#here you can tell the difference between my computer art and ipad art
cornkernelcorp · 2 months
Finished that pirate prompt thing finally
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Look, you already know him. Banana Eel is very bad at talking his way out of sticky situations. He can't really make good excuses up on the fly, and his charm is.. well, it's charming that he's trying so hard.
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Doesn't do much if you're out for his head, so there's the "last resort" he ends up using.
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Yes, he's got a slimy moray eel form he can pop into at will!! It's saved him more times than he can count. If you asked him which form was his real form, though, he couldn't say. He doesn't remember what came first, just came naturally.
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paracosmicessence · 6 months
Hey! I love your art so much 💖 I wanted to ask what program you use for 3D modelling?
aw thank you!! :3
and to answer your question i’m going to warn you this is going to be kinda long because i’m gonna use this post as an excuse to show my 3D models that aren’t awful (sorry lol).
i actually use two different programs, both for different purposes, but you don’t need to get both, it really depends on which kind of modeling you want to do.
1) the first is called Nomad Sculpt on the iPad, you do have to pay for it unfortunately but it’s definitely one of the best modeling apps for the iPad. i know Blender is free but my computer is really old and doesn’t run the program very well, and at this point i’ve already gotten used to nomad sculpt.
anyway tho, i use it for art-related things like the obvious 3D models, but recently i’ve been playing around with just making scenes to use as references for my drawings. they’re not anything impressive, most of the time i actually use it to make little figurines to print and turn into earrings/little friends that sit in my room just for fun.
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i’m gonna show this first bc they look cooler once they’re printed and colored (also you can tell i printed mini crowley and aziraphale when my sonadow hyperfixation started bc i never actually painted crowley) (he’s just kinda sitting there oops).
the little red guys are actually my favorite bugs (goliath beetles), i made them about a year ago but i still wear them like every day.
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and here’s what they look like in the app, it’s a little intimidating but once you get used to it it’s actually kinda fun just playing around and seeing what you can do.
2) the second program i use is Shapr3D (also for the iPad, but i think they made an update where you can run it on windows/mac). you also have to pay for this as a subscription which sucks, i’m only able to use it since the engineering program i’m in pays for it.
Shapr3D is one of the many CAD software programs out there, but it’s nice bc it’s very beginner friendly and very easy to use. CAD is mainly for architecture/engineering but i honestly think more 3D artists should give it a try. it’s really nice once you get the hang of it and (i’m probably biased bc i’m a student) i honestly prefer it over just normal modeling software because i feel like you can be a lot more creative with it.
right now for my engineering class, our semester final is to design and present something that’s functional, and we can either explain the math behind it or just 3D print it and demonstrate how it works, and i’m making a functional mini model of “the rack” trap from Saw III (i’m not psychotic i swear i’ve just had a Saw hyperfixation for 5 years).
i’m definitely gonna post it when it’s finished just bc i’m already excited with how it’s turning out, but for now here’s a couple at-home projects i’ve done:
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(above) i have a bunch of wet liners and i designed a stackable holder thingy with bolts between the shelves and a little cute star screw to fasten it at the top.
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(above) i also made a few rotating brush holders at home (bc the ones that actually rotate are like $40 for some reason) by buying a set of small sphere bearings at home depot for like $5 (that’s what those little metal things are inside the third one, i took it apart bc i don’t know how to put a video and a picture in the same post) (just pretend they’re spinning rn).
anyway that’s all!! if you actually read this whole thing i love you so much bc engineering and design is one of my special interests so thanks for letting me tell you about the silly things i’ve made :3
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silima · 2 years
Ik you've answered this/similar questions before but I've looked through some of ur tags and can't find it. I want to buy my sister a drawing tablet but really have no idea which ones are the best. Like I did look some things up, but I thought I'd ask for some people (who like draw on tablets) too.
no worries, for whatever reason my art advice tag is like 90% nonfunctional and it’s like, the only tag of mine that does that ☹️ i will say, i have only owned a couple different tablets (so obviously i’m not gonna be able to tell you if there are better models out there) but i’ve liked all of them!
i think this is the first tablet i ever used? it’s hard for me to be sure, because it was really long ago. basic wacom tablet with a black screen. it takes more effort to pick up the skill of putting your hand on a blank black surface while creating an image on the screen, but something cheap like this is nice if you’re not able to commit to something more expensive and aren’t sure how far you want to take the hobby.
(to be clear, it’s not like this kind of tablet necessarily limits you—ikimaru, who’s been a super popular digital artist for years, makes gorgeous art on a bamboo CTH-460 which is a model you can buy on ebay for $18. it’s just that it takes a little more getting used to.)
also, wacom is the brand i used for a basic tablet, and I didn’t mind mine, but i have heard wacom sometimes is a little sketchy with planned obsolescence type stuff 😵‍💫 like the pen nibs supposedly wear out way quicker than, for example, the huion brand, so you might want to check out what huion’s got. i will say: i used that wacom tablet for 1-6 hrs/day for several years and had no problems, BUT many people on the internet seem to prefer huion over wacom. up to you.
still, i honestly think you can do well with any tablet that has a stylus and pen pressure lol (which is basically all of them). like there are lots of different tablets with lots of different features out there, but the only feature that i found made a real difference to me was touchscreen vs. non-touchscreen.
non-touchscreen tablets are totally usable and usually way less expensive, but the touchscreen is really nice to have if it’s in your budget. it feels closer to traditional art and is easier to pick up.
I personally have never used a touchscreen tablet that was just a drawing tablet—i’ve used a surface pro 4 (a touchscreen computer) and an ipad pro. both were very nice. honestly, I didn’t notice a huge difference in the feeling of drawing on the screens of the surface pro vs the ipad—the biggest thing for me was the art programs. some programs are only compatible with computers and some programs are only compatible with ipads. here’s what I personally noticed:
krita (nice for painting) and ms paint (fun for dicking around in) are both NOT available on ipad, at least as far as i know
rebelle 5 pro (supposedly a very cool program for emulating real painting), which is currently on a huge sale rn (it’s $20, normally costs $150) and is also NOT available on ipad
paint tool sai, as far as i know, is not available on ipad
clip studio paint is available on BOTH ipad and computer, but is more expensive on ipad (it’s a monthly subscription instead of a one-time purchase).
procreate is ONLY compatible with ipad, and is, personally, my favorite art program i’ve ever used. there’s a brush or two from krita that i miss, but for the most part, procreate is solidly better than any other art program i’ve used.
most of the nicest animation programs seem to be incompatible with ipad; the ones that work on ipad are quite basic. this is the only major sticking point for me lol
one thing about ipad that you might’ve read about in your research is this feature that lets you tilt the pencil and draw as if you’re using the “flat” side of it:
this is sometimes cool and sometimes inconvenient, so it kinda balances out to neutral. if you’re torn between ipad and a different touchscreen tablet then don’t decide off this feature lol.
if your sister already has an ipad (or if you’ve got a family one that she has decent access to), it might be a nice thing to just get her a compatible apple pencil, so you can save money on the tablet.
but yeah! those are the models i’ve used and i’ve liked them all. even if you get her a relatively cheap non-touchscreen tablet she can still make really cool art with it and have a lot of fun. good luck!
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mmvalentine · 3 years
heyy, can you write feysand as something like roommates or just friends but then rhys walks in on feyre getting off thinking of him and everything changes? thank u and your stories are amazing ❤��
Just Fantasy pt 1
Feyre is an early bird and Rhys is a night owl.
For the most part, this suits them just fine. They share a small apartment and they are never trying to use the bathroom or kitchen at the same time.
Rhys does weights in his room every day at 9pm. Feyre supposes this is some sort of afternoon for him, since he tends to wake up around noon. She herself is usually climbing into bed around this time, but does not mind the rhythmic clanking of the weights. Particularly because on nights she can’t sleep, there’s one thing that cures her insomnia, and it helps to know that Rhys is not going to knock on her door while she does it.
Feyre prefers reading erotic fiction to watching video porn, and this is convenient because it is silent. She has a library of short, filthy stories on her iPad, which never runs out because Mor sends her new ones periodically and then squeals about them over coffee.
Feyre’s summer routine is to get up early, go for a run, then work in the living room. She works from home most days, and is able to sit on the beach in the afternoons if she finishes on time. Rhys works free lance and has an office in the city, but by no means keeps regular hours.
Feyre is glad Rhys is often out of the house, because she’s starting to find Rhys slightly distracting. There’s just something about hot weather that always seems to make her a little more... excitable. And after months of thick sweaters, she’s suddenly looking at her room mate a little too long these days. She can’t remember if he’s always been this attractive, or if she’s only now noticing.
This week the season is tempestuous, and it has been alternately been storming and baking them alive in their apartment. Feyre has been trying to work, but can barely think straight in the heat. It does not help that Rhys has started walking around the house shirtless, and he seems to always be slicked with sweat. One day Rhys comes home after being caught in the rain, and his t-shirt is plastered to him in a way that is worse than when he is not wearing one at all.
“Hello Feyre darling,” he says, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
“Hey Rhys,” she says, ignoring the tingling sensation where his lips touched her. “You’re dripping everywhere.”
“Sorry,” he responds, and grabs an apple off the kitchen counter. He takes a large bite as he disappears into his bedroom, and then emerges a minute later in dry clothes and towelling off his hair.
“Real bad storm brewing out there,” he comments.
“Yeah, no beach for me today,” Feyre replies, and then feels this is a dumb thing to say. She hurries on. “Where have you been today?”
“Was supposed to be on a shoot, but of course it was a disaster with the weather,” Rhys says. “I’m just happy none of my equipment got destroyed. Gonna flick through the photos now and see if we got anything worth keeping.”
He rummages in the fridge and gives Feyre a wink before going back to his room with an armful of food. Feyre smiles at him, then turns back to her very blank computer screen.
By the evening, the building is shaking in the grip of the thunder storm. Feyre is very grateful that she is in the living room when there is a loud crash, and both she and Rhys rush toward the sound to discover that Feyre’s bedroom window has been smashed in. They rush forward and try to move things out of the way as water torrents in, but there is not much else they can do with the glass gone.
In the end, the storm blows over and most of Feyre’s things are okay. It takes two days for the landlord to fix up the window, and Feyre stays at Mor’s. When she gets back, the debris has been cleared and the window is whole, but the carpet is wet and it smells like damp. Feyre collects her things and sleeps on the couch.
Rhys offers to sleep in the living room so she can have his bed, but Feyre declines. And so she finds herself lying in the dark trying to get to sleep while Rhys potters around hours from his own bedtime.
Feyre is a creature of habit. She finds it difficult to sleep in the wrong place, and after a half hour wide awake, she wonders if her usual trick for falling asleep is feasible here in the lounge room. After all, she can hear Rhys lifting weights in his room so she knows he isn’t going to walk in.
Feyre’s hand slides between her legs under her thin summer blanket, and she is now bitterly regretting that her iPad was ruined in the storm. She flicks through her phone with her free hand, scrolling past images and snippets of bad fan fiction, and misses the familiarity of the short stories she already knows she enjoys. She’s having trouble focusing on anything, and trying to keep an ear out in case Rhys finishes his workout and comes out looking for food or the bathroom or something.
Luckily, she can still hear him. Could count his reps if she wanted to, using the sharp metal clangs. She can even hear him breathing, deep inhales and grunting exhales as he exerts himself.
Now that she’s listening to it, she realises that the sounds coming from his room sound a lot like other bedroom sounds. The pattern of his breathing, the little groan he makes at the peak of each extension, is frankly erotic. Before she knows what she’s doing, Feyre’s fingers are moving and behind her closed eyelids she can see Rhys panting for a different reason.
It’s not difficult for Feyre to imagine Rhys naked. She knows the bare planes of his chest in more detail than she cares to admit, knows the flow of his tattoos and the contours of his abs. Has seen him in sweatpants enough times to estimate the shape of other areas too, and although she hasn’t let herself have this fantasy before, now that she’s started it so easy to fall into.
Feyre does not like to consider whether she’s in love with her roommate. It would be far too inconvenient if she was, so she doesn’t think about it. The fact of her attraction, however, is not something she can deny- Rhys is objectively, and unreasonably attractive. She knows he does some kind of martial arts, but he’s not a violent sort of a person. In fact he’s infuriatingly calm at times, and on more than one occasion he has helped to ground her when she is freaking out about a deadline or family drama with her sisters. He’s always kind, and patient with her in a way that no... but this isn’t what Feyre wants to be thinking about.
Easier to focus back on the breathing, the sharp exhales, the image of the movement of his muscles. In her head, every breath is taken by her ear, blowing against her lips, the rhythm matching his pace above her.
In real life, she had never been the sort of girl who could make the first move- not like Mor, who had enough confidence for the both of them. She would be mortified for Rhys to discover her little crush. But here in her imagination it is so easy between them. That smirk Rhys sometimes gives her when she feels like he is reading her mind seems so much sexier when it is inches from her own mouth, when she can lick her tongue against it while her hips move to meet his.
She imagines the surety he always seems to carry would cross over into Rhys’s sex life. She imagines he would be completely in control in the bedroom, unruffled and measured as ever as he moves inside her. Feyre, on the other hand, is surely a more reactive creature, and would squirm beneath him. Her head falls back against the arm rest of the couch as her hand- no Rhys, moves faster between her legs. He is delicious, he is exquisite, he is going to make her come.
“Is that good, baby?” Rhys says in her mind.
“Yes,” she breathes back.
“Say my name when you come,” he tells her.
“Rhys,” she murmurs, as her climax builds on her fingertips. “Rhys.. Rhys!”
She’s so lost in it that she doesn’t notice that the clanking weights have stopped, and that she’s just spoken out loud. Is not at all prepared when a real life Rhys walks into the room and says “yeah Feyre what’s...”
