#he cant handle being seen as... a FATHER... OF TWO
socksandbuttons · 5 months
I don't know why but seeing Eclipse come back all I could think of was about your Baby Back up Au. Which is awesome on a cosmic scale; but only what happened was Eclipse survived somehow, came back, the backups activated and he's been being a dad for the last few months.
Only the babies ended up escaping and got in the Pizzaplex. His whole monologue was him getting busted mid search and because he IS Eclipse of course he has to be himself and give long winded speeches. While internally screaming.
He walks into Sun and Moons room, finds his babies napping while Moons losing it and then just NOPES outta there.
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the fact his defense mechanism is MONOLOGUES AND NOT... U KNOW... PRETNEDING TO BE SOLAR AND JUST ILL BE RIGHT DOWN... TOTOALLYU.. BUT GBSDKJD him just finding them and noping out like bros just outted himself hes not outting the babies (altho they find way.) i didnt see the last line cause immediate drawing so this was an alternate end:
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thasnk you sso much for this ask btw
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eomayas · 9 months
love without tragedy • jww
pairing: mafia!wonwoo x f!reader
genre: angst, mafia au
synopsis: what is it called when he wont be your boyfriend but acts like he is?
warnings: swearing. mean wonwoo. toxic realtionship. reader is in her early twenties, its unspecified how old wonwoo is but he is older. reader slaps wonwoo
a/n: helloooo i cant get wonu out of my mind so here is a little drabble. he is really mean in this story but thats not how i see my man its just for the purpose of the plot 😭💕
the look he's giving you is enough to make you tremble. you've never felt fear around wonwoo—his job is inherently scary and dangerous, but you've never felt fear of him, though right now that is being put to the test. a cold shiver runs down your spine as he stares at you from across the room. you wish there was an island of distance between the two of you, and not a measly coffee table.
"w-we were j-just dancing," you try, wringing your hands together in front of you. he scoffs through his nose and smirks, but its not sweet. there is malice behind it, like he thinks you're pathetic.
"that's what we're calling it?"
sure, maybe you did do more than dance with jun. maybe he had his hand on your leg and you let him inch it up your dress. and maybe you let him kiss you a couple of times. and sure, they were on the lips, sometimes on the neck. and maybe jun ran in the opposing gang in the city, so you made yourself and your fathers mob a target, which inherently puts wonwoo in the middle of it as well. but can he really blame you? wonwoo won't go out with you, always says its not safe for you to be seen with him. what he's really saying, is that he doesn't want your father—his boss—to find out.
wonwoo stares at you, his nostrils flared and his jaw set. whats making all of this worse, is that he hasn't even yelled yet. anger is practically seeping from his pores, but hes not yelling. "well, you wont go out with me!" you exclaim, throwing your hands up.
"so you go and fuck around with somebody from the other side, all because i wont take you out?" he scoffs at you again as your bottom lip trembles. "you really are a spoiled brat, you know that?"
"don't call me that," you frown at him and he shrugs at you, unfazed by your emotional state and the words he's saying to you. other than the fact that you were kissing the opposition, you don't know why he cares so much—there are plenty of other men that work for your father that can handle this.
"its what you are—you think you can have whatever you want, whenever you want," he says bitterly.
your frown deepens, and you almost threaten telling your father, but you know he'll just call you childish. its what he always does when you two argue about something stupid and you pull the dad card. "you're not even my boyfriend, so i don't know why you give a shit," wonwoos nose twitches at the B-word, and you know you've struck a nerve. if theres a couple ways to get under his skin, its to threaten him with your dad and point out the truth to him. "im not yours to worry about. there are plenty of people who do that anyway."
when he doesnt say anything, you keep going. "and so what if jun is with the other side? he doesn't seem to mind being out with me—something you can't handle! you won't even be my boyfriend, so what i do, and who i do it with, is none of your fucking concern."
"watch your fucking mouth, y/n," you're visibly taken aback at his words and his tone. wonwoo rarely, if ever, swears at you. he'll swear in your everyday conversations, but its never towards you. not even when you swear at him, like right now, does he ever do it back.
staring at him with wide eyes, a million thoughts race through your head, the first one being: when did i start being afraid of him? "dont talk to me like that," you say, a slight tremor in your voice.
"don't pull that card now, you've been cussing at me all night," wonwoo spits, puffing his chest out. "that's that spoiled brat shit i'm talking about! you think the entire fucking world revolves around you, but it doesn't!" you can't handle his sudden change in temperament, and your hands ball into fists at your sides.
"quit fucking talking to me like that."
"i'll talk to you how i want to talk to you-" the slap happens before you even realize what you've done, your feet carrying you over to him on autopilot. its not until you pull your hand away from his cheek that you register what you've done, the hurt on his face.
anger flashes on his features, and you have a split second to panic. you tense up, waiting for him to yell at you, but instead he only takes a deep breath and shifts his gaze away from you. "wonwoo..." you whisper, bringing your finger tips up to touch your lips. a red mark in the vague shape on your hand spreads across his pale cheek, and you swallow the lump in your throat. "wonwoo, i..." you trail off, because you don't know how to finish that sentence—you are far from sorry, feeling vindicated because, in your eyes, he did deserve it.
wonwoo runs a hand over his face and opens his mouth, but rethinks and closes it into a thin line. shaking his head, he shrugs on his jacket and grabs his belongings from your coffee table. he slips past you wordlessly and your eyes trail him as he walks out of your apartment, a sort of darkness settling over the room as you're left to stand alone.
wonwoo doesn't call, and after the fifth day you start to lose your mind. the day after the incident, you hardly thought about him, and when you did, it made you angry. the second day, you started to feel his absence, but it wasn't nearly as violent as it feels right now. the tears started on the third day, and haven't stopped. its only now that the guilt has settled in, your dry phone practically taunting you every time that you touch it.
"kwannie, i miss him!" you moan, burying your face into a pillow and letting out a scream. your best friend, seungkwan, gently pats your head and you sigh, turning your head to the side to look at him. "do you think he'll call?"
seungkwan presses his lips into a line and glances around his bedroom. "y/n, you slapped him," he reminds you, making you wrinkle your nose. "and you haven't apologized yet. i would't want to talk to you either."
"okay, but he deserved it! he was being disrespectful!"
"but you put your hands on him. you should have let, like, mingyu or somebody—if not your dad—deal with him," seungkwan says, referring to another one of your fathers men. and seungkwan is right; even though mingyu and wonwoo are friends, you know that his loyalty to your father comes first, which means that you come first. any of his men could have handled it adequately.
sighing, you sit up and hug the pillow to your chest. "he is so..." you groan into the pillow and hold it there for a few seconds. wonwoo is a piece of work. he's quiet and hard to read at times, and can't always give you a clear answer on what the two of you have. he says things that hurt your feelings. but he's also a confidant, your protector, while being something similar to a boyfriend. you trust him more than you trust yourself at times, and sometimes what you feel for him is so intense you wonder if you're making it all up.
its hard to trace when your realtionship with wonwoo began. you've known him since you were 20 years old, him appearing seemingly out of nowhere one day when you came home for a weekend in college. he introduced himself politely, but hardly asked about you or offered any information about himself. you went back to campus with your brain on him and him only. it wasn't until that summer that you saw more of him, but you two hardly interacted. he was always around but never quite where you needed him. your paths hardly ever crossed, unless it was the rare times you happened to be passing by him in the hallway or kitchen. a few months later, when you were home for winter break, you ran into him early in the morning. you'd just come back from a work out and ran into him in the kitchen. he was leaned up against the island, tapping away on his phone and he looked up when he heard your footsteps. you spoke first, saying good morning and asking him how he’s been. he returned the conversation and from there, every time you saw him you two at least spoke.
from then on, you exchanged numbers. he’d text you sporadically, checking in on you and asking you about your classes, life, etc. the texts turned to phone calls, late into the night when you were tucked in and he was just getting home from whatever job he’d finished. he never really told you what he did, but you knew. when you’d ask, he’d just say he handled something for your father, almost like he was trying to protect you from his reality, but you knew—you’d grown up around this lifestyle from birth. the calls started getting longer too, going from ten minutes, to thirty, and then for an hour, sometimes more. you’d talk about any and everything, so late into the night that you’d hardly get sleep sometimes, nearly missing class or dozing off during lectures. but you didn’t care, as long as you got to talk to wonwoo.
for spring break that year, you didn’t plan to come home, having plans to go out of town with your friends. b ur you cut your trip short by two days, and came home instead. everybody was surprised to see you, especially your father who wasn't expecting you. you just lied and told him you wanted to surprise him, but that was far from the truth. you were itching to see wonwoo, even if only for a few minutes because of his other duties. it was hours before you finally got to see him, and when you did it was late. you were hot tubbing, and you heard the backdoor open, his dark figure emerging. you called out to him and he walked to the edge of the hot tub, squatting down in front of you. your heart was racing as he looked down at you, and you got goosebumps despite being in warm water. not much was said between the two of you, but it was like there was an electric current flowing between the two of you. you asked him about his day, and he gave you the answer he gives you all the time: "it was a day." and then he asked you, and you said: "better." as in, better now that he's here in front of you. you raised your body out of the water a bit, the water coming up to the bottom of you ribcage. wonwoo shamelessly checked you out, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. you moved to the edge of the tub, standing directly in front of him, his eyes darting between your bikini clad chest and your eyes. you stood up taller, this time most of your body coming out of the water, to get as close as possible to his face without touching him. he asked you: "do you know what you're doing?" to which you replied: "im positive i know what i'm doing." and then you kissed him, pressing your wet body against his extremely dry and clothed one, your hands gripping the edge of the hot tub. he kissed you with a hunger that made you breathless, and you gripped the front of his black jacket, nearly yanking him into the hot tub with you. when you pulled back to look in his inky dark eyes, you knew you were a goner.
