honeydropcrow · 2 years
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A little (Feol) Viera. 
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thisfeelingyourname · 11 months
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hello! you can call me isadora or artesia. i am 29, wlw, crazy gemini and live in the usa. i have been roleplaying since i was a teenager and have what seems to be an undying love for it! some of my favorite musicians are bjork, summer walker and lady xo. some of my favorite anime are nana, beastars & gundam, especially char's counterattack.
thank you for stopping by!
contact --
kik: syrupdoll
discord: honeytouched
tumblr: ask or im
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followthehoney · 4 years
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Heading into Cambridge to do our weekly Friday local deliveries and curations to ship off. Buzz/Text: 413-834-6415 if you’re in need. Couldn’t resist sharing this sweet photo of Oxx’s brave nephew handling his first swarm Sunday. The future of natural beekeeping! #NextGenBeekeeper ❤️🔥🐝🔥#NextGenBeekeepers #GenZ #Repost @oxxbeekeeping My nieces and nephews grew up around bees. He spotted this swarm at my surprise birthday party. He didn’t expect to hold this one, but he was the bravest out of the crew. This was a day he overcame a lot of fears. I teach my #family #fearlessness #TogetherLikeTheBee #WeAreNature #OxxBeekeeping get #HoneyTouched Adding a few of our own tags here! #FollowTheHoney #Bees #Honey #Swarm #SwarmSeason #BeeWhisperer #Beekeeper #BeekeeperLife #TogetherWeRise #BeekeepeesUnited #LoveIsLove https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJre4LnJFD/?igshid=1spa1xezlssv5
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sonnjaswelt · 7 years
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Bei meinem Shoppingtag im A10 Center habe ich einen RITUALS Shop @ritualscosmeticsde entdeckt. Da wir hier auf dem Land so etwas nicht haben, habe ich die Chance genutzt und mich beraten lassen. Die Verkäuferin war sehr nett und hat mir viele Produkte vorgestellt und meine Fragen kompetent dazu beantwortet. Man konnte auch viele Produkte ausprobieren und sich von den Düften einfangen lassen. Ich habe mich heute für das Set Ritual of Ayurveda entschieden. Es enthält: 🌱himalaya scrub 🌱yogi delight 🌱yogi flow 🌱honey Touchscreen Voll begeistert haben mich die verschiedenen scrubs, da ich Peeling sehr gern benutze und die die Düfte naja ich konnte mich kaum entscheiden. #sonnjaswelt #rituals #ritualscosmetics #himalayascrub #yogidelight #yogiflow #honeytouch #harmony #ayurveda #passion #happiness #naturalbeauty #wellnessfürdiehaut #wellness #entspannung #peeling #himalayapeelingsalz #duschöl #duschgel #körpercreme
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
* all is full love.
hi there! call me artesia! i am 25, a lesbian living in the central timezone and am timezone friendly! my discord is honeytouched #0514 & my kik is syrupdoll.
i am a selective independent bill kaulitz roleplay blog looking for long term interaction with a roman reigns roleplay blog! plot lines i am currently interested in roleplaying are below. if you have read my rules & are interested in roleplaying with me, just shoot me an ask or hit me up on discord or kik. thank you for reading! now, onto the good stuff!
no minors. you must be 21+ or older.
since all of my past writing partners have been women i prefer writing with other women.
i love getting to know my roleplay partner! being able to establish out of character chemistry is vital to me. if we get along and enjoy each other’s company then our characters will enjoy one another’s company as well.
my writing style is advanced, prose/novella, third person and prefer the same from my partner.
on average my replies are paragraph length or longer and prefer a partner that offers the same.
i have been roleplaying for almost a decade! it has always been a private love of mine & i am glad to be returning to it.
communication is key! life happens and sometimes we are not available to roleplay. if i am unable to roleplay for whatever reason i will let you know, i ask for the same from my partner.
if you are uncomfortable or unsatisfied with a particular roleplay, let me know! i will do the same with you and i would be happy to work together with you to create something we both enjoy.
i am timezone friendly!
replies are daily, at least several replies per day. again if i am unable to reply immediately i will let you know.
in character conversation is welcome and encouraged! just like the writers themselves, it’s important our characters get to know each other as well.
i use tumblr for casual in character conversation between our muses. kik and discord are for roleplays themselves, although i am open to in character conversation there as well as long as they are in separate chats. i also love to use my roleplay blog as an aesthetic & moodboard space for my muse.
