#he loves humanity. he does. he freed them from the gods and he saw their potential thousands of years after he was to die
nandermoenthusiast · 9 months
i dont think i will ever be over nandor tying guillermos cape with such care and focus. that moment its possibly my favourite from the finale NANDOR ACTS OF SERVICE GUY MAKES ME WANNA CLIMB A WALL and the way hes putting guillermo on equal ground now makes my heart grow 3 sizes
and to be honest i dont think they can go back to where they were before. for anyone whos worried. like yeah he told him “now clean up the body” after he reverted back to human but to me that was more like nandors brain going like. “i cooked now you clean”. he went through such a tremendous amount of work to help guillermo. he had the empathy to recognise the problem. he thought it through concocted a plan. he got the robes and the candles and he painted and hung those banners. he held a fakeass ceremony with all their friends and elders so it looked official. he then also comforted guillermo when he couldnt do it and staked derek himself without a second thought. so maybe its was more of a. i pulled you out of a very hairy situation. can you take care of the body now? (also it IS gonna be hard to let go of certain habits so maybe some comments like this are gonna slip out next season, but that is just because they are useless and in guillermos absence the house fucking imploded in one year lmao… maybe guillermo is gonna teach them how to take care of it themselves next season so they can split the workload and cute shenanigans will ensue)
i just dont think it was mean spirited on nandors part tbh. LAZLO even offered to help. i dont think that was just to have him in the next scene i dont think an unusual detail like that could be just for convenience. i do FULLY believe they are gonna all be on equal grounds next season. and thats gonna be so fucking delicious to me specifically
#to see a nandor and guillermo dynamic where nandor has freed himself from the inibitions of a master familiar dynamic? sign me up#he was so fucking warm and caring after he forgave him and idk if i can handle it GOD I LOVE IT#nandermo#what we do in the shadows#wwdits#wwdits spoilers#comment#im making a post out of some of my tags in one of my queued posts bc i#want to put this thought out in the world#i saw a lot of people going now that guillermos human everythings back to the status quo!!! and im like#no the fuck i hope not!! their relationship has consistently moved in a new direction each season#familiar. bodyguard. best man. best friend. now they went through allllll the trouble of showing them having an equals relationship#they made nandor utter the words he will be living in this house as an equal from now on#and next season everythings gonna revert back?? i surely hope not#there is also to be considered from nandors standpoint that now guillermo truly has no more reason to stay. he really isnt a#familiar anymore because he presumably doesnt want to be a vampire anymore (?) so he has to consider#if he wants guillermo to stick around. its gonna have to be out of the love he has for them. and nandor needs to give him an incentive#which would be equal grounds with the vampires even though he isnt one#and guillermo is probably gonna be in such an existential crisis mode that hes not even gonna notice all the cute things nandor is doing#for him now for a WHILE. until he does and thats gonna be delicious#anyway. why do i keep making excellent points in the tags this could have been a post
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hydrachea · 2 years
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I got to this part of the VN this week and it sniped me so good I yelled about it for approximately two hours. There's so much in these three screenshots.
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starlightbooklove · 4 months
Ok, I finally saw Journey to Bethlehem and I can't begin to express how much I loved it, I'm a very difficult person to like a full musical, which is why movies like west side story and in the heights I only liked a few songs, like as movies in general they are good, but not to my personal taste.
Furthermore, the Christian film market usually ranges from very similar, commercial and honestly boring films, to 'reinterpretations' that remove plots and things that do not go at all with the Original material So I wasn't too confident in how good the trailer looked but I was willing to give it a look, thank goodness I did.
As a Christian who was raised in the church with a Christian family, my view of religion was quite Biased by their way of looking at it Which wasn't bad, but I was focused on the religious point of view sometimes excessively, so over time as I grew up and got to know the world around me, I moved away from that, And then after I grew up I returned to wanting to learn for myself without biased opinions about the Bible and to be able to understand it and really feel what everyone said they felt.
And so I came to the conclusion that You can save your self a Lot of time, if you just read the bible as what it is: a book, full of human people with a lot of imperfections, murky, miraculous, heartbreaking, crazy, steamy and even funny (yes, I'm not lying) stories. Religion, so focused on an idea that sometimes not even the Bible itself shares, forgets the human part that fills the stories, which is not very described in it either, but that one can easily interpret.
And thanks to this, criticism of Christians is very well founded on several occasions, and many people have the mistaken idea that the Bible is a 'holy book of holy people'.
That there is nothing more false, the book is holy or is different, unique and/or sacred because of how it was written and because of the stories that happen in it And how accompanied by prayer and the real desire to want to know, you can learn a lot no matter how many times you read it, not because of the people who lived them.
Who were they, let me tell you the test of God's patience.
Do you know Moses? The dude who divided the sea (by God's guidance), did you knew that (this one's funny), thanks to the people he brought out of Egypt after the plagues and that he have to spend 40 years with them in the desert? 🙃 no, it's not a joke and no, it's not an interpretation, literally thanks to the almost constant disobedience of the Israelis after being liberated they were punished with that, and the worst thing is that God had reasons, and I'll give you an example of that, these people decided to worship a damn golden cow that they built Because Moses had taken a long time to return from talking to God (when he went to look for the commandments ironically) less than a year after being freed by God from slavery.
Moses broke the first tables of commandments out of anger, and had to go look for them again, I repeat, no, I'm not playing, this is how it happened in the Bible And it was not only for this reason that they had to stay, it was a list of things that these people did, having as a testimony and example just by being free, still had Incredible faith problems.
The generation that left Egypt never saw or lived in the promised land, the only one who saw it out of mercy was Moses, but it was the descendants who managed to enter the promised land.
Haaa, bet you didn't knew that..
So, as you can see, no, not holy and/or perfect people at all. You might wonder, what does this have to do with the movie? And I will answer you, sorry, i got inspired, but the thing is, this is basically the context of why I liked it so much.
Journey to Bethlehem, it is the story of the birth of Jesus if we remove the religion and the holy holy beautiful peacefull look that some churches like to sell, and start to unite our 4 neurons and think about what, humanly, those people thought and did under the context of that time With fire songs, good performances, very good acting, and Milo (I'm not going to elaborate, I'll just say that I gained a tremendous crush on this man lmao)
And I want to list my favorite points from this in the movie.
-The representation of Mary
Arguably my favorite part of the movie, like, this woman really made me feel what it must have been like for her to carry the son of God.
Because N1: Mary is painted as this woman rejoicing in the news that she will become pregnant overnight when she is engaged, not married, in a patriarchal society With around 1000 laws about what you can and cannot do and the things you cannot do are punishable by death, One of them being being pregnant or having a child out of marriage 🙃🤭 what a blessing right?
And N2: For years Mary has been said to be holy and worshiped when she probably wouldn't approve of that herself, since she grew up with scriptures that said they couldn't worship idols. And they made her an idol. Something to make clear is that the only holy human, biblically speaking, is Jesus. Mary was a virgin, not a saint, she had more children with her husband after having Jesus, she had a life beyond him.
And this movie brings that out, it makes the most of it and I love it.
It shows what a struggle it must have been for her to have such a burden on her, she was young (in those days people married young), perhaps a teenager, Yes, they were raised differently and at the end of the day he was about to get married, but still, as I said, the Bible leaves out a lot of the human factor.
It can say that it passes a beginning and an end but it does not give you the means to connect both parts In the Bible, Mary respectfully accepts the news that she is going to have a baby, and the film respects that, but Mary was human, you know the fear and absolute madness must cause that an angel to appear to you out of nowhere and tell you that you are going to have a son who is going to be savior and king and then disappear (appreciation for the angel Gabriel btw My man would be me if i was an angel lmao) How the hell do you explain that to your parents? To your fiancé, no matter how versed everyone was in the scriptures, no one, NO ONE thought Jesus was going to be born from a humble virgin, Literally part of the reason (spoiler alert lmao) Jesus was killed was because no one believed that the king they were waiting for was a simple carpenter who was born in a manger. This probably included Mary herself, certainly her parents, and much more, Joseph. And she knew it, of course she knew it, she knew it was true but she had to know how hard it was to believe it and how much trouble she could get into for being pregnant. It's kind of expected that Mary would have doubts, rightly so which is why I love love the song "mother to a savior and king" i just feel that it had to be exactly what she thought.
... Give me eyes to see
Just how I can be
Carrying your son when I need You
To carry me
...Should a miracle feel like an anchor
Bringing shame upon my family
This burden is too heavy
I need strength to be
A mother to a savior and king
... You said, "Do not fear"
So Lord, if you are here
Help me have the faith you have in me
Give me eyes to see just how I can be
Mother to a savior
When I need saving
Like aaaa Chills, literal chills And I love it because it doesn't occur to people how society must have seen Mary, we see it as a blessing because we know how it all ended, but they didn't know. And they lived in a very very different society, if everyone had found out, they would have stoned Mary, that is the reality that they don't talk much about at Christmas.
Another fact that I liked is that Mary had to travel, traveling in this time does not imply the same as traveling in that time, with her 9 months of pregnancy (Because she gave birth as soon as she arrived in Bethlehem) on a donkey 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I don't think I have to elaborate much, i love how they portrayed here. You can say people knew how things were, they were used to it, yes, but Maria had never been pregnant and no matter how adapted you are to something, You can't erase the physical challenge of traveling with a giant belly in those conditions.
And let's not even talk about the birth, where they were in the city that: it was full of soldiers seeking to kill her and her baby, they broadcast the news that they would be killing babies and pregnant mothers In search of finding her, which is why they did not find asylum and had to go to a stable.
I think with the idea of ​​☺️ ah, Jesus was born in a manger ☺️We forget that 💀 oh, Jesus was born in a manger 💀 I don't know about you, but I think that is not the ideal place to give birth And yet the representations of that are so sugar coated We literally have a song called "Silent Night" tell me, explain to me what part of giving birth where the animals and their excrement are because an entire army is chasing you trying to kill you, sounds like a peaceful night????
Another detail is that Joseph (who I am obviously going to talk about) logically had to act as midwife for Mary, because no one was with them, no one wanted to be with them, that sounds like a horror story honestly, and no, I'm not taking away from how beautiful the whole purpose of Jesus is and everything is.
I am only pointing out the facts, which are raw and very Real about a situation like this, this was the reality as it is written, the Bible leaves things out But the rawness in several acts is never lacking.
One last thing to add is that I was afraid at first that they would portray Mary as a feminist ahead (by centuries) of her time But in an annoying and very political way because of how the movie started, And that they were going to make her not want the pregnancy and make it as if they had violently forced her, thank God that didn't happen, i loved her, The actress did a tremendous job interpreting her with personality without losing the respect (that is noted in the Bible) Mary had for God and the giant task she was given, and I actually liked that twist That perhaps Mary and Joseph did not know each other before they got engaged, which would not be unusual at that time. And that Mary said at the beginning of the movie that she believed she was destined for bigger things 🙃.They give more personality to this icon that we all have of her and I love it.
-The representation of Joseph
Starting with the fact that I have a big fat crush now on Milo Mannheim thanks to him (not important at all actually)
I think everyone, whether Christian or not, knows that Joseph is a secondary character every time the story of Jesus' birth is mentioned, even invisible I dare say. And I was always curious because of how he leaves after he is born in the Bible, it is simply not mentioned again and this is why I think there is this kind of unconscious belief that Jesus only had one parental figure and that was Mary.
When this can easily be contradicted by the little information we have in the Bible; Joseph was known as Joseph the carpenter, and who ended up being a carpenter? (Flashbacks to Sabrina lmao) Jesus, No matter how holy and amazing he was, Jesus grew up having to learn things, he wasn't born knowing, and obviously Mary didn't teach him how to work with wood so it's pretty logical to think that his stepfather (idk How to call it) taught him. That even if we leave this out (which is after the birth of Jesus) Joseph was THE man ok And this is with biblical foundation, he believed Mary and decided to continue with the wedding despite how crazy it all sounded, he helped her during the trip to Bethlehem, ALONE, he had to practically attend the birth
And the film captures that so, so well, I have no words to describe how impressed and excited I was to see how they highlighted so many things that I knew because yk, they are in the Bible but I hadn't been aware of noticing before.
