#hiei ibaraki
wanou-dorm · 2 years
Picrew Chain- Ship  Icecream 
I found this Cute Ice Cream Picrew
I made Kurama and Jade ship Icecream with it
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So I tag @twstinginthewind and anyone who what’s to make Ship Icecream
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Finally I have worked up enough Courage to ask all 3 of your beautiful NRC Ocs, What they think of the Wanou dorm boys and Shinobu ?
I'm so sorry for taking forever to get this done AHHHH
So, because there's a lot of students in the dorm, I decided to just say the student my nrc ocs will get along best with
Tsukiko thinks the dorm is interesting. Since all of its members have unnatural skin tones and well they've never seen that before. They're also a bit intimidated by its members since they're all very tall
The dorm member I think Tsukiko will get along best with is Kurama. Mostly because of their shared interest in fashion and dressing up others. I can see them making each other outfits
As for Shinobu, I can see Tsukiko acting like a big sibling to him. It's just their natural reaction whenever they interact with a Ramshackle member younger than them. Also, Tsukiko would probably decorate his hat, since it stays on
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(I'm sorry this is the only doodle I can offer 😭😭😭😭)
The dorm member Damien would get along best with is Shu. Because they're both the "problem child" They can either bond over the shared experience of being a problem child or just butt heads because of that
And I think Adrian might get along with Hiei! They're both sweet boys underneath and Adrian has experience dealing with people who had a short temper. He could help Hiei possibly manage his temper better or at least not set him off often
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
Hey I would like to ask Yuulan and Iman What they think of Each the Wanou Dorm members ( Besides Kurama he’s not done yet ) ?
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Delinquents with hearts of gold seem to follow Yuulan wherever she goes so she would probably take a liking to Shu right away! Her fascination with him is similar to her fascination with Malleus but without the romantic undertones, she's drawn to guys with nice voices so that would be another point of fascination for her too. I wonder, what nickname would Shu give her?
Hiei on the other hand, she'd probably dislike at first because she already has to deal with one hothead in her group (Ace). She couldn't possibly handle another. And I can imagine he and Grim getting into many spats and playing tricks on each other, furthering Yuulan's irritation.
I do think Yuulan would probably like Hoshiguma and appreciate that his personality seems calmer. She would also be interested in his tarot readings to see what her future could entail, and how much longer she has to live in Twisted Wonderland and put up with Crowley's antics.
And she and Shunpei have similar interests in photography, so she might like him as well, but also be a little concerned about his... knowledge of other students and how he'd use it.
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Iman might be a little put off by Shu's background and really isn't one for delinquents, but once they got to know each other better, I think she would at the very least respect him as a dorm leader and admire his poetic nature. But since she strongly dislikes the octavinelle trio but Shu doesn't mind them, he and Iman wouldn't likely be anything more than non-hostile acquaintances.
The same couldn't be said for her Hiei. She wouldn't fully hate him per se, and secretly thinks he's kind of precious, but she would disapprove of him and his lack of respect/reverence for her. With both of them being very temperamental, they'd probably get into many arguments that for Iman, are just for fun but who knows, Hiei might dislike her as well.
I can see Iman liking Hoshiguma the best. She tries to ingratiate herself with most senior students and he seems like the kind of guy who would get along well with Vidaria. So for both reasons, Iman would like him by default.
And with Shunpei, Iman would likely be friendly, but indifferent with him. But Sevens forbid he ever try to blackmail her because Iman has...special ways of dealing with people who try that with her. 👀
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jasdiary · 1 year
Asking Juvia Opinions On my Main ocs part 1
Shu Ibuki ( Shuten Douji/Sukia from Touhou)
Hiei Ibaraki( Ibaraki Douji/ Kasen from Touhou)
Hoshiguma Ooeyama( Hoshiguma Douji / Yuugi Hoshiguma from Touhou)
Ooo yayy more Juvia interactions 😈😈
Juvia & Shu
i think Juvia would be really intimidated by Shu at first, but would be totally chill with him once she gets to know him! She personally doesn’t really like the Leech twins but they decide on agreeing to disagree. I think they’d secretly have days where they hangout and sing together!