i do work weekends so saturdays and sundays may be slow reply days on my end.
what type of roleplay do i like?
i enjoy slice of life, drama, angst, romance plot lines!
i enjoy writing sexual scenes as long as it is part of the plot.
any limits?
no gore, abuse of any kind, most kinks.
anything else?
do not contact me if you have not read my rules or what muse i am wanting to interact with.
can i see your writing?
sure! feel free to view my works here.
i. a softer timeline - slice of life / au / drama / angst / slow burn romance
wrestling has never been a real point of interest for bill. all of that sweat, drama & chairs to the head and broken bones? he’d rather watch a marathon of pawn stars. maybe it’s because he’s never found any of those guys cute enough to pique his interest in something so boring, but one evening he gets invited by a friend to a house show in town and he decides to check it out. why not? never hurts to try something new.
plus, there’s drinks.
little does he know that sometimes it’s cream that curiosity gets the cat for when he sees him move around that ring for the very first time, that golden boy grin and that beautiful body slick in that burning crown of lights, bill thinks that wrestling might not be such a shitty sport after all. he wonders how in the world he could ever stand side by side with this guy. roman, he thinks, is his name. at least that’s what the crowd was chanting when he was on stage. it’s fitting somehow, that name for that face, for that body, for that man.
bill was never one to believe in fate– at least not publicly anyway, so nobody had any clue that he started wishing on stars, on feathers he found on the sidewalk, pennies on his door step, full moons & new moons, on flowers that bloomed in his tiny garden on his tiny patio. maybe that was what paid off for him, his having faith, his believing, in fate, in love, in awkward only in a movie kind of encounters, because one night in the parking lot in the aftermath of another brilliant house show the two of them meet, sharing cigarettes and twin flames, destiny smiling beautifully down upon them.
ii. grief work - post break up / drama / angst / au
“sometimes shit like this just happens, ro. we don’t always get it right the first time.”
sometimes we don’t. sometimes things just fall apart so that we can put ourselves back together again, so that we can put those broken things back together again. sometimes it’s with the right person, but at the wrong time. sometimes people have to walk away from what they have with one another so that they can come back together in the right way, stronger, healthier and ready to create something better together. knowing that doesn’t make the pain any easier to deal with.
it’s driving roman crazy with guilt, his heart breaking more and more each day knowing that bill is so close yet so far away. this break up has been the hardest, most painful experience of his life. he isn’t sure what to do with himself, with all of this grief and sadness. there isn’t anywhere, or anyone to pour it into, not anymore. he knows bill isn’t faring any better. each day he has to talk himself out of calling bill, checking on his social media or texting him.
life hurts without bill, it hurts a lot more than roman ever thought it would.
he knows he didn’t get it right the first time, but maybe, just maybe, he can get it right the second time.
iii. playing game. - smut / angst / drama / au / possibly romance
“gotta stop comin’ around here, kitty cat.”
mutually assured destruction, a game that’s lusciously familiar to the both of them. the two of them flit around the same, warped, hollywood brain rot circle of celebrity, though perhaps bill’s claim to fame is a little more… controversial than roman’s. naturally, they lock eyes at a party one evening and were both as good as gotten.
they keep this thing on the low, surviving each other with a few high altitude fucks whenever the stars align or whenever roman triple texts bill in the middle of the night after another party at some a list celebrity’s mansion. roman is a little worried that feelings might slowly be getting involved here, but from whose side, he isn’t quite sure, that geminian intuition of his failing him all of a sudden.
all he knows is that kitty is fast starting to sink his claws into the big dog, for better or for worse.
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roleplayfinder · 5 years
hello! i'm artesia, 25. current itch is 1x1 m/m bandom x wrestling rp & looking for a long term advanced/experienced roman reigns muse for my bill kaulitz. slice of life, au, slow burn romance & plots listed on my blog. rules, info for mun & muse found on my blog as well! discord, kik or tumblr all work well! please be 21+. discord: honeytouched #0514 & kik: syrupdoll. feel free to take a look at everything & if you are interested i look forward to writing with you.
honeytouched #0514
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rosemund-fr · 7 years
All the Godly
Clan Rosemund is usually a peaceful clan. Not, like, idyllic, because hot damn some folks is assholes, but peaceful. You know, the kind of peace a city guard means, when you can’t hear the shouting if you stand next door and none of the arguing’s being done with hammers and stabby things. None of that nasty disturbance stuff going on, or unspeakable horrors of the night, or whatnot-- well, technically Michael is a deranged entity of cosmic injustice, but as long as he does that kind of thing in private it’s fine.