How difficult it must have been for him to make the decision to believe Mary (which, let's be honest, takes a lot of faith to believe something like that) To follow her, and his song, my God, his song is so good. It's perfect for showing a morally gray human decision and the way he delivered that presentation ugh I just feel from my heart that it was exactly what Joseph thought. Cause:
I'm completely torn in two
Half of me believes her,
while the other half needs proof
This was no inmaculate conception
Just the ultimate deception
Gilty to the bone we should have her stoned now
Wait don't you throw your stoned no don't yoy judge her i look into her eyes i think i love her
I just 🫠🫠🫠 Jesus Christ
You don't come out of that movie without half falling for Joseph and that's something I never imagined saying in my life lmao
It was a very human way, full of personality and commitment, to portray the character. beyond the attractiveness of both the actor and the goofy personality they gave him. They gave it this degree of seriousness and part of the story that shows very clearly what they themselves say in the film and that is that God did not choose only Mary, She couldn't do everything she had to do alone, and among those things was raising a child that was given to her overnight and that she had to carry for nine months, and that does not deviate from history even though there are those who say no, it is written but I think it needed the human interpretation for people to see it, as I feel that they need with many stories from the bible. They definitely took their liberty to create the love story and I'm not complaining, I never thought at all that there must have been a lot of love both between them and for God for them to be able to go through all of that, And I like to believe that if it was like that, the love they had for each other, because only someone who loves another person so much is willing to go through all that, cause very easily Joseph could receive confirmation from God that what Mary said was true and say well, that's not my problem, but he decided to take responsibility with her, Which shows why God chose them, so yes, it has its freedoms but I don't think it is essentially far from reality.
Antonio Banderas ate with his performance because damn I could feel the arrogance, the complete pleasure that those kings had for being rich and powerful, with that man And he didn't have much screen time, despite how comical he gets at times he manages to show how dangerous Herod was.
That, they didn't show it but that man ordered babies and pregnant mothers to be killed in the end, just for fear that they would take away his throne and his power, out of complete caress. And Antonio showed a funny and iconic man but also dangerous and capable of that and, and also they gave him the best song.
And i'm not Even joking, 'good to be king' is what Disney tried (and failed) to do with "Wish", It has all the magic and that lyricism that shows rough and raw things with incredible music That sticks to you despite how bad the bad guy is, from the villain songs of Disney's 2D movies, It's at the level of "poor unfortunate souls" and the Interpretation, God It's one of the best parts of the movie, weeks go by and I still can't get it out of my head
Finally, the relationship of Mary and Joseph.
I feel that all our lives, after thousands of times telling us the story of the birth of Jesus, the relationship of Mary and Joseph never had any importance beyond their role in the birth. So I loved the representation of that here, the way they took this theme of a planned marriage, which could very easily have been a reality, Along with the human and emotional reaction that these people must have had at the time, they give life and depth to Mary and Joseph, with the pros and cons.
With how difficult it was but also how strong they must have been as a couple to carry out the huge task they had, it made me see it from a more human point of view and give more value to their relationship.
They took their liberties, there are things that are super funny and have that absurd touch, but it is a story full of a lot of respect for the source, and full of a wonderful and human interpretation of of this great story, You don't feel it is religious, because it isn't, the music isn't just there and they are all very good (something that doesn't happen with all musicals).
And it is simply beautiful, it is made with love and it shows, they took advantage of every penny of their budget and put out this piece of art that I feel everyone should see for Christmas And that I would like to tattoo permanently on my brain lmao.
Go watch it, it's absolutely worth it.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my entire almost essay of the movie, I hope you find your Joseph in life🫶😂
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bright-side20 · 6 months
Elain Archeron/The seer🌸
I was reading about Norse mythology and came across figures with powers similar to Elain's, which I think further supports the theory of her having both the power of the oracles and the mystics.
The Völva, within Norse mythology, are portrayed as mystical females capable of prophecy, foresight, and magic. They communicate with spirits and gods and are connected to Freyja, the Goddess of love and a warlike divinity.
Their power :
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Similar to Elain:
“I saw young hands wither with age. I saw a box of black stone. I saw a feather of fire land on snow and melt it.”
"It was angry,” Elain said quietly. “It was so, so angry that something was taken. So it took something from them as punishment.”
It is like a vivid memory
The other power:
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Similar to the mystics and Elain:
Her eyes shifted beneath her lids, the skin so delicate and colorless that the blue veins beneath were like small streams. “It moves …,” she whispered. “It moves through the world like … like the breath of the western wind.”
"This time, you sent the trembling fawn to find me. I did not expect to see those doe-eyes peering at me from across the world.”
Elain blinked and blinked, eyes clearing again. As if the understanding, our understanding … it freed her from whatever murky realm she’d been in.
Bring back Visions of
The Future :Elain said quietly, “The queen might come.”
The Past :“They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …”
The Present :“Can you sense where she is?” “There is … a lake. Deep in—in the continent, I think. Hidden amongst mountains and ancient forests.” Elain’s throat bobbed. “He keeps them all at the lake.”
I think Elain is exactly a spákona :
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Elain is meant to be a seer :
Nesta never spoke of it afterward,” Elain said. “I just observed.” Elain saw every single thing Nesta had done, and understood why.
Also the fact that is is related to the world spy 🤭
_ The spákona are not considered witches because witchcraft was viewed as malicious. The divine power of the spákona was considered an intrinsic part of themselves:
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_They were also believed to have the ability to shape-shift into animal form to fight or to travel long distances, and we know that the suriel saw Elain in the form of a fawn.They also had the power of healing.
In Norse mythology, a volva was able to observe the demonic forces of Hel's realm preparing to attack the world of gods and humans. She provided Odin with detailed information about Ragnarok. So Will Elain be able to assist Bryce regarding the upcoming battle in Midgard 🧐
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Who Made Me a Villain (6)
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)(Part 5) This is a Halloween special as a treat. ------
Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter, was drinking his coffee. Just like any other average Joe while editing Lois Lane’s latest scoop so there were no spelling mistakes and grammar errors.
Then, his super hearing picked up Lois’s heartbeat speedup. There was an ear-piercing scream that had him jumping out of his seat.
“Woah, Kent, what’s wrong?” A concerned colleague asked.
“Indigestion. Bathroom. Real quick.” Clark threw out the first excuse that came to mind before speeding down to the nearest bathroom. Being careful to keep it to human speed.
He had just finished changing into Superman when his phone rang, the caller ID showing Lois’s name.
“Who are you and what do you want?” Superman demanded.
“Name’s Rebel. And don’t worry your darling, I need her alive to do something I want.”
The voice sounded young and female. Superman went through his mental list of supervillains, trying to figure out who took Lois.
“Rebel…” Superman repeated, trying to put a face to the name. Then, he remembered Batman grumbling about Robin sending a picture of him covered in neon green paint and feathers to the Young Justice unofficial group chat who all were happy to show their mentors. It took everything for Superman not to burst out laughing when Kon had shown him the picture. The one responsible for Batman’s misfortune had been no other than Rebel.
“Aren’t you supposed to be Gotham, Rebel?” Superman asked as he flew towards where he knew Lois was.
“Ah. So the great Captain America has heard of me.”
Superman stopped in mid-air, purely due to confusion because Rebel sounded so confident that it was his name.
“Excuse me what?”
The French accent didn’t really help but make Clark think of those terrible Hollywood bad guys.
“You are excused. As I was saying, Captain, your beloved love is fine. I just need her to do this one little thing for me. Then, she’ll be free to go.”
“What do you want from me?” Superman asked again.
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Captain America, the world does not revolve around you. You aren’t the high and mighty god everyone thinks you are. I just need Mrs. Lane’s help in releasing a certain truth.”
“You will let her go right now!” Superman said.
He was narrowing on his wife’s location.
“I just told you that I will do that after I am done.” Rebel replied.
Superman arrived at the location but,
“This can’t be right.”
Rebel giggled over the phone. “Plot twist! Gotta love them.”
Superman was currently floating above Stryker's Island Penitentiary where the worst offenders of Metropolis were kept.
He scanned the buildings but couldn’t locate Lois.
“What did you do to her?”
“Chill, Captain. She’s fine. I just did something so you went after a fake heartbeat while I hid Lois.”
The fact that she tricked him using a complicated method that sounded like something Bruce would come up with had Superman raising his guard up. She was not an opponent to be underestimated.
“I am not going to repeat myself. What did you do to her?”
“Urgh. Can’t you overlook this little thing just this once?” Rebel complained, not concerned about the fact that she was provoking a man who could bend metal like it was rubber. “I am just stealing her for a few hours and then you can have her back. I even swear that she will be in the condition you last saw her in.”
“No. Give Lois back. Now.”
Rebel huffed. “You aren’t going to make this easy, huh? Then… beep.”
Superman was confused for a second when she made that sound with her voice.
Then, an explosion rocked the island below Superman. Instantly, the place was swarming with freed prisoners and guards trying to put them back.
“That should keep you busy. After all, the people of Metropolis need to be kept safe from the vicious criminals. Lois and I would probably be done with our girls’ day out by the time you are done. Au revoir.”
The phone hung up.
Trapped between the decision to save his wife and his city, Superman went to save the day.
“Man, your husband was a pain to deal with.” Rebel said after she hung up on Superman.
She turned back to Lois who was sitting unbound on a sofa with her recorder, notepad and pencil out. In front of her was a delicious spread of cakes, pastries and cookies with a mouth-watering scent which Lois tried her best to ignore.
“You kidnapped me and blew up a prison. I don’t think he would be happy to see you.” Lois pointed out. “This isn’t about him.” Rebel dismissed. “This is about you, helping me expose one of the biggest cover ups in history.”
“What makes you think I would help you?”
“What if I told you that four years ago. There was a supervillain in Paris that used negative emotions to turn people into monsters and the mayor had made sure news of it never got out.”
Lois snorted. “I don’t write fantasy, kid. I only write the truth.”
Rebel slapped down a bunch of newspapers dated from four years ago to the most recent one and a lot of documents.
“Here’s evidence. I promise that they aren’t faked. You can even use your phone to search all of this up if you still don’t believe me.”
Lois grabbed the one that was oldest and the front page talked about some stone golems wrecking the city. She read through it. Then, she looked at another paper dated a week later and read the front page talking about evil butterflies.
Fifteen minutes later and some google searches, Lois put down her phone and the newspapers.
She gave Rebel a professional smile. “Now… about that scoop you were going to give me.”
She watched Rebel’s eyes lit up.
Hours later…
Superman landed on the roof of the Daily Planet where Lois stood safe and sound. He scanned her with his x-ray vision and felt relieved to see that she was fine.
“Lois, are you okay?” Clark asked with worry as he hugged her.
“I’m fine. Honestly, it was the best kidnapping I've ever been in.” Lois replied, hugging back.
“Thanks for the compliment, Ms. Lane.” The unwanted spectator to their reunion said.
Rebel cheerfully waved from where she was on her bike as Superman glared at her.
“I am going to-”
“That’s my cue to leave.” Rebel cut off his threat as she took out a lead box. “Really lucky I stole this off the Big Bat the other day.”
Superman immediately backed away when the box was opened, revealing a glowing green rock.
“Bye, Captain America.”
Rebel tossed it onto the ground and sped off on her bike.
It took a moment for Superman to remember that they were on a roof and that Rebel was insane.
He watched Rebel drop down as gravity took hold. Superman immediately flew after her, only to find that she had disappeared in between the seconds his eyes were off her.
