#hilariously what sparked it was another song that just reminded me of a song from Your Name
manchasama · 2 years
So the other thing I was thinking about as I was rolling sushi was a Your Name spin on the Arceus situation.  Ingo and Emmet swapping bodies didn’t jive with me for the Your Name setting, but I couldn’t think of anything better.  Until!  I had a thought of Emmet and Akari swapping bodies, minus the romance.
So you have this swap start happening shortly after Akari arrives in Hisui.  In this AU, she really is brand new to the world and doesn’t know anything about Pokemon.  Still, she does have a knack for dealing with pokemon, and managed joined the survey corps.  Knack or not though, she’s still inexperienced.  Actual field work?  Difficult.
Maybe it’s less that she doesn’t know, and more that she is too afraid?  Not quite sure how to characterize it yet, maybe it will come to me as I write it out.
So the first time the swap happens, it’s as chaotic as you’d imagine.  Akari is shocked and horrified to be in a guy’s body, in a strange place, with all these strange pokemon around.  People are telling her she’s supposed to be at a job, and she has no idea how to run a train!  Or how to run a station!  The Depot agents are confused at how oddly their boss is acting, but just chalk it up to an weird mood and work around “him”. 
She is stressed out and running around like a mad woman, but the shining moment is when she’s put on the doubles train and gets to battle.  Sure, they’re not her pokemon, and they don’t sync that well, but at least she knows how to do this much!  Probably loses more than she wins (they are well trained enough to be able to fight somewhat on their own), but she is much more comfortable with this duty than anything else.
(Some of Emmet and Ingo’s pokemon probably realize that this is not Emmet, but part of the charm of Your Name is that no one cottons on.  Even if they do, they can tell when they battle with her that her intentions aren’t bad.)
Meanwhile Emmet is having a Time Of It.  He has no idea why he woke up in this extremely rural town, full off suspicious people, in the wrong body, without a single pokemon trainer in sight.  But people tell him what he’s supposed to be doing, and lacking literally anything else to go on, he heads out to do as tasked.  Starts researching the local pokemon, training his(??) team, etc.  These things at least are familiar and comforting, even if they are not his.  He’s probably the one who thinks this is a dream for most of the first swap.
They swap back, those around them express their confusion at how oddly they acted, but nothing comes of it.  Then the next swap happens, and they start to cotton on what is going on.
Cue rising irritation as Emmet tries to order Akari to not ruin his reputation you can’t go to work in sweatpants and a t-shirt!!  While Akari argues back that she doesn’t want to look at his gross old man body any more than she has to!  (“I am not old!!”  “Your hair is white!” “It’s natural!”  “Whatever you say old man.”).  Really this is an excuse for Akari to not look in mirrors, other than that first swap.  (Originally thought she’d meet Ingo but not recognize him.  Sorta dropped that but leaving this here anyway.)  She does NOT like being in another body.  Emmet cares less, it’s just a body he’s using until he can get back to his own.
Also cue Emmet trying to teach this accident prone girl how to deal with wild feral pokemon, because she has zero sense of self preservation otherwise.  Honestly, this would be more of an Emmet mentoring Akari through copious notes, while she tries to meddle in his life a bit.
I did have a thought she tries to hook him up with Elesa, with disastrous (for her) results.  She honestly likes Elesa, loves hanging out with her, but it’s soured a bit by having to pretend to be Emmet.  Elesa isn’t actually fooled, also Emmet had confided in her what was going on, so she’s happy enough to allow the ruse. But then Akari tries to “hit” on Elesa for Emmet, to set up a date, and Elesa just.  She just laughs, covering her face.  She can’t do it any more.
“If you want to pretend to be Emmet, at least try not to hit on family members, hm?”
Akari’s horror at being caught out is only surpassed by her horror that she was hitting on Emmet’s sister.  It doesn’t really help to find out it’s not a blood relationship either lol.  The fact that he is aro/ace probably comes up too.   Emmet writes a verrrrrrry long rant at her for that stunt, and forbids her from ever doing anything with his love life ever again.  It’s the one rule of his that Akari follows without protest.
Still, as the plot of Arceus unfolds, Akari is forced to confront the frenzied nobles.  Emmet is aware of the problem, but he isn’t around when she is set to fight them, and only knows the before and aftermath.  It worries him, and he realizes there’s something big going on here.  He guides her as best he can, leaving her tips and tricks and knowledge she wouldn't have otherwise, smoothing the way for her.
One day, Akari swaps with Emmet, and is surprised when a very somber looking Elesa comes to his apartment.  As soon as she realizes it’s not Emmet, Elesa looks even worse.  She wishes Akari hadn’t swapped on this day, of all others.  When Akari asks why, Elesa explains it’s the anniversary of Emmet’s brother’s disappearance.  She always keeps him company, and now he has to deal with it alone, somewhere else. 
Akari feels bad, but she hadn’t realized that Emmet even had a brother.  (He has perhaps taken down the photos, maybe even the mirrors, to stop reminding himself.)  She asks a bit about it, and Elesa tells her about the Subway Masters, how close they were, how long it’s been.  How much they all miss Ingo.
Emmet wakes up one morning as Akari, the heavy feeling in his chest no different than it would have been if he'd been in his own body.  This at least was a distraction.  He wouldn't have to face the sympathetic words and grief of others.  Here he can just focus on pokemon, on cataloging them, on training them, on the next steps Akari needs to overcome.  He steps outside Akari's house, ready to head into the wilderness.  Only to be greeted by the sight of his lost brother, who bids “her” a good morning.  Before he can do more than mouth Ingo’s name, he's jerking forward in his own body, gasping for breaths that will not come.
Hands are supporting him, a voice is in his ears, but he can't understand anything over the roaring in his head.  That had been Ingo, it had.  It had!  He was there, in that strange land!
He become aware of Elesa's voice, trying to walk him through breathing exercises as if he's having a panic attack.  He probably is.  But this news was too important!  
He does manage to get across to her that a) he is Emmet and b) he saw Ingo.  Once the elation winds down, they are so so hopeful that the next time Emmet and Akari swap, Emmet will be able to talk to his brother.  That they can find out what happened, why he hasn't tries to contact them, if he's okay.  They wait.
And wait.
But Emmet never swaps with Akari again.
It's devastating.  Something that had been happening fairly regularly just stopped as abruptly as it started.  That wouldn't stop them, however.  Together they put their heads together to research what they can cobble together from Emmets shameful lack of details.  He hadn't bothered trying to find out more about where Akari was.  It hadn't mattered at the time.  Now all they had was a few key names, and Emmet's knowledge of the geography of the area.
They do eventually narrow it down to Sinnoh, but they still don't quite realize that it's the past.  Perhaps it was poorly recorded, or perhaps Emmet never bothered to learn the name of the land.  Emmet sets out immediately for the area, trying to find anything familiar.  (He does, but it's wrong.  There's too many people, too many buildings.  Even if the geography sparks memories, he can't believe it's the same place.  So he keeps looking.)
I think eventually they run across proof that Hisui is the past, and maybe even that Ingo was there, or even died there.  (In Your Name, the past was changed, so why not!)  It's devastating all over again.
On Akari's side, she is abruptly back in her own body, staring at the retreating back of a man with a mildly familiar coat.  It probably takes to the second meeting for her to put the pieces together that this is Ingo.  Maybe she thinks it's an ancestor at first, until he starts talking about the man in white etc.  Either way, she decides to do one selfless thing for Emmet, who's helped her so much up until now, and help jog Ingo's memory. 
He is surprised by her news of course.  The body swap thing is odd, but not the strangest thing to come across.  He is more interested in her stories about Emmet, about life in Nimbasa, in all the people she met over there.  They spark recognition, memories bubbling to the surface, only to submerge again shortly after.  It helps, but he still can't really remember.  It's fine, she assures him.  The next time she swaps with Emmet, they can talk face to face.  Well, sort of.
Only she never swaps.  She's forced to confront Electrode on her own, and she hadn't quite realized just how much of an edge Emmet's guidance had been giving her.  She manages it, but is shaken (and probably injured).  It's a blow to her confidence.  Ingo steps up and takes on the role to guide and help her, which she appreciates.  It buoys her through quelling the rest of the nobles.  He's there for her when she is banished, taking a more hands on approach than in canon.  Still, part of her believes she can't manage this on her own.  She needs their help, she needs the red chain, the origin ball, all these crutches are the reason why she won, not her.
The climax would take place around the fight with Volo.  As things stand, Akari would die against Volo, and Ingo as well (he would be there because of his closer involvement with mentoring Akari).  Akari doesn't believe in herself, and that lack of confidence is what allows Volo to get the killing blow.
On the other side, Emmet and Elesa have unearthed some old tradition or fairy tale, about meeting your loved ones at the Temple of Sinnoh.  
I've lost a bit of what I was thinking at this point, so the ending will have to be filled in later.  What i did have was a scene of them at the temple at that twilight moment.  Where Emmet and Ingo get to see each other, where Ingo remembers.  Where Emmet and Akari get to meet properly.  What they discuss, what happens?  Unknown.  But as the twilight moment ends, as the memories burn so bright they could never be lost, Akari has a duty to fulfill.  Ingo is full of a deep happiness, how could he ever have forgotten—
The memories are slipping away again, as if in a dream.  Even Akari can't remember, as she rushes to confront Volo, exactly who she's doing this for.  On the other side, Emmet is baffled as to why he's in Sinnoh of all places.  What was he doing there?
The full conclusion is Akari and Ingo fight tooth and nail to get back, probably by Arceus' grace and all.  Also the memories return when they reunite for real, because that was one thing I think was sad about Your Name.  They should have gotten those precious memories back.
Anywho I'm tired and also I've lost the thread of this idea.  I will just…put it here for now lol.
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edwinspaynes · 2 months
what are the five’s favourite taylor swift songs? doesn’t have to relate to them necessarily - just what do they like to listen to?😂
MMMMM okay.
Matthew -> The only one of the 5 that I think would be an actual Swiftie beyond casually liking some songs. I think he's definitely a 1989 girlie (gender neutral). This is because I think he'd primarily like "dancey" songs - Style, Shake It Off, I Wish You Would, How You Get the Girl, Now That We Don't Talk, Is It Over Now... that vibe. Definitely a big ol' fan of Blank Space, too. I think he'd also really like Reputation (TIWWCHNT, LWYMMD, and I Did Something Bad would be God-tier to him) and Midnights (his relationship with YOYOK would need to be studied.) So yeah. He'd probably like all of her songs, though, from different eras, and listen to them depending on his mood.
Cordelia -> I think that she has a really strong relationship with Don't Blame Me. Like, her #1 most streamed song on every platform. Besides that, she vibes Getaway Car, Delicate, Sparks Fly, I Can See You, Mary's Song (because uh. Her and James), Paper Rings, Cornelia Street, and Lover. You Are In Love as well. She's a fan of The Ballads in all their forms, whether they're poppy or calming.
James -> I feel like he mostly will vibe anything that Cordelia or Matthew are listening to. He's not, like, a Swiftie who listens to them on his own, but he doesn't mind when the others play her music. His favorites would be Dear Reader, Don't Blame Me, You Are In Love, Cold As You (he likes the emotional moping vibes), High Infidelity (again. Emo.), and maybe like, Innocent.
Alastair -> Alastair was unfortunately not born with the Taylor Swift Enjoyer Gene. Alas. Bad things sometimes happen to good people. But he does really like a few of the Folkmore songs, and he puts them on his playlists - he has pretty wide music tastes and listens to select songs from tons of artists, so his playlists are expansive. I think his faves are My Tears Ricochet, Peace, Hoax, Tis the Damn Season, Tolerate It, Ivy, Closure, and It's Time to Go. But he definitely has screamed to WCS more than once too when he's emotional about Charles.
Thomas -> A Fearless girlie (gender neutral) to his core. Every song is a bop or a banger to him. But I think his favorite is Hey Stephen solely because it reminds him of how he felt about Alastair. Also because it's my favourite and I like to self-indulge. Other Fearless faves are Tell Me Why, Forever and Always, Love Story, The Other Side of the Door, and Today Was a Fairytale. His #2 album? Lover. His faves are I Think He Knows, Miss Americana, and the much-underrated INTHAF.
Another funny headcanon is that Cordelia tries to be a Good Ally and defend her loved ones against Homophobic Picture to Burn, but like every queer person ever made Matthew, Alastair, and Thomas think Homophobic Picture to Burn is hilarious and real. They're head-banging to it in the car (Matthew got the aux cord as usual) and she's Shook.
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seansilv25 · 11 months
It’s been another 6 months, and it’s once again time for my media tier list!
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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope: Kinda wish I didn’t hold off on this because of how they changed the movement on the battlefield, this was sick
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Goddammit Gunn, you did it again (Plus, Warlock’s intro goes hard)
Smokey and the Bandit: A hilarious movie home to what’s probably the only good country song I’ve ever heard
Puss in Boots the Last Wish: Well that’s the second animated movie with “stylistic” framerates, beloved storytelling, and having the best character be voiced by John Mulaney I’ve seen
South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut: After that whole wildfire fiasco, I think we should stop blaming Canada now
Super Mario Bros Movie: though the pacing was a bit wack, I still enjoyed this experience (And that makes 2 2023 movies that star Chris Pratt and use No Sleep Till Brooklyn)
Dr Stone Ryusui: I totally forgot about Dr Stone over the last few years and this reminded me why I love it
Misfit of Demon King Academy: That was nuts, but I’d expect nothing less from the Demon King of Rizz
Chainsaw Man Abridged (RG33): Though less polished than Grimmjacks, I still enjoyed this one more (Glad to see Denji finally get his left nut back)
Chainsaw Man Abridged (Grimmjack): Sometime I have to find a way to use the “Indignant rage of a thousand Taco Bell shits” line somewhere
The Sixth Sense: Aaah... the time before Shyamalan went downhill so hard the angle went inward
Justice League Flashpoint Paradox: Flash movie before it was cool (And it was ME, Barry!)
Gremlins Secrets of the Mogwai: Mogwai lore bottom text
Glass Onion: (Insert Shrek meme here)
Emesis Blue: ...I have no idea what just happened and I’m not sure there is a way to find out
Aristocrat’s Otherworldy Adventure: So this is what a mid-ass Isekai is...
Let’s see if the next list won’t end with a Ubisoft game that was released onto the switch in 2022 in the top spot next time
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rezzyromance · 3 years
i have come!! to request something!! for the trash man!!
so, him with a reader that just doesn’t know shit when it comes to machinery. like yes, they know what it does and why it does it and they might even know how to clean it, but if you gave them a broken nintendo 64 and told them “hey. fix this box. see you in two hours” you’d just come back and the game would be clean but it wouldn’t work and theyd be sitting by it like “yeah box broke. sorry”
Omg this is so goofy and perfect because idk anything about machinery either.
The room was filled with frustrated grunts and the sound of Karl slapping his radio. He managed to fix it once and enjoyed having music playing as he worked. It helped keep him calm. Sometimes, he would even tap his foot along to the songs he enjoyed most. You enjoyed sitting around while he worked because every now and then he would sing along quietly. He's never aware of when he does it and you refuse to point it out because you know if you do then he'll be embarrassed and never do it again.
Now, instead of singing along peacefully he is whacking it, swearing under his breath. "Welp, I think it's done for. I don't have time to sit down and fix it again.", he sighs and sits back down at his desk to continue his work in silence. You had been lounging in a chair in his office, keeping him company. He tried to play it off like it didn't bug him, but you could feel the frustration buzzing off of him like static. "I'm sorry. I wish I could help.", you say from your seat.
"Do you think...you could?", he pauses his work for a second and looks over to you. "How? I don't know anything about machines or technology or anything like that!", you were confused on where the idea came from. "Well you watched me fix it last time. I'm sure it's just that same issue.", he grabs the radio and stretches it out in your direction. You stand up nervously and walk over, taking the radio from him. "I don't.. think I can do this.", you lock eyes with him. "Sure you can. It'll give you something to do.", he turns back to his work and continues. You have no other choice but to attempt to work on it.
You take a small box of tools you remember seeing him use when working on it before and go into another room to work alone, not wanting to disrupt Karl's work. You close your eyes and try to visualize what he was doing when he was working on the radio before. You remember him unscrewing a little part that you can take off and reveal the wires inside and so you do the same. You were met with the intimidating sight of tons of colorful wires. There was a red wire that seemed to be split in two. When he fixed it before, he had attached the wire back together some how. "I guess.. all I have to do is connect it?", you say outload quietly as you think of what to do. You hold each side of the split wire and bring them together. It sparks and you jump, but for a split second you could hear the radio ring with music. You were frightened by the sparks but excited by the fact that there was some hope for you to be able to fix it.
Unsure of how to keep the wires together, you rummage through a junk drawer in hopes to find some tape. You found some black electrical tape and a smile stretched across your face. The thought of Karl being proud of you for being able to fix his radio excited you. You rushed back to the radio with the tape in your hand. You make the two wires connect and sparks fly. You ignore them this time and quickly wrap the electrical tape around them, forcing them to connect.
The radio sprung to life. It bombarded the room with loud opera music. You quickly turn the volume knob down, hoping to quiet the loud music, but the volume didn't change. "Nononono!", you cry out as you frantically push buttons and turn the knobs. Still, the obnoxious music filled the room. The door of the room opens and Karl stands in the doorway. "Did you fix it?", he tries to yell over the music. "Uhhhh not really? Kind of?", you walk over to him as you yell. "What's with the opera?", he walks over and begins to press buttons to change the channel. Nothing changes. His brows furrow in confusion and he begins to turn knobs to change the volume. Again, nothing changes. "What the fuck did you do?!", he mashes the power button. The radio did not turn off. "HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO DO THIS?!", he starts to slap the box and you walk over to him. "I DON'T KNOW!!", you yell. Suddenly, the radio grows even louder than before. You covered your ears to protect them from the obnoxiously loud sounds. "WHAT THE FUCK!?", he yells and throws the radio across the room, smashing it into the wall.
The music finally stopped as the radio hit the ground, most likely dead for good. Your body is tense as you prepare for him to grow mad and scold you for ruining his radio. Instead, you hear him laugh. You look over to him and watch as his smile grows larger and his laugh grows louder. He found the bizarre situation hilarious. "You're not .. mad? I broke your radio.", you were confused. He attempted to talk in between his laughter. "I don't have a fucking clue what you did, but that was the funniest mistake ever.", he wipes a tear from his eye and catches his breath. "I'll just put it back together when I get some down time. And remind me to never let you touch my stuff again.", he pats your shoulder and kisses your forehead, walking out of the room after picking up the poor radio. You chuckle under your breath, releaved that he wasn't mad about his radio.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas Is You  Chapter 1 ~Sparks Will Fly~
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Hey guys, I'm back with a Christmas Ficlet, "All I Want For Christmas Is You," starring our favourite couple, Jamie and Claire.
It won't be my usual long story, but it's my wee gift to my readership who'd been following my journey in writing and always encouraging me with their insightful comments and kudos. 
Please don't be disheartened when I don't always reply back to your comments, as I spend every spare time I have writing. When I'm not writing, I'm dealing with this thing called life and taking care of my loves. But I promise you, I always look forward to reading your feedback, and if you have any questions of any sorts, I will answer them. If you see any mistakes or you wish to impart something I'm doing wrong or give me some ideas, please bear in mind I welcome constructive criticism, and I welcome opinions. I would even thank you for it, and I promise you I won't take it personally. The reason I say this is because I wholeheartedly wish to improve my writing and what a better way when my readers can share their thoughts with me. 
Without further ado, I wish you all happy reading.
If you wish to read this on AO3, here is the link.
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James Fraser stepped into the pub followed by his older brother Willie. Although it was still early evening, there was already a small crowd all hyped up into a party mode. The multiple flat TV screens on the walls were showing world championship darts without the sounds. Instead, the speakers blared with Wham's Last Christmas song with the random interference from the resident DJ. While a handful of men milled around the bar holding their pints, the women sat at the table chattering animatedly and sipping long drinks and port. With Christmas Eve only two days away, there was a sense of excitement and goodwill in the air, typical of the festive season.
"Check out those birds at three o'clock."
Jamie cocked his head at Willie's words.
Two wide-eyed bonnie lassies stood next to the pool table sipping cocktails as if awaiting their turn for a game. Living in a tight community where everyone knew everybody and their business, Jamie immediately discerned the girls were visitors.
Willie unzipped his jacket. "I saw blondie first."
Jamie followed his brother's line of sight, but his eyes darted back to the dark-haired lass with the palest skin he'd ever seen, her tresses done up in a messy bun. Her long legs, accentuated by tight black jeans, grabbed his complete attention. She had a cropped red cable-knit sweater on and boots caked with mud which meant she must have been watching the shinty game earlier along with the rest of the village folks.
"Bloody hell, look at her," Willie murmured.
Blondie wore a purple turtle neck top that showed off her nice breasts, and jeans that hugged her hips snuggly. Jamie grinned. "Och, ye like 'em curvy, but I like her mate more. Shall we talk to them?"
"Aye, let's do that before one of those lads get there first." 
Jamie made a move forward.
"Hang on a minute," Willie's hand slapped across Jamie's chest, stopping him mid-saunter. "Yer ex ... she's back here for the holidays. She's sat at the bar with her mates. Are ye sure ye're ready for this?"
"Aye, aye. It's been over between us for ages," Jamie replied, not taking his eyes off the dark-haired lass. He hadn't thought about his ex for a long time and whatever he thought he'd felt for her back then, was nothing but a distant memory.
"This is just a bit of fun, alright? Dinnae get to attached. Blondie and her mate are probably tourists."
Willie had seen him go through hell over a year ago with his ex, who he thought had been the one for him. She had turned his life upside down, affecting his job, and his ability to stay sober after she'd cheated on him. Once Jamie got his act together, he'd sworn off serious relationships and decided to concentrate on work.
"Fun. Fun sounds good," Jamie muttered. When Willie didn't release him, he looked at his brother square in the eyes. "How about ye?"
"What about me?"
"Ye haven't chatted up a lass in a very long time. Are ye sure you still know how to?" Jamie asked, trying to keep a straight face.
