#headers conrad
swfetynet · 5 months
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like or jacksneedy on twitter
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maddiesflame · 11 months
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lola tung x bellyconrad layouts
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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bonfinite · 8 months
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   ❁  there's a dazzling haze
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   ✤   a mysterious way about you, dear
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allfavz · 11 months
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tsitp headers like/reblog if you save
credits @aIfasquad on twitter
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sbrinapacks · 7 months
sab × bellyconrad packs pleaseee?
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accnkin · 2 years
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tsitp headers
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userstuf · 3 months
• cfvoir
• fisherfv
• conradcr
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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filmedz · 2 years
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Some tsitp content
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lewsnumerounofan · 10 months
party foul (jeremiah fisher x reader)
summary: so what if you're in love with your best friend, jeremiah fisher? one drunk kiss won't change anything. right?
notes: not biblically accurate conrad, teen drinking, kissing, 3k words, reader previously dated co**ad, angst/miscomm., not proof read at all
+ part 2
+ i never keep the same tense i'm so sooryim gooo fuckjuhnbsorry oh my god and dw abt the header image!!!!!! it's okay!!!!!
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kissing jere was easy.
it was the first thing you noticed. how easy it was to let his lips slant over yours, to tilt your head back at the greedy request of his hands, to forget about the party and conrad and the house.
it was just him and the feel of his mouth on yours.
you hadn't expected this, to say the least. in fact, you'd been bracing for an awkward and mostly miserable night. ever since conrad and you had split back in june, things had been awful. the breakup had been bad itself--getting ditched at prom without explanation was one thing--but watching conrad get back with nicole a week later was even worse.
so you were pleasantly surprised with yourself when you decided to go to the fisher's goodbye party, despite whatever tension there might be between you and conrad.
if you were being honest with yourself though, you mostly had jeremiah to thank. you two had been best friends since childhood, but ever since his brother had broken your heart, jere had been there for you. all the time, really. he'd drive down on weekends to check up on you. and when susannah had gotten worse, you'd driven up to make sure he was eating and sleeping too.
so of course he'd been able to convince you to come stay, waving off your concerns about conrad. i want you there, he'd said. i really want you there. and so you'd come. you arrived late, tired from the hours of highway driving. already the house was packed with hap hazardously parked cars and drunk teenagers. the music was loud even on the warm streets outside, and you couldn't help but feel excited as you pulled your bag out of your car and started towards the party.
taylor was the one who opened the door for you. she launched herself into a hug, giggling and shrieking as you two swung around.
"oh my god. you have no idea how happy i am to see you," she yelled, dragging you into the crowded house.
together you fumbled upstairs, eventually breaking into one of the larger rooms. various assortments of air mattresses and water beds covered the floor. jere had called you as soon as they'd gotten back from the boardwalk about julia's suprise moving. it wasn't often you heard him so... defeated.
"you can drop your stuff wherever," said taylor, "but the one in the corner is jeremy's."
she didn't even bother to hide her grin as you slapped her arm. nothing, not even your best kept secret, made it past taylor.
"shut up. you can't say anything to him or i swear i'll kill you," you promised, only half joking.
"oh please. he hasn't stopped talking about you the whole trip. it's disgusting."
you tried not to smile at that--jere talked about you? i mean, he'd called you just about every day for the last few months. more, on days when things were hard. but still, you felt almost nervous at the thought of seeing him now. of what it might be like between you.
your thoughts were cut off by a shout of your name. running into the room was belly. well, not running--rolling.
"oh my god bell what are you wearing?" you asked. it was too late though, because she was wrapping you up in a wobbly, crushing hug.
"roller skates? duh? they're an old pair of susannah's," she said.
you'd missed belly. she looked fucking adorable in her little vintage number, and you hugged her again just because. over her shoulder you could see steven grinning, and conrad too. you waved to the later while steven strode over, ruffling your hair before taking your bag from you.
"long time no see, city-girl," he said.
