#hamilton song rating
snackleggg · 2 years
Philip gives theater kid vibes
I bet he would like musicals. He might not always understand what's going on but like, the music and lyrics are boping and the actors are doing amazing so he's just happy to be there.
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emjayewrites · 3 months
Lil’ Crush (Lewis Hamilton x Black!Fem Hairstylist Reader)
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SYNOPSIS: Lewis has a huge crush on his hairstylist.
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem hairstylist reader (Y/N)
WARNINGS: cursing, slow burn at first, obvious sexual tension, sexual content. RATED R (minors DNI/18+)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @pharaohanubis0 @certifiedlesbianbaddie @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @motheroffae @hrlzy @sinflowersugar @hopefulromantic1
A/N: Just something cutesy/nasty to hold everyone over as I take a step back from writing 🤗 This will be the only part.
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Lewis tolerated your occasional tardiness at appointments, despite his dislike for waiting on others. Time and time again, you apologized, citing car troubles or traffic or double booking as the reason. But Lewis didn't mind; all that mattered was that you always showed up and delivered exceptional work.
You were skillful at your job, always in a chipper mood, explorative, and knowledgeable about your craft. You taught him the basics on how to take proper care of his hair, telling him what products to use for his specific hair pattern. You were licensed, a continuous learner of the industry, but most of all you weren’t afraid to put him in his place.
Although he hated to admit it, he enjoyed how straightforward you were, telling him off and letting him know that all of his championships, his celebrity, you couldn’t care less about it. Now, if that was anyone else, of course that will be the last time they will be within his inner circle, yet it was you.
They dubbed you “Lewis’ girl”, not meant disrespectfully but because there were rumors that Lewis forbids anyone else from pursuing you. He would never admit it openly, but you were special to him - his confidante. And he wasn't willing to let anyone else have you.
It wasn't possessiveness, just a desire to keep you all to himself. So he came up with a plan, vowing to be honest with himself and stop playing games. But knowing Lewis, it would probably take a while.
Until then, he continued pining - casual flirting here and there that goes under your radar, small gifts, giving you his undivided attention. The works. It was you after all.
Once again, you joined Lewis for another race weekend. Despite your growing fame and clientele, you made sure to schedule around Lewis's busy racing schedule. He always spoke highly of you and his fans loved every hairstyle you created for him since becoming his permanent hairstylist toward the end of last season.
Lewis only gave you the best: from hair tools to flights and hotel rooms, whatever you needed, you received it. After all, you were his girl.
Another race in another country. This time you found yourself in Japan. A first time for you whereas a countless number for him. Lewis flew you out first class and booked you a suite with a view. It was your first time, so you had to have a great experience.
Your hair was in its natural state, perfect spiral curls from your flexi rod set. Lewis loved your hair like this, how it framed your face beautifully and reflected your personality. You were always experimenting with different styles - silk presses, bohemian braids, wigs - and they all worked flawlessly. Despite claiming to not be into fashion as much as Lewis, he couldn't help but compliment your impeccable outfits.
You were in your own world, moving around freely as you listened to a song from one of your many playlists. You just finished washing his hair and was now in the midst of detangling his curls before blow-drying.
Lewis had always prided himself on being a disciplined and focused athlete, but when it came to you, he was powerless. Every time he saw you, his heart raced and his mind went into overdrive, imagining all the ways he could make you moan and scream his name, especially with the outfit that you wearing.
He had a preference for skirts over pants on you, admiring how they showed off your long legs despite being a few inches shorter than him. Your ass looked amazing whether you wore pants or skirts, but there was something about you in a skirt that drove him wild with desire. Many nights, he dreamt of bending you over, reveling in how the skirt would rise up to reveal your thighs and perfect backside. He imagined taking you from behind, delivering mind-blowing thrusts and relishing in the sounds you made when you were near climax. You bent over in a skirt, wet and willing for him - it was one of his favorite fantasies. Another was listening to your sultry voice praising him, a kink he didn't know he had until you comforted him after a tough race. As you paused in the middle of braiding his hair to hold him close and speak softly, it aroused him more than he'd like to admit.
The sight of you in that skirt today distracted him like no other. The way the fabric clung to your thighs, subtly emphasizing your hips and drawing attention to the gentle curve of your waist, was nothing short of intoxicating. He could have spent hours just watching you move, the hem of the skirt brushing against your calves as you walked, offering fleeting glimpses of skin that sent a shiver through him. But he knew he had to control himself, or risk losing all restraint and giving into his desires right then and there.
Lewis sat in his seat, stealing glances at you and attempting to distract himself from thoughts of confessing his feelings. He had been keeping them hidden for months, fearing that revealing them would destroy the strong bond of friendship that had grown between you over the past year. Before meeting you, Lewis was known as guarded by his close friends and family, but your presence had slowly broken down the barriers he had constructed after his breakup with his ex.
“Any ideas on what you want to get done today, or are you open to trying something new?” you ask as you part his hair into four neat sections.
Lewis winces as the comb glides through his tight coils, causing him to shift in his seat and prompting you to gently guide him back.
So tender-headed, you thought to yourself. But it was always worth it for the end result - styling Lewis' hair was one of your favorite things to do. You talked about everything and nothing - work, family, hobbies - and each time, Lewis opened up a little more. Plus, he was easy on the eyes.
He hummed thoughtfully before answering, "Hmm, let's go with the usual fade on the sides and maybe some blonde in the braids."
"Okay, I see you, Lew Lew," you exclaimed, causing him to chuckle.
As you worked on his hair, Lewis couldn't help but admire your skill and grace. You had always been artistic and creative, but watching you braid his hair was simply mesmerizing.
"How's it looking so far?" you asked, holding up a mirror for him to inspect the back of his head.
Lewis tilted his head to the side, admiring your handiwork. "Perfect as always," he replied with a smile.
"Good," you said with a satisfied nod before returning to braiding.
"So how have things been going for you lately?" He asks, breaking the comfortable silence between the two of you.
You pause for a moment before replying, "Pretty good actually. I've been busy with work. I got a lot of new clients."
"That's great to hear," Lewis smiles warmly at you. "You deserve all the success that's coming your way."
Your heart flutters at his words and you feel a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. Lewis often showed such overt affection towards you, but it still made you giddy.
"Thanks," you reply with a shy smile. "And what about you? How's everything been since your last race?"
Lewis hesitates for a moment before answering, "It's been...strange. But good." He reaches up to rub at his neck nervously. "I've been feeling different lately. I was in a sour mood about the car this season, but I’m just trying to enjoy the rest of the races."
"As you should, King," you say, making him grin widely. Lewis closed his eyes in relaxation as you worked on him, massaging oil into his scalp as you continued to section off his hair. He enjoyed feeling your hands on him, how gentle you were. "Don't fall asleep on me now," you reply with a laugh as you catch him dozing off.
"I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes," he responded, trying to play it cool.
"Mmmhmm," you said skeptically, remembering the last time he had said that and ended up snoring away. "You said that last time and your ass was out like a light."
Lewis chuckled sheepishly. "Well, don't be so good at your job," he teased playfully.
"Bye, Lewis," you quipped in a dismissive tone, rolling your eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere,” you shoot back with a wink before continuing to massage his scalp.
After a few minutes, you finish applying the hair oil and begin braiding the remaining sections of Lewis' hair. You work quickly and efficiently, your hands moving in sync as if they were made for this very task.
"You never cease to amaze me with your skills," he says sincerely.
"Well, I have a pretty amazing canvas to work on," you reply with a smile, referring to Lewis' hair.
He chuckles before getting serious again. "But seriously though, thank you for always taking care of me."
You pause in your braiding and look at him with concern. "Of course Lewis. You know I'm always here for you."
"I do know that," he says softly patting your arm.
Your heart races at the intimacy of the gesture. Lewis clears his throat and sits straighter in the chair.
"Alright, enough of that," he says, "what are your plans for the week?"
"Well, I was going to hang out here for another day or so then head back home to rest before I travel for another client."
"What do you mean 'stay for a day or so'?" Lewis asked incredulously. "Y/N, the suite is reserved until the end of the week. This is your first time in Japan; don't leave so soon."
I want to spend more time with you, Lewis thought to himself. But he couldn't express those feelings out loud, at least not yet.
"I have to rest, Lew," you stated, trying to sound firm.
"You can rest here," was his response, making you frown slightly. Although you didn't mind spending more time with Lewis, you didn't want to intrude on his personal space.
"What are you trying to do, convince me to stay longer so that you can bother me?" you teased half-heartedly, trying to hide your true feelings.
Lewis chuckled and shook his head. "No, I just don't want you to miss out on all that Japan has to offer. Plus, I would love for you to experience it with me."
His words tug at your heartstrings. You couldn't resist that charming smile and pleading look in his eyes.
"Fine," you finally relent with a smile. "But only if you promise not to bother me too much."
"Deal," he says with a grin before pulling out his phone. "I’m texting the guys now to tell them that you’re coming with us to dinner."
"Of course you are," you say as you finish up the last braid and give it a final spritz of hairspray. "All done."
Lewis rises from the chair and swivels around to face a mirror, examining his new hairstyle with a satisfied grin before turning his attention towards you. "Looks amazing."
"It was my pleasure," you reply with a warm smile.
The moment feels charged with unspoken tension, and for a moment, you both just stand there looking at each other until Lewis’ phone dinged with a text.
He checks the message and his grin widens. "It’s Miles," he informed you. "Looks like they're already waiting for us at the restaurant. You good to go?"
You glanced down at your outfit. You freshened up earlier and was currently wearing a mini cargo skirt and a black bodysuit. Simple yet stylish nonetheless. You nod, gathering your purse and other necessities then slipped into a pair of heels. You followed Lewis out of the suite and into the elevator. The ride down was quiet, but you can feel Lewis' gaze on you, making you shift slightly under his scrutiny.
As soon as the elevator doors open, Lewis leads you through the hotel lobby to one of the hotel’s restaurants.
Lewis fills you in on some interesting facts about Japan and its culture as you walk to your table. You find yourself hanging on to every word he says, enjoying not only his knowledge but also his company.
The rest of the guys are already seated, chatting animatedly amongst themselves.
Miles jumps up from his seat when he sees Lewis and rushes over to give him a hug. "Hey, bruv! Glad you could make it," he says before turning to face you with a warm smile. "Y/N, how are you babygirl? Looking as gorgeous as ever."
"I’m doing great." You greeted Lewis' best friend with a warm smile and leaned in for a hug. The embrace lingers longer than you expected, with Miles holding onto you tightly before finally pulling away. You don't think anything of it, as Miles is just as, if not more, flirtatious than Lewis. However, you can't help but notice Lewis's scowl from the corner of your eye. You then greeted Andrew and Tim, engaging in light conversation with them.
"Seriously, cut it out," Lewis whispered to Miles as he watched you talking to his friends.
Miles looked confused. "I just said hi, I can still talk to Y/N, right?"
"It's not about that, man. Just tone down the hugging and all that." Lewis was trying to keep his jealousy in check, but he didn't appreciate Miles being too touchy-feely. Miles was a hugger by nature, but sometimes he could be excessive.
"Relax, bruv," Miles said quietly so only Lewis could hear. "You need to be honest with her and stop messing around. If you keep dragging your feet, you'll end up losing her to someone else."
"But she--"
"Lew, are we going to eat or are you two going to have a private conversation all night?" you interrupted playfully, causing Andrew and Tim to laugh.
Miles nudged Lewis towards the booth. "Go sit next to your girl and quit being a dickhead."
Lewis chuckled and playfully swatted him away before doing as he was told and sitting next to you. He placed an arm around the length of the seat, engulfing you with his closeness and the addictive smell of his cologne. "Get whatever you want, Y/N."
"Oh okay, big spender," you say as you peruse the menu, your eyes stopping at the wagyu. "What if I want this?"
Lewis made a face of disgust at your choice. "You know how I feel about meat, but if you want it, you can have it."
Smiling mischievously, you pointed out another expensive option. "And this too?"
Lewis shrugged. "Anything you want."
You raise an eyebrow at him and put the menu down. "Are you sure? Because I can keep going."
Lewis laughs, knowing exactly what you’re doing. "Okay, okay. Let’s not bankrupt me. You can get things within reason. I don’t want you to become a little brat."
"I’m almost there with the way you’ve been spoiling me lately," you said. "I mean, who flies out their hair braider in first class?"
Lewis chuckled as he leans in closer, whispering in your ear. "Well, I can't have my girl flying in economy."
"Your girl?" you scoff, rolling your eyes as you continue playing the game with him. Lewis has always been a flirt, and sometimes the two of you engage in playful banter, but it never goes beyond that. A small part of you can't help but wonder if all the rumors about him being great in bed are true, and the thought briefly crosses your mind to take things further. However, your professionalism always took precedence, and you kept a decorum between the two of you. "So what’re you? My Sugar Daddy?"
"If that's what you want, I can definitely make it happen." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, causing you to laugh and shake your head.
"You wish," you teased, knowing that Lewis was not one to shy away from spending money on those he cared about.
The conversation continued to flow easily between the two of you, with Miles and the others occasionally interjecting with their own comments and jokes. You couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of normalcy amidst the chaos and hectic schedule of race weekends.
As the night went on and dinner came to an end, Lewis insisted on paying for everything before escorting you out of the restaurant.
"Thanks for dinner," you said sincerely as Lewis walked you back to your suite. "I had a great time."
Lewis smiled warmly at you as he watched you open the door. "Anytime, Y/N. Can’t have my girl out here starving."
"There you go with the 'my girl' bullshit," you say. "I bet you say that to every woman you’re around."
"Nah," he replied. "Only to you. You’re my girl."
You gave him a quick examination, noting how his frame filled out his clothes. He appeared to have bulked up since the last time you saw him; clearly, he had been spending some serious time in the weight room. You were fully aware of Lewis' reputation as a womanizer and didn't want to be just another conquest, yet you couldn't deny his attractiveness. And with him staring at you with such intense focus, you felt yourself on the verge of giving in to temptation.
"Why are you so quiet?" he asked you, pulling you out of your reverie.
"Honest answer?"
“Of course.”
