#hire freelancer
prowurkdotcom · 6 days
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ntiertechblogs · 2 months
In the ever-evolving landscape of online commerce, staying ahead of the curve is paramount to success. As search engines continue to refine their algorithms to better understand user intent and context, the importance of Semantic SEO for eCommerce businesses has never been greater. Semantic SEO goes beyond traditional keyword optimization, focusing on the deeper meaning
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rohit2024 · 1 year
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 The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Next Freelance Project on Quickenlancer
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scobopro · 2 years
How to Choose a Best Platform to Hire Freelancers
You've come to the correct place if you're seeking the best locations to engage independent contractors for one-time projects or even regularly to do ongoing tasks. Hiring a full-time employee for a task that an individual can do by sitting at home is a waste of resources and time for the company. In these cases you can hire freelancers which will be beneficial to the company as they charge substantially less for onboarding and training. They serve as an additional resource that might speed up your project completion. They can bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to your procedures.
It's easier on platforms like scobo.pro as it automatically segregates the top candidates with the qualities and skills you are looking for in a particular job. All the individuals are trusted  professionals looking for jobs and opportunities to showcase their skills.
Sign up on the best platform to hire freelancers and conclude your search for the perfect candidate.
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abhisheksurde · 2 years
Hire Remote Developers | Top 5% Freelance Developers
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themetalhiro · 1 year
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Some recent commissions!! Thank you as always! If you’d like one of your own, you can find information HERE :]
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firecooking · 10 months
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Heyo Folks, I've run into a bit of unemployment
That being said, I'm fully open to commissions with no slot limits atm I am also open to freelance and contract work for any kind of project, DM me here or use my email/Discord
Comm link: Kofi
Discord: firecooking
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ratwavegamehouse · 9 months
One of the games available in my Hidden Games Sale (aka the I have no job and I must scream sale) is Forecaster: The Body You Share a fighting adventure game of selves-discovery for 2 or more players using playing cards.
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You are an apprentice forecaster. Forecasters are responsible for sparring with weather spirits, protecting your world from natural disasters. You’ve been training for years but to physically interact with weather spirits all apprentices must undergo a journey where they will battle many tests and complete a Graduation Ritual, gifting them their true forecasting power. The ritual involves communing with a nature spirit, sharing with them a true understanding of your one self and letting them join in it. You’ve been training for years but you now have cause to suspect the ritual will fail for you. Because you are not one self. You are more than one.
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Fights are played as a trick-taking game between the Front and the Opponent. It's based on an adapted version of the Transgender Deathmatch Legend rules. Cards correspond to individual moves and have trump effects. One addition is that you make a build of trump effects and success in fights can lead to the levelling up and gaining more effects.
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You tell the story of a System, four characters sharing one body, and their journey. You draw a trail of cards to determine the scenes of your journey, and the opponent's you encounter in each. In a given scene one player is the Front, the system member currently in control of the body, another player is the Opponent, an external character the system must meet and fight as part of their journey, and other players act as any other system members who are co-conscious in talking scenes. In the fight phase the player who was the Front acts as the whole system, switching between members as determined by the suits if playing cards.
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Some things people said about Forecaster:
"Like Jacob wrestling the angel, Forecaster takes us to a violent and sweaty place to figure out who we are, how we fit into the world, and how the world fits in us. But if that sounds like undergrad religious studies boloney, don't worry: Forecaster is also a fast-paced beat-em-up game with evocative tables that ensure everyone will kick ass and look cool doing it. Can't wait to play." - Aaron King, (@aaronsrpgs) - Patchwork World Sixth Edition
"This game presents a compelling narrative and complex fight mechanics clearly and concisely, making it a great option to pick up and play without prep or pre-planning." - Jack Blair (@toyourstations) Space Legs, This Game Will Force You to Stop Procrastinating Your Gender Crisis
"It's a personal subject, written with vulnerability through the easily relatable context of a fighting game. Its thoughtfully made & informative, with examples of play that make it easy to learn." - Gem Room Games (@postdungeon) - High Magic Lowlives, 9 Lives to Valhalla
Personally I think it's neat and heartfelt game built on a fun and innovative fighting system. It's only $3.20 in the sale or you can bundle it with Fear the Taste of Blood, Wild Duelist, The Ballad of the Bastard and the Tinkerer and Save Our Souls for just $40. I'm stilling looking for a new job and money from games can hopefully tide me over until something hopefully comes by but any if this helps.
