#hell yeah op
busket · 2 months
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weird and wild takes coming out of the new dungeon meshi fandom
if you can read all of dungeon meshi and see how it revels in the eroticism of consumption and plays with themes about base instinct, overwhelming desire, loving something so much you want to take it inside you and keep it there forever...if you can read all that and think that the author would be against people sexualizing her characters then I don't know what to tell you. dungeon meshi isn't horny in the way most fantasy animes are horny, but it's a huge fault to think that means it's not horny at all in a more complex and allegorical way. sex is a huge part of human instinct, just like eating, and the wires often get crossed. its that's not a bad thing because sex isn't a bad thing, lol
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mumblesplash · 9 months
heartbreaking: this viral post is saying things you completely agree with in the most irritating way possible
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welcometogrouchland · 11 months
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[ID: an 11 panel comic featuring characters from the owl house. Panel 1- a cloaked Darius sneaking around a wall. panel 2 he peaks around the corner, saying "well? Did you retrieve...the package?". Panel 3 Hettie Cutburn (who has old Hollywood style text announcing "surprise Hettie Cutburn!" next to her) says "Darius! Of course! Took some digging but I found them eventually. Tell the boy I say 'hi!'". Panel four- she hands documents labeled "classified" to Darius. Later, Hunter (post timeskip) walks through a door in Darius' home, saying "hey Darius, hey Eber, I'm ba-". Next panel- Darius, Willow, and Eberwolf on the couch. Hunter says "...willow?", She replies "hey hunter!", he asks "what are you guys doing?
Darius says "oh nothing...except looking at pictures of you as a baby!" Holding up the documents from earlier. We see two pictures of a younger hunter framed like panels- the first is of hunter as a baby/toddler aged hunter freshly sprouted out of the ground with a blanket around him, covered in dirt, while the second one shows a young scout Hunter covered in bandages receiving his sprig plushie. Darius' narration reads "courtesy of Hettie Cutburn- she found the only surviving copy of your early life medical records and gave them to me". Willow says "aww, you were so cute!". The final panel shows Hunter looking embarrassed/stunned as Willow takes a photo of the documents, and Darius says "I'm considering it an early father's day present- so, thank you, Hunter". End ID]
MERRY DADRIUS WEEK!!! Thank you to @sergeantsporks for hosting! There's other prompts I wanna do but they'll probably be late (maybe I'll do them in bulk and upload them on the final day). Til then here's a silly comic!
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wifegideonnav · 10 months
yeah you say “cringe is dead” but do you still apologize about reblogging stuff related to your “cringy” interests? kill the mindset that you are somehow not included in that statement or we’re never actually going to change anything
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min-xie · 2 months
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wet, pathetic, and needy (and a bit manipulative cus why not)
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ahkeb · 3 months
It was so funny that Ace left to go on world tour halfway through the series and nobody ever explained why. Haha (wip of the week)
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Charming penguins
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raayllum · 4 months
it's funny because in our two examples of "what does a high mage do" we see Viren be involved in basically every decision that Harrow makes as an advisor, even ones that wouldn't necessarily warrant it immediately, versus Callum, who *checks canon* isn't substantially involved in any decision Ezran makes as king in any given season
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
You know, I was thinking a bit about the monster trio and how they all respect food a lot. And it got me thinking about their respective reasons to.
Sanji started resoecting it after being stranded and starving for 6 months, he knew how it felt to be hungry and he doesn't want anyone else to feel like this again. You also got the fact that he is a cook so of course he respects food.
Zoro I am not really sure since I don't remember any specific incident in his life, but its probably due to the strict discipline and culture he was raised in. After all he got raised with Wano costums and Wano is inspired by east asia, mainly Japan. And I might get it wrong but there is some kind of occurence where its rude to not finish your food, and its considered preciois.
Luffy has his whole thing that he just loves to eat and its mostly a gag but I dug in more deeply and...
Did Garp use to fucking starve that child?
I mean, its mostly an assumption, but when Luffy first went to Dadan's place to live she only gave him a bowl of rice and a cup of water and told him he had to work for his food. She excpected him to cry but he just went "Ok. Better than my grandad treats me".
Did Garp just fed Luffy if he completed his trainings (that involved him doing near death experience as a <7 years old CHILD) and/or only made him eat what he hunted? Is that what it is? This whole gag, of Luffy being a glutton, cherishing every piece if food he eats DEFEATING THE WORLD'S STRONGEST CREATURE, FOR A BOWL OF RICE comes from the fact that, as a child, food was quite literally just a rewards, and to him food = freedom, and he loves freedom?
Garp, I swear to Nika-
I've always loved the way OP treats food. Not gonna go full analysis on that because I'm pretty sure one already exists, but Oda keeps wanting to put food/eating in a good light. Food means life and happiness and whenever there's an important scene going on, somebody's eating. It's beautiful. It's surprisingly one of the main traits of Luffy's character. I find it beautiful how the manga keeps showing that food brings happiness and fulfillment. That everybody deserves to eat and that it could never be a bad thing.
