#hiruko chan
snapesmorningcoffee · 2 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ Astrea Lucretia Malfoy ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Please read my favorite fanfiction.
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mamamoon92 · 3 years
Japanese divinities ✨
Major kami✨
•Ama-no-Uzume (天宇受売命)
Commonly called Uzume, she is the goddess of dawn and revelry, instrumental to the "missing sun legend" in Shinto. She is also known as The Great Persuader and The Heavenly Alarming Female.
•Amaterasu-ō-mi-kami (天照大神 or 天照大御神)
Commonly called Amaterasu, she is the goddess of the sun as well as the purported ancestress of the Imperial Household of Japan. Her full name means "Great Goddess" or "Great Spirit Who Shines in the Heavens"; she may also be referred to as Ōhiru-menomuchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神). Due to her ties to the Imperial family, she is often considered (though not official) to be the "primary god" of Shinto.
•Ame-no-Koyane (天児屋命 or 天児屋根命)
A male deity, he is considered the "First in Charge of Divine Affairs", as well as the aide to the first Emperor of Japan.[1] He is also considered to be the ancestor of the Fujiwara family.
•Fujin (風神)
Also known as Kaminokaze, he is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods, said to be present at the creation of the world. He is often depicted as an oni with a bag slung over his back.
•Hachiman (八幡神)
Also known as Hachiman-shin or Yawata no kami, he is seen as the god of war. Originally an agricultural deity, he later became the guardian of the Minamoto clan.
•Inari (稲荷)
The god of rice and fertility. His messengers and symbolic animal are foxes. He is often identified with the Buddhist deity Dakiniten. Though traditionally represented as a male, there are records of Inari appearing as a female as well.
•Izanagi (伊弊諾 or 伊邪那岐)
The forefather of the gods, he is the first male as well as the god of creation and life. He and his wife, Izanami, were responsible for the birth of the islands of Japan and many kami, though she died in childbirth. Later, after his failed attempt to retrieve her from the underworld, he sired Amaterasu, Susano and Tsukuyomi.
Izanami (伊弉冉 or 伊邪那美)
•Izanagi's wife and sister, she is the first female as well as the goddess of creation and death. She died shortly after the birth of Kagu-tsuchi, and Izanami followed her to the underworld, but failed to bring her back to the living world. A marital spat between the pair caused the cycle of life and death for all living beings.
•Ninigi-no-Mikoto (瓊瓊杵尊)
Commonly called Ninigi, he was the grandson of Amaterasu. His great-grandson was Kamuyamato Iwarebiko, later to be known as Emperor Jimmu, first emperor of Japan.
•Raijin (雷神)
Commonly called Raiden (雷電), he is the god of thunder and lightning, and is often paired with Fujin. As with the latter, Raijin is usually depicted as an oni.
•Ryūjin (龍神)
Also known as Rinjin, he is a dragon, as well as god of the sea. He resides in Ryūgū-jō, his palace under the sea built out of red and white coral, from where he controlled the tides with magical tide jewels. His great-grandson would become Emperor Jimmu.
•Susanoo-no-mikoto (須佐之男命)
Alternately romanized as Susano-o, Susa-no-o, and Susanowo. He is the god of storms as well as in some cases the god of the sea. He is also somewhat of a trickster god, as Japanese mythology extensively documents the "sibling rivalry" between him and Amaterasu. Susanoo also was responsible for the slaying of the monster Yamata-no-Orochi and the subsequent discovery of the sacred sword Kusanagi.
•Tenjin (天神)
The god of scholarship, he is the deified Sugawara no Michizane (845-903), who was elevated to his position after dying in exile and subsequent disasters in Heian-kyō were attributed to his angered spirit. See Dazaifu, Fukuoka
•Toyotama-hime (豊玉姫)
Also known as Otohime (乙姫), she was the daughter of Ryūjin and the grandmother of Jimmu. It is said that after she gave birth to her son, she turned into a dragon and disappeared.
•Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto (月読の命 or 月夜見の尊)
Also known as Tsukiyomi, Tsuki no kami, Tsukiyomino mikoto, and Tsukiyumi no mikoto, he is the god of the moon. He killed the goddess of food, Uke Mochi, out of disgust and anger in the way she had prepared a meal. This caused Amaterasu to never face him again, causing the sun and moon to be in different parts of the sky.
