle in delight, laughing as his eyes sparkle at you. But then he seems to become more serious, and you see him swallow, as if perhaps nervous. And he takes your hand, gently pulling it down his body, towards what lies proud between his legs. You do not resist, allowing him to guide you, and when you reach it, his manhood, you startle slightly at the unexpected feel of it, glancing up at him, breathless in your surprise.
"Touch it," he whispers, and you do, careful to temper your eagerness, stroking your fingertips from the root to the tip, sitting yourself up a little so that you may see what you are doing. "Hold it," he encourages you, and your fingers curl around it as if by instinct, the heavy weight of it resting against your palm. You move your hand up and down over it experimentally, and Angel moans, the sound of it electric in your veins, and so you repeat the motion, again, and then again, observing his reactions curiously, noting the places where your touch seems to garner the most response.
He looks at you, his face flushed, and you pause, waiting for him to speak.
"Would..." he starts, and you see him inhale deeply before he can continue. "Would you use your mouth for me? Do you want to taste?" He's watching you, his gaze intent, and you can see that he is uncertain as to whether you will do as he asks. But you are more than willing, and not only because you want to please him, but because you want to know, and so you breathe in, and then lean over him.
You are unsure as to how to begin, so you first pepper soft little kisses up the length of it, until you reach the place where it flares out into the rounder, fuller... head, you decide to call it, and you might wish you knew the proper terms but there will be time for that, you know.
There is a drop of liquid beading at the opening on the tip of it, and you dare to lick it away, tasting salty-sweet, Angel's whole body jerking at the touch of your tongue. His response makes you bolder, and so you lick more thoroughly, using the broad flat of your tongue, and he urges you on. "Yes," he whispers, the word almost hissed out, "just like that." And so you continue, until it becomes obvious what action must be next, and you wet your lips nervously, inhaling before carefully taking the entire head into your mouth, feeling it smooth against your tongue. For a minute you simply hold it there, but then, as if instinctively, you suckle on it, as lightly as you are able. And it seems you must be doing something right, because the noise Angel makes is like nothing you have ever heard.
"Oh, my lovely," he moans out, and for a moment his head falls back in apparent ecstasy, but then he stares at you, his eyes steadier, wondering. "Did you do this for Humberto?" he asks.
You let him slip from your mouth, gazing up at him, and say, "No."
"And for no one else before him?"
"So perhaps I am still your first." He smiles at you. "You are very talented," he says, and you again blush, smiling back at him.
"May I..." you nod at his member, asking permission to resume your task.
"You most certainly may," he says, laughing breathlessly. "You may do this as often as you like."
And so you continue, exploring him with your tongue and lips and hand, until he is writhing with need, his hands in your hair, hips lifting off the bed as he pushes up into your mouth.
"Wait," he cries out, suddenly, and you back away hurriedly, worried you have displeased him, but it seems the opposite is true. "I do not want..." You can see his chest rising and falling as he struggles to catch his breath, and it fills you with an awed wonder that it is you who has taken him to such a state. "I do not want," he goes on, "to... finish like this today, for our first time." He raises himself off the bed slightly, leaning back on his elbows. "I want to be inside you."
You nod, showing him you understand, and he smiles. "Can you take this off?" he asks, toying with the material of your slip, and you remove it without hesitation, revelling in his expression as he stares at your body, the hunger in his eyes plain to see.
"Oh, I need you," he says, and beckons to you, guiding you to straddle his thighs, your bent knees either side of his body, and it is plain even to someone as inexperienced as you what he has in mind.
"We can go slow, if you wish," he says, though his voice betrays that that is not what he wants.
And it is not what you need, so you shake your head as you again take his length in your hand, moving so you are over him, then lowering yourself down, letting him fill you.
He is thicker inside you than his cousin, and you shift slightly, adjusting to the feeling of it, so broad and deep it sends shivers through you.
Angel runs his hands up your thighs, holding on to you, as if to encourage you. "Now, ride me, my sweet."
You begin to move on him, the motion of it coming to you easily, naturally, and Angel's hips fall into rhythm with yours, your bodies seeming to come together with an intuitive, familiar ease, like you have known one another before, as if you were both made to be together in this way.
And his enjoyment is far more vocal than that of his cousin, as he moans with a brazen, unashamed abandon, and for a brief moment, your thoughts stray, wondering if Humberto will be able to hear this from his own room, and what he will think.  
But such distractions are quickly driven from you mind as Angel thrusts up into you, and you again find yourself swept up in desire, taken over by it, as one with Angel as you both finish in perfect time, staring into each other's eyes, peak after peak until you are overcome, and all you can do is surrender yourself, letting go.
And then you smile down at him, breathless. He answers with his own smile, rearing up off the bed and then pulling you down with him as you laugh, wrapped in his arms, kissing you as if he will never stop.
The day to day running of the palace is overseen by the queen, who rules with an iron fist that does not require the assistance of a lowly daughter-in-law, and so you have very little in the way of actual duties, only being required to appear in court beside your husbands for one or two days every week.
Which means your time is mostly your own, though you find plenty to amuse yourself, as the palace has a vast library, filled with books that you would never have been permitted to read at home, and extensive gardens you happily explore, finding many beauty spots where you like to sit, watching the sky, waiting for evening to fall.
Because it is the nights that you live for, alternating between your Duke and your Prince, and while they are as different as two men could ever be, they both have introduced you to delights you would not have ever dreamed of as being possible.
They begin to grow restless, you can tell, because it seems that whatever rivalry existed between them before your arrival has only been inflamed by your presence in their lives. Every time you leave one to go to the other they become more and more resentful, bitter and surly in a way that sometimes frightens you. And when you are in court with both of them, it is impossible to miss the way they glare at each other, barely containing their loathing, jealousy threatening to consume them like the monster it is.  
"What if you had to choose?" Humberto asks you, one night. "Who would you choose?"
And you know what he wishes you to say, but you cannot lie to him. "I would never choose," you tell him, as gently as you can. "I am married to both of you, you are both my husbands."
He closes his eyes, drawing in a deep, shuddering breath. "I cannot think of it," he says. "I cannot stand to think of him touching you."
"You do not need to think of it, my love," you tell him. "Be with me now, in this moment. That is all that matters. Right now, I am no one but yours."
He shakes his head, hurt written plain over that handsome face, and you cannot bear to see it.
"Show me," you beg. "Show me that I belong to you."
And he does, but after, he turns away from you, silent. You curl up against his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade, but his body is stiff and unyielding
The next night, when you enter Angel's chambers, he is waiting with a goblet of wine in his hand, and you can see that he is already quite thoroughly drunk. He does not say anything to you, grabbing you roughly, pulling off your clothes, barely touching you before he pushes you down onto the bed and enters you, taking you with a force darker than you have ever before seen in him.
Until now, he has always given the utmost care that you both derive equal pleasure from your time together but tonight, he simply takes you, unheeding of your enjoyment, the act feeling more like an expression of anger than one of love.
After, he stares at you, his eyes dark. "I hate him," he says. "I hate that he is allowed to touch you." He climbs off the bed unsteadily, picking up his goblet and taking another deep swig of his wine. "You should be mine, and mine alone."
You do not know how to reply, watching in quiet anguish as he staggers over to sit in the chair in front of the fireplace, gazing emptily into the flames. And it is not so long before you see him slump down, the wine overtaking him. The goblet falls to the floor, a dark stain spreading slowly over the rug.
You sigh, setting the drink upright, cleaning up the wine with a dampened cloth.
Angel does not stir, and you leave him in the chair, crawling back into bed alone, lying awake, thinking.
And so, the evening after, you ready yourself for bed, dressing in your finest nightgown, and then take Humberto's hand, leading him out of his own chambers and down the corridor. "What are you doing?" he demands, though he follows you.
"I would like to speak with both of you."
"I do not want..." he says, but you are already opening the door to Angel's bedchamber.
"Leave," he snarls as soon as he sees Humberto. "You are not welcome here."
"I have brought him," you say. "I wish for him to be here."
"Well, I wish for him to leave," Angel replies, standing before both of you, eyes staring daggers at his cousin.
But you take his hand, still holding Humberto's in your other, glancing between them anxiously. You lift Humberto's fingers to your mouth, kissing them softly, then do the same for Angel, your lips brushing over his tense, whitened knuckles as Humberto looks away in disgust.
"Would you make me watch you be with him?" he says. "Would you be so cruel to me?"
