#he felt the cries of the gay people... he just HAD to help
jrueships · 2 years
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Sauce watching the warriors game
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lavenderstobins · 26 days
Wayne Munson Headcanons
Wayne was born and raised in Tennessee but moved to Hawkins when he was older. He briefly moved away but moved back after Eddie came out to him, wanting a fresh start
He was raised as an Evangelical Christian
He's the oldest of three, having a younger brother and a younger sister. His sister died young and Wayne never got over that grief
He had an abusive father, which contributed to his brother acting out as a teenager
He fought in Vietnam and subsequently hates guns as a result
His first job was in a pastry shop, but his father made him quit and get a job as a mechanic
He was very close to Eddie's mother (his sister-in-law) but kept his distance for his brother's sake
When his brother goes to jail for what seems like good, he tries to help out Eddie and his mom as best as he can
When Eddie's mom dies, Wayne feels like he didn't do enough
Wayne took Eddie in without hesitation. He'd been in a longterm relationship at the time and having Eddie with them broke it down, but Wayne wouldn't sacrifice Eddie for anyone
Wayne is the one who introduces Eddie to Garfield
Wayne had a brief relationship with Benny Hammond. He was in love with him, but felt he couldn't risk letting them be in love. He's heartbroken when he hears Benny committed suicide
When Eddie comes out to him as a boy, he does so by mentioning the D&D spell "modify memory" in his explanation. Wayne stays up for hours squinting at the handbook long after Eddie's fallen asleep, wanting to be supportive
Wayne was the one to buzz Eddie's hair, after he came out
Wayne loves fishing. He used to have a fishing group that consisted of him, Benny, Dale, Henry and Earl. Over the years, it becomes just him
Wayne braves a gay nightclub one night when Eddie's at a friend's. He goes a few more times and ends up having a one night stand with Scott Clarke, much to their mutual surprise when they bump into each other at the school
Wayne thinks he's cursed. He thinks the Munson name is cursed
When the mall 'burns down', he starts suspecting Hawkins is cursed, too
He cries when he sees Eddie in a coma after s4
He's suspicious of Steve initially. That quickly changes when he learns Steve was the one to carry Eddie out of the Upside Down
He finds out Steve and Eddie are dating when he walks in on them making out on his couch
He has designated mugs for different things. He brings a Garfield 'gone fishing' mug out with him when he's fishing. He has a snowy Garfield mug that he pulls out in winter
He ends up dating Claudia Henderson sometime after the Upside Down shit is finally over
He treats Steve, Robin and Nancy like they're his kids, too. And Max. Then by the end of the year he's essentially half-adopted the entire Hawkins gang
He has a soft heart and cares deeply about troubled kids. His friends joke that he has a 'waif in need' alert (thanks @pukner)
He doesn't want to get married, claiming he won't marry 'til his boy can marry
He's a man of few words. He's not good at showing physical affection, but he's prouder of Eddie than he could ever say
Calls Eddie 'his boy'
Heavily distrusts the government. Milks them for all he can when Eddie's recovering in the hospital. Lays it on thick with Nancy's help and then winks at her when the government agent bustles out of the room
Loves watching the game on TV. Eddie complains when Steve and Wayne get together for the game but is secretly thrilled about his favourite people spending time together
His clothes get passed around from Eddie to Steve to Robin to Nancy and back again. When Robin shows up in one of his flannels he doesn't even blink
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smusherina · 1 month
yard work - chapter 6 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): 2004 was not a good time for the gays. homophobia persists. insecurity about weight and insulting oneself about it.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 7
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You dipped into your savings and got Regina a new, fancy moisturizer. You couldn't count on her using it instead of the lard, but well. Guide a horse to water, can't make it drink, and all that.
You didn't tell her about the Homecoming prank, though. She'd been pissed about that. Not for long, because then it turned into a sort of trend at Northshore and it only boosted her popularity.
You were perhaps more upset about it. Upset you'd let it happen, upset they'd done it in the first place, upset Regina stood there with Aaron. He didn't even look like he wanted to be there.
Regina managing to turn it around for her benefit didn't stop you from feeling bad. It was the principle of the thing. You'd taken some distance from her. Everybody, actually. People just didn't feel all that great to be around. You were betraying Regina by letting her be essentially bullied by Janis, you were tolerating Regina's abusive reign over the student body, Aaron was getting on your last nerve by simply existing, and your mom's death anniversary was coming up.
You went to the Georges' less. Regina came to yours when you didn't lie about having to catch up on homework or doing a project. You did do some yard work for them since you still needed the extra cash. Just basic things like raking leaves and doing small repairs here and there. You also covered the pool with Mrs George's help.
"Whew, I forget what a chore that is every year!" She wiped at her forehead. You laid on the grass, chest heaving. You'd carried maybe seventy per cent of that thing.
"You said it, Mrs George." You managed to get out.
"How many years have I been telling you to call me Jude. Or just mom." You looked up at her. She looked so much like Regina. Or Regina looked so much like her.
She'd known your mom. Cried harder at her funeral than your dad or even yourself. You hadn't really gotten it, at that point. She'd hugged you tight and told you what an amazing woman she was, that she hadn't deserved to go yet. She sent you food for weeks after, which you appreciated because dad was too busy sorting stuff out to cook for you.
She'd been more of a mom to you than your own had ever gotten to be. Still, it felt wrong to call her anything other than Mrs George. It was weird. Word association gone all wrong. Mom meant a casket being lowered into a hole on a bleak November day, an echoing house and an empty kitchen, sad and wistful things. Mrs George meant afternoons spent running around in the backyard, eating 'till your belly was full to bursting, happiness and summer.
"Many, many years." You groaned as you got up. "Is Reggie home?"
You figured it would be weird if you didn't go say hi, at least. You didn't want to cut her out entirely. It was just hard being around her when the weight of your own actions, and inactions, weighed on your shoulders.
She smiled in a way that told you she'd noticed your deflection. "In her room."
"Great. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the apples this year?"
"I convinced Rick to donate them to the women's shelter downtown. They'll be put to good use there."
"That's awesome," You put your hands to your hips and looked around. "Anything you want me to do?"
"I'll just hose down the rose bushes, you head on inside. Avoid the living room, Rick's on a conference call." She waved you off with a smile.
You trod through the house carefully, shoes in hand. You knew the Georges were a shoes-on household, but it just never felt right for you to walk on carpeted floors with your shoes on. What if you had stepped on dogshit? What then?
"Reg?" Her door was open a crack, so you peeked in. "You decent?"
"Yes, I'm decent." You could hear the eye roll in her voice. "What do you want?"
Yikes. She wasn't happy.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. She was on her bed, reading a book on her belly. She was snacking on some candy bar.
"I just came to say hi. I put the pool cover on with your mom." You walked up to her. "What're you reading?"
"I could hear you huffing and puffing all the way up here." She turned on her side to look at you. "The Catcher in the Rye. It's boring."
"I dunno, I liked it." You climbed in hesitantly. When she didn't protest, you settled down on your side facing her, head leaned against your palm.
"You've read it?" She tossed the book on the floor next to the bed, now giving you her full attention. "Can you write my paper?"
"Depends on how much you'll pay me." You grinned and rubbed your fingers together like you were handling cash.
"Boo, you whore." She pouted. "Aren't we supposed to be beyond that?"
"I don't do charity, my friend." You flopped onto your back and crossed your arms. Shit, she had a comfy bed. So soft but just firm enough, too. You let your eyes close. You were so tired from all that physical labour.
"Get off my bed, you traitor." You opened your eyes too late. She was already on you, pushing you, and you had no time to resist until you were toppling onto the floor. You clambered down in a mess of limbs and sheets, which you'd grabbed in your desperate attempt to stay aboard.
"Reg! Your bed is actually high up! Help me!" You felt like Mufasa clinging to the face of the cliff, fingers digging into the slippery bedding. One of your legs was still on the bed, but not securely enough that you would've been able to pull yourself to safety.
"Just put your leg on the floor, dumbass." She cackled, watching you panic over such a small drop.
"No, look, it's not that- close." You lowered your leg and your knee made contact with the floor. Regina fell back, gasping as she laughed. "Shut up, you teapot!"
"No! I'm not-" She tried to stifle the laughs escaping her, the real wheezing ones she didn't let out of their cage willingly, but one look at you set it off again. "Your hair!"
You lifted your hands to your head. "It's not my fault your sheets are fucking static."
By the time Mrs George came to inform you that she'd be starting on dinner, thus signifying you should probably go, Regina had stopped laughing, if just barely.
"Have you been using the moisturizer I gave you?" You tried to analyze her face. It didn't look any less flawless than usual.
"Yeah, it's really great. My old night lotion started smelling weird for some reason. Maybe it expired early or something." You just hummed in response.
"I should probably go home and make myself dinner too."
"I'll walk you down."
You walked down the stairs and to the backdoor, avoiding the living room despite the blaring of the TV. Mr George was definitely not on a call anymore.
"What're you making today?" Regina asked, standing somewhat awkwardly on the porch.
"Probably tacos. I found a great deal on some corn tortillas at the store. They're all going bad today, so. Gonna stuff myself."
"Save some for me, yeah?"
You weren't sure what she meant by that. "Sure."
You walked home and as you'd said, got started on dinner. Moving around the kitchen without Regina there in the way, chopping whatever vegetables into misshapen cubes, felt weird. She wasn't over that often, but you'd gotten used to it regardless.
It was perhaps your biggest flaw as a person, how intolerant you were to being alone. Ironic, considering how much time you had to spend alone.
If it was up to you, you would've made Birria tacos with a good cut of sirloin, but you didn't have the money for fresh cuts of beef. Besides, you hadn't even started on the stew, and that took a whole day. So, you settled on some basic ground beef filling. You had made Pico de Gallo earlier that day, so it was nice and flavourful by the time you were constructing your tacos.
Back when you'd still needed a babysitter, there had been this one Mexican lady who appeared on the roster most often. It was so long ago you couldn't remember her name. She'd made you call her Abuela. She was sweet and taught you the wonder of Latin American cuisine. From what you could understand, she'd been well-travelled and really loved food everywhere.
She stopped coming when all of your babysitters did. The last time you saw her, you hadn't known it would be the last time.
This time of year really made you a monster. A dull grey, depressing monster. You'd have to find some exciting hobby because even you were getting sick of this. Maybe cliff jumping?
A knock on your door was the last thing you expected when you were finally ready to chow down. Making such a huge amount of food took time.
"What?" You barked to whoever dared to disturb you. "Oh, shit."
"Is that how you greet all your dinner guests?" Regina asked, batting her eyelashes. She had on a deep red dress, shiny satin that licked at the curves and edges of her body just right. It reached all the way to her feet, where you could see black heels peeking out from under the hem. She stood taller than usual, but still so short you could see above her head. The dress was strapless as far as you could tell as her jacket was covering her shoulders. Sweetheart neckline and a clutch to match. She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small R-charm on it. Gold hoop earrings, hair done up in curls.
A grin crept up onto her face as you continued to gape at her visage. "I know, right?" She posed, one hand holding the clutch at level with her thigh and one poised at her waist. "I'm so sexy."
"Yeah, uh, yes, you are." You stuttered, stunned and flustered. You wanted to touch her, feel the fabric of the dress with the tips of your fingers, grab a hold of her and press close to her. She looked so fucking good.
"Thanks, baby." She took a couple of steps forward to reach you and, nonchalant as could be, brushed her hand at your shoulder as if she were brushing off dust.
Your knees wobbled.
"I have dinner for us." You blurted out. "I, uh..." You needed to pull it together. "I'm gonna go change."
"You do that," Regina said with an indulgent smile. You shot up the stairs.
When you came back down, still tucking your shirt into your trousers and tie undone, Regina was sitting on the couch perusing a magazine. It was probably from last year or something, you didn't exactly update the stuff under the coffee table.
You coughed to get her attention. "Ready for dinner, Reggie?"
"Ugh, don't ruin the moment. Anything other than that."
"I'm Jorts and you're Reggie, that's how it's been." You reminded and gently plucked her clutch from her hands before gesturing for her to turn around. She did, looking a little confused. When you reached to take her jacket off, she recoiled.
"Um, I would like to keep it on." She said, the confidence from before diminishing.
"Oh, why?" You asked. "Are you cold?"
"No, it's just, um..." Regina George stammering. You didn't think you'd live to see the day. "I don't look like I used to before."
"What does that mean?" You checked her out, toes to forehead. Drop-dead gorgeous as always.
"I've gained a bunch of weight." She looked down as if she needed to be ashamed. "I barely fit into this gown. I had to suck in even with the Spanx. And I still look like a whale."
As much as you would've liked to be incredulous and loud about just how wrong she was, it didn't seem like the right course of action. She was being open and vulnerable with you.
"I don't think you look like a whale." You stepped close to her tentatively. You set the clutch on the coffee table. Then, just as tentatively, circled your arms around her. You slotted your fingers together at her lower back and pulled her to you so that your bellies touched.
"I couldn't hug a whale." You pointed out helpfully, leaning back slightly to still look her in the eyes. "I'd love to see the dress in its full glory."
Regina, hands fussing with unmade your tie, bit her lip in contemplation.
"Careful, don't mess up your lipstick." She rubbed her lips together at that, a smile threatening to break out.
"Fine. But you can't laugh or stare or anything."
"I swear." You put one hand on your heart and the other up. "Now turn around."
She did as you asked. "You're being awfully chivalrous."
"It's what you deserve, Reggie." You crooned jokingly, pulling the jacket from her shoulders. The dress was cut elegantly so that there were no straps, but bits of fabric hanging by her upper arms. Cold-shoulder. You hoped the jokes in your tone hid how nervous you were.
"What did I just say?" As if that little moment between you two hadn't even happened, she was right back to her normal self.
"Fine. But you'll always be my Reggie. I guess tonight we can pretend." You sighed. "Whatever you say, honey."
"Better." She turned and tugged at your tie. "Now, let's get you sorted."
"I had very little notice, okay?" You grumbled but bent down obediently so she'd have an easier time tying your tie. You'd used to play dress up mixed with house all the time. You'd nearly always been the dad and so, you had to wear a tie. Obviously. Mrs George had gotten tired of constantly being asked to do it, so she'd taught Regina.
Now, it felt a little different. For one, you were taller. Secondly, this wasn't a children's game. Maybe you were playing a little bit, pretending, but it didn't quite feel like that. There was something undeniably real about this.
"There." She said once she was finished, smoothing it out against your chest. "You couldn't find one matching the dress?"
"You're impossible to please." You chuckled. "I'll make sure to go tie shopping as soon as possible."