Juvia & Hiei
Because of Hiei’s anger issues, these two have a rocky start. As time goes on tho, Juvia sees how sweet he is and enjoys spending more time with him! She probably saw him throw a table one time and declared him her unofficial bodyguard HAHAHJS
Juvia & Hoshiguma
Juvia thinks Hoshiguma really cool and mysterious! They don’t talk much but Juvia watches from afar to see what he does. She witnessed Him use his unique magic and thought he was so cool and interesting. While Hoshiguma is tall and Juvia is clumsy, these two have definitely bumped into poles while walking together.
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luxstring · 10 months
Hello I see you have Oc interactions open So
Heres My Wanou Dorm Ocs ( Though I don't know if all the Links Works I have Most of them tagged . )
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama( Vice Housewarden )
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
OC Interaction
[Yo... like sorry I didn't draw five of them but can't draw that many people interacting ;-;. So I choose two from the five]
When Stolas first met Shu, he thought he was a delinquent looking for trouble, like y'know, half of the students in NRC, but he was wrong about him and Shu is in fact a really nice... Oni?? He liked Shu because he got to ask questions about Shu's species and he answered really politely which Stolas is still not used to because of Shu's tough stature. Stolas found out that Shu writes poems so he asked Shu to read him one and well...—
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Stolas thought he allowed a murderer in Ramshackle
When Stolas first met Hiei found out he had anger issues, he recommended Hiei to have a breathing exercise to calm himself down and have someone or someting be there with him to calm him down, since as much as he thinks Hiei is harmless, who knows what he might do if he can't calm himself down. Stolas does see Hiei become gentle when around small creatures, so he lets him hold Grim, for a while anyway.
Stolas did find Hiei to be really pretty though, he couldn't really pinpoint what he found pretty about him but he liked Hiei and is very vocal about it in his actions—
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Stolas can't control himself when he finds pretty people or things.
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authoruio · 2 years
As Someone who as Just skulking around I guess I’ll offer some of the Wanou dorms boys ( And Shinobu) to for interactions,m.. It dosent have to be all of them just any you want .
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
Shinobu Renko (Yuusona )
Touhou! It's been a long time since I have seen it!
Only doing Shu, Shunpei and Shinobu! Though, I'm only going to draw them with duos (and one with Shinobu) ^^;;
Shu with UiRen!
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UiO has a hate love for Shu, for one, she has to look up so much because... 6'5? Are you serious?
Yeah, she gets you're an oni but SERIOUSLY??
But that's alright, he's handsome, she doesn't care if the world is really against her... mocking her height
I think UiO and Shu will get along, UiO is excited to know more about him! She is so interested because, oni, handsome and hehe, messy hair buddies
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UiO is a kid size to him...
poor UiO... I won't be surprised if he carries her
Hey wait- what are you--!?
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UiO wants to die in a hole.
Shu pretty much finds it funny, he's not even in his true height and UiO is already half of his pseudo height...
Moving on, Miren is pretty much intimidated but hey at least this man is not a fae or a dragon (I don't know if thats any better Miren)
They're pretty much casual, Miren sees no reason to fear Shu apart from his height...
though he finds it funny that Shu is REALLY taller than UiO and can easily carry her. As long he doesn't hurt her... everything's neutral :D
Miren would like to offer to cook Shu anything he wants!
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Shunpei with Aori and Jiyoon
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Aori is curious! As he has seen Shunpei going around taking pictures, thanks to UiO's influence, curiosity got over him!
Though he doesn't regret conversing with Shunpei! Yay, a tengu friend!
Aori likes Shunpei's creative mind! Would 100% read his articles, he wants to learn how to do some journalism from Shunpei!
Show him your collective photos! He will be amazed how clean and natural they look!
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Jiyoon get's her inspiration from Shunpei, granted, his works are full of ideas not to mention his ideal pictures he had taken.
Who the hell won't be inspired?