letting out a breath, you let go and drag your hands over your face, closing your eyes. "i just don't get him sometimes," for nearly two years, you have been playing a sick game of cat and mouse with him. you think you have him, and then he'll say something to remind you that you in fact, don't. but he always has you, as much as it pains you to admit it. "h-he says he can't be my boyfriend. but when i try to go out—if i even look at another man—he goes crazy. kwan, i don't even know how he knew where i was. i didn't tell him i was going out."
seungkwan swallows and avoids your eyes. you glare at him, trying to meet his gaze. "seungkwan."
you hold eye contact for a second before he quickly looks away, and you gasp. "seungkwan, what the fuck!" you shout, jumping off of your bed. he holds his hands up in surrender, his eyes wide and pleading.
"y/n, i'm sorry! but he called me randomly, and said that you weren't answering! and he knew i wasn't with you because i picked up the phone, and i swear i wasn't going to tell him, but..." seungkwan trails off and you scoff, shaking your head.
"but what?"
"but... you know wonwoo: he's intimidating. and i don't want any problems with him. i'm really sorry, y/n. but i felt like i had no choice."
you frown at seungkwans words, the gears in your head turning. he had no choice? "did he threaten you?" you ask your best friend, your stomach churning. seungkwan... he's not like the rest of them. his father is also a mob leader and does dealing with your own father, which is how you two know each other. he is your longest and first friend. seungkwan isn't involved in any mob activities per his mother, who made it known that his father was not to involve her only son in any of that business. everybody knows to leave seungkwan alone, that he's like you: off limits. but clearly, your not-boyfriend doesn't know the rules.
seungkwan waves vaguely in the air and you see red for a moment before snatching your purse off of the nightstand and pocketing your phone. "y/n, where are you going?"
"i'll be back," is all you say before running out of his house and down to your car, hopping in and speeding the one place you can guarantee to find wonwoo.
pulling up to the club, you swing your car into a spot and scan the parking lot looking for his black mercedes. you spot it glimmering in the evening sun, and scoff before jumping out. you hardly have to talk to anybody when you walk in and make you way to the very back where wonwoo and five of your fathers men do business outside of your house.
a cloud of smoke hits your face when you push the door open, and you scrunch your face up. the first person you come in contact with is joshua, your fathers right hand man who you've known for the greater part of your life. when your father wasn't around, joshua was. he was more like an uncle to you, practically raising you. "hey, princess," he says, a smile on his face.
"where is wonwoo?" you ask, eyes surveying the room. you see mingyu, minghao, jeonghan, and vernon, but not the man you are here for.
"that's how you greet me?" joshua asks, tilting his head to the side. you don't feel like arguing, so you give him a quick hug paired with a kiss on the cheek. "why are you looking for wonwoo?" he asks.
you bite the inside of you cheek, trying to come up with a lie on the fly, until the door to another room opens, and wonwoo emerges buttoning the first three buttons on his shirt, followed by a dancer. your stomach drops, and you feel like laughing and crying at the same time. wonwoo doesn't acknowledge the woman and turns away from her, meeting your eye in the process. guilt and shock pass quickly over his features, before he composes himself and carries on like he didn't see him.
marching over to him, you stand in front of him as he takes a seat on the couch in the room. "wonwoo, we need to talk," you say, putting your hands on your hips. he picks up a glass of brown liquor and drains its remaining contents.
"then talk."
"in private," you say, widening your eyes. he sighs and stands up, starting to walk over to the room he just came out of. "i'm not talking to you in there." you say, a hint of disgust in your voice.
"then talk," he barks, the room quieting down a bit. your face burns in embarrassment, hating the way he's treating you. he stares up at you like there's better things he could be doing, his gaze hard.
"you're such an asshole."
wonwoo shrugs. "oh well."
"you know what, wonwoo? fuck you. i know you threatened boo the other night, so you can just fuck off! you can fuck with me—fine—but leave seungkwan out of it!"
his nose twitches like it did the other night, but this time you don't stick around to wait for him to explode. you leave just as quickly as you'd shown up.
once outside, the tears start. you lean against the side of the building and sob into your hands. you don't know how, or why, for that matter, you let wonwoo treat you this way. but he's not always like this— you've seen sides of him that prove it. but its been nearly two years of push and pull, him doing both the pushing and pulling. he pushes you away while simultaneously pulling you to him. he knows that you'll follow him wherever he goes.
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Sword gays showdown, round 3 of bracket one
For Alucard:
He has a sword that he can command to fly around. He's bisexual. He's depressed. He's both the direct opposite of his father and too much like him. He's part of the most disastrous polycule to ever exist. He's a jerk. I love him, he's very important to me.
Symphony of the Night has too much of a cultural impact to not have him be included here. He’s an aroace icon with a huge sword collection (he’s bisexual in the animated series). He has a flying sword familiar and a sword he can hold in his hands. Loves taking naps.
For Zoro:
Literally training to be the greatest swordsman in the world. Has a special three swords technique (one blade in each hand plus one with the handle held in his teeth). I haven't read the manga or watched the anime but the live action adaptation gives me extremely gay vibes and based on the fandom things I've seen I'm not the only one
bro uses three swords. has one in his mouth. dont ask how the HELL he manages that. one day he will be the worlds greatest swordsman....after he beats the current greatest for both the titles of greatest swordsman and fruitiest swordsman. he's dramatic as FUUUCK like bro what the hell. has homoerotic fights with the local twink like everyday. directionally challenged, can and will get lost in a paper bag, doesnt know left from right...he probably cant read, too. hes too silly ngl
First of all, im in like episode 250 and so far he hasnt been shown attracted to any woman at all during the whole show so far, not even when one changed clothes in the same room as him and this is anime so you know there were other characters with bloody noses and shit. With that out of the way he wields three swords at once [two in his hands, one is his goddamn mouth dude. Its cool af trust me.] When he was little he made a promise to his best friend that he'd be the best swordsman in the world. Later she died in a tragic accident and left her sword which he still uses today. He also carries a cursed sword but he overpowers the curse with a combination of skill and sheer luck. He got stuck in a chimney. While his crewmates sail their ship he takes naps. He learned how to cut through metal by fighting a guy who could turn his body into metal blades. That's metal. He refuses to fight this liberal marine officer because she looks like his childhood best friend and its just understandably really awkward for him. He's autistic. He's a he/him bisexual lesbian. He's a gay man. He's ace/aro. He's whatever you want him to be babey!!
he has 3 swords, wields one in his mouth sometimes, his dream is to be the greatest swordsman in the world
three swords and big aroace-spec gay vibes
He not only has a sword he has *three* swords. He's absolutely gay there's no way to see this man as straight. Also one time he licked his sword for no reason and that was really funny to me so I had to mention it
Look, this man thinks about three things: Swords, His Captain, and Booze. He’s on a quest to be the worlds greatest swordsman. The Live action has a scene where he declares his undying, unwavering loyalty to his captain WHILE reaffirming his promise to be the worlds greatest swordsman. At this point His dream and his Captain are so intertwined it’s crazy. Man is so sword-y he’s got three of them. When one of his swords broke he carried its empty scabbard until he was able to give it a SWORD FUNERAL. He hears a sword is cursed and takes that as a challenge. He will literally tell his swords off for “bad behavior” when they “act up” due to being straight up cursed. He tests one by throwing it in the air and sticking his arm out to see if it is so blood thirsty and ill tempered that it will cut him. Even though he’s literally the first mate if you ask him what his role is he’s going to answer Swordsman.
He's dedicated his life to two things: becoming the greatest swordsman in the world and his captain, Luffy. 
He mastered the three sword style. Its his style. It would've been more swords but he could only fit one sword in each hand and one in his mouth. He wants to be the world's greatest swordsman, a deal he made with his childhood best frenemy (before she died falling down the stairs). He thought he was All That at the start and was almost completely decimated by the actual Worlds Greatest Swordsman. Now, after two years forced training with that guy, he's probably in the top tier no-doubt, and honestly could already be the best but we just don't know for sure yet. Also, did I mention: he's got the whole demon/devil imagery going on at times. And he has absolutely no sense of direction! plus is a total softie when it comes to Chopper and all the children who somehow gravitate towards him. And he loves naps!
One of the guy's main goals in life is to be the best sword fighter and he fights with three swords which I think is telling enough of his skill.
