#hope this was enough plushies
little-pup-pip · 4 months
I've never done something like this before, but I saw a mutual doing it (sorry if I do it wrong! I'm trying my hardest)
I want a mood board with a green theme, and lots of plushies! No paci, please
Have a great day :D !!!!
Here you go!!
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
[ cw: trauma / mind control / separation anxiety / autophobia / ]
Something that kills me is that there’s no way in hell that Raph’s debilitating separation anxiety isn’t infinitely worse after the movie. The trauma of being Krangified like that, all alone, would probably regress him so hard.
Not to mention his worries of getting “weird” would likely get mixed up with his experience while Krangified - aka, he loses full awareness, and when he’s brought “back” it’s to the understanding that he attacked his own family (of course not to his own fault at all, but how much of that does he believe?)
The fear of being alone would take on another layer and become a fear of himself.
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I am obsessed with baby malleus. He looks so baby, his little clawsies!!! Look how he's clinging to Lilia!!! 💜💜💜 There's not a single thought behind those eyes in his little baby brain he's just a teeny tiny baby lizard dkfhfhdjskffhsjgd
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Me rn to everyone in my vicinity:
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solarisgod · 3 months
Hi, starlights. ♡ We wish to provide a gentle reminder to you guys that you all are so amazing and wonderful regardless of anything and everything. We know the early 2024 has been rough for a lot of folks, including myself, but we wish to remind that many people, with us, are most proud of you for everything while as long as you're trying your best, then that will always be more than good enough. We hope for everyone that they will continue to make warm and happy memories with their friends and loved ones and comfort characters / muses over this year and more that will be as much kind and gentle to them as so deserved. It's always nice to see people be happy with their friends and muses through talking or writing / creating together. Just know that regardless of it all, none of us is ever alone and we are all most loved by many with the stars and trees and other remnants of love itself. Much love and light to you all. 💖✨
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fisheito · 1 month
Imagine you have to set up yakumo's enclosure for the next couple months. How do you set it up and what do you put in there?
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i am standing in my room, leggies rooted to the floor. i am in shock .frozen and i have no idea how to proceed. there is a perpetual pathetically sobbing serpent under my blankie.
#stares at the camera and stage whispers#i can't be responsible for another living creature. i can't. or . er. i can. but I SHOULDN'T#i'll have to suppress every violent urge in my body to keep this thing alive for several months#i CANNOT fling him out the window. i WILL NOT grab his entire face and squeeze. I SHALL NOT chew on his tail.#now i'm reminded of that post where it's a pretty princess cage on the floor and comments go [that aint big enough for a dog]#and OP is all [it's not FOR a dog 😀]#yeah. that's me right now imagining a full grown yakumo in a cage by my bedside#SO FOR EASE OF MY IMAGINATION AND TO increase yaku's chance of surviving these next months#i'm going to try real hard to imagine him exclusively in pocket snake form (scrunches up my face in valiant effort)#his enclosure (crib?!?!) is flanked on all sides by eiden plushies#since yaku is an adult there is a smaller chance of him suffocating on eiden in his sleep. wait. actually#arranges the eiden walls to give some pockets of air. i don't trust him. he WILL suffocate on eiden given the opportunity#he gets one of those tiny dollhouse cooking sets for enrichment LOL#or i'll give him a bunch of those make-your-own gummy kits with elaborate setups and tiny egg gummies#crying yaku is the excuse i need to finally get a humidifier#i can survive not misting myself.. usually... but yaku will cry himself into dehydration. it's misting time#he gets an entire alcove closed off in the corner with his basic needs met. i cannot perceive#he can lurk in privacy as much as he wants. there are at least TWO hot rocks in there with garukaru's faces painted on em#there is a duplicate open-space alcove next to it for when he actually wants something from me LOL#is he a free range snake? can i take him to a bunch of restaurants and shove food into my sleeve for him? he wants to sample the delights..#tempted to put a bell on him just so if he gets loose in the basement i'll know to fish him out#but he's pretty cautious... he won't get into any fatal situations in the house right? ...does he know how to swim?!#at least one day is reserved for testing yaku's swimming capabilities.#he is going into the bathtub while it has a film of water. gonna test his traction. i hope i won't get panic-strangled#asks
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stinky-fuck-swag · 7 months