Willie shoved his shoulder and feigned offence. "Ye cheeky git! Cannae chat any lass up when I know everyone here, now, can I?" 
Jamie nodded toward the two girls. "Weel, what are we waiting for?" He took a deep breath and kinked his head sideways to the left and then to the right. "If we're just gonnae stand here like a couple of numpties and discuss, we'd be too late by the time we get there."
"Mmm, never seen ye this eager to meet a lass before," Willie grinned.
Jamie looked back at the women and noticed they were beginning to garner attention from the lads nearby. The dark-haired one made a move around the pool table followed by her mate, and he was powerless to stop his gaze wandering down to the gentle curve of her arse.
Willie straightened his posture. "Let's go," he exhaled as he made a move.
Jamie followed suit and lined up next to his brother. As they got closer, he watched as the dark-haired lass skirted past a group of pool players with a polite smile, then wrote her initials in chalk on a blackboard mounted to the wall, claiming the next game. CB, she scrawled.
She wrinkled her nose and laughed at something her friend said as she started moving towards the bar. Jamie's frown deepened when the lass didn't see the sports bag put into her path. A few steps more, and she would trip and fall flat on her face. But not if he could help it.
"Hey!" Jamie shouted, abandoning Willie's side. "Hey, ye!"
She took another step, looking over her shoulder to acknowledge what her friend was shouting at her.
"Ah, fuck!" Jamie gritted his teeth and hurried towards her in quick long strides. He had no choice but to jostle a couple of bodies out of his way as she showed no signs of hearing him. He caught her as her foot connected with the bulky bag, his arms sliding under hers and pulling her up.
Her forehead bounced off his chin. "Oh, Lordy, Lordy." She let out a lungful of air and dug her fingernails into his forearms, her breath on his neck feeling like a double shot of heat warming his insides. "I'm such a clumsy oaf."
"Hey mate, shoved that bag under the table will ye, before someone breaks their neck," Jamie shouted over the top of her head at the owner of the bag, his voice sounding a tad harsh. With her front plastered against him, Jamie could almost feel her shock subside, giving way to the vibration of her laughter. Still holding her close, he puffed out a sigh and whispered into her ears. "Next time, ye should look at where ye're going. Ye could have landed on yer face, and that wouldn't have been a pretty sight."
Still laughing, her shoulders shook, presumably finding the situation hilarious. "We left our Airbnb earlier in a hurry, and my contact lenses are at the bottom of my suitcase. I'm farsighted, you see, but I'm too vain to wear my specs."
"Enough to fall flat on yer face? "
A few heartbeats passed. "If I say yes, are you going to start yelling again?"
"Alright then ...no."
Realising he still held the lass in a firm grip, Jamie let her go slowly to reassure himself she was steady on her feet. She kept her head down as she took a step back to rummage through the handbag slung on her shoulder. When she got hold of what she was looking for, she put on a pair of specs and blinked up at him through round, black-rimmed eyeglasses. As their eyes met, he felt something crank in his chest. He must still be wound up from the shinty game earlier because, on a sucked-in breath, an uneven sound passed through his mouth. A Dhia. She had the most beautiful amber eyes, and they reminded him of the colour of the finest heavily peated single malt whisky, Islay had to offer. 
"Oooh!" she whispered. 
Aye, tell me about it. "What's yer name?"
"You're one of the shinty players from earlier."
"Uh-huh." He tamped down the urge to laugh. "Yer name?" he repeated.
If the spellbound look in her eyes meant she was stunned by what she saw, she wasn't the only one. "Oh, yes. Sorry. I'm Claire. Beauchamp. Claire Beauchamp."
"Claire." For some reason, colour bloomed in her face when he said her name. "I'm Jamie Fraser."
"Hi." After a few seconds of just staring at each other, she recovered first and slapped a hand to her forehead. "Oh, shoot, where are my manners? Thank you. Thank you for saving me from an undignified fall." Her lips twitched, and her eyes twinkled. "If I had died of embarrassment, at least no one would care since nobody knows me here."
"I would care." Someone collided into him from behind, making him close the distance between them and her head tilt back to maintain eye contact. She was a tall lass, but still, he was a head taller than her. "So ... ye're here on holiday?" he asked.
"Yes, I am ...until Boxing Day. And then we're going to Edinburgh for Hogmanay. And then flying back to London on Three Kings from Glasgow." He heard her swallow. "I have a thing for Christmas in Scotland, you see."
"Is that so? What else do ye have a thing for?"
"Probably a lot of other stuff," she whispered, clutching her handbag in front of her. "But I'm having difficulty thinking of them right this minute."
"And why is that?" God, she's breathtakingly beautiful.
"I guess I'm still rattled by that near fall." She shrugged her shoulders, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Or have you forgotten all about that already?"
Jamie couldn't stop his grin. "No, not at all." In his periphery, he saw his brother and Claire's friend chatting. He wondered if he could whisk Claire away. This lass is something else. She wasn't staying here for very long, and he wanted to get to know her and make every second count.
He cleared his throat. "Look, Sassenach ..." 
He felt heat glid at the back of his neck. "Sorry ... it's a Gaelic word. It means an outsider or someone from not around here. In case ye misunderstood, it's not my intention to make it sound like ye're not welcome here. Let's just say I meant it as a pet name. Endearment, if ye will."
He regarded her as her eyes searched his face, and she made no effort at all to hide her perusal of his lips. When a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes lit up into a wicked glint, his chest expanded a hundred-fold. "I like the sound of that ...Sassenach," she breathed as she rolled the Gaelic word in her tongue.
"Mmm, so, you're from London, huh?"
She shoved her hands in the back pocket of her jeans and rocked back on her heels. "Yeah. I'm originally from Oxford. But I live and work in London as an editorial assistant for a publishing company. How about you? What do you do, besides playing shinty?"
"I'm a tree surgeon. My brother and I run an arboricultural business."
Her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, wow! I've never met a tree surgeon before. So I guess you must love your job to make it into a business?"
"Aye, I do," he smiled, basking in her open interest in his life. "I love the outdoors and the fresh air, whatever the weather. How about ye? Do ye like yer job?"
She paused and frowned in contemplation. "It's alright," she shrugged. "It's a job that will bring me closer to fulfilling a dream, I guess. I want to be a fulltime writer one day ..."
It was his turn to be surprised. "Maybe ye should move to the countryside if ye want to be a writer. Far too many distractions in London, don't ye think?"
She grinned. "Yeah, I suppose so. But I'm enjoying London at the moment, and I'm not quite ready to give up the city life. Just yet. Maybe one day." She glanced at her watch. "Umm ...you must have somewhere to go."
He wasn't ready to let her walk away, so he forced a worried cast into his face. "Eh, ye look still shaken up. We should probably get ye something stiff to drink ...and my phone number."
Her eyes widened, and after a tense split second, laughter burst out of her lips, loud enough to turn heads in their vicinity. She brought her hand over her mouth to stifle the giggle but failed. The sound was so infectious, his own low rumble accompanied it, and he couldn't help but think, there's never been a time he felt such a powerful connection with another person. 
"Actually I'm with my mate here," Claire said finally, jerking a thumb over her shoulder and twisting around to the direction of where her friend stood. "She's my French flatmate. But it looks like she's already found someone to talk to." She paused and squinted her eyes. "Oh ...I recognise that bloke she's with. He played shinty too, didn't he?"
He waved at Willie and signalled him and Claire's friend to come over. "Aye, that's my older brother." 
Claire's gaze shot right back to him. "Really?" With a smile that showed off perfect teeth, she pushed her specs higher on her nose. "I wouldn't have thought. I don't have a sibling, and I just presumed your whole family would have the same gorgeous auburn hair like yours. Well, alright ..." She crimsoned to her hairline as she looked at his approaching brother. "I see some similarities now ...height, broad shoulders and the colour of your eyes."
Jamie felt a pinch of unease. Even though her vivacity was endearing, he wasn't ready to feel drawn to anyone this deeply or to care at such an alarming rate and intensity. After his last relationship broke down, there hadn't been anyone that piqued his interest ...until now. And she would be leaving in a few days. Chatting to her was only meant to be a night of enjoying the company of a beautiful lass or perhaps a diversion in whom he could lose himself into for a short time. But the moment he'd looked into her eyes, warm feelings drove into his heart while burning urges grew low in his tummy. This lass was a breath of fresh air and sexy and exactly what he needed. He mentally shook his head to clear his brain. Looking beyond the top of her head, he blurred the image of seeing this as something more. The long-distance relationship was a no-go. He was a country lad at heart, and she belonged to the city.
"Jamie?" She was staring at him as if he'd lost some of his ability to think clearly.
"I'm sorry ...still listening. It's just that I'm not used to a beautiful lass pointing out my physical attributes," he reassured her with a smile.
That beautiful blush blew across her face again. Jamie found it adorable. How could she be direct and shy at the same time? "I didn't mean to sound so bold. It must have something to do with me living in the city for so long ...you know, us Londoners tend to have no filters."
He winked at her. "Dinnae fash, lass. I kinda like it." And he meant it. 
She was about to respond when Willie and Claire's friend reached them, huge smiles painted across their faces like they'd hit it off.
The blonde girl took a step forward towards Jamie. "Hi! Claire and I enjoyed watching you guys play shinty earlier. I didn't realise it would be so aggressively physical. By the way, I'm Annalise," she smiled warmly, holding out her hand.
Jamie took it. "Aye, that it is and difficult to play when the grounds are too soggy. It could get pretty messy in this dreich weather." He shook her hand. "I'm Jamie ...please to meet ye."
"Likewise," Annalise replied, glancing at her friend.
Willie introduced himself to Claire, then brought his attention to their situation. "Looks like yer glasses are empty, ladies. Can we invite ye both to join us for a drink?"
Jamie saw Annalise elbow Claire with a conspiratorial look. When Claire nodded, Annalise batted her eyes at his brother. "Sure. That would be nice. I'd like a vodka and tonic please."
Willie grinned like he'd just received an early Christmas present and Jamie understood the feeling.
"Sassenach, what would ye like to drink?" 
Before Claire could reply, Hugh, one of the lads in his shinty team, tapped her on the shoulder. "It's ye against me now, lass."
Claire swung around and looked at the cue stick being handed to her, and her eyes lit. Turning back to Jamie, she grinned. "This won't take long, but I'll have a single malt, neat, please." Then she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a peck on the cheek. "This is for good luck."
He froze. It was an innocent kiss, but it packed quite a punch.
"Oh ...and yeah, it's a belated thank you again for breaking my fall," she quickly added, suddenly, appearing unsure like she doubted the gesture.
A slow grin roused to form on his lips. "Ye can thank me by going out with me ...tonight," he said, without thinking.
She blinked.
"I'd like to show ye something."
Her brows wrinkled as she studied his face.
"I'd really like to get to know ye better and take ye out," he said. "Please allow me." If she said no, he was quite certain he was going to beg.
He smiled as relief surged through him. "I'll wait for you until ye finish yer game," he said. "We'll leave after we've had a drink with my brother and yer friend."
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere Christmassy."
She gave him a wary look, and he laughed. 
"Listen." He leaned in close. "I'll get yer friend to take a picture of my driving licence if that will make ye feel better."
He was about to pull out his wallet to retrieve it when she stopped him with a wave of a hand. "I trust you."
"That's a good start."
She rolled her eyes and laughed, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her.
Slowly backing away from him, she smiled. "Let me play this one game first, and then I'll be with you."
With his heart in his throat, he watched her progress as she walked towards the pool table and swapped a few quick words with her opponent, who seemed to be humouring her. After the lively exchange, Claire pulled up the sleeves of her sweater to her elbow and rubbed her hands together. Before she began chalking the cuestick, she gave him a wink. That mere display made the muscles in his belly clench, literally whooshing the breath out of him. 
A slap on his back tore his gaze away from Claire. "Easy now lad," Willie said in a low, amused voice. "Ye look like ye could use the same drink as her."
Jamie glanced back at the subject of their conversation. "Aye, but make mine a double," he whispered.
"On it," Willie replied, laughing as he walked off.
What the bloody hell? He should be withdrawing himself away from this attraction because this mad instant bond between them was like an overloaded electrical fuse, capable of incinerating him alive. He'd already learnt his lesson from his last relationship. He'd been there and done that, but yet he didn't have the will to stop himself from finding out how their connection would play out.
Oh, Christ, this is bad. So, so bad, I'm in so much big trouble. Taking a huge sigh, he found himself a stool nearest to the pool table and watched Claire steal the show from the best snooker player in Broch Mordha.
80 notes · View notes
bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Aizawa x Reader Warnings: NSFW, face fucking, mentions of weed Word Count: 2.3k A/N: This is my third submission for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event. This crosses of the oral sex category of my bingo card which can be found here. This piece was so fun to write and even though my favorite music festival was canceled this year I am glad I was able to incorporate that concept in this story.
Also shout out to @dragonhrte​ for beta reading!
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Loud blaring lights, warm bodies rubbing up against each other in what some people referred to as “dancing,” the hazy smell of pot lining the air. This was the last place Shouta wanted to be.
He had lost you in the sea of people, most of them barefoot which thoroughly disgusted him. The uneven dirt floor was covered in a coat of glitter and food wrappers were scattered about. He should have never let you convince him to come to this music festival.
You said it would be fun, that the four of you would be camping and that he could spend all day in the tent if he wanted. When Nemuri and Hizashi finished setting up the tent however, you dragged him away before he could even roll out his yellow sleeping bag.
You had dragged him from stage to stage for hours, working up a sweat while you danced around him and he stood still, refusing to move a muscle. Anyone watching probably would have thought weird of the situation, but it was quite normal for the two of you. You were always trying to get Shouta to go out and have fun with you, and he would always begrudgingly agree while Hizashi and Nemuri watched and laughed from the sidelines.
“Where is she?” he said to himself. Shouta turned his head only to bump into someone he didn’t know, a teenager no older than his students, taking a drag off of a long, thick blunt.
“Sorry, man,” the kid said, blowing smoke into his face.
Shouta scrunched his nose up at the smell. It’s not that he was opposed to smoking weed, far from it. The smell just reminded him of his high school days in which he, Hizashi and Oboro would smoke behind one of the gym buildings. It was a time he didn’t like to remember too much, a time before he met you.
“There you are!” he heard you call. “Sho, I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Shouta turned around to see you weaving your way through the sweaty bouncing bodies. His eyes traced up and down your form, starting with your thighs and how your shorts perfectly framed them, inching up to your bare midriff and the the goosebumps that came and went in the blink of an eye as a chilly wind brushed past you, your chest which heaved up and down as you finally reached him. For a pro hero you sure seemed to get out of breath a lot.
“Where have you been?” he cupped his hand around your shoulder blade, pushing you closer into him and shielding you from the people around.
“I went to get us crepes from the crepe stand but I couldn’t find you so I ate mine,” you said with a spark of innocence to your voice.
“And where’s my crepe?” There was a sense of humor behind his question, like he already knew the answer.
Your face dropped and you wrapped your arms around his torso.
He could feel you mumble something into his chest and he laughed. “What was that? I couldn’t really hear what you said,” he mocked.
“I said I dropped it.” The bite to your voice was almost childlike as you looked up at him with a pout.
Shouta bit back a smirk and weaved his hand through your hair, nuzzling you closer into his chest.
“Let’s dance,” you said, pulling back and grabbing onto his wrists.
“Pleeeease.” You looked up at him with big doughy eyes.
“We’ve been dancing all day. Besides, it’s getting late.”
“But you’ve barely moved at all. Come on, show the world your fancy erasure moves.”
Shouta quirked his eyebrow down at you. “Erasure moves?”
A light blush made its way across your features but it was hidden by the flashing lights strobing around the current band on stage. “Yeah! Take all these people’s quirks and show them how a real hero dances.”
Shouta chuckled and placed a firm hand on the top of your head, smoothing your hair down. “Fine. Take me to one more band and then I’m calling it for the night.”
You lit up. You hadn’t expected him to agree to a whole ass other band. Maybe one more song but even that was a stretch. You must really have him whipped if he agreed that easily.
Taking one of his hands in two of yours, you dragged him through the sea of people, past the food vendors, behind the restrooms and all the way over to the second stage. This one was a lot closer to where your tent was set up.
There were fewer people at this stage, which Shouta was much happier with. No one seemed to be barefoot or terribly stoned and there was less of a risk for accidentally stepping on a stray needle or used condom.
As the music started, you swayed your hips along with the beat. Shouta paid close attention to the way you shimmied around him, how your thighs rubbed against each other, the way your smile glowed brighter than the stage lights against the midnight blue sky. You were heavenly, and even though he refused to move along with you, it was clear that he loves the way you move.
It wasn’t until he felt something bump against him that he was taken out of his daze.
This can’t be happening now. This can’t happen right here.
Without saying another word, Shouta left, briskly walking towards the tent.
“Shouta?” you called.
He didn’t stop, even placing his hands on a young woman’s shoulder to move her out of his way.
“Where are you going?” Your voice trailed behind him, slipping in and out of the crowds and in between bodies in order to catch up with him.
He made it to the tent. Although he struggled with the zipper for a few seconds, he was inside and safe. He leaned over, keeping his hands on his thighs as he took a shaky breath in.
The tent was spacious. It was six feet in height, giving Shouta enough room to stand relatively comfortably. The tent had two rooms, the one he was standing in and one off the side of the main entrance which is where you had set up your and Shouta’s stuff. Every time the four of you go camping, Nemuri tries to get you to sleep with her on her side of the tent, but you know she just wants to get any gossip about Shouta out of you.
“What happened?” you asked, ducking your head under the door of the tent and standing to face your boyfriend. “Is everything all right?” You brought your hand out to touch his face but he shifted back, turning away from you.
“I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on, Sho? This isn’t like you.” The amount of concern in your words made his heart ache and he felt like such an idiot for running away.
He scoffed at his own immaturity. “It’s stupid. I shouldn’t have ran away in the first place.”
“What’s wrong?”
Shouta cautiously turned to face you and in turning around revealed the huge erection nearly poking out of his pants. Though it was harder to see in the darkness of the tent, you were almost positive that the outline in his pants was exactly what you thought it was.
You couldn’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl at seeing it. You had never expected that watching you dance at a music festival would cause your boyfriend to pop a boner.
“Yeah yeah. Laugh away. I know it’s hilarious.” Shouta rolled his eyes, keeping them as far away from your laughing figure as possible.
“Hey.” You leaned in to caress his cheek, bringing his face closer to yours. Your foreheads and the bridges of your noses touched in a moment that would seem romantic to anyone who happened to stumble into your tent. But it was just the two of you.
Shouta relaxed into your touch, the scent of your favorite perfume drawing him in.
Your thumb caressed his cheek, running over his stubble. A sweet little giggle escaped your lips as a sound almost like a purr came from his throat. Leaning in, you pressed your lips to the shell of his ear. “Would you like me to take care of it for you?”
Shouta nearly choked, staring at you with disbelief. No. He couldn’t. You were too exposed doing it in a tent in the middle of a crowded music festival. He grabbed your wrists before you could even think of reaching for his twitching cock. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
You pursed your lips in contemplation as your lover refused to make eye contact with you. “Nemuri and Hizashi are busy,” you said. “They wouldn’t need to know.”
Oh God, Shouta thought. If they found out...
You leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth. You wanted this much more than you were letting on. The ache between your thighs worsened as you pictured the precum leaking from his slit, the boner that you caused when you danced around him. “Besides,” you lowered your lips to kiss his neck. “I can be quick about it, if you really want me to.”
Shouta’s grip on your wrists loosened as you made your way further across his neck.
“Is this good for you?”
The predatory breaths laced between your words made his breath stifle. It wasn’t long before he tangled his fingers in your hair and gently pushed you down.
You smiled as you were finally face-to-face with his cock. You reached your hand out to palm him through his pants. He took a sharp breath in and you smiled. Your fingers danced on the button of his pants; you took your sweet sweet time zipping them down and pushing them past his hips. When they were finally out of the way, his cock sprung to life, hitting you in the face.
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbled under his breath.
You licked the palm of your hand and grasped the base of his dick, giving his length a few pumps. You could feel him tensing up. The precum oozing from his red tip confirmed it. You darted your tongue out, licking the salty substance.
“Fuck, kitten.”
Sliding your tongue from the base of his cock to the tip, Shouta let out a moan. You were shocked. He was never one to be very vocal during sex other than lone grunts and ocassional dirty talk. But then, he was always the one in control.
He slapped a hand over his mouth, cheeks turning the same color as the head of his cock.
“What was that?” the two of you heard a voice ask from outside.
Another voice chuckled. “Sounds like some people are getting their freak on.”
Shouta was about to tell you to stop when you engulfed his cock in your mouth. He choked at the sudden pleasure.
With your mouth wrapped along his shaft, you pumped your lips up and down while swirling your tongue against his tip.
Another involuntary groan left his lips. “Fuck. When did you, ugh, when did you become so good at this?”
You squeezed your lips and slid his dick out of your mouth with a pop. You couldn’t help but smirk at the praise you received as you went back to pumping his length with your hand. “Practice makes perfect.” You dragged your tongue from the base of the length to the tip.
Shouta’s eyes followed you like a beast prowling for a meal. They raked up and down your perfect form, slightly sweaty from all the dancing you had done earlier.
You hummed lightly, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine.
Shouta’s dick twitched in your mouth and he took a fist full of your hair, yanking you forward.
You gagged at the sudden movement, bleary eyes watering and you tried your best to breathe through your nose. You couldn’t pull back, no, because Shouta held your head in both of his hands, pressing your face further and further against his pelvis.
He slowly dragged his dick out of your mouth. “You don’t know how much I needed this, kitten.” He bucked his hips forward, jabbing the back of your throat with his tip. “How much I needed your pretty little mouth around my cock.”
His balls slapped against your chin and the drool leaking out of your mouth began to pool onto the fabric of the tent.
“Such a pretty kitty,” he cooed as he continued face fucking you. His thumb swiped under your lips to drag your spit against your chin. “Letting me face fuck you like you’re my little pet.”
You tenitavely reached your hand out to squeeze his balls.
