#honestly same lmfaooo
kaeyaphile · 1 month
operation do not cry at my irl bestie’s wedding: FAILED
#kayleigh.txt#if the pets didn’t need to be watched i would’ve been one of the bridesmaids#she gave me the same giftbag she gave them and so we’re wearing the same jewelry but alas#but yeah uh. i cried. a lot. struggled hiding it lmao#my bestie looks so fucking beautiful and perfect and her now husband immediately started crying when he saw her#honestly same lmfaooo#she made direct eye contact with me when the officiant mentioned that this wouldn’t have been possible without their loving friends and fam#which. didn’t help stop my crying lmfaooo#i’m fine this is fine; the only other wedding i’ve been to was my sister’s and i was one of the bridesmaids so 🤷🏼‍♀️#i was not emotional at all during that because idgaf about my sister tbqh#she and i stay civil and tolerate each other for the sake of our father but that is it 🤷🏼‍♀️#good thing i didn’t wear any fucking makeup because it would be ruined 😂#i am going to hang out eat dinner drink wine socialize and dance a bit#hug my bestie and her husband and cry some more probably#and thej hopefully head home before 10pm 😬🤞🏻#the pets need their pm medications and also just like. attention and all that lmao#because i am their petsitter until tomorrow afternoon/evening#also i am chronically ill and mentally ill and tired and in pain from helping set up the venue yesterday#also also i desperately wanna just. vc with friends and play genshin impact/honkai: star rail/fallout 4 🥲👍🏻#my social battery had been drained dry meeting everyone yesterday so today is. difficult
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redpenship · 9 months
mobians have an innate understanding of language just like humans do, but they kept all their animal calls/body signals/etc and sometimes get them confused while speaking. for example: when asked how they're doing, a cat mobian may accidentally chirp instead of responding with words.
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gio-cosmo · 15 days
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drreidsphds · 2 years
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moe-broey · 6 months
Oh my god I hit tag limit on that one I am so sorry. 🧍
BUT LIKE. HONESTLY. I AM. AUTISTIC ABOUT THE ART PROCESS ITSELF. ABOUT SHAPE LANGUAGE AMD COLOR LANGUAGE AND HOW A DESIGN IS LIKE. A Strong character design with a clear intention behind it should not just Look Cool (though that is an added bonus!!!) it should tell a story in and of itself!!!!!!!! That, even at a glance, you can get a feel for who this character is, what their personality is, what role they play and/or are forced into, AND ALSO!!!
Something I'm esp autistic about tbh as someone who has an interest in fashion/crafting/sewing as well, how the clothes Work With the character. In a few different ways: again, the clothes themselves tell a story! The costuming! But also! How does the character move in them? What does that Say about that character? Where are they from? Not to mention the shape language/colors come back again, now w alllll the fucked up shit you can do with fabric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fluffy? Not just in the fur sense (eg, a petticoat with bouncy puffy frills)? Could be a really bubbly character!!! Flowy? Graceful? Could be someone who's mature, knowledgeable, wise. A female character who opts to wear shorts instead of a skirt? Could be sporty! Or practical! And also in general Big Clothes/accessories can make a character look imposing.
LIKE...... reading this over it is so basics character design 101 but like. I am ALWAYS frothing at the mouth about it 😅
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unnerving-presence · 2 years
halloween ends is so bad but there’s stupid shit that happens so that makes me like it
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canopicgirl · 2 years
cousland alistairmancers that romance him just to make him king are always 30+ yr old white women that still defend jkr and always get so defensive when u tell them that their mid takes on dragon age are shit
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cheemken · 2 months
lowkey curious what kind of magician deck your friend played that gave you trauma, a tiny part of me expected you to say that they have a space based deck given the vibes of their blog /gen
Okay I didn't get their permission to share their deck bc they're still offline but I remember their ace or rather aces and I remember that they had a few equip spell cards and most of their monsters have high as shit attack already bc they like heavy hitters :') either that or high as shit defence lmfaooo
I do know that they have Supreme Arcanite Magician, Enlightenment Paladin, and Fortune Lady Every tho
I forgot which one they used that legit just swept my fucking monsters but I remember how fucked it was cause again, their monsters have high attack plus equip spells
Also yeah I remembered I think they do have Dark Magician too lmfao
But real the spaced themed deck cbdmdn hahah nah Altair likes the Magician ones, I forgot which one of us said it but we were like Yami Yugi and Kaiba bc yeah, they use a Magician deck while I use Dragon decks, even better I actually chose Kaiba in Duel Links bc I wanna use Blue Eyes hahaha
Idk I think it's on brand that they'd like Magicians?? Well, for me at least, but yeah it'd be dope to see what kinda deck they'd build if they do go w the space theme hahah ghmm,,, I should ask them that when they get back that'd be cool hahah
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loafgeto · 8 months
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gojo satoru x fem!reader
synopsis: you are the teacher assistant for gojo satoru and the first years. in everyone’s eyes, you both are known as the duo who tolerate each other. but behind closed doors, you both can’t seem to get your hands away. and during a cookout, you seem to be capturing someone else’s attention, causing satoru to become jealous.
cw: fem reader, 18+ mdni, explicit language, secret relationship, jealous gojo, cocky gojo, teasing, dirty talking, edging, markings/hickeys, overstimulation, squirting, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, somewhat jealous sex, creampie, breast play, sucking and biting, begging, cock warming, pet names (baby, darling), different positions, gojo telling/controlling reader what to do. this isn’t proofread, and if you see any typos pls ignore 😢
wc: 3.9k
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You've been working at Tokyo Jujutsu Tech for almost a year now, as the teacher assistant of Gojo Satoru. You honestly never thought you'd be the strongest sorcerer's assistant, but Satoru happened to request for someone by his side. Thus, lead to your encounter.
When you were first introduced to Satoru, it was like any other first impression for him, admiration. He was rather nonchalant and playful around you, knowing how to push your buttons, and definitely confident in himself. That admiration quickly turned into toleration, but you remained respectful towards him.
Things began to change during the third month of being his assistant.
After a certain mission that nearly caused your death, Satoru often stayed by your side as you recovered and this lead to the secret romance. It was unexpected from a guy like him, but his feelings are genuine. The two of you agreed to date in secret, wanting to keep a professional impression for the time being and acted like normal colleagues in public.
But when you two are alone, Satoru can't help but touch and kiss you everywhere. He always wants you on his lap, or at least feel your touch. He inquires about your day, how he misses you, how much he adores your scent and aura, how much he thought about fucking you. Satoru was never afraid to admit his feelings, which is what made you fall for him even more.
Each day before and after class, you'd go to his office, and pepper kisses on his face and suffocate him in hugs. Satoru enjoys receiving it all, and the reason why he enters the classroom all bubbly and with a wide smile, was because of you. Everyone just had the thought that he was normally that way due to his personality.
It was yet another normal day and the two schools, Tokyo and Kyoto Jujutsu Tech, planned a cookout at a private park. On this day, you wore a simple attire: white blouse, black skirt, black tights, and stilettos. For some reason, Satoru liked the outfit on you, though he hadn't fully admitted it yet. But the way he looks at you made you believe he enjoyed seeing you in it. So you wore it often.
The teachers and other adults were occupied with preparing the food, while the students were occupied with a challenging game of soccer. Even though you weren't directly there, you could feel the tension arising from the field.
You were preparing a fruit salad while slightly watching the first years bicker with the second years of Kyoto and then proceed with the game. You smiled when watching, after all these missions and cursed spirits lingering around, it was great to settle and take a nice break.
For a brief second, your eyes scan across the entire area. Your eyes finally detected Satoru, who was mainly directing the game. He was supposedly playing the role coach for Tokyo Tech. He was shouting enthusiastically, encouraging someone to do this, or that.