"Just admiring you," you boldly stated, catching him a bit off-guard. "I’m surprised that you never tried anything with me. I mean, we flirt, but it never ends in anything."
Lewis looked at you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, his eyes searching yours for any sign of jest, but the serious expression on your face told him otherwise.
"Well, to be honest," he began, "I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. You’re my hairstylist and I respect you."
"Is that all it is? Respect?" you inquired, unable to keep the hint of bitterness out of your voice.
Lewis hesitated for a moment before reaching out to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind your ear. "Of course not," he said softly. "I think you're an amazing person. It's just... I don’t want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward between us."
"We're grown adults," you told him. "Trust me, I wouldn't be even considering this if I thought it was going to fuck up everything."
Lewis searched your face for any signs of hesitation or doubt, before finally nodding in understanding. "I know…and you have no idea how much…fuck Y/N…you have no idea how bad I want you."
"Then show me," you challenged.
Without hesitation, Lewis leaned in and captured your lips in a heated kiss. The passion and desire between you two was palpable as his hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer to him. You eagerly responded, your own hands roaming over his muscular frame, feeling every inch of him.
After what felt like an eternity, you pulled away slightly, both of you gasping for air. "Wow," you breathed out, looking into Lewis' dark eyes.
"Yeah," he agreed, his voice low and husky. "I've been wanting to do that for a long time." Lewis rested his forehead against yours and whispered, "Let's take this somewhere more private."
Nodding in agreement, you grabbed his hand and led him inside your suite, shutting the door behind you.
Once inside, there was no slowing down. He lifted you up effortlessly and carried you to the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed before crawling on top of you. His lips found yours again as his hands continued to explore every inch of your body. You moaned into his mouth as he kissed and nipped at your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
Lewis' hands traveled down to your hips where he began to unzip your skirt. "You don't understand how bad I wanted to do this, especially with how you kept teasing me with these fuckin' skirts," he groaned, tossing the skirt aside before trailing kisses down your chest.
You let out a breathy moan, arching into his touch as his hands found their way under your shirt before he removed it and the bra you wore. His touch was electric, sending sparks through your body and igniting a fire within you. You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to leave a path of kisses down your body, finally reaching the waistband of your panties.
He looked up at you with dark eyes filled with desire and need before sliding them off of you. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious under his intense gaze, but he leaned in to press a soft kiss against the inside of your thigh, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the way to your womanhood.
"Look at how wet this pussy is for me," he commented as he glanced at your glistening mound. "You’ve been craving a nigga badly, huh?"
You couldn't even form a coherent response as Lewis dipped his head between your legs, his tongue expertly finding all the right spots and sending you into a frenzy of pleasure. You moaned and writhed under his touch, your hands gripping the sheets tightly as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
When you finally came undone, it was with a loud cry of his name. He didn't stop there though, continuing to lick and suck at your sensitive folds until you were begging him to stop.
"You taste so good," he murmured, licking his lips before crawling back up to kiss you again.
You could feel his hard length pressing against your thigh and couldn't wait any longer. You reached for the waistband of his pants, but he stopped you, shaking his head.
"So impatient," he whispered against your lips.
"Shut up," was your response, making him chuckle. He stood up from the bed and quickly undressed himself before returning to hover over you.
"Tell me what you want," he demanded, positioning himself at your entrance.
"I want you inside me," you moaned without hesitation.
Lewis didn't waste any time thrusting into you in one smooth motion. The feeling of being filled by him was almost overwhelming as he started moving in a steady rhythm. You wrapped your legs around him, urging him on as your nails dug into his back. He groaned as he felt your tight walls clenching around him. He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever. He had imagined it a thousand times in his head, but nothing could compare to the real thing.
Lewis started moving faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Your moans and whimpers only spurred him on as he chased his own pleasure.
You couldn't believe how good it felt. You had been with other guys before, but none of them could compare to Lewis. He seemed to know exactly how to touch you, how to make you feel like you were on cloud nine.
"You're so fucking tight," he groaned, his thrusts becoming more erratic. "So fucking wet."
He leaned down and captured one of your nipples in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while still pleasuring you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting to feel even closer to him. The intensity was building inside you and you knew you were close to another climax.
Lewis must have sensed it too because he reached between your bodies to rub your clit while still thrusting into you and sucking your nipples. It was too much and you screamed his name as you came undone again, your body shaking with pleasure.
He followed closely after, his hips stuttering before finally stilling as he spilled himself inside of you.
You both stayed in that position for a few moments, catching your breaths and enjoying the afterglow of sex. Lewis rolled off of you eventually and pulled you close against his chest.
"Damn," he murmured into your hair. "That was amazing."
You smiled contentedly, feeling more connected to him than ever before.
"I can't believe I waited this long," he continued, placing soft kisses along your forehead. "I should have made a move on you ages ago."
You laughed softly and snuggled closer to him.
"Well I'm glad you finally did," you replied, feeling completely happy and satisfied in that moment.
The two of you spent the rest of the night tangled up in each other, talking and laughing until you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning, you woke up to the smell of coffee and the sound of Lewis moving around. You stretched and smiled, feeling content and at peace.
"Good morning," Lewis said, walking into the bedroom with a mug of coffee. He handed it to you before sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Morning," you replied, taking a sip of the hot drink. "Thank you for this."
He grinned. "Anything for my girl."
Your heart fluttered at his words, still not quite used to hearing him call you that, but it felt right and it made you smile even more.
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coughloop · 2 years
Song Suggestion: Chopped by Daveed Diggs
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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alwaysonf1 · 7 months
another hamilton?
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: Changes in the timeline for the sake of the story.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: N/A
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The van rolls to a stop in a packed parking lot. And despite the buffer of the vehicle and the music playing inside of it, the noise from the stadium is loud and clear. 
“Are we late?” Alex asks.
Lewis smiles, shaking his head.
“No. We’re a little early actually.”
There are clearly more questions everyone wants to ask, but before anyone can voice them a producer opens one of the doors and beckons them out. All six of them pile out of the vehicle quickly. Despite Lewis confirming they have some time there’s still some uncertainty with how loud it is in there if the game hasn’t started yet.
At least they think it’s a game. Like the last four episodes filmed they were told where they'd be going and not who they were seeing and what the first sighting would be. Some of the guys only have one sibling or only one really comfortable with the limelight so it was easy to guess. But with Lewis all of this was beyond confusing.
The seven time champion didn’t usually involve himself in something of this level, so when he walked into the planning meeting for this thing it threw everyone off. Once they got past that the assumption was that it would be Nicolas. While the world knew of Lewis’ other siblings, they didn’t seem the type to agree to this.
Then they were given the destination of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Daniel asked a million and one questions after that reveal and no one who had the information would give it to him. The man’s charm didn’t beat out their willingness to keep it all a secret so everyone could maintain some level of surprise. As if they didn’t have enough.
Charles is so in his own head about what the hell they’re walking into, that it takes a moment - and the shouting of his name - to notice that everyone is already several feet ahead of him. He jogs up to catch them and keeps his focus on what’s happening in the moment, there’s no need for him to anticipate too much of what could be coming next. 
They walk through the parking lot for a while and then turn down a path that puts them at what looks like the back of the venue. The area gives the weird sketchy vibes that you get from being late night at a track, even with all the sound going on.
At a door stands a Black woman who Charles imagines he’d be into if older women were his thing. When she smiles, he’s debating making an exception. She has curly dark hair tinged with gray and her shirt says Human Jukebox, which only serves to further confuse Charles and Carlos, who’s eyes meet his.
“Hello,” the woman says, her voice cheerful.
“Hey, Sherri,” Lewis says.
They both move forward and embrace each other, when they pull away, she places a gentle kiss to his cheek.
“Where are my manners? Hello, young men. I’m Sherri Jones. It's nice to meet y’all.”
There is a chorus of greetings from everyone, and they each take a turn trying to shake Sherri’s hand, only to end up being pulled into a hug. When she gets to Charles he simply goes for the hug, and it draws a laugh from her.
“Well, I’m glad y’all could make it here. We have a little time before things get started, but we should…”
Silence falls and trumpets fill the air, then drums. A flurry of other instruments join the mix and they do so seamlessly. The song isn’t one Charles can pinpoint, but it sounds good.
Sherri winces. “It seems the Jukebox is starting up. We better get in there before we have to fight for a spot to watch them play.”
It’s a marching band. 
Though this is not at all something that he’s especially familiar with, Charles has seen the wonders that are marching bands in the US. After watching Beyonce’s Coachella set, he even went through a small phase where he wanted so many of his unreleased songs to feature a similar vibe from it. But there’s a reason it’s unreleased.
Everyone files through the door and after a few twists and turns they walk through a shaded tunnel. At the end there’s a field clear as day
On the back of the shirt Charles catches a glimpse of the words ‘Mom of a Doll.’ And though he now has the answer to what the front means, he’s even more interested in finding out what the back entails.
When they emerge, the lights are a bit blinding, but he adjusts quickly. The sounds they’ve heard since arrival, become much clearer. And the packed parking lot feels not so packed when he sees the stands filled to the brim with people. 
He notes that the crowd is predominantly Black, which leads to the quick guess that this is an HBCU. Another thing he knows of, but not much about. 
What he does know is that the energy in the place is infectious and he finds his body moving along with the band. Who stands in the stands not far from where they enter. 
As they approach the benches and lawn chairs right in front of the band - put not in the stands - they seamlessly switch to a song that feels deeply familiar, but he can’t quite name.
Though he probably can’t name it because the moment they get in front of the bench, which has a reserved marker on it for them, he notices women draped in capes walking with an elegance he can’t comprehend and so in sync that all he can think about is when he watches a race back and sees them warming tires during a formation lap.
The women fill out the four rows that are unoccupied in front of the band in a staggered formation. Only one sits in the very front row, and it piques his interest.
Charles leans toward whoever is on his left and whispers yells, “What is going on?” 
“I have no idea, but I’m into it,” Daniel says.
Out of the corner of his eye he can see the other drivers - minus Lewis - nodding in agreement. Lewis is actually standing a bit further up, with a wide smile, and staring intently. Charles steps forward to stand directly next to him and Sherri.
Excitement brews within him as he watches as each row shrug off the cape and take a seat in a domino effect. Their sparkly light blue outfits remind him of the leotards gymnasts wear and it’s a brow raising moment. He knows they aren’t going to do anything of that danger level in a location they’re in, but he can’t imagine what. Until his brain yet again goes back to Beychella.
Again, the band transitions to another song, also familiar to him, but all his brain power is on taking in what’s happening with Lewis. He’s not so sure he’s ever seen the man this happy or at least not in this way. Though he would be lying if he said he didn’t notice some of the same emotion in him now as when he’s congratulating Charles for being up on the podium.
That gets the brain turning as he remembers why they’re there in the first place, but out of the corner of his eye he sees movement in front of them.
Who he assumes is the leader slowly stands up and all eyes move to her, including his. Her brown skin is glowing, her long hair moves with her, and Charles can’t help but see how tall and long she looks, as well as the curves of her body. She’s beautiful and he can only see two thirds of her face because of the way an overhead light flashes in his.
The beat drops and she makes a sharp movement that sends her upper half down low at an angle and as she comes up her hands glide up her long leg. Each move after is just as sharp, but also fluid. She body rolls once, then again, before the next row joins. In unison they go through the routine and once the second time is done, she stops and takes a seat, kicking her leg high before crossing it over the other.
Again, like the domino effect the other rows go. Each performing twice before taking their seat the same way she did.
She doesn’t even look back to ensure that the last person is down before she rises again, arms floating into the air as she dances. She gives a spin, and her hips move in a way that makes it clear she’s at ease with what she’s doing. That it’s almost a second nature for her. 
Each movement is sensual, but in that way that entrances you, not makes you feel like a pervert for staring too hard. Though Charles does feel a little bit like one.
Just like before she takes a seat and as the last person takes her seat, her leg lifts a little more dramatically than the others, the music changes and so does the energy in the stadium. Yelling gets louder and Lewis is bouncing on his toes.
A more intense expression takes hold, and she starts the routine just as she had before, but when she comes up the sequence is different. It’s longer. And Charles feels himself take in the hype and looks to the others to see the same. Even Lance, who tends to be more reserved in public and on camera, like they are now.
The domino starts, but they all keep going until everyone has done it twice and then without missing a beat she switches to another routine. Though Charles is still unsure of what this is, he can tell that these aren’t connected in any way other than she’s made the choice to do it and the others are following her lead.
Each new one maintains its beauty, but something about it feels like a battle.
“Ooo, they’re going to throw the new one. I saw a little of them practicing it last week,” someone behind him says.
The leader turns her back to them, the band somehow gets louder, and then in the most intense of the routines yet she begins and this one is longer than the others. The moves aren’t complicated per se, but they're definitely the kind that you mess up just by lacking the musicality and the level of aggression that’s just right for it.
She does her run through, and all the girls join in. They all give it the same energy as she did, in fact Charles in awe of how they all ramp it up. It’s something he can’t imagine articulating. 
“You better!”
“Come on, Kayla.”
“Show them how it’s done, Dolls!”
“That’s my girl. Show out, Kierra!”
“That’s my baby!” Sherri says, drawing Charles attention.
Lewis cups his hands around his mouth. “Let’s go, Iman!”
Reality hits Charles, he once again remembers their purpose. Who they’re there to see. And while there is no indication from Sherri or Lewis who they’re screaming for, the smile that graces the one up front makes it clear. He stares at her in a way he didn’t before, and he sees the mix of Sherri and Lewis in her face. She’s her own person, but she definitely looks like both of them.
It’s the type of thing that makes someone feel like they could be knocked off their feet by it, even if it’s a little dramatic.
Lewis Hamilton has a college age little sister. One that radiates a similar energy and passion that her older brother brings to the track. One whose smile has Charles feeling some type of way, though he refuses to dwell on it.
Shock still gripping him he turns to look at the others and they’re equally gob smacked by it. And their camera man is getting every second of it. 
“He has another sister?” Carlos asks.
“That’s his sister?” From Lance.
“She’s so good. Like I don’t fully know what you’d call this, but it’s fucking good,” says Daniel.
