#haru's relationship with her father is complicated
idiotwhotalkstoomuch · 9 months
Disclaimer: These details are what we have currently made and are subject to being changed in the future. I’ll post a notice if a major change is made.
So chronologically Yusuke goes after Ryuji's but my friend is gonna explain Yusuke's so its Haru's turn
Astarte's Adelaide's Meadow
Heavenly Virtue: Charity
Palace Ruler: Haru Okumura
Treasure: Core of the Meadow (Cognitive), Father's death certificate (Reality)
Haru's palace is her father's space station crash landed onto Earth. The Sci-fi aesthetic of the station is destroyed by plants and greenery that covers the palace. It manifests this way from Haru's nurturing and caring nature being mixed in with her complicated relationship with Okumura foods and her father. Adelaide is the name of the saint her new persona is but at the start of the palace, the Infiltrators are lead to believe its called "Astarte's Meadow" as Haru is still renovating the space station and hasn't updated the sign.
Shadow Haru is a forest witch with a long white dress and her short hair turned long and luscious, reaching down to her fingertips.
Shadow Haru is well regarded in her palace with the shadows actually addressing her as "mother", fitting her nurturing nature and her virtue of Charity. Despite this however, Shadow Haru can be quite cruel as in the real world, all Okumura food chains along with other businesses under her control have a unique system of payment. If you're kind and virtuous, you can get items severely discounted or free of charge but if you're judged as evil and or a detriment to society, items are charged at higher prices which can hike up to millions of yen for a simple burger.
This is a problem for the Infiltrators who are judged to be problematic due to them opposing the Phantom Thieves. Hilariously, Akechi's prices are far higher than Sumire and Maruki's but even Maruki, who gave the Thieves therapy, can't get a remotely reasonable price so the Infiltrators will be getting supplies by a different means which will be detailed in another post.
Gameplay wise, her palace has fetch quests as to proceed you have to give vegetables to cognitions. These vegetables are the ones she grew for the Phantom Thieves so can't be found anywhere outside of her palace. Your etiquette with the cognitions will be carefully watched as if your anything short of polite and kind with them, Haru will be alerted and you will likely get into a fight. Aside from fetch quests, you also have to go around collecting parts from the wreckage of the space station to create a laser in order to be able to access her treasure as its hidden away under vines so thick, it could break the Infiltrators' weapons if they tried to force it.
Shadow Haru's distortion views her cognitions as her children and as their mother, it is her duty to ensure they grow happy and healthy in a world rid of corruption and greed. It is from this distortion that causes her Shadow's feelings on her father to look very different. Regular Haru loves her father and mourns him, Shadow Haru has a far more negative view of her father, considering him a greedy spaceman who abandoned her for a utopia he didn't make it to and she chose to stay in his space station to completely wreck it and turn it into her home base as she works with the Phantom Thieves for their utopia.
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What’s the story with Peasley’s dad? Does Ludwig know him? Do he and Peasley get along?
Okay, this'll be a long post, I think... To start us off, Ludwig and Haru have never met, but they will someday. Haru is aware of Ludwig's existence and is very supportive/excited to meet him. Peasley has told Ludwig about Haru, so he is... A bit nervous about a few things, but also excited to meet him.
Peasley's relationship with his parents is a bit complicated... In the divorce, he chose to stay with his mom, but that doesn't mean he dislikes his father!! The two parents are kinda opposites... Persephone is super... EVERYTHING. She loves her son and is VERY protective. Would fight off monsters with her bare hands for him. Not a day goes by without her telling him how much she loves him and giving him loads of affection. But she is also the parent more involved when it comes to trouble and consequences. Peasley doesn't get in trouble much, but even as a kid, he knew if he fucked up, to go tell his dad and not his mom. (PERSEPHONE IS NOT ABUSIVE- The worst she ever did was take away toys or give a 45 minute time-out)
Haru is definitely very chill and pretty careless. Not neglectful by any means! Just... Less. Even before the divorce, he didn't really go out of his way to give affection. And he gave almost no shits whenever Peasley did something wrong, regardless of what it was. Oh yeah, he also offered Peasley some Marijuana when he was eight years old. (Peasley didn't like it and never even touched weed after that) ... Yeah, probably shouldn't have mentioned that-
Okay, so, the story... Haru was not born royalty, but was still in a pretty wealthy family. Despite this, he still wanted to enter a royal family. (After a LONG line of other women, including Princess Peach at one point) Haru married the queen of the Beanbean Kingdom, Persephone. Persephone had not much interest in being the queen... Once she split from Haru, she was able to follow her own passion while he still ruled over the kingdom for her. They never "officially divorced"... Haru is still king, and she is still technically queen (You see, if Persephone abandoned the throne, then the next rightful king would be POPPLE, so... Yeah, Haru is the better option here) Persephone can return and reclaim power at any time/Kick Haru out of his position, but she feels comfortable letting him do it.