"No," you reply, "not watch." You take a breath. "I want to be with both of you. Together."
"Never," Angel spits out.
"I will not." Humberto shakes his head, his mouth set, eyes hard.
"You will," you tell them, your tone suddenly sharp, your voice raised and they both stare at you in obvious astonishment, seemingly taken aback by the vehemence of your words. "I have had more than enough of these petty, foolish jealousies. I want you to see how I feel. About both of you."
They stand there, visibly glowering with anger, but they do not protest further for now.
And it is Humberto you turn to first, tilting your head up to kiss that full, lovely mouth, but it is closed to you, pressed tight.
"Kiss me, my Prince," you whisper.
"I cannot," he says.
"You can," you reply, your tongue easing past his lips, and for a moment, he does not respond, but then he kisses you back, restrained, but there's something desperate there, something you can almost taste.
You hear Angel make a noise of obvious displeasure but you keep tight hold of his hand, and when you are done with Humberto, you shift enough to face his cousin.
And Angel does not in any way resist your attentions, instead taking your mouth with an ostentatious vigor, and you know it is mostly because he wants to make Humberto jealous, but it serves your purpose just as well. You pull away, and he leans forward, chasing the kiss, but you shake your head, smiling.
"My loves," you say, softly. "You give me so much, I am so very, very lucky." You look at them, both so handsome yet so very different, the two of them somehow managing to be everything you have ever needed. "I want you to understand that you both have all of me, that every part of me belongs to you."
You draw in a breath, knowing what you must do, and then kneel, in front of the two of them, unfastening Humberto's pants first, freeing his manhood but not touching him beyond that, not until you have repeated your actions on Angel. And while they are certainly showing some interest, neither of them is at any kind of fullness, and so you start to stroke them, taking one member in each of your hands, feeling them respond to your touch in a way that gives you hope even as it makes your own body begin to awaken.
You take Angel in your mouth, sucking on him, your tongue circling around his head in that way he loves, your hand still working lightly on Humberto.
You glance up and over at him, seeing the frown still on his face, and you pull away from Angel, dropping a brief kiss at his tip before you shift across to his cousin.
"I..." Humberto starts, but you hush him, soothing.
"Let me please you," you murmur, licking your lips, sliding them down wet over him. He whines, quietly, as if he is trying to stifle the sound, and you hear Angel hiss in a breath as your hand caresses up his length.
You move back and forth between them, your mouth on one, your hand on the other and you have experience enough now to know exactly what will most excite them, but you do not let either of them get close to reaching completion. You watch them, observing the expressions on their faces as you attend to them, and slowly, gradually, you can see their focus begin change, their attention drawn away from each other and on to you. And so you redouble your efforts, doing everything you can to satisfy both of them, trying to make your actions not just physically but visually engaging, all lingering shyness gone as you lick and suck and moan around them, letting them see and hear plainly what it does for you, to honor them in this way.
And by the time you stop, they are both painfully erect, both visibly breathing hard, two sets of eyes deep and dark, as if overtaken by lust.
You stand up and look at them, and for the first time, you are sure, certain that you are more than enough for the two of them, that your true need is to be pleased by both of them, together. "Do you want me?" you say, stripping off your nightgown, crawling on the bed, lying back. "Then you must take me," you tell them.
You open yourself, body splayed wantonly, invitingly, and they look at you, then at each other. And you do not know what unspoken agreement passes between them, but you see it, a peace seemingly declared, however temporary, as they both climb onto the bed, looming over you, ready and wanting.
They each take you in turn, working together in a way that might surprise you, but there is something natural and right about it, first one inside you and then the other; kissing you, touching you, deliberately delaying their gratification until you have reached yours, again and again.
You are almost spent by the time they finish themselves, trembling beneath them, overwhelmed in the best possible way as Humberto thrusts himself into you, moaning, barely having moved off you before Angel is inside you, impatiently satisfying his need, your own desire threatening to consume you once again, but then he is done.
You whimper lightly, helpless, and they soothe you, lying either side of you, kissing you until you calm, and then not stopping, Angel teasingly nibbling at your ear and Humberto licking your neck, their hands on you until you begin to ache with renewed want. But you do not need more, for now.
"Do you see?" you ask. "What you both give me?"
"Perhaps," Humberto says, as if relenting just the tiniest amount.
"Maybe," Angel allows, cautiously.
You laugh at their stubbornness, saying firmly, "And now, we will rest."
"Can you not send him back to his own room?" Angel complains.
"No," you say, for you have decided. "From this time on, the three of us will spend our every night together."
"Every night?" they reply in dismayed unison.
"Every night," you say, and though they both seem to be prepared to argue, you cut them off shortly. "Do you wish to please me?"
"Of course," Angel answers.
"It is my only desire," Humberto says.
"Then you will do as I ask." You settle in, comfortable between them, perfectly, contentedly happy. "Now we will sleep and in the morning, the two of you will make love to me again."
"We're going to need a bigger bed," Angel grumbles.
"Then we will see the palace carpenters tomorrow and have them make one for us."
"I still hate him," Humberto mutters quietly.
"I still hate you," Angel rejoins.
And though you have no doubt that that is true, there is less fire remaining in their words.
"Well," you say, "that may be, but I love you." You smile. "Both of you."
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Take It - AJ Styles
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AJ Styles x Reader
Warnings: a few cuss words
Summary: AJ gives the Reader the kick in the ass she needs to take control of her own career.
The women’s division was exploding and here you were being handed a new child to babysit. Your mic skills were damn near godlike which had turned a blessing into a curse when your career shifted from wrestler to manager. At first you were excited for the change of pace, but you never forgot the promise that you would still wrestle. You sat in the back and watched the women’s evolution forget you as it raged forward. The pop never lessened when your music hit, but every single time you walked out there you felt more and more invisible. You went toe to toe with the likes of Paul Heyman…The Miz…Samoa Joe…Stephanie McMahon. Every single superstar that was in your charge soared to success, but when history looked back on these people, when it looked back on the women’s evolution…would you be there with the recognition you deserved? Most certainly not. These thoughts were consuming your life. They were all you could see when you got your next assignment. The Superstar Draft had given Raw a brand new locker room and you knew it was a matter of time. You were approached with Humberto Carrillo. Familiar with his work on 205Live, you felt it would be easy to get him over with the crowd – even if you half-assed it. Humberto had a great couple of matches and you put him over like the ingrained habit it was. Everything went as expected, until it didn’t. Tonight you watched ringside as Humberto pinned Sin Cara. Muscle memory took over as you celebrated with him. The two of you ducked backstage. “You did a great job out there tonight. A few more matches like that and we’ll be looking at a title.” His face lit up at your words, but you pointed a finger at him, “Now’s not the time to get comfortable. You gotta keep pushing, ok?” He took you by surprise and wrapped you in a big bear hug. You hadn’t been hugged with that kind of sincerity in a long time. He looked you in the eyes and said, “Thank you. I will not let you down.” A little guilt settled at the bottom of your soul knowing you weren’t putting as much heart into this as he was. He disappeared down the hallway. “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this at all”, you thought, “Maybe it’s time to bow out.” You stood there a few seconds before you felt a presence beside you. “Your boy did good tonight.” That southern drawl wasn’t hard to place. You turned to face AJ, a little surprised to see he was alone. “Good enough for a title shot?” You tapped the top of the title around his waist and gave him a smirk knowing the answer. He let out a laugh, “We’ll let him get a few more matches under his belt before he steps to the Phenomenal One.” You rolled your eyes, but had to agree with him, “Don’t worry, he’ll get there.” AJ had been your favorite person to work against when you were both on Smackdown. All that time you’d been numb, he’d been able to spark a few smiles and warm feelings in your chest. The fans had loved the chemistry between the two of you and clamored for more. They weren’t the only ones who felt the chemistry between you, but management decided they wanted you on Raw, so there you went. Seeing him in that moment made you realize how much you had missed those times. “I’m not concerned about Humberto right now.” You weren’t so surprised at his arrogance, “Who are you worried about?” You decided to play along, but his answer threw you off. “I want you in the OC.” You gave him a confused look, “Not to feed your ego, but the OC doesn’t need a manager and I have Humberto who is…” “I never said I wanted manager…” He interrupted moving closer, “I said I wanted you.” He had just offered you everything you wanted and you didn’t know how respond. It was so enticing, not just wrestling again, but working side by side with him.  