"yeah yeah yeah. just be nice to my bag, okay? it's got some very delicate presents," you said. steven raised his eyebrows but did as you said, placing your bag onto the bed taylor had indicated earlier. jere's bed. taylor and steven met eyes and winked--uh oh. the last thing you needed was them trying to set you up with your best friend. your best friend who you're in love with, something inside you said. you tried your best to strangle it.
this time it was conrad, who was sporting a pair of atrocious sunflower sunglasses on the top of his head.
"hey. i like the glasses," you said, doing your best to smile. it was weird to talk like this to him. you were so angry and embarrassed and sad because of him for so long, and now there was just... nothing. and it felt okay.
"uh, yeah. nicole--nicole got them for me."
he looked sheepish, blushing in a way that used to have you fawning. now you just did your best to nod, saying, "well, she's certainly got a good eye for fashion."
you were saved from the conversation by steven's cough. he stood by the doorway, impatiently waving you towards the party.
"cmon guys, can we hurry this up?"
"yeah, gimmie one sec," you promised. returning to your bag you pulled out the liquor you'd secured on your way there, the bottles heavy in your hands.
"see," you said, turning back to your friends, "presents."
downstairs was even louder than you thought it would be. belly had gone all out for the party--strobe lights blared in every room, a kegger was set up outside, and a dj (was that cam cameron??) was spinning in the living room. you had to admit it: you were having a good time. a really good time. except for, that is, one thing. or person, really. jere was nowhere to be found. he'd even missed out on the group shots you, steven, taylor, belly and conrad had downed first beside the pool and then by the kitchen. jeremiah never missed group shots.
a little more than drunk now, you pushed off from your spot on the counter to find your bestfriend.
"city-girl, where you going?" asked steven.
"i'm gonna go find jere. i haven't seen him since i got in."
"i'll come with you," a voice spoke up.
it was conrad, who looked between you and the floor nervously. you didn't miss the questioning looks that pass between taylor and belly. you shrug at them--a little nervous, but not enough to turn him down in front of all your friends.
"uh, yeah sure."
so you and conrad made your way back through the party, scanning couches and corners for jeremiah. by the time you hit the stairs you were both sweaty and annoyed. you had come all this way to see him, and all of a sudden he'd disappeared.
"he's not picking up any of my calls," said conrad, pulling his phone away from his ear.
"me neither," you admitted, letting yourself swing around the banister to sit at the bottom of the staircase. cautiously, conrad gestured to empty landing beside you.
"mind if i join?"
you nod, scooching over to make room. conrad looked bigger than last time you'd seen him. he looked stronger too. for a while after susannah died he'd looked like a corpse--pale and skinny and only half there. even you could admit you were glad to see him doing so much better.
"hey, look i didn't really tag along to search for jere," conrad said, glancing back at you. shocker.
"i uh," he cleared his throat, "i mostly just wanted to apologize. for how things ended. i know i messed up really bad and i wanted to say i'm sorry."
in the hazy blue and purple's of the dance floor below, conrad's steel-blue eyes were genuine. for the first time that night they held yours steadily.
"i was hurting, and let myself fall on you for comfort even when i knew you weren't who i wanted. who i needed. and it wasn't fair to you. i know that now, and i'm sorry it took me so long. i'm really, really sorry."
huh. you hadn't really expected that one either. but it was nice to hear him say those words. you liked conrad. he was a good guy who'd had a rough hand delt to him. and yeah, he hadn't done right by you. but like susannah had always repeated:
"no harm no foul," you said, and let yourself smile at him. he looked relieved as he smiled back, no doubt recognizing the reference to his mother.
"you're happy now, i take it? with nicole?" you ask.
"yeah. more than happy, actually. don't know what i did to deserve her."
you're happy for him, in that moment. really happy.
"what about you? you finally stopped messing around and admitted your feelings to jere?" he asked.
"huh?" you drop, mouth open. there's no way.
"what," he chuckled, grinning harder at your shocked expression, "like it's not obvious you two are crazy for each other."
you can feel the blush spreading across your cheeks now, stomach skipping at his words. so they all knew, you realized. does jere?