Haru is, at least, a competent king. The kingdom is small and doesn't need much maintenance, so it's an easy job. He is also pretty famous, even without being the king! So the citizens love him and are perfectly okay with a human who is not part of the official bloodline to be in power.
Before being the king, Haru was a musician and mildly famous celebrity. Today, in the castle, you can find him plucking his old electric guitar while listening to golden vinyl records when bored. (Fun fact: Peasley's middle name is Evanescence. You have his dad to thank for that.)
Currently, Haru runs a podcast, talking to other celebrities around the world. (He can speak a multitude of languages, most notable being English, French, and Japanese) so there is no shortage of potential guests that can be on the show. Anyone from upcoming TikTok stars to controversial, retired ex-celebs are welcome. Haru is also very willing to go on other podcasts and do gigs for people who really need the endorsement/validation. He's an all-around chill and agreeable guy who will do just about anything, just because he can. Being the king has obviously made him more famous than before, but he doesn't take advantage of his spotlight or powers.
What else... Oh yeah- Haru does a lotta weed. What famous celebrity doesn't?? That sorta explains his constant chillness. He behaves just fine without it, though... Hmmm... Ah! He also does cocaine! But only on weekends, and sometimes on podcasts, with his interviewee. (Only if the interviewee is old enough/already uses cocaine, though!!) "He isn't one of those crazy homeless crack addicts," as Peasley would explain. Which, I mean, is true. Haru doesn't act all insane when high and would never get high before doing professional king business or whatever. It's just, for fun.
I can totally see Haru being the kind of celebrity that Rango would look up to. As for Ludwig... I can imagine him being a bit overwhelmed while meeting Haru for the first time. Especially since he's used to knowing Persephone. Haru isn't very affectionate or loving, but he's very friendly and outgoing to complete strangers. (Persephone somewhat has trust issues... You need to become close with her before she showers you with her love. Haru comes, trusting you with his own life, right out the gate) Both parents can be a bit... Intense with their (positive) interactions with people.
Overall, I'd say Haru isn't the BEST father... Certainly not the worst, either! He probably could do better as of paying more attention to his son, being affectionate, and not getting high all the time... But Peasley still feels plenty loved by him. There's a reason choosing which parent to stay with after the divorce was so hard! When push comes to shove, Haru would do anything for Peasley. Be it kill a person, or just give the kid a hug. And when compared to Bowser, Peach, Madame Broode, Discord, Rex, and Hooktail, it's pretty clear that Peasley got lucky when it comes to parents.
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cloud0818 · 1 year
About call people by attribute in Japanese (1) Family with KHR!
In Japanese conversation, the name or attribute of the other person is used more than the second person pronoun. In this issue, we will talk about "attributes". This refers to a person's role or occupation. It can be used as an honorific title or for everyday use.
This post is about how they call their family. Each family is different, but basically uncharacteristic. It can't generalize, though personality and relationships can show up in nuances. If I were to elaborate on these, it would be easy to mix prejudices and could be misleading. Therefore, I will limit myself to little explanations. In fact, there is no significant difference in which one is used.
ママ (mama)
パパ (papa)
It is the same as the English mom/papa*dad*. It's often used by young children or women, typically.
母さん/かあさん (Kaasan)
父さん/とうさん (Tousan)
Tsuna calls his parents by this. The expression is commonly used by teenagers and adults. (This can also be used with the addition of one letter meaning politeness. Haru used that calling her father. This is a very common expression and never mean gives the impression of distance. It has a more soft impression.)