Alex nods in agreement.
“Yes, it is,” Charles whispers.
When Charles turns his head back, he sees the cocky smirk on Lewis’ face and the pride is still their clear as day.
“Y’all haven’t seen anything yet,” he says.
There is no way to know what he means by that, partially because he turns his attention back to Iman where he yells more words of encouragement and because so does Charles. The girls wind down, and the domino is going in the opposite direction. It gets to Iman, and she throws in more body rolls then the routine calls for, earning more yelling, and then she sits, throwing her leg up, and then lowering it slowly.
Screams fill the stadium like never before and a smirk forms on her lips as she throws her hair over her shoulder. She smiles at her mother and brother, then she looks to the other drivers and winks.
It’s something they talk about during the game in a spur of the moment group chat Daniel makes that doesn’t include Lewis, for reasons that include fear of the man - despite nothing out of line being said. And a few of them gather in Charles’ hotel room with Arthur, and a couple other drivers, on Facetime to talk about it.
They’re enthralled and it’s a miracle nothing leaks.
And just like the information the drivers got, the title of the episode will be vague, but after they play the routine and the men’s reactions it says something like: Introducing Iman Hamilton. Secret Sibling and Captain of Southern University’s Dancing Dolls.
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blurredcolour · 8 months
Shake It Off
Summary: Called to the Lee/Hamilton wedding near the start of your shift to aid an eighty-year-old woman experiencing chest pains, you hope against hope not to run into someone from your past. But the man you meet there might just be your future.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: Medical Scenarios, Awkward Social Situations, Dress Whites, Language, Military Inaccuracies, Paramedical Inaccuracies, Rating - T.
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Author's Note: Inspired by the song Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, written for @laracrofted's 1989 Challenge! Thank you very much for hosting the challenge, Amelia!
Word Count: 3075
Maybe he won’t be here.
The thought was fleeting, and born of desperation, as you pulled up to behind the fire truck in front of the Horton Grand Hotel.
There are plenty of people with the last name of Lee, the fact that this call is taking us to the Lee/Hamilton wedding doesn’t mean he will be here. Maybe it won’t even be a Navy wedding.
Jumping out of the driver’s seat of the ambulance, your hopes were immediately dashed as a tall man in dress whites stepped forward when you reached the rear doors.
“Damn, angel, you are devastating.” He drawled smoothly and you fairly felt his eyes, mostly obscured beneath the brim of his combination cap, tracing down your uniform as you reached forward to help your partner Delgado unload the stretcher.
“Good evening, sir.” You replied with crisp professionalism. “We’re here because someone called 911?”
“You brought one of those AEDs, right? Because I think you stopped my heart…” His peach-pink lips stretched back into a grin to reveal two rows of perfectly straight, white teeth.
“You’re our 80-year-old woman, sir? Please describe your chest pain.” Delgado replied flatly and you bit your lip to prevent your smirk, loading your gear onto the gurney.
Delgado was your first regular EMT partner since your move to San Diego nearly a year ago, wooed by the $50,000 bonus Falck offered to try and stabilize their work force. He was young, his social skills more than a little rough around the edges, but he worked hard and knew his stuff. Listened to your personal woes without too much complaint and was quite honestly the closest person you had to a friend here - working the graveyard shift as a paramedic really did not afford a lot of social opportunities.
And right now, you did not at all mind that he was there to get between you and the pretty boy in uniform. Because that meant he might be willing to run interference with someone else if the need arose.
“Ms. Mable is just this way, follow me.” The handsome stranger replied easily, undeterred, and turned to lead the pair of you through the lobby, smoothly tucking his cap under his arm as he stepped inside – a well practiced move you did your damnedest to ignore. Particularly the flex of his bicep.
Following just a few steps behind him, you guided the foot of the stretcher as Delgado came last, pushing the head of it. The lobby was narrow, no more than a tiled hallway really, with a wall of windows overlooking a New Orleans style courtyard – currently filled with women in formal dresses, men in suits, and a sea of dress whites. You quickly ducked your head, focusing on following the shoes of the man in front of you.
“I’m honestly not sure what happened, she seemed to be having a great time, dancing and laughing…and then she started clutching at her chest, having trouble catching her breath.” You perked up as he finally began to say something useful.
“Did the firefighters move her somewhere more quiet?” You asked as he led the pair of you past the sign welcoming guests to the Lee/Hamilton Wedding and over to a door beside the front desk.
“Yes, we were using this space for the wedding party anyway, so we set her up in the meeting room, just here.” Pulling open the door, he gestured for you and Delgado to proceed inside.
The crew from the fire truck had set a makeshift bench out of banquet chairs for her to sit upon, the wheeled meeting chairs pushed into a corner to make as much room as possible, but it still felt cramped. The patient was resting comfortably while Lombardo, their firefighter/paramedic, was assessing her vitals and reviewing the cardiac monitor.
Ms. Mable was all of five foot two, a cloud of perfectly styled, white hair upon her head, not a strand out of place despite the dramatic turn her evening had taken. Her face was etched with the lines of a life well-lived, yet she was easily holding court amongst the crew of physically intimidating individuals, animatedly recounting a story about the cutting of a cake with a sword, based on the few words you were able to catch. They stood in their suspendered Nomex trousers and heavy boots, entranced by her performance, as a woman in her mid-fifties sat close at hand, keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.
“Thank you for your assistance, sir.” You quickly tossed back over your shoulder to your guide before diving right into the scene, pulling on your nitrile gloves, all concern about the possible presence of a certain individual vanishing in the face of your job.
Once Lombardo had fully handed the scene over to you, as it was quite apparent that this was most likely a case of angina for which the woman already carried a prescription of nitroglycerin, you settled in to talk with Ms. Mable yourself. The departure of the first responders made the room feel infinitely more spacious.
“I hear you were tearing it up on the dance floor this evening…” You smiled warmly as Delgado continued to track her vitals.
“I’ve always had a hard time saying no to good-looking pilots….my Gerry was a pilot, you know. Fifty-three years together and he got away with everything. So, when this handsome, blonde flyboy from Texas kept asking me to dance there was no way I could turn him down.” The corners of her eyes creased with mirth, and you grinned warmly as the woman laughed beside her, shaking her head fondly.
“Breathing and cognition are good.” You turned back to Delgado who added the notes to the electronic file with a nod. “How many sprays of nitroglycerin did you end up taking, Ms. Mable?”
“Two, five minutes apart, just like the pamphlet says. I really am feeling much better, I’m so sorry to have made such a fuss but my daughter, Deborah, had already dialed before I could stop her.”
“No apologies necessary, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.” You nodded to her daughter reassuringly. “Are you local or just in town for the wedding?”
“Oh, lived here for the past forty years ever since Gerry was stationed at Miramar. Once you give up snow for palm trees and sand it’s impossible to ever go back. I saw you’re not wearing a ring, dear, is that just for the job?”
Delgado snorted indelicately and if it were not for the paperwork involved you would have delivered a swift kick to his shin.
“No, Ms. Mable, just haven’t found the right man yet.” You steadily increased the volume of your voice to drown out Delgado’s utterance of ‘not for lack of trying.’ “You have a cardiologist whom you see regularly?”
Mable blinked a little at the sudden change in your tone but answered all the same, “Dr. Atwal, same age as my grandson. But he knows his business, so I listen to him. San Diego is a fabulous place to meet a young fellow you know, so many eligible men out there. A lot of handsome pilots especially…even here tonight.”
A flash of movement, accompanied by a swell in the noise of the reception down the hall, caught your attention and you raised your eyes to see the face of your guide from earlier peering through a small gap in the doorway.
“Lieutenant Seresin…” You heard Ms. Mabel sigh fondly before her heart rate began to increase alarmingly. Your eyes snapped to the cardiac monitor to review the screen for evidence of any abnormal rhythms, aware of Delgado doing the same in your periphery.
“Now Ms. Mabel, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Jake…” He drawled and that’s when you placed his accent…Texas.
He was the handsome fly boy at the centre of all the tumult then. Somehow this did not surprise you at all.
“Where would the fun be in that, Lieutenant?” Came Mable’s repartee with a wicked grin and you straightened, well aware that you needed to put a stop to this before she reached her maximum doses of nitro just for a little flirting.
“Lieutenant Seresin, would you mind stepping out so we can do our jobs? Thank you.” You turned to look up at him authoritatively, wishing you weren’t able to see how green his eyes were in this light. How his hair reminded you of spun gold, especially when it was highlighted by the medals and pins and buttons of his uniform.
“Apologies Miss, just wanted to check on Ms. Mable here…” You noticed the way his grip tightened on the wood of the door and his eyes flitted to the floor guiltily.
He was not the first nosey by-stander you had asked to step back, nor would he be the last, and yet your heart spasmed as though you had kicked his puppy.
“Much better, and she’ll continue on that path if we can finish up, thank you.” You found yourself reassuring him, willfully ignoring Delgado’s scoff.
Whether your boot knocking into his was intentional or an accident was something he, thankfully, did not question. With a sigh of relief, the Lieutenant closed the door, and you were able to turn your attention fully back to your patient, whose heart rate was normalizing, yet her eyes were full of mischief.
“Quite the catch, isn’t he?” She fairly crowed.
You cleared your throat forcefully to refocus and looked over everything once more. “Ms. Mable, I really don’t think you’re having a heart attack. Of course, we do recommend going to the hospital to have everything checked out by the doctors there.”
She was already shaking her head halfway through your statement. “Absolutely unnecessary, young lady. Where’s the thing to sign? I don’t need another ambulance ride.”
“Mom, are you sure? She said they recommend…”
“Deborah, no. If you want, you can drive me, but this is excessive.”
After a little more back and forth, Ms. Mable ended up signing the ‘refusal of service against medical advice’ form and you and Delgado packed up your gear.
“Have a good night Ms. Mable, but maybe stay away from blonde pilots from Texas?” You teased warmly before making your way back out to the lobby.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom. Finally, a chance to pee somewhere with nice smelling soap.” Delgado excused himself, leaving you alone next to a circular table near the front entrance.
The sound of the wedding party drifting through glass doors behind you in the courtyard fanned the banked coals of your anxiety into roaring flames once more now that the distraction of your duties had been removed. Brigham had to be here somewhere, this was surely his pilot’s wedding…
You surged forward toward the front doors, wanting to at least wait outside, and nearly ran headfirst into Lieutenant Seresin.
“Easy there, angel. Sorry about that. Already on your way to your next call?” He steadied you easily, hands on your shoulders. Enveloping your shoulders.
Shaking your head quickly, you laughed once at yourself. “Just heading outside to wait for my partner, the gurney takes up a lot of space.” You stepped out of his grasp and swallowed thickly. “Have a good night, Lieutenant.” You tried once again to make your escape but found him walking along with you, on the other side of the stretcher. Helping.
“Ms. Mable refused to take a ride with you?” He asked, sliding his cover onto his head as you stepped outside.
You shrugged softly, not really at liberty to discuss it, opening the back of the ambulance and loading the stretcher inside. “Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the party.”
He smirked, leaning against the back of ambulance unhurriedly. “You seemed to be missing the part where I’m much more interested in getting to know you, angel.”
You opened your mouth to try and summon some form of polite refusal when you heard his voice.
“Yo Hangman, are you harassing anything in a uniform these days?” Followed by that irritating laugh that you had never really had a chance to try and find a reason to love.
You watched the muscle between Lieutenant Seresin’s eyebrows twitch before he turned to face the jokester, revealing Brigham “Harvard” Lennox. He looked exactly the same as your second and final date nearly six months ago, appearance slightly improved by the dress whites, though you noticed his cap was negligently still tucked beneath his arm. His arm upon which a dewy-skinned, long-limbed, glossy-haired woman hung.
He blinked a little in recognition as his eyes fell upon your face and you offered a polite smile.
“Nice to see you again…” he said a name, not your name, but at least the first letter was the same. For the sake of letting this agony end, you would have let it go, if not for Delgado’s untimely return.
His reflexive correction of your first name as he walked through the group to hop up into the back of the ambulance without a second’s hesitation immediately thickened the ambient tension.
“Oh right, yeah, been a while huh?” Brigham grinned vacuously, not even having the grace to appear embarrassed. “Lookin’ good…” He added disingenuously, glancing over your uniform with less than kind eyes, moving his arm to wrap around his date’s silk-clad waist. You watched as her perfectly manicured gel nails came to rest on his bicep, a silent proclamation that her job, if she had one, was nothing like yours.
“Oh shit, this is that pilot who ghosted you a while back.” Delgado blurted out from over your shoulder where he was stowing the last of the gear, and you clenched your fists.
“Weapon systems officer.” You snapped despite your desire to keep the exchange civil, but halfway through the correction, you realized you were speaking in unison with Lieutenant Seresin.
You didn’t miss the way Brigham’s jaw clenched in dismay before turning to see Delgado backing away with both hands raised in surrender. “Whatever, I’ll be up front.”
“So, which one of your ‘exam questions’ did she fail, Harvard?” Lieutenant Seresin asked, tone light and playful but with a dangerous edge to it.
The latter scoffed and shook his head. “What are you even talking about Hangman?!” He protested loudly.
“Baby, I’ll meet you at the car, ‘kay?” Brigham’s date pulled back, patting his chest, and tottered away on her heels.
“No really,” Lieutenant Seresin dropped the friendly façade and looked over his colleague seriously. “Which was it then? Exclusivity? Kids? Careers?”
As he listed each topic his eyes flicked between your face and Brigham’s increasingly scarlet and annoyed expression. You tried to keep an impassive mask but there was a slight tick in your jaw as you involuntarily clenched your teeth at the word ‘career.’ You had long suspected that had been the reason his texts had stopped coming. The fact that you wanted one and he wanted someone to dedicate their lives to supporting him in his.
Lieutenant Seresin’s eyes flashed in recognition, and he rounded on Brigham. “Apologize to the lady for ghosting her over having career ambitions, Harvard.” He said firmly.
“What the hell are you even talking about Hangman, you don’t even know…” Brigham sputtered in protest and a small part of you wanted to tell Lieutenant Seresin not to worry about it.