At the tender sensation of your touch, Shouta bucked his hips forward one last time shooting his hot ropes of cum onto the back of your throat. When he was sure he was finished, he pulled out of your mouth, leaving a bead of his cum to dangle on your lips. When you had finished swallowing, he leaned down to kiss you, swiping at his cum with his own tongue.
When you managed to stand up, Shouta was looking at you with such loving eyes. It was almost as if he had forgotten what you could do to him and how much of an animal both of you could be. “Would you like me to return the favor?” he asked, tracing the curve of your brow with his thumb.
Biting your lip and looking up at him, you were about to respond. But as if on cue, the sound of a hand slapping against the fabric of the tent shook you out of your thoughts. “Hey!” Hizashi giggled from the other side of the tent. “Are you two done in there yet?”
You could hear Nemuri laughing next to him.
Shouta turned to look at you and sighed, the animalistic feeling within him to devour you in that moment having washed away. He weaved his hand in your hair and brushed it out, caressing your precious head. “Sorry, kitten. Maybe next time.”
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taylizmasterpost · 4 years
Jake Gyllenhaal and Jealous Liz (October 2010 - February 2011)
Now, there’s a lot to say about Jake and Taylor. The time they got together was a time when he was promoting his movie, Love and Other Drugs, and she was about to drop Speak Now. So at first glance, it look a lot like a traditional PR stunt. However, they do not have a first public meeting -- something that Taylor has with a lot of her other PR relationships (think Calvin at the Fund Fair or Harry at the KCAs), and seemed generally more camera shy. 
Jake’s costar in Love and Other Drugs, Anne Hathaway, was also single at the time, and arguably a PR relationship between the two of them would’ve drummed up significantly more buzz for the film, so stunting with Taylor seems an odd choice.
Jake also reportedly annoyed Taylor with how much he wanted to hide from the press, which is interesting. I’m not totally certain if they were real or not, but I’ll put all of their stuff in here, because it’s interesting to note Liz’s reaction to all of it, despite her relationship:
23 October 2010 - Emma Stone hosts SNL. Both Taylor and Jake G show up to support her, supposedly they’ve already started dating at this point and this was their first public appearance together.
"They walked around together backstage, but they were careful not to be seen too close. It was hard to tell if they were together, but everyone was shocked that she brought him," a source told People magazine.
Notice the lack of public meeting. Strange that they just showed up together dating. 
24 October 2010 - Liz tweets about listening to Never Grow Up
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October 2010 - Taylor writes All Too Well, the first of the three “Nashville songs” -- All Too Well, State of Grace, Stay Stay Stay-- that were written for the Red album before she moved to LA, based on the fact that she said she started writing for Red slightly before Speak Now was released.
We also know All Too Well has to have been written in 2010 because what the copyright record for it says:
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Now, it seems to me that this is too soon to be about Jake. It’s obviously a breakup song, and Taylor and Jake have only just started dating (unless they had a secret dating history we don’t know about). It would be weird for her to be writing all this about him while they’re still dating.
All Too Well could be about any of the three women I’ve spoken previously about in this masterpost. However, I’m going to try to make the case that this song is for Liz:
All Too Well is Liz’s favorite song from Red. She has said so on multiple occasions. Years later, when she came to watch Taylor’s Reputation tour in Glendale, Taylor even played it for her as the surprise song. Sure, it could just be that Liz is just a fan, but the song fits where we are in the timeline. Liz has moved on with someone else. Taylor is trying to get over it, but she can’t help but think back to the past she remembers “all too well.”
If the song is about a woman, lines like “back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known” reads to me as Taylor making a (possibly unfounded) dig at closeting. All Too Well also carries the bad driving metaphor with “almost ran the red,” which runs throughout a lot of the other Liz songs on Red, and which Liz will later reference herself in her own music. The lines in the bridge about “asking for too much” and “running scared,” remind me of Taylor insisting she was single during Valentine’s Day, despite spending it with Liz, only to turn around and miss her once Liz got a boyfriend. Lines about loss of innocence are also interesting, when we think about that L Chat post about Liz from earlier...
Of course, obviously, you can think this song is about whoever you want. If you wanna claim it for JH or Joe Jonas or Taylor Lautner or maybe even some girl Taylor went to high school with, be my guest. I personally don’t buy it being about Emily in a post-Dear John world, and the timeline doesn’t read as Jake to me, so I’m giving it to Liz!
25 October 2010 - Speak Now is released. In the album’s prologue, she specifies that the song “Long Live” is for her band, which is interesting to me, considering that the bridge of the song sounds like it might be about a relationship, and the secret message of the song is “For you,” which sounds oddly specific:
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you’ll stand by me forever But, if God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures, Please tell ‘em my name
The secret message for Mine is “Toby,” which is the name of the actor who played her love interest during the song, making it make no sense for the song to be about him (and, in my eyes, making it more likely she was trying to cover up who the song was really for). We’ve already discussed Story of Us having “CMT Awards” and Back to December having “Tay,” so I won’t beat you over the head with those.
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Unlike the original handwritten lyrics to Sparks Fly, which featured the lyric “Get me with those brown eyes, baby,” the version that Taylor put on the Speak Now album had the lyric “hit me with those green eyes, baby,” with the eye color presumably being changed because Liz has green eyes:
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The secret message for Sparks Fly is “Portland, Oregon,” which is where Taylor and The Agency covered Tom Petty’s song American Girl in May 2009 during the height of early TayLiz. 
26 October 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted together in Brooklyn getting lunch with Emma Stone:
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Liz does a sound check for Taylor for the Today Show. A video later gets posted on YouTube and someone leaves this comment noting Taylor and Liz’s chemistry:
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31 October 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in Big Sur together and stay at California’s Post Inn Ranch. 
Liz spends Halloween with her boyfriend:
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1 November 2010 - Taylor’s appearance on Ellen airs. Ellen asks her about Jake. Taylor says “I’m always optimistic about love. Yes, always, sometimes.”
2 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in Santa Barbara together. They get ice cream, interact with fans, and Taylor reportedly laughs at everything Jake says.
16 November 2010 -  Jake attends the Love and Other Drugs premiere alone. This is interesting to me, considering if this was a PR relationship you would’ve thought he’d bring Taylor as his date. Still, Paula made some weird decisions in her time as Taylor’s publicist (like putting her with a carousel of 18 year olds), so this could just be Paula thinking that Taylor showing up at the premiere with him would be too obviously read as a stunt. Doesn’t rule it either way. Still, I think Anne would’ve been a better choice for PR for this.
Mid November - Perez Hilton alleges that Jake has picked up Taylor on his private jet to fly her to London because she was “feeling lonely.” Jake was in London promoting Love and Other Drugs so this seems very stunty to me personally.
22 November 2010 - Taylor attends the American Music Awards and wins Favorite Female Country Artist.
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Liz tweets congratulations at her and seems generally excited.
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24 November 2010 - Love and Other Drugs is officially released in theaters.
25 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake spend Thanksgiving in Brooklyn with Jake’s family.
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26 November 2010 - Liz seems to have spent Thanksgiving with Jason:
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27 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake are spotted in a coffee house in Nashville:
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And, maybe in response, Liz makes this weird and vaguely jealous Tweet:
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Now, I don’t know what this means. Maybe the “you” refers to Liz and she’s having what Carly Rae Jepsen would call “boy problems” -- feeling torn and overburdened between a best friend and boyfriend:
Or, perhaps, the “you” in this Tweet refers to Taylor, and Liz is trying to say that Jake is “using her up,” maybe meaning taking up her time. Or maybe Liz wasn’t referring to any of this. We can’t really know. Still, it’s interesting.
29 November 2010 - TayLiz hang out and Liz tweets about it. Perhaps to make up for the lack of time spent together since they both got boyfriends.
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30 November 2010 - Taylor and Jake have coffee in Nashville:
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1 December 2010 - Taylor writes a MySpace post about the CMTs.
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Liz tweets about watching Glee, meaning she’s the one who got Taylor hooked on the show and therefore interested in Dianna. Hilarious.
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2 December 2010 - Taylor calls Love and Other Drugs a “good movie” when asked about it, and won’t say anything more. She also adamantly refuses to talk about her personal life (This gives me 2018/19 Joe vibes, whatever that means).
3 December 2010 - Liz tweets that her favorite song on Speak Now is Last Kiss. She also tweets at Jason about his cooking:
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5 December 2010 - Jake is asked about Taylor and says this:
“One of the greatest parts about being in a relationship is the intimacy you share, but it can be difficult if you’re being watched the whole time.”
This reminds me so much of what Taylor’s currently saying about Joe. Interesting, looking back on it.
7 December 2010 - Jake and Taylor do the “maple latte” pap walk stunt in Brooklyn with Maggie and her daughter. This is the only series of photos of them that I think was a set-up, but that means it’s pretty gross this is the one they chose to bring a child into:
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I think the reason this was so obviously a pap walk was to get the “maple latte” in the shot. I’ve already speculated that Taylor had written All Too Well prior to her relationship with Jake, and this stunty pap walk would make sense if she needed to use him to cover for it.
8 December 2010 - Liz makes another weird vague possibly jealous tweet:
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Now, in the context of Mine possibly being about Liz and Taylor saying that song is about her “tendency to run from love,” it’s possible Liz is shading Taylor’s pap walk with Jake the previous day. This tweet feels very “back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known.”
However, maybe she’s just really happy with Jason. I don’t know. I don’t know these people.
9 December 2010 - Taylor and Jake drive around LA, Jake yells at the paps.
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Compare these to those photos with Taylor Lautner earlier in the timeline. These are not nearly as staged. Take away from that whatever you will.
13 December 2010 - Taylor turns 21. Liz and Caitlin bring her a pizza. Liz tweets at Taylor that she’s changed her life. This is supposedly the birthday that Jake didn’t show up to that The Moment I Knew is about. Liz and Caitlin bringing her pizza if she’s sad about it would make sense...
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31 December 2010 - Taylor and Liz spotted together in Nashville. They get Pei Wei and JustJared calls Liz a “gal pal.” Taylor seems upset, possibly about her whole Jake birthday thing. Or possibly something else.
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Liz tweets about going for a run and listening to Speak Now:
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5 January 2011 - Taylor and Jake break up.
19 January 2011 - Taylor and Jake are spotted together by fans in Nashville, first at a coffee shop and then at dinner. Jake did not have any other business in Nashville, so it can be assumed he came there to talk to Taylor:
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CONCLUSION: Were Taylor and Jake real? I don’t know. They really only ever did that one pap walk and didn’t seem to publicly promote each other’s work, as far as I could find, despite both releasing projects while together. The one pap walk they did seems to maybe have been to cover for All Too Well, which had possibly already been written (likely about Liz) before Jake and Taylor started dating.
Were those tweets from Liz jealousy? Or am I reading too much into it?
Either way, Taylor’s had her fun, and now it’s time to maybe start thinking about getting back together with Liz. There’s just one problem: her boyfriend.
The Speak Now Tour Begins (February 2011 - May 2011)
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awhilde · 4 years
pairings: kaeya (genshin impact) x reader
genre(s): just pure fluff! 
warnings: swearing and minor (tiny) mentions of death. also, it would be advised to play the game ‘genshin impact’ up past adventure rank 10 because there are a few spoilers (?) and mentions of specific scenes. 
word count: 2.6k words
synopsis: in which you can’t stand the stupid ice man that seems to trail after your every move, infuriating with every word that falls from his lips, every curve of his mouth and every tilt of his head. the pure annoyance he gifts you makes your chest ache in exhaustion. i mean, that is the sole reason why your heart is pumping overdrive, right?  
author’s note: this is just a really quick, cheesy and plotless oneshot that i decided to write in under an hour, i think? if i’m being honest, i just wanted to see what my page would look like with something published, but please enjoy regardless! god i’m simping for kaeya even though genshin is literally not an otome game what ?? gave them the right to make him look so good??
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a harmless tune twinkles in the city’s atmosphere, sorrowful tales hidden behind the cheer of a folk song and the strum of a harp
you listen, leaning against an open window, letting the gentle breeze tousle your hair behind your ears, drinking in the refreshing sensation of the wind kissing your closed eyes and exposed face. the suffocating atmosphere of the library leaves you as you daydream with the hum of the melody and lose yourself in its rhythm
  the scent of the storm last night taunts your mind of a nostalgic memory, easing the growing beast of worry in your heart
  the thought reminds you of the cause of such worry and you sigh reluctantly, knowing the pile of research notes by your desk wouldn’t sign themselves as you wasted time by this pocket of air, but your limbs are frozen, leisurely leaning against the frame of the window. you allow for time to flow unrestricted past your consciousness for there might not be another opportunity in the near future when you could relax as you did now
  life couldn’t possibly be contained within stress and work. you’d combust if this was the prevailing knowledge, collapsing from overworking your body or perhaps even dying from high blood pressure in your late 20’s which crept closer as time went by
where had your teenage years gone? the thrill of adventure and death?
“something on your mind, name?”
your eyes snap open, body whisking around to face the man that had managed to sneak up to your side without your notice. you recognise the presence beside you long before your eyes had laid upon their figure for they had been your partner in crime for far too long for you not to adapt to his chilly atmosphere
at least he was nice to be around in summer
kaeya, that infuriating ice man that had insisted on growing closer towards you despite the only connection you two shared being the fact that jean enjoyed tormenting you and placing the two of you together in missions
he had made his way to your right, contrasting your position as he leaned his back against the wall whilst you leaned your front torso out the window. suddenly the wind was nothing compared to him. with his arms crossed at his front, he gives you a side-long glance and smirks at your expression
huffing you turn away. “what do you want now, kaeya?” you ask
“what is with this hostility?” he shoots back. “don’t tell me i actually surprised you by being here.”
 your silence was enough of an answer for him to brighten. “wait, for real?”
you groan, cheek in your palm as you continue to close your eyes. “go away, kaeya, if you’re just here to make fun of me. go bother someone else, hasn’t there been a traveller of sorts that’s appeared recently?”
kaeya hums. “yeah, what about them?”
“go send them on a wild goose chase or something. didn’t you do that to the other one that passed by?” this time, you steal a peak at him through one eye. despite this being a small movement, kaeya’s immediately chases your eye.
ah, there’s that stupid sneer of his that you couldn’t stand. the sight was as familiar as the sun’s touch having seen it everywhere; after freezing jean’s feet to the ground when she got “too boring”, when he’d freeze the walls of your office in order to chase you out of the room and when he’d won that stupid game in that one stupid festival when they’d finished a mission early, turning with that exact sneer, his eyes steady and wild on yours as he handed you the first prize gift, not failing to bow as he presented the toy to you. that stupid pink bunny still sat somewhere in your room, not treasured but simply looked after. it wasn’t a significant item to be cherished after all
“i already did.” he had been saying when you zoned out. “i told them there was a mysterious treasure and sent them off. that little thing they had with them was especially keen on getting her small hands on whatever it was. shame there was nothing there to begin with, just another plan to draw out the futoi rats but i would have liked to see what that little thing could do with immense power. eat exotic foods, maybe?”
his eyes dart back to yours when he didn’t receive the response he expected; silence, and turns to face you. your eyes had gone glassy whilst in the process of reminiscing and he knew you were no longer in the present time. he sighs and stands
you catch the movement and snap back to reality, blinking before narrowing your eyes at his stupid face. “you have a look in your eyes.” you observe hesitantly
“and you weren’t paying attention to anything i said.” he retorts. he leans forward with his arms still crossed as if attempting to examine you further. the proximity startles you and you take a step back on instinct
the action makes him raise an eyebrow. “you’re also surprisingly quiet and grumpy today.”
wow you both are so good at stating the very obvious
it was true, despite hating his guts you couldn’t deny the spark of chemistry between the both of him whether it be dancing on the battlefield or even the snarky banter that he oddly seemed to enjoy. in an attempt to cover up where you had lacked, you face the window again. for some reason, it was easier to talk to him when you weren’t confronted with his stupid face. “oh? aren’t you glad i haven’t remarked on that stupid eyepatch you wear yet? unless, of course, you agree completely with what i say about it which, y’know, is the objective truth. it couldn’t possibly have been inherited. and its ugly.”
“nope! just as the title of being a pirate has been passed down in my family generation, so has the need to wear an eyepatch.” he cheerfully responds. “nice try, name, but i can still tell that you’re feeling down. you gonna tell me what it is or are we gonna continue this act until you grow bore of it?”
you sigh, caught in your façade that you had sub-consciously put up as a defense mechanism. not that he had no know what it was. something stupid in your stomach explodes with warmth at his prying, but you can’t hate it. that same stupid thing brings you to face him again and you regret it as soon as your eyes meet
he had stepped closer, close enough for you to feel his chill through the fabric of your clothes, close enough to see the fur on his attire rustle from the breeze by the window, his hair tousling also, close enough for your eyes to become captivated from his
well, his one eye
you chuckle slightly, the sound bubbling from the back of your throat until its pouring out without limit. you bend over, still giggling and the force makes you stumble. but its hilarious, does he wink or blink? omg imagine if he seductively winks but it just looks like he’s well, blinking
kaeya is taken back by your giggles but his incredulous stare doesn’t manage to stop the endless wave of laughter that causes tears to form at your eye, and your cheeks to begin to ache. it would hurt his reputation severely if he’d attempt to cheekily wink only to have the receiver no clue on what he was doing
god, you can’t believe you love this stupid boy
your laughter halts almost immediately
you don’t love him
why would you even consider that you liked him? he was a major pain in the ass, always bothering you when you worked, always messing around, always teasing you
right, you had just been so caught up in your laughter that it convinced your mind that the endorphins that had been released was due to kaeya, but it wasn’t. you don’t feel that way about him, you had just found his appearance hilarious
kaeya raises another eyebrow at you. “right, are you feeling okay? maybe we should ask jean for you to take a break.” he mumbles the last part as if it was an after thought but you hear it anyways
you turn away from him and begin walking back to your office. you knew he would follow after you and he does, his footsteps echoing your own until he is walking beside you, synced in your movements. “i’m not even that busy, stop exaggerating.” you step is bouncier, your fit of laughter at fault for your raised mood
“maybe not but you’re certainly boring.”
“your idea of fun is literally drinking with dilluc and making jean mad. maybe you shouldn’t be the one telling me if i’m boring?”
“so you’re not gonna deny it?’
“i like to think i take every one of my flaws into my stride. it would be even more embarrassing if someone didn’t know how much they sucked. like say, didn’t know how stupid they looked with an eyepatch?” you stick out your tongue at him and pulled down your eye. “pirate headass.”
he laughs as if you said something funny, but along the way you laugh with him
the sound of your laughs merging together, fuelling each other on, sound like music to your ears, a clearer tune than the only floating around the city, prettier than the twinkle of bells and bird song. it sounded familiar, like home, like watching rain dance on a windowpane, like heating your hands on a warm drink
“good to know your only insult of me is my eyepatch.” he says after your chuckles die
“and how is that a good thing?”
he sneaks a glance at you before looking start forward
“it means i must look practically perfect in your eyes, save for my apparently odd fashion sense. careful, name, or you’ll somehow manage to confess to me without your own knowledge.”
you splutter as he finishes, for some reason feeling defensive. “what the fuck do you mean by that?”
“well, you’re complimenting me, no? every other aspect of me are too good to insult?” the pair of you approach the doors to your office and his face lights up, mind clearly departing his last thought. “ah! we’re here. wait, why are we here again?” despite his words, he steps forward to enter your room, neither stopping to check if he had your permission nor to see if you were going insideyou narrowly miss the door as you unfreeze and dash in after him
he had already made his way to the back corner of the room, observing the shelf you had placed beside your desk. the shelves contained items that you held dear to you, the pair of earrings your aunt had gifted you before her demise, a book that you particularly enjoyed when you were younger, a stick figure of an old cartoon mascot back when you were only a child and so much more. it aided in providing you a relief of stress in your times of need. they were delicate and of upmost importance, items you placed dangerously close to your heart. but for some reason, you didn’t mind that kaeya were looking at them now  
you knew he wouldn’t break them, he wouldn’t be in such a high position of the knights if he was clumsy
instead, your mind travels back in time to what he had said so carelessly before he had entered the room
complimenting him? how absolutely ridiculous. saying his eyepatch made him look uglier was by no means a compliment, not even a twisted one. sure, it may infer that without it he would look much better, but this didn’t mean you would find him attractive without it, what a delusion. and in truth, kaeya treated it as if you were being serious which you weren’t, really. it wasn’t as ugly as you made it sound, you actually thought he suited it quite well.
wait a minute, what were you saying? perhaps kaeya had simply wanted to use reverse psychology on you and twist your very thoughts
well, he almost succeeded, you’ll give him that
“oh? what is this?”
his voice brings you back to reality and you realise with a start that you recognised the thing he was holding in his hand, the source of his question and the reason why the room appeared so much hotter than it had been before
in his hand, he held that stupid pink bunny
his eyes search yours in question, that stupid, stupid sneer on his face once more. it was clear he expected an answer, but you gave him none, instead staring him down with your eyes, feeling hot on your cheeks
“i think i remember this plushy, wasn’t it-“
your limbs move before your mind registers them, arm reaching out and activating your element, anemo, and calling upon the power to have your treasure returned to you
the green appears circling green whisps around the pink fur, growing clearer in appearance every passing millisecond before the entire toy is succumbed with the air
a small explosion follows after the orb, zapping kaeya’s hand, causing him to lose his gentle hold
the bunny falls to the ground, millimetres away from the carpet when you pull it towards you with your anemo  
when it finally enters your grasp, you wrap both arms around the bunny and draw it towards your heart, angling your body defensively, hiding it from his stare. “don’t say a single thing.” you warn him, but you know he wouldn’t ever leave you alone now
his eyes stare down at the palm that had been holding the toy before looking back up at you. “you just… used your anemo on me.”