We know already why Sanji respects food so much so there's no need to explain it. But you know. Starvation? The way his mom kept hyping up his passion for cooking? His whole character revolves around food and how nobody deserves to starve. Eating shouldn't be a privilege but most of the time it is and people should be thankful they're able to enjoy their delicious meals. So he doesn't waste food because he sees it as a life and happiness source that not most people have access to and it shouldn't be wasted.
Zoro's views are really respectful when it comes to everything. Traditions and rules? Zoro respects that. He's the one who knows the most about pirate language and tradition, so of course he's gonna respect Sanji's views on food. But it isn't just because of that because he already respected food way before joining the crew. It comes from his views on life. Food is necessary for people to live and he respects death a lot (ever since what happened to Kuina) and mortality is something real and present to him constantly. He respects food the way he respects death and life and mortality.
And Luffy... I'd say yes, perhaps it does have something to do with how Garp raised him. It makes sense although I've never actually thought about it that way. But it does look like he has always had to fight for food. But he doesn't only see food as something to fight for because Makino also prepared meals for him. I think the whole point about Luffy and food is freedom (I mean, obviously. God of the Sun and Freedom. We know how it goes). Eating is something necessary to live, but Luffy doesn't see it as a threat. It isn't "Eat or Die" for him. For him, he chooses to eat because food is good for his body and it's delicious, and eating out of pleasure and not just hunger is also part of his character. He's a man who's always starving but for more experiences and tastes and freedom, and he takes food without hesitating once because you shouldn't apologize never, ever for eating.
While Sanji sees food as something he can do for others (he's always starving and making food for everybody else because he's selfless like that and the show wants you to see it), Zoro respects food the same way he respects mortality because it's something necessary to live, and Luffy loves food because it's... Because it's just good, you know? Maybe it isn't that deep. Maybe he eats because he wants to and that's okay. He unapologetically eats and he's selfish about it and that's how it should be.
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vilsoo · 4 months
dont piss me off… why tf do these npcs think bayonetta is a style and label asian ppl wearing rimless glasses “bayonetta” ??? 😭😭😭😭
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iocity · 19 days
“Luffy can’t be autistic because he is emotionally intelligent.”
Are you yankin’ my chain right now cowboy, or do I have to explain that autistic people feel and process emotions too… and that we can also have the ability to recognize emotions in others and communicate, console, and interact with other people in meaningful emotional ways.
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peterofthedrakes · 8 months
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extremely quick meme that i thought was very funny (the ibuprofen photoshop was my friends idea shes much funnier than me)
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heartofalifer · 12 days
David Tennant is the Nerd in school who grew up to still be a Nerd but a Cool Nerd and is a representative of The Nerds and no one has an issue with him but even if people don't like like him they can't even hate him what a man
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destinationtoast · 6 months
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Well, it's been a hell of a couple of weeks, and one of many things that happened is that I ended up coming home from Urgent Care looking rather like fruit being packed up for long distance shipping.
I got pretty scraped up when I fell while hiking nearly a month ago. Then I got significantly better... and then I got a whole lot worse.
If you would like to avoid some truly disgusting and painful wounds, you should know that you are likely to develop an allergy to Neosporin if you use it for multiple weeks (and probably the same goes for other brands of over-the-counter antibiotic ointments, I'm guessing).
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moongothic · 2 months
I do kinda wonder, considdering how much Luffy hates being alone... On those first levels of Impel Down, did Luffy stick to Buggy as if they had been glued together, not because he trusted the clown (let alone liked him), but because Luffy hates being alone and being with Buggy meant he wouldn't be alone?
Like think about it, Luffy didn't give a damn when he ran into Buggy, it wasn't a Happy Reunion like it was with Bon-chan
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"Oh, it's Buggy" vs "You're alive!!"
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And while we know Luffy is at least A Little Stupid, Luffy does have pretty good instincts when it comes to making judgements about people, and he has emotional intelligence when needed So between Luffy not really liking Buggy when they reunited in Impel Down, and Luffy even currently thinking Buggy is a loser, it seems unlikely to me Luffy like, wanted to team up with Buggy when they ran into each other. But Luffy did understand he'd have a hard time getting to the bottom of Impel Down by himself, and he knew Buggy would be mostly harmless in this situation. If anything, the clown could maybe help him along the way, even if only a little. And yeah, at least he wouldn't have to be alone if Buggy came along.
I think that might be why Luffy decided to give the treasure map to Buggy
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Like yes, Luffy may have been naïve to think Buggy wouldn't ditch him as soon as he got the map instead of keeping his end of the deal, but also. Maybe for Luffy the risk of getting ditched was a better option than not trying and being alone anyways.
Maybe Luffy chose to give the map to Buggy because of that, so he wouldn't be stuck alone.
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marypsue · 2 months
If you're going to reblog my (admittedly very ADHD) post about, to borrow someone else's excellent summation, bees in the brain, to say 'OP check your medications', have you considered:
not doing that
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 8 months
I have to admit, the bad thing about being obsessed with this movie and discover new layers and such, is that when you switch to almost anything else, it becomes so dull it hurts.
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