#he chooses to encourage the love of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER who was basically a MEME brought to life only to annoy Rassy
theblogof-rassilon · 23 days
Hello Rassilon. Apologies for the deception but I rather wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself. I'm assuming you're alone; you always did prefer to read your Asks in private. I wouldn't try too hard to stop reading, there's every likelihood you'll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Anon ask of Omega (Your Ex) regarding Rassilon's current partners. Ask begins.
I hope you'll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It's rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can't tell me you're not curious.
Why does an ex seek to talk about their former partner's lovers?
It's a simple enough answer: for satisfying one's curiosity. Uninspired, perhaps, but my god. The discovery, not simply of the variety of partners you take interest in, but that you would quite willingly date the teacher of one of Gallifrey's most infamous children.
It's a strange thing to know about an ex, but the fascination, Rassilon, the fascination of it all. I have dedicated my afterlife to handing myself knowledge of these partners, and I feel nothing but satisfaction in this choice.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would catch your eye than you would ever guess. And I have preceeded all of them.
Of course, their desires did not manifest overnight. When Tumblr first gathered your romantic intereste – Borusa, Banthony, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of their love for you, I felt what I believe we all felt: jealousy, and anger.
But as attention on Tumblr increased in number and discussion on the greatest partner for you emerged, I began to develop a very specific concern. Banthony was so obsessed with his ideas on you and his marriage, even as our fellows began to flirt and confess our love to you ourselves.
I began to worry that if Banthony successfully attempted to catch your gaze, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world without your love.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable confession of love was to stop my own feelings of love. So what began as an experiment soon became a race. I would make you fall in love with Banthony before professing your love to anyone else, therefore eliminating what myself or Borusa's feelings may be.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only a happy future for you and Banthony.
Goodbye, Rassilon
- Omega xoxo
I- I don't know what to say.
Omega, if this is really you, if you somehow, by every twist and turn of fate imaginable, survived this long in some form... My love for you has always been the greatest of any I have felt. Never have I loved another in the way I loved you.
But that is in the past. I have to stop letting you hold me back. I made my decision that fateful day; I did what I had to do to reach the top, to shape this society- our society, our dream- in the way that it must be shaped. Gallifrey could never have had two rulers. You knew this going in. And, best of all, dearest love, you knew that I would not be able to stand a threat to my power and my control. So, as much as I loved you, Omega, my sweet Ohm, my darling Peylix, I had to let you go. For us, for our home, for our people, for our dream. For Gallifrey. We would both be dead and gone by now if I had not, but now, you live on in your beautous creations, and in our shared society. Look at our children. At what we have created. This must be enough.
Oh, but my darling, you never could be so easily satisfied.
That is why I loved you. And that is why I had to let you go.
If this really were you, I would say, dearest Ohm, that I am glad you are able to let me go. I know that must be exceedingly difficult. But, I am happy with Borusa, and I do not love Banthony. If I did not have Borusa to think of, perhaps things would be different, and I would honour your wishes. Perhaps, then, you may finally find peace.
I am truly sorry that I must leave you trapped in your death, but you will never be in a world without my love. My love for you transcends the grave- and yes, I know, it must be your grave, my darling, for you cannot have survived beyond. I know, in my hearts, that you are gone and that this cannot be from you, not really, for you are lost to all but my memory.
Goodbye, my love. For whatever isn't left of you, for whatever could have been- my love for you persists even now, across regenerations and across death and across time.
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hopeswriting · 3 years
Modern AU (Adult!)Arcobaleno on socials media though. While Flames and mafia are definitely still a thing.
Now I’m by no means well acquainted to all the different popular socials media, but here’s my humble take:
Reborn on Instagram.
He only has pictures of Leon first and foremost, with him in the background in one of his ridiculous but very well-made cosplay. Leon of course also wears the same cosplay as him.
He never shows his full face in any of the pictures, but just enough his followers know he’s handsome as fuck.
The artists/photoshoppers among them regularly put the pieces together to see how he could look like, but in a funny-and-obviously-purposefully-wrong way only.
Reborn loves them and saves them all.
Once in a blue moon he does post a picture of himself where you can see him clearly all dressed up and fancy, and then immediately deletes it.