"Good." She liked to ignore your sardonic tone pretty often. "Now, what's on the menu?"
You tucked the rest of the shirt into your pants and, voila, you were done.
"Tacos, my lady." You offered up your arm half in jest. She hooked her wrist into the bend of your elbow with an incline of her head. Clearly, she was a girl that liked to be wined and dined.
You snuck a bottle from your dad's wine collection, hoping it wasn't some speciality. Looking at the label, it wasn't very old. Wine quality was assessed like that, right?
You ate your fills and then some, drinking wine all the while, then retreated to the couch to recover, and turned on the TV to watch while eating dessert. Sharing a pint of ice cream, curled up on the couch in fancy clothes, warm and away from the cold of late November, you wondered what had brought this on.
It wasn't an official date, that much you knew. Regina wasn't a lesbian like you. Maybe she was indulging you. That would mean she knew you had a crush on her. You hoped that wasn't true. Regina was an observant person, though. Fuck, that'd be humiliating.
It didn't feel like she was playing with you. It looked like she was having as much fun as you. Maybe she wanted to have a nice, romantic dinner without the pressure of having to impress or perform for her date.
It was nice she'd chosen you. Regardless of why she'd come here tonight, you were just glad she was with you. You'd had a lot of people leave, most of them never coming back. The exceptions to the rule were Regina and your dad. They were similar in that, but nothing else. When dad came back, he brought with him a never-pleased frown and a stifling presence. When Regina came back, she brought light.
She had her flaws. You had yours. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and Christmas would soon follow. You had no doubt that Janis had something nefarious planned for at least one of those events. Nothing was sure, things were undecided.
"I'm going for a smoke." You said when the episode ended.
"I'm coming with."
"You won't be getting one."
"I don't want it anyway. Cigarettes taste like shit."
You laughed and walked to the backdoor. Through it and onto the patio, you slumped onto the bench swing. Regina followed a lot more gracefully, heels chucked somewhere in the house, bundled up in the blanket she'd claimed as hers since the first time she slept over. She sat next to you and spread it over both your laps. You hummed in thanks and lit up.
Regina might've been a massive bitch. She had, and there was no denying it, done some awful things. And maybe it was fucked up for you to like one part of a person and not the whole of them, but did that count if you were sure that the undesirable part was all a facade?
"So..." You started. "Better than any of the dates Aaron took you to?" You couldn't help but ask. Veiled under a joke, you hoped your jealousy didn't show.
"Don't be cocky." She admonished, resembling her mom almost creepily. "He didn't really take me out."
"What? Why?" If you could openly date Regina there wouldn't be a limit to how much you'd be taking her out, showing her off to anybody who'd listen.
"How should I know?" She shrugged indignantly. "We broke up a little after Homecoming."
"What? I didn't hear about this."
"Really? I thought you would've since it was pretty big news for a while." You didn't want to admit you'd been purposefully avoiding rumours about the couple for the majority of their relationship. "He outlived his purpose."
"The Halloween Party and Homecoming." You clarified and she nodded.
You took a drag. Regina pulled what seemed like a candy bar out of her clutch. It was the same brand she'd been eating earlier today.
Considering she'd been insecure about her weight, you didn't comment on it. You took another drag. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something weird.
"Hey, can I look at the packaging of that?"
Wordlessly, Regina handed it over. You looked at the product info. Great, it was all in Swedish.
"Where'd you get these?"
"Cady got me a box of them. They're good for weight loss. Like, they just burn all your carbs." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at the product info. The numbers didn't seem like that of a weight loss product.
You didn't like she was eating something that would empty her stomach right after dinner. That couldn't have been healthy.
"You're trusting something Cady gave to you?"
She tilted her head, as if about to question you. Her mouth opened, then closed, and opened again.
"Shut up. Shut up."
You took a long drag.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared
(i keep forgetting to add this note. comment on this post if you want on the taglist!)
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Cuban Pedro Rafael Delgado, a 56-year-old accountant, saw his life change dramatically just days after Cuba approved a set of laws by referendum in September that allow gay marriage.
For more than a decade, Delgado, who works at a Communist Party office, lived as "friends" with his 62-year-old partner, Adolfo Lopez. He lacked basic rights and felt shunned even by his own family because of his sexual preference. "Being gay was the embarrassment of the family and I always lived with that," he told Reuters. Cuba's family code, a set of measures and regulations that establishes the rights of all Cubans, regardless of sexual orientation, to marry and adopt children, changed everything, Delgado says.
But activists and experts consulted by Reuters say the sweeping, government-led campaign to promote the law did more to moderate entrenched homophobia and machismo than the fine print of the code itself - which governs the totality of family relations and not just issues related to sexual orientation.
"There is no doubt that it represents a change...not just legislative, but also in mindset," said Adiel Gonzalez, a 32-year-old activist and professor.
"Some say that (change) is solely due to the code, but that is false," said Gonzalez, adding that changes in attitude existed before, but the discussion around the law helped people to accept other sexual orientations.[!]
For months ahead of the referendum, the government flooded Cuba's TV, radio and newspapers, which it controls, to promote the law. The government also put up billboards on national roadways and held parades, while Communist Party leaders, including President Miguel Diaz-Canel, repeatedly touted the measure.
That one-sided media push did not sit well with everyone. Cuba's Catholic Church, in a missive just before the referendum, said the state's overwhelming support and control of the media had stifled voices of opposition.
The government said at least half [!] of the island's 11 million residents participated in town-hall style meetings prior to the vote aimed at discussing and refining the measure.
Cuba registered 75 same-sex marriages in October, according to state newspaper Trabajadores. That is more than 2% of the total 3,300 marriages reported for the month, the data shows.[...]
However, same-sex households in the United States account for 1.5% of homes occupied by couples of any sex, according to U.S. Census Bureau data. [...]
Cuban transgender medical student Ariana Mederos, of Matanzas, recalls two years earlier explaining to her university rector that "he" was now a "she."
At the time, she was unprotected by the recently approved Family Code.
"I cried. I thought I was going to give up my career," she told Reuters, recalling the day. "But just as I thought it was over, he told me, 'We are going to support you throughout your transition and you will have all our support, including that of your professors.'"
Mederos says she too believes attitudes shifted in Cuba with the discussion ahead of the referendum.
"Cuba is changing and I am proof of that," she says. "I've seen positive changes but there is still much to fight for."
14 Nov 22
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phefics · 11 months
ship: billy loomis x fem!reader x stu macher summary: a tickle fight with billy and stu takes a turn when the boys realize how much they like hearing the reader beg. warnings: dubious consent, degrading names (slut), tickling word count: 1.6k
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It’s an unconventional arrangement, dating two boys at once. You certainly hadn’t befriended Billy Loomis and Stu Macher with the intention of falling for either of them, let alone both.
But, shit happens, especially when your two best friends are attractive and fucking inseparable. Dating one of them would end up as a package deal, anyway. 
Kids at school couldn’t quite figure you out. One day, you’d be seen getting carried bridal-style by Stu, the next, you’d be holding hands with Billy. Some people thought you were a cheater, some thought you were a beard to hide a gay love affair.
None of you gave a shit what anyone thought.
Your parents weren’t home, and you had invited the boys over for a movie night. Stu had arrived first, because he lived closer, and although Billy got there only a few minutes later, he walked in on an interesting scene.
You had left the front door unlocked, and as he walked inside, he heard shrieking coming from the living room. He panicked for a moment, thinking Stu had broken the ‘Don’t Kill Y/N’ rule, but as he tiptoed into the room, all he found was Stu straddling your thighs, tickling you.
He couldn’t help but grin at the sight. “What’s going on here?” he asked.
You and Stu both jumped at his voice, so caught up in the moment that you had forgotten he was on his way.
“Billy, help!” you cried, still giggling like mad as Stu’s fingers slipped beneath your sweater, scribbling over the skin of your stomach.
“Help? Sure, I’ll help,” Billy said, giving Stu a smirk as he approached, kneeling down on the floor beside you.
He easily grabbed your flailing wrists and pulled your arms up, pinning them over your head.
“Can’t smack me anymore, hm?” Stu teased. “Thanks, Billy, I was startin’ to fear for my life there.”
“No problem. We couldn’t let that pretty face get bruised, could we?”
While you agreed that Stu had a pretty face, you wanted nothing more than to punch him in it as his fingers creeped higher, tickling your underarms with a newfound vigor, now that you were helpless to stop him.
Your laugh grew in volume, in intensity. “You fuckers,” you gasped out, kicking your legs wildly. “I’m gonna kill you both, cut it out!”
Billy let out a low chuckle, his breath ghosting over your ear. Stu, meanwhile, giggled along with you, clearly pleased with himself for starting this whole thing.
“You want us to stop?” Billy asked. “Cause it seems like you’re having fun…”
“Yeah, I mean, you’re smiling like crazy,” Stu added. “Why would we stop makin’ you smile, baby?”
"Besides, we're certainly having fun."
You whined as his fingers slowed to a torturous, feather-light touch, just ghosting against your skin. “You guys suck,” you said, breathless.
Billy hummed. “Really? We suck? That’s not very nice, Y/N. Stu, I think we need to teach her some manners.”
“I agree.”
And with that, Stu’s hands began tickling you again, dancing over your entire torso, never lingering in one spot for too long. Billy adjusted his grip on your wrists so that he was only holding them with one hand, using the other to flutter over the side of your neck, making you scrunch up your shoulders uselessly.
This was awful. It was torture. But…There was something exciting about it, too. Being held down like this, helpless and pliant beneath their touches as they exploited your weak spots…Stu’s hands brushed against your chest as he went, and you weren’t wearing a bra, and you felt your nipples grow hard at the quick, barely-there contact.
“You gonna apologize to us?” Billy asked.
You shook your head. You had nothing to apologize for. They did suck, you were just telling the truth.
“Always so fuckin’ stubborn,” he sighed, before using his free hand to tickle your armpit, making you squeal.
“Maybe she’s not giving up because she likes it,” Stu said. “She’s such a slut, I wouldn’t be surprised if this turns her on.”
If the tickling itself wasn’t hot, those words certainly were. You felt your pussy throb when you were called that, felt a thrill up your spine.
Billy chuckled. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” he said. “How about we make a new deal, Y/N? Stu’s gonna pull your pants down, and if you aren't wet right now, we’ll stop. But if you are, well…Maybe we’ll take the rest of your clothes off and keep going.”
The fingers stopped, finally giving you a chance to fully catch your breath. Your skin buzzed with the phantom sensation, your head spun from their teasing words. But most of all, you knew for a fact that you were wet, and your heart pounded in your chest at the realization.
Stu gave you a mischievous grin before getting off your legs and grabbing the waist of your sweatpants, yanking them down to your knees with no preamble, and cupping his fingers over your mound, pressing against your folds through your panties, feeling the obvious dampness that only made his grin grow larger, more devilish.
“You were right,” he said. “Little slut’s getting off on this.”
You opened your mouth and shut it again. What were you supposed to say? Deny the obvious? Attempt to elaborate that it wasn’t really the tickling, it was everything combined? Would that really save your dignity?
Billy laughed. “Fuckin’ knew it.”
You let out a soft whimper as Stu’s fingers rubbed against your pussy, trying to buck your hips to gather more friction.
“So needy,” Stu muttered, almost to himself.
Billy released your wrists and made quick work of pulling your hoodie over your head, the cold air making goosebumps rise on your bare skin. Your nipples hardened even more, and you grew even more aroused as you were stripped.
Stu pulled your pants down the rest of the way, and your underwear, too, leaving you naked on the carpet and blushing like mad.
“Ready for round two, baby?”
You shook your head, squirming wildly as they caged you in between their bodies. “Please, I—”
They didn’t let you finish. If you really wanted them to stop, you knew what to say, and you hadn’t, so they had no reason for showing mercy.
Stu began squeezing up and down your thighs, occasionally scratching behind your knees as well, while Billy dug into your ribs.
The combined sensations made you burst into laughter, slightly hoarse with how loud you’d been the entire time. You thrashed, but they easily dodged your flying limbs and kept tickling.
“So fuckin’ cute,” Billy cooed.
“Fucking adorable,” Stu agreed.
You wailed as Stu ran his fingers over the sole of your foot, toes curling in an attempt to block the feeling, but it did nothing to provide any relief.
“Please,” you managed to say. “I can’t take it anymore, stop it!”
To your surprise, they did. Your begging usually only turned them on more, and you doubted they were truly going to stop.
Stu positioned himself between your thighs, pushing them apart so he could bring his face to your pussy, looking up at you with those sweet blue eyes.
Billy’s hands came to grab your breasts, and you moaned softly as his thumbs brushed over your nipples.
Stu licked at your entrance teasingly before beginning to eat you out, holding your hips and easily finding your clit with his tongue.
Your head lolled back into Billy’s lap, legs spreading even wider to give Stu better access to your aching clit.
All the rough-housing, the name-calling, the teasing had gotten you so worked up, and they were finally going to give you some relief.
Or, so you thought.
Slowly, Billy’s touch became light and ticklish again, blunt fingernails tracing along the curve of your tits, up to your collarbones, down to your sides. You squirmed and laughed softly, trying to ignore it and focus on the pleasure Stu’s tongue was bringing you, but that bastard had also begun to wiggle his fingers against your hips, all while focusing the rest of his attention on your clit, causing a mixture of moans and giggles to spill from your lips.
“So pretty,” Billy murmured. “So sensitive, too. But you take it like the good girl you are, hm? You’ll take whatever we dish out, won’t you, slut?”
“Yes,” you reply, your speech slightly slurred.
“You gonna cum for us like this? Fuckin’ helpless, fuckin’ adorable…”
You whined as Stu’s mouth brought you closer to climax, and Billy’s words were certainly helping. “Yes,” you said again. “Please, make me cum…”
You felt Stu chuckle against you, the heat of his breath making you twitch.
Their fingers were still tickling, in that maddening sort of itch that made you want to crawl out of your skin more than it made you want to laugh. It kept your entire nervous system alert, buzzing like electricity as you drew closer and closer to orgasm.
“That’s our girl,” Billy said. “Begging like a good slut. You can cum baby, cum for us.”
His words were all you needed to be pushed off the edge, legs shaking as you came with a cry of pleasure.
Stu popped up from between your thighs, all wild-eyed and adorable, like he was so proud to have given you that orgasm. His lips were shining with your wetness, and Billy leaned over you to kiss it off for him.
As your boyfriends kissed, you flopped back against the carpet, breathless and spent. Your skin still tingled and you felt high off of adrenaline.
“How ‘bout we get you cleaned up, huh?” Stu said, gesturing at the sticky mess on your thighs.