Minor kami✨
•Amatsu-Mikaboshi (天津甕星), the kami of all evil and stars who existed before Ama-No-Uzume
•Konohanasakuya-hime (木花之開耶姫), the wife of Ninigi and daughter of Ohoyamatsumi, and great-grandmother of Jimmu. She is also known as the goddess of Mount Fuji.
•Ohoyamatsumi (大山積命), an elder brother of Amaterasu, and an important god who rules mountain, sea, and war, as well as the father of Konohanasakuya-hime.
•Sarutahiko Ohkami (猿田毘古神), a kami of the Earth that guided Ninigi to the Japanese islands
•Uke Mochi (保食神), sometimes called Ogetsu-hime-no-kami, a goddess of food. After she had spat a fish, vomited or defecated game and coughed rice, she had been killed by a disgusted Tsukuyomi, or in some other versions, Susanoo.
•Amida Nyorai (無量光佛 or 無量壽佛)
Commonly referred to as Amida-butsu (阿弥陀如来), he is the primary Buddha of the Pure Land school of Buddhism. He is also believed to be a Buddha who possesses infinite meritorious qualities; who expounds the dharma in his pure paradise and is likely the most well known and popular of the Five Wisdom Buddhas.
•Daruma (ダルマ)
He is traditionally held in Buddhist mythology to be the founder of Zen Buddhism, as well as the founder of Shaolin. One legend reports that after years of meditation, Bodhidharma lost the usage of his eyes and appendages. The Daruma doll was created in honor of this legend.
The Seven Lucky Gods✨
•Benzaiten (弁才天 or 弁財天)
Also known as Benten, she is the goddess of everything that flows: words (and knowledge, by extension), speech, eloquence, and music. Said to be the third daughter of the dragon-king of Munetsuchi, over the course of years she has gone from being a protective deity of Japan to one who bestows good fortune upon the state and its people.Derived from the equivalent goddess in Hinduism Goddess Saraswati.
•Bishamonten (毘沙門天)
Also called Bishamon or Tamonten, he is the god of fortunate warriors and guards, as well as the punisher of criminals. Said to live halfway down the side of Mount Sumeru, the small pagoda he carries symbolizes the divine treasure house that he both guards and gives away its contents.
•Daikokuten (大黒天)
Often shortened to simply Daikoku, he is variously considered to be the god of wealth (more specifically, the harvest), or of the household (particularly the kitchen). He is recognised by his wide face, smile, and flat black hat. He is often portrayed holding a golden mallet, seated on bales of rice, with mice nearby (which signify plentiful food).
•Ebisu (恵比須, 恵比寿, 夷 or 戎)
The sole member of the gods believed to have originated in Japan, he was originally known as Hiruko (蛭子), the first child of Izanagi and Izanami. Said to born without bones, he eventually overcame his handicaps to become the mirthful and auspicious Ebisu (hence one of his titles, "The Laughing God"). He is often depicted holding a rod and a large red bream or sea bass. Jellyfish are also associated with this god and the fugu restaurants of Japan will often incorporate Yebisu in their motif.
•Fukurokuju (福禄寿)
Often confused with Jurōjin, he is the god of wisdom and longevity and said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar. He is accompanied by a crane and a turtle, which are considered to be symbols of longevity, and also sometimes accompanied by a black deer. The sacred book tied to his staff is said to contain the lifespan of every person on Earth.
•Hotei (布袋)
Best known in the Western world as the Laughing Buddha, Hotei is likely the most popular of the gods. His image graces many temples, restaurants, and amulets. Originally based on a Chinese Chan monk, Hotei has become a deity of contentment and abundance.
• Kichijōten (吉祥天)
Also known as Kisshōten or Kudokuten, she is the "eighth" member of the Seven Gods of Fortune, a Taoist deity often combined with the traditional members. She is considered to be the goddess of happiness, fertility, and beauty.
• Jurōjin (寿老人)
Also known as Gama, he represents longevity. He is often seen with a fan and a stave, and accompanied by a black deer.