But only after he’s sure it has been seen, so he can watch his followers lose their shit while drinking a nice espresso.
They try hard, but so far none of them managed to save any of the pictures before he deletes them.
Often there’s what suspiciously looks like blood stains on their clothes and straight up dead bodies lying in the background, but Reborn went so passive-aggressive with the few who dared to ask, everyone is too afraid to ask now.
Anyone who badmouths Leon in any way is instantly blocked. But only after Reborn ripped them a new one AND let his followers do it too.
Skull on Twitter and Snapchat.
He tweets the most random, out of nowhere, highly worrying things, that always sent his followers in a frenzy trying to figure out why the fuck he would think of any of this in the first place??
“aren’t you ever tried of your solid, rigid, restrictive bones? don’t you want to just be Luffy from One Piece, a rubber being that can shape themself in whatever way they wish?”
“nobody ever tells you this, but the stress of picking apart melted leather from your burnt skin before it heals is VERY worth the adrenaline of making fire your BITCH”
“is it REALLY illegal if you break in and eat the food but leave money behind??”
That’s just his Twitter only followers though.
The ones on Snapchat have the privilege to watch him stumble head first step by step to his tweets, and are actually very involved and active spectators that keep him out of jail, or killing himself, or killing someone else.
Skull, recording a video, halfway stuck in between two buildings: What’s up guys, there're these guys following me and trying to kill me, quick tell me what bones to break so I can fit in there.
see also:
Skull, riding his bike, both of them suspiciously wet, holding a lighter in his hand: You guys ready for this sick fire stunt I came up with?? If everything goes well I should only get second to third degree burns, let’s do this!!!
see also:
A picture of Skull lying on a roof, his arms full of snacks and his mouth stuffed with food, with police cars in the background, that says: send tips to make sure there’s always food in your fridge for when you need it the most. #midnightsnack #snitchesgetstitches #justsaying
see also:
A picture of Skull crouched in front of a body, posing, that says: don’t worry guys we’re just faking, but hypothetically, if you were to hide a body as quick as possible from here without being seen, what would you do? #hypotheticallyseriousanswersonly #hypotheticallythecopsaremaybeontheirway #quickanswersappreciated
Verde on Facebook.
He creates a public group with only him as member that’s basically his scientific diary.
It’s not really to invite intellectual challenging debates (though he’d be all for it if someone smart enough showed up), but he figures it’s in his best interest to make the world a less dumb place if he can.
It finds his public, though there’s only a few comments because god forbid you say something dumb or inaccurate and Verde fucking annihilates you in the comment section.
But like, in a teacher way. Like he’s genuinely trying to make you know better but he’s just ruthless at it lmao.
Verde uses a fake name and a fake everything so there’s quickly a running joke along the lines of “Imagine if it’s really the genius scientist Verde running the group and you just outed yourself as a flat earther lol”.
But what gets the group really popular is the in depth flames theory involving weather of all things they have to assume he came up with it all on his own because they can’t figure out to save their lives what the hell he’s talking about?
And it makes them question their sanity sometimes because Verde talks about it like it’s the most obvious thing and in the context of just about every basic aspects of life.
Cue the conspirators and their hot new take of “the aliens were among us all along and hid themselves as the WEATHER!!!” that instantly turns into the new popular meme.
That, and the transcripts posts of Verde trying his theories that nine out of ten apparently involves very unwilling participants whose life are threatened and sometimes they straight up DIE???
They think both of these is just him fucking with them and it’s all fictional. They want to think it is anyway.
They’re not so sure, but everyone is too afraid to ask.
Colonnello on Snapchat.
70% of his content is about Lal because this man is so in love and it’s like he’s a guest on his own account lol.
There’s the “Pining Hard” content where it’s just him trying to seduce Lal, to romance her and asking her out, and Lal brushing all of it off more often than not.
His followers are very invested in this “old bickering married couple type of best friends in oblivious mutual pining” real live action slow burn fic, and cheers him hard whenever Lal reciprocates the tiniest bit.
They don’t know the two are already together.
They think Lal brushing him off or flirting back but in an unmistakably joking/”platonic” way is just her being oblivious and not taking Colonnello seriously.
When she would just rather flirt back off camera because it’s her private life thank you very much.