You blushed. “My shower is not big enough for the three of us,” you said.
“But we could run you a bath,” Billy suggested. “And you could watch us have a little fun…You got us so fuckin’ hard.”
You could see both of their cocks straining in their pants, and grinned. “That sounds like a plan.”
An unconventional relationship, an unconventional sex life…You couldn’t care less if it was strange. It was fucking perfect.
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I cannot let this show go without writing my goodbyes... Deep Night Final EP
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Deep night was everything and more. It was a show that was made with insane love, thought and care and it fucking shows. That loves shines through the screen and it is GUARANTEED to warm your cold dead heart. Cheewin has always made his shows a bit more grounded, a bit more queer, a bit more real. Since YYY you can just tell there's someone in the crew that understands queer experience and this was it again. The good parts, the sad parts, the struggle without exploting it for pity. It showcased confusion and acceptance and love and love and love. So many different kinds of love.
Wela and Khemtid
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These two developed so beautifully, from people who misunderstood eachother, to people who felt attracted to each other but still didn't get it, to people who listened, apologized, leaned on, supported, loved, cared for eachother. Khemtid's enchantment with wela blossomed after they fought about Wela's job, he realized that acceptance was the better route to take and he just worked hard to get it right, to make up for it, to help. Wela at the same time tried so hard as well to understand Khem's feelings, making it easier for them to reach the middle ground. He worked so hard with Khem to keep the club afloat, he was never mean to his coworkers, he carried the whole world on his back and still stood proud. They went from strangers to these two adorable dorks who hold hands and smile while kissing. I'm sorry but Khemtid smiling like he just won the world while giving his injured bboyfriend a handjob at the back of the club made my heart burn. That's complicity and partnership and mischief and intimacy. They stand on equal ground and that's so meaningful to me.
Then we have these three dorks
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The true rivals to lovers. I talked about this in my previous Deep Night post but it was brilliant. Their storyline developed so subtly and naturally I cried last week. The way Japan and Ken's love bloomed out of love for Seiji... like it's not that they're just dating Seiji, they're dating eachother and that comes from a trust that developed from and understanding, that grew from care into desire. Last week's episode showing Japan as the center of his fantasy showed that, Japan is also attracted to Ken, and Ken's heart has melted for Japan as well, unknowingly. The talk they had was so necessary, so respectful and rooted on concern and an actual attempt to build something that left no one out. Seriously the way they're sitting in the end, with Ken brushing Japans hand, the way Japan held Ken's hand and brought him into the hug to welcome him, to shelter him. I love that it wasn't fetishized. (Because we've tackeled threesomes before in other shows but not romantic love) I love them, they love each other, this is healing.
Freya and Meiji
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They are EVERYTHING. Honestly the role of women, specifically queer women in queer spaces has been overlooked for way too long. They take on the role of caring, protecting and supporting the whole club, the boys themselves and themselves. The fact that Freya's character was divorced and was constantly under attack from her ex-husbands family now existing with a same-sex partner was so complex yet beautifuly handled. Meiji was not just some random chic they threw in to gay it up, she was important to Freya, she helped at the club, she wasn't much around but when she was on screen she was Freya's rock. The talk on age... bro that shook me to the bone. Media is so focused on youth their questioning was so valid and so painful to watch... but it healed. Fuck I'm crying watching this. Everyone deserves to be loved by THEMSELVES.
Khem and Freya
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gET TF OUT I WANT TO BE ALONE this mother-son relationship was amazing. Both characters grew so much out of love for each other I want to swallow a shotgun. The was it was alway Freya trying to gain Khemtids approval was so heartbreaking, and watching Khemtid LEARN to accept and love his mom, accept and love the club, accept and love the role they play... fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK
Also we cannot forget Dai
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I don't even have words to explain how great this character was. Outfits on point, personality strong and unmoving, loud and authentic and accepted and part of everything and capable and necessary and just EVERYTHING. And the fact that Dai was perceived as a potential love interest for Freya without it being a joke or mockery was gold. Apart from that, all of these characters and storylines are interwoven in a net of complexity, social norms, real struggles but also real coping mechanisms. I also want to LOUDLY RECOGNIZE the work put into it, as they all worked hard to actually get on stage and perform acrobatics like their characters. There was just so much attention to detail and to making things right I want to cry just thinking about it. Please please please if you havent... Watch it. It may not be revolutionary but it's perfect to me. Deep night is a very queer show that decided to open a lot of wounds just to let them heal properly. THANK YOU DEEP NIGHT. I expected nothing from you and you're now part of me.
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Grief ( A Friend Indeed) Part 11
Here we finally get the singing love songs at each other, a misunderstanding, and it's resolution. The next chapter is the last one. Thank you all who've come along with me on this journey.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Steve woke up the next morning feeling like the world had been taken off his shoulders for the first time since he ran back into the Byers’ house and throw his lot in with would-be monster killers.
Yeah, the thing with Hopper still hadn’t been resolved and maybe never would be, but he had someone who understood. Eddie understood.
The next few days went without incident. Steve still talked to Robin whenever he could, but now he had someone else to talk to, too. He called Percy as well.
But that was reserved for when Eddie wasn’t around. He wanted to talk to someone about being in an gay relationship. And even without knowing Eddie’s romantic history, there was still no doubt that Percy had way more experience than his friend.
It felt good.
Soon it was their last night in Ashland and they were all at Hal’s Bar. Penny, Danny, Wayne, too. Oliver was watching Gale while everyone else went out.
Granted he had only agreed to babysit if Penny and Danny bought him a Nintendo system for his birthday, but it was still nice.
Danny got up and sang Donovan’s Sunshine Superman to Penny, who laughed.
“I’ll tell you right now,” Danny sang, “Any trick in the book now, baby, all that I can find!”
Steve laughed along with her but he couldn’t help but think of Eddie when he heard the lyrics “A you-you-you can just sit there a-thinking on your velvet throne, Bout all the rainbows a-you can a-have for your own, when you make your mind up forever to be mine!”
That silly little throne he insisted on having at every D&D game, that finally Steve got Dustin and Lucas to help him steal it from the drama department when Eddie graduated and install it in Steve’s basement so that he could continue to be King of the Freaks.
Eddie had nearly cried when he saw it. As far as graduation presents go, it really couldn’t be topped.
Steve shared a glance with Eddie who blushed. And maybe they were thinking of the same thing.
They even got Wayne up there to sing House of the Rising Sun.
Steve nudged Eddie with his elbow. “And you said he couldn’t carry a tune. I think he did a bang up job with that one,” he teased.
Eddie grumbled something about hiding talents under bushes or some such shit.
Steve got up and sang “Head Over Heels”.
Just belted his heart out.
Eddie and Lauren were sitting there sipping their drinks, Hal, having gave Eddie a bottle of beer since his birthday was so close and Lauren sipping on her Dr Pepper.
“So did you hear that Steve turned down Beth of all people?” Lauren said with derision.
Eddie smiled around his beer. “Oh yeah, but Steve was never gonna tap that, even under more ideal circumstances than attending a funeral.”
“Yeah, why’s that?” she asked.
“His type is leggy brunettes with soulful eyes and curly brown hair,” he said with a smirk.
Lauren turned to Eddie in shock. “So he really would have changed the pronouns that first night if he hadn’t thought that the crowd would shank him outside the bar after.”
“Holy shit!” She downed the rest of her soda. “Which means the person he has chance with...”
“Is from home, but not at home at the moment?” he teased. “Oh yeah. No doubt he was talking about me.”
“Wait,” Lauren hissed. “How did you know that’s what he said?”
“I may have overheard the conversation on my way to the bathroom,” he admitted with a wince.
She smacked his arm. “You sly dog! You’ve known this whole time and didn’t tell me!”
“It wasn’t my place to tell,” Eddie defended. “He hasn’t even told me she was the reason he wanted to get out of town in the first place.”
She eyed him warily. “Fine.” Lauren crossed her arms over her chest.
“Fine?” he asked, unsure.
“Yeah, it sucks,” she said. “But I get it.”
She looked up at Steve who was finishing the song. “That song is also about you.”
“In my mind’s eye, one little boy, one little man. Funny how time flies,” Steve crooned.
Eddie grinned. “Yeah, I know that too.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” Lauren said.
Eddie got up and gave Steve a hug as they passed each other. Hal had already hooked up the amp so Eddie could play.
He grabbed the guitar and put the strap over his shoulder. “Hey, guys! I have one more song for you before I go back to Indiana.”
“Mh-hm-hmm, yeah, yeah,” Eddie began. “Holy Diver. You’ve been down too long in the midnight sea. Oh what’s be coming of me?”
Steve blushed.
Lauren tilted her head to look at him and then back at Eddie on stage. There was something about the song Eddie was singing that got Steve embarrassed.
Well, maybe that wasn’t the right word. Flustered? That might be closer to the mark.
“Holy diver!” Eddie continued to sing. “You’re the star of the masquerade. No need to look afraid!”
A few minutes later the song was over with and was absolutely star struck.
When Eddie loped back over to their table Steve said, “Dude, you really should be famous for your playing.”
Eddie grinned. “But not my singing, right?”
Steve pushed him playfully. “For that too, drama queen.”
Eddie cackled and sat back down.
Steve watched as other patrons got up and sang too. None were as good as Eddie. But then he was pretty sure he was bias.
Eddie walked out with Steve and Lauren at ten despite being told he was welcome to stay.
“So what’s the deal with Wayne and Hal?” Steve asked. “They spent the whole night huddled in that corner booth.”
Eddie laughed. “Hal and Wayne go way back. Since Uncle Danny and Aunt Penny got married. They’ve been inseparable.”
Steve just hummed.
Lauren looked at him. “What’s up?”
Steve scratched his cheek. “It’s just that if either of them had been a woman, it would have looked they were trying to change their last name.”
Lauren and Eddie frowned unsure of what he meant but Lauren caught on first.
“You thought they were flirting?” she gasped.
Steve shrugged. “One of my uncles is gay and if I hadn’t seen them act the same way as Wayne and Hal...”
Eddie stopped in his tracks and then burst out laughing.
“That sly dog!” Eddie crowed. “That’s what he meant when he said that he understood me better than I thought he did when I came out to him when I was sixteen.”
Lauren’s eyes went wide. “I have two gay uncles?”
Steve laughed too. “I didn’t mean to rock your world.”
Lauren looked back at the bar. “I think I know how to get Hal to bend the rules for me.”
Eddie smacked her hand. “No blackmailing Uncle Wayne’s boyfriend. That’s mean.”
Lauren pouted. “Fiiinnnne.” She grinned. “Does that mean I can blackmail Uncle Wayne?”
“No!” Steve protested. “Absolutely not!”
Eddie giggled. “Uh-huh, you got him to use his mom no. You’re in so much trouble now.”
“I do not have a mom no,” Steve protested. “Don’t listen to him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
Eddie cackled. “It’s the same no you used with Red in her trailer.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “Well, shit.” He turned to Lauren. “Apparently I have a mom no.”
She laughed.
Steve was really going to miss her. Maybe he could convince her to come out later this summer, too.
Eddie was not having a good morning. He couldn’t find his Metallica shirt, tore up the whole room looking for it, only for Wayne to point out he was wearing it.
And then he spilled hot coffee on his pants and to change them.
Then the tarp they were going to use to cover the furniture they got was ripped in three places. So Danny had too take Wayne to buy a new one, because the one he had was too small.
So they were late getting out. The skies were darkening and a huge storm was rolling in.
Cue one very grumpy Eddie.
Steve wasn’t fairing much better but that was more that he wasn’t fully awake yet.
“I’ve got to go with Wayne,” Eddie grumbled. “I see you at the truck station we stopped on the way down, k?”
Steve nodded, his lips pursed. “Got it. See you then.”
Eddie nodded and trudged back to the truck.
Wayne wisely said nothing and they both slid into the cab of the truck.
“Your boy going to find the truck stop okay?” he asked to break the oppressive silence.
“He’s not my boy,” Eddie grumbled. “Not yet anyway.”
They started driving and Wayne looked in the review mirror to make sure Steve was following him.
He frowned. “Is he okay?”
Eddie looked back at the Bimmer and saw that Steve was hitting the steering wheel, waving his arms about and he couldn’t be sure. Not at this distance. But it looked like he was crying.
“Shit!” he cursed. “Stop the truck!”
Wayne slammed on his breaks and Eddie threw open the door and ran back.
About half way to Steve’s car the skies opened up and just pummeled the earth with rain.
Eddie picked up speed and yanked the passenger side door open. He hurried in and slammed the door.
“Eds?” Steve croaked confirming the crying as easily as the tears on his face. “What–how–I mean...”
Eddie grabbed his face and gently wiped away his tears. “You seem to be laboring under some misconceptions out here. So I’m going to clue you in.”
Steve blinked. “Huh?”
“One, I have go with Wayne to keep an on the tarp over the heavy furniture,” Eddie explained, hands never leaving Steve’s cheeks. “He needs a second person as a spotter to make sure nothing flies into traffic.”
Steve gulped. “Yeah?”
“Yes,” Eddie said firmly. “Two, I would much rather be in this car with you. Getting to spend this week with you have been amazing because I got to know you better and I loved that. I love just being with you.”
“Oh,” Steve said, his breath stuttering in his chest.
“Yeah, oh,” Eddie said. “And you better listen up to this bit, Steve Harrington, because I’m going to make this a clear to you as I can. I am absolutely head over heels in love you.”
“So what’s going to happen,” Eddie finished, “is this. I’m going to kiss you senseless, then I’m going to run back to Wayne’s truck in the fucking rain because the weather decided to be a bigger dramatic bitch then I am, and then I will meet you at the truck stop to repeat step one a lot.”
Steve face shivered into something like happiness. It wasn’t a smile, not yet, but Eddie could feel the change of mood.
“That okay with you?” Eddie confirmed.
Steve smiled at last banishing the last of the gloomy thoughts. “Yeah.”
“Good,” Eddie said and proceeded to kiss Steve senseless.
“Wow,” Steve murmured when they broke of the kiss.
Eddie cackled. “Back 'atcha, Stevie.”
“You better get back to Wayne, before you flood the cab of his truck because you left your door open.”
Eddie turned in front of him. “Oops! See you, sweetheart!” He kissed Steve’s cheek and was dashing back into the rain, jacket pulled over his head.
He got to the truck and slipped back in. The seat was wet, but so was his pants so it really didn’t fucking matter at that point.
“So you still wanna argue he’s not your boy?” Wayne asked with a smile.
“Nope.” Eddie just crossed his arms and hunkered down on the bench.
“You not going to tell me about what just happened?”