Jiyoon wouldn't mind getting help from Shunpei, in return, she'll draw anything he may want her to.
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Jiyoon doesn't really want to try out journalism however, the way Shunpei made them makes her curious to try it out.
Shinobu with Jiyoon!
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Huh, theres a loud person stating random ideas. What the?
Jiyoon's invested with Shinobu, she's willing to listen to anything he wants to say.
Her curiosity and inspiration pulled her to Shinobu.
...His ideas are random but seems logical, Jiyoon would give him that.
As outspoken he is, she doesn't mind listening to his topics he wishes to voice.
Though she will retort some of her own opinion and maybe correct him if she sees a good reason to.
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silent-dragon · 1 year
Just Need this Help me Write him but What would Forneus think of the Wanou Oni trio Shu Ibuki
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama
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He would find Shu very relatable and connect with him alot. Forneus for many years was caged as a living museum exhibit and wasn't treated well. I feel if both opened up around their pasts some it would help them bond. Also loves the purple hair.
Hiei is one Forneus can't quite tell how they are but would offer friendship and see where it goes. He understands about being angry so maybe can distract with something fun to help Hiei out.
Hoshi is interesting..Forneus be curious why eyes are shut all the time so would ask and listen the reason why. He help him not hit too many poles and probably want to carry him becoming a tad concerned and protective to what Hoshi is ok with of course.
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m-twst-ocs · 2 years
[ 𝐔𝐍𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 ] ― sender feeds receiver something they’ve never tried before ( specify what ) - Japanese Onigashimian Hamburger steak - Anyone with Hiei Ibaraki
Hiei looked around the cafeteria, looking to see if anyone was available to sit next to. He noticed a girl sitting by herself. He decided to walk over to her and sat down.
The girl looked up, and Hiei recognized her as... that weird Ignihyde girl who's always scared of him.
She snapped her mouth shut and looked away from him. He gave he a weird look and started eating. After a few moments he glanced at her after realizing she hadn't moved an inch since he sat down.
"You okay?"
The girl shook her head. "Mmn!" She squeaked.
He watched her for a moment before glancing down at her plate, noticing the food on her plate.
"If you're not going to move, are you going to eat that?"
"Mmn?! Mm..." She seemingly couldn't say anything... but she shook her head once again.
She nodded her head. "Mhm."
He stared at her again, sighing heavily. "Do you know how to talk?"
She glared at him. "Y... Y-Y-Yeah, I d-d-do!" It seemingly took her a while to get the words out.
Hiei looked at her again. "Huh..." He stabbed some of his food with his fork and held it up "You ever had this before?"
She crossed her arms. "...A-And if I h-h-h-haven't?"
"Then try it."
"N-No way! What if it's some weird oni stuff! Trying to kill me right now?! I-I'm not even that famous!"
"What, are you trying to get Kaleena killed by saying she's famous?" He smirked.
"What?! No!" She held a hand up. "I was just saying there's no use in kill-MMPH!"
He shoved the fork in her mouth, shutting her up effectively. She squealed and pushed his arm away, though she was weak.
"There we go, now you can stop overreacting."
He pulled his hand away and she sat there, eating what he pushed in her mouth, making her glare at him. She swallowed and her glare intensified.
"Jerk. What if you choked me?!"
"That would have been unfortunate."
"Soulless jerk!" She shrieked.
"Did you like it?"
"Unimportant!" She stood up, grabbing her bag. "Now I know what Wanou Dorm is like if they let the likes of you in there! Ha!" She stormed away, leaving Hiei to stare at her walking away.
"Meh. Whatever." He continued eating. After a few minutes, he got a notification on his phone. He checked it and saw he got a text.
Unknown: I did like it.
Unknown: The name's Tina, btw.
He snickered. "I knew it."
