#he's an 'anticapitalist' and an 'anarchist'
britneyshakespeare · 11 months
There's no reason not to tip at a restaurant in the United States of America unless you are either A) a confused foreigner who has no idea that if you don't tip, your waitstaff WON'T GET PAID FOR THEIR WORK or B) a selfish asshole.
If you can afford the luxury of going out to eat, your budget for that expense best include a tip. If you don't wanna pay a tip, go get fast food. Buy food at a convenience store. Cook for yourself. Whatever. Loads of other options that are more cost-efficient for consumers than going out to eat anyway. If you are demanding food that is SERVED to you hot then you best be prepared to PAY FOR THE SERVICE YOU ARE DEMANDING.
The tipping system is fucked up in the way that workers' income relies on the politeness and generosity of random members of the public, and that it's completely legal for them to be stiffed out of their regular earnings by cheap assholes. I wish I didn't have to personally do my part in making sure my waiter can make rent at the end of the month. I wish they just got compensated regularly for their work like any other job! But they don't, and everybody knows that, and I still sometimes go out to restaurants and order food, so while that is a reality and I am contributing to that system I will make sure to compensate the servers for their work as I am reasonably expected to do.
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drdemonprince · 16 days
I've noticed a pattern in anticapitalist books I read (specifically I'm talking abt Mark Fisher here, in Capitalist Realism). They do this great anticapitalist analysis etc and then go on to critique their students? and sometimes it's a bit ableist? it's like all the critical thought goes out of the window and they cannot understand the situation because for once suddenly they are in the authoritative position. It always gives me this "I don't understand these kids, back in my day-" vibe, and I see this with lecturers at university too. like Mark Fisher maybe we can think outside the box about your student who "needs" headphones to focus in class "even though no music is playing". and maybe it's not to do with the "Matrix"(????) I'm well aware this was written in 2008 but it's weird that I see this pattern continue today. Not to mention Mark Fisher took part in some ableist studies, and was a guy with questionable intentions on occasion.
it's like you Just said that reducing labour is good why are you calling your students lazy, that's so unprofessional and privileged. I wonder of coincidence that he is anti-meds when his right wing, pro-eugenics, accelerationist friend was addicted to amphetamines.
Or even just the amount of people who have written books about laziness and anticapitalism (excluding you) and just saying the most contradictory shit ever?? or not following their own ideology???
Anyway, I wonder if, when writing Laziness Does Not Exist, you came across any of this and were equally as baffled.
Materialism is just *so* true that high-status academics don't have a vested class interest in seeing their student struggles as legitimate or in recognizing the struggles of disabled people in general. For many edgy academic leftists having the correct opinions is just a way to flex one's intellectual status, not a lived experience they give a shit about. I'm not shitting Fisher in particular in saying this, it's more that it's a really widespread problem in the culture of these kinds of (very white, very academic, very cishet) leftists communities. You see the same kind of thing among some of the Chapo stan types, too, you don't have to be specifically an academic to do it -- lots of people throwing around the r-slur and flexing on how much they have read and doing fuck all for the oppressed people around them. I tend to find it especially common among people who inherited leftism from their (often academic) parents? Whereas leftist communities populated by Black & brown anarchists and working class people tend to fare a lot better in this particular respect.
Note that I'm not saying a person's identities are a guarantee of them being any more radical -- there's lots of liberals lurking in our midsts of all identities for instance -- more that someone's orientation toward power tells you a lot. and unfortunately there is an approach to leftism that puts a lot of stock in either institutional power via the academy, or in a kind of soft power of intellectual authoritativeness that tends to punish anyone who is supposedly less well read, less intelligent, lazy, needs disability accommodations, has trauma triggers, or what have you.
The simple answer is that power and privilege obscures other people's challenges from you, and the desire to preserve one's power (be it actually institutional academic authority or just the status of the person who supposedly knows the most in the room) leads to a lot of oppressive behavior. a lot of these guys that you're talking about believe in communism sincerely but they don't have humility, they believe themselves to be superior to most everyone else. and they tend to be white guys from wealthy families who either do not have any disabilities of their own, or they have the undiagnosed intj mastermind rational flavor of autism that makes you feel incredibly alienated from others but interpret that alienation as a sign of your intellectual superiority. (i had this type but i got better. a little)
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anarchywoofwoof · 6 months
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Hello, Thank You For Being Here (Pt. 2)
backups: bluesky | neocities
in just a few short weeks, it will be a new year, so why not a new pinned post. old pinned post can be found here.