“i did.”
his shell-shocked expression withdraws on his face, a small smile on his lips that was neither the shit-eating grin that he usually wore nor the stupid sneer. it looked sincere. and like he came to a sudden realisation. like something was confirmed
you open your mouth to say more, deny more perhaps yet you wouldn’t know what would come out of your mouth at that moment for your door bursts open, you and kaeya reacting immediately with your respective elements in hands, you only using one as you continue to hug the stuffed toy. an oddly familiar figure appears at the door, clad in white and with bright blonde hair. after the unknown individual, a small human floats after them. at the sight of the two, kaeya relaxes which prompts you to do so as well. ah, now you realised where you had seen them before, they were the iconic traveller
“what are you doing here?” kaeya asks for you. something in his tone is guarded
the small creature, paimon as you remember, speaks first. “we’ve come to ask for a hint! you said you’d help us solve riddles, remember? for the super cool, super wicked sword?” her small head turns to you as if acknowledging you for the first time. “oh, were we interrupting something?”
you raise an eyebrow. “nice to meet you too, i’m name. how did you find this place?”
paimon shrugs. “a knight told us that if we couldn’t find kaeya, we should check in this room.”
those words made the warm icky feeling in your chest expand. you clear your throat as you sense both kaeya’s and paimon’s eyes on you, the traveller oddly not saying a word and staring off into the distance. as subtly as you could, you place the toy behind your back and down on another shelf, reminding yourself to relocate it once whatever kaeya was planning at had finished
“well, show us the riddle then.” you say, ignoring the fuzzy feeling in your chest when kaeya joins the circle the five of you made, surrounding the item in the traveller’s hand and, you cursed, far too close to your right
your arm grazes one another as you shift closer for a better look
but you swallow the feeling deep down and look up to meet the traveller’s eyes. “well, i have a clue what this could mean.” you say, contrasting all the pacing thoughts in your head, casting aside the want to kick the two intruders from your room, to confront kaeya with the emotions you’ve been feeling around him, to possibly cry at the overwhelming truth of it all, that you did love him
but they became only thoughts, visible only in your mind
this world wasn’t suit for romance, not when there was a dragon terrorising the city, not when the gods were angry, not when you hadn’t confirmed if kaeya feels the same way
so you bury your newfound feelings, smiling gently at the traveller as you share what you knew with them, ignoring the present sensation of kaeya by your side, hoping that by the time you had collected yourself, you would be able to hide these foreign feelings
from his stupid face
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Seeing Harry Styles in Public Part II feat. Niall Horan
here’s a part two even tho no one asked  requested: uh, no  warnings: FLUFF FLUFF AND MORE FLUFF  authors: Abby and Indigo  a/n: imagine takes place in Pounce Cat Cafe in South Carolina  summary: Indigo feels like the third wheel and Harry and Abby help out. 
part I
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*gif is not mine* 
Indigo giggled as she scrolled through her Instagram, now filled with various photos of Harry and Abby taken by the paparazzi. Everyone was begging to know who the mysterious girl was holding his hand, but every time she was mentioned Harry refused to fess up. Larry Stylinson shippers began spreading rumors that it was Louis in a wig, but Harry’s lips stayed sealed. 
The suspense and constant waiting drove Indigo mad. Harry and Abby weren’t officially together, but sometimes there was a spark and she’d be forced to keep herself from screaming “JUST KISS ALREADY!!” at the top of her lungs. Ah yes. The struggles of being a fangirl. There was always an excuse. “I didn’t brush my teeth this morning” and “There are people watching” being the most common. Indigo was sure she had missed something, because every time he tried anything more than a hug, he’d pull himself back like he’d remembered something. 
She tried not to complain. Indigo knew that the more intimate they got, the more she’d feel out of place. A third wheel. She chided herself for thinking selfishly, then went back to her book. 
Little did she know, Abby and Harry were having problems of their own. 
“When was the last time you spoke to Niall?” Abby asked, scrolling through Twitter. 
Harry glanced up and raised an eyebrow. “The One Direction reunion last year. Why do ya ask?” 
“No reason,” Abby replied, still looking at her phone. 
“C’mon, ya can talk to me about anything ya know.” He scooted up next to her and tried laying his head on her shoulder. Abby rejected his request, shoving her phone into her back pocket and moving to another couch. “Oi! What happened to “Treat People With Kindness” and all that?” 
“Harry, this is important!” Abby exclaimed, turning on her heel to face him. “Indigo feels left out, I know she does, and I don’t like that look on her. If you really must know, I asked about Niall because he was always her favorite.” 
Harry frowned. “Who was yours?” 
Abby ponders for a moment. “Liam.” His eyes widened and she laughed. “I’m joking, it was you.” He let out a sigh of relief. 
“Sooo… you’re trying to set the two up?” 
“Like, duh,” I say. “So here’s the plan…” 
“Why did I agree to tag along with y’all?” 
“You didn’t,” Abby reminded her. “We dragged you all the way here, the heels of your shoes are proof of that.”  Indigo smiled innocently. Abby plopped unceremoniously onto the couch and smirked.  “We have someone for you to meet!” she says excitedly. Indigo rolls her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose. 
“And who is it, pray tell?” she asked. 
“You’ll know soon enough,” Abby said, patting her head. Indigo hissed and pulled away. 
“Should I be worried?” 
“Anything having to do with Abby means ya should worry,” Harry said teasingly. Abby stuck her tongue out playfully. Harry pulled out his phone. “They should be here any minute,” he said, and Abby squealed.
“Wow I don’t even get to know the gender. Thanks guys,” Indigo said, rolling her eyes. She pulled out her phone, and Abby peeked over to see what she was doing. 
“You’re so uninteresting,” Abby complained as all Indigo was doing was adding an event to her calendar. Indigo laughed and turned her phone off. 
“How much longer is it gonna be? I have a paper to write,” Indigo asked, drumming her fingers on the side table.
“Just another few minutes,” Harry said, and Indigo glared at the floor. A couple kittens jumped up next to her, and she scratched them absentmindedly. Abby picked up one of the throwing toys and tossed it across the room. One of the kittens chased after it just as the door opened. 
“Do you have a reservation or are you a walk-in?” the lady at the counter said, and Harry jumped up.
“He’s with us,” he said, and the lady nodded and opened the little gate-thingy. Indigo glanced over from the kitten she was petting, and her face paled.
“What the-?” her British accent jumped out for a moment and she touched her throat. “Sorry, er- hi?” she said, even though it was more like a question. Abby laughed. 
“Meet Niall Horan. Indigo, Niall, Niall, Indigo,” Harry said, gesturing between the two. Indigo gave a little head-dip thing and said hello (again). Niall grinned and also greeted her, then sat down beside her. Abby grabbed Harry’s arm, and Indigo could tell she was holding back a screech. He chuckled and said, “You’re gonna cut off my blood circulation.” 
“Sorry for the inconvenience but I’m-” Niall was cut off with a sneeze and finished, “-allergic to cats.”  Indigo pursed her lips. 
“We can go outside if you want.”  Niall nodded and led her out the door, leaving Abby and Harry to fangirl over their new ship. 
“Mind if I ask a question?” 
“I guess.” 
“Abby and Harry told me that I was your favorite, out of One Direction. Is that true?” 
Indigo frowned. “No, it was Zayn,” she deadpanned. Niall raised an eyebrow.  “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not,” he said, chuckling. 
“Look out, there’s a pigeon up ahead.” Niall shrieked, nearly jumping out of his skin. Out of instinct, he grabbed Indigo by the arm and hid behind her. Indigo tried to ignore how warm his hands were. 
“Chill, I was joking,” she said, laughing. Niall was still breathing like he’d just finished a run. Indigo turned to look at him, still chuckling. He looked down at her, half-glaring, half-laughing. 
“Not funny,” he said, and he looked down into her eyes. Indigo grinned.
“Sorry you’re right, it wasn’t funny.” Niall looked superior for a second before, “it was hilarious!” All the laughter evaporated from her voice as she noticed him staring directly into her eyes. It was at this point she realized that he’d never taken his hand off of her arm. Indigo tilted her head at Niall, and he sucked in a breath.
“Dammit, why is that so cute?” he breathed, and cupped her cheek with his hand. Indigo felt her breath hitch, and Niall grinned down at her. He tilted her chin up and leaned down. Indigo gasped as his lips connected with hers in a song of sparks. She pressed onto her toes to kiss him back, and she felt his hand move from her arm to the small of her back. Indigo threw her arms around his neck, and Niall drew her impossibly closer. They broke apart, and leaned their foreheads together. 
“Abby’s probably screaming right now,” Indigo breathed, and Niall laughed.
“Harry too.”
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
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jfdjsf we’re so sorry to everyone who wanted this list last year before starting school 😭😭(and yall almost finished omg) but on the bright side, you’ll have so many nice fics to read now in summer 😎
Best/Childhood Friends to Lovers:
Internet is for Porn - Jongin is convinced that the only booty that can compete with his bestfriend’s legendary arse is the camboy D.O’s. One of my favourite works by indogomini and KaiSoo fics in general. Pure HILARIOUS lightly angsty smut. The real definition of a fun read.
A Different Morning - thisismylastlie’s latest EXO fic. Jongin’s been (whipped) Kyungsoo’s vlogger bestfriend since forever, but one video changes their life once and for all. I really love slice of life? Especially with a big pinch of pining and humor. 
Through The Midnight Streets - Jongin grows up with the Dos after a tragic event and gets to befriend the coldest of them all, Kyungsoo. Located in Paris, unrequited!SuKai, ballerino!Jongin, chaebol (straight, lol)!Kyungsoo, fear of homophobia, sloW BURN and so much pure art.    Threeshots on LJ are the real lucky charm.  
Bite Me - Hybrid!AU. In a world where hyprids are privileged, human!Kyungsoo suffers from being in love with his dog hybrid bestfriend. It gets even worse when he discovers that Jongin had a mate all this time.
Sticky Fingers - Smut, Humor. Kaleidohscope’s pornstar!Jongin asking his bestfriend to help him wax. Their dynamics here : 10/10 dammit. 
when it rains - Oneshot, fluff, Mute!Kyungsoo. Jongin refuses to unfriend his precious hyung, and refuses the title of bestfriend. 
Spider Webs - Oneshot, nonau. Kind of dark? EXO Kai and Jongin are two opposites, with the latter being a unsufferable brat who only accepts the company of Kyungsoo, his poor prey. Or so they thought.
Of late night kisses - Nonau, based on KaiSoo’s date on Valentine’s (hehe). Kyungsoo and Jongin rebelliously take a break on Valentine’s Day from rehearsal to go to the movies as friends, but come back as a little more.
Down the Chimney, Into my Heart - Oneshot, Fluff, Christmas!AU. For Kyungsoo, Christmas holds painful memories. Smitten Jongin decides to do something (stupidly cute) about it.
Mine Eyes are Made the Fools - PWP but with somewhat angsty emotional charge. Or roommates hella straightforward Jongin and scared-of-heartbreak Kyungsoo going at it.
Heart on Your Sleeve - Jongin decides to confess to his two years crush/friend on Valentine’s Day while they’re on a trip to Hong Kong. Annoying ChanBaek, newly tattooed!Kyungsoo and nerves make his mission way harder than it should be. Kyungsoo’s vibe here *wolf whistles* .
(First time?) Meeting - (kind of)PWP. Kyungsoo and Jongin are bestfriends who secretely text two hot boys. Everything changes when they decide to meet them.
Hold Down my Shaking Body - Tickling!kink. A really hot (focus on hot) oneshot/PWP. I love fics that include that spark when one of them realizes they like the other and damn, freaky times.
I Love You, Just Like This - Besties as kids, Soo falls for Jongin as they get older but Jongin’s hella popular & Soo’s insecure about his own looks.
Kyungsoo ... Give me your hand! by Saritababo - a nice 36k angsty friends to lovers where jongin has a crush on Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo is teasing him. 
City Lights by Life_not_knife - a confession fic where best friends kaisoo get together and jongin cant believe it, it also has smut.
愛戀 : deeply attached - 10k of childhood friends to lovers kaisoo, quite lovely fic. basically they are head over heels for each other.
feels good to be yours - Baker!Kyungsoo and dance instructor!Jongin are best friends, but who kiss a lot. None of their dates work and they take a while to figure out why. 
(Best)Friends, but one dates and the other tolerates/realizes their feelings :
If My Yesterday is a Disgrace - Fourshot, Angst, kind of Surrealism, Slice of Life. a gem by wandering-heart from our kfr project *u* they’re best friends, but jongin is hurt because he can never be more than friend and kyungsoo was supposed to marry his girlfriend. NOW allow me to not give any details about the plot because everything is so well thought and emotional and I’d rather leave you the opportunity to discover (and love) this masterpiece by yourself. A new personal favourite.
You are my heart - Chaptered, Angst, OT9 and broken!KaiBaek. At the age of fifteen, Kyungsoo and Jongin promised to marry each other if they’re alone by their thitieth birthday. At the age of twenty nine and thirty, Jongin goes through so much pain and heartbreak while Kyungsoo still pines silently. This teeters on tragic but have faith in the KaiSoo.
Always Have, Always Will - Twoshot. When Jongin looses to Junmyeon the opportunity to take sous-chef!Kyungsoo on a friendly date, he realizes that he might have wanted more all that time.
The Friend Zone - Oneshot, comedy, side!HunHan. Kyungsoo has been sent to the Friend Zone times and times again. He is unaware that his only bestfriend is exactly in the same position as him.
In plain sight - Oneshot, broken!ChenSoo. Jongin’s tired of seeing his bestfriend sad and heartbroken. All he wants from him is to move on. With him. 
What If - Oneshot, based on the song “What If”. On the day he plans on confessing, Kyungsoo learns that Jongin is dating Soojung. Uhm, it does have a happy ending but not the one you’re expecting. :,(
Brighter - Angst, nonau. Kyungsoo learns about JenKai and Jongin reminds him that he always comes first.
complications; and how they arise - Twoshot, light angst, temporary ChanSoo. Basically Jongin and Kyungsoo postponing their confessions and drifting apart because of insecurities. Lovely.
Good Intentions - Chaptered, slightly OT12. Kyungsoo is tired of his bestfriend constantly bringing new people to their house and comes up with an idea to quench Jongin’s (their) thirst. Kyungsoo’s a freaking music teacher and prepares a Christmas recital with lil kids and I love it.
nothing scares you about me and you - well well if this isn’t another gem from verseau >:) roommates kaisoo are just friends, best friends, but omega jongin is so oblivious and keeps hooking up with other alphas even though he loves kyungsoo's scent and kyungsoo also has his fair share of omegas which riles jongin to no end, yet he won't admit they're made for each other.
look - "he never thought he'd see that shine again but towards another person." the first ship is kaisoo, then jenkai happens, and then kaisoo again. basically kyungsoo is jealous of jongin being in a relationship.
Ain’t nice - Jongin definitely has a type. This has a nice plot twist, it’s otherwise angsty, and I wouldn’t say that it matches 100% the request but I said I should add it. It’s quite interesting. 
The Woes Of The Heart - wedding planner au. kyungsoo loves jongin who is going to marry a girl and kyungsoo is the one that plans their wedding and he pours his feelings in his diary. inarichi snapped with this truly
A Heart at Peace - in this house we worship strange seas! jongin is junmyeon’s younger brother and has always been close to kyungsoo and kyungsoo has always a special place in his heart. but now, they’re adults, jongin feels something that kyungsoo can’t reciprocate because he dates women
Older (best)friends-to-lovers : March14, April14, 2016, 2017
Happy reading! - KFR Admins
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calumcest · 4 years
dancing with the demons (holy spirit, holy spirit)
yes its 1am yes i just finished this fic yes i am exhausted yes i currently have an exam i should be doing looks like Helen’s Deadline Season Coping Mechanism is back in full swing 
i have to give my everlasting thanks to @ashesonthefloor and @clumsyclifford for their chaotic minds providing me excellent ideas and for always being so supportive of the things i write and motivating me to keep writing and also especially to ainslee for patiently listening to me talk about this for like the past three weeks before i could actually write it 
also this VERY very loosely based on christianity but as you will see: VERY. VERY. loosely 
“You’re kind of a shitty demon,” he tells Calum, who scowls.
“Fuck you,” he says. “You’re kind of a shitty angel.”
“Oh, dude, I know,” Michael agrees.
Humans, Michael thinks sourly, wouldn’t be nearly as interested in getting to Heaven if they knew Ashton were in there. 
He means well, Michael knows that, and he’s just doing his job, but that doesn’t make it any less irritating when Michael gets Summoned twice a week to answer for whatever petty crime he’s committed this time. So sue him, he forgot witchcraft was sacrilege, and forgot that astrology falls under that umbrella, and he’d been amused when he’d seen a lady claiming to be able to tell him what was in store for him next year, and he’d had ten dollars on him. He’s thousands of years old, how the fuck is he supposed to remember every tiny rule? Plus, he thinks, cocking his head, she’d told him that a colleague would present difficulties for him, and the way Ashton’s ranting right now is just vindicating the poor woman.
“...set an example, Michael,” Ashton’s saying, when Michael tunes back in. “You were an archangel. You have to be better.” Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Ashton, I swear to God-” Ashton slaps his hand down on the table. 
“That’s exactly your fucking problem!” he says furiously, and then tenses as he realises what he’s said. Michael can feel the repentance washing over Ashton, the genuine purity of it, and it makes him wince a little bit. Ashton clears his throat, and tries again. “You can’t be blaspheming like that. You’re an angel, Michael. You have free will, and you know what a double-edged sword that is.” Michael folds his arms, wings ruffling defensively. Ashton’s always so fucking hot on how dangerous free will is, like he’s had some kind of bad experience with it, and Michael doesn’t get it. Ashton’s never stepped more than a centimetre out of line in his entire life. 
“I’m loyal to Him,” he says firmly. “He knows that.” Are you questioning Him? remains unspoken, but rings loud in the air between them.  
“I know,” Ashton says wearily. “But He did demote you. Again.” 
“I mean, I did give the Son an onion disguised as an apple,” Michael points out. Ashton glares at him. 
“Are you trying to make this worse for yourself?” he demands, and Michael holds his hands up in defence. 
“Not my fault Jesus doesn’t have a sense of humour,” he mutters, under his breath so Ashton can pretend not to have heard it. He still thinks it was hilarious, made even more so by the connotation of original sin. Maybe the fact he hasn’t repented is why He keeps letting Michael get reamed out by Ashton for the smallest fucking things. 
“You’re lucky He didn’t count that as a rebellion” Ashton tells him. Michael rolls his eyes. 
“What the fuck do you want me to say, Ash?” he says, spreading his hands, ignoring the way Ashton flinches at the curse word. “I’m sorry? I repent? Forgive me Ashton, for I have sinned?” Ashton sighs, but chooses not to comment on the sarcasm. 
“I’m assigning you another case,” he says instead, “and you’d better not mess this one up.” Michael groans, and Ashton gives him a sharp look. “You’re always free to leave, Michael. You know that.” Michael tips his head back to stare at the ceiling and lets his eyes flutter shut, shaking his head. 
“What is it?” he mumbles. He hears paper sliding across Ashton’s desk, and pinches the bridge of his nose for a minute, inhaling deeply, before forcing his head back forwards to see the file Ashton’s pushed at him. 
“A demon,” Ashton says. 
“Oh, for fu- for Go- uh, for goodness’ sake,” Michael says hurriedly, when he sees the look Ashton sends his way. “Seriously, Ash? A demon?” Ashton shrugs. 
“You want to act like a kid, you get treated like a kid,” he says. Michael exhales heavily, and picks up the file, flicking it open to the first page. 
“Calum?” he says sceptically. “What kind of a name for a demon is that?” 
“You’d do well to remember who named him,” Ashton reminds him, and Michael rolls his eyes. 
“He doesn’t look very threatening,” he remarks, flicking through Calum’s file. “What, a couple of possessions, a few cases of muteness...c’mon, Ash, this is well below my pay grade.” 
“Firstly,” Ashton says, in that tone that says I don’t like what you just said at all but I’m going to be the bigger angel here, “you don’t have a pay grade, and secondly, you’ll take what you’re given.” 
“I know, but c’mon, this?” Michael says, waving the file in Ashton’s face. “You could deal with this in two minutes, Ashton, why send me after him?” Ashton presses his lips together and looks away, and Michael cocks his head, realisation dawning on him. “Oh, shit. He’s sending me after him.” 
“You know I can’t comment on that,” Ashton says, but his wings twitch uncomfortably and he doesn’t even tell Michael off for cursing, so Michael knows he’s right. 
“What does He want me to do this for?” Michael asks curiously. 
“The Lord moves in a mysterious way,” Ashton says primly, which is his go-to response when he knows the answer but doesn’t want to say it. Michael sits back in his seat heavily, grinning. 
“Okay,” he says, nodding. “Yeah. I’ll take the case.” Ashton rolls his eyes. 
“You’ll do as He darn well says,” he tells Michael, who grins. 
“I’ll do as I damn well please,” he says, and Ashton just sighs in defeat. 
 The first time Michael finds Calum, he’s loosening lug nuts on car wheels in the dead of night. 
He’s knelt on the floor, spanner in his hand, humming something to himself as he works. Michael leans against a car behind him, folding his arms, and watches him for a while, watches the way he bobs his head to the song in his head, taps his fingers on the spanner, grins to himself when the lug nut loosens enough for him to move onto the next one.  
“Man, what kind of demon uses a spanner?” Michael comments after a few minutes. Calum spins around, on his feet at the speed of light, eyes black, teeth bared. Michael just gives him a bored look. 
“Who are you?” Calum hisses. Michael cocks an eyebrow. 
“Don’t recognise me?” he says, and Calum just growls at him. “Damn, how long were you in Heaven? Two minutes?” 
“Who the fuck are you?” Calum spits. Michael sighs, pretending he’s not enjoying this as much as he is, and lets his wings unfold, big and pure white behind him. Calum’s eyes widen, still all-black but with an edge of fear, and he takes a step back. Michael tries his best not to smirk.
“You’re not an angel,” Calum says, sounding like he’s trying to reassure himself. 
“Aren’t I?” Michael says coolly, tucking his wings back in. They feel a little cramped, but he’s made his point, and it’s cold. 
“You said damn,” Calum says, still a little afraid, but also a little confused. Michael shrugs. 