Eddie looked at him, grinning from ear to ear. “I don’t kiss and tell.”
Wayne shook his head and started driving again. This time Steve immediately followed.
Pt 12
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster @r0binscript @awkotaco24 @ilikeititspretty
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simply-ozul · 14 days
Ronance Headcanons <3
i love these blorbos i had too
robin loves loves LOVES to give nancy homemade gifts and wildflowers(as shown in the singular oneshot i made)
nancy loves it just as much, even tho she’s not a gift person
nancy gets super protective of robin mostly because of what happened to barb, fred and later max(and to some extent even eddie)
so she’ll almost always have robin by her side, and sometimes even has a hand flat on her arm or back when they’re walking somewhere
robin loves the attention and although she’s deathly afraid of being discovered, she can never say no to Nancy
When Nancy’s tired she’ll get super clingy and pouts whenever Robin isn’t next to her
Robin loves to take care of Nancy despite how independent she is, and the few times she gets to she feels like she’s been blessed by the universe
Along with the fact that their gay, and the fact that they’re somewhat private individuals, most of their dates are picnics in a secluded space or in the safety of one of their houses
Once when they couldn’t have their date night at either of their houses and it was raining outside they went to Steve’s to have a movie night
Horrible idea. They don’t hate Steve by any means, but he would not leave them alone and followed them around like a puppy, commenting about the movie, trying to squeeze himself between them on the couch, etc.
Safe to say they never did that again while Steve was home
Nancy has a really hard time with vulnerability and letting people in, she tends to isolate herself(felt)
So whenever she has a hard time, she’ll try to shut herself in her room and refuse to come out(and when she does, she doesn’t talk to anyone and makes zero expression)
Mike ofc, being the amazing annoying brother he is, notices, and calls Robin because as dense as he is, it’s quite clear to see that Robin and Nancy are all over each other
Robin is over within 15 minutes, breathing heavily from the ride on her bike, knocking at Nancy’s door
Nancy, thinking it’s her brother, stomps to the door and opens it with a scowl on her face, about to tell anyone off
But, as soon as she sees her lovely Robin and not her annoying brother, she instantly deflates with a pout
She can’t help it, the sight of Robin just forces her body to let everything out
So they spend the rest of the night cuddled together on Nancy’s bed, Robin wrapped around Nancy to provide a source of comfort and weight while she cries into Robin’s chest
also i just love the idea of nancy being obsessed with robins smell, whether its a perfume or just her natural scent. nancy loves to tuck into robins neck or chest and just breathe her in
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artiststarme · 8 months
Things never really went to plan for one poor Eddie Munson. His fate was sealed from his very first breath, his life would be a tragedy. And so, the universe set out to make him suffer.
It was like all the cards in his life were stacked against Eddie. He was born to a Bonnie and Clyde type of couple with Bonnie running away from the commitment of a family as soon as she could. Dick Munson was all too betrayed by the abandonment of his partner in come and set to destroy everything he had left. He cut ties with his brother, turned to a bottle, and drowned the sounds of his son’s screams out with meth and benzos. It was only a matter of time before he was arrested from a robbery gone bad with enough drugs to keep him behind bars for life.
Poor Eddie was sent to live with the uncle he hardly remembered. He was thrown into a loving trailer in a town full of hate. The kids at school ostracized him the moment they laid eyes on him, his bruised eyes and shaven head spoke all too lowly of his character. If he were lucky, he’d only get a few jaunts and swirlies but if he weren’t, he’d arrive home with another black eye or limp to hide from Wayne.
High school wasn’t much better. Just like middle school, the kids and teachers alike hated him. He blew off school and started selling drugs underneath people’s noses to help Wayne with the bills that were drowning them. He did make some friends, other loners that craved friendship and togetherness they’d never received anywhere else.
It turned out that he was gay. He knew as soon as he saw Steve Harrington’s shirt come off in the locker room and knew he was fucked. He was already the outsider no one liked, it made sense that something else would come up to make him even more different than everyone else in the suffocating small town. The worst part wasn’t the fact that people might find out. It was the part where no one he would ever have a crush on would ever like him back, least of all Steve Harrington whom had girls falling at his feet and guys wishing to be him.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, his skipping school held him back and made him even more of a loser than before. Eddie truly felt like the dumb-as-shit trailer trashed that everyone always told him he was. So he stopped trying completely. He fell into a persona adopted from his favorite artists, focused on his music and DnD, and tried to finally enjoy his life.
Then he saw hell on earth in the form of Chrissy Cunningham’s twisted body hovering in midair and fracturing with horrific snaps. He ran like the coward the universe had trained him to be and made himself the prime suspect in doing so. Eddie knew that there was no possible way to go back to how things were before. As fucked up as his life had been, he’d still miss his early morning coffees with Wayne and campaigns with the guys. As soon as the cops found him, he would be as dead as Chrissy.
So, he followed the kids out of fear. He felt like he was living in some sort of fucked up lucid dream. His long-reigning crush was there shirtless in his battle vest, Nancy Wheeler was there with fucking guns (plural), Robin the band geek was handling explosives, and the redhead that lived across the street from him was hanging on the edge of life fully dependent on a Walkman blasting shitty pop music. What the fuck, how was any of this real? He didn’t fully believe it until he felt the pain accompanying the bat bites and heard Dustin’s cries begging him to stay awake. It was only then that he realized the universe had royally fucked him over once again.
He knew with his luck, or lack of it, that he wouldn’t be waking up from this nightmare. His eyes slid shut for the last time and all Eddie could think was at least things would be better now than they ever were before.
When his eyes finally did open to a hospital room filled to the brim with his uncle and new friends, a tear dropped from his eye and his chest lightened. From then on, he knew everything would be so much better.
It seemed the universe had decided to call a truce and abandon the tragedy that had plagued young Eddie Munson. From then on, he wouldn’t have fate darkening his days. With the Party at his side, Steve Harrington’s hand in his, and his uncle’s Garfield mug on the hospital side table, Eddie Munson’s life began anew.
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jeffsfavoriteknife · 1 year
Jeff x Jealous! Male reader
Includes: Jealousy(obviously), gay shit, public sex, use of the word malewife
You glared at him from the corner of your eye as he sat with what he called his friend, jealousy eating you alive. Everytime you saw them together it ate at you, you knew he had told you that they were just good friends but you felt he was lying to you, Jeff was known for lying and it just seemed so cut and dry that he was into the guy. You stood up from the coffee table you sat at suddenly, slightly startling the guy next to Jeff as you walked off, not wanting to see him for a while, he was fucking with you, taunting you, and yet you did nothing except walk away.
You felt a hand on your shoulder tightly grip you and turn you around to none other than Jeff. “Mind tellin me what the fuck your problem is?” You glared at him before pulling away ‘you know what my fuckin problem is’ he angrily huffs, clearly fed up with your shit as he shoves you against the wall “i already told you im not fuckin with that guy, even if i was whats it any of your damn business?” This caused you to hesitate on answering, leading him to catch on “no fucking shit..” he griped your jaw and forced you to look up at him, his cold yet dangerous eyes staring back
“you could have just said somethin, i will admit your pretty fucking cute and look quite breedable” you clutched the bottom of your shirt tight ‘the fuck is that supposed to mean??? I cant be bred you fuckin idiot’ he gets closer to you, clearly towering over you as he smirks “nah i definitely could, youd make a cute malewife, i know damn well you got skirts and knee high socks in your place, ive seen you wear them once or twice” face bright red with embarrassment you rolled your eyes ‘of fucking course youd be the one to watch people through their houses’ he pulled you to him, letting out a dark chuckle “i can tell that your not pissed about it tho” he eyed your pants as you yanked your shirt down more to cover yourself “let me help” he didnt give you time to respond before yanking your pants down along with your boxers ‘JEFF! we are in public! Someone is gonna say something, are you insane???’ “Absolutely” he didnt hesitate to turn you around and position you so you were basically offering yourself to him ‘wait wait wait! I havent,,done this before’ his eyes glinted at this as he gripped onto your thighs, yanking his own pants down “you have no idea how fucking cute that is to me, ill be the first AND last one to ruin you” he pressed himself into you, your tightness causing him a bit of trouble but nothing a good old slam wont fix.
This made you cry out in both pain in pleasure, one one side the burn was excruciating, on the other hand he was rubbing right against your prostate causing your cock to throb. He picked you up by your thighs and pounded into you mercilessly, wanting to hear every ounce of noise your mouth could make for him, he wanted to RUIN you. You cried out, mumbling his name along with incoherent sentences but he loved every moment of it, you crying out his name making him go even harder. Your back rubbing against the wall was no doubt going to leave marks but you were hooked on his cock and couldnt bother to ask him to stop, you were basically drooling while the man you swooned over for so long wrecked you. You tightened your grip on him as you came, the entire time you did he was watching your cock twitch with every spurt, yeah, he wasnt gonna let you go. He dug his nails into your thighs, leaving marks in its wake as he bit into your shoulder, drawing blood and pumping you full of him, overfilling you to where some was spilling out, you rolled your eyes in the back of your head in pure bliss
(Yeah its short but its 3 am and since im a slut for jeff im allowed to write short lil stories that is just sex w hardly any plot teehee)
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theodorecanaryhood · 9 months
The ticking time bomb
Jason Todd x male! Reader
Warnings: violence, homophobia, sex and swearing
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Everyone has a story and not every story is the same, in fact some or most stories can be similar, but details are varied for every person.
In all honesty, anyone who says they grew up with the ‘perfect life’ is full of shit, at least that was Jason’s POV to that.
He grew up in a toxic home with his dad Willis Todd, his gun and drug dealer grandmother, Faye, Jason had no idea who his birth mother was until he was 14, to which by this point he was living on the streets.
Scared, helpless, alone and desperate to stay alive in Crime Alley, Jason attempted to steal the wheels off the Batmobile. Batman caught him though, but instead of grilling the young teen, Batman convinced Jason to go into care - also, highly convenient, Bruce Wayne just shows up and adopts Jason out of the blue.
Not too much time later, Jason is the second Robin. Angry at the world for his upbringing and problems, he becomes a little too much for himself. Getting captured and tortured, eventually murdered by the Joker.
Tragic, really tragic.
Jason came back a different person after his resurrection, even meaner and angrier than before. Which just played into Jason’s psychopathic tendencies, along with his constant role as the victim.
That was before, Jason likes to think of himself a changed man. But how much can one person really change? That’s the real question.
‘Fuck’ Jason moaned out as he held his hard meat in his hand, wrapping his fingers around the base.
Jason had been tense and stressed AF lately and needed some release, typically as a single man, he only knew one way to do it.
Jason stared at his phone as he watched the video of the woman get bent over, the man in the video slid himself in with ease as she called out in pleasure.
Jason had a hard time focusing his full attention on the woman, he kept saying to himself in his head that the video was boring, she’s too loud etc…then he just lost interest and felt himself not hard anymore.
Scrolling through the hub Jason wanted something a little more interesting, typing into the search bar for ‘blowjob’ videos.
Hitting a video out of nowhere Jason found himself instantly hard again, jerking himself till he was empty of his seed and stress.
See, most people know early on who they are and who they’re attracted to. But, Jason was taken too young to ever have time to figure out. Also, due to his ‘manly’ father, Jason always told himself he had to be ‘normal’.
Scenes from Jason’s childhood popped into his head, his dad Willis had a guy on the floor beaten and bloodied, hitting him over and over.
‘Fucking fag, don’t show your face here again’ Willis boomed, hate crime was not uncommon.
Willis Todd was known to beat up any man or woman, did not hold back even more if they were gay, or not white.
Jason hated Willis for what he did and what he exposed Jason too. Hated it so much he felt sick, no literally Jason was going to vomit.
Shoving his head down the toilet he vomited hard as he felt the agony come to bay, Jason had watched in memory as he beat himself off to two men having sex. Enjoying it so much, Jason came. Really hard, and liked it.
It had happened before in a time similar to this, as Jason recalled he couldn’t focus on the woman in the porn video, so focused his attention to the guy. His sweaty abs, his biceps and the moans. He loved it, and Jason hated that he loved it.
Jason cried to himself as he came to realisation that he is, in fact, exactly what his father Willis hates. He’s gay.
Willis Todd was long in prison by this point and Jason is a grown man with his own life, but he couldn’t help himself but revert his mental state back to the 8 year old, that saw his Father in action.
‘Fucking queer’ Willis screamed as he bashed the man around the head, the baseball bat hitting the spots that could do some serious damage, if not kill.
‘Fuck’ Jason muttered to himself, looking back at his phone to see the video still up, and watching it again.
Jason liked it, he really liked it and didn’t want to accept that he did.
Some time went by, Jason had been dealing with his own problems, but he couldn’t deny that he was feeling isolated. His pain and deep homophobia was battling together.
‘Hey, what can I get you?’ You asked from behind the bar, Jason sitting down in front of you.
‘Can I just get a Corona please?’ Jason asked, a little shy as he stared at you. You smiled and nodded.
Jason hadn’t played scenes in his head so much in a long time, though he did like that it distracted him from the trauma of his death.
‘You look lost, something bothering you?’ You asked as Jason sipped his beer.
‘You ever just start to rethink your life? Like, the lessons your parents taught you were wrong but, you almost always fail to think different’ he asked, you nodded a little with a slight shrug.
‘I guess, but then my parents always told me to be myself and love everyone the same’
Jason smiled, for what felt like the first time in centuries. He actually showed teeth too, feeling himself blush Jason quickly straightened his face.
Jason kept coming to the same bar and always being served by the same bartender, though it was clear he didn’t come for the service or the drinks, he came because he slowly accepted, Jason began to get acceptance from himself.
After months, Jason was finally able to find courage to ask for your number, to talk to you when you weren’t serving him.
Hanging out a few times, Jason felt an attraction but never said anything. He hadn’t had a real friend since he was a kid and didn’t want to ruin it.
‘So, you been watching it? Season 5 is way better, it gets really dark’ you bubbled in excitement, Jason was binge watching a series on Netflix you’d suggested.
Jason just enjoyed the company, he also really enjoyed that he was watching new things.
Jason also found himself jacking off a lot more to gay porn, but this time he was picturing himself with you. Moaning out your name. Coming hard as he smiled.
Was it your h/c hair that pulled him in? Was it your voice? Your face? Or was it simply that Jason hadn’t touched a man his whole life? Probably all of it, but you’d never let on who you were into. Men or women? Both? Neither?
‘We really should hang out more, maybe go catch a movie or something’ you said as you walked to Jason’s door, leaving another hang out session.
Jason nodded as he smirked a little, getting the door for you.
