#holds up this fella. i just think he's neat !!!!
rileyclaw · 1 year
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some collectors i am pulling out of my comically undersized pocket
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cruel woman
roronoa zoro x reader, fluff
summary: you have the hots for zoro, but does he feel the same?
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The upper deck of the Sunny was shiny and clean; clipboard in hand as you descended the stairs to the kitchen. An itemized list of supplies written in neat handwriting on a piece of paper – Nami had asked if you could go around the ship and take inventory of what was needed and any special requests for the next island stop in a couple of days. The kitchen smelled like lemons, looked clean and a smiling Sanji greeted you with a simper of smile. He asked if you wanted some coffee and you said please, setting the clipboard down to go over it on the counter. He poured fresh coffee into a blue mug with the correct amount of creamer; he knew everyone’s coffee order and he was pleased when he brought the cup over, and you gave him pinch on his cheek.
The one on his face, not his ass – you didn’t need him going into cardiac arrest.
“Do you need anything for the kitchen or perhaps a special request?”
“Some time with you would be sufficient.”
“Very funny.” He had to try but then he got serious and read out a few things he needed for the kitchen. It took about ten minutes for the cook to go over everything but in the end, he was satisfied. Leaving the kitchen with your coffee, you stopped by Chopper’s office and visited the doctor for a bit. Adding more items to the list. Then it off to Ussop’s factory then Franky’s workshop. Finally, you reached the fella’s dorm and knocked, hoping to find Luffy but when you walked in – you got Zoro.
Shirtless in black sweats, damp hair, and a towel around his neck; it was obvious he had just got back from the bath, but you pretended not to care about his near perfect physique. Biceps, abs, triceps…all the ceps of his body…
“Like what you see, huh?”
He teased but you shrugged, holding up the clipboard. “Not really. Too broad. I like the leaner athletic type – like Sanji. So, do you need to put anything on the supply list?”
Zoro frowned. “Uh, no – I don’t think so.”
Staring at him, dull in the eyes, you took a long sip of coffee and inhaled contently. “Well, if you change your mind, still have a few days before we dock. See ya later.”
The man looked dumbstruck, but you left him to ease his ego; leaving quickly back up to the kitchen. Your entire face felt on fire and all you wanted to do was go to your bed and relieve yourself of a sick desire. Zoro had been flaunting himself a lot lately but maybe he wasn’t and your sudden interest in him was due to the lack of companionship. There was the option to share a bed with the cook, but he was too friendly with all the ladies, and you were a jealous fool most times. That endeavor would end up with a knife in some poor girl’s heart Sanji had made eyes at – it was best to leave that all alone. Even if you wanted to…you couldn’t look past Zoro.
Something about that broad shoulder idiot.
“Come for more coffee?”
“I’m all done, thank you.”
Sanji beckoned you over to the sink and you watched as he rinsed out the mug, handing it over for you to dry. He stood quietly for a moment until he asked if you had everything for the list and then he asked if Zoro needed anything. “He never needs anything or anyone.”
The comment slipped out of your mouth, and you winced. Sanji chuckled. “We really need to get you on land. If you’re starting to lust after Zoro, God, help us all.”
Nudging him in the ribs, you scolded him for making fun of your woes. “It’s getting serious, I walked in on him shirtless…”
“Oh, god, please stop.”
You laughed and handed over the clean mug. Sanji plucked it from your hands and returned it back to the cabinet it belonged in, turning to lean against the counter. He lit a cigarette and asked if you were really down that bad. His sincerity threw you into a laughing fit and he joined, until you reached over and touched his shoulder to hold you up. He laughed harder and tears were forming in your eyes just as the kitchen door swung open. Zoro walked in, with a shirt on, and a look of confusion when the two of you stared at him before bursting into a louder laugh.
He left the kitchen in a huff and eventually the laugher died down. Sanji wiped tears from his eyes and patted the top of your head. “You guys will figure it out, if not, my bed is always open to.”
“See that’s the problem, Mr. Prince,” you touched his tie and straightened it up before pushing him away. “I’m a jealous son of a bitch. I would have to pluck your eyes out from stopping you from staring at another woman.”
The cook smirked. “Point taken.”
The rest of the evening was uneventful; Sanji served dinner, everyone drank and went to bed with warm bellies. Nami slept right away but Robin was still up reading when you left the room for fresh air; a warm jacket because the sea was usually freezing during the night. Up on the deck, the ship was quiet sans for the sounds of waves gently lulling the vessel forward. Yawning, you walked over to the railing and leaned forward to stare down at the ocean. Eyes glued to the waves you didn’t notice someone moving to your side and when you finally stood straight – you jumped at the sight of Zoro. He grinned at your yelp and asked what you were doing out so late.
“I’m waiting for Sanji to finish up cleaning the kitchen so we can cuddle in his bunk.”
You were so wrong for that but the look of discontent on the swordman’s face brought on a gloating smile. He rolled his eyes and mentioned how bony Sanji was. “Have fun trying to keep warm.”
Retorting with a quip that noted all the ways to warm up one’s body, Zoro gripped the edge of the ship’s railing and glared out into the ocean. Cruel woman, that’s what he called you and you agreed. Finally realizing you were teasing him the entire time, Zoro loosened up and asked if you wanted to come back to his bunk. “I can keep you warm.”
Adjusting to the moonlight, you gave Zoro a once over and asked him why he wanted you in his bunk. The question perplexed the man, and you watched as the gears turned in his eyes, he seemed lost in thought for what felt ages but then he finally confessed that he just wanted you to. “Don’t have more of a reason than that…unless you really do want to sleep in the cook’s bed. Can’t stop you. But I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me lately, I’m not blind.”
“How have I been looking at you.” You challenge the man and his eyes narrowed, grabbing you light by the elbow. He grinned, body lingering close to yours. “Like you’re in heat.”
Pulling from him, you practically snarled at him. “You’re a real son of bitch, you know that?”
He let out a low chuckle, apologizing as he pulled you back. Words were never his forte, but he managed to tell you to stay, that he had always been driven by his dream, the crew, Luffy, but you had disrupted his life. “I’m not that damn Prince, I never cared about this kinda of thing.”  He held your hand carefully, as if you’d burn him. “I probably can’t give you everything you deserve…”
“What do you know about what I deserve?”
Zoro grew serious. “I’ll always have your back; I can guarantee that.”
Pretending to contemplate what he was saying, your finger tapped the edge of your chin and Zoro sighed. “Cruel woman.”
Laughing, you slipped both arms around his neck and he smiled, hands on your waist. The two of you stood silent, allowing yourselves time to devour the moment under the stars above the ocean – and the sound of the waves, pushing against the ship. Zoro let out rasped breath when your fingers massaged the back of his head, his entire body practically went into relaxation mode, and you laughed. “I’m not so cruel, am I?”
He roughly pulled you against his body and the two of you stared at each other, secret smiles on your faces. Hands on each other’s faces, your lips crashed just as the waves did and your heart skipped harder than you ever thought possible. You hoped he was feeling the same and by the way Zoro leaned in for another kiss – you knew he did. Breathless, he finally pulled away; cheeks red, lips bruised. He looked like a shy schoolboy and not the fierce man he was, it was endearing. He asked again if you wanted to come back to his bunk and the thought of being with him in the same room as the others made you uneasy and Zoro laughed. “Not like that, not with that cook in there too. Just sleep. I need sleep.”
Relieved, you agreed, and he took your hand – leading you to the men’s quarters. Quiet snores filled the room, drastic from the silence in the woman’s quarters every night. Zoro led you to his bottom bunk, got in first and moved over for you. Slipping down next to him, he immediately engulfed you in his arms – every muscle in his body surrounded you with ease and warmth. No blanket was needed, he was enough. With your back pressed against his chest, arms around your waist and his nose nuzzled against your hair – the two of you fell asleep instantly. Neither of you cared what the others would think when they woke up, completely unaware that Sanji would be the one to find you first. He would roll his eyes at the sight of you cradled in Zoro’s arms and the way you both drooled as if having the best sleep of your lives. Idiots, he would think but he knew better than most, the heart wanted what it wanted.
@posessedbytheinternet @smolracoon25 @notthemainblog
@xentaipriest @xitara666 @rouzuchan @southside-otaku
@dimplewonie @stuckinthewrongworld @yourmomsgirl
@zoroshispanicwife @reneeprika @themossiestchick
@cyberneticsmoker @starrlovet
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I really like the decision to set TotK a few years after BotW, as opposed to the few months we’re used to in direct Zelda sequels. It gave the world a substantial amount of time to change. Hyrule is livelier. In the years of relative peace since Calamity Ganon was vanquished, it’s been allowed to grow and thrive. Hateno Village, the largest Hylian settlement, is becoming economically significant as a tourist destination and food supplier. It’s especially cool to see Riju, Tulin, and Kass’s kids mature into their adult/teenage years, respectively.
Building on that, I think it’s neat that Link is in his early twenties now. This is the oldest Link we’ve ever played as (Skyward Sword held the previous record at 17.5 y/o). He’s had time to adjust to life post-calamity. His traumatic mutism seems to be all but gone. You ever notice just how much he talks in this game? Dialogue options galore, he’s constantly explaining things to other characters, all that. And he’s more expressive, too. He outright laughs when he fuses weapons.
Link’s relationship with Zelda has also had time to grow. Guys. Fellas. Broskis. They live in the same house. In which there is only one bed. They are together. The implication here is that they share most of their meals together, and remember, it’s key to his characterization that he opens up emotionally when he’s cooking or eating. That means there has been a lot of quality bonding time between them.
Before and during the Calamity, Link served as Zelda’s royal bodyguard because the king demanded it of him. Given how he went mostly mute from the pressure of being entrusted with the princess’s safety and being chosen as the Hylian Champion (at age 17, mind you), I’d wager he didn’t particularly like the assignment until he started bonding with her. He looks downright sad when she snaps at him in that one memory at the shrine. Hell, he doesn’t smile once in the memories.
But you know what? I get the feeling that Link protects her now not out of duty like he used to, but out of love. That’s powerful because “love conquers all” and all that, but also, there’s no external pressure to be her bodyguard. Until the Upheaval, he was done being a special little hero. He was just a swordsman, but he still went where Zelda went to protect her. So instead of being crushed by that pressure, protecting her is an expression of his love for her. It’s a choice and he’s doing it because he wants to, not because it was forced on him.
That’s a lot of growth to go through, and it was paced over several years. He doesn’t appear to have aged much, but enough time has passed that Hudson has a daughter who can hold a mature conversation. That’s what, 5 years old? Yeah, Link is in his early twenties. Fucking finally, the task of saving the world falls on the shoulders of an adult (although speaking as someone entering his mid-twenties, that honestly isn’t much better).
I’m starting to ramble here so I’ll leave a parting observation of Link and Zelda’s house in Hateno. Zelda has redecorated a fair bit since moving in with Link, replacing his weapon racks with photos of her horse and various Hyruleans (her subjects who she cares deeply for), but the photo of her, Link, and the Champions is still up. And that’s really cute.
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I'm been dreaming of the Trump Card of Hearts.
One card in a deck, and the world stacked against him. What can he hope to do by himself?
Simple: he'll be the one that trumps them all.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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Card Soldiers mob the courtroom. The trial has reconvened, the verdict drawn up. Excited whispers--rumors, theories--swirl around the onlookers in the circular stands.
At the center, a single man snorts.
They've come for free entertainment; to witness his execution.
"Order, order! I will have order in this court."
A gavel sounds from up above. Each strike against a block, the toll calling for his head to roll.
The audience automatically quiets.
A throat clears.
At the judge's bench is the Three of Clubs, anxiously gazing down through his spectacles. He's complicit, another mouthpiece for the Queen. No guts, no will.
Lame, the one in the center of the case thinks.
“This court hereby finds the defendant, one Mister Ace Trappola, guilty of stealing the Queen’s tarts," the judge declares. "The sentence—”
“OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!” roars the royal from the side. He’s red in the face, the same color as his hair and the painted roses.
“… Yes, that," the Three of Clubs agrees. One more decisive swing of the gavel, and the defendant's fate is sealed. "Really sorry about this, but rules are rules."
The judge nods to the guards on standby, a battalion of Diamonds, all in a neat row. They nod back, registering the order, and flutter free, surrounding in their target. Each of them wears the same grim expression.
The jury clamors for a better view.
"Really sorry about this, but rules are rules," Ace repeats mockingly. "Do you hear yourself? How pretentious can you possibly be?"
Veins throb on the Queen's forehead. Steam pours out of his ears. He grips the railing of his perch, glaring from his throne.
The condescending tone, the bossy orders.
A familiar story.
"It'd be better if you don't talk back," the Three of Clubs advises. "That makes things easier for me. For us all."
"So just lie down and take it? Nah. I don't think you guys get it. You just hate that I'm telling the truth and you can't handle it."
"Enough waiting. I've been patient enough. I want his head, and I want it NOW," the Queen bellows, driving their scepter into the ground.
"At once, your majesty," the Cards simper. Their voices overlap with one another, like a deck cut and then reshuffled into one.
There's so many of them now. Jurors climbing out of their seats, soldiers spilling in from the far wall.
"Whoa, hey! Fellas, fellas, let's calm down here." Ace holds up both hands. "All this over one, maybe two, measly pies? How about a trick to help smooth things over?"
