guxciestone · 4 months
(through the signs)
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hey guys. this post is about the moon and the type of routine that you may prefer based on the sign that lands in it. i hope you enjoy the post! ♡🌿
if you have any tarot or astrology post suggestions, i’d be more than willing to consider them. just drop your suggestions in my asks or in my post notes :)
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— the moon and its meaning ꕥ
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The moon is the planet of emotions, your internal world, where you find personal comfort, and where you find inner fulfillment. However, others tend to forget that the moon is a feminine and nocturnal planet that also rules patterns, cycles, and flow states. In a female’s chart, it rules over her menstrual cycle, her emotional flow throughout the month, and her inner states throughout the 28-day cycle; in a male’s chart, it rules over his emotional health and character as well as his inner child in a vulnerable and instinctual sense. Furthermore, in general, the moon could also indicate the routines and “personal flow” that one strives for daily to achieve comfort and satisfaction. Today, I am going to analyze what type of routine you prefer based on the sign your moon is placed in.
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moon in aries˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aries seek spontaneousness, thrills, leadership, and independence in their daily life and routines. They are particularly comfortable being constantly being on the move, hoping to discover a new venture, or taking on a new challenge. They wake up every morning with the intention of reflecting on what new battle they can fight today. Furthermore, they are one of the signs who are more comfortable with managing sporadic and unorganized schedules because they initiate a new project every other day. It is assured they do not get overwhelmed easily, but they could easily become explosive or impulsive in their actions or feelings when stressed or things do not go according to plan. These individuals could get very impatient as well, striving to get things done in a short amount of time; this could be particularly overwhelming for others and burdening for them in the long run. They often struggle to stay focused on a venture due to their hastiness and tendency to lose interest easily. They should learn how to start projects, manage them, and finish them victoriously; plus, learn how to be patient and take their time, so their ideas can successfully manifest in what they expected from the beginning. Additionally, individuals with Moon in Aries are self-interested. They prefer spending time on activities, hobbies, or endeavors that they could benefit or improve from. Not to mention, they are risk-takers. These individuals seek fulfillment from new experiences and circumstances because it gives excitement and stimulation.
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moon in taurus ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Taurus seek comfort, security, and stability in their daily life and routines. They often are satisfied with an unsurprising and easy-going routine–not too sporadic or unpredictable like Aries Moons. They seek calm and quietness in their life with not much stress. It is particularly easier for these individuals to get overwhelmed–especially over an unexpected task added to their schedule. You will often notice that these people strive for financial stability in their personal goals because they know that it will give them the material comfort they hope to have. Furthermore, they are more inclined to do self-care and relaxation practices as it gives them a sense of self-esteem and levelheadness–they especially need it after a long day at work or school. Additionally, Moon in Taurus individuals prefer to take their life in getting their errands done, and they dislike being rushed. They may struggle with changing their routine or daily activities for any person or circumstance because it is what is appropriate for them. They should learn how to modify their schedule for important events and relationships.
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moon in gemini ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Gemini seek learning, socialization, activity, and communication in their daily life and routine. These people are often striving to mentally challenge themselves and find ways to stimulate themselves all the time. That is why you will often find these individuals with chaotic and packed schedules, or they seem to always be occupied–it is because they are always hoping to learn something new, access their creativity and skill, or challenge their brain. They would like to spend their time playing puzzles, word searches, reading, or debating with certain groups. Furthermore, these folks are extremely social and always wanting to connect with their peers; they might seek to find time in the day to meet up with their friends. Additionally, they have the tendency of wanting to do everything they want to do all at once–and they can often get very disorganized and ungrounded while doing so. It is important for people with Moon in Gemini to learn how to take things slow and collect their thoughts and plans before everything turns into a mess.
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moon in cancer ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Cancer seek comfort, security, emotional counsel, and familial connections in their daily life and routine. These people could adore spending time with their family members or their close loved ones immensely; they are the types to consider their cousins or siblings their true friends and desire to do everything with them. They could more than likely desire to spend time at home, and perhaps may prefer to work from home too. Additionally, with a person who has Moon in Cancer– you could find that mostly everything on their daily to-do list consists of errands they need to do surrounding the house (such as doing laundry, cleaning their room, etc.) They might also like taking care of people. It is integral for cancer moons to have a schedule in which they can feel safe and comfortable doing, especially in a sense where it is not far from home or their close connections. However, these people could easily become homesick or struggle to adhere to changes or circumstances far from their safe spot.
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moon in leo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Leo seek entertainment, creativity, and recognition in their daily life and routines. These people strongly value and prioritize their inner child and their ability to artistically express themselves. They could be particularly interested in the arts, music, performing, acting, or anything in which they can demonstrate themselves and their character in an inspiring way. These folks hope to find fun and excitement in their life through their hobbies and passions. In other words, these people do not function well in routines in which they do not have creative freedom or the time to indulge in their childish endeavors. Furthermore, Leo moons are generous and kind at heart. They are more than likely to be able to handle children for long periods of time; in fact, they could adore implementing kids into their daily routine. Additionally, they prefer to connect with others and spend time with loved ones in circumstances in which they can lead them by example. However, these individuals could instantly turn bratty or spoiled when things do not go their way. If their day seems to be going terrible, it is easy for them to become explosive or stubborn. Leo moons should learn to be more selfless when it comes to compromising their plans and endeavors within the day sometimes.
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moon in virgo ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Virgo seek discipline, order, and practicality in their daily life and routines. They are the type of people to plan their entire day on a to-do list or structure it from start to finish. Furthermore, they value productivity and making good use of themselves and their time. So, you will usually see them working on a particular project, improving themselves in some way, or investing their time into developing a special skill. These folks prefer a system in their day-to-day activities, or otherwise, they’ll feel out of control with themselves. Although these people are particularly able to change their routines and create an entirely new structure, they prefer to keep things predictable–especially when it comes to dedicating themselves to specific future aspirations and ventures. One thing about them is that they will always work on their craft, one way or another. Additionally, virgo moons can also value cleanliness in their physical environment. It is easy for their mood to change if their environment isn’t aligned with their mindset, so they could prioritize cleaning their area and making sure every item is in the right place. However, they often have tendencies of being a control freak–expecting things to go the exact way they planned or trying to handle anything or anyone that disrupts their plans. This placement is also known for its perfectionism. These individuals need to work on their excessive need for things to be 100% flawless; it could easily lead them to stress and low self-esteem, making them believe that everything they do is wrong and that they need to reach up to their extremely high expectations. In other words, virgo moons need to learn how to calm down and accept that things can be imperfect and that they can make mistakes or “fail”.
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moon in libra ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Libra seek peace, balance, and beauty in their daily life and routines. These people often strive for a clear and collected mind space; they hope to eliminate any conflict, confrontations, or issues in their life. They would often try to stabilize themselves through acts of meditation, self-care, socializing, or cleaning. Furthermore, these people often strive to romanticize their lives; it allows them to enjoy their circumstances better through the acts of art, beauty, reflection, and creativity. They adore investing in makeup, fashion, painting, music, and other pleasurable things. Additionally, they are one of the most social moon signs; they thrive when they interact with their interpersonal relationships. It makes them feel connected and close to the important people in their lives. One thing about Libra Moons is that they often try to go far to avoid conflicts, even if it is something they need to confront or take accountability for. This can often make them appear a bit indifferent or distant in times of disagreements and discordance. However, shoving issues into the backburner will not solve anything–they need to learn to confront conflicts and problems and handle them maturely.
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moon in scorpio ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Scorpio seek privacy, intimacy, depth, and intensity in their daily life and routines. First and foremost, these people often prefer to undergo their errands and plans under the radar–they do not feel particularly comfortable with anyone knowing their next move. That is why you’ll often see that these folks do not post often on social media, or they dislike telling people what their plans are for the day. There could be an undertone of paranoia in why they choose not to do so. They just value their intimate space and refuse to let any outside energies intervene with it. So, they need secrecy more than anything. Furthermore, when it comes to activities, they also would like to do them with people who they hold very close–similar to Moon in Cancer–but they are more reserved and strict about it. When they are in a relationship, you’ll find that they would want to spend most of the time with their partner. It can almost get obsessive. It is important for these people to learn to not become obsessive with their loved ones or partners–to let go and learn independence in their quality time.