Stinky Fuck Swag Bracket A Side A: Round 1, Match 7
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) VS Dimple (Mob Psycho 100)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Reigen Arataka:
Stinky personality boy. You know him you hate him stinky as fuck boy
I know he is a ghost and not a corporeal living being but i'm positive he stinks. He looks like a fucking fart cloud
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Bunny I made for my younger sister for Christmas!! Piercings are safety pins and jump rings
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tj-crochets · 6 months
if I'm making a big semi-spherical Mothman plushie* and I have minky and slightly-longer-pile-than-minky black fabrics, should the fuzzier fabric be for the body or for the wings? *I save tiny batting scraps and fabric scraps too small for me to sew (less than 1") for use as stuffing but I never actually use them so I'm making a thing specifically to stuff with that scrap stuffing. Also so I can use some larger scrap batting to test double layering batting, because I can use that in the wings
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dandyshucks · 1 month
also i have acquired a second-hand rolling desk chair (no more wooden dining table chair YIPPEE) and it is old and in slight disrepair but OOOHH ITS MAKING SUCH A DIFFERENCE, i can actually sit at my desk comfortably to work on things,,,, sewing the plush dolls is going to be so much easier now :3
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honeytuesday · 2 years
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honey's trinkets in seaside jasmine (tap for better quality)
#hny.img#as requested by chanda 💕💕#let the trinket tour commence!#1) notebooks (2) with green for Actual Use and tan for Wistful Dreams that i will one day write something nice enough to put in there#2) old book from high school that i am trying to reread (unsuccessfully)#3) earrings (2 pairs) blue geometric ones broke upon putting them on 💔 but theyre so pretty so we keep (((':#4) hair wrangling devices (3) bc it is simply too hot for hair down#5) nail polish (2) light blue for the girl i wanna be....dark green for who i actually am#6) necklace (1) goes with none of my outfits!!! but so pretty so it goes in the hoard#7) pins (2) butterflies. need i say more#8) bracelet (1) made it when i was 9 and convinced that i could manifest my way into becoming a sea goddess.#9) pretty rock (2) friend in pocket. no explanation needed.#10) teeny tiny plushies (2) excellent weapon for bonking friends#11) possessed bear charm with bells (1) it jingles. that is enough for me#12) tubes of various purpose (3) tinted balm + brow gel + shitty but pretty pen. is there anything else u Really need? no#13) perfume (1) daily dose of Smells Nice Disease ✨#14) bells (4) fell off my first pair of dance bells. sentimental value 900000000000000000 (:#hope u enjoyed!!!#chanda this was very very fun ty for the tag love <3333#anyone who sees this and wants to do it PLEASE do and tag me if you make one!!!!! would lovelovelove to see it ((((:#ah christ. apologies for absolute behemoth of an essay in the tags
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hadalzonee · 2 months
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okay okay okay one more npost. i took him to the marine tube on saturday
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seahdalune · 11 months
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(Ask for Payment link, because Tumblr keeps eating it up </3)
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piplupod · 10 months
wtf do ppl ask for on their bdays, this is so difficult goddamn
this is the most ridiculous and first-world problem to have but im trying desperately to think up anything that i could ask for this year bc my bday is coming up and my mother is asking for a wishlist from me, but all i can think of is either things she would judge me for (plushies, cute decor like figurines, etc) or expensive stuff like an external harddrive - i'll probably still put that on the list just in case fdsjkl my sister asked for some wickedly expensive stuff this year, maybe more than one person can go in on it together to get one for me oughhh i hate this though bc it makes me feel greedy and selfish fsfdjkl gifts stress me out so badly
im desperately wracking my brain to come up with maybe art supplies that i dont have yet but i think i have mostly everything that i can use for now and that is easily acquired (i dont want parents to have to go searching for shit online fdsjkl that makes them cranky w me) and that i can use without having to have five other tools at my disposal already so,,, augh. hrm. sigh.
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you-will-return · 11 months
Got a plushie :)
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akkivee · 1 year
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look how fluffy sakakihara-san’s jacket is i want one so bad 😭😭😭😭
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
Good morning everyone welcome to another day of me being hopelessly and completely in love with Rex 🥺💖💖
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