#house du couteau
jerichocopuffs · 2 years
Noxians respond to "how many people have you killed?"
Swain: define what you mean by me killing people. are you only referring to those slain by my own hand or collateral damage as well?
LeBlanc: (giggles) bold of you to assume I'd keep counting sweetie...
Darius: I have my orders.
Draven: (winks) if you wanna see me kill come to my show babe~
Marcus: (laughs in blademaster and gives you a fatherly pat on the head)
Kat: heh. scared?
Cass: it's just the game we play honey
Talon: ur mom
Beatrice: (mimics villain laughter)
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Yandere! Talon Du Couteau headcanons
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"More than 100 headcanons"
Probabilities that your loved ones will be killed.
Medium high.
Do not doubt that he is entirely capable of investigating your family or friends simply to have useful information. Considering that he is someone who already has vast experience in investigating people, do not doubt that he is capable of staying up late on several nights just to find out who should “mysteriously disappear” and who should not.
First impressions
Suppose he met you because you came to know his father or his family. He initially ignored you; He wasn't surprised by your presence in his life.
But, then you became interested in getting along with him; It doesn't matter if it's because you wanted a good diplomatic relationship with his family in general or because of a superficial interest in him.
You were the first person outside of his adoptive family to treat him genuinely well; but he tried to get away from you.
(Curious that later it is the other way around)
Fall in love
Even with his insistence that he wasn't interested in you, he ended up being somewhat curious about you.
They slowly began to talk like acquaintances, you were surprisingly kind to him, and more than once you invited him to spend time together.
And he… felt good knowing that he could trust you.
The closer they became, he slowly developed a simple crush. He seems comfortable around you, usually wanting you both to be alone so you can talk or spend time together, and he often lowers his hood when you are both together in a private place.
His family didn't usually involve much in the relationship between the two of you, in fact they cared very little (or at least in these first steps).
Beginning of "Yanderism"
Time passes, and the two become very close. He tells you about the problems he has with his family or his job, and he likes to listen to you when you talk about yours.
He's the kind of person who doesn't realize when or how he fell in love with someone, so… it's the same with Yanderism.
He himself realized late that he wanted something more than just friendship. He tried to repress what he felt, but that feeling took over his entire mind 24 hours a day, which ended up irritating him. One way or another, he ends up confessing, however, when he decides to take the risk, there are two options;
-You accept it: because he is not yet 100% a Yandere, the relationship progresses slowly, just as he slowly develops that obsession with you. In this case, Talon's obsession grows slowly.
-You reject him: Whether for any reason, you end up asking to be just friends. In this case the obsession progresses up to 80% faster than the previous case.
First murder or Yandere act.
In the first case, the only Yandere acts would be following or excessively investigating your family or friends (Something frighteningly common in relationships with Yanderes).
In the second case, it is like the above, but add several things, among them are; murdering your family or friends (especially those who have influence over you), entering your house without your permission (I bet at one point he gets tired of picking the lock and ends up making his own copy of your keys) and a couple of lies that he gives to you.
Relationship or kidnapping
In the first case, he will never end up kidnapping you, unless you discover the research he did on the people around you.
In the second case, he is a little more prone to kidnapping, in fact, if you find out what he did with your family or friends, you will end up in the most obvious way possible.
(Or even if you don't find out, he is capable of resorting to kidnapping anyway)
In case of kidnapping, where would he take you?
A place away from his house, usually in a place particularly located far from the stronghold (or from the Noxian champions in general), of course unless his father finds out, and he gives him the free pass to take you to his home.
In the first case, it is moderately good.
He's not very talkative in public, but with you it's quite different. He talks a lot and can sometimes make you laugh because of the things he tells you.
In the second case, he would be, at least, someone who is quite strict about your behavior.
He doesn't implement the punishment system, he just wants you to get used to being with him, and no, he doesn't usually force you into a sexual act or something similar. The closest thing would be a kiss on the cheek.
(Let him give you a little kiss, even if it's just that, the poor guy suffered a lot and only wants love: c)
Marriage and family.
He is not that interested in marriage, but if it suits your family's diplomatic relations, he would agree. Or ask yourself.
And as for the family… he tends to be measured when he thinks about them, but he usually avoids talking about certain things that he knows about them (Don't ask him, it's better not to cause another disappearance)
And, to add, his family would be quite surprised to know that he got a partner, but Katarina especially would feel happy, thinking that he would be more human by having someone to love.
That is, until she finds out the things he did.
Then those two will have a little talk.
↘If possible, children?
He usually has some fear, even if he doesn't admit it.
He never had a family, in fact he barely has any friends outside of his family, so he is somewhat afraid of starting a family with you.
Or at least at the beginning, when he gets over it I'm sure he'll want to have several (I don't know the specific amount, he'll leave it to his imagination)
Bad ending.
Suppose that apart from the kidnapping, you end up finding out what he did to your family and friends, which ends in a pretty heated argument.
Screams, crying, etc, etc… Many things happened the day or night you found out.
And the more the situation escalated, he lost control of you, and what he talked about (And he hated that happening).
He didn't even know how or why he did it, but he ended up either scaring you or punching you.
In both cases he regrets it almost instantly. He hated that you were afraid, especially of him, but the blow only makes the situation worse.
When he realized what he did, he looked at the wound he gave you, and the hand with which he had hit you.
(And that's his breaking point)
You tried to get away from him, but he soon ended up cornering you, after all he locked you in a room that you couldn't escape from.
Even with screams or hits on your part, he just ended up hugging you, holding his hands on your waist while he pressed his head into the skin of your neck and shoulder.
You hear a small sob, and he doesn't let go no matter how much you try to do something. His skin might be bleeding from the wounds you gave him, but he doesn't let go of you.
You barely shut up, he just whispered a few apologies. Over and over again, he apologizes to you, admitting the hurt he did to you. His broken voice accompanied by his words only showed regret, and he clung to you, because he couldn't help it, even with all the regret in the world, it was very difficult for him to let go of you.