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p4n1cl0v3r · 1 month
hello.. im back from reading them.. uh and HUGE spoiler warning, like spoilers for everything cuz i cant keep my mouth shut.. this is also really long so im so sorry if you actually read this 😭😭 i just wanted to yap
ok. so. chase is burnt out, thats rlly sad 😭 hope he isnt too burnt out that its effecting him way more than he can handle,
his beach boys outfit is adorable. deacon not being on the island and chase being stuck with buddy i knew was gonna be terrible from the start. when i saw chase hand buddy a water bottle to light the fire i thought it was sweet that they were getting along, same with buddy telling chase he can have the second fish.
at first, i thought buddy was hearing the whispers so i didnt really think much of it.
the “buddy being a vampire and chase freaking out” was really funny, i found that hilarious and just chase thinking buddy was cute (even if he said it was in “a jerk way”, it was still nice and i wonder how that will go down (after the most recent chapter)
buddys face when chase pulled the chocolate out looked like a dog seeing a ball, it was adorable ngl
my heart sank when chase made a comment about buddy not being treated well and then buddy shivered.. like hm i seriously wonder how he actually is being treated, yk? like all we see of him is him being a jerk and just genuinely not giving a shit about anyone or anything (until the most recent chapter in which ill get into that in a second..)
deacon was not having a fun time with the seagulls 😭😭😭 rip deacon 😔
the way chase bribed buddy with the last bar of chocolate was so funny
chase hit buddy in the face with a ball 😃👍🏼
buddy then threw chase in the ocean and called him tiny (damn bro making fun of his height, its okay chase is just fun sized ☠️)
buddy with curly wet hair felt weird but it looked nice on him
i found it sweet that chase wanted to help buddy, even if all buddy has been towards him was rude. shows what type of person chase is and it makes me love his character so much, everyone needs their own chase lol
i know buddys main goal is to get the keys, and so it would be very unlikely that he would throw that away to become friends with chase, but man. when chase called him out on it and the shattered heart image in the background… awh man.
the small fight they had was sad, but once buddy left chase was sitting on the ground crying, i may be wrong but i dont think we have seen him crying until now, right? brb lemme go check
ok i like reread the entire thing and few times we saw him cry was when we saw him visit myra for the first time in the story (that we see ofc) and it was just for a split second, and also in the same episode visiting his fathers grave, he seemed to cry a smige more but thats all.
+ while doing the research for that, i realized that in the very first episode chase got a black eye and when he went out of the book, he didnt have it anymore. so (again ill get into this when i get into the most recent chapter and what happened then) but at the same time, the second episode was more of a “hey! this is how this mess started!” sorta thing, so we dont know the timing of it.
in the morning when chase wakes up and sees buddy, from the way buddy is speaking im pretty sure he was upset about the conversation the night before too, as he’s never been that violent with anything towards chase before. im not saying buddy is a violent person, but at the same time, its concerning a bit how he took “the two characters have an argument “ and his anger took over him and make it a hostile argument instead of verbal.
“and if they do make you miserable, you deserve it” hm i get that chase is upset, i mean buddy is quite literally being a psychopath at this point in the story, but man.. when i read that i was just in amazement that that came to mind, i dont blame the guy ofc but still. didnt go over well, buddy seemed to be pretty affected by it, which brings up again, i do genuinely wonder how the ex libris is treating him to make him so easily shaken / angry when its brought up.
buddy hurt chase. now to be fair, chase sorta (i think) kicked him and made buddy land face first in the sand etc. but he didnt draw blood. buddy drew blood, now what i noticed when this happened is buddys first instinct was to drop the spear and instantly basically panic. its clear he didnt genuinely mean to hurt chase, but he still did.
now as said above, we dont know if these injuries can travel from book to real life, as we dont have solid proof that they do. but its obvious, even if its fake, that the characters still feel it, so that must have hurt a lot (ofc it did lynx you dumbass bro is literally bleeding on his face 😒) but if they do travel to the real world, how is chase going to hide it? its a slash under his eye on his cheek, decent size too. doesnt seem that easy to cover. i mean, he does have like 47 skin care products so maybe he can cover it with that somehow but im not sure
back onto the point above, buddy’s first instinct was to (first pause and stare) and then drop the spear, making it clear he didnt mean nor, even want to hurt chase maybe. buddy is usually good with his words and with what he says, it all comes out perfectly as if he is reading a script when he speaks. he was choking on his words, “trying” to explain why that happened.
“n-no, i-“ “i didnt mean that, i just-“ “i wasnt…”
he was obviously not prepared, nor did he want to. again, he was after the keys, he wasn’t after hurting anyone.
(which this is all quite obvious, however i love to yap and i have no friends in person that also like cinderella boy so shush let me nerd out for a sec)
it kinda felt uncomfortable seeing buddy so.. what’s the word? unsettled? upset? surprised? one of those, maybe all three. this entire episode for the most part felt off putting, buddy not being his “ha i dont care, just go away” persona and instead getting pissy (more that usual) and even upset at the end. it just didnt feel right and its so obvious that after this the next story that chase goes into (if he continues) will be so different compared to these when it comes to interactions with buddy.
“youre just a scum, you know that?” YIKES BRO 😭💀💀 chase is uh yeah i just wanted to mention that line
seeing chase with tears in his eyes, obviously looking genuinely scared and saying “all i wanted to do was help” HURT MY SOUL. again, mentioned above, we rarely see him cry, and the only times we did was when visiting his sick mom and his fathers grave. thats it. the fact that hes cried now twice because of something buddy has done is huge, dont ya think?
chase ran away crying, which ykw i dont blame him, buddy’s body language was also a huge giveaway that he genuinely felt bad because again, hes usually so confident in the way he poses, and from the moment he hurt chase to the end of the episode, he was holding himself, just standing there.
also the fact that the last panel is one of the chocolate bar wrappers blowing towards buddy’s feet was also interesting. like putting salt water into a cut yk? (haha get it cuz theyre on a beach island and chase has a cut.. haha.. okay sorry)
okay so these were a LOT to take in, and chase being already burnt out might be a reason he cried so easily, but you never know. i think buddy gaining chase’s trust without trying and KNOWING (or probably knowing) he had chases trust and just not caring and broke it without a thought kinda sucks, but as said TWICE. we dont know his situation. for example, what if he will get hurt or someone around him will if he doesnt get these keys? we dont know why he does what he does so we cant really excuse nor can we blame him.
i saw them getting along and from that second i knew it was going to end terribly.
my theory is, that when deacon comes back he will see chase hurt and upset, and buddy either will be no where in sight (very likely) or he will be very quiet and not making a single noise in the background. deacon will see chase, probably be really confused and then realize who chase was around. now, im not that great at reading characters.. unless like i study them HARD so all this next stuff just might be bs, but ima say it anyways because its tumblr.
now, i think once they get out of the book, deacon will beg chase to tell him what happened, if he didnt already in the book, even if deacon already knows without saying. deacon, being deacon, will probably panic, and either 1) try to convince chase its a bad idea to continue. 2) try to convince chase to take a break and make deacon do them for a small period of time (very unlikely). or 3) deacon will be hesitant to continue, but if they do then he will be a lot more protective of chase, and possibly look more into books completely without any sort of villain.
its obvious there could ALSO be other scenarios, but these are the ones i came up with. another is that chase could stop completely, and just give up. but thats HIGHLY unlikely as its literally part of the story and silver and bronze will probably try to support him.
now, with the chase and buddy dynamic… oh wowie. this is a slow burn enemies to lovers story, which means this wont be miserable for a long time, however it still asks the question “well how are they going to react towards one another” and my GOOD friends, who the fuck knows. (punko thats who)
however! its impossible for them to go along and pretend it never happened, because its clear they were both hurt by it. even if it wasnt completely just physically. maybe buddy will stop appearing in the books for a second? what if he’s replaced by another member? ikik unlikely. okok, well what if in the stories buddy just stays quiet and entirely follows along with his character? i feel like that wouldnt last long and i dont think buddys that much of a jerk to try and dodge it. chase? i feel like chase would try to dodge it, i mean after this he has to fear buddy a little right? they could also be a lot meaner to one another, but i also see that as very unlikely. i can see chase being more cold, but for some reason i cant imagine buddy being as rude as he was in the beginning, or even rude to being with.
all in all, i really dont know what theory to go with, MAN I WANNA NERD OUT MORE ABT THIS. 😭😭😭 (yk w someone who will actually listen cuz my friends irl dont give a shit)
holy shnizer that was a lot of words... okay well if you read all of that then we might as well be friends cuz man i talk a lot about subjects i like.. BUT YEA. WILD RIDE. WOWIE.
me when it comes to cinderella boy:
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ainri · 8 months
hello! I'm the one who asked for one of illumi (yandere) could you make it headcanons?
illumi zoldyck as a yandere (hcs and drabble.)
•hunter x hunter
•yandere illumi headcanons + small drabble
•mostly fem oriented
•assasin/servant reader
•fic warinings: !dark content!, mentions of death multiple times including reader + reader’s family, insinuated character death at end, forced labor, undergarmnet theft, swear words, mild gaslighting, obsessive thoughts.