Beside of Satoru was Utahime, seemingly doing the same thing as he was but in a more relaxed yet serious manner. The students of Tokyo seemed to be winning the soccer match, mostly because of the second year student, Maki. Her twin sister on the other team didn't appear to be happy, but that didn't make them win a point.
Your attention returns to Satoru, who had his back facing you. Then you look down at the fruit salad, wondering if you should offer the first bite to him and inquire on the taste.
"L/NN!!" Two of the first years, Yuji and Nobara, shouts towards you from the field, capturing your attention and everyone else's. They were waving at you, as if competing to get your attention first. You shake your head and return the two a wave and smile.
Satoru had also turned around when the two called for you, seeing how you were diligently preparing the fruit salad and waving at them. He was going to approach you, leaving Utahime alone to deal with this soccer game when someone else had approached you.
"Your students must really like you, huh?" it was Utahime's teacher assistant. You hadn't met the dude before and this was his first time approaching you since this afternoon. Your attention was torn away from Satoru as your gaze met with Utahime's assistant's.
"Oh, well I'm not necessarily their teacher but I know they respect me enough like I am one," you reply with a smile, finishing the last stir of the fruit salad.
"I heard your fruit salad recipe was very good," he continues to speak, watching as you finish the dish. "Mind if I try a piece?"
You glance at him, pondering for a moment. You assumed it wouldn't hurt to do so. "Of course," you nod, grabbing a plastic fork and piercing it through a strawberry, kiwi and pineapple.
You hand the fork over to him, expecting him to take it. But instead, he leans forward, taking a bite of the three fruits into his mouth. Your eyes slightly widen at the unexpected action and he quickly pulls away before you can react further.
"Wow! It's delicious!" he chuckles, chewing on the fruits and tasting the different sweet, rich and savory flavors.
"Well.. I'm glad you like it.." you awkwardly reply, slightly smiling.
"Of course. I'll definitely come back for more!" he says and laughs while placing a hand on your shoulder. He gives it several pats, to your surprise.
But you hadn't realize that Satoru was observing it all— from the moment he approached you, to the moment he ate those fruits, and to the moment he placed a hand on you. The interaction irritated Satoru, and he was unable to return to the game with a bubbly manner.
His mood suddenly changed, but he didn't want to express it. He forced a smile, enthusiastic shouts and returned his focus to the soccer match. But he kept glancing back at you, seeing how Utahime's assistant was still causally around you.
But it wasn't like he could do anything. If he did, he'd cause an entire scene, and Utahime's assistant seemed rather nice, but his actions annoyed the hell out of Satoru. Why was he all up on you like that?
Satoru acknowledged the image of you not reacting or anything, and it made him feel irritated even more. Was she actually offering to feed those fruits to him? He got jealous and upset over the fact that the assistant was the first to try your fruit salad and not him.
He also noticed your outfit. How several buttons were loosened to reveal the chest area above your breast, how the skirt wrapped around your hips— shaping your ass and curves, how the tights were making the entire outfit appear more striking. And gosh, how he wanted to rip it all off of you.
Satoru pushes his sunglasses closer to his eyes, secretly rolling them beneath as he crosses his arms. Later, he'll decide what to do with you and that guy.
When the food was all prepared, the adults waited for the students to end their soccer game and gather around the picnic tables. Satoru stood behind of you, watching as you excitedly presented your fruit salad to everyone.
"Oh, Sa— Gojo!" you had turn around, surprised that he was standing there. You found this as an opportunity for him to try your fruit salad before giving it out to the rest. "Would you like to try my fruit salad first?"
Satoru gave it a brief thought as he glanced at you and then the bowl of the fruit salad. He gives you an unnatural smile before replying, "no thanks. I'll get it once everyone else does."
For some reason, his rejection shattered your heart but you nod, watching as he walks away shortly afterwards. You decide to ignore it, since it shouldn't affect you as much but the uncertain feeling in your body kept causing you to gaze back at him.
The remainder of the cookout, Satoru was deliberately avoiding making contact with you. And even if he spoke to you, it'd be short and simple. Of course, this sort of behavior wouldn't appear suspicious to others, but between the two of you, there was definitely some tension.
You wondered if you did anything that made him upset, but nothing was coming to mind. You knew for a fact that he was mostly focused on the game and you barely interacted with him. But you hadn't known about Satoru's observations from earlier, so you were left utterly confused.
The cookout finished with no further complications and the students decided to play one more match of soccer. Everyone was pumped after eating so much, and the first years were definitely determined on winning since the last match came to a draw.
You began searching for Satoru when you realized he wasn't around anymore. More confusion arose as you figured he'd want to participate and watch the entire thing. You tried not to worry too much, assuming he'd gone to the restroom or something.
Your attention about Satoru's whereabouts was shortly interrupted when Utahime's assistant approached you once again. "So, Y/n? After this— it's gonna be a while until I see you again."
"Huh? Oh, that's right," you nod your head, smiling politely as you've done before.
"We should definitely keep in contact some how— since you know, we both happen to be teacher assistants and we can share our stories with each other—" he begins to ramble, taking his phone out when a voice appears behind the two of you.
"L/n," it was Yuji, completely oblivious about the situation. "Gojo-sensei said for you to meet at his office, asap. Seems quite urgent. Man, you both are gonna miss the game!"
"O-Oh. Yes, of course. It's fine, Yuji, thank you though," you nod your head before dismissing yourself. "It was nice to meet you. I hope we can be good friends," you quickly utter to the other assistant before heading towards Satoru's office.
Maybe this was the chance to finally talk to him about earlier.
You anticipated on what could occur once you arrived, many scenarios raced through your mind as you kept walking. Whatever it was, you just wanted to know what you did and solve the problem with him.
When you approached the door to his office, you hesitated on opening it at first. But you were quick to push your feelings away and slid the door open, stepping inside and closing it behind. The room was dim, the only source of light was the sun peeking through the small opening of the closed curtains.
You immediately spotted Satoru resting on his chair, head leaned back, as if he was sleeping. A smile slowly appears on your face as you approach him quietly, guessing he was tired the entire time.
"Satoru?" you called out to him, gently tapping his shoulder. He didn't budge and remained asleep, to which made you frown. "Hey, you can't just call me in here and then fall asleep on me."
Satoru still didn't answer and you sigh, deciding to just return to the rest. "I'm going back then—“
As you were about to turn around, Satoru's hand quickly reached up to grab your wrist. The sudden action caught you by surprise, and Satoru pulls you down on his lap.
"S-Satoru?" you stammer, realizing that he had been awake and pretending to sleep.
"You know the reason why I called for you?" Satoru asks, finally opening his eyes. He then used his other arm to wrap around your hips, pulling you closer while keeping his other grip on your hand.
"Of course not.. that's why I'm here.." you smile awkwardly. "Is something the matter, 'toru? You've been avoiding me all day. Did I do something wrong?"
"Guess," Satoru answers vaguely, releasing his grip from your wrist and moving them down to your inner thigh. He starts caressing them, feeling the tights that hugged your skin.
"S-Satoru?!" you gasp, feeling blood rush to your cheeks. You start wondering what he was trying to imply, and returned to the moment with your interaction with Utahime's assistant. And you finally figured Satoru must've saw it.
"Acting all flirty in front of me, huh? Trying to get me jealous?"
"No! Of course not!" you pout, wrapping one arm around his neck. "Only have eyes for you.. I wasn't flirting with him, I promise. I only want your attention 'toru. Please."
Satoru wasn't going to let this slip past easily, and you knew that. When he was jealous, he was stubborn. And it took a while for him to forget this matter. Satoru huffs, lifting your body and changing your position to where you straddled his lap. "Why'd he get to be the first to try your fruit salad, baby?"
"You're upset over that?”