And before releasing you, he whispered;
“I know you hate me, you detest me for what I did to you, or you even want me dead. But I can't help but want to be with you; You provoked something deep inside me, something that I cannot change no matter how hard I try… and I'm sorry." He takes some breath, ragged from crying. “I’m sorry for loving you so much, but this is the only thing I can do to feel human…” his grip tightens around you, “I can’t let you go, and even with all this, I just want to hug you and be with you… even against your will.” He stays silent, and ends up moving his head away from your neck, before bringing his face closer to your cheek. “I love you, (Name), I'm sorry for everything… But it's not going to change anything.” And he closes his dark words with a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Reasons to be Yandere.
-He never felt loved, let's say, until Marcus took him off the street, he was alone, and we are even told in the comic that he is willing to do EVERYTHING so that his father continues to love him, even if that means being a weapon. All of this can become worse if he falls in love with someone.
-His entire current life revolves around being a professional mercenary and assassin, it is inevitable that what he has learned will end up being applied to someone he loves simply to “protect” him.
-Let's agree that he lives in NOXUS, a nation where they are too violent, and he has experienced that violence since he was a child. He doesn't want you to suffer because of it too.
Additional data.
-He is very clumsy at expressing his feelings, especially when it comes to you or his actions.
-It is very difficult to reach a “breaking point” with him, the only way for the bad ending to happen is if approximately 5-6 months have passed where you treated him terribly badly even when he was kidnapped and you have denied him any sign of affection , and then yell at him for what he did to the people you loved.
-In both cases, if you end up giving him even a few cuddles, he sticks to you like a limpet. He can't get enough of you.
-In the case of the relationship, he usually gives you gifts that you like simply for pleasure (It's absolutely not because he is thinking about you almost all day).
-Katarina is the one who cares about you the most; When she found out about what you were going through with Talon (Speaking of both cases), she scolds his brother or tells him how to do things correctly, and although he refuses to take it into account, sooner or later he ends up applying it to see if he earns your keen.
-Marcus cares little to nothing about you, or at least until you start to affect Talon's performance as an assassin (This is if he finds out about the murders or the time he spent investigating you or your family), he would be the one who would agree with Talon kidnapping you, for the simple fact that he that he prefers to avoid the sentimental problems that his son has.
-Soriana and Cassiopeia don't give a shit what Talon does with you.
-Talon is the cold type of Yandere, he doesn't know how to express himself or tell you how much he loves you, so it's hard to decipher what he really thinks.
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France, 2024:
- T'as pris combien toi ?
- 1 an et toi ?
- 5 ans.
- 5 ans ? Putain mais t'as fait quoi ?
- Un soir, alors que tout le monde dormait dans la maison, j'ai entendu un bruit dans le salon, je pensais que c'était ce putain de chat qui avait fait tomber un truc. J'y suis allé pour aller voir et là, à peine en sortant de la chambre, y'a un mec qui m'a foutu un couteau sous la gorge. Il m'a amené dans le salon où y'avait un autre gars. Ils m'ont mis à genoux et ils sont allés chercher ma femme et mes enfants. Ça avait l'air de les faire rire. Quand mes enfants sont arrivés, j'ai vu qu'ils étaient terrorisés...
- Ils ont quel âge tes gosses ?
- 4 et 10 ans. Donc là, ces deux connards ont commencé à leur faire peur, comme si c'était un jeu. Tu vois, au début, j'étais tétanisé, mais quand j'ai vu la terreur dans les yeux de ma petite dernière, j'ai pété un plomb.
- Qu'est-ce que t'as fait ?
- Y'avait une paire de rollers Peppa Pig qui traînait à côté du canapé, j'ai profité d'une seconde d'inattention et j'ai réussi à assommer un des deux gars et l'autre s'est jeté sur moi, j'ai pris un coup de couteau dans le bide mais j'ai réussi à le faire tomber, là j'étais dans une rage de malade et je lui ai défoncé le crâne avec les rollers. Le mec est mort avant l'arrivée des secours. Le pire c'est que c'était même pas moi qu'ils visaient, c'était la maison de mon voisin, c'est le maire de ma ville.
- C'est chaud comme histoire. Mais je pige pas, t'étais chez toi, tu t'es défendu, je vois pas ce que t'as fait de mal.
- La juge n'en avait rien à foutre, soit disant que ces deux enfoirés avaient eu une enfance difficile. Bon et sinon, toi, pourquoi t'es là ?
- J'ai imité l'accent africain pendant un repas de famille.
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France, 2024:
- How much did you take?
- 1 year and you?
- 5 years.
- 5 years ? What the fuck did you do?
- One evening, while everyone was sleeping in the house, I heard a noise in the living room, I thought it was this fucking cat that had dropped something. I went there to have a look and there, as soon as I left the room, there was a guy who put a knife to my throat. He took me into the living room where there was another guy. They put me on my knees and went to get my wife and children. It seemed to make them laugh. When my children arrived, I saw that they were terrified...
-How old are your kids?
- 4 and 10 years old. So there, these two assholes started to scare them, as if it was a game. You see, at first, I was paralyzed, but when I saw the terror in my youngest's eyes, I lost my temper.
- What did you do ?
- There was a pair of Peppa Pig rollerblades lying next to the sofa, I took advantage of a second of inattention and managed to knock out one of the two guys and the other threw himself at me, I took a stab in the stomach but I managed to make him fall, then I was in a mad rage and I smashed his skull with the roller skates. The guy died before help arrived. The worst thing is that it wasn't even me they were targeting, it was my neighbor's house, it was the mayor of my town.
- It's a hot story. But I don't understand, you were at home, you defended yourself, I don't see what you did wrong.
- The judge didn't give a damn, saying that these two bastards had a difficult childhood. Well, if not, why are you here?
- I imitated the African accent during a family meal.
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league-of-starlight · 2 months
Katarina Voice Update concept:
Sorry to keep you waiting.
First Move:
“Who’s my target today?”
