#hazbin hotel redemption
wkyarts51243 · 4 months
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Redeemed Alastor (angelic form)
I don't believe that Alastor will redeem himself at some point in the series but that's how I believe he would look
alastor would be a virtuous soul (winner) of the archangel class
I have a theory that archangels are the celestial equivalent of overlords, since adam himself was one even though he was a human soul
🙏I hope you enjoy the art, please share 🙏
#hazbinhotel #helluvaboss #hazbinhotelredemption #helluvabossart #vivziepop #hazbinhotelart #hazbinhotelalastor
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fnife · 2 months
Hey… Slides over some Hazbin Helluva heart emojis.. <3
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quinn-beee · 1 year
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Page 5 and 6 of my hazbin hotel AU redemption! hope u like it
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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Role reversal AU
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cheekios · 1 month
The streets are calling.
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Eviction is imminent.
I have 5 days to raise $1275
I noticed alot of content surrounding homelessness especially in San Fransisco and Seattle. My biggest fear is being filmed without my consent and being plastered over social media because someone wanted to make a documentary surrounding homelessness without actually helping.
Goal: $1275
CA: $HushEmu
I have nothing (Whitney Houston)
The smallest catalyst can occur to where someone can find themselves homeless. In my case it was my glasses breaking. Not having a back up pair. Not having insurance. Which caused me to be unable to work and drive. Resulting in me losing my job. A piece of plastic was my downfall ultimately.
I need community effort to stay housed. Even $1-2 for everyone who views this clears the goal. Please interact if you truly have nothing to spare. Reblogs ≠ do not equate to goals being met so please ask if curious wether goal has been met.
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Update: 4/30/24
1200 reblogs and zero donations. I have 4 days to raise rent before I am given a notice to vacate.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone donated my reblog amount and saved me from the streets.
Update: May 1st. No donations. I have 48 hours to come up with $1000
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vaggieslefteye · 1 month
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LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR, King of Hell | 1x05 - Dad Beat Dad
"The ultimate bad boy, hehehe, I bet he's scary!"
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battlekidx2 · 4 months
Alastor Episodes 7 and 8 Thoughts
These two episodes really gave us a lot in regards to Alastor and I cannot wait to see where they go with him in season 2. What I find most fascinating about what they established with him in these episodes is how I think this perfectly sets up Alastor to directly challenge the show’s main themes of redemption.
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Alastor is the only character in the main cast that I think could effectively challenge Charlie’s idea of redemption by making her face the question of “where the line for who can be redeemed and who is too far gone is?” 
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Even Vaggie and her past as an exorcist couldn’t challenge Charlie’s ideals in the same way because Vaggie so clearly wants to be better and is trying to be better. She could only challenge Charlie’s idea of who could be redeemed. She couldn’t truly challenge the line of when someone is too far gone unlike Alastor. 
And to explain this I'll just jump right in.
It’s clear these two episodes were meant to show a shift in Alastor and Charlie’s relationship in some capacity. It’s a bit more of a subtle shift than with the other characters, but I think it’s setting up this future conflict well for the limited time the show has. 
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At the start Charlie doesn’t think Alastor cares and calls him out on this. She directly states that she believes he enjoys the suffering. He refutes her idea of him by stating she doesn’t know what he feels. He purposefully hides his feelings behind a smile as a sign of control. (The first shift. It tells her there’s more beneath the surface)
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Then Alastor helps Charlie enlist cannibal town and says he wants to mentor her in the song. This is more than the initial indifference and humor he got out of Charlie at the beginning. There’s an interest in seeing Charlie grow and being a part of it that wasn't there before. And, with Alastor helping Charlie here, trust is being built (at least on Charlie's end).
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Then Alastor talks to Niffty (who he is clearly fond of) and admits he finds the group enjoyable to be around. He says he could grow accustomed to them after Niffty says she really likes them almost in agreement with her. He's very candid with Niffty and doesn't seem to feel the need to hide his emotions around her. They appear to be on the same wavelength.
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And finally, Charlie is upset when she thinks that Alastor died against Adam and hugs him happily when he returns. In Charlie’s eyes Alastor has been helpful and risked himself and his power to protect the hotel. This is a true shift in their relationship on Charlie's end.
This bond is necessary because if (at the very least) Charlie doesn't care about Alastor then he won't be able to truly challenge her idea of redemption and the show implies it doesn't just go one way. It's just obscured.
To explain what I mean I want to look at Alastor's role in the final battle and that moment when he is alone after he escapes.
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At the beginning of the battle he felt like the trump card he should have been. He makes the exorcists, before Adam destroys his shield, look like a joke. And he gives Adam a run for his money before he becomes overconfident and lets his guard down. He didn’t expect Adam to bounce back and have that much power left to show. He was caught completely off guard and paid the price. 
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And instead of staying to face the end with the rest of the people in the hotel Alastor opts to save himself. He places himself first. When he leaves he seems almost smug, spouting off a one liner and smiling as he sinks into the shadows. It seems calculated and calm, but alone is a completely different story. This moment shakes Alastor and that moment alone puts his fight against Adam and decision to flee in a different light.