Colonnello never tells them because he assumes they all know and just choose to be in on the joke.
Lal finds it hilarious whenever she goes through his Snapchat (with his permission of course) to find numerous messages of encouragement, so she never says either.
But one day she kind of just steals a kiss from him while he’s recording because she wanted to, and his followers lose their shit.
Lal laughs herself to tears and laughs for days.
The other Lal’s related content is the “Lal’s loving hours”, where he just takes pictures of her/records her doing random shit---whether it's her making a disaster out of the kitchen, or wearing three pairs of socks because her feet are cold, or beating the shit out of someone---and him doing heart eyes at the camera.
Otherwise it’s just him living his life and letting them in on what happens.
There’s a lot of pictures because he’s handsome and he knows it and he likes the compliments aqsdfghj.
Or videos of him going on and on about how energy drinks are really the best drink ever while doing grocery.
Or ranting videos about how bullets wounds are such a pain to deal with and showing himself patching himself up to show how it’s done (thanks??!!??).
Or him watching series and roasting the characters for their dumb decisions.
Or him commenting in real time an assassination attempt on him in the middle of the night in his own fucking home because the fucker sure is ballsy (????!!!!!!???).
It’s very popular too because of how relatable it is.
Well, most of the time anyway.
Viper on Youtube.
They have a DIY type of channel, mostly about fashion---what they think about the new products/clothes they bought from their favorite brand, their thoughts on the new fashion trend, their makeup/skin care routine and favorite outfits for various circumstances, or they’re often on live while going shopping.
(I just really like Fashionista!Viper okay.)
They play videos games too, thinking they’re being very good while being very average to not say they straight up suck asdfghj.
Occasionally do reaction videos too.
Like Reborn they hardly ever show their face. Actually they don’t show it at all lol. They wear masks to do their videos because a hood is not very reliable.
How do they do their makeup videos then you ask?
They use "volunteer" as models of course.
And by volunteers I mean the Varia qsdftgyhjkl.
They also have another very peculiar brand of videos that is the most popular one on their channel. The titles of these videos include but are not limited to:
“A Due Payment Of Yours Is Late? How To Hunt Them For Sport”
“A Little Bitch Doesn’t Respect Your Pronouns/Chosen Name? Step By Step On How To Make Them Shut The Fuck Up Forever”
“How To Efficiently Remove Blood And Various Others Human Residue From Your Clothes”
“Faking Your Death And Taking On A New Identity: Step By Step Tutorial”
“How To Take Over Your Friends Brains And Watch Them Prank Themselves ft. The Varia”
Fon on Tumblr.
His blog becomes known as a shitpost blog or a blog run by a bot when really, everything he posts is about actual, very real events that happened in his life.
Except he vague posts every time because he really wants to keep his anonymity.
He posts about the hardships of learning more and more martial arts and staying at the top of the art, and sounds like some dangerous psychopath.
“The body is such a fragile thing, isn’t it? It tends to break quite easily unfortunately. You’d think I’d know that by then, but I really need to remember it more often so I can keep enjoying myself.”
He’s talking about how he always pushes himself too much in training and ends up injuring himself.
“Everyday I dispose of them and reasserts my superiority, and everyday they come back and it’s really hard to not hurt them beyond repair.”
He’s talking about how he’s often challenged by other martial artists who don’t like him being the best and how he always has to beat them up bloody for them to give up.
He also posts about his family's live except it’s the Hibari’s family live, and he doesn’t sound more sane of mind at all.
“I made the mistake of taking Kyo with me on my grocery trip and picked on his tell-tale signs of going through a bad day too late.
But fortunately the shop is still standing and no one was heavily injured.”
“It’s so heartwarming to see Kyo make friends. The brown haired kid didn’t put much of a fight but the one with the pineapple haircut has potential.
He almost managed to stab him that one time, and I can’t wait to tease Kyo about it. He’s very cute when annoyed and embarrassed.”
“Often I look back to the day Kyo got his tonfa and I am always infinitely grateful for this not-so-easy-to-kill-with weapon.
I would like for him to at least finish high school first.”
Yeah it’s very often about Kyoya lmao. And no one knows for sure what in the world a “Kyo” is supposed to be???