“Ready for some trouble?”
“All it takes is two knives to make a lady happy.”
Long move:
“I used to want to be my father. Now, I just want to be the best me.”
“A lot of people ask why I kill. They don’t really want to know, they just want me to stop.”
“True strength isn’t following orders, it’s about making your own decisions.”
“My Sister is missing, my brother is my enemy. The house of Du Couteau is my responsibility.”
First encounter:
“You’ve earned a death by my hand, fight for it.”
“How long can you last?”
Joke response:
“If you’re trying to make me spare you, it’s not working.”
Taunt response:
“Those are your last words? Okay.”
*yawn* “Sorry. What was that?”
“Blood for Noxus.”
“Need to sharpen my daggers.”
“Don’t miss me much.”
“Oh, now it’s personal…”
“Lucky swing.”
*Brief chuckle* “Oh, that’s how we’re playing?”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Cassiopeia: “Are you turning on me now?”
“You had your big sister worried, Cass.”
Draven: “I think I hear a breeze going through your ear and out the other.”
Fiora: “Two daggers against one sword? I like my chances.”
Garen: “Ready for a rematch?”
Kindred: “A true Noxian never backs down.”
*shaky exhale* “About time.”
Kled: “I… what are you?”
Leblanc: “I’ve always wanted to throw a dagger into one of you.”
“Don’t play any mind games with me.”
Lux: “You’d be a good Noxian.”
“Oh, look, Garen’s baby sister came out to play.”
Swain: “Let’s get this straight, you don’t own me.”
Tahm Kench: *Embarrassed* “Look, I’m not starving my heart, okay? Shut up.”
Talon: “Two blades, one free, the other stuck in another’s sheath.”
“Together again, Tal?”
Vladimir: “Could you be any more of an eyesore?”
Annie: “I’m not a tea party type of person, kid.”
Cassiopeia: “While you were gone, I borrowed your perfume. What are you gonna do about it?”
Darius: “There’s more to strength than size and power.”
Demons: “Finally, a real challenge.”
“Let’s see if a demon bleeds!”
Garen: “Prepare to be gutted, dog!” (Whisper) “I missed being with you.”
*teasingly* “Who’s hiding under all that armour?”
Rell: “You’ve got anger, kid, but not enough direction.”
Shurima champions: “My sister visited one of your tombs. She turned into a half snake monster. So, not a fan.”
Swain: “All due respect, a demon doesn’t sound like a good choice for a new arm.”
Taunt Response:
Cassiopeia or Talon: “Aw, I missed you too~”
Cassiopeia: “I’ll remember you, sister. I promise.”
Darius: “What’d all that armour do for you?”
Garen: “It was a matter of time.”
Leblanc: “I don’t care if you’re a fake. That. Felt. Good.”
Lux: “A shame, you had potential.”
Swain: “Better I kill you than your demon.”
Talon: “It didn’t need to end like this.”
Vladimir: “Ugh, you’re such a creep.”
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WIP tag game
saw this going around dash and wanted to try it too! i tag all my mutuals that feel like doing it, specially @superkitten-poison @league-of-starlight and @emluckyowl (no pressure tho)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Boys And Unfortunate Sexual Misadventures
tfgraves / attempt at humor / post the boys and bombolini / middle aged man yaoi
Here Comes A Thought
serakali / kda / panic attacks / hurt/comfort / existential crisis
Beats and Tunes and Lovers / This must be waht thrill feels like, darling
songdiva (sera x scratch) / useless lesbians / literal sleeping together / acid rain starts after the concert and scratch invites sera over
Du Couteau Siblings
character study / talon & cass & kat / i dont have much for this one / young talon
Katarina & Cassiopeia — Character Study
pre talon / non linear narrative / house not as a place but as a character (cali classic) / sister-sister relationship
Lightcannon — Isn’t that worth holding on?
star guardian / childhood friends / is it even a break up if youve never even dated / hurt/some comfort
knight/noblewoman / first meetings / country girl goes to fancy house / sign language
Name one hero who was happy
leodia / nightmares / prophetic dreams / young leodia
Remus & Arachne — Elise & Talon
writing prompt / black rose / greek mythology motifs / black sheep
After the Sun Collides
caitvi / zombie apocalypse au / young jinx / jinx goes by powder / cait and vi are pre apocalypse exes
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noxianwilled · 1 year
"Seven generations of the Du Couteau family wielded this blade. And it shattered in my hand."
katarina as a character always had the strong theme of going against her family, more specifically her father. her failure in her first mission and subsequent disappointment in him and his response to it drive so much of how she acts after, of the rebellion against his way of doing things. but one of the most fundamental things when it comes to my portrayal of her is that, after the whole fiasco that leaves her disgraced, the lesson katarina learned was that the cause she fought for was bigger than herself. she had failed noxus, and that was the unforgivable part. her mistake had been in the blind loyalty to her father and desperate need to be acknowledged by him and make him proud.
so after that, i always thought she dedicates herself to noxus entirely, and that she believes swain's noxus entirely. she doesn't care for nobility, despite her noble background; in fact, she doesn't want anything to do with the du couteaus and their legacy. i think she sincerely believes the propaganda — in the value of strength in all its forms, in the value of each person by who they are and what they offer and not for their birth.
i don't really think the daggers will stay broken, but i love the symbolism of them being family heirlooms, passed on to the one who should have been the heir, only to end up broken in her hands. it is what she does, initially in an honest mistake, later on purpose, towards everything she inherited. she doesn't embrace that legacy; she refuses to return to the du couteau home even after marcus is gone, she refuses to hold on to old allegiances to their house, she refuses his teachings and training by breaking the little rules he enforced in shaping her to be his blade. katarina embraced noxus so wholeheartedly, for what she believes it is, for what she is in it — not someone who should be respected by her family name but someone valued in her own right, for what she can do. breaking away from her family heritage entirely would just feel right.
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sarahshot1st · 2 years
"But *whyyyyy*?" Vi pouted, nuzzling into Caitlyn's shoulder.