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biteheir · 5 years
there is probably a post about this. but great knower of uzumakis ... what is their religion like? go into depth for that... :^)
OKAY SO this might be all over the place , but basis is something similar to shinto. not the exact same but very, very close. uzushiogakure has priestesses ( hence force known as miko to keep words straight but uzu calls them just priestesses ) / @viralwill
In Shinto, a miko (巫女) is a shrine (jinja) maidenor a supplementary priestess. Miko were once likely seen as a shaman but are understood in modern Japanese culture to be an institutionalized role in daily shrine life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing to performing the sacred Kagura dance.Miko once performed spirit possession and takusen as vocational functions in their service to shrines. As time passed, they left the shrines and began working independently in secular society. Miko at shrines today do no more than sit at reception counters and perform kagura dance. In addition to a medium or a miko (or a Geki, which is a male shaman), the site of a takusen may occasionally also be attended by a sayaniwa who interprets the words of the possessed person to make them comprehensible to other people present. Kamigakari and takusen may be passive, when a person speaks after suddenly becoming involuntarily possessed or has a dream revelation; they can also be active, when spirit possession is induced in a specific person to ascertain the divine will or gain a divine revelation.
Uzushio Miko still performed spirit possessions which with a background with fuinjutsu – helps them trap the gods into masks – ( which konoha + other’s ended up ripping off but that’s a discussion for another time ! ) 
where as a traditional Miko would wear :
The traditional attire of a miko would be a pair of red hakama (long, divided trousers) or a long, red, slightly pleated skirt tied with a bow, a white haori (kimono jacket), and some white or red hair ribbons. In Shintoism, the color white symbolizes purity.
Traditional Miko tools include azusayumi (梓弓 or “catalpa bow”) the tamagushi (玉串 or “offertory sakaki-tree branches”) and the gehōbako (外法箱 or the “supernatural box that contains dolls, animal and human skulls … [and] Shinto prayer beads”).
The miko also use bells, drums, candles, and bowls of rice in ceremonies.
an Uzushio Miko would wear something that is easily moved in , easily danced in , and can withstand water – and their attire is colourful with oranges , reds , blues. 
Their MAIN Gods/ Goddesses: 
Amaterasu-Ō-Mi-Kami (天照大神 or 天照大御神) Commonly called Amaterasu, she is the goddess of the sun as well as the purported ancestress of the Imperial Household of Japan. Her full name means “Great Goddess” or “Great Spirit Who Shines in the Heavens”; she may also be referred to as Ōhiru-menomuchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神). For many reasons, one among them being her ties to the Imperial family, she is often considered (though not officially) to be the “primary god” of Shinto.
Ame-no-Uzume (天宇受売命 or 天鈿女命) Commonly called Uzume, she is the goddess of dawn and revelry, instrumental to the “missing sun motif” in Shinto. She is also known as The Great Persuader and The Heavenly Alarming Female.
Fūjin (風神) Also known as Kami-no-Kaze, he is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods, said to have been present at the creation of the world. He is often depicted as an oni with a bag slung over his back.
Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神) The god or goddess of rice and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic animal are foxes. They are often identified with the Ukanomitama and Buddhist deity Dakiniten.
Raijin (雷神) Commonly called Raiden (雷電), he is the god of thunder and lightning, and is often paired with Fūjin. As with the latter, Raijin is usually depicted as an oni.
Ryūjin (龍神) Also known as Ōwatatsumi, he is a dragon, as well as god of the sea. He resides in Ryūgū-jō, his palace under the sea built out of red and white coral, from where he controls the tides with magical tide jewels. His great-grandson would become Emperor Jimmu.Suijin (水神) The God of Water.
Susanoo-no-Mikoto (須佐之男尊) Alternately romanized as Susano-o, Susa-no-o, and Susanowo. Reportedly called “Futsushi”. He is the god of storms as well as in some cases the god of the sea. He is also somewhat of a trickster god, as Japanese mythology extensively documents the “sibling rivalry” between him and Amaterasu. Susanoo also was responsible for the slaying of the monster Yamata no Orochi and the subsequent discovery of the sacred sword Kusanagi.
Azumi-no-isora (阿曇磯良) is a kami of the seashore. He is considered to be the ancestor of the Azumi people.
As well as those God(desses) , they also believe in the Seven Lucky Gods: 
Benzaiten (弁才天 or 弁財天) Also known as Benten or Benzaitennyo, she is the goddess of everything that flows: words (and knowledge, by extension), speech, eloquence, and music. Said to be the third daughter of the dragon-king of Munetsuchi, over the course of years she has gone from being a protective deity of Japan to one who bestows good fortune upon the state and its people. Derived from Saraswati, the equivalent Hindu goddess.[citation needed]
Bishamonten (毘沙門天) Also called Bishamon or Tamonten, he is the god of fortunate warriors and guards, as well as the punisher of criminals. Said to live halfway down the side of Mount Sumeru, the small pagoda he carries symbolizes the divine treasure house that he both guards and gives away its contents.