An actual human being is NOT the most popular theory qsdfghn.
Lal on TikTok.
I guess?? I’m kind of running out of ideas lol, and I know very little about TikTok.
But I’m thinking she makes a series of videos where she looks straight into the camera like she’s on The Office while some bullshit or the other happens in the background.
And it’s not even always her friends or coworkers or Colonnello (yeah he has a category of his own lmao).
As far as she is concerned everyone who chooses to be a fucking dumbass in her vicinity is asking for it aqsdfghj.
Also has a “Doing paperwork” series, and the later at night she’s doing it, the more she’s absolutely fucking done with people not being able to do their job properly without collateral damage.
She dryly reads out loud the highlights of the reports and goes straight for their lives lol.
But as funny as it is, everyone is more interested in the very questionable out of context content of these reports???
Also does workout videos, as in she demonstrates how to do this one or other exercise, and if these do particularly well it has nothing to do with how people want to look respectfully at her body, of course not.
ALSO has a “Colonnello’s Loving Hours” series because you better believe this woman is also so much in love.
She records him when he’s simply existing---whether he’s snuggling besides her while they’re watching TV, or dancing in the kitchen while cooking, or cleaning his guns---while looking at the camera with this tender, content expression on her face.
They become known as the Weather Lovers because boy, do these people like to go on about their favorite weather. Some shipping might even be involved??
It’s how their community introduces them to each other.
Cue even more chaos on their respective socials medias.
Viper’s video of their first meeting is the most popular one on their channel.
Yeah I know, I didn’t add the Sky Arco ladies, but I have no idea what they could do. Pinterest maybe? Or Vine? Dunno, they’re all yours guys lol.
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illegiblewords · 3 years
Fic Writer Meme
Swiped this because it looked like fun!
Most popular oneshot
Most popular multichapter
Actual worst part of writing
How you choose your titles
Do you outline
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?
Callouts @ Me
Best writing traits
Spicy Tangential Opinion
Tagging: @nilim, @azwoodbomb, @wouldyouliketoseemymask, @parvus-pica, @peregrineroad, @spiral-seeker, @frostmantle, @autumnslance, @strangefellows, @redbud-tree, @maccaroni-eh, @entropytea, @prettyparadoxes, @ivalane, @kunstpause, @fogfens
Name: Illegible or Illegiblewords lately. I’ve switched it in the past a few times.
Fandoms: I’ve been in Final Fantasy XIV for the past couple of years now. Passively I might be in Pathologic fandom and Dragon Age fandom? Maybe others too on and off. I was in comic fandoms for a long time but honestly that spiraled into a hot mess of epic proportions so I’ve mostly peaced out of there. Still love stories, characters, and buddies from there though.
Most Popular Oneshot: Ironically it’s Ideation for Bladerunner 2049 haha. I did exactly one fic there right after seeing the movie and didn’t go back, but I thought it was very good and I had a specific story I wanted to tell. It’s one of my most popular fics, and given it’s gen too I’m actually kind of happy about that.
Most Popular Multichapter: The Immortal Wound for FFXIV fandom! I had only just started writing for the fandom, and the series leading up to this fic was my first time writing NPC shipping in FFXIV. I was seriously, SERIOUSLY nervous at first! I wrote the first fic, Posturing, as a personal challenge to do an ambiguous protagonist/NPC since I saw other people doing that and wanted to see if I could pull it off. Posted it at around 4 in the morning then deleted within a few minutes out of anxiety lol. A week went by before I read it again, realized I still liked it, and put it back up for good. That being well-received helped encourage me to keep trying, and by The Immortal Wound it was getting solid attention. The experience really meant a lot to me!
Actual Worst Part of Writing: Probably chapter maps within the outlining process for me. It’s needed for how I approach things, but shit is anxiety-inducing and stressful af lol. I basically plan each event out in high detail before actually writing the fic, so when the time comes for me to legit write I’m more or less following a plan I can trust. Making that plan is the tough part.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Often titles are the last things I figure out before starting the fic itself. I know I like punchy stuff if I can manage. Sometimes it’ll be one word, sometimes it’ll be a quote or song lyric, sometimes it’ll be a saying, sometimes it’ll be a phrase that feels fitting. I go fast and loose usually, and tbh I’ve tried to tell myself not to overthink it too hard. I do try title related works in ways that have some thematic link when I can.