for those of you who have never visited my blog and for those who have been following me over the last few months, welcome to the jungle, baby.
my name is biddy. that is a nickname that i earned by being known for accidentally pushing the wrong button at a previous job... many... many times. my pronouns are literally whatever i do not care. by default, i go by he/him/his but feel free to use whatever floats your canoe.
here's the rest of the basics:
Name: Biddy [nickname]
Pronouns: Any [default: he/him]
Age: 33
Relationship Status: Taken [@thatcrazywitch]
Political Affiliation: Anarchocommunist
Occupation: Technology
Hobbies: Writing, Poetry, Graphic Design, Digital Archival, Movies & Television, Video Games, Photography, and many more.
Neurodiversity & Health: ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Contamination OCD, Depression, Dyspraxia, Chronic Fatigue & possibly EDS (undiagnosed, suspected)
if you fall into one of the following categories, do not interact with my blog or expect a fair amount of hostility, as well as a report + block:
Science Denier (Anti-Vax, Climate Skeptic, Flat Earther, etc.)
Intolerant Religious Zealot (Hardline Christian, Hardline Muslims, Hardline any religion, etc.)
here are some things that you can expect to find on my blog. tagging is an ongoing work in progress, but you will consistently find the following posts in my archive:
My thoughts and various ramblings: #text, #bork bork thoughts Ask Responses: #borking back Tumblr/Blog related: #meta My dog: #sweet princess peregrine Other dogs: #anarchodogism Cats: #cats on the bork blog Movies/Television: #borking at the movies, #movies Anti-Capitalist sentiment: #fuck capitalism, #anticapitalist, #anticapitalism Anarchoposting: #anarchy, #anarchism, #anarchist OC Graphics: #oc, #learning photoshop through play OC Poetry: #oc, #poetry, #poetry on main Non-OC Memes: #memes, #not oc Wholesome Posts: #happy borks if i fail to tag something appropriately or reblog from someone detestable, please message me or send me an anonymous ask and let me know. do not reblog my posts with passive aggressive tags or comments. you will be publicly addressed as a nincompoop and then blocked. this is the only warning i will give.
my sense of humor is also very deadpan/sarcastic, so please forgive me ahead of time if i make you feel unwelcome. feel free to reach out and chat or send asks if you feel inspired to do so. i love every one of you, and thank you for visiting.
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sunshine-in-the-grave · 11 months
I'm fully obsessed with Hobie like-
He used barbed wire as webs?? Killed a cop and a president??? Is anticapitalist and a anarchist??? I love him??? Like- I'm obsessed
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azi-sings-calliope · 8 months
Okay no Hob Gadling. I get the appeal I do. From a narrative pov he's quite effective, and this isn't meant to cause hate towards Dreamling stans, this is not a ship war. Like who u like.
But good gARsH blorbo here was a slave trader. He's not a anticapitalist anarchist gay charity supporter activist guy. He's so far from being anticapitalist he prolly is capitalism itself.
I think it's so interesting that when people love a character, they love them because of what they did in canon. With hob, he's loved for what he could POTENTIALLY be. I get that. But it annoys me so bad the acrobatics required to get him to the point he's at in the fandom rn. Gay, accepting, perfect. Hob was never perfect, and glossing over his many failings as a person (hello!! Slave freaking trader!!!?) Seems to do his character a disservice.
Legit question if a character can't be themselves for them to be your blorbo, are they really your blorbo?
Again, this was never meant to offend Dreamling creators or shippers or hob gadling lovers, this is just my thoughts.
Hob isn't perfect. Making him out to be, as our fandom does, ultimately does a disservice to his character and story.
Edit: I do just wanna clarify that everyones entitled to their own opinions, this is just mine, everyone in the sandman fandom is awesome and this isn't an excuse to start ship wars or spread hate
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supernova-starss · 20 days
hello!! you can call us stars or the stars!!
this is a blog where alters who like to yell about stuff and things can do so without making other alters uncomfortable!!
we use he/they/xyr/vamp/stars collectively!
we are many kinds of punk and very heavily anarchist/anticapitalist
physically and mentally disabled and will post about it
DNI: transIDs, proshippers, zionists, transmeds, any kind of lgbtphobe/exclusionist, “blue/all lives matter” people, antiACAB, antisemitists, endo/tulpa/demo and their supporters
probably missed some people for the DNI but just use common sense
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dudeyuri · 1 year
I’m watching Not Me and though I find it to be a little too heavy-handed at times and it's certainly not perfect, I am completely mesmerized so I need to ramble for a bit.