お袋/おふくろ (Ohukuro)
親父/おやじ (Oyaji)
This is the casual expression of all. Kids rarely use it. Yamamoto calls his father by this. Also Dino, in novel. (It's not written by Mx Amano, but official.) "Oyaji" is sometimes used for middle-aged people who even not family members.
ママン (Maman)
パパン (Papan)
This is a variant of the Italian word "mamma", and the corresponding one. It is not used in Japan. Reborn, Lambo, I-pin, Bianchi, Futa calls Nana and Iemitsu by this. But among them, only Reborn calls Iemitsu by his first name.
Some families use these, while others call them by name. But mostly, names are often used when call younger siblings.
お姉ちゃん/おねえちゃん (Oneechan)
お兄ちゃん/おにいちゃん (Oniichan)
Both children and adults use this expression. Kyoko calls Ryohei by this. The "O" has a polite nuance, so it's also very often called without it. Or, although this is quite rare uses, Futa calls to older people as "ツナ兄(Tsuna-nii)" or "京子姉(Kyoko-nee). By the way, generally don't call siblings "Onesan" or "Onisan". How complicated!
姉貴/あねき (Aneki)
兄貴/あにき (Aniki)
This is a little rough expression. Not many young children use it. Gokudera calls Bianchi by this. And Tazaru and Nozaru calles γ "Aniki".
おばあちゃん (Obaachan)
おじいちゃん (Ojiichan)
General expression. It has an intimate and soft impression. And this can also be casual. It's sometimes used for older people who are not family members. However, it's not used by people in higher positions or on formal occasions. When Tsuna met Nono again at the ceremony arc, he called out "Ojiichan!" unintentionally. He tried to have courtesy, but for him Nono was "Ojiichan" himself.
ババア (Babaa)
ジジイ (Jijii)
I wasn't sure if I should introduce this or not. This is close to a rant. It's a rough expression, and sometimes used against parents. Just in case, depending on the relationship, it can also emphasize intimacy. The reason I introduced this is because this is what Xanxus calls Nono. In his case, it is a complete rant :D
I have written a list of generally corresponding items together, but they are often not use paired. Or it can be different when used in the second person than when used in the third person. Like, "I don't want to call 'mama' in front of my friend". And again, these impressions vary depending on who uses them.
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comradekatara · 2 years
looking at haru with a mustache again - i know this is just a headcanon, and meant to be taken with a grain of salt, but... he definitely does look like how i imagined hakoda would have looked at that age! if this headcanon has any basis at all in the text (given how much katara loves & respects her dad) - then it would add another layer to the harutara agenda.
i mean..... kinda??? not rly tho.... hakoda's chin is wider and he's stockier, so even if they have similar hair and skin tone, i don't think there's an obvious resemblance tbh.
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but also, katara's relationship with her dad is pretty complicated. she does obviously love him, but there's a lot of anger and resentment and grief there too. i don't think she would (consciously or subconsciously) go looking for someone who reminds her of him. i mean, aang is nothing like hakoda for one thing. and in terms of personality, neither is haru. hakoda is a charismatic leader who's great at connecting with people, whereas haru is a lot more introverted and withdrawn, and likes katara specifically for her leadership and ability to inspire others (including him).
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if anything, i think katara is a lot like hakoda in many ways, and haru resembles kya more, both physically and psychologically. from the little we know of kya, she cares deeply about the people she loves and is willing to make sacrifices to help them and preserve her culture, which are core tenets of haru's character as established in "imprisoned" (e.g. when he exposes himself as an earthbender to save that old man's life) and again when he joins the invasion.
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katara definitely wants and idealizes her mother more than her father anyway, so i think reading haru as reminding her of kya makes more sense for this agenda lol. katara can embody hakoda well enough herself, as an inspiring and compassionate leader and warrior, whereas haru's support when he listens to and empathizes with her talking about the loss of her mother can help her fill a hole that she's desperately missing.