"He was also touching you. Being all over you. Fucking bastard," Satoru scoffs, placing both hands on your hips. "He was checking you out, getting hard because of this damn outfit you're wearing."
Satoru then lifts your skirt, pushing it above your hips to reveal your laced panties under the tights. You knew where this was going, but you didn't stop it at all. "You purposely wore this, didn't you?" Satoru inquires.
"Wore it for you.. only you, no one else," you reply, feeling your legs already tremble as Satoru presses your hips down against his crotch. You could feel his throbbing erection, poking your panties that were now soaking.
"I don't like it. Might as well take it off," Satoru says, moving his hands along the curves of your body and up to your chest. He starts unbuttoning your shirt, pushing the material apart to where your breasts popped out.
Satoru pushes your bra up, exposing your nipples. He grins, using both of his hands to pinch and grope your boobs. You moan, body twitching at the sensation. "A-Ah.. Satoru-"
"Move your hips," Satoru orders and you immediately obey, rocking your hips and grinding against his hard cock that could no longer withstand the suffocation of his pants.
Satoru continues to pinch your nipples, getting more soft moans to escape your mouth. Your hands rest against his shoulder as you continue grinding your clothed pussy against him. Your arousal soaked through your underwear and tights, and eventually stained Satoru's pants.
"P-Please.. I'm sorry-" you beg before a higher moan follows after when Satoru latches his mouth on one of your boobs.
Satoru starts sucking your nipple, swirling his tongue around the bud, and gently biting down on it. Your grip on his shoulder tightens, nails digging through his shirt as your moans squeaked louder. His other hand fondling and pinching your other nipple.
Despite all of this, Satoru was always able to tease your breast in a way that'd make you squirm. He switches between your two breast, making sure to pleasure each nipple, before leaving bite marks. He sucks on the skin of your breast next, leaving hickeys on several areas before returning his mouth to your nipple.
Satoru removes his mouth from your nipple, creating a pop sound before leaning back against his chair. He smiles, observing your reactions. "Hold your breasts," he orders again as his hands trail to your hips.
You end up following his order, cupping both breasts in your hands as Satoru rips your tights open, giving your soaked panties a brief observation. He smirks, seeing how your arousal was already slicking down your inner thighs.
"Would you look at that," Satoru murmurs, pressing his middle and index finger against the soaked area of your panties. He rubs circles on your clit before pushing the material to the side, feeling your arousal drip on his fingers.
It was enough to the point Satoru finally unzips his pants and slip his dick out. He uses one hand to lift your thigh up, making you crouch on your feet, and the other to pump his throbbing cock.
"F-Fuck.. Satoru- need your cock in me."
"You gotta be patient, baby," Satoru replies, grunting softly as he aligns his cock to your entrance. His cock twitches at the sensation of how wet you were and he pushes his tip in, already feeling your pussy pulsating.
You both let out a moan as Satoru sinks his cock deeper into your cunt, stretching you out until his entire length was in. "Shit. Ride me, baby," Satoru requests, his hands returning to grip your hips.
With no hesitation, you comply and start moving up and down, bouncing on his cock in a steady pace. You're moaning louder while your hands are still cupping and fondling your breasts.
"That assistant must be thinking about doing this with you too, don't you think?" Satoru inquires, holding back his hoarse grunts as he felt your walls clench around him as you moved up. "But I do it better, don't I? I touch you better 'nd make you feel better?"
"Y-Yes 'toru! Only you can make me feel this good!"
"That's right," Satoru's smile becomes wider as he gropes the fat of your ass with his hands.
Satoru begins assisting you by pushing your hips down faster, his balls smacking your ass as the sound of skin slapping and moans permeate the room. He watches at how your breasts bounce each thrust, even when you're holding it, but seeing your face was the best of it all.
"D-Damn.. squeezing me so good, baby," Satoru grunts, thrusting his hips upward slightly.
"Fuck- cumming soon," you throw your head back, feeling his cock rub against your g-spot every thrust. You were so close and began bouncing faster in order to reach your climax quicker.
But Satoru doesn't allow that to happen. He knew you were close, and when you were about to cum, he immediately stops your movements. Your eyes wide in shock, completely aggravated with how he stopped and didn't allow you to cum.
"Satoru, you—"
He was quick to shush you by pressing his mouth against yours, to which you return. The kiss turns sloppy, as your tongue presses against one another's, fighting for dominance. Your hands release the grasp of your breasts to wrap around Satoru's neck, pulling his body closer to yours. Satoru then lifts you from the chair, pinning you down on his desk, knocking off several of the small decorations sitting there.
Satoru pulls away, spreading your legs apart before pushing your thighs closer to your chest. "You're gonna cum when I tell you to, got it?" he says, not accepting any objections before slamming his cock right back into your dripping cunt.
"S-Shit!" your hand tries to reach for something to grab, but your mind is foggy and you swore you were already seeing stars. You were still close, on the brink of cumming all over him and you almost came without notice.
Satoru starts thrusting his cock fast and deep into your pussy, his hands gripping your thighs tightly as his hips slam into your ass. Your noises fall of your tongue each thrust, knowing you'd probably lose your voice later.
"Goodness, baby. Taking my cock so good, like you always do."
Satoru throws both of your legs over his shoulder, firmly holding your legs as they begin trembling. Tears have welled the socket of your eyes and they eventually start rolling back as Satoru maintained the position and thrusts.
"I-I can't, Satoru- gonna cum!" you couldn't hold your orgasm anymore, and even before Satoru could reply, you cum on him and his desk.
Satoru doesn't say anything besides scoff, and even when you came, he kept fucking you relentlessly. It was driving you insane, the feeling of him still thrusting into you after cumming.
He switches the position again, this time he wraps your legs around his waist before lifting you up with his hands cupping under your thighs. You snake your arms around his neck for a better grip, head dropping against his shoulder as he pistons his cock up into you.
He'd then push you back down on the desk, making your body turn to the side and lifting one leg over his shoulder, before thrusting back into you. Afterwards, he'd flip you on your stomach and pound you from the back, leading to your second orgasm.
Satoru would make you touch yourself, scream his name and tears stream down your face. He'd make you reach multiple orgasms until you couldn't anymore. Your throat began to hurt from all of the moaning and screaming, but that didn't mean Satoru stopped.
He lifts you up again, walking with you over to the window. You're unable to comprehend what he was doing by that moment before he slides the curtains open. His office view directly overlooked the field, where everyone still currently were.
"W-Wait, Satoru they're gonna see-" you panic slightly, feeling your feet come in contact with the ground as Satoru makes you face the window and everyone participating the ongoing soccer match.
"Let them see, and watch how many times I've made you cum," Satoru says, raising his hands to grip your biceps before filling your swollen pussy with his cock again.
Satoru pumps his cock in and out of you, the angle allowing him to hit your spots deeper and better. The sensation was too much for you to handle, but it was making you to the point where you're begging for more.
You could see everyone else enjoying their time in the soccer field, and your eyes detect Utahime's assistant by the side. His back was turned against you, so you didn't see his face but he seemed to be enjoying his time since he was cheering and clapping his hands.
If he'd turn around and look up, he would immediately be able to see you and Satoru.
"'toru— I'm gonna cum again!" you sob, feeling the tip of his cock kiss your womb. Your legs became wobbly, but Satoru held you up with his firm grip.
"S-Shit.. me too, darling." Satoru's thrust were becoming erratic as he neared his climax, groaning and throwing his head back slightly. "Gonna cum in you, baby. You okay with that?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" you chant, turning your head around to meet his gaze.
Satoru grits his teeth, thrusting his hips closer several times before pushing his cock all the way in, pumping his cum into your womb. You came at the same time, and you both share a final moan before your back fell against Satoru's chest.
You're both gasping for air heavily, body soaked in sweat while the room smelled like sex. You both remain there for a moment before Satoru kisses your cheek and trails his lips down your neck.