"Because," Caitlyn replied, voice gentle yet firm, "the primary suspect on the Robinson case has been tied to a smuggling operation in Bilgewater. The department needs to send a representative to be a part of the investigation, and you're the only officer available."
"But if I go, *she'll* be there!" Vi whined.
Caitlyn ran her fingers through Vi's spiky pink hair comfortingly. "Now now, it can't be that bad."
Vi looked up suddenly. "It *is* that bad! She'll try to flirt with me the entire time."
Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. "And will that be a problem?"
Vi hesitated. "N-no, of course not! I mean, she's pretty, but she's got nothing on you, Cupcake."
Caitlyn nodded appreciatively, never having doubted for a moment her partner's loyalty. "So what's the problem?"
"It's just ... I dunno, it feels really unprofessional and distracting! You know how she is."
"Mmh." Caitlyn nodded, remembering her own previous interactions with the Queen of Bilgewater. "Well, maybe what you need to do is turn the tables on her. Catch *her* off guard.
Vi frowned. "And how would I do that?"
Caitlyn grinned wickedly, pulling her partner into an embrace. "I've got just the thing. I was having lunch with Mel the other day, and I heard the juiciest rumor coming out of Noxus..."
*the next day*
"Well, hey there, hot stuff!" Sarah Fortune exclaimed as Vi walked into the room. "Came back to see me after our last little adventure?"
Vi didn't even bother to respond, instead tossing something at the scarlet-haired woman. Sarah caught it, raising an eyebrow at the pair of fuzzy cuffs that had landed in her hands.
"Well, well, skipping the foreplay this time I see? Very well, are you going to put these on me or shall I?"
Vi paused, looking at her straight in the eye, before adopting the most cocky, shit-eating grin Sarah has ever seen.
"They're not for me. Next time you see Katarina, give them to her, and tell her that Piltover's Finest sends House du Couteau their regards."
Sarah stared at the cuffs for a long moment. Finally, in a completely neutral, deadpan tone of voice, she said, "We'll want to start by looking at the shipping manifests. If you'll follow me to my office..."
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maddiesbookshelves · 5 months
Le Patient, by Timothé Le Boucher
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The police arrests a young girl wandering the streets covered in blood and holding a knife. When they go to her house, they discover the dreadful scene of a massacre: her whole family has been murdered... Six years later, Pierre Grimaud, the sole survivor of the "Corneilles street massacre" wakes up from a deep coma. The 15 year-old teenager that he was at the time is now a young man aged 21. Disoriented, still paralized and suffuring from partial amnesia, he is put under the care of doctor Anna Kieffer, a psychologist who specialises in criminology and victimology. During their sessions, Anna tries to help Pierre remember the circumstances that led to the tragedy despite his memory loss. Pierre mentions a mysterious "man in black" haunting his dreams, a possible trauma response. After several sessions, Anna finds Pierre to be sensitive and intelligent. Moved by his story, she even starts taking a liking to him. With time, they develop a real sense of complicity. Anna can't imagine how this patient will forever change her life...
Would I recommend it to anyone? Like all of Timothé Le Boucher's work, you've got to look up potential trigger warnings (you can always ask me by the way, I'll answer as best I can), but otherwise yeah, I'd definitely recommend it. Well, you've got to appreciate mind games, mysteries and horror but yeah
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I thought Le Patient had come out before Ces Jours qui Disparaissent so I thought Le Boucher's art and the overall plot would be between this and Dans les vestiaires. Turns out I was wrong, it came out after and it's even better, so I was pleasantly surprised
My thoughts on it? All of Thimoté Le Boucher's preferred themes are back, aka time, identity and memory. His characters are always complex and intriguing, and his way of telling a story by turning it on its head always impresses me. I want to read 47 Cordes so bad, but the end isn't out yet so I'm gonna wait, otherwise I'm going to suffer
French version under the cut
La police arrête une jeune fille errant dans la rue, couverte de sang, un couteau à la main. En se rendant chez elle, les agents découvrent avec effroi une scène de massacre : toute sa famille a été assassinée... 6 ans plus tard, Pierre Grimaud, l’unique survivant du « massacre de la rue des Corneilles », se réveille d’un profond coma. L’adolescent de 15 ans qu’il était au moment des faits est aujourd’hui un jeune homme de 21 ans. Désorienté, encore paralysé et souffrant d’amnésie partielle, il est pris en charge par le docteur Anna Kieffer, psychologue spécialisée sur les questions de criminologie et de victimologie. Pendant leurs séances, Anna tente de l’amener à se souvenir des circonstances du drame, malgré ses pertes de mémoire. Pierre lui évoque la présence mystérieuse d’un « homme en noir » qui hante ses rêves, probable réponse inconsciente à son traumatisme. Après plusieurs rendez-vous, Anna découvre en Pierre un être sensible et très intelligent. Touchée par son histoire, elle se met même à le prendre en affection. Petit à petit, une véritable complicité s’installe entre eux. Anna n’imagine pas à quel point ce patient va changer sa vie…
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Comme les autres Timothé Le Boucher, il faut se renseigner sur les TW potentiels mais sinon carrément. Après faut aimer les jeux mentaux, les mystères et l’horreur
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Je pensais que Ces jours qui disparaissent était sorti en dernier, du coup je pensais que Le Patient serait entre ça et Dans les vestiaires niveau dessins et histoire, mais en fait Le Patient est sorti en troisième. Du coup j’ai été très agréablement surprise
Avis sans spoiler ? On retrouve les thèmes de prédilection de Timothé Le Boucher, soit le temps, l’identité et la mémoire. Ses personnages sont toujours complexes et intrigants et sa manière de raconter l’histoire en la retournant sur elle-même m’impressionnent toujours. J’ai énormément envie de lire 47 Cordes mais pour l’instant la fin n'est pas encore sortie alors je vais attendre parce que je sais que je vais souffrir
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edgysemi · 1 year
Ok, ok, Talon had been done dirty but boy WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO POOR MARCUS.