"he doesn't--you didn't tell him, right?" you said, panic rising.
conrad shakes his head, still looking amused.
"no, but he'd be a fool not to see it. you guys are perfect for each other. really."
"thanks, conrad."
and you mean it--it's been months of awkwardness between you. and now you just feel... good. you feel like you've got your friend back. so you lean over and hug him, letting yourself remember that before your fling you were friends, and returning back to it feels comforting and warm.
"thank you, for hearing me out. i'm glad we can be back to normal now," he said into your shoulder.
"friends again?" you ask.
"what the fuck?"
it's jeremiah. he stands at the top of the stairs, eyes wide. he's wearing the ariana grande merch you'd gotten him. he looks the same and yet--
and yet something in your chest fizzes and your stomach starts running circles as you look at him. you missed him. and not because he was your best friend.
"jere--it's not what it looks like," said conrad.
and then you realized he did look different. the jeremiah you knew was always grinning about some secret joke, or making fun of belly or steven. he never looked... betrayed like this. and he certainly never looked at you with disgust. with anger.
"what the fuck are you guys doing?" he asked again, but this time he didn't even look at you.
"nothing, jere. we were just talking," said conrad.
you cringed at his words. they might be true, but they sure didn't sound good.
"yeah, sure," laughed jere. you'd never heard him laugh like that. it made your skin prickle.
"c'mon, you know i'd never do that-" conrad started.
jeremiah was faster though. he was up in conrad's face in a second, pushing him into the wall. you'd never seen him like this. he wasn't an aggressive guy; even when the brothers fought it was never violent.
"don't fucking lie, con. you were just waiting to take her back weren't you? waiting until you knew it'd hurt me the most, huh?"
you felt his words viscerally, like they were being penned onto your skin. hurt him the most? it was the closest to a confession you'd gotten, but it all felt wrong.
by now, partygoers on the main floor had started to notice the commotion. people were pointing, some even starting to pull out their phones. great.
"jere," you called. he paused, bright blue eyes on you. even now, fighting with his brother, jeremiah looked beautiful. maybe you had had a bit too much to drink.
"jere, please let it go. conrad isn't a part of this," you murmured. though you didn't break eye contact, you could see his hands loosen around his brother's shirt in your peripheral. jaw clenched, he heeded your wishes, giving a final shove to conrad before breaking away. he walked quickly down the stairs and into the throngs of people below.
"jere, wait up!" you call, desperately trying to follow the broad shape of his back through the crowd. jeremiah didn't bother trying to accommodate your smaller strides, and you almost lost him a few times in the packed house.
"would you please slow down? jere," you said again. by now you were out of the house, dodging pool floaties and scattered drinks. the blonde made no indication of hearing you as he kept striding towards the beach.
finally he whipped around. he still looked mad--the set of his jaw, the notching of his eyebrows--but under all of it, he just looked sad. you hated seeing him upset, and you hated knowing you might've been the cause of it.
"jere, please. what's going on?" you asked, this time softly. he was close to you now. you could see his heavy breathing, could smell the perfume he always wore.
"how would i know. you're the one who's looking all close with your ex--my brother--conrad," he spits. he swallows hard, like he's checking himself.
"it was always you and conrad. even when we were kids it was that way. i was stupid to think it could've been any different."
he turned away from you, gaze hard. oh, jere. you have no idea, you thought. it was him--how could he not see that? how could he really think it was conrad you cared about?
you couldn't deny it any longer: you loved jere. and you definitely weren't about to let him walk away thinking otherwise.
quickly, without letting yourself dwell on it, you grabbed jeremiah's hand. he turned back, eyes wide. and you kissed him.
kissing jere was easy.
it was the first thing you noticed. how easy it was to let his lips slant over yours, to tilt your head back at the greedy request of his hands, to forget about the party and conrad and the house.
it was just him and the feel of his mouth on yours.
and then everything was static. everywhere he touched you--the long, lean press of his body to your front, the sharp slide of his jawline under your palm, the firm press of his hands at your waist. every sense was filled with him and his warmth and the way he smelled.