•a/n: this is my first request so ty!!! tbh i rlly like writing yanderes like its just so fun? anyways someone should really do a crime count because i had to put some extra stuff in the fic warning so that people wouldn’t go crazy on me or call me insensitive 🥰sorry for the wait i completely forgot abt tumblr…..🙊if it doesnt make sense its because i rushed it bc i felt bad for how long i kept my anon waiting (sorry anon pookiebear) and its 1:27am 😞😞
continuation of this post!
-how did you end up this position again?
-oh yeah thats right! your parents were also assasins who just happened to have ‘issues’ with the zoldycks.
-they had personal issues with silva due to a deal gone wrong between the two assassin families.
-how did silva handle getting played by your parents? by sending out an order to kill them.
-but silva is a higher class man with much bigger issues. who’s better to do the job than his son illumi?
-of course the original order was to kill you, your father, and your mother.
-when illumi saw you walking back onto your family’s estate something in him just snapped.
-he just couldn’t help it; he had to have you, no matter the cost.
-that was the moment he realized he couldnt just let you die or kill you.
-you were…special?
-that was the first mission he had ever failed… he just couldnt bring himself to kill you.
-after silva finished beating the shit out of him; illumi had an idea.
-illumi spoke of this idea to silva; to make you a personal servant in return for you and your parents’ lives.
-of course silva agreed, once silva privately told you of this ‘agreement’ you had to agree.
-best to not test the zolycks’ willpower and to not test the waters.
-working as illumi’s personal servant was fine, that was before your panties started disappearing randomly from your laundry bin.
-“master illumi, i hate to bother you with this but have you seen my panties?”
-“no. what are you saying servant?”
-he quickly retorted back, almost, no, way too quickly.
-of course, this all started to add up when the male zoldyck house staff started to ignore you + avoid you like the plague.
-apologizing profusely to you over the smallest mistakes or accidents.
-this was all bizzare…. you needed answers, as quickly as possible.
it was a calm day of cleaning when suddenly you walked in on it—illumi torturing your male coworker who helped you clean the atrium yesterday. “master illumi, what are you doing?” the servant asked horrified and confused,
“none of your business servant-“ he stopped himself to reword his sentence, “you know what? no! i was teaching him a lesson for speaking to you. besides you only belong to me!-right? right? say you belong to me! i killed all of those men—no, boys for you and you can’t even say, ‘thank you master illumi.’!?” he was yelling, now losing his temper.
“master illumi i didnt ask for you to kill for me! whats wrong with you? you-you-you psychopath! youre being completely delusional and irrational!—“
all you saw was black as you felt your vision go blurry with illumi hitting you in the head with skme heavy blunted off object.
“i don’t appreciate that (name), i don’t appreciate it at all. you ungrateful woman. all i ever wanted to do was love you. clearly you cant even allow me to do that much. what a shame.”
©2023 ainri; do not repost my work without credit or repost my work in a different language♡
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lilbirdblu · 4 months
obligatory disclaimer to all the "its just mc eggs its not that deep" people that this is about characters. we are allowed to post character analysis, even ones that arent positive, about fictional characters no matter what medium theyre from. this is 10000% about the characters, not the admins and there are moments i may not know about since i cant watch every pov but heres my thoughts on the sunny/leo "beef"
which it feels wrong, at this point, to even call it beef when its mostly one sided on leo's part and the adults are failing both sunny and leo
does leo have the right to be wary about the new eggs? 100%, absolutely
does that excuse her recent treatment of sunny? no
is leo to blame for her behavior? well, no, she's a child
do i think q!foolish and q!tubbo are good fathers? yes
did they both drop the ball in regards to this situation and should have handled it better? yes, but that doesnt mean its not too late now
again, i dont fault leo for being distrustful and cautious of the new eggs, its more than reasonable given what shes gone through. im glad she's warmed up to pepito and i think it's a good choice on foolish's part to not force her to interact with anyone she doesnt like while still encouraging her to try. that being said, i think he should say something to leo about how she has recently been treating sunny because it is quickly getting to the point where it is bullying, not "beef"
to be fair, maybe he hasnt seen [in character/roleplay] the extent to which she has treated sunny, and obviously none of the parents are aware of the baby fight club, but even then, someone should say something to leo if they see behavior similar to how leo treated sunny after the fight [although i believe foolish and roier are two of the only people she will actually listen to /neu] with that being said, i dont think foolish takes it very seriously and at the end day has a rather "well what can you do" type of mentality about it.
we know that leo is stubborn and can be a little hard headed, which is one of the reasons why i personally love her, but its been toeing the line in regards to sunny and i feel as though she crossed it during the baby fight club. sunny has been trying to take leo's feelings into consideration [among other eggs, such as tallulah, who excuse it as distrust of the new eggs despite being warm/neutral to both em and pepito while being harsher to sunny].
the fact that the fight ended and sunny was trying to leave when leo blocked the exit and continued to hit sunny shows that her feelings towards sunny are more than just apprehension. even ramon, leo's triplet, felt the need to step to in and separate them out of concern for sunny's well being.
i can also see the nuance of leo's behavior: its the first time where she has disliked someone and been forced to be in close vicinity/interact with them, and no one has taught her that this sort of behavior isnt ok so how is she supposed to know better?
its not an excuse by any means, but it doesnt make it any less bullying than it is. this is where the adults are failing not just sunny [by being bystanders] but theyre failing leo, too.
and sure, disagreements and fights between the eggs is interesting.. when it comes from both parties but when you have one egg--one child--who doesnt want to be around another egg child in consideration of their feelings while the other egg child vandalizes their things and hits them to the point of almost being downed--that's not a disagreement. thats bullying.
does leo have to like sunny? no
do i think that they have more in common and similar feelings of loneliness that they both dont realize, which could make way for a friendship? yes
would i mind if leo never warms up to sunny? no
its realistic. sometimes kids just.. dont get along and thats ok, its good to teach children that we arent going to get along with everyone or even like them [and not everyone is going to like us and we shouldnt try to force them to], but its also important to teach children that not liking somebody doesnt make it okay to treat them poorly or bully them.
in fact, this would be a really good situation in which both leo and sunny can learn the aforementioned, especially since their fathers are good friends that enjoy one another's company so i dont see them stopping hangouts anytime soon so leo and sunny will hopefully learn to, at the very least, be civil with one another. i hope this is the direction the story goes because a bully arc is one of the last things i personally want to watch
i understand its hard, especially when their first languages are not one that they share, but thats what the qsmp is all about, isnt it? coming together in spite of language barriers
im hoping the sunny/leo situation takes a turn for the better, even if it takes time to get to a point where they are mostly indifferent to one another w/o excessive antagonizing
with all that said, i will always have faith in the admins to give us their best, even if the outcome isnt what we wanted or expected
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blueiight · 1 year
re: choose violence meme Utena answer, I don't want to drag you into the wretched discourse lol, so no pressure to answer, but... okay so I haven't watched IWTV but from what little I see. you seem SO TAPPED IN to what's going on w interplay of the book VS the tv show's handling of race, gender, etc. so I am wondering... penny for your thoughts on Ikuhara's handling / not handling of race (and / or sexuality)... and / or the fandom's takes... orz
oh yeah im down& i appreciate the compliment!<3 im hesitant to over-speak, but i know ikuni & saito have explicitly said anthy is based off lalah sune from mobile suit gundam.. lalah is from bombay (mumbai) & was trafficked into the flannigan institute (2d space military experimentation) as a means to experiment n find the answer on newtypes, which r basically an esoteric arbitrarily defined concept from gundam to gundam thats exploited in the space age military apparatus. lalah sune in the uc gundam series is used as a plot device: its one of char’s greatest mistake/s in his culpability in lalah’s situation, therefore once again violating his father zeon’s revolutionary precepts on what the newtypes were for, and one of amuro’s greatest mistake/s in that he made a brief but rather profound bond w/ such a ~kindred spirit~ n ended up being the one who killed her. she ends up haunting both of them in char’s counterratack & while i thought that was enjoyable to watch.. its laughably easy to read lalah as a pretext for amuro + char’s later fixation on eachother (& tomino even encourages it). ultimately, lalah’s own characterization, much less any story arc on how she was the means to introduce newtypes in the gundam series is tertiary to what she represented to amuro and char. now why am i talking about lalah here? bc ikuni+ saito r explicitly inspired by her in making anthy n ima try to say my piece in how ikuni, and the rgu narrative in both animanga treat anthy (& akio, as a result of being her brother)’s racialization. a lot of shoujo animanga period always has the trope of the character or two at the most who r noticeably darker than the pale-skinned cast, yet theyre never really clearly defined as who or what they are much less is this used to supplement their characterization. with rgu, as u have discussed before, ikuni nem use eternity as a motif. like what does it mean to be eternal? n all. u have anthy and akio, these two darker skinned (indian) characters like lalah, being seen as the vanguard , the introduction to and the disseminator of this esoteric concept that ever eludes the rest of the cast. u