‘I’d really like that y/n’ Jason replied as you leant in and gave Jason a hug goodbye.
It was the first time you’d hugged him and Jason shot right up, if you catch the drift, realising he 100% was into you.
‘Take care buddy’ you waved as you left, Jason awkwardly covered his crotch area with his hand as he shut the door.
‘Crap’ he mumbled to himself, feeling the need for yet another release as he stood hard in his pants.
As time went on Jason felt he needed to just be truthful, tell you the truth.
‘It’s been bothering me for so long, I haven’t said anything cause I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, but’ Jason began, you sitting opposite him at the table in Jason’s dining room.
‘What is it?’ You ask, concerned as Jason stopped himself, looking to the ground. Fidgeting with his sweater sleeve.
‘I like you a lot y/n’ Jason admitted, you smiled as you looked in Jason’s eyes.
‘I like you too’
Jason looked back as deep into your eyes as you did his, not hesitating anymore.
‘No, y/n I really like you, I mean I like you more than a friend’ Jason shyly told you the truth, you sighed and looked down to the floor.
Jason instantly regretted his decision and was aware he wouldn’t be able to take it back. You looked back up, placing your hand on Jason’s.
‘Took you long enough to admit it’ you chuckled, Jason looked confused.
‘What?’ He asked in shock.
‘I mean, you check me out a lot, you always try to cover your crotch when I come near you’ you smiled, Jason smiled softly.
Jason thought it sweet how you noticed it all but never said anything, as not to embarrass him. Jason also felt an overwhelming urge to touch you.
Jason leant in while placing his hand on your face, kissing your lips softly. You smiled into the kiss and pulled him in deeper.
Jason had mental flashes of his father, Willis, and froze for a second before abruptly pulling away. Making you pull away too in apology.
‘I’m sorry, I’m really sorry’ you urged as you held a hand out, Jason shook his head.
‘It’s fine y/n, it’s not you, I’m just not ready for…’ Jason tried to explain.
You understood of course, everyone has their demons. And Jason definitely had a fair share of them.
However, he still felt shameful about himself and couldn’t admit the truth. Not himself. Not completely.
Jason watched the same videos again of two men going at each other, bareback. Jason felt so much pleasure being released as he spilled on himself.
‘Y/n’ Jason whispered to himself, feeling the warmth as he pictured your face. Then felt the nausea return once again.
Jason couldn’t do it anymore, he couldn’t keep denying himself. Especially, as you began to notice that Jason was avoiding you.
Jason texted you to come over as he poured some shots down, bucking up his courage.
‘Hey’ you smiled as Jason let you in, him smiling at you and giving you a side hug.
‘Thanks for coming y/n’ Jason said as he handed you a beer from the fridge.
You both sat on the couch in the living room as Jason tried to voice a way to express how he feels, why he has been trying to make himself distant from you.
‘I was starting to think you weren’t interested anymore’ you broke the silence.
‘No, I do really like you still, it’s just, I’m not ready’ Jason took your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours.
‘Not ready for what? A relationship?’
Jason heard his dad again calling out homophobic slurs, his mind drifted to a different night he could remember. Willis had beat up a 16 year old boy, and his boyfriend. Jason stood and watched. Not knowing what to do.
‘Jason? What’s going on?’ You asked, bringing Jason back.
‘I grew up in a really bad environment, my dad beat up a few guys because they were gay. He did other stuff too. I could never accept myself since then’ Jason admitted, you took a slight grip on his hand.
You smiled with empathy as Jason she’d a tear from his eye, he was scared of what would happen to him.
‘It was a long time ago Jason, you’re a better person. Nothing bad will happen if you say it’ you wiped the tear away with your thumb as Jason took a breath.
‘I’m gay, y/n, I like you and I want to take you out, as a date’ Jason sighed as you smiled a little.
You leant in and kissed Jason as he pulled you in tighter. For the first time, Jason was enjoying this kiss as he just thought about you, being there with him.
Jason was so hard and could feel you were too through your pants, he rolled over and sat on the couch with you sitting on his lap.
‘Oh, Jason’ you gasped as Jason began to lift your shirt over your head. Him lifting his off too.
‘Fuck, I want you so bad’ Jason growled as he sunk his teeth into your neck and collarbone.
You threw your head back as you slid off Jason and removed the rest of your clothes, Jason doing the same.
Jason sat back down while you sat on Jason lap, gasping when you saw Jason dick that was at least 11 inches.
The two of you made out more as Jason gripped your ass cheeks, biting you all over. Sure enough to leave a mark.
‘You sure?’ You asked sweetly as Jason nodded, pulling you in for another kiss.
You slid down again as this time to you went on your knees and began to kiss, lick and suck Jason’s length. Which stood right up, exposed for you.
Jason had been in these situations before, he’d had sex before…many times. But, he never did it with men. He could never get that far. Denying himself so hard.
Saying that, Jason had never experienced a blowjob like this before. He had read about the differences between getting blowjobs from men compared to women.
Apparently, it’s better from men due to men knowing what they like to get from oral. Jason didn’t know if it was true, but he guessed it must be as this was the best he’d ever experienced.
‘I’m gonna come if you keep doing that’ Jason chuckled as you looked up at him.
‘Is that so bad?’ You laughed, as you crawled back up Jason’s seated form.
You slid down Jason’s big, hard shaft and gasped at the sudden pressure. Breathing deeply as Jason filled you up.
‘You’re so fucking hot’ Jason breathed out as he began with a rhythm that worked for you both, you gripping the back of the couch.
‘Oh God, Jason’ you called out as you arched your back, while meeting Jason’s rhythm.
It was minutes of bliss as Jason sped up and slammed into you, you moaning in the pleasure.
Jason placed both his hands on your waist as you rode on his dick, you jerking yourself while Jason grunted beneath you. His hard dick filling every part of you.
‘Fuck, Jason’ you almost screamed as you shot your seed out all over Jason’s stomach.
‘Shit’ Jason smiled, still holding your waist as you breathed out in bliss.
Jason lifted his hips up in an unbelievable way that your pleasure hadn’t come to a close, Jason grunted and threw his head back as he felt the start of the big finish.
‘Y/n, I’m coming, I’m coming’ Jason called as he began to hit into you slowly as he emptied himself.
You both panted put in satisfaction as you moved over and sat next to Jason. Your naked bodies, sweat sticking to the couch and each other, you both smiled as you sat in silence.
Jason took your hand in his again as he turned his head to kiss you, which you accepted with no hesitation.
You rested your head on Jason’s shoulder as he began to internally scream in happiness, Jason could finally accept himself. And, he had you.
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grave-z-boy · 9 months
Right so I love your writing and just need more mx m cause fuck I'm tired of imaging dead me .
I'm a Trans man..I think ( female to male ??) So I was hoping for a fic somewhat like that . Arthur and reader meet when they're female but 2 years later or so they meet again and arthur doesnt recognize y/n (because they transitioned) I just want some fluff and acceptance of that . I know back then homosexuality was a big no no and being trans is unheard of so it'll be fun to see where you take it.
Arthur Morgan x Trans!Male!Reader
Summary: You’ve felt stuck and unhappy for years, so, in pursuit of your own happiness you leave everyone and everything you’ve even known behind. Including your currently out of state lover, Arthur Morgan.
Word count: 6,011
Warnings: reader is a bartender, reader steals, readers sister and mother are mentioned, implied past sex between Arthur and reader, drinking and alcoholism mentioned (not reader or Arthur), y/n and his guns, guns mentioned, shooting mentioned, abandonment, hurt comfort, reader being One Of The Guys™️, sleep deprived Arthur, Tilly being helpful, reader get misgendered and deadnamed a lot but it’s before they knew he was trans, reader cries really fucking hard at one point Arthur being sleep deprived, sleep deprive Arthur being really gay for Reader, not mentioned in the story but the reason Arthur is so tired is because about half way though his second trip to town his horse bucked him off for pushing her too hard and he had to walk the rest of the way, worlds longest warning list damn
Sept. 15, 18XX
My Dear Arthur Morgan
It’s been thirteen months since I saw you last. The time has passed slowly for me- sometimes it felt as though I was standing still for days at a time. Like everyone and everything around me was moving forward- but for me, and only me, time stood still. In the months since you’ve left it seems my joy, as well as a my love for my home town, has dwindled to nothing. Staying here, the way I am, it pains my heart. I know I said I would be here, that I would wait for you to return. But I need to change and the change that I need cannot be achieved here. The people here know me, they’ve known me my whole life, and no matter what I do I will always be that same little girl to them.
I’m heading up to a little town in Nevada, maybe I can start over there.
Always yours, D/n.
Arthur received your final letter months ago. In the time since he’s read it hundreds of times, mulling over every little detail. The crumbles in the paper, the unevenness of your writing, the all too familiar tear stains that permanently warped small circles on the page, the way your name ripped through the paper, as though you’d traced it dozens of times before sending it off.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand what happened, why after all this time of waiting, all this time of writing him dozens of love letters, why you decided to say goodbye, he understood change. Arthur has seen people change, he’s changed, and if it was change you needed he’d do it again. But you left. If he really wanted to, he could find you, ride day and night, ask everyone he saw if they’d seen the beautiful woman that he loved more than anything. But…
You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be hunted down, you didn’t need to be convinced. You needed change, not a reason to stay the same. So he let you go and even when the following days were filled with the nothing but pain and confusion and the complete desolation your decision brought, he still let you go.
The gang knew he was hurting, he was withdrawn, went off on his own for a couple of days. They figured he went to find you, but when he returned, without you and in a severely worse state, they knew not to press him on it.
You weren’t much better.
This was your decision and you were going to live with it. You yearned for Arthur, every day and every night, it was different from waiting for him in your hometown, he was the one who’d left then, but you knew he’d come back to you one day. Now you were the one leaving, and you could never go back to him.
You needed to move on, you sold every piece of clothing you had to a local tailor, it was almost funny to see some of your nicer dresses displayed in the window the next morning, early on, your new wardrobe came from various drunk men. You’d be surprised just how much you could find in an alley next to a bar. After you had an outfit, a proper male outfit, you were able to assimilate.
You lived above a tavern. The owner was far too old and far too tired to run it anymore, and he wanted to live in his own house for the first time in decades, so he offered you the place for a little over a hundred bucks. You worked at the bar at night, while you handled various chores and other responsibilities during the day. The pay wasn’t great, but you had a permanent place to stay and spare food from the bar to eat, and it was more than enough.
You’d taken up a new name, y/n, you thought about it for a long time before you left. A good name, the name of a proud man with no connection to who you were before. No one ever questioned you. You were just a man to them. They teased you, in the earlier days, called you feminine, pointed out your hand, your cheeks, and your hips among other things, but in the end it was just teasing, they didn’t know why you were like that, and they didn’t question when you put in an effort to change or hide your more feminine aspects. Maybe they were just too drunk to care.
You loved this life, you were just the friendly bartender.
But even with this new life, you found yourself missing aspects of you’re old one.
Your old friends, your old family, your old lover. They wouldn’t take you back, not like this, they’d think something was wrong, they’d try to change you, try force you back into the box you clawed yourself out of.
But still you dreamed of them, your sisters cooking, the way she was effortlessly graceful even when she was teasing you, your friends, the girls you’ve know since you were in diapers, singing, making flower crowns, getting into trouble. Arthur…
You dreamed of Arthur the most. Your days and nights were filled with thoughts of him. You think back to your last night together, the way he held you so tightly, you swore you could still feel his hands there. The praises he muttered, the love he confessed through out the night, every move he made, the way he left and the hole that was left in your chest after.
You dreamed of him, like one day you’d wake up and he’d be beside you. And he tell you that he loved you, not d/n, not the girl from before, but you, y/n, as your truest self.
But just like yesterday, and the days before that, he wasn’t there when you opened your eyes.
The sun was just coming up. But the sliver of light that did shine through the window seemed to magically be angled at your eyes. Making the rest you so desperately wanted impossible.
You pushed yourself up with a groan, your elbow popping the moment you were upright, your eyes were just barely open, you scratched your chest and let out a long yawn.
Your room was still dark for the most part, but you were still able to pull on some pants and fasten a belt so you could head downstairs. The tavern was empty, you cleaned up good last night and you wouldn’t have to worry about really opening until later. Still, you unlocked the front door and flipped the wooden sign in the window to say open, the people here knew you weren’t really open to serve, you were just open to the chatty people that passed through in the morning, locals coming to say hi, or travelers in need of direction, others came to sit with their friends and get out of the violent Nevada sun. Either way, you’d be polite enough to them, but they weren’t welcome for a drink for another couple of hours.
Stepping into the backyard you picked the laundry off the line and into a basket. You heard the bell up on top of the front door ring a couple of times. As you got closer to the back door you could hear the faint chatter of two people inside, Doctor Mayer, one of three doctors in town, and Anita, a house wife. She was in here more often than her husband was, but you always figured that she just needed something to do while he worked considering you’ve only ever seen her drink a handful of times in the past year.
When you came through the back door she let out an excited yelp,
“Y/n!” She shouted, like she hadn’t seen you the night before.
“Mrs. Matthews.” You said with a respectful nod. “How’s you’re husband?”
She groaned, “paranoid.”
Setting the basket down on the bar, in between the upturned stools, you turned back to her.
“He used to be a farmer, farmers are always paranoid.”
“He was not a damn farmer, don’t let that man fool you, he was a farm hand, it’s different,”
Dr. Mayer piped in, his voice low and tired, though that just how he always sounded, “the bastard smells like one…”
“It’s getting warmer out there.” You responded, leaning against the bar.
“Doesn’t mean he has to walk around smelling like a damn animal!”
You laughed, turning back to Anita, “what does your husband do anyway?”
“He’s a banker, which is why he’s so damn paranoid in the first place.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well..” she stated, adjusting herself in her chair, “one of his colleague’s brother-in-law told his colleague that he saw a gang ‘a outlaws heading up this way, but here’s the kicker, Johnny, the colleague, is a notorious liar. Lies left and right like his life depends on it.”
“Johnny Flores?” You asked.
She smacked the table, “That’s the bastard!”
“Yeah, he comes in here every Wednesday like clockwork, telling the boys his stories. It’s a surprise the whole town hasn’t heard about this..”
“Well, it isn’t Wednesday yet, is it? It’ll make it’s way into you’re bar, don’t worry”
You laughed again, grabbing the basket off the table you said, “Alright, I’ll be back in a minute, got a few more thing to settle.”
