#hp bar
jupijitter · 2 years
Anne Zerg Rush
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lakenyamods · 5 years
originally by  lylianeis Updated to be compatible for v80 by me •Purple Hue on Laurels •Slightly changed Icon colours •Pinkish Icon for Adventure Points Download
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pantypon · 6 years
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Pink Party HP Bar
This mod just makes your party member’s HP bar turn pink above their head. Used to be blue but is now pink ! Debuff color remains purple
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joisbishmyoga · 2 years
Ok, zo. ONCE AGAIN 'the series that really needed to be confiscated from the original author years ago' has me posting.
I don't think I've mentioned it here, mostly bc I know I intended to write a ficlet but nope that didn't happen I am DONE with HP ficlets I really am. ANYWAY.
James was great at Transfiguration. Lily at Charms. Both were hardened veterans of seven years of magical prank wars, whether committing or defending from as a bystander. You're stuck in a house for months with a baby you need to protect at all costs, and you have.... exactly ONE layer of defense. Suuuuuuuure you do. I'd be making failsafes out the wazoo just from sheer bored stress pretty damn quickly.
Behold: two parent-shaped golems, pre-programmed with "Lily run" and "not Harry". At least one secret magical door + collapsing escape tunnels in every room. Brooms in the escape tunnels. Heavily shielded bunkers deep underground miles away, holding illegal Portkeys. And one bomb shaped like a baby.
Potters want big boom.
But wait! There's more! (For one thing, their Fidelius address, the one that Peter's going to tell Moldybrains, is sure af NOT in the middle of a village for Voldie and the Deathies to take out their tempers on.) Booby-trap the foyer to shoot up spikes when stepped on (if you've hit the panic button, obviously). (It might not kill him but it would certainly slow him down and hurt like a bitch. And do worse if you cover the spikes with potions!) Douse him in Draught of Living Death. Wear bracelets charmed to register as Number Whatever Fidelius Lane, Fuck-Fascists Hollow, ta-dah you're always in it. (Ok that one is a stretch, but seriously.) Get tf out of the country, choosing the destination via dartboard world map, because if Voldie has to leave England to come get you there's a chance it'll get noticed. Nested Fideliuses. Fidelii? Our location is known to our Keeper whose location is known to his Keeper whose location is known to her Keeper etc etc etc, which at least will give everybody down the chain some goddamn warning before they get to you. (And you don't pick a known close friend for your Keeper, no matter how much you trust them; anybody can break. Heck, Lily has to know other Muggleborns, they and their families would be targets but they won't be DEs, or pick the Longbottoms. Either way, do a reciprocal Fidelius.) Borrow a house-elf from Hogwarts (which is a whole 'nother rant that a lot of other people have done far better than I could); not to die for them, but to throw Volds all over the place and whatever else house-elf magic can do until they have to escape. And Dumbledore does NOT get the Invisibility Cloak, come on now, that is your last resort, something that can hide one adult and child while they flee.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
look, i'm all for "separate the art from the artist" but when the artist's personal views leak into their work--like, say, when they an entire magical race of elf slaves who just LOVE being slaves and think it's great, or an entire race of magical hook nosed, balding, money grubbing goblins that bear remarkable resemblance to anti-jewish caricatures, or making every evil woman "masculine" and ogrish--or fat--
maybe it's time to reevaluate
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shuttershocky · 3 years
A Walk in the Dust and Under Tides are complete opposites in that A Walk in the Dust's EX stages are ridiculously easy and then EX-8's battle with the Emperor's Blade is hell on Earth, while Under Tides's EX1-7 are extremely challenging with all the Reapers and Crawlers and The First to Talk dealing tons of nerve damage and stuns, while EX-8 has Bishop Quintus be as pathetic as ever.
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samthecookielord · 3 years
Intervention gone wrong
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crispywisp · 2 years
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saikiistired · 2 years
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
OMG YOU HAVE ANONS ON NOW!!! I’ve been wanting to send you an ask for ages but I’m too shy to do so with my name attached lol 😅 but!! several things!!!
- your art is INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. your style makes me weep. you capture an essence of the characters that’s impossible to put into words and i have no idea how you do it but i love it so much.
- what made me first want to message you was when you posted the art with young izumi & co. agesss ago, because your drawing of young bumi almost made me cry. i’ve never seen anyone else draw him so well. like he is OBVIOUSLY aang and katara’s son in that and tbh i don’t think i’ve seen it before. it made me weepy. thank you so much for sharing it 💖
- re: your latest art with zuko’s tattoo. you said every crew member has one. does this include iroh. the world needs answers (only if you want to give them though ajdjs 💖)
- you draw young aang SO WELL. he actually looks twelve in your art. which is heartbreaking but also so good. like i said earlier all your art is incredible but the way you drew him also made me weepy akdksjw
anyways thank you so much for your art and for being a wonderful person. i hope you’re having a good day/night 💖💖💖
Aaaa yeah lmao it turns out that you can turn anon on and off only from the laptop? And since I use tunglr mostly from my phone I didn’t notice I had it off
Anyway thANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK!! It really made my day my week my whole month.