"Looks like we won the game," Satoru says when he glances out of the window, seeing the first years and second years of Tokyo Tech cheer in victory. You also look out of the window, watching as they all celebrated.
"I wasn't mad at you, by the way," Satoru adds, returning his head to your side before kissing your face again. "You're not upset at me either, baby?"
"No.." you shake your head, facing him before pressing a kiss on his lips.
Satoru slips his cock out, watching as his cum mixed with yours drip out of your pussy. He chuckles softly and smirks. "Good. Let's clean you up before we go back."
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LOAF4U. thank you for reading! please do not copy my work or publish in another media without my permission.
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xgsturn · 2 months
good idea? - ( c.s )
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summary: you couldn’t sleep so you decided to text chris asking if he wanted to smoke, it’s something you both always did and one thing lead to another.
warnings: SMUT, smoking (weed), oral (female receiving), pet names, (ma, baby), p n v (let’s not be silly wrap before u tap). probably more but idk
word count: 1,557
author’s note: this is my first one shot i’m scared LMFAOOO also i didn’t proofread sorry if there is any mistakes!!
please let me know if you want to be un added or added into the taglist. i had just decided to add my favorite writers!!
also my request & inbox are open 💓💓
i’ve been trying to fall asleep for the past 20 minutes. i’ve shifted and turned so many times i honestly lost count.
i open my eyes, groaning with annoyance. some nights i had trouble falling asleep, but there was always one solution to that problem.
i grab my phone, opening the messages app before quickly clicking chris’ contact.
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this was a thing that happened every now and then. if one of us had troubles going to sleep i’d go over to his or vise versa. we’d smoke together and then usually get tired after that.
i hear a soft knock against my window signaling that he was here. i walked over to see chris sitting on the small balcony that was attached to the window.
i opened the window, climbing through feeling a slight breeze on my shoulders before shrugging it off.
“like i said you could’ve just used the door” i playfully roll my eyes at him.
“suck my dick” he replied back before sitting down on the ground. “when?” i said seriously. he raised his eyebrows and looked up at me.
“in all seriousness, you’re a life saver.” i sigh, sitting down, and relaxing my body.
he pulled out a fresh rolled joint from his sweatpants pocket, “i know” he smirked, putting the joint between his lips.
“lighter” he mumbles against the joint.
i toss him the lighter, watching as he lit it and inhaled before slowly blowing the smoke out.
i’ll never deny the fact that chris is hot, we had a flirty friendship from the beginning but nothing ever got to far.
he passes the joint to me, i relight it due to the wind causing it to ash out.
i inhale, feeling the smoke enter my lungs. i look at him as i blew it out.
the joint eventually dies out. i look over to chris, starting to admire the way the dim street light in front of him is showing off his features. his hair slightly messy, his eyes hanging low and red and fuck his lips-, he interrupts my thoughts.
“did you hear anything i just said?” he asks, his voice snapping me out of some trance i was in.
“sorry, what were you saying?”
“i asked if you wanted to go inside, it’s getting a little cold” he repeats himself, looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed.
“oh yeah, sorry just a bit distracted” i reply back covering my face from embarrassment.
as i’m climbing back into my room i feel chris’ gaze burning through me.
i get into my room and chris follows right behind me.
chris and i have been talking for the past 15 minutes. we both got onto our phones scrolling aimlessly, sitting in a comfortable silence.
i still can’t help to think about him, how his touch would feel on me, how his lips would feel against mine, how his long slender fingers would feel inside me.
i zoned out with a video playing over and over.
“what are you thinking about?” chris looked at me curiously through his low hooded eyes.
we were both still feeling the high effects.
what am i thinking about? i’m asking myself the same question. we have been best friends for years. i mean i’ve always found chris attractive, but tonight is different.
the way his body is leaned against the headboard, his biceps slightly flexing as he puts down his phone and crosses his arms, putting his full focus on me.
maybe it’s just the weed still lingering or maybe i just crave his touch.
“nothing.” i reply trying to act nonchalant but clearly not working.
“nothing, hm?” chris smiles loosely, as he looks down at my thighs then back up to my eyes, making heavy eye contact.
i follow his gaze down to my thighs, realizing how tightly squeezed they are.
i widened my eyes and look back up at him, before trying to relax the ache between my legs.
he puts his hand between my legs, spreading them open. he rotates his body, fully facing me now. his lips inches away from mine.
“is this a good idea?” i say studying his face for an answer.
“do you want this?” he replies in a serious tone.
“so bad but-.”
before i’m done speaking, i feel a hand on my jaw, pulling me closer to him and attaching my lips to his.
my body tenses from the sudden move but quickly relaxes soon after.
he bites my bottom lip softly, making my mouth part open giving him access to slip his tongue in.
he climbs on top of me, refusing to break the kiss.
our tongues fought for dominance before letting him win.
i tugged on his hair, signaling i wanted more. he groaned into my mouth, making me squeeze my legs around his waist. i couldn’t ignore the feeling between my thighs anymore.
“tell me what you want.” he spoke, trying to catch his breath. his lips pink and swollen.
i swallowed, “anything.” i feel desperate for him, wanting to feel some kind of relief.
“be more specific baby”
“need your fingers.” i mumbled quietly.
“good girl” he smirked, pulling my shorts down to my ankles. he slowly kisses my thighs going to the areas around my core.
he avoided where i needed him most.
“please.” i say while looking down at him through my lashes.
his hand still on the band of my pink thong. “can i take these off?” he whispered, looking at me. i nodded.
“i need to hear you say it ma”
“fuck, yes please” i practically beg.
he pushed my thong to the side before glazing one fingers over my entrance.
he slipped one fingers inside me slowly, letting me adjust. i moan into my hand muffling it.
he removes my hand from my mouth, putting it beside me. “i want your neighbors hearing how good i make you feel.”
i got even wetter after that sentence.
as i adjusted, i wanted more. “another one.. please” he listens to my commands and adds his second finger.
he started going faster, curling his fingers inside me and hitting that spongy spot each time. “f-fuck, chris.” i moan out, my fingers gripping my sheets.
he adds his mouth into the mix, sucking and licking my clit with such precision that made me start rolling my hips towards him.
my back was arching as he continued with his eyes fixed on my face.
i knew chris was experienced but i wasn’t expecting this.
my knees were already getting weak. “chris…” my hand going to his brown loose curls, tugging them. “i’m close.” i started to squirm underneath him.
“not yet.” he spoke against my cunt, sending vibrations through my entire body.
as soon as he said those words i couldn’t hold it anymore. the knot in my stomach eventually snapped, coating chris’ face and fingers with my cum.
“you can’t follow a simple rule?” his expression was stern and serious, while licking his fingers and mouth clean.
“i’m sorry, i couldn’t hold it” i reply, breathing heavy with worry all over my face.
he doesn’t say anything, instead he starts taking off his sweatpants following with his boxers. his dick springs free, hitting his stomach.
he was big and thick which honestly i wasn’t surprised about.
it was already leaking with pre cum. a vein coming from the tip to the base.
“think you can handle another?”
i move my eyes up to his face, “i- i don’t know if i can.” i stutter out.
“yes you can and you will” he says firmly.
his eyes darkened with lust, turning me on more.
i nod my head obeying him.
“which position do you want me in?”
“lay on your back so i can see your pretty face.” he slightly tilts his head and smirks.
the ache between my legs comes back causing me to clench my thighs again.
he notices and pushes his knee between my legs, leaving it against my bare cunt.
a pornographic moan leaving my mouth, as i try to grind against his knee to feel some kind of relief.
“be patient baby.” he strokes his dick a couple of times to fully harden it.
he removes his knee and bends down to push himself in.
we both moan feeling the pleasure that we were craving.
chris started thrusting his hips into mine at such a fast pace, and at this point i could cum at any minute.
he leans down and starts kissing my neck sloppily as he tries to remain at his pace.