You weren’t too worried about the rumors, there wasn’t much in the town anyways, no sheriff either so if they did come and make noise, it’d be a free for all and they’d leave with less than they came with. Everybody had a gun, hell- you had two, a shotgun the last owner had given you, and a pistol Arthur had given you a few weeks before he left, one was under the bar on a shelf, the other was under your bed, you’ve never really had a need for either, but if Johnny was being truthful for once in his life, which you doubted, you figured it was good to have them.
That night, when the bar did open, a few unfamiliar faces strode in, though none were to shady. A couple of working girls took to them quick and they were gone after being chatted up by for a bit. Outside of that, it was a normal night.
You closed late, shooing out the last drunk nearly two hours later than usual. Wiping down the tables, flipping the chairs and stools on them, washing the glasses, sweeping, mopping and making sure the front and back door was locked before heading upstairs. You scrubbed yourself down at your washstand. Of all things you missed from your old home, your bathtub was one of the bigger ones. Your mother had invested in it early on, and now you were saving to have one installed here too. What you wouldn’t do for a hot bath after a long day. You were almost there, another fifty dollars and you’d have all the money you needed. That’s were a good portion of your money went, you didn’t mind, after all you’ve sacrificed you deserve something nice.
A couple of weeks later, Wednesday afternoon, Johnny Flores and a couple of his friend decided to take over the seats directly in front of the bar. Again, he told stories of bandits headed your way, but he was “serious” this time.
“I swear, I know what I saw, Dutch’s boys, just like the damn posters! I saw them coming from the east, clear as day.”
Before one of his friend could respond you asked, “and what the hell were you doing in the east, huh?”
“Well-“ he straightened himself out, “I was out with my lady friend-“
“The prostitute-“ his friend, Oscar, interrupted.
“-Not a prostitute, she's a-”
“-escort-” both Johnny and his three friends said together, they've heard that one before.
“Isnt that the same thing?” you asked.
“He doesn't think so!” Oscar said.
“They almost knocked our carriage over!” Johnny shouted, getting the conversation on track.
“Sure they did..” you said, drying the glass in your hand before setting it back down. “Bet they stuck you up too, only let you live cuz you're so pretty.”
“Go to hell, y/n.”
“I'll go where ever your lying, drunk ass ain't.”
“Im not lying, and I’m not drunk either, so get me another whiskey, asshole!”
“Hey now,” Daniel, who was also a regular, piped up, “careful how you talk to him, he might shoot ya’”
You set the glass down in front of him, he snatched it quickly, gulping it down.
“Or I might just piss in your whiskey.”
He choked hard, luckily the drink went down his throat instead of all over your counter, then you would have shot him. His face morphed to one of irritation, but his friend's laughter was infectious and he found himself laughing along with them.
The night ended with you carrying a passed out Johnny to the alley, you cleaned up, scrubbed yourself down, and went to bed just as you always did.
The next morning a delivery was made to the bar, food and alcohol, you kept your meats and some of your more expensive liquor in the ice box and things like bread and supplies were kept on the shelf. Food wasn't ordered commonly in the tavern, but there were those who ate here nearly every night because they had no skill for cooking and no one else to do it for them. You enjoyed those people, and you think they enjoyed you too, especially since the last owner would drive them out if they tried to come in for more than three days in a row. He thought that they were stealing food from other customers, but you didn't, You knew they were just hungry and needed to eat, and they couldn't be stealing because they always paid.
After that, your day was pretty normal- other than what you consider to be one the best things to happen to you in a long time- your bathtub, your beautiful porcelain bathtub with golden feet and faucet, was done. Fully installed and in perfect working order. You weren't going to pretend to understand how the man you paid did it, but he did. And finally, after what felt like years, you were able to take a hot bath.
It was weird, staring down at your distorted body as you soaked. Usually, when you scrubbed yourself down at the washstand all you could think of was how desperately you wanted this to be over. Your mind was clear, but that clarity only lasted so long though, as it did most nights, your mind wander to Arthur.
Saying you missed him was redundant, it was meaningless, it was stupid. You know, but you did. Letting out a long sigh, the last time you saw Arthur was like a dream, you spent an entire day together, you woke up together, ate together, bathed together, dressed together- everything you did, every little move you made reminded you of that day. And with Johnny spreading rumors about the Dutch’s gang, you heard his name more and more. You let yourself sink into the water, your eyes clenched shut as warm water covered your face. You stayed there longer that you should have, when you finally sat up, you were nearly gasping for air.
You got out few minutes later, you were tired, dressing yourself halfway before collapsing into bed.
You didn’t dream that night, your mind either too tired or too pained to show you your usual fantasies.
Arthur swore he wouldn’t look for you, he swore it to you and to himself that he’d let you be free. But it seemed unavoidable now. Dutch had settled the gang in a large clearing in Nevada, the gang was mostly hidden by a small chain of mountains, and there was a streak of towns and settlements all within a couple dozen miles from each other.
There weren’t many cities in Nevada, it was dry and damn near impossible to farm out here if you didn’t know what you were doing, and if that wasn’t enough, the heat would be.
You were out there somewhere.
Dealing with the heat, with the drought, and with the shitty crops. And you still didn’t go back home. He’s been to your home. He's gone back dozens of times, you were never there, whatever you wanted to do, whatever changes you made, you succeded. He was happy for you, you were happy, God he hoped you were happy- he doesn't know what he'd do if he found out you weren't. If you were somewhere miserable and sulking, all this time, when you could have been with him.
He pushed those thoughts back- you were happy, you had to be.
When Arthur mentioned he was riding into the nearest town, he got a few odd looks. It wasn't a secret that you'd run off to Nevada, not even close. Most didn't say much, maybe a quick good luck, or a request for something from town. Some didn't say anything, but Dutch did. Dutch warned him, warned him about you and how some changes weren't good, and if Arthur did see you that he needed to be careful.
Arthur wasn't one to ignore advice, and he didn't ignore it, he thought about it as he road through the desert lands of Nevada, but whatever changes you made, he could handle it. He wasn't a child, he didn't need have his hand held. There wasn't even a guarantee that you'd been in this town, or the next one. So for all he knew he'd never have to face you're changes.
The town was bustling with life. The people went about their business. The town was…normal. Small, busy, and normal. He road in unbothered, no one here seemed to care enough to even look when the man when he trotted by.
Hitching his horse to a sturdy pole he set off to one of the small shops nearby, after picking up some extra oat cakes and apples for the horse, he tried to find the sheriff’s office, only to find that this town didn't have one after asking a mildly disheveled yet nicely dressed man for directions, no government either. The town was its own unit outside of the occasional trading.
“Danny Hikman used to be the law here, well, not really, but he kept people on the right track. Encouraged them to do right- and get guns, he used to run a bar a little down the way, gave it to his nephew or something-” the man said, laughing slightly.
“‘ bar any good?” he asked, only half listening to the man.
“The best, fresh food, cold whiskey- bartenders a good guy too, won't hesitate to throw your ass out though.”
“I’ll bet- which way’s that bar, again?”
You started serving earlier than usual today, mostly so you could close earlier without complaint. The familiar chime of the bell above the door called your attention for a less than a second, you recognized Johnny, then looked back down at the glasses you were cleaning.
“Changing your schedule on me, Johnny? I thought you were a Wednesday man?”
He let out a short laugh, sitting in the spot directly in front of you, “just showing a friend around.”
“You’re friends are all alcoholics, I doubt they need help finding a bar.”
“Hey now, I’ve got a new friend. Mr. Uhh-“
You felt like you’d just jumped out of your skin, the glass in your hand clattered against the floor, ever so sturdy. Landing thankful one piece. Staring at the man in front of you, standing just behind Johnny, Arthur Morgan, right there, looking just the way he did when he left, just the way you remember him.
He glanced at Johnny, then back at you- it felt like he looked right through you. Looking at you with none of the love or adoration from before. Because he loved d/n, not y/n. Y/n was just a bartender to him, an awful one who apparently couldn’t even hold a damn glass.
Your heart felt like it was collapsing in on itself, your chest was tight and you could feel your throat start to close as tears weld in your eyes. Quickly, you broke eye contact with Arthur, ducking down under the bar to grab the glass, using the sleeves of your shirt to wipe the forming tears in your eyes before standing up.
“Sorry boys,” you muttered, “you’re, uh, friend startled me is all.”
Taking off his hat and setting down on the counter, Arthur took a seat on one of the stools.
“Sorry, your friend here talked you up quite a bit, had to see for myself if what he said was true.”
You let out a laugh, forced and almost nervous, setting the glass down with the rest of the dirty glasses, you said, “Trust me, it’s true, what you looking for Mr. Arthur?”
“Just Arthur, and whiskey, thanks.”
You nodded to the man before heading to the storage room, you’d hate to admit it, but you wanted to run, straight passed the storage room and out the back door. But that would make Arthur think something was wrong, and yes, something was wrong, but he didn’t need to know that. He didn’t recognize you, and that was okay, it was supposed to be okay, you left so you wouldn’t be recognized, you left to start over. But he’s out there, and you were hiding in the storage room so you wouldn’t have to face him. You gave yourself a moment, for your throat to release and for your heart to stop pounding and aching. Only the pounding stopped. You needed to work, you couldn’t let them know anything was wrong.
Grabbing a bit of higher quality whiskey out of the icebox, feeling the frosty glass sting your hand as you carried it out of the storage room. Without looking up at the man you grabbed one of the clean glasses and poured him about half a glass. You remember Arthur complaining about it once, only getting serviced the tiniest amount of alcohol, no matter the price. Capping the bottle you gave a short wordless nod before setting it under the counter. Arthur grabbed the glass, before he could speak you were on the other side of the bar, serving somebody else.
Johnny didn’t stay long, he had other things to do on a Thursday afternoon, but Arthur stayed, you poured him a couple more glasses before cutting him off, at least from your expensive whiskey.
“How much do I owe you?” He ask, his speech a bit slurred as he sat unsteadily in his seat.
“Nothing, I’ll put it on Johnny’s tab, come Wednesday he won’t notice it.”
“Thank you kindly-“
“Thank you, y/n.”
“You have a good night Mr. Morgan.”
You crawled into bed that night, still in your day clothes, feeling like your heart had been torn out of your chest. And you cried, you cried until the sun came up, until your body couldn't cry anymore and every sound you made was a rough heaving sob. And when you had no more energy left to sob, you stared at your open window, watching the sunrise, listening to the people.
You were supposed to open today, unlocking the door and flipping the sign, staring out the window, at the people, at Mrs. Matthews waiting across the street for you to open your doors.
You flipped the sign back, you stated at the word “OPEN” facing you, then at Mrs. Matthews's face fell as the word “CLOSED” faced her.
Sitting on his cot, journal on his lap, Arthur stared at the picture he drew. It wasn't perfect, considering he was half drunk when he drew it, but it was something. The bartender from last night. He was…something. A nervous something. Arthur felt bad for him when he dropped the glass, then he just…stared at him, long enough for Arthur to get a spark of familiarity when he saw his face. Arthur tried to get his attention as the night went on, ordering drinks, asking questions, trying to get the man to stay close, be he'd walk away the moment he'd answered or served him.
He wasn't like that with other patrons, he laughed, he joked- then he kicked everyone out.
He heard him say he was closing early, but let him stay until he finished his last drink. Arthur thought about the name he'd given. Y/n.
“I see you're drawing d/n again, did you catch her in town?”
Looking up he saw Tilly standing next to him with a kind smile on her face.
“No, it's not d/n, some bartender in town, he looks so familiar.”
Tilly hummed, sitting on the cot with Arthur and taking the book out of his lap. She flipped through the pages quickly before finding a drawing of d/n, with your final letter stuck right next to it.
“Needs a change, huh? Maybe she skipped town and became a bartender, you never know.”
“A bartender and a man?”
“You never know Arthur. Maybe that's why she left, couldn't make a change like that where people know you. They would've hunted her down.”
“Maybe you should talk to the bartender, if it's not her then it's not her, but if it is, are you really going to miss seeing her again because you won't take a chance?”
Handing the journal back to him she said, “Just think about it, at least.” Then she walked away.
You heard the slam of the front door behind you as you sat the freshly cleaned glasses on the rack. If you were going to sulk and lock yourself in the bar then you were going to clean while you did it.
“We’re closed..” you said, your tone not exactly customer friendly.
You had a list of things you needed to do, you've already mopped the floor, scrubbed the tables and walls, washed every glass, plate, and utensil, did your laundry, scrubbed your tub, cleaned your room-
You paused, then glanced over your shoulder. You knew it was him, you already knew, you knew his voice too well to ever mistake it. Taking a breath, you hands shaking and heart pounding, you turned around.
“Arthur, I-” you breathed out, but you didn't know what to say. “How did you-”
“Lucky guess..”
Taking slow steps towards the bar, you heard him sigh.
“Are you…okay?” he asked, unsure.
You nodded, “Yeah, yeah I'm okay.”
“We should talk-”
“Yes, we should-”
You stepped from behind the counter, still unsure as to what could happen next. Then, without warning, you were pulled into a tight hug, Arthurs's body practically enveloping yours. You stood there, holding him as tightly as you could until your arms started to burn from the strain.
You didn't know what to say, or how to explain what happened, the realization you went through while he was gone, why you left.
When you pulled away you still didn’t know what to say, you opened your mouth to talk but no words came out. You kept your face glued to the ground for a long moment.
“You look different, I didn’t recognize you yesterday..”
You pulled out one of the stools.
“I told you I needed change.”
He pulled another out beside you.
“I know, I just don’t know what I was expecting.”
“This must be so confusing.”
“It is, but I’m betting it was more confusing for you that it could be for anybody else.”
Leaning on the counter, you looked up at him.
“I guess so. In my home town I figured that they’d be a little more angry than confused so I left..” you stopped, taking a breath, “I didn’t want to leave you, Arthur.”
Arthur sat there silently, his eyes turned towards the counter.
You couldn’t help but stare, you haven’t seen him in so long, his eyebrows were slightly scrunched downward, his pretty blue eyes focused on nothing as his mind raced. His fingers tapped against the counter every few seconds. You tried not to let that anxious feeling in your chest build, but the longer he was silent, the harder it got to push down.
“You said you aren't happy anymore..”
You blinked.
“I wasn't.”
“How about now? Are you happy now?”
“I'm.. I have more good days than I did before, so…yeah, I'm happy.”
He stayed silent for another moment. You figured he was just trying to find his words.
Then, when he did speak,
“I still love you.”
You sighed, “I still love you, too, Arthur.”
Another long silence passed. It was odd, you've dreamed of seeing him again, all the damn time. And now that he's here you didn't know what to say. Your relationship, how ever strong it was before, was dying. Even though you loved him and he loved you.