you were gasping into the kiss, hyperaware of the small noises he made when you pulled on his curls. of just how tall he was, how much he had to lean down to hold you like this.
you barely broke away enough to say, "jere, nothing happened with conrad. we were talking about you-"
"don't care," he said, voice rough. because he was too busy lifting you onto one of the wooden boardwalk rails, muscled arms flexing in the distant party lights.
you barely had time to settle before he was kissing you again, sloppy this time, like he owned your mouth and wanted you to know it. you felt hot everywhere, as his hands pulled apart your thighs and he crowded his broad body into you.
you'd kissed once before for a game of truth or dare. it had been sweet and short, and you both had been teased about it for years afterwards. this was different.
wholly different, you realized, as jeremiah's lips sought out the hot skin of your neck. there was no place except where he touched you; the noise of the party, the lull of the waves on the beach, the quiet way he murmured against your skin.
"jere," you said, because there was no room in your mind for anything or anyone else. he hummed as his canines bit lightly at your ear. jere.
greedy for more, you took one of the tan, strong hands holding your face and brought it lower, lower until it rested over your frantically beating heart. jere had pulled away to watch your ministrations, cursing softly as his hand fell over your chest.
"you sure?" he asked, and his voice sounded hoarse.
"yeah, course jere. it's you."
something behind his eyes sparked at the trust you promised. it's always been you. kissing you once more, gentler this time, jere let his hand run up and under the vintage bathing suit top you'd stolen from your mom for the party.
skin on skin, jeremiah was soft and warm. he was breathing heavy as you as he felt you up. forehead to yours, gaze keen as he watched you pant and squirm.
"this okay?"
you could only nod, eyes drawn tight at the sensation. he kissed you again, his touch more confident as you clung to his shoulders.
you'd messed around with conrad a few times. it had felt good. fun, even. but he'd never had you reeling like this, never made you feel like everywhere he touched was fire. that feeling was reserved for jere.
and as his thumb circled your nipple and his teeth pulled at your lip, you realized you were burning and there wasn't anything you could do to stop it. best friend or not, jere was the only one who could make you feel like this. ever.
you pulled away from his mouth. he looked concerned, and you could feel him move his hands away from you.
"sorry if i..." he started, blue eyes near scared as he watched you.
"no, jere it's not that. it's, it's just that i-"
"hey, there's my man! where the fuck were you dude?"
it was steven. fucking steven. on his arm was taylor, who grinned manically when she saw your mussed hair and blushing expression. please not now, taylor. please don't mess this up any more.
but drunk as they were, the pair didn't notice your nervous expression. instead, steven laughed and said, "so did you finally tell her you're in love with her or what?"
jere's face dropped. whatever softness you'd shared moments earlier was gone. his mouth set flat, hands that had been mapping out your body now closed into fists.
"fuck you, steven."
taylor's eyes were on you now, finally recognizing the tears you tried to blink away. with a hand on his chest she held steven back, some wordless communication passing between them. if you hadn't been feeling your own heart break you would've been trying to tease them about it.
instead, you chased after jeremiah's retreating figure.
"jere, will you please listen!" you called. but he was stubborn--you knew this better than anyone. one more time you tried, shouting his name over the stupidly loud party.
he whipped back around, blue eyes sharp.
"just stay away from me, okay? why don't you go find conrad to wipe your tears," he snapped. for a moment, jere looked shocked at his own words too. but then he was shaking his head, tearing his gaze away from yours as he continued through the crowds towards the house. away from you.
and this time, as people collapsed into the space all around you, their yelling and singing drowning out even your thoughts, you knew there was no use calling for him.
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hydrangea-bindery · 1 year
Trillium and Ivy by @shastafirecracker
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Nick Wolfwood is the new director of Conrad-Chapel Funeral Home in May City, located across the street from Saverem Greenhouse & Landscaping. Over time, the owner, Vash, gets to know Nick and introduces him to the rest of the neighborhood, including local busybodies and married feminist bookshop owners Meryl and Milly. Vash and Nick are inexorably drawn to each other until they have to start admitting their feelings.
