#helloween film
nightttoon · 8 months
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Michael 🔪 🎃
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asyamarty · 7 months
Я замерзла
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flojo67 · 2 years
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Alternative cover.
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sea-of-machines · 1 year
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posting Michi before going to school
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forensic420 · 10 months
MW2 Task Force 141+König Hyperrealistic HC’s ✰
-Not as reserved as you think he’d be, he’s actually very talkative. Him and Soap’s comm dialogue is more then enough evidence to show that he enjoys a good conversation and even jokes.
-Does that soldier sleep position often x . He’s a light sleeper, always ready to defend. When comfortable you can find him mumbling in his sleep, usually soft “yes”’s and “no”’s.
-Doesn’t fully understand American culture, he’s very confused by common American delicacies. “Y/N, what the fuck is a bucee’s?” He’d ask with a stressed look.
-Avid user of the word “cunt”. Top three favorite words. Also loves saying, “cheers ya slag”, he thinks and waits for scenarios so he can use it.
-Very passionate about the military and his career. Gaz as a child would attend parades only to see the soldiers and wait at the end of the parade to meet them, his room was also filled with military toys and articles.
-His main song he listens to is Red Nation by The Game and Lil Wayne, it’s one of the few songs he downloaded on a portable music player.
-Is always around Price no matter where. You can always find him in Price’s office just chatting away and discussing documents. The two are bonded and Gaz is grateful to have an “older” and experienced father figure.
-Enjoys quiet days at the base. He likes just being able to hang out and be around his friends and team, he’d go to great lengths for his fellow soldiers.
-Soap’s accent can be super thick at times, causing the team to not understand him at times. He doesn’t attempt to correct himself most times, just continuing to ramble and goes on with the conversation.
-Is terrified of Ronald Mcdonald. “He be too happy, y’know?” He’d claim and frown. BIG fan of Grimace and the Hamburgler though, often always commenting on his love for them when the team mentions fast food.
-Secret artist. Soap’s mystery talent is he’s very gifted in drawing, he keeps his sketch pads under his mattress. He’d never show anyone but he is engrossed in sketching the team. There’s pages full of Ghost, Price, and Gaz just doing common things like sitting in a meeting or having a conversation with another team member.
-Absolutely hates doing dishes. Whenever he’s on dish duty he always complains. “A'd ower die.” He’d say and convince Gaz to do it, with the agreement of him doing Gaz’s chores for a week.
-Is always rambling to Gaz or Soap about old movies he loves and makes them watch it with him. It became a weekly occurrence to find Price with the team watching some old western or military film.
-Enjoys watching documentaries about ancient civilizations, his favorite is Mesopotamia and the Shang dynasty.
-Price is always making sure his team is feeling good, often spending an equal amount of alone time with each member to talk and company them. “How’re you feeling, son?” He’d ask with a gentle but firm hand on their shoulder.
-When Soap is rambling and his accent is completely drowning a coherent sentence Price just nods and hums to him. He never comments on it, even if he doesn’t fully understand what was said.
-Huge fan of Rammstein. His teenage room was covered in posters of them and other bands like Helloween. Even as a full grown man he is not afraid to admit his love for Till Lindemann.
-A firm believer of Krampus and is very passionate about the subject. “Mein Gott! Don’t you know Knecht Ruprecht will get you if you’re naughty?” He’d tease to his soldiers, always backing it up by saying he knew a kid who got whipped by him.
-Has catatonic tendencies, will frequently withdrawal and get irritable. He’ll stay in his room going rigid and stays stupor. At times no Kortac member will see him, always wandering around base to try to find him. Once he snaps out of it he’ll often not remember it. “Was meinst du?” He’d ask and furrow his eyebrows, talking about a past day mission as if it were yesterday.
-As a child he was always absorbed and immersed in his mother’s snow globe collection. Gripping onto the mantle he’d watch the faux snow twirl around in the liquid. Was always afraid that somehow the globes would miraculously all fall off the mantle and shatter onto the ground.
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bravenew-what · 1 year
Anecdotes from Helloween’s show
Y’all. When I say I’m a changed person because of this show, it’s because I fucking am.
The first of them I saw was Sascha, I mean we were DIRECTLY in front of him. He’s giant. A literal giant.
Skyfall was pure chaos. So much was happening at once and I had no idea where to look so I just screamed the words.
I stuck my tongue out at markus and he did it back!!
Kai was all over the stage all night, he was a total flirt with EVERYONE
I headbanged so hard during Future World at the right moment and it cracked my neck for me
The guitarists and Markus were all in sync with the way they danced around during future world AND IT WAS SO CUTE
Weiki and I made funny faces at each other and I know he saw me cause he exaggerated the same face when I made it back at him
Kai chucked the fucking mic stand to the groundjust before his medley
Weiki had guitar trouble TWICE and I felt bad for him
I would later make a lot more eye contact with Andi, like I swear he got a bit of a power trip from it and I was completely under his spell for it. Not even remotely joking
Weiki just being…… Weiki. His stank faces and wizard-like hand movements just make his playing that much better.