Arthur was having similar thoughts, he didn't care how much you changed, he wanted you to be happy. That's all he wanted for you. But he wants to be with you, he doesn't care that your a man, it doesn't matter to him, he doesn't think it's ever mattered. He's never thought too hard about it. But now, with you sitting there looking the way you did. Looking so different, so muchlike yourself, so much more at peace even though you were being confronted, he thought, ‘yeah, I could be with a man.’
Before he could, you took a chance.
“How long you thinking of staying in town for, Arthur?”
You laughed, he missed your laugh.
“You can't just go around taking people's clothes off!”
“I needed clothes and they were so drunk they wouldn't miss them!” you argued.
“How have you not been caught yet?”
“I bought new clothes!”
“Why couldn't you do that first?”
“I needed to avoid suspicion.”
“Avoid suspicious by stealing clothes..”
You laughed again.
You and Arthur had found your way upstairs, both of you sat on the floor, leaning back against the wall. He asked you how you ended up here, it was funny, explaining to Arthur, a known outlaw, the various ways you broke the law, and having him lecture you.
“I will not take this from an outlaw!”
“You're an outlaw too, now, Clothes Bandit.”
“Oh that's awful, why couldn't I get something good?”
“‘Good’ like what?”
“I don't know, you're better at naming things than I am.”
He looked over at you a small smile on his face.
“Really now, Mr. Y/n, how’d you come up with that anyways?”
“Well I found a baby naming book.”
He sat up, giving you a look.
“Are you serious?”
You looked at him for a second, a stren expression on your face, then slowly a smile broke out on your face.
“You're an ass.”
“You really think I got Y/n for a baby naming book?”
“You could have!”
“But I didn't-”
Eventually, after showing him your room and the various aspects of your new life that you adored (yes, the tub too), you headed back down to the bar, only to see Daniel, one of Johnny’s friends, behind the bar serving himself.
“Daniel, I'm going to kill you, how many drinks have you had?” you said, rushing over to him, snatching both the glass and bottle from his hand.
“One-” you gave him a look, he caved quickly with a sigh, “five.”
“‘M sorry, you are closed, your never closed!”
“I wouldn't be serving drinks this early anyways!”
He laughed, walking around to the other side of the bar, “I'm special though right? Won't get shot or banned or nothing?” he practically pleaded, but formed it like a question.
“No, you're not banned, but you still need to leave.”
He sighed, dragging himself out the door.
Sighing yourself, you turned to Arthur, “See what I have to deal with?”
“‘Seems like a handful.”
“Daniel is harmless, he's just an alcoholic.”
“Never met a harmless alcoholic.”
“He's harmless now, he doesn't want to risk almost getting shot again.”
Arthur laughed, sitting at the bar, just like had yesterday, “Who shot at him?”
You stared at him for a moment.
“I gave him plenty of warning, see that hole in the wall that there—” you pointed to the very back wall of the tavern, between two tables was a loosely patched hole, “- warning shot, missed him by an inch.”
“Who the hell taught you how to shoot?”
“I taught myself, maybe I could teach you sometime.”
“Very funny, y/n, I wouldn't mind seeing you shoot sometime though.”
“There's a range in the next town, I could take you there sometime.”
The two of you talked until the sun had fully set and the town had gone quiet. The bar made you feel more open somehow, it always did. Arthur helped too, you guess. You missed him, you missed being like this, so normal with him. You were surprised his quickly things settled back in place, like neither of you had ever left. It was clear that you were different, but Arthur seemed to accept this change flawlessly. He never messed up, seemingly having ingrained every aspect of your new life into his mind.
Y/n, Mr.Y/n, Sir, he even called you handsome, you swear you nearly fell over when he did.
By midnight, you both were tired, and despite what he planned before, which was bringing you- if it was you, back to camp with him. But that plan never fell through, you ended up pulling him into the bathroom with you. You thought you'd be uncomfortable at first, but you figured if he was going to be back in your life you should get used to him seeing you naked again. But it wasn't, it was calm, comforting. You were thankful for your massive bath, the both of you fit well, you sat behind him, his hat tossed in on top of the heap of clothes you two had left, you ran your fingers through his hair, water from your hands running down his face. He hummed in contempt. He didn't speak much at first, simply enjoying you and your presence. It wasn't until the water had begun to cool and the cold air of the Nevada night started to seep in did he pressed himself closer to you, muttering something quietly.
It wasn't until you got out, long after the water cooled, we're you able to figure out what he was saying. You had some clothes you figured might fit Arthur, something you'd bought impulsively without actually checking to see if you could fit it.
“You have…nice arms-” he muttered.
You were pulling your pants up over your waist when he spoke, you turned to look at him, one hand holding your unbuttoned pants up, you asked, “Arthur, are you drunk?”
“No, no I'm just…real tired.”
“Didn't get much sleep?”
“I didn't sleep, I kept thinking of you.”
“When was the last time you slept?”
He groaned, “Tuesday, I was on watch Wednesday, I was pre occupied by your ass on Thursday, and now here we are.”
“Fucking Christ, go to sleep.”
“I want to look at you, I missed you-”
“I'll be here in the morning Arthur.”
He didn't respond for a long moment, you figured he dozed off finally, until you decided to switch shirts, shoving the one you had on into your drawer and pulling out another.
“You have a nice back too-”
“Good night, Arthur.”
Your night ended with you curling up around Arthur, your arms nearly wrapped completely around him. You didn't dream again tonight, your usual fantasies of seeing Arthur were deemed useless now and we're thrown out with the rest of today's mental trash.
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biboomerangboi · 1 year
​I’m writing a stobin platonic soulmates au so I thought I’d share some headcannons I came up with for things I believe Steve and Robin did pre season four to cement their friendship.
Steve cut Robins hair because she was going through a mental freak out about how she felt like an entirely different person now and she wanted to reflect that before school started, so she tried to do it herself cause shes broke and Steve who cuts his own did it for her.
Decided to watch all the horror movies in family video to see if their was any survival tips they could glean from watching and ended up comforting each other through triggering parts and laughing at other things together because a lot of this looks fake now in comparison.
Took the kids to the arcade and went in cause it was to cold to sit in the car and they hadn’t got their jobs at family video yet. They ended up getting into a really long and really competitive game of air hockey that gathered a crowd because they both were to competitive to give up. Robin used the angles strategy, Steve used jock reflexes. He won the first game, now they go after work some nights and have rematches. They are currently tied.
Speaking of family video, I feel like they did the applications together and Robin corrected Steve a lot on things I forgot to put down, or fixed his wording to sell himself more because he has things like: played basketball, and not “was captain and therefore have leadership skills cmon Steve.” They also broke into Steve’s dads office to write them and used a lot of his fancy paper.
Came up with a joint backstory for Ericas Dnd campaign where they are twins. Robin is really good at the roleplay and Steve gets really good roles. When Robins character died and she gave a speech both Dustin and Steve cried and since then he’s tried to convince her to run off to Hollywood to be an actress so he can be her trophy husband and Robin rolls her eyes at him.
Got one of those two ring joint floaties and sat in Steve’s pool to help him with his fear of his backyard. They started talking about their biggest fears together and it helps.
Robin gets Steve to come to hippy Christmas but he’s to scared to show up empty handed so they both try to make a bunch of Christmas cookies but they keep getting distracted and some of them are burnt. Robin hides it with icing. Her parents love Steve after that.
Steve comes out to Robin when they both go to a party together, get wasted and end up hungover and puking together in the bathroom. He said it was cause it brought back memories.
Robin doesn’t have a lot of money come Christmas so she goes thrifting and upgrades an old bomber to make Steve something like a letterman since she’s noticed he’s uncomfortable wearing his own. He cries because it’s the first time someone has ever made him a present before.
Steve accidentally overhears people talking about queer stuff and spur of the moment drives himself to Indy and finds the bookstore they were talking about and buys Robin any book the cashier recommends. She hides them in Steve’s house and reads them religiously.
They have a plan to go to a gay bar during Spring Break. They would have went before then but Robin didn’t have a fake ID and Steve had to get in contact with his old crowd to get her one.
They legit have a plan to get Married once Robin graduates, but she wants to come out to the kids first so there’s no misunderstandings, they both just want the security and the safety what a lavender marriage could do for them and have very detailed plans on how to arrange elaborate affairs while doing this. In contrast their wedding plan is either a courthouse or if Will gets to them Vegas.
Robin encourages Steve’s inner mean girl. She also is mean and they both have a very cutting commentary on half of the family video clientele. When Erica comes by she joins in. She is also holding them to the free ice cream bet so they both have a swear jar they both contribute to as an Erica ice cream fund. It was Robins idea.
Robin actually can drive and she does drive at night on backroads in Steve’s car when the kids aren’t there. Steve thinks it’s a cool little chilling out ritual, he’s literally horrified to hear she doesn’t have a license and that’s why she doesn’t drive in the day or with the kids.
Steve brings Robin to babysit the kids a lot and she complains for a bit until Mike says she’s like the cool dad and Steve’s the weird overbearing mom. Steve makes a joke about Karen that is so cutting Robin chokes on her drink but she doesn’t complain after that.
Half of the marching band, Kieth and the some of the kids (Dustin, Mike and Will) think they are legit dating, when they are asked they both make gross sounds and pretend to puke but five minutes later they will be sitting on top of each other.
They are banned from being on the same team during charades because the second Steve stood up and made a single gesture Robin got the answer. The kids thought it was a fluke at first then Robin stood up and Steve did the same damn thing. Dustin is convinced the Russians gave them mind powers.
They have a lot of sleepovers. At Steve’s, Robin sneaks in around the back and uses a key she copied and never told Steve about, he genuinely believes she’s breaking in and is impressed by it. Steve climbs in her window and hides under her bed when her parents come in.
So much more but that’s about the gist of it. They just love each other dearly and mean a lot to me!!! They are best friends forever I swear!!
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memory-and-sky · 5 months
hi I loved your dysphoria fic and I wanted to request a ftm coming out to hobie fic? Maybe somewhere pretty like a fair or a spiderman classic tall building?
yes!!! i love writing ftm fics! thank you so so much anonnnn :3 hoping you enjoy!!
word count: 666 (how cool!)
containing: swearing, mention of dysphoria, reader is transmasc, use of ‘girl’ to address reader (once), crying, a little emotional i will admit! also a little corny but as is life
the rest of the fic is under the cut!
coming out (finally).
hobie x ftm!reader
It had been a long day without Hobie.
He’s the only one that you really trusted, really loved, and the only one who really cared for you in return. He… yeah, he loved you.
Those words were heavy on your mind as you paced the streets of Camden, trying to calm yourself down before going back on Hobie’s houseboat where you knew he’d be waiting. You were currently wearing Hobie’s tattered shirt, jacket, and jeans.
He probably wondered why you were always stealing his stuff, too.
Putting it simply, you hated being a girl. You couldn’t dress like one without crying uncontrollably. You hated it more than anything ever.
That’s why you’d been favouring Hobie’s clothes over your own recently.
Also why your back hurt incessantly. All the slouching in an attempt to hide your chest did a number on you.
You weren’t a girl. You knew this. Have for a while, but subsided it because of the world you lived in. And other shit that was happening. It was too much.
You didn’t know how Hobie felt about trans people. He was gay, but that’s… different.
As you came up on the dock Hobie’s houseboat was at, where you had been staying, your heartbeat increased.
Could you even do this?
You had to. You promised yourself. And Hobie… Hobie’s not the type of person to hate someone like that. Not for who they are, and what they cannot change.
You walked over to Hobie’s houseboat, and climbed on. Was he even home yet?
You looked in the bedroom, under the deck, and he was sleeping. Climbing the stairs down, you went to go gently wake him up.
“Whuh…” Hobie rubbed his eyes as you shook him awake. “Oh, mornin’, pre’y girl,”
You shuddered at the use of ‘girl’, not in a good way at all.
“It’s evening. Can I…um… well, I just have somethin’ to talk with you… about.”
“Do I gotta get up?” He mumbled.
“Yes. Please?”
Hobie sat up, slid his slippers onto his feet, and then went upstairs with you, onto the deck.
You looked out at the setting sun, casting orange lighting on you both.
It was beautiful. As stupid as it might sound, it gave you a bit of confidence.
Like you had to do it now. It was so pretty, how could you not?
“Hobie, you… you’d accept me no matter what I told ya, yeah?”
He nodded without hesitation. “Barely anyfing you could tell me t’ make me hate ya, love,”
You avoided his gaze. Jesus, you were terrified.
“So, you know how I’ve cut my hair kinda short, and I’ve been stealing your boyish clothes…” You took a shaky deep breath. “I… I’m not a girl. I’m a boy. I’ve decided I want to go by (y/n) and use he and him or whatever. I wanna be recognized as a guy.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, and clenched your fists in anticipation.
“Oh… oh, han’some…” You opened your eyes to a big grin on Hobie’s gorgeous features, as he brought up a calloused hand to gently cradle your face. “I’ll do anyfing t’ help ya, aight? Anyfing, I promise. I’ll cut yer hair if ya want, I’ll help ya with getting new clothes, I accept ya, ‘kay? Even if you gotta change yer identity a million times ova’, I’ll support ya through all of it.”
You felt like crying out of happiness, and as tears sprang to your eyes, you hugged Hobie tightly, held him like he was going to disappear at any moment.
“T-thank you, Hobie…” You cried into his shirt that he had sewn himself.
You sobbed as Hobie pressed kisses onto the top of your head, rubbing your back gently at the same time.
“Of course, mate. ‘n I’m sorry fo’ callin’ you a girl, hope you can forgive me, swee’ ting.”
“I—I can. Y-you didn’t know, it’s not… on you,” You sniffled.
Whatever happens next, you were glad you did this when you did.
You loved Hobie, and he loved you, so… that’s all that mattered to you. You’d make it through together.
[sorry for the shortness of this, everyone! hope u still liked♥️]
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yonpote · 4 months
ive been so fascinated by how much of a liar phil is lately (i mean this in the most complimentary way like the wall he has up between him and his content compared to dan is so interesting, the way they balance each other out), so it was cool to see a few posts discussing it the other day. im curious, what videos do you think youd consider phil to be the most "mask-off" in? trying to collect them for my #studies lol
hmmm hard to say! ofc the softlaunch era was when both of them started getting a bit more real, but phil still had a lot of barriers up even as they were slowly allowing themselves to signal queerness. a moment i think about a lot recently is in "coming out- one year later." i think this video is way more real than the coming out video itself. of course COTY is 100% equally as important as BIG, but phil intentionally kept it lowkey and more comedic than full seriousness because it was meant to be, for phil, just coming out to more people as he was already out to the people most important to him and comfortable with not talking about it publicly, compared to BIG which had all of dan's comedic tones ofc but was ultimately about him having to finally confront this deepseated trauma he's had his whole life. and so phil's more lowkey video as well as quote tweeting dan's video as his Actual coming out was meant to uplift dan's voice more as (while im not saying phil didnt go thru trauma bc tbh every gay kid in the 90s did), it pertained to something that phil felt had a more poignant message.