But Vash's brother, co-owner of the garden center, hasn't left his past as far behind as the twins had hoped when they started their lives over in May.
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I love this fic, and I love this book even if it endeavoured to kick my ass the entirety of its binding!!! From realising I had run out of board, to consistent laptop and printer issues and going back and forth on the paper and color choices…..but I loved how it ended up! I also ended up watching the entirety of the Trigun dub again while binding this, as well as all of the dub Stampede episodes lol.
Also!!! Check out the most perfect font I found for the headers!!! All the text conversations have also been transcribed into actual text as well - even if I wasn’t able to print them in color🥲
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I have plans further down the line to bind the rest of this series, hence the ‘1’ on the spine, but I have a few other fics on the list above it, including but not limited to a bunch of DE fics and possibly some Yakuza stuff? Also Demon Slayer, and BrownieFox’s Detours, which is shaping up to be a monster of a binding.
And of course as usual, the best quote of all time for the wonderful Vashwood pairing, hidden on the book cover💜
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rin-bellatrix · 8 months
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Love Left Bleeding (in my hands)
"Memories are just where you laid them. Drag the waters 'til the depths give up their dead. What did you expect to find? Was there something you left behind?" - Fuel
Written with the prompt: Vash and Nai becoming second Tesla
Header from Trigun Maximum manga (scans by the Trigun Ultimate Overhaul team)
We Are Not Your Kind divider and moving white dot divider from this post. White dot divider from this post. Reblogs and feedback divider from this post.
⚠️ warning ⚠️: graphic mentions of surgery and experimentation/medical torture
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It had been a long time since they last saw Rem.
Humans dressed in white with cold stares and invasive touches were all the twins knew now. That, and the feel of cold steel poking into their veins, sharp blades splitting flesh from bone. The bright lights in the clinic were blinding, obscuring the faces gathered around the table where they bled under cruel, uncaring hands.
Vash and Nai were connected mentally somehow, perhaps a successful past experiment, or an underlying plant power that was able to link the independent siblings.
Nai was being released back into his tank beside his own, but Vash could still feel the way his brother's organs had been removed from his stomach, the humans trying to see how long it took for his mutilated body to lapse into shock before they returned what they had taken. He felt every moment that his other half was cut into, flayed open for the sake of science and progress. Just as Nai could feel the swelling pressure on Vash's brain throb inside his skull when he was injected with whatever substance caused his hemorrhage.
When the humans left, Vash reached across their bond to speak with his brother.
But his twin was locked away, hiding away in the depths of his mental recess, an attempt to separate himself from the torture he was forced to endure at the hands of lesser beings.
That was understandable, Vash could wait, he had nothing to do but to wait. At least until the humans came back and it was his turn to warm the the operating table.
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©rin-bellatrix 2023
☆ trigun masterlist ⋆ main masterlist ☆
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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lola tung x bellyconrad layouts
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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hungryyheart · 23 days
wanted to give people a heads-up that the commission i'm posting to celebrate conrad's in-universe birthday tomorrow features visual (animal) gore! if that makes you uncomfortable please make sure you have tw gore and/or tw animal gore (i'll tag both) blacklisted as the art's too wonderful to put under a spoiler header.
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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More 1860s dress (from top to bottom) - the first and last images show the straight coiffures at the beginning of the decade. Hair could be worn wavy, curly, or even frizzyby the end of the decade.
1862 Jenny Lind by Eduard Magnus (location ?). From Wikimedia.
1864 Princess S Stroganova by Konstantin Makovsky (location ?). From twitter.com/artist_makovsky/status/1249486620992159746/photo/1 1746X2576.
ca. 1864 Mrs. Oppenheim by William Powell Frith (private collection). From theebonswan.blogspot.com/2016/04/mrs-oppenheim-ca-1864.html?view=magazine 1024X1252.
ca. 1864 Robe a été portée par la Duchesse de Cadore by ? (Galliera musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris - Paris France) Photo - P. Ladet and C. Pignol front quarter and back quarter 3692X2438.