You quickly reminded yourself it was a hope that would be squashed as soon as management caught wind of it. So, you shook it off and backed away, “Management will never let me.” He wasn’t letting you off that easy. He snaked an arm around your waist and brought you back to him. “Fuck management.” He growled straight into your ear. He loosened his grip slightly so he could look at you, “ If management knew what they were doing, they would have put us together on Smackdown, but instead they put you on Raw? That made no sense. They don’t let you wrestle?” Of course, the last question struck a nerve and you had to look away. “It’s bullshit, y/n.” He let the words sink in a minute before he pulled you close again, “Look at me..I know you’re angry. Show them how angry you are. You don’t need anyone’s permission...” He smirked, “and if you’re with the OC, we’ll make sure no one gets in the way.” You let out a shaky breath and dropped your head. You hands toyed with the top of his U.S. championship, “You’ve changed.” You told him. He took you chin and lifted it up, “I decided to take what I want.  And if you keep playing with my title I’ll want to take you against this wall.” Your entire body lit up at the thought. “Maybe I should start taking what I want too.” You whispered to him and tugged on the title as you moved toward the wall. AJ closed the distance, but just as his lips touched yours someone called from down the hall. All Humberto had seen was AJ push you against a wall and he came ready for a fight. You were able to keep things from escalating to that with AJ’s surprising cooperation. “We’ve actually known each other a long time, kid. We’re just catching up. You can calm down.” AJ told him, “If I want to pick a fight with you, I’ll come to you.” He didn’t believe him until he got a nod from you. You and AJ shared a glance before parting ways. The following week you were torn, but as Raw got closer you knew what you were going to do. The thought was in your head, but even as you walked into the building you didn’t know if you’d follow through. The show had started and you were watching on a monitor. Humberto came jogging down the hall to let you know that he had been put in a 6 man tag match with Randy and Ricochet against the OC. It was your sign. You had warned Humberto that you’d be taking the kendo stick out with you. He never batted an eye when you told him it was to make a point with Randy and Ricochet, that you had no intention to use it. His naïve faith in you almost made you second guess yourself until you felt the electricity walking into the arena. It was the same pop you’d heard thousands of times, but this time you felt it. Humberto made his grand entrance into the ring and you made your usual subtle one. AJ’s eyes caught yours as you lingered on the apron and you wondered if he knew what you were planning. Humberto’s music was still blaring as you ducked under the ropes and went to grab a mic. Of course, The OC was in the way. Luke and Karl didn’t like the idea of you approaching them with the kendo stick in hand, so they backed up. AJ stayed put. You stopped just shy of being on top of him and, based on the roar from the audience, it was a confrontation they’d been waiting for. “I hope you not planning on using that.” Luke warned from the apron. “She is.” AJ answered, never taking his eyes off of you. You leaned over and grabbed the mic from the production assistant. “You gonna take what you want?” AJ asked. You kept the mic down at your side, “You know, I tried to last week, but some asshole got in the way, so I’ve got to take care of that. I am a little worried about his friends though.”  “Trust me, they won’t be an issue.” He gave you a quick wink before you flipped around and brought the mic to your lips. Humberto was still in the middle of the ring while Randy and Ricochet had gone to the apron. “All right you two...” You pulled the kendo stick up onto your shoulder, “I know you’re not the best of friends, you’ve been at each other’s throats for weeks now, but take my advise... you need to put all that crap aside because, well, you’re outnumbered.” It was a complete shock when you unloaded on Humberto. Just as he promised, the moment Randy and Ricochet came into the ring, Luke and Karl pushed them back out. It felt like you were debuting again. A whole new confidence bloomed inside you. You knelt beside a wincing Humberto. “Oh sweetheart, you really were just in the wrong place at the absolute wrong time. You see, I’ve been on the edge of doing this for so long and now that we’re here I just can’t believe it took me this long. It’s about time I remind people just who the hell I am.” You let the mic fall onto his face and stood up to a chorus of boos. It was incredible. AJ was helping Luke finish off Randy when he saw you were done with Humberto. He slid into the ring and in two strides had one hand in your hair, one shamelessly on your ass, and his lips locked onto yours. You wrapped your hands around his waist pulling him closer. He pulled away just as Karl and Luke got back into the ring, “Welcome to The OC, baby.” Karl and Luke threw up the Too Sweet with AJ and the final image as Raw went off air was you joining them.
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fanfantasies098 · 4 years
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Why are there no imagines about him? He is absolutely adorable and the dimples.
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writtingrose · 4 years
Day 6; Cookie Coitus with Humberto
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SUMMARY; Making cookies with Humberto
WARNINGS; fluff and smut
REQUESTED BY; @trashofambrolleigns
BETA’D BY; @xladyxfatex
It took everything Y/N had in her to hold back her tears as she sat waiting for Humberto to arrive. She knew he’d be upset as well, but there wasn’t really anything she could do. After all, her ex had every right to keep their daughter another night. He didn’t care that Y/N had planned this night weeks in advance, or that he had been okay with it until it was time for Y/N to pick up Amy. No, everything was fine.
Humberto pushed the door open and stepped inside.
“Babe? I’m home.” He kicked the door with his foot before walking into the kitchen. Once there, he sat the bags and a box of cookies on the counter. “Babe? Amy?”
He didn’t hear Y/N answer, nor the sound of little feet or Amy’s giggle and it worried him a bit. After checking the time on his phone to make sure he wasn’t early he walked into the living room. He rushed over when he saw her crying gently into her hands.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He looked around the room as he pulled her into his arms. “Where’s Amy? Is she okay?”
Humberto hadn’t known Amy long, having only been introduced to her two months prior, but he already felt a deep connection with the child. He already loved her just as much as he loved Y/N and the thought of something happening to her was enough to make his heart stop.
She barely managed to choke out the one name that made his blood boil.
Leave it to him to mess everything up for what felt like the millionth time. Humberto wanted nothing more than to kick his ass but he also knew it wouldn’t solve anything. They needed to be smart about this.
“It’s okay baby.” It really wasn’t. He would be leaving the next night and had been looking forward to spending time with both girls.
“Look, I’ll only be gone a few days, yeah?” He rubbed up and down her back. “Let’s still decorate them tonight, you and me. I’ll get more when I come back and we can make them with Amy then okay?”
Y/N let out a small sniffle as she wiped her eyes and nodded.
“Are you sure? I know you were really looking forward to it too.”
He smiles and nods, those dimples she loves to much showing.
“Of course, I’m sure.” He stands up and holds out his hand. “Come on. We'll have a good time.”
Y/N smiled weakly as she took his hand and stood up, following him to the kitchen. Once there Humberto moved to pull frosting and sprinkles from the bags.
“Why don’t you get some music playing and I’ll get our work station set up?”
She smiles and nods as the turns the speaker by the toaster on.
“I’m assuming Christmas music?” She'd already connected her phone and was thumbing through her playlists. “It’s only fitting.”
Humberto shrugs and smiles as he sets cookies on plates for them both. “That’s fine with me, love.” He carefully opened the supplies and grabbed knives from the drawer.
Y/N smiled and hits play before setting her phone down and moving to stand with Humberto.
“First one to finish wins?” He smirked. “Make a little game of it.”
Y/N returned his smirk and nodded. “Oh, you’re on Carrillo.”
Humberto smiled before counting down from three, both going quiet as they worked. They each took a slower approach at first, wanting the cookies to at least look somewhat decent but it faded as Humberto took the lean. Y/N began frosting cookies faster, not caring what they ended up looking like as sprinkles flew everywhere. Soon, Humberto joined her. His once nice cookies growing more and more scattered and messy. Within twenty minutes Humberto was setting down his knife with a smirk on his face as Y/N huffed.
“You cheated. I don’t know how, but you did.” She glares at him as she sets her own knife down, and he just rolls his eyes.
“You’re just mad you lost.” The smirk she normally loved stretched across his face but she just glared harder.
“No, you fucking cheated. Look,” she points down at his cookies. “Half of them aren’t even fully frosted.”
“What are you talking about?” He looks down at them and raises an eyebrow. “Yes they ar-“
Just as he looked back up Y/N wiped a glob of frosting across his cheek, smirking.
“Just kidding.”
He gasped, chuckling gently as he looked over at her.
“Oh babe, you’ve done it now.”
He dug his fingers into the frosting in front of him as she stepped backwards.
“Babe, no.” She held her hands out in front of her and licked her lips. “We don’t have to do this.”
“Oh, but baby, we do.”