have these indian characters who play into these new-age stereotypes , namely how the new age has coopted a lot of the indian faiths & refuse to see yalls cultures as something that actually evolves, but is stagnant + ‘eternal’. the modern world is outside, ohtori headed by akio is the cycle of life repeating over& over n over again. when it comes to the vitriolic protracted abuse + projection anthy faces thru the series, its implicit that this is bc shes a darker skinned girl in a sea of lighter skinned people & abused by her older brother. i cant say if it was ikuni nems intention in doing this but the canon is ample for this argument n how i read this idea of being the rose bride , the ultimate target for humanity’s hate to be a commentary in part on what it means to be a girl/woman of color. dios having the burden to save all of humanity is the archetypical prince, and the expectation on boys of color to prematurely ‘rise up’ n ‘be the man’ so & anthy pulling her brother away from this burden made her a target to all of Humanity, metaphorically for refusing to play the martyr. n ive faced shit in the past for articulating such& bc im a bw, ppl have seemed to misinterpret me saying this as saying ‘anthy is black’ LOL. the fandom is woefully reluctant to tackle this, bc there is no immediate white (european) involved. they want to say utena tenjou n em are ‘white’ bc theyre so eurocentric that this is the only way they can think. when these are japanese creators , creating characters n r relying on stereotypes of indian spirituality + people to define them in relation to the japanese characters. like its a reason they made anthy , the rose bride, the witch, based off lalah sune & not like. utena or shiori yk? the question of sexuality tied to this is rly weighted too, esp bc anthy (+ akio?) sport the marriage colored bindi, but i feel like that was the most intentional they went there
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Dorian is verry easy to love, legit one of the cutest and most unique durge designs I’ve seen and all his lord is hella interesting! Anymore Dorian factoids about him and AA? I’m kinda interested in how he was with Astarion before he ascended (sorry if you’ve said before and I’ve just missed it)
sobing crying throwing up thank youuu i love my austic creature so much 😭 i wanted my self insert to be a furry and dnd has some very Furry races. im honestly a little suprised more people havent made their bg3 ocs a race other than whats in the game
i drew this a while ago but i didnt really like how it was turning out so i never posted it, but this is essentially what happened when they first met
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so they kinda got off on the wrong foot and would kinda bully eachother but dorian is a freak and got a kick out of his snark and would play along, which astarion warmed up to. honestly they both enable eachother, just because theyre both self indulgent sorts of people. theyre a brat and hes a bitch so imagine how everyone else at camp feels. also dorian got that autistic rizz, theyre so blunt and genuine that they, kind of stupidly, just transparently say what theure thinking all the time, which ends up not just being endearing but also in astarions mind it makes them easy to manipulate bc he already knows exactly what they're thinking. dorian is such an easy target honestly, so when astarion started picking up that dorian was becoming warm to him astarions old training kicks in and propositions dorian in aims of exploiting that fondness. they lost their memory of their first time thanks to their worm lobotomy so they kinda freak like "oh man i dont wanna die a virgin and this hot guy wants to fuck i cant not do it" and thats pretty much as far as i thought about it, i wanna get into the later act 1 and act 2 stuff at some point but i havent actually thought about it all that much xD
but theres sooo much that goes into how the two approach astarion's ascention, their entire relationship has been building up to this pretty intense sort of codependence, wrapped up in eachother's circumstances that they really only see themselves. ig dorian's canon is pretty bleak, companions dropping like flies. the survivors would end up being dorian, astarion, shadowheart, and minthara. so by act 3 theyre really hurting for allies and for firepower. dorian is finding it harder and harder to handle the urge, and is determined to rip their father's influemce from their mind and body. so when they go to bhaal's temple and fucking dies when they reject him, astarion's mind just warps with the fear of actually losing dorian, and while they were codependent before, this event would really plant that seed of what his obsession and possesiveness as the ascendant would become. it wasnt just about freedom anymore it was about keeping what was his. dorian was cautious about him ascending, really just worried for astarion's well being and if something were to go ary, astarion convincing them of course with saying it would be best for him, that it would free him, that he would have the power to protect them both. and dorian is ride or die so they're all in for bogarding cazador's ritual.
and like. they do.
dorian never seen astarion so happy, so relieved. power radiated from him. dorian, being a cleric, is intimately familiar with the divine, that reverence reserved for prayer, that sacred respect for their holy symbols, the awe upon beholding divinity, now was recognized in the vampire ascendant. and he knew it too, "you hold your breath when i speak" astarion indulged this when he proposed turning dorian into his spawn/bride (i subscribe to the bride theory but i like the idea of dorian being reffered to either astarion's spawn or his consort) he turns the whole affair into body worship it was pretty epic. throw in come communion symbolism too why not
i have written way to much i must rest my brain now thank you for asking anon ^w^
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honoringthehorrific · 2 years
I watched Orphan: First Kill and heres what i thought…
Spoilers under the cut 💕
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God can I just say i loved this movie? What a fucking prequel! I went to a theater in a whole other city to see it and let me say it did not disappoint. The movie sets itself in 2007 and while there are some drawbacks i have with this later on, for now i think the timeline tracks. Sarne institute gets a deeper look as they introduce a woman coming for art therapy. I personally think Sarne got a killer update in terms of looks (obviously in the first we only see them briefly) we see how the facility handles Leena (soon to be Esther) and her attempts to escape or be violent. We see that Leena hates being regarded as a child, in-fact so much so that she would kill over it. To be honest I love Leena’s blood lust and will to survive. One of my favorite kills of the movie was her bashing the perverted guard’s head into a splatter on the wall.
In terms of effects i think first kill out did itself. While it is obvious the actress aged its really easy (for me at least) to over look especially with the mastery of camera angles and special shoes aiding in keeping the illusion. I also have seen people explain it away as Leena is not as good at makeup in this earlier timeline as she was when she met the Colemans. Visually the kills are great and the effects on honestly everything look peachy! I can say with my whole chest that i don’t think there was a kill the whole movie i looked at and said “that looks lame” even if theres potentially CG (I’m not certain) its not outright noticeable at first watch for someone like me who is an avid disliker of CG fx in horror (practical all the way baby!)
I have rooted for Esther this entire time, from the first movie to the first kill. Something in me wants this woman to win. We see it more sort of in this one. It does numbers for her. We see that she really is just a grown woman almost trapped in this body and act. She wants a normal life, she wants romance, and possibly even a family of her own but it is thrown in her face repeatedly that this will never happen. Especially by the (in my opinion) true antagonists of the movie. While it is disturbing and unnerving to see what is visually a little girl chasing after older men again and again its also sort of tragic. Even with all shes done to preserve herself and her existence Leena will never be her own adult…
Which brings me to the antagonists of this movie. If Leena isn’t the bad guy then who the hell is?! The Albright family…well not the entire family. This psycho mother and her Norman Bates vibes of a son are the plot twist of the movie. See this mother knew Leena was a fraud the entire time, but how could she know that? Mother’s intuition? Does Leena look too different? No my friends its because her son killed the real Esther, and instead of turning him into the police, she helped him hide the body because she would rather lose one baby to murder than two to murder and prison. Meanwhile the only person in this family i feel bad for is the dad. He loved his daughter so much and you can tell. Getting to do art with Leena is big for him, and his bond with our Esther is what saves her skin when it comes to getting outed.
Throughout the movie we see Leena fall in love with the paternal figure and while we know its doomed from the start (not just because he sees her as his missing daughter but we know theres a whole other movie following this) Its sad to see how the mother teases Leena and holds it over her head that its her husband and that Leena will never have a husband. Its also sad that when the abuse from the mother and the son begin, the father is the only one she can run to and he goes out of town part way through the abuse.
The abuse makes the kills all the more satisfying, and I cant lie I got a little rowdy in my chair when it came to cheering Esther on. I have a few qualms with the movie, like why the mother had an iphone (im aware they released 2007 and this is a wealthy family but it felt a bit jarring for something set to 2007) i am mildly upset with how certain parts were touched once and never again. For instance Leena finds Esther’s diary and instead of using it to her advantage uses it to call the mother mommy instead.
However I loved the call backs we did get. We get Esther storing photos in her decaying bible from sarne, we get her false teeth being more of a prominent thing (it being what blows her cover to Allen at the end. They also get knocked out a few times. We hear her listening to a song that she sings in the next movie to John Coleman during the seduction scene, and we find out where Esther learned to paint with black light.
Over All
I adored this movie. It made me want more, I love Leena and I love rooting for her. Im still a firm believer that horror movies can bring characters back from the dead any time they’d like, and i think it would be fun and interesting to see Esther’s story continue or see more of her origins and what landed her in sarne.