No, seriously, i love to hate this man but he’d been done ultra dirty. Since the last chapter essentially debunks the Marcus is LB theory, can i just complain about this STEALTHY ASSASSSIN MAN, whose teaching’s Talon follows religiously, BLASTING INTO A TEAHOUSE WITH SMOKEBOMS AND EXPLOSIONS TO PUNCH HIS DAUGHTER IN THE FACE????
WHAT PART OF THIS SUITS A STEALTHY ASSASSIN??? And what, he is suddenly AGAINST Swain? Because his words don’t match anything about Swain at all. Swain, let me remind you, is LOYAL to his friends and people who truly support him. The man has no motivation to mess with house Du Couteau other than getting rid of Soreana (whom, by the was is in Noxus because?? Reasons? And where’s Cassio by the way?????) Why is Marcus turning against Swain of all sudden? The man whom he chose to follow willingly AGAINST the wishes of his wife? Marcus is an asshole but he’s not DUMB? And Swain would NOT go against his loyal ally who helped him at his lowest??? So either Marcus is a dum dum who fell for some black rose trick, which assassinates (pun not intended) his entire character or Swain turned at him for no reason which assassinates his character instead.
Wait edit: i misunderstood the part about Soreana being in Noxus, rest of the point still stands. Where’s Cassiopeia. Is she presumed dead by the family? Does KAt know she’s a snake girl now? Shouldn’t it be mentioned AT LEAST ONCE???? Are we just gonna talk about Soreana and ignore the large elephant in the room? Apparently, because Cassio’s current status is not mentioned ONCE in the story. Completely forgotten because... Because she is, ok? Since Soreana is in Noxus, Cassio should also be, right? You got this sibling character for Katarina to bond with.... But you chose to retcon her relationship with Talon instead because.... reasons? I am NOT happy with the writing of this comic, it assassinates all of my Du Couteaus and i do not like it.
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vixtionary · 1 year
// ok so, I have thoughts uwu
Ofc this is just my personal theory (possibly biased by the fact I'm the self appointed #1 LB stan-) but hear me out: back when the Sylas comic had come out there was this theory about how LeBlanc killed J3 by posing as one of his guards or w/e, being that Sylas clearly had not done it and we can exclude the concept of it being an inside-job because there wasn't anyone in the Kingsguard known to be secretly allied with mages or w/e. The theory was that LeBlanc did this to ignite the ongoing Demacian civil war, thus weaking the target from within — because according to Noxian lore, LB seeks to gain access to magical artifacts & resources, such as petricite, and would do so before Swain took over using Boram Darkwill's bloodthirst as an alibi to start wars with regions she sought access to.
So, I believe that there is a good chance the Marcus Du Couteau depicted in the comic? Is none other than LeBlanc herself :)
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You cannot tell me this doesn't sound like smt LB would say whilst masking as her own father :) Also, the noble houses Marcus mentions? Yeah, those have already sided with the Rose obviously since the new government brought nothing but financial demise for them and demoted plenty from their ranks. That of course could have been a play on Swain's part again, using the new 'Noxian ideals' as a ploy to, in truth, take down his personal enemies that would happen to be Darkwill's supporters and for the most part the ruling class at the time.
BONUS: the ONLY scene in the comic where ravens appear is when Marcus is present :) And that means, canonically, that Swain is watching. So why would he be watching this particular encounter? It could, of course be, because Raum is stalking the actual Marcus, or it could be because he has his sights set on LB, watching her plan unfold.
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And the reason why LB herself would not be disturbed by the demon's presence? Because she, too, knows that Swain will allow her plan to unfold because it is in his best interest that it does, as well :) Even if he, personally, might take a blow from it ;3
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gxldings · 2 years
Midnight Solstice
If it means getting a shot at catching her, he would venture to the edges of the world.
Long has Talon Du Couteau lived in his older sister’s shadow. In ability, he had always felt inferior, the scar on her cheek being his permanent reminder of that fact. Though it must mean a great deal regarding her failure, to Talon its existence on a living, breathing woman is proof that he couldn’t see his goal to the end. He knows the looks he gets, from his fellow house members and headmaster. He knows they see her above him. He knows she must stare down mockingly, full of hot air and confidence as she so blatantly reveals her weaknesses to him. Weaknesses he can’t exploit, not without direct orders. So he waits, eternally in the darkness behind her (the darkness she chooses not to walk in), for the day she slips up and gives him his splendid opportunity. In this literal sense, he is the blade’s shadow. He obsessively stalks her, hoping to be granted the second chance at cutting her down.
With impunity, he would. He just needs to be told to.
In that sense, is Talon any better than a dog? Is he now a tamed mutt, willingly binding himself to the orders of a superior? What of the freedom to hunt and kill whoever he desired while scraping by Noxus’ underbelly? Is he truly a man if he would follow his sister all the way to Demacia--his country’s enemy? None of those questions must matter now, for the undeniable fact that he’s done all of this takes the stage. 
Indeed, now Talon has managed to slink through the shadows to a foreign country, journeying the long journey seemingly undetected. He hides in a brush behind a hill some distance away from the kingdom’s main gate, clinging to the slope of its surface so that his cloak may blend his figure in with the night. Katarina is long gone now, having snuck and headed for the south docks. He couldn’t have simply trailed behind the whole time, obviously, so the veiled approach proves troublesome. He’s stuck at Demacia’s border. If he peeks over his hill, he can catch a glimpse of the road leading out of the country. Good. He now serves as an independent checkpoint, having knowledge of who goes in, and who goes out. 
He won’t be going in (he’s no fool) and will simply have to wait for her to come out.