He turns a hand over, revealing a single card in his grasp. Upon its face, the ace of hearts.
"Watch it dance!"
Ace sets the card into motion. It twirls, alive, around his fingers, orbiting his palm and then swapping to the other. Spinning, spinning--and then, the sudden drop.
The Card Soldiers descend on him.
His ace makes contact with the floor.
It's showtime.
He looks away.
The ace erupts into harsh beams of light and crackling colors. Fireworks consume the courtroom, loud and bright and disorienting. Alarmed shouts ring out, Card Soldiers shielding their eyes from the attack.
“Calm yourselves! It’s nothing more than cheap parlor tricks!” the Queen snarls. He searches in the crowd for the defendant—and catches a head of tangerine bolting up the stairs.
His temper flares.
“Don’t just STAND there!! Deploy all units! CAPTURE THE THEIF!!”
"Not today!" Ace retorts.
He throws open the doors, clearing the courthouse as he steps onto a checkered lawn.
The world opens before him, lush with tall trees and shrubs trimmed into the shape of hearts. White roses dribbling red poke out from the foliage, paint pooling like blood at the roots. It's beautiful and cruel in the same way that heartbreak is--but there isn't a moment to admire it.
Not when the maze awaits.
A stone drops in his stomach.
The hedge maze is massive, stretching out and taking up most of the garden. Too tall to climb, too wide to walk around. Too twisty and complex to power through on sheer will alone.
Stomp, stomp, stomp!
Militant footsteps come from behind.
There's no time to think. Just act.
He launches himself in, hears them in pursuit. Row after row of soldiers marching in unison, single-file.
Ace doesn't know where he's going, if the choices he's making are right. He relies on his instincts, the flightiness of his feet, to carry him away from the shouts, the spears pointed at him.
He's pulled deeper and deeper into the heart of the maze. Down the rabbit hole, to some unknown place.
All the leaves look the same, and so does the sky. The criss-crosses and zig-zags don't make sense. His vision spins.
Damn it, where's the exit?!
Ace's head swerves left, then right, surveying his surroundings. To his dismay, his gaze connects with a Two of Spades at the end of a corridor. Their eyes widen in realization.
The Spade is turning now, calling out for the others to come.
Ace looks the other way. He is greeted with a dead end, impossible to scale.
They're going to cage me in if I don't get out of this tight spot…!
Mustering all his strength, Ace throws his body into the Two of Spades. He slams into the pole of a spear, which pushes back against him. His head and his rival's connect.
"Outta my way!”
The Two of Spades grits his teeth. "You should surrender now and come back with us. If you sincerely say sorry, Rosehearts-senpai might show you mercy."
"And let him have the last laugh?" Ace scoffs. "I don't think you know me too well."
"I want you to be better. I know you can be.”
“That line, coming from you? That’s rich.”
“If you'd just listen to the dorm leader, to us—”
"--What, I'd be like you?" Ace taunts, his hands closing on the Spade's spear. They clench on so tightly, his bones threaten to tear through his skin. "I'd catch up with everyone else? Finally get my unique magic and get to do something flashy? Is that it?"
“You don’t need to nag me, I get it! I get that I’m behind, okay?!”
“That’s not what I…” He falters, and Ace draws out an exasperated sigh.
A Card Soldier doesn’t stick out.
A Card Soldier must conform.
Those are the rules, and always has been.
His annoyance twists with upset. A fire ignites in his chest.
“Aaah, dammit. I’m getting sick of everyone tellin’ me what to do all the time. The only one that gets to decide that for me… is me!”
That’s right, falling in line just doesn’t suit the trump card. I won’t be satisfied with this alone.
The warmth spreads from his torso to his limbs, as if propelled by his very veins. Sparks feeding into an inferno. His skin tingles, buzzing from head to toe.
The Spade stares, jaw agape.
What is this feeling…?
Ace stares at his hands. They feel molten, yet brimming with energy.
Is this what I think it is?
The buzzing reaches his ears, rattles his head. The magic begs to be unleashed.
Rise up, it urges him. Incite rebellion. Defy their will. You know what to do, what to say.
Do it.
Ace opens his mouth.
And recites his incantation.
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nerendus · 9 months
Went exploring Cainhurst because I'm insane. A little bit sad that this was all the neat stuff I could spot.
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Plate art depicts Castle Cainhurst. That's cute.
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Also in the dining area are these little steps to look out the window. They probably serve a boring practical purpose, but I just think it's cute to imagine little Vileblood kids running up these steps, waiting for dinner to be served, and killing time by watching the waves crash. I wish I lived here.
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This skrunkly little fella. I love him. I haven't thought about what he should be named, but I'm getting strong Xavier vibes.
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Knights leading up to the throne room are all missing one leg, the leg depending on which side of the hall they are on.
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Maybe something in the lore already explains this, but this little crack in between Logarious's boss arena and the throne room so, so, so helps answering my generic confusion of the layout of the castle. Simply put, the throne room probably wasn't intially in this spot and Logarious's silly little evil war wizard magic just...stuck the throne room in his bag of holding and it popped out where we were after he died. Something along those lines, at least. Someone more versed in...everything...probably could better articulate what this weird little thing going on with the castle is.
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Not necessarily a lore detail, but this fucking green shit gets on my nerves. Not because it's there, but because I don't know what it is. It has to be some sort of graphical error, right? Like, yeah, sure, but what the fuck causes it? I'm fine with this sort of stuff, I usually always find errors endearing in games, but when I can't even begin to make sense of what it is, it just makes me unnecessarily angry.
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 25 - Bathroom
@jegulus-microfic January 25 Word count 979
Previous part First part
Regulus had disappeared into the gloomy house. But James could guess where he’d gone. There was only one room in this entire house where any of them could stay for more than a few minutes, and that was the kitchen. 
He found them all crowded around the table. Sirius looked grumpy. Remus was pinching the bridge of his nose. And Regulus was cackling at something he must have said. They hadn’t even lasted a minute before one was winding the other up. 
“What did he say?” James asked Remus, thinking he’d get the straightest answer from him. 
“That he was sorry you were late but that you’d spent the afternoon on the sofa one step away from shagging.” Remus said matter of factly. James couldn’t hold in the groan that escaped him. 
“Reg, what did I say before we came in?” 
“Not to rile him up.” He looked at James angelically. “But in my defence, he did ask.��� James wandered over and pecked him on the cheek. 
“You know that’s not what he meant, love.” He raised an eyebrow, imitating Regulus’s patented look.
“Oh, so this is just happening now, then?” Sirius gestured towards them both, interrupting their moment. Regulus glowered at Sirius.
“Yes. So deal with it.”
“So, not just a one-night stand?” He said, glowering back just as fiercely.
“Not that it’s any of your business, Sirius. But just for your information, nothing even happened last night. We kissed out in the garden and then went up to James’s bedroom and slept.” He narrowed his eyes. “Happy now?” Sirius didn’t look overly happy. 
“I suppose at least now I don't have to kill James.” He said nonchalantly as he leaned back in his chair as though completely at ease.
“Hey, what the hell, Sirius? You were plotting my demise?” James feigns outrage. `this was how Sirius and he sorted things out. 
“What can I say, big fella, bro’s before hoe’s.” Remus snorted, setting them all off into fits of giggles. 
“Okay, let's start eating the food before it goes cold,” Remus said, wiping his eyes as he took the bags from James’s hands while Regulus grabbed plates and cutlery from the draw. 
They sat down and enjoyed the meal, laughing back and forth like normal. 
They were so close to being finished when Sirius opened his big mouth. 
“You should be thanking me, you know. If it wasn’t for me literally dragging you out of here yesterday, Reggie. You wouldn’t have whatever this is.” James stood up before Regulus could retaliate. They’d bicker for a bit, and he’d stop them, but they needed to get a few jabs in at each other before they’d let him. 
“Just popping to the bathroom,” He told Regulus when he looked over at him mid-jibe.
“Yeah, and if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have even been allowed in his house.” James winced. That was a sore spot for Sirius, and Regulus knew it. Sirius’s parents had tried to disinherit him when he came out, and Regulus had said they’d have to disinherit him as well. 
Of course, Walburga and Orion hadn’t taken that well, so the Black brothers had gathered a few belongings and left together that night. 
James stopped. He’d gotten lost in his thoughts, remembering the night Sirius turned up on his parent's doorstep, dragging Regulus along behind him, and gotten turned around in the vast house. It didn’t help that everything looked the same, gloomy and old. 
He wandered up and down, opening and closing each door, unable to find what he was looking for. 
“Lost?” A familiar voice whispered in his ear, and for the second time that day, James had his arse grabbed, and he jumped into the air, squealing.
“Christ, Reg!” He yelped. Regulus gained at him cheekily, taking his hand and pulling him towards the right door.
When James reemerged from the bathroom, Regulus grabbed his hand again and pulled him up the next flight of stairs, and into a room James had never been into before. Regulus’s bedroom. He’d been in Sirius’s hundreds of times—it was chaos. Regulus’s, on the other hand, was neat and orderly.
Why did you bring me in here?” James asked as he picked up a photo frame with a picture of Regulus and Sirius at the beach. He thought it was a really sweet photo until he saw what was in the background. 
“Seriously, Reg. All the photos from that day, and you frame the one of me being attacked by a seagull?!” 
“It’s a nice picture of Sirius and I. It’s hardly my fault that you decided to fight a seagull at the exact moment it was taken.” He smirked at James, eyes crinkling. “And to answer you’re previous question. 1. I’m returning the favour from yesterday. You showed me yours, and I’m showing you mine. 2. I’m keeping you up here long enough for Sirius to think we’re up to no good.” He told James as he checked his reflection in the mirror. James let out an exasperated sigh.
“Are you actually trying to see how much it takes to make your brother’s head explode?” He asked, already knowing the answer Regulus was going to give.
“Yes!” He grinned mischievously, pushing his sleeve up and checking his watch. “I think it’s been long enough. Let's go back down.” He reached up and kissed James deeply, bruisingly. Running his fingers through James’s hair, making it stand up. When they broke apart, Regulus looked over James’s bruised, spit-wet lips, slightly flushed complexion and wild hair and nodded. 
“What was that?” James narrowed his eyes, feeling that Regulus was plotting something. 
“Nothing. Just wanted to kiss you.” Regulus said, brushing his fingers through James’s hair again. James sighed, not entirely placated. But he was sure he’d find out what Regulus was up to once they went downstairs.   
Next part
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rinbowaman · 1 year
S E 7 E N : M A M M O N P A R T 2 W O
Warnings: Just lots of fluff, mentions of bodies being mutiliated, torn, shredded, turned into statues, enveloped by metals, people getting smacked, (they had it coming) and i think that's it really.
“Come here..tsk tsk tsk…come here.”
Your eyes opened, adjusting to the very subtle rays of sunlight peering in through the window, you could tell it was mid-morning without looking at the clock.
“Meow! Meow-meow? Meowmeowmeowmeowmeeeeeeooow!”
‘Who….what is that?’
Your ears perked to the sound of a voice that was clearly male, slightly higher in pitch with a very unique tone. It was coming from the small balcony through the wide open sliding door next  to your dining table.
Sitting up, you slowly stood and made your way to the sliding door, through the sheer curtains, you could make out a young man who was kneeling down on next to your potted plants.
“It’s okay, eat. There you go….”
He was petting something. “많이 먹어”  
‘Huh…so he also speaks in different tongues…’  
Recognizing the language, based off your experience with the language cassettes in the library, it seemed like he was fond of speaking in Korean. Come to think of it, thus far, all of the encounters you had with these fellas, Helel, Jay, and now this one apparently, though you only saw his backside, yet they had clear indications that they were of Korean descent…or rather, they had the appearance of Korean males.  
You slowly breached the opening of the sliding door, hearing your delicate footsteps, he remains kneeling as he pivoted on his heel and looks over at you. He had a cupped hand filled with tuna while the other was gently petting a small kitten before him, he looked at you somewhat wide eyed and an emotionless expression.
 “You’re awake.” He states, while he studied you. 
“uhm…yeah…you’ve been here long?” you remarked so familiarly, as if you knew the man already.  
He turns his head back to the small kitten, “Naaah…just for the last ten minutes.” 
Picking up the small animal, he walks over to you and hands it to you.
 “Here, hold onto Kimchi for a second.” 
‘He named this kitten after fermented cabbage?....’ you thought.  
You scoot back as he walks back in, turns halfway as he slides the glass door shut. He wasn’t as tall as the other two, yet he still hovered above you by at least a good amount. His shoulders were broad, very broad, and he had such strong forearms as he dawned a pair of black trousers and a white button up, looking almost as formal as Helel did when he appeared before you.  Each of his fingers were adorned with such beautiful, and lavish pieces of jewelry, with real jewels, pearls, silver, and gold. Matching the elegance of his rings, were a pair of diamond speckled earrings he had on.
His hair was neat as it laid downward, covering his forehead as the wispy strands danced atop his eyebrows. The front pieces had subtle blonde highlights peeking through the dark brown foundation of his thatch of thick hair. He was young looking, but just as remarkably handsome as his two brothers.
Facing you, he sighs out as his eyes shift from you face and trailed down to your waist, hips, and down to your legs.  