Which is to say, usually nobody gets terribly quibbly about religious-type matters. Why bother, right? some are god-loyal, some are elementally indifferent, we’ve got a fresh crop of cultists just the other day to strengthen our fabrication capabilities-- the whole point of civilization is inter-elemental cooperation, even if Hesti’s got some weird personal propheteering thing going on. Heck, we even tolerate atheists.
Which makes this weird.
Clan Rosemund never had factions, until Hesti declared the ritual aspect of the Honeytouch cult forbidden. Clan Rosemund never had factions, because Hesti didn’t give a damn or let others bother others about it provided they contributed practically to the clan.
So is Hesti going mad? Is someone influencing her? Or did she actually find out something about the Honeytouch Cult that’s more sinister than their avowed purpose of making really pretty... things... and having great orgies?
Because the worst outcome for everyone is that people start taking sides. And the silly part is, everyone but the atheists can agree that the gods exist and it’s good to be on their non-thunderbolty sides (well, except for some lightning dragons, but Tony only swears at Stormdad when he needs some extra voltage for his experiments). Having at least one votary of each god is kind of the basic principle of a mixed clan-- you’re not a clear target for any god with at least one of their element-type in the line of smiting-- so who benefits from trying to pick and choose?
That is the million-treasure question: who? Or what?
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honeytouched · 3 years
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manuelachristiana · 4 years
Mein Produkttest: Melora Manuka Body Lotion Auffallend feuchtigkeitsspendend, pflegend und aufbauend; würzig-herber „Honeytouch“-Duft "DOUBLE ACTION" klingt gut! Aber in der Tat bietet die Bodylotion "Honey and Oil", also Honig und Öl der "Superpflanze" Manuka. Und das verspricht natürlich bei einer Creme schon einen echten Hydro-Boost. Die Creme ist in einer klassischen Squeeze-Tube, aus der man sie optimal herausdrücken kann. Die Creme ist zwar sehr reichhaltig, lässt sich aber auf der Haut extrem gut verteilen und verreiben und entfaltet seine softe Qualität. Die Body-Lotion ist sehr, sehr angenehm auf der Haut, erfrischt und man spürt sofort die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe. Die Haut fühlt sich sofort weicher und geschmeidiger an, geglättet und mit ausreichend Feuchtigkeit versorgt. Die Creme ist extrem und auffallend feuchtigkeitsspendend, pflegend und aufbauend. Das spürt man und das zeigt sich sofort an der Haut. Die Creme zieht auch sehr, sehr schnell und rückstandslos ein und hinterlässt ein überzeugend softes, angenehmes, gepflegtes und glattes Hautgefühl. Düfte sind immer Geschmackssache. Hier hätte ich mir einen auffallenden, eher süßlichen Honig-Duft erwartet, tatsächlich ist der Duft aber doch etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und hat eher holzig-ölige, herbe Aromen und einen eher zurückhaltenden, bitter-würzigen Honig-Touch. Eine auffallend feuchtigkeitsspendende, pflegende und aufbauende Body-Lotion also, die die Haut repariert und ihr zu natürlicher, gepflegter Geschmeidigkeit und Glätte verhilft, mit einem leichten herb-würzigen „Honeytouch“-Duft. Danke! c) M. / 27.11.2020 _______________
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Spine Support Memory Foam Single Size Mattress (72 x 36 x 4) Mattress by HoneyTouch
HoneyTouch is our range of products which are not only designed for maximum comfort but the material components are engineered for optimal spine health for all age groups. Foam mattresses are comfortable, as they provide proper support to the spine. The options at Pepperfry include memory foam, PU foam, coir and foam, HR foam, cool gel foam, and rebonded foam. Memory foam mattresses are always better as they adjust body temperature, supports back, motion transfer, and are durable. You can check out more memory foam mattresses online at Pepperfry.
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#tbt Tigra and Bunny celebrating #gandjeff’s wedding and things we don’t remember happening. . . Ps: @honeytouche recognize that card? 😍 #mjforever #photobooth #lipgloss #cheese #bff #photoevidence #areyoudrunk #welikethecarsthatgoboom #tigraandbunny #wasmjthere https://www.instagram.com/p/BozjjtxHNHE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=194y4yq1ik82f
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richrantferguson · 6 years
Equations of Satanization
While we Twitter-bomb our opinions about kommissars and collusion, hate mongers and societal confusions, our unperturbed shadows slip by life’s asylum guards, cavorting and crooning in cool gardens of hellos and honeytouch. To hell with equations of satanization, our shadows say. Be damned all dirigible syllables of crash and burn battles. We may be your darker reflection, our shadows contend, but at least we know how to party discreetly when the lights are low.