Humberto jumps for her suddenly. She squeaks and moves just in time, darting around the island. She grabs her own can of frosting off the counter, digging her fingers into it. He just chuckles and twirls around, stalking towards her much like a predator stalks his prey. Y/N took a few more steps back before colliding with the wall behind her. She cursed gently as he drug his fingers over her cheek, down her neck, and across the top of her chest.
Y/N gasped, her eyes darkening as her hand moved to his hair. She smiled innocently at him as she smashed frosting into his hair.
Humberto growls gently before grabbing the sprinkles from the counter behind him. He raises them over her head and shakes, laughing as they cover her hair. Things grew worse from there and it wasn’t long before each was covered in a sticky mess; globs of frosting all over each other with sprinkles covering here and there.
“I think we need a shower.” He chuckled, Y/N pinned in his arms as he surveyed the kitchen around them. “Then we can come back and clean this up. It’s a bit of a mess.”
“That’s probably a good idea.” She nods. “We can order take-out too after .”
She pulled out of his embrace and took his hand, heading for the stairs.
“Want to shower together? We can save water?” She wiggles her eyebrows and winks as he chuckles and smirks.
“I highly doubt we’ll actually get clean, but sure.”
Once in the bathroom he reaches around her to start the water, before stepping back to pull his shirt over his head. Y/N gawked for a second before doing the same, the rest of their clothes following. Stepping under the water, Y/N sighs and leaned her head back, letting the warm wash begin loosening the mess in her hair.
“You know this is going to take forever to get out, right?” she began working her fingers through her hair, easing as much as the caked up frosting out as she could.
“Hey, mine is just as bad as yours.” He reached for the shampoo and lathered it in his hands before stepping towards her. His chest pressed against hers as he lathered soap into her hair. Y/N tried not to think about the way his skin made her body tingle as he carefully worked each tangle out of her hair, taking great care to work as much of the frosting out as he could.
“Lean your head back baby.” His voice came out more husky than normal as he licked his lips.
Y/N did as he asked, his hands massaging her scalp as she moaned lightly. Humberto stayed focused on the task at hand, fingers working through her hair until the water ran clear. It was only then he leaned forward and pressed a kiss at the base of her neck, just above her collarbone.
She gasped gently, eyes widening a little.
“What are you doing?”
He just smiled,and moves continuing to press open mouth kisses against her skin as his hands moved to grip her hips.
“Seeing as we are getting clean, I thought,” he nipped just under her ear, smile widening as she moaned gently. “We should get dirtier first.”
Y/N couldn’t help but nod, mind going blank, no words forming. Humberto chuckles, teeth leaving a trail of fire over her neck as his fingers do the same over her stomach, dipping between the apex of her tights to touch her cunt gently.
“I think that thought excites you, doesn’t it, novia?” He sucked along her jaw, finger dipping into her pussy before curling slightly. “Ya tan mojado para mi.”
Y/N groans and rolls her hips against his, eyes rolling back.
“You don’t have to torture me, Carrillo.” Her hand move down to stroke his erection slowly, teasingly. “I’m ready for you now, papi.”
Humberto let out a deep growl as he withdrew his finger and brought it up to her mouth. “Clean my fingers, bebita, and I’ll give you what you want.”
Y/N opened her mouth and sucked his finger into it, tongue swirling around the digit as her eyes stared into his. She moaned again and bucked her hips against him, desperate for friction.
“Awe, mierda,” he hisses. “Saltar, chica sucia.”
She nods quickly and jumps, wrapping her legs around him as he wraps his arms around to hold her up. Supporting her with one hand, he reaches between them to position his cock against her entrance.
“I’m not going to be easy on you, Y/N. Tell me now if you want me to stop.”
While they had had sex before, they had by no means done it in the shower, let alone as rough as he was about too. It was important that she verbally consented before he went any further.
“Jesus, Humberto.” She groans and rolls her eyes. “I’m not a fucking piece of glass. I can handle it.”
Humberto moves her down onto him with one, fluid motion; his cock filling her to the brim. She gasps and throws her arms around his neck, digging her nails into his back.
“Thought you could handle it, babita?” He chuckled as he thrust his hips, cock pressing against her g-spot as he pressed her against the wall of the shower. “Nothing to say now, huh?” He pulls his hand back and lets it fall on her ass with a, smack! “no es tan duro cuando papá te esta jodiendo, eh bebe?”
Y/N shakes her head as she moans, head back against the wall. “Fuck, babe..FUCK!” Her nails scratch down his back as she clenches around him, almost as if to hold him where he was. “Please.”
“I know baby, I know.” He reaches around to press his thumb against her clit, pressing against it before moving back and forth with each thrust. “Don’t hold back from me.”
His thrusts become quicker as he sets a vicious assault on her g-spot. Her moans grow louder as her back arches off the wall, orgasm slowly building, just a few more…
“Grita por mi, Y/N. Grita mientras te corres en mi polla.”
Y/N cried out his name as the coil snaps, her orgasm rushing through her as her vision goes white, pussy pulsing around him. Humberto thrusts a few more times before stilling, cock seated fully in her as warm, thick ropes of cum fill her.
Moments pass with no noise except their ragged breath and the now cold water washing over them. Humberto lays his forehead against hers and kisses her gently.
“You alright?” He moves to set her down, making sure she’s steady on her feet as she nods.
“Guess, um,” she giggles. “Guess you’ll have to wash off in the cold water.”
Humberto snorted and chuckled as he kissed her nose.
“You are the only woman I know who can get fucked like that and still have something sassy to say.”
She shrugs and smiles. “It’s a gift really.” She moves to step out of the shower. “Why don’t you wash off and I’ll get our food ordered. Chinese? The usual?”
He couldn’t help but nod as she wrapped a towel around herself, winked, and left the bathroom.
He turned his attention back to the water in front of him, allowing the cold liquid to wash over him as he smiled and shook his head. How had decorating cookies led to this?
Novia – sweetheart
Ya tan mojado para mi – already so wet for me
Babita – baby girl
Mierda – Fuck
Saltar, chica sucia – jump, dirty girl
no es tan duro cuando papa te esta jodeindo, eh bebe? – not so tough when daddy’s fucking you, huh, baby?
Grita por mi, Y/N. Grita mientras te corres en mi polla – scream for me, Y/N. scream as you cum around my cock.
So, this got heated QUICK and, maybe, a little out of hand. Yet, I have no regrets. I had wanted to get the Roman one up tonight too but this one took a lot longer than I anticipated. Rest assured at least 2 will be up tomorrow. I know I’ve really fallen behind but I’ve had a lot going on. This challenge isn’t each for someone who was used to posting maybe 1-2 times a week. Still, I am trying my hardest and I hope you’re all enjoying what I’ve been putting out. I know I've really enjoyed writing them.
Much love, Rose xx
TAG LIST; @xxghostnappaxx @biforbecky2belts @theworldofotps @new-zealand-chic @sassymox @baronsbelleevangeline @nicolewoo @shieldgirl18 @lifeislovely23
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asenkaengel · 4 years
What a fucking waste.
For real. Are you guys EVER gonna really push Humberto?
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hellopopculture · 3 years
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Top 20 Worst Things About WWE (Part 2) Description: Pro Wrestling has been one of my favorite forms of entertainment since I was very young and but the biggest brand name in the industry has seemingly lost it’s way, here are the Top 20 things that are dragging it down, for me....
3. Lack of Star Making Ability-I already touched on this in my points about WWE competing with themselves, skipping to the finish line, creative not being creative and their handling of NXT but to put it all in perspective, you can kind of pick just any random wrestler on the roster and follow their trajectory. If they aren't already over, if they aren't already a big star; then ask yourself, "what are they doing to actually sell this superstar to me?" The answer is ALWAYS "very little".
Let's use Drew McIntyre, for example. Drew had a busy 2020, winning the Royal Rumble, Eliminating Brock, main eventing Night 2 of WrestleMania and going on a very dominant WWE Championship run. With Seth Rollins drafted to SmackDown after he turned heel, Raw needed a top babyface and Drew was it. Where this all falls apart is, WWE didn't really do any work to express to their audience what about him we are supposed to be so enamored with. A lot of fans will tell you his run was "boring". At this point they are sick of him. They filled his title reign with uninteresting feuds, some of which were with people like Dolph Ziggler who really have no credibility to give Drew a rub and have no business in a main event position. He was a babyface who won an insane amount of matches and even though ultimately, he lost his title to Bobby Lashley, they never built a legitimate rivalry for him. A hero is only as good as his villains and the face of the brand is only as good as his supporting cast.