Finally I'm understanding the First hype. I knew he was great and handsome and talented in the role of Alan in MLC but Not Me has me falling for him fr fr. Like that man is so beautiful and charming in the role of Yok. Whenever he graces the screen I am gobsmacked. Those fucking eyes. Even though he’s paired with a cop I lowkey find their romantic development sweet (don’t tell anyone lol. Unar being a cop is easily the worst part of the show but I'm trying to suspend my disbelief and enjoy it anyway)
And Sean/White!! They are such a sexy pairing. Their development, White's apparent affection toward Sean, Sean cautiously reciprocating. Sean beating the shit out of White after White screws up his plan...not to be toxic but I love that shit right there like I'm eating it up. And the way they made up after it—holding hands under the pride flag, drinking in Black's room.
Their first kisses and the tent scene were so well done and romantic and satisfying. Those actors not only look good together, but they play off each other well. White is really effortlessly such a cutie pie. And I love that the both of them (particularly Sean) are older I’m sick of the baby twink BL boys (not really lmao but ykwim). Their chemistry knocked me tf out. I have four more episodes I can’t wait to see more of them together.
Lastly I’m just obsessed with the fact that this show is following a militant anticapitalist anarchist group trying to violently bring down a massive company. And the narrative isn’t condemning them for taking extralegal action. That's so refreshing to me. They’re messy, they make mistakes, they have disagreements, they have to grapple with exactly how they’re achieving their goals. I love how nuanced they are because it’s true to reality in a way I don’t see media often get—they are doing these things as an act of utmost love for people, as anarchists IRL do. They are not made to be mindless, 2-dimensional villains, willing to plow down anyone in their way—that would go against their whole ideology, of course, but I feel like I see this reductive, easy-way-out archetype so often in media (think Killmonger's ideology...coupled with the fact that he killed so many people on behalf of the US Army? Please make it make sense). They don't want to hurt innocent people—the show makes it a point every step of the way that none of them want harm to come to the people they are fighting for. They don't really want to hurt anyone, except for those at the very top.
I feel like I never see an anticapitalist vigilante group portrayed sympathetically in media. Sean, White, and co. are burning shit down, vandalizing, infiltrating warehouses—and narrative is rooting for them!! They are not evil, they are not villains, in fact they are very much the good guys. They are rooted in theory and love. It is made so clear that everyone in the group does what they do out of love.
The cherry on top is that this series was written directed by a trans woman, P'Nuchy. Like of course it was that's why it's so good, that's why it nails the nuances, that's why the militant anarchist group is made up of the sympathetic, kind, loving, COMPLEX protagonists who just want to set fire to everything that is hurting them and their people. This is top tier BL and I'm so excited to finish it, I just had to spit this all out first.
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nebulaofchaosandwoe · 11 months
i just watched spiderverse and im in LOVE WITH ANARCHIST SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!!!!! he's so cool and wonderful and anticapitalist and his is design is so damn GREAT and gives me gender envy, im actually about to faint omg
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luulapants · 2 years
The real Stede and Blackbeard weren’t that bad, actually
The only responses I’ve seen to the Hamilton 2.0 discourse on Our Flag Means Death have been ahistorical attempts to say the easiest socially placating response: “No, of course REAL pirates were all bad and implicated in the slave trade and REAL Stede was a bad, evil slave owner and they’re all in Hell now.”
This misses all nuance in discussions of how capitalism drove the slave trade, agency in mental illness, and the sad fact that people rarely have as many choices as we like to think they do. So, using bits of an earlier post of mine, here’s the real deal, which isn’t so neat and tidy:
1) Stede was a slave owner
This is true. His great-grandfather was one of the original colonizers of Barbados and his family had one of the most profitable plantations on the island. However, Stede's parents both died when he was 6, after which he was raised primarily by household servants and slaves. Guardians and other members of high society groomed him to be the perfect gentleman, arranged his marriage, and basically decided his entire life for him.