Daikokuten (大黒天) Often shortened to simply Daikoku, he is variously considered to be the god of wealth (more specifically, the harvest), or of the household (particularly the kitchen). He is recognised by his wide face, smile, and flat black hat. He is often portrayed holding a golden mallet, seated on bales of rice, with mice nearby (which signify plentiful food). Daikoku sometimes manifests as a female known as Daikokunyo (大黒女) or Daikokutennyo (大黒天女). When Kisshoutennyo is counted among the seven Fukujin[4] and Daikoku is regarded in feminine form, all three of the Hindu Tridevi goddesses are represented in the Fukujin.
Ebisu (恵比須, 恵比寿, 夷 or 戎) The sole member of the gods believed to have originated in Japan, he was originally known as Hiruko (蛭子), the first child of Izanagi and Izanami. Said to be born without bones, he eventually overcame his handicaps to become the mirthful and auspicious Ebisu (hence one of his titles, “The Laughing God”). He is often depicted holding a rod and a large red sea bream or sea bass. Jellyfish are also associated with this god and the fugu restaurants of Japan will often incorporate Yebisu in their motif.
Fukurokuju (福禄寿) Often confused with Jurōjin, he is the god of wisdom and longevity and said to be an incarnation of the Southern Polestar. He is a star god accompanied by a crane and a turtle, which are considered to be symbols of longevity, and also sometimes accompanied by a black deer. The sacred book tied to his staff is said to contain the lifespan of every person on Earth.
Hotei (布袋) Best known in the Western world as the Laughing Buddha, Hotei is likely the most popular of the gods. His image graces many temples, restaurants, and amulets. Originally based on a Chinese Chan monk, Hotei has become a deity of contentment and abundance.
Jurōjin (寿老人) Also known as Gama, he represents longevity. He is often seen with a fan and a stave, and accompanied by a black deer.
The goddess Kichijōten (吉祥天), also known as Kisshoutennyo, is sometimes considered to be one of the seven gods,[3] replacing either Jurōjin or Fukurokuju.[4] She embodies happiness, fertility, and beauty. 
There’s a belief that each Uzumaki is blessed by one of the god(desses) listed above – and if they aren’t blessed , then they are cursed like karin’s great grandfather who was cursed with a bite-heal technique.
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chakrastring · 5 years
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NAME .   Uemura Sasori NICKNAME .  When he had been very small and his parents were still alive, they’d called him Saso-chan. After they died, everyone, including his grandmother, only ever called him Sasori. He won’t tolerate anything else from anyone else. AGE .   35 (but looks like he’s still in his twenties, somehow)  SPECIES .   Human
MORALITY .   lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true RELIGION .   God and religion has no place in his life. He only appreciates it from an aesthetic standpoint. SINS .   greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath VIRTUES .   chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice KNOWN LANGUAGES .  Japanese SECRETS .   He is very secretive about his art - everything he makes and releases is always under a pseudonym - Hiruko, because he doesn’t care for fame. He doesn’t share his techniques or inspirations with anyone either.
BUILD .   scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average HEIGHT .   164.1 cm SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .    He has a lot of small scars on his hands from when he was younger and a lot more careless with his usage of tools - he’s smarter about it now, obviously. He also has several acid burns on his forearms, chest, and thighs from when his chemistry experiments become a little too exciting. ABILITIES /  POWERS .  He is good at what he does, but he also has an interest in the sciences - chemistry, in particular, and biology. He does taxidermy as a side hobby, along with embalming and amateur autopsy (all animals, of course. Or, at least, that’s what he says...)
FOOD .   Anything meaty and savory DRINK .   Green tea, energy drinks, sodas, anything sweet enough to make your teeth ache PIZZA TOPPING .   Meat Lovers’ COLOR .    Bright, strong colors - gold, cherry red, prussian blue MUSIC GENRE .    R&B BOOK GENRE .    Horror, Crime Mystery, Psychological thrillers MOVIE GENRE .     Horror, Crime Mystery, Psychological thrillers CURSE WORD .   He rarely swears, but he can still make you feel like scum about it SCENTS .  Freshly carved wood, new paper, paint
BOTTOM OR TOP .  Yes SINGS IN THE SHOWER .   Never LIKES PUNS .  He likes puns, but very discreetly. The more morbid they are, the better
TAGGED BY .  mopped, baby TAGGING . @kinokami, @sennenryuu, @masshirohebi, @sssharked, @berserkcd, @yxksha, @strawberrysakura, @harunodesu
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dailynarutoimagines · 7 years
Omg,, could I please have a sweet scenario with Pein and his adopted daughter (reader)? Maybe with her being a little fearful of some of the other Akatsuki members?