“taking me so well.” he whispers into my ear.
“chris” that’s all i could say, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as my hips lazily jolted up meeting his thrust half way.
“hm? i fucked you dumb huh.” i nod as a response. i couldn’t even think of a sentence to prove him wrong.
he started rubbing on my clit fast. i threw my head back, my mouth hanging open but nothing coming out.
“cum for me ma.” he said maintaining eye contact, that was all i needed before i squirmed underneath him and came all over his dick. “that’s my girl” he whispered.
he groaned and let his head drop as came into me. i felt his warm liquid feel me up.
he dropped his body beside mine, turning to look at me. “holy fucking shit” he chuckled, catching his breath.
“so friends with benefits?” i suggest while also catching my breath. “fuck yes” he replies almost immediately, making me laugh beside him.
“here let’s go get you clean up” he says while getting up from the bed.
tag list!!
@lovingmattysposts @luv4kozume @worldlxvlys @strawberrysturniolo @luvmila444 @m4ttslvr @sturniol0s @fawnchives @hysteria-things
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lnfours · 6 months
a nonsense christmas | l.n
summary: f1 heartthrob meets pop girlie central
face claim: sabrina carpenter
warnings: social media!au, language, this is my second ever social media au pls bear w me
y/ny/l/n 📍london, england
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liked by landonorris, madisonbeer, zendaya and 1,200,732 others ‘sue me’ mv is out now! 💋 829,382 comments
zendaya i’m obsessed with you
tell thomas to move aside bc im coming over.
y/nfan1 lando norris??? what’re u doing here??
i was just about to ask the same thing 😂
madisonbeer i’m literally in love with you
will u pls accept my hand in marriage?
of course
landonorris london, huh?
danieleicciardo wait, landonorris, this is her?
whatve you done, mate?
landonorris 📍london, england
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liked by y/ny/l/n, oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell and 3,899,013 others home is where the fun is 😁 1,820,848 comments
maxfewtrell home is where i am, that’s all that matters
ur the best wag of them all, truly
keep telling yourself that, mate 😅
y/ny/l/n as a wise man once said: london, huh?
you can’t use the same lines on me that i use on you
or what? 🥴
lando.jpg content??
i didn’t know u knew how to dress 🤨
funny 😐
i’m ur fav 🥰
ur just full of jokes today aren’t u
ik where u live
😰 uh oh
📍london, england
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell, riabish and 2,031,672 others london is cool i guess 993,839 comments
madisonbeer one chance is all i’m asking for PLEASE
u always have a chance 🥰🥰🥰
landonorris nice hat
thanks 😁
didn’t know you had a new merch line out, mate?? landonorris
oscarpiastri LMFAOOO
lewishamilton lovely to meet you ❤️
you too!! 🥹🫶🏻
lando.jpg 📍london, england
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liked by y/ny/l/n, danielricciardo, carlossainz55 and 1,210,039 others don’t let her fool you, she’s in her element 732,939 comments
madisonbeer she’s so pretty
shut up i’ll marry you
the way he captures her?? YOU CANT CONVINCE ME THEYRE NOT A THING!
hey, ur pretty good at this photography thing!
helps when i’ve got a pretty good model
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y/ny/l/n 📍london, england
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, madisonbeer and 2,673,482 others it’s cuffing season, or whatever sza said 914,444 comments
madisonbeer FINALLY!!!
lewishamilton 🥺🥺 the note
oscarpiastri i don’t think u understood what she meant by big boy
oh no, TRUST me, i got it 😌
IM JOINING YOU oscarpiastri
charlesleclerc this is adorable, actually
landonorris whoever wrote that has terrible handwriting
and no rizz 🙂
now that’s a violation
landonorris 📍london, england
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liked by y/ny/l/n, maxfewtrell, lewishamilton and 3,444,009 others tis the season 1,932,004 comments
y/ny/l/n love ur face 🤍
love urs more ❤️
maxfewtrell that last pic 😭
im honestly surprised she hasn't stabbed me yet
sleep with one eye open tonight
oh no
madisonbeer so like... hard launch of soft launch?
what kind of cookies were u making tho?
chocolate chip 😁
f1fan04 I KNEW IT!!!
y/n/l/n 📍london, england
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, riabish and 2,873,004 others wrote a cute christmas song about a cute boy, 'a nonsense christmas' is out now 🧡 1,229,983 comments
me whenever u release new music
landonorris 🧡 i love you
i love u, too, my papaya boy 🧡🧡
‘my papaya boy' IM CRYING
maxfewtrell i don't know what i was expecting but it wasn't THAT MY GOD.
danielricciado 'im talking big snow balls' now...
i never thought we'd hear her sing about balls but here we are
idk how im supposed to look the two of you in the eyes ever again
422 notes · View notes
matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
So.... Hear me out..
Cuz like what if like ever since reader beat Vox at that videogame he started training practicing idk to prepare to beat reader again until reader goes to erm reverse heaven
So then reader brings it up and Vox gets pissy (as usual) but then she recommends multiplayer, like those games that have a storyline and bosses, so they try it out and it ends up being one of their pass-times
Then when they finally beat the final boss after like a billion attempts, reader gets a lil too hyped and like kisses vox all over the screen which of course causes him to blue screen like a love-sick-idiot-in-denial (official term for Vox being a river in Egypt) while reader is just bouncing off the walls unaware of what they did
(could be before or after they start dating though I think it'd be a lot cuter when they're still friends)
(P.S: remember to drink water and rest properly!) -🥭anon
Video Gaming, Competitive Raging
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Heeeey! You're back 🥭 Anon! Nice to see you! Also yes, I love this idea lmao- it's not something I wouldn't put past Reader cuz they're just like that HAHAHAHAHA- the story itself is a little deviated from the prompt but the idea is the same XD- maybe after this I'll stop bullying these two and actually write a confession scene because damn they just runnin around in CIRCLES LMFAOOO. Send me ideas for how you want to confess to the Picturebox y'all cuz I'm kinda pulling blanks XD. Yes I'm saying Reader's gonna confess first, Vox would end up bluescreening in his attempt to even take initiative. I might write a few more interludes before the confession but yeah- I WANT THEM TO SMOOCH- SIKEEE NAH IT WON'T BE THAT EASY HAHAHAHAHAHA- But do pls send me ideas I am in a funk whdksjdjsksj-
A/N: Btw I'd imagine they're playing a game kinda like cuphead? Cuz that game was the fucking BANE of my existence when I played it. I didn't want to accept I was struggling and continued to play on the hardest difficulty right off the bat cuz I was so sure I could handle it HAHAHAHAHA.
No one at the hotel could've honestly expected whatever was going on to happen.
You and Vox were practically screaming at the TV screen in sheer rage while replaying a level in a game you'd both been stuck on for hours.
Charlie didn't know if this was slightly her fault or not for even suggesting game night.
Hell, nobody knew you'd invited the technology overlord until he showed up at the door and you simply pulled him inside as usual.
He was roped into most of the games you guys played-
Well, except for the trivia ones because you quickly pointed out he had the internet quite literally an extension of his mind.
So any niche fact or trivia that was asked- he could just search it up which was straight up cheating.
But everyone had severely underestimated just how competitive you and Vox could become as a duo.
From constantly teaming in the board games to immediately getting invested in the co-op video game that they switched to.
Charlie and Vaggie had leisurely enjoyed the game-
Angel and Husker didn't really play much and instead made jabs at each other's skill-
Alastor and Lucifer couldn't even get started with their confusion on the controls-
And you and Vox decided to play the game on the hardest difficulty because it didn't seem that bad in Charlie and Vaggie's playthrough.
Oh, it was that bad.