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missputotyra · 2 years
Most People making Twisted Wonderland Ocs
let’s make a Cute Girl That the all boys will simp over
look at this boi my sweet son with His Boyfriend
My Thought Process
I want these Boys to have A Presence , be strong like bear , and see Leech Twins in the exact opposite way everyone else sees them ( terrifying and Creepy ) while also shipping them with the Leech Twins , But what has Such a prescence
looks at my Old Shuten and Ibaraki Douji Oc Whose Honestly Hopped Fandoms with me many times
… I have an Idea but These Characters need thier own dorm
and That How Wanou Dorm , Shu , Hiei were thought up.
yes They Do see the Leech Twins as Adorable they are Oni thier View on whats Cute is kinda Distorted so apparently 6’2 Tall eel people with razor sharp teeth and possibly a second jaw( moray eels have them ) are Adorable.
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yyh4ever · 4 years
Q: I heard from a friend that Kurama has a model, but what kind of person is he? (Mari Ishikawa, Ibaraki Prefecture)
A: This was written in the postscript of the Weekly Shonen Jump Table of Contents. The model for Kurama is a friend of Togashi-sensei. It seems that he’s a quite peculiar person, such as claiming being a French aristocrat even though he’s Japanese.
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Source: V-JUMP #8, 1993 (Q&A). Credits to @mitukimidori
The model for Kurama is a friend of mine. He is Japanese, but insists to be a French aristocrat. <Yoshihiro>
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Togashi answered a question about Hiei’s name:
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Q: How did you come up with the name "Hiei" (飛影)?
A: I feel like I decided it so quickly that I can't even remember about it now (laugh). I had a mental image of black, so I wanted to add the chinese character “shadow” (影) into his name.
🇯🇵 日本語
Q: 蔵馬にモデルがいるという話 を友達から聞いたのですが、 いったいどのような方なのですか? (茨城県石川真理) A これは、週刊少年ジャンプの目次に載っている、後書きに書かれていたんだ。それ で 、蔵馬のモデルになっているのは、冨樫先生 の友人の方。その方は、日本人なのにフランス貴族だと言い切るなど、なかなか変わった方なんだそうです。
※ 週刊少年ジャンプ 1991年35号
「 蔵馬のモデルは私の友人です。彼は日本人ですが自らをフランス貴族だと言い張ります 。 」 < 義博 >
Q:『飛影』という名前はどうし てつけられたの? A この答えも、冨樫先生に聞い こた せんせい てみたぞ。
「今となっては思い出せないほど、あっさりと決めたような気がします (笑)。黒のイメージがあったので、影って文字は入れたいなと考えてはいました。」
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
More about Various Yokai  - Oni
@twst-the-night-away @cherryjkj @twstinginthewind
Shu has said that Hoshi is a “ Fully grown oni “ and that Hoshiguma is Fluffy( Spefically say he’s Cuddled him like a Teddy Bear )
Alternatively Hoshiguma has Said Shu skin feels like Snake scale and had Four eye but that Shu was a Late Bloomer so Wouldn’t be considering Fully grown until his mid twenties .
They say that Hiei is the Most Human if they Drop their Less Monster like Forms besides the Fact That Hiei right arm is made of ( Redacted) . Oni Have a Large amount of variance between individuals.
Oni’s Are Naturally Able to bulk up easier but also have High Metabolism , Shu dose say that pretty much Easy for them to Accidentally put on Weight or Lose too much . ( and then Vargas mentioned that he looked abit Chubbier. )
Shu also mentioned that Oni Develop muscle natural regardless of they Wanted them off not .
Hoshi says that Oni’s feel emotions They Feeling it to the fullest extend even if they don’t look like it , It’s why Hoshi thought about Making Shu fall out of Love with Octavinelle cause If he gets Rejected he’s going feel it hard . That Also why Hiei Seems To be Grumpy and Easily Angered.
Shu being 10’0 is actually Uncommon among Oni the same with Hiei being 6’0 oni Push around 7’0 to 8’0 feet.
Azul asked Why Shu Dosent use the Same Method the Merfolk use , Shu says he dose but that from some reason it dosent Hidden all the oni Features and doesn’t Bring Down his Height at all
Hiei mentioned That Most oni look Completely human until there horns and tusks come in .