“You were an idiot, Brigham. Now apologize.” He repeated firmly and any thought of excusing Brigham’s behaviour died in that instant, because it was true. He had been an idiot and it had been painful. You had been rather convinced it was going nowhere fast, but sudden and complete silence had hurt all the same.
You almost missed the apology as the first time Brigham delivered it; he used that wrong name again. Lieutenant Seresin’s eyes narrowed into an icy glare, and it was quickly amended to your proper name.
“Now go find your date before you screw up that relationship too.” Lieutenant Seresin gestured with his chin for him to go away before barking after him, “Cover!”
Brigham slammed his cap onto his head and only walked faster toward the parking lot as you chewed on your lower lip savagely lest you do something unseemly like indulge in laughter at his expense. You took a steadying breath before turning back to face your unexpected ally.
“Come on, they’re holding calls!” Delgado shouted from the front seat, and you exhaled with that withheld laugh. One that Lieutenant Seresin echoed.
“In an effort to restore the reputation of the United States Navy, and prove to you that Brigham Lennox is an aberration, will you let me take you out for a drink?” He tilted his head with an inviting curl of his lips.
He had absolutely no right looking that attractive, or being that good of a man, or putting Brigham in his place so handily.
“I…I’m sorry I just started my shift at nine…” You fussed with your stethoscope nervously, trying to pull it into place around your neck even though it was already right where it was most comfortable.
“What time do you get off, then?” He persisted. “I’ll buy you breakfast.”
You frowned in thought, weighing the pros and cons of spending more time on another Navy boy, when an all-call came through the radio, drowning out your internal dialogue.
–  All available units, MCI northbound interstate five just after First Avenue underpass, please respond –
Your eyes widened as Delgado immediately picked up the receiver.
“Medic 3-6 responding, approximately seven minutes out.”
“Lieutenant, I have to go.” You looked to him quickly, stepping up into the ambulance, closing one door and reaching for the second as he swung it towards you. You stopped it suddenly with your palm, yanking a business card containing your station information from your front pocket and slid it into his free hand.
“My shift ends at nine, won’t be ready before 9:30. As for when I get off…” You couldn’t hold back your smirk any longer, your heart skipping a beat, making you thankful you weren’t hooked up to the cardiac monitor just then. “…we’ll just have to see about that.”
His blinding grin was the last thing you saw before you pulled the other door to the rig shut, shouting for Delgado to pull out, lights and sirens ablaze.
>>> return to main masterlist
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RWRB hcs probably pt. 1-
•After they get married everyone (mostly June and Nora) started calling Alex princess. Like, "shut up, princess"
•Henry has read MANY fanfics and written several of his own. This includes a secret five chapter story about him and Alex that stays hidden in the depths of his computer
•I know Taylor Swift is a controversial topic in this fandom, but you cannot tell me Henry "queer historian, writer, and dramatic gay boy" would not jam out to and cry over ts songs alone in his room
•David loves cuddling with Alex, and Henry calls him a traitor, but really he finds it adorable
•Alex has definitely brought some feral animal home that he found on the street hoping to save it and raise it as a pet, and then Henry made him give it to the shelter and he cried all night
•June and Nora get a cat. That's it. They're just cat moms
•When Pez, June, and Nora are all in the same place, they are most likely gonna sleep together
•Phillip gets better and he and Henry are able to work on mending their relationship after Mary dies and neither of them have to deal with her manipulation and abuse
•Alex posts lots of thirst traps, and Henry dies every time
•Alex calls Henry lots of pet names I'm Spanish, and also just in general talks to him a lot in Spanish. Henry has very low understanding of what Alex is saying for the first couple years, but he still melts
•Henry eventually tries to learn Spanish and after a while he can carry a conversation. Oscar often makes fun of his pronunciation though
•Alex is an apple user Henry is an android user. They argue about it often
•Alex's shit got rocked when Hamilton came out. He saw it 10 times
•They continue to have a New Year's party for several years after Ellen leaves office.
•They have a daughter and a son, the son is Henry and June's biologically, and the daughter's Alex and Bea's biologically. Both are referred to as aunt though. Also they used IVF not sex, just to be clear.
•When Alex turns 35, a petition is spread around social media trying to get him to run for president. It gets double the needed signatures, but he doesn't end up running.
•Alex usually tops, but not always. Henry is usually more dominant though.
•I know in cannon Bea gets married to someone (presumably a man) but I hc that she's also gay and meets a girl whose picking her friend up from and na meeting. (Idk, I have a whole story set out for Bea's love life)
•Not really a hc, but Henry has def ridden Alex while wearing a cowboy hat
•Pez always buys the children of the super six super lavish and expensive gifts when ever he visits, and becomes the favorite of the aunts and uncles
•After their first fight once married, Alex has a huge panic attack thinking they won't make it together, but Henry calms him down and it doesn't happen again
•Zhara and Shaan have a daughter who is the scariest little girl in the world. Alex is legitimately scared to get on her bad side.
•David has his own insta account and he has many photos in little outfits
•Henry and Alex write letters to each other every time one of them has to go somewhere for work, just for old times sake
•Henry's first novel absolutely kills all the queer teens, and is basically that universe's RWRB
•Alex often steals Henry's Jaffa cakes and won't ever admit it. Henry knows, and he finds it adorable
•Ever so often Alex will get super into some new topic and do loads of research, and write essays or make presentations on it and then share it with Henry so he can teach him everything he now knows.
•Lowkey canon, but Henry's a Maurauders era fan
•He's also a Tumblr girly and has had a secret blog for years
•The super six do slideshow nights, here's an example of one of those nights: Henry: People from History You Didn't Know Where Queer, Nora: The Statistical Likelihood of Each of Us Releasing a Rap Album, Pez: Rating Everyone's Exes, Bea: The Most Embarrassing Stories About Henry I Can Think of, Alex: Hottest Politicians Around the World, June: The Most Embarrassing Stories About Alex I Can Think of (Her and Bea worked together)
•Occasionally Henry will use an American term (like saying chips when he meant crisps) and Alex will use a British term (like jumper instead of sweater), and both get very upset when it happens (whoever didn't slip up finds it hilarious)
•They joke around whenever a gossip site releases an article about their relationship, like, "oh look, I've apparently left you and headed back to England after you cheated on me" "oh, good for you, that was a rude thing for me to do"
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writingshushf1 · 1 year
First Burn - part 1
Summary:  Don't think I don't see how they fall for your charms, all of your charms! - the one where your relationship with leclerc ends (and it's his fault).
Rating: +14
Warnings: cheating !!!!!
Word count: 2k
Note: the hamilton songs' idea is happening !!!!! yep, so this first part isn't about mick much, only the last quote lol, but the second part will be about their romance etc. now it's only angsty sh*t. btw, it's cool to listen to their fight while listening the song ! shshsh, like, comment, tell if you liked it, part 2 is coming soon
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Heaven forbid someone whisper "He's part of some scheme" Your enemy whispers So you have to scream
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The mobile phone fell out of your hands just after seeing those photos, it wasn't possible. You were not innocent, but they were never more than rumours. You took a deep breath, running your hands over your face wet from the tears you couldn't hold back. He said it was nothing, that they were old childhood friends - just like you were his. A traitor.
You wished he'd thought that straight. Leclerc had always been a great boyfriend, romantic, fun, good in bed. The worst? You were public. You often appeared in the paddock, chatted to the other girlfriends and now? How would you approach them and say: well I'm going to be single.
That wasn't even the worst of it, it was reaching out to Charles in person, not wanting to slap him in the face. You weren't perfect, but you couldn't imagine how he could have acted like that wasn't something terrible. 
Your face was hot, cheeks pink and a little swollen, but that wouldn't stop you from going to him. He was going to have a "boys' afternoon" with some drivers from the grid - and because Monaco was tiny, you knew very well where he would be.
"I can come with you." Carmen said, reaching for a handkerchief to dry her tears.
"I can too." Lily murmured, running her hands over her shoulders. " Best not go alone."
"Thanks, girls. Shall we go then? I have a relationship that will break up."
They laughed softly, giving each other a group hug before you guys got into the Spanish girl's car.
The drive was filled with soothing music in the background. Upon arriving at the piér, Max's yacht was there and with that, so were they. Leclerc, Gasly, Russell, Albon, Ricciardo, Sainz and Verstappen were laughing, drinks in hand, with a table full of snacks. Tu looked at the girls again, letting them take the lead. Their respective boyfriends saw them both walking with not-so-happy features, they both looked at each other before passing between their friends and heading to the entrance of the yacht.
"It's not about you guys, relax." Lily commented.
You thanked them and walked inside, crossing your eyes with the Monegasque, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall on your face. He made a confused expression at you, not expecting you to appear there. You just nodded for them to go to a more private part of the boat. Charles took your hand and walked quietly away, his lack of sobriety not helping. Your mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out, it seemed that all the words fell apart when you needed them most.
You unlocked the cell phone screen, showing him the sequence of pictures of him with a woman who was not you. His facial expression changed at the same moment, it seemed that his sobriety returned to his body as he realised the trouble he was in.
"Don't call me love." You took a step back. "You brought this girl into our bed and ruined everything."
"Hey, that's not what you're thinking..."
"I know about rumours... I see the way you look at women..."
"What? I don't..." He reached for your hand.
"Don’t!" You raised your arm. "I'm not naive! I see women all around you. You think I don't see them falling for your charms? All your charms." Your voice was shallow, trembling as you spoke.
Don't take another step in my direction I can't be trusted around you Don't think you can talk your way Into my arms, into my arms
"It's serious... It was only once."
"Now you admit that you cheated me?" Your face was wet again, a trembling voice, but it wasn't going to let that stop you from finishing speaking. "Honestly, Charles... Just admit that it was more than once. I always thought they were rumours, because there was no proof and people wanted to ruin what we had, some might even be out to hurt, but now I honestly suspect all these sudden trips with your friends, going for hours and hours without even sending a 'hello'..."
"Honestly? Is that what worries you?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. It's hard to live like this with someone, I really tried but..."
"Haven't you ever heard of an open relationship? Honestly, I wouldn't have been offended or insecure. You walked to the exit. "Honestly... The world has no place in our bed, they don't have to know what I say! You have lost all rights to be disappointed, of my heart, of your space in bed. Find somewhere to sleep tonight with only the memories of what you caused, because I don't want to see you in our apartment. I'll be long gone by tomorrow." 
You walked down the stairs of the yacht, looking at the girls, who obviously heard everything - along with everyone else who was there. One last time, you looked into his deep blue eyes, sniffling low and pointing your finger at him.
"I hope you burn."
Before your friends could even follow, you walked quickly out of there, back to the car. You both said goodbye to your boyfriends, looking the Monegasque up and down with the biggest look of disgust on their faces.
"Honestly, Leclerc? You did a damage-you-can-never-undo kind of stupid. Truly, you didn't think this through." Carmen said looking deeply at him, soon leaving together with the Asian woman to go after you.
The three of you were at the beach, sat down on the sand, watching the sunset. The city noise was filling the background while you were in silence, mourning the end of the relationship. You felt betrayed on so many levels. And the worst hadn’t even come out yet: the media knowing the end of your relationship. As you were a somewhat relevant songwriter in Europe and he’s a worldly known driver, people would talk. A lot.
“At least… I can still hang out with you girls, for a second I was worried that if I wasn’t his girlfriend, our friendship would end.”
“Never! Friends before partners!” Mundt replied, holding your hand.
“Or you could say… Bros before hoes.” Lily joked, making you two laugh. “But really… We’re here.”
“I’m not going to lie… I always thought you were too good for him.” The Spanish raised her hands, causing a burst of laughter to escape your lips.
“You were dating an Icarus. Who has flown too close to the sun.” Lilly commented.
I'm burning the letters you wrote me You can stand over there if you want I don't know who you are I have so much to learn I'm re-reading your letters And watching them burn (burn)I'm watching them burn (burn)
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Getting over someone wasn’t easy and going through this being in the public eye? Even worse. You recluded yourself the last few days, no social media at all. After coming back to your old city in Switzerland, the goal was to restart your life from scratch. Well, kind off. 
The first days were the hardest, waking up in bed without his warmth, without a good morning and a ready cup of coffee. The loneliness that plagued, because besides a boyfriend, you lost a friend, someone important in your life journey. And that doesn't happen every day and it is very difficult to overcome.
"4am, another lost night, no sleep. You couldn't take it anymore, not getting much more than two hours a night, hence working for almost 10 hours straight because it was the only thing that calmed your spirit.
The smell of his perfume still permeated some of your clothes, it was too painful.
Suddenly the doorbell of the house rang and clearly you were not expecting a visitor. You went downstairs and opened a small crack, seeing the person who should have been there the least. The Monegasque was holding a box, full of your belongings - things left over from your quick exit from the place you once called home.
Without saying anything, you gave him a space to enter, going up to the bedroom and pulling a box from the bottom of the wardrobe. His belongings seemed to weigh a ton, it was as if that weight didn't want to let you move, yet you went downstairs and placed the cardboard box on the table, waiting for him to hand yours over.
"Don’t. Don’t take another step in my direction." You ran your hands through your strands of hair, sighing loudly. "It's not enough that you came here, please. Just go away and live your life, okay?"
He didn't answer, just shrugged and picked up his box, walking away gloomily.
As soon as you closed the door and saw his Ferrari drive away, you let the most anguished cry come from your lips. After one, a few more cries escaped your lips and you were sitting on the living room floor, hugging the box, letting all your sadness out through your cries and pleading that none of this should have happened.”
I'm erasing myself from the narrative Let future historians wonder how Eliza reacted When you broke her heart You have thrown it all away Stand back, watch it burn Just watch it all burn
Meanwhile you are a songwriter, so being undercover wasn’t hard at all - since it was mostly a remote job with a few meetings here and there. Your record label was good, they had multiple contacts through various singers around Europe, so nothing to worry about. Your mourning state was fueling creativity, and you poured your heart and soul into her music. You wrote about your pain, but also about the hope and resilience that you were trying to find within yourself. The songs became a source of comfort and inspiration, more than already was before.
Carmen and Lily came to visit you whenever they could, appreciating how you were trying to get out of this stagnating moment, building yourself up again.