“Yeah…you’re Heeseung’s bride alright….he never expressed a type…well then again, it’s hard to see what someone’s type is when they never show interest in anything apart from condemning the unruly. But somehow just by looking at you…I can tell that you’re his type.”
 He remarks as he continues to study you. You cleared your throat softly as you shift your gaze before opening the door to a new conversation.  
“I um…heard you’re one of the younger brothers…is that true?” 
He looks at you wide eyed again before he chuckles and shakes his head off to the side, “yeah, Niki is the youngest, I come in second.”  
You nod as you continued to cradle…’Kimchi’. 
“Here, let me try and feed him, he’s too skinny.”
He remarks as he reaches over for the baby animal. Gently taking it from you, you watched as he gently caresses the kitten in his arms, his decorated fingers stroke the ears and chin of the baby cat.
 “Are cats your favorite animal?” you inquired softly.  
“Oh yeah. They’re cute, and so much fun to play with. I’ve got about a million of them at home, also lions, tigers, panthers, pumas, and oh! I just brought home a new bobcat the other day, poor thing was shot in the eye by a poacher, so I healed it and took it back to the others.” 
You nodded slowly, wide eyed at his mentioning of the collected species and breeds of felines.  
“Wow….thats…uh..impressive.” you marked out.  
“You like them too?” he looks over at your cat plushies that you slept on last night. 
“I noticed all those cute things are of cats, where did you get them? I think I might get some for myself, they’re super funny and adorable.”
 “Uh..yeah…um well actually…a lot of the stores that did carry them no longer …are open..but…” looking over your shoulder, you side stepped over to the couch and reach over to grab a cat plushie, one that was the same color as Kimchi.
“You can take all of mine, since…in six days I will no longer be able to enjoy them.” He looked at you wide eyed, still cradling Kimchi, then looked down at the plushie you presented.  
“You…really mean I can take these? Are you sure?”  
“Yeah…seriously. I um..well I’m sure you know already, but I won’t be living for much longer.”  
Smirking, he tickles Kimchi’s belly as he dips his nose down to rub against the baby’s own snout.  
“Yeah, I heard.” He continues to smirk at the little animal as he rubs his nose against it, left to right.  “Koochie-koochie-koo.” He issues out in slightly higher pitch at the kitten. 
Placing the animal down, he lets the baby roam as he grabs his black jacket, that matched his trousers and the rest of his ensemble.  
“Well, we should go and find a store to get some food for Kimchi, also I saw some more cats nearby where I found him, we need to feed them too.” 
“umm….well…” you hesitated as you felt a little uneasy going out, considering you were being looked for by the cult, plus with Jay eliminating a few of them, you were quite sure that you were on the Senator’s hitlist.  
“Come on, it will be fine. Lets go.” He scoffs out as he smirks.
 “its just that….you see….” He gently cuts you off as he places his hands on your shoulders, taking a step or two closer to you.
He looked much taller now that he was directly in front of you.
 “Girl, listen. If you don’t hold my hand and help me feed the cats, I’m leaving.” He mischievously grins. “You don’t want me to tell Heeseung that you were being disobedient, do you?” he strokes your cheek as he softly issues out his words, still mocking the tune of his voice at you.  
“Mm…no…sorry.” You shook your head. “I’ll grab my coat and we’ll go….feed the cats.” 
“Well I’ll be….if you aren’t fitting for the King of Hell himself.” He scoffs out as he pets your head, closing you in against his chest as he hugs you.
Placing his nose atop your head, he rubs it from left to right, just as he did when he rubbed it against the baby cat’s snout.  
“Come on kitten, let’s go.” 
'How wonderful…a new pet name.’  Which had reminded you… 
“Um….what is your…name?....or what should I call you if you prefer not to tell me your real name?” you inquired as you recalled Jay’s statement of he and his brothers all having dual names, one which was their true name, the other, they picked for themselves.  
He smiles as he opens our coat closet, and gently yanks your black raincoat from the hanger before wrapping it over your shoulders.
Breathing against your forehead, and placing just a small and faint peck on it, his chest slightly bumping into the tip of your nose, he whispers… 
“For now, you can call me Jungwon.”  
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P A R T T H R 3 E
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae
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tacky-optic · 2 months
ok, let's talk about this guy. hold on i'm serious wait HEAR ME OUT--
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to preface i hardly ever think of ^this guy^, but he and the scene that brought this on was touched on very briefly in a podcast i've been listening to lately (sideburns and cigarettes ofc), so here we are. enjoy my barely filtered take on the cardboard cutout pt 6 zeni before cardboard cutout pt 6 zeni.
extremely excited for the koike zenigata movie that hasn't even been remotely mentioned in any official capacity yet.
zenigata in ep 4 of twcfm, first half behaviors aside, goes from trying to shoot Lupin square in the chest the second he sees him to reciting fking SHAKESPEARE to him come ON. what does that MEAN. and then he tries to kill him again HELLO. wipe the hotsauce outta your eyes and take a deep breath in, man
like he fucks fujiko in a purely transactional sense sure but all of that convinced me he wants to not only fuck but marry AND kill lupin. in ONE scene.
and then that energy's just. gone. poof. there's barely enough there for it to get to the same level it does in most other lupin media. his reverse-oedipus twink son stole all of it and i'm only a little salty, i swear.
anyways i want koike zeni to go on a disgustingly complex tirade about why he needs to get rid of this peacocky little shitheel in an unnecessarily intimate manner to some random cop npc "sir this is a stakeout" style, but instead he's just "where's lupin. where's this axe guy. okay axe guy fucked off, goemon stand aside so i can arrest lupin."
listen, he's allowed to be the cool cold hardboiled cop guy, but that's hardly enough for him to compete with the rest of the koike gang. lupin's a diabolical little shit (unchanged). jigen's willing to explicitly die for lupin's schemes and that's fun to him. goemon will train until he fucking keels over. fujiko is the Baddest Bitch.
on the flipside, for the most part, you could replace zenigata with literally anyone else and it'd hardly change much.
if there's any medium to execute The Obsession to its fullest extent in, it's this. they could totally amp up the Tragicomedy in the koike stuff, but they seem to be avoiding "comedic relief" zenigata like the plague even though that is, without a doubt, a massive part of what makes zenigata Zenigata in the first place. he's the best cop but he's an absolute trainwreck of a human being. basette nailed it, actually--
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they were so fucking real for this.
anyway i'm well aware that anything my half-conscious potato brain/ The Fandom can cook up will be obliquely better than anything released officially, but a fella can dream. or, y'know, maybe they'll surprise us. that'd be neat
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myassbrokethefall · 8 months
xf rewatch: ghost in the machine
This one was interesting to watch in light, obviously, of the current AI moment. Like, Deep Throat goes "how much do you know about ''''artificial intelligence''''?" and Mulder says "I thought it was only theoretical." You did? And then a minute later DT describes "a learning machine….a computer that actually THINKS." like hold up there fella! There's quite the gulf between THOSE two things but I suppose we don't really know that yet back now. Even Mulder saying "could someone have ''''''''hacked'''''''' into the system?" like this is the most out-there idea of all time, and instead of going, duh yes, hacking into the system is indeed something that someone could most certainly have done, Brad says "not your average phone phreak, that's for sure." remember phone phreaking?? neither do I because I'm old but I'm not THAT old. I heard an interesting podcast ep about it semi-recently though. Like you could make a noise with your VOICE that was the same pitch as some note the phone plays and it tricks it into connecting you to a long-distance line or something. neat stuff. anyway.
The computer stuff wasn't AS ridiculous as I remembered, but I also wonder if the farther we get from the time period the more I'm like, sure that seems like it could have been true back then I guess. At least, it seemed to more or less follow from a story perspective (but maybe that's what makes it so unrealistic in a tech way). Things that DID stick out to me included the following:
1. all those security cameras seem so RICKETY. They're all just stickin out there servo-ing jerkily around out in the air, just hit that shit down with a shovel and be done with it. Mulder dramatically covers one with a cloth and I was like, great now you only have to do that 9,000 more times in this building.
2. the superintelligent AI is courteous enough to jingle Scully up on her landline at 1:31 am to screech modem noises at her in order to give her a heads up that it's hacking into her computer at that moment (for what purpose? how is reading her reports on Mulder any help to it…ehh whatever).
3. Gordon/Gansa really running through the scifi "homages" with Conduit being very heavily Contact-by-Sagan-based and this one developing a voice solely so it could say things like "program……. EXECUTED GET IT" and "sorry Dave Brad, I can't do that."
4. I did certainly feel that the computer was "thinking" QUITE a lot more outside the box than seemed even marginally realistic (and per what I have read about machine learning, not that I am remotely close to being an expert on any of that). It sure got a LOT of info from filming people with its analog(?) security cameras and like, extrapolating from what it observed. The way it halted the elevator so Scully would call security and identify herself when she did so, so that it could learn her name and start googling (forgive me) her? I mean now that is some high-level strategizing. I feel Janelle Shane would not approve.
Other notes from my "notes":
Penny Northern as the lady congratulating Jerry on his profile that he stole from Mulder.
Scully's hair is slowly getting unfortunate. That swingy little Deep Throat floofy bob remains my favorite so far.
Nancy Spiller forensics instructor at the academy, "we used to call her the iron maiden!" Every time Scully mentions or interacts with a professor now I wonder if she fucked them. Heheh (EDIT: I just realized Penny Northern IS Nancy Spiller. !!! Still wonder if Scully fucked her)
This ep contains the iconique moment of Scully emphatically circling something on a computer monitor with a physical writing implement. (Also that whole mapping the voices together situation was very goofy and also pointless — if the system had a voice why wouldn't it be Brad's voice; he invented it.)
This is the first ep thus far that I've found Scully's Scullying kind of irritating. It seems very obvious that Brad did not do it so her being like "mulder I'm sorry you're so sad about your shitty friend dying that you can't think straight" feels condescending instead of sympathetic. "maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if you talked to someone." "you're probably right." *leaves* "where are you going?" "to talk to someone." yeah you deserved that, sculls.
Failed mulderisms: "open sesame." I'm not offended by it or anything it's just so weak as to barely rise to the level of joke. Also, it has ALWAYS and I mean since the 90s grated on me that he scoffs "a politically correct elevator" because the elevator is being so outrageously, offensively woke as to… announce the floor numbers??? ok boomer!!! lord
Scully's got this book in bed with her. analyze as you will.
Pretty impressive how Mulder knows how to whip open a car hood and immediately rip the correct wire to get the horn to shut up.
Greatly enjoyed the This echo of them climbing stairs and yelling out numbers while doing so. Also, they are so young and athletic; sure they can go up 30 flights of stairs and then Scully is totally game to be hoisted into a ceiling vent and crawl around up there. J. Edgar's finest, at the top of their physical game!
I got so mad when Mulder goes "he apologized. in his own way" about Jerry. he literally did not even come close to apologizing! he said fuck you I stole your notes because you were gonna help me anyway so who cares, shut up, and then he stomped off. In no universe is that an apology of even the worst sort. Jerry sucks.
this house:
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(literal photo of tv taken from couch, too lazy to even get up)
is ugly as shit, and I was making fun of it saying that it looked like a suburban convention center and bar mitzvah venue instead of a rich tech guy's sleek futuristic mansion and wondering if they filmed it at like, a Days Inn, but I was informed it was actually the home of a star Canucks player?? well he had terrible taste.
Finally, I remain FASCINATED with watching Mulder and Scully Work In An Office and interact with other people in the office and do office things like eat pastries off a cart! and hang out in what looks like the FBI archives! This set:
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is so endearingly normcore-office to me. The library cart with archive boxes and also some other loose crap on it. All the haphazardly sized shelves from Staples with random mugs that no one wants so someone just sticks them on a bookshelf. Stacks of copy paper. A whole bunch of plants, some of which are dead, and also featuring at least 2 empty vases. The industrial tissue box. Someone did a very good job with this set dec is what I'm saying. Ok, the "INVOICES" folder is a little funny.
This is almost a workplace drama at this point in its life and I am a little bit obsessed with that. What is Fran gonna say about M&S smashing up that car. Smh.
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elm-writes-stories · 5 months
Cuphead: Isle of Memories (Rewrite)
*Hey guys! Happy New Year! I'm sorry that I've published this late! I've been busy with work and had been running into a writer's block, but I'm back! Anyway, this episode is published on January 1, 2024. If you guys like this chapter, don't be afraid to heart, reblog, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Happy New Year and let's hope this year will be a good year! Enjoy!*
Episode Eleven: Turning Up the Charm
Today was a relaxing day for once in Mugman’s life.
No demons. No Tremaine.
Just him reading a story with Cassidy sitting on his lap to read. Her purring were the only sounds that he could listen to all day. Now, he wished every day could be like this. It didn’t help he was sitting on the bean bag in the corner of the library Djimmi made.
She was resting her eyes while they were reading, which was causing him to fall asleep reading the story with her. And he didn’t mind as long as she was in his arms. But he could’ve sworn he would accidentally drop the book falling asleep like this. He started to move around to close the book, which woke her up a little.
“Oh, sorry,” Mugman whispered to her while putting the book back on the shelf.
“It’s okay,” she said tiredly, cuddling her head on his shoulder. Her paws were making biscuits on his shirt with a content smile.
Once he put the book away, he leaned back so that she could get comfortable laying on him. A smile formed his face. He began resting his eyes and holding her in his arms.
