#his facial expressions are 🤌🏼
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Vincent Price as Dr. Robert Morgan
Last Man On Earth (1964) dir. Sydney Salkow and Ubaldo Ragona
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stormoflina · 3 months
Hello, we desperately need to talk about these 2 seconds!!
- Kostas cuddling Dominik and resting his head in the crook of his neck... I might need to be resurrected, it's so cute I might also die. 🥺
- It's not a want, it's a NEED to see Trent's facial expression at that. He keeps nodding at whatever Klopp is saying, but I just KNOW he wanted to join them. Those are his boyfriends your honor!! 😭
- Klopp moving like the dad who is trying to embarrass his child in front of his boyfriend. Dare to tell me that it's not the vibe he's giving off!! The little ☝🏼🤌🏼 as well!! 😭
- Domi's smile! 🥺🥰
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curlytheintrovert · 1 year
My Favorite Papa Joel Moments (Pt.6):
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🦠 My second top favorite moment, after the sniping scene in KC, is when Ellie goes back downstairs with the needle and thread for Joel’s wound. There is so much to unpack from Joel’s facial expressions! I honestly don’t understand how Pedro can convey so much without saying a word. The look when he sees her…the tear trails running down the side of his face and his expression just open. Joel is as vulnerable as he was when he spoke with Tommy in Jackson here. He looks upset she came back, even after he tried so hard to make her go, but he’s moved nonetheless. You would come back for me, even at my weakest? He didn’t want to die there alone, and even if his fear for her safety is screaming, she’s back.
🦠 When Ellie intertwines her fingers with Joel’s and he just squeezes. He’s done fighting against his nightmares, he’s done pulling away, she came for him and now he’s letting his walls completely fall away. They are each other’s now. I adore how he then just surrenders to Ellie; he moves his hand out of the way and allows her to start helping him. He’s not the protector right now, she is. And the thing is he’s okay with it, he has to be to survive. Joel then desperately clings to her as the pain works through him. It’s such an intimate gesture, it says I’m relying on you and I need you to get through this. You can see the pressure settle on Ellie’s shoulders, and it compels her to keep going even though she’s terrified. It’s absolutely beautiful and poignant🤌🏼
🦠 When Joel is unconscious and Ellie cautiously, vulnerably snuggles up to him. It’s the sweetest, softest thing when Joel leans into her, to confirm she’s there, to try and comfort her in some small way. And he’s not even conscious. Their relationship is so heart felt and powerful, and honestly puts most love stories to shame. I cannot stop writing about them and their perfect dynamic. Thank you Craig and Neil for creating such a nuanced, thoughtful and deeply emotional story. And of course to Pedro and Bella for acting their literal asses off and giving us performances for the ages. (and since I’m such a stan for the show, I highly recommend you listen to the tlou podcast it makes the show even more meaningful!!)
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Juyeons hands! My god those things are huge.
Listen I’m very much one for drama lol
Minnie staring at juyeons hands to long and Wonwoo getting annoyed 🤌🏼
-2 question anon
Juyeon's hands are literally some of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE things in K-Pop, they're just... I don't even know how to explain it...
Minnie would literally be mesmerised by them, and let me tell you SHE ACTUALLY WAS. Let's take a look at one of those moments *insert flashback instrumental harp music*
Hands || Minnie🌷
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Sitting in the green room, most of the members' eyes were fixed on the phones in their hands. Minnie was one of the few ones, who's attention was on the TV in front of them, showing the award show's broadcast. They were currently on another short break, meaning nothing interesting was showing, making the girl yawn,
"You're already tired?" Minghao chuckled at the sight as he found her exhausted looking facial expression.
She shook her head and sighed, "I'm bored," leaning back in exaggeration.
"Go, find your friends to entertain you," Mingyu spoke up, his voice plain and monotone, his eyes not even daring to leave whatever was so interesting on his phone.
Without changing her position, Minnie snapped back, "You're jealous that yours aren't here?" As soon as she felt his glare on her, she turned her head to the side and sent him a sarcastic grin.
"Guys," S.Coups raised his voice, warning them before any nagging could come out of their bickering, "But he's right, Minnie," making her look up, "You could spend some time with them. Get to know them better."
"I don't want to disturb them-"
"How on earth do you want to disturb them?" Minghao interrupted her, "No one finds award shows entertaining like this."