Often, when you left the house to go cycling, you met a blond man who was already familiar with your life with Leclerc. Mick Schumacher lived a few streets down from you and meeting him was a bit strange at first because of the closeness he had to the drivers. However, as time went by and you slowly tried to rebuild yourself, he became a good company for hikes, walks with dogs and late night chats.
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After months of heartache and pain, while also testing new waters, you finally found the strength to move on from Charles. As a songwriter, you poured all of those negative - and positive - emotions into your music and used it as a tool to heal and grow from the experience. It wasn’t an easy journey, much less a lonely one, and probably had a hidden lesson from life in it, but honestly? That didn’t care right now, it was you getting out of your spiral. It was all those cliche end of the movie tropes: self-love, resilience, and the healing power of music. Though the road was long and difficult, you emerged stronger and more determined than ever before.
Until you were helpless again. Those fucking blue eyes and blonde hair.
Boy, you got me helpless Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm helpless Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em
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yarrystyleeza · 4 months
𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝟐𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
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Well, as the title suggests, I am turning 22 on January 30th (yes I can't believe it either), and it's a very very special number to me, I was obsessed with it since I was a kid—because of Taylor Swift's 22 of course (you have no idea how happy my inner child is now!).
However, I thought I should celebrate this very important event with you by hosting my second sleepover! (honestly I was planning to make this a double sleepover if I hit 300 followers before my birthday, but since I didn't, I really had to host a sleepover)
As usual, my sleepover will host games, questions, asks, and definitely, requests!!! <3
The sleepover will be a week long, from January 30th till February 6th, where you can submit asks and requests!
Note on prohibited things that I won't be doing or answering:
No nsfw/dirty asks, writing requests or questions, it's uncomfortable for me sometimes, and this is an all-ages-friendly celebration. No further elaboration, please respect this. <3
Here's a list of the games we can play:
Kiss/Marry/Kill: you give me three characters and I will sort each one in one of these categories! (make it hard for me)
Would you rather: you give me two things/characters and I get to choose one that suits me better! (for example: night owl or early bird?)
Make an assumption: you literally make an assumption about me and I either prove it or deny it!
Never have I ever: you ask me about things I did or didn't do!
Exchanged Ships: basically, you give me a character that you find as my significant other, and I will give you a character in exchange and why I think it's the perfect character for you!
Random Q&A: you can ask me about anything, whether it's my favorite food or even what fabrics do I prefer to wear, ask whatever you want!
Girly Talks: just talk to me about any girly topic you want and we'll establish a good conversation! Let's talk about books or authors, favorite poetry pieces, maybe movies we loved in our childhood, or even your favorite outfits back when you were a 10 year old! Literally anything!
Rate My Music Taste: give me a song/artist and I will rate it from 1 (absolute flop) to 10 (total banger)! — (this is absolutely done just for fun).
I Wanna Write You A Song: start with a phrase and we will make a totally original song together in the reblogs!
Doodles: give me something simple to draw!
As for writing requests, I will be taking fluff/angst/violence (blood and gore—due to the nature of the characters I write for) x female!reader requests only. But of course you can request the prompt you desire. <3
As for the characters, here's a list of the fictional men that I would be writing for:
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Foggy Nelson
Tristan Thorn
Michael Kinsella
Henry (from Eat Locals)
Daryl Dixon
(might consider writing for other Charlie Cox/Norman Reedus characters. example: Ian Hamilton, Owen Sleater, Scud, Murphy MacManus, etc.)
You can ask for prompt included in this list or ones you come up with yourself:
intimate moments / gestures that make me feel love / romantic rainy day prompts / gentle things that make me fall harder in love / fluffy comforting/sick dialogue prompts / lighthearted first kiss prompts / sparring prompts / forced proximity prompts / date prompts masterpost /
Note that I will be tagging the fic requests with #yuna's 22 birthday sleepover so they're easy to find, but they will be sorted in my main masterlist as regular requests! <3
tagging my moots to spread the word sorry for being a little too annoying hehe (and I tried to tag as much as possible but my memory is messing around with me I'm sorry if I forgot anyone): @v4leoftears @remonemo @fizanotfeeza @bunmurdock @bellaxgiornata @kal-0n @1988-fiend @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @floral-charlie-cat @farfromstrange @babygirlmurdock @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @c-mrdck @xxeycisxx @loveroftoomanyfandoms @mindidjarin @little-miss-dilf-lover @shiorimakibawrites @tongueofcat @marytheweefrenchie @chvoswxtch @devilsmurdock @galaxies-and-moons-and-cox @acharliecoxedfan @folkloreandfall @murdocklorian @munsonownsmyass @abbyhaslongshorts @murc0ck @lazyxsquirrel @theradioactivespidergwen @xxdrixx @saintmurd0ck @softasawhisper @she-likesorchids @peterman-spideyparker @mattmurdocksstarlight @amberlynnmurdock @courtforshort15 @saltedlays @importantnightwerewolf @lene-loki
That's basically everything I have for my birthday sleepover, feel free to submit requests and games! Thank you for coming to my sleepover tonight! <3
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old-lorarri · 10 months
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꒰꒰ ‧₊˚𝐋𝐎𝐋𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ─ 𝟐𝐊 ˚₊· ꒱꒱
welcome to the lorrari 2k celly!!! in absolute shock rn that I have hit this milestone and before I get too sappy I would just like to say thank you so so much to each and every one of you ily you all .so as you lot know I am on I will answer all of these there or after I get back <3 ─ request as much as you want
schedule ─ july 31st to aug 14th
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─ die first . . . ❨ get to know me! ask me about my favourite books, movies, tv shows, or just gossip with me! whatever u want ❩
─ pretty posion . . . ❨ send in random stuff, tiktok edits, memes, anything ❩
─ american jesus . . . ❨ cym, fmk / kmk, would you rather, top 5, etc. common tumblr games. ❩
─ hell is a teenage girl . . . ❨ I'll make a mood board that I think matches your blog theme, and add a song based on what I think matches you. ❩
─ gaslight . . . ❨ send me a driver + and a prompt (example: charles + summer vacation) and I'll make a mood board for it. ❩
─ national anthem . . . ❨ send me driver + a scenario/prompt (example: friends to lovers with lewis hamilton) and I'll make a small playlist for it ❩
─ lie . . . ❨ send me your favourite celebs, drivers, and just all round people and I'll rate them and give you my thoughts ❩
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moots ─ @mbappebby @photmath @nataliawrites @pucksandpower @cialovessirlewis @mrs-bellingham @sebscore @holllandtrash @karotland @fleetwooods @kiwisa @sileaz @remainofthesun @silvervioletvalentine @kevinsdsy @libraryofloveletters @thebearchives @fxllfaiiry @oconso @cartierre @jojojoy1 @starkwlkr @f1version @chrysanthemax @monzabee @lovelytsunoda @formula-hamilton @lomlando @goldsainz @mehrmonga @vanishingcherry @sportsgirliewithtoomuchtosay @vex-et-soleil @alonsogirlie @redclercs @charlesswife @smoooothoperator @tomorrcwz @love-bellee @boiohboii @deadaydreams @lecsainz @miaxox
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merp-blerp · 8 months
So Claudia Cacace recently posted her last Be More Chill animatic and said in the pinned comment that she had wanted to stop a long time ago when people gave her bad attention; it made me think about how animatic creators at the height of the musical theater fandom were treated horribly, despite being the backbone of that fandom for the longest time. For example, I remember people used to give Mushroomie/Mushie r crap about how they were “copying” Szin’s art style, which is literally impossible. A lot of people in the fandom were clearly inspired my Szin’s artwork because she was one of the most popular artists in the fandom at the time and her art was indeed really good. You can’t “copy” an art style. And when Szin announced that she wasn’t going to make Hamilton animatics anymore “fans” were calling her a liar among other awful things because she had said in a now private (or maybe deleted) Q&A video that she had wanted to do all the songs, despite that fact that she also said in that same video that she was going to keep making Hamilton animatics as long as they were fun for her, which they has ceased to be by the time she had finished Act 1 and a bit of Act 2. It had been years, disinterest naturally happens and that’s okay. There were a lot of animatic creators who stopped for the same reason; animatic creating had stopped being fun for these artist and began to be more like a job rather than the hobby it started out as. Remember most of these creators were making these animatics alone and possibly without much if any pay from YouTube. And on top of that a lot of these creators were minors at the time! They likely had other obligations in life like school and family, not able to have time for a job, let alone a very time consuming, demanding, solo job. Not to mention all the other things these creators had to deal with, like making content in a timely manner so the algorithm didn’t abandon them, or YouTube’s shitty fair use system constantly threatening to copyright claim or strike videos and even entire channels in some cases like Mushroomie. If you were in the musical theater fandom around 2016-2019 you know how important animatics were. Pro-shots were even more rarely made than they are now (like pretty much never), and bootlegs of then-currently running shows stayed up online for only a few days or weeks if you were lucky, so a lot of fans had no way of legally seeing the show(s), and sometimes not even illegally. A lot of people who loved these musicals would love a show for it’s music, but had no clue what the full plot was out of a lack of being able to access the show in an affordable way, affordability still being an issue with Broadway today. So animatics were very vital to people getting at least an idea of how these shows visually looked and an opportunity for artist to do something they loved. This was how people got to see their favorite show in away that YouTube couldn’t (fairly) take down. Quite noticeably, when these animatic creators almost collectively stopped making animatics for these musicals or slowed down around 2019, the fandom fizzled out as well, or at least changed. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t dead like some believe in my opinion, but it’s definitely different. In one way, now that a lot of the most popular shows from this time and others have some kind of pro-shot or shitty movie adaptation, and YouTube being a lot more lose with bootlegs then they used to be, animatics aren’t as vital, but their importance shouldn’t be something to sneeze at and it blows that these animatic creators weren’t treated with the utmost respect they deserved at the height of their popularity. I know I’m pulling an old issue out of the grave and this issue is essential gone, with animatics being made at a less frequent rate than they were at the time, but I’ve never seen this talked about in length. If any animatic creators, currently active or not, are reading this, I hope you continue to enjoy you creations and that people respect you as they should.
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lostinlewis · 1 year
Old Flame ~ Part Two
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Rating: M
Words: 3442
Character: Lewis Hamilton x F!Reader
Description: You learnt so much from your first love but the most important lesson he taught you was how to deal with heartbreak, even if it takes you six years. You were almost there, you almost made it days at a time without thinking about him…that was until he turned up in the most unexpected of places.
Seven hundred and thirty hours, it had been seven hundred and thirty hours, one whole month to be more precise, since your encounter with Lewis, and you were pretty sure you had spent at least seven hundred of those hours thinking about him. 
You had cycled through all of the coping mechanisms you knew to distract yourself from thoughts of him but it was fruitless, nothing and no one could stop you from finding yourself staring into space as you ran through memories you shared with the only person you had ever really loved, except for that one thing you knew always brought you back down to reality; you Googled him. 
If Lewis was just some guy, Googling him would have provided a page of results if you were lucky, however Lewis was not just some guy, he never really had been. Articles upon articles discussing his every move filled the pages. Think pieces on his outfits, on his cars, and of course his dating life appeared. There were pictures too, so very many pictures of him and others, mostly female, papped in streets and events across the globe. 
As you looked at each one, and of course you looked, you felt the pinprick pain cover your skin, anxiety and grief, a fine mixture. You studied every inch of every woman that stood beside him. Each looked like a model, they were everything you didn’t feel you were yourself. They were all young, beautiful and slim, they wore clothes you would never dare to wear, and most importantly they looked as if they belonged next to him; something you had never truly felt you did. 
You had known forever that you were not the kind of girl he would settle down with, Lewis was never meant for normal, Lewis was meant for remarkable, he was meant for success, he was meant for a relationship that would only ever be the envy of others, one that was labelled a ‘Power Couple’, he was meant for everything you could never be, you were normal and Lewis was not, he was remarkable and he deserved someone remarkable too. 
The drive to your mum's house was narrated by the sounds of Sza’s album, each song was relatable, her lyrics spoke to your soul. 
‘I try to keep from losin' the rest of me/I worry that I wasted the best of me on you, baby’
You cared not for who could see you singing along to every word as if you were Sza herself, nor did you worry about the tears streaming down your face as you let emotions out that you had suffocated for so long, emotions that now tested the strength of your waterproof mascara, as well as they tested your sanity. 
Before you switched off your engine you knew there was one more thing you had to do, you turned your music up to loudest possible volume, clutching the steering wheel with a herculean grip you let out a scream, a long deep scream to bring and end to the breakdown you had scheduled for that morning. 
“Are you okay? You are awfully quiet today.”
Your mum had always been intune to your feelings, it had never mattered how much you persisted that you were fine when you were not, she knew, she always knew.
“I’m going to tell you something but please be sane about it.” You knew that request was pointless, your mum could be sane about nothing involving him. “I saw Lewis.” 
“Oh, you did?” 
Her response was normal, unemotive, had she finally grown to hate the man as you had requested for so many years?
“Is that it? You don’t want to tell me how this was fate intervening? How it was time to give him another chance? How beautiful our babies would be? Wow mum, you really have grown.”
“Well, darling you know-”
“Oh my god, you already know don’t you? How do you know, mum?” 
The realisation hit you hard as you read the expression that she barely tried to hide on her face.
“Darling, calm down…” 
“No mum, what the actual…explain, everything, now!” 
You could feel your face flush with a burning anger, the betrayal hit as hard as his had all those years ago. She was your mum, not his. She was supposed to be on your side, not his. 
“I’m sorry, I knew this was how you would react, that’s why I didn’t tell you-”
“Tell me what, mum?”
Your leg bounced up and down as your body desperately tried to release the anger that was boiling over within you. 
“You know that Lewis and I were always very close, I thought of him as a son. When you broke up, when you left him…he called me first to find out if you were still alive and then to apologise.” She hadn’t made eye contact with you once, she knew she’d betrayed you. “It started as innocently as that, then he’d call once a week…always on a Sunday evening after his race to keep me updated, he knew I enjoyed hearing how he did. He’s won so many races, did you know?” 
“Are you actually serious right now?” 