But the both of you refused to admit it and switch it back to the easier mode.
Vox and his huge ego, you and your pride as a gamer.
"You actually practiced ever since I beat you that one time??"
"Didn't I mention that I would? I'm getting that rematch eventually dollface."
"PFFT- Bro I didn't think you were serious!"
"Why you little-!"
Though, this was totally and entirely different from the PvP game you and Vox had played prior.
This game actually had a storyline and plot.
That neither of you gave enough of a rat's ass to pay attention to.
The hardest difficulty was pretty much just a consistent boss rush, and as if you weren't both always on low HP-
Someone was always dying every level.
Admittedly, it was extremely entertaining to watch you both go up and down with your moods whenever anything happened.
Alastor couldn't for the life of him understand most of your gamer gibberish and slang though-
The rest of the gang had just taken seats on the couch behind you both and made silly bets on who would go wayside from frustration first.
Either from the level's sheer difficulty or the puzzles themselves that were a bit too convoluted for their own good.
"No- NO! Move that cube to the right!!"
Everyone else was already starting to guess some mishaps that would happen from you two raging.
Like who would break a controller first-
Vox did, but there were thankfully a couple spares anyway and he'd just replace the broken one soon.
And who would get mad enough to break the TV.
Which in a hilarious twist of events- was actually you.
In one of your expletive filled episodes you threw your controller at the screen hard enough that it broke the screen and your controller.
Everyone kind of thought you and Vox would be done with the game after that.
But nope-
Come tomorrow there was a new VoxTech TV shipped to the hotel to replace the one you broke.
At first, it seemed like it was because Vox was simply being courteous-
Well Charlie thought that.
Everyone just guessed he wanted something in the hotel he could use to spy on everyone-
Still, the actual reason was somehow entirely disconnected from that.
"Egh. He sent over a new one."
Of course Alastor would notice the device and hate it's existence immediately.
"Aww! How nice of him!"
Charlie- bless her heart- she really only sees the best in people-
"Not really, I'd bet it's just so he can spy on us."
Hahaha- now that's a more realistic view from Vaggie.
"Wouldn't put it against him, especially after what he had pentious do before."
Angel still never forgot that, he sometimes even made jabs at Vox for it until now.
"Oh! It's here! Yo help me set this up!"
"Well, somebody's excited."
Husker just came over to check what the commotion was, he didn't realize what he was getting into though.
"No DUH. I've been wanting to finish that game with Vox!"
"Wait- what game? The one where you got so angry you broke the TV?!"
"Uhhh, yeah? What else?"
Your reply had everyone just dumbfounded.
Why would you subject yourself back to such clear torture-
Actually Alastor just found you going back to playing that game entertaining, especially after it was clear that it had sadistic levels of difficulty.
After that, the others would often catch you and the TV overlord continue your playthrough as a pastime-
Either online or when you were both physically there in the hotel lobby.
And every session was possibly just as explosive as the last.
Curses were hurled around, screaming, throwing things-
Angel couldn't help but realize just how similar you were to your flatscreen companion in this regard.
That or you both had spent enough time with each other that the habits and mannerisms of one bled into the other.
Vox definitely became more docile- and you...
Actually no one could tell if you were already that wild or not.
The both of you didn't mellow out at all after any of your shared gaming sessions.
In fact, everyone mostly steered clear of you afterwards because of how snappy and irritable you were.
The only one who could put up with your grumpy sarcasm was Angel or Lucifer.
Alastor would often just come in to bother you more while you played-
Which would soon turn into both you and Vox absolutely screeching at him for throwing you both off when you were so close to winning.
Neither of you were close to the goal at all-
Which the radio demon could tell, and he found your fits absolutely hilarious.
Though eventually, after pouring so many painful hours into the game-
Both you and Vox predictably got better at it.
But that didn't stop either of you from getting stuck at the final boss level.
And that absolutely made both of you raging so much worse.
You died again, but the retry button was once again slammed because both of you were stubborn.
Neither of you were willing to give up so easily, especially when the game's end was in sight.
So near but yet so far-
But that wouldn't stop you guys from trying.
Everyone else in the hotel was just waiting and watching to see what would happen next.
After all, it became so interesting to watch what you two would do next.
Eventually, Vox took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves while you somehow ended up with his hat on your head.
Common sense and sanity was starting to become a little less common when the game was taking up so much energy and focus.
It took another hour of frustrated screaming and cursing before you both eventually managed to beat the final boss.
And to say you two were over the moon was an understatement.
You threw your arms around Vox as you both jumped up in place and shouted in excitement.
Your enthusiasm was so contagious it unintentionally spilled over to your overlord buddy.
The grins on your faces were so wide as you both just celebrated and cheered for a hot minute.
Vox completely lost himself when you finally let go and just ran around the lobby screaming.
Of course that winning high was searing through his circuits, it was well fucking deserved after all the painstaking effort he put in!
Everyone, aside from you, gave him an odd look when he flipped off the TV screen and said that.
It was still displaying the victory menu even-
It was so unprompted and out of left field which made little to no sense even with context-
Not that anyone expected you or Vox to have any marbles left in your heads after that intense gaming session.
So imagine everyone's collective surprise when you suddenly tackled the taller TV overlord and peppered kisses all over his screen from joy.
You were just so pleased with yourself for finally beating the game that you didn't realize what you had done.
Especially when you quickly got up and started running around the room again too.
All that sudden affection from you spiked Vox's emotions almost immediately-
So it was expected that his screen very swiftly overheated and glitched.
And in no sooner than a few seconds, the man also bluescreened.
But you were too busy bouncing off the walls to even realize!
Everyone else just shared a laugh at how stupid the whole situation was.
But knowing how your relationship was with the TV overlord-
This kind of chaos wouldn't ever be a rare occurrence again with you two around.
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sunnitheapollokid · 2 days
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🎀┊ ౨ৎ ₊˚⊹ 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄.
 ⤷ leo valdez x daughter of aphrodite headcanons!
dedicated to all my aphrodite girlies. ࿐ ˚ . ✦ special tag to my favorite aphrodite gal - @pinkdiorluvr !
☀️ sunni's notes : HIIII! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTINGGG! SORRY this has also been marinating awhile in my inbox,, errrr but ugh i love this dynamic as well,, like GRAAAH i can't i simply can't. may or may not finish all the reqs today?? i only have a few!! so when i finish my writing reqs and my 200's event reqs i'll open my reqs again 💝. THIS WAS SOOO FUN TO WRITEEE LIKE,, i might have to make a part two.. (or a jason version) well, happy reading! sunkisses,, sunni!
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୨୧ safe to say,, leo's whipped for you.
୨୧ so whipped, his jaw drops the second you come into the bunker all pampered and dressed.
୨୧ BUT HONESTLY, even when you're not dressed out, he still thinks you're the most beautiful girl ever.
୨୧ your meet cute strangely didn't happen back in camp.
୨୧ leo was dropping something off for his dad in olympus, and you happened to be having a girl's day with your sisters and your mom.
୨୧ he walks past you, twinkle in his eyes.
୨୧ and you flash a smile at him.
୨୧ a smile.
୨୧ a smile that sent him over the moon,
୨୧ and a smile that the seven heard of the next following week, THEY WERE SICK AND TIRED OF HIM LMFAOOO
୨୧ he needed to find out who you were!!
୨୧ and what a coincidence? you came that same summer to camp half-blood, the same smile plastered on your pretty 'ol face.
୨୧ jason had to close that mouth of his before a fly could swoop in.
୨୧ we all know leo's a natural flirt right?
୨୧ he'll blush, stumble over his words, and for the last bits of any interaction you guys have, he'll stare at you for a good ten seconds before you realize.
୨୧ "what is it leo? food on my face?"
୨୧ and he runs away, leaving you confused to your core in the middle of camp grounds.