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moon in sagittarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Sagittarius seek excitement, new experiences, and diversity in their daily life and routines. One thing about these folks is that they are always striving to be on the move–similar to their fire counterparts. They are always on the move for the next huge and exhilarating thing. You’ll find that these individuals desire to travel, go to parties, spend time with friends, or meet new people. However, they are also very intelligent and have a will to learn–so they also hope to gain a new perspective from these experiences and circumstances. These people might dedicate a certain time of the day to learning about a topic, investing in a religion, or studying a course. It is integral for these people to have a routine that gives them a new learning experience or something to have faith about; otherwise, these individuals could become hopeless or pessimistic. However, it is easy for these people to become overindulgent or lazy–not being considerate about the consequences or their future. There needs to be a balance between fun and seriousness.
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moon in capricorn ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Capricorn seek achievement, structure, and influence in daily life and routines. Similar to virgo moons, they value being productive and useful with their time—in their case, they hope that their time could lead them to ultimate success and recognition. These people may like to work many hours or put in much time to their career endeavors. This often leaves them little to no quality time for their loved ones and friends. Furthermore, these folks are very patient and precise in their actions as they are able to build things from the ground up and maintain a vision for a long period of time. That is why they are often good planners and can easily build a business or company if they desired to. However, they need to make sure that they do not overwork themselves, isolate themselves from pleasures and socialization, and develop strong control issues; it could easily lead them down the road to stress, burn out, or depression. Additionally, since they are serious individuals, they may struggle with maintaining a balance outlook on the things they need to do and the things they do for the fun of it. They should learn how to maintain balance with work and pleasure—because one without the other could wreak havoc.
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moon in aquarius ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Aquarius seek community, electrifying experiences, and goals in their daily life and routines. These people are always hoping to spend time with their community–people who are similar to them because they make them feel like they belong, and they adore making people feel like they belong as well. However, people tend to forget to give credit for how hardworking these folks are. They might dedicate most of their time in the day to working towards their hopes and dreams. These individuals desire to live a life in which everything is served to justice, equality, and peace–a place they can live in, a life they can adhere to. Therefore, these people are very dedicated to working towards their aspirations for the sake of themselves and the people they care about. Additionally, they strive for unpredictability in their routine. They want something different everyday in their errands–something erratic and thrilling. However, there could be too much unpredictableness to the point of instability in their actions. It is important to find a balance in that too.
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moon in pisces ˚☽˚。⋆.
Individuals with Moon in Pisces seek imagination, spirituality, creativity, and the unknown in their daily life and routines. These people prefer to stay in their heads and work out the dreams and fantasies that they have in their mind. Even if they are forced to live in the practical world, it is important that pisces moons always operate from the place of visualizing their creative ideas and manifestations. These are the types to invest most of their time into different mediums of spirituality such as meditation, journaling, the occult, manifestation, or connecting to the unknown or spirit world. Furthermore, they would like to invest their energy into artistic hobbies such as photography, painting, drawing, music, fashion, or modeling. However, it is easy for these individuals to get lost in their subconscious and completely neglect their physical circumstances. There could even be instances in which they use vices to escape from the world (such as alcohol, drugs, or if they are in a relationship, a person) There seems to be this need for balance when it comes to the spiritual and the practical–perhaps even setting boundaries because these people are also very compassionate and kind. There could be times in which they feel the need to change their schedule for the sake of the people they care about even if they are not able to.
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daddyultrasoft · 1 year
— The Dynamics of the Planetary Aspects.
the majors.
Diana Dors
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The planetary aspects in astrology are fundamentally what puts the ‘puzzle’ together. They create a specific type of energy between two planets and that shows how the planets specifically come together to play out in an individual. Think of it as two planets coming together to live in the same house and the aspect between them shows what type of connection they would have. Without the planetary aspects, there would still be manifestations in between the planets, but there wouldn’t be any unique manifestations or functioning. Hence, planetary aspects are extremely important in order to decipher a natal chart to understand it to its fullest capacity.
It is important to keep in mind that there are no aspects that are inherently ‘bad’ and ‘good’, every aspect has its own special qualities that can give positive and negative outcomes depending on the individuals chart and how it pieces together. However, there is usually a general energy displayed.
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Conjunctions form when planets are directly 0°-9° away from each other. This usually happens between planets within the same sign and house, but it can sometimes happen in different signs or different houses depending on the degrees of the planets and signs as well as how the chart is organized. The conjunction is generally known as a ‘neutral aspect’. It can vary between positive and negative manifestations of one’s personality depending on factors such as an individual’s personal development, other aspects in their chart, and more.
In terms of two planets living in the same home, conjuncted planets are inevitably alike so you expect for them to get along, right? Well, partially. That could be the case but living with someone that is too similar to you in how they do things can also cause issues, so that is where neutrality and variation in the meanings take part.
This is the aspect of combination. When two planets are in conjunct, you can expect the energies of the two planets to easily merge—since they are usually in the same sign or house—this can allow you to make multiple interpretations for it.
In a conjunction where there is a personal planet and an outer planet, it is sometimes usual for the outer planet to have the upper hand in ‘coloring’ the aspect to the individuals persona.
(for ex: with sun conjunct neptune in pisces . . . neptune is an outer planet, therefore when someone has this aspect, their personality could center around neptunian-like qualities or just have an extremely neptunian character. you can make the general meaning of someone who is creative, dreamy, sensitive, and intuitive. being the aspect of neutrality—positive and negative manifestations—this person might be someone who is kind and compassionate with a spiritual quality. they are charitable people with great hearts as they love being there for others unconditionally; however, they can fall to being ill-treated, misused, exploited, or abused due to their naivety and overly trusting personality. they might struggle with establishing a firm identity as well.)
Remember that this is one out of million interpretations for sun conjunct neptune. This is what makes the conjunction the best aspect to get used to when you are a beginner at learning the aspects in astrology.
Individuals with multiple conjunctions in their natal chart tend to have a colorful character and it isn’t that difficult to identify them or ‘describe’ them, unless neptune is involved. They are extremely intense people and even sometimes over-the-top.
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Squares form when two planets are in signs that are supposed to be ‘in conflict’ with other. Planets in squares are typically 90° away from each other in the chart.
These are the signs that are meant to square to each zodiac:
♈︎ aries: cancer, capricorn
♉︎ taurus: leo, aquarius
♊︎ gemini: virgo, pisces
♋︎ cancer: libra, aries
♌︎ leo: scorpio, taurus
♍︎ virgo: sagittarius, gemini
♎︎ libra: capricorn, cancer
♏︎ scorpio: aquarius, leo
♐︎ sagittarius: pisces, virgo
♑︎ capricorn: aries, libra
♒︎ aquarius: taurus, scorpio
♓︎ pisces: gemini, sagittarius
Although these signs can create a square, there has been minor cases where signs that were supposed to trine to each other have created a square too; so the degree of your houses take part of this as well. (for ex: venus in virgo in the 25° and ascendant in capricorn in the 0°, it is expected to make a ‘venus trine ascendant’. however, due to your capricorn ascendant being close to sagittarius in the 29°, it makes a square instead.)
The square is generally a ‘negative’ or challenging aspect in the natal chart. It has more potential for undeveloped qualities, but it is possible for the aspect to manifest into something positive if the individual has matured from this aspect.
When signs that are squared live together, they always find ways to come in contact with each other, and when they do, they do not get along. You can expect fights every single day. It’ll be extremely hard to make them compromise with each other.
The square is the aspect of quarrels and conflicts. The signs that are squared to each other is in disagreement on how the other sign is functioning, and this causes friction and struggle in how an aspect is expressed.
(for ex: venus in cancer square saturn in aries . . . this person expresses their love and adoration for their loved ones through providing security, comfort, and support. they are extremely emotional for the people they care about and they can’t help but want to show it. however, with saturn being the planet of restriction and it being in aries, there is a struggle to assert oneself or have confidence to express their identity. this person might struggle to express how they feel and how much they love their partners and loved ones due to struggling with confidence and being direct with themselves and others. there could even be a fear of judgment or rejection due to caring a lot about how they are perceived when doing these things.)
Squares has to be the most complex and intriguing aspect in astrology. It has a bad reputation, but not everyone talks about how absolutely rewarding squares can be when you resolve the conflicts. Squares in your chart are like teachers that do not let you into the next level until you have completely understood the lesson. Squares are the aspects that bring action and unpredictability into the natal chart. When an individual has multiple squares in their chart, it makes them action-oriented, determined, and hardworking. These individuals are constantly undergoing an inner conflict in their day-to-day lives, so it is in their soul to want to keep moving and try to resolve them. However, in the worst manifestations, it can make someone who is rather irritative and stubborn. All in all, they tend to be interesting individuals.
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Oppositions form when planets are 180° away from each other in the chart, usually manifesting energies in houses and signs opposite from each other. In some cases, the energies will fall into other houses or signs depending on one’s chart.