Do You Outline: HahahahahaHAHAHAHAhaha yeah. Straight up my outlines are eldritch terrors for their detail, length, and complexity. I don’t mean that as a brag at all, seriously--I tend to get frozen a bit if I don’t have an outline by and large because it’s hard for me to keep track of what’s in my head and plan accordingly. Just end up with too many moving parts + revision and pacing get wonky otherwise.
Depending on the project I might have sections tied to setting, characters, magic systems, religions, etc. at the top. Fanfic this is less likely but does crop up sometimes.
To give an example of the first bullet of the first chapter of an ongoing fic:
Post-Shinryu, the Warrior of Light lingers in the Royal Menagerie alone at his own insistence to search for the Eye of Nidhogg. In the process he remembers the fight against Zenos and Shinryu. Note he was overcome by an almost feral rage at Zenos’ assumption that he was the target of anything resembling lust. Those attentions (“bite down upon my jugular”) belong to another, but note similarities of two pale-eyed, long-haired blondes. Seeing Shinryu, the Warrior had no idea whether Lahabrea survived within. The fusion was horrifying to see and as he fought he didn’t hold back because besides obvious dangers, he was also ready to mercy kill if needed. Also note Warrior wanted to intervene against Thordan for Lahabrea but wasn’t fast enough, questions a little privately how far he’d have gone against him. It might not have mattered even if he’d managed since he knows Lahabrea was going crazy and unable to listen. Locating and examining the Eye, he recognizes how drained it is. Certainly not enough to threaten him when dealing with post-battle exhaustion. So he reaches inside with his own aether, relentless in pushing aside every foreign element—Nidhogg, Thordan, the corrupted Rhalgr, the places Zenos caged them all under his own will. Zodiark’s tempering is what helps him ultimately find Lahabrea, who is barely alive. Zodiark’s tempering has preserved what it could but has a much more tenuous grip in consequence. When the Warrior finds him Lahabrea isn’t even aware, functionally unconscious. The tempering flares against him defensively and this time the Warrior focuses on it. This is all that has allowed Lahabrea to stay alive. He could force himself closer but there is no vessel. Besides, the process of separating a fragile soul so deficient in aether is too great a risk. So he keeps the Eye.
It’s not the only bullet of comparable size for that chapter. The overall piece has at least 40 total chapters, but probably more.
Ideas I Probably Won’t Get Around To, But Wouldn’t It Be Nice: Tbh probably some of the earlier WIPs I have that aren’t finished already. Not just FFXIV (Dead Language, With Good Intentions) but other fandoms. I could end up circling back in the future one day but who knows.
Best Writing Traits: I try to write any character as the hero of their own story/with the capacity to be someone’s favorite. I do my research and prioritize telling a good story first and foremost. I can change my writing style according to need and am good at capturing the cadence and word choices of different characters.
Spicy Tangential Opinion: If no transaction has been made (esp. monetary), no one owes you shit online. Not reviews, not hits, not praise, not agreement, not content of any sort. It sucks to feel like you’re creating to a void. It sucks to be passionately in love with a rarepair when other ships are drowning in art and stories.
People still don’t owe you.
If you don’t like someone else’s content, create something exploring what you do like... or even why you don’t like that content. Tell a story. Create art. Make photosets and playlists and analyses. If it is not a literal crime (as opposed to portraying fictional crime), don’t discourage other creators no matter how awful you might find their stuff. Lend your own voice to an alternative as convincingly as you can. And if that doesn’t persuade others, you need to keep honing your own skills.
If you want more of something to exist, spread inspiration. Again this can be in storytelling, art, photosets, playlists, analysis, you name it. Give form to your passion. And if others disagree or don’t respond, keep working at it. This is a skill too, and it takes practice.
I’ve found it shows when work is created out of a sense of guilt, fear, or obligation. The quality is much lower and no one latches on to keep building in-turn. And IMO it is essential to build up rather than tearing down.