Before he could sink into a deep sleep, Chalice appeared by his side as a ghost.
“Mugsy!” Chalice shouted with a sudden urgency, waking both Mugman and Cassidy up with yelps and jolts.
Mugman took a few deep breaths with a groan. “Chalice…”
“I have a crisis,” Chalice replied. “It’s urgent…and, uh, private.”
“Private?” Mugman questioned.
Chalice nodded her head. “I promise it’ll be real quick.”
“Okay…” Mugman moved a little while Cassidy scooted off of him. “I’ll be back.”
“Okay,” Cassidy said while watching him get up from the bean bag.
He felt his legs ache from letting Cassidy sit on his lap for too long. He shook off the aches and followed Chalice around the corner away from Cassidy.
“So, what exactly do you need from me?” Mugman questioned.
“I’ll tell you in a minute,” Chalice stated. Once they got away from Cassidy, she turned to him. “Okay, there’s been something that has been bothering me and you’re the only one…well, besides Cuphead by now, that knows what to do.”
“Uh…know what to do about what?”
“Ya know? Uh…this…um…well, you know how you are when ya first met Cassi.”
Mugman tilted his head for a moment until he realized what she was talking about. Then he smirked teasingly at her. “Yeah?”
“Well, let’s say that there’s a fella who knew how to play the violin, fix some things, and he’s a nerd when it comes to myths and legends. I dont’ know if he likes me back the same way though,” she responded.
He blinked in shock. “I thought he already likes ya.”
She blushed. “He does?!”
“Yeah, I thought that was obvious.”
“Wait, we’re talkin’ about the same guy, right?” she asked.
“Canteen Hughes?” Mugman inquired.
“Yeah, we’re talkin’ about the same guy,” she said.
He arched a brow. “And you like him back.”
“Well, yeah…I mean, I think he’s neat. I dunno how this works. You and Cuphead might be the only two ding-dongs I know that knows about this kind of feeling,” Chalice replied. “Ugh, now I realize why Saltbaker kept saying he’s my future boyfriend.”
“Okay, okay, calm down,” Mugman responded while rubbing his hands. “Maybe you can ask him out on a date.”
“Oh, like you did with Cassi?”
“Good one. But if I were to ask him out on the date, it has to be spectacular!”
“Uh, well, it doesn’t have to be—”
“I know! We can start arguing and then not getting along until finally we confess our feelings for each other and we are dating officially!” Chalice replied.
“Uhhh, I’m not sure that’s how romance works—”
It was sudden that Cuphead zoomed into the scene with a panicked look on his face. “Hey, Mugsy! I just asked Nat out on a date and she said yes! What do I do now?!”
“Whoa, whoa, one at a time!” Mugman shouted until he noticed his brother’s legs bruised. “Wait, what happened to your legs, Cuphead?”
“Uh…it’s a long story,” Cuphead answered nervously.
“Wait, you asked Nat out on a date?” Chalice questioned with a gasp.
“Yeah,” Cuphead responded nervously.
Chalice’s smile brightened. “Way to go, Cups! I knew you had it in you! Now, I have a question for you. How did you do it?”
“Do what?” Cuphead asked.
“Ask her out on a date?” Chalice persisted.
“I dunno. We got ourselves into a dangerous situation and kind of confessed our feelings to each other. I mean, we kissed on the lips first and then I asked her out on a date,” Cuphead responded.
“Wait, what?!” Chalice and Mugman gasped.
“You jumped into it?!” Mugman shouted.
“No, she kissed first!” Cuphead said immaturely.
“Aww,” Chalice replied. “Wait, you said you were in a dangerous situation?”
“Yeah?” Cuphead uttered.
“And you confessed to each other about your feelings?”
She pondered for a moment and then smirked mischievously. “That gives me an idea.”
“Wait, Mugman, which one of you kiss on the lips first? You or Cassi?” Cuphead asked.
“We haven’t kiss each other on the lips yet,” Mugman answered sheepishly.
“WHAT?! You two have been together all this time and haven’t kissed each other on the lips yet?!” Cuphead yelled.
“Not so loud, Cuphead!” Mugman whispered harshly to his brother.
Chalice groaned impatiently. “Can we get back to the matter at hand?”
Mugman nodded. “Yes, yes, please.”
“How did you two ding-dongs get those girls to like ya? Let alone letting girls kiss ya first?” Chalice asked the brothers.
The cup brothers were silent for a moment while looking at each other. Then they glanced back at Chalice.
“I dunno,” Cuphead responded.
“Yeah, me neither,” Mugman replied.
Chalice slapped her forehead with a sigh in discouragement. “I thought you both would be more experts on romance.”
“Chalice, I just asked Nat out on a date. I don’t know how I got her to even like me,” Cuphead responded. “I mean, I did tell her how I feel about her.”
“Yeah, I did the same to Cassidy…although I thought I was confessing it to you,” Mugman said while looking at his brother.
“Hey, at least, you got together with Cassi thanks to me,” Cuphead replied with a smirk.
“So, I guess I got to tell him how I feel then,” Chalice replied, pondering. “While turning up that charm of acting like a ding-dong! That’s what I’ll do! I get him to come with me on a perilous journey, get trapped in a cave with him, confess to him on how I feel, and then ask him on a date. Or kiss him on the lips first and then ask him out on a date. Whichever works!”
“Uh,” the brothers uttered.
“Thanks, fellas! Wish me luck!” Chalice said as she flew away.
Cuphead and Mugman froze and looked at each other.
“Should we go after her?” Cuphead questioned.
“Nah, she’ll be fine,” Mugman responded and shifted his attention back to Cuphead. “Soooo, you asked Nat on the date, huh?”
“Uh, yeah,” Cuphead said with a blush. “Mind helpin’ me out?”
“Helping out?”
The cup brothers turned to see Cassidy walking to them.
“Oh, Cassi,” Mugman replied excitedly and hurried over to her. “Sorry I was taking so long to get back to you.”
“It’s okay,” she said with a smile. “I was wondering about what’s happenin’ with Chalice.”
“She’s on her own journey. Say, maybe you could help us,” Mugman suggested to his girlfriend.
“Ooh, help with what?” Cassidy asked excitedly.
“You see, Cuphead just asked Nat out on a date,” Mugman replied.
“Hey, no need on tellin’ the whole world about it,” Cuphead responded defensively.
“Shush,” Mugman replied, continuing to talk to Cassidy. “I’m going to get Cuphead a nice suit for his date. Do you think you would want to help Natalie with getting ready for the date? Kind of like what they did with us?”
Cassidy seemed uneasy for a moment, which was noticed by Mugman.
“Oh, you don’t have to help if you don’t want to,” Mugman replied.
“No, I want to,” Cassidy said. “It’s just…I’m never a fashion expert. Natalie knows more than I do and I feel like I’m going to mess it up for her.”
“You won’t,” Mugman said softly. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
Cassidy thought about it. Her ears perked as soon as an idea struck her. “Ooh! I know someone else who’s a fashion expert!”
The red feline kissed Mugman on the cheek and ran off with a newfound determination.
Mugman gazed at her with a lovey-dovey smile.
Cuphead rubbed his arm. “So, are you gonna help me pick out a suit?”
“Yeah!” Mugman said excitedly. “Right this way, my dear brother!”
Cuphead walked with Mugman while rolling his eyes.
 Canteen had been trying to get back into building things in his tent.
Ever since he was a kid, he had a mechanic family that didn’t have a happy family. Remembering those families that died all those years ago still brought him back to that trauma. However, he wanted to build something…something like a plane.
Canteen had been drawing on a blueprint paper of all the screws and parts needed to build a plane on his wooden desk, but his mind started to drift off today.
Instead of drawing screws, he drew a face on the blueprint. His pencil outlined the details of the person’s face and he found himself drawing Chalice. It appeared to be accurate to the detail. He kept drawing her face, including her eyes and her dimples when she smiled. Then he drew her torso and a skirt she always wore since he first met her. Her heels were last. A smile came on his face as he drew more in detail.
“Whatcha drawin’?” A familiar cheery voice spoke beside him.
Canteen jumped with a yelp and covered the drawing of Chalice. He looked over his shoulder to find Chalice floating next to him.
“Uh…nothing. Nothing…j-just working on a new project,” Canteen stuttered with his face red.
“Ooh, can I see?” Chalice asked excitedly.
“Uh…i-it’s not really complete yet.”
“That’s okay. I don’t mind seein’ it anyway. Unless you don’t want me too—”
“No! No, uh, I just…uh, haven’t sketch the full picture yet.”
She turned into her physical form with a bright grin. “Well, you can show me it when you’re ready! But, on a fun side of things, I got an adventure we both can go on! Together!”
“T-Together? As in me and you together?”
“Yep! I heard that there’s a really cool place that we can explore together! It’s about…maybe thirty miles from this place. What d’ya say we go and see what’s there?”
Canteen blushed at the thought of going with Chalice someplace. “Um…yeah, sure.”
“Alright! Let’s go!” Chalice started to walk away.
“Wait,” Canteen urged while leaving the blueprint behind. “Where are we going exactly?”
“Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out,” she said with a wink.
He blushed and followed her out of the camp.
Natalie had been pacing in front of the ship with her anxious thoughts running through her liquid mind. She couldn’t believe she said yes to dating Cuphead. First, she kissed him and then she accepted his offer for a date.
She had been many dates before because her mother forced her too and most of them were little boys richer than her. Or guys that were way older than she liked to admit. And of course, she chased away the dates who were boys her age. She always thought it was them, but now she believed it to be her once she realized how badly she mistreated Cassidy. Natalie couldn’t believe that it took Cassidy being under the Devil’s control to wake her up.
Natalie screeched and spun around to find Cassidy behind her. She grabbed her chest and sighed in relief. “Oh, Cassi, it’s just you. Sorry, I was thinking about stuff.”
Cassidy gave her a smirk. “About your date with Cuphead?”
Natalie’s face turned redder than a tomato. “How did you—?”
“Cuphead told Mugman and Mugman told me,” the red cat said.
“Oh,” Natalie uttered while rubbing her arm nervously.
“And I came to help you get ready for your date. You know, the same way you helped me get ready for a date with Mugman.”
Natalie frowned. “You remembered that?”
“Of course I remembered,” Cassidy said. She noticed Natalie’s frown. “Are you okay?”
“I didn’t think you would remember what I’ve done that was good.”
Cassidy softened her gaze. “Well, I would be lying if I said that you never did anything to help me.”
“Yeah, but I—”
“I want to forget the past.”
Natalie glanced up at her friend in shock. “But—”
“You have done horrible things to me in the past,” Cassidy said softly. “I stuck around you, because you were the only friend my age who even tolerated me at the time. I feel like I have to want to do things with you so that I can be around you. Or do the things only you want to do just to be around you. But you’ve changed. I’ve noticed that you’re not like that anymore.”
Natalie widened her eyes more.
“I don’t hate you, Natalie. I’ve never hated you. I’m always going to be your friend…I’ve always made that promise to you. But I want to forget about what happened in the past. It brings pain to even talk about it.”
Natalie softened her gaze and nodded. “Okay. I just want to say I’m sorry…for everything.”
“I forgive you.”
There was silence as both of the friends exchanged soft smiles.
“Now,” Cassidy began excitedly. “Let’s pick a cute dress for you.”
“But you don’t like clothes shopping,” Natalie pointed out.
Cassidy grinned. “Well, I know someone who knows about fashion. C’mon!”
She grabbed Natalie by the wrist, pulling her away from the ship and hurrying away to pick a cute outfit for her.
“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Canteen asked while strolling through the forest with Chalice.
“Oh, I’m sure of it,” Chalice said while looking for a cave around them to get trapped in.
Canteen didn’t seem convinced by Chalice’s answer. He looked around the forest to hear the pretty birds chirping and the sun shining through the leaves of the trees. The branches swayed to the gentle breeze, setting chills down on his spine.
He glanced at her and softly gazed at her. “Sooo, are you going to give me some hint as to where we’re going?”
She turned back with a small smirk at him. “It’s gonna blow your socks off.”
“That’s not a hint,” he teased with a blush.
“It’s some hint,” she quipped.
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Look, if you think it’s my birthday, you’re way off by two months and twenty days.”
Her smirk widened. “I’ll be sure to note that. But it’s not for your birthday.”
He dropped his playful look. “Then…what are you taking me out for?”
“Well, there’s something I oughta show you and I thought you would like it—”
Both Chalice and Canteen stopped when they noticed a temple ahead of them. For some reason, the white stoned temple seemed familiar to her.
Canteen gasped in recognition of the temple. “Whoa.”
“Whoa what?”
The silver canteen headed off towards the temple, taking the lead now with fascination in his eyes.
“Canteen, wait!” Chalice chased after Canteen towards the temple.
The kids reached to the bottom of the steps, looking up at the two front statues.
Chalice softened her gaze at one of the statues of a cup woman with long wavy hair resting on her shoulder and her name engraved under her feet of her name.
“Esther Cupchal.”
Chalice frowned at the name and then looked at the other statue, a man with a cup for his head that was chipped on the side. His name was engraved under his feet as well, but it was barely readable.
“Chester Cupchal.”
Canteen focused on the entrance of the temple with an awed look. “Is this what you’re trying to show me?”