The reason I used Drew as an example is because he's a guy at the highest level on the show. If that's how he's being booked, then imagine how they're using the guys they are still trying to get up to star status. Keith Lee hasn't been seen in months, Ricochet just shows up to eat a pin or two every once in a while, and the same for Humberto Carrillo. The tag division is pretty much dead, and The Viking Raiders have fizzled out with it. Retribution was dismantled which not only killed Mustafa Ali but the rest of the stable as well, Jaxson Ryker is in a feud with Elias nobody cares about, Damian Priest's role diminished after Bad Bunny backed away from WWE to go on tour and Riddick Moss has kind of just been an extra body on Raw since he was called up from NXT. Matt Riddle might be the only newer star to reach the main roster who is actually doing well.
They need a new strategy; they need to change directions on this. They keep trying to same things over and over and expecting different results. There is no actual planning, no method to highlighting the things about each member of the roster that the fans will find interesting or entertaining. It's like they aren't even trying to find it. A lot of people were excited for Keith Lee to come to the main roster and NOW we don't even know where he is. He could have a medical condition, he could be about to retire, who actually knows what's going on with him being off of TV, but what we do know is they were ABSOLUTELY failing with him since his debut on Raw.
2.Homegrown Bias and Nepotism-Everyone knows at this point that if you are a 2nd or 3rd generation wrestler, you already have an in with WWE. That's absolutely fine. If they want to take on Simone Johnson, Bray Wyatt, Charlotte Flair, Tamina Snuka, Nia Jax, Roman Reigns and whoever else, and they actually want to be wrestlers... that doesn't make a difference to me. The problem starts when they go about deciding that these people HAVE TO be at the heads of their divisions. That's not really how anything works. Sometimes you write Goku as the main character, but Vegeta is more popular. Sometimes Superman is your flagship character, but Batman is more interesting. Sometimes your star quarterback is boring, and your wide receiver is the face of the team. That's how sports and the entertainment world works. You have to be very skilled to manipulate people into adopting your perspective on certain characters and WWE is NOT. What's worse is, they don't LEARN either. If they push one of them and they don't get over, they do whatever they can to keep forcing their will over the audience. They very clearly favor people that were ONLY trained in the PC or in one of their developmental territories (homegrown) and superstars who carry on their famous wrestling lineage and some of them, like The Usos get over organically, but a lot of those that don't are afforded luxuries their peers don't have even if they don't make good on what WWE is investing in them.
Even worse than that, Shane McMahon is one of the most outrageously booked personalities in wrestling because he's the Chairman's son. I'm sure a lot the Superstars don't mind wrestling him despite his lack of ACTUAL training but between taking up valuable space on pay-per-views that people on the roster could use and being booked as someone that people out of his league would actually struggle to beat, i'm glad he's very rarely involved in situations where he steps into the squared circle anymore because there was a time where his portrayal was kind of burying the rest of the talent. They were really making a nearly 50 yr old civilian look like he's actually a threat.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Raw Fake Rankings, 12/31/2020
Men’s heavyweight singles division - babyfaces
Drew McIntyre (WWE world champion)
Keith Lee
Men’s heavyweight singles division - heels
Randy Orton
Bobby Lashley (WWE United States champion)
AJ Styles
Mustafa Ali
Unranked: Akira Tozawa, Angel Garza, Drew Gulak, Humberto Carrillo, Jaxson Ryker, Mace, Slapjack, T-Bar
It feels like the real direction for the main event involves the intrigue between Drew McIntyre and Sheamus, with the Miz in the background with his Money in the Bank contract.  Sounds like a pretty solid plan to kick off the year 2011, with fresh young talent that...wait, I’m being handed a bulletin.  Tomorrow is 2021.
Seriously, though, the Sheamus storyline is at least novel, in that he never really turned babyface but--by virtue of his association with McIntyre--he’s all but ceased acting as a heel except to tease turning on Drew someday.  And they seem to be doing a better job than usual protecting a guy (Lashley) to set up a money match down the line.  (Although I’m not sure what that match is, since Lashley already challenged McIntyre and lost.)  And I suppose they have a plan for Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt, even if I don’t get it.
However, Raw has struggled to make new stars.  (McIntyre’s 2020 push has been a success, but I’d call that a do-over from when they dropped the ball on him in 2009-2013).  Keith Lee’s run on this brand has been a critical failure.  Elias is about 5% wrestler and 95% cheap heat skits, and now he’s got Ryker standing around helping him not wrestle much.  Ricochet and Ali’s Retribution stable are in a battle of losers.  The Hurt Business is getting over as a top heel group, but they have a median age of 45 and they’re running out of hot faces to fight.
What will make Raw interesting in 2021 is that the brand is truly painted into a corner.  The show hit record low rating multiple times in 2020, and tried a lot of quick-fix hot angles that went nowhere.  The big arrivals this year didn’t make much of an impact, and indeed they’ve eroded the fandom’s faith in “calling up someone from NXT for a big push on Raw.”  So what else can they try?  We’ll soon find out.
Men’s tag team division - babyfaces
The Hardy Bros - Jeff Hardy & Matt Riddle
The New Day - Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods
Lucha House Party - Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado
Men’s tag team division - heels
Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin (Raw tag team champions)
The Miz (Mr. Money in the Bank) & John Morrison
I’m not even totally sure Riddle and Hardy are a long-term team, but I guess WWE has already trademarked “Hardy Bros” so for now they believe they’re sticking with that.  Lucha House Party showed up on the December 30 NXT to feud with Legado del Fantasma, which sure sounds like they’re leaving Raw for good, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Women’s singles division - babyfaces
Nikki Cross
Women’s singles division - heels
Raw’s women’s division is currently revolving around the tag title, so the singles division amounts to the women who don’t have tag partners right now.  Incidentally, I’m very surprised that the Alexa Bliss-Nikki Cross split ended without either of them really turning heel.
Women’s tag team division - babyfaces
Asuka (Raw women’s champion) & Charlotte Flair (WWE women’s tag team champions)
Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose
Women’s tag team division - heels
Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler
Lacey Evans & Peyton Royce
Jax and Baszler were kinda thrown together as a monster super-team a while back, which then led to them picking on Lana, which then led to Asuka offering to help Lana go after the tag title, which somehow led to Asuka and Flair as the tag champions.  Meanwhile, WWE went to all the trouble of repackaging Rose and Royce as solo acts just to turn around and put them in new teams for lack of any other ideas. 
I suppose you could build up the tag division from these four makeshift teams, but I don’t expect they will.  It’s all just in service to Asuka and Flair inevitably feuding over the singles title.  Once that gets going, I would imagine Asuka and Flair will do a “lose the tag title through miscommunication” thing and the belts will go to Evans and Royce, and get lost in the shuffle just like every time Royce and Billie Kay got the belts.
No matches in 30 days: Alexa Bliss, Dabba-Kato, Erik, Omos, R-Truth (WWE 24/7 champion), Titus O’Neil, Tucker
Dabba-Kato has yet to wrestle an actual match on Raw, and hasn’t been seen since Raw Underground was shelved.  Omos also hasn’t had a match yet, and technically isn’t even listed on WWE’s official roster.  I’m not sure what the in-ring future is for Bliss--her association with Bray Wyatt is money, but I don’t foresee it leading to a lot of women’s matches.
I’m starting to wonder if WWE has actually lost interest in the 24/7 title, given that nobody seems to have chased R-Truth around for it in a while.  It’s one of those things that can keep running on autopilot, well after they stop putting in actual effort--not unlike the original WWE hardcore title that inspired it--but now they don’t even seem to be doing that.
Part-time/semi-retired: Shane McMahon, The Big Show, Triple H
Shane was brought back in 2020 as the spokesperson for Raw Underground, so when that idea got canned, he disappeared as well.  So it’s really hard to imagine how he could return, since his primary value to WWE is to make an unexpected return to hype some new hotshot idea, and they literally just tried and failed to do that.  And it wouldn’t make much since for him to “invade” with a hotshot new faction, considering they still haven’t wound down Retribution.