He trails off as he takes in the sight of her. Knees pull up, head thrown back and eyes glazed. His name still warm on her lips.
Part 2 is all smut baby. Now up.
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-loml @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher @sjmships @courtofjurdan @teddytdr @positivewitch @thalia-2-rose @darling-archeron @rapunzel1523 @fairchildjace @philosophorumaurum02 @story-scribbler @allthecolorsneverseen @asteria-of-mars
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woozisnoots · 3 years
hey alex, i'm kind of in need of an emergency request :/ i've not been feeling well at all mentally for the past few weeks and its been eating me out from the inside. it may be symptoms of being burnt but yeah. i was wondering if could you write something with jihoon and him comforting you by taking your mind off the thoughts and distracting you with little things such as talking or showing you what he's working on? the little things can be completely up to you to choose c: - lissa
hi baby 🥺 i’m sorry i know this is late! >< exams has me 🦀 crabby this season but i know how stressed you’ve been lately and i wanted to make sure you got the jihoon you deserve !!! and ofc, i’m always here if you ever need to talk it out with anyone 💓
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𝙤𝙣 𝙖 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙙𝙖𝙮
° pairing: jihoon x reader ° genre: fluff ° summary: you’re stressed, blessed and jihoon obsessed. ° word count: 1080 ° warning: none! ° a/n: [unedited]
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a typical thursday night for you and your boyfriend is as follows: both of you having no where to go but jihoon’s study since it was the only place to provide quiet and facilitate creative freedom. on the far end, jihoon has his eyes glued to the computer screen as he has one hand hovering over the whites of his keyboards while the other grips the fret board of his guitar. while you on the other hand, tap your apple pen on your temple staring at a half blank canvas on your iPad. for legal reasons, sadly, this was all for school.
you swear the idea came to you in the morning but just as the day went on, the picture slowly started to drift away like your will to tolerate the amount of assignments your professors love to give. going into to art school, you would think the semester would fly by doing what you love.
but there’s a line between an occupation and a hobby; and lately, you’re too worn out to know the difference.
you abruptly turn off your iPad, almost slamming the deice hard on the couch. you were done for the day. this sucked. ask any artist, musician, or writer what it’s like to be stuck in a creative block or burned out, if you will. it is anything but a good time, and this was only just the rise. it’s late, you’re tired, and you desperately want to go home and sleep it off.
after relinquishing your anger, you cross your arms over your chest as you slump down onto the cushions, not noticing your boyfriend look over at you.
“everything good over there?” the concern in his voice makes you pout.
“no,” you replied honestly, not putting anything past him. “quite the opposite actually. i’m mentally exhausted. i have no idea what to draw, and even if i do draw literally anything, it’s probably gonna suck donkey ass.” the memory of
“so like, ass ass?” jihoon’s hysterical laugh now fills the room while you take a few seconds to register what he said. finally realizing the joke, you mutter a ‘oh my god’ under your breath before throwing the nearest plushie his direction.
“can you shut the f-” your words are still overpowered by jihoon’s laugh, not bothering to finish your sentence. besides, the sight of him catching the medium sized elephant plushie and hugging it so tight to try and suppress his giggles makes you forget what you were going to say anyways. “you’re real lucky that you’re cute as hell.”
“not as cute as you and your button nose.” you practically roll your eyes out of your sockets at jihoon’s remark, gagging at the sight of him being intentionally adorable. he only does this when he knows you’re upset. you let it pass though, like you always do since you’re one of the only ones he acts cute to.
“well, if you’re not particularly doing anything right at this moment, how about you come over here and help me with this melody?” jihoon rolls his chair out to create a space for you to come over.
“you know i know nothing about music right?” you say doubtfully.
“come on, all you gotta do is choose between these two samples. i have it all set up, you just gotta tell me which one sounds the best” he prompts to you.
eyeing your iPad at your feet, you stick out your tongue in annoyance. well, it’s not like he was wrong. you definitely weren’t revisiting your assignment for awhile. but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t add a little bit of fun in the mix.
“and what’s in it for me?” the palm of your hands find the edge of your jawline, patiently waiting for your boyfriend’s answer. he’s always quick to find the catch to your antics, it’s just a matter of what he’s willing to offer.
“let’s see,” he says as he mimics your position with his elbow resting on his desk and his hand meeting his cheek. “a free ride back at our place, food on the way there, and…”
he rolls his eyes to the ceiling, displaying a full face of concentration. all his options sound deliciously appealing, but you need something more to cure the never ending trauma that dawns over you so the obvious solution is purposely wait a little longer to see how far he’ll go for you.  
“a back massage? and extra kisses?” jihoon finally concludes.
“in addition to you cleaning up the laundry on your side of the bedroom,” you add, proudly smiling.
“deal.” with that confirmation, you gladly prance over to stand beside jihoon, letting your hands press against the desk to support your stance.
jihoon, however, stares at you with a look of immense confusion. “what are you doing? i have a spot reserved just for you.”
now, there are technically only two available places to seat at his studio. granted, it is a snug studio to begin with but you can make room if you’re creative; unfortunately, yours was running out at the moment. there’s a single sofa, essentially for you to fully stretch out your limbs as you worked, and a single wheely chair for himself.  
but this time, your boyfriend apparently wasn’t about to let you uncomfortably lounge around on your feet even for a second. no, he thinks his lap is a much more comfortable place.
“i lied, i’m almost done with the song. i just wanted you near me,” he whispers near your ear as he securely wraps his hands around your waist.
your usual self would have made a snarky comment at his sneakiness, but his attempts to make you feel better prevail and you lean your head to the side to meet jihoon’s.
“well now you get kisses to go with it,” you turn your head slightly to face him, cuffing both his cheeks so you can clearly see the array of brown shades in his eyes. ones that could take you away for hours on end and make you feel like you never left reality.
your face relaxes as you feel the warmth of jihoon’s hand gently placed on top of yours. what started off as a bad night, the thought slowly dissolves from your mind the longer this moment lasts. and with a delicate kiss to seal your boyfriend’s lips, you move on. thankfully, with life in your favor and jihoon by your side.
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houseofvans · 5 years
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With a background in fashion, textile, illustration and printmaking, Honolulu based artist and designer Kim Sielbeck creates colorful, bold, and fun paintings and patterns inspired by lush landscapes in Hawaii. From murals to digital canvases, Kim recently created some our favorite customs as a Vans Custom Culture ambassador, using her signature color palette and designs! Find out more about Kim, what inspires her, and what she has coming up for the rest of the year.  Take the leap! 
Photography courtesy of the artist. 
Could you introduce yourself to everybody?  Hello! My name is Kim Sielbeck. I'm an illustrator living in Honolulu, Hawaii and have been here for about two years. Before that, I was in New York City for almost twelve years. I went to school at the School of Visual Arts. I grew up in a Coast Guard family and lived in Hawai'i as a child- it's much different being here as a grown up! Fun tidbits: I am a dog person, I was born in Alaska, I once broke my toe in mid-air taking a jumping photo.
How would you describe the art you create? How would you describe your particular technique? My work is colorful, bold, and fun. Mixing colors and choosing them before I start on a piece is something I love.  I limit myself to flat colors–this evolved from focusing on printmaking in school and working as a textile designer for several years. Pattern is important in my work, which also carried over from the textile world.
What are your favorite things to paint? What are your favorite things to paint on? I'm very inspired by the verdant, lush landscape in Hawai'i- the plants here are unlike any other in the world. I also love painting people relaxing and having fun. A lot of what I paint is a reaction to current events today. I paint the world I want to live in. As far as surfaces- murals are my current favorite! Painting on a giant wall, getting covered in paint, and working in a public space beats working in my usual set-up, which is an iPad or computer.
What’s a typical day in the studio for you like? And what are you currently working on in the studio? Every day is different. It usually involves a couple hours of combing through emails, finding the right balance of podcasts and music (with some dance breaks), and zoning out while I'm drawing. Currently I'm working on some new personal pieces- I just painted a portrait of my friends Sarah and Danny and their puppy. I'm also working on a few editorial pieces for some magazines!
My studio is very unique- it's located in the Old Blaisdell Hotel, which was one of the first hotels built in Honolulu. There are lots of other creatives in the building, and it's nice to take breaks and talk story with them during the day. We all support each other and it's a great community.
When you're working developing a new painting or piece, how does it begin - take us from sketchbook, to color choices, to finished painting?   A new painting starts as a tiny thumbnail to get the composition right. Then I'll start sketching right on the surface (normally wood panel) with a light underpainting. Picking color is something I do very early on- sometimes it informs the composition and the subject matter. I try to limit my palette to 5 or 6 colors per piece. Sometimes, I'll be 3/4 done with a piece and have another color idea- so I'll have to go back in and repaint entire sections of the painting. It's all trial and error, and you can always repaint something.
We love the colors and compositions of your works and designs. Can you tell us how you arrived at your color palette and how composition comes into play when you’re creating a piece? Years of working in the fashion and textile industry has given me a keen sense of color and color combinations. So much of my job as a textile artist was using colors that were popular for each season- we always had trend forecasting books laying around, and would often color or recolor a piece until it was right. We also limited our palettes to what commercial printers could print- usually no more than 8-15 colors per design. Additionally, color palettes were always the first thing we came up with when starting a design. I still have that approach today and often pick my colors before anything else is completely set in stone.
What tools will someone always find you using at your studio? I've got plenty of tubes of acrylic gouache laying around, lots of different brushes, and lately a lot of leftover house paint from murals. My go-to tools for commercial work include my iPad, desktop, and Wacom tablet. I'm able to leap from painting to digital work- most people can't tell a difference between the two!
How do you unplug yourself so to speak? What do you do to center or re-focus yourself if you find yourself stressed out about deadlines, art shows, and the sort? One of the reasons I moved to Hawai'i was to be able to unplug more. Prioritizing things like going outside and being in nature are great ways to step back and put things in perspective. I also make sure to keep a planner so deadlines don't creep up on me, and hit the gym to work out any lingering stress.
You recently worked as one of our Vans Custom ambassadors! We absolutely love the Vans you created for it. Can you tell us a little bit about the process, your concept, and the response you got? Thank you! I loved painting the Custom Vans... people always ask me where they can get a pair! My concept was to create one shoe with a tropical print and one with a desert print. They could be used to walk everywhere and anywhere across the globe. The colors I wanted to really pop- you would notice these shoes on someone's feet!
What do you enjoy about collaborations like this? If you could pick anyone in the world, who would you collaborate with? I've been a fan of Vans since I was a kid and tried to sneak into to the Warped Tour. I had big ambitions of skateboarding and surfing as a kid (I am finally learning how to surf!). The lifestyle, attitude, music, artistic improvisation, and boldness of skate/surf culture has always been magnetic, so working with Vans has been a dream job.
I love collaborating on all sorts of projects–I don't think I have one specific dream client. I love seeing my work adapted in new ways, like animation. I'd love to paint more murals, and also work on some big-impact projects that can reach more people and bring some color and joy into their lives.
What advice would you give someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? A career is not something that happens right away- you have to constantly work for it and adapt. I was hoping right out of school I would instantly become a world-famous illustrator... not the case. It took a few years to find my style and voice, and that's ok. More advice is to always pursue outside interests, and grow as a person. I was in a punk/pop band for several years in NYC (shout out Puppies!), learned how to sail, and traveled a lot. All these things, while not necessarily being art-related, helped influence my work and life.
How did start becoming interested in art and design? When did you find yourself doing it as a career? Moving around so much as a kid, art was something that was a constant. I could express how I felt, what I was going through, and could make friends doing it. Early in high school, I realized I could maybe do it for a living. My parents sat me down and asked me to come up with a plan for college and beyond, so I had realistic expectations and saw the hard work it would take. A good work ethic, some luck, and many hours of practice helped me push through. When I graduated college in 2009, there weren't many jobs. I lucked out and got a full-time job at the textile studio, while freelancing on the side. Eventually, 8 years later, the freelancing became stable enough to do illustration full-time.
When you’re not busy creating art, how do you unwind and chill out? When I'm not in the studio I'm trying to explore new places, go on hikes, go to different beaches, or learn how to surf. At the studio, my brain is on New York speed, but walking outside I switch back to Island Time immediately.
If you weren’t an artist, what do you think you’d be doing instead?   I'd be a guitarist and lead singer, traveling the world in my amazing punk rock girl group.
So we gotta ask what are your FAVORITE Vans? I have some surf-green high tops I've worn for YEARS. I got them in Pasadena one night at an art opening when my sandals snapped in half. The Vans store was miraculously still open, and I ran in and grabbed them in the five minutes I had to spare. They saved my outfit and my night, and they've since traveled to London, Italy, Hawai'i, Japan, and beyond.
What’s coming up next for you? I'm going to Europe in September, for some work and some fun. I'm looking forward to a few bigger projects I can't talk about yet. I'm also working on some local Hawai'i projects, including working with the Humane Society. A beach towel collaboration with Surfer Towel's Christie Shinn (who you just interviewed!) just came out, too.
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i-writeandread-blog · 5 years
A Portrait of a Tortured You and I - Chapter 2
Authors Note: I don’t edit or proofread usually when trying to get content out quickly, so I am aware there may be issues with my use of past and present tense. Please know I will fix any and all errors!
I was snapped back to reality, when I heard the horn blow on the ferry.  It was pulling up to the dock.  I was equal parts excited and nervous.  This wasn't my first rodeo, I had been to over 50 concerts, traveling all over the world to see Mars, I was also a Camp Mars alum... but this was the first time I had left the comfort of my home since I had been brutalized. 