୨୧ the only reason why he can't ask you out is because of his insecurities.
୨୧ i mean, why would a gorgeous demi-god like you want to take a chance with him?
୨୧ and yet, you did.
୨୧ he sent you numerous anonymous letters, pretty, hand-written letters.
୨୧ (with the help of his favorite apollo kid, me, of course.)
୨୧ and gods, you thought they were so beautiful. like you didn't know emotions could be passed on paper and in words, but this mystery person did.
୨୧ piper couldn't keep it a secret i fear.
୨୧ she had to tell her sister and her best friend, LIKE COME ON!!
୨୧ and when she did, you guys went on your first date, that he had planned out for the two of you, hand laced together the whole night.
୨୧ leo doesn't usually get dressed out, but he made exceptions for you.
୨୧ ALSO ALSO. I SAW A HC BEFORE WHERE IT SAID "campers said you two reminded them of silena and charlie."
୨୧ and i think i bawled the minute i saw that.
୨୧ and when people tell you this,, you literally jerk a tear. hoping, you won't face the same fate as them.
୨୧ when people tell leo this however, he tries not to be too affected by it, flashing a smile and telling them a thank you,,
୨୧ but when they're out of sight, he falls to his knees and starts sobbing.
୨୧ you heavily promised him that you won't leave him, nor will you two be separated.
୨୧ still, makes you smile thinking of you half-sister watching over you and leo and smiling.
୨୧ leo keeps spare ribbons for you in his tool belt or his pockets incase you need one.
୨୧ i truly think all aphrodite kids and talented designers, so you use leo as a sort of,, mannequin for your designs and most of your work is dedicated to him.
୨୧ all this man wears is two different grease-covered tanks and his army jacket, you needed to help him.
୨୧ you have the softest hands ever, so it compliments so well with his rugged rough ones.
୨୧ whenever you'd come down to the forge to check up on him, his eyes grow wide and he kicks you out.
୨୧ kicks you out meaning : he carries you outside.
୨୧ "the forge is dangerous mi vida, don't want your pretty face to get dirty."
୨୧ despite this, he admires you even through your pretty face.
୨୧ he thinks your so incredibly compassionate, and creative, and talented.
୨୧ lets you kiss his face with your lipstick.
୨୧ like, he actually wants you to.
୨୧ you're about to kiss, and he stops you,
୨୧ "where's your lipstick baby?"
୨୧ you smile and apply your lipstick before plastering his face with red lip stains.
୨୧ he pulls away with a dreamy sigh and a dazed-smitten look on his face.
୨୧ it's kind of a symbol of "(name)'s property in a way."
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bangtangalicious · 2 years
bts smut recs | needy!jungkook
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there is something about when our lovely jeon jungkook is portrayed to be a hormone crazy, super needy, greedy, whiny character that is so fucking hot. tmw readers. i know you’ll love these. the hyper-horniness and blatant hunger for sex is so sexy. these are all jungkook x reader 18+ SMUT recs based on this theme. more to be added as i find them!!! 
🔺 = yandere/taboo themes *ALL ARE SMUT
MILF (series) by @koosbabygrl | 🔺 ive read this so many times. like. SO MANY TIMES. this is PEAK needy!koo energy. its so fucking hot i cant even put it into words. theres this mommy kink moment and i CANT get over it holy shittttttttt. also the sequels are GREAT, in part 2 when he has her riding his cock while she does her makeup oh my fucking godDDDDDDD. amazing.
this specific needy!koo drabble by @voidswan | 🔺 i know its not a full fic but its literally so hot i cry. bunny!koo just wants to fuck so bad poor thing I DONT KNOW WHY IM JUST OBSESSED OK the stuttering gets me every fucking time. screams. 
clean up by @lonelyhobi & @scribblemetae | he’s drunk and he feels so guilty abt it but he cant help himself!! god its FEVERISHLY good. he’s all whiny and crying and he needs u so bad and the way its described is so fucking hot. the dirty talk is inSANE. dry humping. fuck. amazing amazing.
thunderstorms are scary by @lonelyhobi & @scribblemetae | same couple, but this innocent needy kook is just scared and comes to sleep w noona and then ends up groping you and poor kookie just cat stop bc you feel so good. he ruts into ur ass and whines and ugh. brilliantttttt. honestly recommend this whole masterlist of step-bro fics from them its amazing. theres also a fun loss-of-innocent taehyung one :))))
training wheels by @fithehunnybee | theres a twinge of like sneaky manipulation in this one which i love. y/n kinda a bitch but she drives poor lil koo up the mf WALL. we have some cumming in pants action which i know you all LOVE hehehehe. also i love that it builds the tension so well with koo getting so desperate and y/n teasing..poor lil bunny
the dark prince (series) by @jkeuphoriadreamland | 🔺 LISTEN. first of all, read all their works bc, chefs kiss, but focusing on the needy koo in this, he DEVELOPS mmkay, he starts off all innocent but once he has a taste oh boy does he know what he wants (its you, btw *wink). poor boy cant see at first but he cant fucking help himself your touch drives him insane. how can you resist? the slow burn. the build up. the teasing. IMMACULATE. 
thank you, baby (series) by @scribblemetae | 🔺 im gonna clickbait you ALL into reading this. its twisted in the best way. a few personal highlights for me are when y/n is wearing the VR goggles and jungkook is like yeah imma just slide my cock in real quick lmfaooo its really hot though. the sort of unraveling of the reader adds to the desperation and neediness of both of their sexual actions. its fanfuckingtastic. each part has a good dose of things we all crave: begging, whining goodness
born sinner (series) by @1kook | OUR GOOD LIL CATHOLIC BOY IS UP TO NO GOOD and its got so much of his POV and the GUILT is so well portrayed and makes the whole thing seem more taboo/intense and its just fantastic mmm. 
forbidden by @googikoo | 🔺 again, i read this more times than i can admit. its not so much loss of innocence and more like straight up NEEDY but essentially sneaky devious lil koo is dating your daughter but, obvi, he wants you ;) 
and not to be entirely self-serving but in case you want more..i too have dabbled in this genre ;)
touch me wherever
tickle me there 
touch yourself here 
wanna touch you 
soaked n’ slippery
ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE!! if you know of any other fics that fit this niche please feel free to lmk!! im always looking for new reads :) this one is for my TMW readers. i know what you like hehehehe ;)
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sh0tanzz · 4 months
hii can u do sohee as bf?
SOHEE AS YOUR BF based on astrology ~
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reminder: this is for fun and astrology is smth I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!
Scorpio Sun: The stereotype that scorpios suns are secretive is so played out they're just technically shy imo im sorry LMFAOOO. Once a scorpio fully trusts you or has something they genuinely want to tell you they just keep GOING. And the same probably applies to him especially since his Mercury is in Sag. In the beginning he might seem hard to crack or not one to spare many details but once he's sure of you and you two are officially together and solidified oh he's a plain open book. Ofc he's not gonna pour every aspect of his heart out but being secretive really won't be an issue. He has an aspect of sun and uranus so he won't really act in ways that aren't true to him, his freedom, or expression so he'd practice authenticity even within the relationship so you better be in it for the real him !!
Libra Moon: Similar to Wonbin he'd be pretty considerate and would weigh pros and cons before doing anything to ensure fairness. His chart makes up of placements centered around truth, fairness and morals so ngl being equal+in balance is something he'd want for the relationship. Sometimes there's a tendency for Libra moons to end up complacent or non argumentative to keep the peace but I think it wouldn't be as severe considering his sag placements. Rather than being complacent he'd be pretty passive, he'd be willing to engage in trivial debates and significant convos but wouldn't break his neck to prove his point or show that he's right unless it was absolutely necessary. His moon is sextile his venus so emotional balance is crucial so he'd avoid constant disturbances in the relationship so you two remain in harmony; downside he might become TOO passive and too invested in harmony to where needed conflicts are dismissed or he doesn't express himself fully.