Andrade (elective surgery)
Becky Lynch (maternity leave)
Braun Strowman (storyline - indefinite suspension)
Bray Wyatt (storyline - burnt to a crisp)
Edge (right arm - triceps tear)
Ivar (neck - cervical vertebrae injury)
Jinder Mahal (right knee - unspecified injury)
Lana (storyline - head and left knee injuries)
Mickie James (nose - collapsed nasal cavity)
Naomi (abdomen - myomectomy)
Riddick Moss (knee - ACL tear)
Samoa Joe (concussion)
It was never entirely clear why Strowman was taken off TV, but I would assume he’ll back in time for the Royal Rumble, unless he’s dealing with an injury.  Similarly, I’m sure Wyatt will be back by the end of January, having magically recovered from being immolated by Randy Orton.  It’s interesting, though, that Wyatt and Orton will be settling their differences right around the time Edge is expected to return to renew his rivalry with Orton.  Is it possible Orton could go 2-0 with Wyatt to build him up for Edge?  And if so, how does Orton finish off Wyatt in a way that can top burning him alive?
Lana should be available to return whenever WWE needs, but it’s tough to gauge whether they’re waiting for the right moment in her story with Nia Jax, or if they’ve given up on all that and will leave her on the bench until they think of some totally new gimmick for her.
For the record, Andrade and James were in the 2020 draft pool but never picked, so technically they can show up on any brand once they return to action.  Lynch, Edge, Ivar, Mahal, and Joe weren’t even included in the draft pool, but I think that had more to do with their lengthy time away than anything else.  Regardless, I wouldn’t count on any of these performers leaving Raw anytime soon.
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thesurpriserollup · 4 years
Re-Drafting the 2020 WWE Draft
Note: I will only be putting the superstars who should’ve switched brands or stayed in their respective brands and why. If you don’t see your favorite superstar here it means I agree with the booking decision that was done to switch them to another brand or the decision to let them stay on the brand they were already on. I will be throwing in NXT into the mix just for fun. But it’s Raw & Smackdown superstars going to NXT via free agency.
Billie Kay
Drafted to: RAW/NXT
Okay, I’m already cheating a little bit but hear me out. Imagine Billie in “The Robert Stone Brand” that would just be the perfect match. That team with Billie and Stone, and as long as they recruit more credible talent, would be a fun angle. And if not NXT, I wanted her to stay on Raw. For two reasons. First, I just want “The IIconics” to reunite. Like it was beyond weird to see them split up for no good reason. The second one is, If we don’t get a reunion I want a heated Gentlewoman’s Match between them. Her and Peyton don’t have to have an issue. They could meet in a # 1 contender’s match or a tournament final. I just want them to face off if they’re not gonna reunite soon.
Drafted to: NXT (Via Free Agency)
This has been speculated on social media since the draft happened. He’ll probably comeback to NXT and do a Moose-like angle reminiscent of what Impact is doing. Have him comeback with the NXT Title and claim he’s world champion out of the blue. Let me add a little something, I hope he comes back with the original NXT title design with the big “X”. that would be so cool. This booking could thrust him into the main event scene right off the bat while Finn Balor recovers for 6 weeks, at the time of writing, and Kyle O’Reilly as well.
Sasha Banks
Drafted to: RAW
I just want her and Bayley to be apart until the Rumble or ‘Mania. I’m not a big fan of this storyline, I honestly think it should’ve happened years ago so it doesn’t personally appeal to me as much. But, if we’re gonna do it right. Let Sasha win the Women’s Rumble and challenger for the Smackdown Women’s Championship and win it. It’s easy to book. But WWE decided to put her on the Blue brand. Hopefully this storyline doesn’t run out of steam at least until ‘Mania time.
Heavy Machinery
Drafted to: RAW/Smackdown
I’m gonna keep this short and sweet, that’s why I bundled Otis & Tucker together. No offense to both men, but they’re only good as a Tag Team. Otis’s win at MITB was different but realistically he’s not gonna beat whoever’s champion whether it’s McIntyre, Reigns, Orton, Etc. They should’ve stayed together on whatever brand. And Otis should cash in on a Tag Team and let them win the tag titles TOGETHER. Apart both men are gonna flounder in the lower singles card.
Big E
Drafted to: RAW
“The New Day” shouldn’t have split up it’s as easy that. And I know they wanna push Big E to the top but read my “Wave of the Future - Fantasy booking WWE” post here on Tumblr and you’ll know it could’ve been possible still without breaking them up.
Drafted to: NXT (Via Free Agency)
It’s time “The One and Only” comes back home. Imagine bouts with the likes of Damian Priest for the North American Title or better yet a showdown with Santos Escobar for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. I hate how they book him on the main roster. Just let him come back to where he belongs.
Matt Riddle
Drafted to: Smackdown
I just want his real life animosity with Seth Rollins to become a storyline. As we’ve seen with the Edge/Hardy feud. Real tension makes a good storyline. No other reason than that. I want a hard-hitting but professional contest between these two. They’re professionals after all, I’m sure like with Matt and Edge. They could’ve acted civil enough with each other to put on high-quality matches. And a little side note, Goldberg seems to be on Smackdown so the door is wide open for them still fight each other at a big showcase.
Rey Mysterio
Drafted to: NXT (Via Free Agency)
I just want to see Mysterio Vs. Escobar at a Takeover in a 2 out of 3 falls match for the Title. Is that too much to ask? Santos is running out of opponents, well, credible opponents. Why not inject the Cruiserweight division with probably the Greatest Cruiserweight of all-time in Rey.
Dominik Mysterio
Drafted to: Smackdown
As you might have noticed I split up the Mysterio Father-Son duo. know, I know. He was drafted to Smackdown. But with his Father. I want him to go there alone, on his own. Let him do his own thing, since Smackdown is known as the brand for work horses. Let him have spectacular matches with the likes of Sami Zayn, Shorty G, Daniel Bryan, Etc. This kid needs to pave his own way.
Keith Lee
Drafted to: Smackdown
For the full story, read my Fantasy booking piece. But TL;DR. He could have amazing matches with Sami Zayn and capture the IC title. Defend it until he’s ready to conquer Reigns at the Showcase of the Immortals. I don’t know how they’re screwing him up on Raw but it’s so easy to book “The Limitless One”.
King Corbin - 
Drafted to: RAW
Corbin has done everything he can on Smackdown. Let him be a nuisance on Monday Night Raw. A change of scenery. Fresh matches and just a brand new stomping ground could remedy his already stale character.
Mickie James
Drafted to: NXT
As much as I want her to have a legacy run with either of the Blue or Red brand’s title. It’s not gonna happen. So let’s just put her in NXT. Like Rey, she could elevate young talent like Shotzi Blackhart or Dakota Kai for example. Have amazing matches for the rest of her career maybe even win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles with an up and comer from the yellow brand. Just let Mickie do her thing and end her career in a good way.
Bo Dallas 
Drafted to: NXT (Via Free Agency)
I wanted to “Bo-lieve” that he was the insurgent. I really did. I loved him as NXT Champion. Well, as we know now “The Insurgent” is Ember Moon. But we can still have come back to NXT. Be a mentor to the younger guys. Maybe even be a top contender for the North American Title. Or if Andrade doesn’t want to come back as a sham delusional champion. Why not let Bo Dallas do that, with the original big “X” NXT title design of course, that would be amazing. Just let us #Bolieve again.
Drafted to: RAW
Like Corbin, Carmella needs a change of scenery. She’s doing nothing at the moment. She’s about repackaged as like an “Emmalina” type of character. I think it’s going to work better on Raw since the Red brand is known for having outlandish characters anyway. Maybe a “Fabulous Truth” reunion is in the works too.
Humberto Carrillo
Drafted to: NXT (Via Free Agency)
Humberto had a decent start on the main roster when he first got there but I think he needs to go to NXT. He’s floating around Raw doing random matches. He was part of the Mysterio-Rollins angle but he was nothing more than a footnote. I feel he could be a major player in the Cruiserweight division in NXT. I like the kid he’s so talented. They just have to let him do what he does best and that’s wrestle actually meaningful matches.
Charlotte Flair
Drafted to : NXT (Via Free Agency)
It’s far-fetched in real life or storyline for either main roster brands to not draft Charlotte. But she’s on the shelf right now and it’s quite cool to think that she’d want to sign with NXT because she has unfinished business there. Her NXT Women’s title run was too short for my taste, although in hindsight it resulted in Io Shirai winning the title so that’s good. But I would’ve loved to see her had an extended run in NXT with the crop of talent they have there. She would put on great bouts with Storm, Kai, Lerae and of course Rhea Ripley as well as a one on one rematch with Io Shirai would most likely be in the cards. And hey, Andrade most likely will sign with NXT anyway and they’re a couple and WWE is more open to keeping couples together so that might be a huge factor as well.