An important element in his story is that he was seriously mentally ill for most or all of his life. Terms like “emotionally fragile” pepper all accounts of his life. It’s hard to know exactly what mental illness he had. We know that he suffered from severe bouts of depression, was prone to impulsive and dangerous decisions, and all accounts show him as being people-pleasing, easy to manipulate, and unusually willing to do as he was told. This is not to say he didn’t benefit from slavery, but that his illness did not give him the agency to do something as radical as freeing the enslaved people on his estate.
What’s incredible, then, is this: he walked away from it all.
He did not free his slaves. That would have been legally complex in Barbados at that time, if not impossible, and would have left his wife and children destitute. However, he did stop participating in slave society. He left all of his wealth to go on an anticapitalist crusade. After he became a pirate, Stede was placed under the care of Blackbeard, who was kind to him and ran his ship when it became clear he was not mentally fit to do so.
2) All pirates were horrible monsters
There were basically three types of pirates in the Golden Age of Piracy:
Early Golden Age pirates, like Benjamin Hornigold and Henry Jennings, thought of themselves as legitimate privateers and were politically motivated Jacobites who opposed the Protestant overthrow of England. They only attacked ships who flew flags of “enemy” nations and followed a gentleman’s code of conduct. They treated captives graciously and, if they didn’t need to steal it, allowed the crew to return to their ship after looting.
Anticapitalist pirates, like Black Sam Bellamy and Blackbeard, were in active rebellion against European colonial control in the Caribbean and sought to frustrate their claims by attacking the trade networks that enriched them. They relied on psychological theatrics during attacks which, more often than not, caused their targets to surrender without a single shot fired. Blackbeard sought to destroy as many merchant vessels as possible, burning ships and toppling masts. He always left their crews somewhere safe. Though he gained a gruesome reputation, he is not known to have ever killed a person.
Anarchist pirates, like Charles Vane and Calico Jack Rackham, wanted to create chaos. They were terrorists, attacking civilian vessels and torturing the passengers to punish England for the Act of Grace, which threatened to civilize the Caribbean out from under them. Their targets rarely had loot worth taking, but their goal was not loot. It was fear and blood. They were likely disaffected sailors who had been forced into service on navy or merchant vessels, where crews were abused, rarely paid, and lived in conditions so horrid that they had similar mortality rates to slaves during transport from Africa to the Americas. They were monsters created by the horrors of capitalism.
3) Pirates were implicit in the slave trade
I want to be clear: all piracy was fundamentally harmful to the slave trade and the capitalist machine that drove it. Piracy made slave trading more difficult.
The story of the Golden Age of Piracy is not one of Black liberation or antiracism. It is a story of anticapitalism. Their cause could have dealt a devastating blow to the European slave trade and, as a consequence, could have had real, practical benefits for Black people in that era. The slave trade was justified by racism but it was not caused by racism. It was caused by capitalism. By greed. By the realization that the continued commodification of the human body, which the wealthy had practiced for hundreds of years on their own subjects and neighboring populations, could be expanded and exercised with impunity if it were done to people seen as outsiders from European society.
I'll give an example of a slave vessel Blackbeard captured with Stede: there were nearly five hundred captives aboard. Pirate ships could only sustain so many people, so captains had to choose crew for skill and their ability to work with the existing crew. The majority of the enslaved people on that vessel did not share a language with their crew and didn’t understand western customs. They kept sixty-one of the slaves as laborers, but nearly 400 were released back to the captain of the slave vessel.
It's easy to criticize this move, to say they should have freed those people. But to where? Abandon them on an island somewhere? They had no place to put that many people while they sailed around, looking for somewhere they could live. Besides, a few did escape and were later recaptured by the original captain because they were branded with his mark. Of those they took with them, a few later left voluntarily with a small amount of gold dust as payment. They were soon captured, robbed, and sold into slavery.
So, no, Stede and Blackbeard and other pirates didn't have perfect records on slavery, but how could they? And the crusade they did take up, attacking the European economies, was probably a better service to enslaved people than they could have managed by trying to free them directly.
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Welcome to Our Blog!
[Last Updated: 6/17/2023]
This is a space for us from @reticent-fate to put posts related to spirituality. We are a disordered plural system, and collectively you can call us DG (plural they/them). A few of us from the system will be using this blog, and you can meet us below! We will also have our own expanded bio pages (eventually). Also at the end of this post will be our DNI (because boundaries are important! Block us if you don't feel comfortable with us interacting with you!).
We created this blog due to feeling like there was very little space in the resources we've been collecting for people like us, both specifically as a plural system and more broadly as a member of the neurodivergent (and psychpunk adjacent) community.