“Sorry, I’m just proud of him.”
“You’re proud of the guy who destroyed me, mum? You know what, fine.” 
“No sweetie, it’s just-” 
You were not prepared to wait around to hear more of her pathetic excuses. You had always known she was fond of him, you just didn’t ever realise she was more fond of him than she was of you.
“Since you care so much about him, more than your own daughter's feelings clearly, I’ll just leave.” 
You heard your mum attempt to chase after you but it was pointless, the anger and betrayal had powered you out of the door and into your car before she had even had the chance to get near. 
The tears flooded your cheeks once more, the betrayal, so much betrayal, how could the two people who swore to love you unconditionally hurt you in unimaginable ways? 
Your fingers found his name in your phone and pressed the call button before you even had a chance to think about what you were doing.
“How fucking dare you still speak to my mum?” 
The words fell out of you in a vicious scream, a hiss of spite as you wanted answers from the one man you swore you would never speak to again.
“Baby, I-” 
“No, don’t baby me! I can’t believe you would…I can’t believe she would betray me like that.” 
Your voice broke as you cried uncontrollably, if you had an ounce of rationale within you in the moment you would have kept strong with your anger but instead you were powerless to the upset that engulfed the fire of anger. 
“She didn’t betray you, it’s my fault. I love your mum, she’s been a mum to me too at times. I shouldn’t have kept in contact with her, I just needed to know you were okay, you disappeared and I couldn’t contact you. I needed to know you were alive, at least.” 
His voice was quiet, a stark contrast to your screams. 
“Maybe it would have been easier if I wasn’t.” 
“No. Do not say that. Do not even play with that.” His voice rose an octave. “Are you driving right now?”
“So what if I am?” 
“Pull over, please. You’re too riled up to drive safely.” 
“No, you don’t get to-”
“Pull over. If you don’t, I will call the police and tell them there’s a crazy drunk woman that needs to be stopped.” 
“But I haven’t been drinking.” 
“Yes and they will realise that when they pull you over, but at least they would have made you stop.” 
“Fine.” You said through gritted teeth. “Happy now? I’ve stopped.” 
“Very. Now you’re going to breathe, I will talk to you until you calm down.”
“And if I don’t calm down?”
“Then you’ll be stuck talking to me for eternity, you don’t want to do that now do you?”
You could hear his smug smirk through the phone. He spoke to you for a whole hour, about racing, about fashion, about anything he could think of just to distract you from your thoughts. He made you smile, he made you laugh but most importantly, he made you forget you hated him, if only for that brief moment. 
Your evening was a mix of dancing around the house to your favourite Spotify and drinking wine, lots and lots of wine. Your music was so loud you almost didn’t hear the knock at your door. 
You opened it so casually, without checking through the peephole first, figuring that it was just your neighbour coming by to ask you to turn the music down, again.
Clad in an oversized lilac sweater, matching cargo trousers and ridiculously big boots, clutching the prettiest bouquet of flowers you had ever seen. 
“What are you-how did you even find me?” You wanted to slam the door shut, escape this absolute nightmare of a situation as fast as you could but you didn’t. “Mum…I’m going to kill her!” 
You left the door open as you rushed to find your phone, ready to tear into your mum, not even considering that you had just invited him inside your home unintentionally. 
“Wait…Stop.” He grabbed the phone from your hand. “She was worried about you, so she begged me to come and check on you.” 
Your face was still a scowl, how many times were they both going to conspire against you?
“I can go if you want?” 
“You’re here now.” You inched away from him, you needed another drink. “Would you like one?” 
You wanted to scream at him, at her, at the both of them. How did you end up in this situation? How was Lewis now sitting on your sofa, still clutching the bouquet of flowers like a nervous sixteen year old waiting to take his date to prom? 
“These are for you.” He handed you the bunch. “Is red still your favourite colour?”
“Yes, thank you.” You smelt them before putting them to the side. 
Lewis accepted your offer of a drink, even though he didn’t normally drink anything, he was clearly just as nervous as you in this situation.
 “Please ignore the…well the whole place, really.” 
Suddenly you were very aware that you had this mega rich super famous guy on the sofa of your very modest, somewhat untidy apartment. 
“I like it, it’s cute…very you.” He looked around the room, taking in every detail much to your annoyance. “Are you feeling better now?”
“Yes…well I mean, no. I’m too tipsy and too tired to scream at you, if that’s what you are asking?” You sipped at your wine, the harsh taste masked your anxious thoughts. 
“That’s good, I don’t think my ears could handle much more of that.” You both smiled as he feigned ear pain. “But, I mean, about everything? About me being here?” 
You looked at him, his locs sitting loosely on his head, his nose piercing glistened every now and then as the light from a candle reflected off of it. His soft smile, his kind eyes, everything about him was so beautiful. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol freeing you of your inhibitions but you could see the man you fell in love with once more, rather than the man you hated. 
“That’s a loaded question, Lewis. But, I’m okay with you being here…for now”
“You look absolutely beautiful, by the way.” 
“Shut up, no I don’t!” 
You laughed at his absurdity. You were wearing what you called your comfy clothes, a tracksuit about five times too big for you and your makeup was still smudged around your face from the endless stream of tears that ruined it earlier in the day.
“You don’t get to decide that.” He took your hand, you didn’t pull it away. “You look beautiful, to me. You were always the most beautiful woman in every room.” 
You allowed yourself to fall into his gaze, to get lost in the rhythm of his thumb stroking circles on your hand until you caught yourself losing control. 
“That changed fast, it’s a different supermodel every week now, isn’t it?” 
He screwed his face up at you, looking almost offended at the suggestion he was superficial enough to only find beauty in the obvious. 
“How do you even know that? Have you been Googling me?”
“I think everyone’s seen the pictures, Lewis. You’re constantly pictured, all over the world, a new girl on your arm in every picture.” 
You hoped your teasing hid your jealousy but that was pitiful, both of you could feel the aura of envy that laced every word. 
He locked his fingers in yours, so intimate yet innocent the contact he made was. He was always such a touch focused partner, his hands constantly had to be on you in some form, a hand on your thigh as he drove, a hand on the small of your back as you socialised. You missed it, you missed always being the focus of his attention, even in a crowded room. 
“Did you notice something in all of those pictures?” 
“What? That everyone in it was ridiculously beautiful?”
His eye roll felt so exaggerated yet you could tell he meant it.
“No, just how many different women there were.” 
“Are you bragging now? Ew.” 
“I don’t need to brag, baby.” There was his smug smirk once more. “What I meant was, look how many different women I have met, spent time with, tried to make it work with, yet none of them stayed for very long. Do you know why that is?”
“They got bored of your in depth analysis of every move you made on the track the previous weekend?”
“Can you be serious for five minutes, please?” Lewis was getting frustrated with your making light of his words. “And if you must know, they all found my company fantastic, thank you very much!” 
“Whatever. Tell me then, why did none last?” 
“Because none of them were you. Supermodels, actresses, singers…none of them filled even half the hole you left in my heart when you disappeared.” 
You felt him pull your hand just enough to move you closer to him on the sofa. Butterflies engulfed your stomach, you felt an unwanted tingle down below as he pulled you until your face was just inches away from his. 
You could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, you could smell his signature scent, you could feel his heart racing as you leant up against his torso, staring deep into his eyes. 
“Tell me you don’t still love me, tell me that I don’t give you butterflies in the pit of your stomach anymore.” He brushed your lips with his, the tip of his nose grazing your own. “Tell me to go and I’ll go.”
He took your silence as permission and kissed you. In that moment, you melted into him. He was gentle with his kisses, such tender movements, you could feel how nervous he was to scare you away as he kissed you. 
Your tongues danced together like they were long lost lovers, his hands brushed up your sides, so careful he was of moving too quickly with you, he settled for the feel of your waist, for now. 
He gently laid you back on the sofa without breaking your kiss, worried that if he let you think in that moment you might shy away from him, he purred into your lips as he climbed on top of you. 
Taking all of his weight on his forearms, he allowed only his hardness to press against you, as if he wanted to remind you of all that he offered, as if it was possible for you to ever forget. 
His lips traced from your kiss, across your jawline, never once lifting the pressure on your middle as he nibbled at your neck. You let out a little moan as he sucked at the skin, leaving his mark on what had been forbidden to him for so long now. His hand roamed up your sweatshirt, gently rolling your nipple between the pads of his finger and thumb, not settling until he heard the yelp you let out.
Your breathing was shallow now as he brought his lips over to suck the teat. His other hand slipped under the waistband of your sweatpants. He groaned, your nipple still between his lips, as he drew his middle finger through your wet folds before resting on your nub. 
He caught the moan that escaped your lips with his own, burying his tongue in your mouth before sucking on yours, his finger drawing soft circles on your clit.
“I need to taste you.” 
He trailed your body with kisses before pulling off your sweatpants. He kissed up the inside of your thighs, your core was pulsating now, so much so you were sure he would be able to feel it the closer his face got. He brought one hand up to yours, locking his fingers in between to steady you as his tongue pressed hard against your clit. 
Your whole body shook as he began to work you, you moaned into the air, he was still an expert at pleasing you and he was determined to do just that. He lapped at your middle like you were the only thing that would satisfy his hunger. You could feel him bringing you closer and closer, your high building with every pressured motion of his tongue. He could feel it building too, he squeezed your hand tighter to encourage you. He wanted it, he wanted to taste every last drop of you, he wanted you to give him your essence, he wanted to devour every part of you. 
“Oh my-Lewis.” 
You cried out at him, your body arching, you held your breath as he increased the speed now, desperate to push you over the edge. You squeezed his hand tightly at your peak. You came undone all over his tongue so quickly, your orgasm sitting so fiercely that all you could do was shake as you desperately tried to regain breath. 
He lapped it all up, moaning himself as the juices flowed from you. He didn’t stop once, only decreasing the pressure slowly, making your high last as long as possible until you were so sensitive you whimpered at every touch. 
He brought his face back up to level with yours, his fingers still locked in yours, he brought your legs to a close and wrapped them across his lap. You stared at him for a moment, his smile decorated with the glistening evidence of your undoing. You kissed him this time, tasting yourself on his tongue. You moved your free hand down to his waistband but he brushed it away, quickly. 
“No baby, tonight was all about making you feel good.” He mumbled. “There’s plenty of time for that.” 
He brought your head down to his shoulder, one of his hands stroked the outside of your thigh, the other locked in your hand as you both fell asleep right where you sat. 
The sunlight broke through your curtains, it took you a moment to remember who it was you were laying with but when you did, when you saw that he was still holding you as if he was scared you were going to disappear, you felt warm. You felt home, for the first time in six years, you felt like you were home. 
You gently wriggled out from under him, he stirred but didn’t wake. You were grateful for the moment alone to gather your thoughts, before being faced with the next steps. You didn’t know what you wanted to do. Every sensible part of you screamed for you to stay away from him but your heart didn’t. The beautiful man that lay on your sofa, so soft he looked in that moment, innocent if it wasn’t for what you knew he was capable of. He was all you had ever wanted since the age of seventeen, he was your first and last love. 
You noticed the flowers he bought still laid on the side, you picked them up to put them in some water. It was then that you noticed the card that was strapped to the side. 
‘We are so much bigger than what we’ve been through.’ 
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paddockbunny · 2 years
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All Too Well : Chapter One
Summary : Alessandra Lucciano tells herself she has it all. She is Daniel Ricciardo’s girlfriend after all. Isn’t she? Well, sometimes she has to work hard to feel like it and no more so than when some girl shows up and makes her question her life as she knows it. So what happens when someone else starts paying her more attention than her boyfriend? Pairing : Daniel Ricciardo x (OC) Alessandra Lucciano Rating : 18+ Word Count : 3,000 Trigger Warnings for this Chapter : Sad vibes, thoughts of plane crashes and tragedy, implied family strained relationships, absent father and character anxiety Song Inspiration for this Chapter : Nothing New - Taylor Swift *Please note : This is a slow burn with multiple chapters so please stick with me. This fic is set in 2020, covid does not exist and Daniel had remained at Red Bull. No IRL timelines have been stuck to as this is a work of fiction and therefore poetic license has been used to make the narrative work. I really hope you like it *
“Are we only biding time till I lose your attention?”
2nd of August 2020 - Hungry & Montana
“Come on Daniel…Come on….” Alessandra whispers under her breath as she practically smothers the pillow pressed tightly against her chest. Her heart was working overtime. Thundering away rapidly. It was working so hard that she could feel it in her throat as she struggled trying to get a much-needed breath. Her lungs felt heavy, as the fluttering on top of them didn’t cease for one single moment.
It was close to the end of the race and Daniel was scrapping away at the lower end of the grid, desperately attempting to get into the points. Alessandra’s whole body felt tight and tense as she willed the red Ferrari of Sebastian Vettel to get out of the way so he could at least get a much-needed break.
Laps went by and nothing was happening. She felt so frustrated for him. The clock was ticking down and she felt like oxygen was as thick as smog. Then her eyes began to sting and she knew what that meant. This was what had happened all season. Every race Alessandra would reach a point where tears began to form in her eyes. Every second Daniel spent on the track, not gaining positions, overtaking or simply just doing well, had her eyes fill with tears. He was so much better than that. He had proved it time and time again. It was just this year, more so than ever before, he was mysteriously struggling. People in the know were deep diving into all the possible reasons why but Alessandra had her own theories. And yet, she would never share a single one with him. She was supposed to be his solace not his cause for frustration.
As Hamilton crossed the line, taking another first to add to his countless pile of trophies, she knew Daniel had run out time and the tears finally trickled slowly down her cheeks. A single loud, exasperated breath finally expelled from her lungs. This wasn’t what she had hoped for at all. She hadn’t even been praying that he won or get a podium, just come somewhere around 5th or 6th. Just somewhere in the realms of Max at least. But another race and another time his teammate had been within touching distance of a podium finish. Leaving Daniel furious and frustrated with no one but himself.
