#hsmtmts review
bisexualenbyblueberry · 6 months
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my favourite conflict type: Evil gay vs. good gay
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I've been trying to write a full review of season 4 for so long now, but each time I open up the draft to continue, I have an overwhelming anxiety about finishing it and can't write a single word. I think part of that is because last time I wrote a season review, the final season was hours from dropping. Now when I finish it, saying goodbye will feel even more real. I'm going to let myself watch the show all the way through one more time and then I WILL force myself to finish it
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pinkhysteria · 2 years
an early viewer who’s a hardcore rina saying s3 is her favorite just based off the first three episodes oh i’m grinning
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rye-views · 5 months
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High School Musical: The Musical: The Series. Season 4. 7.4/10
I would not recommend this show/season to my friends. I would not rewatch this show/season.
Maddox is a lovely character. Ash tryna be goth girl during filming is amusing. Miss Jenn supporting Ricky is so lovely and beautiful to me. She's so kind. Ashlyn is like the most consistently funny and amusing character. I love all her quips. Her being like "as a friend" was hilarious. 2008 period piece comment is funny. I do love the community we have here.
I didn't know most of this cast weren't in the same grade. But, why does Mack sound so much like Ricky?
Maddox and Ashlyn's almost kiss was crazy. Their actual kiss was crazy. Miss Jenn ripping up her offer, crazy.
Poor Carlos. This is terrible. He's the biggest victim of this season.
Big Red is terrible at breaking bad news that is his fault. Gina can't just make the location of the movie Utah. Lmao. Many moments in this season were kinda random and unnecessary. Quinn was really casted right.
Memorable Quotes: "Not doing something because of how you might feel."
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multimetaverse · 2 years
HSMTMTS 3x06 Review
Color War was the funniest ep of the season and set us up for the final arcs of the season. Let’s dig in!
The jokes were on fire tonight. Corbin telling Ricky his confession footage would be airing unless he praised Nickelodeon was my favourite line of the night. The sly bit about the colour war being so similar to the old Disney channel games was a close contender
It was wild to finally see the Camp Rock song they had released before the season premiered. It’s been quite odd how little they’ve used Meg Donnelly’s voice. One thing the song made clear is that someone on the writing staff realizes that Adrian Lyles has the strongest voice of the male cast; it really shines through tonight with the direct juxtaposition with Joshua Bassett’s voice
Nice to see Jet really get into the games to try and help fix things with Maddox but it’s realistic that she’s wary of how much he’s changed. Not really sure how Jet could have mistaken Maddison for a guys name but at least he’s not homophobic. Certainly Jet and Maddox have been much more well developed then any of the new characters introduced in S2 although it may not end up mattering at all if they don’t appear in S4. The only real plausible way to keep Jet around would be to have him transfer to East High since he could expelled but it’s pretty absurd to move two states over for high school and then what would be the excuse to send Maddox, who is presumably not expelled, to East High
The writers realized they went a little too far with Ricky and his feelings for Gina last ep so now he’s back to acting appropriately and for the moment not interfering with Portwell. Not to mention he continues to give Jet good advice to help fix things with Maddox but does so without overstepping. Seems obvious that his big idea is for Jet to bring Maddison back for the Prom so her and Maddox can set things aright
It’s always been extremely obvious when the writers are working backwards from a desired endpoint; they’ve never cared or been able to hide their plot contrivances. Clearly they’re working backwards from a Portwell breakup by the end of the season. And with proper set up and pacing they could have set it up. Instead we’re getting a rushed mess. Even for teenagers it just doesn’t make sense for a seemingly solid relationship to fall apart in a week or so. Certainly they have issues but they have less than a week left at camp which means the end of the major drain on EJ’s time and focus. And EJ does have a point that this documentary succeeding is probably his only chance to convince his dad to let him stay in Salt Lake which is also what Gina wants
But of course, the spark has to be gone because the plot demands it and Ricky is eagerly waiting in the wings. The no dates to prom rule is laughable. Just go as a couple! Who’s going to stop them? What even would be the consequences? 