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It’s funny that Persona 5 basically splits Mitsuru in half to make Makoto and Haru. Makoto inherited Mitsuru’s role as student council president, authority figure on the team who is not the leader, and her insecurity about not fitting in with her peers.  Whereas Haru got her social standing, complicated relationship with her father, and arranged marriage problems. Neither really got her elegance when it comes to fighting, though. While Mitsuru uses a rapier, her successors use their fists and a big ax. Much like Akihiko and Shinjiro.
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Same, I love Akechi but it annoys me when people act like Ryuji, Futaba, or Haru are being unreasonable when they don't like/trust him.
Yeah!! And like honestly, none of them hate him nearly as much as people act like sometimes? Ryuji is just very high strung and protective of the Thieves being Justice so Akechi publicly arguing against that pisses him off, but Ryuji is the one who tells Akechi he's "more than special" in the engine room, something Akechi has been desperate for someone to tell him for years. Haru says she won't forgive Akechi for killing her father, but she also says she sympathizes with him. In the same scene Haru tells Akechi "it's still not too late" and its possible for him to have justice if he joins them to change his father's heart. Futaba never shows any open hostility towards him really? In the engine room she's nothing but supportive and empathetic which makes sense because they both come from very similar circumstances. She and Haru both agree to have him join them for third semester, something they did not have to do. It is completely reasonable for them to have mixed feelings about the guy who killed their parents. But they also recognize Akechi as a victim of manipulation, and view Shido as the true killer of their parents, something that is incredibly mature and graceful of them.
When I first played Persona 5, I fully expected the Thieves to dislike him after he tried to kill their leader, because that's a completely understandable reaction. But when he reveals his true self to them they are nothing but empathetic and supportive, and actively beg him to join them to change Shido's heart. Its only because Akechi rejects them repeatedly that it doesn't work. Akechi's death absolutely isn't their fault, he gave them no choice.
The Thieves' relationship with Akechi is Complicated, but it's not all bad, and it's not irredeemable. They were willing to let him join them even after he tried to kill them. Their mixed feelings about letting him join in the third semester have much more to do with the fact that they don't know whether they can trust him than actual dislike for him. In the Third Semester he does his best to push them all away, but even then they still do their best to include him as part of the group.
I honestly believe it was (and is) possible for Akechi to befriend all the Thieves, despite what he's done. They do have mixed feelings, and some of them may (reasonably) dislike him to a certain extent, but they all also deeply relate to him because he is similar to all of them as the narrative foil not only to Joker but all the Thieves. Akechi is the epitome of who they could have become if they hadn't found each other--a teenager used and abused and discarded by adults--and they recognize that.
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nevermindtheweights · 6 months
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Reflection and retrospection was often a common part of growing and learning. Haru openly accepted that she was still someone growing and not only in the aspects of her body.
She had changed a lot. Thanks to the Thieves, thanks to food, thanks to work even. The CEO had taken lot of steps in life to enrich herself and those she cared for, even to the point of loving them. Perhaps, at times, she had been over zealous and faced a task with more aplomb than needed and others been too hard-headed to exert her own wishes. Traits she perhaps still carried from her departed father.
Lighting some incense for the man, she looked at the portrait of him she had of them. It was one from a few years back, before he had changed, corrupted by desires and treasure that many a man had fallen for. Before he had hardened his heart to even her. He had not always been as he had died. Whatever had corrupted him, it had happened with success. Haru felt complicated about him at times. She still loved him, the man he used to be the man she recalled fondly now.
Yet at the same time, reconciliation with the man he had become and died as. Died on live-TV as. Died in part of her actions at the ti--
It was not her fault.
She sighed a short sigh and tried to settle her mind on other things.
Her belly rumbled, a common sound. It came with her size. It interrupted these sorts of things often now. The creeping thought of food came to her mind, she tried to push that aside.
Even now though, she felt alone. That sting of how she was the only Okumura left now. That she had no family to rely on. How that drove her into those dear relationships she still had and perhaps, at times, tried too hard to force them into something they were not. All she wished was to find family again and a place she could be who she was.
A thought for another time then.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Happy New Year! 🎇
Question time! Share two truths and one lie about what's to come to your story on 2023.