His brain finally caught up and Superman realised that he wasn’t feeling any effect of Kryptonite.
He turned around to see that the box was still open. Cautiously, Lois picked it up and closed it.
“You okay, Clark?” She asked.
“Can you give me the box, Lois?”
She nodded with confusion and slowly handed it over.
Clark slowly opened the lead box and laughed in disbelief. Inside was just some clear plastic crystals with a glowing green light underneath.
“Superman.” Batman nodded in acknowledgement. “Why are you here?”
“I need you to run some tests on Lois’s blood. She had a run in with one of your Rogues. She said that she feels fine. But I want to be sure.” Superman answered. He handed Batman the vial of blood. He accepted it and put it in his pocket.
“I will do that as soon as I get back to the Cave. Who was it that she encountered?”
Batman stiffened at the mention of her name. “I see. What did she do to Lois?”
“Gave an interview I suppose. Lois was immediately on research binge about something that happened in France afterwards. She also had a few of the food Rebel laid out because she was hungry and I quote ‘they were the most delicious pastries ever’. She insisted that she was fine but I wanted to be sure.”
Batman’s frown deepened at that answer.
“Is something wrong?” Superman asked anxiously. This was the mother of his child and the love of his life that was in danger here.
“Lois is most probably fine but I will still run the test to ease your mind. I know Rebel won’t do something to the food unless it was for a prank. Even then, it’s nothing toxic or lethal.” Batman answered.
The answer didn’t reassure Superman.
“She blew up Stryker's Island, Batman.”
He couldn’t understand why Batman seemed so unbothered that such a dangerous villain was running around freely and causing chaos wherever she went.
“She regularly does it to Arkham.”
“Bruce. She lured me into a trap with a fake heartbeat of Lois. She fooled me into thinking she had kryptonite. She rode off the roof of the Daily Planet on her bike and disappeared into thin air. And Rao knows why she keeps calling me Captain America!” Superman ranted.
He took a deep breath to calm down before asking his question. “Rebel is clearly dangerous so why aren’t you taking her as a serious threat?”
Batman stared at him. Clark knew that this was his decision making face.
“You said that Lois was looking into something that happened in France.”
Superman nodded. “Yeah. Is Rebel related to it?”
Batman sighed. It was filled with regret and shame.
Superman knew that this was not good news.
“I was going to bring this up at the next League meeting but Rebel appeared to be getting impatient.” Batman started.
“What happened in France?”
“We, as the League, had made a huge oversight. There was a major problem in Paris for many years. A villain who could turn people into monsters had the city hostage. Rebel intends on making sure that we rectify our mistake.” Batman started.
He told Superman everything. About how Rebel brought the issue to his attention. What her plans were. Her past.
“Bruce, are you sure? She could be lying.” Superman said.
“I did my research. It’s all true. There is too much evidence to be faked. Some parts are still being investigated but it is largely the truth.”
Superman looked solemn. He couldn’t understand how something like this never fell on his radar. Batman had to rely on reports and technology to get his information. He was just a man after all. It would be easy for something like this to slip past his radar, especially how tightly controlled the information was.
Clark had super-hearing and this news about Paris had completely blindsided him.
“How could we have missed something so big for so long?” He muttered.
“Too many factors prevented news about it from reaching us. The past is done. What we can do is prepare so nothing like won’t ever happen again.” Batman said firmly.
Superman agreed. They had to do better.
“First, we have to catch a moth.”
It wasn’t the threat of Rebel unleashing her plans on the world that had him motivated to capture Hawkmoth. It was the determination to atone for his ignorance while a city suffered hell on a daily basis.
October 30th, Halloween Eve…
Spoiler looked through the binoculars to spy on the group of men moving a crate gently into a warehouse. Plastered in stickers that said ‘Fragile’, the crate was an object of interest for the vigilantes. 
“I got eyes on the target, O.” Spoiler reported. “They are moving it into warehouse number 32. East side of the Gotham Docks.”
“Hear that, Robin?” Oracle asked.
“Got it.” Robin replied as he ran towards the location.
“Oh. I see you, Robin.” Spoiler said.
“Eyes on the target, Spoiler.” Oracle admonished her.
“Sorry, O.”
“Hey. Can you tell me what you Bats are doing here?” A mechanical voice came from Spoiler’s left. 
It was lucky that Spoiler didn’t immediately scream and instead tried to punch the new arrival. He caught her attack easily with his one hand.
“Red Hood.” Spoiler greeted once she recognised who it was.
“I am asking again. What are you Bats doing here?”
“Spoiler, you okay?” Robin’s worried voice came over the comms.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just Red Hood.” Spoiler replied.
Looking back at Red Hood, she said, “I will tell you if you tell me what you are doing here.”
“I think we are both after the same thing.” Red Hood said, tilting his head in the direction of the warehouse.
“Black Mask’s mysterious package.” Spoiler nodded.
“It’s actually Rebel’s.” Red Hood explained. “Black Mask’s men intercepted the delivery and she asked for my help to get it back.”
“Do you know what’s inside?”
“She said it was supposed to be a fun Halloween surprise.”
“So it’s harmless.”
Red Hood shrugged. “All I know is that I should not be within a mile of it when the clock strikes midnight tonight.”
“We have five hours then.” Oracle’s voice came through Spoiler’s comms and inside Red Hood’s helmet.
“Jesus, don’t just hack into people’s helmets.” Jason complained.
“Well, we don’t have extra comms on hand.” she retorted.
“Hood, did Rebel tell you anything else about the package?” Robin asked.
“Just that it’s set to be unleashed the minute it is Halloween. Oh and don’t open it. I think it’s some kind of special bomb.”
“You didn’t ask?” “It’s Rebel. What harm can she do? It’s probably some kind of high quality glitter bomb.” Red Hood replied casually.
“You have no idea how destructive she has gotten lately.” Oracle said. “Last month, she blew up Stryker's Island. That was after she had kidnapped Lois.”
“Is she trying to go after Superman?”
“She wanted Lois to spread her ‘take down Hawkmoth’ agenda.”
“Hawkmoth? Never heard of him. Who the hell is that?” Red Hood asked.
“Rebel’s personal vendetta.” Spoiler answered.
“Sorry to cut this short, guys but Black Mask is coming.” Robin said. “We can fill you in on what happened later”
“Truce?” Red Hood offered. “I still owe Roman a beating.”
“No killing, Hood.” Oracle set as her condition.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Red Hood loaded his guns and jumped into the fray with Spoiler in her purple glory following.
Robin spotted Black Mask running into the warehouse. He slammed the goon he was fighting against the ground as hard as he could. 
“Somebody go and stop Black Mask! He’s going into the warehouse.” Robin said to everyone before he picked up his dropped staff and went back to fighting.
They were outnumbered and a few of the goons were trained from what Robin could tell.
“Oracle, what’s the ETA on back up?”
“Hang in there, Robin. Batman and Batgirl’s ETA is under one minute.”
“Good. Let’s hope that someone can stop Black Mask before we find out what Rebel’s Pandora box holds.”
Red Hood ran towards the warehouse as soon as he heard the report from Robin.
He had a score to settle with the other crime lord.
“Sionis, where are you?” Red Hood bellowed into the warehouse.
His helmet picked up the sound of someone running and Red Hood sprinted in the direction of the sound.
It became a chase and a gunfight with the two crime lords exchanging gunfire and one trying to lose the other in the maze that was the warehouse. Black Mask used every trick he had to throw Red Hood off his track.
However, it was fruitless as Red Hood continued to chase him like a bloodhound.
As desperation seized him, Black Mask picked up a crowbar that was lying around and ran towards the box he had stolen from that upstart Rebel.
Rumour has it that it is a weapon she had made for the Bats. Intended to drive them mad.
Red Hood rounded around the corner, just in time to see Black Mask pry the box open.
The lid was off. 
Last Month in Metropolis. A day before Lois’s kidnapping…
A young woman sauntered through the hallways of Stryker's Island Penitentiary. Then, she stopped in front of the cell she was looking for.
“Hello, Toyman.”
“Rebel.” Toyman greeted back. “What a pleasure to see you again.”
“I would like to contract you to make a few things for me.” Rebel went straight to the point.
Toyman gave her an interested look. “What would be in it for me?”
“Would getting you out of this place give me a discount?” Rebel asked.
Toyman smiled. “I suppose that might be possible. I’m a generous man after all. But that still doesn’t answer what you want me to make.”
Rebel chuckled. “It’s September. It’s practically nearly Halloween. And I really really want to make it a memorable one. Especially for the heroes in my city. I would like to commission a few toys. Here’s a list.”
She handed it to him.
Toyman hummed as he read it over. This could be a good deal. He would get his freedom and just make a few dolls with a bit of profit.
“How many would you like to make?”
“As much as you can before the deadline which is a few days before Halloween. Say the twenty-eight? Would that be possible? I would pay a set price for each one you can finish.” Rebel said.
“Can you back it up? I am not saying that you are not trustworthy but...” Toyman didn’t manage to finish before Rebel took out a wad of cash, all in hundred dollar bills.
She took half of it and handed it to Toyman through the bars.
“This is for the materials. Once I get you out of here, we are going to make a legal contract to discuss the finer details.”
“It is going to be an honour to work with you.” Toyman said.
Rebel grinned under her mask. “It’s nice doing business with you, Toyman.”
“So when do I get started?”
“Tomorrow afternoon-ish. That’s when something would happen and you escape in the chaos.” 
“How would I know it happened?”
“You will know. And try not to get caught by the guy who wears the ‘S’. A second breakout might not be easy to plan.”
After she left, Toyman felt giddy at the taste of freedom and to make so many new toys.
Black Mask reached into the box and took its content out.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” Black Mask said in angry disbelief as he held a doll in his hands.
Red Hood took that opportunity to tackle the man and handcuff him.
In his curiosity, Red Hood glanced into the box and saw that the box just contained dolls.
There was your typical Raggedy Ann, clowns, ventriloquist dummies, string puppets, those collector’s dolls with the pretty frilled dresses, a few Barbie dolls and some plushies that resembled some of the Bat vigilantes.
“Hood. Come in, Hood.” Batman’s voice came from his comms.
“Cool your jets, Batman. I got Black Mask. He managed to open the box but it’s just dolls inside. Rebel probably tried to scare us into not opening the box because they’re for a prank and it would ruin the surprise.”
“Good to hear.” Batman said with a hint of relief.
Tim curiously picked up the Robin plushie and inspected it.
The Bats had taken the box of dolls with them to the Batcave to later give back to Rebel.
“The quality is so good. The details are amazing and so accurate. Wonder who made it.” Tim wondered curiously before he discovered initials stitched in the inner lining of the cape of the toy.
“W.S.J” Tim read out as he traced the letters. There was a niggling thought at the back of his head that he should look into who the mysterious toymaker was.
Meanwhile, Steph was tentatively holding the Raggedy Ann doll and telling Jason about the true story behind the Annabelle movies.
“Did you know that the real Annabelle doesn’t actually look like the doll in the movies?” Steph said as she held up the Raggedy Ann to Jason, “It was actually a Raggedy Ann doll that looked just like this one.”
Jason frowned as he gave the doll a slightly wary look. “It doesn’t look creepy at all.”
“That’s what makes it so unsettling. Something innocent hiding its sinister nature.” Steph explained.
Damain frowned as he picked up one of the collector’s dolls. “I don’t see what is creepy about some toys.”
“It’s the terror of something that should be lifeless moving around. Something that should be harmless becomes something dangerous.” Jason mused.
“But why dolls? I don’t think a piece of porcelain dressed in lace could scare anyone. I would be sc…alarmed if Father’s dinosaur came to life but not these.” Damian said as he held up one of the dolls.
“You should try watching some horror movies.” Jason told Damian.