While wiping away the last tears that had fallen, she turned off the TV and anxiously picked up her phone. He wouldn’t even be out of the car yet and she desperately wanted to talk to him. Wanted to tell him that he drove well and it was just an unfortunate day. His voice echoed in her head the last time she had chalked it up to a bad run of fate. Fate doesn’t play a part in this sport. I fucked up. I couldn’t perform so it’s all on me, Ali. It genuinely did make her shiver when she thought about how hard he was on himself. Getting off the plush bed, she still felt the anxiety. It still rippled through her body. Watching him race made her feel like a worried parent dropping their kid off for their first day of school. Overtakes and pit stops were worse than that time she went skydiving with her friends in university. And sadly, the high of winning was too long ago for her to really remember what it felt like. She left the room. Wanting to be anywhere than where she had just watched another poor race.
The mountain lodge truly was more beautiful than all of the pictures Daniel had shown her. She had only arrived last night. Tired and exhausted from the long 15-hour flight her body carried her straight upstairs to bed. She only woke up on the third alarm she had set so she didn’t miss Daniel’s race. She looked at her phone again and it had only been a few minutes.
“Fuck!” She swore under her breath. She didn’t want to text him to let him know she was thinking of him. It wasn’t personal enough and he wouldn’t see it straight away either. This was one of the things they argued about. She felt so helpless not being able to console him and it went against her caring nature to just sit back and wait for him to reach out first.
However, stepping out onto the wooden porch she inhaled deeply. The nice mountain air helping to ease her sore chest. The pressure in it still apparent but slowly, as she felt her body relaxing, it began to dissipate. She needed this time to just let her mind drift away from Daniel. She needed it to think about the week ahead and not about the things that had transpired during the season. Not motorsport wise but things that had transpired between herself and her boyfriend. As she sat down on one of the large wooden chairs overlooking the view, she was sure that Daniel would already be on the "lets relax and have fun" game plan when he arrived so she needed to jump on board that train too.
The thought of seeing him so soon made her body vibrate with excitement. It hadn’t been long but it had been a long time since they were together. Together together. Since they were alone together. Where they could be as happily in love as they wanted without the looming fear of being caught consuming him. She pushed their own painful struggles to the back of her mind when finally - after what felt like an eternity – Daniel called her.
His voice sounded so deflated. It sounded wounded and it hurt her ears. But as always, he tried to shrug it off. Deliberately steering away from discussing the race with her. She didn’t blame him but would have liked the chance to tell him that she had been watching and today was down to tactics. She remembered when he all but scolded her a few months ago when she tried to say the same thing. But she pushed it to the back of her mind. It was when he said her name that she zoned back into their conversation.
“Where are you now?” Her voice was shakily trying to recover from the way she hadn’t been listening to him.
“Walking out of the paddock. We’re uh, going to go grab a bite to eat I think.” That was good. It was a way for him to de-stress before he caught the flight out to come join her.  
“What time is your flight? I can’t wait to see you.” She brought it back and suddenly she was met with a slightly unnerving silence.
“Uh…” He stuttered and it was as if he was talking to someone else. She guessed it was probably Michael – or someone else that had caught up to him as he was leaving for summer break. “uh, when is the flight…its early in the morning. We should be with you two in afternoon I think.” He sounded tired. He really, really needed this break. They really needed this break.
“I have something for you when you get here. I think you’ll really like it.” Alessandra tried to sound suggestive, even at the early hour of the morning that it was beside her. She was waiting for him to bite. To ask her if it was something he could take off of her body or something they could maybe use together. But he didn’t. The wave of disappointment washed over her but yet again, she had to remind herself that he was coming off of a bad race and would be in public. She tried a different tactic.
“You know how you really like that little white lace set I bought in Paris last time I was there? Well, just because I want to spoil you…” Suddenly she was interrupted.
“Uh, Ali, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow ok.” The call was ended before she even had a chance to say goodbye to him. What the fuck? She thought to herself. What the hell was that about? She hadn’t spoken to him in nearly two days and here he was cutting her off when she was talking about lingerie? Daniel never cut her off when she was talking about lingerie. It was strange to say the least.
But then, things got stranger.
3rd of August 2020 - Montana
Alessandra paced back and forth as she dialled the number she had for Daniel’s manager Blake. She had only met him twice and Daniel had only given her the number in case of an emergency. This is a fucking emergency! She reminded herself as she anxiously bit into the skin around her thumbnail. It had become red, inflamed and sore and yet she couldn’t stop chewing on it out of complete and utter worry. The skin throbbed just like her heart was throbbing. Where the fuck was he? He should have been here hours ago. Daniel should have landed in Montana around five pm and as the clock on the wall struck 2am, he was more than 9 hours late. If he had been delayed he would have texted her, right? He would have let her know that he was being held up. It was only a few lines of text. He could do that.
3am, 4am, 5am all came and went with no word. She had passed rational thought a long time ago. Around the same time as it dawned on her that she really wasn’t a part of his life at all. She didn’t know his parents number to ask them if they had heard from him. The same went for his friends and his sister. She didn’t have any contacts to his team to ask them if something was going on within the team that would have delayed him. He hadn’t told her what airline he was flying with, or even if he was flying commercial or via jet. He had told her nothing about his own plans other than the day and time he would arrive. Something that by now, she had realised he had given her wrong. He had expected her just to sit pretty and wait. Several times, while she paced and tried to rid herself of the horrible feeling that was bearing down on her, she had to remind herself that there would be a very logical explanation to it and her panic was unnecessary. That was exactly it, Daniel had gotten mixed up and made a simple mistake. He would probably have his phone off in the airport to conserve battery. Or that she had even heard him wrong on the phone. Maybe he actually said:
In two days, afternoon AND NOT Tuesday, afternoon.
By 10am the next morning she had exhausted herself and was fast asleep on the sofa in the lounge. Not only had jet lagged hit her like a tone of bricks but the stress and worry of Daniel’s missing state had taken a mental toll on her as well as a physical one. Instinctively, while deep in sleep, she pulled the blanket around herself as if it was going to offer her any form of protection from bad news she might receive. Because by now that was where her mind went. She had started going to the worst. Before her eyelids gave out and closed for good at 7:43am, she was scanning the Internet so find news of plane crashes. She had checked his flight number against some Internet website and it said the plane had landed safely exactly on time. Which caused her to panic even more. With tears in her eyes it dawned on her that perhaps he wasn’t coming. He was actively ignoring her and asked Blake and Michael to do so too because he was actually dumping her. In all honesty the thought had crossed her mind several times over the past few months but she had always chalked it up to her own insecurities. Not every man leaves. She would remind herself. And in all honesty, she didn’t think this would be Daniel’s style. He was to honest for that, too upfront and too genuine to send her away to a lovely lodge only to not show up and leave her high and dry. Wasn’t he?
She awoke with a startle when her phone rang on the coffee table in front of her. Vibrating against the wood with a sound that mimicked the thundering heart she had all night. It wasn’t Daniel. It was her friend Rosa from back home calling. Rosa knew about Daniel and her – one of the few people who did – and so she had been frantically texting her to release some of the distress she had pent up in her body.
“Is he still not there?” She asked tentatively
“No.” Alessandra replied and she knew exactly how she sounded. The sound of her own voice threw her straight back to being a vulnerable 9 year old who watched her father walk out and never come back. It was a voice that very, very few people (including Daniel) had heard pour from her. She locked it away to preserve the woman that she had built herself into. Never wanting to go back to that place of utter destructive hurt.
“I checked for plane crashes and…”
“Now stop! Your mind is going to the worst Ali.” Rosa immediately pulled her out of the worst possible reason why Daniel hadn’t shown yet. “He’s probably missed his flight. You know what guys are like. If he’s anything like my Rudy then he would have been flying by the seat of his pants to catch it in the first place.” Rosa was trying to make her laugh. She was trying to do anything that would stop Ali from going into a major panic attack. But Rosa didn’t know that that had already been and gone, three times. The exhaustion of just one totalled her but three, the effects were still there in her shaking hands (even if she had slept it off).
“Listen, if he isn’t there by the time he should have landed yesterday, you call his parents...” Ali was the one to interrupt now.
“I can’t. I’ve only met them once and I don’t have their number.”
“Ok, that Red Bull guy then…Hornet or whatever.”
“I don’t have anyone’s number from there either.”
“Jesus it’s like you don’t exist in his world.” Rosa didn’t mean it in a bad way. She was simply stating a fact and Ali knew this. It was exactly what she had been telling herself for months. She took a deep inhale riding herself of the negative thoughts that were beginning to flood into her brain.
“Ali, it’s going to be ok. He will come striding in the door any minute. I promise.” They didn’t talk much longer. She wanted the phone clear in case he called her. Rosa was right. It was going to be ok. Even if he was in fact dumping her, it was still going to be ok.
Finally, at 4pm, the sound of loud laughter rang through the hallway of the massive mountain home. Unmistakably loud laughter that could only belong to one man. Followed by the sound of heavy bags being dropped on a stone floor and voices. Rushing as fast as her feet could carry her, out of the bedroom - she had been trying to distract herself by making nice - down the corridor and the stairs. It left her stood facing the scene before her. Daniel was there all right. But so were Blake, Michael and two other men she didn’t know.
“Hey!” Daniel exclaimed as he flung his backpack on top of his luggage and the emotions running through her in that second were wild and plentiful. She wanted nothing more than to rush at him and slap him till his cheeks were red and covered in welts. But then she had spent the last 24 hours dying inside that something had happened to him so wanted to kiss him all over like her life depended on it.
“What is it baby?” Daniel asked so fucking nonchalantly she really was verging on hitting him. “Sorry were late.” He said finally and came up the two or three steps she was standing on and his arms engulfed her. His powerful strength on full display when he picked her up clean off her feet and held on to her with a vice grip. "We took a later flight."
“I was worried.” She could barely get the words out. They were thick and felt dense in her throat. Three simple words felt like stormy rain clouds as they slipped quietly passed her lips. “Why didn't you let me know?” She managed to get out but it was met by a strong kiss against her non-expectant lips. The thought breezed through her brain that it was to shut her up as the next thing she knew he was back down amongst the guys away to sort out luggage. It was as if he was embarrassed to be showing emotions toward her. As though the kiss was too forced. As if he didn't actually want to be doing it at all. Again, Ali pushed these negative intrusive thoughts to the back of her mind. He had been late and he hadn't told her of his change of plans. Don't make it a fucking big deal, you idiot. Don't pick this particular fight. She ordered herself as she joined the guys down on the foyer and passed smiles toward the gathered men. The exact same ones that weren't supposed to be here. So much for it just being us!
“Is anyone going to help me with these?” The very much surprising voice of a female came from the open doorway. Ali’s eyes travelled from her boyfriend to where this girl stood. Honey coloured hair and summer tan were what her eyes took in first. Then a very toothy grin and ocean blue eyes followed. Nothing registered apart from those features. The girl was beautiful alright. And she was the complete and utter opposite to her. Ali’s brain filled with confusion she looked from the girl and back to the group before as if her brain was making it up – as if she was having the worst nightmare imaginable – Daniel turned with a grin and helped her inside with her suitcase.
While her boyfriend acted like the knight in shining armour for some other girl. Ali immediately turned to Michael. He would tell her the truth, wouldn't he? Before the words could leave her mouth she paused. Did she really want to know whatever Michael would reply to her? Fuck it. She decided to do it anyway.
"Michael..." He turned and smiled sweetly at her. "Who is she? Is she one of the guys girlfriends?" It was a much nicer way of asking who the feminine intruder than she had initially thought of in her head. But she didn't want to seem like a bitch.
"Uh no.....She's, she uh....she's a friend of Dan's."
A friend of Dan's? Her Dan? Her boyfriend Dan?
Then she really did think; What the fuck is going on?!         
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emjayewrites · 1 month
Fuck A Title (Lewis Hamilton x Black!Fem Reader) (1/5)
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SYNOPSIS: Lewis and his former FWB try to navigate the murky waters of being official.
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem reader
WARNINGS: cursing, sexual content, angst, racing vroom vroom stuff. RATED R (minors DNI/18+)
SONG REFERENCE: "Title" by Kiana Lede
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @omgsuperstarg @certifiedlesbianbaddie @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @motheroffae @hrlzy @sinflowersugar @hopefulromantic1 @vile-harlot @xoscar03 @blveeeeee @everywherea11thetime @blckgrl-sunflower @whoreforjjk @blowmymbackout
A/N: Not back fr, but had this in my drafts for a minute, so..... [Please comment & reblog]
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You sucked in a sharp breath as Lewis pulled you flush against his rock-hard body, his intoxicating male musk enveloping her. "Damn, Lew..." you husked out as his full lips trailed searing kisses along your neck.
Lewis rumbled a low chuckle against you skin, the gravelly timbre shooting tingles along her spine. "You know you want to stay." His mouth found yours, kissing you with a slow, hungry intensity.
"I can’t," you mutter as you arched shamelessly against the solid wall of muscle, whimpering into the heated kiss. These intimate nights used to be your steamy little secret - just two badass workaholics blowing off steam as commitment-free FWBs whenever you craved each other's bodies.
"I'll have your breakfast waiting in the morning, baby girl," Lewis purred in that panty-melting accent, charming and rugged all at once. "Let me take care of you like you deserve."
Your thoughts went to last season; it was stress-free, almost reminiscent of an endless vacation with you being flown out to see Lewis at some of his races — Monaco, Japan, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi, to name a few. There was also that two-week getaway to Turkey during summer break with his close guy friends.
But nothing could ever prepare you for how quickly things changed between you and Lewis. Just a few weeks ago, he wanted to make things official.
You blame that Brazilian girl. Jackie, Josie, Julia-something-or-the-other. Lewis's other sidepiece. The one who didn't know how to be discreet.
She's been kicking it with Lewis and his inner circle since 2019, and their off-and-on cycle can put anyone's head in a tailspin.
But, it wasn't your problem to deal with.
As messed up and unusual as it may sound, you knew what you had with Lewis. The conversations were always on par, the sex was bomb, and his friends were nice.
It wasn't until JuJu leaked his whereabouts to a tabloid journalist during his winter getaway to Brazil that Lewis finally put the nail in the coffin for whatever situation they had, and in return, it was you whom he had invited to join him in Paris, testing in Bahrain, and even a race in Saudi Arabia. It was you who he eventually grew close with, closer than what you envisioned, causing him to have an epiphany or midlife crisis moment, but he wanted you for some reason.