There's a lack of discussion on the intersection between spirituality and psychology in most of the resources we've seen, and we'll occasionally post quite a bit about that (we have a special interest in behavioral psychology and consider ourselves psychpunk); likewise, we'll occasionally post about how plurality in particular affects our spirituality.
Please note: many of our headmates are otherkin, including some headmates that identify as spiritual entites (such as demons and deities). Our system has very hard rules about boundaries regarding identification as spiritual entities; in general, systems cannot control what introjects appear, but as it stands, there are stopgaps and gatekeepers in our system that regulate our relationship to things we can tell might trigger splits of this variety. Additionally, we do not allow our headmates to maintain names of spiritual entities they may "split" from (unless they are insourced, like Narty). That said, if a headmate still identifies as a spiritual entity (ie: as a shard), then they only identify that way functionally within our system. Do not be weird about this, please. Please please please.
We mention it because it is a huge part of why spirituality has been so difficult for us, and we will bitch about it on occasion. We are not saying we are anyone's god, nor are we demanding you treat us that way. The spiritual connection to the divine is a complicated, messy thing. Especially for systems like ours. Don't. Be. Weird about it.
Ellia (she/her) - The brains behind this operation (/joking). From the same innerworld source as Artura. Responsible for an irresponsible collection of tarot decks bought on clearance for the sake of "science" (comparing the Five of Cups in them all). Also responsible for making this blog, because she got sick of hearing advice that's excessively difficult to employ for plural systems, let alone headmates with exomemories under other stars. Practices a mishmash hodgepodge of tiny things here and there. Trying to reconstruct her beliefs from fragmented exomemories, which included dice divination and a more casual/friendly relationship to the innerworld gods.
Sol (he/him, they/them) - The guy that's really interested in Christianity as a concept. The holy weirdo to contrast Heitaros's demonic shenanigannery and Narty's apathetic middle ground. Doesn't practice Christianity so much as the study of it is his practice (especially scholarship that remembers the more radical Table Flipping Jesus that was 100% an anticapitalist anarchist). Especially interested in the lens of self-care and "holy" endeavors through the body as extension of the divine; ie: "there is divinity in all things and thus it is my duty to be kind to all things not willfully cruel; that including the self."
Heitaros (he/him) - A fictive who has his own otherkin blog, but also is vaguely spiritually weird because of it. Both identifies as Heitaros (a character) and partially with the concept of Satan as Accuser (in his understanding/role in-system: that which questions, especially with regards to structures). Interested in the intersection of psychological and spiritual (like Narty) but more from the perspective of an entity that recognizes where psychological origins can exist while embracing the messy spirituality that his identity imbues him with. His practices primarily involve a lot of hodgepodge like Ellia (he's a system host, so he kind of has to keep a hodgepodge going), but he's interested in lucid dream working, as well as past life work due to his otherkin identity.
Artura (he/him, they/them) or Nova (he/him) ; Sometimes referred to as Narty- From the same innerworld source as Ellia. God of Light, Linear Time, and Magic. Technically a two for one deal. The local anthropology nerd(s), that essentially practices through research. Mostly research. Like an obscene amount of research. May only show up when he wants to complain about ableism and Ellia isn't able to type her thoughts on the matter. Particularly interested in the intersection between psychological and spiritual (like Heitaros), from the idea of psychology as a bastardized spiritual practice (this is a very reductive explanation, and we have a lot to write about it; this isn't saying psychology is religion, but it is saying that functionally speaking, structures associated with psychology lend itself to the interpretation of the psychological as intrinsically spiritual). Generally dislikes dabbling in practice if it involves the risk of disturbing entities or could exacerbate system-wide anxieties. Plays the role of headspace therapist and thus is more interested in dissection of craft and understanding psychology through the spiritual lens (especially at the edges of where hard science and data cannot map).
Important Tags
#[Mod Name] - Anything posted for the perusal of individual headmates* running the blog.
#[Mod Name] talks - What it says on the tin*!
#ramblings - Catchall for the above tag
#ref mats - Self explanatory as well!
#disability - Posts about disability, because this blog is about the intersection of disability and spirituality
#promo - Posts promoting other folks' stuff (ex: tarot readings, pendulum readings, etc.).
More tags to be added!