Chalice faked a smile. “Yeah, definitely. Definitely! Since ya like myths and stuff, you might like looking at a mausoleum.”
He turned to look at her and saw her fake smile. “Are you sure this is the place you want to show me?”
She waved off her emotions and took him by the hand. “Yeah. C’mon. There’s so much to look at.”
They head into the mausoleum. Once they were inside, Chalice found herself more familiar with her surroundings. She looked at more statues of familiar friends, remembering their dead bodies in the glitch of her memories. She moved her eyes away from the statues and focused forward, leaving Canteen in confusion.
Canteen noticed one of the statues that was a spoon with the name under her feet:
Silversmith Spoon.
The canteen realized that Chalice was trying to keep her gaze away from the statues. He frowned at the sight of her and hurried beside her, faking a grin.
“Hey, if you want, we can find somewhere else to explore. I’m sure there are plenty of things in the forest we can explore other than this mausoleum,” Canteen said.
She faked a smile. “Aww, I thought you liked myths and legends.”
“I do,” he replied with a blush. “But I’m sure there are more adventures out there than this old mausoleum.” As he was saying the last part, he stepped on the floor plate that sunk below his foot.
He widened his eyes in shock and looked down to see that he pressed the floor plate.
The ground began to open under their feet as they wrapped their arms around each other and fell into the dark abyss with screams. 
Cassidy was guiding Natalie through the village, looking for this supposed “fashion expert” to help her find her friend a perfect dress for the date.
Natalie was surprised to see this side of Cassidy, the one who was all giddy and excited for her best friend’s date. Not that Cassidy had never been happy for Natalie before, but Natalie could see a gleam in her eyes that were filled with pure genuine joy. She knew Cassidy didn’t like clothes shopping as much as Natalie, but it didn’t feel like Cassidy was sacrificing her own happiness for Natalie’s sake. Or forcing herself to dangerous situations to please her best friend. Maybe because this time…Natalie didn’t ask her too. And maybe this time…Cassidy wanted to do this.
However, Natalie felt a slight disappointment when she was taken to Porkrind’s shop. She blinked in confusion and glanced at her best friend.
“Why are we—?”
The answer was revealed immediately after Cassidy opened the door. The girls noticed Dice leaning over the counter and talking to Porkrind, who seemed to lean a bit towards the former gambler in interest of what he was saying.
“So, here’s the thing, if we can make your shop just a tad bit fancier,” Dice began while gesturing to the shop without looking at the girls. “You should be getting more customers and more customers means more money.”
“Make it fancy?” Porkrind questioned. He crossed his arm with a brow raised. “How fancy are we talking?”
“Well…” Dice looked around the shop until he noticed the girls. “Oh, hey, girls.” He glanced at the pig to whisper, “You got your first customers.”
“Actually, Dice, we’re looking for you,” Cassidy clarified.
“Me?” King Dice glanced at Porkrind, who shrugged his shoulders. Dice shifted his attention back at the girls. “Why me?”
“We need your fashion expertise,” Cassidy replied excitedly.
A smug smile formed on the die’s lips. “Well, well, you came to the right place. So, who do we need to dress up?”
Cassidy glanced at Natalie, who waved at Dice nervously.
“Hi,” Natalie uttered.
“Hello,” Dice responded.
“She needs a perfect dress for her date with Cuphead,” Cassidy said with a bright smile.
Natalie’s entire face turned red and she smiled nervously.
“Oh,” Dice responded with a small chuckle. “I didn’t think that cup is gonna get a girl because of his lack of…well, intelligence. But I see he’s got you fallin’ for him.”
“Hey, Cuphead is not stupid,” Natalie argued with Dice in a defensive manner.
Dice blinked in shock.
Porkrind put his hand on his hip and looked at Dice with a teasing smirk at him. “Better not talk bad about her man.”
Dice giggled and glanced at the one-eyed pig. “He ain’t a man just yet.” He shifted his attention to Natalie while rubbing the bottom edge of his square face. “Buuuut…I can get you pretty up before the date. You know, if we put some light make-up and a pretty pink dress on ya, you would look fabulous. It’ll even knock Cuphead’s socks off.”
Natalie suddenly became uncomfortable when Dice offered his hand to guide her. Cassidy noticed the discomfort in her friend’s face along with Dice and Porkrind.
“You okay, Nat?” Cassidy asked with a brow raised.
Dice blinked in realization and frowned for a moment. He shook off his frown and gave Natalie a comforting smile. “Would it better if you have a lady help getting you ready for your date?”
Natalie glanced at Cassidy for a moment and then back at King Dice with a small nod.
“What—?” Cassidy seemed confused until Dice pulled her aside and whispered to her about what happened to Natalie before they went to rescue the feline from Hell. The red cat gasped in shock and glanced at her friend with a soft look.
Natalie looked away in shame and embarrassment.
Dice turned to Porkrind. “Hey, Porks, you got a phone? I gotta make a call real quick.”
Porkrind darted his gaze at Natalie and then back at Dice. He pointed at the phone hooked on the wall next to him. “Knock yourself out.”
Dice nodded and headed to the phone. He dialed the number and leaned against the wall, holding the speaker.
“Hello, is this Sally?” Dice called. An answer came, causing him to smile. “This is Dice. Uh, say, someone needs your help in dressing her up and getting her ready for her date. Do you mind helping her out?”
Dice smiled when he got a response he wanted to hear. “Great. We’re right inside of Pork’s shop. See you soon.”
He hung up the phone and glanced at the ladies. “So, I got someone on her way to help ya out.”
“Thanks, Dice,” Natalie said with a weak smile.
Not even a minute later, Sally entered the shop with a bright smile and dresses on her arms.
“I heard someone is trying to get ready for a date,” Sally replied excitedly.
Natalie rose her hand slowly. “I am.”
“Ooh, I got a bunch of pretty dresses that are not costumes. Wanna try them on?” Sally asked while showing many dresses on her arms.
Natalie nodded her head. “Sure.”
“I can come with you if it’s okay with Dad,” Cassidy said while looking at her father.
Porkrind smiled. “Yeah, yeah. Just stay safe out there and have fun.”
The feline grinned and stayed by Natalie while they walked away to go with Sally to try on dresses.
Once the girls left, Porkrind huffed a sigh and looked at his desk.
Dice noticed Porkrind’s sigh. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine,” Porkrind said.
“You sure?”
The one-eyed pig glanced at Dice to notice the former gambler leaning forward a bit in interest.
“It’s nothing. It’s just that…she keeps reminding me too much of an old friend I had once.”
“Shayna, right?”
Porkrind glanced at Dice in shock.
“Uh, Jerry told me about you lost her. I’m sorry for your loss.”
The pig waved it off. “It was years ago.”
Dice frowned to notice him looking away. “But it still hurts you to this day, right?”
Dice tilted his head. “Is she Shayna’s daughter?”
“Oh…well, that puts things into perspective than.”
“Well, most people hate red cats back then. But you didn’t because your friend was one of them. I guess it’s why you cared so much about Cassidy since she’s your friend’s daughter.”
Porkrind huffed a laugh. “You’re a detective now?”
“You can say that I’m connecting the dots here. Am I getting any of it right so far?”
The pig looked away sadly again. “Yeah, you’re getting it right.”
There was a brief silence while Dice frowned and looked away.
Porkrind noticed Dice shifting his glance away and cleared his throat to get his attention back. “You know, I’m wondering what the boys are even doing to get Cuphead ready for his date.”
Dice huffed up a laugh. “Yeah, I wonder that too.”
Mugman searched through the closet of their new home, finding a bunch of clothes he didn’t know they even had. Suits, shirts, shorts, and pants. Heck, even coats with two pairs of winter boots for the snow.
Cuphead sat at the edge of the bed while staring at his brother looking through the closet.
“Man, to think Djimmi would add clothes on top of giving us a house to live in. Oh! There’s that red suit I was lookin’ for!” He turned to show the red suit to Cuphead. “What do you think, Cuphead—?”
Mugman noticed Cuphead looking at the ground without lifting his eyes up to see the suit. He tilted his head in confusion. “Hey, aren’t you excited about your date?”
“Huh?” Cuphead snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his brother. He faked a smile. “Uh, yeah, I am.”
Mugman wasn’t convinced. “Cuphead, the date is gonna be fine as long as the Devil, the demons, and the infectees won’t find us here. Which they won’t tonight. Or any other night hopefully—”
“I ain’t worried about the date.”
“Then…you’re worried about something.”
Cuphead rubbed his hands without saying a word.
Mugman set the suit aside and sat by his brother. “Hey, if there’s somethin’ bothering ya, you know you can talk to me about it, right?”
Cuphead nodded his head, but there was no response still.
Mugman looked ahead with a sad look. “Did I…do anything that made you feel like you can’t talk to me?”
His brother shook his head. “Nah, you did nothing wrong—”
“Are you sure?”
“Mugman, it ain’t got anything to do with you. I just—” Cuphead couldn’t finish the sentence without hugging himself.
“You just what?”
“I just thought about how I was trying to help you set up for your date with Cassi. Now you’re trying to help me set up for my date with Nat. It’s kind of nice, you know? Like how you were trying to keep me from losing my soul to the Devil. And now, sometimes I feel like I’m trying to keep you from getting hurt.”
Mugman frowned while listening to his brother.
“I’m sorry I hadn’t been the best brudda to you in a past,” Cuphead said.
Mugman chuckled a bit. “I hadn’t been the best brother to you either.” He placed a hand on Cuphead’s shoulder, getting his brother’s attention. “It’s okay, Cuphead. You don’t have to feel guilty about it anymore.”
“I know…I just…can’t help but think about what it could’ve been if I ain’t so stupid.”
“Well, what you did a lot of stupid things,” Mugman corrected his brother. “Going to that carnival where the Devil tries to steal souls, getting answers wrong on Roll the Dice, stealing cookies from the cookie factory, getting ourselves arrested being in that said cookie factory, almost getting yourself injured at every turn, blowing up wood for the winter, stealing the Devil’s pitchfork—”
“Are you trying to make me feel better? Because it ain’t workin’ so far.”
Mugman sighed. “But besides all of that, Cuphead, I couldn’t have asked for a better brother who is also my best friend. You annoy me and irritate me, but you also taught me a lot of things….good things! Like being brave and making decisions that were opposite of yours when situations arise.”
“You also were there for me when I’m hurt, sad, lonely, and when I needed you the most. You get me into a lot of trouble and it was all fun while it lasted. What it could’ve been doesn’t matter now. We got each other and right now, I’m gonna help you get ready for that date of yours. Just like how you helped me.”
Cuphead smiled softly. “Thanks, Mugsy.”
Mugman nodded and skipped off the subject. “Say, you want to wear the red suit or…any other suit?”
“I’ll stick with the red one since it suits me more.”
Cuphead pondered for a moment. “I wonder how Chalice was doing confessing to Canteen.”
“Oh yeah. I’m sure they’re fine.”
Canteen and Chalice were laying on the ground with groans of pain from the fall.
Chalice sprung herself up on her feet and dusted herself off. “Well, that was quite a fall—” She noticed Canteen barely standing up with wobbly legs. “Golly, Canteen, you okay?!”
“Yep…” Canteen answered with a thumbs up. “Are we still at the mausoleum?”
Chalice looked up at the hole they fell from. “Looks like we’re under it now.”
“Hey, we got ourselves trapped in the cave.”
“Ooh, okay. Um…how should I—how should we—?”
“We just look for the way out,” Canteen said with an obvious tone. He pointed straight ahead. “There might be something ahead. Let’s go.” He limped forward, causing concern for her.
She clenched her teeth. “Man, I didn’t think about the injuries for this trip.”
Both of them walked through the cave, shivering in the soft breeze. Canteen’s limping started to bother Chalice to the point where she contorted her face in guilt.
“Man, this is not how I would imagine this.”
“Imagine what?” Canteen asked with confusion.
“Well, you see…um, I was thinkin’ that we go on a perilous journey—without gettin’ injured…and, you know…say our deepest feelings.”
“Deepest feelings?” Canteen questioned.
“Yeah. What’s your deepest feeling right now?”
He rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I’m the one that got us trapped here. I didn’t think there was a pressure plate.”
“Yeah, I didn’t see that either. Don’t feel bad. It happens.”
He frowned.
She noticed it with a curious look. “What’s wrong?”
He shook his head. “It’s nothing.”
He went silent for a moment until he glanced at Chalice. “Have you ever felt like…?”
She leaned a bit to listen what else he had to say.
“You know…have you ever felt like you’re a bad omen?”
Chalice blinked at the question. “A bad omen…?”
She pondered for a second. “Well, before I met the two ding-dongs, I did feel like a bad omen. But when I did meet them, I didn’t feel so…alone. I felt like I gained something that I’ve lost a long time ago. It’s…hard to explain.”
He reached his hand out for hers to comfort her until she noticed. He pulled away, blushing in embarrassment. She gave him a warm smile and held his hand. He was shocked at the gesture for a moment until he exchanged a warm smile back to her and held her hand a bit tighter.
“Soo, do you feel like a bad omen?” she asked softly.
He lost his smile. “Well…yeah. I get called ‘Bad Luck Hughes’ growing up.”
“Oh golly! Why?”
“Heh, it’s complicated.”
“I’m all for complicated, you know.”