Sascha being so fucking sweaty that he could stick a pick right to his forehead without having to lick it or something (though I would have paid money to see that alone)
Sascha’s solo. That’s it.
Sascha actually had guitar trouble during his solo too
Michi pretending to use the stools he and Andi were sitting on as crutches during forever and one
Andi also made some very LEWD gestures during Dr. Stein that I refuse to describe because I have it on video 🤣🤣
Sascha flipped his hair out of his face AND MARKUS LEANED OVER HIM AND BLEW IT RIGHT BACK WHERE IT WAS
Andi and I sang our hearts out to each other during How Many Tears and I honestly thought I was gonna cry 🥹🥹
Sascha bent down and frantically waved and smiled like a total geek at this teenage girl while she was filming and I can just tell it made her whole year!
And oh my god, during Perfect Gentleman. Andi pointed at markus and went “AND SHEEEEEE IS”
Andi and I singing the last chorus of Perfect Gentleman together
Hearing Sascha sing the outro of keepers and then do the guitar melody tol the end was fucking beautiful and he has the voice of a literal Angel
Okay so the moment I had with Andi that I will not shut up about: I had my camera on through all of Keeper of the Seven Keys and I called to Andi after they hit the last note and Andi slowly turned and when he realized it was me he winked and stuck his tongue out just a little like a fucking flirt and I swear I swooned harder than I ever have in my life AND I HAVE THAT MOMENT ON VIDEO SO I CAN HOLD ONTO IT 😭😭😭
Kai calling Weiki a “fucking weirdo”
Dani was a fucking machine all night long, and when he finally came out from behind his kit, the crowd lost their shit for him
Michi popped one of the balloons during I Want Out and tried to run away from it
There were multiple crowd surfers all night, two came directly over us and me and the girl next to me had to duck below the barrier and out of the way so the guys could get them over
I only got bashful one time from the eye contact from the band!!
​Helloween also drink their respect women juice every day cause every single one of them were good with all of the girls in the crowd. End of story.
That was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I feel like a whole new person because of it.
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mrossifoto · 2 years
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Andi Deris do @helloweenofficial em 2003, SP. Andi e um gentleman assim como todos da banda e equipe. Pessoas incriveis de se ter por perto. 🎃🤘🏻✌🏻 Fotos e histórias do meu livro, assista também meu filme sobre shows, backstage e fotografia. Links na bio ou www.mrossifoto.com.br Todas as fotos à venda, consulte via DM. #mrossifoto #saopaulo #olivrodorock #mrossi #helloween #andideris https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce8fq0CgSHR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deadlinecom · 25 days
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domgoncalves · 1 year
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Mais um livro em 2023, desta vez, não foi um livro de anotações , apenas me deixei levar pela imaginação da autora, depois de muito tempo encontrei um livro que me fez ficar fissurada na história, uma jovem que está fazendo intercâmbio, ama filme e tem a oportunidade de conhecer Inglaterra, a terra da nossa saudosa Rainha, lançado em 2019, é uma mistura de diversas realidades, além de uma estudante que resolveu fazer um intercâmbio, a história relata sobre a tecnologia em meados dos anos 90 aos anos 2000...
Eu me lembro que vivi algo muito parecido, mas não tinha tanto juízo como a protagonista, hoje eu teria feito de forma diferente se tivesse adquirido mais juízo na época, um ex namorado me deu um CD do Offspring, me deu também do tributo ao Black Sabbath, eu trabalhava no MC Donald's e comprava CDS do Helloween na Galeria do Rock, lendo este livro eu tive uma leve nostalgia, eu fui no Show do Helloween, minha mãe me levava antes de fazer 18 para ver algumas bandas no Sesc Ipiranga, uma vez eu e minha irmã assistimos um show de uma banda rock pop bem conhecida na rua perto de casa, não me lembro mais o nome, como fomos as únicas que dançamos e curtimos o som na frente do palco,minha irmã ganhou o CD da banda cover, proposital, o vocalista queria que pegassemos e depois fomos embora correndo como se estivessemos acabado de ganhar um prêmio.
Objetivo deste livro é também trabalhar alguns sentidos como a escuta, há viárias listas de músicas românticas, como "Eu espero" da Luiza Possi, da Shania Twain, Phil Collins, Skank e outras.
E muitas recomendações de filmes românticos...
Leiam, eu li este livro em poucos dias porque eu tinha que trabalhar, senão teria lido no máximo em dois.
Para quem está na fase de adolescente vai se sentir muito inspirador, a história é muito dinâmica e cheia de surpresas, isso porque eu só li o livro 2, eu encontrei na biblioteca e chamou minha atenção, imagina a coleção toda!