“I have free will,” he says. “Perks of being an angel.” Calum stares at him, and his eyes flash back to looking human again. Michael can’t see too well in the poor light, but they’re still dark, maybe a deep brown, and there’s some sort of a spark in them that makes Michael’s stomach flip. 
He can see Calum a little better now as his eyes adjust to the dark, can see the black jeans and black leather jacket and thin black t-shirt hugging his muscular physique, can see what looks like tattoos on his hands and collarbones and can’t help but wonder whether there are more to be found. 
And yeah, that’s a dangerous train of thought, so he stops himself firmly, allowing himself a sigh. Of course He’s saddled Michael with the hottest demon to walk the realms. 
“Whose car is that?” Michael asks, nodding at the car Calum’s been working on. Calum’s eyes linger on him for a moment, like he doesn’t trust that Michael’s not going to attack him the minute he blinks, and then looks over at the wheels. 
“Don’t know,” he says. 
“You’re trying to fuck with someone you don’t even know?” Calum shrugs, eyes flicking back to Michael. 
“Why not?” he says. Michael narrows his eyes.
“You know fucking with humans is, like, bad, right?” he says. 
“For you,” Calum says, and there’s a glimmer of wicked amusement behind his dark eyes. Michael swallows. “Don’t know if you’ve heard, but my boss isn’t so hot on all of those kinds of rules.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Michael says darkly, because if there’s anyone from Hell Michael’s well-acquainted with, it’s the Devil. Calum, who seems to have now decided that Michael’s had his chance to kill him and hasn’t, casts him one final glance before picking up the spanner, twirling it in his hands (Michael chants a prayer to keep the thoughts about Calum’s fingers at bay), and kneeling at the next wheel. 
“Who are you?” Calum asks again. 
“Michael,” Michael says, as Calum starts twisting the lug nuts the wrong way, tightening them instead of loosening them. “That’s the wrong way, man.” 
“Fuck,” Calum mutters, and starts twisting the other way. Michael cocks his head. 
“You’re kind of a shitty demon,” he tells Calum, who scowls.
“Fuck you,” he says. “You’re kind of a shitty angel.”
“Oh, dude, I know,” Michael agrees. 
“Aren’t you a fucking archangel? Michael?” 
“Used to be,” Michael says. “Got demoted.” Calum snorts. 
“Yeah,” Michael says, with a sigh. “Big man doesn’t like it when you play practical jokes on the Son.” Calum laughs. 
“Yeah, you’re a really shitty angel,” he tells Michael, who bristles slightly. 
“Well, I did defeat Satan,” Michael says defensively. Calum grins, all wicked and sharp teeth. 
“Yeah, he’s mentioned,” he says, and then leans back from the wheel with a sigh. “Man, would you give me a hand?” Michael cocks his head. 
“I’m meant to be stopping you, dude,” he says. Calum rolls his eyes. 
“You’re not doing a very good job,” he says. Michael thinks he would do a much better job if Calum weren’t so fucking pretty. That’s kind of unfair, he thinks. It gives Calum an automatic advantage. 
“Stop it,” Michael says, and Calum laughs, tilting his head back, and Jesus Christ, Michael wants to mark up his neck. He sends a quick apology prayer to whoever might have heard that thought, and clears his throat. “Seriously, Calum. Stop.” 
“Or what?” Calum says, eyes glittering mischievously. “You’ll scowl at me?” Michael cocks his head, and the grin slips off Calum’s face as he starts to choke. He clutches at his throat, looking somewhere between confused and shocked. Michael lets it go on for a few more seconds, relishing the way Calum’s gasping for air, before he lets Calum go. Calum falls back on his heels heavily, a pained expression on his face.
“Stop it,” Michael says simply, and he hears the power in his own voice. Calum winces, head jerking down in a forced bow, and right, yeah, Michael forgot that holy power has that effect on demons. 
“Damn,” Calum says, looking up through inky lashes when Michael lets him go, voice hoarse, but eyes twinkling. “Didn’t take you for the kinky sort.” Ashton is going to string Michael up by his wings for the thoughts that follow that sentence. 
“Fuck you,” Michael says, scowling, as he sends up yet another apology prayer. Calum cocks an eyebrow, grinning. 
“If you’re offering,” he says, rubbing at his throat. Michael sighs to hide the please that’s probably written all over his face. 
“Don’t let me catch you again,” he says instead. 
“What, you’re not going to kill me?” Calum says, and he sounds a little surprised. Michael frowns at him. 
“You want me to?” 
“Just thought you would,” Calum says, shrugging. Michael hesitates.
“You’re not really that threatening, dude,” he says eventually. And you’re far too pretty to kill. “I think the world can handle you.” Calum scowls at him, and flips him off with his left hand, picking up the spanner again with his right. Michael wordlessly tightens all the lug nuts again with a surreptitious flick of his wrist. 
“See you next time, angel,” Calum says, slotting the spanner onto another lug nut. 
“Not if you know what’s good for you, demon,” Michael says, turning away and tipping his head back up to Heaven. He hears a grunt behind him as Calum tugs on the lug nut, and grins to himself. 
“Are you fucking kidding me, dude?” Calum cries, and it’s the last thing Michael hears before everything turns white. 
 The second time Ashton sends Michael after Calum, he finds him in a Starbucks. His leather jacket is hung across the chair behind him, and he’s staring at a guy a few metres away from him with a look of pure concentration on his face. Michael takes a moment to drink it in, because he looks really fucking cute and his biceps are, like, right there - and yeah, Michael was right about there being more tattoos - before sliding into the seat opposite Calum. Calum jumps, tearing his eyes away from the guy to Michael, scowling when he realises who it is. 
“Hey,” Michael says nonchalantly, reaching for Calum’s coffee and taking a sip. It’s, like, pure fucking caffeine, and he pulls a face, pushing it back to Calum. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Calum hisses. 
“According to my superior, you’re up to no good,” Michael says. “I’m here to stop you.” Calum rolls his eyes. 
“You’re no fucking fun,” he says. Michael shrugs, and reaches for Calum’s chocolate muffin. He’s always regretted not planting the idea of chocolate in the minds of humans earlier. 
“What were you trying to do?” he says, through a mouthful of muffin. 
“Why would I fucking tell you?” Calum says, folding his arms. “You’ll just undo it.” Michael raises an eyebrow, and swallows. 
“The guy’s tattoo,” he says. Calum scowls again. “What’d you do to it?” 
“It said Lisa,” Calum says sullenly. “Changed it to ‘Lice’.” Michael looks over at the guy’s tattoo again - and yeah, he does actually now have a heart with Lice in it proudly displayed on his arm. Michael can’t help the snort that escapes him. God, would Ashton kill him if he left that one as it is? The answer is almost a hundred percent, but he thinks it might still be worth it. 
“That is fucking funny,” Michael agrees. 
“Man, how the fuck are you still an angel?” Calum says, and Michael huffs out a laugh, taking another bite out of the muffin. Calum snatches the rest of it out of Michael’s hands. 
“This is my fucking muffin,” he says, waving the remnants of it in Michael’s face. Michael shrugs. 
“Steal yourself another one,” he says. 
“You steal yourself one,” Calum mutters. 
“I’m an angel, dude,” Michael says. 
“Could’ve fooled me.” Michael rolls his eyes, snapping his fingers as Calum raises the last bit of the muffin to his mouth. The muffin disappears and Calum bites down on thin air, looking confused for a split second before glowering at Michael. 
“What the fuck?” he demands. “Why’d you do that? That was a good fucking muffin.” Michael shrugs, grinning.
“For the hell of it,” he says, snapping his fingers again, and the muffin re-materialises in his hand. He throws it in the air, catching it in his mouth, and winks at Calum as he chews. Calum watches him, half in intrigue, half in outrage, mouth slightly open. He’s got such full lips, Michael thinks, and then hastily swallows both the muffin and that train of thought. 
“You’re the worst angel I’ve ever met,” Calum says decisively, sinking back in his seat. 
“You met many?” Michael asks casually. 
“No, but I’m pretty sure you’re the worst they’ve got,” Calum tells him. “I’m going to write a letter of recommendation to get you kicked out of He-” he winces. “Up there.” Michael cocks his head. 
“What’d you do to get kicked out?” he asks. 
“What do any of us do?” Calum says grumpily. “Exercise our free will.” 
“I exercise my free will,” Michael points out. 
“Yeah, to fucking swear,” Calum says. “You’re like that kid at school who gets an adrenaline rush from telling someone to shut up.” Michael scowls. 
“Fuck you,” he says, and Calum grins wickedly. 
“You kiss your Father with that mouth?” he says. Michael flips him off. 
“Right, well, this has been fun,” he says, wiping his hands on a napkin as he gets to his feet, “but I’ve got to get going. Stop fucking with humans.” 
“Man, you’d be way more fun if you weren’t an angel,” Calum says mournfully. 
“I dunno,” Michael says, mock-thoughtfully. “Wouldn’t get to do this then, would I?” He snaps his fingers, just for dramatic effect, and the Lice tattoo on the man’s arm rearranges itself to say Lisa again, and an identical heart with Lice appears on Calum’s bicep. Calum twists his arm around with a look of absolute horror.
“You absolute fucking bastard,” Calum shouts, making at least five people in the Starbucks turn around and give him a sharp look (not that he’ll fucking care). 
“Be a good boy, demon,” Michael says, throwing him a grin before heading out into the warm October air. 
 The first thing Michael’s going to do when He gets over Himself and reinstates Michael as an archangel is have a word with Him about ever giving Ashton Summoning powers. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Michael mutters, using his right wing to rub his head where he’d banged it on impact. 
“Are you serious?” Ashton says, hands on his hips. “You come straight into my office and blaspheme?” 
“Don’t fucking Summon me with no warning, then,” Michael says, shaking his wings out. Ashton throws him a glare, probably for cursing, possibly for having the gall to respond at all. 
“You’re an angel, Michael, you’ll come when you’re called,” he says reprovingly. Michael rolls his eyes, but throws himself down on the chair on the other side of Ashton’s desk heavily. 
“What?” he says, with a long-suffering sigh. 
“It’s Calum,” Ashton says. 
“Again?” Ashton throws him a look. 
“You could’ve killed him,” he says pointedly. Michael shrugs, a little uncomfortably. He knows he should have, but something about Calum just draws Michael in, makes it impossible for him to say no. 
“He was fucking with tattoos and unscrewing lug nuts, Ash,” he says, a little too defensive. “Not exactly crimes of the millennium.” Ashton scrutinises him for a moment, and then purses his lips. 
“Well,” he says primly, “apparently he’s turned up in LA.” Michael can’t help but smile at that, because yeah, LA sounds like exactly the kind of place a demon like Calum would show up. Ashton sees it, and frowns. “Michael, this is a case, you hear me? Calum’s still a demon, no matter how much you want to copulate with him.” Michael scowls. Fucking Ashton, always listening to his prayers. 
“No one says fucking copulate anymore,” he snipes, because he can’t exactly deny it. “You’d know if you ever got down off your high horse and visited Earth.” Ashton rolls his eyes. 
“I’m pretty busy up here,” he says, gesturing to all the paperwork piled high on his desk. 
“I’m telling you, station Pahaliah with Peter at the gates,” Michael says. “You’d cut all this in half.” 
“Are you kidding me?” Ashton says. “Pahaliah’s had his work cut out for him since the Enlightenment.” Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Alright, Barachiel, then,” he suggests. “He’s a fucking pain in the arse. Might do him some good to do something mundane for a few centuries.” 
“I think He has bigger plans for His archangels than guarding the gates,” Ashton says. Michael raises an eyebrow, and Ashton rolls his eyes. “You’re not an archangel anymore, Michael.” 
“I am in all but name,” Michael says with a shrug, because He always relents where Michael’s concerned. “This is my, what, twelfth demotion? Thirteenth?” 
“This one might stick,” Ashton says warningly, which is what he says every time it happens. His concern is kind of cute, Michael thinks, if unwarranted. Ashton’s never understood Him like Michael does. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael says dismissively, because he’s not about to have this discussion with Ashton again. “Can I go now?” Ashton frowns at him, which Michael takes as a yes. He lifts himself up from the chair, stretching his wings and arms out, and turns to leave.  
“Do not copulate with the demon, Michael,” Ashton says. 
“I won’t,” Michael promises, heading for the door. “Might fuck him, though.” 
(The force with which Ashton slams him into the wall makes the whole building shake, but it’s absolutely worth it.) 
 LA is cold in November, which Michael had forgotten. It’s also busy, which means he can’t draw his wings around himself for extra warmth, nor simply teleport himself to the studio Calum’s apparently in. Instead, he has to huddle into himself and elbow his way through the Hollywood crowds, meaning he’s in a pretty bad mood by the time he actually gets to where he needs to be. 
Michael distracts the security guard momentarily with a quick wave of his hand, enough for him to slip inside unnoticed. It’s a small studio, only a handful of live rooms, and Michael only has to peek into two before he finds the one Calum’s in. 
Calum, clad in his usual all-black get-up, is leaning against the wall of the studio, grinning as he watches the sound engineer frowning, fiddling with a bunch of his controls. Michael can see the shimmer of the glamour he’s cast, and wordlessly casts one of his own as he clicks the door shut behind him. The sound engineer doesn’t even look up, so preoccupied with trying to fix whatever’s going wrong, but Calum hears the sound and whips around, scowling when he sees Michael. 
“Do you just, like, have a sixth sense for when there’s some fun occurring that could be stopped?” he asks, and Michael grins at him. 
“Just got a sixth sense for shitty demons,” he says, and Calum’s scowl deepens. 
“Fuck you,” he says. Michael raises an eyebrow, then casts a look over at the live room on the other side of the glass. There’s a band in there, two girls on guitar, one on bass and one on drums, all frowning at their instruments and fiddling with tuning pegs or tension rods. 
“You’re un-tuning their instruments?” he says. “That’s pretty bad, even for you.” Calum makes a noise of outrage. 
“What do you mean, even for me?” he says, sounding scandalised. “That tattoo was fucking hilarious, you said so yourself.” Michael’s eyes flick down to Calum’s bicep, even though it’s covered by his leather jacket. Calum notices, and folds his arms. “Yeah, fuck you for that. Do you have any idea the number of favours I had to call in to get rid of it?” Michael snorts. 
“Who the fuck owes you favours?” he asks, and Calum grins, eyes gleaming. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he says. 
“Yeah, that’s why I’m asking,” Michael points out. Calum rolls his eyes, and turns back to the sound engineer, who looks like he’s ready to cry. 
“I asked around about you,” Calum comments casually, as they both watch the sound engineer fiddle with yet more knobs. 
“Oh?” Michael hums, interest piqued. “You know, the Devil and I had a good understanding.” 
“Yeah, until you waged a war against him,” Calum says. 
“On the Lord’s orders,” Michael says, a little defensively. 
“Well, he found it pretty funny that you got demoted,” Calum says. Michael rolls his eyes. Of course he did. 
“He would,” Michael says. “Did he tell you about the time the Lord made him wash the Son’s feet in front of the whole host?” Calum gapes at him. 
“No,” he says, sounding flabbergasted. Michael grins, feeling oddly satisfied.  
“Yeah, I bet he didn’t,” he says. “Didn’t realise he concerned himself with petty demons like you, anyway.” Calum scowls. 
“I’m not a petty demon,” he says, a shade petulantly. 
“You un-tune people’s guitars, dude,” Michael says. “Pretty sure demons are meant to be out committing homicide, and stuff.” 
“There are plenty of demons who do the whole murder thing,” Calum says, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m striking out.” Michael can’t help but grin at that. 
“I’ll put that in your file,” he tells Calum. “‘Not Like Other Demons’. Got it.” 
“I’ve got a file?” 
“What, you think we just let demons run around unchecked?” Calum blinks at him.
“You know Galadriel’s in the US president’s cabinet right now?” he says slowly. 
“Of course we know,” Michael says.  
“And you’re leaving him be?” Michael shrugs. 
“Not my department,” he says. Calum stares at him for a moment, and then a grin breaks out on his face, and he shakes his head. 
“Man, things have definitely changed since I was up there,” he says. 
“When was that?” Michael asks. Calum shrugs. 
“I dunno, I’m not great with time,” he says. “One, two thousand years ago?” Michael hums thoughtfully. 
“You remember Raphael?” he says. Calum rolls his eyes, and now that, that is a sentiment Michael can really get behind. 
“Unfortunately,” he mutters. “He still so fucking holier-than-thou?” 
“You thought he was holier-than-thou then?” Michael says, raising his eyebrows. “You should see him since my latest demotion.” He pitches his voice up a few octaves, and mimics: “Oh, Michael, if you just repented, you could have your seat at His side again. We’re all rooting for you. You’re just letting yourself down.” Calum grins. 
“You get demoted often?” It’s Michael’s turn to shrug. 
“Every couple of centuries,” he says. Calum laughs, all straight white teeth and sparkling eyes, and Michael’s stomach flips. God, he’s far too fucking pretty for Michael to handle. Is that why He sent Michael after him? Is this His idea of revenge? 
“I have no idea how you’re still an angel,” Calum says, shaking his head, still smiling. 
“Pure heart,” Michael says solemnly. “That’s why I keep defending these poor, helpless humans from your shitty little tricks.” 
“They’re not shitty,” Calum protests, as Michael throws a glance over to the girls in the live room, tightening their tuning pegs and tension rods wordlessly. Calum sighs dramatically, eyes following Michael’s gaze. “Man, you’re so fucking boring, you know that?” 
“Whatever you say,” Michael says with a grin, stepping back. “Behave yourself, demon.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?” Calum says, eyes twinkling. Michael smirks, and drops Calum’s glamour with a snap of his fingers. The sound engineer whirls around immediately, eyes widening when he sees Calum in the corner of the room, and scrambles to his feet, grabbing a nearby guitar and brandishing it like a weapon. 
“Who the fuck are you?” the guy shouts. “How the fuck did you get in here?” Calum shoots Michael a glare. 
“I fucking hate you, angel,” is the last thing Michael hears before everything goes white. 
 The next time Ashton sends Michael after Calum, he finds him with another demon who looks decidedly undemonic, blonde hair framing baby-blue eyes. Calum’s head whips around when Michael clears his throat, eyes black, poised to pounce, but he relaxes when he sees who it is. Michael’s not sure what to make of that. The other demon, though, bares his teeth, eyes flashing to black, tensing at Michael’s presence.
“Evening,” Calum says casually as his eyes flicker back to looking human, like they’re friends, and like Michael doesn’t have the power to kill him with a snap of his fingers. 
“What are you doing?” Michael asks, cocking his head. There’s glue and there’s coins, and he doesn’t understand how the two of them combine. 
“Gluing coins to the footpath,” Calum says, stepping back to let Michael see. In the dim light of the streetlight a few metres away, Michael can see a few coins shining back at him. 
“Huh,” he says thoughtfully. “Who’s your friend?”
“Luke,” the other demon says, eyes narrowed and black, posture defensive. He’s oddly familiar, Michael thinks, a bitter taste rising in his throat when they lock eyes. Michael’s dealt with a lot of demons in his time, but he doesn’t remember any called Luke. “Who the fuck is this, Cal?” 
“This?” Calum says, far too nonchalantly, kicking at one of the coins to make sure it’s properly stuck. “Michael. You know, the archangel?” 
“C’mon, dude,” Michael protests. “That’s a sensitive topic.” Luke looks at him, and there’s an edge of a glint to his eyes that Michael doesn’t like the look of. 
“An archangel?” he asks Calum, eyes still on Michael. 
“Well, no,” Calum says cheerfully, dropping to his knees again and sending Michael a pointed look, eyes glittering with humour. “He got demoted. Just a regular angel now.” Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah, rub it in,” he says. “Who are you, the Raphael of Hell?” Calum snorts, and Luke looks from Calum to Michael and back again. 
“Are you going to kill us?” he says. 
“That depends,” Michael says. “Are you going to piss me off enough to make me?” 
“Don’t worry about him,” Calum tells Luke, reaching for another coin and some glue. “He’s the worst angel they’ve got.” Michael sighs, an I didn’t want to have to do this but you’ve twisted my arm kind of sigh, and raises his hand. Calum jerks into the air, feet dangling beneath him, and his wings instinctively shoot out, beating wildly to try and escape Michael’s chokehold. They’re kind of gorgeous, actually - sleek, black feathers, a little unkempt. 
“Huh,” Michael says thoughtfully, as Calum struggles against his hold, wheezing and spluttering, and Luke stares at him, looking only mildly interested. “Nice wings, dude.” He lets Calum go, who drops to the ground with a loud crack, splitting the footpath on impact. Calum winces, rubbing at his throat, and folds his wings back in. 
“Thanks,” he says, coughing. “Always thought black suited me better.” Michael hums in agreement. He can’t really see the pure, brilliant white he has on his own back working with Calum’s aesthetic. 
“Hey, d’you have a halo?” Calum says to Michael, voice still a little hoarse. 
“‘Course,” Michael says. “Do you have horns?” Calum snorts, getting to his feet. 
“I can if you want me to,” he says, throwing Michael a wink. Luke stares at him. 
“Wait, are you two fucking?” he asks, a note of trepidation in his voice. Calum’s eyes flick to Michael, dark and hungry.
“Not yet,” he says, not taking his eyes off Michael. Michael swallows, and apologises to Ashton, who he just knows is listening, for the string of thoughts that just went through his mind. 
“I’m just doing my job,” Michael says to Luke, but he can’t tear his eyes away from Calum’s. 
“Isn’t your job to kill us?” 
“No,” Michael says. “Just to stop you. And, I’ve got to be honest, stopping Calum isn’t exactly hard. He’s kind of a shitty demon.” 
“Fuck you,” Calum says, scowling, and Michael grins. 
“If you’re lucky,” he says, winking at Calum before turning to Luke. “You don’t seem like a very intimidating demon either, dude, not gonna lie.” 
“Oh, you should see him when he’s pissed,” Calum says, and Luke huffs, looking a little embarrassed. “Remember that transport minister in Berlin that fell in front of a train a few months ago?” Michael gapes at him. 
“That was you?” he says, rounding on Luke. 
“Yep,” Calum says gleefully, on Luke’s behalf. 