I was really happy to see the progress with Ashlyn’s story line tonight and her realization at the end that she has a crush on Val. Also neat to learn that Ashlyn is Jewish, must be from her mother’s side of the family 
Wild that this is the second time someone was knocked out and had a fantasy musical sequence with an original High School Musical cast member before Carlos slaps them awake
Nice to see Miss Jenn again. Depending on how things shake out for EJ after this season, this may have been a final farewell between them
I actually thought Mike Bowen gifting Ricky a piece of moon rock was a sweet gift especially since he knows all about Ricky’s bucket list. Though I still don’t get how Ricky could be turning 18 before he even starts his 12th grade year. Here in the barren northlands the earliest you could turn 18 would be the January of your 12th grade year ie. well after it’s already started
Looking Ahead: 
It’s interesting that they’ve gone the route of Ricky knowing that the confession was caught on camera rather than just having the audience know. I would assume that the confession ties into a cliffhanger of sorts at the end of S3. Since Ricky knows he was filmed there’s really only two ways to play it: Ricky confesses to Gina before the film would be played (or at least before he thinks it’s going to be played) or Ricky attempts to destroy the footage which backfires somehow and leads to Gina seeing it
Since it looks likely that Maddox and Maddison get back together at the Prom, there’s a good chance that the Prom is where Portwell breaks up or at least leads directly to it since the angst would be well balanced with joy
Jet helping Maddox with Maddison will probably do the trick the reconcile them which is also a way to wrap up their story arc in case they’re never seen again
I don’t think they’re gonna have Redlyn breakup since that would fall perilously close to the cheating bisexual trope but it should be an interesting conversation between them when he eventually shows up
As an aside, it’s interesting that the Rina leaker has had very accurate information about the events of the season but has been off on the timing a few times now. It suggests that they didn’t have direct access to the scripts or at least didn’t have direct access to all of them
Until next week, Wildcats
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filmmakerdreamst · 2 years
Ahhhh! I can't believe someone actually read any of my HSMTMTS posts let along liked some of them! Thank you so much, I felt so validated lol. I totally want friends in this fandom so yeah let's talk about it! It's a good time too, time to catch up int he hiatus :-D
eeep! Ok I'll tell you my HSMTMTS story!
I hated the High School Musical movies when I was little. Everyone was nuts about them and I just didn't get it. (Mind you, I had only seen bits of it at the time) Being an Artsy kid, there was no escaping them. I had to learn the songs in the School Choir, For Plays and in my singing lessons. It was hell. Could be that I wasn't a big fan of Disney. I grew up with gritty British kids TV like Tracy Beaker - so everything I watched on Disney was extremely sugary in comparison.
I did however watch the movies fully when I was alot older, and they weren't as bad as I initially thought, but they still didn't really do it for me personally. Maybe because I'm not the biggest fan of musicals I don’t know.
I was aware of HSMTMTS when it first came out. I had already been told that they were possibly going to do another High School Musical - which turned into a tv show instead. I did initially cringe at the idea but what intrigued me to it was Sofia Wylie (I was a big fan of Buffy in 'Andi Mack') But the clips I saw didn't particularly. 
I saw the Season One Finale moment where Ricky confesses his love to Nini and..they just seemed to be like every average Disney Couple to me. (especially since they were a carbon copy of Troy and Gabriella) Under developed, Cliche, Main Guy + Girl ending up together, Singing while gazing into each others eyes etc.  
I found the scene to be awkwardly co-ordinated as well. The way Nini immediately flipped round, to walking towards him smiling didn't strike me as very natural. 
Generally speaking the main couple of a show shouldn't put a viewer off from watching it if they don't like them, but it does to me a lot of the time. Possibly one of the reasons why I never got into High School Musical when I was little - so the clips I saw of the show didn't really interest me. Josh and Sofia's acting (especially Josh) was the only thing that stood out.
Its only until Season 2 came out that I saw the videos of Ricky and Gina -- I went.."oh hello. "
At first, I was like, this the typical  'plot device' loosing side of the love triangle ship where the girl unrequitedly pines after the guy that chose his inevitable endgame over her - so might as well forget it.  
The only thing that indicated to me in the few music videos and scenes (out of context mind) that I saw that Ricky might have feelings for her too was his eyes. 