Happy new year @dandylion240 ! And to everyone else, too!
I'm not exactly sure how this works, whether or not I'm supposed to identify which are the truths and which is the lie, but anyway... if I'm doing it wrong, let me know! lol
We Are Sugar Valentine
Some familiar faces (from other stories) join the team
Taiji learns to drive, and this becomes important later.
One of the guys gets a marriage proposal (and it's not Haru).
The World, According to Victor & Yuri
The end goal of Hana's plans is not at all what Yuri suspected, and he finds out completely by accident.
Kenji and Rei have a epiphany regarding their relationship
Seiji decides to continue his professional snowboarding career, despite the complicated feelings he's having after Victor's accident, and the thoughts he's still having about Tsubaki's accident and her death.
Au Ciel Étoilé
Félix thinks Davian has broken his promise not to run away any more, but what's really going on is totally not what Félix thinks it is.
Kaji reunites with his father and brothers, but it's not quite how he imagined.
Dylan and Zahir separate, with mixed reactions from their family and friends.
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If you feel like it, what would you do with Haru and Melon if they were your characters? :3
HOO BOY. ok so. i think it’s a travesty that all the school characters got sidelined during the melon arc but ESPECIALLY haru. she’s stubborn and independent and she deserved to find her own strength as a person outside of her complicated relationship with legosi. i would have at least given her some narrative significance during the fight club/melon arc, maybe having her interact w melon as a student and get curious/suspicious about him. she could be following his trail at the same time as legosi, but from a different starting point, until they both meet in the middle and realize theyre after the truth about the same guy. OR have them work together from the start and learn to navigate each other through their shared goal of taking down melon! the other bunny girl was kind of cringe and boring. i hate “girlboss” characters whose only “tough” trait is being mean to everyone. haru’s struggle with her own fragility and identity as a small prey animal was infinitely more interesting than the hot bunny girl who showed up already way more cool and badass and self assured than the rest of the cast :/
i also HAAAAAAATE how melon’s story got retconned. “haha yeah actually his mom didnt eat his dad that was just for the sillies lol” WHAT??? WHAT?? WHAT????
the fucking driving force behind melon’s severe psychological state is that his mother was clearly abusing him by subjecting him to emotional incest and he killed her when he was made aware that she had abused his father too.
the point when he learns what happened to his father is when he understands that what his mother is doing to him constitutes abuse, and so he retaliates. this is a pivotal moment in his life. to take away the stakes here by saying that it was all a misunderstanding completely delegitimizes the experiences that lead him to where he is now.
also, why would the leopard even say that she ate her husband if that wasn’t true?? like what the fuck was the point of that scene at all if it was never real? god i hate this retcon so fucking much
JUNO ALSO DESERVED WAY BETTER WRITING TOO FUCK i hate the ending of beastars so muchhhhhhhh
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auncyen · 2 years
on the one hand, I don't really care for "Akechi was the intended velvet room guest" theory because 1) this is a game where people like to talk exposition and no one says anything like that 2) the velvet room is about getting power from relationships. Akechi is bad at relationships. "hell yeah this is our champion" seems weird to me 3) p5's plot and yaldabaoth's plan literally hinges at akechi stirring shit up. while the PT empathize with Akechi I think that's more "hey, all of us have been socially isolated and hit a point where we either DID make bad decisions or were ready to make bad decisions that would have alienated us even further" and not "any one of us could have literally been the black mask" because Akechi was also fairly unique in his emotionally complicated relationship to Shido, who was both manipulative and in a strong position to influence others. Most of the cast has a relationship to someone manipulative, yes, but not with that much influence. Or it's just not emotionally complicated. (I think the best replacement for Shido in that sense would be Okumura, making Haru the "Black Mask" candidate, but she's concerned enough about morals that it seems difficult to see her doing mental shutdowns. although she could probably go for psychotic breakdowns on anyone she believed corrupt--seeing it as exposing their wickedness to the world and, more selfishly, pleasing her father and proving herself too useful to marry off to some partner who'd need an explanation for why she literally disappears off the grid for hours on end.)
on the other hand, since Yaldabaoth's plan hinges on Akechi, Akechi being the Velvet Room's intended guest would mean Igor looked at Mementos forming and was like, maybe we should get ahead of the game for once. maybe we should head this off before it becomes a problem. let's find someone who's been hurt by the system and would work to show others that they can fight back and reform it. So I do like the idea of the Velvet Room being proactive and accidentally agitating Yaldabaoth into attacking.