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tomscholes · 11 months
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This week's throwback:
Quick look development sketches for a ruined city in a glitched section of a videogame played by the characters of the show.
Done in 2016 for Kan Muftic at Axis Animation for Netflix's Kiss Me First. Thanks Kan for bringing me on!
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claudiasharon · 2 years
For those Early Access creators that are disabled and worried about losing income!
Hi! So I am disabled and I use Patreon for donations only at this point, and the occasional requested mod. Now, since I am disabled, I am limited to working from home. I do not get a lot of donations, so I have never relied on Patreon for any income, nor would I have relied on it if I made a lot either. I knew it would be temporary, etc and I only wanted it for donations tbh.
So, if you are an EA creator and you are concerned about losing your income, let me suggest something for you! I use a website called upwork.com, and it is a freelancing website for ALL skillsets!
And I mean all. I have done proofreading, writing, marketing, social media management, and my mom got a legit 9-5 job making 20+ USD / hour through medical work. I have seen legit lawyers on there making bank too doing lawyer work. There is something on here for EVERYONE. I mean even boring easy data entry shit. Some folks will pay you to test apps on your phone too! I have tested so many slot games omg, who knew they were so popular? LMAO!
The catch is, that you have to apply for these jobs. That is it. It does not cost anything AND you can make good money if you apply yourself. Make a great profile, showcase your skills, and even take some assessments if you would like to, and boom you will get hired.
@jellypawss and @llazyneiph I was thinking of you two posting this, but this is for ANYONE.
If anyone is interested in using Upwork, and needs help getting started, hit me up! I have made a decent amount working from home using them, and I know all the tricks. ;)
My discord is ClaudiaSharon#5107 if you want help! Or message me on Tumblr here through DM. If you have questions, want help getting started, whatever, I can help! And no I won't charge you for it. ;)
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rohit2024 · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Next Freelance Project on Quickenlancer
If you're a professional freelancer looking for your next gig, Quickenlahttps://www.quickenlancer.com/hire-freelancersncer is a great platform to explore. With thousands of projects available and a user-friendly interface, Quickenlancer can help you find the perfect project to grow your freelance career. In this guide, we'll take you through the steps to finding your next freelance project on Quickenlancer.
Sign Up and Create a Profile
  The first step to finding your next project on Quickenlancer is to sign up and create a profile. Make sure to fill out your profile completely, including your skills, experience, and portfolio. This will help clients find you and determine if you're a good fit for their project.
Search for Projects
  Once your profile is complete, it's time to start searching for projects. Quickenlancer has a robust search function that allows you to filter projects by category, budget, and deadline. Make sure to read the project descriptions carefully and only apply to projects that align with your expertise and interests
 Craft Your Proposal
  When you find a project you're interested in, it's time to craft your proposal. Quickenlancer has a built-in proposal system that allows you to communicate with clients and submit your proposal. Make sure to tailor your proposal to the project and highlight your relevant experience and skills. 
 Communicate with Clients
  Once you've submitted your proposal, it's important to communicate with the client. Quickenlancer has a messaging system that allows you to ask questions and discuss project details. Make sure to be professional and responsive in your communication – this can help you build a strong relationship with the client
Complete the Project and Get Paid
When you're hired for a project, it's important to complete the work on time and to the client's specifications. Quickenlancer has a built-in time tracking and payment system that ensures you get paid for your work. Make sure to submit your work on time and communicate with the client if there are any issues.
 finding your next freelance project on Quickenlancer requires a combination of focus, effort, and persistence. By signing up and creating a complete profile, searching for projects, crafting your proposal, communicating with clients, and completing the project, you can grow your freelance career and earn a steady income. With its user-friendly interface and thousands of projects available, Quickenlancer is a great platform for professional freelancers to find their next gig.