Must give props to Josh in the eye acting department, because I feel like he expressed Rickys POV very well. 
I did see their chemistry and all that, but never thought they were ever going to go there because Disney Shows never do with those types of pairings e.g. where its less obvious and cliche. 
The Main Guy does not end up with a girl who was originally supposed to be a side character on a Disney Show. (And lets face it, someone who isn't white passing) That rarely happens. Typically, on those types of shows, especially today, the main characters end up with their 'endgame' from day one and thats it.
I also saw videos of her and EJ and I was like 'no'. Even before watching the show, I didn't find them to have that much chemistry - they just seemed pretty bland to me. 
I heard somewhere by the end of Season 2, they were  supposedly doing a 'Next Generation' in Season 3, and the original cast weren't coming back and I was like 'noo that means Ricky and gina won't happen' I don't know why i thought that.
Then I heard on twitter that the writers were going to explore Ricky and Gina in Season 3, and i was like 'SHUT UP! NO WAY' and my interest in the show peaked from mildly interested to INVESTED SO FAST. 
The show quickly went from (to me) a cheesy reboot to the Deepest Show on Disney.
I then watched the show in context, and honestly it proved me wrong (the show itself was better than I expected) Ricky did have feelings for Gina, but he was scared of them because she was new and also he felt guilty because he was actively pursuing his old gf before he made a connection with her. So as soon as she left, it's felt like to me that he saw it as an easy out and went back to the safety of his old relationship. But when Ricky and Nini got back together, it wasn't about being 'in love' anymore, it was about having a constant or dare I say, "familiar" relationship that he could cling on to because his family was splitting apart and he felt alone. 
And you can see in the Valentines Day episode, that he's clearly freaking out when she comes to his house and if Nini hadn't called, I'm pretty sure he would of got lost in the moment and cheated. Because sure, he loved Nini but what he really wanted was Gina. His attitude towards her in that Season doesn't make sense if you assume he doesn't like her that way. All these comments saying 'Oh Ricky misunderstood Gina's confession' are BS. If he misunderstood her, their relationship wouldn't have been as awkward as it was in that part of the season. 
Gina was the one who cut him out of her life, not him, because she recognised that he was going down hill. Ricky respected that decision and gave her space until she said it was ok for him to start talking to her again. 
Basically, I find them to have the deepest, most realistic bond on that show. It's not a "straight up romance".  It's not flowery or Disney-esque.  It doesn't have a typical A- Z plotline e.g. 'enemies to lovers' or whatever. It's beautifully complicated and 100% genuine. Plus Josh and Sofia's chemistry is Electric man!
Tell me about your story! Love to chat about it!
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james-beaufort · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @sharonhawkins​ - thank you for tagging me 💖
post top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not neccessarily your most popular)
hsm 3 songs
rina google
julie and the phantoms
betty cooper
your top current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year
I don’t really have any WIPs currently - but I am likely going to make a set for every ep of hsmtmts and I have an idea for a rina set that hopefully I will end up making :)
your top 3 biggest imporovements in your writing/or art over the past year
1. blending
2. colouring
3. gif effects
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
honestly I just resolve to actually continue with making stuff lol
and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
I don’t write so I don’t have one
tagging (no pressure): @annacoleman @bijoeypotter @brooksdavis @starcatching @elena-gilbert @laylakeating and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it :)
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butterflykisses86 · 2 years
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Reviewer said if you dont hop on the Rina train now, thats your lost.
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whatagirlwants · 2 years
sad songs in a hotel room -ep review & thoughts
im bored so i’ll react & share my first thoughts and reactions.
aside how i’ve feel about some joshua fans i still respect joshua and im not a fan of him i dont find him interesting but i love music and find music interesting so thats all it takes to get me listening.
track number 1 title track sad songs in a hotel room. joshua seems like he’s reminiscing in a hotel room the same hotel he once shared with a partner. i like the production & his flow on it its lowkey different but not too different. well written.
edit: just read what he said in his billboard interview i believe it was explaining each song and he said this was about a time he spent in nashville with a partner. nashville alone should tell u who this song is about iykyk.