Like Akatsuki Oprhan? Lol, I’ll try my best. Also, I realized after I posed this that you requested a reader-insert, but since it’s already up it’d be hard to change it...sorry!!
“You’re not the most inviting father figure, ya know.”
As the Akatsuki gathered around the table, a little girl sat at the head coloring in a blank piece of paper. Next to her was the leader of the Akatsuki, Pein, and his second in command Konan.
“And neither are you, Hidan,” Konan retorted. “Which is why you’re the crazy aunt figure in her life.”
“FUCK!” Hidan was getting increasingly exasperated. Pein shot him a deadly glare, covering the young girl’s ears. In turn Kakuzu simply stomped on his partner’s foot to try and distract him from making anymore unnecessary outbursts.
Kisame stepped forward, clearly confused. “If I may ask, Leader, how and why did you come by the girl? She’ll only get in the way.”
This time it was Konan who gave someone a nasty look. “In time, Kisame, don’t be so morose - it’s not like you.”
“…The circumstances can be discussed later,” Pein interjected. “We must assign the rest of the roles now.”
At this statement, everyone in the Akatsuki stiffened, save for Itachi. His eyes betrayed little, however, except for a small twinkle of amusement as he looked at the girl. Sasori was making his way towards the door while Deidara merely squirmed uncomfortably.
“Now,” Pein said, standing up. He tapped on the girl’s shoulder. “Kiyoko-chan, why not pick out who would make the best mommy?”
The girl - Kiyoko - looked from Pein to Konan, then to the rest of the group. Her reaction was less than excited, though, as she eyed some of the more imposing members with unease. Seeing the door at the far end of the room open, however, she pointed and mumbled something inaudible.
Pein, realizing Sasori was trying to escape, used his push-pull powers to shut the door in the puppet master’s face.
“…Get out of that hideous getup, Sasori,” Pein ordered. “It will scare Kiyoko.”
There was a dreadful pause as the room tensed. It was unlike Pein to be so scathing in regards to something so trivial, but with a child around there was a general assumption that it made him soften up a bit, in turn becoming more critical of those that may pose a threat to little Kiyoko.
After what seemed ages, a puff of smoke appeared and out came the red-head. Sasori sneered at Pein as he quietly rambled about the artistic beauty of his puppets; the only one who was tuning into the puppeteer’s rant, however, was his hot-headed companion Deidara.
“Sasori-Danna, all due respect, but Leader - for once - is right. Your puppets are nothing but hideous caricatures that contain no real artistry, un.” The entirety of the Akatsuki sighed as they knew what was coming next.
“And you call your petty blasts art, Deidara? You’re hopeless.”
“That’s my line, un!”
“Just like an eight year old who plays with clay.”
“At least I’m not some everlasting grump, un!”
The facepalms were all around as the argument continued, knowing it was futile to try and intervene. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, Kiyoko jumped on the table and marched over to the duo, a curious yet determined look burning in her eyes.
She pointed to Deidara: “MOMMY!”
Then to Sasori: “DADDY!”
“WHAT [un]?!”
Before either could devour the girl with their jutsu, a flash of black sped between them and scooped up the girl. Itachi now held Kiyoko on the other side of the room.
“Now, Kiyoko-chan, wouldn’t you consider one who saved your life a better parent then…” He began.
“No, Nii-san, that’s Mommy and Daddy because they fight about stupid stuff all the time,” she replied jovially. At the opposite end Deidara and Sasori flinched, but dared no further as they saw Pein’s menacing gaze bearing down on them.
Itachi, on the other hand, seemed extremely pleased. He set Kiyoko down who skipped towards Konan, clutching her leg.
“Baba, I’m hungry.” Kiyoko said. Konan’s eyebrows lifted as the room stifled laughter. In turn the woman sent a few paper shikigami towards the select few who couldn’t keep their mouths, causing some deep paper cuts in the process.
“Does this make me a grandfather?” Pein asked curiously.
Kiyoko nodded. “Yeah, because Baba and Jii-chan never argue about stupid stuff, like Mommy and Daddy.” Again, Deidara and Sasori flinched, but kept their tempers this time.