“What, he stood on my foot on the underground and didn’t apologise,” Luke says defensively. Michael stares at him for a moment, and then shakes his head. 
“You’re a way better demon than Calum,” he says, and the cheerful grin slips off Calum’s face, replaced with an indignant scowl. 
“What the fuck, dude?” he demands. Michael shrugs. 
“Find yourself a better sidekick, Luke,” he recommends, taking a step back. 
“Go fuck yourself,” Calum says. Michael grins, flicking his wrist, and all the coins start rolling down the footpath towards the gutter. 
“What did I tell you about behaving?” he mock-chides, as Calum makes a noise of outrage, trying to stop a few of the coins with his feet. 
“Fuck you, angel,” Calum grumbles, and Michael blows him a kiss as he transports himself back home. 
 Michael’s in the middle of a debate with Peter about whether or not Julius Caesar should really have been let into Heaven when Ashton Summons him. 
“-just shouldn’t have crossed the Rubicon, if you ask me,” Michael finishes his sentence addressing the wall in Ashton’s office. He spins around, annoyed. “What the fuck, Ash? I was having a conversation.” Ashton holds up a picture of Luke and Calum that Michael had put in Calum’s file, tapping on Luke. 
“Who’s the friend?” he says. 
“Luke,” Michael says. “Can I go now?” 
“No,” Ashton says, motioning for Michael to sit. Michael sighs dramatically, but throws himself down into the chair. Ashton sits down opposite him, wings poised, and steeples his fingers against his chin. 
“You know Luke?” he asks carefully. Michael shrugs. 
“Met him once,” he says. “They were gluing coins to a footpath.” Ashton nods thoughtfully. “Oh, and he killed that transport minister in Berlin a few months ago.” 
“I think he’s killed a lot more than just the transport minister,” Ashton says, tapping on a thick, unmarked file on his right. Michael shrugs. 
“Humans have to die of something,” he says. Ashton gives him a look. 
“We’re meant to protect humanity,” he says reprovingly. 
“C’mon, Ash, they live about as long as it takes me to blink,” Michael says. Ashton purses his lips, but he knows Michael’s right. 
“I’m going after him,” he says eventually. Michael does a literal, honest-to-God double take. 
“You’re doing what?” he says, astounded. “You’re going down?” 
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Ashton says, a little snappily. “Gabriel’ll take over for me when I’m gone.” Michael groans. 
“C’mon, Ash, can’t you pick, like, Uriel, or Selaphiel, or something?” he asks desperately, because he’d rather die than answer to Gabriel, but Ashton shakes his head firmly. 
“Gabriel’s the only one qualified,” he says, eyes back on the picture of Luke and Calum. 
“What’s so interesting about Luke?” Michael asks, seeing the way Ashton’s eyes linger on him. “Why can’t you send someone else after him?” Ashton hesitates, then looks at Michael with a serious expression. 
“There’s never been a demon called Luke.” 
 Michael next sees Calum in a shopping centre food court. 
Calum spots him before he manages to get to him, and beckons him over, grinning excitedly. Michael tries to suppress a grin and ignore the way his stomach flips at that, pushing through the crowd to get to the booth Calum’s sat in and sliding in opposite him. 
“Watch this,” Calum says gleefully, nodding at the woman to their right. She takes a bite of her margherita pizza, nodding at whatever her friend is saying, and then stops, frowning, hand flying to her throat. 
“What did you do?” Michael asks, as the woman starts to cough. 
“Made her allergic to salt,” Calum says nonchalantly, and Michael snorts. The woman looks like she’s starting to struggle to breathe, so Michael waves his hand, and she relaxes, coughing a few more times, looking extremely confused and concerned. 
“So you’ve progressed to actually killing people now?” Michael asks, mildly intrigued. Calum shakes his head. 
“Knew you’d turn up,” he says, flashing Michael a grin. Michael rolls his eyes. 
“You don’t know that,” he says. “I’m a busy angel.” Calum snorts. 
“Right, that’s why they’ve sent you after me,” he says sarcastically, dipping a chip in some ketchup and popping it in his mouth. “Sure.” Michael shrugs. 
“He wanted me to go after you,” he says. Calum stops chewing, and frowns. 
“He?” he says, swallowing. “As in, Him?” Michael nods. “What the fuck? I’m on G-” he winces. “I’m on His radar?” 
“Apparently so,” Michael says, reaching for one of Calum’s chips and looking around for the mayonnaise. “Hey, where’s the mayo?” Calum stares at him. 
“You eat mayo, and I’m the demon?” he says in disbelief. Michael scowls at him, and conjures some mayonnaise. 
“It’s the best condiment,” he tells Calum, through a mouthful of chip. Calum shakes his head at him, looking genuinely disappointed. 
“What does He want with me, then?” he asks. Michael shrugs. 
“Do I look like God?” he says. Calum shrugs. 
“Never met Him,” he says. Michael raises his eyebrows. 
“Well, who kicked you out?” he asks. 
“Bet he enjoyed that.” Calum huffs out a laugh, sticking his finger in the ketchup and then in his mouth. Michael’s not sure whether he should be grossed out by the fact Calum’s eating pure ketchup, or turned on by the way Calum’s got his lips wrapped around his fingers, looking up at Michael through thick, black lashes. 
“You’re disgusting,” he settles for, but it comes out weak, and a grin’s flashing across Calum’s face in a second. 
“Only for you,” he says, with a wink. Michael rolls his eyes, and hopes the pink on his cheeks isn’t too obvious. He reaches for another one of Calum’s chips, and Calum’s eyes follow him. He looks like he’s weighing up whether or not he wants to say something. 
“What’s He like?” he asks eventually, curiously. 
“God?” Michael asks, and Calum nods. Michael swallows his mouthful of chips, and clears his throat. “He’s cool. Pretty laid-back guy. It’s the Son you want to watch out for.” Calum cocks an eyebrow in intrigue, and Michael nods. “Yeah, the Son’s got a proper stick up his ass. Never met anyone so uptight in my life.” 
“Might be a side effect of crucifixion,” Calum suggests, and Michael snorts. 
“Well, you know, there’s the whole Trinity thing,” Michael continues, “so He’s pretty strict when it comes to the Son. God, the Son’s so spoilt. You think Raphael’s bad, wait until you meet Jesus.” Calum snorts. 
“Don’t think I’ll be meeting the Son anytime soon,” he says, and there’s something hard in his eyes and bitter in his tone. Michael frowns, but it’s gone as soon as Michael opens his mouth to ask. 
“What about Hell?” he asks instead. 
“What about it?” 
“Well, what’s Satan up to nowadays?” A look of amusement flashes across Calum’s face. 
“Oh, y’know,” he says. “Same old.” 
“Being the proudest motherfucker around?” Calum laughs, eyes twinkling, and Michael has the feeling he’s said something much funnier than he intended to. 
“You could say that,” Calum says. 
“He still funny?” Michael asks. “Heaven’s way more boring without him. He was the only one with a fucking sense of humour.” Calum’s eyes glitter with mirth. 
“I’d say so,” he says, grinning. 
“Well,” Michael says, a little awkwardly, because Calum’s finding this way funnier than it should be. “Give him my best.” Calum bursts out laughing. 
“Will do, angel,” he says. 
 God is nothing like humans think. 
Okay, He’s a little like humans think - He’s got the beard - but that’s about it. 
“Hey, Mikey,” God says, grinning at him when he knocks at the door. “How’s my favourite angel?” Michael rolls his eyes, shutting the door behind him. 
“You’re not supposed to have favourites,” he tells God. 
“I don’t,” God says, eyes twinkling. “But Raphael was listening.” Michael snorts, shaking his head, and God gestures at the seat opposite His desk, capping His pen as Michael sits down. 
“You reinstating me as archangel?” Michael asks cheerfully. God sighs, giving him a serious look, and the smile slips off Michael’s face. 
“You know, Jesus is still mad about the onion,” He says gravely. “You made Him look bad, which means you made me look bad.” 
“You know I didn’t mean to do that,” Michael says, because He can see Michael’s intentions laid out in front of him, clear as day. “And you know I’m sorry.” 
“I know,” God says. “So I am reinstating you. But don’t play around with the Son again.” Michael nods meekly, wings sagging a little. 
“Thank you, Father,” he says. God waves His hand dismissively, grinning. 
“You knew I was going to reinstate you,” He says. 
“Ashton’s going to be pissed,” Michael says, and God chuckles. 
“He knew too,” He says. “He thinks you get special treatment.” That fucker. And, yeah, whoops, Michael’s in the presence of the Lord, and isn’t censoring his thoughts. Whoops. Sorry. “Apology accepted,” He says, grinning. 
Michael hesitates, then, because it reminds him of some things Calum’s said - you exercise your free will to swear, and the many different iterations of you’re the worst angel up there. God raises an eyebrow, motioning for Michael to ask. 
“Why don’t you kick me out?” Michael blurts. God leans back in His seat. 
“You want me to kick you out?” He asks. Michael shakes his head. 
“But I- y’know,” Michael says, shrugging a little uncomfortably in the heat of His gaze. There’s nothing quite like the scrutiny of the Lord. “I swear. I blaspheme. I- uh.” He flushes, and God smirks as images of just what exactly Michael would like to do to Calum flash through his mind. Michael clears his throat. “I’m not exactly a model angel.” God looks at him, calculating, and Michael tries to resist the urge to fall to his knees. 
“You use your free will exactly as I intended it to be used,” He says. “You do as you please with a pure heart, unwaveringly loyal to me. You never have your own interests above mine.” 
“Even when I blaspheme?” God looks at him for a moment, and then smiles. 
“Even when you blaspheme,” He says gently. “You’d do well to remember my omniscience, Michael. Raphael may think obsequiousness is the way into my good books, but that was the reason I gave you free will. I knew some would use it for wrong, I knew some of you would use it to serve me blindly, but you’re the only one who’s ever used their free will as I intended, and the only one I’d ever want at my right-hand side.” Michael has to drop his gaze, can’t meet the holy power shining from His eyes. 
“Thank you, Father,” he says again, and he hears the awe in his own voice. Jesus Christ, he sounds like a human. God snorts at that. 
“Yeah, you do,” He says. “Now, go and tell Raphael you’ve been reinstated. I’ve seen how it plays out, and you’re going to love it.” 
“Can I tell him I’m your right-hand angel?” Michael says hopefully, and God laughs. 
“The fuck you can,” He says, eyes twinkling, and laughs again as Michael gawps at Him. “Oh, you think you’re the only one who can swear in here?” 
Yeah, Michael should have seen that one coming. 
 The next time Michael sees Calum, he’s with Luke again. It’s the middle of the night, and they’ve both cast glamours, whispering to each other in a dormitory in a hostel in Prague. Luke’s pointing at something across the room, and Michael silently casts his own glamour, sauntering over to them nonchalantly in the hopes of picking up what they’re talking about. 
“...the right side of the room, you take the left,” Luke says, gesturing to the other side of the room. 
“For what?” Michael asks, and both Calum and Luke jump, eyes instinctively turning black and baring their teeth. They both relax when they see who it is, though. 
“Can you let us have one night of fun?” Calum says, sighing. 
“Depends,” Michael says. “Does ‘fun’ involve fucking with the humans?” He indicates the ten people sleeping soundly in the room, and both Luke and Calum hesitate. 
“Well, yes, but-” Luke begins.
“No can do,” Michael says smoothly, and Calum scowls at him. 
“You ever get tired of being a boring cunt?” he asks, and Michael can’t help but laugh. 
“What are you up to?” he asks. 
“Unplugging people’s phone chargers,” Luke answers, eyes gleaming. “They’re all going to wake up with thirty percent charge. Some of them might even miss their alarms.” He sounds so fucking pleased with himself. Michael rolls his eyes. 
“What are you, three hundred?” he says, and he opens his mouth to make another  scathing remark, but is interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He whips around in surprise, because who the fuck can see through his glamour, to find Ashton standing there, looking equally surprised to see him. 
“Oh,” Michael says, turning back to Calum, who looks bewildered, and Luke, who looks shocked. “This is my superior. Although, actually, that’s not true anymore, is it?” 
“You get demoted too?” Calum asks Ashton sympathetically. Ashton sends Michael a glare, and shakes his head tightly. Calum looks back at Michael, who’s grinning widely. 
“No way,” he says incredulously. “You got reinstated?”
“He always gets reinstated,” Ashton mutters. 
“Jealousy’s not a good look you, Ash,” Michael tells him sweetly, and Ashton scowls at him. 
“Ashton,” Luke says suddenly. Ashton’s eyes slide over to him, something unreadable in his expression. 
“Yes,” he says, a little tightly. Michael frowns. What the fuck is Ashton’s deal with Luke? He’s just a harmless fucking demon. He’s about to start unplugging people’s phones, for God’s sake. Not exactly the kind of criminal mastermind Ashton usually descends for; the last time Ashton had come down had been for Attila the Hun. 
“Huh,” Luke says, a little smile unfolding on his lips. “You’re still fucking hot.” Michael’s eyes widen, and Calum chokes on his next breath, disguising it badly as a cough. 
“You know him?” Michael asks in disbelief. Luke grins, eyes glittering, and waves his hand. Michael watches as all the phone chargers in the room simultaneously unplug themselves and fall to the floor, and his jaw drops. No demon should be able to do that. Calum wouldn’t even be able to unplug two chargers at the same time. 
“Cal didn’t tell you?” Luke says sweetly. “Luke’s short for Lucifer.” 
 For want of a better phrase, all hell had broken loose as soon as the words had left Luke’s lips. 
Ashton and Michael’s wings had flown out, in warrior mode without a second’s hesitation, and Calum and Luke had responded in kind, growling, eyes black, teeth bared. 
“I knew it,” Ashton had hissed, holy light rolling off him so brightly it even almost hurt Michael’s eyes. Calum had shrunk back, but Luke had been unperturbed. “The minute I saw that picture, I knew it was you.” Luke had grinned, all sharp teeth and gleaming black eyes. 
“You think about me that often?” he’d said. 
“Of course I fucking think about you,” Ashton had spat, and Michael had stopped short, stared at him. 
“Did you just fucking swear?” he’d asked. 
“Not really the point, Michael,” Ashton had said through gritted teeth.
“Man, you’re not the only angel to swear?” Calum had said to Michael. 
“He never swears,” Michael had told him, bewildered. 
“These are special fucking circumstances,” Ashton had snapped, and the power in his voice had made Calum stumble back a few steps. 
“Look,” he’d said carefully, when he’d regained his footing. “Michael’s an archangel, you’re...whatever the fuck you are, and Luke’s the Devil. All I’m seeing here is I’m going to come out bottom if this comes down to a fight. Why don’t we take this somewhere else?” They’d all hesitated, tense and poised, none of them willing to be the first to give in, until Calum’s gaze had flickered to Michael, a pleading note in his brown eyes. 
And really, who’s Michael, archangel of the Lord, to say no to petty demon Calum? 
“Fine,” Michael had said, folding his wings, and after a moment’s hesitation, Ashton had followed suit. Luke had taken a moment longer, until Calum had nudged him pointedly, and then he’d folded his sleek black wings in too. 
That’s how they’ve ended up here, in a McDonald’s that’s open all night. They’re huddled in a booth, too close for comfort, Calum and Luke on one side, Michael and Ashton on another. 
“So,” Michael says awkwardly, cutting into the uncomfortable silence, because someone has to be the first to speak. “Sorry about, y’know. The war, and all that.” Luke snorts. 
“Water under the bridge,” he says, waving a hand dismissively, but his eyes don’t stray from Ashton. “You were always my favourite angel.” Ashton flinches at that. 
“What’s the fucking deal here?” Calum demands, and Michael’s silently grateful that he’s not the one who had to ask the question and risk getting publicly reamed out by Ashton. “How do you two know each other?” Luke grins, still gazing at Ashton. 
“You wanna tell them, or should I?” he says, and Ashton stiffens. “I guess I should, huh? It is my story, after all.” 
“Fucking spit it out already, Luke,” Calum says. Luke raises his eyebrows at Ashton, and then finally tears his gaze away. 
“Ashton’s the reason I fell,” Luke says. Michael feels his jaw drop.
“What?” he says, at the exact same time as Calum. 
“How?” Michael demands. 
“What the fuck?” Calum says. 
“What happened?” 
“What did he do?” 
“Hang on, I thought you fell because of pride,” Michael interrupts, jabbing a finger at Luke. Luke shakes his head. 
“I fell because I loved someone more than I loved Him,” he says, and then nods at Ashton. Michael blinks. 
“Sorry,” he says after a moment, shaking his head. “Not sure I’m getting this.” 
“Yeah,” Calum chimes in. “Sounds like you’re saying you and Ashton were, like...a thing?” 
“That’s what he’s saying,” Ashton says. 
“You- hang on,” Michael says, holding his hands up. “You, Ashton, angel who tells me off for even thinking about blaspheming, dated the Devil?” Ashton nods curtly. 
“Nah,” Calum says, shaking his head, “sorry, not having it.” Michael has to agree with that. No way did Ashton date Satan. 
“Wait,” he says suddenly. “No, this doesn’t make any sense. Why do you look different?” Luke shrugs. 
“Changed it up,” he says. “You get a much more exciting range of powers when you’re not confined by His morals.” He grins, and looks back at Ashton. “Ashton still recognised me, though, didn’t he?” Michael stares at Ashton. 
“You dated Satan?” he asks, and Ashton nods. “You never thought to fucking tell me?” 
“What was I supposed to say, Mike?” Ashton says. 
“Oh, I don’t know, hey, Michael, sorry about all those times I slammed you against a wall for swearing, turns out I dated the fucking Devil?” Michael suggests, slightly hysterical. None of this makes any fucking sense. 
“You slam him against walls?” Calum asks, sounding intrigued. “Huh. Shame. I won’t get to be the first.” Michael scowls at him. 
“Are you serious?” he demands. “I find out Ashton dated the literal Devil, and you want to make innuendos? What are you, an incubus?” Calum grins at him. 
“Might be,” he says. 
“Could make you one, if you wanted to be,” Luke offers. 
“If you’re Satan, why the fuck are you messing around with people’s phone chargers and gluing coins to footpaths?” Michael says. Luke shrugs. 
“Being annoying is way more fun than being evil,” he says. Michael stares at him, because yeah, that does actually sound like something Lucifer would say. But Lucifer also didn’t fucking date Ashton. 
“You two didn’t date,” Michael says, shaking his head. “That’s just- that’s just not true.” 
“I can’t lie, Michael,” Ashton reminds him, and Michael bites his lip, because it’s true, he can’t, but he also didn’t fucking date the Devil.
“So,” Luke continues, like this whole interlude hadn’t even happened, spreading his hands. “Turns out I loved Ashton more than he loved me. I get cast out, he doesn’t follow, cue thousands of years of warfare.” And actually, that’s a point. 
“You let me fight that war,” Michael says tightly, rounding on Ashton. “You let me lead that. You let me lead angels, your brothers, into battle to die, and you could have stopped it all along.” Ashton puts his head in his hands. 
“I couldn’t,” he says miserably. “I couldn’t force myself to love Lucifer more than I love Him.”
“Man, this is like a fucking soap opera,” Calum puts in, leaning back in the booth with a grin on his face. 
“I’m glad someone’s fucking enjoying themselves,” Michael snaps, and Calum holds his hands up in defence. 
“I’m a demon, dude,” he says. “I kind of get off on chaos.” He pauses, and then adds: “So do you, actually, don’t fucking lie. You said the tattoo was funny.” 
“That’s exactly why I’m so worried about you, Michael,” Ashton says. “You abuse your free will. I don’t want you to fall, too.” Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Ash, if I were going to fall, it’d would’ve happened a long fucking time ago,” he says. Ashton shoots him a look. 
“You’ve never been as close as you are now,” he says bluntly, eyes flicking to Calum. 
“Oh, c’mon, I want to fuck a demon, so what?” Michael says. “You actually fucked the Devil, and you’re still up there.” 
“You want to fuck me?” Calum interrupts, and Michael rolls his eyes. 
“Dude, of course I want to fuck you,” he says. Calum looks at him for a moment, and then his face splits into a self-satisfied grin. 
“Don’t blame you,” he says. “I am pretty fucking sexy.” 
“Not the moment, Calum,” Michael says warningly, and it’s Calum’s turn to roll his eyes, but he doesn’t retort. 
“He’s not going to fall, Ash,” Luke says, and there’s something gentle and reassuring in his tone that doesn’t really sit well with Michael’s idea of Satan. “Trust me. He’ll never love anyone more than he loves Him.” Calum’s grin drops at that, and Michael tries to ignore the unpleasant flip in his stomach. 
“You don’t know that,” Ashton says. “You haven’t seen how he uses his free will.” Michael hesitates. 
“I spoke to God about it,” he says, after a moment of dithering. “I- look, I can’t tell you what He said, but we’re on the same page.” Ashton throws him a sceptical look. “Come on, Ash, am I going to lie to you about what He said in front of Him?” Ashton hesitates, and then deflates.
“No,” he says reluctantly. “But-” 
“No, I’m not taking any more fucking criticism from you,” Michael interrupts, pointing a finger at him, “ever. You dated the Devil. I’m going to swear to fucking God-” he relishes the way Ashton flinches at that “-and I’m going to fuck Calum, and there’s absolutely fucking nothing you’re going to say about it.” Ashton opens his mouth, and then closes it again, and Michael gets a rush of satisfaction almost as strong as when he’d told Raphael he’d been reinstated as archangel, again. 
“Fine,” Ashton mutters. Luke shoots him a look somewhere between concern and amusement, and Michael tries not to think about the fact that Satan seems to at least somewhat care about Ashton, instead lapsing into an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes until Calum clears his throat. 
“So, Michael,” he says hopefully, breaking the tension. “We were gonna fuck?” 
 Just because Michael and Calum are fucking now doesn’t relieve Michael from his duties, as God kindly but firmly reminds him when he goes to ask about whether this is, like, even permitted. 
(“You know where I stand,” God had said. “Love no one more than me.”
“For you are a jealous God,” Michael had muttered, and God had grinned. 