Cass picked up a ballerina string puppet she had found and showed it to Bruce with a questioning look.
“It’s a string puppet. Have you seen Pinocchio yet?”
“No.” Cass replied as she shook her head.
“Remind me at our next movie night. So the strings make the puppet move. Here look.” Bruce took the puppet from Cass and expertly manipulated the strings so the ballerina waved and walked a bit before breaking out a few ballet moves. Cass clapped with wonder at the end of his performance.
“Teach me?” Cass asked.
“Sure.” Bruce promised.
Next, Cass took out the ventriloquist dummy and inspected it.
“Scarface?” She asked.
“Yes. It’s a ventriloquist dummy just like Scarface. How it works is that the ventriloquist holds the dummy and throws his voice so it looks like it is the dummy that’s talking instead of the ventriloquist.”
“Show me.”
Bruce obliged as he slipped his hand into the dummy and the dummy started to move its mouth.
“Hello, Cass, nice to meet you.” said the Dummy as it held out its hand.
Cass shook its hand. “Hello.”
She asked Bruce, “Can I try?”
“Of course.” Bruce said as he gave her back the dummy.
Cass breathed in and out a few times and then raised the dummy up.
“Hello. Nice to meet you.” Cass’s voice came from the dummy this time.
Bruce smiled as he ruffled her hair. “You’re good at this.”
“Thank you.” said the Dummy.
“If you are all done playing, it’s time you all went to bed.” Alfred said as he brought in his famous after patrol snacks; cucumber sandwiches. “After a shower.”
Jason put the Raggedy Ann doll back into the box.
“Well, it’s late and I need to get back home.” Jason said as he walked towards his bike.
“You can stay the night, Master Jason.” Alfred said. “I have taken the liberty of cleaning your room.”
“Thank you, Alfred but…” Jason trailed off, not knowing how to convey that he didn’t want to stay in the Manor despite his truce tonight with Bruce but also not wanting to offend the butler/grandfather-figure.
“I understand, Master Jason. Perhaps another time.” Alfred said in his wise way.
“Thank you, Alfred.” This time, there was a look of gratitude in Jason’s eyes.
The morning after was a busy and bustling day but there was something not right in the Wayne Manor.
Tim woke up from having fallen asleep while working on trying to find the maker of the dolls. His laptop had turned itself off sometime during the night. He stretched and yawned.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he spied the Robin plushie sitting on his bed.
“That’s strange. I could have sworn that I left you in the box last night.” Tim said, scratching his head. He picked the plushie up and examined it again in the morning light.
It was more accurate than Tim had initially found. In fact, it was like it was an exact likeness of him. Which was a very scary thought. He wondered how Toyman knew that he had a mole on his arm near his elbow and the birthmark on the side of his hips. Tim theorised that Rebel must be a very good stalker.
He put the plushie back on bed and headed down for breakfast. Tim didn’t see the plushie morphed its uniform into the outfit that Tim was wearing.
Tim walked down to the kitchen and sat down.
He thanked Alfred who set down a delicious plate of pancakes in front of him.
“Morning, Steph.” Tim said to the blonde who was dressed in a purple cowgirl outfit and a white Stetson hat.
“Morning, Tim.”
“Who are you supposed to be anyways?” He asked.
“Barbie but with the Stephanie twist.” She replied.
“Ah. Gotcha.” Tim said after he finished his mouthful of pancake. “You look so realistic by the way.”
Bruce entered the kitchen and sat down with a groan, his hand massaging his neck.
“You okay, B?” “Just feeling a bit stiff. I’m not as young as I used to be.” Bruce replied with a grimace.
Slowly, the other occupants of the house trickled in and the kitchen was filled with the Waynes and Steph dug into their breakfast.
Dick came all the way from Bludhaven to help out on what is annually one of the worst nights of the year in Gotham. At least one Rouge would have plans for Halloween.
To break this peaceful moment would be one Jason Tood who angrily stomped into the kitchen, clutching a Raggedy Ann doll.
“Didn’t we agree on leaving me alone? That includes not finding out where my safehouses are.” Jason said.
He held up the doll and asked, “Which one of you left this at my place this morning as a prank?”
Several confused faces stared back at him.
“Was it you?” Jason pointed at Steph and demanded.
She put her hands up in surrender. “It wasn’t me. I was busy studying for the test I have today. Ask Bruce. He can tell you that he helped me with flashcards.”
“Then, was it you, Tim?”
Tim blinked at Jason. His mind took a few seconds to answer because Tim was not a morning person.
He shook his head.
“No. I was looking into who made these dolls.” Tim answered.
“The dolls all have the initial W.S.J. and they were all incredibly detailed. I also wanted to know why Rebel would need them. The maker turned out to be no one other than…” Tim dramatically paused: “Toyman.”
“Suddenly, I feel like we should have burned that box when we could.” Steph said to break the silence.
They should have.
“So how bad is it?” Dick asked Zatanna, anxious about what curse had befallen his family.
They had gone down to the Batcave to get rid of the box. Only to find it empty. It led to hours of searching for them. Except Tim never came back from his room to retrieve the Robin plushie.
Dick went to check on Tim only to find that he had turned into the plushie.
Imagine finding your brother missing and suddenly the mini plushie replica of your brother started moving and talking. It immediately went onto the top ten weirdest and scariest list of things Dick had experienced.
Then, the next to go was Steph who slowly became plastic. Her face was stuck in a smile while her skin hardened into shiny plastic. She was in class when it happened and they had to go pick her up.
Cass found the dummy but it got attached to her hand and started to speak on its own in Cass’s voice. Cass herself was unable to utter a word.
The stiffness that Bruce had complained about was the fact that he was slowly turning into wood and almost invisible strings controlling his every move.
The final terror was the Raggedy Ann doll that suddenly gained life and proceeded to hunt Jason down for sport. No matter how far Jason managed to get away from the doll and Dick’s best efforts to keep the doll contained, it still managed to escape to go after Jason.
Somehow, Dick, Alfred and Damian were the only ones unaffected by the ‘curse’. They managed to figure out why when Babara told them that Black Mask and his men were attacked by the missing dolls and some of them were experiencing the same things as the Bats and about Jason’s warning from Rebel before everything went down.
Desperate, Dick asked Superman to track down Toyman and asked him how to reverse the effect only to find out that he only made the dolls. The curse was someone else's doing. 
Which was why they had called Zatanna to see if she could reverse it.
“Well, there’s the good news and the bad news.” she announced. “Good news is that it is reversible and the curse only lasts for a day. I recommend to just wait it out because the reversing would take longer than the deadline. The curse is too complicated to simply undo.”
“So that’s the bad news?” “No. The bad news is that I recognised a bit of the spellwork. It is a bit similar to how my father would do it so chances are that whoever did this is a student of my father. The thing is I know most of my father’s students and what is bad is that I don’t recognise the magical signature of who put this curse on the dolls.”
Puppet Bruce jerked his head at the information that Zatanna had given them. Dick noticed.
“Paris.” Bruce managed to get past with his wooden lips.
“Paris? Are you talking about the Miraculous?”
“Wait, you think one of the Miraculous heroes is involved in this?”
Zatanna gasped. “I remember Batman telling me that Ladybug was a student of my father. I looked into his old journals and he mentioned a student named Marinette during his stay in Paris.”
“Marinette. Marinette. Why does it sound so familiar?” Dick tried to recall where he had heard that name before.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Damian answered for him. “It’s Rebel’s legal name.”
Just like that, pieces of the puzzle fell into place.
“Rebel used to be Ladybug.”
The revelation felt bitter on Dick’s tongue. He had seen the videos of Ladybug in action. He would say that she was inexperienced but she was compassionate and willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. He thought that it was nice of her to forgive her enemy instead of causing pain on the man who had caused her so much grief.
He couldn’t believe he saw the similarities between the two girls sooner.
Rebel was cunning and sharp enough to always stay a step ahead of them. Her planning and paranoia on par with the Batman himself. Useful skills to have as a hero.
Then again, Rebel couldn’t be more different from Ladybug. She was more cynical and petty. Rebel caused chaos wherever she goes instead of cleaning up the mess. She saw everything as a game and never took anything seriously. 
Dick wondered what it was that pushed Rebel over the edge. The line drawn between heroism and villainy. Then he remembered how Rebel was sent to Gotham in the first place.
“Damn. Rebel has really good valid reason to fuck that Hawkmoth guy up.” Jason said. “In fact, I am surprised she hasn’t razed Paris to ashes yet.”
“Can you imagine?” Zatanna said, having been briefed a bit on the Paris situation and had heard about Rebel’s kidnapping of Lois, “The city you gave so much to save, branding you as a criminal and sending you to one of the worst places on Earth.”
“People have turned to crime for less.” Damian pointed out.
“But Rebel used to be a hero. One of us essentially. It’s just sad that we had to meet her as people on opposite sides.” Dick said.
“It only shows her lack of will.” Damian said.
“I think Rebel had reached her breaking point and honestly, I might too if I face it all alone like she did.”
The Cave was in a sombre silence for the hero that once was Ladybug. Dick remembered something Bruce once said about Two-Face and Harvey Dent.
‘You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.’
The next day, just as Zatanna said, the spell wore off and everyone was human again and able to freely talk again. Other than some nightmares about the experience for a month or so, they were fine.
The Batfamily had a meeting about the new revelation that they had discovered last night.
“Bruce, tell us the truth. Did you know from the beginning?” Tim asked. “I only had suspicions but Zatanna confirmed them with her father’s journal.” Bruce answered. “This changes nothing.”
“It does, Bruce. You failed another young hero.” Jason said, his tone sharp and accusing. “Not even one of the ‘sidekicks’. You turned your back on the One Main Hero who had been there since the beginning and saw through it to the end. She didn’t get the happy ending she deserved. Instead, she was rewarded for her sacrifices by being sent to fucking Arkam Asylum in one of the most dangerous city in the world.”
“Todd, stop projecting. The way I see it, Rebel had seen the errors of her way and intended to fix her mistake regarding Hawkmoth. She should have locked him up when she had her chance.” Damian shot back.
“Boys, settle down. The fact of the matter is that whether Rebel used to be Ladybug or not, Hawkmoth needs to be arrested before Rebel does something more sinister than what she did yesterday.”
“Wasn’t it an accident?” Steph asked.
“According to Toyman, we had always been the intended recipients of that particular gift.” Dick answered. “It was dumb luck that Black Mask opened it while most of you were in the area.”
“After this latest incident, the League and I have decided that Rebel must be contained.” Bruce announced.
Jason jumped out of his seat. “Bruce, she’s just a kid!”
“But she’s a formidable threat. Who knows what else she might do if she is left unchecked and she doesn’t like the progress on the Hawkmoth investigation.”
Jason growled and then left.
Bruce told everyone that they should catch Rebel if they saw her before he ended the meeting.
Rebel stood in front of a half-finished mural, a spray can in hand.
“So we finally met, my dear daughter.” The voice belonged to the man who starred in Gotham’s nightmare.
Rebel didn’t bother to turn around and simply looked at him from over her shoulder.
“Which one are you?” She asked.
“I’m sorry?”
Rebel went back to spray-painting as she explained, “I know that there are at least three of you running around Gotham. I want to know which one you are.”
Joker laughed. A genuine laugh instead of the mad one he usually makes.
“You really do live up to your reputation, Rebel. I can tell that you are a real wildcard.” Joker said excitedly.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Very well then. I am the Joker. The original one. Not the copycats I made because I was bored. And Rebel, I am your father.”