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danothan · 1 month
i open youtube and watch a video and seethe to myself abt how i would be such a good subtitler and then not do anything abt it
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wizard-legs · 11 months
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A small and humble comic for portfolio day, which APPARENTLY happens multiple times a year ??? Anyway you should consider hiring me for all your illustrative needs :) check out my website I’ve got lots of fun stuff on there !!
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fishfilletinacan · 7 months
ummm umm AU in which Penelope Fittes happens to come down when Lucy is trying to apply to work at Fittes and she gets noticed (maybe Ezekiel senses her power or they notice Lucy hears Ezekiel speak?) then promptly hired on the spot so that Penelope can keep an eye on her. She works for a bit at Fittes, slowly building a solid reputation for being skilled, even though she was hired without her 4th grade passed. Penelope tactfully shows her favoritism toward her, and Lucy obviously believes this is her chance of a lifetime. But she’s beginning to have doubts in the back of her mind. Things that don’t add up. Of course, she meets Lockwood and George. Uhhh maybe she’s on Kipps’ team and meets them through the Bickerstaff affair? Works w them that way? Either way they all become buds. She goes over to Portland Row, helps them out when she can. Fittes is a large agency, so it’s not very homey; it’s not hard to imagine that she would be lonely. Penelope so would prey on this. Lucy becomes Lockwood & Co.’s “man on the inside” in a way. She doesn’t really like Fittes, either. Reminds her too much of her old agency. She has to be careful not to alert Penelope to her suspicion or where her true loyalties lie.
In terms of the ghost jar it would be super cutesy if Lucy stole the skull instead of George ahaha
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thefabelmans2022 · 2 months
the watcher thing does feel like that time on abbott elementary where gregory got dumped because he was a broke boi.
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ok so in the show i’m crewing right now with the theater i work for, one of our out-of-company actors that was hired is an ambulatory wheelchair user and she’s incredible and the theater and management have made it this whole production to try an accommodate her needs through the process. Which is wonderful!
But on the part of the the theater it comes of as so disingenuous to me (especially with the way they’ve been publicizing it on social media), knowing that i spent last semester crying after every rehearsal due to the way my disability was treated and i was considering quitting theater altogether. and even going into this production the way i’ve been treated has been subpar. and it makes me so angry but i can’t talk to anyone i know about it because i dont want them to think im bashing the actor when im really just pissed at theater management.
#i think part of the problem is i’m a university fed hire#while the actor was hired out of company as freelance#and so for me it’s just another nail in the coffin about the way this theater treats their student workers#but like i was hired for two positions in this show. and i was (not gracefully) fired from one of the positions#so i could ‘focus on my other position’ and not strain my disability too much#obviously this was decided without any input from me#the stage manager who was making me cry last semester and spreading very personal information about my disability#was out of company hired as well and she is not invited back for many reasons#but when i made my complaint about the way she was treating my disability i got a ‘we’ll talk about it tomorrow and im sorry that’s happen’#only for it to never be discussed until the following semester after the show had ended#and i received a ‘we’re going to try and do better than the last show where details of your vulnerable medical episodes were shared without#your consent’#i love this actress and disability solidarity all the way#but i’m frustrated with the fact that she’s getting accommodations i could never dream of getting#while i’m still being told that my disability is too inconvenient for some jobs#we’re the only two mobility aid users to work for this theater and i’m baffled by the different reception between the two of us#i’m just so. tired. of being treated like a liability#and watching someone else be treated great by people who’ve stomped on me makes me want to never work in theater ever again
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