2. LA: songs about how la and hollywood and the industry has affected him / his experience. he sings he need to get out and runaway cause “lately everyones bringing me down” its simple lyrically and production wise. nothing interesting just his honesty. its nice to get a prespectice of celebrities living in la and working in hollywood and this is a common one.
3. Used to it: joshua is angry or disappointed in this track a that someone didnt call when he was at his lowest. he recalls how this person has always mistreated him. i really like the production on this.
4. smoke slow: sorry i dont like this song but i get why people do
5. lifeline: an emotional letter to his mother expressing his love for his mother at a time where he was in his near death experience. not his best song but its still a beautiful song i just dont think it needed a music video. he should have pushed the 1st track.
6. all in due time: inspirational track of how things could get better one day! i really like the 2nd verse and bridge, lyrics is great the production and song as a whole is definitely a closing track so it was a good idea to close the ep with it.
In conclusion, i liked the opening track, used to it is production wise 2nd best. smoke slow shouldve stayed out of the ep with doppelgänger. the rest are okay maybe third favorite is either LA or closing track
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laylakeating · 2 years
i’m curious as to what ricky does that to that one reviewer makes it obvious to them he’s pursuing gina? i really don’t think he’s going to be trying purposefully romantically pursuing her (i wouldn’t be opposed but still) maybe it was just him trying to be her friend again (in 3x02 3x03) more than she’s trying to be his friend so the reviewer sees that as pursuing or doing it in a romantic way?
honestly this could just be a perspective thing, because no one else has said anything like that (to my knowledge) - and i agree with you!! rina can never be ~just~ friends so that’s probably the reason why it comes across a certain way, aka that ricky is choosing to romantically pursue gina (i doubt that’s actually the case though). 
i can definitely see it as him actively trying to mend their friendship (”summer of fun!”) so maybe the interpretation is up for debate?? idk
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shortson · 2 years
i feel insane i think i’m gonna rewatch the ep
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titansarmy · 2 years
haven’t watched the new episode yet btw !! will be watching tonight while i have dinner !!
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Into the Woods (Review)
I was disappointed that Gavin Creel was not in today’s matinee. I was looking forward to seeing him. I did have the chance to see Julia Lester, Brian d’Arcy James, Phillipa Soo, and some others. Brian d’Arcy James was very talented and Phillipa Soo was a great singer! 
I have seen Julia Lester in HSMTMTS. After seeing her on Broadway, I hope she has a long career in front of her. Amazing singing and comedy. If she was older, I would’ve loved to see her take on the role of Fanny Brice in Funny Girl.
This was not my kind of show. I prefer spectacles and lots of dancing. My husband, a Sondheim fan, really enjoyed it. I appreciate Sondheim, but my favorite show of his remains Merrily We Roll Along. 
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multimetaverse · 2 years
HSMTMTS 3x05 Review
The Real Campers of Shallow Lake was a funny ep that unfortunately showcased some of HSMTMTS’ biggest flaws. Let’s dig in!
The most important reveal tonight was Ricky admitting that he has a crush on Gina which was caught on camera and will no doubt come up again. I’m sure Rina shippers loved this ep and in fairness they did have great chemistry during their duet
Of course, we’re perilously close to an emotional cheating story line as Ricky has for the past several eps been toeing the line of appropriateness in his interactions with Gina, Gina is now using Ricky to get payback at EJ for his keeping secrets, and Ricky’s feelings are becoming so obvious that EJ has already noticed and other characters have started to notice 
The Disney plus instagram account posted about the Rina/Portwell love triangle and while there were some comments supporting the ships the most liked comments were complaints about the love triangle being a recycled S1 plot and being unnecessary and poorly done. I think those kind of comments are closer to how the casual audience is reacting to this plot as compared to the more ship dominated discourse in the online fandom
And no one can deny that this is a recycled plot line. Hell even the Ricky and EJ slap scene was an almost beat for beat redo of their passing the basketball scene back in S1. Not to mention the fact that it’s obvious that this love triangle is going to end the exact same way with Ricky stealing EJ’s girlfriend for the second time in less than a year! It’s not surprising that most of the audience wouldn’t enjoy seeing this play out when it’s been done before and there’s no real suspense