Most Oni Prefer people not call them Orges or Orcs thier Different .
Shunpei Mentions that Oni are Susceptible to a Yokai Disease called Nebutori ,Which Cause them to get Fat while asleep and Also raises The Victims Desires to Eat , Sleep and Do the Thing which get them to Spread it around. (yes I know the Original Concept was just Women. )
Shu is Allergic to beans it’s Actually a Pretty common Allergy among oni . Though Most oni can strangely eat Tofu just Fine just Not the Beans that make them . ( Yes , Shu used this as an Advantage During Beanfeast capture a lot of Farmers this way .)
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
What are their least favorite desserts, and why?
Sweet Asks
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“ I’m Allergic to Most things that contain Beans except Tofu so, anything that uses Anko ( Red Bean Paste) as a Filling.I’ll be in the Bathroom all day Throwing it back up. “ ( White Bean paste/ Shiro An is included Shu unfortunatey found from Kalim giving him a Present.)
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“ I hate Anmitsu , It’s not even Because of the Flavor . The Texture of the Agar agar And Everything else just dosent feeling right and I have to force myself to swallow it . “
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“You know how Vil likes Fruit Smoothies …. I tried one once and it’s funny he Dose not put a Lick of Sugar in it . In true Vil fashion ,he Uses Monkfruit extract . That the Story how I learned I’m Allergic to Monkfruit . Vil panicking and carrying you bridal Style to the nurses office is probably what some of his fangirls Dream of . Needless to say , I’ll never eat any “ Healthy” deserts from Pomefoire and especially not any fruit Smoothies Made by Vil .” ( Hoshi loves the Guy but he has an Epipen now.)
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“ If You Gave me a choice between Eating Sakura Flavored any thing for the rest of my life or the Random Mushrooms Jade Finds on the ground with out any idea if it could kill someone. I’d Stuff a Mushroom in my Mouth and Hallucinate a world were we never found out Cherry blossoms could be made Edible~ . Cherry Blossoms Taste like perfume unless Mixed with something like Strawberries in which Makes it okay . Plus ,Sakura flavored Foods are so Hyped up , I’d rather wait for Cherry Season .”
( Meanwhile there’s a Jade behind the Fox in an unfinished Mermaid styled Dress , whose Mushroom obsession has be validated.)
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“ Peppermint is too cool feeling okay!? The other Mints are fine . But, Peppermint felt like it burns my Mouth and Throat . Considering I’m A Tengu it might just come with the territory of being part bird .”
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“Don’t Tell any one but , Am I the only one who dosent like Trey ‘s Baking? I mean They Taste fine. But,You know Everyone kinda Hyped him up like a Desert God. When Trey improves at it maybe, maybe My Opinion will change . Don’t Tell anyone that Trey’s Desserts are my Least favorites .”
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Fun Facts with Hiei ft. Ruggster 
Hiei: Hey , Jack Did You Know Know that Hyena’s React to Catnip ?
Jack: … How did you Find out Hyena React to Cat Nip..
Hiei: I left a Bag in Savannahclaw and Watched as Ruggie Rolled around in it .
(..This is actually a true fact )
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Wanou Dorm profiles - Hiei Ibaraki
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@rubypearl31 @pearlwhitecats
Look at Him , Grumpy boy
Other Info
Twisted from : Ibaraki Douji / Kasen Ibaraki
Unique Magic -Grudges of Rashomon
It works like Cupids arrow in a way in two people Ibaraki choses with hate each other to the point of going out of thier way to make the other miserable . The targets are limited to 2
-Hes left handed cause most media depict Ibaraki Douji ‘s missing arm as the right one .
Hes actaully a sweet boy , hes just has anger managment issues his working out. Like Riddle only grumpier .
Its implied the right arm Hiei has isn't his original , hes usally has it Sealed up with bandages .
Hiei is actaully short by oni standard.. Yes 6'0 is short by oni standards the average is about 8 feet ,
He can throw a table with only one arm
Hes has implied that his actaully "wand " is actually a Yoyo
Voice Claim - (Im sorry if you dont like this anime , put the voice is perfect ) China , Hetalia
Theme song
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
*drops 🎮 on table* COOKIE RUN AU ONI TIME PLEASE!!