...I'm still just not sure Akechi would be the guest choice but you know, they could have been planning to do some tutoring on the bonds bit.
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norhimorovine · 1 year
alias/nicknames: “Rhi” - used by family or close friends; "Squeakers" - a nickname given to her and used by Misah'to
gender: she/her
age: ~28 ish
zodiac: Pisces; Thaliak
abilities + talents: Norhi is a botanist, conjurer, and merchant. She's excellently skilled at the first, and reasonably so at the other two. She also doesn't like sitting still.
alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
languages: Common, Huntspeak (mildly pidgen'd between dessert, mountain, and forest dialects), barely passable Garlean, almost conversational Hand Sign
family: Akizuki Stormshadow - husband; Vhene Stormshadow - daughter; Cordhias Noctfleur - mother (deceased); Vhene'to ?? - father (deceased); P'rischy Morovine - adopted father; Yhuna Morovine - adopted mother; P'Marithosa (Maymay) - adopted grandmother; Lhissa Morovine - younger sister; Dischaus Morovine - younger brother; Nhie'a Noctfleur - half brother; Misah'to aan Noxfolium - Cousin, Hyrtwyda Eyhafrynwyn - adopted sister; etc
friends: Most of Norhi's closest friends are the various members of Bellworks Manufacturing. She's made a few friends in Heartwood in the last year. And a few more in Alvarium. She's got scattered friends from different circumstances across each of the city states and guilds, due to her always on the go nature.
sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
relationship: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other: pink
eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other: grey
height: 5'0"
scars: Norhi's mostly avoided any noticeable scars. Emotional scars might be a different story.
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or and tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword shield dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
A few songs that remind you of them:
Back Where I Belong - Otto Knows feat. Avicii Celestial - Ed Sheeran Breathe (2 AM) - Anna Nalick Who Knew - P!nk
tagged by: @tea-and-conspiracy @snowbird-down & @rhotanored
tagging: @pollux-xiv @brave-horizon @haru-qwey @furymint @mostdangerouspotato
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magioftheseas · 2 years
Hottest of takes: the only het ship with Joker with any amount of potential at pathos is shuharu because you have Haru’s extremely complicated relationship with her father (with her still wanting his love and putting him on a pedestal after his death despite how he treated her as an expendable pawn at best) and Joker’s also complicated relationship with his own parents (with them seemingly throwing him away for being a liability, although you can argue they were probably pressured to do so, and Joker by all accounts not fucking wanting ANYTHING to do with them anymore).
Every other Joker hetship is whatever. If you like them because they cute or you like their friendship, then have fun.
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An Unknown Variable Series
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: old_and_new_friends
Rating: Teen
Warnings: Violence, Child Abuse, Major Injury, Character Death, Sexual Content, Strong Language
Word Count: 155,966
Pairings: Lu Ten/OMC, Jetko, Jinko
Characters: Lu Ten, Iroh, Zuko, Zuko's Crew, Aang, Sokka, Katara, Zhao, Jee, Original Characters, Piandao, June, Teo, The Mechanist, Azula, Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, Jin, Toph Beifong, Hakoda,  Bato, Haru, The Duke, Suki, Chit Sang
Tags: Lu Ten Lives, Book 1: Water, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, wheelchair user, Disabled Character, Character Study, Depression, Minor Character Death, Book 2: Earth, Order of the White Lotus, Jetko is only one chapter, and ends badly, I forgot to add Jinko, Fire Nation culture, Book 3: Fire, Implied/Referenced Sex, Black Sun Invasion, Happy Ending, Sozin's Comet, Sibling Bonding, Brother-Sister Relationships, Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Ba Sing Se
An Unknown Variable is a deep dive character study into Lu Ten and his relationships. While An Unknown Perspective is a closer look at my OC Junji and An Unknown Adventure follows Jin and her life changing fieldtrip with Zuko after the groups get separated from Junji and Lu Ten.