At least back in S1 Ricky could somewhat justify his actions in that he had known and loved Nini for a long time and EJ was a pretty bad dude. Now though he has no excuse. He’s known Gina for less than a year, they never dated and were just flirting for a few weeks before Gina had to move, he got back together with Nini, had 5 eps of negative interactions with Gina to start off S2, didn’t talk to Gina during the final 7 eps of S2, broke up with Nini and a couple months later started dating Lily, broke up with Lily in 3x01, and only started his friendship anew with Gina in 3x02 which was less than a week ago in universe, and now here we are. Real the first time as tragedy the second time as farce vibes
When laid out it this story looks like an unplanned mess because it is an unplanned mess. It’s not Tim’s fault that the original couple this show was built around is now irrevocably gone but there’s no excuse for such sloppiness. As I’ve said before if Tim wanted to explore either Rina or Portwell then he should have just picked one and not done the other. If he was so desperate for a love triangle then he could have just introduced a new character for that purpose
I guess the only thing I’m hoping to see come from this debacle is someone, anyone, confronting Ricky and telling him he needs to back off. I doubt it will happen of course since even though Ricky and EJ are both main characters some main characters are more equal than others
I was chatting with a friend about EJ’s future and how they think it’s looking likely that he’ll be written off in S4 and I agree. At best he might appear for a few eps. It’s hard to see him and Gina having scenes after they inevitably break up this season, there’s no realistic way he’d still be friends with Ricky, and they already have a built in escape hatch with his dad’s St. Louis school
It looks like we were bamboozled by the D23 website listing EJ’s name as Eric James when it is unfortunately Elton John. It’s a very lame reveal and shatters what little realism is left in this show. There’s no way a rich white dude like Cash Caswell would wake up one day in Utah in George W Bush’s first term which was so Republican that they gave Bush 71% of the vote in 2004 which was his highest percentage in any state and name his son Elton John
Also it was depressing to see Carlos not knowing Cash’s name since he was one of the few characters actually there for his presentation back in S2. Whether the writers just forgot or didn’t care is for the reader to decide 
We finally got the Jet and Maddox sibling reveal. It makes sense that Ricky is so shocked, they really look nothing alike and it’s surprising that the show decided to make them full siblings instead of step siblings. Still they’re an interesting duo and Adrian has the strongest voice of the male cast in my opinion. Very interesting that they’re hinting at homophobia with Jet having outed Maddox to their parents
Nice to see them exploring anxiety with Kourtney, it was part of EJ’s original character pitch before S1 but was dropped likely on Disney’s insistence 
The Carlos and Ricky friendship is really quite lovely to see
Ricky and Jet are also nice to see as Ricky slowly chips away at Jet’s walls
That Rina leaker had claimed that a main female character would come out as Bi this ep which obviously didn’t happen. They’re clearly setting up something with Ashlyn and even had Maddox ineptly tell Ashlyn that she has a crush on Val. I hope that Disney doesn’t censor wherever Tim wants to take this story
Ricky’s line about being ready to be hated by America was darkly funny and meta and I wonder how Joshua felt when he first read that line
Looking Ahead:
I hope EJ called Miss Jenn to try and salvage things
Jet being expelled from his school is interesting in that could be a contrived set up to get him to East High but that seems like a stretch to send a kid two states over for high school. And we know that Tim is ruthless when it comes to disposing of characters
I’m glad to see such open rep with Maddox but I can’t help but wonder if they’re only able to go so far with her story as well as introduce heavier family issues and homophobia only because there’s no intention of her being seen again after S3. Perhaps most worryingly is that Seb basically being written off seems to have been the price for the new lgbtq characters in S3. We know he’s back for S4 and it seems that Ashlyn will come out as bisexual by the end of this season so that means S4 will have three lgbtq main characters. Will Disney allow a fourth?
They’re really upping the hints that the kids will get famous as a result of this documentary which is a disastrous idea. It’s odd to know that even as I’m typing these lines here in Meta Manor that the S4 scripts which very well could destroy the series are being written
My last question of the night is what exactly is Tim planning for the rest of the series. I’m sure he has lots of ideas but does he have any good ones left?
Until next week Wildcats
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boneless-mika · 2 months
Ricky clearly didn’t watch Friends. “Temporary pause”
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