#kurama no mae
wanou-dorm · 2 years
Picrew Chain- Ship  Icecream 
I found this Cute Ice Cream Picrew
I made Kurama and Jade ship Icecream with it
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So I tag @twstinginthewind and anyone who what’s to make Ship Icecream
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Finally I have worked up enough Courage to ask all 3 of your beautiful NRC Ocs, What they think of the Wanou dorm boys and Shinobu ?
I'm so sorry for taking forever to get this done AHHHH
So, because there's a lot of students in the dorm, I decided to just say the student my nrc ocs will get along best with
Tsukiko thinks the dorm is interesting. Since all of its members have unnatural skin tones and well they've never seen that before. They're also a bit intimidated by its members since they're all very tall
The dorm member I think Tsukiko will get along best with is Kurama. Mostly because of their shared interest in fashion and dressing up others. I can see them making each other outfits
As for Shinobu, I can see Tsukiko acting like a big sibling to him. It's just their natural reaction whenever they interact with a Ramshackle member younger than them. Also, Tsukiko would probably decorate his hat, since it stays on
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(I'm sorry this is the only doodle I can offer 😭😭😭😭)
The dorm member Damien would get along best with is Shu. Because they're both the "problem child" They can either bond over the shared experience of being a problem child or just butt heads because of that
And I think Adrian might get along with Hiei! They're both sweet boys underneath and Adrian has experience dealing with people who had a short temper. He could help Hiei possibly manage his temper better or at least not set him off often
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
★ Ione and Shu and Farron and Kurama
See What My Muse Feels Towards Yours!
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How Ione feels about Shu
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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How Farron feels about Kurama
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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omkookie · 9 months
✨Ikegen memes because you found Tamamo✨
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yasutomoe · 3 months
Full Metal Alchemist The Stage [dl]
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Cast: Isshiki Yohei : Edward Elric (double cast) Hirono Ryota : Edward Elric (double cast) Mashima Shuto : Alphonse Elric Okabe Rin : Winry Rockbell Aoki Jin : Roy Mustang (double cast) Wada Takuma : Roy Mustang (double cast) Tsukui Minami : Riza Hawkeye Metal Yoshida : Alex Louis Armstrong Okamoto Yuki : Maes Hughes Kimisawa Yuki : Jean Havoc Harashima Motohisa : Denny Brosh Mizuki Sakurako : Maria Ross Abe Yutaka : Tim Marco Oishi Keita : Shou Tucker Ono Hikari : Izumi Curtis Sao Kurama : Lust Hiramatsu Raima : Envy Kusano Taisei : Gluttony Hoshi Tomoya : Scar Suzuki Shogo : Solf J. Kimblee Kuge Megumi : Pinako Rockbell Saito Mizuki : Gracia Hughes Ogawa Himari : Nina Tucker (double cast) Shiribiki Yuika : Nina Tucker (double cast) Tatsumi Takuro : King Bradley Sakurada Kosei : Alphonse Elric (suit actor)
hello, 2.5D community! this would be my first time sharing my copy of a blu ray purchase so i hope i ripped the files properly. i haven't checked them due to my very packed schedule, so please message me if there are any problems.
here is the link to the files for both disc 1 (hirono ryo as edward elric, wada takuma as roy mustang) and disc 2 (isshiki yohei as edward elric, aoki jin as roy mustang). i might remove the link on this post after a while so please save it asap.
then as for the rules, just like the others, please do not upload on streaming sites.
enjoy the stage play!
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ga-yuu · 8 months
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ofninetxils · 10 days
(Au/OC/Anon/Crossover Friendly) (Allways will be open to rp with you all) (Do not be afraid to respond to it) (Don't Ask if you wish to rp ,just send me a starter) (Please be an rp acc if you wish to follow) (I will not follow non rp accounts) (NSFW:May Be Allowed if i am ok with it ) (FC/Header/Gif:Tamamo No Mae From Fate.since i am unable to find a perfect Kurama/Kyusha female name gif or pictures so i will be using Tamamo No Mae) (Also The Kurama i rp as is after the 4th great ninja war) (Small Au is ,that she Has a body of a milf Her bust size is H-sized ]
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luxstring · 10 months
Hello I see you have Oc interactions open So
Heres My Wanou Dorm Ocs ( Though I don't know if all the Links Works I have Most of them tagged . )
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama( Vice Housewarden )
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
OC Interaction
[Yo... like sorry I didn't draw five of them but can't draw that many people interacting ;-;. So I choose two from the five]
When Stolas first met Shu, he thought he was a delinquent looking for trouble, like y'know, half of the students in NRC, but he was wrong about him and Shu is in fact a really nice... Oni?? He liked Shu because he got to ask questions about Shu's species and he answered really politely which Stolas is still not used to because of Shu's tough stature. Stolas found out that Shu writes poems so he asked Shu to read him one and well...—
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Stolas thought he allowed a murderer in Ramshackle
When Stolas first met Hiei found out he had anger issues, he recommended Hiei to have a breathing exercise to calm himself down and have someone or someting be there with him to calm him down, since as much as he thinks Hiei is harmless, who knows what he might do if he can't calm himself down. Stolas does see Hiei become gentle when around small creatures, so he lets him hold Grim, for a while anyway.