These are the signs’ opposites:
♈︎ aries (1st) — ♎︎ libra (7th)
♉︎ taurus (2nd) — ♏︎ scorpio (8th)
♊︎ gemini (3rd) — ♐︎ sagittarius (9th)
♋︎ cancer (4th) — ♑︎ capricorn (10th)
♌︎ leo (5th) — ♒︎ aquarius (11th)
♍︎ virgo (6th) — ♓︎ pisces (12th)
The opposition is the aspect of detachment, imbalance, and ‘tug-a-war’, therefore, it is considered a “negative” or challenging aspect in the natal chart. This opposition is also known as the aspect of extremes.
When signs are opposite and living together, you can expect them to avoid and be completely indifferent towards each other. They will seem to have little interest in being involved with one another. That is where the problem sits. That is what causes detachment and a lack of ongoing energy in this particular aspect. They have to associate with each other l, and they need to do it correctly in order for the aspect to properly take effect. However, there might be times where one sign might try to take action but the other won’t, and vice versa, which can cause extremes and imbalance between the two energies.
(for ex: moon in cancer opposition jupiter in capricorn . . . the moon is the planet of emotion, and jupiter is the planet of expansion and grandiosity. one with this placement could be someone who is rather emotionally in tune and comfortable in expressing their inner state. they may also find their personal exploration and fulfillment through order, conduct, and discipline. in this particular opposition, the person might experience mood swings and perhaps fluctuate between their impulses. one day this person might be extremely sensitive and sentimental; another day this person could be cold, stoic, and even closed off. this individual could want to explore their personal relationships and familial connections one day, however want to invest in their career and be a complete workaholic the next day. there isn’t any particular disagreement between the energies per say like the square, but there just seems to be an issue with integrating the signs effectively, and one always being idle and one always taking the lead.)
Personally, oppositions are one of the least acknowledged main aspects in astrology along with the trine. Oppositions are particularly important because it doesn’t pinpoint exactly a conflict, but a disavowal or a foggy part of yourself, which is equally as important as the discordance and pressure with the square.
People with a lot of oppositions tend to be flaky people. Individuals who are eccentric and unconventional, however, can be easily unreliable because of their tendency to lean to one thing and another. They can be highly flexible, versatile, and objective people as they know how to look at things from both sides. In extreme cases, they can be highly extreme people who struggles to find moderation within things in life.
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Trines form when planets are 120° away from each other, or are in the same element in house or sign. This usually creates energies that are initially the same enough to work with each other but different enough to offer their own unique type of energy to the aspect. There are some cases where a trine will not form in the same element, since everyone’s chart is different, for example, instead of one side of the trine landing in another fire sign, it might land on an earth sign. It all depends on how one’s chart is formed.
These are the signs that trine each other:
♈︎ aries — ♌︎ leo — ♐︎ sagittarius [🔥]
♉︎ taurus — ♍︎ virgo — ♑︎ capricorn [🪴]
♊︎ gemini — ♎︎ libra — ♒︎ aquarius [🌬]
♋︎ cancer — ♏︎ scorpio — ♓︎ pisces [🌊]
The trine is the aspect of talent, expertise, and natural abilities. Trines in one’s chart shows their unadulterated gifts and capabilities. It shows what you’ve always been naturally good at since you were born. Trines are considered a “positive” aspect.
When trines are living together, they get along very well. They are in the same element, so they have very similar ways of doing things. However, ironically, similar to the conjunction, too much similarity can cause trouble. There is a possibility to complete idleness due to the energies being too similar and not having any extra stimulation in the aspect whatsoever.
(for ex: venus in libra trine ascendant in aquarius . . . this individual loves love and possibility idolizes it. they value beauty as well as aesthetics and admires taking care of themselves. they are viewed as a social, witty, and connective person. they are extremely attractive and have incredible natural charm. they know how to get on people’s good side on the first impression. however, there could be a tendency to use their natural attractiveness and allure as manipulation, or they might believe that their privilege will allow them to have anything and everything they want, similar to venus conjunct ascendant. they could even sometimes fake their friendships and associations to climb the ladder or even fancy people for their desires. sometimes these individuals may even forget that they are enticing and beautiful people, and may even have times when they are insecure. they need to learn how to keep on taking care of themselves so they don’t forget that.)
Trines are an amazing aspect to have in your chart. However, it is important to stimulate these aspects, or be aware of these particular abilities specifically because they can easily become inactive due to the lack of something new in the energies.
People with a lot of trines in their chart are obviously extremely talented and capable who usually have it easy in life. They are open to easy opportunities due to their incredible skill. For example, someone with a water sign grand trine might be someone who is talented in therapy, connecting to others’ emotions, tarot/astrology, or even music. However, due to the lack of challenges or stimulation in this individual’s life they can easily become lazy or uninterested in anything. Therefore, it is important these people always find something to invest in head-on, particularly things they’ve never tried before.
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ukiyowi · 7 months
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d4rkpluto · 9 months
ᴀ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ
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♇ i've been meaning to make this post the moment i reached 8,000+ and i have but im already more than halfway on my ride to 9,000+ and i wanted to make this post to thank the people who have been here since day one or the people who have been the most consistent!
♇ unfortunately, i cant @ everyone who's been here since day one or has been the most consistent so if you dont see yourself, dont fret and wonder if i havent see you, i probably forgot your username.
♇ names will be called out in chronological order + [do you think the name plutonic[s] is a good name to call the people who have been supporting you? i have no other idea for now].
⟶ @acaplion
⟶ @albaalter
⟶ @allmyloveandyours
⟶ @aphrodite-rx
⟶ @anmol-gaur
⟶ @awda
⟶ @backupvenusconjunctpluto
⟶ @bigblkswan
⟶ @bratz-kitten
⟶ @brielledoesastrology
⟶ @cancerfairy
⟶ @chrissie2003
⟶ @danihodgs [big love, always been a supporter]
⟶ @eternalpisces
⟶ @fantasticpartycashroad
⟶ @guxciestone
⟶ @idksomethingaboutthemoon
⟶ @jellypepsi
⟶ @krishes
⟶ @lanad3lrat
⟶ @lunar-piscean
⟶ @modellemode
⟶ @neptunes-sol-angel
⟶ @nijiiiii [day one for sure]
⟶ @olliewrld
⟶ @orion-star-seed
⟶ @planetsxmore
⟶ @queenbeza
⟶ @quiz-1
⟶ @randomblack-girl
⟶ @regaliadivina
⟶ @samisinsomniac
⟶ @satsuworld
⟶ @saturnianprincess
⟶ @secretlyshadowymoon
⟶ @sinisterconceptions [love you]
⟶ @soulfulheartz
⟶ @steroline-sk
⟶ @sunkissedchld
⟶ @sxorpiomooon
⟶ @themedialmercurial
⟶ @theroguegambler24
⟶ @thescorpiourge
⟶ @the-wild-candy
⟶ @um-talia
⟶ @vasnecia
⟶ @ven8s
⟶ @vertifiedangel
⟶ @wrotelovelytears
⟶ @1111jenx
end of part one of the post, part two will be coming soon! :)
paid chart readings here
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I always wonder what mason thames rising sign is. It is either virgo,libra,leo,capricorn or scorpio rising? What do you guys think???
Cuz i am predicting that he will be the next it boy
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Also tagging some of my favorite astrologers here in tumblr to help me answer this question : @zeldasnotes @guxciestone @moonseyeastrology @guxciestone @starryfree @factsrological @moontrinemars @littledigest
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ariesluvz · 2 years
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What is your Pinterest aesthetic? (Cuz I'm bored ) take anything from your FYP :) no cheating!
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Dayum 💗💗😳😳
Tagging: @alaezasmystery @beeeskneeess @blacksoulwhixpers-tarot @celestialblushxoxo @duckiemquack @dianas-starry-night @dark4ngel @guxciestone @ibi2smile @intuitive-bbloom @luvleona @mystiicwinter @misty-howler @miingyuu @nayeours @pearl-tarotist @peculiarxafternoon @royaleofury @roseymess @sunkissedchld @sxorpiomooon @sunball @seol-hwa @the-falling-star @urfavvlibra @wa-kaizen @yoursinfinitely (no pressure tags<3)
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astrojoy · 2 years
Tag Game
Fantasy Edition
Anyone can honestly join
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⭐ Assign one of these milkshakes to each of the first 6 mutuals that come to your mind randomly
⭐ Choose one star sticker for each of the 6 mutuals
Disclaimer - Just because you didn't get a different option doesn't mean you don't have those qualities. It just means whatever was chosen for you must show itself more :) have fun!