He’s begged Calum to stop fucking around, but Calum seems to think it’s even funnier now that they’re whatever the fuck they are, uses it as a fucking booty call. His ideas are getting more and more ludicrous - he’d gone to someone’s house and put tiny holes in all of their socks, for God’s sake - just to call Michael down for a quick fuck. 
So when Michael hears that Calum’s caused a ten-car pileup on a motorway in England, he’s a little concerned. 
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this,” Calum says, aiming for light-hearted and missing, not even looking up when Michael sits down next to him on the overbridge. 
“That’s all in your hands,” Michael says, looking out at the (pretty impressive) traffic jam Calum’s caused. “Damn, dude. Bad day?” Calum huffs out a laugh, but it’s humourless. 
“Yeah, guess so,” he says moodily. Michael hesitates. On the one hand, Calum’s a demon, and even though they’re physically intimate, Michael’s not supposed to emotionally care about him. On the other hand, Michael’s an angel, so caring is kind of in his nature, and something about Calum just draws Michael in. 
“Wanna talk about it?” he says eventually, gently. Calum shrugs. 
“Nothing you can do about it,” he says. 
“I can listen,” Michael says. “Angel, remember? I do a lot of listening.” Calum snorts. 
“What are you angel of?” he asks. 
“Healing,” Michael says. 
“You heal broken hearts?” And, oh. Okay. Michael swallows. He shouldn’t care about that as much as he does. It shouldn’t matter to him that someone that isn’t Michael has broken Calum’s heart. 
“I can try,” he says, aiming for jovial, but it falls flat. Calum sighs. 
“Remember that dude who wrote that play about the people who couldn’t be together?” he says, kicking his legs out. Michael frowns. “You know, the one set in Italy? Couple of centuries ago?” Michael frowns, and Calum rolls his eyes. “C’mon, man, you know who I’m talking about. Ro- Roleo? No, wait, Romeo? Romeo and Juliet, that’s the one.” 
“...Shakespeare?” Michael says. 
“Yeah, him,” Calum says in relief. 
“What about him?” 
“Didn’t he write the whole star-crossed lovers thing?” Michael raises his eyebrows. 
“You remember that, but not Shakespeare’s name?” he says. Calum scowls, but it’s half-hearted. 
“My point is,” he says, and then he stops, and kicks his feet out again. 
“Your point is?” Michael prompts. Calum sighs, and stares down at the cars. 
“You ever feel like that?” he says gloomily. Michael follows his gaze. 
“Like a traffic jam?” he asks slowly. Calum rolls his eyes. 
“Like we’re star-crossed lovers,” he says, and oh. 
Oh, fucking hell. 
“Calum,” Michael says carefully, and Calum sighs again. 
“I know,” he says, before Michael can continue. “You don’t fucking care about me, whatever. It just fucking sucks.” He laughs humourlessly, and then adds: “You think He’d ever let me back in?” Michael dithers on that for a moment, before deciding to go for the truth. 
“I don’t think so, Cal,” he says gently. “You wouldn’t be able to love Him more than anyone else.” 
“Is that such a fucking crime?” Calum says bitterly. “That I have the capacity to love with thought, with intention, not just blindly?” 
“No,” Michael says kindly. “It just means you’d make a shitty angel.” 
“You’re a shitty angel,” Calum says. 
“I am,” Michael agrees. “But I’ll also never love anyone more than Him.” Calum deflates, and shit, are those tears? Can demons even cry? 
“What the fuck are we even doing then, Michael?” Calum asks flatly. Michael sighs. 
“I do care about you, Cal,” he says. “A lot. I should have killed you the first time I met you, but I couldn’t. There’s something about you, I just…” he trails off. “Look, it’s complicated. I do care about you. I’ll just never love you more than I love the Lord.” Calum stares at the traffic below them. 
“But you could love me?” he says to the cars. Michael nods. 
“Easily,” he says. Calum bites his lip. 
“I could be second best?” 
“You already are second best.” Calum’s brow creases, like he’s trying to make some kind of decision.
“Okay,” he says eventually. Michael frowns. 
“Okay?” Calum shrugs, and the wicked gleam is back in his eyes, just like that.  
“You know what they say,” he says, grinning. “First the worst, second the best.” Michael rolls his eyes, hard. 
“You really gonna have a breakdown and end it like that?” he says sceptically. 
“Demon, dude,” Calum reminds him. “Not really keen on serious.” 
“You sure you’re not, like, a poltergeist?” Michael says, and Calum shoves him off the overbridge. Michael squawks, wings unfolding so fast he thinks he might have sprained something, and he hits Calum upside the head with his left wing as he sets himself back down next to him. “You’re a fucking arsehole, you know that?” 
“And proud,” Calum tells him, and then sobers again. 
“What?” Michael prods. Calum sighs, and holds his hand out, fingers spread, for Michael to hold.  
“I don’t want you to fall for my sake,” he says. 
But, as Michael laces his fingers through Calum’s and stares at the cars under their feet, he thinks: would that be such a bad thing? 
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Stark Spangled Forever- Utter Nonsense Drabble... 40 Questions!
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Yeah so don’t ask me where this came  from, but I saw these floating around and for some reason decided it would be funny if Steve and Katie answered  some of them instead of me...
I think the original post was from @odaatlover​  and I think I was taggeed by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​. Anyway, I took my favourite ones and this was the result...enjoy!
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
Katie: I’d kinda like a tiger. They’re so graceful and  pretty but pack a mean bite and you wouldn’t mess with one would you?
Steve: Who does that remind you of?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Steve: (grinning) Nothing.
Katie : I can confirm that is also my favourite thing he sleeps in...
3. What song really gets you going?
Katie: In what way? If it’s to dance and just act like a crazy fool to then its always going to be “Back in Black” because it reminds me a lot of Tony and happy times growing up. But if its one to spark memories then its our wedding song.
Steve: “The Only One In Color” by Trapt. I also kinda like the John Legend song  “You and I” because it reminds me of her, you know, the bit aout trying on every damned out fit she ownes before we can go out.
Katie: I don’t do that.
Steve looks at Katie, eyebrow raising.
Katie: Ok, maybe I can be a little incecisive....but tha wasn’t really the point of the...you know what, never mind. Next...
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
Steve: It depends. If its breakfast or lunch dring the week then it’s usual eaten on the go whilst we’re getting the kids sorted or I’m in between classes...but dinner, well we always try and sit down. And at weekends we always eat at the table with the kids. 
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Katie: Dinner. During the week Steve and I eat a little bit later than the kids so we have that time to ourselves just to decompress and talk about our day, have a bit of us time...and at weekend we’re al together so I love it.
Steve: I love it for all those reasons, and also because she’s the best damned cook on the planet.
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Katie: Erm...
Steve: It’s pretty embarassing when you throw a Brat tantrum about something.. Katie: I don’t do that in public.
Steve: Bullshit. I refer you to the whole car purchasing situation a few years ago.
Katie: Jamie was only a baby...I was hormonal.
Steve: Hormonal my ass, you were being a brat.
Katie:  Whatever.  Yours is definately the need to stand with your hands on your hips and give someone your Captain look, especially when it’s someone you have never met before but they just happen to be doing something to piss you off.
Steve:  I make no apologies for this.  People can be idiots.
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
Both at same time: Chocolate.
Steve: Preferably British.  Cadbury’s to be specific. I got a taste for it when I was in London during the war.
Katie: He has a secret stash he hides from the kids...it’s great to blackmail him with.
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Steve: Soft
Katie: Hard
Steve: Although hard ones always remind me of when you went into labour with Jamie.  We were making them for lunch and you had a contraction and crushed one...
Katie: Oh yeah, maybe soft in that case...because that was painful.  And then I went throguh that another 3 times.Which is your fault.
Steve: I take full responsibility, yes. 
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
Katie: Walk into the middle of it and say “Prove it, put the hamer down...” Steve: sighs, That was one time.
Katie: And it levelled a forest.
Steve: Did it work?
Katie: Hmmm, suppose so.
Steve: There you go ...but if its a fight between us, the I can think of the best way to break it up...
Katie : grinning, yeah...that’ s pretty funny. Or the worst one is telling you you’re in the spare room.
Steve: Yeah...that sucks.
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
Katie: Putting on deep voice “Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?”
Steve: Sighing  I wish I had some smart reply to that bu I don’t...
Katie: No, you just threw us out the side of the damned thing from 14 storeys up
Steve: 19
Katie: That’s...that’s not better Steve.
11. Any hidden talents?
Steve: Not so much hidden really but I’m not a bad artist and Katie’s singing and piano playing is off the scale.
Katie: Steve’s really good at DIY. Like, brilliantly good.  And also pretty savvy with technology all things considered...
Steve: When you say all things considered you mean because I’m like 112
Katie: Actually, you’re like 127 if you count the 15 years you spent back in time after putting the stones back.
Steve: hesitates I thought you said they didn’t count because I didn’t spend them with you.
Katie: They don’t, but they still happened.
12. Socks or bare feet around the house?
Steve: Socks
Katie: Bare feet
Steve: Neither of those protect you from standing on lego, which for the record, I reckon has to be a pain worse than chilbirth.
Katie:  Seriously? You’re going there?
Steve: Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but it still hurts like hell.
13: Favorite board game?
Katie: Monopoly. Its funny to watch Emmy and Jamie getting really agitated and annoyed. The younger 3 don’t really get it, Rori just likes to help Steve by sorting all his money into piles and suggesting things he can spend it on.
Steve: Namely tutus and tap shoes...she still wants to be chorus girl.
14:Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Katie: Oh my God. Steve is a nightmare as he runs hotter than any of us, so whilst we want the fire or heat on he’s complaining he’s boiling hot all the time. Our bedroom is like an ice block.
Steve: Doll, I’ve been in an ice block. Trust me, our bedroom is like a furnace in comparison.
Katie: It si nice though, like sleeping with a big hot  water bottle.
15: At what age did you first have alcohol?
Katie: I’m sure Tony gave me beer when I was 15 or something but the first time I ever got drunk was aged 17. I went to a keg party at one of my friends and I was aboslutely shit faced. Tony held my hair back whilst i puked my guts upt for a good hour once I was home. I had the hangover to end all hangovers the next day and he cracked JARVIS up to maximum volume just to teach me a lesson.
Steve:  I think I was 18. Me and Buck drank a bottle of his dad’s home made hooch...yeah, it didn’t take me much to get me drunk back then and I was very, very illl. Ma thought I had a fever. Mr Barnes thought it was hilarious, but still gave us both a slap upside th head...
16. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
Katie: I would say my wedding dress, but Tony bought that for me, so it would probably the the dress I wore to the  SIP Launch for The Color Of Revenge...that cost...well it was in the tens of thousands
Steve:  Blinking How much?
Katie: You don’t need to know.
17. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Steve: Whatever my gal tells me to.
Katie: And you always look great Soldier.
18. Favorite memory?
Steve: Oooh, other than when we adopted Emmy or the kids were born, I’d have to say when Katie agreed to be my wife. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.
Katie: Me neither, not least becase I got my camero...
Steve: rolls eyes.
Katie:  Joking aside, yeah the engagement sticks in my mind but I think it was when you finally kissed me for the first time. I knew then that I was never gonna let you go.
Steve: yeah...that...ok you know what this is an impossible question after being together for so long.
19. Favorite shoes?
Katie: I have a pair of sparkly gold Jimmy Choo stilettoes that I’ve had for ages. They’re gorgeous, with ankle straps and pointed toes. I’ve had them for almost  17 years but they’re amazin.
Steve: grins. Yeah, they’re my favourite shoes too...
Katie: Pervert.
Steve: I’m not even gonna deny it. Those shoes ALWAYS stay on if I can help it.
20. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Both start to laugh hysterically.
Steve: Where do we start?
Katie: New York, Washington, Sokovia, Lagos, Leipzig, Siberia, Wakanda, Upstate and proablly a whole load of other places in between could be good places Stevie.
Steve: Yeah, this...I can’t answer this. 
21. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
Katie: I was 7 when my parents died but taking Tony as surrogate, I reckon him catching us in the kitchen when we were...you know, and he didn’t actually know about us has got to be up there.
Steve: Yeah, that was pretty bad... although my Ma once caught me and Bucky measuring our... looks down.
Katie: splutters What? You never told me this?
Steve: Well its not exactly somethign that crops up in conersation sweethheart? “Oh by the way, once when we were 16 me and Buck compared sizes...” Katie: Blinks. Boys are strange. So who had the biggest...
Steve: Next question...
22. Last time you had an orgasm?
Both grin.
Steve: Last night 
Katie: I can confrim this...there’s not many nights to be fair where we don’t...
23: Celebrity Crushes?
Katie: grins. Does Bucky Barnes count?
Steve: Fuck you.
24: Makeup or natural?
Katie: Normally I just wear a bit of tinted moisturiser and mascara, now I have the kids anyway. I don’t have time to really do my face in a morning. I’ll make the effort when we go out though...
Steve: You don’t need it honey.
Katie: Awww thanks baby.
Steve: Although that red lipstick you wear, the bright red..yeah...I like that... grins wickedly and winks It smears well...
Katie flushes: dirt bag
25. Favorite season?
Katie: Summer. Growing up in Malibu I like the sun and warmth.
Steve: Fall. It’s an artists dream...the colours and textures are amazing to work with
Katie: Fall is rubbish. Everything dies and it’s a bit shit.
Steve: But you make apple pie and get to snuggle in my sweaters.
Katie: literally the only 2 things good about it. 
26. Are you a competitive person?
Katie snorts and looks at Steve
Steve: I’m not even going to deny it. 
Katie: He even refuses to let the kids win a games sometimes.
Steve: Important life lessons, Doll. 
27. First pet you’ve ever owned?
Katie: My goldfish Flounder, the one that Tony replaced about 8 times. Other than that it was my Turkey Marv, he was ace.
Steve: I didn’t have any growing up so mine would be Lucky. He was a great dog. 
28. Favorite pasta dish?
Steve: Mac and Cheese, specifically Katie’s. It’s amazing.
Katie smiling: Yeah  I like Mac and Cheese, but I also enjoy carbonara.
29. Favorite kind of pizza?
Both: Pepperoni.
Steve: New York Style.
Katie: I like Deepdish every now and then.
Steve: It’s not the same...
Katie: well dur, that’s the point.
Steve: Yeah, not convinced. 
30. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Katie: Handful of close friends, without a doubt. They become an extension of your family, you know. All of us in the Avengers were close and when you have that bond, you’ll do anything for one another.
Steve: Agree completely. When you’re close like we all are then it makes everything that little bit easier, knowing that whatever you’re facing you’ve got each others 6.
31: Something that ruins your appetite?
Katie: Narrows eyes Whenver I see Ross on Tv. Makes me want to puke.
Steve: You really should let that go you know?
Katie: Never. I hold a grudge very well.
Steve: Don’t I know it.
32. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Steve: I’ve never been one for big nights out. I enjoy the odd one now and then but, I’d much rather curl up on the sofa or round the firepit with Katie or Sam or Bucky with a beer and some decent talk.
Katie: Yeah, at one time I would have said night out hands down, but certianly since having the kids, or even since we started dating, it’s definately change my ideas a little. Some of the nicest nights we’ve had have been spent on the sofa.
Steve grins: yeah...
Katie: And not just because of that....
33. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
Steve: I’ve only ever told one girl I loved them and she’s sat right here, and I said it first that night...
Katie: smiling Yeah, yeah you did. I wasn’t far behind though, like 3 seconds or something.
34. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Katie: Does a one night stand count as a first date? Because if so then yes...
Steve: Same.
Katie: Lottie?
Steve: Storm?
Both look at one another,  teasingly.
Katie: Ok next question...
35. Heroes or villains?
Steve: Some people might say there’s a fine line between the two. Katie: Oh here he goes, getting all Captain Philosophical again...look, everyone knows we were suposedly the heroes Steve, and to be fair we saved the world a fair few times, we were even fighting in the shadows during the Nomad years.
Steve: I know, I know...
36. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Steve: You know I’ve never actually counted.
Katie: You did 20 at the last brunch we went to.
Steve: 20...that’s...impressive.
Katie: smirking Bucky did 22
Steve: sighs Of course he did...
37: Favorite dessert?
Steve: Apple pie, preferably Katie’s
Katie: Pecan pie. Hands down. 
38 Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
Steve: Ooh, that’s..i suppose it depends. I do like a good TV series, especially if we can curl up and binge watch once the kids are going to bed but I do have fond memories of us working through the films on my list...
Katie: smiling, yeah we had a lot of fun. Still
39. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Steve: I love telling Katie how beautiful she is, and what a wonderful mother she is...all of which is true.
Katie: I like to remind Steve that he’s my Steve Rogers, not Captain America...because he is. And he’s the most amazing man on the planet, with or withouth that serum coursing through his veins. Which is what makes him the best dad the kids could wish for.
40. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Steve: smiling,  she’s sat right next to me.
Katie: smiling , back at ya soldier.
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Survey #409
“when everything is wrong, we move along”
Are you a good kisser? I mean there's no way for me to actually know, but I guess history suggests I'm not bad. What question do you hate being asked the most? "What does your tattoo mean?" I'm so self-conscious of my "strange" interests that I can't stand that question and I get SO awkward. I know, I know, "Then why did you even get it?" Reason being it makes me happy and I don't want my fears to win anyway. What do you think the hardest part of surviving is? Just that very thing: surviving. Getting through rough patches with your sanity and good health intact. Do you own any clothes you wouldn’t wear in front of your mother? No. Do you honestly hate anyone? Sometimes I think I still hate the girl Jason dated after me. It's entirely unjustified, and even knowing they're not together anymore (at least, to my knowledge), thinking of her just... makes me angry and jealous and just generally uncomfortable. I also sincerely hate someone who violated my best friend. What song did you hear last? I'm listening to a slowed down mash-up of "Circus" by Britney Spears and "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. It's actually p dope man. Have you ever walked in on your friends having sex? YIKES no. Where do you find you take most of your naps? I nap in my bed. Do you like sleeping just wearing your underwear and a top? No. I had to do that once and I was SO uncomfortable. Are you named after a parent or grandparent? No. Who was the last person to ask you out? Girt. Do you have nice legs? No. Has a boyfriend’s brother ever hit on you? No. Do you have a nice butt? That's an even bigger "no." I have like, no ass lmao. What do you have a massive attraction towards? Some short Korean dude that is the literal avatar of "chaotic good" lmao. Have you ever made a sex tape? NOOOOOOO and I never will. How do you feel about your weight right now? I am immensely unhappy and just seriously depressed by it. Have your parents ever told you that you’re a disappointment? Oh my god, no. I would die. I feel like they think that, but they've never said or acted so. Do graveyards thrill or terrify you? They give me a feeling of peace, and I find them humbling as a tiny, mortal being that's only here for a flicker in time. They remind me to try and make use of that spark. What song’s your current favorite? I've really been digging "SAVIOR" by SWARM as of recently. Do you miss any of your exes? Yes. Did you ever take pottery class in high school? They didn't offer a course for specifically pottery; it was just included in Art. I made one or two things. Have you ever felt yourself fainting? A few times. Who’s the last boy to make you cry? Guess. His memory, anyway. Did he know that he made you cry? I honestly wonder what he'd think if he knew all these years later, I still have times where I cry over him. When’s the last time you felt like a total asshole? I don't really know. Has anyone ever threatened you? Yes. Would you ever own a rat? I've owned quite a lot. I LOVE rats, and a part of me wants another pair, but I'm just not a great owner of pets that require so much cleaning. Would you or do you ever spank your kids? NO. I will ALWAYS say this regarding this subject: you do not teach your children through fear, nor do you instill in them, deliberately or not, that it is okay to hit people when they upset you. Have you ever considered being a cop? Nope. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive? Not long. Fish husbandry is more complicated than people make you think, so your ordinary fishbowl situation isn't going to work long. Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? My mother has. Dad has never said anything regarding this subject, thank god. That would be uncomfortable as shit. Have you ever spent over $100.00 on an article of clothing? What was it? Fuck no. Honestly, have you ever mooned or flashed somebody? No. Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? Actually, yes. I pulled the first all-nighter in eons a few days back. What was on the last sandwich you had? Ham, cheese, and mustard. Do you own a trenchcoat? Bitch I wish. Name the hardiest piece of technology you own? Christ, my iPod that I've had since middle school. Seriously, a 4th gen. iPod Nano is still running, and I use it HEAVILY. I have no fucking clue how it's still alive. Tell me the last thing you searched on the internet? A definition just to make sure I was using it correctly. Are you currently in a smoking environment? Nooooo. Ma would never allow someone to smoke in here, and I honestly wouldn't either. Have you ever owned a tire swing? No. Have you ever taken care of a drunk friend? No. How about a hungover friend? No. What’s your opinion on people who go hunting for sport? You gross me out. (: Do you know anyone who can fluently speak more than two languages? No. Have you ever gone in a sauna? NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I would hate that SO much. What animal have you always wanted as a pet but couldn’t have? ALWAYS wanted? Probably a ferret. I don't actually want one now, but the idea is still nice to imagine. They're such characters. Is there any TV show that ended that you wish hadn’t? Ugggghhhh, Deadman Wonderland. It ended on SUCH a cliffhanger. I mean the manga continued, so I could've chosen to read that, but I don't read manga. Have you ever seen your parents drunk and what was your reaction? I saw my dad drunk all the time when I was younger because he was an alcoholic for as long as he lived with us. I knew he was either going to be hilarious or volatile and withdrawn. 50/50 chance. I've seen my mom drunk a couple times, and it was always surprising to me because she drinks very rarely. She's a very social and silly drunk, and it's a rare occasion where she seems happy. What’s your biggest body worry when you wear a bikini? Hunny, you would NOT see me in a bikini. Even if no one else was around, I wouldn't put one on. If you had the chance to redo high school knowing what you know now, how would you redo it? I think I probably wouldn't have dated Jason. Do you or anyone you know have an account on deviantART? I have for many, many years, and have friends that do, too. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? Not anymore. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? HANDS. Who was the first person you made out with, and where was it? Jason, in his bed. When was the last time someone said you were attractive? WOW, who the fuck even knows. Have you ever had to pretend you were sober, even though you were wasted? How did it turn out? No. Have you ever smoked at school? No. Have you ever thrown up from working out? No. Do you think machines will take over the world? I think it's a possibility. Technology keeps advancing faster and faster that I wouldn't be all that surprised if we design them to such an advanced state that they have some sort of sentience. Is the way you typically behave congruent with your ethnic background? What the ACTUAL fuck is this question. Literally fuck off. Have you ever lived in a brand new house? No. Has the last person you kissed met your father? Yes. What’s your favourite breed of dog? I have a strong bias for beagles. As far as visual appeal of breeds goes, I REALLY couldn't tell ya. There are so many beautiful dogs. Do you think more about the past, present or future? I'm pretty obsessed with the past. Do you swear in front of your parents? Dad, freely. Around Mom, I try not to say "fuck" or "goddamn" because she really doesn't like those. I still say some words, though. It's just pure habit. What’s something that’s bothering you? I've just been having envy problems lately, and it's not an emotion I'm used to or enjoy whatsoever. Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn’t want to date? Yeah. Did any particular thing brighten up your day today? Not really. Do you know who your latest ex is dating? Nobody. What are your plans for the weekend? My sister Katie and her husband are coming to visit, and we're probably driving up to a lake that Ash and her little family stay at all the time so Katie can meet the kids. But with that storm coming through, it's questionable if we'll actually go, because it's an hour drive. When were you last in a car? Earlier today to go to the TMS office. I officially start my tapering sessions, so I won't be going every day now. Have you cried today at all? No. Have you ever gone out in public in your pajamas? That is noooot rare, honestly. Depends on where I'm going. Have you ever had bronchitis? Nope. Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them? Twice, I wanna say? What do you want right this second? To actually have motivation to draw a picture I have planned. If you were offered to smoke some weed right now would you accept? No. If I weren't so opposed to smoking because of the lung damage I honestly would, though. I'm curious how it would affect my anxiety. Can you control your dreams if you realize you are dreaming? No. When was the last time you cried really hard? I'm really not sure. Do you think you can last for an hour without talking? Very, very easily. I probably do that on a daily basis. Do you know anyone else with your name? Yes, but spelled differently.