“And Uncle and Auntie can have tea parties with me!” Kiyoko continued, pointing first at Kakuzu then at Hidan. “Nii-san can join in too.” Itachi smirked, the only one in the room who seemed okay with his new role.
“Hey, what does that make me?” Kisame whined in the corner. Everyone turned to see the shark man trying his best to come off as affable, sporting a toothy grin.
Kiyoko eyed him warily as she slowly marched over to him. Looking Kisame up and down, she took her time assessing whatever it was she was assessing, then finally blurted out,
“Sorry I’m late, what’s going on?”
Before Kisame could grab Kiyoko, Zetsu appeared beneath her and as he stood, took the girl upwards atop his head. At the same time the door busted open and in stumbled Tobi, who upon seeing the girl stopped and became rigid.
“Great! Tobi!” Deidara declared. “You have a mind of a child, tell that little witch that I am NOT GOING TO BE HER MOTHER, UN!!!”
Yet another awkward silence beset the group; Zetsu stood there with his mouth agape and unsure of what to say. Meanwhile Kiyoko jumped down and headed back to Pein to resume coloring. Deidara eyed Tobi with an increasingly dangerous glare, losing his patience.
“…Tobi doesn’t like kids,” the mask finally said, sitting down at the table scrupulously. No one said anything as Deidara looked like he was about to bust a vein, Sasori blinked at Tobi’s response, Hidan was readying for a sacrifice, Kakuzu restraining the aforementioned troublemaker, Itachi was kneeling to Kiyoko’s height as she drew, Kisame looked absolutely heartbroken, Tobi sat there unmoving, Zetsu decided to simply stay out of it all, Pein didn’t look surprised, and Konan merely hid her face in her hands.
It was after a period of silence that Pein finally stood and addressed the crowd.
“Now I want you all to keep your new roles in mind as we raise Kiyoko,” he said unwavering. “If I catch any of you out of line - especially Mommy and Daddy -” he eyed Deidara and Sasori while Hidan snickered uncontrollably - “then you WILL suffer the consequences.”
“Meeting adjourned. Come Kiyoko, let Grandma and Grandpa take you out for ice cream.” Konan hoisted the girl on her hip as Pein headed for the back door.
“Yay! Can Pet come along?”
“NO.” Kisame was the first to storm out of the room.
“Well, at least I find the role of Uncle suitable,” Kakuzu said, heading for the door.
“Does this mean Auntie has to one up you?” Hidan asked, brandishing his scythe. As the two marched through the doors, everyone could hear him making a fuss as he told Kakuzu he’d be a better Auntie than he would be an Uncle.
“You - no words, just shut up and let’s go.” Sasori opened up Hiruko again and climbed in, giving Deidara a poisonous glare. The latter complied but seemed to boil underneath his skin; Tobi nodded and said he’d expect quite a show tonight with Deidara’s fireworks. If it weren’t for Sasori, Tobi would have been part of the show.
Itachi held Kiyoko’s drawing aloft. “…This would look spectacular on the fridge.” He rushed through the doors and after Kisame to help locate some magnets, clearly taken with the fact he was now a proper Nii-san again.
Zetsu disappeared without a trace, although White did complain that he wanted to go grab ice cream with Kiyoko and company - which Black declined vehemently.
“See, Kiyoko-chan? They’re not as bad as they look,” Konan said.
“Yeah…one big family.” Pein sighed, unsure yet satisfied.
- Admin Rhia
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snapesmorningcoffee · 2 months
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I did this art/book cover for my dearest cutest @hirukochan and her amazing Snarriet fanfiction 🥹💖
I inspired Harrie and Severus from Leon poster, and use canva for adding writing on the pic etc.
Thank you for gifting this amazing fic for me!! 🥹🥹 And don’t forget to check this amazing fiction from there
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snapesmorningcoffee · 3 months
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“He was her dark fairytales,
She was his twisted fantasies,
Together they made magic.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
If AO3 had made a list of the most read fanfiction like Spotify, “Your tears are of no relevance to me” would definitely be at the top. When I look at the history section, I see that I have read it 920 times.
It’s a magnificent masterpiece with 517 thousand words and I’ve only bound the first book! You can freely read this on Ao3! This fiction is belong to my amazing friend Hiruko-chan @hirukochan !I am so glad i meet with her and she let me to bound her fiction!!
You should definitely read this fiction!
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