Life has a funny way of surprising you though.  Since the attack, my sisters and I have made up.  I don't think we would have, had the unfortunate not happened.
Since I received the anonymous letter and check, I started working on getting better.  I still wasn't out of the woods.  The occasional panic attack and nightmare still happened.  I didn't know if they would ever go away, but they were becoming less and less.  I did have a few issues getting on the plane, but I used the breathing and grounding techniques that my therapist was teaching me.  And here I am, ready to finally enjoy life again.  I was so anxious to get to the island and get settled in. 
Some of the Echelon that I was still friends with were meeting up with me and it was all about strength in numbers.  That gave me comfort knowing that they had my back in the unlikely event I began to panic.
I looked around seeing many unfamiliar faces and was slightly confused.  Having traveled a lot to the European shows, I expected to recognize people I knew, but alas I didn't.  We began to load onto the ferry, everyone in a rush.  I felt a bump and a push and at first just chucked it off as everyone being so eager and not looking where they were going.  I felt an attack coming on and steadied myself against the railing.  "Okay, you've got this. Breathe in, now breathe out." I did my breathing exercises and didn't care if people thought I was crazy.  It subsided and I went to give myself a figurative pat on the back when I turned around and saw an unwanted familiar face.
"No one is buying it, freak!" She was laughing and acting so smug.
"What is your problem, Natalie?" I asked.  I honestly wanted to clear the air with her.  I knew I'd be seeing her at a ton of events going forward, as I had been for the last fifteen years.  I'd like to be able to enjoy our precious time with the band without having to constantly worry about problems with her.
"You honestly don't know, do you?"  She grinned, all the while looking at me very curiously.
"No. I've never had problems with you.  In fact, when you were writing that Jared smut, I was your biggest fan, always complimenting you on your writing.  Last years camp we even enjoyed some time together. So Nat, what's the deal?"
"You don't get to call me Nat anymore.  Just do me a favor and fuck off."  With that she stormed off into a group of girls all high five-ing her and congratulating her on a job well done being the biggest bully.  The saddest part of this was that Natalie is a 44 year old woman acting like a 20 year old.  It wasn't cute.  Not by a long shot.
I was on edge the whole ferry ride which lasted approximately an hour and twenty minutes, but felt much more like an eternity. My eyes were constantly darting around and anytime the boat rocked, I felt absolute dread. I was repeating a sort of mantra over and over in my head, “you’re gonna be in the presence of Mars soon. It’s going to be the best time!” I just knew once I was there and settled, that I would finally be able to let my guard down. I would be able to relax and have the best time.
We pulled up to the island and from the boat, I could see the beautiful art installations and hear the sounds of laughter mixed with music being played on loud speakers. I was home, in my element. Memories of previous camps creeping in my head and replacing all the negative ones from the past year. I watched as Natalie and her groupies got off the boat before me. I was wishing and trusting that she’d forget that I was here, now that she was also on the island.
Check in was literally right at the dock and there were many faces I recognized there, I sighed a great deal of relief. Walking up, I presented my ID, passport, and my booking number. A cheery girl many years my junior, took my items and said, “Hi, Catherine, how was your trip here?” I smiled, “it has been uneventful up to now.” I didn’t need to tell her all of the details, she was just making small talk. “Okay, you are in.... hmm. I don’t see your booking, that’s strange. Hold on a second.” She turned and walked off. I was growing more nervous by the second. Was my email from Shayla fake? But if so, how did I end up with $3,000 dollars? I started putting pieces together. Maybe the email was fake and my parents gave me the cashiers check. This would be so awful, if true.
I was told to step aside while someone else took over that computer and was checking more guests in. I couldn’t breathe and I started crying and shaking. The place I was supposed to feel most at home in was now not feeling so homey.
The girl came back and asked to see any printouts I had from AiW. I fumbled around looking for the email from Shayla and any correspondence directly from Adventures, I grabbed the first thing which happened to be the original confirmation when I bought the package in January.
She took it from me and cross referenced something on an iPad. “Hmmm, I see this booking existed and then it was canceled. But, I also see your name is on the list of attendees. We don’t finalize the list until all payments are made. This is odd. Do you have proof of payment?” I didn’t have that, but I was able to show her the email from Shayla after digging around once more in my bag. “Oh, well I guess this actually makes sense now! Okay, so you had the moonlight tent package. Let me find you one that’s available since we don’t know which one you’re supposed to be in, anyway.” She found one that had a bed free and loaded up my bags onto a golf cart. I told her I didn’t mind walking, and set out to find my tent.
I hadn’t seen any of my friends yet as many people were still being ferried over and we all had different boat times. It was peaceful. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, the music was a great selection of garden variety pop and rock. I was actually feeling great, now that it appeared the email wasn’t fake at all.
As I was walking, I caught a glimpse of Jared and Shannon talking over by some trees. They were wearing swimming trunks and smiling as they talked. I thought to myself that they looked extra adorable and almost tripped from not looking where I was going. I heard a voice that I would know anywhere shout, “watch your step, the ground isn’t even!” Shannon chuckled as he spoke to me from a distance. Jared looked in my direction and waved. I kept going and finally found my tent. Number 4, one of my lucky numbers. I was at peace.
My bags were sitting on the only available bed and I made my way over to it, to start making my little space my own. I heard someone walk in, but they must have walked back out because I never did see anyone. Once, I had made myself comfortable, I decided to lay down and allow myself time to soften up. I needed to unwind in the worst way and the quiet was really tranquil.
I rested for what was likely to be about an hour, but I have no actual idea as I hadn’t looked at the time. I was awoken from reverie to a commotion outside the tent. And I drew my legs up and started rocking back and forth.
The problem with being out in the real world was that everything was so unpredictable. Loud noises were everywhere, no matter the cause... they were most always innocent. People fighting... that was a hard one for me, but I saw my share of it in the airport between husband and wives, or parents and children. Now, here on the island there is it’s own set of issues. I needed to know the cause for the arguing. I needed to know I was safe. So I cranked my neck forward to get a really good listen.
“Ughh, I’ve looked all over for someone who can help me and I can’t seem to find anyone that cares or knows what to do! I’m going to just start screaming. Maybe that will get someone’s attention!”
I instantly knew it was Natalie.
“Don’t worry. This is a great opportunity. We can fuck with her as much as we want.”
“Hahahaha, no! I don’t want to be anywhere near her. She’ll play the victim no matter what and then I’ll get kicked off the island. Nooooo thanks!”
“No one has to know.”
“That’s true! Oh wait, there’s Shayla. Let’s get her attention.”
“Shayla, we desperately need your help!”
“Not now ladies. I’m looking for someone. Can it wait?”
“No, it can’t. We are stuck in a tent with someone we don’t like.”
“That’s hardly a reason to throw a fit. Can’t you just ignore each other?”
“Me? Of course! I can avoid her, but it’s not me to worry about. Catherine, will be the problem. She’s gonna hurt me in my sleep or something. She’s really unstable.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. She was actually trying to make me sound like I was a monster. What’s worse is we were to share a tent for three nights. I became violently ill and threw up right there in the bed.
“Did you say Catherine? Where is she?”
“Hell if I know.”
Shayla stepped inside and took notice of me.
“Oh my goodness, are you okay, Catherine?”
I nodded. “Let’s get you cleaned up and out of here. There was a mistake at check out. This isn’t your room. I’ll have someone clean up in here, don’t worry.” I went to protest, but she waved her hands at me. She picked up a towel and wiped my face. I was so humiliated. I had known Shayla for a few years and she was always so kind, we were nothing but acquaintances so to have her help me when I’m at my lowest was really humbling and extremely embarrassing. She handed me clothes from my suitcase and I quickly changed into them. “You ready?” I sighed, then nodded.
Shayla had her arms around me and walked me out of the tent. She gave Natalie a stern look and said nothing. We took a few steps and I overheard a scream followed by, “that nasty cunt threw up in here, how fucking gross!” Shayla reassured me and told me to just ignore it. I tried, but I still couldn’t get over how things were unfolding. I was still so confused as to how it ended up the way it did with Natalie.
We arrived at some bungalows and Shayla motioned for me to follow her. At first, I thought this was where she was staying or maybe it was first aid. I was really perplexed, but I followed her in. She turned around and said, “I’ll have your things sent here. Is this room okay? I wanted you to have something peaceful to wake up to, this was the only room with a direct view of the sea.”
“Shayla, I’m completely baffled. This isn’t my room. Why am I here?” I had to ask because I knew there had to be a mistake. “I must have forgotten to tell you, the donor upgraded you to the VIP experience and this was meant to be your room from that moment on. Unfortunately, when I went into the system to change everything, there was a glitch so it erased your booking entirely. You shouldn’t have been in that tent and it’s my fault you had to experience that unpleasantness.” She looked truly sorry.
“Shayla, you couldn’t have known. But is there anyway you can refund back some of the money to whomever paid for me? I’d like to just be where I was if I had paid my own way?”
“Catherine, I’m under strict orders to make sure you have a smooth vacation and that you have a wonderful time. I can ask, but I don’t think there’s a chance that they will allow that to happen.”
“Shay, who was it? I won’t say anything, I just am a little freaked out that someone did this for me.” I pleaded with her to tell me. Honestly, I was more scared now then I had been traveling here alone. What if this person meant me harm?
“I can’t say. But they’re not a threat to you. I can assure you of that.”
“Okay, whomever it was is trustworthy? I have your word?”
“Yes. Now, I suggest you do whatever it is you need to, because your itinerary is completely full starting in about an hour.” She handed me a paper filled with activities and times. She was right, completely full, starting with front row seating to the soundcheck.
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ask-chef-teruteru · 5 years
What kind of tablet did you get? I'm thinking of getting one soon! I've never used one before though, do u reccomend? Is it easy?
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“Well, I, um. I’m not exactly an expert n’ I know different things’ll work best for different people dependin’ on what exactly they’re needed for, so I implore you not to take my word as law n’ to do some shoppin’ around for yourself, make a well informed purchase y’know?
That bein’ said, I wound up gettin’ the iPad Air. Plenty of naysayers when it comes to Apple, n’ all power to ‘em, I ain’t really tech savvy enough to care much one way or another for brands. A former friend a mine had an iPad when they were brand spankin’ new for a graphic design class, n’ she lemme play around with it for a lil’ while n’ I wanted one ever since. Seems like the interface and the sync between what you’re doin’ with your finger or tablet pen has vastly improved since then and I’m happy with it.
Granted, I also do most everything from an iPhone anyhow, so I’m used to that n’ like it already. I think it’s nice t’ be able to see what I’m doin’ on a bigger screen though n’ share things between devices easy. Somebody who makes their livin’ off art may wanna pick somethin’ else— I wouldn’t know really— but it works out great for somebody like me who wants to go through emails n’ look around here and watch... videos.
Anyways! Since y’all asked, I’ll go ahead n’ tell what little more I know firsthand. I’ve tried one a the lil’, um...? Strictly-for-drawin’ tablets before, and I didn’t take to that very well. Also granted that it’s been years n’ technology and my hand-eye-coordination has improved a lot since then, but lookin’ at a computer monitor while your hand is drawin’ out of view was a lot harder to try n’ get the hand of and the posture there tended to be more uncomfortable for me, but again, it’s all gonna he different strokes for different folks. I just know off the top a my head that Apple has a bunch a apps for art n’ will play games n’ let y’all work on documents n’ stuff too, so it ain’t limited to just one thing. I think the version better n’ the one I got came with a—stylus, that’s what they call ‘em instead of pens, ain’t it?— a stylus, and I know y’all can pick up a keyboard that’ll attach n’ detach so y’all can do correspondence n’ whatnot on there like y’all would on a laptop too.
As for ease though, it’s ‘bout as easy as it gets! You touch the screen, the screen does what y’all want it to. You draw with the stylus, it shows up where y’all put it, plain n’ simple, so easy even I can figure it out without gettin’ bent outta shape! One I got is called the iPad Air because it’s— you guessed it— light, so they definitely got thin ones that ain’t gonna be bulky to tote around n’ whatnot if that’s a concern.
... I guess that’s about all the info I got to offer! Like I said though, be sure to do some lookin’ around on your own to make sure you’re gettin’ somethin’ suited to your needs! Far as first tablets go though, I’m real happy with mine!”
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nicolecadet · 6 years
Tish - scifi book character & Preview from GW2 Zine Journeys
The last few months I’ve been working on the 2018 Wintersday Zine for the GW2 Collective. It’s been a big learning experience working with some amazing creatives who love Guild Wars 2 as much as I do. The feedback loops provided have pushed me to do some artwork that has been a little outside of my comfort zone. It’s made me realise I need to get back into doing dynamic poses/ sketching more.
I’ve struggled with art for the last couple of years. Health has played a big part, stealing energy and enthusiasm for anything beyond survival mode. I probably burnt out a little bit, a tried forcing myself to do more traditional work and became pretty unhappy with things I was producing.
But, I feel like I’m slowly making my way back to a happy place with art. I moved around my workspace a little so that my Wacom Cintiq is the primary monitor, and got an iPad pro so I could do work away from the computer. My day job is at a computer (I’m currently doing JavaScript fullstack development so I live in front of a PC). I’ve been able to knock the last 2 portraits out fairly quickly, and since the beginning of September have created 3 complete illustrations for the Zine.
Onto the art…
Wintersday Zine preview
This is a small preview from one of the 3 pieces that I’m collaborating on for a short story by writer J.Daggs for the 2018 Wintersday zine, Journeys. I can’t tell you much about the story because that would spoil things but if you play GW2 you may be able to guess something about her from her armour. 
Pre-orders are available until the 15th of November (there are some great perks and bundles available) and you can order yours here: https://gw2collective.bigcartel.com  . 