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❤ - The alluring valley in rain
🧡 - A unique gem in an empty castle
💛 - The fun field of various creatures
💚 - An unexplainable labrynth
💙 - A soothing fairy forest
💜 - A cauldron that sparks inspiration
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🎉 - 🪐
⭐ - 🌈
🎉 - They're literally a sweet fairy
🪐 - For sure a healing forest elf
⭐ - They're a powerful dragon
🌈 - Definitely an enchanting unicorn
Fairies = Adorable/Sweet/Charismatic
Elves = Supportive/Healing/Motivating
Dragons = Hardworking/Powerful/Regal
Unicorns = Pure/Enchanting/Mysterious
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I'll go first as an example ☺︎
@guxciestone - 🧡🪐
@coconuts-coco - ❤🪐
@scatterbraincutie - 💛🎉
@notanastrologer - 💜⭐
@darkeros - 💚🌈
@alaezasmystery - 💙🎉
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kubrickscube · 2 years
What do you think about Taurus ascendant with Saturn in 1st house ( in Gemini) opposite moon in the ascendant persona chart? (I have a natal Gemini ascendant at a Taurus degree).
Hi there! Unfortunately, I am not that well-versed in persona charts. I only know that ascendant persona charts acts as a supporting energy to your natal ascendant. There are blogs out there that focuses mainly on persona chart, one being @personachartsblog I saw @guxciestone and @mypurplejupiter talk about persona charts as well. If you'd like, go check out their posts about it. I apologize I wasn't able to answer your ask.
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guxciestone · 4 months
(pick a card reading)
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hi guys ♡ i hope you enjoy the reading because i worked hard on this one. for the physical appearance of your spouse, i used an app called facemix and used the celebrity look-a-likes to create their potential face.
if you have any suggestions for a tarot or astrology post, i would be more than willing to consider it. just drop it in the asks or in the notes. god bless you all, and thank you :)
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⋆ pile one ⋆
Immediately, for some of you, the person that you are with right now will be the person you’ll be engaged to. Another group of you, the person that you’ll marry is possibly a past partner. You’ll meet your partner at a time in your life where you are hoping to take back your power or gain clarity over a situation; this could involve finances or career goals. Around the time you both meet, one or both of you could be in higher learning ,such as college, or you will be young adults just trying to figure life out. You will probably be focused on getting back on your feet financially because I see instability with money (perhaps you are striving to pay college debt) or you losing a job or source of income around the time. Furthermore, you may be unsure about what career path you should take, and you’ll feel chaotic, confused, and directionless. It’ll feel like you aren’t in control of yourself and that you cannot pay attention to anything or anyone else but yourself at the moment. An older or mature male figure might help you with this, maybe a fatherly figure or mentor. They will encourage you and provide you the resources and materials to get back to your regular self again. You may appear a bit selfish, haughty, and reserved around this time, but it is only for the sake of getting yourself together. Ironically, this will be the time your future spouse will appear.
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One or both of you will experience love at first sight when you meet, or there will already be love from the beginning. This shows me that for a group of you, this is a past partner coming back into your life. You could meet your future spouse at the library or a friendly meet-up; for another group of you, you could meet on a dating app. Because I see that there is an initial attraction between both of you on the first impression–you could immediately go on a date after swiping right on each other. The people with the ex, you may intentionally meet up with this person for some reason, maybe you are interested in them again, and you would still feel somewhat an attraction towards them, but there is a repulsion too–as if you do not want to try again with them. Also, do not be discouraged about this person and starting a connection them–if it is an ex-partner, be open to giving this person another chance and see how this time goes, if you are willing–because I see that some of you still aren’t happy with them, but this connection with them is significant. They might feel the exact way on their end too, so I feel like there would be a bit of a quiet period after seeing each other after a while, and then you’ll both start seeing each other again. For the ones with new people, you’ll likely go on a first date with them when you first physically meet them. I see that you’ll think they are a bit cold, distant, or uninterested on the first impression, but I don’t think they intend to come off this way. I feel like you’ll have so many butterflies for this person. You may have been excited to go on this date with them, and you almost felt disappointed that they came off this way, but I don’t think this is who they really are. About the older or mature male figure I mentioned before, for a small portion of you, this could be them.
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You are extremely attracted to this person, but there is a degree of holding back for some reason. If it is an ex, it could be due to the fear of running back into past issues in the connection and the baggage that came with it. If it is a new person, it could be that you feel you aren’t ready for a new person to come into your life. Once again, your future spouse gives you “butterflies”, they make you feel so excited and thrilled. I believe you are inspired by them or respect them in some way. They could be everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. You could be in a better space to go on this date with them, but I believe you’ll feel you still aren’t ready to partake in a new relationship, let alone a connection with an established and ideal person like them. You could suggest to this person if they can wait for you, but also suggest that they do not have to. The more you get to know them on the meetup or over time, you’ll start to notice that they are incredibly understanding, caring, intelligent, and nurturing–especially if this is the person who helped you in the past. They appear to be a delicate and patient individual too; they are not going to rush you or come off too strong. Furthermore, you may notice that they have slow movements and mannerisms, and they physically take their time in doing things. They might be a bit quiet or precise in their words at first, but you know that they are eloquent.
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Your future spouse is a responsible, frugal, and level-headed person. They may be financially stable, or they are particularly excellent in managing money. Perhaps they are involved in a career involved in finance; also heard a career in “communications”, which explains how eloquent they are in their speech and presentation. They are not usually the type to give their money or possessions away unless it is necessary; for example: if they are giving back to the community, for loved ones, or genuinely helping others. They could be persistent, logical, and hardworking. However, it seems like they are never fulfilled in what they do. They could be a perfectionist or feel as though no matter how successful they are, it is never enough. Honestly, they seem very career and money-oriented. Although they are helpful and knowledgeable for others, there could be times where they can be a bit compulsive or controlling–feeling the need to handle everything on their own. Your future spouse may have obsessive compulsive disorder. This person may not appear like this, but they are a hopeless romantic. They love idealizing and imagining what it is like to be in love; however, they struggle with pursuing those imaginations and actually being in love. They might find it hard to go out, enjoy themselves, and have fun. They could be more introverted and not have as many close friends. They could appear insensitive or emotionless on surface level; but they have a whirlwind of love and emotions to offer. They seem like someone who needs to learn how to love, accept love, and experience love.
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You will marry your future spouse a short while after you get involved with them; I mean the type of relationship where you are together for only a year, and suddenly someone pops the question. It is ironic because I see a bunch of waiting before getting into an actual connection with this person, but as soon as you are serious, it all happens in one minute. 7 years is significant here–this could be the age gap, the time of marriage or being in a relationship with this person, or the years of separation. This marriage will honestly feel like a “honeymoon” phase in a nutshell. I feel like one or both of you did not have hope for this relationship, especially for the ones with the ex. You believed that this wouldn’t work out, but you will genuinely surprise each other with how everything turned out. This connection will feel magical for the both of you, like both of your dreams for love came true. If this is your ex, you’ll notice that both of you function way better together than before. There will be healthy communication in this relationship, no holding back on each other’s feelings and words. In the past, there could have been abuse, violence, or miscommunication that caused the relationship to wreak havoc. Furthermore, for the ones with new partners, there is a need to try to resist self-sabotage and bring up insignificant problems. It’ll only ruin an opportunity and a good relationship for the both of you.
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Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, and Angela Bassett.
Channing Tatum, Prayag, and Idris Elba.
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⋆ pile two ⋆
You are going to meet your future spouse at a time in your life where it feels like you have bad luck in love, or love is not coming to you as quickly. You might meet them around a time when you are going to an event–it could be a prom, wedding, party, or some sort of gathering. There could be a specific moment in which you asked someone out to this event, or perhaps you expressed your true intention and feelings to them, and you were rejected. You might have been involved with this person for a while; you have given them all of you with the hope that maybe this will turn into something serious and special. They made you bitter and quite regretful of even giving them that type of effort and attention in the first place. It left you shattered, pessimistic, and quite hopeless about finding the right person for you. Around this time, you’ll feel impatient with the universe in finding the right one for you; you’ll feel close to giving up and accepting that love isn’t for you. It is important for you to continue looking at the bright side around this time because it’ll feel like the universe is working against you when it comes to romance. You have to understand that love comes when you least expect it, so make sure to focus on yourself and your aspirations and it’ll soon appear in your life because this special person is worth waiting for. It’ll take a while before you meet them or turn into anything serious with them, but it is definitely worth it. You might particularly be more social around the time you meet your future spouse as well. You are creating more friendships, putting yourself out there, and being more willing to go out to certain occasions.