Braun Strowman
Drafted to: Smackdown
Reigns needs a credible enough threat after this Jey Uso feud is over. At least until the Royal Rumble. Strowman is the main man to do that. He’s a former Universal champion who didn’t get his due diligence in terms of having the opportunity to earn a rematch to reclaim his title. It’s enough of a reason for him to stay on the blue brand. And besides I don’t want to see him face off against “The Fiend” again over on Raw. It ran it’s course far too long ago.
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andymull · 4 years
WWE Elimination Chamber 2020 - Preview & Predictions
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Nattie vs Liv Morgan vs Shayna Baszler vs Asuka vs Ruby Riott vs Sarah Morgan - Elimination Chamber Match - Winner Faces Becky Lynch At Wrestlemania
This is the main event?? Really? No offense to the girls but there’s only one winner in the match, the others haven't had feuds for months/ arent anywhere near a world title match at Mania quality/ have only recently returned from injury and isnt ready for the title feud just yet/ or should be in the middle of the build for a women’s tag title feud for Mania. This is bleak
They really have ONLY included Sarah Logan in the match just to solely have the Riott Squad former members face off for one spot, that’s it..... to even suggest she deserves this spot instead of Kairi is laughable. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that the IIconics haven't been on tv for what? 110 days is it now?
This is all Shayna build for the Becky match, any other winner results in a less heated match at Mania and isnt required. I still say that Shayna should have won the Rumble to really get her push started, and that Charlotte going to NXT didnt need her to win the Rumble to cause a big impact. Baszler dominates here for me, eliminates at least 4 of the others on way to victory with Becky Lynch stood cage side with a face of confidence slightly slipping after seeing the dominance - BASZLER
Unless Ronda takes out Nattie and enters the Chamber.......
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Braun Strowman (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami Zayn - 3 on 1 Handicap Match
Four guys I like in a match I couldn't care less about sadly.
Will Braun go over clean and destroy any of the oppositions chances of getting another title match anytime soon, or will others come to his aid to support him?
Will any of this matter tomorrow?
Will they just have a multi man match on this weeks Smackdown regardless to find the challenger for Braun at Mania? I guess so - STROWMAN 
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Bobby Roode + Dolph Ziggler vs Heavy Machinery vs Lucha House Party vs The Uso’s vs John Morrison + The Miz (c) vs The New Day - Smackdown Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber Match 
I imagine the guys involved here will have a number of spots planned for this to make the match memorable, as really the biggest spot of the match wont be the winners it will be Otis getting his hands on Ziggler............and the biggest cheer at Mania will be for Otis kissing Mandy as well.
So for this match I think we can obviously rule out the Lucha House Party, late substitutions for The Revival, as well as Roode/Ziggler and H Machinery as I see them fighting without the belts at Mania. So we are down to the front row of the image, for me I see the champs retain and we move to a three way for the belts at Mania between those teams - MORRISON/MIZ
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Aleister Black vs AJ Styles - No DQ Match
I really wish this was on to put over Black as a massive threat and one of the next challengers for the title on Raw, sadly I think this ends with them building the Styles/Undertaker feud with Taker costing Styles the match and Black winning like an after thought.
I hope that puts Black in a position to go against Andrade down the road to take the title and elevate higher than its at currently (if he keeps the title that is)
But yeah this is all about the final moments of the match, the bout will see some great action but none of it will matter here as other things are more important for them.............unless they plan on Black/Taker vs The Club at Mania - BLACK
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The Street Profits (c) vs Seth Rollins & Murphy - Raw Tag Team Championship Match 
So happy for the Profits to win the titles and hope they can retain tonight and keep them awhile longer facing great wrestlers to impress more.
The challengers dont need the titles, well Seth doesn't but Murphy could do with a belt to elevate his-self more but there are other options for that down the road - STREET PROFITS 
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Andrade (c) vs Humberto Carrillo - United States Championship Match
These two always bring a great match when facing each other, id love for Andrade to keep the belt and move up to bigger challengers but it does feel like its time for Humberto to win the belt - CARRILLO
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Daniel Bryan vs Drew Gulak
Im so happy that Bryan is getting to work with the guys he wants and help out others in getting better footing in the company.
Does he decide to try and put over Gulak to make him a serious threat, or just have a super competitive bout but ultimately take the win?
Whoever wins I hope Bryan carries this on and helps out others - BRYAN 
War Raiders vs The Boy Toyz
A late addition to the show on the kick off segment before the PPV, an easy one sided squash - RAIDERS 
What a weird, strange looking card this is. Neither Lesnar or Goldberg are booked in a match, usually one of them has to defend in the chamber to make a massive men’s match but none of that’s happening tonight. So many great names are off this card with no sniff at being involved in the Mania build even slightly, straight to the battle royal for most I guess.
Hopefully afew of the matches should be great quality wise to enjoy and take in, and hell if not spend alittle money and join The Lapsed Fan’s Patreon and listen to their takes on the show and cry in laughter 
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Everyone have fun and get your sleep in as the Wrestlemania card will probably start in afew days with how many matches they’ll have
Bye for now
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dirtywrestling · 4 years
Can I have a Humberto Carrillo smuts please like I need them in my life and those dimples tho 😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤
There ya go! I hope you enjoy it, I now have a crush on this man! His dimples are so cutee
Requests are open! 
Bored? Hit up my stream and watch me write your imagines!: https://picarto.tv/DirtyWrestling
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sturnioloshacker · 4 years
SMUTTY Zabdiel, Daniel, or my dimple daddy Humberto Carrillo 😭🖤 Tia, you have my heart, thank you for indulging me.
Ooooh SMUTTY Zabdiel! I love that!! I’ll be sure to get that down ASAP for you, my love 💕
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r-truth · 5 years
Imagine.... Humberto Carrillo v Eddie Guerrero
*cries in spanish*
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hazyheel · 5 years
NXT 4/24/19 Review
First match of the night was Jaxon Ryker against the cruiserweight Humberto Carrillo. Ryker was immediately up in Carrillo’s face, but Carrillo used his speed to get the better of Ryker in the first few exchanges. That was until Ryker got mad, and he absolutely destroyed Carrillo with a throw into the corner. Carrillo landed right on the back of his neck. Ryker hit the widowmaker, only for Carrillo to roll out. Ryker then threw Carrillo around ringside until the two got counted out. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch ran out to make the save, fending the Forgotten sons off.
Grade: B. Love how the Forgotten Sons are being booked. Blake and Cutler are a great tag team that love chaos, but Ryker is something else. He is like a psychopath, and is scary to look at. They seem like they’ll have a great run in NXT. Excited for the inevitable 6-man tag that this is gonna spout.
Backstage, Adam Cole talked about the main event of Gargano vs Strong, saying that Gargano wasn’t man enough to fight the leader of the Undisputed Era. Matt Riddle was nearby, and accused Cole of being jealous. Cole tried to intimate Riddle, but he Riddle was having none of it and stood right up to him. I would so be down for for the two having a match.
Next match was Vanessa Borne and Aliyah against Candice LaRae and Kacy Catanzaro, making her debut. Catanzaro climbed the ringpole to get into the ring, similar to her spot in the Women’s Rumble this year. Aliyah was jaw jacking Catanzaro from the beginning, really selling their “general mean girl” gimmick. The heels actually had some brutal looking tag team moves. LaRae has a wicked hot tag, looking the best that I had ever seen her. She hit an awesome springboard moonsault for the win.
Grade: B-. I really liked this, surpringly enough. I hated Aliyah and Borne, but this was pretty good! I was hoping to see more of Catanzaro, but I’m sure I will in the future. This tag team looks like it will stick around.
Io Sharai was interviewed backstage about Baszler’s attack last week, but before she could say anything of note, Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir attacked her, and left her laying. I don’t think the next TakeOver is until August, so it’ll be difficult for this feud to continue until then, but I’m sure they will do it.
William Regal was putting over Kushida for his debut next week. Kassius Ohno came in and asked to be Kushida’s debut opponent. Regal books it. Should be a great match, right out of the gate.