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followthehoney · 4 years
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Great rising happy birthday to dear bee brother Oxx @oxxbeekeeping whom we were blessed earlier this month by his being first to sleepover in our new Slovenian beehive house in the forest of Warwick Massachusetts. Checkout Oxx’s IG feed to see a true bee whisperer, humanitarian and healer in loving action! 🔥🐝❤️🐝🔥 #OxxBeekeeping #HoneyTouched #BeeWhisperer #FollowTheHoney #AZHive #SlovenianBeekeeping #Bees #Honey #BeekeepersUnited #TogetherWeRise #Beekeeper #BeekeepersLife #HiveMind #HoneyHeart #HumanityHealing #NQ #NorthQuabbin #OrangeMA #WarwickMa #TullyPond #TullyMountain #NewEngland (at Warwick, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEH04l-HId-/?igshid=c5ruipq73hy0
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
love in the age of quarantine *
here i go again! you know how this goes, luv. xo
* i am a selective independent bill kaulitz (tokio hotel) roleplay blog looking for long term interaction with a roman reigns (wwe) roleplay blog!
who am i?
i am artesia. 25 (almost wrote 'tears' lol) years old. lesbian. i have been roleplaying for eight years. 
of course! view them here!
no minors. you must be 21+ or older.
since all of my past writing partners have been women i prefer writing with other women.
i love getting to know my roleplay partner! being able to establish out of character chemistry is vital to me. if we get along and enjoy each other’s company then our characters will enjoy one another’s company as well.
my writing style is advanced, prose/novella, third person and prefer the same from my partner.
on average my replies are paragraph length or longer and prefer a partner that offers the same.
i have been roleplaying for almost a decade! it has always been a private love of mine & i am glad to be returning to it.
communication is key! life happens and sometimes we are not available to roleplay. if i am unable to roleplay for whatever reason i will let you know, i ask for the same from my partner.
if you are uncomfortable or unsatisfied with a particular roleplay, let me know! i will do the same with you and i would be happy to work together with you to create something we both enjoy.
i am timezone friendly!
replies are daily, at least several replies per day. again if i am unable to reply immediately i will let you know.
in character conversation is welcome and encouraged! just like the writers themselves, it’s important our characters get to know each other as well.
i use tumblr for casual in character conversation between our muses. kik, discord, and google docs are for roleplays themselves, although i am open to in character conversation there as well as long as they are in separate chats. i also love to use my roleplay blog as an aesthetic & moodboard space for my muse.
i work full time saturday through tuesday, so those will be my slow reply days.
what type of roleplay do i like?
i enjoy slice of life, drama, angst, romance plot lines!
i enjoy writing sexual scenes as long as it is part of the plot.
any limits?
no gore, abuse of any kind, most kinks.
anything else?
do not contact me if you have not read my rules or what muse i am wanting to interact with.
can i see your writing?
sure! feel free to view my works here.
where can i be contacted?
if you are interested in roleplaying with me, feel free to send me an inbox or through kik @ syrupdoll or through discord @ honeytouched #0514
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cosmoniki · 8 years
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Ich liebe diesen Duft dieser beiden Produkte von Rituals einfach 😍 Leider sind mir die Produkte etwas zu teuer um sie regelmäßig nachzukaufen. Umso mehr genieße ich die Produkte 😉 Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sonntag! Bei uns ist es endlich wieder sonnig ☀️ #Rituals #yogiflow #honeytouch
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followthehoney · 7 years
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One of our favorite #Oxx humane bee-ings paying forward the legacy of the power of positivity through the honeybee! 🐝❤️🐝🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️#Repost @oxxbeekeeping ・・・ #OxxBeekeeping #IAmNature with my #Nephew and his #BestFriend #Teaching the fundermental of #BuildingYourOwn #Young #Business #Boys #Beekeeper #Beekeeping #Honeybee #SaveTheBees #SaveAllBees #WeAreNature Get #HoneyTouched 🔥🔥🔥#FollowTheHoney #PathOfPollen #TeachTheChildren #RiseUpLikeTheBees #GreenEconomy #NewGenLove #YouthPower #GoodMen
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