In this moment when he's alone he starts to lose it, saying there has to be a way out. This isn’t where things end. He will come out on top. 
He can feel his control over the situation slipping. His power and notoriety has been challenged left and right this season. First Vox, then Lucifer, then the loan sharks, now Adam. It’s one right after the other. And Adam almost killed him.
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He’s struggling to grasp onto what little control he has left by forcing himself to keep on his smile and it calls back to the beginning of episode 7 when he says to Charlie that just because she sees a smile doesn't mean she knows how he really feels. His smile is a sign of control. And even in this moment you can see that last bit of control slipping. And it’s left him even more desperate for his freedom than before.
The Radio Demon was introduced almost as if he was an all powerful entity and now he is being brought back down to earth and he’s raging against it, barely keeping it just below the surface. 
But there’s even more to his breakdown than just his pride. The lines “Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends. Sorry to disappoint that is not where this ends. I’m hungry for freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor.” strongly imply that he really does care for the residents of the hotel more than he wants to admit even to himself.
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He is freaking out because he got too close to dying trying to protect and help people that he never thought he would care at all about and he’s doubling down on his plans from before. 
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His immediate desperation to be free implies he is at the hotel because he is forced to be there, but he’s desperate to get out of the contract because he doesn’t like how it’s changing him. Alastor has always put himself first and here he is almost dying trying to protect this hotel and it's rattled him even more deeply than the blow to his pride.
I feel like they know exactly what Alastor can mean thematically and they want you to know he’s a villain while seeding hints there could be change under the surface (ones that Alastor himself is afraid of and wants to double down against). There’s a balancing act going on with him and it seems they really do want to challenge the idea of redemption with him. Not just Charlie’s, but his own as well.
Alastor is still in my opinion the best written character in the series. There’s just so much to unravel with him and he’s the most fun to try and dissect to me. I can’t wait to see what they have planned for him in season 2.
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mystic-warriors · 4 months
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coughs I'm selling prints and other thingies of this :)
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carpp · 4 months
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more emilute sketches
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roz-ani · 4 months
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gingebreadbeetle · 4 months
There’s no way Hazbin fans (more so Stans) and Viv herself genuinely believe Hazbin hotel is anything like Bojack? Where does Hazbin even take inspiration from Bojack?? Bojack horseman is such a good show, with complex thoughts and ideas expressed in its writing and characters.
Vivziepop is not a curious writer. She doesn’t care about representing people, she has a limited creative mind because she cannot understand politics nor philosophy beyond a highschool level. Her progressive ideology is built of hate for women and the fetishization of gay men. She has nothing interesting to say, nothing new to add and no substance to her works.
There are so many reasons bojack horseman works where Hazbin doesn’t, and I’m tired of pretending a ‘adult show’ that brings up ‘adult themes seriously’ is on the same level as bojack horseman.
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nouverx · 4 months
The thing I love the most about Alastor is that we can't truly know what to think of him, if he is being truly manipulative or if there's a genuine undertone behind any of his words, and that allows people to interpret him differently from one person to another. Like "oh he's being so sweet and supportive", to "no actually he's just saying what people want to hear because he's an evil manipulator". Maybe some fans are being too trustful, just like Charlie, and falling into his lies. BUT maybe there's a true genuine undertone to everything he says, maybe he can be a sweetie behind his evil mask. And maybe he'll turn out redeemable. Or not at all. Who knows?
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His character could go in two completely different directions in the next seasons and we have no way of telling how he'll turn out. It's still fully open because he showed he can be awful and evil and manipulative, but since there's been very few hints here and there that he could get attached to the hotel, that means he could be sweet despite all that. The mystery and uncertainty is keeping us thinking and hoping and I LOVE that. He's such a unique and amazingly written character.
On a personal note, I think the two different directions his character could take should coexist. Yes, he's going to be a main villain in the future seasons and betray Charlie and the hotel, yes he's an evil manipulator, BUT he could also get attached to them and show redeemable qualities at the same time. For me it would make the heartbreak even greater and his character even more satisfying.
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scribble333 · 4 months
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So like this is legit proof that redemption was possible all along and Charlie was onto something the whole time, the look on Seras face is fucking pricless, like now you have cold hard proof slapped in your face bitch, what are you gonna say now.
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quinn-beee · 1 year
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page 7 and 8 of my hazbin hotel comic “redemption” (sorry for the bad quality of page 8)
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elizart5 · 4 months
Adam thinking about his sons
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Sorry it took so long, I was trying digital art, despite my crummy set up...
Adam likes to think about when his sons were little because they started hating him when they entered their teens. Cain, Abel and Seth all hated how Adam treated their mother, you can see in the panel where Adam is with a hurt Abel that Adam is waiting for Eve, fixing whinny kids is a woman's job according to him....
To the Anonymous user who requested the other thinking one, it will probably be done by tomorrow...
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radvelvetcakez · 4 months
Sir Pentious: I let my cat drink the bathtub water while I was in it. Sera: Once again, kind of weird, but not a sin.
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