Pre-order information can be found here . Proceeds go to charity. This is officially sponsored by @guildwars2​ .  More previews by the group can be seen at @wintersdayzine, with the collective account at @gw2collective. They’re also on twitter, and there is an active discord group.
I released this a little while ago. It’s a companion piece for Mira, with the character Tish from Paul Grover’s novel Ark of Souls . I got to read the second edition of the novel which is going through some editing but I thoroughly enjoyed it (it’s always interesting to read a book you’ve painted characters for after you’ve done the paintings). It’s character driven scifi, with a space opera feel. There is the ever present threat of space as the great danger, where people are still people with politics, the cost of war, and relationships between friends, family and loved ones, and survival of the fittest in harsh unfriendly environments. I’ll do a shout out when the new edition is released as I don’t know the differences between the first and second edition.
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hysteriamodes · 6 years
Coloring in grey scale
So, hey, this is somewhat of a tutorial for those curious about some of my coloring and blending. I made this especially for anyone younger than me and is exploring digital art, but this is also for others who are curious about what I do. I love reading other artist’s comments and looking at their WIPs, so why not.
Another reminder: if you’re looking for my artwork, please follow @rainbow-illness and not this blog. All of my finished stuff goes there; usually, my works in progress (WIPs) or Angry Doodle Corner go here. Sometimes I use this blog to repost my art, but that is my official art blog, no this one. Not unless you like nonsensical posting and metal, then have at it. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to hit me up, I love talking about art.
So I can’t always sit down and talk about my processes and how I go about doing them, but I was able to sit down and take some screencaps while I was working on my iPad Pro. Using the iPad is actually my first choice to draw on because of the convenience of carrying it around like a sketchbook, whereas my laptop isn’t always easy to carry around--it’s a big laptop. While I use my iPad, I also like to go back and correct things, recolor, re-proportion, or spend more time privately working on a drawing. I have my iPad with me, all the time, so I’m out in places usually like Starbucks doing this. I also struggle with pretty bad PTSD and agoraphobia, so having my iPad out with my headphones on gives me an excuse to put my mind elsewhere to calm down.  My family just usually looks at me and goes “oh, she’s working on her art again”; I did this as a kid, too, only with sketchbooks.
I do not have a Cintiq either, though I would absolutely love one. This laptop is capable of using a stylus, but I think I need a better one to do it with. All I’m using is a cheap Wacom Bamboo tablet that I’ve had for five years, that’s it. Everything I’ve done on this blog has been on a small surface. So if you’re just dabbling into art, don’t beat yourself up for having the small stuff, I’ve worked with small stuff and still do. The only thing I have that’s not small is, well, the space and processor on my laptop are much faster than any other laptop I’ve owned, bought especially for graphic design classes and my artwork. 
So, that being said lemme just forewarn some of you guys. My artwork is all done in two to three layers! Yes, you read that right! Why? When I was 16, I didn’t have a Wacom tablet to mess with, so I had to use a mouse and learned from there. When I turned 18, I got my first Wacom tablet while working my first official job and the family computer didn’t have a good processor. So when I got my first official laptop, it was basic and not made to run anything beyond the web browser and such, it could barely handle Photoshop. It did, however, run Paint Tool SAI with no issue (which is why I still prefer it over anything I use), it just couldn’t handle more than five layers. After losing my drawings constantly and not being able to do anything in the prized software I’ve been eyeing since my Sophmore year of high school, I found a workaround with it. 
And that’s what I’m going to write about here. With that in mind, no, you do not have to limit your layers! I’ve taken traditional art classes so my first instinct is to literally paint over my stuff like I would on a canvas. If you don’t want to do that, you don’t have to! Yes, I am nuts. 
That being said, let's do this.
If you haven’t taken traditional art classes, that’s cool! I’m going to be using some art terms you haven’t heard of, but you definitely will when you take your first ever drawing class. These terms are foreground, value, negative space, contour, and weighted line (I’ve seen it called line weight too). For the more experienced art students who are likely groaning over that stupid contour practice from that book “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”, I’m sorry, guys. Newbies, you are going to know this. 
And you are going to hate it. While I still hate it and, yeah, my eyes are rolling into my skull right now just even talking about it, there are some useful practices in here that I... actually use. Who would have thought? At least we’re not talking about still lives.
Anyway, here’s what I’M going to say that some art teachers will not tell you but I want anyone to read this to know:
- Do not obsess over your drawing to look exactly like your reference. Just don’t. Forget this completely, worry about it later or don’t even worry about it at all. This is your style, your interpretation.
- Digital art is hard. Art is hard! Practice makes perfect and you learn over time just by studying (looking at) other pieces of art. It took me like well over 10 years to find my own little niche and I’m still playing around with coloring styles. I have a lot.
- If you’re just starting to draw with a tablet of any kind, play around with it. My first official program was a cheaper version of Paint Shop Pro and when I first got it when I was 14, I sat around and experimented on layers to see what it would look like. Explore!
- When you start drawing figures or faces, try not to think of it as, well,  face or a figure. Reduce it to basic shapes, like squares, triangles, and circles.
Greyscale can establish light source, value, scale, and negative space.
I don’t always use greyscale for my art, but when I do, I appreciate it because it makes my life easier. For example, Alphonse Mucha’s pieces here from his “Slav Epic”.
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Chances are, you’ve seen Mucha’s art nouveau on prints, fanart, fabrics, and all of that. But Mucha did so much more and he is a huge influence on me for a reason. By the greyscale we see here, we can see foreground/subject with each illustration. Mucha is using value (that’s shadow) to emphasize this, in addition to negative space (background) to draw you in, just by using black and white. Notice how the other subjects don’t have such a powerful contrast and light source versus the other, especially the woman on the left. Mucha made his art pop by his understanding of contrast.
For this first part of this entry, I’m going to be using Papa Emeritus II from “Ghost”... who is a good example of how to draw faces, too. Huh. Regardless of what drawing program you’re using, keep your opacity low, at 50%.
Simplicity at its finest
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Instead of focusing a lot on Emeritus’ face, I’m going to focus on the negative space behind him. I’m using this to define his figure. This is a good picture because of the stark contrast, though, it’s a little tricky because it is really contrasted and you can’t see where the light source really is. But that is okay!  I am going in and just using this negative space, the contour of his head and torso. Before I even think of a face, I want to softly go in and use black (or grey) to fill up that negative space. Keep it simple and work your way up.
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After I lightly fill in the negative space around him, I can start lightly going in and establish his face by blocks of shadow.  And this is why Emeritus II is such a good example for this kind of work. I don’t usually start going in and drawing eyes, I rely on the shadows of the face to see where their eyes, ears, lips, and such lie. 
Here’s another example (though, it’s old):
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This is in my maroon style underpaint, which is what I post most of the time. For their faces, I just used basically eye sockets to start working on their faces, like Papa Emeritus II down below. Again, this dude is a great example.
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Here is where it may get a little funky.  I created a new layer and set that layer to Multiply, still keeping that opacity low. Since I have no light source and I just want to create a really dramatic lighting, I made a vignette with a simple airbrush tool.  
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With that little vignette, you can create a new layer (unless you’re me, I just merge it down because of that constant fear of nonexistent software crashing) and I’m using the color pick tool to go back and forth to start using greys to really get into Emeritus’ face, especially his wrinkles. I’m painting over it constantly, switching back and forth between a paintbrush tool and color pick tool to blend. Again, keep your opacity low... unless you’re me and you’re feeling adventurous. You’ll also notice here that I have more than one photo reference. I use several for a lot of my art, so I encourage you to do the same. I had no idea what his jaw looked like, so I grabbed a second photo. Now that I have a better idea of where his hat ends on his forehead and how his nose looks, I start doing a weighted line.
Weighted line and Contour
Now is the dreaded talk. Of contour.
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Welcome to Drawing I hell. This cursed image is from the book “How to Draw on the Right Side of the Brain” and if your teacher does not talk about this in your first drawing class, I am going to eat my hat... I have a hat lying around here somewhere. ANYWAY, the contour line exercise is basically you just using a neverending line for a drawing. I don’t know who drew this (and tbh, thanks a lot for every single boring assignment I’ve done in drawing classes), but this guy used contour lines for his drawing. I’m having war flashbacks over here, but I managed to find an art teacher’s page talking about different types of contour. My god, they are evolving.
Going back to our dear friend Papa Emeritus II, I used weighted line to start adding in little shadows to his face.  Weighted line goes hand in hand with contour; it is a great technique to not only add details, but add little bits of shadows.
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This is a simple example; the thicker line is adding to the shadow of the apple, giving it value!
Papa Emeritus II is such a good reference... I used him as inspiration for King Melwas here.
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Gwenhwyfar is also a good example of weighted line. Gwen is essentially a very, very pale character. In contrast to Melwas, who is in darker clothing, Gwen is soft, she is the focal point in this drawing. For the little pieces of her hair, the corner of her lips, eyelashes, and her fingertips, I used a weighted line to establish these things, otherwise, Gwen is so pale, she’ll easily be washed out completely.
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This drawing of Alice, which I’m still messing around with, is another example of how effective a weighted line can be with depth. The lines I added into her face, eyelashes, creases, hair, and fingers add those little details since everything I’ve done before like Papa Emeritus II was so soft with a low opacity on the brush settings.
Layer masks and curves
There are two ways you can color greyscale images.
You can do this by going into Layer > Adjustment Layer > Curves (this is how it looks like in Procreate).
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This gives you a neat ol’ base color! I am playing around in the blues, adding soft hues of blue in their figures and the white in this picture can either turn blue, cream, or even green. You don’t have to use Blue, you can use any of the other colors. For me, I’m always drawn to blues. Another cool thing to play around with is Color Balance, which is underneath the same function as Curves.
But if you don’t have any of these, you can add a new layer, and do Multiply.
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The only drawback to this, of course, is how destaturated (the lack of color) it looks. And yes, that’s an issue you will have and I did run into this while doing this. How I combat this is using additional layer masks. Believe it or not, Alice here was once at a grey scale, looking even more desaturated than Gwen.
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For Alice’s face, I went in and use:
- Soft Light because she needed more peach and roses in her skin. Omri’s original drawing gave her a light rose blush so I wanted to do the same.
- Overlay to mask out the black lines from the greyscale I had.
- Lighten which I used to make her lips pinker, her apron’s shadows lighter, and parts of her hair brown.
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The same went for Gwen, who is, again, very pale. But while she’s supposed to be pale, I didn’t wash her out completely. To add more saturation, I used a combination of Soft Light over my Multiply layer and Overlay to start working at the highlights on her hair, nose, and shoulder. 
This little walkthrough isn’t as visual as I like, but with limited software like Fire Alpaca, GIMP, or Paint Tool SAI that don’t have the abilities of Photoshop in terms of color correction and playing around with colors, I really encourage you, readers, to play around with these tools. Using the color picker back and forth, especially after using layer masks, gives you an ability to mix and blend colors. The reason why I work with greyscale or a maroon under paint is that you can create brilliant colors and make a new palette; the trick is to constantly mess around with them. I never go in and flat out color anything, with the exception of things like “angry doodle corner” which is basically what I call my lazy drawings, drawings where I’m just honestly goofing off with.
So in summation...! Or me trying to summarize this.
 Experiment and explore with layer masks and adjustments. Whoever says that using these tools isn’t real art, they’re wrong. And please don’t ever be afraid of using references of any sort!  Alphonse Mucha is saved ten times over on this computer.
7 notes · View notes
my sad, sad love life
Everything mentioned here is true and all names will be left out. In kindergarten, there was this girl that I fancied. She was very cute and kind to me. I recall that one day she read a book to my about blue whales, she spoke about her wanting to be a marine biologist when she was older. Later in the year, I brought cupcakes for my birthday. I sat in between her and another girl. This other girl was extremely happy that I brought cupcakes and kissed me on the cheek. The girl I liked was shocked that she did such a thing during class. We giggled and quickly forgot about it.
Fast forward to 3rd grade and shit got intense, like real intense, my nigga. I had gotten close to this one girl, we messaged each other a lot on the app called “Kik Messenger”. We pretty much had a relationship over text. We would say, “I love you” and, “I miss you” and shit like that to each other. I recall this one moment where she went to go to something and I was texting her friend and she said that “[we were] cute”. One day at recess, one of our friends got us together to talk about our feelings for each other. This shit was awkward as fuck, my nigga. Like I mentioned earlier, this was a text-relationship. We never spoke about our feelings to each other in person. It was pretty awkward and we never admitted our feelings to each other. I don’t remember how it ended but it ended somehow.
Now, onto 4th grade. I had gotten feelings for the girl I liked in kindergarten again. To be honest, I kinda liked her throughout most of elementary school but she was kind of an on and off crush. Anyways, we were on a Skype call on my birthday and she had a friend over. They had known about my feelings for her and they said shit like, “The ship sailed a long time ago” which made me fucking depressed. I cried that night, on my BIRTHDAY. I slept that night with my iPad next to me hoping to receive a Skype message that she had changed her mind or something. But, alas, it never happened. I slit my wrists, the pain helped me to stop thinking of her. I attempted to hang myself with toilet paper, hoping to leave this miserable world. Unfortunately, it failed. Oh well.
5th grade was pretty fucking cringy. There was this new girl at school. She was smart, funny, cute. We talked and we became close. We developed feelings for each other. I talked about this to my friend, the same one that made me and my “ex” confront each other at recess in 3rd grade. She told me to stop liking her, that she was “weird” or something like that. So basically what I did was I wrote an e-mail to her, with my friend’s help, ending our nonexistent relationship.
In 6th grade, there was cute Asian girl I met in math class. We talked a bit and I ended up liking her. Unfortunately, nothing happened because she had a boyfriend.