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awed-frog · 6 years
I’m wondering why you feel ‘Steve Harrington – teen mom’ is such a bad thing? Girls take on that role all the time, both in fiction & real life, and are often treated badly because of it, while Steve is getting lots of love. It’s still rare to see boys (men too) in caregiver roles and people get overexcited about it to the point of exaggeration. Yeah, teen boys mightn’t like being characterised as maternal, but what’s so wrong with them taking on that kind of role? It needs to be de-stigmatised.
Steve anon (pt 2/2) I understand why you’re uncomfortable with fandom feminising male characters, and good on you for expressing your opinion, but there’s often a point to it that encourages you to flip your perspective. It’s saying ‘how is this thing actually feminine? What’s wrong with a man/boy taking on this role?’ Teen boys need to get over the idea that 'female’ things are shameful, or avoidable. Sexism hurts everyone, but girls get the sharp end of the stick, and often FROM those boys.
So first let me just say - I don’t think that meme is a bad thing. It’s made for fun, so I’m not mad about it and I don’t think it reflects any greater truth. What I do see on tumblr, however, day in and day out, is an alarmingly naive contrast between girls (so pure, so wholesome, so perfect, drunk girls are the cutest) and boys (fuckboys, not all men, bitching about the friendzone, will probably hurt you), and, whatever - maybe some people here live in rotten countries where that’s actually a thing, but to me, it’s complete rubbish. Boys and and girls (men and women) aren’t inherently different in that one is bad and the other one good. So this new thing of calling Steve a mother - that’s not bad because mothers are bad, that’s bad because we keep insisting that every time a guy does something good it’s because he ‘got in touch with his feminine side’. It’s like we’re saying that being compassionate, kind and having a moral compass and a parenting instinct is genetically what women are about, and not men? Jesus. The fact Steve actually gave a damn whether a bunch of kids lived or die doesn’t make him ‘maternal’. Men are capable of having those feelings, and are capable of being decent, and it saddens me that the world’s apparently so fucked up so many people can’t see that. Because I remember that same kind of ‘mom comments’ being made about Benny, the guy who got Eleven a free breakfast and was all concerned about her and what she was doing out there on her own - some people were actually speculating he might be gay, and apparently their reasoning was that straight men, what?, can’t worry about kids?   
So, you know, I feel like we’re saying the same thing here. I’m not arguing Steve should be called a mom because being a mom is bad, or because guys shouldn’t take on feminine roles - I’m saying giving a damn about other people is not a feminine trait. It’s a human trait. Women get shit when they’re ‘just moms’ and men drown in excited gushing when they’re ‘good dads’ for the exact same reason: because we still haven’t learned to tell apart gender and gender roles.
That said, I loved Stranger Things’ portrayal of all his characters, including the male characters. And if making and spreading Steve memes encourages more people to think of what he does as normal, well - I’m all for that. 
(Oh, and also - personally, I found Steve’s relationship with Dustin and his handling of Nancy’s feelings much more worthy of some commentary than his role of babysitter in chief, and I’m slightly frustrated by the fact we’re so obsessed by one thing and ignoring the other. Like - Steve’s not in a good place this season: Nancy dumped him, the whole school knows about it, his classmates openly make fun of him because Nancy chose ‘weird’ Jonathan Byers over him, plus Billy’s basically out-alphing him at everything, and as far as we know, he’s got no friends at all. That’s a situation that could easily make anyone act like an asshole, and instead, not only does Steve manage the break-up like a pro - and that’s not an easy thing to do when you’re still in love with the other person, whatever your age - but he actually chooses to make himself vulnerable to Dustin, a kid he barely knows, can barely stand, and has no reason to like or trust. The fact Steve’s able to move beyond Dustin’s superficial bravado and understand that this Max business - and the deeper worry that no girl will ever find him attractive - is something Dustin is truly struggling with - the fact Steve’s able to put Dustin’s problems above everything else (and specifically the fact Dustin’s never been all that nice to him) - the fact he helps Dustin by opening up and revealing scary and intimate things about himself and his view of relationships - that shows real maturity, and that whole dynamic was a joy to watch.)  
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cat-in-a-basement · 7 years
I was...cautious, about posting this. I tried my very best cover all angles and counter every viable point I could think of, but it is still a rather heated topic. 
Let’s discuss the differences between why is okay to make heterosexual characters LGBTQ+, and why it is not okay to make LGBTQ+ characters heterosexual.