Either way this is a killer good watch and while not all too scary in my opinion. The kills and the character development is worth it alone
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ginnotwist · 1 year
What is your favorite jojo part? And favorite character? I have noticed that people who like both jjba and enstars can often be the smartest most nuanced people youll have the pleasure of talking to and i think you qualify
HIII okay preemptively putting this under a readmore since its just going to be me rambling. thank you though im glad u think my takes are good. it makes me happy to be able to discuss stuff (dreamy sigh) i love discussions
my fav jojo part kind of pingpongs between parts 7, 8 and 3. i think part 7 is exceptionally written. i love the characters i love their interactions i love their banter to offset the more serious tone and conflicts of the part. jesus christ corpse aside i think part 7 touches some very heavy issues with how johnny is handled and while things couldve been done better, i think it's good. i love part 8's entire plot and it feels like a murder mystery the whole time to me, at the beginning it feels quite silly but when the focus shifts over to the rokaka, the rock humans and gappy's origins thats where it starts getting really good. i'd rather not spoil since ik a lot of people havent finished reading p8 and i implore u to because p9 is just around the corner. p3 is just kind of. there. i feel bad because part 3 is just a hero's journey. it's not outstanding but i think it's charming in its simplicity. i like the characters and the stand fights and the format is silly and lets me turn my brain off.
ok fav characters... i'll try to narrow this down to 3. johnny, jotaro, and fugo. fugo probably the one i am most fond of (hes my milk webkinz). johnny aside, i feel like the other two are kind of simple characters but this is where my Tendency To Overanalyze Anything I Like kicks in so to me they're a lot deeper and fleshed out than they seem at first glance.
johnny, well...i see a lot of dislike towards johnny from certain parts of the community because of his (implied) depression and him being disabled. a lot of dudebros seem to see him as someone whiny and a "useless" jojo, comparing him to gyro which seems to do most of the emotional heavylifting this part. this is not at all true and i think both his and gyro's efforts are what result in them progressing in the race as well as johnny's own progress irt to the spin, in coping with his brother's loss, and finding purpose in himself. i am Not disabled, so i cant truly comment on how good of a representation he is but while one of his motivations is to obtain the jesus corpse to be able to walk again, this motivation is almost entirely set aside by the end of the part – and by the time he does 'gain the ability' to walk again for lack of a better term it's not at all the main focus. it's almost cathartic to see that when gyro passes away johnny thanks him for all he's done, but he's most certainly not making reference to his working legs, but rather, everything else. his best friend just died, and his main goal is to finish the race, and get his corpse back to italy. throughout the part gyro helps him find strength in himself to see that he is capable of more than he thinks (even though he can be quite harsh, i think this is exactly what johnny needs), and johnny's depression and survivor guilt when it comes to being alive while his brother, who he considers was better in every respect, is dead, is very realistic within the confines of what Can Be, in a story like jojo, and idk. when his neglectful father who left him to die comes back to greet him at the end of the race, begging for forgiveness, is essentially spat on by johnny because after all his growth he knows he deserves more than that, that he does not owe him forgiveness just because after years of mistreating him he's finally seen the error of his ways... stuff like that just kind of sells him for me. he feels so real. that and he's really cute and funny ✌️
JOTAROS A BIT HARDER TO TALK ABOUT BECAUSE he feels very flat. in part 3 you can argue hes just some angsty brooding teenager who's mean to his mom and punches shit. which is true. that's what it is on paper. idk though. i made a lot of shit about jotaro up in my head so a lot of this is going to be hcs and my interpretation of him. but i dont think he's ever really had a healthy outlet for his issues. i love holly, but she's always just kind of gone with what jotaro wants/says, and jotaro's never really had a father figure in his life. ofc he wants to save his mom when he goes off to egypt, it's almost all he has. then in egypt i like to think that meeting the other three and becoming friends with someone close to his age, kakyoin, he realizes things about himself that he never really considered, or wishes to put a name to. i think jotaro has a bit of internalized homophobia in regards to kakyoin and having lost him, his first love, at 17 fucks you up. i also like the interpretation that jotaro is autistic and this is one of the reasons he has such a hard time relating to people, voicing his thoughts and latched onto marine biology which is something that persists throughout his whole life.
i think one of the best things about jotaro is that he might seem underdeveloped in his own part but then in p4+p6 when he shows up enough has happened to him that you can infer some of his development behind the scenes. by p4 we know he has jolyne but travels around a lot and we know nothing about his spouse so we can assume his relationship with her isnt the best (this is confirmed in p6). going back to the internalized homophobia i think jotaro would take on a spouse because of comphet and because he feels like this is something that should be normal. keep in mind his father was also never around while he was growing up, so again traveling around and not spending time with his daughter, spending more time on speedwagon foundation business and his studies, and it never once occurs to him that this might not be the best thing to do (at the time). he's a lot more mature now and knows he cant use violence to solve everything, which is good, and tries to form lasting relationships with josuke, koichi and okuyasu. he's trying to make progress
and then p6 rolls around and jolyne is grown up and we find out that yeah jotaro was a pretty shit dad. our suspicions were correct. he was never around, he's always had fights with jolyne’s mother not because hes violent but because hes completely disinterested. again, the comphet, but also: he's out of the house all of the time on spf business because he wants to keep jolyne safe. to this day the effects and losses of egypt still rest heavy on him and marine biologist work aside he doesn't want the same fate to befall jolyne. him sending her the brooch is a last resort for her to protect herself. when hes awake during the part he's trying to make it up to jolyne, in his own way, and he loves and protects his daughter until his dying breath (this brought me to tears, btw part 6 is a ride). also i rly think he loved kakyoin his whole life. idk. i think jotaro can be pretty tragic depending on how you see him. which is why i love him but he also makes me sad as fuck because i think after p3 he spends his whole life lamenting the trauma he suffered when he was 17 and forcing himself to suck it up; ofc this doesnt excuse him being a shitty father to jolyne, i think she deserves better, but... you know
NOW FUGO!!!!!!! This is all going to sound delusional. bear with me. fugo is literally in p5 for like 2 milliseconds so ill explain how /i/ see him. but also keep in mind ive read phf like 3 times. OK SO fugo is this moody ass 16 year old with extreme anger issues -- while most of the time hes mature, good with people with only a bit of snark, he has an explosive temper that stemmed from his childhood. he was a prodigy child, he got into university at the age of 13, but was for the most part neglected by his family (not including his grandmother), his parents only looking after him/demanding More from him when it came to his studies/extracurricular activities. his family is new money, so they need fugo to excel in life to ensure that they are not taken lightly.
here is where stuff kind of varies: in the anime, he is almost sexually harassed by a much older uni professor and in a fit of rage beats him over the head with a heavy book. in the novel and the manga i think it just comes from the teacher mocking him (in the novel he gets pissed off because his grandmother died prior and the teacher belittled him for failing an exam when he had requested to not take it) but the consequence is the same: hes kicked out of uni and disowned by his family to not blunder the family name, making him homeless. time goes by and he's taken in by bruno and hes the first one to join his gang under the guise of needing a "level head" (ironic bc bruno knows why fugo ended up on the streets).
then the actual events of p5 happen and he actually leaves the gang really early on as bruno had decided to betray the boss. fugo is inept emotionally and prefers to not face the wrath of the boss, narrowly avoiding his own death LOL and then being like ok why did they ditch me. 
he doesnt understand why bruno and the rest of the gang would throw away their lives for some girl theyd just met. he's logical, emotion-driven only when it comes to himself. hes moody, as a teenager should be, but after joining brunos gang becomes heavily reliant on routine, on being told what to do, and despite all of the gang related activities they carry out, is likely the only time he's ever been able to be a kid/someone's child. from here on we dont see him at all unless you read his spin-off novel which is technically not considered canon by a lot of ppl bc its not by araki, but its overseen by him and the illustrations included are all provided by him. but basically i like fugo for a lot of the same reasons i like kakyoin: that being hes a socially inept introvert who had no friends until the main story and didnt realize what they had until it was too late
(PHF SUMMARY HERE) after the events of p5, with bruno, abbacchio and narancia dead, giorno as the head of the mafia seeks him out to carry out a mission to exterminate the head (happens to be an old university classmate of his) of this group selling drugs under the passione's name. essentially a suicide mission if it goes wrong. hes tasked to go with sheila e. (girl, same age as boss' daughter approx.) and murolo (middle aged man). they butt heads quite a bit but grow rather close. thru various parts of the novel hes still on some Dumb shit with his anger issues like nearly killing sheila e. when she caught him while he was falling bc he was still seeing red from the enemy. otherwise this part he just kinda comes off as depressed, less explosive. without going into much detail about the fights or what actually happens, he begins to trust people, i think. he doesnt see Everything as if the world was against him and it makes me rly happy for him. like up until this point hes never been Alone alone, but has alienated himself from others bc he feels that they dont understand, or that theyre too different from him, too dumb. very this ⬇️
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im going to link to a post i wrote a while back about some phf fugo thoughts because this post is already long enough
anyways i think im done here. i hope this was satisfying and good. i went on a bit of a tangent irt fugo and jotaro because i feel like unlike johnny people dont really tend to look at them with the same depth. i also think i am just out of my mind. if youve read this far i love you
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
This might political or entirely wrong. This is simply what I feel and have experience in this cycle. When it come to the relationship of IC and its head, Rhys. I would say it is complex and I have seen this type of friendship before.
If we look to the OG IC member: Az,Cas,Mos,Amren, Rhys. They all same one thing similar : They are all in debt sort to Rhys.