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You could meet your future spouse in an outside setting, specifically at night or in the afternoon. It is an event or occasion, such as party or celebration of some sort. It is rather an informal occasion among friends and associates. You are going to have fun and enjoy yourself at this event, even to the point where you are drinking or indulging in yourself. You aren’t going to have a care in the world about anyone or anything; you are just living in the moment. Throughout the night, you will meet your future spouse from pure coincidence and enjoyment. It could be that you are a bit under the influence so you are more open and out of it, and I see them as well. It is like over time at the event, you both eventually get so close to each other it is almost out of nowhere. They might even try to get flirty with you, but you are playing hard to get or you are full blown rejecting them just because. However, you both are getting to know each other and enjoying the time you have together and soon you both exchange contacts. Furthermore, you both may start off as playful friends before anything else. It’ll feel like bliss spending time with each other; you may meet up with them for fun activities and friendly dates.
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You will view them as youthful, playful, and humorous. They definitely know how to make you laugh and enjoy yourself. They could be the life of the party, and you might think they are surprisingly very kind and generous. You’ll definitely find them physically attractive, but you might try to hide it. There is an emphasis on how hilarious they are. You will notice how entertaining they are, and you might even think they are a bit ignorant, but you are excited around them. It seems like your spouse is extremely welcoming too, you will realize that you can let your guard down very easily with them, especially if you became friends with them quickly at a random party. You will also think they are respectful (if they are a male, a gentlemen) You’ll admire how they can easily bring people together; you might see them being the ray of light at the party and bringing everyone in an uppity mood. However, you could tell that they are impulsive and chaotic at times. Sometimes it seems like they do not know how to sit down or bring the intensity of their personality down a notch. Perhaps there was a fight at the event in which they were involved.
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You might have already met this person by the way, in some way, shape, or form. Your future spouse is a spontaneous, thrilling, and exhilarating individual. They seem like they are always searching for the next big thing to experience. However, they also have a soft side. They have a delicate and understanding nature to themselves. Their mother figure or feminine figure is prominent in their life; perhaps they grew up with a single mother, or they were just closer to her growing up. Your spouse is accepting and compassionate towards anyone. They are respectful and have manners when it is expected of them, and they value treating others accordingly. They are creative and artistic too. They could be interested in digital art, computer design, or game developing–anything along the lines of art and technology. They could love gaming as a hobby, or that could be a career they are hoping to pursue. Their career may not be the most financially reliable; so it could be an unconventional career such as the ones above–for some of you, they could be pursuing music. Furthermore, your future spouse values honesty. They dislike liars and false promises; as they are themselves, they expect honesty and truth from you. They are also someone who keeps on their promises no matter what. Therefore, they are definitely emotionally reliable. For some of you, they could have grown up as an orphan or come from an unstable family background. It could seem like this person is unwilling to settle in one place, or settle on one aspiration. They could desire to take on multiple things at once. Your future spouse may have green eyes or red hair.
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In this marriage with your future spouse, it is possible that the both of you do not plan to have children, or at least, start a conventional family. Perhaps you might consider buying pets or adopting children instead. There is a special dynamic with you and your spouse. It seems like you are a rational, mature, and intelligent individual in the marriage–you might handle the logical issues and problems in the relationship. On the other hand, your future spouse is rather emotional, intuitive, and sensitive and handles the emotional issues and problems in the relationship. Although you both are complete opposites, you compliment each other very well. When your spouse needs order and practicality, you’re there; when you need vulnerability and a safe haven, they’re there. The chemistry is powerful yet complimentary. You both seem to be a well-off team, especially if you both do decide to have kids or pets, you will both know how to handle both sides of the responsibility. However, there are times when your personalities do clash, especially when it comes to finances and career choices. Again, your future spouse could be hoping to pursue a rather creative or unconventional career and it could cause a blockage in the marriage at some point due to financial mix-ups. It could seem like that this would entirely get in the way of the marriage, but the key is balance and satisfying both sides of the relationship. You may want convenience and financial stability, and your spouse wants passion and art in their life; the settlement is to satisfy both of your desires. Additionally, you both are super nurturing of each other in your own way–always picking each other in your own harsh times. Genuinely, I see that for most of you will adopt or give back to children in the foster care system in some way; this could be a huge desire for your spouse.
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Jesse Eisenberg, Michael Ealy, and Morris Chestnut
Adriana Lima, Lori Harvey, and Amerie
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⋆ pile three ⋆
You will meet your future spouse around a time where you are breaking out of your comfort shell and hoping to try new things in life. Most of you could be homebodies, or you prefer to stay in your usual hometown or routine. You could be an introvert; and around this time, you are going to feel this urge to explore, learn new things, go to different places, and share special moments with others. It could be possible that some of you are hoping to reconcile with family members around this time; perhaps you might consider going to a family reunion or event. You will pursue family stability and order. Perhaps you will try to make amends with a parent or sibling–hoping to develop a connection with them again and get closer. Some of you might consider traveling out of your usual state and going to thrilling and spontaneous events. It gives me the energy that you are just tired of staying in one place and just letting life pass you by, so you will be striving to find excitement and the opportunity to learn and enjoy yourself around the time you meet your future spouse.
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You could meet your future spouse through a family-related event, or at an occasion where most of your family members and loved ones are. You might already know your future spouse in a spiritual sense; you both could have been in a past-life relationship with each other, so as soon as you meet, there will be instant allure towards each other. However, I do not think it’ll immediately be romantic, there might be instant chemistry though. It could be that most of you are more sheltered or you prefer to stick to yourself for the most part. You might not be that comfortable opening up to people on the first impression, so it could look like you shut people out. Your future spouse could be a family friend–they might be associated with one of your family members, and you could be introduced to them or you meet them at that particular family event. This could take place outside of the home where there are bushes and nature. When you meet them, you will be attracted to them in a sense of wanting to get to know them more, but I do not immediately see any romantic attraction; you both will just be willing to talk to each other and figure each other out. You will both have immediate chemistry–I just see you both sitting close to each other sharing personal stories and sharing laughs with each other. You might be a bit distant with this person, but you seem to be more willing to let your guard down to at least try to make a friend, but there isn’t anything romantic yet. You could feel indecisive about continuing to talk to this person at first too.
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You will view your future spouse as a confident, assertive, and friendly individual. You’ll notice that they might open up to you quickly; they might immediately talk about vulnerable or personal things with you, and you might just go along with it. You might start to feel comfortable enough yourself to open up to them along the way. They might smile a lot, and it could make you safe or warm inside, like you know they are a genuine and kind person to be around. They could be one or two years younger than you, or they happen to have a youthful personality. However, they might mention their career endeavors or what they do for a living and you’ll notice that they are well-educated. they seem to have their life together, or they know what they want out of life. You’ll realize that they hold knowledge, and they are very calming and meditative. They seem like someone who takes life seriously, but not too seriously. You might look up to them for this because you might be the complete opposite; they may even give a talk about it and give you an epiphany about how you managed your life thus far. You’ll develop a quick connection with this person as a friend, even if it is not romantic just yet. You will feel like you’ve known this person already because there is a past-life connection drawing you both back into each other.
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Your future spouse is very intelligent and holds a bunch of knowledge (perhaps academically and from life experiences) They could have glasses or blue eyes. They’ve undergone many transformations and changes in their life so far, and they are able to reflect and learn from past mistakes and issues and become a better person. Your spouse will hold many lessons, and they will be willing to teach you as well. They are always open to helping others by spreading what they learned. This person seems very therapeutic in a way. They might have a career in psychology, health, or learning. Furthermore, they are often taking care of and helping others too, especially when it comes to mental issues and personal problems; they could also be a doctor or nurse. Sometimes, it could feel like this person carries many burdens for people, perhaps in the past it caused a bunch of stress for them and even led them to a dark and stressful path. Ever since, they’ve learned to find balance and order in their life. This makes your future spouse also an emotionally intelligent, calming, and relaxed person. They’ve learned to not take anything as serious for the sake of their wellbeing too. They are generous, giving, and selfless; they may have been taken advantage of for their kindness in the past. They have a good balance of kindness and self-esteem. They are also self-assured and hardworking. They are determined and ambitious when it comes to their goals and are often self-focused. Additionally, your future spouse is huge on fairness and others receiving what they deserve . They are willing to stand up for others and perhaps do not appreciate bullies or hateful people; they could strive to stand up for you. You might be relatively more soft-spoken than your future spouse.