Naturally, I will be using Warrior Cats as my example.
   I would like to take this time to try and explain the sort of...the sort of difference that comes with shippings, and sexualities/romantic attractions in Warriors. 
   So, it's a logical thought process. Why is it to okay make characters in a heterosexual relationship in canon a different sexuality/attraction, but making LGBTQ+ characters straight is not? 
   I occasionally see it, and, in theory, it is correct. 'I have every right to change what I don't like about the series.' Yes, you do have the freedom to say, change Tallstar and ship him with Reena. But, is that 'right?' Objectively speaking, no, it isn't. But I'll come back to that point later. Let's start on the differences between the two.
   This is the difference between changing heterosexual characters and changing LGBTQ+ characters. 
   With LGBTQ+ characters, you already know their sexuality/romantic attraction, or what they identify as. The only way to add onto that is to make the character into an even more specific category. For example, you could in theory change the previously mentioned Tallstar from gay and attracted to Jake to something along the lines of 'Is attracted romantically to Jake, but doesn't have a sexual attraction to any cat'. So he loves Jake, but at the same time, doesn't desire a sexual relationship. The overall original character's attraction stays the same, but more is added to it that doesn't change from what is canon. It does not erase the feelings of the character in canon.
   BUT, if you decide to completely erase this already established canon and erase it to be heterosexual, then it is going backwards. You're not adding onto the already established canon. You are reversing it. This is erasing what is already confirmed, and choosing instead to ignore the romantic attraction/sexuality confirmed. This is not acceptable in an environment that typically encourages the LGBTQ+ community to express themselves. It shouldn't be socially or morally acceptable in any environment, but sadly that isn't the case in many countries and religions.
   So, on tumblr, you are going to get negative reactions due to the nature of reversing the sexuality/romantic attraction already confirmed. This happens on the forums as well, as people who chime in they prefer Tallstar with Reena, or Ravenpaw is better off with a she-cat, often get ignored or a flame war starts if people take the bait. This is because It continues the very real problem in society of erasing LGBTQ+ communities and individuals because of who they are attracted to. 
  I mean, you have the freedom to ship who you want, but if you're erasing canon romantic attraction/sexuality to do it, you're probably not going to get many positive responses. I fully believe in the neutrality of the internet, but I also believe in progressive ideals and in giving people a character to represent them in their respective fandom. Ultimately, it’s up to whoever to decide for themselves. Your freedom to create what you want should be respected. But, at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to be mindful they are plenty other characters to work with.
   This is why the same idea doesn't hold up with heterosexual characters.
   The thing with heterosexuality, is that unless it is explicitly implied in the books, it can't really be confirmed. This means that writers have free reign to interpret the relationships as they like, because they are not erasing the sexuality. (Unless the sexuality/romantic attraction is explicitly defined, that is.) They can only add onto that character. For example, Blossomfall had a brief crush on Toadstep, and later on, has scenes that could be implied as her liking Ivypool. However, she does have a canon (unfortunately...) relationship with Thornclaw. (My apologies for that bout of bias there. I'm just...processing the information. Slowly.)
   You could very well headcanon Blossomfall as bisexual but only romantically attracted to other she-cats. It does not erase what is canon. It adds onto what is already established by giving Blossomfall layers and making it so that she only develops a romantic attraction to she-cats, but is sexually attracted to both toms and she-cats.
   And yes, like before, you can do what you want. Say Mothwing is explicitly stated to only be straight. People can and will still ship her with Leafpool.
   And, this is where things differ. It is not acceptable to erase canon LGBTQ+ characters. But, due to the nature of heterosexual relationships being generally undefined, it is acceptable to change heterosexual relationships to LGBTQ+ ones.
   I know. That isn't exactly 'fair'. It's kind of hypocritical to say only heterosexual characters that are canonically straight can be made LGBTQ+, while the exact opposite will net you a ton of angry people telling you that you are wrong.
   But...here's the thing. Heterosexual people haven't endured the same. They don't have to worry about some of things LGBTQ+ people do. I don’t speak for them, as I’m not going to silence their voices, but one has to admit that LGBTQ+ community is constantly facing hurdles, obstructions, and hate. Heterosexual people do not have to worry about the same struggles. Sure, both may have bills to pay, a job they need, and like memes galore, but the attitudes of the people around them can change depending on their sexuality and romantic attraction.