1. Az and Cas are taken in by Rhys mother. If it is not for Rhys mother, they remained as bastard or maybe dead. Of course, they are friend but as someone who have been showed kindness too, sure Az and Cas would not take this issue lightly. Even better, their friendship resulted them in their later job. Oh, dont go to me and say, they are friends, of course nice to be good to each other. No, if this is brought real life, Rhys is this old money rich and have his friends got a job because he can, because his father have title and money. This two whole life rn is better because of Rhys, they re where they are because of Rhys. Of course, they remained loyal to Rhys. You dont bite the hands that feed you. Lets not pretend otherwise because in the book itself we can see how Cas looks up very highly to Rhys. Loyal? Yes, Patriot? Yes but also because of Rhys he gained all this life. And cas? He is a general despite his lowborn and 0 influence. The illyira hate and despise him but rhys still make him a general despite of the fact. Arent you touched? Having a friend to back you up even if everyone hate you?
2. Mor escaped the Hewn City and got access to Velaris and away from her father, from Eris. Need I to say more? If Mor dont keep her mouth shut, she could risk herself being kick out of Velaris. Who will support her if she if kick? Az? Cas? Who is also depended on Rhys? They can complaint but cant say much i guess. And what can Mor offer Rhys in return? She cant even face her own father after 500 years and manage her stress well. She depended on Rhys and Az to shield her.
3. Amren. Idk this woman. Protection from the prison? She escaped the prison right? This must have something to do with Rhys. Another reason why I think se is eager for Rhys to be High King. It secure her place and freedom and her cave of jewlerry
4. Rhys. He gave this people from no 1 -3 something they need and want. Yes, i know you are friends, you be good to friends. But rhys isnt nobody, he is a HL. He rule 3/3 of the NC. What he get in return? Loyalty and secure the IC mouth shut. Why havent any of IC reported to Feyre about her pregnancy risk? Because it is Rhys hands that feed them, take them in and care for them. Yes you are friends but do know they are grown adult with need and perhaps desperation.(maybe to avoid taxes too, lmfao)
Which is to Feyre. What feyre bring for IC (exclude Rhys)? What feyre have to get the IC member out of their desperation? Her power, her alliances? Her rich and coin? Now, we see why IC keep their mouth shut. This is an unhealthy dynamic because it will just made the people listed in number 1-3 nearly impossible to break out of this relationship. If you are aware, you will learn this people life are depended on rhys mostly. If rhys die, they all lose their position and comfort and title. And if feyre die? They grieve and mourn but their position and comfort remained (lets excluded the death pact).
This happen in our own world most of the time. We stuck in this cycle. One provided, one receivng. If handle well, it can be healthy and a help us to grow with a good support system. If the hands giving to us is abusive, well. Ready to cut or be cut.
Anon you are absolutely right. It's not what you know, but who you know! I think Rhys even says when he became high lord lots of his father's council opposed the appointments of the group but Rhys goes full Ron Swanson not to worry I have a permit. They are all in Rhys' debt in some shape or form!
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venust1na · 10 months
- Somewhere on the giant marble-made castle of the Olympus -
Theo, I’m sorry but you are no longer the Knight protector of Pisces…
The giant man with ocean blue eyes looked at the demigod, his son to be exact, while pure rage emerged from the young boy, who was kneeling in front of his pro creator.
On the other side, there was a young man; with built body, tanned skin and dark messy hair, he looked at the god, then at the boy who was screaming nonsense
This is taking too much…
The dark haired man sighed while taking out a device, something like a phone, but far from it. He made a call at the same time the blue eyed deity told him to call “The Twins”, so he did
Hey, we need help in here, the beach boy couldn’t bear to be "fired"
Mate, poor thing… We goin
He looked up from the device and nodded to the god, this was nothing as he expected
Enough drama Theo
He said is enough Theodore
Everyone in the room looked at the two men standing at the edge of the door, one with golden hair, and the other with silver hair. The Twins, as everyone on the Olympus call them, looked at the demigod with disgust.
You should hear your father first, you don’t even know why he is telling you this
The one with golden hair looked down on the kneeling boy, he had seen this before, no demigod could handle being kicked out of the ranks of the knights of olympus
Go ahead father
Theodore looked up to the god who was sitting on his throne, in eyes of everyone else he looked powerful, imposing, full of divine bright. But for the demigod he just looked pathetic, how could his own father do this to him? His most loyal son and the most experienced knight on the ranks?
Theo, I’m sorry but I found another son of mine who can take Pisces as their mother constellation, he will take your place as a golden knight, and for you… you can go back to Japan.
Excuse me?! Someone better than me?! This has to be a joke, no knight is better than me! I’m the strongest, the fastest, I’m… im the best of the best… how could you…?
SHUT UP! I’m tired of this… your father is telling you on a good way because he loves you, but I’m sure he is running out of patience, and so I’m I. Theodore Sāto. You are out of my ranks, and as the leader of the olympians knights I can tell you that you can leave this place, now
Theodore looked at the brown haired man, astonishment written on his face
No, I’m not leaving
The Twins looked at each other and then to the god
Poseidon, we are calling the Sun… is it fine?
Poseidon sighed
Yes, do as you wish, I’m leaving now, my family is waiting for me on my castle
On a blink, Poseidon started shining so bright that if a mortal looked at the god, they will definitely go blind
As for the other three men on the room, the silver haired took out his device and called “Sun”
Wait… there is no need to call him. I mean, this is all a joke and I’m not being kicked out of this, right?
The golden haired men sighed once again
Look Theo, I’m so sorry about this but this is not a joke, Uncle found a better demigod to be the protector of Pisces and you are being fired, end. Of. Story
Metal boots were heard from the outside, then, like a flash of light, the boy was thrown out from the window
The Anemoi will take care of him
All the present looked at the shining teenager, orange messy hair and a golden mask that covered his whole face, white and golden clothes covered his small but strong body, and to finish with, a massive bow made out of gold was resting on his back, looking at the brown eyed men he just said
Do you need something else Kratos?
I told you to call me by my human name, all the deity stuff makes me sick…
The orange haired scoffed
Alright, do you need something else, Daichi-San?
No, Capricorn, I’m fine
And I told you I hate being called Capricorn or Sun whenever we are not fighting, just call me by my name
Alright, Hinata, you can stay with us if you want, we were going to visit your father
No thanks, I’ll pass.
Okay… Castor, Pollux we need to get going
The twins rolled their eyes
I really hate it when you get all bossy Daichi, like really
Shut up Atsumu, we are going to arrive late if we don’t leave now
He’s right Tsumu, let’s go
Shining as Poseidon did, the three men disappeared, leaving the teen alone on the big throne room
I really hate when gods use their teleportation powers, they are going to make me blind…
How dramatic, don’t you have training right now Sho?
Yachi! Finally you arrived from your mission, let’s go to the training arena, you have to tell me what happened
The blonde girl of Virgo let out a gasp as Hinata removed the gold helmet of her head
Yeah, there is a lot to catch up now…
Both left the room while talking of the said mission.
Heyyyyy im back with another Alternative Universe!
This time we have a mixture of Haikyuu, PJO and Saint Saiya.
Let me explain you real quick this AU
The Olympus created a group of demigods trained in order to maintain peace on the modern times. All of them were taken to the great knights manor on Athens since 11 years old, and trained by Kratos, Castor and Pollux alongside other minor deities to transform them into perfect warriors.
Each Demigod has an specific armor according to their mother constellation. Or the constellation chosen by the Olympians for the demigod to protect.
Hinata (Apollo’s Son):
Constellation of Capricorn (The Sea Goat)
Sun - Gold Knight
Kageyama (Poseidon’s Son):
Constellation of Pisces (The Fish)
Bronze to Gold Knight
Human Personification of Kratos, divine personification of strength
Leader of all the Knights, demigods defenders of the world
Suga (Hera’s Guard):
Constellation of Aquarius (The Water Bearer)
One of the chosen by Hera to personally protect her (Mortal at first but the goddess turned him into a demigod)
Gold Knight
Asahi (Cybele’s Son):
Constellation of Centaurus (Half Human, Half Horse)
Silver Knight
Nishinoya (Hermes Son):
Constellation of Cancer (The Crab)
Gold Knight
Tanaka (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Tsukishima (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yamaguchi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yachi (Demeter’s Daughter):
Constellation of Virgo (The Virgin)
Gold Knight
Kiyoko (Hestia’s Daughter):
Constellation of Taurus (The Bull)
Gold Knight
Human Personification of Caerus, Minor God of opportunity, luck and favorable moments
Human Personification of Aether, The Primordial God of Light
Natsu (Delphi’s Oracle):
Constellation of Ursa Major (The Big Bear)
Saeko (Artemis Main Hunter):
Constellation of Orion (The Hunter)
Human personification of Bellona, Roman Goddess of War
She adopted Kageyama as her little brother and raised him on the human world
Kuroo (Hades Son):
Constellation of Scorpio (The Scorpion)
Obsidian Knight
Kenma (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Yaku (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Lev (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Oikawa (Aphrodite’s Son):
Constellation of Libra (the Balance)
Gold Knight
Iwaizumi (Ares Son):
Constellation of Aries (The Ram)
Gold Knight
Hanamaki (Nike’s Son):
Constellation of Pegasus (The Winged Horse)
Silver Knight
Matsukawa (Hypnos Son):
Constellation of Lupus (The Wolf)
Silver Knight
Bokuto (Hephaestus Son):
Constellation of Corona Borealis (The Northern Crown)
Gold Knight
Akaashi (Athena’s Son):
Constellation of Gemini (The Twins)
Gold Knight
Ushijima (Zeus Son):
Constellation of Leo (The Lion)
Gold Knight
Tendou (Eris Son):
Constellation of Draco (The Dragon)
Silver Knight
Semi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Shirabu (Tyche’s Son):
Constellation of Cygnus (The Swan)
Silver Knight
Terushima (Dionysus Son):
Constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer)
Gold Knight
Daishou (Nemesis Son):
Constellation of Hydra (The Water Snake)
Silver Knight
Sakusa (Thanatos Son):
Constellation of Corvus (The Crow)
Silver Knight
Kita (Themis Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
Atsumu & Osamu/Castor & Pollux:
Human personification of Castor and Pollux, The Dioscuri.