In 7th grade, I had gotten close to a girl, an Asian girl. She developed feelings for me and asked me out and I said, “LOL, no thanks b, we’re better off as friends. Try again next year OMEGALUL.” And that was that.
Later that year, around December, I had gotten feelings for another Asian girl. I liked her quite a bit and I told too many friends and she quickly found out that I liked her. She stopped talking to me completely and it was really awkward between us. Looking back at it, it’s pretty funny. I stopped liking her because I figured that there was no hope. I started to like someone else and the Asian found out and we started talking again.
Spring time of 8th grade, I was pretty good friends with this white girl. She also started to develop feelings for me and asked me out. I told her that I didn’t want to date anyone at the moment and would’ve preferred to wait until high school to start dating someone. She walked away very sad which made me feel bad but, ya know, it sucks to suck.
So probably around May of 8th grade I wanted to ask out this one girl to the 8th grade dance, known as “Formal”. We were quite close and talked a lot. She was pretty good looking and boy, oh boy, she’s thicc as fuck, my nigga. Anyways, she wasn’t really into me and this other kid asked her to the dance before me. I was devastated, I opened up to one of my close female friends. I told her that I was suicidal, that I had the urge to just swallow my phone and hope that it would suffocate me. She was there for me, she saved me, she was my hero. I quickly fell in love with her. I decided that I would ask her to the dance. I had two of my friends make a poster for me that I would use to ask her out. It was a huge success. People in the hall were cheering, they yelled, “OH YEAH!”, there were fireworks inside the school, shit was amazing. We hugged, walked outside together, and took a picture. We waited for her bus and she gave me a hug goodbye. I was practically smashing that girl. The next day I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. The following day, it was awkward as fuuuuuck. We worked together on this project for health and I’d talk to her, start a conversation, but they just wouldn’t last that long. She didn’t really want to to talk to me. Later that day after school was over, she broke up with me and told me that we’d be better off as friends. I was sad. I had gotten into my first REAL relationship, albeit probably lasted less than 24 hours. I had to get over her though, there wasn’t really any way that relationship was going to work. She probably ended it because she though I had moved on too quickly, that I didn’t really have feelings for her, or perhaps she just wasn’t really interested in me.
Although the summer started off a bit rough, it would later turn out to be pretty fucking amazing, kind of. Around the end of July (I’m thinking it might’ve been July 22nd or some date close to that), I boot up my computer to play with my friend that I played with pretty much the whole summer. We’d get on in the morning and play until nighttime. This day was different, for I had gotten on around noon. Not surprisingly, he was already playing. I saw that he was playing in a group and asked for an invite. He was playing with this GIRL, a fucking gamer-girl, can you believe it? Those girls are pretty fucking rare. Anyways, I joined their group and we had a blast together. The 3 of us became close, we were a group, the modern day Three Musketeers. One day, my friend left for a couple days, I believe he traveled somewhere. She was also gone. I thought, “Damn, so is this where it ends? Is this where she stops talking to us?” but then I thought “She probably just doesn’t want to talk to me by ourselves, she likes my friend more than me.” My friend returned on the weekend, I think, and that’s when she got back online. She said the reason she wasn’t on was because her parents didn’t like her playing on the weekdays and that she was at this camp (this is actually all true, she wasn’t lying). When school started, we still found the time to talk to each other. My friend and her would get into some really stupid fights, fights that were just a big fucking waste of time and shouldn’t of happened. But, it’s okay, for I had had benefited from them. You see, my friend was closer to her than I was with her. But thanks to these fights, this quickly changed. She would talk to me and vent about my friend. I would agree with her and say that my friend was in the wrong (which he actually was most of the time). We’d play together, just the two of us. We’d go invisible on Discord and on Overwatch. We became each other’s best friends. We all lived pretty far from each other, my friend lives in Vermont and she lives in New York City. We’d talk about meeting each other over the summer (which is the summer that is currently being written in, by the way). One day, her and her friend told me that I should go to their school. I thought it was a great idea and we discussed it. Looking back at it, I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking, I actually thought that it would happen. Newsflash, my nigga, that shit ain’t ever going to happen. I thought about moving alone to NYC and going to their expensive ass school, $50k YEARLY TUITION for grade school. Hell no, that definitely wasn’t going to happen. My parents laughed and said no. I was actually kind of bummed, like I dead ass thought that it might’ve happened. Over time, we developed feelings for each other. Her friend asked me if I thought that she liked me and I told her no. She asked her and turns out that she did like me, I was insanely happy. Moving on, later that month she told me that there was a possibility of her coming to Maryland for winter break. I was fucking hyped but she told me not to get too excited because it all deepened on her aunt’s roommate leaving so they could have a place to sleep. Sometime in December she confirms that she’s going. A couple of days before she comes to Maryland, we were talking to each other. We played this game that we had made where if one of us were to curse then the other would ask them 3 questions. These questions were to be answered honestly. I asked her questions about who she liked. She had knew that I knew that she liked me. I wanted her to admit it to me. She also asked me questions about who I liked. I, of course, described her. Now, I believe that she suspected that I liked her but she didn’t want to believe it. Later, she tells me that she has to leave. I decide to confess my feelings for her. I tell her that the girl I like would be coming to Maryland the next week, that we were going to see each other. She freaked out and I started laughing. She hung up the call and I just sat there in my chair, very happy. She arrives at night on Christmas. She’s in Maryland for 3 days pretty much (the 26th, the 27th, and the 28th), we hung out together on all 3 days. The first day was pretty awkward, not gonna lie. It makes sense though because this was out first time meeting each other. We met up at the National Gallery of Art and spent the majority of the day there. We didn’t really talk much at first but we later got more comfortable with each other and talked. After spending a day at the N.G.A., we ate dinner at this Chinese restaurant. It was fun, she tried teaching me how to use chopsticks but I wasn’t able to use them. Second day, I went over to her aunt’s house. It was a bit awkward for the first like 10 minutes but then everything was fine. We went ice skating but, here’s the thing, I don’t know how to ice skate. Her sister and her would hold my hand to try and help me keep my balance. After that, we returned to her aunt’s house where we played poker. Neither of us knew how to play so we had to learn. We played in teams. It was me and her, her sister and her mom, and her aunt and her aunt’s boyfriend. We turned out to be a pretty good team, we won a couple of times. On the third day, we went to ICE! at National Harbor. After spending a couple hours there, I suggested that we go eat at Rio. We arrived at Rio and for some reason her mom and wanted to go to Barnes and Noble. She didn’t want to go so I suggested that her and I walk for a bit. She happily and agreed and that’s what we did. I saw this as my chance, my chance to ask her out. I waited a bit and then I did it. She stopped walking and looked at me and said, “Are you serious?” to which I replied “Yes” and she said yes as well. It was fantastic except for the fact that my girlfriend would have to leave in about an hour to return to New York. We talked a lot over the next couple months, became closer to each other. One day in February, I got extremely lucky. I heard her dad tell her that they would be going to California for spring break. I told her that I’d be visiting New York for spring break. She told her dad this and her stepmom suggested that I go with them to Cali. We couldn’t believe this and we thought that she was joking. Nope, it was not a joke. I asked my parents and they allowed me to go. I arrived at New York on the 24th of March and left a week earlier. The first two days we were in New York. It was fun, we spent time together. On Monday, we left early in the morning to go to Cali. Now, to be honest, I don’t remember everything as it exactly happened, I tried forgetting these memories because it was just too painful to look back at. But here are the highlights of that week:
>lots of cuddling
>we kissed
>we went to some pretty cool places
So after the trip, we talked a lot for a couple of days. She slowly started to talk to me less, she said that she was busy with school work. It got to the point where if I was lucky we’d talk on the weekend (lemme elaborate here real quick, if I recall correctly, she was never busy on those weekends, we’d talk if she wanted to talk, not if she was busy or not). One day I accidentally pissed her off and that’s when it pretty much ended. I asked her if we were still together and she told me to give her a week to think about it. I acted super desperately, like super desperately. I thought that my acts of desperation would help me but it did the opposite. Honestly, if I was in her position I would not have given myself a second chance. I was too flawed and I had to learn from my mistakes. Now though, almost 4 months later, I feel like I am worthy of another chance. I feel that it is my time to try once again. I have reflected on my previous self and I have improved. I. Am. Ready.
to be continued...
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huntergator65 · 3 years
Pixelmator Photo
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The Pixelmator Pro image editing engine is seriously sophisticated and incredibly powerful. It’s designed exclusively to take advantage of the full power of Mac computers, using advanced Mac graphics technologies like Metal and Core Image. Pixelmator Photo for iPad is here!In this live session I'll show you everything you need to know to get the very best out of this amazing iPad app.
The timeline for many a photographer — at least, this was the case for me — can be outlined somewhat as per the graph below:
Here, photography gear and kit starts out as the ultimate source of inspiration. This inspiration declines steadily over time, but rears its ugly head on occasion.
The inspiration derived from other photographers takes essentially an inverse effect as gear and kit do. When gear and kit delusions subside, the drive to emulate your favorite photographers rises.
And finally, your own skill set not only grows over time, it also becomes the main source of your own inspiration over time.
I’ve developed a bit of a list for the second step — photographers like Kate Holstein, Sam Nute, Finn Beales, Dan Tom, and more are stunningly skilled and worthy of emulation. Their compositions are great — often, near perfect — and their colors are their own.
I think the prevailing advice to improve your abilities as a photographer is to focus on composition. Work with prime lenses, learn to position your body and camera in the right spot, and ensure all the pieces of the puzzle fit into your photograph beautifully.
Color is just the icing on top of the composition cake, and everyone likes different brands of icing, right?
It is the largest aircraft in the Embraer E-Jet family. It is an extended version of the Embraer E-190 aircraft. X-Crafts‘ goal from the beginning was to create a great high quality add-on that would be very interesting for both, the hardcore simmers as well as new flightsim users out there! Check Out the Embraer E 170 by SSG avaiable on the X Plane Forum!!!Check it out at:http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/34117-embraer-e-170-e-jet. X plane erj. FS2004 Aeromexico Connect Embraer 190. Model by VirtualCol. Texture by Carlos Daniel Gonzalez. Author Diego Israel Correa Vazquez. Traffic Global for X-Plane 11 adds high quality AI aircraft in authentic liveries and will full 3D sound and lighting and effects. It comes with 65 aircraft types and over 860 liveries and is simple to use. Embraer E175 and E195 v2 package by X-Crafts. Embraer E-175 v2.4. EMB190YTxp11 for X-Plane 11 Part of the message is hidden for the guests. Please log in or register to see it. Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.
Pixelmator Photo’s latest update brought the power of Pixelmator Pro’s ML Match Colors from the Mac to the iPad, promising the ability to match the color palettes between sets of photos. ML Match Colors is wonderfully implemented, quickly performed, and easy to use. It promises to use all the powers of the iPad.
But does it promise the power of stealing your favorite photographers’ color palettes? Will it make your photos look as good as your favorite photographers’ photos?
Of course not!
As is always the case in photography, there are a multitude of variables at play. ML Match Colors handles one specific variable: color.
Using ML Match Colors to Match Your Own Photos
This is the method that I expect the Pixelmator team both wants and expects customers to implement when using ML Match Colors. At first blush, ML Match Colors seems best designed for applying a relatively close color palette to all of your photos in a set.
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The original photo on the left and my personal edits on the right. Clearly, these two photos are very, very different.
To test the power of ML Match Colors, I used a single photo of my own from a few years ago. Evidently, I’ve heavily edited this photo, so I exported a copy of the original photo and a copy of the edited photo from Lightroom to my camera roll.
From there, I opened the original raw photo in Pixelmator Photo, dragged an instance of Photos into Split View, and dragged my edited into Pixelmator Photo to match the color palettes.
In general, if an app can or can’t deliver on a promise, it’s usually due to improper expectations. And since I originally came into this thinking ML Match Colors would also match saturation, hue, intensity, and exposure all at once, well, I was originally disappointed. Here’s the result:
But upon further inspection, Pixelmator Photo actually performed great work in matching the colors in these two photos. In retrospect, it’s obvious: the colors are properly matched. However, to get to my original end result, I had to jump into the color tools in Pixelmator Photo to dial back intensity, hue, and saturation of individual colors. After maybe a minute or two of experimentation, I came to this end result:
Not bad, actually! Not bad at all.
As I mentioned above, ML Match Colors is explicitly designed to match colors — matching any other elements of exposure, saturation, hue, and more either has to be done manually or through other forms of Pixelmator Photo’s machine learning features.
Using ML Match Colors to Match Someone Else’s Photos
This whole section likely gets dicey, so I want to ensure I give credit where credit is due, and I want to ensure that the end result of “stealing” someone’s color does not actually happen. I fully believe, after you’ve read through this section, you’ll agree that a photographer’s stylistic brand and color choices are not in jeopardy thanks to ML Match Colors.
So, Finn Beales is one of the professional photographers I mentioned above who I have a ton of professional respect for. Beales has one of my favorite photography blogs on the planet, shoots some of the best travel and brand photography in the world right now, and has provided a wealth of photographic knowledge in his photography course at Strohl Works. Tableau jira connector. If you want to get a behind-the-scenes look at how Beales works and how he achieves some of his results, that course was some of the best money I’ve spent in the last two years.
Finn Beales’s tremendous travel photography — known as “72 Hrs In…” — is showcased on his personal site. There are a wealth of photos to digest in that section of his blog. One of my favorites is his commissioned work for Travel Alberta, a province and location here in Canada I had the opportunity to travel to myself.
So, with that backstory out of the way, you can likely understand where I’m going with this. Here’s Finn Beales’ photo of a man at Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada:
Photo by Finn Beales, used solely for color reference and nothing more.