You and only you.
Against your shot-caller instincts, you had agreed to try monogamy with your long-time friends-with-benefits partner, yet could you really live up to the ride-or-die girlfriend role?
In the racing world, Lewis was F1 royalty - the kind of megastar talent that sparked a panty parade from groupies with each arrival. At thirty-nine years old, the British race monster had already stacked up multiple championship wins, the insane looks of a cologne model, and a net worth balling enough to buy a private island.
Cradled against his frame, you almost forgot your doubts about your newly-minted relationship status.
Lewis was a whole meal with his tattooed body: wide shoulders, chiseled chest and biceps, and a tempting vee that disappeared beneath his form-fitting Tommy Hilfiger briefs. It almost felt criminal for one man to be so incredibly attractive.
"You're doing it again," that baritone washed over you as Lewis smirked knowingly. "Getting thirsty for me. This is why you need to stay." He flexed his pecs in a ludicrous muscle-man pose, making you throw back your head and laugh.
"Bye, Lewis," you shot back, eyes sparkling with mirth as you ran an admiring hand along his sculpted torso. "My mind was on work."
The lie was smooth, but he knew better.
"You think about work more than I do," Lewis chuckled richly, catching your roaming hand to tug you close once more. His skin glowed temptingly in the dim light, and you felt your resistance swiftly melting as his lips crashed into yours again. He tasted like your ultimate indulgence. But soon, much too soon, Lewis drew back with obvious reluctance. "Best not keep tempting me, baby girl. Let me walk you to your car like a good boyfriend."
And there it was - that word reminding you of your new reality. Boyfriend.
Swallowing hard, you began gathering your scattered clothes. "I should really go," she said, aiming for a breezy tone that fell flat even to your own ears. "But raincheck on the morning cuddles and all that, yeah? I've got an early call time."
Lewis watched you with that panty-dropping stare, shaking his head in fond exasperation. "Will you call me when you get to work at least?"
"Of course," you replied, sliding into your dress and avoiding his intense gaze. "I'll see you later," you said with a forced smile before turning and making your way out of the bedroom.
Like a dog to a bone, Lewis followed closely behind in nothing but his briefs and that all-too-obvious aroused bulge that he proudly sported. Bending over to put on your heels, you flinched slightly at the unexpected touch from behind.
His hands flattened against your spine, trailing downwards until it reached your hips before settling on your ass.
With a sharp intake of breath, you turned around to face him, eyes wide with shock and arousal as his fingers squeezed the plump flesh of your backside. "You can’t just grab me like that," you protested weakly, even as your body leaned into his touch.
A devilish grin crossed Lewis’ face. "But you like it," he murmured huskily, gazing down at you with hooded eyes. "You sure I can't convince you to stay?"
Lewis pouted playfully, his hands still lingering on your hips as he leaned in for one last kiss. "Fine," he sighed dramatically, before pressing his lips to your forehead and releasing you with a parting slap on your ass. "I'll see you later, then."
You grinned up at him as you straightened your dress and made your way towards the front door. "Bye, Lewis," you called over your shoulder.
As soon as you stepped outside into the cool London air, reality hit hard. Your mind was a cyclone of emotions.
Why were you still craving the easy detachment of your previous arrangement? Surely you were just going through an adjustment period of cold feet. A big part of you felt skittish about going from independent and free to somebody's boo'd up ball-and-chain, especially with someone who equally enjoyed working as you did. Though you weren’t on Lewis' level of fame, you still had clout as a fashion stylist and worked with prominent magazines, such as Vogue and Vanity Fair. You faced plenty of trials and trepidations in your life, yet navigating this new realm of commitment would be your ultimate challenge.
The drive to your hotel was quiet, with your mind filled with thoughts of Lewis and the budding relationship between the two of you. Shaking off those thoughts for now, you focused on reaching the hotel safely and getting some rest before another long day on set tomorrow.
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The next morning came far too soon for your liking. Despite having only slept for a few hours due to work calls and texts from Lewis throughout the night (something he did often but never seemed to tire), you dragged yourself out of bed when your alarm blared loudly.
After a quick shower and a strong cup of coffee, you were dressed and ready to head to the set for another long day of styling. As you arrived at the location, you were greeted by familiar faces - the models, photographers, and other crew members whom you had worked with countless times before in the last couple of months. You were currently on a six-month contract for Schön! and even though there was some shoots that required long work days, you appreciated the flexibility of the work.
Everyone was scurrying around, setting up equipment and making last minute adjustments before the shoot began. You made your way over to the fashion rack where designer clothing was carefully organized and ready to be styled on the models.
"Morning, Y/N!" A voice called out from across the room.
You turned to see one of your bosses, Tara, walking towards you with a smile on her face.
"Hey, Tara," you replied. "How's it going?"
"It's going good," she said, glancing around at the busy set. "Looks like another long day ahead of us."
You both chuckled, knowing that long days were just part of the job.
"So, what are we working with today?" Tara asked curiously as she looked over at the fashion rack.
"A mix of high-end brands and some vintage pieces," you replied, pulling out a beautiful Dior dress from its garment bag. "I'm excited to see how this looks on one of our models."
Tara nodded in agreement before getting pulled away by one of the photographers who needed her assistance. You went back to organizing and styling the clothes for each look on your mood board.
As the day went on, you couldn't help but feel a little distracted by the constant buzzing of your phone. Every few minutes, another text from Lewis would come through, each one more persistent than the last.
"Come with me to Australia," one read. "I'll book your flights."
"Wasn't it your fantasy to be bent over the railing of a hotel overlooking Hobsons Bay?" another said.
You sighed as you set your phone down on the table next to you, trying to focus on the task at hand. The shoot was going smoothly but with every text from Lewis, it became harder and harder to concentrate.
One thing was for sure: this nigga was extremely persistent.
You couldn't deny that a trip to Australia sounded tempting - it had been on your bucket list for years now. But at the same time, it wasn't practical for you to just drop everything and go away for an undetermined amount of time.
Or could you? an intrusive thought bubbled in your head. The hoe side of yourself was speaking, coming out from the depths of her hoeness cave. It often appeared whenever Lewis was involved, and let's be honest, it was probably the reason why you found yourself in this weird ass situation in the first place.
Think about that tongue of his, girl! ‘Member how he had you walking funny for three days straight after finishing in eighth place?!
You couldn't forget it, as it would always be ingrained in the fiber of your very being. You enjoyed seeing Lewis angry, especially when there was a mistake during race weekend. Not that you blamed him for losing, as the car wasn't up to par, but he had a unique way of channeling his anger through sexual pleasure.
A familiar shiver ran down your spine as you hit send on a three-letter response to him.
Well, there goes the idea of keeping my distance and any modicum of self-respect.
Bitch, you know you can't resist that dick, quipped your inner hoe.
And as usual, she was correct.
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The hotel didn't have a direct view of Hobsons Bay, but the Yarra River and Botanical Gardens could still be seen from the balcony. It was nighttime, and as Lewis moved in a steady rhythm, your vision may not have been top-notch, but the sparkling city lights served as a focal point amidst the familiar feeling building up in your pelvic region, signaling an imminent orgasm.
You couldn't help but moan loudly as Lewis hit that spot inside of you that always made you lose control. He had you bent over the railing, one hand gripping your hip while the other played with your aching nodule. Each thrust sent bolts of pleasure shooting through your body.
"Fuck," he grunted in your ear. "You feel so good."
You couldn't respond, too lost in the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you. As his pace quickened, your moans grew louder and more desperate. The height from the penthouse's balcony was both terrifying and exhilarating, deafening in its intensity. It was a common choice for him whenever he visited Australia, as if being that high up meant less chance of encountering any spiders.
Just as you were about to reach your climax, Lewis stopped to bend down to bury his face in your core, working that sinful mouth of his. Your legs began to tremble as two of his fingers pushed inside you, matching the movements of his tongue.
He had always been a master at eating pussy, and it didn't take long for you to reach your climax. You cried out his name as waves of ecstasy washed over you, leaving you breathless and satisfied. Lewis stood up, a smug grin on his face as he saw the effect he had on you. He turned you around to kiss you deeply, tasting your own essence on his lips.
"You're still the best I've ever had," he whispered against your lips.
After catching your breath, you put a smirk on your face. "That's because I am the best," you teased.
"You’re right 'bout that," he concurred, leading you to the patio couch.
He sat next to you, his hands running up your sides and causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. You leaned into his touch, enjoying the sensation of his hands on your body.
"You always know how to make me feel good," you murmured.
"I aim to please," he replied with a wicked grin, before leaning in to kiss you again.
Without breaking the kiss, Lewis maneuvered you so you were now straddling his lap. His lips moved down your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine. Your hands roamed his muscular back, feeling every ridge and dip of his body.
His hands traveled to your hips, guiding them as you began to grind against him. The friction between your bodies was building a delicious heat, making it hard for you both to control yourselves.
"God, I need you," he growled against your skin.
You moaned in response, eagerly meeting his lips again. Lewis thrust upwards, filling you to the hilt and causing a soft gasp to escape your lips. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned back slightly and rocked your hips faster against his. The pressure was building between the two of you and it was becoming harder to keep quiet. Your nails raked across his skin and he hissed in pain.
"Mmm...easy there, baby girl," he rumbled out a low warning, giving your earlobe a gentle nip of reproach. "Can't have you mauling me before the big race this weekend. Need to look pretty for my adoring fans."
You scoffed and ground harder against him in sweet retaliation, making him curse roughly. "Please, I'll mark you up anyway I want," you husked.
Lewis chuckled and tightened his grip on your waist, holding you still as he thrust up into you with more force. Your head fell back in pleasure, a loud moan escaping your lips.
"Jesus Christ," he groaned, his movements becoming more frenzied as he chased his own release. He reached between your bodies to stimulate your clit, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air, along with your moans and Lewis' low curses.
"That’s my girl takin' this dick so well," he croons softly. "You’re so fuckin' wet, baby. You like this dick, huh? This yours?"
Lewis' words only spurred you on, as you continued to ride him with reckless abandon. The pleasure was building inside of you, threatening to consume you completely.
"You know it's mine," you gasped out, your nails digging into his shoulders. "No one else's."
"Damn right," Lewis growled, his own release approaching fast. He gripped your hips tighter and slammed into you one last time, pushing you both over the edge.
Your walls clenched around him like a vice as you came undone, screaming his name as he followed suit shortly after.
Panting and sweating, the two of you collapsed onto the couch in a tangled heap. Lewis held you close, kissing your forehead gently.
"You're amazing," Lewis murmured, voice rough with satiated desire. His arms tightened around you, pulling your flushed body flush against his sweat-sheened skin.
You hummed out a breathless laugh, nuzzling your face against the solid warmth of his chest. "So are you."
For a long while, the two of you simply held each other close, basking in the post-coital glow. Lewis traced idle patterns across the exposed skin of your back, his touch reverent and tender.
Finally, with obvious reluctance, Lewis stirred beneath you.
"As much as I hate to move right now, we should probably get cleaned up."
The two of you stood up, still tangled in each other's embrace, and made your way to the bathroom. Lewis turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature before pulling you under the warm spray with him.
You leaned back against his chest, feeling content and blissful as he washed your body with slow, gentle movements. His hands lingered on your curves and crevices, eliciting soft moans from you.
"I could get used to this," Lewis murmured against your neck, pressing a kiss to the sensitive spot behind your ear.
You chuckled and turned around in his arms, wrapping yours around his neck. "Me too."
And even though you are apprehensive, there is no denying that Lewis was still the best thing in your world, but it all can't be butterflies and rainbows...
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thetimetraveler24 · 5 months
I’m kind of confused why people think advertising musical movies as musicals means they’re destined to fail. Because I remember when Greatest Showman came out and when they put Hamilton on Disney+. Everyone LOVED them. I still have Greatest Showman songs on my playlist.
The only thing you’re doing by NOT advertising it as a musical is creating a self fulfilling prophecy. You say it will fail because it’s a musical. Okay. So you don’t advertise it as a musical. People come out to see it and some of them are pissed because they wouldn’t have picked to go see a musical. And so they shit on the movie and tank the audience ratings. Plus, people who didn’t know it was a musical and would have gone to see it if they knew, won’t have gone to see it because they don’t know it’s a musical. So, yeah, duh! Of course the movie will fail!
Maybe advertise what it actually is and the people who WANT to see it will show up and give you that box office success and high ratings you want. Or you should want, at least.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 month
First Burn (Dramione's Version)
First Burn (Dramione's Version) https://ift.tt/4eZx3uh by urfav4real Hermione clutched the letters in her hand, tangible evidence of a shattered reality. They were a testament to what her marriage had once been, proof that her husband had indeed loved her. Fifteen years, they had been married, fifteen years of shared laughter and cherished moments. ☆☆☆ Dramione one-shot inspired by the song First Burn from Hamilton. Words: 1540, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Angst, Hamilton References, Song: First Burn (Hamilton) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/cMaltns May 01, 2024 at 05:52AM
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Its Quiet Uptown
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51598405 by Gingerzz_ha “There are moments where the words don’t reach, there is suffering too powerful to name. You hold your child as tight as you can, and push away the unimaginable.“ Those stupid lyrics came to mind as Tony stared down at the pile of dust that had once been Peter. A gust of wind blew over them, the final remaining parts of the closest thing he had ever had to a son being blown into the air of Titan. OR: Tony can’t help but think of certain lyrics from a song moments after Peter’s death. Words: 870, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Avengers infinity war - Fandom, Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy - Character, mentioned Dr. Stephen Strange, mentioned Pepper Potts - Character, mentioned Happy Hogan - Character, mentioned James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes Relationships: Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Irondad, Blipped | Dusted Peter Parker, Canonical Character Death, Angst, Hamilton - Freeform, Hamilton Lyrics, quotes from musical, very short, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Hurt Peter Parker, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Guilty Tony Stark, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Spoilers for Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Peter Parker Angst, Hurt Tony Stark, Mention of guardians of the galaxy, Irondad centric read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51598405
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