SO! in his 1 year update on Being Publicly Gay, there's a moment where phil talks about how he didn't realize the impact that coming out as a public figure would have on him because he felt that, well he already had his coming out journey so it's not a huge deal, but in reality it was this giant sigh of relief. he talks about how he doesnt feel as stressed about having to hide everything or accidentally slipping up and saying something gay, and he talks about the impact that the fan reaction has had on him, people thanking him and telling him that they related so much to his experiences and he helped them come out to family or even coming out in the comments section. i guess because his goal of that video was for it to be a quieter coming out than dan's, he just didn't realize how big it actually was for HIM until he'd done it. and when he talks about this he gets forreal emotional and like, gets real quiet and smiles to himself and seems like he might be about to cry. which is like. CRAZY cuz not only has he never cried on camera but all anecdotes abt phil were like "oh phil never cries even irl" "yeah i just keep them all back" like not that he's not emotional but he's not like dan who cries at movies or me who is currently crying while typing this up over how emotional this all makes me LOL. like.... AAAAHHH it's so good, like ofc with the dapg renaissance we're now seeing a more Adult side of phil's sense of humor and personality and he and dan are just generally speaking more themselves around each other, but like. that moment really fucking HITS DIFFERENT.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 19 days
Heavily inspired by Footnote
Barbie dolls: Regulus black x your bitch ass :) love you
Words: 2.5k ish
Summary: Regulus get trashed and confesses his love for you, you tell him to tell you in the morning when his ass is sober
Warnings: mentions of suicide, also Reggie is called gay by the narrator, underage drinking, drunkness written by someone who exclusively drinks Dr pepper, regulus cries and whines a lot, y/n joke, readers a perfect of no specified house, regulus gets no repercussions
Regulus was not a big fan of parties. He’s too Y/N for them, he once tried to bring a book to one. Barty threatened him with a knife. However even with his extreme hatred for B.O. he felt like dabbling in underage drinking. Regulus he was totally in love with his best friend, that’s you, a while ago. It was unfortunately in the Astronomy tower.
During class, he was muttering angrily to Barty about how you had ditched him for some dumb Ravenclaw, contradictory terms. Barty whispered that just because Regulus was in love with you did not mean he had to make it Barty’e problem at 2 am. With that Regulus froze, staring out at the wall. He was, wasn’t he?
He felt his mind screaming bloody murder, throwing plates and family heirlooms. How could he fall in love with his best friend? How gay was he? How much of his brother’s shadow was he? Regulus reached out and gripped Barty’s forearm. Barty turned back as the class was dismissing, filing out down the stairs. Barty patted Regulus’ shoulder before tearing his arm out of Regulus’ grip. Regulus stared out at the ledge.
“Barty, I must kill myself. It seems I am more of my cousin’s brother than I first realized.” With that Regulus flung himself towards the edge of the tower. Barty caught him by the back of his shirt, pulling Regulus tightly his chest. Barty awkwardly waddled Regulus towards the steps as Regulus continued to rabidly claw at Barty. Barty Stopped Regulus, ducking his head down to fling Regulus over his shoulder. Regulus bared his teeth, still trying to rabid his way out of Barty’s grip.
“It’ll pass, dear Reginald, It’ll pass.” Barty whispered, patting the back of Regulus thigh as he walked them both back to the commonroom. After that Regulus was well aware of his feeling for you. You weren’t. You were blissfully unaware. Alas, Regulus doesn’t know how to handle rejection that isn’t really rejection so he was offered alcohol by Barty.
So yes, Regulus went to a party. And no, he didn’t really like it, but he got booze so he accepted it. Barty didn’t even need to give Regulus a drink, Regulus was stealing them out of people’s hands. Barty got distracted dancing with Evan and others he entirely forgot he was on babysitting duty. Until he left to the bathroom and as he was washing his hands he gasped and stared in the mirror.
So he went searching for Regulus. Barty went around asking partially peeved people if they had seen a twat around shoulder height with black hair and an ugly shirt walking around. Most of them said no but one pointed Barty down a dark passageway behind a tapestry.
Barty sighed when he found Regulus sitting down the passageway on the floor. A small stack of red solo cups sitting next to him. Barty sat next to him. Regulus sighed. As he started talking, Barty realized how trashed he truly was. Regulus kept drifting off and staring over Barty’s shoulder, his words mixing together like food dye in water. Barty sighed standing up and pulling Regulus onto his feet. Barty kicked the stack of cups away deciding it wasn’t his problem.
On the way out Barty found Dorcas and Evan standing with each other. Pandora had decided she’d prefer to nap than go to a party. Barty gestured to Dorcas and Evan that they were leaving. Regulus was hanging off of Barty’s shoulder, mumbling about your eyes.
Evan pulled Regulus’ other arm over his shoulder. The three of them helped pull Regulus down the halls. As they were heading towards the dungeons they heard another set of footsteps. They got worried thinking it was a teacher or snobbish prefect, ducking behind a corner. Unfortunately Regulus didn’t get the message still muttering on about you. Dorcas slapped a hand over Regulus’ mouth. It was too late though, your head poking out from around the corner.
“Hey guys. Whatcha doing over here?” You asked, giving them a smile. Regulus’ head snapped up at your voice. He sighed when he saw you, leaning his head on Barty’s shoulder.
“Oh just hiding from snobbish prefects.” Barty said, rolling his eyes. You pointed to the prefect badge on your chest. Barty shrugged.
“He did say snobbish,” Dorcas muttered. “Which excludes you.” Evan nodded.
“You’re not snobbish. You’re more like snoggish.” Regulus whispered, his voice ebbing back and forth. He waited for a laugh for his pun, when one didn’t come he continued. “You know, cause like you’re not a snob but snob is like snog and I want to-“ Barty saved Regulus the embarrassment, covering his mouth with his hand. You gave Regulus a worried a look.
“I see you guys went to that party that’s against the rules.” You said, giving them a joking grin. Regulus lifted his head away from Barty’s hand.
“I didn’ want to. Barty forced. Do you still love me?” Regulus rushed out, skipping over words his mind deemed unnecessary. Evan rolled his eyes. If Regulus wasn’t trashed more than Barty’s bed, Evan would mock him. Dorcas groaned slightly. You gave Regulus sad eyes as you watched his waterline fill with tears.
“Yes, baby. Of course I still love you.” This seemed to be the wrong move because it made Regulus cry. You cooed as he pushed his face into Barty’s shoulder, his body shaking. Evan scoffed and released Regulus, moving to stand next to Dorcas. Regulus flung both his arms around Barty’s neck, sobbing more. Barty groaned at the added weight.
“Uh, you know. I heard that the professors have their hands kinda full tonight because all those fights from last week. So there wont be anyone to bust your party. I’ll take Regulus and tuck him in, you guys go have fun.” Barty shook his head at you. You held you hands up, already peeling Regulus’ arms off Barty.
“The Slytherin commonroom is already on my route so I’m really just feeding two birds with one seed.” Regulus sniffed as he realized who was holding onto him, staring up at you with puppy eyes. Barty looked over to Evan and Dorcas. They both nodded. Barty shrugged.
“Okay, but if he’s not in bed when I get back, I’m going to kill you.” Barty said. You nodded. Evan quickly pecked your cheek. Regulus groaned. You rubbed his back, trying to soothe him.
“Best prefect ever, I love you so much.” Evan muttered before latching onto Barty’s hand and heading back towards the party. Dorcas watched you as you looked down at Regulus, a small smile and soft eyes. She felt sick to her stomach. She left with the boys, not knowing she could handle another second of your gushy love. You pulled Regulus up more, heaving his arm over your shoulders. He started muttering going on and on about the party. You hummed, giving him positive reinforcement when he gave you a moment to speak.
Eventually with a lot of working and pulling and huffing you made it to the Slytherin dorms. You helped Regulus out of his shoes, tossing his legs into his bed. Regulus kept talking as you pulled his blankets over him. You started tucking the blanket in around him. Regulus pulled his arms out from under the blanket, grabbing onto your shoulders. He whispered your name. If you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t have understood him.
“Yes, my love? I’m not getting you a burrito, you know what happened last time. Never again.” Regulus clumsily brought one of his hands up to your cheek, making you meet his eyes. He looked like he was about to cry again.
“I like you.” He whispered. You nodded, a grin twitching at the corner of your lips.
“I know.” Regulus groaned at you.
“I’m lying, I love you.” You nodded again. You gently tucked one of his curls away from his eyes.
“I know. I love you, too.” Regulus huffed at you, getting irritated that you didn’t seem to be understanding.
“No. I love you. Like kissing.” You nodded slowly. You noticed a book off to the side, sitting on top of his blankets. You picked it up as you answered him.
“I know.” You bookmarked the page and set it on his nightstand. You looked back to Regulus, finding his face in his hands. You heard him sniffle. You frowned and gently pulled his hands away.
“Why are you crying?”
“If you love me why don’t you do anything?” Regulus huffed. You cooed, cupping his cheek.
“Well you never said anything. I had my suspicions but I wasn’t going to assume on something like that.” Regulus groaned again, harshly knocking his head into your arm. You gently pecked the back of his hand.
“Well then can you kiss me now?” Regulus asked. You shook your head. Regulus whined, starting to cry. You leaned over him wiping his tears away.
“Why?” He mumbled, pitifully.
“You’re drunker than a skunk, babe.” Regulus groaned, shoving at your shoulders. You knew you were wearing a shit eating grin by now but it was silly to you. You lightly grazed your lips over Regulus’ cheek, making him freeze and stare at you with sparkling eyes.
“Tell you what, if you can remember to talk to me tomorrow about this, I’ll give you the best kiss I can muster.” Regulus gaped up at you, holding onto your shoulders again.
“Really?” He asked. You hummed and nodded. Regulus had a smile already growing on his face. You finished tucking him in before slowly backing away. Regulus fell asleep before you made it out the door.
The next morning you were chatting with another prefect in the Great Hall. They were telling you about how they caught two Hufflepuffs higher than a kite sitting behind a potted fern. You were interrupted by Barty, plopping down between you two. Barty threw his arms around you. Regulus stood on the other side of you. You smiled up at him. He looked tired. Regulus was sporting Dorcas’ thick bright green sunglasses. He glanced down at you. If you could see his eyebrows, you assumed he’d be lifting one. You ducked one hand behind him, holding onto the back of his knee. You just barely traveled up, grazing over the back of Regulus’ thigh.
“You remember anything I told you last night?” You asked. Regulus shrugged.
“I remember making a bad pun about snogging and that’s as far as my memory goes.” He pushed Dorcas’ sunglasses further up his nose.
“Mr. Black you know the dress code.” You heard Slughorn’s voice behind you. Regulus glanced back.
“Suck my dick.” Slughorn gave Regulus a disgusted look as Regulus turned back around. You looked back at Professor Slughorn.
“It’s fine. I’ll write him up.” Slughorn looked between you two before stalking off. You trailed your fingertips up and down the back of Regulus’ leg. “truly you should not have done that.” Regulus shrugged.
“He’s just jelly because he can’t pull off those cool shades, huh Reg?” Barty said. Regulus reached around you and smacked the back of Barty’s head. Evan sat across from you.
“God I wish you would pull those off.” Evan muttered. Regulus flipped Evan off.
“Well I like them. I think you make them work.” You smiled up at Regulus. You felt slightly more judged just staring up at a pair of sunglasses with barely a quarter of Regulus’ face peaking out from under them. You felt Regulus gently nudged your chin up with his finger.
“Next time you go into the dorms, can you talk quieter?” You glanced over at Pandora’s voice. She was standing over Evan staring at you. Regulus dropped his hand to hold onto your shoulder.
“Yeah sorry.” She nodded, sitting down next to Evan.
“You were in the dorms?” Regulus asked. You glanced over at him.
“Yes? Baby, I’m the one who took you back to bed.” He nodded.
“Oh yeah, you did do that. I remember tripping over your feet in the halls.” You rolled your eyes at Regulus.
“Well don’t be a bitch, Regulus.” Evan muttered.
“I’ll be your bitch, Rosie.” Barty muttered, winking across the table. Evan snarled at him.
“Not over breakfast guys. You have to let Regulus gain at least one third of memories first. Also it’s gross.” You said, pointing your fork at them. You heard Regulus mutter a ‘huh’ at the mention of his name.
“You can join.” Barty whispered.
“No they may not.” Evan said, annoyed.
“So you admit there is something to join in on?” Barty pointed at Evan. Evan pinched his lips together, caught.
“You walked right into that one.” Dorcas muttered, joining the table. You zoned them out, giving your attention back to Regulus.
“How are you feeling?” Regulus glared at you, or so you assumed.
“Like someone pierced an arrow through my temples.” You cooed, pressing your chin into his hip.
“I’m sorry, baby. If I had known you were going I would’ve gotten a better babysitter.” Regulus scoffed.
“I’m not a child. You’re not getting a babysitter, because I’m not a baby.” Regulus muttered.
“Fair, but you like when I call you baby.” You patted his thigh, giving him a cocky grin.
“Deception, lies, and deceit.” Regulus said. You hummed, tauntingly. Regulus shook his head, choosing to ignore you. You tilted your head.
“You really don’t remember anything you told me last night?” Regulus shook his head, looking down at you.
“Why? Did I say something wrong? I swear I showed it to the doctor he told me to wear socks on my hands to bed, I’m working on it.” You stared at Regulus for a moment. You felt the part of you brain that worried for your friends tell you to ask about what he showed and what it had to do with socks on your hands. But the other part of your brain muttered ‘Do you know what that is? Not my problem’.
“No. Nothing wrong.” Regulus tilted his head to the side, staring at you from behind his obnoxiously large sunglasses. Regulus clicked his tongue.
“Yeah well, whatever. Do you think my teachers will notice if I skip?” You nodded.
“Yes, you’re never absent.” Regulus scoffed at you. He squeezed at your shoulder.
“Well consider this: I don’t want to go.” You hummed. Regulus nodded at you.
“Thats a good point.” You walked Regulus to his first class, abusing your prefect privileges to have your tardy ignored. You were a little upset Regulus didn’t remember anything but you assumed he’d remember later on during the day.
He did not. And you did not bring it up. You’d just have to wait until Regulus got lost at a party again.
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