----- (Part 7)
Taglist:  @toodaloo-kangaroo, @iloontjeboontje, @buginetye, @angelwreckedd, @anoires-blog, @ever-since-i-was-young, @shutupandactuallylisten, @its-maemain, @vel-vee, @kashlyn, @officiallydarkgeek, @jayjayspixiepop, @cmouse, @transheso, @thecrazyfantrolls, @just-a-random-girl-loves-anime, @maddiesupdates, @the-dumber-scaramouche,
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smokeygrayrabbits · 1 year
[I was thinking about nais motivations for his whole, knivesness, and about the nature of plants and their role as a resource, as providers, and then it ended up as hanahaki brainrot. sorry in advance to anybody who reads this.]
nai wanting to go all genocidal maniac on humanity because in his twisty lil brain it's the only way to save vash, who's love of humanity manifested as hanahaki due to his plant biology.
very much “if i kill all humanity then there will be no humans left for vash to love and i can save him”
almost as far back as nai can remember, vash had the flowers. ever since he stood in the smoking wreckage wrought by his revenge, the firey damnation he gave to the humans because that's what plants do, they give and give and give until they have nothing left. and the humans still ask for more. nai stood in the wreckage, like the vengeful angel his sisters needed him to be, and he laughed and laughed and laughed. laughed so hard he choked on the smoke, on his own vengeful glee and crushing grief, but he was only doing what needed to be done. he laughed and choked and realized he wasn't the only one coughing.
vash. his precious brother. his whole world because nai burned down the only world he'd ever known. sent it rocketing to the ground in the same way angels fell from grace, but the humans had fallen long ago. vash was coughing.
nai slid down the rock, already pulling his cloak off to shield vash from the smoke, when he saw the blood on vash' hands, his mouth blood and fire and red. everything stained red just like the carnations rem loves, loved so much.
tears streaming down vash's face dont cry vash, I hate it when you cry. I freed us. I saved us. you should smile, blood streamed down his chin, drip drip dripping onto the spotless white clothes they wore the ones rem said made them look like angels.
vash coughed and choked. petals spilling from his lips and tears from his eyes ~~eyes that were looking up at nai in horror
it wouldn't be until years later that nai learned where the flowers came from. hanahaki. that's what the old seeds records said. a phenomenon found in plants, and sometimes in the engineers that truly loved their projects, so overcome by their tragic love for their charges that they choked on it. lungs filling with petals and thorns until they drowned in the depths of their love. according to the records, there was no cure.
but that was wrong. some deep, instinctual part of nai told him it wasnt the love itself that choked them.
it was that they could never say it.
vash's love for humanity, and their hatred of him, was choking his brother to death, and there wasn't a damn thing nai could do to fix it. not after he made humans hate them in so much in the first place.
no, nai couldn't save his brother. couldn't make vash love humanity any less, the stubborn loving forgiving idiot his brother is.
no, nai couldn't save him
but Millions Knives could. could demand retribution for the injustices humans rained onto his sisters, his sisters who only ever gave only ever loved.
nai is a plant too, giving and loving is in his nature. but he didn't love humanity not anymore, not after what they did. what he did oh God what had he done hes sorry he can't fix it can'tgobackcanonlygoforward.
nais gift to his sisters, to his brother, would be freedom and abundance.
knives gift to humanity would be cold steel and retribution and the fear of gods of angels
for a century, vash wanders the desert. he's alone now, nai . . .knives is gone. vash couldn't stand to stay with him, not when it meant abandoning humanity. oh how he loves humanity.
for a century he was there with them, guiding them, helping them build their civilizations, healing the plants they built their societies around, protecting them with his presence alone more often than not. knives wont come to the villages vash is in. vash tries to pretend that doesn't send him into as many coughing fits as it does.
the humans start worshiping him, the angel of the plants, who fell from the stars. they're kinder to him, in the churches, kinder to each other. he tries to tell himself that the worship helps, but it doesn't. it's not love. and it's not him. it's fear and poorly concealed greed, not want. he tries to pretend that the lonely sobs don't tear his throat with the thorns they carry.
it's fine. good even! he gets to help, to give. and to be with them. sometimes they don't even realize he's not of them. they're kinder to him when they don't know. something further from worship and closer to sympathy for the sick young man stumbling into town. something closer to love, but not close enough to free the petals from his throat in any way other than bloody coughs.
sometimes, if he wanders into town looking harmless enough, he can get a little kindness. he flirts and fawns and bends over backwards for these marvelous creatures he loves so much he tries to ignore how every curse, every stone and bullet tears off a piece of his heart. it's hard to ignore when he just coughs up the bloody pieces.
it's killing him. he's knows it. but it's a small price to pay as penance for what he's done. for what his brother is doing . . . for vash. he's doing it for vash in his own fucked up way. and vash will be damned if he doesn't wanna run to nai to fix it, to fix him. to run to nai in the night with tears in his eyes to have his brother gather his broken pieces up in his arms and make it ok, make him ok.
shh shh vash, it's ok little brother, I'm here. it's ok youreokillprotectyou.
he loves nai so much. his other half. his world. all he has left and all he's ever had. but vash can't run to nai. he can't. his body won't let him it moves before I can think.
they have roles to play, he and nai. theyre meant to find the balance. the natural order. nai for the plants, vash for the humans. they're love for each side driving them apart draggingtearingrippingbthem apart they need each other they're family brotherwhereareyouimscaredimsoalone-
they're plants. all they can do is give. they have to give ~~give up give everything give their lives they just wanna go home somebodyhelpusplease we'resotired we don't wanna be angels or salvation or retribution we wanna be happytogetherfree~~
then vash meets wolfwood. meets the angry, cold, faithless priest who is so kind and so full of love his eyes sing with it. hes a gift. an apology. an alm sent by one angel to another. nai knows him so well.
wolfwood takes one look at vash, with his empty smile and his gold shielded eyes to force him to see the world through gold tinted lenses, as if that makes the love easier to bear,
his red coat to mask the drip drip dripping proof of his love and of their hatred.
he looks at vash's arm, lost to his brother,
vash's legs, given taken for his love of humanity.
wolfwood looks at this tragic and loving angel and vows to spread his gospel far and wide, for how could he be so selfish as to keep this miracle to himself? how cruel he would be to starve the world of this holy light he sees in vash's smile?
wolfwood is selfish. all he wants to do is wisk this beautiful sunshiney angel away somewhere warm and comfortable and safe and worship him until the end of his days, but he won't deprive vash of the world he so loves.
if wolfwood can't make this stupidly beautiful angel see reason and hate humanity, well then he'll just have to make humanity love this blessing they've been squandering.
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hyperfixat · 2 years
hi i wrote this in thirty minutes and im probably going to make it a full fic and put it on ao3.. jus wanted to share.
Edit She is freed from my Docs. Link at bottom
gabriel x reader 💕💗💖💞💓
gender neutral reader
Gabriel never had much of a taste for humanity, cancer of the realms. They’re blight and he simply seeks to extinguish their reign on Earth.
It seems as though he was the only one that truly saw what the terrible humans do, evil acts full of malice upon innocents happen too often for there to be hope for the species. He has to take matters into his own hands it seems. Gabriel’s time spent in the Human Realm is short and quick. He allows enough time for his minions to spawn from his essence, rarely he stops to terrorize humanity himself.
No, he has much greater things to take care of. His halo flickers in and out of multiple dimensions whenever he summons it. His wings are turning grey, and it’s getting harder to keep up appearances with other angels.
Luckily these adverse effects from taking the Earth into his own hands seem to diminish when he takes his true form, one with many eyes, many hoops, and few feathers. The only thing that could draw suspicion when he’s like this is his eyes, clouding over in a milky white. It isn’t often he takes on his purest form, though. He’s safe, for the time being, that is.
When all of time and space has multiple all knowing Gods, secrets rarely remain such, and after a few human years (a mere speck in relation to Gabriel’s lifespan) he gets cast from the ranks of the Gods.
It wasn’t fair, the others don’t believe him, they don’t help him, they think he’s wrong.
Anger is fuel.
The Light Bringer offered condolences, he too was cast away, an unjust act.
Gabriel stewed in his anger, and much like gasoline and fire he was doomed to explode sooner or later.
The time came when Gabriel couldn’t hold his rage and spite anymore. He stepped into the realm of humanity. They haven't changed a bit, he wasn’t surprised. He’s never wrong, still as much a plague as they were before. They’d progressed in their primitive ways, sure, but they were as horrible as he remembered them to be.
Shadows roll off of Gabriel in billowing gusts of smoke, joining the walls, floors, streets, of cities, helping humanity to its hideous end. There are churches and stores and homes around him, but no sight of the wretched race themselves.
A relief, his minions wouldn’t be caught forming. Few of them were left on the planet, which was to be expected, almost two millennia passed from his last visit.
A new batch of horror to fight the blight. They’re stronger this time, formed from hate, and filled with malacie.
Humanity is dumb, Gabriel watches them from his pocket dimision that has the most delightful view into the realm where they reside.
Perhaps twenty years have passed and his lovely minions did their jobs well. The Earth lived in fear, as it should, but their numbers dwindle.
It forms a pattern, every two decades he releases another batch of his righteous soldiers onto humanity. He never stops to stare, he could do that in private, and that he does.
Gabriel follows the lives of the populus, he’s obsessed with his purpose to destroy them. He takes glee and joy during their self inflicted massacres, sometimes his minions didn’t even have to lure them into fighting. Such violent creatures they are.
With such a close eye on the Earth, he’s bound to notice outliers, but he doesn’t do much to stop their destruction along with the rest of their species, not until he saw them.
Perhaps it was an infatuation, but the moment he saw them he knew that this one, this one human was the exception.
All of humanity is an illness and this one is the cure. He wouldn’t use them to safe humanity, no, but he could save them from humanity.
Gabriel sent out a no hit order almost instantly, and his focus was drawn away from world events to the little human.
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creature-featurez · 3 months
I SAW UR REBLOG i wanna know like. how does the immortal/mortal thing manifest or do they just not think Ab it...
HELLO!! sorry this is late again..
I'd say for the most part they try not to think about it. For a bit of canon context, at one point Simon is eaten by Golb (pre-betty fusing with him) and that's how he becomes freed from the crown's curse, as whatever is eaten by Golb is then slowly digested via being reverted through time until they no longer exist. So Simon is reverted to just before putting on the crown. In my AU, this fact, on top of him being a previous magic-user and having traces of magic still clung onto him, makes Simon age a bit slower than most humans. While he thinks he's in his late 50's he actually "physically" only in his mid to late 40's, and even then the magic is keeping him relatively younger, as well. However, his age does eventually catch up with him, and while Reader, Simon, and Betty try not to think about it, it does become apparent at some point that he is going to die. Betty and Reader will outlive him at some point, and continue living forever after that. (Note: Reader can be killed still, just can't die of old age/has a buffed immune system. Betty is basically a god though and can't really die unless she chooses to.)
Obviously this is very hard on all of them, but another factor is that Simon is kind of insecure about being so much older than his partners. Both Reader and Betty are perpetually stuck at the ages they were both "cursed", so their mid and late 30's respectively, while Simon keeps aging. He feels like an old man, and like they deserve someone younger and not as old and weary. Of course this is ridiculous and his partners love him, but anxiety will be anxiety.
Reader and Betty are pretty fine with being immortal outside of losing Simon. It's weird, but they've been through weirder, and Reader at least has had 200 years to process it.
