#hands are represented
prettymoongirly · 1 year
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Inspo: Crazier Shit Has Happened, Little Bird by @batsbratsandbarbedwire
"That pretty little space of in between in a relationship. The will they won't they. The, they will but when?" or the fic where steve is on his knees before they kiss <3
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greenlaut · 3 months
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anatomy of an assassin
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koszmarnybudyn · 3 months
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So this song fits them so very well right?
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gummi-ships · 16 days
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Nobodies
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blushedfemme · 3 months
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strawberries & cream 🍓🤍
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l1-b1 · 4 months
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Sketches of Nya from Hands of Time and Skybound!!
The outgrown Bob haircut phase
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splickedylit · 1 year
Things I never get tired of writing
weird cultural worldbuilding, especially with strange, intricate social norms and power dynamics
characters playing little made up card games with implied bizarre, convoluted rules where I blatantly rip off the vibe of Pokemon, MTG, Duel Monsters/Yugioh etc
we see one of my favs from an outside POV: they are hot, badass, terrifying, tragic, or any/all of the above
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lucius-in-the-walls · 8 months
You can tell the ofmd writers really understand queer people by how they show the most repressed and tense motherfucker turning into the queerest queen in town with the help of 5 min of affection and glitter eyebrows
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obsidianbit · 8 months
I know I joked about how there was no reason for Izzy to be shirtless in that scene (and I stand by that) but I think it is really interesting how he is bare-chested. His leathers are a part of his image and reputation. They are part of what marked him as Blackbeard's. But more than that, they represent armor - in taking off his leather armor, he is bearing his vulnerabilities, and more precisely, his heart.
When Izzy is training, he isn't in his room. He is in a communal part of the ship, where, presumably, any one of the crew could enter. When Stede enters, he doesn't become defensive at being found in a vulnerable state. Instead he says "I'm having to relearn the basics with one leg." He openly admits to his weakness. He is the best sword fighter, that is his reputation, how he defines his worth (in his use as an incredibly fighter), but he didn't lie about the struggle of having to adapt to one leg. He didn't even try to down-play it by saying he was adjusting or refining his sword fighting with one leg. He outright says he is relearning.
Then (the showoff) Izzy demonstrates what he has been practicing. Now, he has just said he is relearning it - we can assume that he was better at this before he lost his leg. He shows Stede (who, to be fair, Izzy would know would probably be impressed regardless) something he is still working on. Not something he has perfected.
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Then he turns his back to Stede. Without his armor on, having just admitted to a weakness.
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Even when he asks 'but what did he say about me specifically,' he is showing vulnerability. His heart (and great tits) are in the middle of the shot when he shows Stede that he cares what Blackbeard has to say about him.
The lack of Izzy's leather armor/vest, and showing his bare chest (is much appreciated) is symbolic of his trust in the crew and in Stede. He shows his vulnerabilities and his shortcomings, when previously he never would, for fear of the crew losing respect for him.
The crew has seen him at his lowest, and came together to support him, showing him that he was a part of the crew and that they cared for him, not just what he was useful for, which is something that Izzy has ever experienced before.
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This is not a man who expected kindness at his lowest point.
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This, however, is a man who has found purpose because his crew cares about him.
Izzy took off the all-black leather armor which defined him as Blackbeard's, and in doing so, he showed his heart and his trust to the crew.
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sucrecube9 · 2 months
🎶🎵「How would a melody describe itself when asked?」🎵🎶
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Alt ver without the extra stuff
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sleepymrshmllow · 1 year
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insp 🌸
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nintendont2502 · 15 days
john as a heir who inherits the narrative freely, doesnt even know that he has the narrative, and barely changes it unless hes being directed to by some outside force (breath as directionless, independent, detatched, free). john as a character whos never existed at the same time as an alternate version of him, a character who never has to face himself and remains largely unchanged by the end of the narrative even as it changes around him
ult dirk as a prince who destroys the narrative and destroys through the narrative, who is determined to reshape it in his own image and 'fix' it, who will make himself the villain if thats what it takes and do whatever he has to in order to help everyone, even if it means hurting them (heart as putting on and taking off masks when needed, inflexible, cold, building a coherent narrative of their own story). dirk as a character who constantly has to face himself via one of his many alternate selves, who can only gain control by uniting those alternate selves into one coherent whole
john is homestuck and ult dirk is homestuck post canon and one of the first things he does when he gains power is kill john (kill homestuck) through the narrative. destroying the (previously free, directionless, detatched) narrative and destroying that narrative through your own (inflexible, cold) narrative. theyre so yaoi
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macademia-shithead · 2 months
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TASKLINE MANAGERS YAAAAY (reaching 3am delirium goodnight)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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Culture Shock
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probablyhuntersmom · 2 years
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If Hunter found himself in the kind of dream which Eda had
(These aren't leaks, they're a combo of tracing over screenshots and airbrushing :3)
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supjello · 1 year
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thinkin' about caspar...
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