They are attributed the role of saving those who are in danger at sea or in war
Suna (Hecate’s Son):
Constellation of Monoceros (The Unicorn)
Silver Knight
Hoshiumi (??? Son):
Constellation of ???
??? Knight
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breakoutime · 2 years
I wanna make a hades modern AU but... I just cant make up my mind on what sort of business would Hades have... I was thinking of some sort of social event organization- something like- Hades gets all of the “lame” jobs (organizing funerals mostly i guess) while his brothers take all the jobs that involve some sort of party (and assist to them too lol), but idk, it could also work to have some sort of non-descriptive business wich hades deals with- while his brothers simply live off the money their parents left them (and most of them are influensers or somehting)... 
Other ideas for the  AU:
-Hades and Nyx have been working together for years- I would even say they are best friends, maybe they met in uni or something, never fell in love but def care a lot for each other.
-Zag would be a young adult- he is either studying in uni or Hades has him working for him... Zag would do poorly in either case.
-Persephone left after zagreus birth (post partum depression?) perhaps zag was very very sick- maybe the doctors didnt think he would survive, and being unable to handle his death, she desides to leave.
-Hades returns one day to an empty home. He thinks his life is over but Zagreus needs him. Somehow Zag beats all odds and gets stable. Hades wants to be happy but cant, he cant imagine being a father without persephone, he feels so lost.
-3am calls to Nyx cuz baby Zag is crying and Hades is almost crying too because he doesnt know what to do. 
-Nyx ends up telling Hades to move into her home- so that they can take care of Zagreus toguether. He agrees. 
-Nyx is a single mother with 6 kids- and somehow had managed on her own, Hades does his best to help, but he is never really seen as the kids father- tho some might look up to him as such (Idk, i can see than and meg looking up to hades somewhat, even if they dont consider him their dad). Hades does his best to support the family, in the end giving her children work on his business- its the least he could do to pay her back in his time of crisis.
-Once zag is grown up they move back to a house, the two of them, tho both families stay close.
-Hades always provided in the economical sense, but not in the emotional sense at all. Zagreus resents him for this- He never felt loved by Hades, and the truth is, I dont think Hades would have been capable to- not after persephones departure. I think the guy would be severly depressed, wich ends up with him being abusive- emotionally abusive. Tho I cant imagine him laying a hand on zag.
idk, felt like rambling a bit. I would love to hear others ideas too.
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years
ok here is my jojoposting masterpost part1! already seen everything in the manga but it was a while ago (like 1 and a half years) so i might've forgotten stuff, i'm noting other things as well! i get really hyped so i might lose my sanity and act more hyper and childish than usual so yeah. so cringe warning i guess :/
part 1 i guess, featuring episodes 13-14
araki you really gonna make ur florida prison guards look like that huh...
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FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'i feel like others don't accept me here' girl you are plankton. BUT ALSO JOLYNE DEFENDING HER BESTIE... SLAY...
foof i love you so much but this is NOT how you do things girl. eating rice and eating food with your left hand even tho your body is right handed and wants bread is NOT going to help you fit in with society.
omg foof loving salmon because she's plankton... I CAN'T I LOVE HER...
jolyne sounds so offended at the fact that ermes is stalking a man. like girl are you jealous. you fucking lesbian
oh my god yes ermes backstory! i remember this! man.
man ermes really out there tryina go to college...
oh i hope this fucker burns in hell
dude the photos... thats so fucking creepy but also a good tactic...
holy shit ermes on full genocide mode
oh shit.
oh shit she fucked up
oh shit
i forgot about this stand jesus fucking christ i hate it.
girlie this is a two parter this ain't over yet
oh shit it ate mickey mouse
dude this is so fucking creepy. invisible corpses attacking you? like what the fuck
i love how when most people lose their leg it's like oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough!!!!! uauhgughuh!!!!!!! but since foof is plankton she's like damn. why did you have to do that >:T
no yeah she's 100% doing that pose with jotaro
jolyne's smart as her father as always...
'an invisible corpse has no concept of up or down' YEAH UH NO SHIT. DID YOU THINK INVISIBLE CORPSES WOULD OBEY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS???
dude foof is such a great medic. like imagine being glued back together by plankton. that's so fucking awesome
no that's so funny this bitch doesn't realise this guy is unconscious and being controlled by an invisible ghost... damn...
oh this man is fucked up. ough he really is a zombie. fucking eating brains
i literally DO NOT remember this WHAT
dude he's dead of course he can bite the shit out of someone without consequence
oh that stand catch is epic
ermes let your bestie help. come ON
'revenge is the way to settle the score with my fate' my god. she's so awesome
WHERE did your medic go. like maybe i lost track but where tf is foof
oh i LOVE how the copied head doesn't follow the real heda's facial features... oh god...
speechless im just watching this battle in awe of ermes. holy shit what a girlboss
korebo might as well be her stand cry now /j
im clapping. you cant tell but im clapping
jolyne just sat there the whole time like What the Fuck did I just watch
why do they show the to be continued AFTER the credits. man
leaving it at here because i have too much to say and there are too many episodes and i don't have time to watch any more tonight but holy Shit AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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boriys-a · 1 year
@donmoreno continued from here
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Killing was, unfortunately, part of the job. Boris had seen a man shot and killed in front of him at a very young age and had seen his mother dead after falling out of a window in her drunken state, but being the cause of someone's death had been especially hard to come to terms with. The first time he'd killed someone, back when Josiah had first allowed Boris to work under him when he'd been left without a home and father, it had haunted him for a while. His way of coping was by telling himself that it had been done in self defense, that he wasn't some sort of awful cold blooded killer.
As Boris listened to the plan being explained to him, he canted his head to the side and bit the inside of his lip in thought. ❝ Okay, yes, is a good plan if we absolutely must take them out. Fast and easy. ❞ However, wherever it was possible, he would rather avoid taking lives. ❝ What about a distraction? I could circle around, make some noise and draw them over. You get into truck when they've left to inspect and come pick me up. If things go wrong and we are in trouble, then we shoot them. ❞ It was three versus two, but he was sure they could handle it.
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zeldasnotes · 2 years
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→ masterlist
These are my personal observations and not facts, i do not want to offend anyone.
Saturn dominants love social media because its a way for them to show off their status symbols and get to know more people. They want everyone to see how many people they know.
The planets in the 10th house are so important when it comes to how people see you. For example Bob Marley have Jupiter and Neptune in the 10th house and he will always be remembered for Neptunian and Jupiterian themes.
Venus Square Neptune natives probably have a mother who is very vain and they learned early that flaws are something you should cover up. They could also have a mother who had to fight for their fathers love which made them grow up to attract men who are unavailable just like their father was towards their mother.
During the time when Jupiter transits your 2nd house you will most likely have a huge appetite
When Saturn transits your 10th house you might get your karma in the form of bad things you have done becoming known to the public.
Even if you are usually not into ”fwb” relationships when you meet someone you have Lilith/8th house synastry with you might feel less guilty having that kind of relationship with them.
Aquarius will be the first to hop on a trend or they will refuse to follow the trend
Capricorn MC have excellent social skills. Capricorn placements in general since they care a lot about what people think but especially Capricorn MC.
Moon in the 8th house synastry makes you have a very bad influence on eachother, you will do things together that you would normally never do. If the two of you are both a little ”twisted” it can get dangerous. This is the aspect where you might even commit murder together.
Sun in the 8th house is the perfect placement for a criminal becasue 8th house Suns have it in them naturally to cover up and hide what they do
People with Nessus conjunct Sun can be obsessed with the eat or get eaten mindset
Every Scorpio Moon ive met have had a fascination with psychopaths
Sagittarius Moons believe everything people say because they have this ”anything is possible” mindset so they can be very gullible. I would actually say this could be one of the top 3 most naive moon placements.
Venus conjunct Chiron in a womans chart is an indicator that she doesnt feel feminine enough. No matter how she looks she feels like shes not like other women, they just cant see the feminine in themselves.
Venus conjunct Chiron also makes the person with this aspect feel like there is some kind of wall between them and others which makes them feel lonely.
Asteroid Young(2165) conjunct Mercury gives a youthful voice
Ive seen a lot of women with Moon/Saturn aspects get involved with men who already have children from another relationship and they have a hard time handling being a stepmom
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