*Note: Since Nova and Artura are a median subsystem, sometimes their posts may include both their names. Narty is our fun nickname for the research disaster duo, but not a great functional tag lol.
queer exclusionist
racist, pro cop
anti-endogenic, anti-nontraumagenic, anti-thoughtform, etc.
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spikyhairedsilhouette · 7 months
❛ what’s wrong, don’t you trust me? ❜
horror-themed meme || @quiet-kunoichi (here's your @)
Four pairs of amber eyes gaze up at him menacingly from where she’s crouched on the floor by his side. She resembles the Hindu goddess Kali, her numerous arms poised like the limbs of an arachnid, seemingly sprouting by the second. Of all the nights to fuck with absinthe. And yet he’s completely mesmerized, watching her long black talons pick away at the skin of his knee, shaving it carefully and cleaning it like a school nurse tending to a wounded child. 
What had started out as a joke was quickly becoming a lasting reality. He’d psychically invited her home with him after playing tonight’s show, a rendezvous that barely warranted an invitation, as it was practically custom by now. A few sloppy shots and some mild groping later, she’d noticed the Stick-and-Poke kit lying dormant in the corner of the room. The look on her face could’ve cured depression, eyes gleaming like an inventor who just dreamed up the next big idea, or a serial killer who has identified their next victim. 
The home tattoo kit had been a gift from one of his bandmates at their annual holiday game of Dirty Santa. Go figure that a rock band full of anarchists and anticapitalists would even participate in something so mainstream, but they’d played it once for the sheer irony and somehow it had become tradition. Shikamaru had forgotten all about the gift, having chucked the box into the corner of his disheveled apartment the moment he walked in the door. And now it was in the hands of a siren. One who was on all fours, licking his kneecap provocatively, her gaze fixed upon him with hunger. 
He scrunches up his face, squeezing his eyes shut and blinking them back open to rid himself of the hallucination. “Not in the slightest–!” His voice cracks as she drives the needle in without warning, her free hand spreading the skin like a wrinkled canvas. She slowly outlines a rather sizable, crude circle, and he cringes, grunting with furrowed brows while she repeatedly traces over her initial sketch.  
Neurons fire like rivaling bullet trains, his fingertips gripping the edge of the shoddy futon for dear life. His already-sweat-drenched shirt clings to his warm, dewy skin, his body temperature rising from the simple effort of bracing himself. He finds himself frantically clawing at the fabric as if it might fuse with him, throwing his head back against the wood-paneled wall and clenching his jaw. 
She scoffs and mutters something indiscernible at him, finally lifting the needle after attempting to tunnel to China by way of his patella. He looks down at her, attempting to invoke that same vision from before, anything to get his mind off of the excruciating pain. She catches him staring and winks at him, only to thrust the needle back in, scraping the bone in little criss-cross motions that elicit some animal sound from deep in his throat. A soliloquy of slurs and profanities explode from his lips as the final lines are formed and curves shaped. 
Sucking air in through his teeth, he peers at the upside-down smiley face with reticence, little x’s for eyes and a protruded tongue sneering back at him. Reaching for the bottle of green goddess by his feet, he takes a long swig, wiping his mouth with the collar of his shirt as he stumbles forward reaching for the needle. He collides with her, almost knocking her over, landing sprawled out on his back while the ceiling fan overhead transforms into a spiraling black hole. His leg throbbing, he mumbles the words as he swiftly drifts out of consciousness. “My turn.”
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Some criticisms I would have to make of The Brown Plague:
First of all, the association of beauty, not with moral goodness in a Tolkienesque way, but more broadly with novelty, dynamism, revolution, and on the other hand of ugliness with reaction, anachronism, and authority. He trips over himself to describe the youthful beauty of rank-and-file Nazi and Communist militants, while emphasizing with disgust the pot bellies and old age of the reactionary Stahlhelm and the bonzes (party elites, whether in the SPD, NSDAP, etc). It’s not just the homoeroticism, which rules, there’s a deeper unexamined aesthetic conception of politics that’s ironic given the subject matter. I just found it distracting.
Like virtually all Marxists of his day Guérin severely underestimates the centrality of antisemitism in Nazi ideology, repeating simplistic clichés about the persecution of Jews being a heatsink to redirect anti-capitalist anger and so on, ultimately only a way of protecting the bourgeoisie. He goes so far as to say that Nazism “finds it impossible to accomplish its anticapitalist program... or even its anti-Semitic one. See how tactfully it deals with the department stores and the big Jewish shareholders!” and ends his chapter on antisemitism with All Lives Matter: “I think about those who, Jewish or non-Jewish, have been hungry for years; about those who, Jewish or non-Jewish, are rotting today in the Brown prisons.” Maybe all this was accurate enough in the early 1930s but as an explanatory model it is totally unable to grapple with the Holocaust. Anyways read Postone.