He paused for a moment and then sighed. “Whenever I get adopted…my parents just died…”
Chalice blinked in shock.
“Like…one of the parents who adopted me got into a car accident. The other parents got themselves killed in a fight…Heck, the third time I got adopted, my parents just got jumped by a gang and died. That’s when the rumor started to spread by the caretakers in the orphanage. They would tell the parents who would think about adopting me that I was ‘Bad Luck Hughes’ and to not adopt me if they don’t want bad luck in their houses. Then the kids became afraid of me…like I was going to hurt them…and I would never hurt anyone…ever…” He started to choke out the words at the end.
She widened her eyes in shock to hear this from him. Then she watched him trying not to sob in front of her with a frown.
“I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone ever…not even you.”
She smiled softly and held his hand tighter while listening to him break down and cry.
“Now I got us trapped in this cave and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I haven’t brought the best of luck with the group…it’s almost like every bad thing happened and I’m scared that if I lose you…I-I don’t know what would happen. I just…I guess I don’t want anything bad to take you from me.”
She blushed at his words.
He shook his head while wiping his tears away. “Sorry…that was pretty stupid thing to say.”
“It ain’t stupid. Out of all of the things I’ve heard in my past lives, you ain’t saying anything stupid.”
He glanced at her and sniffled. “Sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for,” she said while leaning her head against his.
He smiled softly and let her lay her head on his. They continued to walk through the cave and saw a door ahead.
“Is that the way out?” Canteen asked timidly.
Chalice opened the door. They both widened their eyes to discover there were three orbs resting on both sides of the wide hallway. One was glowing pink, one was glowing bright green, and one was glowing dark blue.
By the end of the hallway, there was a glowing pool. She stepped forward towards the pool, followed by Canteen.
“Chalice?” Canteen called, but she didn’t respond.
Her eyes started to tremble as she continued towards the pool. She looked down to find that there was no bottom of the glowing pool. She didn’t want to jump into it, but she remembered something about it…something familiar.
“I—I remember this place…”
He looked at her in shock. “What?”
She tilted her head and got on her knees, trying to find the source of the glow in the pool. “I remember this pool.”
He arched a brow in confusion. “What are you remembering?”
She glanced at him. He could see the tears in her eyes.
“I don’t know…” she said sadly.
He frowned and looked at the orbs. He was curious about the dark blue orb, but he didn’t draw near it when he turned to look at her. He came by her and sat next to her to stare at the glowing pool.
“Canteen…there’s something I oughta tell ya…and I need you to not tell the others about it,” she said finally. “Not until I can be brave enough to tell them.”
He looked at her and nodded. “I won’t, I promise.”
She smiled at him softly. “You read the legends of the Legendary Chalice, right?”
He nodded his head.
She continued, “Well, what those legends didn’t tell ya was a long time ago, the Calix Animi were supposed to serve the Most High and protect mortals from dealing with demons, but the gifts from the Most High became their own gifts when the members of the Calix Animi became prideful. The members say that only people who are chosen by the Most High and worthy will obtain the last two gifts. Then a ding-dong thief managed to mix the last two gifts together and became one of them.”
Canteen tilted his head. “ The two gifts mixed together? Wait! Are you talking about the Eternal’s Orb?”
She smiled. “Yep. That’s how the Eternal’s Orb was born. Anyway, the other members didn’t react too kindly when they saw a thief having the Eternal’s Orb inside of him. Of course, that caused a lot of division between them. The Devil sees this and well…took advantage of it. There was a battle and…let’s say that the Legendary Chalice lost everything. She’s the only one who survived the battle.”
He frowned when listening to the story. “She must have felt alone.”
“And a bad omen too.”
He perked his head up.
She sighed sadly. “She decided to do something that she regretted and caused her to reincarnate so many times. She threw her spear down into that pool, gather the powers of her dead friends, and hid them away in this place…except for one.”
“The Eternal’s Orb?”
“Yeah, she placed it over at the other mausoleum at someplace different that eventually became Sugarland,” Chalice replied. “Don’t ask me why…I still didn’t get why I decided to place Eternal’s Orb to this day. Probably scared that the demons might find it…? Not sure.”
He frowned. “And now you’re here.”
He held her hand, catching her attention. “I won’t say anything to anyone. I promise.”
“I know. I trust you, Hughes,” she said with a soft smile while she grabbed his face and kissed his lips. He widened his eyes before melting into the kiss. He grabbed her face to keep the kiss going until they broke away to look into each other’s eyes. Their eyes suddenly broadened cartoonishly as Canteen let go of her face.
“Whoa,” he uttered.
She felt sudden chills coming down her spine. “Wow…heh, I’ve never felt this before.”
“Me neither…” he said while blushing madly.
She got excited and kissed his lips again, almost knocking him down. He gasped in shock once her lips crashed into his again, but his shock melted away as he caressed her face.
They both broke away, causing Chalice to bounce away like a little kid.
“Whoa, wow! Wow,” she responded, trying to keep herself together.
He giggled giddily. “Yeah…” He realized that they were still in the hallway. “Uh, should we get out of here? Maybe later we can…you know, find someplace to hang out and…”
“Date?” she finished with a smile.
She came up to him and helped him up on his feet with a lovesick grin. “I would love that.”
They both turned to look and found a door to the side. They went to the door and opened it to find that there was a way out from under the ground. As they went up the stairs, they were holding hands and walking as close to each other as they could.
The night was young.
Cuphead had been standing outside of the theater with his red suit after the brothers were told by Cassidy through the phone that they were getting ready at Sally’s theater.
The cup became impatient, which was noticed by his brother.
“She’ll come out. Don’t worry,” Mugman reassured his brother.
Cuphead looked away ashamed. “I know. I’m just…well…you know how it feels, huh?”
“Anxious, impatient, nervous, and excited all mix together?”
Mugman smiled softly. “Welcome to dating.”
They heard heels clicked and turned their heads to notice their girlfriends coming out.
Cassidy let Natalie walk towards Cuphead.
Cuphead’s pupils dilated when he saw her wearing her dark pink dress with a skirt that appeared to be fluffy and with feathers dragging on the floor. She had only light make-up with light pink eyeshadows and light blushes on her cheeks. She had her brown liquid hair up in a bun, pinned by the dark pink feathers. She had long light pink gloves on that went up to her elbows and heels.
She seemed nervous. “Heh, I don’t know if I picked the right dress for the date—”
“Pretty,” Cuphead blurted out.
She stopped her sentence and blushed. Then she gave a smile. “You think so?”
He nodded his head. “Yeah.” Then he noticed Natalie wearing the pink pearl necklace that Cuphead gave to her when Mugman was first dating Cassidy. “Hey, you’re wearing the necklace I gave ya a long time ago.”
“Yeah…you don’t mind, right?”
He shook his head. “I bought it for you. I don’t mind at all whether you wear it or not.”
She grinned at him. “Ready?”
He nodded and held his arm out. “Ready.”
She wrapped her arm around his and stayed close to him.
Mugman watched them with a proud smirk at his brother. He felt someone lean against him and looked to see Cassidy rubbing her head against his with purrs. He wrapped his arm around her waist while her tail embraced around his waist.
“Are we going to spy on them like they did to us?” she whispered against the side of his head.
He giggled. “Maybe. Maybe not. I ain’t too worried about them.”
She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. “You know, since everything is getting calmer, do you think we can try another date?”
He looked at her. “Like going out to eat kind of date?”
She nodded her head with a ‘Mhm’.
He gave a small chuckle. “I would love that.”
Chalice and Canteen approached them with bruises and scratches, which were noticed by Mugman and Cassidy.
“By golly, what happened to you both?” Mugman questioned Chalice and Canteen.
Both Chalice and Canteen exchanged glances at each other and snickered a bit.
“Well, let’s just say that we went on a perilous journey,” she said with a shrug.
Mugman looked to see Chalice holding Canteen’s hand. “Oh. Well, congratulations.”
“Thanks,” Canteen answered bashfully.
Chalice looked to see Cuphead and Natalie going to Fly Trap and sitting at the dock of the ferry ship. “Did I miss anything with Cuphead and Natalie?”
“Other than them getting ready for a date, not that much,” Mugman answered.
They watched as the cups were going on date. By the end of the date, Cuphead and Natalie danced with each other to the music played by Ribby and Croaks.
As Mugman watched on, he felt something strange in his body. His vision became a blur for a moment. He almost stumbled, but he felt Cassidy holding him up. He glanced at her to notice her concern look with a clearer vision.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said.
His friends and his girlfriend didn’t believe him, but they didn’t push further.
As they watched, Mugman couldn’t help but felt like something was calling him. It was calling his name. He tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder to ignore. A vision of a pool came and went for a second. He became light-headed from trying to ignore this weird vision. He felt like he was going to throw up, but he couldn’t. His legs were shaking and he was breathing shallow breaths. He could barely hear Cassidy’s concern tone, but it was muffled. He could assume that she was asking if he was okay. He gave a slight nod to her as his vision became a blur. Then the blur became black. He lost his balance and collapsed onto the ground.
He could no longer hear the voices asking him if he was alright. It was just him and the darkness. 
To Be Continued...
10 notes · View notes
saturnaous · 2 months
hi. your turn. what if you talked about your ocs teehee. stares at you with sparkly eyes
ooohhhh. ohhhhhhh. hooohoohooohhh. you messed up. you messed up big time. I'm on my computer now and you have to bare this hellstorm you brought up. hoohhhh
okay first we're going over Morble. because he's been on my mind lately teehee.
okay where are my pictures of him hold on. hold ond
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marby mooby mamb. . .
okay so he's three years old now. I have to say that. I made him a few days before my birthday. it's horrible. we were similar ages now I'm OLD and he's also a lot older now but at the same time he's NOT. why are you in sixth grade still marbs. why.
anyways. He was made after another spurt of my enjoyment of The Weekly Roll on webtoon; it's a dungeons and dragons type webtoon, Morble is inspired by Sir Becket(he's now Lord Becket. good for you Becket). Becket's a Paladin, Morble's a Paladin. I dunno. It's neat.
that's not the neatest part about Morble though! You see. He's from a modernish dnd-like world. so uhm. basically he's kinda boring. besides being like an orphan or whatever. wait no before I move on to other bits I'm just gonna go in order of what happens.
Morble's basically just a little guy. he's just a fella. uh. he has a brother and HAD. two parents OH ACTULLY I RELALY LIKE HIS PARENTS HOLD ON I HAVE DRAWINGS OF THEM.
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Katty and Mavrick. I like them a lot. these are them at maybe like early to mid twenties? around the time they got together(they went to the same highschool but met in collage and really connected at that point. they're so awesome together). they are SO neat to me.
Kat is a nice lady; she's like 6'1 and has a real hearty laugh. She's so sweet and so cool I love her so much. Mavrick is fucking deranged. He's an absolutely spunky ball of chaotic energy. He has no self preservation skill and is just an absolute goober. He's great. Everytime I imagine these two I just think of the rabbits with the "rabbit obsessed with his giant girlfriend who's 4x times his size" because he IS. They are looking at eachother thinking "I love my wife". Marvrick you are so wife. it doesn't help that he took her last name. Katty and Maverick Moor. . .
Kat was a firefighter for the longest time. Mav was a chaotic fencer and fence instructor. he's stupid with it though. His ass didn't like wearing protective gear half the time because of his confidence and lack of preservation skills. He died of a collapsed lung oneday when Morble was about nine.
teehee. mav's a little fabric guy tho. he knits. he sews. he embroiders. uhhhmmm. In that second image of Morble up here with the purple background! He's wearing a red cloak! Maverick made it for him and was gonna give it to him for his birthday. neat. obviously he couldn't. Kat gave it to him because. Well. Yeah.
Morble had a hard time with his dad being dead. I mean. what's a 9 year old supposed to do when your dad dies. it kinda sucks. Kat was going over some family history and going through some old heirlooms and stuff. The Moor's are from a pretty long line of Paladins spanding at least 500 years back(heehoo. hold onto that information). Turns out! There's also a great helm made by one of these Paladins from 500 years ago. Katty pulled it out of storage or whatever and gave it to Morble because he thought he might like it. Because it's neat. Morble loved it. literally has never taken it off.
A couple months after Mav died, Kat died while on the job. kinda fucked up. It's totally my fault for that but. Morble doesn't have to know that. But sucks for him. his brother too but he's a 4yo he doesn't really. know what's happening. but still sucks.
Morble and his brother move in with their grandma and stepgrandma. I don't have anything on them. but yeah.
Fastforward when Morble's 12. bc they had to move they're in a new school and stuff. nobody knows about dead parents or any symbolism in anything. yeah. he's kinda bullied but he just kinda shrugs it off. he's not that kind of guy.
anyways. now we're getting tot he fun parts. Morble walks from school to his grandma's apartment. there's a neat little field kinda inbetween the walk. onepoint Morble noticed a little glimmer near one of the super old trees over there. dunno how he caught it but he did(plot reasonings are why). anwyays.
morble goes over. turns out it's a neat little ring. he grabs it.
BOOM. he fucked up. the ring is magic. he gets swallowed up into some weird current thing the only way I've thought about what it's like is. basically imagine the sky is a giant fuckingthing of water and you can't breathe. it feels like drowning.
once he gets oout of it and recovers from the drowning feeling or whatever. he's like. where the hell am I. Because it's completely different from where he just was. which was like a dewy day or whatever. right now he's in super tall fields with grass and shit.
well. heehoo. yk how I said paladins go back about 500 years in his family? well. heehoo. heehoo. guess what.