Talon likes to think to himself, about many things. When you spend so much time wreathed in umber, holding your breath in the void, your mind tends to wander. Right now, he questions why she’s done this. But that’s an easy answer, isn’t it? He’s known of her little romance for a good while now, as following her around in his spare time would inevitably reveal. It’s sickening. With how poorly she and her man hide things, it’s practically a public affair. She’s here to see the Crownguard captain. And what a waste that is. She risks her neck each time she steps foot in Demacia, and feeds a vulnerability each time she interacts with him. Scarred fingers quietly reach into a pocket, and produce an iron knife. Katarina, he calls it, the blade he’d used to mar the left side of her face. In a practiced motion, he spins it around his fingers, wondering if it should even be called that anymore. She’s careless, not worthy of a blade dedicated to her name. He sighs, resolving that if she doesn’t appear by daybreak, she’ll have been caught. Tomorrow, Katarina might be tossed into a ditch and forgotten about.
Time passes, and little happens. Demacia proves to be asleep when not even a merchant’s cart passes by Talon’s location. His eyes begin to flutter, wondering if they could snag a moment’s rest, before something catches his eye. Or rather, someone. Golden locks shine like a nightlight as they hang from a hood, eliciting silent motion from the assassin. He peers closer, inspecting his prey. It’s a lone woman, odd. She walks at a quickened pace, telling the experienced Talon that she has practice with sneaking out. He moves ever so slightly out of hiding to get a better look at her, and though he has to squint to make out any features, he recognizes her immediately. 
Luxanna Crownguard, enemy of the state--daughter of the man responsible for Cyrus’ Folly. His country wants her--and anyone with her name--dead. But Talon might have a use for her. What would Garen do if he saw her dead on the street? Would he call things off with his Noxian lover, leading her to eventually conclude that her little brother was responsible for Lux’s death? He could make it look like it was Katarina--that she went in for a quick kill on her way out. This is all technically what Talon wants, but an enraged Katarina is a dangerous Katarina. She beat him last time for a reason. Perhaps, if he takes her as a hostage, he can get into a more favorable fight. She can be convinced to duel him, where distraught and stress could be used against her. In an assassin’s world, any opportunity gained by any means is considered fair game.
Yes, that would work.
Swiftly, he darts out from his bush. There’s a gutter to her left that he can push her into, so that if any border patrol blink, they’d miss the abduction. Talon moves with the speed and elegance of a sharp wind, blowing past Lux in a flurry to grab her lithe body. The assassin’s cloak swirls around his left to blot out any vision of the scene, and the moment his hands make contact with her, she’s being pushed into the ditch. They both fall, out of sight, with Talon on top of her. The fall might have hurt, so his hand presses hard against her mouth. If she chooses to scream now, she would taste blood-stained leather and the force of a scheming younger brother. That is to say, a lot of inferiority complex. To shut her up for the rest of the night, though, he pushes Katarina to her throat, its razor edge just barely making contact with her skin and nicking some blood. 
“Keep quiet,” he hisses, voice hoarse and rough, “if you value your life. You’re being used as a hostage. Once I’m done with you, you can go.” He speaks matter-of-factly and with a serious sounding tone, but has no real intention of letting her go. Lux is just another witness, after all. She would be brought along to watch the fight between the Du Couteaus, and after its conclusion, killed before she makes it back home.
“Now keep yourself hidden. If anyone sees you, they’ll have to see you die.”
//Talon at Lux; starter for @sunsinger
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jerichocopuffs · 2 years
Kat: oh btw mom fell and hit her head
Cass: I hope she's ok
[some time later]
Cass: dad how's mom's head?
Marcus: I've had better.
Cass: ....😑
Kat: 👀
Talon: 👀
Swain's demon bird sitting on the windowsill to check on them: 👀👀👀
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popawritter12 · 1 month
Hello! I was wondering if you could do an Enduring Sword Talon x female reader? His skin lore is so fascinating but I haven't found a fiction for it just yet 🥹🫶 Take your time!
I love you and your writings 💕
(This days were horrible guys, please be patient bcs the writer Popiña in me is dying 😞)
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Yandere! Enduring Sword Talon x Fem! reader
Yandere character: Talon Du Couteau
From the videogame/movie/serie/manga/anime: League Of Legends
Case: Kidnapping, relation of god x reader and nothing more.
Part: 1 of 1.
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It was inevitable for her to be something more than human, since she could barely be anything more than a filthy, senseless, peasant donkey who even understood the alphabet, a woman who is broken, wounded, almost dead in the eyes of the gods.
But maybe that was why he chased her so much, maybe if she wasn't there he would never have returned, she would never have suffered what she had to go through.
It was still painful to remember that day, a cold autumn evening in which the leaves danced to the sound of the wind, the smell of freshly cooked food that approached from the town and spread throughout the forest, the sound of the footsteps of his boots against all the hard and brittle leaves under his feet.
It was an unthinkable and terrifying moment to wait for that pathetic day, after an ugly harvest and a terrifying dryness in the land, which would completely change her life and transform her from being a woman who was looking for meaning in her life. putrid life to a simple object, a simple thing which belonged to a ruthless God, who is selfish as a spoiled child with his toys, as sick as a patient in a psychiatric hospital after years of confinement, and as obsessed as a chess player knowing the position of each piece on his board.
Warm was the memory of her when she had first seen him; He was looking for a place to stay, since he didn't have many options since he had arrived in the mortal realm and the people, not to mention that they were not very kind to him. Therefore she decided, for the first time in her life, to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him shelter in her house.
It was painful to think that there was the option of seeing everything, of not giving him a space in her life, and especially, in her heart; She must have noticed in those grayish eyes that hint of evil, that hint of cruelty, obsessed with a bit of selfishness. And now for the first time, that she had managed to have even a hint of desire to live, everything had been taken away from her.
—Then what would you ask me here? —She asked, her hands playing with her fingers, and a feeling of doubt in the air.
He didn't respond instantly; His gaze had been fixed on the horizon, but soon, he turned to see his beloved. In his eyes, dimmed by a soft look, the feeling of security is observed.
—There is something I have always wanted to tell you—He begins his explanation—, and I think that if I don't tell you now, I will never have an opportunity like that again.
He gasped, feeling how his entire body began to have an unbearable weight, as if his mere existence were an enormous weight for a human being.