( This Well Included a Non twisted Oc xCanon Pair )
So, The Oni Are cared by Red Velvet cookie they call Red Velvet thier Big brother , They are Essentially similar To him as they were “ Repaired by Dark Enchantress .” However then Red gets a Vistor in the form of Creme Caramel cookie after pulling a Cake hound off Red velvets Face as well as seeing interact with His Little brothers , Red Velvet Fell for him .
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( Note: Creme is based on Xianxia , stuff like The Untamed , Scum Villian saving system ect. Creme is very much Chinese, Hes a Cultivatior .)
Hiei , Hoshiguma and Shu noticed how Red Reacts when Creme comes to visit from the Jelly sect after that . Of course being Mischievous little Kids they try to get them together. Which of has led to Red Bumping in to Creme Chest ( Creme is taller than Red ) more times than he would like to admit . Of Course Creme then notice Reds little brothers and asks If They’d Like to meet his Juniors ( Octatrio) .The oni think it would be cool but Red kinda knows it’s dangerous especially when he has Told Creme why he’s in a Giant tower All alone with Only cake Monsters is that he’s essentially a minon manufacturing plant for an evil Witch who want to take over the world . But Eventually somethings happens that Makes Red reconsider this , Pastry Cookie in her Battle With Red injures Hiei Trying to Keep her from hurting him, Breaking his Right arm similar to Red having it Replaced with a new one and Pomegranate Cookie who used Her powers On Shu after an argument ,Similar to what she did to Dark Choco making Relive his trauma of Abuse and Shu revealing She done it before just for “ annoying her” (Being a kid) . Of Course Red Faltered noticing the dropping rates Of production so. Reluctantly Red Told the Truth to Creme Caramel in his Next Visit Resolving to Take Hoshi , Shu , Hiei and Few Cakes monster he Trusted to the Jelly sect For Protection .
Creme seemingly Understood Red’s Reasons why as Creme is Notably dotin, Self sacrificing and Naive. However being a Worrywort , Creme had Already asked About what Happened with Hiei ? So they Resolved to Sneak Away under the guise of night.
Of course When they got to the Jelly Sect .Shu immediately walked over to a pond to look at the Pretty fish and a was greeted with a Floyd nibbling and Tugging on his Clothes . —————
Ube Oni Cookie( Shu )
-Apparently he was made from leftover Ube Cake Batter mixed into Cookies
According to strawberry Crepe cookies his Dough contains Sake .
Shu despite his Rebellious streak , is the most loyal to Red , to the Point of not even Acknowledging the others giving him Command besides Dark Enchantress.
The Jelly Sect dosent really Force Them into Chinese Culture , Which make Ube, Konapetio and Lemon mereguine Stand out with the Strange Hybrid of Chinese and Japanese styled Robes . Which other Sect don’t like
He Still ends with a crush on Octatrio ,and usallly end up with Blue Unagi Cookie(Floyd)
according to Shu Blue Ungai smells like Blueberries .
Ube is also Still a Massive Cookie when Fully Grown .
Ube booped Blue Unagi on the Nose when they first met.
The octotrio Notably protective of Creme so They are notably the one To “ Block “ Red Velvet from him ( Considering he Found them via Octopot after they were displace by the Licorice sea ) So Ube is in charge of Distracting them.
I say He’s about 8-13 during the backstories time this happened but is a teen by the Time actually he meets Gingerbrave and Friend as Creme and Red are Considered early to mid 20’s (I’ve heard even about 30’s For Red )
loves giving head pats even to Red just tease him about being Taller . Creme his more delicate with .(Even Thoughts Creme can Defend himself again his a notable Worrywort.)
Konapetio Oni Cookie( Hoshiguma)
he still likes Reading tarot’s
he’s much more comfortable with being seen in his true form here.