Magic ring was really fucking magic and wahoo! Time traveling. I know. Wild. I don't know what I was thinking when I made him do that but it's integral to his character now so I can't change it.
Turns out. there's a little Party down a head from the road he got spat out right next to. turns out. hoo boy. The paladin in the party is an ancestor of Morble's. Got the same helm and everything. turns out he's the guy who MADE the helm actually. His name is Hearth. Hearth Moor. he's pretty cool.
about. uhhh. I dunno maybe 10 years go by? yeah Morble basically gets situated to being 500 years offset from his actual timeline. he's been looking for a way to get back for the entire time but. there hasn't been much luck. so he's just chillin.
he's 22 at this point. He sticks with Hearth and the whole party which I only vaugely got. then they go to fight a red dragon for some reason. no biggie.
hearth fucking gets clobbered and dies. which sucks. they retreat. then morble has the bright idea of well. I'm gonna go fight this dragon myself and WIN. avenge him or whatever. like an idiot. you remember how your dad died, right, morby? you little fucker.
anyways.he goes and fights this dragon. and somehow! for whatever reason! motherfucker wins. chops off his head and brings it back into town. he almost died tho. bro's bleeding like all hell. so yeah he has to spend some time being not fucking dead.
okay you know how I did that serval vs brown tabby poll yesterday. well. that was on our next character, Coraline.
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coraline. the baddie. she's so cool.
she's a serval now btw. the poll said so and I was digigng the design more than the brown tabby. anyways.
She's a bard! She's working at the tavern the party was staying at. She basically became Morble's nurse because. because. she'd sing him songs and shit. Her voice claim is actually. uhhhhhhh. The son Rich by Cosmo Sheldrake and the other person that worked on it. yeah.
Coraline joins the party whenever they get back on their feet. The Tavern keeps the dragons head because Morble said they could. They go from 'The Hollow Tavern' to 'The Hollow Dragon's Tavern'. p neat.
uh. yeah. Next two years Coraline and Morble get kinda close. they like eachother but Morble's fucking stupid. he's a shy little himbo. what a goober.
that's basically all I got on canon for him tbh. I like to twirl him around in my head. I have one pathway where Marby finds a way to go back to his timeline. when he's 12. he was missing for about two months tho. 12 years turned into 12 weeks. yeah. sucked for everyone around them. but mostly morble because he's now 24 in a scrawny 12 yearold's body and going to 6thgrade classes. and everybody thinks he's 12 and doesn't know where he's been for like two months and he won't tell anyone because nobody would believe him if he shrugged and said Yeahhh I picked up a magic ring and I was stuck 500 years ago for 12 years! No biggie!! yeah. Morble just kinda goes about like tho after that and becomes a highschool history teacher and works at the local museum. he's really neat. He also is super funky when it comes to his classroom decorations because he has a wall of swords and an entire replica of the suit of heavy armor he used to wear. he's also deranged and under his clothes and leather jacket he has like. jackchains, chainmail(lining his jacket), greaves, and. I think something else but I forgot what. he's wild. I just really like to put him in the salad spinner of my head and think about him with things teehee. twirls hair kicks feet.
yeah. you fucked up with this ask tho. I have more. I'm talking about Harry now. maybe Kinglen if I feel like it. let me get my things fo harry.
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this be harry. harry hearthorn. I'm obsessed with him. he's so fucking funny. you'll have to excuse the things of Alphonse and stuff in that last one. I'm gonna be using. him for dnd <3
I love Harry. He's from a military type country or whatever. it's. it's not the best. they're like. I don't know how to describe it. think of amestris but less "we wanna take over the world" and more "we like war and we want more" or whatever. you understand. it's a weird one.
there's like three main branches of jobs. military, research and development slash the sciences, and basically 'entertainment'. entertainers are literally just everything that doesn't fall into the other catagories. these are like artists and show runners and broadcasters and radio hosts and other things of the sort.
school works in this place by being 12 years just like 'merican schools(EAGLE SCREECH GUNSHOTS FIREWORKS). but the first 8 you are just doing general stuff. the 9 and 10th are for pinning down what branch you're going into. and 11 and 12 are getting experience in your field. this is mainly getting mentorships and other stuff, witht he execption of the military branch
Military only has one place to go. If you're going into the military at 16, you're goign STRAIGHT To tht emilitary at 16.
Harry's mom was in the R&D branch, Harry's dad was in the military. they met at a bar. they're funny. both bisexual which is REALLY funny because Harriet is ALSO bisexual and Harry is bicurious-aspec. harry's mom is 6'1 btw. Harry's 6'5. justlittle stuff. I think I named her Maria. his dad is named Henry.
anyways. Harry and Harriet., they are siblings. Harriet is two years older than Harry. though it's funny bc their full names are Harrison and Harriet. but. Harriet is Harry. And Harrison is Harriet. they had a sense of humor.
ATM harry is 31. Harriet is 33 and a senior broadcaster at one of the shownetworks or whatever. Maria is retired. Henry died while on duty when Harry and Harriet were lke 12 and 14.
anyways. Harry wanted to go into the science or military branches. like his parents. His scores were leaning more to being althetic and shit so he got put into the military. he's been there like. ever since. he barely goes home bc he feels no need and because there's an active war(a really long one. . . neither side will stop. . . they really like war) and he just. didn't feel the need. but they forced him to go home a few times when he got like. shot and stabbed and stuff. yeah he's a g like that. did I mention he's a first lieutenant btw. he's a first lieutenant bc I said so.
anyways. his downfall is when onetime. after making a bad call sends the part of his platoon he's with through a part of whereever they are. one fo the younger guys. steps on a landmine. out of like, 14 soliders, only three of them survive. harry, someone else who was closer to the mine, and a younger one that was farther away and practically unscathed. Harry lost his leg and most of his hearing in his right ear and all of it in his left. teehee
anyways. after his main amount of recovery. he's still in the military but they don't put him on any active duty despite him BEGGING for it. because of the PTSD mainly and because he's depressed as fuck secondarly. yeah. basically it sucks for him really bad. he gets put on staff duty indefinetly. also I have to mention Harry fucks. severially. I mentioned that he's aspec. like. arospec. he is not acespec. he fucks.
anyways. basically he's depressed as fuck because. he accidently killed a bunch of guys and ptsd is kicking his ass. he tries to drink his worries away and doesn't care about what kind of trouble he gets into with the drinking and getting caught with girls and stuff. he gets put onto suicide watch after an incident with a lower ranking guy. yeah.
at that point they decide the best option is to just. give him an honorable discharge. so they do that. Harry has to move in with his mom and sister. he does that. everything sucks for him. yeah
at some point after his birthday he decides well. this fucking sucks. I hate this. I'm leaving. he grabs like his old uniform, and money, and a pack, and a pack of smokes and just. hitchhikes. out of the country. without fucking telling anyone. he calls Harriet and his mom after he's out of the country like "heyyy. I'm. I'm out west or whatever. gonna. figure something out here." and they're like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN. WHAT THE HELL. but he writes them letters and calls them ebcause they can't really do jack about it. yeah
so. basically he's just hitchhiking till he gets to another country. which he does and then basically he tried to do some freelance work or something. then he finds a little group who are gonna basically take down the government. I dunno that's where the campaign is gonna start methinks. Harry might get himself a funny little dragonborn boyfriend. yeah. okay I have to shower and. actually do stuff teehee I rolls out of bed and went straight to my puter to talk about these guys. so teehe. I'm so hungry I need water.
OH OH HOLD ON. uhhmmm here's old art of morble. spannign from 3 years ago to a couple months ago. teehee
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neat. the third one is the very very VERY first thing I did of him ever in existance. second one is one I did and the first one is a redraw from months later. the last one is me just doodling him months ago and pinning down his design again. I changed his helm bc it made no sense.
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the-togepi-man · 2 days
I think a bunch of people are so interested in your deal with this third fella because people are really starting to open up their minds to polyamory more (I know y'all aren't in a poly relationship atm(/yet?👀) but it's still in the neighborhood).
It's becoming a wee bit more mainstream, and people are curious about it and want to feel it out through other people's experience. Or just live vicariously through other people if they're too nervous to try it out or bring it up with their partners.
I am currently in a poly relationship and a lot of people ask me questions about it. Before I was in my first poly relationship I was also really curious and asking lots of questions. Overall, I think people just kinda think it's neat!
This is a great point!!
I would also love to hear your experience on it as well!
I think the only reason im a little.. apprehensive about talking about my friend in that sense, is that is all we are. I don't want to give him or anyone else the wrong impression. And while I see potential and so does Sean- He will do things in his own time and if that means we just stay good friends then that works for me too!
But the other thing about it, is there have been light conversations about what it would mean to date a polyamorus person and the things that go in to it. For Sean and I think the biggest thing we could do for someone who wants to join Me, Him , or both of us- is to assure them that we are both truly ready to do what it takes to make that person comfortable. From asking for a third invite at weddings or saying youre bringing both of them on a vacation
Now not everyone has to date each other I know that, but in this case we just get along really well together that I cant imagine not holding both of theirs hands If that's the case haha
Thanks for your message! got me thinking again!
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newsie-collective · 1 year
Tommy Boy
Hi I know that technically Specs and Tommy tied But I didn't want to make any of y'all to wait any longer I'm so sorry to that one specific person who always reblogs our polls with Specs hype
T/W for transphobia & Refuge talk below the break
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Pepp’mints! Really like the sof’ ones.”
Color: “Yella. Like the sun. N sunflowers.”
Season: “I don’ have a pa’ticler favorite season.”
Weather: “Sunny. I like sunny days ‘cos then I get to walk ‘round an’ hawk wit’ me fellas.”
Hobby: “Jacobi le’me help in the kitchen once. That was real fun. Wish he woul’ le’me do it again.”
Animal: “Do Blink count? I’on think I knows ‘nough animals to have a favorite.”
Memory: “Movin’ to Manhattan. Ev’ryone was real nice. Finch was gon’ fight ev’ryone that ain’t get my gender right.”
Comfort Item: “I don’t really got one. Ain’t never really had nothin’ to keep.”
Buckle up folks, this one’s real fucked up
Tommy Boy pretends to hate his nickname but it makes him feel fluttery inside. He rolls his eyes and groans and shoves Finch every time he says Tommy Boy/my main man/my home boy/anything else with boy or man. But it makes him giddy and excited
Because he’s a boy
And he knows all the others would fight for him
And that makes him feel real nice
Only knows how to solve things with his fist (but he and Albert are learning together)
He’s also still learning how to take compassion from the newsies. And how to not flinch when the others go to high five or hug him
Because non pain inducing hands on him is weird
He puts his hands in his pockets because he’s scared of hurting his friends or scaring them
He tells everyone it’s so he doesn’t get pickpocketed
Surprisingly good at cooking
Honestly dumb as fuck
Like most of the newsies have either street or book smarts
Tommy has neither
Puts the sexy in dyslexia
Thinks he can do no wrong
Not in a pretentious way 
In a “I just learned I had dyslexia, something I’ve been angry about my whole life, but when someone explained what it was to me, it doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s just a part of me and that’s neat” like a psychopath
Just kinda very aware of the fact that no one is made perfectly, and has come to terms with that
Likes to pull pranks
No longer dumb enough to pull them on Elmer or Davey 
Because they always know
And they know where he hides
And that’s not fair
He’s an angry crier. And he hates it. He hates crying, it makes him feel weaker than he already does when his emotions get the better of him
When he’s only a little mad, he yells to try and feel bigger (it’s a defense mechanism), if it gets worse he starts crying (even though he tries and fights it), and if it keeps getting worse he starts hitting things (he usually turns his anger to trees or punching bags. Inanimate objects. He doesn’t like hurting people), but it’s when he goes silent that’s the scariest. Because no one can tell what he’s thinking or what’s gonna happen. And he just stews in it
Loves music. Prefers music without words, but hates classical music.
When he gets affectionate, he likes holding people (and by people I mean Mush and Specs and Blink and occasionally Finch) but when he gets real deep in his head he needs to be held and his hair played with and just told that everything’s gonna be okay. His head is a dark fucking place. And he sometimes needs help finding his way out.
Jojo used to attack him with cuddles and hugs when he’d get too wound up
That earned Jojo several black eyes when they were first happening
“I love you Tommy Boy”
“Fuck you”
Flirty comments come easy to him. Except when it comes to his partners. They make him so nervous
Was really wary of Les and Davey hanging around, because they felt like outsiders, but Les once roasted Morris so hard that Tommy laughed for at least half an hour. He stayed close to Les when the brothers would come around.
He didn't wanna miss anything else the kid said.
Originally from Brooklyn, but they were too rowdy and angry, he kept getting triggered into panic attacks (and also a few of them kept deadnaming and misgendering him) so he moved to Manhattan
Most of the newsies that don’t know him are intimidated. 
“That’s Tommy from Brooklyn… I hear they kicked him ‘cross the bridge because he was too wild for even Spot Conlon”
Doesn’t care about the rumors. He’s okay with intimidating the people he doesn’t know.