The only difference was that he was not a human being.
With a gentle touch on the woman's fingers, a grip on her palm, and a few caresses on her cracked, dry skin, he took his heart in his hands, and with a sweet but grim tone, he set his eyes on the woman's, gently parting his lips, with a slowness never seen before.
—(Name)... I have to say that, with all the time that has passed, and all the times that you have offered me your help, I can say, with complete certainty —He whispered, trying to extend his words, proving that It could sound so sweet with her —, that you, the first person who supported me from the beginning, has managed to...
But before his unmistakable but tenacious act of confession was about to come to a close, with a separation of her hands from his, the woman spoke;
—I am married.
As rough as sandpaper running over someone's arm and as hard as a slap to the face, it was as if, for the first time in his long, undaunted life, something worse was in store for him; something up to three times worse than a life as a mortal. And that was, without a doubt, an entire life without her, a life, whether mortal or immortal, without someone who had appreciated him and brought about her redemption.
Nothing came from his lips, the wind gently moved his white hair loose and free before the world, the consolation of nature was so soft that it resembled the pity it offered to the poor man, and the little emotion—which until this moment moment was the security he felt about that woman's feelings—faded, or rather, mutated, mutated into a great, disgusting beast, into a rotten, ugly feeling so strong that its soft grip became more cruel, more subduing and that carried a bitter taste in the air that could be felt for miles.
That was the taste of rejection, and, more than anything, the feeling of hate. At this, he just sighed, his heart trying to adjust to the feeling of desolation stuck in his soul.
—So… married. —He whispered, his heart weighing even more.
He let go of her hand, her gaze was now lost, she was so empty, as if she had lost all meaning, as if her entire life had reduced all of her importance to this moment.
—Yeah… —She responded, her voice so rough and dry that it seemed like the sand was staying in his throat —..., I'm sorry.
That low, timid tone, sheltered in a shadow of horrendous chills, that scared look like that of a mouse begging a human for a piece of meat, god…. It was so tempting, so beautiful, so fucking tempting, that he had to gasp heavily, beating down the longing for her, screaming down that gross desire.
—You don't have to apologize —He said, —, I just hope you're happy.
He took her hand again, more gently now, carefully separating each finger. He leaned gently, and with a falseness incompatible with his current state, his lips touched the skin of her palm, pressing gently to give her the sensation of love that he so repressed in his heart, softened and rotten by such a level of sentimental illness, and when he walked away, a grimace of ill-painted happiness formed on his face.
—I hope thaat person give you the happiness you deserve... —He gasped for a second, erasing the word of possessiveness, without letting go of her hand —, dear (Name).
That afternoon he withdrew from her life, that fall was going to be trapped forever as the memory of her downfall, as the only fact that was really going to differentiate her life from that of any other human.
And that was her awakening; only when the season of orange dyes came to an end, the silk as sweet as a ripe dessert fruit accompanied by a funny company, the smell so pure that it would make any mortal sick, and a brilliant white that cleared the view so much that it resembled to be under the same sunlight. The bourgeois air that overflowed from the rustic, whitish-colored decoration seemed to make the new woman in the kingdom sick, and only at the moment of the man's accelerated footsteps outside the room did she decide to lie back on the bed, snuggling her head against pillow.
Not even the door was touched when he entered, and with a few silent steps, he leaned his lower body against the bed; the feeling of sweetness in his soul basked in glory at seeing her so rested, so immovable, so... sensitive to any look daring enough to rest on a figure so well structured, but so poorly cared for.
A smile spreads across his face, the smell of smoke and the uncontrollable heat of the fire still overwhelming him, even with all the hours that had passed.
But all those airs of pain, desperation and crude attempts to escape dissipated like a blizzard at the sight of the glimpsed body of such a peasant girl.
—So sweet... —He whispered, grabbing a stray strand of hair —.., and so sensitive.
He looked as enchanted as a bee on a flower, as addicted as a king to accumulating wealth, and as attached to that tenacious feeling as a womanizer is to flirting with any woman.
—I hope you wake up soon, my sweet (Name) —He gasped, tucking the lady's hair behind her ear —, you will enjoy life away from that town, and from... —Talon didn't continue, he just gasped with more heaviness —..., that useless one.
A few seconds later, aggressive footsteps, echoing from the cue crashing violently against the ground, and irregular panting accompanied by exasperating screams of complaints are heard outside.
—This damn idiot! —The goddess complained, her steps still sounding aggressive —, next time I won't let Morgana take that sword.
Hateful, that's how he could describe that woman who, just once, had managed to take everything from him.
The man looked so calm that such peace seemed inconceivable, and even a certain happiness was appeased in his soul, as if the approach of that woman meant a new objective for the man; a new way to show again to his beloved peasant how much he loved her, and even, if it were not for his current situation of having just returned to the kingdom of immortality, he would try to cut off the head of that goddess, solely and exclusively to remind her to (Name) the need for possession he had over her soul, and the power that existed between him and her.
Some aggressive knocks are heard outside the whitish room.
—I'll go take care of her, so you don't have to pretend to be asleep, okay? —He whispered, a kind smile trying to show her how much favoritism he had over her —. Make sure you don't make noise, my beautiful peasant.
Talon's body leaves the bed, and within a few seconds, the entire room; A new trial was about to begin, and now, there was great justification for it.
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Bruh, I loved giving this guy a little story, I love him so much....
(He is literally my salvation from this horrible world, but he doesn't know it yet<3)
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
À cause de House je suis en mode #angst donc imagine un épisode de HPI où Karadec est blessé - je sais pas, peut-être qu'il poursuivait un suspect et que ce dernier dégaine un flingue ou un couteau - et il finit à l'hôpital. Et quand il se réveille Morgane est à ses côtés et ça se voit qu'elle a pas/mal dormi depuis 3 jours, avec les vêtements froissés, les traces de mascara sous ses yeux, le chignon défait. Et il dit "Hey" et elle est là en mode "Espèce d'idiot" et il est juste content de voir que, finalement, elle ressent la même chose que lui, même s'ils ont tous les deux fait semblant d'oublier le baiser, même s'ils se sont enfermé dans le déni, même s'ils ont soigneusement évité de reparler de leurs sentiments.