Stolas did find Hiei to be really pretty though, he couldn't really pinpoint what he found pretty about him but he liked Hiei and is very vocal about it in his actions—
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Stolas can't control himself when he finds pretty people or things.
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not an ask but I love how you drew Kurama and his parent in Chinese-style clothing! Based on what Kurama wears in the show it was always my headcanon that he was a fox spirit of Chinese origin
This is an old ask but thanks! I also have that headcanon! Maybe Kurama’s family had to flee China for reasons, kind of like the legend of Tamamo-no-Mae. But I also just like drawing Kurama in hanfu.
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mandilo · 2 years
舞台『鋼の錬金術師』 Full Metal Alchemist The Stage
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The main visual and public conference has given is dates double cas and visuals for the fullmetal adaptation on stage
The stage will run in Osaka and Tokyo in march with a double cast
Osaka run : 2023年3月8日~3月12日 Tokyo run :2023年3月17日~3月26日
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Cast :
Edward Elric : Isshiki Yohei/Hirono Ryota Alphonse Elric : Mashima Shuto (suit actor Kosei sakurada) Winry Rockbell : Rin Okabe Roy Mustang : Aoki Jin/ Wada Takuma Riza hawkeye : Tsukui Minami Alex Louis Amstrong : Metal Yoshida Maes Hughes : Yuki Okamoto Jean Havoc : Kimisawa Yuki Denis Brosh : Harashima Motohisa Maria Rose : Mizuki Sakurako Tim marco : Abe Yukata Shou Tucker : Oishi Keita Izumi Curtis : Ono Hikari Lust : Sao Kurama Envy : Hiramatsu Raima Glutony : Kusano Taisei Scar : Hoshi Tomoya Suzuki Shogo : Zolf J Kimblee Pinaco Rockbell : Kuge Megumi Gracia Hughes : Saito Mizuki Nina Tucker : Ogawa Himari/Shiribiki Yuika King Bradley : Tatsumi Takuro
Official site
natalie : (X)
Released videos : (X)
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wanou-dorm · 1 year
Kuruma's Birthday
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Background- @unfinished-projects-galore
Don't Be Afraid to wish him Happy Birthday
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authoruio · 2 years
As Someone who as Just skulking around I guess I’ll offer some of the Wanou dorms boys ( And Shinobu) to for interactions,m.. It dosent have to be all of them just any you want .
Shu Ibuki ( Housewarden )
Hiei Ibaraki
Hoshiguma Ooeyama
Kurama No Mae
Shunpei Amagi
Shinobu Renko (Yuusona )
Touhou! It's been a long time since I have seen it!
Only doing Shu, Shunpei and Shinobu! Though, I'm only going to draw them with duos (and one with Shinobu) ^^;;
Shu with UiRen!
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UiO has a hate love for Shu, for one, she has to look up so much because... 6'5? Are you serious?
Yeah, she gets you're an oni but SERIOUSLY??
But that's alright, he's handsome, she doesn't care if the world is really against her... mocking her height
I think UiO and Shu will get along, UiO is excited to know more about him! She is so interested because, oni, handsome and hehe, messy hair buddies
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UiO is a kid size to him...
poor UiO... I won't be surprised if he carries her
Hey wait- what are you--!?
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UiO wants to die in a hole.
Shu pretty much finds it funny, he's not even in his true height and UiO is already half of his pseudo height...
Moving on, Miren is pretty much intimidated but hey at least this man is not a fae or a dragon (I don't know if thats any better Miren)
They're pretty much casual, Miren sees no reason to fear Shu apart from his height...
though he finds it funny that Shu is REALLY taller than UiO and can easily carry her. As long he doesn't hurt her... everything's neutral :D
Miren would like to offer to cook Shu anything he wants!
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Shunpei with Aori and Jiyoon
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Aori is curious! As he has seen Shunpei going around taking pictures, thanks to UiO's influence, curiosity got over him!
Though he doesn't regret conversing with Shunpei! Yay, a tengu friend!
Aori likes Shunpei's creative mind! Would 100% read his articles, he wants to learn how to do some journalism from Shunpei!
Show him your collective photos! He will be amazed how clean and natural they look!
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Jiyoon get's her inspiration from Shunpei, granted, his works are full of ideas not to mention his ideal pictures he had taken.
Who the hell won't be inspired?
Jiyoon wouldn't mind getting help from Shunpei, in return, she'll draw anything he may want her to.
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Jiyoon doesn't really want to try out journalism however, the way Shunpei made them makes her curious to try it out.
Shinobu with Jiyoon!
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Huh, theres a loud person stating random ideas. What the?
Jiyoon's invested with Shinobu, she's willing to listen to anything he wants to say.
Her curiosity and inspiration pulled her to Shinobu.
...His ideas are random but seems logical, Jiyoon would give him that.
As outspoken he is, she doesn't mind listening to his topics he wishes to voice.
Though she will retort some of her own opinion and maybe correct him if she sees a good reason to.