1866 Lady in a Blue Dress by August Ferdinand Hopfgarten (auctioned by Dorotheum). From their Web site 2773X3668.
1867 He Loves Me He Loves Me Not by Joseph-Laurent Dyckmans (Royal Museum of Fine Arts - Antwerp, Belgium). From etsy.com/shop/CountryTownGirl?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=989350172; cropped and removed print with Photoshop 1525X1525@94 838k.
1868 Luise Limbach by Conrad Freyberg (Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum). From theebonswan.blogspot.com/2019/09/luise-limbach-1868.html?view=magazine 2316X2848.
Lady Robert Caulfield by follower of Franz Xaver Winterhalter (auctioned by Bonhams). From their Web site 2707X3559.
1860s Unknown woman with girl by Ivan Makarov (location ?). From godsandfoolishgrandeur.blogspot.com/2016/03/women-and-children-most-portraits-by.html 750X1058.
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catre33 · 4 months
My favourite books in my personal library: (in completely random order)
The Little Prince by Antione de Saint Exupery. 111pg
'The little prince lived alone on a tiny planet no larger than a house. He owned three volcanoes, two active and one extinct. He also owned a flower, unlike any flower in all the galaxy, of great beauty and of inordinate pride. It was this pride that ruined the serenity of the little prince's world and started him on the interplanetary travels that brought him to earth, where he learned, finally, from a fox, the secret of what is really important in life.'
OH, my heart-. This absolute journey of a story is impossibly dear to me. I always pull it out when I need a reminder to grow old, but never grow up; and how stupid grown-ups can be. I've read this at least 7 times and watched the corresponding movie at least 5 times. It puts such a thrilling perspective on things I have had to fight with myself whether it should go in the fantasy or philosophy section. Sometimes we all need to remember how simple the world really is.
High Maintenance by Jennifer Belle 351pg
'Liv Kellerman has just left her cheating husband and--more tragically--their fabulous duplex with its Empire State Building views. Now Liv--alone for the first time in her life with few marketable skills, and crammed into a crumbling "fixer-upper" in Greenwich Village--is contemplating her next move...'
This book is HILARIOUS. I read it during my first and only trip to The Big Apple and finished it in the hotel room on the 2nd day (if I remember correctly). High Maintenance made the trip so much more thoughtful, and the people-watching much more interesting. People-watching in New York is already AMAZING, but I was able to better imagine the story behind the dude doing pull-ups on the street lamp (no joke). And it honestly made me think more than it made me laugh.S
tonewords, A Ghost Story by Pam Conrad 130pg
'The first time Zoe met Zoe Louise, Zoe was four years old. Zoe Louise was more than one hundred. From that day on--living in the same house, separated by a staircase and a century--Zoe and Zoe Louise have been an important and permanent part of each other's lives. Now Zoe is older. And although Zoe Louise never grows up, she is changing in dreadful, frightening ways. Time is running out for Zoe's best friend--and Zoe is the only one who can help her. To do so, she must travel back one hundred years in time and somehow alter the past. But in changing the past, must she also change the present? If she saves her friend's life, will she lose Zoe Louise forever?'
Stonewords is an annual fixture in my life. Though it doesn't in my book classify as a thriller it's still a ghost story and my favorite thing to read late on Halloween night. It's also one of the only books that use theoretical time travel that I will tolerate (mainly because it doesn't try to explain it away but rolls with the ideas). The character development is refreshing, as it is not in the ways you would originally expect.
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown 489pg
'An ingenious code hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. A desperate race through the cathedrals and castles of Europe. An astonishing truth concealed for centuries...unveiled at last.'
This book is an absolute constant stream of 'I should have seen that coming!!!' I mean, are you kidding me?! Twists and turns left and right, never quite knowing where you are for a couple of paragraphs, and riddles hidden in the page headers! And an absolute wonder as a mythology lover having grown up in a Mormon household. The recognition of pagan beliefs and traditions that have become such essential parts of Christian culture is incredible. The Da Vinci Code rivals Good Omens as my favourite book of all time.
Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A. S. King 323pg
'Is it okay to hate a dead kid? Even if I loved him once? Even if he was my best friend? Is it okay to hate him for being dead? Vera's spent her whole life secretly in love with her best friend, Charlie Kahn. And over the years she's kept a lot of his secrets. Even after he betrayed her. Even after he ruined everything. So when Charlie dies in dark circumstances, Vera knows a lot more than anyone--the kids at school, his family, even the police. But will she emerge to clear his name? Does she even want to?'
This was a surprisingly recent read; and though it took a little bit to get into it, I was entranced. It was really just an erratic puzzle coming together much slower than I would have liked it to, and it was terribly easy to relate to Vera's desire to please be ignored. I have to be honest; I grew as a person, reading this book. You get to know the dead kid more than you think you would. It is altogether nowhere near what I expected, and more than I thought I'd ever need.
Scarpetta by Patricia Cornwell 579pg
'Leaving behind her private forensic pathology practice in Charleston, South Carolina, Kay Scarpetta takes an assignment in New York City, where an injured patient in Bellevue Hospital's psychiatric prison ward has specifically asked for her. While Scarpetta examines him, she listens to one of the most bizarre stories she has ever heard. Oscar Bane says his injuries were sustained in the course of a murder...that he did not commit...' (the blurb is paraphrased as it is the longest blurb in history sorry)
Not only is this book written by one of my favourite milfs, but there is also a very homo romantic subplot that I could not get enough of!!! (pg354 AAAH!!!) Scarpetta and everyone around her had me hooked from the first words (which were 'Brain tissue'). There is nothing I could do while reading this but live the plot. The incredibly emotive writing dragged me along for a rough but worthwhile ride.
Frogkisser! by Garth Nix 372pg
'Poor Princess Anya. Forced to live with her evil stepmother's new husband, her evil stepstepfather. Plagued with an unfortunate ability to break curses with a magic-assisted kiss. And forced to go on the run when her stepstepfather decides to make the kingdom entirely his own. Aided by a loyal talking dog, a boy thief trapped in the body of a newt, and some extraordinarily mischievous wizards, Anya sets off on a Quest that, if she plays it right, will ultimately free her land--and teach her a thing or two about the use of power, the effectiveness of a well-placed pucker, and the finding of friends in places both high and low.'
I bought this book from an elementary school book fair when I was maybe 10 years old, and it must be one of my most 'loved' paperbacks with all it's been through. It has been in the hands of family and friends and calls me out in ways I will never admit. Frogkisser! is a beautiful story with the perfect doses of snarky and silly weaved throughout every character. I used to know the plot so well that I would open to a page at random and read it just to cheer myself up. Now it's a nostalgic symbol of my childhood; not just of the good parts, but a basis of the good parts.
Skellig by David Almond 182pg
'Michael was looking forward to moving into a new house. It was all going to be wonderful. But now his baby sister's ill, his parents are frantic, and Dr. Death has come to call. Michael feels helpless. Then one day he steps into the crumbling garage. What is this thing beneath the spiderwebs and dead flies? A human being, or a strange kind of beast never seen before? The only person Michael can confide in is his new friend Mina. Together they carry the creature out into the light, and Michael's world changes forever.'
This was also a very recent read and oh my goodness gracious aGnES NUTTER, WITCH! I didn't know what to do with myself after it. I... I can't even explain it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience, to read this book for the first time. I was helpless in dreaming of angels and owls and clay and death and life and everything in between. I could never possibly do Skellig justice, so I'll leave it at this. Read it, and you'll know what I mean.
Notes: Good Omens is not listed here as it lives in my schoolbag, not my personal library. Coincidentally, all books listed were paperbacks LMAO
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manicpixieginger · 7 months
completely revamped my tumblr u guys 👉👈
my icon is now pattie boyd and my header image is the loml jack conrad
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