-I loved drawing tiny Bumi (and the gaang kids in general. I don’t draw them enough lmao) and what i really love thinking about while drawing families is like asking myself which features the kids got from their parents (…does it make sense?) like for Bumi I was like yes he gets Aang’s eyes and nose but Katara’s eyebrows and cheekbones and freckles. And im so so happy you think the end result is something that actually works
- yes Iroh totally has a tattoo just like zuko’s and is the one who convinced zuko to get it in the first place
- and also I’m so so happy you like how I draw aang omg (and especially by the fact that u think he actually looks twelve bc I feel like im not really good at drawing kids? And young adults are much more in my comfort zone? But I TRIED he’s BABY he’s so young and has to Save the World and carry the Heaviest most insurmountable grief and yeah yeah. Fuck. Fuck I’m crying too.)
Thank you so so much for this and I hope you’re having an amazing day/night too!
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the zen kick ability they just added in today's beta patch is giving me new life 😎
i just took a look at it and it's fucking sick. we need more of this for all supports. mercy's gun should be a cannon that does 600% AoE damage at close range and stuns for 10 seconds. moira should just straight up have a flamethrower. lúcio should be able to noclip through walls.
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ladyhallen · 3 years
Sanctuary fic
 Premise: An AU where HP crosses over with My Sanctuary FICS
Ethan was already having a bad day when the news broke out.
“You-Know-Who is dead! Harry Potter killed him!” was shouted throughout the atrium.
He spat out his coffee and stared at the wall as everyone broke out into cheers.
“Fuck,” he swore darkly and went for the nearest fireplace.
Tom Riddle looked blankly at the summons from the Sanctuary.
It was rare, because Master Harry rarely used this privilege to call the children and only when it was urgent. The only one who could recall Master Harry doing so was Isabelle Blackthorn, who had passed away two years ago subduing a Nundu.
“Master Harry recalled everyone back, even those past seventeen,” she’d said. “And days later, Grindelwald helped the muggles bomb England.”
A lot of people had died, but none of the Sanctuary children had, because they were protected by the might of the Sanctuary and Master Harry’s magic.
Tom Riddle swore again and packed up his bar.
Margaret and Sophie, along with half a dozen other people that they knew, arrived at the Sanctuary at almost the same time.
“Is that everyone?” Master Harry asked. Then he hummed. “Ah, we’re just missing Daisy.”
“Master Harry?” Tom Riddle asked, ever the nosy one.
The old wizard looked tired. “It seems like we’ve wandered over to another timeline,” he said, in lieu of answering Tom. “It’s a bit troublesome.”
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free-piza · 2 years
caught the rona 😔
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elvesofnoldor · 2 years
tfw you called to achilles and patroclus to fight on your behalf and before you know it half of both theseus and arterius’ health bar straight up disappeared  
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feels good feels organic press f to summon zagreus’ father figures to hand theseus’ pompous ass back to him
#you actually press 1 to summon companion. but hey#i feel like achilles' companion is literally designed to make theseus's boss fight easier lmao#now i know half of theseus' HP is 1500 lmao#also im not aware of any existence of hades merch but i would like an actual plushie of companion Anto#still the funniest thing that you gave achilles an ambrosia and he handed you a fucking ant plushie#i get the reference. i know why it's an ant but it's a PLUSHIE TOY. and it's SO DARN CUTE#who even made it? nyx???#if i can use this companion in the boss fight against hades that would have been perfect#i upgraded anto already. i better be able to use it against my Actual Dad#or else i would have wasted the ambrosia i saved for orpheus for nothing#i wonder what sort of special dialogue there would be for summoning achilles against my dad hades#theseus somehow recognized achilles by the way. i didn't see achilles or patroclus' character models on the arena though#(pretty sure it's cause they don't have the animation for it. it's fine though im ok with that)#theseus was like '[beyonce?! voice] achilles?!' and then half of his health bar went missing. it was great#mae overshares#yes i also had dionysus' boon with me. absolutely smashing theseus in dionysus' magical grape soda every five second#not only is his call for aid pretty good. i figure if i use dionysus boons against theseus it'd prevent him calling dionysus for help#also im pretty sure the purple shit in dionysus' cups aren't even wine it's just crush grape soda you can get drunk on
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philautiad · 2 years
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stratuscloudsurfer · 2 years
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It’s so much fun beating up Azelf with the British train twins ( + Sonia )
Emmet’s sync nuke is insane and I love it
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