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bonescribes · 1 year
"Kurama you're a demon fox, has any of your past relatives ever met Tamamo no Mae? Saw that broad on the internet in modern art and she can definitely get a load of my spirit energy..Would that make us related if I did get hitched with a fox demon?"
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" yusuke , please never speak to me ever again . "
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Welp I’m Finally getting around to this, What would Your Ocs think of the Wanou gang Members.
//Hello hello ! I'm still figuring out some things with the interaction format so this is just a heads up since I'm experimenting a bit with this ask ^^ Also I didn't do everyone in Wanous dorm since I am a bit tired today so I hope that's alright
On Shu Ibuki
"So he sings from what I've heard ... I would love to hear that someday ."
Orion isn't particularly interested in NRC housewardens since it's not his business frankly , but he does like to belt his heart once in a while . So he would appreciate a karaoke buddy or two .
"An Oni ? Twisted Wonderland never ceases to surprise me ."
Yuuri is a big big fan of folktales , and an Oni is one he has heard lots about . You can expect him to look at Shu with awe in his eyes . These two may not have much in common , but I can see Yuuri approaching Shu about Wanou dorm due to the dorm's specialty in anime , video games and such .
On Hoshiguma Ooeyama
"I have not heard much about him , though I'm curious about his tarot readings ."
Once again I must apologise but theoretically I don't think Orion would interact much with Wanou Dorm unless its due to unique circumstances . He's curious about certain aspects such as the famed tarot readings , but other than that , he's a little too busy to bother .
"How do you not like cold soba ? I'm just saying!
Hoshiguma better watch out for the kid that is Yuuri , although it's not their all time favourite , I can see Yuuri jokingly feud with Hoshi over cold soba . Yuuri themself is not a big believer of tarot readings and such , but he is curious about the accuracy of Hoshiguma's readings .
On Kurama No Mae
"I certainly would not be on the receiving end of his 'punishments' However his drive for his passion is admirable ."
There is not much to be said with Orion today , man. He admires those who decide to chase their dreams and passion , however , he would not appreciate having to be on the end of Kurama's hobby .
"Finally a kindred soul in this barren land . I could shed a singular tear of joy ."
Yuuri has found a new friend . Someone who also appreciates the fine art of crossdressing ? Sign him up ! I can see these two getting up some chaos messing with some of the students . Yuuri could also use a friend who knows a thing or two with making clothes , they're decent at it at best so there's much room for improvement .
Note : I adore your ocs and I wish I could've written more , but I can't really think of a situation where Orion interacts much with NRC students . I apologise for that ^^;;
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starsrshiney · 5 months
What if Kurama from Naruto had 9 personalities based on these Tamamo no Mae's tails?
I have little to no knowledge of both of those series.
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ga-yuu · 5 months
Things I wish they did in Ikegen:
Having Yoshino have ears and tails, Yoshitsune have wings and Akihito have horns when they use their supernatural powers.
Sprites for Yoshino 😶 this one's personal! I wanna see her beautiful face on screen!
A sprite for Tamamo-no-mae. Come on! We have a sprite for Ibuki in child form. Don't you think we should also get a mommy-form sprite for Tamamo??
Also while we're at it, let's have child sprites for every male leads.
Yoshino's backstory. I wish we could explore more about Yoshino and how she became the way she is and what inspired her to be a pharmacist. There is so many things we can do about this character. But no! Because some people want MCs with no personality and name because they wanna self-insert themselves otherwise they would just end up being another character.😏
Sometimes I wish there were no censorship then I couldn't have actually measured Sueharu's large phallus in 4k.
Add nipples please. Look at Ibuki!! Give him nipples! They'll look hot!
Release more stories only involving the male leads as an event rather than making us pay for it. They did with some collection events at very very beginning, but then they stopped doing it. I hope they bring that back because I love these male leads so much!! The humor is too good!
Baby event part 2. I'm still waiting....make it happen!
A threesome event! Not the vs story event but actual threesome event with Yoshino sharing happiness with 2 male leads! They did for ikevamp. I think they also did for ikepri. So why not ikegen? There is no way threesome cannot happen in this game. I bet there could be more than a threesome.
I don't want another what if event for another year. Please!!🙏🙏 Please Cybird 🙏🙏 no more.
I really wish Demon Yoshino was a permanent thing. If you don't know, there was a what if story event with Yoshino being an actual demon. I LOVED that version of Yoshino. They just took the already beautiful and angelic Yoshino and made her even more cute and beautiful 🥰 I really wish they bring her back.
Also pregnancy story event where Yoshino reveals that she's pregnant and the male leads are panicking or show me an event where Yoshino is pregnant and is being taken care of by the male leads. I love stories like these.
This one is also personal....I don't mind seeing BL stories from ikegen. I have seen ikegen fanarts of two male leads sharing happiness. Some of these pairs really traumatized me for example, Yoshi x Yori (they're step brothers btw), Akihito x Yasuchika ( Akihito raised Yasuchika since he was a kid btw), Kurama x Ibuki(Kurama is Ibuki's son btw)...yeah...it's weird but I kinda wanna see it.
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