And here’s my photo of that exact same location, albeit with slightly different composition:
It’s very hard to say whether Beales and I shot the photo at the same time of day or in the same kind of weather, among other variables. We were at Lake Louise in the earliest part of the morning, so the orange glows on the mountaintop peaks are about as close as I could get to the oranges in Beales’ photo.
And here’s the result after dragging and dropping Beales’ photo into Pixelmator Photo:
Did my photo change at all? You’d be hard-pressed to tell. I believe many of the colors indeed match those in Beales’ photo, but again, hue, saturation, luminosity, brightness, and other variables play a major role in keeping Beales’ stylistic color choices his own.
This is good news, in nearly every facet of the story. The learning lessons I’m taking away from this:
Composition remains the most important element of photography. If you don’t have good composition, the amount of beautiful color you add or take away from a photograph won’t magically transform it into a mystical work of art.
Understanding “color” involves much, much more than simply dragging and dropping one photo onto the other. To achieve a certain look, a full understanding of the color wheel, color and light curves, and color tools is still required.
For all the work professionals have put in to create their own style, brand, and “look”, they can be rest assured that other photographers like myself won’t be able to replicate that same look with a simple feature in an iPad app.
Other Updates in Pixelmator Photo 1.2
Despite the title ML Match Colors feature debuting in Pixelmator Photo 1.2, the 1.2 app update housed plenty of powerful features for photographers looking to utilize the iPad more and more in their workflows.
Notice the trackpad cursor right in the middle of the photo on the left and the re-shaped cursor in the top right in the right photo. Cursor support is very nicely baked into the latest Pixelmator Photo update.
Trackpad Support: iPadOS 13.4’s new trackpad and cursor support has taken the platform by rage. Any app designed with many custom elements has struggled to organically adopt cursor support out of the gate, so updates have been needed to have all apps feel at home in iPadOS 13.4. Pixelmator Photo 1.2 brings full-blown trackpad support to the app, allowing you to whiz around with a mouse or trackpad much like you would on a Mac.
Split View: We chose Adobe Lightroom CC as the best photo editing app for the iPad because of its ecosystem, and we chose Darkroom as the runner-up because of Darkroom’s adoption of iOS technologies. With Pixelmator Photo 1.2, you can throw another app into the runner-up column. Pixelmator Photo may now have the best iPadOS technology support of any photo editing app available. The app now supports Split View, which is very powerful in how ML Match Colors is used. The app adeptly uses the iOS photo library rather than maintaining its own photo library housed within the app. And all the machine learning features built into the app make it one of, if not the, most powerful iOS photo editor available for the iPad.
Adjustment Intensity and Recent Adjustments: Pixelmator Photo 1.2 now allows you to fine-tune the intensity of color adjustments and presets. As described above, these tools are fundamental to achieving a desired look after ML Match Colors has done its job.
You’re also able to quickly reference and copy the adjustments from your most recently edited photos in Pixelmator Photo 1.2. Legal audio transcription. This, combined with ML Match Colors, make for a quick and easy workflow to edit a batch of photos with the same colors and settings.
Wrap Up
ML Match Colors debuted as a powerful machine learning feature in Pixelmator Pro for the Mac. The feature alone almost had me download Pixelmator Pro. However, I held off, knowing my workflow was going to increasingly move to the iPad. I admit, I didn’t expect ML Match Colors to come to the iPad so quickly.
I’m glad I waited. Because I’m positive I would have been initially disappointed with the ML Match Colors feature on the Mac.
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Now that I’ve had a chance to try the feature, I’m more likely to purchase Pixelmator Pro for the Mac, simply because of the feature.
Pixelmator Photo App
So much of the iPhone and iPad’s being is wrapped up in simplicity. The devices themselves are fairly simply to use and can somehow house multiple generations of people into their user bases. This air of simplicity, applied to photography, almost makes it feel like you should be able to take a boring photo of the tree in your backyard and turn it into a masterpiece worthy of the Louvre.
The machine learning features in Pixelmator Photo are a taste of this simplicity, but don’t let your imagination run wild. Machine learning features in Pixelmator Photo take advantage of the deepest iOS technologies, eliminate a plethora of difficult and complicated tasks, and make editing photos easier than ever. They aren’t a perfect, one-tap-done editing tool.
ML Match Colors may be the very best machine learning tool available inside Pixelmator Photo. Drag and drop your favorite photos — or perhaps you can create and use your own color templates — to match the colors, then tweak everything else inside Pixelmator Photo’s vast array of editing tools. If you really want to make it easy, enable all the ML toggles in the tool array, hit export, and you’re done.
We named Pixelmator Photo as the photo editing app with the most potential in our big review. This 1.2 update really, really builds out some of that potential. And if this is just the start, Pixelmator Photo may move its way up the ladder of the best photo editing iPad apps.
Must-Have, Most-Used Photography Apps
Pixelmator Photo Mask
We spend an inordinate amount of time sorting through hundreds of apps to find the very best. Our team here at The Sweet Setup put together a short list of our must-have, most-used apps for taking and editing photos on iPhone and iPad.
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stepphase · 3 years
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Cashback: earn money when you spend it!
Cashback… How many times have I already used this word on the blog! But do you know what it is? Cashback is the art of making money by ... spending money.
To be clearer, it is when you make a purchase online and they refund a part of this purchase.
Yes, it's basically that, but just to be clear I'm going to explain everything to you here. 🙂
How does cashback work?
Cashback is a very simple process.
You sign up on one of the cashback websites.
You are looking for the store that interests you. These websites offer you several online stores and services in different categories: health and beauty, fashion, computing, finance, home, travel, ... Among them you will find some of the best known such as: Zalando, El Corte Inglés, Fnac, Kiko, The Body Shop, Iberia, Expedia, Booking ...
When you have found the store, you click on the link. The web will redirect you to the site of the online store.
You do your shopping as usual, without worrying about anything else.
After a few days, once the merchant has validated the transaction, the amount promised will be credited to your account on the cashback website.
And that's it!
This is a small summary of how cashback works in the pages that I am going to talk about below and with which you are going to earn extra money.
Why do cashback websites offer you money for your online purchases?
Because they are that generous! 
Many websites offer affiliate programs. Be it Zalando, Fnac or Booking, they pay you every time you "send" them a new user. This is what we call a commission.
The cashback pages have formed collaborations with many of these websites and are paid every time they send someone to their websites, for example Zalando.
To encourage you to go through these websites they offer you money as a reward: an important part of the commission they receive is given to you, and this is what we call cashback .
Everyone wins:
The online store : win new customers without necessarily great marketing efforts, since the marketing has been done by the cashback page.
The cashback page: receive a commission from each online store for each new customer who signs up.
The user (YOU): you recover a percentage of your purchases. Between 2 and 40% normally. This is not a big deal, but if you do a lot of shopping on the Internet, this will be something more significant.
More than cashback!
Not content with giving you back some money in exchange for your purchases, the cashback pages regularly offer coupons or discount codes to use in some of the partner stores.
This is a double advantage, on the one hand they reimburse you for part of your purchases, and on the other, your purchase costs less than expected.
Below I will give you some examples 😉
The most popular cashback pages
There are several cashback pages in Spain and Latin America, but here I want to tell you about three, which are the ones that I use myself.
This website started in Spain in 2007 and is currently present in 14 countries.
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Beruby is available in Spain and Latin America
In Beruby, in addition to cashback for your purchases, you will find a " coupons " section so that your purchases will be cheaper. Coupons can be used in your online purchases, local purchases, or in supermarkets.
Discount coupons for some fashion stores.
Other ways to earn money in Beruby are: register on pages, visit other websites, watch video, you will find these actions in the " offers " section
You can also invite your friends or acquaintances to register in Beruby. You receive 50% of the profits obtained by your guests in the offers section, except in bets, casinos and slots.
To request payment in Beruby, if you are in Spain you can do it through PayPal (minimum 1 euro confirmed) or bank transfer (minimum 5 euros confirmed). If you are in another country, it will only be done through PayPal (minimum 10 euros confirmed)
Available in Spain and some Latin American  countries : Sign up for Beruby here .
This German company was launched in 2012 in Berlin. After its success, it has expanded to other European countries: Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
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Aklamio pays you for your recommendations
Unfortunately, Aklamio has not yet reached Latin America. We'll be alert!
Aklamio is another website where you can earn money by cashback, but there are other ways to earn money :
Recommendation: It is about recommending a product to your friends (there are more than 10 million on the web) and when they buy it you receive a commission.
Earn for recommending a product
Invite friends: When a friend of yours registers on the aklamio website through your link, you receive 10% of the commissions generated by him or her.
Invite your friends and win
Request your earnings from 1 euros and receive them in your bank account or in your PayPal account.
To sign up for Aklamio, click here .
ConSuPermiso belongs to the iBrands group and is present in Spain and Mexico. It offers different ways to earn money since 1999.
ConSuPermiso available in Spain and Mexico
In ConSuPermiso you also accumulate points for: filling out surveys, downloading apps, reading emails, registering.
Another way to win is by inviting your friends. You earn 1 euro for each one (up to a maximum of 10) and they earn 0.30 euros on their account. You also earn for their actions, for this there are four levels that will depend on the number of referrals you have.
You can request the payment of your winnings when you have added 30 points, that is, 30 euros, and it will be sent by bank transfer.
Sign up for ConSuPermiso here .
Some questions that you will surely ask yourself about these cashback pages:
Are they free?
Yes, registration on any of these cashback pages is completely free.
Is the product or service more expensive if I go through a cashback page?
No, the product is not more expensive. At the time of purchase, the price will not change, whether or not you go through the cashback page.
In any case, they may be cheaper for you. For example, in Beruby they offer you discount coupons, so you can benefit from them in your purchase, at the time of payment.
Do they really work?
Yes, cashback really works. I understand that you have your doubts, but I have tried it myself and I assure you that they have confirmed the balance in my account.
Where does the money I earn in my cash back account go?
Once you have made your purchase, the money is transferred to your "cashback account". Once the store has confirmed the operation, you can request it in different ways, depending on the cashback page you use:
Wire transfer
In no case will they offer you the money in the form of discount coupons or gift vouchers. This is why the term cashback is used regularly: it is about cash, cash, hard and fast.
Is there a minimum profit to be able to withdraw the money?
Yes. It depends on each cashback website. Check the information above🙂
Is a single cashback page enough?
Most of the online stores in Spain are collaborators of the most important cashback pages, with the exception of Amazon. So you won't see a big difference in the supply of stores.
However, cashback percentages are sometimes very different from page to page. It can be really interesting that you sign up for more than one website, especially if you have the habit of buying online, whether you buy an iPad, food or travel.
Does it take a long time for the money to reach my account after the purchase?
Cashback can sometimes take some time to be credited to your account. Because for example, some online stores do not inform the website of cashback until after the package has been delivered and after the return period has been exceeded. In the case of travel websites or hotel reservations, the cashback will not be reimbursed until the service has been consumed; since you could cancel the trip or hotel night at the last minute.
Is it possible to cancel a purchase and still receive the cashback?
The stores already have it planned. As I told you before, your cashback will not be validated until after meeting some conditions. It is not possible to cheat the system.
But why are these cashback pages sooooo generous?
These pages earn money for each of the transactions that are made through their links. It's not much: on the one hand they reimburse you for a part of your commissions and on the other, the transactions can be low-priced thanks to the discount coupons they have. But if you multiply the little money they earn with each of your transactions by the number of transactions that each of us make each month and the number of members they have, you will see that their earnings will increase rapidly.
Then it is in your own interest that you offer us the highest possible cashback and if possible interesting discount coupons . They will also encourage you to use their link, this one that will allow YOU and THEM to earn a little money.
Everyone wins, so… don't be shy. Sign up for any of them!
«Beruby here»
"Aklamio here"
«With your permission here»
Combine cashback with other ideas to earn money
These are some of my suggestions:
Give your opinion and win for it. This is possible with paid surveys. For me, the best pages in Spain are Toluna and also i-Say. In Latin America, you can also find LifePoints and Toluna.
You can also earn money by viewing banner ads.
Other pages like Clickxti or SumaClicks pay you to click on an email.
Sell ​​clothes that you no longer wear. There are different platforms that allow you to do it. 
On the Internet, there are different ways to earn money.
Cashback is a cool solution to earn some money. Obviously, you will not make a living from this, but every time you make an online purchase you will have a refund for it. Easy right?
I recommend you sign up for several cashback pages: each website offers you different cashbacks, sometimes better, sometimes worse. Therefore, it is interesting to compare the cashbacks that each page offers you and see which one offers you the best refund for the store where you are going to buy.
You already know that I like you to tell me your experience, doubts, or questions. Do it below in the comments, or if you prefer contact me by email 😉
Tell me, have you used a cashback page? Do you know other cashback websites?
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houseofvans · 5 years
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Artist Mike McKennedy aka Boss Dog recently moved from the comforts of his Portland, OR studio to a new creative space situated in Twentynine Palms, CA. We’re stoked to check out what his newly set up studio space is like, what his typical day in the studio is like, and what projects he’s currently working on.  Find out more about Mike McKennedy in our more in depth –Art School interview with Boss Dog! 
Photographs by Samantha McKennedy
Where your space is located: On the border of Joshua Tree National Park in Twentynine Palms, CA
Can you describe to folks a little about your studio or creative art space? Well, it's weird because I just moved in. I moved from Portland, OR to Twentynine Palms, CA just outside of Joshua Tree National Park. My old space was covered in artwork and posters by my favorite artists, but I haven't put much up on the walls here yet. I am excited for a new beginning and just want to accumulate new stuff naturally. My wife Sam helps me run Boss Dog and we do most of the work that pays the bills from home. It works for us. We like each other and our dogs and kinda just like to chill and do our own things so it's nice.