"Yeah, but I don't know... maybe they're doing something important right n-"
"Minnie, please just go. Stop worrying and go," the leader almost begged her, "Seungkwan also went... to... God knows where."
"As long as they're not on stage, they can't do much important stuff," her fellow '97 Liner dancer assured her.
With a sigh and a nod, she stood up, only for a voice to hold her back, "Do you want me to come with you?" Wonwoo looked up from his phone once the girl was about to walk out of the room.
She shook her head, "No, I'm just gonna see what they're up to," straightened her dress, put her comfortable shoes on, leaving the heels in the room, and made her way outside. After a few seconds of roaming around, trying to find the sign with "The Boyz" written on them, almost giving up, wanting to go back to her own green room, a loud voice from behind her made her jump,
"MINNIE!" She turned around abruptly, finding an excited Eric running towards her, "Hi!" He waved, making her laugh and engulf him in a hug,
"Hey," she smiled, "How are you?"
"I'm doing good, how are you? What are you doing?" The '00 Liner let go of her, his eyes sparkling, looking at the older female.
The female chuckled nervously, picking at her nails, "I... I was actually looking for you guys."
Eric's eyes opened wide, eyebrows shooting up, "Us? For us?"
Minnie laughed at the reaction of the younger rapper, "Yeah...," and before she was able to answer, the boy motioned for her to follow him,
"Well then, come!" She smiled and picked up his pace, "They're all together now anyway because we're next to go on stage," he explained. The girl stopped abruptly, "Oh, then I don't want to keep you guys up, go what you have to do... I, I can just-"
"No, stop, they're gonna be so excited to see you," he insisted, stopping as well and turning back to look at her.
"No, no, it's okay, really. I don't want to bother you."
"No, come on," with only two steps, he was next to her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her with him, "How could you be a bother?"
She could only laugh at his antics, admiring his extroverted personality, "I love how open you are with people."
Now it was his time to stop in his tracks, quickly loosening his grip and letting her hand drop, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't want to come off too strong, I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, but Minnie stopped him,
"No, no, no, don't worry. I really like it. I admire people like you." And with a shared smile, they continued their way to find the rest of his members.
Not even a minute later, Minnie stood in the door of the green room, labelled with 'The Boyz'.
"Look who I brought along!" Eric announced, his loud voice echoing through the room, catching the attention of all the guys and staff members. The first person to see her was Sangyeon, who shut his eyes immediately, shaking his head, "Eric, you can't just drag her into here. What if she has other things to do?"
Minnie chuckled at the leader, knowing the sternness of his voice only too well, "It's okay, I was actually the one looking for your room."
Sunwoo and Juyeon's ears perked up, the younger speaking, "You wanted to see us?" Surprised by the older woman's statement, who shyly nodded, her lips pressed together into a thin line. Jacob noticed her awkward stance and her restless legs, standing up and approaching her while speaking to the room, "She obviously came because she wanted to see us," motioning to himself, Younghoon, and Hyunjae, who didn't even have to get told but stood up by themselves.
"Exactly," stated Hyunjae jokingly, "So calm down." Minnie was only able to chuckle, not knowing what to answer to that, but thankfully, the '97 Line of The Boyz never failed to make her feel comfortable. Jacob was the first to engulf her in a hug, initiating a conversation only between them, letting the rest of the members get back to what they were doing.
"Hey, how are you," the oldest of the three was known for his kindness, and that definitely showed.
"I'm good. How are you guys?" She smiled at him, greeting the other two with a hug as well.
"All good, all good," Younghoon answered, whereas Hyunjae was honest, "A bit bored, though."
Minnie let out a small breath, "Yeah, same. That's why I wanted to come and see what you guys are doing."
"Oh," Jacob laughed, "Well... at least we can be bored together," making the group chuckle.
Just as they started falling into a casual and comfortable conversation, another voice joined them, "Hi, sunbaenim." Juyeon appeared next to Hyunjae, a bright smile on his lips. In a polite manner, he extended his hand for Minnie to take, which she did,
"You can call me Minnie," she shook it with a kind expression on her face, suddenly surprised, "Oh- wow, your hands are big," forgetting about how shocked she was the last time she had met him.