An Unknown Variable
During the 600 Day Siege of Ba Sing Se, Prince Lu Ten, rather than dying, was injured.
It was through his recovery, that Lu Ten, and his father, gained a greater perspective of the world.
Now, four years later Lu Ten and his father were sailing the world with Lu Ten's cousin Zuko, in an effort to capture the Avatar.
At least, that was Zuko's plan, Lu Ten's? Well that's a bit more complicated.
An Unknown Perspective
Junji's life can be summed up in three parts, before Ba Sing Se, before Lu Ten and after the war.
All three time periods meant something different to him.
Prince Lu Ten's story is well-known, but his lover's remains a mystery, until now.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Brielle is still pretty young when she gets pregnant. I'd say mid- 20s, maybe 23/24. She wants to wait but she also wants to be a young mom to have the energy to keep up with work and the kids. By the time she finds out (I don't know if they actively tried or if Seiya was unplanned), they'd move to a bigger house and surprisingly, Haru is the one that struggles the most with all of those changes. Brielle has no complication during her pregnancy but it takes a tool on her body so she often needs to rest and sleep, and he's the one in charge of them moving and to manage work alone. It's been a few years so of course the restaurant is big and successful now but he feels like he has to do even more now that they're gonna have a son. That's the first big big money he's making, so to speak. But this means him working a lot and while he's excited to become a father, he's only thinking about giving Brielle and Seiya the comfort they need without properly realizing that he needs to bond with their baby too. Bri has to be stern with him and remind him what really matters in life. He'd eventually slow down with work and enjoy his time with his son. Seiya would always want his hair long like daddy has and Haru always ties them up in a bun just like he does ewith his hair.🥺🥰
I think both her and Haru would be 24 when they decide to start trying and end up getting pregnant with Seiya! I agree with you though, Haru would be so focused on providing that he’d forget about actually building a relationship with his son and keeping his relationship with Brielle intact (because having a baby can be hard on even the healthiest relationships) 😭
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Anya's Tile Placement Ceremony
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I've been meaning to do this forever lol
Finally, Anya and the family had some spare time to participate in her star placement ceremony! Anya's closest loved ones came including her son and fiancé Haru (and former lover Sergio; their relationship is still complicated). Her little brother's soon-to-be girlfriend also made it, and they couldn't get enough of each other during the event.
Anya did invite her bio father and he did attend, but they avoided each other the entire event (you can see him lurking in some of the pictures with a scowl on his face, guess he wasn't having a good time lol). Part of her wants him to be here to see what she's made of herself, but they are such strangers to each other that she feels she can't really connect with him. Luckily for her, she has more than enough of a father in Armani. Everyone was excited, but no one was quite as proud as Armani.
Anya happily placed her tile with her friends and family surrounding her. She and Haru (who is also a 3-star celebrity) signed autographs and posed for pictures during the event. Everyone had a blast!
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oraclememehacker · 10 months
"Be Honest, do you hate Akechi?"
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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"Yes. No and yes. It's...very complicated." Futaba admitted trying to organize her thoughts. "He is a big part of why I was suicidal and didn't value my life, killing my mom and all. Of course I can never forgive him for that regardless of the circumstances that happened on his end that lead to that. On the other, at the end of the day he was a victim just as much as the rest of us and there's a chance that if I was in his position I probably would've been the same way."
She let off a sigh as she was thinking about it more. "There really was a part of me that was relieved and almost happy when his signature disappeared within the engine room. That he got what he deserved. But I never said it because it would be rude. But he has a lot of reasons why he's honestly kinda cool. He's smart, witty, and not bad looking if I have to be honest with myself. But I also see him as the murderer of my mother every time I look at his face and it disgusts me."
"From what I know, Haru forgave him pretty easily and I don't know how to feel about that. But she had a complicated relationship with her father, considering all the stuff that he put her through. But I don't know...I guess the answer is truthfully, honestly, I don't. I just won't ever really be friends with him. I will always tolerate him and sometimes we may get along, but I will always see him in a certain light and I don't think I'm in the wrong for that."
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