Real fucked up backstory shit:
His birth name was Tamsyn, and he had a twin brother named Thomas. 
His brother was the first person he’d told about feeling more like a boy than a girl. And Thomas was so supportive of him. 
And one day, Thomas disappeared. 
Tommy’s dad wouldn’t tell him what happened, just that Tommy didn’t have a brother anymore. 
And Tommy knew that he was in danger. And he ran away. He stole some clothes to blend in with the newsboys on the street, got sent to the Refuge for three months, where he was kept in the feminine section of the prison.
Tommy was originally sentenced to one month, but he fought against Snyder when he tried to take Bumlets away, once he realized what was happening.
He stood up for others in the Refuge who were getting bullied and abused by Snyder.
He ended up at the Brooklyn boarding house not long after his release. He’d gotten tougher and buff while in the Refuge, and he’d finally gotten some clothes to wear (and keep)
Not many of them were too kind about his transition. Spot had only just become a leader for the boys, and was still trying to get his regime under control. Hotshot was one of the kindest to him, and one of the few he told about leaving.
Spot, Hotshot, and Swipe were the only three he told.
He crossed the bridge to Manhattan, talking to Kloppman about everything that had happened, and moved in that same night. 
He adopted his brother’s name in honor of him, but the others thought Thomas was too hoity toity for a newsie, so they called him Tommy. 
And then he told them that he hadn’t always been a boy, and that’s why he got called Tamsyn and she a lot. 
And so Finch starts his crusade to get everyone to call him Tommy Boy.
I hope y'all loved reading that as much as I loved writing it
Please no one mention how it's been not even a week and we already messed up our timing again
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team-council-two · 2 years
So how is Spy a special case?
*is excited*
(for context, in a previous post, i added the tags " i could write an entire book on how unfamiliar french people in medias seem to actual french people, spy is an odd case; ask me about him")
aiight, you know what you signed up for, get ready for one hell of a presentation, ft terminal verbosis frenchosis ! this will be in three parts, of course, because three is a good number and the mere concept of having 3 parts should give you all a headache (look ray i didnt add a n this time)
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wait shit im not even sure mistral is a spy, hold on,
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aw fck thats for real ones
anyways femme fatale trope, next question
HA gotcha, you didnt think id let yall go with just one sentence huh ? so. our fella is french. our fella is a spy. our fella is a huge piece of shit. extremely common, alright ? outright overused archetype. eeeexcept that the combo's execution here REALLY stands out. how so ?
well, let me ask you a quick question. do you think the fact that he is french, and the fact that he is an evil bastard, and the fact that he is a spy are linked ?
well ill answer that for you. nope. valve treated these three traits remarkably separately. the way he speaks french in game is relatively polite, and the insults he throws around are, i checked, exclusively in english. he is surprisingly free of the usual way medias make "being evil" and "being french" be a hand in hand thing, and similarly free of the one that seems to indicate that Because you are french Of Course you are a spy. in other words, rather than being a walking glamour stereotype of sorts or an obnoxious asshole the likes of which we have seen hundreds of, this is a godawful guy that also happens to be a french snob, and that also happens to be a spy.
compare with, say, our lady mistral above who has a shitton of taunts in french, who embraces that whole sexy lady deal, deliberately plays on it and so on. difference is miles.
and now if you followed you did catch i said french snob rather than just french, there is a reason behind this, so allow me to get on part 2, which i promise will be WAY more verbose-
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im not sure why but american medias love to have peppy rich french fashionistas in their shit. theyre cute, hyper, sheltered as fuck, and the entire deal is weird bc these people seem like aliens to actual french people who tend to care about fashion in pretty normal amounts and definitely do not have that many grands to bust into it. *yes* we pride ourselves in having a pretty neat fashion industry, but in a similar way as the american and the german boast about their cars. we are NOT obsessed with it okay. anyways, sometimes writers have the decency of making these characters cunts, but not always. but what doesnt vary is the trope seems to play out like ah yes, your average french- which is fucking baffling. and is the part taking us aback.
see, we HAVE the evil breed of those characters too in our shit. comedic shit, to be precise. a rundown of our humor is it often is situational humor - stupid outlandish situations with equally stupid archetypal characters, their personality equally pushed into the absurd, all of that more often than not thinly veiling some pretty heavy social commentary. in other words, you often laugh at the evil cop/rich factory/big restaurant owner/politician/etc getting karma'd in mind boggingly bizzare and hilarious ways, while clearly showing them as evil for mistreating subordinates (and often getting shit for it sooner or later) and as simpering cowards towards literally anyone who has any kind of superior position to them whatsoever.
in other words, context matters. where in american shit they are often allies or friends or comedic relief of sorts through being french/annoying or just villains, in french shit they more often than not are *targets* of some kind of events and shown to be ridiculous through other means than their obsession for fashion or whatever.
am i saying that valve did this ?
...yeah. thats a very bold statement, but yes. i mean, cmon,
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see, i am overall basing this on the fact that ingame spy is so fucking similar to many, many, many of Louis de Funès' roles, and even his face, it outright had me searching around the wiki for some kind, any kind of claim of inspiration from valve-
he reads exactly as one of them ! rich cunt obsessed with money, constantly mocking people, constantly complaining about everything ever, fakely polite, not opposed to doing vile acts to have his way, extremely menacing face, *the same fucking laugh*, and the fact that characters played by this guy have remarkably often have what we call a couillon de fils, a dumbfuck of a loser ass son, if you will.
the only differences really are from comic spy, who reads far less like this. he's still well executed mind you, but he (especially @miss pauling) reads as far kinder than this dude's characters usually are, and he is a bit more... stretched, both physically and in behaviour, than the actor's goblin build and attitude, as game spy seems to be unable to stand straight whereas the comic one seems to have no difficulty with this, and the similar range of expressiveness that also ports 1:1 is game exclusive as well. and finally, comic spy also was not given the occasion to cuss people out, so.
anyways my point mostly amounts to, if you manage to make french people think of an emblematic actor beloved by many, rather than just make us go through the usual whiplash of "how is that a normal french person to american people ???", you are probably doing something right.
in addition to this wall of text, i am begging you all to watch this, it should help understand what i meant by our breed of humor, and what i mean by "spy could have been played by this dude no problem"
now, onto part 3,
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well once you said he is a pathetic wet cat man you summed it up really.
for all the class he has, for all the money he has, for all the. everything ? he still is pathetic. he still is simply seen as a mean as fuck loser either trying to drown his failures as a father with expensive tastes, or simply amoral and unsympathetic because of his concerns being about money rather than about humans. he still is headcanoned as stinking by most of the fandom. nobody respects the fucken spy. he comes across as haughty and it only makes people want to shit on him some more.
really, it is pretty much everything I explained in the two points above. the patheticness helps with making it so he is not a stereotype, and it helps making it clear he is supposed to be representative of rich pretentious cunts rather than of french people.
so, he is a huge bitch, and ironically, this makes him a blorbo to us, bc who doesnt love a good ole flawed character ?
his whole french deal is not shown as eccentric or what makes him a loser but just a coincidence, in a sense. and you'd be surprised by how much of a breath of fresh air this is to french people. shitty in a realistic way rather than a made up clown, and in a way we can recognize in our own medias. it also is neat from the, err, fandom pov ? because you get to develop his frenchness and assholeness and spyness separately, since they are elements implemented for the sake of themselves rather than as a stereotypical whole. you get to have *fun* with him.
SO i think i ran out of things to blabber about. hope it makes sense tho. but i guess it really is about. not *quite* representation because we do not see ourselves in spy, of course, but way more about our culture not being bastardized and being turned into a joke about eccentrics at best, or hatred about seductive women and effeminate/homosexual men at worst, + having a fresh execution on tropes that else usually would get our eyes rolling.
alpha, over and out
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exist101 · 1 year
Gimme Dexter headcanons *grabby hands*
He has put a rat in his mouth before. Not on a dare, not with any prompting. He just wanted to do it (he's silly like that)
Goes bowling every other Saturday with Rick, Radford, Kevin, and Streber
Loves to talk about all of the neat creatures he encounters with his job
His goggles are prescription, his glasses got broken and he decided it would be easier to just wear the goggles that go with his outfit
Absolutely HATES the cat that hangs around near The Candy Club
Whenever business is slow he hunts for rats and cockroaches and other stuff in the apartment building for free, making them cleanest apartment building on the block
He is very thorough when it comes to exterminating
Adores hugs and hand holding with Kevin and Streber
During his time in the doll he investigated the attic for a little while, trying to figure out how Lila trapped him inside the doll and how to undo it, not knowing the dolls are just like that
He also has another little area where he keeps papers, not just the toybox
He and Patty are good friends
Freaked out when he first heard that Streber got his arm eaten by his dad by a cannibal
And felt insanely guilty that he stabbed Kevin while in the doll
During his first week or so in his (now messed up) body he kept his mask close. It reminded him of who he used to be
Needs therapy so badly, good lord someone please help him
The opposite of cold blooded. Hot blooded. He is just constantly boiling and it's always too warm
Going off the last one when it snows in the town he finds out he just melts snow
He got to go back to his apartment for a day, accidently jammed one of his horns into the ceiling and needed help to get it unstuck
He can possess Happy Fella dolls, first time it happened he scared the shit out of himself
Streber got him a job at the haunted house!
Overall I don't have that many headcanons for him I tend to more think about theories and angst
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claude: if I didn’t like edelgard as much as I do and he wasn’t wearing yellow he would absolutely be my first choice I love this guy. he’s silly!!!
lorenz: good HEAVENS what is that haircut. also your middle name is ‘Hellman’ which is concerning.
a ‘ladies man’ according to Claude. hm
raphael: big guy!!! he looks cool :]
ah jeez his parents are dead… poor guy I wanna give him a hug
leonie: I like her design!! and she’s jeralt’s apprentice, ooo….
interesting ability, too! she does more damage if a male unit is next to her. neat!
hilda: she looks cool! not sure if I’ll add her tho since I’ve already got edelgard as an axe unit
lazy, apparently. the part with Claude sharing how her picture wouldn’t be next to the word ‘lazy’ in the dictionary because she wouldn’t get around to submitting it was funny
marianne: someone please get this girl a towel she looks like a sad wet cat
might try to add her to my house for the sole reason because I really want to be her friend so that haunted look in her eyes will go away. bestie are you ok
lysethia: ooo I really like how she looks… might try to get her to join my house
she has double skill experience too!!!!!! I like her a lot besties get outta that house!!!!!!! can I trade caspar for her
ignatz: lil guy…. just a lil fella…
edelgard: ELDY MY BEST FRIEND EDELGARD I LIKE HER A LOT she’s pretty she wears red she has an axe her house is the black eagles what’s not to love.
bernadetta: I’ve known this girl for five seconds and I will kill anyone who tries to hurt her
ferdinand: ‘legitimate’ son? I know that probably has some kind of medieval meaning but it’s funny to think the first thing he says is ‘I’m the REAL son of the Aegir family I SWEAR you HAVE TO BELIEVE ME’
not even Edelgard likes him. I’m iffy on this guy
hubert: oh that’s a malicious guy. I like him already what kind of shenanigans does he get up to
her hair is very cool and she can use axes???????? I already adore her
caspar: he is. there.
no outstanding opinions. he’s just a dude
linhardt: his first line of dialouge is ‘Linhardt. Good-bye.’ so he’s already piqued my interest. what’s this guy’s deal
he only wants to do tasks that interest him and take naps, according to edelgard. a man after my own heart
dorothea: I like her design! she’s pretty :3
she can heal adjacent allies too, apparently! she’s gonna be a mainstay I can already tell
dmitri: least favorite house leader. idk I just. dont like him. he looks annoying.
sylvain: cool hair but he immediatly started hitting on me as soon as I started talking to him so he’s already losing points
a ‘skirt chaser’ according to dmitri so. yeah least favorite student here so far
mercedes: mercie bestie join the black eagles these blue lion shmucks don’t deserve you
she looks SO nice I need to hug her this instant. holding her gently
annnette: she has cool hair! I like the lil rings
she also apparently caused a kitchen explosion so I like her already
ingrid: ingrid!!!! she looks nice!!
no weaknesses according to her info screen! that’s correct for she is perfect
felix: ok i need to beat this guy up IMMEDIATELY he challenged me and I can’t take that lying down. draw your sword pretty boy
I would absolutely enjoy a friendly competition with him so I can wipe that smug gosh darn grin off his face. I like him!
ashe: yet another little guy to the pile! he has silver hair so I’m already a little interested
OOO HE HAS LOCKPICK ok he might be good after all
alois: I know I ragged on him for his shoulder spike but I like him! I like his voice and he just seems nice :]
seteth: he certainly is A Guy. no outstanding opinions on him. mildly suspicious of him due to the sheer fact that he works with rhea. speaking of-
rhea: I do NOT trust her. jeralt literally told me to keep my guard up around her so I’m not trusting her for a second.
gatekeeper: he does a very good job of watching the entrance. keep it up pal I’m rooting for you
jeralt: sword dad!!!! he’s soso cool
hanneman: the scholar! not sure what else to say about him except he’s cool
manuela: not really sure what to put for here and hanneman since you already got my first impressions of them. she is certainly there.
jeritza: ooo mask guy…. whats his story…
If you keep up this Lorenz, Ferdinand and Seteth slander then I will block you /j
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