What’s a typical day in the studio like for you? Right now I fluctuate between balancing commissions, working on my own stuff as Boss Dog, contributing to the animated movie The Planet of Doom, and being a part of a new restaurant called Black Seed Burger Cult. I use the word balance lightly because I don't know if I have figured that part out yet. I am way behind on deadlines for Planet of Doom, but I am getting close to finishing my part. 
Check it out @theplanetofdoom –This year I am trying to do less commission work and focus only on Boss Dog. I have stuff coming out with Zumiez soon and Boss Dog is ramping up more and more. I am currently trying to figure out if I am more of an artist or a graphic designer or what they call a "brand" or some permutation of all three!!!! It's all growing pains. I am also super busy with Black Seed Burger Cult in Portland, OR. Myself and a gentleman named John Black (@barelyhumanart) are doing the design and there are two other owners named Mikey Williams and Donovan Collins who are the creative chef geniuses who will run the joint. So, I bounce around between all that. Whatever is causing the most stress at the moment is what I try and put some work in to!!
What type of things do you keep around the studio to inspire you ? What art are on your walls? I like tchotchkes. I'm not Jewish but I sort of believe in Golems. I like having things around that symbolize protection from another realm. My wife would tell me to cut the crap and just admit that I love toys. But, if you come to our house every room has a golem in it somewhere. It's usually a M.U.S.C.L.E. figure haha. They are protectors. My brain is usually preoccupied with a world that has strong magical protectors in it. So my art room has a lot of stuff in it I see thru that lens. As far as art goes I love old He-Man, Snoopy, old biker shit, Frazetta, and of course the millions of current day artists who inspire me! As I type this on the wall behind me is a huge tapestry by Jason Cruz. That dude rules.
What are you currently working on in your studio space? What are you jammin’ to while you work? Today I am doing a hand drawn font for the burger place I mentioned. The magicians behind @kern.club are going to make it a working font. They are rad. I listen to an equal amount of music to podcasts. The last five bands I played on Spotify are: 2 Chainz, Nipsey Hussle, Credence Clearwater Revival, The Band, and Megadeth; last five podcasts I listened to are: Jalen & Jacoby, The Jump, The Nod, Heavyweight, and Reply All.
What art materials would we find on your desk? I usually do a lot of messy gestural drawing in non photo blue pencil. Everything I do is with the intention of eventually transferring it over to a computer. So, I use a lot of blue pencil or use a light table to ink over my pencil drawings so there's no graphite. I don't know how to use an iPad. So I draw on paper, use a light table to draw and redraw my images on new pieces of paper to my eventual liking, then scan the final in. I clean the linework up in Ai and then switch over to photoshop. I am too stubborn to try it any other way so that's just how it is for me now! So besides non photo blue pencils I use almost exclusively sharpies, regular pencils (nothing fancy, just whatever I can find at the grocery store) Micron .08 and Micron .03 and Uniball white pens from Japan. Those are all my jams. When I paint -- which I haven't been doing too much of lately -- I use liquitex acrylic paint and Molotow acrylic paint pens. Also he's not a material but my dog Bud is always at my feet when I draw. He says he wants to be an artist too but all I ever see him do is sleep. So we'll see about that one.
Whose studio would you like to peek into?  I absolutely love Skip Class as an artist. I think his process is rad. I can never figure him out and that's a good thing. He's present as fuck and just lives it. Check him out @skip.class. Also John Black (@barelyhumanart) isn't just a friend he's a co conspirator and just someone whose process I really enjoy. Lastly I think Matt Kerley is one of those genius minds that inhabits weird places and does a ton of different things well. He’s an incredible fine artist, tattooer and he makes rad clothes. He is on Ig as @mattituder​.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
3 Minute Meditations
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/3-minute-meditations/
3 Minute Meditations
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 Buy Now
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    Get ready to experience the simplest, gentlest 28-day jumpstart to the life-changing practice of meditation for beginners. I’m going to teach you the number one secret to have more peace, tranquility and balance in your life. It is doable, realistic, time-friendly and all-inclusive and will provide you with physical, mental and emotional harmony.
Before I tell you more about the PROVEN meditation techniques that have changed the outlook of meditation for thousands of people around the world, I am going to reveal the 3 most common barriers you are facing that are stopping you from getting the peace of mind and anxiety-free living that you deserve.
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Your mind is just too busy to sit still for extended periods of time.
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Let me tell you something my friend, join the club. Millions of people all across the planet suffer from the syndrome “I-Can’t-Sit-Still-itis”. We live in a society that has us over-stimulated on every level…cell phones, iPads, computers, tvs, billboards, car radios and the list goes on. It’s no wonder you can’t quiet your mind and sit still for any period of time.
That’s why we’re going to start you with baby steps. I’m not going to ask you to sit for 10, 20 or 30 minutes when you first begin. That’s like asking someone who struggles to drink one glass of water a day, to drink in excess of eight glasses a day. That’s a recipe for failure. Your body and your mind would rebel against this.
To find success, you would encourage the person to begin by drinking perhaps 3 glasses a day, then slowly increasing the amount as they found comfort. Likewise, since you’re probably struggling to sit still at all, I’m simply going to ask you to meditate for only 180 seconds a day. That’s right, 180 seconds a day! Once you realize, “Hey, I can do this!”, naturally and gradually you may begin to add time.
Get ready, I am about to show you a very unique and doable approach for beginning to meditate.
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You can’t fit it into your already super busy schedule.
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Listen, these days, if you’re anything like me, you’ve got a gazillion things that seem to demand your time. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. The crazy thing, is that today, our society makes us feel like we’ve always got to be doing, doing, doing.
At some point, though, if you’re always doing, doing, doing, and going, going, going…you’re going to hit a breaking point. I know I certainly did!
Each and everyone of us, myself included can find 3 minutes a day to meditate…it’s that simple. I’m here to tell you from personal experience, it’s imperative that you do. Your life depends on it.
Here’s the truth though (just in case you think it’s a waste of time), simply by taking a few short minutes a day to sit and be still, to refuel yourself, you will become that much more productive and present when you’re doing what you’re doing, whether it’s working, playing, studying, or loving 🙂
You’ll discover the most efficient and effective way to get the most out of your meditation time.
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You want to start meditating but don’t know how and don’t want to spend lots of money to learn.
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You’ve probably heard it said before, but it’s the starts that stop people. Just breaking the inertia that keeps us from getting from where we are to where we hope to be is very challenging for just about everybody. Truthfully there is a ton of information out there about how to begin meditating, it’s just that a lot of it can be confusing and/or expensive.
It’s time to put an end to this, let’s get you off the blocks!
As it relates to getting into the wonderful world of meditation, if you’re tired of feeling like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast, then keep reading and you will find the SOLUTION you have been longing for. It’s easy to understand, simple to do and super inexpensive!
I want to let you know that all of the above barriers are NOT YOUR FAULT, BUT YOU NEED TO SET THE GAME UP TO WIN!
And you don’t need to be a spiritual aspirant, monk or mystic to get it.
YOU are capable of doing this! I doubted myself when I first started as well. But I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.
Once I learned the proper way to really meditate and create stillness of mind and body, I became doubtless.
Now I get to share it with you.
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YOU can have the peace of mind you have always wanted. Believe in yourself and just follow what I am about to show you.
Follow it to the exact letter and I guarantee you will be on your way to a life filled with peace, positivity, vitality and connectivity.
These 3 barriers are STOPPING you from getting the life you’ve been longing for. It’s time to make a change.
I’ve created a NEW cutting-edge version of my practice, what I call 3-Minute Meditations. They are for beginners or folks short on time. They are super-short, super-simple, uncomplicated introductions to the art and science of meditation. With these breakthrough methods, you’ll be well on your way to getting all the benefits of meditation while sitting about 1/10th of the time of other programs.
3-Minute Meditations is guaranteed to lead you to incredible results if you practice daily. And the best part is it only takes 180 seconds a day.
3-Minute Meditations is built around 7 guided audio meditations/visualizations systematically utilized throughout the four weeks. These include Intentional, Oneness, Mantra, Forgiveness, Mindfulness, Heart & Healing meditations/visualizations.
With a simple, intentional, easy-to-implement practice, you’ll witness an increase in peace, joy & gratitude and a decrease in stress, anxiety & overwhelm in your life.
You Get All Of This…
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Component 1:
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The 3MM Book and 28-Day Challenge ($19 Value)
I’ve written a book called 3-Minute Meditations where I simplify and demystify the life-changing transformational technology of mediation and I’ve made it doable for everybody.
In this 32 page primer on the 2500 year old practice of meditation, you’re going to learn what meditation is, the 12 top effects you’ll experience, the 4 different types of brain waves and how to access them, as well as the 3 keys to success.
Within the book I’ve created a 28-Day Meditation Challenge where I ask you, the reader, to sit and meditate using the techniques I provide, for just 3 minutes a day for 28 days straight. That’s right you heard me correctly, just 3 minutes a day!
Sound like something you can do? I bet it does! And I’m quite confident that if you do, you’ll be hooked and you will be taking your first step on the journey of a lifetime.
If you’ve ever wanted to meditate, this is your opportunity to get in the game, my friend.
Component 2:
3-Minute Meditations “Done-For-You” Audio Accelerator Package
Get Even FASTER RESULTS! ($27 Value)
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Because you have chosen to take action today, your order includes 9 follow-along, guided AUDIO meditations, which are systematically practiced during the 28-day meditation challenge contained within the 3-Minute Meditations book. These are quick and easy audios with relaxing, soothing music in the background. They include Intentional, Oneness, Contemplative, Existential, Mantra, Forgiveness, Mindfulness, Heart & Healing meditations/visualizations.
You can download them as mp3s so you can listen to them anywhere… at home, in your car, when you’re on a run, or in between getting your coffee and getting to the office. All you have to do is push play and get in the flow!
Component 3:
Joyful Living Journal ($19 Value)
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In component 3, the Joyful Living Journal, you’ll have the opportunity to consciously cultivate more gratitude and joy in your life over the course of 28 Days.
This is the perfect companion to the 28-Day meditation challenge you’ll go through in the 3-Minute Meditations book.
Each day I will provide you with 2 thought-provoking questions for you to ponder and write about.
All of this is done to afford you the opportunity to get to know YOU better than you ever imagined. From this space of self-awareness, you will be better able to begin living a joyful, grateful life.
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Secrets For Meditation Success Videos ($27 Value)
When it comes to meditating, there are certain practices you can do BEFORE you begin that will greatly increase your chances of enjoying the experience. In these 2 videos Adam Michael Brewer gives you insider secrets for meditation success.
Video 1 – Finding your spot to meditate and relaxation exercises
Video 2 – How to sit to meditate
“Done For You” Meditation X(tended) Pack ($47 Value)
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Ready to sit longer than 3 minutes? Then this is what you’re looking for.
An additional 10-guided audio meditations of extended lengths where Adam Michael Brewer leads you through four 5-minute Mindfulness Meditations, three Intentional Meditations (5 min, 10 min & 15 min) and three Oneness Meditations (5 min, 10 min & 15 min).
That’s an additional 2 HOURS worth of guided audio meditations!
Once the 28-Day Challenge is completed, THE RESULTS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!
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Be far more patient with your loved ones so that you can have a deep meaningful relationship with the people you care about most.
Feel comfortable in all situations so that you can go to all cocktail parties, social gatherings, banquets, meetings without feeling anxiety, sweaty palms and pitting out.
Have greater energy levels throughout the day so that you can be more productive at work, do the things you love doing, and just keep going and going and going.
Save money on a therapist or medications so that you can take the vacation you’ve always dreamed of, go to the restaurants you love, and save for your future.
Become less likely to suffer from anxiety attacks so that you can take full control of your life, dominate your path and become the best version of you ever!
Just imagine enjoying all these benefits simply by sitting down and being still for
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“Adam!!! I want to share my immense gratitude to you for sharing 3 Minute Meditations and the 28 Day Meditation Challenge. I have been meditating for years, but NEVER consistently. Now, by putting into practice a daily 3 minute meditation, I am able to meditate daily, sometimes multiple times daily, and often for longer amounts of time. Shifts in perspective, peace of mind, and HUGE new opportunities are entering my life… MIRACLES!
Meditation is such an important spiritual tool and I feel like you’ve given me such a huge gift. I’m forever grateful.…AMAZING!!! THANK YOU!!! I AM BBD!”
Beth Bloom
Los Angeles, CA
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“3 Minute Meditations provided an easy to follow introduction to meditation. Adding three minutes of meditation to my routine has been relaxing, energizing, and grounding. It has become regular part of my day that I will enthusiastically continue.
I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a systematic method of learning to implement daily meditation. Amazing how just three minutes of meditation can be so energizing! Ready to go workout! Thank you for including me, Adam!”
Julie R. Schulte, MA, CCC-A
Zionsville, Indiana
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“Thank you Adam for giving me just what I needed to start a meditation practice. I have heard and read for years about the benefits of meditation, but always found excuses not to try, or would try and not stay consistent. When I read about the 3 minute format, I thought to myself, “now that’s something can do”. Within the first week I was naturally craving to sit longer, and am now meditating daily. Something I have always wanted to do for myself, I am now doing.
I have developed a daily ritual I look forward to which nourishes me. I truly see the value in developing this practice even more deeply, and you were just what I needed to get started. Thank you again! Namaste.”