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You will have a quiet, comforting, and rejuvenating marriage with your future spouse. You both could be particularly private or perhaps to keep your affairs under the radar; you both could be more of introverts. You and your spouse will love to spend time together indoors, such as watching movies, drawing (perhaps you or your spouse likes art), singing, listening to music, and many other things. Both of you, especially your spouse, will cherish this marriage accordingly because they value and care for each other so much. You might have one child with them, particularly a girl or a boy with feminine energy. it ‘ll be difficult for others to get in touch with both of you because you both might decide to travel and go places together without anyone knowing. You prefer alone time with no distractions with each other. Your future spouse will give the strength and courage you never thought you had–for some of you, you might be twin flames because there is a sense of completeness when you are with them. They could have a lighter hair color. Furthermore, you both are respectful to each other; if you or them prefer to take this connection or marriage slow then the wish is granted. For some of you, you might wish to take things slow in regards to having children, physical intimacy, or getting married with your partner–and they’ll be understanding towards you about it.
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Andrew Garfield, Timothee Chalamet, and Morris Chestnut
Drew Barrymore, SZA, Beyonce, Naya Rivera, and Brittany Murphy
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⋆ pile four ⋆
You will meet your future spouse during a time of unrest. It may seem like an overwhelming or stressful time for you, almost like you cannot take a break. It’ll be hard for you to gain mental clarity on important things. Additionally, some of you may be dealing with a toxic connection around the time you meet your spouse–perhaps it is a toxic relationship, friendship, family member, or environment. You could be taken advantage of, and you are fully aware of it. It will honestly drain you, and it’ll make you feel stuck and pressured. It is in the matters of you learning how to stand up for yourself and know your worth around this time because you seem like a generous and giving person, almost to a fault. There could be a theme of nostalgia, childhood, or memories around the time as well. You could reconnect with friends or partners from the past too; it’ll give you the ability to look back in time and reflect and bask in the good old memories. However, for some of you, this particular person coming back–or the toxic connection or person that is associated with you around the time–may not have the best intentions. They could be using you for finances or materials. Furthermore, you will be financially abundant around this time too, so make sure to hold onto your materials responsibly and with pride.
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Your future spouse could be someone you know already. Perhaps they are a childhood friend who has come back into your life, or they are a friend of a friend–they are within your social circle. This could be a situation in which you were friends with this person for a while, and you would’ve never thought you would like it that way. This is especially considering that your spouse may not be your usual type. There is this slow burn happening between the both of you. It seems you will both slowly get closer to each other over time, and suddenly, one of you will eventually begin to have a crush on the other. In particular, you will have a special crush on this person. It will hit you right in the face, and you will be shocked that you like this person. This could be a third party situation for some of you; there is a third person in the picture perhaps. It is possible that someone could be in a toxic relationship or a regular relationship while crushing on the other person. Whether it is you or them, you will be called to make a decision to either leave this person and be with your spouse, or stay with your person and not have a future with your spouse. Someone is not a good person to keep around; someone is trying to financially control you–-I just cannot tell if it is your future spouse or your partner around the time, but it is weird and confusing. It could be a family member? I am not sure. It is someone.
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You will view your future spouse as someone who is proud of themselves. On the first impression, you could immediately take notice of how abundant or financially well-off they appear. Perhaps they are wearing jewelry, designer brands, or flamboyant accessories. They might easily catch your attention in the room. You might think this person seems arrogant, full of themselves, or spoiled. This explains why you might not think this person is your usual type, or you won’t be as initially attracted to them. However, you’ll admire how confident and successful they seem. They seem like they are a notable person and worked hard for their abundance. Nevertheless, you will not like how bossy or bratty they may appear. This person may offer you something when they first meet you, or they will try to impress you with their materials. You could reject them or show that you are not interested at all. Honestly, you will not like them at first because they brush you off the wrong way entirely.
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Your future spouse is a flamboyant, larger-than-life type of person. They are excessive in their fashion or expenses, and they could be a huge drama queen. This could be hilarious in some cases, but it may get irritating for you. I wish I could say that this is a good future spouse, but I am not getting that energy–sorry. First, they are super dramatic–almost to an annoying degree. They may nag a lot, and brag about unnecessary things. They are good at making themselves appear like they are everything in one, but they could be genuinely good at hiding things and making themselves seem like someone they are not. Not to mention, this person is cunning and fairly methodical and intelligent. They are a deliberate planner; however, they might not use it for good. They might be comfortable stealing from others–maybe even from you. Your spouse is someone who wishes for the grand things in life–the luxuries, the popularity, and all of that. They seem very materialistic. They could be the type of person who tries to cover up their insecurities and fears through money, status, or power. The worst part about it is that they may be aware of it considering how smart they are; they just seem like they may struggle with working on it, like it is a huge problem for them. Because they are self-aware for sure. This is giving narcissist vibes. This person could have lots of willpower. They might do anything to get what they want, even if it means stepping over someone they “care” about. They could be dangerous, so please be careful. This person will give you red flags at first. They might splurge you with money and make it seem like they are everything you want in a partner, but then slowly they’ll reveal themselves. They might start trying to control your financial decisions, become possessive and wonder where you have been all night, things like that. There is a strong relationship with this person and money. This person is giving huge fraud vibes. They are weird; like they seem nice, but then they are terrible? I am not sure about them.
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This marriage will seem like a connection that shows off an image to the public and is completely different behind closed doors. Your spouse is someone who likes to keep up with appearances and appear the best they possibly can, even with people they associate with. They may encourage you to do this too. This person is confusing because one minute they seem like they are a good partner, but then another minute they are a bad partner. They could be encouraging of you to build your career and finances; they might help with your image and opportunities. Again, this person is methodical and cunning, so they know how to help themselves and others climb the ladder. Your future spouse could be using you as a source of money or career success. This is weird. I hope this isn’t true for you guys, but this person is basically using you to get what they want in life. They try to appear like they are helping you for the better and get you to a good place, but in reality they are self-fulfilling. Those were the vibes I was getting earlier! They seem like the type to use their help against you and say things like “I made you!” or “You wouldn’t be here without me”, just narcissistic energy altogether. It’ll be incredibly hard to identify this person and whether they are good for you or not because they try to appear so almighty and like a savior, but it is honestly just an image. This person could be a twinflame; I believe they are here to teach you how to become more selfish, have more respect for yourself and your possessions–have more pride in your successes and set boundaries. Because while you are a selfless, giving, and generous person, your spouse can be the complete opposite: self-fulfilling, arrogant, and uncompromising.
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Chadwick Boseman, Ashton Kutcher, and Marlon Waynes
Miley Cyrus, Madeline Patsch, and Ciara
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⋆ pile 5 ⋆
You will meet the person you are going to marry around a time in which you are working in the hopes to improve your lifestyle and health; furthermore, you’ll be striving to achieve ultimate peace in your circumstances. It could be that around the time you meet your spouse, someone might have children because kids are definitely affecting the picture. It could be that you might be a single parent or they are. If you are the single parent, you will be investing your time and energy into providing a decent life for your children. Additionally, you could also be extremely focused on achieving your career aspirations around the time too–or this could be what you are focused on if you are not a single parent around the time. Additionally, it seems like you just will not have any time to dive into the realms of love–you might even neglect yourself of romantic experiences due to responsibilities or feeling as though you do not deserve it at the moment. For a few of you, it could be that you might not be getting the respect or recognition in your workplace around the time; it seems like you are not receiving the awards from all of the labor you have undergone. It is important for you to know your worth in the workplace around this time and learn to leave when you are not appreciated for your abilities. Some of you could be drawn to pile three too. It could be that this person could be a workplace crush or someone you took interest in; you may struggle with confessing your feelings to them due to fear and insecurity. However, you should definitely go for it and give it a try. Even if it does not land anywhere, have fun and “explore your options”.
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You will take notice that your future spouse will appear around the time in which you give yourself the benefit of a doubt and take a break from all of the responsibilities and obligations you have landed upon yourself. If you happen to get stressed with your kids around the time, you may try to take vacation from being a parent for a while. Perhaps you may take a break from working yourself to death and go out to different and cool places. Honestly, it just seems like you are not in the right headspace–you struggle to collect yourself, you may be stressed, and things just seem like they are all over the place, so you or others may have figured you need time to recuperate and get back to a relaxed state. You will allow yourself to take time to take all of these burdens off of your shoulders. You will begin to feel like yourself again after this too. You will indulge in self-care, invest in your hobbies, and take time to enjoy the fruits of life. You may be someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem so it may have been difficult for you to stay in the present and smell the flowers; this will be the perfect time for you, and also the time the person you will marry will appear. You may purposefully put yourself back out on the dating market–perhaps you may meet them on a dating app, social media, bars–any place in which you are purposefully trying to find a lover. You may get dressed up, groom myself, and put on your best accessories. Your confidence will be much better too. It is almost like you are taking control of your life again and are now able to control your outlook on things and let go. When you meet your spouse, they will come off very strong and dominant–not in a bad way, but more so of a powerful way.You’ll be taken by surprise. This could even be a blind date set up by a friend.