Street Profits then went up against the War Raiders. So happy to see them back to their real names. This was a non title match, but the profits took it very seriously, with Ford hitting a suicide dive before the match. Dawkins hit a huge spear and spine buster, followed by a splash from Ford to Rowe for a huge near fall. Hanson was able to tag himself in, and swung momentum back to his side. Ford and Hanson had a great sequence during the match, where Hanson just refused to go down. He eventually did after a dropkick, with Dawkins then assisting with a moonsault for a near fall. War Raiders was able to take out Dawkins with a springboard lariat assisted German suplex, and then hit Ford with Thor’s Hammer for the win.
Grade: B+. The match had a hot start, and even though it fizzled a bit by the time the match ended, it was still very good. The street profits showed that they were a serious contender for the tag titles in the future. I don’t know if they will win them necessarily, but I imagine that the chase will be very entertaining.
Mia Yim announcer her intentions for a title match against Baszler, saying that everyone else has had too many chances. So this is how they get Sharai to Toronto. Cool.
And the main event was a non-title match between Johnny Gargano and Roderick Strong. In a little video before the match, showing the Undisputed Era talking to Strong about his match, Cole was very clearly in a bad mood, noticeably having his arms crossed and being a bit dismissive of Strong’s comments. Interesting. The two were very quick in their mat wrestling, not taking any time to breathe. Strong was all over Gargano, landing strikes whenever they were standing, and engaging in violent chain wrestling on the mat. It’s been so long since I’ve seen Strong in a singles match, that I forgot how rough it looks to really fight him. He is brutally stiff. At one point, Gargano ate several rough chops, asking for them as the blows continued. Gargano got him back with chops in the corner, sending a bunch of spit into the crowd, which made they go wild for some reason. They both kept countering each other’s offense, with Gargano slipping out of backbreakers, and one awesome spot where Strong countered a slingshot spear with a butterfly backbreaker for a near fall. Gargano was able to lock in the Gargano escape, with Adam Cole running down to distract him. Fish and O’Reilly came down as well, but Matt Riddle ran to the ring to make the save. Strong tried to get Cole’s attention, but he nailed Strong with a blind ensiguri. Johnny then hit Cole with a suicide dive, and then a slingshot spear on Strong for the win. After the match, Cole tried to apologize, but Strong walked away without his teammates. He attacked like things were amicable, but the tension was thick.
Grade: A-. Awesome match. The action was so fast that I could hardly keep up. Roddy is really great as a singles star, and whether or not he splits from the Era, he deserves gold. Gargano puts up another great match for his title reign, and is looking like a real star above the rest of the division. Loved the dissension, loved Riddle getting involved because he is a good dude in general. I’m into this story on all fronts, and I can’t wait to see where it goes. Just, try to be careful Roddy. You beat the shit out of your opponents
Overall Grade: B+
Pros: Forgotten Sons’ booking; Profits vs. Raiders; main event
Cons: not enough Catanzaro
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writtingrose · 5 years
25 Days of Christmas Challenge
I know it’s Halloween but bear with me. I wanted to get this up and let y’all start requesting so I could spend November writing and ACTUALLY post these when I’m supposed to.
SO, Welcome to Rose’s 25 Days Of Christmas Challenge. Each day of December up to Christmas Day will be a new fic using one of the prompts below. To request said fic, please send an ask with the number of fic and the wrestler you wish to use. Also, please specify if you wish it to be smutty, fluffy, angst or a mixture. I WILL NOT accept Anon requests. I will ONLY write for Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch, Elias, and Humberto Carrillo.
Each prompt can only be taken ONCE.
1.) Decorating the House Becky Lynch fluff for @sp0ck136
2.) Decorating the Tree Braun Strowman fluff and smut for @shieldgirl18
3.) Mistletoe for @biforbecky2belts
4.) Sledding Becky Lynch for @sp0ck136
5.) Ice Skating Baron Corbin smut and fluff for @finnsauroraborealis
6.) Baking Cookies Humberto Carrillo fluff and smut for @trashofambrolleigns
7.) Family Dinner
8.) Gift Giving for @biforbecky2belts
9.) Christmas / Christmas Eve Finn Balor smut and fluff for @sophiewolfheart-blog
10.) Lights Becky Lynch fluff and smutt for @lifeislovely23
11.) Pretend Boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas Party Baron Corbin smutfor @xladyxfatex
12.) Hug me, so I can get warm. Braun Strowman for @sophiewolfheart-blog fluff and smut
13.) I think I love you. Wow that was cliche. Bobby Fish fluff and smut for @sonjashuterbugjohnson
14.) Last Christmas I gave you my heart and you asked me to marry you.
15.) A playlist of nothing but “All I Want for Christmas is You” and not being able to figure out if their flirting or not. Humberto Carrillo smut for @xxghostnappaxx
16.) Seriously, staring at me won’t get me to be your New Year’s date.
17.) Please, come over. I don’t want to spend Christmas alone. Drew McIntyre for @fivefootxo
18.) Who sent these chocolates and flowers?
19.) Are you sure you want to get me a gift?
20.) I don’t deserve this gift Y/N. You have to take it back.
21.) Merry Christmas, you dork. Seth Rollins for @undeadspazzattack
22.) Come out in the snow with me. Drew McIntyre fluff and smut for @theworldofotps
23.) I wonder where this mistletoe came from? Drew McIntyre fluff and smut for @finnsauroraborealis
24.) You’re useless at wrapping presents. Becky Lynch for @xxghostnappaxx
25.) Did you actually dye your hair red and green? Seth Rollins fluff for @theworldofotps
Happy early holidays y’all 💕
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bigyack-com · 4 years
WWE have unearthed a superstar and they know it - other sports
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WWE has been touted as the land of opportunities (mainly by themselves) and it is a place where young, talented and hard-working wrestlers dream of working. WWE has given us many memorable moments and have made superstars out of wrestlers (literally). Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, and John Cena are just some of the wrestlers that made their name inside the squared circle. They started their career as professional wrestlers and soon became superstars for the company.WWE is always in search for the next breakout star who could become the future of the organisation. For years, Roman Reigns carried that burden. WWE has always pushed Brock Lesnar and then they tried their hand with Seth Rollins. READ | Why WWE needs to cut more wrestlersSadly, Daniel Bryan can never be counted as the face of WWE even though he has been a multi-time world champion. And now it looks like they have unearthed another wrestler who could be a future superstar. And we are not talking about a WWE superstar (basically everyone is) but a real superstar.What does Vince McMahon look in a wrestler, let’s look at some points: -1.Good wrestler2.Unique character3.Captures the imagination of the audience4.Tough 5.Promo skills
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Aleister Black ( WWE ) Aleister Black has shown that he is adept at every aspect of professional wrestling. Black is a great wrestler with an intriguing character who enthralls the WWE Universe whenever he enters the arena. Black showed at WWE TLC that he is extremely tough after wrestling a whole match with blood streaming down his nose. There are question marks over his promo skills as it is the only aspect that hasn’t been tested much. But he has that brooding and menacing voice that makes everyone notice every word he says.  pic.twitter.com/jKdmqboEz8— Devil's Blood (@WWEAleister) December 16, 2019 It has been reported that McMahon cooled down on Cedric Alexander, EC3 and maybe Humberto Carrillo after they failed to get over. But that hasn’t been a problem for Black as the crowd is always majorly involved in his career. Be it his entrance or his kicks, the WWE Universe is always behind him. READ | ‘Don’t care what they do’: Jon Moxley says he has nothing to prove to WWE Chairman Vince McMahonThe audience in Target Center, Minneapolis stood up and applauded the efforts of Black and Buddy Murphy at WWE TLC, such was the brutal match they put in.  When you pick a fight with @WWEAleister, a fight is EXACTLY what you're going to get. @WWE_Murphy #WWETLC pic.twitter.com/hucARWNZn0— WWE (@WWE) December 16, 2019 Triple H had handled Black perfectly in NXT where he was always a major part of their storylines. Even when he wasn’t wrestling for the NXT Championship, Black was involved in a top match at any Takeover special. His matches against Johnny Gargano and Velveteen Dream are still fondly remembered by wrestling fans. He made an underwhelming debut on the main roster when he formed a team with Ricochet. But still, they were the highlights of the show whenever they stepped inside the ring.Since going single, Black hasn’t been consistently used by WWE which has somewhat hampered his progress. However, in all his matches one thing has been consistent- he is always the focus inside the ring. WWE knows what they have in hand and they are playing their cards right by not letting his momentum wear off. So if he continues to excel inside the ring and gets a major push, WWE could soon Fade to Black. Read the full article
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