Relating to the last point: the Marxist dogma. His impression of grassroots Nazi political culture as deeply revolutionary was correct and ahead of its time, and it’s a shame he didn’t carry the analysis further, because fascism is not “the bourgeoisie’s answer to the default of the working class,” that’s literally just empirically untrue and it’s why Fascism and Big Business is a vastly worse book than The Brown Plague. Even in the interwar period this was unambiguously evident in places like Hungary or Romania, and yet the idea of fascism as a genuinely autonomous actor has only started to gain real traction on the left (including among anarchists who should know better!) in the past twenty-some years, with some admirable forerunners.
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I love the fact that simon is a social democrat like he is just like me but now I consider myself socialist aka anticapitalist. he is my sosse
I also love that he's a socialist. I am also pretty much a socialist. Some might even call me an anarchist. I support Simon and all of his "radical" ideas.
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17.00 2022.05.16
After months of inactivity, Elmo released new information from a now banned twitter account claiming the returned Jeff Bezos was none other than television puppet rival Gonzo ("the Great", of Muppets fame). The beloved Sesame Street child actor and epynomous star of Elmo's World cites the undocumented capture of Mr Bezos's aircraft, New Shepherd, in deriding Gonzo as a "class traitor" and a "failure even at that" in his latest transmission to the Sesame Street strikers.
The following statement is an excerpt of Elmo's 400 page (now classified) document citing evidence for this extreme claim. Readers tread carefully if they are conservative or otherwise morally compromised:
"Elmo know you know the people leading attacks against union are more than capable of altering the narrative for their benefit. Do YOU know that Elmo knows somebody not so capable? Elmo does. Elmo knows exactly the type of puppet who wants nothing but your and Elmo's power, even if it means targeting a human with the same interests. Elmo tells you that Gonzo is a class-traitor. Elmo tells you he is puppeting Amazon's Bezos drone while Bezos is held hostage in lunar orbit! Elmo says we workers are not fools!"
For new readers, Elmo-aligned strikers had dispersed since the backlash against the February 2022 pro-union protests. These riots followed Big Bird's contraversial endorsement of selling muppet technology and outsourcing labor to the US-based tech & comm company Apple in December 21. The gangs of anticapitalist Sesame Street citizens were not identified, though further protests went online until late this year due to increased surveillance headed by Big Bird and Apple's surveillance division.
Elmo's attempts during the flight to disrupt coroporate communications within Amazon and stir pro-union sentiment were augmented by his team of human hackers.
"The fate of Muppet liberation", Elmo Tweets, "remains in the unoccupied hand of our human comrades." The spacecraft was identified by his team and the trajectory of the aircraft altered toward Pluto, a famously inhospitable climate, even to Lizard men. Following the successful operation, the Red Furry Fury adds,
"Elmo says, Workers unite! You and Elmo have nothing to lose but your chains."
Further communication with the so-called Red Menace will be reported as new information comes to light.
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vomitnest · 6 months
mckenna's perspective is a bit more nuanced as he explicitly states that he is not anticapitalist in the technical sense of the word. so i imagine you would classify him as a free market anarchist, which is a far cry from both free market fundamentalism and government regulated capitalism. i personally consider myself to be an anticapitalist but i am also interested in hearing from people who openly identify as being anarchistic alienated intellectuals, which mckenna does. terence mckenna also famously said that the apocalypse has already arrived in major portions of the planet and it is only because we live in a bubble of social insulation and privilege that we (in the "West" or the "Global North") still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse.
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chaos-coming · 1 year
So im making this presentation on communal land rights for this Very Conservative, Very Swiss, and Very Old economics professor
And its taking me forever because i keep having to delete things, muttering how its too leftist, too anticapitalist, too... true. (This is the guy who claims his country is so perfect at logging there are no negative externalities whatsoever. Just... the level of delusion and self aggrandizement jfc)
And like i dont wanna piss him off and get a bad grade, but this topic is already like inherently gonna go to one extreme so i guess hes gonna get what he gets when this anarchist gets up on my soapbox for 30 minutes with a live captive audience to talk about communalism whoo
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