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You will view your future spouse as someone who has “unwavering confidence”. This person will seem to be set on who they want and what they want. They know their standards, values, and desires, and you will find this particularly attractive about them. In fact, you might look up to them for their self-esteem. You will notice that they are firm on their beliefs and where they stand. They seem to handle chaotic situations very well, and they are mature. You may find this intimidating and you could feel like you could never amount to them, but that is nothing to be insecure about. It is possible that the first date or experience with them could be very out-of-place–perhaps the restaurant was crowded and your table reservation was canceled or something. You may be in a panic and struggle to get everything back in place, but your spouse knows how to handle situations like this–and they are even the type to calm you down and help you stabilize yourself. Your spouse could be this way because they may have to deal with chaotic energy on a daily basis–perhaps they are the ones who have children or their career demands being able to stay calm under pressure. It just seems like they have it all together. This person could be older than you. Not to mention, they are emotionally vulnerable and caring; they could be great with younger children and could be fond of them. They may have a daughter specifically. They are non judgemental, open-minded, and understanding of your struggles, insecurities, and fears. You may open up to them on the first impression too, and that's why you may view them this way. You will feel comfortable with them, but I see you may struggle to think that this is really who they are.
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Your spouse values family, personal comfort, and security. It is possible that your spouse did not have a stable home environment growing up. Perhaps there was a single parent or they came from a low-income household. There is this theme of feeling as though they were not able to feel the full experience of having a soul group or people who they can consider home. They could be more of a homebody or they prefer to stay inside for the most part if it is with people they feel comfortable with. Furthermore, they are emotionally mature, and I am particularly hearing that they are faithful ( it is possible you guys could have trust issues due to witnessing infidelity in the past) They could be closer to their motherly figure and hold her dearly to their heart; they almost cherish their mom. Perhaps they were a single child, and the mother was the only one there in their childhood. It could also be a grandmother or an auntie if not. Furthermore, the person you will marry is patient and they approach connections with partners thinking about the long-term and their future. If your spouse is a male, they prefer to be the provider and give to their loved ones and be the head of the household, they are traditional. They will likely sacrifice anything for their family and loved ones, at any given chance. It is important not to take your person’s loyalty for granted because they are a diamond in the rough. If your spouse is a female, they may be fond of having children and could wish to provide for their loved ones with gifts, food, or meaningful items. Your spouse is fairly financially stable, and they prioritize their monetary assets too. They could adore gift-giving, but they spend wisely. However, your partner could also suffer from anxiety of some sorts too. They could have a fear of losing their security or stability, whether that be in terms of money or their sense of community. They’ve had to deal with losing people and loved ones in the past, and they refuse for it to happen again. But they are aware of this issue and they are trying to move on from the past and look forward to the future with the notion that things can be different. However, they know that the trauma will forever be there. They are really understanding themselves and willing to be understanding of the people they are interested in. They can be spiritual too.
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This marriage with your spouse will thrive off of your vulnerabilities and insecurities. It will not be in a toxic or negative way, but more so you both will run off of each other’s motivation to rise above both of your fears and traumas. It seems like you both have this common ground fear of not feeling secure in your life or yourselves. Your spouse could struggle with the insecurity of not having community or personal security while you may struggle with not being enough or being incompetent. There is a mutual understanding of your deeper character in the marriage; you will both be very healing for each other and spiritually compliment each other very well. Together, you and your future spouse will realize how truly powerful you both are and how much you both can do with each other. You may have two or three more children with them if one of you are already parents. This is specific, but the marriage seems to be at its highest when undergoing pregnancy for some reason, like the connection is stronger and the chemistry is more powerful. It is almost that is the time you both come together the most to make things happen, especially for another human being.
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Miguel, Drake, Chris Brown, and Eminem
Amber Rose, Kelly Rowland, and Jhene Aiko
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⋆ pile 6 ⋆
You are going to meet the person you will marry during a time in which you are struggling with your ego and sense of belonging. You will feel this need to take control over your life, circumstances, and actions; however, it seems that you will have an issue with doing so. For most of you, you could deal with low self-esteem or heavy confidence issues. It could be that you exact so much out of yourself to the point in which you could be susceptible to burnout, stress, or exhaustion. You’ll also have your guard up around this time. It just seems like you are battling demons (or let’s say, your inner shadow or conflicting sides) around the era in which you meet your future spouse. Perhaps you are highly focused on your career life, or prioritizing the future and your success to an unhealthy degree. Furthermore, there seems to be a conflict in your ambitions, passions, and professional decisions. You could be considering switching jobs or colleges around the time; it could be one of the hardest decisions for you around this time because this might have been a venture you have been dedicated yourself to for the longest. However, leaving a certain environment or letting go of a certain path will bring you rejuvenation and a new beginning. Additionally, I believe a bunch of you struggle with control issues. You expect everything and anything to go your way, and nothing can stray the perfect roadmap in your head. It is important to accept that life is unpredictable and to learn to let things be.
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You could meet your future spouse through social media or through traveling shorter distances from your hometown (to a different city or state). It is possible that most of you could have a fear surrounding leaving what is familiar to you. Perhaps you refuse to see yourself living far from your home place or traveling to a different country. You might have wanted to try to get yourself out of your comfort zone by striving to travel somewhere a bit different than usual. The settings coming through are markets, parties, waterparks, dances, or community events. There could be a particular scenario in which your spouse (or you) could offer to pay for the other person's drink or food due to the fact that the other person didn’t have the money for it–something like that. Furthermore, you could meet this person through a business trip of some sort. You might travel somewhere for work purposes, and they could meet you through that for business too. You will not seem as open to starting a relationship nor making any friends when you meet your spouse. You are, in fact, might be trying to avoid anything like that from happening. You could be very serious for the most part about things.
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On the first impression, you will view your future spouse as an authoritative, professional, and eloquent person. They could appear well put together, especially in their clothing and appearance. They may be wearing a suit or very cordial wear. You might find them decently physically attractive; they could be a different race or ethnicity from you. You will believe they look very unique and exotic. Furthermore, you will get the energy that they work well with people. They are quite charming and know how to communicate and negotiate with others. They also are humanitarian and selfless. You may have witnessed them doing a charitable action on the first impression. They could have brown hair, or brownish-reddish hair. They may have a special piece of jewelry on–specifically a gold bracelet, earrings, or watch? They might put their hands in their pockets a lot, and they have a warm and generous smile. They are the average height for their gender. They also have “sincere eyes”.
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Your spouse has excellent morals and a sense of jurisdiction. They have good control over themselves, their decisions, their character, and actions. They may be religious or come from a religious family; they could even wear religious-based clothing. They value being a good and kind person, which shows why they appear so charitable and humble. Your spouse may have money; however, I am specifically feeling that they may not be as financially well-off as you specifically. This could be important to you, or them. Your person is fully aware that they are in control of their destiny and how it goes, so they abide by the common law and go about life with fairness and a pure heart. They may have good karma in this life too because things seem to always work out for them. When things don’t, they always count their blessings and express their gratitude. They could actually be very devoted in their sense of spirituality. Your spouse is a people’s person; they like to go through things with the presence of their friends, loved ones, and people in general. At the same time, they are responsible for themselves and they know it. This person is humble because they are aware that they are a work in progress, and they should never get too comfortable in where they are in life.
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This marriage has incredible amounts of potential. Your spouse could be a very important individual to your soul’s development and vice versa. First and foremost, this is a strong marriage that thrives off of improving, bettering yourselves as a person, and leveling up in the spiritual realm. There are huge themes of mutual understanding, communication, and balance in the relationship. Not to mention, this marriage will undergo many trials and tribulations; however, it has the willpower and undoubtable love between you two to make it work. The first issue that may come up in this connection is that there could be an “unrequited love” situation, or a situation in which one of the partners are constantly expecting so much from the other and it causing a strain in the connection. First off, I believe that this marriage is an opposites attracts scenario. You may be more serious, persistent in your career goals and ambitions, tend to push away the pleasures of life, and fear exploring beyond your comfort zone; your spouse could be more relaxed, consistent in goals but does not let them define who they are, indulges in the pleasures of life (especially when it comes to people and loved ones), and values change and transformation because they know they are a work in progress and there is so much more to come. You may find that you constantly critique your spouse over the smallest and subtle things. It could often make your spouse feel underappreciated and unloved in the connection and may cause a temporary separation. You may be more on the colder side already when it comes to expressing love and affection too, so that might not help. This calls for you to make the effort of showing that you love your spouse, and you will feel energy reciprocate back to you. It is important to not have so many expectations of people because you are projecting the expectations you have for yourself. Other than that, this marriage is full of devotion and spiritual guidance. The water or the ocean could be important for you or your spouse too.