Boa leitura jovens
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Michael Myers vs Pinhead: The Hellraiser/Halloween Crossover That Never Was!
Up until the new millennium, cinematic crossovers were largely the preserve of Abbott and Costello or Godzilla. But that all changed in 2003 with the arrival of Freddy Vs. Jason. The Nightmare on Elm Street/Friday the 13th mashup had been 16 agonizing years in the making. New Line Cinema shelled out a reported $6 million on script development alone with as many as 16 different writers taking a stab at the concept.
Despite such inauspicious beginnings, however, Freddy Vs. Jason ended up being a massive hit, raking in $116.6 million off the back of a modest $30m budget.  All of a sudden, crossover movies were in vogue. The kind of pop culture hybridization once reserved for the world of comic books was becoming big business in Hollywood. Freddy Vs. Jason was soon followed by Paul W.S. Anderson’s Alien vs. Predator which also cleaned up at box office making $177.4m off an initial $60m outlay.
It was around that time that the idea for a crossover involving Halloween’s masked killer Michael Myers and Hellraiser’s iconic sadomasochistic cenobite, Pinhead, was first floated.
Filmmaker Dave Parker, who went on to enjoy success with horror films like The Dead Hate the Living and The Hills Run Red, revealed during an interview with Creature Corner [via Paul Kane’s book The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy p.224] he pitched an idea for Michael Myers vs Pinhead to Dimension.
“I had pitched, unsuccessfully, Freddy vs Jason to a guy named Ross Hammer at Sean Cunningham’s company around ’94 or early ’95. After that didn’t go well, I started think about what other franchises were at other studios…It was a no-brainer to see that Dimension had both the Halloween and Hellraiser franchises, so I put together a trailer using footage from the Halloween movies … and I called the idea ‘Helloween’.”
Parker elaborated further on his idea for the plot of the movie in an interview with Fangoria Corner [see The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy p.224] published later that same year, saying that explaining why Michael Myers couldn’t die “led to opening the doors” to introduce Pinhead and the Hellraiser mythos.
“I was just trying to come up with a plausible way to get these two guys together to fight,” he said. “So, why does he all of a sudden go out and kill his sister in Halloween? He’s trick-or-treating in a flashback and he goes up to this one house … and sees the guy with the black boots, who gives him the box. He opens it and the Lord of the Dead – Sam Hain – escapes from hell and takes over Michael’s body because he doesn’t want to be in hell. Now, Sam Hain is who the Shape is, and that’s why he can’t be killed.”
With the origin story out of the way, the modern part of the tale naturally followed.
“So, the story takes place when people try to destroy the Myers house and they find the box hidden between the walls. Of course, they open it and Pinhead shows up, and it’s Halloween and it’s the Myers house, so Michael shows up because there are people there and Pinhead recognizes that Michael is Sam Hain because he can feel it – which begins this whole battle in the real world. And of course, the third act takes them all to hell…”
Despite Parker’s intriguing proposal, Dimension rejected the concept – this was the mid-90s after all, a time when Kramer vs. Kramer was about as close as you got to film with a ‘vs.’ in the title. It would take another eight years and the success of Freddy vs. Jason before the studio would be turned on to the idea of a horror movie mashup.
At one point, there were even plans afoot for Pinhead to feature in Freddy vs. Jason. One draft of the script written by Mark Swift and Damian Shannon saw Krueger and Voorhees fight their way down to Hell, only for the familiar Cenobite to appear and say: “Gentlemen…what seems to be the problem?” The cameo could have paved the way for an even more outlandish sequel featuring all three horror icons. Unfortunately, New Line Cinema balked at the idea of licensing Pinhead from Dimension Films.
Source: Den of Geek
(image via The Clive Barker Cast)
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annoyingthemesong · 3 years
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1. Messiah of Evil
2. Tales from the Crypt Demon Knight
3. Herzog’s Nosferatu
4. Miike’s Over Your Dead Body
5. Wolf Creek
6. Bahia de Sangre
7. The Devil’s Rejects
8. Thinner
9. From Beyond
10. Daughters of Darkness
11. Killer Klowns from Outer Space
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08s-m · 3 years
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Filme:Coraline e o Mundo Segredo
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flojo67 · 2 years
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Original cover.
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sea-of-machines · 1 year
I saw the most random dream. I was at the supermarket wearing my helloween shirt. When I explored the toy section, I bumped into Sascha Gerstner. He said hi, probably because of my shirt, and I awkwardly replied hi back.
We didn't start to chat instantly, but some minutes later I realised that he is in my town and I know all the cool places, so why not show him around?
So I spoke to him and mentioned a nice church near us (which doesn't actually exist irl) and he got excited. Apparently he was driving a car, so we took his car and I had to tell him where to drive. We arrived at the church and he seemed interested, which was cool.
But the worst part of my dream was the moment I realised I had only my poor quality film camera with me instead of the better digital ones xdd
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cloudyna · 2 years
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