(ok, on va passer sur le fait que je réalise seulement maintenant que House MD en fait c’est Dr. House... 😂)
Est-ce que c’est un prompt ? Non parce que j’avais déjà imaginé une situation où Karadec est blessé et dans le coma à cause d’une intervention qui a mal tourné (bonus points s’il s’est pris une balle en protégeant Morgane 🥲), et du coup elle passe tout son temps à son chevet à lui parler, elle se met à le tutoyer, et au bout d’un moment elle commence à l’engueuler en lui disant qu’il a pas intérêt à crever parce que “j’en peux plus de parler à des pierres tombales, moi, tu comprends ?”
Voilà voilà, ça c’était gratuit, mais du coup, on peut tout à fait envisager d’ajouter le réveil que tu décris (les gens qui disent “Hey” en se réveillant à l’hosto dans la fiction me font toujours beaucoup rire, qui fait ça dans la vraie vie ?).
Par contre, dans ce scénario... où est passée Roxane ?
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league-of-starlight · 7 months
Voice Update concept: Talon.
I was originally going to wait until after the poll, but I’m not sure how many votes Talon would get. So… consider this a brief gift. The poll’s still active, so feel free to vote for your pick if you haven’t already.
@thomas-jefferson-miku-binder I hope you enjoy.
First Move:
“Another assignment.”
“My blades are sharpened.”
“They will fill the slum.”
Long move:
“I am a blade sharpened by Noxus. No more and no less.”
“Honour is the mark of a fool, not an assassin.”
“The true assassin only trusts their blades.”
“I serve the man who bested me.”
“I must be perfection. An assassin feels no remorse. A blade has no family to love. A killer has no tears to shed.”
“In the gutter of Noxus, I learned one thing. How to kill.”
First encounter:
“You are my mark.”
“Found you.”
“Don’t struggle.”
“Escape isn’t possible.”
*Talon tries to slowly draw his finger on his blade, but accidentally cuts himself and shakes his finger off*
“I have no room for- *sound of pain* Ow, ow, ow!”
Joke response:
“Do you see me smiling?”
Taunt response:
“I’ve heard better last words.”
“Swiftly slain.”
“The gutters will be full today.”
“To the darkness, I return.”
“I must heal.”
“Back to the gutters.”
“Their assumption will doom them.”
“An error. Must not repeat.”
“So close to the edge of perfection.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Briar: “How do you keep finding me? No, really, how?”
Cassiopeia: “The lesser daughter of Du Couteau.”
Garen: “You are the man Katarina has fallen for?” *scoff*
Ionian ninjas: “Honour is the way of fools, not assassins.”
Ally: “The blades of house Du Couteau, reunited.”
Enemy: “One of us will live to savour this.”
Kled: “You… are very strange. Please stay away from me.”
Leblanc: “I do not swear loyalty to you.”
Swain: “Your power makes you corrupted.”
Vladimir: “Your eccentricity does not fool me, leech.”
Cassiopeia: “Father mentioned you. It wasn’t good things.”
Kayn: “I don’t need a demonic weapon to kill.”
Swain: “In the name of House Du Couteau, you will be slain.”
Vladimir: “I’d never attend your parties. Frankly, I don’t see why anyone would.”
Taunt Response:
Katarina: “I spotted three openings in the time you took to say that. No, wait… four.”
Cassiopeia: “Farewell, sister.”
Garen: “How to tell Katarina…”
Jhin: “Performance is a child’s pastime.”
Katarina: “We both knew it would end like this.”
Kled: “I think he spit on me.”
Leblanc: “That felt… strangely cathartic.”
Swain: “The general will be pleased.”
Movement near an allied Katarina:
Talon: “This changes nothing.”
Katarina: “I thought so. Don’t die out there.”
Talon, quietly: “Likewise.”
Movement near an enemy Katarina:
Katarina: “You can be more than his weapon, Talon.”
Talon: “What other future is there for me?”
Katarina: “You already know.”
If joking near a Katarina:
Talon: “Stop looking at me like that.”
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League of Legends Works In Progress
The Boys and Unfortunate Sexual Misadventures
— Twisted Fate / Malcolm Graves
The battle with Bombolini might be over, but the war with closeted homosexual feelings towards your life-long crime partner has just begun.
[ attempt at humor, mature, middle aged man yaoi ]
Here Comes a Thought
— Seraphine / Akali
Seraphine has a panic attack, worse thsn the usual one. Despite always wanting this life, she finds the hardships and pressure of it suffocating. Akali is there to make it all a little more bearable.
[ k/da, anxiety, hurt/comfort ]
This must be what thrill feels like, baby
— Seraphine / Scratch
After the festival, Seraphine invites Scratch to hangout. They talk about music, about performing and about each other.
[ first date, rivals to lovers, music theory ramble ]
That’s Our Lamp
— Katarina Du Couteau & Cassiopeia Du Couteau
The manor had been cold for as long as Cassiopeia could remember. The dark marble with which the walls were built gave their house a somber feel, that whatever walked there, walked completely and utterly alone. The size of the palace––for that's what it truly was—made her feel impotent before the ghosts of the past, that resembled gods more than they resemble people. They breathed behind their portraits, making sure all was in order even from below the ground, even from under the dry paint. Cassiopeia wondered if one day people would look up to her just as she looked up to them, if she, one day, too, would know what it was like to be worshiped.
[ character study, older sister kat, house not as a place but as a character ]
Isn’t that worth holding on?
— Jinx & Luxanna “Lux” Crownguard
Jinx and Lux reminisce about the past, about first loves, and say goodbye to a relationship that never truly blossomed, for better or for worse.
[ star guardian, “break-ups”, childhood friends ]
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