Hoshiguma is often really hated Pomegranate mainly for stuff she did to Shu
Hoshi is still the oldest .
so Pastry Got kinda Rebaked in this Universe due how Pissed Red was when Seeing Hiei he chucked her into the Batter to Never be heard from by St. Pastry again.
Kona has nightmares of Hearing Pastry Struggling and thinks that the Whole Fiasco is his Fault for not being to catch Lemon Meringue .
Konapetio has seen a group of Cookie( Pomefoire ) that looked a like Her working for dark Enchantress , Apparently on of them is called Cursed Ambrosia Cookie( Vil ) it’s seem that Pastry was Separated and Dark Enchantress made new Cookies out her . aleast that’s what Kona thinks is going on .
Apparently Ube has mentioned Ambrosia likely having Crush on him . Kona dosent believe it .
Everyone likes him cause he’s Chill.
He’s also is Seen with Cherry and Cherry Blossom a lot in kingdom , This makes Cursed Ambrosia a bit Jelaous of Cherry Blossom. His also Jelaous of Pure vanilla.
He sounds so much like Clotted Creme you just Take out the Haughtiness in his voice . Finacer almost was Duped by him. .
Lemon Meringue Oni Cookie
• His Right arm is Actually not made of Cakes But actually some kinda gummy Candy , He was Happy that he could match with Big bro
He also Apologizes profusely to Red. He was like 7 going on 8 at the Time.
Lemon Meringue is Still Grumpy as his TWST counterpart , Put Strawberry tart Cookie(Riddle) is Part of the Cookies Of Darknesses to Say Fuck You to his actual mother
In hindsight I should have when with Banana Cause That’s a Joke about FGO’s Ibaraki Douji to call her Banana Oni .
Strawberry Tart was Watched over by Pomegranate , however Hiei Got to see him often because Pomegranate often Keeps tabs On Red Velvet so let him Play with the Cake hound and other Monsters
Lemon Meringue, even had Red Make a Hound for Strawberry tart .
Strawberry tart was Heartbroken to Hear they had to Leave but promised to never Reveal where they Left to .
He’s Still kept that Promise , Eventually Sneaking Away with Pistachio tart and Cheshire Cookie into Hollyberry kingdom.
Lemon Meringue and Strawberry tart met backup in the Princess Competition … Yes they were Dressed Up reluctantly . But ultimately ending up Enjoying it .
Creme Dotes on him a lot along with Blue Unagi and Blackberry Ink(Azul ) . He knows Lemon Meringue loves him even if He’s way of Showing it is being a grumpypants.
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
Just own curiousity cause she is my most developed character, what would the dorm think of Carol
“ .. Anyone who dislikes Vil is a friend of Mine . (He Only respect him for the Sake of Hoshi). Otherwise She Cute , Her eyes are rather Stunning “
“ I swear she looks like she plottin’ somethin’… Or maybe that’s me associating Glasses With Thinkin’ “
“ She absolutely adorable , it rare to find a “ Normal “ Looking person in Onigashima besides Reiji, she looks like absolutely treat , also anyone who dislikes Floyd is a friend of Mine ( he only Respect him for Shu’s sake ). “
“ Cute , looks like like she has something on her mind , She’d look Nice in a Sundress I made.”
“ Carol ? … Oh Shoot , isn’t she our Student We have to Interview .. oh wait my mistake it’s Charlie . Carol seems like She has a lot of People After her heart , but who wouldn’t those are the Eyes of a Keeper.”
Shinobu( Yuusona) twisted from Sumireko Usami from Touhou
“ …. I was supposed to have Help besides The ugly Cat !? , It probably wouldn’t have made match of a Difference with having Psychic powers and all that jazz but , having a partner that I don’t have to bribe with food ? “
Reiji ( RSA)
“ There’s actually a Normal Person on in this Place … besides Trey and Hoshi !? , Oh thank The Gods , I’m tired of some of the Crazy Characters here , Pompous Sickly sweet Pop stars , Arrogant Actors , Che’nya. It’s nice to see a normal Calm person . “
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