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self-spaghettification · 10 months
Heyy! im a fellow aaravos lover here, and i wanted to know what ur theories are on what exactly aaravos is gonna do once hes free from the prison??? cuz like, i feel as though if ur trapped in a prison, ur obvi gonna want to escape but like what exactly is his "evil plan" once he escapes??? he created dark magic to help humans and saw humans as "worthy" and gifted humans elarion, so i dont feel like he'll try to atk the humans??? does he want to rule and conquer xadia, or is there a bigger sneakier plan?? idk i just want to hear ur thoughts on the matter!
hmm. i think he doesn’t have much reason to rule the world himself, as if he wanted to, he would have already had the chance, being born as a sort of god in the natural order.
when it comes to his motives, based on his dialogue and reflections, i think he’s trying to have another go at what he originally went for: chaos over xadia, upsetting the other stars
-getting rid of the most powerful creatures in the world (archdragons) & leaders overall
-corrupting magic and upsetting the natural order (gave humans dark magic to create ‘ripples’) for 1. giving humanity the upper hand bc he admires their creativity and resourcefulness, & 2. as payback
he may eventually have enough power via corrupted magic or whatever to face the other startouch elves again and maybe even capture them and make them servants to humanity as payback- genies of a sort.
as for attacking humanity, with how things are going and how some humans are willing to sacrifice themselves for archdragons (which is far from the perfect storm he had prepared earlier—where dragon-hating humanity was separated from all the planned chaos of xadia) there probably will be a lot of human bloodshed.
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i do think while he values humanity overall and he is benevolent in a sense, he does kind of try to meet people where they’re at (not making viren sacrifice his kids for immortality ig) he’s not at all against doing what’s necessary to change things.
alsoo he kinda has a god & savior complex?
as for how he gets out, the dragang has the pearl now, i think he’s probably gonna try to convert callum to his viewpoint too as well as taking advantage of the fact that callum is desperate to learn any tips from archmages about the secrets of arcanums(ie: akiyu, ibis, lujanne..) and if that doesn’t work, to get him freed, he can just tug on his bond with rayla, put her in danger and that boy will do anything lmao.
or yk there’s plenty of other things to play on so im sure when it comes to getting out its not really a problem now that he’s a card in play and all.
outside of that i mean he probably has a confrontation with an ex and needs some dark mages on his side to take down xadia and all and maybe ezran or someone will change his mind
not much of this is original—i love hearing other people’s theories and bouncing off of them haha. so what do you think about his motives or end game? 👀
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pinksirensong · 2 years
Chapter Six
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A thousand thoughts passed by Morpheus' head, he couldn’t understand what was his son doing here, why he was here and more than that how was he alive? He was sure his son was dead by the hand of the cult, yet here he was looking not a day older than before. Things between them were far from okay, Dream was sure his son hated him for not helping with Eurydice and now he could understand why. If it was Y/N the Endless would too do anything to bring her back to him. If only he had understood that before.
“My son…how?” unlike his father, Orpheus was mad that he had the audacity to show up at his home and demand things from him.
“It’s none of your business, father. I should be the one asking what you’re doing here. This is my home, after all.”
“Orpheus…you have no idea how much your mother and I suffered…still suffer with loss. Your loss. Yet here you are alive and well, why would you not reach us?” the king was so astonished by his son’s presence that he didn’t connect the dots.
“I’m sure mom was sad, but you? If I’m alive it’s no thanks to you. I begged for help and you gave me nothing.”
“And I will regret my actions for all my endless life, if I could go back in time and change it I would.”
“I don’t believe you, because I know who you truly are. Stay away from Y/N, she’s too good for you. I won’t let her be your next Nada!” Orpheus was furious, now that his father knew he wasn’t dead it was time to stop him from ruining his friend’s life.
“You are Owen.” finally Morpheus understood where all that anger for him came from, his son had every reason to hate him and think of him as a monster. Of course he wouldn’t let his friend get close to someone like that, but he needed to see how much Dream had changed and how much he loved Y/N.
“And you are Daniel.” Orpheu scoffed. “You didn’t have the nerve to tell who you are, Dream of the Endless. All you ever told her were lies and if I knew from the start it was you who she was seeing I would have put an end to this at the beginning.”
“As if you are any better, son.” all his sorrow became anger. How could Orpheus think he could just say these things to him like he didn’t lie for much longer. His son acted as if he knew what was better for Y/N and he decided Dream wasn’t it.
“I didn’t lie. Orpheus died with that cult, I am Owen ever since. Y/N is my best friend, my family, and I would rather see her sad for a few days than sent to hell for not agreeing with you!”
“You speak of things you know nothing about, Orpheus.” Dream knew how wrong he was about his past actions, he made a mistake with Nada que although it took too long to take action he did correct it by freeing her and allowing his sister to collect her soul. “I am still your father and you owe me respect. No matter what happened, you had no right in hiding from me and your mother the fact that you were alive. Do you have any idea what your death did to us? For ages we never spoke a word to each other for the resentment we held.”
“I freed her from you, thankfully. You could have stayed by her side and helped her with grief, but no. That’s not who you are, no, you do things your way and god help whoever gets on your way. And this…this is why I’m protecting Y/N. I will not lose her, so go away. Forget you saw me, forget you ever knew her and move on with your life.”
“Is that why you are trying to deceive us, put one against the other?”
“It’s not that hard, not with you lying and pretending to care about her.”
“Hold your tongue, Orpheus. My son or not, I will not allow you to speak of my relationship with Y/N. You know nothing about what we have and I too had reasons to lie.”
“Oh, really? You lied about your name, job, family, god you even lied making her think you were human!” Orpheus was exasperated, walking around the place. Both had raised their voices enough so their conversation wasn’t nowhere near silent. “Does she know you threw one of your exes in Hell for not wanting to be with you? Or that you refused to help your son when he needed you the most? That you treated your own wife as if she was nothing to you and then hated her for leaving you? Does she even know you had a family before? No, she doesn’t, and I know that because I fucking live with her.
“You do not understand.”
“I saw doubt in her eyes many times and I hated Daniel before I even knew it was you, because she was in pain. How many times have you stood her up without giving her a reason? I thought Daniel was just a cheating bastard, but no it was way worse because he is you! And you, father, are a selfish, egocentric and awful being. I hate you and I want you gone from our lives.”
“It is not your choice. I am aware of my mistakes, the ones from the past and the ones from now and I intend to correct them all with time. I want to make things right between us, son, but for that you must be willing to understand I am not the same person. I have changed and my feelings for Y/N are truthful. So no, Orpheus, I will not leave Y/N. I do want to tell her everything, about being an Endless and that my name is not Daniel, but Morpheus. That requires time.”
“Time for you to find another excuse. If you wanted to say something you would.”
“You are letting your resentment for me to cloud your judgment.” if Morpheus was the same from before he would not be as patient as he was, Dream would’ve already sent his son back to the Dreaming with no way out and dealt with Y/N on his own way. But he was different now, all Morpheus wanted was for his son to understand that and allow him to continue his relationship without all these barriers he was putting. The endless wishes he could let go of her for the sake of his son, but he was too deeply in love now and there wasn't a way for him to turn back now. He was afraid of her reaction when knowing the truth, but was ready to deal with this and wait all the time in the world just to be able to be with her.
Orpheus was done with it, he couldn’t handle seeing and hearing his father lie to his face like that. Like he didn’t know better, like he didn’t live years by his side. Like Orpheus wasn’t collateral damage of his actions. “If you don’t leave this instant I’ll have to–”
“ENOUGH!” both froze when they heard Y/N’s voice coming from the door. It was loud and yet too weak, her eyes swollen and red, filled with tears. Father and son knew she heard enough to know the truth about them. Y/N came home early that day, when arriving close to the door she could hear Daniel and Owen talking to each other. First she couldn't understand why Daniel was calling him son and who Morpheus and Orpheus were, but a few moments later she found out everything.
Lies, lies and more lies. All those years were lies, Owen’s name was actually Orpheus and somehow he wasn’t even human, something she would’ve thought unreal if she didn’t know the magician Zatanna Zatara. He had a family, it seemed that he even had a lovely mother who misses him…a family that believed he was dead she considered him his family, but now it was like she lived all those years with a complete stranger. How much did she share about her past with this man? What a fool, she should’ve known better than to trust him.
Y/N should’ve known better than to trust Daniel too. He also lied to her, not only his name wasn’t Daniel, but Dream…or Morpheus, but he was an Endless…whatever that meant, she was sure it was far from human. She felt like a toy in the hands of these men, they played with them from the start not caring about her feelings. Y/N could be many things, definitely was far from a perfect woman, but from the start she was always honest with herself and others.
In moments like this it felt like she was back at her parents house, hearing their many lies to prevent her from going to art school. Y/N remembered clearly when she found out her acceptance letter was hidden in her mother’s drawer after they gave her a fake letter days before saying she didn’t get in. All those tears she held for years were finally free. Before realizing it, she was inside screaming for them to stop. She couldn't bear hearing another word coming from them, fighting over who was right when both were liars.
Y/N wished it was a nightmare, so she could wake up.
*Carus is dear or beloved in Latin (source: google)
tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolon @reallystressedhoneybee @waitingformysandman @mypsychoticlove @igotanidea @mrdarcyifhewere21stcentury
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fereldensheroes · 3 months
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▸ IS YOUR MUSE TALL / SHORT / AVERAGE? Nimue is a solid 5'3", so average for an elf, but small to a human.
▸ ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT ? She is! She figures she's a good size for her profession. Unintimidating looking.
▸ WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? Soft brunette. She always has it pulled back into a ponytail when working, though strands frame her face. When her hair is down, it's wavy and goes past her shoulders.
▸ DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR / GROOMING? She absolutely does when she has the time to. She did before losing her memories and she does afterwards. Some might expect her to look the part of a Bhaalspawn, but she always saw that as a quick way to get killed. A disarming assassin is an effective one.
▸ DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE / WHAT OTHERS THINK ? As with above, she does. She dresses in nice things when she can and likes shiny jewelry. Nimue's make-up is always done in a soft, inviting way. She knows she's pretty and she will use that fact where she can.
▸ INDOORS OR OUTDOORS? Indoors, unless the outdoors is cultivated.
▸ RAIN OR SUNSHINE? Rain. A shimmer on the streets at night, the patter against windows and roofs. The soft rumble of distant thunder.
▸ FOREST OR BEACH? Forest, actually. She's not much of a beachgoer.
▸ PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS? Gems. Colorful and sparkling. Precious, semi-precious, what does it matter? As long as they're pretty.
▸ FLOWERS OR PERFUMES? Flowers or herbal scents. Perfumes are too overbearing.
▸ PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE? Both. She is more for personality, but gods does she like a pretty person.
▸ BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD? Alone or in an intimate setting with friends or loved ones.
▸ ORDER OR ANARCHY? Order... where appropriate. Some rules are made to be broken.
▸ PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES? It depends on the situation, but more frequently painful truths.
▸ SCIENCE OR MAGIC? Magic, though she does none herself.
▸ PEACE OR CONFLICT? Peace, though not complacency.
▸ NIGHT OR DAY? Night. Under the stars and the moon, when there are fewer people about.
▸ DUSK OR DAWN? Dusk. The world is just starting to wind down and transition to calm.
▸ WARMTH OR COLD? Warmth. She'll bundle herself up or settle by a fire. It's also good temperature for closeness.
▸ MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS? A few close friends. She doesn't want a highly social life. She doesn't want to explain. She wants people she knows she can trust.
▸ READING OR PLAYING A GAME? Playing a small game is always nice, but neither is a favorite hobby of hers.
▸ WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? She cleans out from under her nails with a dagger tip. She's also a hummer, but she'll get the exact same song stuck in her head and it's always just one part of it.
▸ HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? She doesn't remember most of what she's lost, but after the memory resurfaced of her adoptive family having been slain by her hand, she does mourn them. She wonders what they were like, if there had been a time when she'd loved them. In addition, she actually mourns Gortash when slain. She may not remember things, but she can feel that they were close, that he was her friend or more. His passing pains her.
▸ IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL? Exceptionally. Even after rejecting Bhaal and being freed of the Urge, there's no difficulty there. She's had those thoughts and tendencies too long to not still take some joy in a kill. There's still a darkness to her, it's just one she can primarily hide.
▸ WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN? Rage. Violence and screaming. There is nothing quiet about her emotions. She'll do her best to keep them to herself, but when they are loosed, she will become a force of pain and destruction until reined in.