Juyeon chuckled shyly, "Yeah," looking down at his palms before up again, finding her gaze, "I have quite big hands..."
Only a few minutes later, another person interrupted them. This time, a staff member from the award show, telling the group to line up outside and get ready to go on stage. Minnie quickly excused herself, nodding her head as the guys left the room, "Congrats to all of you. You've been working really hard." All together, the group bowed, thanking her and starting to walk towards the stage, but not without Eric turning around to have the last word,
"Are you gonna watch our performance?"
The girl chuckled, "Yes! I'll watch it with my members!!" And turned to go back to her own boys.
As soon as she was back in Seventeen's green room, taking slightly longer to find it again, she got greeted by the familiar loud voices, "You just missed them! They were on stage!" Hoshi exclaimed, making her laugh,
"I know! I talked to them before!" Copying his tone.
"Oh, did you find them?" He wondered, to which she nodded with a smile, taking her old seat from before. Seungkwan had also come again and was back sitting next to her. Minnie arrived just in time to watch the beginning of The Boyz's performance.
She smiled at the cute start of their stage, seeing the concept and background design of it.
"Juyeon came to shake my hand," she suddenly started talking to Seungkwan, who turned to her with a smug grin playing on his lips,
"Oh, did he?" Earning him a punch in the arm from the female member.
"He was being polite, shut up. But his hand literally almost swallowed mine."
He nodded, "Yeah, he has pretty big hands."
"Big?" She exaggerated, getting the attention from her boyfriend next to her, "They're massive."
"Alright," the '98 Liner chuckled at the wide-eyed girl, who was back to concentrating on the screen. Right when the camera was showing Juyeon's hands from a closer angle, the girl gasped quietly,
"Wow... they're really pretty too." Unknown of what she looked to everyone around her, she was watching the TV almost mesmerized by what she had just seen. With a smile, she got a hold of her phone, typing something quickly into the search engine before shoving a picture into Seungkwan's face,
"See. Massive."
"You're weird," he commented, noticing the eyes of the man behind her, that were watching her phone screen closely, making him press his lips together.
"I'm not weird, they're huge. Look," showing him another picture, "A freaking pizza?" She scuffed, "Who the hell has hands like that." Before Minnie was able to swipe again, looking a the other pictures that had shown up, her phone was snatched out of her hands. Her head snapped to the right, seeing Wonwoo looking at the TV ahead while her phone was now trapped between his legs. As she tried to get it back, he got a hold of it again and sat on it.
"What the hell? Give me my phone," the female whined, trying to push him over.
"Look at their performance," the rapper ignored her question and only pointed at the TV.
"I was looking at something else, give it back it me," she didn't even turn around but kept on trying to get him off the couch to get her phone back.
"I know," he simply stated, "But your friends are performing. You should watch them."
Defeated, Minnie sat back and crossed her arms as while eyes never left her boyfriend's face, her expression as straight as she could keep it, no emotions to read off of it. "Why are you being like this?"
He finally turned his head slightly, their eyes locking, "Why are you looking at another man's hands?"
Her expression changed quickly, "Are you serious?" Annoyed but slightly amused at his antics. Wonwoo's eyes went back to look at the TV as he answered her, "Dead serious."
She hid a grin that was about to spread on her lips by pressing them into a thin line before clearing her throat and turning to the '98 Liner to her left with extended hands, "Seungkwan, can I have your phone real quick?" Making sure that the man on her other side heard her question. The younger member was about to give her the device when the older man's hands grabbed hers, pulling them towards him, making her chuckle.
"I know that you're fucking doing this on purpose," he whispered in her ear, teeth clenched, making her breathing shaky for a second.
"What?" she smiled innocently.
"Look at his hands like that again, I dare you."
"I do really like them though. Especially his fingers, you know?" Minnie continued playing along, knowing exactly how far she could take this.
Wonwoo nodded, "Alright. I just don't remember you ever screaming because of his fingers." Even though both of them were speaking quietly, surrounded by the loud voices of their members, the '97 Liner rapper next to Wonwoo caught onto the pair,
"You really gotta do this here?" Leaning forward to catch Minnie's face. She smiled at Mingyu, before freeing her hands from her partner's grasp and leaning back comfortably on the couch. Her phone, still in the possession of the man, was long forgotten.
Taglist: @shrynkk @myballzinyojawz @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer
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