Christina Millian, Victoria Monet, and Nina Dobrev
Jack Harlow, Mac Miller, and Rob Kardashian
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daddyultrasoft · 3 years
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Ascendant Persona charts are surprisingly easy to read. It is a completely developed, complex birth chart of how others view you. Your Ascendant Persona chart can help you dig deeper into how others perceive you regarding different areas, aspects of yourself & life.
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Mars in the 12th house or RX individuals can be perceived as someone who is laid-back & calm. They could potentially be perceived as a pushover, submissive, or someone who can’t seem to stand up for themselves.
Sun square Saturn individuals can have a reputation for being “boring”, “melancholy” or too serious—Someone who doesn’t step out of their comfort zone. They could be seen as someone who is withdrawn, & restrictive in nature.
Cancer risings are often seen as introverted & someone who stays at home a lot. People usually don’t see them as often too. They can be perceived as someone who is more connected to their personal lives rather than their social, & public lives. Could be more timid in the first impression.
MC/ASC at the 11° or 17° individuals can indicate someone who is viewed as having a huge following in their career or public life. (To a smaller extent, popularity. To a bigger extent, fame.)
Mercury square/opposite Neptune individuals can be perceived as someone who is hard to understand when it comes to their mind, & communication—Or someone who has a tendency to lie a lot.
If one of the planets are associated with the 7th house or involved with Venus, it can make someone appear vulnerable to deception in love (Typically square) or vulnerable to projecting deception to their partners in love (Typically opposition).
Mercury in the 4th house individuals can be seen as someone who potentially came from an educational, intellectual family background. These individuals are usually perceived as smart & full of knowledge.
Venus trine/sextile Chiron individuals can be perceived as someone that people can come to for advice concerning love, relationships, art & money. These individuals are perceived as someone who has gone through a lot regarding issues regarding those themes who has eventually turned those wounds into knowledge.
Jupiter conjunct, sextile or trine Pluto individuals are seen as immensely powerful people. They are seen as someone who makes a huge impact on others. They also seem intimidating because of their big, intense & complex energy. Can be seen as someone who has extreme luck & abundance.
Pluto in the 6th house, Mars-Saturn individuals are seen as very resourceful & helpful people. Can be seen as hardworking or even workaholics. These people are seen as judgemental individuals. People can get very intimidated & uncomfortable around them because they can fear being judged by these people. They seem as if they have themselves together comparing to the people around them.
Mars/Moon sextile, trine or conjunct Uranus individuals can be seen as someone who is independent. They can possibly appear as someone who are emotionally detached, outcasted, & someone who could last years without emotional connections. Someone who seems as if they are not so intrigued by connections.
Moon trine, sextile or conjunct Saturn individuals are seen as emotionally mature. It is possible that people see them as someone who had to grow up faster than the rest of their peers—causing them to be emotionally durable. People seem to easily trust these individuals because they appear to have a solid approach to expressing their inner world.
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Asteroid Kitty (9563) square Ascendant who appears easy to take control over & can possibly attract people who take advantage of them or overpower them—or someone who appears to have a sassy personality who doesn’t desire to have anyone overpower them into submission, which makes them appear fearlessly independent (even prideful)
Having 3+ planets in a specific house can indicate that most of how people view you are coming from that area in the chart. (For example: Having 3+ planets in the 10th house can indicate someone who is mainly viewed from their career persona)
3+ planets in the 10th house can indicate some significant popularity or fame in the workplace, persona or public life.
Mars square, opposition Saturn individuals can be seen as someone who are over-workers, also seen as someone who is sexually timid, “celibate” or sexually restricting. Uncomfortable when it comes to sexual topics.
Venus-Neptune, Moon-Neptune & Moon-Jupiter individuals are seen someone who has a “golden heart” or “big heart” towards others. Very forgiving, undeniably considerate & kind. But there could be a possibility of their kindness being taken advantaged of.
Venus square, opposition Mars females are typically seen as tomboys. More masculine, & rough in nature—Or could have a imbalanced masculine/feminine energy. Could be seen as extremely feminine or extremely masculine.
Moon square Neptune, Pluto individuals could be seen as paranoid, addictive, confused, & shy when it comes to emotionally opening up to others. In extreme cases, people might see this person as someone who is unstable or ill.
Moon-Uranus, Venus-Jupiter, Venus in the 9th house, Venus-Uranus individuals can be seen as flighty, expansive, non-committing, or playful when it comes to love connections.
Mercury-Mars individuals can be seen as humorous, playful when it comes to words, & good at roasting others. Especially when angry.
Grand Trine in water houses, or water sign individuals can be seen as highly intuitive, & spiritual—Or even witches.
Mars square, opposition Jupiter individuals are seen as risk-takers, someone “who bites off more than they can crew”, & has too much energy—Possibly over-the-edge (overwhelming people to be around)
Sun in the 5th, 7th, 9th house in the 0° are seen as someone who is extremely open to trying new things regarding creative hobbies, relationships, entertainment, & pleasurable things. They typically have a reputation for being a young soul. (For people with just the Sun in the 0° too)
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k-rising · 2 years
i assume you are an amazing or laid-back friend; you’re maybe someone i can trust with my secrets 👀
sometimes I'm laid back and sometimes I'm not lol. and yes, I do keep my friend's secrets 💓
tell me your assumptions about me and I'll confirm or deny them
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a-d-nox · 1 year
masterlist of tarot & intuition related posts
last updated: march 21st, 2024
the blog's masterlist
paid cartomancy reading options, prices, and rules
resource recommendations for the matrix of destiny and tarot
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a crash course on tarot
the fool (0/22)
major arcana
dessert game [ closed ]
yuletide game [ closed ]
intuitive readings
part 1: guxciestone
part 2: guxciestone
pac & pap
advice from the universe regarding the next month
be my valentine: how to promote self-love going forward
be my valentine: a message from your future spouse/partner
be my valentine: a message from your past lover/crush
be my valentine: a message from your secret admirer
how can you be more honest with yourself
how do you shine? what encourages your brilliance?
creature feature: the beholder - what do you see that no one else does? what aren't you hearing?
creature feature: mermaid - what are you clinging to that must run free? are you fighting the tide or moving with it?
creature feature: succubus - what do you desire but can't express?
creature feature: vampire - what is draining the life out of you? what feeds your strength?
creature feature: werewolf - what hidden truth does the moonlight illuminate? where do you lack control? where are you in transition?
what awaits you at the end of the rainbow and how can you follow the path to abundance?
what bad habit(s) are you struggling with? what happens when you drop your bad habit(s)? what to keep in mind as you break your bad habit(s)?
what energy should you bring with you into the new year?
what happens when you take action on your dreams
what is the energy that surrounds you and how can you best protect your energy
what should you be grateful for this harvest season?
what to release and what to retain this month
your greatest asset and your greatest hindrance: advice on how you can master what's holding you back
what spiritual gift / tool should you be using based on tarot cards
what your tarot deck thinks about how you spend your time
what the deck are you?!
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like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific pac/pile next! if you'd like my input on how i read a specific card or what i like to ask my deck feel free to use the ask button for that as well!
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
for the people that joined the astrotumblr classes, if i see an account join thats not in the list you'll be removed! i've been shadowbanned so i have to resort to this method...will delete after the people have joined
@verreden ? [names not coming up on tumblr so if its not corrected person will be replaced].
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ꨄ︎𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ꨄ︎
𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑟𝑏 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑠 (𝑠𝑢𝑛,𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑛,𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑦,𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑠,𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑠) 𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 (𝑎𝑐,𝑚𝑐,𝑑𝑐,𝑖𝑐) 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑖𝑑? 𝑏𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑖𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑖𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑟𝑏 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 0 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 3 𝑜𝑟𝑏?
Also tagging some of my favorite astrology blogs (it's ok if you guys want to take a break and not answer it is your own choice by the way and i respect it) : @guxciestone @factsrological @d4rkpluto @duckiemquack
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astrologyandlife · 3 years
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astrojoy · 2 years
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Placement Culture
Neptune Retrograde
Uranus Retrograde
Pluto Retrograde
Moon/Cancer Dominant
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Blog Aesthetics
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Your Bedroom
Pretty Crystals
Pretty Crystals 2
Random 1
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Random 10
Random 11
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I do not own any art or photography of this page or any page for that matter. These are simply compiled images I have discovered on the internet and thought they looked beautiful together
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