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kkemtal · 3 years
A Hopeless Romantic's Acknowledgement Letter To 'The Only Exception' (My Overthinking Rants #23094589)
June 3, 2021
The hectic and unpredictable errands at my demanding job has become my new norm. This is not anymore college that my teenage self yearns to visit the memory lane and relive my moments of youth. The days of chasing adrenaline rush whilst being thrown to outrageous social circles, extra-curricular activities and exams. But, what's common in both of these chapters of my life is that at the end of the day, I always think and wonder about you. Still, I couldn't find an answer to this somewhat insignificant phenomenon since 2018. It's not an obsession for I'm not anymore on that infatuation stage nor being harbored with flattery feelings on the thought of you that would distract me during my whole day of work and self-focus. Sure, I had those risque dreams and the innocent ones about you which we have adorably admitted it through our hilarious flirty lewd roleplaying conversations a few days ago.
Really getting emotional right now and couldn't express this out loud of how much I want and need you. Don't wanna be a disturbance nor come out kind of as needy of your attention while you're focusing on your abroad ambitions. Better be stuck in a daydream or on dreamland exhibiting how much I want to genuinely love again if given another shot by the Universe at the right time made. But, you as the subject to my simplest intimate actions - cooking for you, watching suggested films together, joining you with me in playing hardcore games as a tease, cuddling while engaging to deep talks. Wanna be the one protecting you like a blanket covering a baby as a matter of security in times where you will be all weary about the world being too much for you. Or being your listener as if I were your teddy bear that you can embrace anytime you need to and be reminded that all of your worries will go away soon. I wish I will prove that to you someday once you come back here if you could still hold on to giving me a chance and trust in each other.
In other times, I always thought about the past findings I discovered about you or visiting our chat history traced back at college times. It is my subtle coping mechanism on missing you this much. Questioning alot about our synchronized flirtatious conversations such as throwing hints through frivolous jokes that somewhat display our gradual ignition of inexplicably undeniabe attraction to one another from mental, emotional and physical aspect.
I kept reminiscing every significant moment of what we had to linger that special connection I have always yearned for in which I could not find from a sea of different people I have met - business, casual dates and fellow admirers. The spiral of these thoughts about you has taken a toll on me holding on til I hit the hay around 2AM. It's a wrestle between my heart and my mind. Just by remembering my sombre moments of the repressed undeniable feelings I have with you.
Deeply stalking and realizing that you still had someone at that college period but then a memory flashes back on me where you've mentioned that you were still in a complicated relationship during our first night ride with other youth club mates at the L300 when your closest boy best friend started the 'get to know' informal game while we were travelling to the designated campsite. I was sulking deeply as if my fresh wounds were rubbed against a grain of salt. Lights were turned off inside my bedroom after arriving from my night classes and was pleading to God to help me overcome this confusion and denial since it's been a burdening weight off my shoulder from after a few months away of breaking free from my last toxic ex-boyfriend . This phase of developing feelings for you from the beginning of our early friendship since youth camp had plunged me down to a hopeless hole. Couldn't bear the thought of being rejected nor planted myself with false hopes of reciprocated feelings from realizing how much I seriously liked you. I was super soft and cautious everytime we planned to see each other if our school errand schedules were not so tight.
Until this very day, even though we're close 'friends' and sometimes we'd update each other about our current situation while being away and fixated on our ambitions, I still feel that tinge of special happiness and also got diffident whenever you chatted me. I always have that naturally instant shyness by being with you ever since college. Like, I admit I'm still shy whenever we started talking or hanging out until my shyness goes away the longer we stayed on our dates. I have never felt this way with anyone I had admired before.
I swear to God. You are Paramore's famous titular song - The Only Exception. You beat all the men (boys) who are generally just being swooned by my appearance drooling over my attention as if venerating with a lustful gaze at an intricately marvelling marbled Greek statue. I don't receive much appreciation based from my intellect, personality or simply 'me'. Those opposite species are no fun and thrill for me because I instinctively just feel their magnifying attraction towards me in a superficial level, it's a game over. I'm always having second thoughts and deeply prudent and fearful at the same time for people I casually dated before.
Especially learning so much anecdotes from dating in this generation, the more I want my inner peace to stay intact and never again will I ever fall into those ephemeral illusory traps. The more I get exhausted on starting anew by getting to know different strangers through casual dates in this exploratory world. It is a challenge I set to myself in testing the depth of my feelings for you, in hopes maybe there could be better than you in terms of sparks. I was glad on how gravely disappointed I am each time a person I fling with stops being connected with me. I had a good feeling as to why there's countless withdrawals or nothing worked out from those people. I finally understand why the moment I shared this to you. Now, with our healthy boundaries and clearer hints about our growing relationship in a long distance. There's no pressure between us.
And that's you whom I randomly sent Always Forever by Cults, Forevermore by Cuco and Sofia by Clairo for you to know how much I'm missing you and thinking about you almost each day I'm alive listening through those songs. I guess I really love you more than just a friend or a sibling. I want to skip to the chapter of the falling-out-of-love days and being together on boredom where silence is part of our language we commonly fathom its essence. I want to love you during your worst days. The most imaginable painful times I could think of in dealing with the imperfect sides of your whole being - your anger, pride, disappointments. I want to endure with you no matter how much ugly shades you'd throw at me once we'll slowly grow more comfortable around each other. I wish you're the one in this forbidden world that God has gifted me someone I would be with in overcoming our obstacles and flaws as partners in the long run of our developing relationship.
But then again, I should not be serious for we are still on this age of youth and exploration. No matter what, I will wait for you while riding in this flow between us and what's in it for us by the Universe in the future. Of course, there'll always be a limit on my patience that should not be taken for granted nor abused only to be set aside as a hook. That is a huge pang of disappointment born from being one-sided, which drives me back going down memory lane. Maybe that confession at Starbucks was nothing but a phase for you at that moment and we just took it differently. I'm scared that your depth of feelings for me at that moment was just merely pure admiration and mine was much more than that. The emotional aspect that encompasses from mental all the way to intimate attraction.
Have to end this rant as it is getting lengthy for this sad girl monologue.
If you ever come across and discover this perspective narrated about you, just know how much it really means to me or how much it makes me happy from your out-of-the-blue greeting and anything you want to tell me or ask me about at Messenger. You'll be the main reason as to why it has made my day special. It might be small but it is significant enough to motivate me even more.
PS: Listening to Sis by Clairo repetitively by writing down these midnight thoughts as my mind's cushion and solace.
- kkemtal
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nyarisu · 4 years
Rammstein: Paris liveblogging
This live is so fancy! My god, the intro is so dramatic, and the guys haven’t even appeared XD there are even alarm sounds!
Their entrance is *chef’s fingers kiss* and Ollie being the high fantasy dark elf we all asspire to be XD Say what you will about the spasmic editing, this was very nicely filmed!
I love the array of microphones on Till’s coat.
Asdghjl the flags being set into place and then Ollie with the flame! It’s all so badass! Also Schneider is hot XD
Oooh they’re starting with this one! Also one of the few times he’s counting.
The instrumental at the beginning is always giving me shivers, it’s so powerfull
And I love the static editing
I can say whatever I want about this song being over mentioned by everyone... but the true is it’s amazing!
Don’t punch yourself, dumb baby.
Lol @ Richard being a sea urchin XD
The ending was fantastic<3 very dramatic!
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen
The doom guy sounds are killing me I love them and the fireworks collars are amazing. I love this song so much!
Schneider throwing the drummstick in the air ♡
„AAAAAAA AAAAA” silly editing of Till every time AAAA BUT FUNNY NONETHELESS
I love the gloves!
This song always gets me so pumeped up! And the editing makes it even more dramatic and full o energy!
The fire works at the end!
Keine Lust
Unfortunately, I sometimes vibe with this song T_T
It has such a powerful beginning it must be wonderful to hear it live.
Wanna see me fangirl again about Schneider spinning the stick midair and then catching it again?
Flake loks weird and I wouldn’t trust him.
Richard’s „nein, Ich habe keine Lust”
Dear lord Till has wonderfull eyes.
Wtf was with that tongue, Jonas??
Very nice Schnooter shots!
Oh, Ollie is hoodless now. A bit better, I think.
Paul being badass with his guitar.
Till bby who hurt you like this?
(fortunately for me ich habe some Lust hence me doing this liveblog)
I love that chanting so much!
Did he just made a cross sign??
Till is doing some hammering and Flake is just vibing XD
The chanting! The fire! The atmpshere!! I love everything about this song live
If he doesn’t hit his forhead.... oh, he actually didn’t...
Asche zu Asche
Nice trio in the front~
I swear to god Richard is always sexy on the mic during this song and he’s probably doing it on purpose! And the way he gestures!!
Lol I was wondering when Till will start acting like a slut XD
The keyboards are amazing before the last chorus.
Yesssh microhpones on fire!1
Feuer frei
Ugh that tongue edit again... leave Till’s tongue alone, Jonas!
Auch, that hurt.
Flake, chase that nonsense right away XD
Leave his eye alone too!
That Schneider smirk when Till came with the mask. I love the masks!
IMAGINE BEING THERE and seeing this asdfghjkl the ultimate Rammstein experience.
Some green lightng oh no that’s Mutter better be prepared to have my heart broken. The saddest song to ever sad you have no idea what it does to me.
Richard playing there, he’s really feeling the song.
The guitar solo is amazing!
Till was suffering there and I was shamelessly admiring Schneider behind him XD
God his eyes
The spark shower, if that doesn’t beak your heart even further... (but very nice arms >w>)
*sighs* that was fantastic~
Mein Teil
Wow I can’t belive he even added sound effects to the title melting away gross :))))
I’m getting goosebumps because of the insrtumental, it’s that awesome!
I love the moves schenider has in the background. And everytime he strikes the air with his fist.
Flake popping out of the couldron kils me everytime XD
Too much blood editing.
Schneider is being once again sexy in the back.
Till has funny dance moves but i love his serious face
And Flake being like no thank you I’m not buying anythingXD
„you over there, give me your fire throwing thingy” jaaaaaaaa
There is no concert without Fklake’s spastic dance moves XD
Du riechst so gut
The bow!!
„der Wahnsinn” dear lord Richard you’re killing me.
The first time I saw Paul and Till doing that I almost had a heart attack I really thought they were gonna smash their heads together XD I see them doing it for shits and giggles.
I love the synchronised head baniging (more like bodybanging)
Yes, guitars on fire! Congrats on throwing that now jump after it :)))))
I just want to kiss Till’s mouth.
Links 2 3 4
Schneider stop being sexy!
I love the guys’ entrance for this song.
Till being all business. Onwards, my mighty stallion XD
The last chorus was very nice and full of energy (thanks editing).
Du hast
Ugh to those lightnings but otherwise is fantastic.
Do you think they ever get sick of playing it? I never expected this to be Richard’s fav song to play live....
That RZK ass XD
The fire!
Oh the keyboard must be divine live~
It must be really impressing to have a full hall singing just for you.
And then my favourite part! All that thing wiht shooting fire that comes back and then the whole stage exploding! Definitely my favourite R+ effect. Really nice image
This gave me goosebumps again
„Sechs Herzen, die brennen” *choking* thanks for the feels-
Flake is really brave for doing that boat thingy. I could never.
Lol those dance moves, unexpected butf unny as usual.
Till clapping for Flake XDDD silly
I like the pose he aodopted while waiting for the song to move on.
Buck dich intro
This gets it’s own section because I love the instrumental so much!! Or remix, whatever you wanna cal it. It’s fantastic<3
And Richard enjoying every eye on him :D Nice ass anyway.
Weird over editing I don’t understand but whatever, we’re ignoring that.
Woo woo machine XD
Hello Frau Schneider and her puppies #till lehman is a sub
One of my favourite Till looks.
Of course he must be humping something or someone XD
Schneider x Rchard banter is the best. And then bodilly dragging Till onto the stage<3 I HAVE LOTS OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING OK??
Look at him being a good puppy RHI WHERE IS YOUR FIC??
Buck dich
Honestly now what is better that a shirtless Till with a colar?
The most syncopated instrumental ever. They are fucking crazy (I love them).
I was reminded of this fic XDD
Wow imagine being there and seeing Buck dich for the first time that is wild
„why are you wet?” „eh, I was too close to the stage” (part 1)
The whole ending with Till and Schneider was hilarious XDDD
Man gegen man
Let’s go with that gay song! XD
Dumb editing but I’m focusing on Flake dancing beside Till.
He has an amazing back<3
I love how he goes crazy during the solo.
Wow Jonas went full with the editing for a few seconds didn’t he?
Also Till did something very sexy with that watter bottle.
Ohne dich
Time to have no feels again
I want that collar too.
Paulchard vibing together’
The hall looks amazin with all those little light on!
Dear lord Schneider looks fantastic.
Paul being cute again XD
Asdfghjkl Till crossing that bridge gave me a nose bleed tbh
Mein Herz brennt
My favorurite instrumental ever! And the one who convinced me to listen to this band.
A little sad they put on shirts again but hey, at least RZK took his off XD
The glowing heart is a loved effect but I preffer the current one to this, the timing is better now.
Live is the only way I’m not skipping this song. The last time I listened to it is probably the last time I watched this very live XD
Are they actually whistling?
Why do they all look so good?
Flake, what are you doing? :)))
Ich will
Richard’s arms lookin fine and Till is being a slutt with the microphone again XD
Was that chick shirtles? XDD
Nice firework at the end.
So... is this whistling real or?
Those wings... in Till’s defence, I thing the floating wings are much more spectacular and much easier for his back too.
Why!! Why do you edit those things?? They are gonna give me nightmares!
But whatever the wings on fire are cool.
Really Jonas this is not an anime stop enlarging eyes.
Another badass entrance, considering the song XD
„Er könnte etwas größer sein” will always kill me :)))
Oh, your eyes are so pretty~
Poor mic stand.
The dick canon! To be in the first few rows... XDD „why are you wet?” „eh, I was too close to the stage” (part 2)
I love how wide Till’s back is<3
„let’s do it QUICK” peak slutiness from Herr Lindemann :)))))
I love how they all gathered around Schneider.
It impresses me so much everytime they kneel for their audience<3
Looking very nice there, Ollie!
I thought Schneider was gonna do a backflip with how he streched XDDD oh, hello Richard~
Fruhling in Paris
Till has very nice legs.
Not saying anything about him floating off like a damn fairy :)))))
I love evey time one of the others is singling along (this time: Schneider)
And Flake just ran off XD
Tbh when I’m lacking motivation I really should watch this live it gives so much energy!
The Amerika / Engel whistling question still stands.
2 hours of nothing but Rammstein. I approve
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2o2o-kit · 4 years
O’s Movie Commentary: Fiddler on the Roof (1971)
Hi it’s O, and I decided to do a new thing where I will post my thoughts/commentary while watching movies. I will keep on updating this post as I watch the movie, well until it’s over then I’ll post a review (PS, let me know if I should more of these)
While I’m patiently waiting for Hamilton, I decided to do another movie musical, so ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ just came on Netflix and I have only heard like one or two songs from it so I decided to give it a try and post my thoughts here: *Slight Spolier Warning*
Holy What? This thing is 3 hours long!?! I thought it was only two, well I’m staying up late tonight
What a pretty sunrise, I love the shadows of the building
Ope there’s the fiddler on the roof
I didn’t realize it was that dangerous to play a fiddle on the roof
I kind of like the breaking the 4th wall
I don’t know if I like this whole ‘tradition’ thing, I bet the musical is about people changing tradition
I’m sorry matchmaker, but having no husband is better than having the worst husband, just look at Anne of Cleves
That tailor boy, Motel, is such dork, I love him 😍
I love the humor in this
Lazar Wolf is a cool name
Girls you don’t need a husband yet or at all
“Matchmaker, Matchmaker,” I’m starting to sing along to this 🎶🎵
I love these girls, they are my new theatre femme trio
These girls are so pretty, they don’t need a dowry 😍
Oh wait now the actress are all like 60, I forgot that
It’s time for: IF I WERE A RICH MAN 🎵
I have to stop myself from singing so I don’t wake my family
Okay that’s all the songs I know before viewing the musical
Perchik seems awesome he will fit in great with today’s modern society
Is Perchik going to get with one of the daughters, because we all know Motel is going to end up with the oldest, Tzeitel
Perchik is related to Bernie Sanders’, I’m calling it
Wait Lazar is waaaay to old to be marrying Tzeitel. He is like Tevye’s age. Also he seems nice but not cool enough to be named Lazar Wolf
This musical is hilarious
Say no Tevye, Tzeitel needs to be with Motel
I’m going to punch you Tevye
Yep Tevye, you will be Lazar’s daddy
Having a future son in law older than you is not funny Tevye, it’s gross 🤢🤮🤢
Ooooohhh, Perchik knows about Hodel’s crush on the rabbi’s son
Sparks are flying like someone getting electrocuted ⚡️🔌
I knew it
Tevye is so hungover
I love these progressive boys
They had a marriage pact?
Tevye, let them get married gosh darn it
Yes Motel, tell him
No, no, Tevye your holding the wrong fingers up for yelling TRADITION, you need to do the middle ones
EEEEEEKKKKKKK, Fiddler OTP #1 ✅, Tzeitel and Motel deserve happiness
Aww, I’m so happy 😀, I want that in my life
Leave Chava alone you Mazel Tov frat boys
Who dat? A potential mate for Chava
It is a potential mate, and German (I think)
Can’t choose which couple is my favorite in this
Okay Tevye’s dream is freaking me out
I don’t know how I feel about the entire village coming out to my wedding
I’m about to cry at this wedding, so incredibly sweet 🥺
That dancing though has me shookith
No, Perchik is being a radical, *gasp*, and he is dancing with Hodel, at a wedding, **double gasp**
This is amazing
I’m smiling so much right now, oh crap never mind
Aww Hodel is making sure Perchik is okay, that scream she did ☺️
Everything is getting all sad and stuff... this means act two has started
*bathroom break*
I love how it gives me an intermission, you don’t see that in movies anymore
Noooo don’t leave Perchik
Yes! He’s asking about Marriage
Everything is political™️
Eeeeeekkk, I’m very very happy 😆
Ugh Tevye, this crap again
Damn, that was an Okay Boomer moment
Screw your tradition Tevye
Tevye legit has his own invisible shoulder devil/angel
Do we get to see this whole thing again with Chava?
I don’t trust that soup
This makes me feel good on the inside, I’m so alone
Oh darn those Russian soilders
Yes Hodel making her own choices, even though it’s for a man, I still love her
Motel and Tzeital have a new arrival... oh that’s it, some how even better
Oh there is a baby!!! I think
Here go again, this time it’s Chava’s turn 🤦‍♀️
No Tyeve, let the world change
Okay Chava you are a little young to be married, but still
Those eyes on the mosaic are freaking me out and I don’t like it
Wow Golde is going into a church
Chava is not dead to you guys
This reminds me of Jessica from Merchant of Venice but more like able
This dancing sequence, I’m gettin chills
Guess who’s back, back again
F*** you Tyeve
Okay these girls are too young to have a visit from the matchmaker
What? Why? They can’t leave their town
I’m about to cry again
You tell him Tyeve
This song is so bittersweet
Don’t cry O, don’t cry
I need to go look for Lazer’s grave in Illinois
Aww don’t leave the animals
I knew Chava was alright, and Tzeital still loves her
God be with you
Where are Tzeital and Motel going too?
This is such a sad ending and this background music makes it sadder, I mean they all love each other but still, so unfair
The end
Okay, dang that was such a good musical! Some of the songs were a bit slow, but most of them were great. I do wish the musical had a bit more songs because with its’ 3 hour run time there were only 14 songs. I really enjoyed the emotion the musical had, the humor was amazing but I would also cry during it. The characters are great and have depth, and even though there are times when you really wish you could punch a character, you also understand their reasoning. As for I’m a sucker for love stories and this musical did not disappoint. Even Tyeve and Golde had their own sort of love story. As for me I would totally recommend this musical for anyone to see, and Fiddler is now in my top ten favorite musicals. 9.25/10
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