▸ IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? Yes, but it takes gaining her trust, which can be difficult. Anyone she trusts, she trusts with her life.
▸ WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? Soft. Adoring. She falls deeply and comfortably. She's protective of her love and will kill or harm for them without much question. But there needs to be a distinction between love and lust, she's capable of both.
tagged by: @wildskissed & @wolf-eyes-wolf-soul tagging: anyone who would like!
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corvusumbrielnecro · 1 year
They say that I was kidnapped,
That I was raped.
They say he snatched me from,
Flower-filled meadows,
Kicking and screaming,
Into the land below,
Where the dead do dwell.
But they were wrong.
For I went willingly.
My mother kept me by her side,
As Kore, the Maiden of Life.
She kept me, sheltered me, loved me.
Yet something inside me yearned for more.
I wanted the darkness.
I wanted freedom.
I wanted more.
So, when the Receiver of Many came,
In his dark chariot,
And his mighty helm and scepter,
I took his hand,
As a lady does her lord,
And went with him gladly.
They say He chained me.
That he bent me to his will.
That the Silent One,
Silenced my voice.
But that is far from the truth.
He saw the potential within me.
He saw my power.
The darkness that I was destined to become.
And he freed me.
He offered me a throne,
And a crown,
He named me his Queen,
As I was always meant to be,
The King of the Dead made me his equal.
I was no longer,
Just Kore, 
The Maiden Goddess of Life.
I became
Dreaded Persephone,
As well,
The Bringer of Death,
She Who Destroys The Light.
The Carrier of Curses.
The Exacter of Justice.
When my mother,
Demeter, Nature herself,
The Goddess of the Harvest,
Found me missing,
They say she was a sight to behold.
She searched the world,
For days, 
For months.
And withdrew all Her gifts,
From the world,
Stripping it of her bounty.
And Humanity suffered,
Helios could not warm the land,
No plants or crops would grow,
Nothing and no one could be born.
Mortals starved,
And cried to the gods above,
To save them.
But the Gods could not,
For Demeter,
Would not listen to reason.
She came to Eleusis, 
And they had her bounty.
While she, the Queen of the Living,
Let all the rest of humanity starve.
And their souls passed on,
To the kingdom of the Lord of the Dead.
Eventually, Zeus came to Demeter,
And pleaded with her to relent,
To spare the mortals,
And grant her bountiful gifts again.
And she told the Loud-Thunderer,
No, that she would not return her gifts,
Until the Unseen One returns her daughter.
And so, the King of the Gods,
Sent Hermes, the Messenger,
The Conductor of Souls,
To the Underworld,
To bring me to my mother.
And gave me an ultimatum.
Return to my mother,
Or stay, and allow,
All of Humanity to die.
I did not wish to part,
With my beloved King,
As my mother would forever separate us.
But I could not let the mortals die.
So I cut open a pomegranate,
The Fruit of the Dead,
And ate six seeds, 
Forever binding myself,
To my Husband and my Kingdom.
WIth a kiss of parting to my Lord,
I took the Messenger’s hand.
And the fleet-footed Hermes,
Took me through the Deathly Gates,
And we emerged from the Earth.
To where my mother and father waited.
My mother cried with joy upon seeing me.
And rushed to hold me.
But I held her at bay.
And told her to stop what she was doing.
To stop punishing the mortals,
And to grant her bounty to the land again.
She agreed, and told me,
How glad she was that I was there.
I told her I wasn’t there to stay.
She laughed in disbelief,
And said that I was.
And I told her of the pomegranate.
That I had eaten the Fruit of the Dead.
And she withdrew her bounty again.
And demanded Zeus to do something.
And Hades emerged from the darkness.
And told his brother, 
That he could not do anything,
That all who eat the Fruit of the Underworld,
Are bound to it, eternally.
My mother enraged,
Screamed at my Beloved,
Accusing him of rape, 
Of trickery, and coercion.
I told her otherwise,
I told her of the Darkness,
Of my crown, and my throne.
Of the Rivers, and the Palace,
Of the Gates, and the Hound,
Of Death, Sleep, Magick, 
Of the Ferryman and his tales.
And of the peace of the souls.
I told her that 
I wanted the darkness,
I wanted the crimson seeds,
I wanted the throne,
I wanted Him.
The Goddess of Grain,
Did not take that well.
She screamed.
She cried.
She threatened.
And finally Zeus intervened again,
He asked how many seeds I had eaten.
I told him of the six.
And he declared that,
I shall spend six months above,
And six months below.
And thus for half the year,
Spring and Summer,
I am with my mother,
As the Goddess of Life.
And for the other half,
Autumn and Winter,
I am below the earth,
With my beloved husband,
Sitting upon my throne 
Of Iron and bone.
A crown of silver, jewels, of bone,
Upon my head.
Ruling over the souls
Of those passed on.
They say I was broken,
That I was taken,
Raped, silenced, 
Meek and helpless.
I laugh, 
For they couldn’t be more wrong.
I am Kore, 
Goddess of Life.
I am Persephone,
Goddess of Death.
I am Duality,
And Contradiction,
Given form.
Respect me.
For all come before,
My throne in the end.
For my divine mother, Persephone, Queen of the Earth and All Below.
By Avitori-aka Corvus Umriel
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I played The Quarry ch 2/3/4 in one big chunk
I am terrible at finding tarot cards! There was one where I walked into the room and the game was like, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IDIOT PRESS X TO COLLECT THE TAROT CARD.
That said, I also got 2 cards (Star and Tower), said I wanted to look at Tower in more depth, and when I got to the pause screen to look at it again… the video clip was under Star. Uhhh… bug report? A shame, because Tower is the most evil bad news card in the Major Arcana, even worse than the Devil, Hanged Man, or Death.
8 years of shooting qualification and treat-never-keep-keep must have really gotten under my skin, because when Jake flagged Kaitlyn and Nick with the shotty, I flinched and yelled in real life. Also, giving a gun to a genuinely unstable person is not recommended.
Chapter 3 seems pretty early to reveal the (a?) monster, which was teased with green-o-vision spy cam but seemed distinct from the rednecks, and again looks very similar to UD's enemy. When it attacked Abi and Nick, something shot at it, which I assume is the (prev post) rednecks. Also, when Abi had the choice to run or hide, I remembered Jess and hid. Then I had the choice to climb a tree and I thought... this chick can't climb trees. I seem to have made it through okay!
Also learned from UD to take the shortcut, which got Ryan to Nick in… the nick of time. 😎 🏆
I'm kind of digging the reveals, though. The rednecks watching the kids and saying, fuck this and walking away. The weird bloated corpse in the lake, which to me is kind of like... yeah, creepy, but if you don't know it's there, and also you've been swimming in that lake all summer long anyway... does it really matter?
Btw, the muscle reminds me of Stephen Fry from the Kickin’ Ass sketch. Oren here will just tap along to the strange rhythms in his head.
Ohhh, the graphics are becoming harder and harder to overlook. The water looks TERRIBLE, which makes me think it was added to show off PS5 capes, and my PS4 is absolutely chugging trying to render everything, My PS4 is also coming up on 7 years of age. I had to force quit a loading screen twice already. PLEASE HANG ON BABY.
Thus far I have managed to badly misinterpret both of the tarot card hints I got: failed to take the fireworks with me, and, proving I forgot the lesson from UD and also the last chapter, opened a trap door, which got Emma killed as, frankly, anyone opening a trap door deserves.
Luckily, Jake was already dead at that point, because Ryan fired a warning shot into him. Fascinated by the VHS tape (what a fun design choice, btw, they are so cool looking [even if Video Nasty is an explicitly British term] and I’m dying to know the provenance of the fake director names) for that chain of decisions: Jake didn’t distract the hunter who freed him from the rope trap > hunter pours blood on Jake’s face > Ryan shoots Jake in the bushes. If Jake didn’t have blood on his face, would he have yelled, “hey guys! It’s me!!”? Did the blood enervate him? I assumed the blood had something to do with hiding from the monsters, not other normal humans.
Anyway, Nick got bit or whatever and according to a tarot card he will develop superhuman strength, presumably while transforming into these Nosferatu-looking mfers. Abi has been unfailingly kind to him, which will hopefully pay off when he loses all traces of humanity but recognizes the bright spark of her love and stops himself from ripping her face off. In chapter 5, I guess, because so far all the tarot cards have been hints for the immediately upcoming chapter. Which is a bit hand-holdy for my tastes, but also I forgot the totem hints 30 seconds after I saw them in UD, so I see where they’re coming from.
And Dylan… that’s not how infection works?? It doesn’t appear within 20 minutes as a black mold spreading through your veins?? And what did you want to amputate anyway, his shoulder?
I feel like Kaitlyn is an apology for Emily from UD after Supermassive didn’t realize how much backlash Emily was going to get for being assertive and opinionated (aka a bitch). I like Kaitlyn and the way she takes charge of situations, but it looks like she doesn’t get to be equally forthright/"alpha" in relationships.
Also, uhh… SM has paired the POC together again, but this time threw a wrench into it by also making it a love triangle including a gay guy. I have thoughts but I also don’t want to wade into waters I am not qualified to swim in.
Loved the narrative device of Emma as influencer filming videos that gives her an excuse to walk and talk, rather than give us a Heavy Rain-style button to read thoughts or just have the PC talk to themselves the whole time.
“Do we snoop through someone else’s belongings or do we open the spooky trap door and die a horrible, painful death?!” There’s another explicit UD ref. I remembered that lesson and didn't snoop in Max's bag in the prologue either.
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drwilfredwaterson · 2 months
March 18th, 2024 Update: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, U.S. Constitution, Human Rights, Civil Rights, Women's Rights, The Survival of American Democracy and the American Republic, and Easter 2024. Part 1/6: Rachel, Nevada. Chapter 1/2: No MAGA Cult Messiah For US, Thanks.
3/18/2024: Fibonacci Sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…
Earthquake: 2024-03-18 06:21:31 GMT+2 Jerusalem, Israel, 2024-03-17 21:21:31 PDT Local Time, Rachel, Nevada
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 390: Deuteronomy 6:20 When, in time to come, your children ask you, "What mean the decrees, laws, and rules that the Lord our God has enjoined upon you?" Deuteronomy 6:21 you shall say to your children, "We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and the Lord freed us from Egypt with a mighty hand. Deuteronomy 6:22 The Lord wrought before our eyes marvelous and destructive signs and portents in Egypt, againstg Pharaoh and all his household; Deuteronomy 6:23 and us He freed from here, that he might take us and give us the land that He had promised on oath to our fathers. Deuteronomy 6:24 Then the Lord commanded us to observe all these laws, to revere the Lord our God, for our lasting good and for our survival, as is now the case. Deuteronomy 6:25 It will be therefore to our merit before the Lord our God to observe faithfully this whole instruction, as He has commanded us."
Matthew 6:19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Matthew 6:20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
Luke 6:21 God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh.
Matthew 21:18 Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. Matthew 21:19 Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, “May you never bear fruit again!” Immediately the tree withered. Matthew 21:20 When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” they asked. Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. 1 John 4:17 And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 1 John 4:21 And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.
Luke 21:29 He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. Luke 21:30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Luke 21:31 In the same way, when you see all these things taking place, you can know that the Kingdom of God is near.
Earthquake: M 0.3 - 57.1 km (35.5 mi) SW of Rachel, Nevada
2024-03-18 04:21:31 (UTC) 37.256°N 116.167°W 6.1 km depth
Overlooking Mouse Meadow and Aqueduct Mesa.
Celtic Woman - The Voice (At Slane Castle in County Meath, Ireland)
August 23, 2006 (235th day) Duration: 3:12 (192 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQIM50nk07Y qQIM50nk07Y (50, 0, 7) qQIMnkY ikmnqqy 9+10+30+40+70+70+400=629. 629+50+0+7=686. 686+192=878. 878+235=1113.