Jennifer McKinney
Los Angeles, CA
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“As a freelance television producer working sometimes 60+ hours a week while juggling my teenage daughter’s schedule and trying not to neglect my husband, my days are almost always stressful! So when Adam offered the 28-day-meditation challenge to sit for three minutes a day, I seized the opportunity to incorporate the practice into my life.
I am thrilled to report that during the challenge, I was better able to deal with tense situations and difficult people. My anxiety levels have most definitely dropped (see ya Xanax). Once the challenge ended, I have continued my practice and extended my meditation time. I would highly recommend Three Minute Meditations to anyone who is interested in exploring meditation but isn’t sure how to begin – the practice has truly added value to my life (and by extension, the lives I touch on a daily basis). Having Adam as my guide into this practice has been a real blessing, and I believe that his unique perspective and approach has the potential to so many people who, like me, find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of the multi-tasking, fast-paced world in which we live.”
Leslie Lindsey Ward
Santa Monica, CA
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“The depth of my gratitude is simply boundless. Today was day 28 of the 28 day meditation challenge for me. I have practiced various forms of meditation, prayer, chanting since the mid to late 80’s and where I have always struggled was keeping a daily practice truly daily for more than a few weeks. The 3 minute meditations made it so easy for me to really commit this time. I love having the various guided meditations. I love setting my intention and creating a field of gratitude.
I have had more sustained peace and joy over the past 28 days than I can really ever remember. Or maybe simply I have come to know a greater depth of the peace and joy and gratitude and it stays with me throughout the day. When it doesn’t, I simply give myself the time to use the tools from this program to center myself again and come back to that attitude of gratitude. As I celebrate completing the 28 day challenge, I also look forward to sustaining my practice and continuing on the path of spiritual progress, health, healing and happiness.
I’ve heard it said that at the moment of commitment, the entire Universe conspires to assist you. My thanks to the Universe for bringing me to this program. Adam, this was exactly what I needed. Thank you!”
Dave Drezner
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“I recently finished my 28 day challenge and all I can say is how appreciative I am for having been given this most amazing gift. I feel so much calmer and more connected than I ever have. I have also been dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil lately – aging and ill parents that could send anyone into a tailspin, but with the tools Adam has provided, I have been able to keep calm, breathe and move forward without losing it!
Thank you Adam for blessing me with a gift I didn’t even know I needed or wanted. I am so grateful to have met you and I look forward to learning and growing with your guidance and support. I am actually going to do the challenge again using the guided meditation-excited to see where that takes me!!”
Kathy Donovan
Los Angeles, CA
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“As a 46 year old trying to balance work and family life, I found the 3 minute meditation to be a great stress reliever. 3MM provides big impact for such a small commitment of time and is very easy to do. I recommend it for anyone who is looking to improve the quality of their lives.”
Dan Schuman
Cleveland, OH
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“The 3 Minute Meditations book takes you thru a 28 day journey, enveloping the core of all things life has to offer, opening our minds into accepting all the goodness there is within ourselves and others. You can do these 3 minute meditations anywhere at anytime with ease. These 3 minutes a day can really change your life!”
Janae Brand
Marina Del Rey, CA
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“Before I even go into my kitchen in the morning —before I enter the chaos and look at my schedule for the day, I stay in my room and do my 3 minutes of meditation and it just seems to get me focused for my day—it energizes me and makes me very positive and ready take on the challenge. I try very hard to do it again in the evening and it just helps me to breathe out all of the chaos of the day!!
Thank you Adam for helping me de-stress!!”
Leigh Ann Oberski
Toledo, OH
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“I tried both morning and evening and found I prefer the evening/night. I do it as a part of getting ready for bed and I find it helps me relax, unwind and sleep happy. Thank you Adam!”
Jennifer Stump
Marina Del Rey, CA
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“Due to my mommy and work schedule I have been using your 3-minute meditations in the morning, mid day or at night. Ideally the morning is best, but if it was a high intensity day, night is amazing to wind down with a 3MM. Mid day actually has been great for me too, if business just gets a lil hectic. It’s good to take that time to release and regroup.
My goal is to get it to the same time everyday as many days as possible. All in all its brilliant for me so far. Muah AMB!!! Thank you for this beautification!”
Shaina Fast
Los Angeles, CA
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“I want to call your attention to Adam Michael Brewer. He has launched his ebook on meditation. The peace that is over this guy can only described as heaven sent. He is truly centered and has taught me through example how to ascend.
I can’t stress enough the benefits of meditation. It doesn’t take a lot of time and its not a difficult thing to do but his book will show you how. Please, please, hit him up and he’ll advise you how to join his group and obtain his book. – be blessed!!!”
Scott A. Williams
Los Angeles, CA
Hi, I’m Adam Michael Brewer; meditation guide, wellness coach and mind/body specialist. I live in Playa Del Rey, CA with my partner Liz and our son Skye. Simply put, meditation has been the greatest gift I have ever given myself. In short, it was a serious Game-Changer. It found it’s way into my life back in 2003 at a time when I desperately needed to find solid ground in my life.
I’ve been practicing meditation for the last 15 years and have been teaching it to others for the last 3 years. I can’t wait to share it with you too. Very soon you will learn the secret to living with more joy, peace of mind and greater vitality than you’ve ever imagined.
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What are you waiting for? You’ve come this far and you’re just one click away from experiencing this life-changing program!
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Learn More
Q & A’s
Q. Will this program work if I’m in my 40’s and 50’s?A. Yes, the beautiful part about this program is that it works at any age.
Q. I’ve been meditating for years, just not consistently. Will this be for me? A. YES!!! The real benefits of meditation are felt and experienced through daily meditation. I intentionally picked a length of time for the meditation that anyone can fit into their days, whether you’ve been at this before, but it didn’t stick or this is your first time.
Q. What if I already have a consistent meditation practice? A. That is completely fine. Consider this another option for when you are time crunched… kind of like meditation-to-go!
Q. I’m not religious. Does this technique have any particular religious affiliation? A. This practice is not affiliated with any religion. It is for anyone… whether you’re religious, spiritual or anywhere in between.
Q. Is 3 minutes of meditation really enough to get results?A. Absolutely!!! Just look at some of the testimonials to hear about the results people got whether or not they had meditated before or had never tried it. The best part about it being 3 minutes is that it allows you to create a HABIT. What most people experience is that they eventually, if not very quickly, love the feeling and they naturally want to sit longer. 🙂
0 notes
soundrooms · 7 years
Soundrs: Ben Eyes
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Welcome to our new Friday feature: #producer #interviews The focus lies on #workflow & #inspiration, in order to provide a way to both gain insight about #music #production and spotlight ambitious #audio #producers. If you want to get featured, send a message here on #tumblr or an email to [email protected]. The questions will remain largely the same. Now let’s get the ball rolling with our first of many Soundrs! Indulge.
Ben Eyes is a sound engineer, composer and live performance artist based in Leeds, UK. He makes electronic music as Quip https://soundcloud.com/quip and is one half of percussion and electronics duo STOCKER/EYES https://stockereyes.wordpress.com/ 
• What are your inspiration sources?
Sometimes field recordings, sometimes instruments I find new corners of gear I haven't explored. I am a bit of a gear hoarder, but old 80/90s stuff as opposed to new shiny things. I love the Kurzweil K2000 its full of 80s/90s sounds but then you program it and get something contemporary, its Max MSP in hardware. I like to explore timbres and rhythms together so that might be having a drum pattern distorted in a cheap fx pedal or using delay to create new rhythms. I am a sucker for the Roland 707 as my main drum machine but the sound of it gets twisted and messed up. I find the grooves I create with the old drum machines feel more planted and make me want to dance, if that’s what’s needed.
• Tell us something about your workflow.
It is sort of split up into 3 really, I am really lucky in that I have a large room in my little (detached) house, I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't disturb anyone. I have a guitar corner with all my effects and amps setup. Then a keyboard stand with all my drums and synths near to hand - I stand up at this and get grooves and patterns down using hardware. Then a computer and mixer next to each other. I have a bunch of synths on my computer table too. I love tabletop synths so you can just sit and noodle. I tend to get something going on with a couple of synths and a drum machine. Increasingly its a small euro rack modular that i have been building. Everything is synced together and clocked from the 707, but I do some weird things with syncing - I get a 606 to do irregular clock from the tom outputs - this provides sync for the modular and a Korg electribe, which I still use alot and have a load of sample banks for it on SD cards, it makes some messed up horrible sounds and also some very punchy drums. This gets the juices flowing. I will record the jam into Ableton then start chopping or adding stuff. I like to use a mixture of analogue and digital. Posh and poor. So I might use the Pro One with a Casio keyboard but through a decent effects pedal. I think having lots of different sources in a track helps to make the sounds interesting. I started out with nothing, a four track and a delay pedal as a kid. Then a computer a bit later. I ran Rebirth and Cubasis, putting everything together in a sequencer. So having this studio is a complete luxury, a dream really. I managed to get this studio together by working my arse off and getting bits second hand every now and then. I am quite strict about not buying new stuff, there is too much gear in the world so I try and get a bargain now and then. I am a sound engineer by trade so I get offered kit quite a bit. The internet has helped also. My room is pretty full now though so its just a question of me getting time in here to work. I have a couple of different monitor options and a sub which is great. To be honest I keep things really simple. The main thing I guess is I use hardware almost 100% now. Some software compression and EQ but its all sounds from boxes, guitars or my mouth.
• How would creative rituals benefit your workflow?
Well I used to smoke a bit and have a drink to get in the zone, which I have stopped now. I just drink tea. Have a meal with my girlfriend and then get into a flow. I like to loop weird things I might have recorded in my job or just play with a machine until something comes out. Rituals are really important. I cycle a lot and love mountain biking. Also just playing the guitar and using acoustic instruments helps. I have a tonne of guitars and little stringed things. Acoustic instruments are ritualistic, they are the maddest things really. The more I think about a guitar the more it drives me to create something with it.
• How do you get in the zone?
Just relaxing, not thinking too much. I do quite a bit of music to spec, and also study at the moment for PhD in Composition at the University of York. This means I have to switch off really when making "my music". I just use music to relax often. As a way to create something that might be heard somewhere. I gig less now and don't release music much so its more of thing for myself and occasionally others.
• How do you start a track?
Sometimes I setup a load of gear and just go for it. If I have a load of tracks to do for a record I just get three or four boxes going together, maybe drums and two synths then hammer out a load of improvisations. I like to work quite fast so I will stay in this mode for a while. I don't use a pool of samples so every time I start a track I try and record new stuff. Thats probably crazy but it keeps things fresh and I always find out new things. I might have one or two loops from my recorder or phone but usually every things done in the studio.
• Do you have a special DAW template?
No I am not really into that. I have fave effects settings on hardware. Everything runs through a desk in the studio so I just patch in whatever I want and go. It takes 1 second to add a channel and assign an input. I use my whole studio like a template really. So certain FX for certain instruments. Then when I get bored I repatch. I have two patch bays pretty much full so they get used a bit.
• What do you put on the master channel?
Nothing until the end then its an SSL bus compressor or the Fab Filter compressor and a limiter.  Maybe a tiny EQ but nothing crazy, I like to hear the dynamics till the very bitter end. Luckily my room is flatish so I can work quite confidently in there.
• How do you arrange and finish a track?
Walk away and come back the next day, then keep snipping. I used to be terrible at editing and getting rid of things but now I am quite ruthless. Its funny how you change over the years. I'll listen to things and think fuck thats terrible it has to go. Come in the next day and get rid. I think thats part of being much more sober now when I make music and more of an idea of what I want. Quite often I have the arrangement in my head so I just snip away. I do automation by mouse and sometimes enter some fx with a MIDI controller. But usually my tracks aren't huge so its quite a simple process.
• How do you deal with unfinished projects?
Every few months I might have a train ride or a hard disk sort. I will go through old stuff and highlight them and try and finish them. I have an album I have just finished that was made like this. Just going back to old stuff until it was finished. I'm really happy with it should be out soon as I am mastering it currently.
• How do you store and organize your projects?
Hard drives - I don't tend to store things on the local disk. Then back up the disks, then back up those. Then the cloud too. Mixes get sent there. I am quite good at backing stuff up at the moment.
• How do you take care of studio ergonomics?
Have separate places in the studio to do stuff, guitar and bass corner then a drum machine/synth section then my computer/desktop synths and mixer. Everything's quite divided up. I love my desk at the moment - it has all the desk top synths and volcas and the mac, so I can just record a groove from synth / drum machine world then sit down and add a nice synth, the TG-33 gets used or an old Novation Nova and edit.
• Tell us something about your daily routine, how is your day structured, how do you make room for creativity?
I work a lot either at the University where I look after the studios and do teching for concerts and I work freelance mixing for bands such as Wrangler, who are quite a heavy live electro band. They tour a bit so I go away a lot. I have been getting into iPads for sketches. I have an albums worth of stuff done on it. Just need to mix it. So yeah I watch and listen to others a lot - recording or mixing live and in a way you get ideas this way for your own stuff. Always learn even when its other peoples work.
• Share a quick producing tip.
High pass filter everything.
Try and make space for everything in the mix by filtering. Don't boost too much.
Don't worry about all the gear. Just get the idea down and it will go from there.
• Share a link to an interesting website (doesn’t have to be music related).
I'm reading this at the moment. I love stories of creative friction, fights between creative people are always interesting because people really feel this stuff. Also I am a member of an institution and I see my own politics and watch the institutional bullshit from a distance. I am lucky enough to have worked at EMS and it's a great place. This is quite eye opening if you are into art politics.
• List ten sounds you are hearing right this moment : )
I am recording a band called Roller Trio. Jazz electronics. So I am hearing reverse guitar, bass, sax, acoustic and real drums, the hiss of the mixer, 808 samples and occasional pop of an old sound card ;-)
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