   Not to mention, heterosexual people have quite literally over a million heterosexuals in media and literature to choose from to represent them. In the Warrior Cat books, they have over a thousand to pick to represent them. LGBTQ+? The only confirmed (and it's debated whether it was, even at that) representation is Ravenpaw and Barley, and Tallstar and Jake. Two. Two couples. One might understand why they choose a non-confirmed character to represent them and give them a different sexuality/romantic attraction other than heterosexual.
   If you want an example of that, it’s why I headcanon Hollyleaf as ace-aro. I see lot of myself in her and her redemption story, and so I portray her as ace-aro like myself. Since only Mousefur (again, debatable as to whether it was explicitly stated or not) is possibly asexual, that just leaves me with her as a canon asexual character. However, I don’t know a lot about Mousefur. But Hollyleaf, who has stated she doesn’t want kits or to be a queen and whose only possible ship was Fallen Leaves, and they basically acted as friends...now her I can relate to.
   And I can understand some criticisms. The books focus on the plot, not the romances. The romances are added to give some drama to the story, try and give character depth, and try to complete character arcs. It shouldn't matter what their sexuality/romantic orientation is because 1. they're cats - cats don’t care, and 2. the books aren't geared to detail every little romance that happens.
   I get that. But what needs to be understood is that there is a major difference between 2 gay canon couples to choose from and a thousand heterosexual couples (well, unconfirmed heterosexuality). I get wanting to create your own thing. But you have to understand that people may not respond as you like if you choose to erase this when you have thousands of other characters to work with.
   I also get that not everyone needs a character to represent them. And that’s fine too. But, there are people in this fandom who think differently, myself included. I want characters to represent my lack of attraction. It’s perfectly fine if you don’t concern yourself over it. But for others, things can be different, and I think it’s important to be able to distinguish this.
   So, I guess in my personal opinion...are you going to tell somebody whose sexuality/romantic attraction is constantly dismissed, erased, and prosecuted they can't change a heterosexual character to a sexuality/romantic attraction that represents them? You can, but you're not going to be considered a good or decent person for it. And, it isn't fair. But neither is what LGBTQ+ people go through either. So I can overlook a fictional heterosexual character being made LGBTQ+. (Well, as long as it is written and done well. I can't condone shipping cats just to ship them. I have to give them a backstory and character development. But that's more my opinion than anything.)
   "But...BC, it's a book about fighting cats. It's really not that important, or worth making an analysis over."
   Here's the thing. In objective writing standards, it is illogical to rewrite a story where a LGBTQ+ character's entire sexuality/attraction is replaced just to have wish fulfillment. You could say the same for heterosexual characters being make a different sexuality/romantic attraction, but as stated before, there are generally less LGBTQ+ characters to work with. So unconfirmed sexualities will receive fanworks to give them background and a story, as well as a character who can be represented. 
   And, as stated before, you are only going backwards if you decide to erase the canon sexuality/romantic attraction. You can add onto it, but going backwards is taking character away. It doesn't add anything new to the character's feelings. I made this to explain why the two are different, and while one is acceptable and one is not.
   I mean, you could still do what you want. Nobody can stop you from expressing ideas. Just don't expect to erase a canon LGBTQ+ representation without people telling you how it isn't acceptable. Myself included.
   And finally, I’m not one to censor criticism. If you disagree, then you are absolutely free to state so. If you think I got something wrong, then tell me. This was an attempt at an analytical essay explaining the differences between the two, and if it wasn’t satisfactory, tell me so I can learn for next time I make an analysis. I’m not trying to be a mouthpiece who parrots words. I do my research and homework, for I am a nerd. I try to be non-biased (Unless it’s BlossomXThorn because WHO ON EARTH thought that was a good idea?!), while also trying to see both sides PoV. 
  If you are part of the LGBTQ+ community, and whether you agree or disagree, you have every right to give your opinion.
  If you are heterosexual, and whether you agree or disagree, you have every right to give your opinion.
   Regardless, I hope everyone who reads this has a great week!)
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