Strong's Concordance #1113 Belshatstsar: a Babylonian king Original Word: בֵּלְשַׁאצּר
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1818: Daniel 5:22 But you, Belshazzar his son, did not humble yourself although you knew all this. Daniel 5:23 You exalted yourself against the Lord of Heaven, and had the vessels of His temple brought to you. You and your nobles, your consorts, and your concubines drank wine from them and praised the gods of silver and gold, bronze and iron, wood and stone, which do not see, hear, or understand; but the God who controls your lifebreath and every move you make--Him you did not glorify! Daniel 5:24 He therefore made the hand appear, and caused the writing to be inscribed. Daniel 5:25 This is the writing that is inscribed: MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN. Daniel 5:26 And this is its meaning: MENE--God has numbered [the days of] your kingdom and brought it to an end; Daniel 5:27 TEKEL--you have been weighed in the balance and found wanting; Daniel 5:28 PERES--your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and the Persians." Daniel 5:30 That very night, Belshazzar, the Chaldean king, was killed, Daniel 6:1 and Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about sixty-two years old.
"Bring The United States Constitution To Life": Barack Obama's 2020 Democratic Convention Speech on Liddle connie j. chump's 4 Years of Absolute, Catastrophic, and Undeniable Failures and The MAGA Threat to U.S. Democracy and the American Republic
August 19, 2020 (232nd day) Duration: 19:24 (1164 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVAXQ7xsa38 qVAXQ7xsa38 (7, 38) qVAXQxsa aaqqsvxx 1+1+70+70+90+700+300+300=1532. 1532+7+38=1577. 1577+1164=2741. 2741+232=2973.
John 7:37 On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. John 7:38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” John 7:39 (When he said “living water,” he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)
Strong's Concordance #2973 yaal: to be slack, to be foolish -- dote, be (become, do) foolish(-ly). Original Word: יָאַל
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The Morning Joe - No Real American or Anyone In Their Right Mind Believes That connie j. chump Is The Abrahamic Messiah, or That "God" Is With" Liddle connie, or That Liddle connie Is "God's" "Chosen"…
Published: January 17, 2024 (17th day) Duration: 8:32 (512 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSOUarf4JCY bSOUarf4JCY (4, JC) bSOUarfJCY abcfjorsuy 1+2+3+6+600+50+80+90+200+400=1432. 1432+4=1436. 1436+512=1948. 1948+17=1965.
Strong's Concordance #1965 hekal: a palace, temple Original Word: הֵיכַל
1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 1 Corinthians 3:17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple. 1 Corinthians 3:18 Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. 1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness"; 1 Corinthians 3:20 and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” 1 Corinthians 3:21 So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours, 1 Corinthians 3:22 whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, 1 Corinthians 3:23 and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.
Rachel Maddow on The MAGA Threat to U.S. Democracy and the American Republic
Published: March 25, 2024 (85th day) Duration: 12:31 (751 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqassXP6HAU CqassXP6HAU (ass, 6 HA) Rancid Ridiculous Ripoff Rump's name literally means "Ass" (he just added the t to try to make his name more fancy) HA! CqassXPHAU aachpqssux 1+1+3+8+60+70+90+90+200+300=823. 823+6=829. 829+751=1580. 1580+85=1665.
Strong's Concordance #1665 Gittith: a musical term of unclear meaning; feminine of Gittiy; a Gittite harp Original Word: גִּתִּית
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1419: Psalm 8:1 For the leader; on the gittith. A psalm of David. Psalm 8:2 O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name throughout the earth, You who have covered the heavens with Your splendor!
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1514: Psalm 81:1 For the leader; on the gittish. Of Asaph. Psalm 81:2 Sing joyously to God, our strength; raise a shout for the God of Jacob.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 1517: Psalm 84:1 For the leader; on the gittith. Of the Korahites. A psalm. Psalm 84:2 How lovely is Your dwelling-place, O Lord of hosts. Psalm 84:3 I long, I yearn for the courts of the Lord; my body and soul shout for joy to the living God.
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The Lincoln Project - Phantom of the MAGA
Published: March 25, 2024 (85th day) Duration: 2:11 (131 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgoR9DsxR3Q KgoR9DsxR3Q (9, 3) KgoRDsxRQ dgkoqrrsx 4+7+10+50+70+80+80+90+300=691. 691+9+3=703. 703+131=834. 834+85=919.
TANAKH (Jewish Publication Society, Hebrew-English) Page 129: Exodus 9:1 The Lord said to Moses, "God to Pharaoh and say to him, "Thus says the Lord, the God of the Hebrews: Let My people go to worship Me. Exodus 9:2 For if you refuse to let them go, and continue to hold them, Exodus 9:3 then the hand of the Lord will strike your livestock in the fields--the horses, the asses, the camels, the cattle, and the sheep--with a very severe pestilence.
Strong's Concordance #919 bedeq: From badaq; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship) -- breach, + calker, a fissure, rent, breach Original Word: בֶּדֶק
Abney Park - Beautiful Decline (End of Days)
October 15, 2010 (288th day) Duration: 4:05 (245 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bds5go2FHQ 7bds5go2FHQ (7, 5, 2) bdsgoFHQ bdfghoqs 2+4+6+7+8+50+70+90=237. 237+7+5+2=251. 251+245=496. 496+288=784.
Strong's Concordance #784 esh: a fire, burning, fiery, flaming, hot. Original Word: אֵשׂ
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spiritsoulandbody · 9 months
#DailyDevotion When You Are Weak, Remember The Deeds Of The LORD
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#DailyDevotion When You Are Weak, Remember The Deeds Of The LORD Psalm 77 (Music) 10Then I said, “It makes me weak, that the right hand of the Most High might change. Verse ten has a couple of different translations based on how certain Hebrew words are given vowels. Here are a couple of other major ways it is translated: (ESV)  Then I said, “I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hand of the Most High.” (KJV)  And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High. There are quite some differences there. It apparently is some tough Hebrew to interpret. Lets just go with the translation we have been using. With the given translation you could see who we could get weak if we thought the right hand of the Most High could change. One thing we have with the Almighty is that He does not change. His default mode is always in His Name given in Ex. 34:6. He is kind, merciful, steadfast in love, forgiving sins but disciplining those He loves when they sin. If He is wrathful and we repent in trust He will default to His primary will toward us being kind, merciful, steadfast in love and forgiving us our sins with discipline. In his weakness the psalmist is worried God might change. Thank God, He does not. 11I recall the LORD's accomplishments; I remember the wonders You did long ago, 12and meditate on all Your work; I think of what You have done. 13O God, Your way is holy. Is any god as great as our God? 14You are the God Who does wonders, You have shown Your power among the nations. 15By Your arm You freed Your people, both Jacob's and Joseph's descendants. When we get weak like above, we need to do what the psalmist does here: he recalls the LORD's accomplishments and the wonders He did long ago. He meditates on how God created the world and all that is in it. He thinks about how He destroyed the world and everything on it by a flood, but saved humanity through eight people. He ponders the choosing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bringing their descendants to Egypt to grow and then delivering them from the Egyptians with His strong hand. We would do well to ponder these things along with the incarnation, suffering, death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ for us. He is the right hand of the Most High who does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Music) 16The waters saw You, O God, the waters saw You and shook; yes, they were stirred to the depths. 17The clouds poured down water; the skies thundered and Your arrows darted. 18Your thunder rumbled in the sky; lightning flashes lit up the world; the earth trembled and shook. 19You tread through the sea; Your path went through great waters; yet no one could tell where You walked. 20You led Your people like a flock by the hands of Moses and Aaron. He recalls how the LORD delivered them through the Red Sea, bringing them through the middle on dry land and then killing the pursuing Egyptians by covering them with the water. We recall how Jesus was baptized, was tempted, crucified, dead, buried, resurrected and ascended to the right hand of the Father. He now joins Himself to us through baptism and leads us like a flock through this tumultuous world to the world to come. Jesus is only seen now through the means of grace; the Word, Baptism, Absolution, the LORD's Supper and the Church's Absolution. Heavenly Father, when we are weak and fear You have changed, give us Your Holy Spirit so we can recall all Your great saving deeds You have performed for us through You Son, Jesus Christ, our LORD to the effect we may be comforted and strengthened in our faith. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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stirlingmoss · 10 months
171 What those who scoff are like is one who calls to those who hear nothing but cries and shouts. Deaf, dumb, and blind, they do not understand.
170 And when they are told to follow what God has revealed, they say, “No, we will follow what we found our fathers doing.” Even if their fathers did not understand anything and were unguided?
169 He only commands you what is evil and shameful, and that you should say of God what you do not know.
168 O people, eat of what is lawful and good on the earth; and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is an open enemy to you.
167 ​And those who followed would say, “If only we had a chance, we would free ourselves from them as they freed themselves from us.” Thus will God show them their deeds, as sorrows to them. And they will not be getting out of the fire.
166 ​Then those who are followed would free themselves from those who follow, and would see the penalty; and all connections would be cut off by them.
165 Yet among the people are those who take to idols instead of God, loving them as God should be loved. But those who believe are stronger in love for God. And if those who’ve gone wrong could see, when they saw the penalty; they’d see all power is God’s, and that God is severe in punishment.
164 Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships that sail the sea for the benefit of humanity, and the water God sends down from the sky, with which God enlivens the earth after its death, and distributes all kinds of animals thereupon; and the coursing of the winds, and the clouds employed between sky and earth, surely there are signs for people who discern.
163 For your God is one God; there is no deity besides the Benevolent, the Merciful.
162 They will remain in that condition; and the torment will not be eased for them, and they will not be given respite.
161 As for those who scoff and die scoffers, on them is the curse of God, of the angels, and of all humanity.
160 except those who repent and make amends, and clarify; then I turn to them. And I am most relenting, most merciful.
159 As for those who conceal the evidences and the guidance We have sent down, after We made them clear to humanity in scripture, God curses them, and those who can curse curse them;
158 Note that the mountains Safa and Marwa are among the emblems of God: so whoever makes the seasonal pilgrimage to the House, or an off-season pilgrimage, it is not held against anyone if he circles them both. And if anyone willingly does what is good, God is appreciative and cognizant.
157 They are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy; and they are the ones who are guided.
156 those who say, when calamity afflicts them, “We belong to God, and to God we return.”
155 We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of possessions, persons, or crops. But give good news to the patient,
154 And do not say of those who are killed in the way of God that they are dead. No—they are alive, although you do not perceive.
153 O believers, seek help with patience and prayer; for God is with the patient.
152 So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.
151 as We have sent to you a messenger from among you, who recites Our signs to you and purifies you and teaches you scripture and wisdom, and teaches you what you did not know.
150 Wherever you set out from, turn your face toward the direction of the sacred mosque; and wherever you are, turn your faces in that direction, that the people have no cause of dispute against you, except those of them who have gone wrong. So do not fear them, but fear Me, that I may complete My favor to you, and that you may accept guidance:
149 Wherever you start out from, turn your face to the direction of the sacred mosque. This is the truth from your Lord; God is not heedless of what you do.
148 Everyone has an aim, to which God gives direction; so preserve everything good. Wherever you are, God will bring you together. For God has power over everything.
147 The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among the doubters.
146 Those to whom We have given the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them do conceal the truth, even though they know.
145 Even if you brought all the signs to those who’ve been given scripture, they would not follow your direction of prayer. And you are not a follower of their direction of prayer; and they are not followers of each other’s direction of prayer. If you were to follow their desires after knowledge has come to you, you would certainly be in the wrong.
144 We see the turning of your face to the sky; so We will turn you to a direction of prayer that you will find pleasing. Turn your face to the sacred mosque: wherever you are, turn your faces in its direction. Those to whom scripture has been given will know that this is the truth from their Lord. And God is not heedless of what they do.
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