Sagittarius Mercury: So...blunt LMFAOO. Honestly Sohee probably says crazy stuff or is more sassy behind closed doors he has sm mercury aspects even some with pluto and mars. He might be conflicted sometimes, has moments of being super blunt and even saying stuff without thinking and then his libra moon brings him back into peaceful mode and he's like "uuuhm my bad". Probably likes fake arguing or small debates. Makes fun of you most definitely but compared to Eunseok it'd be easy for him to apologize if he realized it was too far or hurt you. Instead of yelling he might talk pretty fast and "word vomit" whenever he's dealing with big emotions or anger (especially with his mercury square mars) and due to this he might go quiet during arguments (if they ever even happen) because he knows when dealing with his outbursts he could say the wrong thing or be hurtful when not meaning to. Likes to be playful and even a bit nonserious and childish in convos and tries to make things lighthearted.
Sagittarius Venus: Sigh omg a bestfriend and boyfriend in one quite LITERALLY. Sag Venus has a hard time settling down because they value their freedom and life path so much and they don't really get into -serious- relationships unless they're genuinely enamored with you and can see you fitting into their expanding life. So once he's with you and realizes he's actually in love with you and it's beyond just flirting and pining he's essentially all in. Freedom will be evident in the relationship and there may not be a super specific power dynamic laid out outside of the cheesy "look at how my gf takes care of me.”. He wouldn't abandon his career for the relationship but wouldn't completely abandon the relationship as a whole either but just know there'd be an attempt to split both. He'd be loving and wouldn't be too restricting, flirts via jokes quite literally he would end up being the funniest man you know especially with that sag mercury on top. He values optimism and change and would implement that into the relationship as well.
Pisces Mars: His Sag Venus paired with his mars could show that he'd be ok with someone being the initiator or taking the lead but would still be ok with wanting your attention and doing things to get it (not in a toxic way ofc) . Like he'd want to impress you with unconventionally/casual romantic things or "best friend dates" that soon lead to more. Aw man he's probably a friends to lovers trope type of man like anton :((. Tbh him having a Sag Venus + Pisces Mars such a chill relationship like I said earlier it'd be just like dating your friend.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #11
• No because Scorpio suns with Capricorn moons are hilarious, very knowledgeable and very honest people!🤝
• Sagittarius suns with Pisces moons and Scorpio mercury/Sag venus are hilarious people! Always trying to make their peers laugh by telling funny jokes, hilariously imitating people or trying to tickle somebody and they come up with the funniest ideas! Also very sweet, emotionally intuitive and tend to be spoiled!!
• They can also be selfish and petty when underdeveloped and they were the “My way or the high way.” type kids.
• Pisces suns with Sagittarius risings are just so sexy?😩 Like not just personality wise but physically! And their facial bone structure? The noticeable high cheekbones with the slightly hollowed cheeks and very gorgeous smiles?? Yea that’s hot asf!!!🥵
• Libra suns with Capricorn moons and Taurus mars are such foodies, who cook so well and can eat a lot but don’t gain weight easily! Also very playful but are no bullshit type people as they grow older. And what’s with the silence treatment thing?😭
• Aries placements are hot, ambitious and have an innocent glow to them when they lighten up about the things they’re very passionate about!!❤️‍🔥
• Taurus risings are so freaking beautiful!!🥺 Literally mesmerizing without trying. ✋🏽
• Leo suns with Aquarius moons and Virgo risings are so playful and very down to earth yet also give crackhead vibes!!😂💞
• Water risings look so much like their mothers!! Especially Cancer and Scorpio! I’ve notice their rising tends to be their mother’s sun sign or in their mother’s big 6! E.g. Prince was a Scorpio rising and his mother was a Scorpio sun and he looks just like her!! And those babydoll/Bambi eyes they tend to have are such a weakness!😩💜
• Sun-Pluto people especially the ones with harsh aspects, are you still having an internal never ending conflict between emotions and ego? Do people always ask you why you look mad/sad yet you’re not? Have you learned to express your emotions outwardly more better?🤠
• Gemini suns with Virgo moons and Cancer mercuries are so friendly and analytical! Literally the types to check up on you often and tell you about their days and the situations they’re in. Also if they think that you think they’re mad at you they’ll literally explain how they weren’t mad at you. Like everything they say is broken down or simplified because they think others might not understand and that’s honestly a very thoughtful thing to do!💜
• They also tend to come up with sweet nicknames for those closest to them!😩💖
• The down side however is they’re prone to depression and being pessimistic but they’re so sweet and caring! My heart goes out to these people<3
• People with the same sun and mercury as you might irk you especially if they have other placements that are opposite or very different from yours!
• Taurus sun Libra moon kids are so shy and tend to go along with everything you suggest!!☺️
• If you’re the eldest sibling and you have an Air moon then your mom is most likely an Earth moon. And if you’re the eldest sibling and you’re an Earth moon then she’s likely an Air moon!
• Air moon eldest sibling-Earth moon middle sibling bonds be the best. 🥳
• Fire mercuries/Water venuses people tend to get along well with Water mercuries/Fire venuses people.😋
• Aquarius risings are soo artistic and equally artistically gifted!!🤍
• Leo sun Leo mercury Aqua risings and Pisces sun Aries mercury Gemini risings duos will be that chatty bold duo who are always laughing at mean comments they make about people they don’t like and random people too! Like “What the fuck are you looking at ugly ass bitch, you should be plucking that long unibrow instead of looking at me. Why is she staring at us? Take a picture it lasts longer.” Is something the Leo sun Leo mercury Aqua rising would sassily joke to the Pisces sun Aries mercury Gemini rising person about, about somebody who randomly glanced at them for more than 5 seconds lmfaooo.😭😂
• Fire suns with a Water venus and a Water/Earth mars are so cute and possessive!!😩
• Also, Air suns don’t tend to get along with their dads that much and might not have them in their lives or their dads might just be immature?
• Gemini risings got some sexy legs!😝
• Aries sun/Mars dominant women are so fierce and sexy!❤️‍🔥
• Sagittarius suns with Earth/Water placements tend to be so caring and are literally cool asf!!!
• Scorpio suns with Aries moons might get cursed at or threatened by their moms on the daily and occasionally can get into fights with her.
• Leo risings are so bold and fun!! You guys are literally inspiring!🤎
• Pisces risings have a childlike lightheartedness to them and it’s literally the cutest thing ever!💞 They also tend to grin/smile in embarrassment when being put on the spot.
• Aquarius suns with Taurus moons and Capricorn risings are so graceful, kind and nurturing!✨
• Capricorn risings are literally the embodiment of classy & humble elegance.🤎
• Underdeveloped Gemini suns with Cancer risings and 12H mercuries can just project on others for not acting mature enough? Specifically if the other person has Air in their big 3 too. And they like to appear well organized/mature when they themselves aren’t. Especially if they have a fire moon.
• Leo suns with Scorpio moons and Leo mercuries tend to have loud mothers!! And very bold and hilarious fathers!!!
• One thing Taurus moons will make sure of is that their homes are not only cosy but everything is right where it’s supposed to be! Almost aesthetic like vibes! They’re the people who still have the plastic cover on their expensive leather sofas for over 10 years.
• When they buy things to decorate their homes they choose only the finest. Even if it’s second hand, if it looks good they’re buying it. Very much quality over quantity type people!
• Virgo moon moms will take one good look at you then just start criticizing everything about you then when you tell them to stop they’ll say “I wasn’t criticizing you.” Then what were you doing ma’am?💀
• Cancer sun Scorpio moon moms literally do EVERYTHING around their household even the unnecessary stuff. They’re always doing SOMETHING. Very much 1950s housewife vibes.
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